rffZff . I EDITED nr LHVI I TATE, PROPntETOn. i Oar OonttltmlonEuard ll vs.! Oar cloTiou Unionhold It dear I Our marrr riac roriaka It ntrcrl Th proud Gaucatilan our only peer! BLOOMSBURG: Saturday Morning, July 1G,10G4 TOR PRESIDENT IN 18S4, GEORGE B.M'CLELL AN (Subject to iho dccliion of th National convention.) arn ' IQT Oampa.on SunsoiDERsWo will send tho Columbia Democrat from now, till after tho Presidential Election, for CO cents in advanco. This is so low that ev ery man should havo it, and sco that his neighbors have it. If they cannot pay for it club together and get it (or thorn. tt&r Wo give up tho most of our space in tho inside to the very startling and im portant war news of tho week. Wo last neck published tho urgent call ot Gov ernor Curtinfor men ; but as usual tho call camo after tho work was dono and could not bo repaired. Thousands of horses and of bushols of wheat havo been carried off from tho Cumberland Valley and the Shenandoah ; and now the concentrated rebel forces arc marching on Washington and Baltimore At this writing wo can glvo nothing dofinito ; but under our war news, will bo found tho latest intelligence, beforo going to press. To that wo refer tho reador. For the Back Townships. Tho Hand Organ publishes a story falso and absurd upon its very faco ; to tlio ef fect that Grants' losses aro only fifteen thousand killed. It was stated in Congress and not denied to bo 100,000 however, tho story is intonded for tho back town ships, but who is expected to believe it, we are at a loss to guess. Even deluded "Loy Leaguers" know better ; and tho lying soems to bo entirely gratuitous. Go on, Pec John. XS?" Tho people havo long been satis fled of tho corruption, dishonesty and im morality of Lincoln and his Lacqueys ; and we think thoy aro now equally well convinced of the imbecility and sutpidity of tho whole administration. They have deliberately lied to tho people ; crying out "all's well'' when it was not so, and they know it ; and now wo stand before the world, the thrioo repeated victims of offi cial falsehood or offioial stupidity. Shall wc keep Lincoln in offico to put down this rebellion ! Daniel Webster's Prophecy, i Extract of a Speech delivered at Fancuil Hall, March 7, 1850, by Daniel Webster l( If tho infernal fanatics and abolition ists ever get po.wer in their bands, they will override tho Constitution, set the Su preme Court at defiance, cbango and mak laws to suit themselves, lay violent hands on those who differ with them in their opinions, or dare question their infallibili. ty, and finally bankrupt tho country and deluge it with BLOOD."' Another Blow at Poor Men. The bill repealing the commutation clauso of tho draft law has passed both houses of Congress. It baiug Old Abo's favorite measure, and patted upon his recommen dation, of courso ho will sign it. Poor men will now havo no alternative but to go into tho army and fight with and for tho niggers, when drafted, no matter if their wives and children should starve. Mon who oan afford to purchase substitutes, however high tho pries demanded, will do so, and the poor men tho mechanics and laborers of the country will havo to do all the fighting iu this war for tho freedom and social clovation of tho niggors. It is an unjust and infamous discrimination in favor of tho rich against the poor, and we rejoico that the Democrats, as a party, zealously resisted its passago, Blacko vs. White. At Wiloox Landii'g, on the James Riv or, a party of colored troops were station ed last month; While out on a foraging expedition thoy captured a Mr. Clayton, woaltby planter, whom thoy brought to camp, and by orders of thoir .white com manding officers,, stripped and tied him to a treo, aftor which a stalwart negro was ordered to givo him