Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 16, 1864, Image 3

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Jesse 0. Tati;, Local Editor.
BatuVday Morning, July 1G,10G4.
Ar.Tnnr.i) Postai, Otmnr.Nar. Tens
altered to fifties tiro in circulation.
BLANKS. Wo will inform our renders
that wo kcop on hand nil kiud of Mtuk
Deeds, Bonds, Lonsss, Petitions for tavern
License?, Bonds, Justice's uml Constablo's
blanks of every description. Summons,
Executions, Notes of hand, School Order
. ien -
tST A rampant "Loyal Leaguer" of our
town has always boon proffessing to bo
anxious to boar a scar from a wound re
ceived in this war ; but ho is most pre
ciously careful not to carry his carca?s
where there is iho least danger or likeli
hood of receiving iho coveted wound. Wo
roc him about town cvon now. Why dont
he go ?
WUr.AT, tier bushel,
itvi:. " "
C0I1N, "
ti.OPIt tur
ri.A. pnr.i)
9 on
1 s.i
i An
n uii
H 40
s 11
4 w
I'.COt- . .
ro'i'Ai or.H.
itiiinn aiti.iv-,
IIAV by Iho ton.
. S.1
1 fil
. s,i
SO lit)
UIIICKi:N8,icr pair. 115
Estate of Washington Shuman, cluc'tl. '
IETTIMtHofndmlnlslfatinnnntlio Crtnlenl Washing
vtnn r'hnuinit.'alo nf 1 1 m er Iw p , Cidlltiiblu l ik.iIit o,
bare been 1i nlit .1 liv till Itialster orCulinublii to., In
tb( itiilrnlan1 1 nil persons li iving ttsltii' Hirnliixl thn
. nsinin in ma iicc.'.K'iil ,ir- ru't'i- loil in prrixMil tliPin 10
ii pursuance oi an orucr oi too xjrnnaus "uinmisirnior in in. icsiueuco in snnimwii'
..- . .... " ii li wii inni i Hi...
U " I II, a. Inmmii nil. I (Ml Tnn. Th tielt MiO III M I ISCO.
01' , n lit from Stamford Conn. Mm. Ilnrlholmiirw got her
Valuable Real Estate.
Wo nto nutliorlMil to announce) the nanm of (JRO,
SCO IT. ofCntavvltsa, Hi li candidal!! for ASSI'.M ALY.
lit t li o npprnnt lilnR election, In tbla Rcprcson
' tatlvc Diifrlct, composed oflho roitntlc of Colunibli
and Montour, ninicci initio accision ur uio coiuiiinirt
County Democratic Convention.
July i, Ifcltl.- pd, .
Candidate for Assembly.
At tlio solicitation nf many friends I would nnnnunco
Bia A fjmalo Abolitionist, who claims
to be, and for any thing wo know may bo
rui exemplary man' (r of the McthodtU
Court of Columbia county
Saturday, the Cith day of AugUsX, 1801,
nt lOn'clock In Ilio forenoon. Juno .Murphy ndmlnls.
trntor ofsaniucl 11. Au, Into of Madison tnwnahlp, In
said county, deceased, will r-tpnso tu snlo, by l'ubllc
Vendue, on 1 1 1 o premises, n certain '
Tract of Land,
sllunto In Madison township In said County, Rounded
nn tlio L'a.t by land of Jobu Smith, on tlio youth by
land of James llildlno, na the U'oil by Innil of Hiram
ship wllhoutdclay, anil nit permits Indebted In mako
,.tj iiiuiu lurmiviiu.
I . lilANKLIN L. SIIU.MAN, Adtn'r.
I June 11 liil-Cw-8'i bu
Estate of John liruglcr, dee'd. ,
Lr.TmHSef nrlinlnlHtrntlon on thn IMittoof John
Hiujlrr, Inte uf llloom Iwp. Columbia co itn'tl.,
Imvrlicoii tmntoil by tlio llci'Mor ofColuinbin cn.,tn tlio I
iinrtornliMii'il i nil perion. linvlnR rliiliinnenl nut tlio t !
Into of tilt; ilcreilont nrn rouiicti-il to nrccunl tliniito
on, sciieijoit'S own cpe,
.ijnd how tnn 'utmbiih Syrup, Seaweed
Tonic, and Mandrake Pills act on
the System in curing that dis
ease, and the
tn tbo-Votnrn of t'oluinlitii(!nnntv. tlmt I will tin n rniiill.
fur APHi;.tllll,Y, nttlin uiiprntclilnr K-ncrnl oloc
of the Columbia county
Douahetly. nml mi tlio Nuilli bv Innil of Chariot l.ona i '.''p iiiiitoriiKnud, without delay, ninl all liornom 1 it
Contnlnlng I limited to iiinko payment foilliwllli. IIIOnillFlllirff.
rUll'.lt lll'.UIII.I.U, tlmnlock,
, ... Adiiilnlilrnlor,
Junn It, IPflr.-Cw S2M,
dnto fiir AfHi:,llll,Y. nttlin im
lion, nunjpci in tlio iiei mon
llemrcrntlc Convcnlimi.
nionni'burg, May 11, mA -8
rrnfnundly prnti ful for pnt evldi-ner1. of iPticrom
coiifldoiirc. tin; unilcrf IjikiI. with the approbation of
many of bl. Krinorrnllr. fellow fillcm (uho.o onlii.
IoihIm" duly nppreclutcii) nnnonnros that ho will be a
(Jiiiidhliiiu t'uv tliv. Asuinhly,
In thn l.rgl.lntlvc Dl.tlltt enmpofod nf Iho t.'ounlli ii '
Coin mblii nml Montour, ill tlm nppronrlilnt.' (lenernl
Election, rubjert tn the iik.iki'k ortliu lll.tili t, nml Iho
ilccirion oflhe Columbia I lomucrnt lr foiivtjnt Ion.
i,i:vi i. TAi n.
lllooiiuburg, May T. Iffi-t.
Candidate for ShcrifT.
Through the onrnrft anllclintton of innnv l1i!iiiorrat
Ic rrlimlf. 1 hnva bfi n iiuluri'il to oiler 'iiysclf ni n
ramlldati- for tlu otllrti of fJlu rltr r,f I'lilnmM., f i,t
I .HllllTt III llll! til rikl.llt f,l III,, lliMilnPnlln I
. .1.1 II.. I! I v "
srci, uai luiii; ug, uojtuu om vuu wouiu ;
Eiglity-fonr Acres,
more or le, whereon nro crcrtod n frame dwelling-houi-c
nml n frnmur tiible, n urll with juiiiip, null n
yoiininppio orchard 1'orthe payment of Iho debts nf
the Decerned
l.nle thn I'.Mnto of raid decearrd, altuato In tlio town
liip of Maillsou mid comity nfurouilil.