a flogging, which, tho acoount in tho Ch'istirn Recorder approv ingly tells us, "ho perfortned'eonspicuous ly, bringing tho blood from his loins at every stroke." Sovoral colorod "ladies," the samo paper tells us, "camo up, one af ter another and gave him fifteen or twen ty strokes apiece, to remind him that thoy wcro no longer bis, but safely bouaod in Abraham's bosom and under tho protec tion of tho Star Sparkled Banner, and guarded by their own patriotic, but down trodden race." Comment on such a pro ceeding is unnecessary, moro than to say J that mon thus trcatod will not speedily lay ( down their arms and submit. K7 VOLBNTBEits, ItKAD this. For I Jtbo derangement of tho system, Change of distauco, in ordor to induce General WaN cd from their eastern flank covalry expo Diet, Wounds, Soros, Burisos and Eruplaoo to ndvanoo from tho railroad bridgo dftion, which, passing north ol tho detaoh tiona, lo whioh every Volunteer is liable,, to tho town. Wallaco fell into tho trap. . od works dofeuding tho Baltimoro Rail thcro arc no remedies so safe, convenient Ho marched from the bridgo, entered tho road, turned eastward towards it. Tho and sure s Holloway'g Pills & Ointment, town, and telegrams annoucning victories road was undefended' They reached it thoroughly tested in tho Crimean and wero sent from Frederick. In the moan-' sometimo in tho afturnoon ; toro up the Italian Campaigns. Oply 25 cents per tima tha Confederates abandoned Ilagers. track and out tho wires, Washington was box or pot town and hastenod towards Iuderick, isolated from tho north, Letter from tho Editor. Witting IIOTIL, NW VOKK, I July II. led. JJcar Jieaacr: Tho Robcl Raid, wbicb lias agita ted tho country the past week, has assum cil fearful proportions. Our forces, under Gon, Low Ytfallaeo, woro badly defeated on last Saturday, on the Monocacy ltivcr, two general officers captured and heavy ' Ion of men, Tho defunct General and his poor fellows, retreated in oonfusion low . u.u un.mu.u. ivuuui "nun Rrcokcnrldgo and Rhoadcs, load tho cno-1 my, and it is believed that tho Invasion is intended to bo moro than a "big soaro." It is astonishing with what indifference lllO people in the Country, Philadelphia, now York, Capo May, and olsowherc, re- ard tD0 inyagion of tho North. Thoy i troat it with t CQn TbiJ fian onvha fffnm ffln. " . I" I"" " ; . ' that, the people nro tired of tho longer continuance of tho war, and havo lost all confidenco in tho sectional State and Na- ,. , . , - . , ,. tional Admin.stra ions llio political elements of Now York, oro increasing in agitation. Politicians speak confidently of thoDoraocracy carry ing tho Empire Stato in next November, ,,,? r .... , , . -T i uu .ama cziwuHiwi u pnwicDt in new Jersey and Pennsylvania. It is refreshing to witness tho schism in tho camp of tho enemy wo mean tho dis union politicians between tho Fronion tcrs and Linconitcs. The first Darned, aro unsparing in their expositions of their pscudo-brethorn, tho I.incoltiitcs, who aio proven, pa excellence, to bo a band of uwevor "c uoaru 01 tuo -niru ana largest .... , , , ,i, column of tho enemy. It was marching theivoi, robbers and murderow, under the from lhe ratoma(. liawara., 1?crr pica of "War for the Irion," which is a to Washington Railroad, between the Re "libel upon tho truth of history," for, lay Houso and Baltimore. Wollaeo at "war is disunion," and when it is known once ordered another retreat. Ho and that this disloyal combination is held to- is trT wU.hd,rcw,' n & """ Sun ., ,,',,. , day had reached Micotts Mills, elovon gothcr alone by tho "oolieuvo power of, ,ilcs frora Baltimore, Here they rested nublio n1udor." And in return, tho other far n lirnnthinn noll loyalists (dj openly uenouneo tiicir negro brethern for daring to set up another ab olition organization as ''traitors," "cop- puiuouua, uuu -ojriiipauiizura. ui which ansos from the diffcrenco of being in and out of offioo. What a set of nrc- cooious scoundrels. Tho early return of our government to Democratic rule, alone, can restore pros perity to our country. Present experience and past history abundantly demonstrate this faot, which no rcasonablo man will attempt to dony, and which should not only be printed in ''letters of living light," but be "proclaimed so loud that all the world might hoar." Tho crops of the country through whioh I havo travelled, with few exceptions, are quite good. In New Jersey the Peatfh crop promises adundance. They aro near ly ripe and ready for market. Tho mar kots now abound with most of tho choicest kinds of vegetables and with tho abundance of which tho Hotel Tables arc replenished. As ever yours, L. L. T THE WAR. Tho Confederate invasion of Maryland has assumed largo proportions. Their advanco is within a few miles of Balti more and Washington, Tho sicgo of Petersburg is at a stand still. Fait of Gen. Grant's army is believed to bo on iU way northward, Frederick is about fifty miles west of Baltimore, and Cfly fivo northwest of Washington. A turnpiko connects Fred erick and Washington. A railroad and turnpiko connect Frederick and Baltimore. Tho railroad runs along tho Patapsco Vulley. The turnpiko passes out of Fred erick a'bhort distauco north of the railroad crosses the Monocacy threo miles north of tho railroad bridge; and then runs along tho railroad first on one side then on the other, until Baltimore is reaohed. From Ellicott's Mills tho turnpike runs cast eleven miles Mo Baltimore; the railroad runs fourteen miles, as it makes a detour (o tho south to reach tho Relay IIouso. Tho Monocacy River flows a southern course and passes threo miles cast of Fred crick. It is a stream about ono hundrod yards wide, with high banks. Tho rail road bridge southeast of Frederick and the turnpiko bridgo cast of tho town are largo and oostly structures. The Mono oacy falls into tho Potomac fivo miles be low Point of Rocks. Edward's Ferry is sixteen miles below Point of Rooks. It is on a road leading cast from Leesburg, Virginia, to Baltimore; and is fifty milcb from Baltimore, Previous to last Friday tho number of Confederates in Maryland was compara tively small. They besieged Sicul in Harper's Ferry ; held Ilagcrstown ,- and on Thursday wero in Frederick, Genojal ! waiiaco uaviug uu iu.n uay a suirmiiii with them near tho railroad bridgo across tho Meuocaoy. Thoy held all the country wost of Frederick and were tho advanoo guard of a moro formidable body. Gen eral I. co, it appears, a long time since, detached a largo loroc from Petersburg to northward. On 1 hursday last this forco was advancing up tho Shenandoah Valloy. before daybreak. The Confederates bo. A scouting party of between ono and two yond Tenallytown wcro found to bo in hundred cavalrymen was surprised by tho largo force. Tho Rockvillo column on advanco guard near Leesburg, aud all but Soventh street was alio largo. Tho Fed about a dozen woro captured. From Lees- era! troops, fow in numbor, withdrew to burg tho Oonfederatcs marohed towards wards tho forts. Tho enemy advanced. Point of Rocks to cross tho Potomac. I Tonallvtown was canturcd. Down Sov- On 1-riday that portion of tho enemy who wero already in Maryland began to move1 in conoert with tho Vircinia column. Tho party that held I redcriok withdrew somo land on Friday night two column of tho lencmy began coming from Virginia ; one at JL'oint ol lvucKs ; tho otuor somo uutancc above Edwards' Ferry. Saturday morniug oamo. Tho Oonfcd orates, who had been in Frcdoriok, wero oncamped on tho Oatoot in mountain, four miles west of tho