TI'.nMP Ten percent nf one.fnurth of the piirrtmao
money, pnld down on day nf nilo Thu balance of tlio
nne.futln nl rornrimillon nml thn ri'iiiatnlnc thrco
forlhii, In lino year Willi IntoreH from iimlttiiiiitiou,
JAMIM MUlll'llV, Mm'r,
lllooniaburv, time 21. 1H: I,
TUT. uiider.lnneil ro.pcclfiillv nnnonncna to Iim
friends mid I Im public generally, that ho ha open.
cd n
All AGTOliy,
on Main .trcet, In DA WII, I. II, n fuw doora below lh ,
I :l 1, V ' II ,1 llallk -111 thn bitllillni? fnrin, flv ,ii-i iluleil l,v 1
Hnimiol llluo ttheri-1 u ninmifnctiirca thn bet 'puillty
of Hegar., which will bo nolil chenp, wholusnlo ami
retail. lie man keeps n
well stocked wli lMlldea nml llevernso tn gratify tho
wan'.a of Ihi- plcuris tn refresh tho weary nndilsaungu
tho palaliaof tho lliirslr.
.10SJ5PII Mowur.
Danflllo, Juno 11, l.-HH 3m
tnw iislijp, l.'iiliimbl.i cotintv, between tho hour of II
o'clock, A.M., mid I P.M.. on MATUItllAV. the till
diivofJUI.V next, lor building an IIPI'.K THUSs
wait until her husband becamo cxoinpt by i
ogc,aud ilicu repeal tho S300 clause, audi
mnliC cvciy man go thcro's patriotinjn
and chiistianity for you.
B&' 'I'lio J'nss and Inquirer say that
tho rebel raid is led by Leo in person. It
would seem from that, that bo has beaten
Grant so effectually, as to leave him harm
less in the liaud of some of his Licitcii
nnis, while lie himself, wi'h tbo bulk of
hi army, strikes a blow at our own capi
tal. Wo no dnt believe that Lee is incoin-mand.
Jli"o 18, lfCI,-5.
QA5IUEL SNYDER, of Mifflin town-
k!j I'll i P. Mo are nuthiirlzi'il to unnnuiice. wl I b" n
c.iiiilldnte f,ir thn iMinitUTAl.TY.nt Iho npproac lilug
Cotiernl MliMlon.iubJcct t.t thn detlnlon ofthoOolumlilii
county Democratic Cnmcutlon.
.iny7, IMH -
lln lownnlilp. wo am anthnriied ti nnnoiincn,
will bo n candidate lorth.' SM I l't'A ll'Y. at tho up.
proai llllli: (leneral I'.b'rtlntl, subject tn tlnidecialoll of
tho I 'iduiiilila County Deniucratlu Convention .
.Mnv7, IMil. SOU
rrMinCOUNTV COMMItJUIONIiUH will receive pro
.1. poinlaattho llniiso ol Joeph Shoemaker , In I'lnn
111(11)111! over thu West llraitch of lllllo I'lehingcreek
I jn sill, I township, near Philip Shoemaker's.
I H.iid llrldcetu bo IJ fell b.'lneen nliiilmints! width
I H feet i licluht, II feel mid II Inthes from low water
mark ! tho abutments tub,) li feet thick, mid thu upper
nml inner wing-walls, on the mirth side. W feet lout: :
tho lower wlng'Wall. on smith sldu, 1 J foil long i Hi
wing wulU t boll foct thick.
rliiu nml .p-i nn mums can seen mi ino uay unit
plncn of letting.
Hi' order ol thoCimnly Cnminisin!ier.
' It. C. rilOlT, VhTh.
Coimnlsjioiiers' OSirv, J
lllooiiirbiug, June 1 j. 'Ii4. (
New Cash Store!
Tn above Is correct llkcncs. of Dr Pchenrlt taken
many years ngo, nfter ho hud recovered from Consump
tion by a cotirsu of his "Pi iiinck's Pulmonic Brttep,"
. 'I he likeness, nlthoiig it doea not reprvseiit him nuy
' thing like nsbnd ns ho was at thn worst, yititi in
strong contrast with tho halo ami Mgorous nmhsoi thu
fnvn tn men mo, nml fttifl hl bt'tl t'Vtf lnCO flt hff 1
houe, V7hcnnhe flrnt enmo to my rtfmn. ilio wn
tntti-U fmnlfitAfl wUU n ill t llff tftllsh. MDlttl 11 ff 1tttC '
a'omo'fa'liri'na.'. V'cVZ t ! A bill is potted in tho Bar rooms, oalf.
rc'ouiTno," lDfi f0'' 00 cavalry horsos, to bo paid for
He0a,i,UW,',,!c,.',.,m1 ittiM ' on m,ttS at "rrisburg. And an an-
rlahttnwork. tli- lung la all lunled over. Isavlni n nOIIUCcment added, that if shipped ittimC
cavity as largo na a goose r gg j good np)ietlts. nne , ' r , ,,
spirits, ami mis gamcn some thirty nyn 11 nn. hi uialOiy. It Will Save 1110 aUminiStratlOD IUO
tuhuli f tin nn not
utic. i snouii in nil H necessity oi incssinir i tem into service.
wherever foUnd. So trot out your nag
boys, and savo tho draft.
Ililnlr will Insvn her lielnre
u'n.,1,1 l,n nf ff.ent tntpre.t In .tiiiif iKitirpllldlred
riclun to visit these rnsra, paitlcularly Afist Bronchi,
or any of thoin who liavo been cuted by my medlclnei.
'I hey nrr numermia In New Yntk, but tho aboVo tnrce
II diner from each other i and If my mcillrlne aro do
ing what 1 represent they nro, they should have tile
credit nnd Iho afflicted know hare and how they may
bo cured. J, II.HCHr.Nf K. M,I).
Dr. J. If. Pchenck can be found at Ma principal offler,
No. 33 North bill Ptrect, rililnilcipnill, ovcry caiuruny,' , -
froniB A. M until 5 1. M to give advice, free of U8 ja rcl,pl attack Otl
The Very Latest.
Tho papers of Thursday evening informrf
charge but Tor a thorough examination no "'"'('"I ... , . . -.,
thicedollaM- Price of tho I'ulmorilc Hyriip mid Hea. I was probably a feint H COVCr tUCIT rn
wecdTonlcrnch 3133 per botlto, or SO the ha r iIotb". ' ' , ,, , ..
Mnudrako I'llla '.'., centa per box, and for sale fcy nil treaty BB on tbO Dlgllt following tllCy Si
lently and rapidly ro-crossod the Potomao
. I
U, S, 10-40 Bonds,
' r" Tho country is infested with r. lot
of long, loan, lank, lazy, long-luggctl, lan
turn j'twed Yankee.-, who tiro selling pat
ent, nulits for ' si'lf-iiiljtistiiH' cork serous. 1
double-geared clothes-pins,' 'single-breasted
wash-lines,' l,'nigli-prti.isiiro churns,"
"prcparat'ons for taking the kiuk.s out of a
niggurV hair ;" and various othur instru
ments of Miuilnr utility anil import unco ;
and all t eswpc the dr"Jl. Wo will wager
thai every man of them is a brawling "loy
al leaguer" when at homo, if ho over gets
Candidate for Sheriff.
pTIAIlIl'.S U. HESS, Ff-q., of Mifflin
V.y low n-liip. .ire n'llhnrir.i'il tu nuiiouiire, will
be nraiiiililule tnr tin' Slli:illl'l'AI,TV, at tin- approach
ing (ieiieral Cli'ctiiiu. siibleii to th'' deiision cf tho
Olumliia County Democratic Contention,
Juno 4, IMI4,
Wo aro autliorizi'd to nntmnnco that
U'll.t.t.W! Cr.SV. of Catawlsia tnuii.Jilp
f olumliia cnuiity, thrmuh the snlii'itatiou of In- Demo
rrntie fiieiid. te'eu i'lilue d in oll'er himself us a'l.ite ir I'lir v I'V cntlMIri IOM',11, m the up
prM(hiiig ceueral eb'itiou, suli,'i t to tho decision ol
the Dcmoi'r.itic Co tmy CiMiveutimi
Cntnuissn, J.inn U.5. Irtll.-
ri he nnder'lgnoil. having completed their spnrlntii
J Sioro IIoiho, at Lower l.inia Unite, In Siott town
ship, CiduiiiNi i eoiiuly, Ph.. take pleasure in miiniiiiie.
iui- tn their frn nd uml the public gi ticrully. th it tin y ju.-t opened n
which i fully supplied with n well soleclod us:oil-
IIK'Ilt ol
ESS" Wo Iihvo rereived tho first num
bitr of ''The Jjancas tur Iuti'lH-encfr" by
Coopur, Snntlurrion, & Co. ; and although
it was a difficult thing to improve upmi thr
cxculleHt popiT of Ma) or Sanderson, who
rt'tircs ; yet there bing now four gentle
men connected with the office, caeh one ol is a hot and tbo new type and con-'
' "idi i able eiftargcnirnt o! the paper, cer
tainly improve its apponrnnei', and give
. incri'a-K'd variety and ahiiity to iti col-
They expect to issue the Daily about tho
first of August, or as soon as ilio prcsftB
can bo completed and arranged.
(ifiT Yi ip nnitiittl to lrarn of llir dcaiMi
of Cii.Mti.KS 1 Scott, s n of lion. Goo.
Scott of Cat a wis a a ; who entered tho U.
S. Navy, nbout fighteen months ago, as
Third Aistaut Ungineur. He died of fe
ver on board the U. fci. Steamer J'iogn,
about one d.ty out from Key Wet, bounil
North. Ho was ju-t over twenty one
years of ngo, a young man of great prom
ise, showing high aptitude for tho profes
pion ho had I'hoscn. His Iosh is a great
oalamity,not only to his family and friends,
but to that branch of the service to which
he belonged, am! of which ho was an or-
. - - -
HSF The lllooiiuburg ''Loyal Lnaguo"
. ... 1 .1; ... l -ll.T
in tho townebip ; say nearly 300 Now
how many do you suppose turned out at
tho call of "vote for Curtin and avoid tho
draft ?" In times of quiet, and when But
ler U taking Richmond, they can congre- J
gate ami sing ' round tlio tlag uoyti
but whenever tho call to rally eoraes,
thero is'nt a "Leaguer" lo bo seen.
As soon as it is dofioitely ascerttined
that the danger is over,a company of tticni,
lud by soino valient man, will btart so
look out for theiif
I T T I.'V At ,W r TJnnn
AJJJil,.! lUlLlil. I.-,. in iiiinii
limiishlp ww mi' mithnrir. il tn aiinouiici,1 will
he n caiiihiltiti' fur COM IrHlttMW, at tltu eiimmiii'.'
c n-ral election, subjcit tu tin ai limi cftho Culumbi.i
Couutv ili'mncrai'Nitie l.'oitventiou.
.May -.'f. 1H,I -
T ACOU DUEISBACII, of Heaver town-
fit ship, vc nn aii!li'ri7.t'il to nrinniinf", i. ill Im n
cnmliilalf fur CO ..MI"SM)N" I'.lt. t ilic nciirnarliluc
"fiMT-il "-Ii ( lion, Milij.'t t li 1 1 1 .iclion of thu Coluiulii.i
County Iti'iniii'iittii, Con i'iiii n .
.Miiy ?u-
Prof.'ssnr J. Irt A,.", M. M., Coiciist and Acrist
formerly of l.edon, lliillaud, i noiv lucated atNiurtll
PINT, flrei t. I'nii.tnrii'riu, where per-ous alllicted
Wllhill'en-isnl't'le I1VK and i;,ll will b" srii'litift.
ally ireateil and cured, if cucibli'. fly Arliliual
l.yes inseiti'd w itlnnt p.itii.
N II -yneli.iraus luadi- for Ciatulnatloti. 'Hie Med fuiitllv i itivlieil, us he ius no liccrcL in his
tunilo of treatment
July S. leiil.- I Jiu.
Tint .'l ill. r. nisei o.-riti-.H r-i-cni:Ta rou'nir.
A mowt viiluabl.i and w uiiderl'ul publieahon. w rk
nl 4ii luigi s. mill Hit culiirtd uiigraviim-. OU.IIIJN
l llll'd V.vlHJ Ml.i'UM. an and pi' Heat
ics on .Man and Wninan their I'hy-udogv, I'liui tions,
and Hi X'lal disorder if,i'ry kind with net er f.iilinr;
Keine.lli's fur tlu-ir spicily iiir". Tin' pin tice of Dr
Hunter It is long he, uml tsl it I irf. iiubounded, but at
tin; earni'hl suliritiition of nuiuerniis persiuts lie has
le'eti imllieed tn extend lit luedlenl usefului'hH through
tli" iix-il i ii in of his - V MIC M Ci'IJ II 1 It is a volume
Unit .hiiiibl In in lln- hands of every family in thn bind
in- a prcieiitii fseiret vires, or as a guide for th"
alti't iatiiin uf i,in' of the most awful utiil ik'structive
scourgis evi r I l-ited maukiud. Hue copy si rtirely en
elopeil w ill In forwiirded free of pn-tige to any part
ol the L'uited States fur .el ci'lits ill I' II stamps.
Address, port mil, Dr. Itirliter, No. 3 Division
ritrect, New York.
May 'Jl. lel.l - y.
"tlnilDrinttv olFnt-es . A .New l'eatltre III lilts. lues
I'Airvoni Ills own Hah'siiim! JH.MIS I'd. ufiliu
Cresi'ttti me I'ltee t'lothiiij Store, u. IH iMarki.tlroe
i,i.., i, Hivth. I'hiiadi lidtia.
In ad litiiiu to h.init': tho larcest, mrtut varied and
fasliinniilile rtork of I 'lolhnig in Philadelphi i. in.ideex
ori'sslv tor ri't iil .iles, h,i.i clituii'ii every otu
his own siili'iiian, liv Itaeiuu uiarkril in lieuifs. mi eanh
artllli'llt the veryl"Wosl pillell rail ht Milil fur Mltiley
ratiHOt piiFsihlv i,uy all must hti alike,
'I he gnols ,i"r,' well .-piuiaed end inpar".nnd great
pnilistakeu w il It the lualiiuu so that all i ail I'll v Willi
the full usMirunca ut g, lung a "oil artn l'' at Ihe very
InWi-sl price. Also, n large stork r,f pji'ce guild rt nil ll.ill'l
nf the I, t st st) le and l.esl ipi.illtles. Inch w HI be Hindu
tu order, in the uiu-i tasiiuniiiiiiit unu oesi m, inner,
per relit, b-'li'W cjedit prices,
llenieinbi r tile Crescent. In Iliukei above Sivth street
. '.u JtJSLH t'o.