town. Tho Haccrstown column had just readied them, Wallaoo was still in tho town, From Point of Hocks a Confcdarato column was quiokly march ing up ths woit bank of tho Monocacy to scizo tho rairoad bridge, Suddenly, V.il- laco beard ol their comming, anil ordcored a retreat, J. lie town was abandoned in a hurry Gonoral Tyler and Colonel Sew aril oommanded tho Jjcdoral rear Tho railroad trains were sent towards tho . i..:.i.. o fr0m6iv,nt of lloeks. reached it and can! turnd thn stores. Homo of WMUnn' lmnn passed tho bridge, but thoremaindor round tlloir "treat out off. Thoy at once march. od tip tho river towards the turnpike S; , enemy followed them, and '? .. 10 DeJSan' cnom' irom "atoct in Mountain, oamo down, captured Fred crick, and marched towards the turnpiko l"''dgc- Almost suroundad, Wallace's troops fought bravely, but tbej wcro soon , ovcr1powcrBC(1. Oonf Tyler was captured. 1 Tho troops reached tho bridge in di.order; siime passod over, but tho greater number I captured. And tho enemy seized tho 'Ms0, , , , , . , i V stllaco s troops, almost broken up. re- treated to Monrovia, eight miles cast of Monocacy, on tho railroad. Hero ho on- deavorcd to rally them. Now daDgers, however, appeared. From tho railroad and turnpiko bridges the enemy in strong force wcro marching direct on Monrovia. From Point of Rocks a second column came through a small villago called Urbana, south of Monrovia. Late in the evening Buuday morning, camo. Suddenly tho lolograph ceased working west of Ellicott's Mills. It was cut at Marriottsvillo, eight milos distant, and nineteen from linliimore. a oolumii ol tuo enemy waB reported to havo marched northeast from the Balti more and Ohio Railroad. It was at Reistcrstown, north of Ellicott's Mills. Thorc was not a soldier to opposo it, aud it intended' to cut tho Northern Central Rairoad, running from Baltimoro to Har risburg, at Cockcysvill'e, but eight miles distant. Tho column from Edward's Ker ry towards the Washington Railroad waa making fearful strides. A panic at once wus raised in Baltimore- Tho alarm bells woro rung, and the pcoplo wcro called upon to rush to arms. At noon, yesterday, the enemy cut tho Northern Central Railroad, at Cockcys ville, and continued their march eastward. They were making for the railroad run ning Irom Baltimoro to Philadelphia. It is not moro than twelve miles east of , Cockoysvillo. No streams intervene, and J no troops oppose the march. Tho main body of the enemy, however, wcro still on , uiu marcu ior tuo wasuincion liauroau. they were approaching Annapolis Junciton thirteen miles from Kclny IIouso, and a bout twenty from Washington. Somo Fedornl troops had landed a.t Annapolis. Tliny were bolicvcd to bo a detachment from Grant's army. It is believed that a largo portion of Grant's army is on its way northward. LATER, Tho Confederates aro besieging Wash ington, Jioy nave cut I o n.iroai ami Kle- graph between Washington and Baltimoro. ; Thoy aro reported to be within three miles ! ol tho White IIouso. I In Washington tha streets named by! numbers run uorth aud south. Tho Cap : itol and White House arc a milo and'a iu;iiiui uii.iii. jMrsi streets runs imrui and south from the Capitol ground. y eutcontli street ruus uorth and south from tho White House. Gcorcrotown is two miles northwest of Washington. Tcnally - town is a milo or two north of George- town. Bladcnaburc is six miles northeast of Washington, liington. v torn the rotomao just abovo ucorgo town around to lHadeusburg is the lino of defensive forts. Ouo or two detackctl works arc built beyond this lino about a milo to tho right of the Baltimoro Rail road for its protection. Tho lino of forts crosses every ono of tho streets running i consists of experienced senmon of all mar north and