U. S. 10-40 I5oiids.
Firft National Jlauk of liloomsburg, Pa,
)riIIESE BONDS bear interest at tho
Jik rate of five per cent, per annum
Which, at tbo prssent value of Gor.D, is
equal to
I) per cent, per annum.
On hands aud ready for delivery aficr the
first of Juno. ;
J. P. Tuntin, Cas'i'ur. (
llleomthurg, May if, IrO I. am.
X E5 W l't m: Tl ifiK R6 , !
rPlIE subscriber has just received a now
9 n sort men t uf Hosiery I n minings a ltd New Couils
mrhtu ,
a 2 if ffj y ift ' a5 !
oi.Dvr.n, !
riA'l Cill'.LP.
An other notions, tu wbli h llo invites thu attention
nf Hie Ladies generally.
fr Win "L-r A. Wilson',! Sewing Maeblnes fur salo .
ALii Suinl.iy S, IhiiiI lluoks ninl l.ildes.
Also- Mi" iMIi'ii s llmr Iteslorer whlih will give to
croy its natural color.
f Next Door below Court House'
lllnomtbiirg. May SI, IMil,
GROCEUIKS PISH, MEAT, ' rn-nsj's Store, in Light Slait (, P.i.
Who h'rrps all Kinds of
Rcatly-Mado Clothing
Sugars, Molasses,
Syrups, eoffocs,
Teas, Fish,
Salt, Bacon,
Hams, Lard,
Tobacco, cgars,
Hats, Boot",
Caps, Shoes,
ii,.na m:i
I'aints, &o.,
sons. In mid around Phlluit"lnhl.ii who will rerognlso
hutli portraita tube true represetitatinns. Vheu the
first wna taken ho weighed 11)7 pounds , at the prusi-ut
time Ilia weight Is S.'U pounds.
Druggists and Dealers.
June II, 1 -04. I y.
With tho coods and cattle captured bv
them in tho expedition, with millions of
Tlusc llonds nro lsiieil ittulcr the Actnf Congress of , UOlUr.1.
March eih. Itii4, which provide, that nil Honda l...lcd I ,vor.. thD ;ot at Petorsblirg. Brooks
Ithilcr this Act shall bo l'.XIJMPT ITtOM TAXATION ) " ' . . ,b . .
I by or under nny statu or Municipal authority. Bub- i anU ailllttl S COrps UaVO Uecn greatly (tO-
, ...lniu... in il,u., I'.riii.l. nrn ri'relv,'d 111 United tnlA A AAMM..1t.1n.l cM!it. I.
r, , I'liuxn .. ......... IIIUIUUi UUU llU UUUSC'ilUltlUll. OUIltll ll.1
.1 ,, n',... -I'll ii 1 1 ill:. "
Butlor is ordered to Fort-
tl Wallacof having
will bo rctirod. Things
liomlaofnot over ontj Ii undrod dollars annually and 1 aro in StalaqUO untCUCUUnt,
on all other Hands scml-minnally. The intereft Is pay. I tiijisuiisiA3riiiaiiajMjsuai jj-k.iiii-mjiu-'i.vjsi
able on the first days of. March nnd September In each
Subsctlbera will receive elthor HcglsHrcrt or Coupon
llonds, all tin y may pri for. lleglsteled Honda nto ro-
. ... .. ... . n,. .i'i rit. 1,1-.
States notes nl nnnnnai uanaa. i uoy nro i . u .- , , . .
Di:r..Mi:il IN COIN, at tho plcnsitro oflho Covcrnmctit "" ," y.
Portrait below, which Is the true likeness of him nl tho ' , any poilod not c Aa en nor morn lmi forty ytars TOSS Monro". Sciliol an
present tine. Thn contrast between thosu two per- 1 , '.' . ,. , , i'ivi im'ii 1 .
trails I, so great that many would not believe th-,!, to from date, ntut until Iheii 1,f11'" beotl afain boalen will 1
bo tho same person. Yet them are hundreds of per. , CKNT. INTIUUJST VtlLt, 111! PAID IN COIN, nn uod'- "l'l t
For Sale!
horded on tho books of the U. P, Treasurer, and can bo 1 THE Undersigned offers hifl entire Stock Of
transferred only on tho owncr'a order, CoupoaJJIonds i "
im-muu tools v
nnd aro moro cotiv.nlcnt for
Tor ante. "
They romprlsn n full nasortment nnd arn In o.iml 'or
der, They will bo given up nt any time, also, the plncu
of business, which Isln the centru of Itlnoiu-biirg. tin
Ni:w York, Wednesday. Match 3D, INil.
PlIILtf 8. MOYElt.
Apply sootl,
lllooiiuburg, Ju'yO, Isiil. 41,
10 7 HE 1PUSU
Contisting of Clothes, Cassiinoro, Silks,
Muslins, Sattinctt", Ladio's Dress
Goods, Gentlcnicn's.C'othing,
and in short ovcrything iifii
ally kept in any Country
Dry Good and Variety Store.
SALT, &c , &e.
FIUSON'S kitimillg tlienisi'lves illilebted to Kt.Phor
ill' .Miller. on rusts, are reipnrcd iiiiinedially tupay
tho saino to thu undersiiMiHil.
A Ii S O
The amounts nf Dr. (leoroe HiM. still unsettled, If not
I ' IOAufM.ll.r.ltvl'1
Jnnn, 2.i. IPrtl.
Mats. & C5aps9
All of which will bo sold us cheap as can be purchased
jGS? Butter, Eggs, Meat, Craiu and
Country producu taken in exehango for
Goods, and for which tho hij,hesit market
price will be paid.
Givo us a call. No ciiaigo for exhibit
ing our goods, but it will aford us pleas
urn to liavo them csaniinud aud prices
G.VV.Creveiing &eo.
Lower Limo Ridge, )
Juno 18, 1801. S
Thirtv year" ago I was in the last stages of I'tilmnn
nry Consumption, and tlvin up tn die. I resided in
1 I'lnladelplila and Dr, J -cph I'arrish, then ofthis city,
I or, ered in,' to Morestowu, N, J,, a di-lanie of lilnii
I miles, uiiicli took mo two, lays to get there. On myar
rival I was put lo lied, and there laid for many weeks.
' This was my native plain, where all my family lived
' mid liaildied of CoHtumptlon Dr. Thornton, who at.
tended my father in his last illness, was called, and
J gave mo one week to ti v up my atr.iirs. lie had seen
' alt my la tuny go mat way. a tin inoiigiii i was iiigii.mii.