south. Tho works aro scpa-. itime nations. Thu commander, Captain rsted from each other without any oontin uous lino of rifle-pits connecting them, and with no abattis iu front. Thoir long dis use, from tho safety of the city, lias caus ed them to bo somewhat neglected. Somo havo guns mounted on them ; others not Unless the fordo of troons in Washington is vorv lame, none of them havo adonuatu garrisons. Ucpartineut clerks and citi zens make up poor artillerists. On Monday morning tho Confederates approached Washington from tho north west. They cams iu two columns. Ono marched down tho Potomac from Ed wards' Ferry i tho other marched south east from Rockvillo' On Monday even iux tho Confederates encamped about fivo . ' " . . . . . i . miles from Washington. The Edwards Forry column was just beyond Tonally town ; tho RocUvillo column halted on rorth Seventh street, about s's. milos trom tho city. All night they brought up their forces. Blair's houso on Seventh street was bnrned. Every attack by tho Feder al ptokets was repulsed. Yesterday morninir in cannonading beran cnth, Fourteenth and Sovcnteenth streets ihcy camo, until, at 11 o'clock, thoy wore but three miles from tho citv. Earlv in tho morninf tho Confederates had dctaoh- Of tho occurrcneo slnco tho wires wcro cut nothing definite isknowh. At olevon o'clock in tho morning, sho Confederates began an nttaok on tho forts on Fourteenth and Seventeenth streets, Thoo works aro about two milos from tho city. At half past elevcu a battle began. Heavy oannonading was hoard in tho city. What oocurred afterwards is nut autbootioalty known, It is reported, liowtfvcr.that iort Stovons. on Seventeenth street, two miles north of tho White House, w:n attacked and captuae'1. This is tho cuneut rumor, though thsro is no way of testing its truth Whoh tho telegraph wires worn broken, a sovors contest Waa raging, X no oonteu orates were within threo miles of Waih iogton. Baltimore seems to bo out of danger. It owes its safety not to any stiiLdord defense of the citizaus, but to the fact that the Coufcdorates havo directed all their ef forts against Washington. Gen. Wallaoo, having failed, is removed. Goncra Ord succeeds him. Business is at a standstill in tho city. All tho avenues of approach aro closed. The Northern Central Rail road has been eoriously injured. Tho Philadelphia and Raltimoro Railroad is also badly broden. Ono-third of tho Gun powder bridgo in destroyed. But ono telegraph wire runs to Baltimore. It fol lows a turnpiko crossing the Susquehanna ton miles above Havre do Grace. Gun boats protect Havro do Graco, and aro in all tho rivers emptying into tho Chospoak Bay. U'ho Confederates, however, havo disappeared from tho Hue of tho Philadel phia Railroad, Tho Confederato cavalry overran all of eastern Maryland. Thoy npproaohed tho shores of tho Chescpeak. Every town and villago was visited. They wore in tho suburbs of Baltimoro, They did as they pleased- They carried off much booty, but wero quite lenient in their" con duct. Thoy eertainly captnred General Franklin. Yesterday morning thcro wcro evidence of their withdrawcl. All tho de tached columns wore called in,and nt noon they crossed tho west sido of tho Central Railroad, seven miles from Baltimore. Thoy turned southward, passed beyond Smith's Mills and joined the Confederato forces near Washington. Beyond scouts and pickets, thcro is no longer any Con federato force north of Baltimore. South of tho town, however, thoy appeared quite noar tho Relay House, and no doubt arc all along tho Baltimoro and Washington Railroad. Frora General Sherman's army wc havo information confirming the retreat of tho Confederates across tho Chattahoohhco. They aro drawn up behind the river and in front of Atlanta. One Corps, however, is still on tho north bank of tho Chatta hoochco mnd has several bridges behind it, connecting with the Confederate main body. General Sherman's army has an vanccd to the stream. The Federal ccntro confronts tho body of Confederates north of tho river ; tho wings aro advanced on each side to the rvier bank. Tho Chat talioohce is about six miles from Atlanta. A body of guerrillas have captured Parkvillc,in Kausas. The Missouri Riv er, above Jcffernon City, is infested with cuerrillas. It is uDsafo lor steamboats The President, it is said, has prepared a call for fivo honored thousand mon. Tho breaking of tho wires prevontod its being announced. - Jisc The Privateer Florida. rive vessels iiurtNrcii nv ncn orr cAi-n .may. Oai;e May, July 11. Since Friday last I tho Florida has enpturod ond burned fivo vessels near this point. They aro named as follows: Hark Golconda, bark Berry, , . bark Greenlaw, bark OClinila, ailU another vessel, namo unknown. The orews of tiiroo ships, numbering sixty-ono persons, leavo for Philadclpliia by railroad at 1SS o'clock, , .,, . . . r . , , and w11 arrive abol,t four 0 clook' ruitTiinr. rAnncULAits. Tho orews of the fivo captured vchsols arrived bv Tailroad at Camden about 0 o'clock yesterday afternoon, The an- . ., . . , .. livi u i.v.l. ui uin iuui u. fiiiu,(,i.i jk.w. i warring upon our commerce but a short distance Irom tho mouth cf the Delaware, ! had tho effoet ol somewhat startling our citizons. Tho qurstion waa at once asked, Where was tho ltcvenuo Cutter f Has Secretary Welles not yet awakened from his Kin van Winkle slumber I 1 ho priva- tccr i' lor id a is a handsome black barque, with screw propeller, and will make 14 knots au hour. Sho carries 8 guns seven S2 pounders, and ono 0 inch pivot gnu. Her crew embraces 105 men, all tolu, aim . Norris, and his assistants, aro reported to bo enthusiastic advocates of tho Southern Confederacy aud expressed no doubts of its ultimate buccess. Tho orews captured bv her oft' Oano Mav arrived in this citv by the West Jersev Railroad. They all) ! bear testimony to the. treatment thoy re- I eeived at tho hands of tho ofiicors of tho Florida. Tho Crst of the vessels captur ed oIT Capo May was tho Galconda. Cap tain Winslow. An hour after, tho Florida spoke tho barquo Dunquequo, bound to New York, and requested its captain to carry tho orow of tho Galconda to his destination, but ho refused. Early on Saturday tho Florida overtook and captured the schooner Mar garet Y. Davis. Captain West, from Port Koyal to New York. Ilcrorow was plac ed on board tho Florida, aftor which sho was destroyed. Tho third vessel that fell a prey to tho privateer, was tho Bark Greenland, Captain Everett, frcm Phila delphia bound for Ponsacola. She was captured at 3 p, in. on Saturday last and was burned alter her orow had been trans ferred to the Florida. Tho next vessel fell in with by tho privateer, was tho barquo General Berry, Capt. Hookcr,ljoni Now York to Fortress Monroo. Her oar go consisted of 1,300 bales of hay. Sho was captured off Chineotiqtto, bearing W. N. W., 20 miles. Tho crow wero added to those already hold as prisoners on the Florida, and sho was oonsigned to tho flames. Shortly after tho destruction of tho Berry tho privatocr overtook the barque Zelinda, Captain Shackford, from Few Orleans for Philadelphia in ballast, This waa a now vessel, and was owed in Eaitport, Maine. Tho last vessel known to have fallen a vietim to tho Florida was thosobooner Howard, Sho was captured a fow miles out.ido tho Broak-wator. The Captain and crew of this vessel were re- cased on condition of giving n bond in tho um of 80. 