'I ben' 1 heard of thu remedies I now oiler to the pub
Ur, which i u red mo. It seemeil to me that I could feel
them pent trating my whole system. 1
, Thev non ripetied Iho matter on my lungs, nnd I
woulifspii otruuirn than a pint of otr-nsi vf .!lliv mat
I ter every morning. As soon as that bran to subside,
j my couch, fever, pain, uislil swenis nil befr.iutti leave
mi', and inv appetite bee.iuii) , great that il was with
ilttlirlllty 1 loilld keeptroiu eating too iiiurh, 1 soon
gained my slremttli, mid I ha e been mow ino in fh'sli
iversinei'. l'nr many enrs I have enjeyed uiiititer-,
' rupted good lieallh, keeping th" liver and stoinarh
i healthy w nil tin: Seaweed Toulenmt Mandraku
I I am of a bilious ti'niierameiit. My w eight is t o him
, dreil and twenty pounds. On my p com ry onipli' wnuld
send for me, lar and ntar, t" teu If tin lr can s w i ro
I like mine, l'or thi' purpose I pay prolessjimal i-its
inllto large c Ities. 'J hrcoiiMiinpthes wisliiu see the
one 1 lint makes these iiieiln liics. and who was cured of
! ronsuniption b, tlieui. To make uuw lungs is Impossi-
Ide ; but. cavities in Iho lungs and chronic ulcerations
, of tlu bronchi. il lubi s tan bo healed Huih cases aru
' th ing itoitrlv under tin- n-dlmiry treatiuenl of physi
ii'.nns, mil Jul mill ate cured by the proper ue of
t Scheink's Pulmonic Syrup. Ccuwecd Tonic, and Matt
I drake Pills.
1 I am now a healthy mail, with n large cavity in tlio
j iiiiddli li.bu of tlio right lung. tho lower lobe Very nun li
; liiiati.i'il and ctiiuplcte adhesion of tile pieina. Tho
, Ii ft lung is sound, at. d tlio upperlobu of tlio richt lung
' is in a tolerably healthy lonuiiiuti. The great reason
1 w hy phy siiinus do not cure ciui.iiinptiou Is they try to
! do too much ; they giie medicines to stop thu cough, to
! stop chill, lo stop night sweats, hectic fuver.and, by so
tJotoi:, tlie deiaugi tl.o n hole digestive powers, lock,
mg uplliL' secretions, and i.'veiitually thu patient sinks.
I aud dies. Alter I malm a carelul eumliiiitiou of tho
patient with thu llespiriuoeter, aud liuil lungs eiirnigh
I li it to cure, Idireit tin- patient Itn'V to iiMjthe tlireu
Ireinedi'H Ileiuove the eau-e and they w ill ail stnpof
tin ir oi u iu loru. r,o ono tan no rtireu oi cotiMtuip
lien, liver ci inpluiut, dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, til
lerated'throal, unless tho liver and stoiuaili are luadb
iiealth,. In New Lug land this canker, chriiuie cntarrh,
ulcerate I throat, elougatton of uvula, is more preva
lent than lu.anj'i'llirr seclimt of the country. This is
frequently cauMid by n foul stomaih. You iinyburn
it out with caustic tiiue and ag.uu. mid all they rv III
get is temporary n lief Coir'Ct the cloutaih and liver,
and they w ill heal up themselves.
Cood uutiition is thu reiueity. If you have nny dis
ease in any pari of tho liudy, il will remain thero and
decay mnrtaud more until ou can geltho stomal Ii in
Hie condition tuiligOFt food, and in.iko new blood lo
t.iko the plaie of diseased mutter. Tins is thu only
way tn lu'.il cavities in the lungs and ulcerated broil
i tubes. Correct thu stomach and liver, and nature
villi do the healing. .Many pi rsiuis have an idea that
certain inediiiucs are great purifo'is of the blood.
When blood is once dUea'd it cannot be purified t it
is diseased tlio same as the dist-ised matter in thu
system ; hut get tin-app-tr.itus in or b'i". the liver ami
stoiu.uh, mid give it pleutj of nourishing fund, it will
make new blood, wbuh will laku the pl.ieo of that
W 1 1 J a 11 is lilsi ,,si d.
Sihettck's I'utiuoiiic sirup is on-.' of the !, st prepa
rations of it' ,i in us-', it is a poin rful tome of it-i If,
and w in n the S ,iw ci 'I'.uiic ili.sulvi s Hi tuneus hi
thu etoinuin. and il i- cirri. 'd mf'ti) tlm aid ol He Hun
drake Pills, tin. Puluin.iii. rup is made into lilood.
Tin. is Ibe i lily way to euro , i.iiruniptiou. If I can
not git .I'lroo i appetitu iiiol too 1 does not digest, I ran.
notcuri' tlo patient Nevir mind thu tough ; removq
theiaitsi' slid it u ill stop of itself. Ibis is Iho most
trouiilu I liavo nilh my patients nt my moms. They
say, "lloi tor. 1 teel s.riimji'r ; I can eat; my night
sweats are b'-tler. and I feel better every way ; "bill my
cottgli so iiait let ami iney mo Jtsiouiseii to it.
mo say that does mil matter ; remove the
nrn payable tn beater,
commercial uses.
Subscribers to this loan will have the option of having
their llonds drmv Interest from M arch 1st, by paying
tho accrued interest in coin (or In United Stntes notes,
n. ,t... ...Mm nf Vnllniinl M.'itikv. Iidillllir flftV tier r.Ollt.
, , ,, ,,,,,. i,,,r., ,-,,.. I beat locution for constructing mi establishment of tho
'"Hiri'iiii ) orreeelvo thorn drawing Interest fro m kll, , U, ,,,, T10 wM ba ,,, ,,,.
tho ilato orstiliscripiiou ami itepnsii, as lucso iionus i urate.
! Exempt from Municipal or State Taxatioti,
lltelr value is Incicased from otic to three per cent, per
otiuitm, according to tlio rato of tax levies in various
parts of tlio country.
At the present rate of premium on gold they pay
Ono Eight Per Cent Interest
in curr"tiy, nml nro of convenience as n perman
ent or temporary investment.
It is believed that no securities olfer so great Induce
mcntstn lenders as the various descrlpllons of 11. S.
. ltotuls. In nil other forms oflndebtedness, the faith of
1 nbillty of private parlies or stock companies or sop.v
j rate communities only is pledged for pnymect, vvhilo
for thetdebts of tho United States tho ivlmlo property of
I lite country is hidden tu securu thu payment of both
principal and interns! in ruin.
These llonds may bo subscribed for' in sums from
;.",U tip to any magnitude, on lite name terms, and nro
thus made cmially nvalbiblo to thu smallest lender and
tho largest capitalist. They can bo converted Into
money at any moment, nnd thu holder will have tho
benefit nf the Interest.
I It tuny be useful to state in this connection that the
total ruudeillkbliiftho United Ktatci on vvhirh Inter
1 est Is payable in gold, on the ad day of March, loll, was
STtiS.Ptio.OOU 'I ho interest on litis debt for tlio coming
fiscal vear will bcSI.V.I'JT.PJO, while tho customs roven-
He in cold for tho current asm I year, ending Junu autii,
let',1, has been so far nt the rate of over SI0U,U0a,UUtlpor
it will be seen tlmt even tltcpreaotit gold revenues of
thu Covcrmont are largely In excess of tin! wants of the
Trcnsurev for the vavment nfgold interest, whllo .ho
recent Increase of tile tariir will doubtless raise the
aiiaiial reieipts from ciistonis on tlio samo nuiou'itof
Importation, to jl3U,uiHl.noo. per annum.