000 to bo nam six months al- tor tho declaration of peaeo between tho I . .a United States and tuo Uonfeuoralo atatcs THE FLORIDA OFF OAPC MAY. FoRrnsss Monrob. Julv 10. About davlicht te-dav tho rebel privateer Florida captured and burned a barquo (namo not yet ascertained) whtUttn towoi mo stoom inrr America, lust outsido of Capo Honry. Tho orcw of tho baruno csoapon on noaru 1 . , -, the tnrr. ond havo iust reached hero. At to o'clock to-dav threo nunboats, tho Monticelln. Mount Vernon and Ino. star ted from Hampton Roads in pursuit of tho pirate. From tho Cincinnati Enquirer.) Hun tor's Terrible Defeat. Tho Twelfth Ohio, veteran regiment, oamo down from tho.Kanawha country on tho Allon Collies yesterday. Thoy nre about to bo mustered out of service This regiment was with Gonoral Huntor in his late Lynchburg expedition, Wo nro in formed by gentlomeu who oonvorsod with tho officers aud mon on board tho boat, that thoy declared that General Hunter would have taken Lynchburg if ho had made tho altaok the day ho got there Ho deferred uutil tho next day, and tho robol ro-oaforeoraonts oamo up during tho night. Thoir forco was then so largo that General Hunter ordered a retreat. Iho robols pnrsueu, auu a scries ot en gagements wcro fought, in which our loss was at least 8,000 in killed, wounded nnd missing, On tho retreat it is charged that General Huntor filled tho ambulances with negroes, to the neglect of tho wound ed white soldiers. Ilia conduct is bitterly denounced by all the soldiers. It is also said that Gen. Crook has pre ferred charges agaiuiit Wen. Hunter for incapacity and cruel treatment of his men. As an instance, it is charge! wo hope on tisely untruo, for it is almost incredible, that Gonoral Hunter cowhidod a man pur tsonally for ordering a negro to get off a horso to givo plaoo to a wounded sol dier. At Connellton, tho head of navigation on tho Kanawha, 3,000 wounded wore placed on barges and towed down tho river. Tho sufferings on iho retreat wsro terrible, and a half dozen soldiers died per hour during tho last two days from starvation, fatigue, and exposure. Tho retreat was long, horriblo, and disastrous in tho extreme. MARRIAGES. In Illnoniliur?.un Iliu Till Inrt.. Iiy Key J. It. Diiiini, Mr .'iifiali IIrs., of Huntington tow Help, l.uz. county, anil .Ml in llnrriet L. Kullcr, of liloniniburt;. On ThurBiliiT, July 7, nt tho rriiilenre of the briilus father, hy Iter. 1) J. Waller, .Mr.Urmrki H. Hunter, of lllouiniburs, and Alias Salliu A. Guile., oflUinlock. On thu tali lint., by Rev. J. I. Tuitln, Mr. Henry Fi'iisteriuatliur, anil Min Anna M. Coyer, bull of Iter wick. M Mine Itlilpo, on thn 3d Intl., by Itf r. I). 8. Truck, rnmlllur, Air. John Voruin, uud ,Mr. Alary A..eiuuii, Ijo'.M of i;iy. At the rciiilcnce rf M. I. Ujrerljr, in LlooiuburB, " IhtiUlb innt.liy Itcv. ,. It. Uiniui, Mr. iblo Oeily, ami Stim i:iitnbelh E)erly, all of i!oonitiurK. At Uloiiiiiflmri;, on the 4th of .nly, by llov. TIhm. II Cnllen, Sir Win. Webb, und Miia lluima 11. Wnitttlsht, huth Cloomtiburg. At Wedat'town, on the 4lli inat.. by tho tutnc, Air. Wlu.l-'. Jauo, and Alim Kliz. A. Ilnuk. Onttio aoth of June, in UrnngRvlllc, nt f-F.vf-rett'n Hotel, by Key. W.CunrtrMi. Air lU'nj, 1'. IMgur, and Alias Hu jsiinnali llarlinan, both of Fi.hingoreek, Col cu DEATHS. - At Wationtnwn, on tho 4th init., AIr Enoch Ever- clt, daughter ufThno and Atartlu Vance uf Urangc- II 1,', UUU I11MIUV K3 yi.HK. On hoard the United Mates Pto.mirr. Tlojn, Key Wert, on the SUth u t , Chas 1'. tkoll, Third Af-iMaiil Engineer, U. !. fi. aged '.'I yiara.U month and J d) JJctuDyertiscmcnts. NOTICE IN PARTITION. Heal Estate of Levi Jleiscl, deceased rr a- nt i.:. n.., . . l 'j - - " j - Tin Cnmmonwonlth uf Peiin ruvamatn Sallie R. llci c I , Levi 1', lit iail , Kent ll"lsi'l,Nareign llci-cl and Hman J. timet, and Uarid . llaimnand, Ouardiati of tho t.nM Siinan ; )itinnd each rt jou nro horcby