Instructions lolho National Itauks acting ns lean
accuts werei nt issued froiutho United Plato Trcasuy
until Morch SS.but in thu first three weeks of April tho
subscriptions averaged tuuro Ulan TUN MILLIONS A
Hupscrlptions will bo received by the
First National Bank of t)ahvillc,
Pennsylvania, hhd Py all tbo
which nre Depositaries of Public monoy, nnd all
Refined Benzine and
Orders will receive prompt attention. '
Willinnifpnt, July 'J, JPG I -If.
throughout tile country, (acllng as ncenls of
nol Depositary ll.iuks,) will furnish further informa
tion on application mid
May 7. l?r,i. 2m.
BELL & ALLAB ACHj Proprietors.
coiiNCii or
May '
Tin: l'unnisiiRRa of
Will issue a Campaign Sheet for the Dem
ocratic and Conservative niassos-
It will bo printed on n large sheet of flnn white pj.
pur, at such raes as will bring it within tharearhif
all- It will support Iho nominees of the Demorratiu
National Convention, the full proaeedinga of which
will bo published in itn columns. It will boldly advo.
onto Iho rightsoftlio ivhitn man, ahd tfoarlessly sus
tain all tho constitutional rights nf the1, no mat
ter from what quarter they may be assailed.
The first number will bo Ishued about thoSth nf Au
gust, Tito whole number will bu thirteen following
eacli nthi-r weekly, until tho Presidential election, thu
result nf which will bo contained In thu final number
Dcinoeratii: and Conservative Clubs, County Commit
tees, Agents and all interested in tlio cause uro invited
lo co-opcralu in tlio circulation of,
, I?u4.-I2ui.
I n addition In our targn stock of Dry Goods, we have
n I ngu and full ,'issoitnient of Heady .Made Clothing
loi Vicn and llov s wear which wo are deierutiiii'd In
sett rlii'iiper tlrni ean he biuuiil elsew here. Call nnd
sen. and judge for yourselves.
II. U'.CItllASY &.CO.
Light Street, April 21. lrtil.
Valuable Property
r!PUE undcrsiciieil desirous of retiring
esuiblishiiiu nl known as
rwii . i Til nnr-11 ease, nine
XHU iuuixtsul iiiJJUJiii 11111, diako 1'ills cauiiutiiiiloi k tlio dints of tlio gall bladder
6. II. WcW73si"S
No. 0l North Second Street. Pbil'a,
CONSTANTLY on hand a full a83iimeiH of Ready
Made Mi'ii and Im'.v's Clothing and (louts Furnish
ing Cords, at Wholesale and Retail
January Ipi'iI. I'nu.
T E R ill S :
Tho CAMPAIGN AGn, of Thirteen Numbers.
Sixiii.k Copies for tho eerles, 50 centa
In Clous uf not less than 'Jtlto ono mldreiia-U cts. each.
" " 511, ' 4U
Cash must nccompany each order and NO VAllIA ('ION
Orders should bo sent in immediately, or at least by
tho llr.t day of August, to & WELSH,
July 9, 1ECI. Im.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Keep Your j&yju
I?eaS Estate Sale.
U . " iiiM fc.iv thai t iK-a not matiiT ; ruuinve
i ii..,.. nu ur,.,oii..rt iuu:i ntfnvutfj sale, llic it .n M)m its..,r sdiL-iickV S.-aw .,! .rumen
I Eipp tiif in about iiitii! ilayit, w lit. ti titer: i no
, UtHfHH lilt! I1VIT M Ml lOliJJ' fltiu IUHI
-Thomas J. Vandcr
sit..... I ..1...,,. ,1... P.. It
on r ins - -.--in- . , ........
1...n...,t .,u lit,, nt I, ,,t- l !ltf Inlllll ,,, l t II ............. I.......-,..,...
, DUUiYvu uii iiiu uiu, i mtj .-w..,s. ijinri-, in iiiii'iinsiiiiri;. ii 'I i " ii' t. it, r-i t ,. i,n,
III III" IIHIM , It'Orii H.ivi'iP. fi.'ij uv, it I,; nil-
Summer iitotiilis. at tin- most reas'imtblu rates
!', Part li sa ml 1'aiuiln's ran lie mi oniniodnted Willi
the article upon stteri notice.
, (live linn il call. 11. STOILVCR.
lllooiiuburg, April :)0, T.l, Prop'r.
Tali. Timothy
"slice, Esfi
timothy over stx Jccl long, grown ou ma
farm in Hemlock twp. Col. Democrat. ,
Wo can beat tho above. On Saturday (
Mr. Levi M'Donald, a farmer of Suque- !
'h.tnna township, Dauphin county, rshibit-'
cd to us two stalks of Timothy over sewn
;,' l(ct long, tho liuads of which meamrid
Eli .7. .'....;..- .,....
:' Thoy wbro gathored (rout a lajgo field, tho
U , whole crop of which is represented to bo
ono of tlio best grown in this regiou tho
present soason. Patriot ' Union,
What Doctous, Ministers, and Pno-
fei'Essor.s hunk op tiiem. "I havo uever
changed my nund respecting Browns
,Brouohial Troches from tho first, except-
L-jing to ttniiK better ol tnat wuicu i uegau
3ff S3 J&,
li. STOHNER would respectfully an
uounce to tho citizens of Blyomaburg and
vicinity, that ho has juat opened an
ovi rltis Couferlionary
F. U. HARRISON , M. l.
WOULD respei tfully inform theriltzens i.fPlnoiiis.
burg, uml v iciniti , that lie mm mm si lie piarlisu of
.Mr.itiCLvi: .i.- tin nt r,
ml lolieits a share of public pittromii;i.
tint, k on .Mam Street, first house helm? tho Court
House, lllon mstiitrg.
r'i a, ifj."i-tf
sasm prronv, saw mill
lit 1IJS.U, tcf- Togelhor with thu
tniukiug well of." Rov.
(JBecohcr. "Groat sorvioo in Hubduing
lioarecneBs." Rev. Daniol Wio, New
York' lTho Tiochos aro a staff of lifo
Itomo." Prof. Edward North, Prcsidont y UTTERS of administrntit
Snf Ilnmtlinti flnllmrn ("Minimi r Y . ' S J I'.slato of John Cox, latu of lleinh
101 Hamilton LOll0g(, IjliniOII, SS. I . t?,r,.,u,;i i.,iiuy, .I. ceased. h.,ve been i
B"A Mmplo and elegant combination lor Yn'iiiuu,;,ll
''Coughs, &o." Dr. G. F Bigdow, Bos- Jl:;,;
ton, rt fconiiiioud their uso to publio
Valuable Real Eytate.
"IUI 9ubccribor oilVrs nt privutn SaKi,
on fC'iKoittililn li'riiif, a f.trni r-Hunlfil in llt'inlnrk
low iis.iii, npout itnli.s liom ItiuUlioru, tumiui'ii
county, cont. lining
108 ACRES,
nbnitl eighty arresff w)ii,li is cleared land, the im
provements tipuii whiili consists of 11 good
Wngon fciiul, iiudi'lbir nut hous's, a imn.l Ppilng
House, tte. A line thriliy apple orchard is giowingiui
tin' pruiuisus, Willi 11 lari'i varo ty "C other liiud of Iruit
trees. Thu remiiinitig 2s acres of wood laud, is covered
Willi O.ik mid Chestnut timber of guud quality.
Hie I'lrni is a iiesiriuuu prop'-rn, u'-,ii ,u mi i, , i-.
lent stiilo ofculllvalion. Any information regarding
the conditions upon which Ike I''ano i.ui bo piucliased
will lioiiil'ordi d bv lolling ut Piter Vorkheisers. ml-
joining tho property.
Muy!H. lrfil.-fim,
Estate or John Cox, deceased,
administration on tho
ick towuthip.
grunted by tlio
Reei'ter of Colutnbiu county to tho undersigned j re.
tow 11. Ino i all persons Having nanus
statu of the deieilent nro requested In
pie eiiliueiii 1011111 mimiiiisiiaior . w iiuoui uiiay, aim
Hit persons ludibled to make payment toiinwiiii
1.1. 1 1 COX Admr
t Jnne J. ifcfit -fiw 2
At A. J. Evans'
1 nm)
k 1 H H I
M'lll. tiiidersii'iied rvspectfitMy iiiforins his friends
I ami Iho public generally, that In has jtift reieivid
from thn Cistern cities, a larim assortment of
ln'IIIR tin l"t HHrnrtmrtlt f'Vrr otltTcil III tllM fl.ltlvft.
Alfn a Kiinph'K' aHi-orl'ii'-iit t' tloy Cloitinii;, In f;u t
t orthui j 111 ill'- Clothing lain l'or Uhim wlui prul't-r
to h'.tvo llifir nif iPiirfK. u ptTl'i-cl lit ii.iruiit. Hii, aiot
liothius Imi tho hu'tt woiKiiniiilnp allowi'il alllini
tulilinhniciit. li.; alrto Keeps on liuml a I ut'u aurt
IMl: 11 1 ol'
HATH AND CAPS, together with a varu ly of nntlniis.
t'ji" CALL AND S-tii: t'tilt lUUItSlii.C. .J I
llloonsbirg, Apr il. 21, 1-i'H.
AND dwui.lim:
ceiessary r,iu first-il'tss e.lal lishiuont of the kind,
i'ho cum em will w arrant eiupfuyuiniii for III ty Hiatids
at nil tluii's. There H ulo cutni'i ted with thu above,
.ninl doing ti very uxlonnvu run of 1.11., tool, a
(r ,'. ''I rtr.M'r.-r' ii',l 'A r.Mll ire. , U'Wmiwr
OJ J JJl J lulji Jjejj' JJlvJ U w.l IS i 1
The w linln wii be sold nt a bargain, otl reasonable
r.iins,uud liutiudialu posses-ioit given.
TWooTiinit mticK dwiili.ivc iiocsra Ni:.n.
LY M!W. iho olio a largo size double house, nut
buildini's, &c. Ilu-y will bu sold at u barg.'inlif appli
cation be made soon.
Illoomiburg, July lrdl.
D.' Caston Argus, Miltnnian, f.yrnming Democrat
Clinlou inuiili Democrat, nml Luerne Liiion, copy
lour ttiueH, aiidseml bill to Columbia Democrat,
How Lost, How IICitOTPd.
I CST published, n new edition of DR. I'ULVCR-
cure witliuiit uii'iiiiiini of I'tul v a. or sunt.
11. il eaKness, liivuluiitary Lossi s, iMfiirrsiv,
Mental and Pleural lneap.11 ity, liupedimeuulo .Mar
n.iL'o, etr. ; into, t.'oiiF-iiuipiinu, r.pil.ipsy.iuul fits, in
uiiced by si ll-imluli:enii' 1 r sexual extravagance.
, Price, 111 u m aled env etopu, only 11 Lt-nts,
i ho ct I dirati d author 111 Hits adinirable esay iliar
ly di'inoiistrati's, froiua thirl) yeais successful practice, the ulariniuit ,'ousu'piences of self-ah'iso may bo
railieally eunil without lie itatig' rmis 11. e oliitteruat
uieiln iii'j oi'Mie appiieation of Iho knll'r pointing out
a mode of 11 re, at nine simple, certain, mid l il'eitttal,
by means of w Inch every sullerer, 110 matter w hat his
ciniuitiou may be, may euro himsill'iheuply. privately,
unit radically.
House and Lot for Sale.
"riLL bo sold cheap and on easy tortus,
situatonti Main Slitet in We.t lllnoiosbtirg.
John li. rnnuKi:.
tl'IIP, undersigned, having taken Iho Hotel,
I lately kipl by Mr. V. tlowtll, would ruiectfiilly
inforni Ins fnetids ami the public in general, thai no
pains will bu puod fur the salitfactuiy 10n.rla11uu1.11t
of all who may lav ut him vmh.thclr cuiloui.
Espy April! lebt
TiiisLectiiro should he in the hands of every I ' f' "''
youth and ev ery man in the laud 1 'J" ft' J '
rtent.i.uder seat. t.i ,il..i,. enrelopo, to any address, , , U' "
111 that shoitsp.ieji of (line. In Hrdur to allow the stale
bile in oats oil' Keen thu liver and the slomaih
healthy and there is less danger of consumption oruuy I
other disease. It is hard to take cold when thui-u or- 1
guns are healthy. Those that aro bilious, low spirited,
dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor appetite, I
nervous, stomach fullof w mil, ever thing that is eat
en In s heavy loss of memorv, try one bottle of
SCHMNCK'S HI'. xULill TuSiC, and one box: of
S lir.NVK'tSMAMHt vKI'.PILI.S. It Is only n tost of .
one dollar and tvt.itlv-hve eelits, with full direitions.
This is suthch'tit. In man; else, to satisfy what ilia ,
Itiedii ines are. frequently one buttlu makes n ureut j
ih.iuge in tlte svstcm. Any persuti 1 ojoys urdnia- ,
ry health, by using thu Seaweed Tonic, and Muulrukn
tills nciui-i'on itly, must get tin' dii-ttivu organs in
bin"! ti healthy condition they become fleshy. I,
can produce u number of my old consumptive patients
time eitjoj ing good health, weighing nu.nly 2i'U pounds.
1 will conclude by relating three cures 1 hat o madu in
New York, mid which lira nil dilferent, and wish any
one who leels tiny interest in tlio niatlir to visit them. '
I'ir.t is Mrs. Callow, routing llicn at No. 107 lloustnii 1
street- iter hindiiu.l ealled itioii me nl my room, a.'
llond street, and ut.-le.'d me tocall ninl see lier. Ho
.aid I cuuld do no good ; that ho bad i.l! tho Dost modi. I
cai attemlauce. and all .-.ud sho was too f ir gonu with I
Consumption to he iiireil ; but site h,ut liearit 01 some
gr, at cures I laid made, mid hnilesirud to eratify In r
wishes, 1 railed, aud found In r lym' conlim d toher
bed in the last st.ue of bronrhial eoiisumetloii. and
without doubl oiiist havu dud soon, 1 x.iouut d her 1
liiuys. I', uml butli brottihial titb-s vrv mui It atleLteii,
iiut mi nn ities Ii id lorne it. her loti.'li o as vi r s. vert', 1
the spil liox w ,1. Ii.ilf mi of tlm k pus. I'ulsi, I III, legs
siii'ileu very mui it; and worse than all. slu hud chin- ,
111c iliarrme.1. Her bowls It id bein uioieit eleven timiM
that day, 1 told her .ho had lungs enough tube lUied,
but lliut tins ilinrthif.l had been long standing, ami loir
stomach was 111 an ulcerated condition thai 1 was
afraid nothing could ho done. Sho insisted I should
try and du what 1 loilld for her, obsi-rv.'ng that situ
would not last Ion", in Hie (oudition shu wits III,
inni 1 could out make her any wor.o. I K.ivu her tir.l
udosuol my .Mandrake I'll lr, and the mine and Syrup
In ely, i bat was on Tuesday, mid by the next Sunday
IIIU uiun mi .1 11 us CUI rn u "11, I'tr tipi". lliu ion, 1 liuinui 1
.,,1.1 kI,,. 1, ,1,1,1 sil on ill In..! unit Iter ililniLr. Shuls'
now well, and g.ivu mo 11 long, certllledlol
ilaluablc axh
1 s
Tho subscriber oilers to sotl.nt p'riv-ato sale, a Valua
ble Farm, collecting of
situate in tho valley of I'ishingcrcok, about two railon
iiorih nf I'lootusliurg, Coliiiubia county, P.i., conipriatng
the bottom land ol tho well-kunu ii Trimldcy farm, and
the Hamlin I'arm, On the premises aru 11
Dwelling House, two good Earns,
an excellent ORCHARD, out-hiiildinga, Well, tie., to.
gemer "Hit a
OF1 NEW GOODS !. Maple Orchard,
HAS enlnrged and greatly Improved tils Ftore Room 1
nml stocked it with n lareu nnd superior Stock of
8P1MNC and SUMMLR (7O0DS, which will bo sold as
low as ut any othur establishment iu the country.
Calicos at 10, 18, 150 mid 25 cents.
Muslins, Rltarhcd and Brown at 25, 2S,
1) to 43 cents. j
DRESS fiOonS rf every shado, quality
and price ; 11 lull lino of Domesiie t.'ouds, ,
vs : Checks, f tripes. Ticks, Liiinen ami 1 otirn
Table Diaper, tjlnaliams, Niuikeeiis, fce , ,te. A
good supply of Ladles Shoes and Cillers
New stock of Hals aud Caps.
All Wool Ingrain and Collage runiets,
n splendid artnio just opened and for sale.
A fresh etipp'7 of
Groceries and Spices,
a now lot of
yielding from Sou to l.UTO lbs, sugar per year, Tho vein
01 the "llloom. bora It'tt Ore," crosses ono end of tins
tract of land. A I SO
Viiluablii Town Property.
ThelarioThreoCtory llrleh BUILDINi!. mil LOT
OP HROCNIl, 011 winch it Is erected, sltuato 011 tlio
north side of Xlain street, central 111 tho town of
llliiomsbiiig S lid building Is sub.taiitially constructed
(if excellent brn k formerly used for a i-nrriago I'.ic
tnf,v and can bo vyel! ndapted tnapla 0 of business,
Saul Lot is 41 feet front on .Main stieet. and 21 1 ft deep.
Possession of the last named premises will be given
Immediately, if desired. i Conditions of snlu will
bo made lo suit tile ptiiihascr- I). J. WALL11U.
Illnumsburg, May 30. Vol.
Sprinn anb Summer
"VHP. undersigned, grateful for past patronage, rrspeo
fully informs his rusliiincrs and thnpubllcgetierully
lionasju.t received Irum trio Casternc cities, tho
MACKl'.KAL by tltu ipiatter, half nml whole barrel t urge.t and most select stuck of
jioit-jmlj, 011 receipt, of six louts, ur two post slumps,
AUrilesn 1110 puiiiitiieis.
127 l!ou.ny, New Yobk, Post oillce bux 43SO.
Juno If, letil. ly.
National Motel.
(Lata Whito Swan.1
GEO. IiIGHtTa!', PnointKTOR.
Fonntrli 10111 E'lo Hotel Lebanon, Pa
jori inVin m cuthK
MtucJt 5, ldU-tJi
Inily. i bat was on i'nesdiiy, uml by Hie next Sunday ' No's. 1 and 'J, luedium nnd large. Al.o, a largo and
new designs. Also, it new lot of TRUNKS and
OU Cloth Satchels.
West rortv-flftli street, caiiio
to my rooms with n ttitnor on her liver. Hho was low I
, spinted, .km sallow, tongue cuated, bowels costive, 110
! appetitu, nnd fast sinking Into the grnvo. Tho said
tumor lud bleu running over fourteen years. I gave
1 her Sytupi Tonic and Pills, and loldhei tn takethem
' Justus tho directions wero printed, hhe uiiiio back to
1 my rooms, aj llond street in two weeks, somewhat
1 better i her tongtio had begun to clean u litllo around
I tho edges, her tkin whiter nnd her uvea brighter, mid
1 tltu tumor discharging very oil'ensivo mailer, much
fuitor than it had over done before. Sho Upt gradu
ally Improving, nnd In about tivu months sho cumu to
my rouins very much frightened, saying Ihallho tumor
had iicarli- .11, lined runiiine. ami wus licaliue up, uml
Unit every doctor bad told her that If it uver healed It
would rauso her death. 1 told her th it tliudise.iso had
all lelthir lysteiu and nature would heal the ulcer up.
i'hey are now healed, and hav been tor about a tear
and sIi0 1j.ii htutiyand ndni 1 a woman at yo 1 will
find -ad ivswalk tftie 1. glad for any one t" .jfl mi
Having bought these goods before the lato rise, I am
preparedtn sell low, ihuap as Ilio cheapest lor tush or
country OTUnv T0 m:AS1J.
rdoomsliiirg. May I'.'. IMl,
mil mv-mTsn
f r tfi"-?- ? - vt sw !, s"w-
Pittsburgh Couiiiicrrial College.
liliigliaiuptiii " "
Crilteiidou'B " " rhllndolphla.
Piratton. Ilryiint i Co.. " "
ThesH Scrips, are liiainounls of 15 and 8"" anil nrc
s Moiiturli cash, by Iho Student on intring either of thu
ubove Colleges. Young men desiring luobtuln a finish
ed Collegiate IMuratiuu, will huie find a guud spocuU-
on by ppWiu"t tiiv ofllf oflho
"'nat has yet been npetied in Illooinaburg, tn which ho
invites tlio attention of his friends, ami assures them
th.iiihoy aro iiil'ercd fur sale at great bargains. His
BtecK tnuiprisca 11 large assorimcHi oi
Oi:NTLEMEN'8VnAUlN0 Ali'AltnL.
Consisting ol rtstiioNiai.B llarss Co.its, of everydca
erlplimi; 1'atita, Vests, Sliltls, Cravats Stocks, Collow
lluiidkeichicts, Cloves, Suspenders, Ur,
Gold Wntolies.autl Jewelry.
Of cvory description, Aim ami cheap.
N. II. Remember ' loucHbtrg't Wrap srmsi.'
call and see. No cluiguTor u-J,E!f BEB0,
Blooiiisbuts, Apn1 16, 1361, UunoliiO.)
speakers." Rev. E. H. Chapin'