inininanded to he nnd appear before the Honorable Judge,, of thu Orphans I ourt, of Cot Hinbia county, at tho Court Housij in Itlnoiuiburg, on .Monday, thu flth day of Sentemlier neit, then and there tu aieept or rduo to take the Iteal Ustatc of ,e vl IteiHCltereaiied, nt the valuutiu.1 put upon it by an Inquest i4uely awarded by thin Honorable Court, or ahew cause why the same shnuld not bo Hold. Witni i the Honorable William Klwcll 1'rvridentof our Court of Common Plena held at llloouistmrK. the eighth day of Alay eighteen hnndred and nmy-four. JOIMl ll.FUIl.MAN, SherifT. IlloornnljHrc, July Hi, IMi4. PROCLAMATION nut x S IE C i A ii K I 13 (;T 1 ON , In UK II r: I.I) on TUESDAY. AUGUST 2d, I8G4. IN THU NAM!', AND BY THK AUTHOR ITY 01' lllli CUMAIONU'KAUH OF PKNNSYI.VANIA. ANDREW Q. CURTIN, Governor of the, said Commonwealth, To Josiaii H Fuiiman, Emi , Sheriff' of lhe County cj Columbia Semis Greeting : Wiikiikas, A joint resolution pro pong certain amendments in the Cnuiiitnlio-inl: this Commonwealth, which are ;ix lollows "There thall bo an additional section to tho third article of the CoiiMitminn, to be designated tc section lour, as follows: "Sec, 4. Whenever any of I ho qualified electors of thi Commonwealth shall bo in any nctual military semen, under a requi sinon from tho President of iht United Suites, or by authority of this Common wealth) sncn elector may exeiciso the right of suffrage in all elections by the citizen, tinder noh regulation as uro or shall bo prescribed by law, so fully as if ihey were present at their usual placa of elections. "Thorn shall bo two addilional sections to lhe elevunih article of the Countittitiou, lobe designated as sections eight and nine as follows: "Sec. 8. No bill shall be passed by Iho Legislature containing moro than one sub ject, which shall be clearly expressed in tho title, except appropriation bill. "Sec, !. No bill shall be passed by tho Legislature, graining any powurs or privi leges, in any case whore the authority to grant such powers or privileges, has been, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth," has beon agreed lo by a majority of iho members elected lo each Houso of the Legislature, at two siu'cossivo sessions ol the samu. Aud Whereas, ll is provided in the lOih article of said constitution, that any amend munts to agreed upon, shall be submitted to the people in such manner, and at such time, at least three months after being so agreed to by the two lloubes, as tho Legis tut uro shall pirscribe; snrh submissi pen. bo in such manner and form, that lliccnu- nlo may volo for or nsainst each ninoiiu- . . . , ,i .i i ineni separate nuu uiainir.iiy. And WhnietiK. Iiy an act m Iho denerai Assembly of this Oomrnnnwcwlih, passed I the 23d day of April, A. I),, ono thousand eight humlrcJ ami sixty lour, u is proviue.ti "ihnt for llio purport of QSOBriuinina Iho fonse of tho people of this Commonwealth1 in tegard to th) adoption or rejection of said amendments, or cither of thorn, tho Governor of this Cnminonwcnltli shall isctto n writ of elerlion, directed to mich and every Sheriff of this Commotiwcalin, coin manding thorn to givo noliro in ilm iifual manner, Iu not lees tlntti two ii'wpapnra In iiai-li cilv and cotmiv. Provided, That no many are published tlieieiti, aud by at least t'o printed li.imtbills in each election district, o every city and enmity wherein no newxpaper Is nubli-hiul, that an election , . I -I. I ! -.1. ..I .1... .......... I.!... boroughs, words, precincts, and disirit'ts tlmicin, en THE FlltST TUKSiMY OF AUGUST, in lhe year of our Lord, mm thousand eight hundred and rdxly four, lor l!io purpose of de'eiiting upon Iho ttpproval and ratification, or rejection, or the aid ainenilmoiils, which naid election shall bn opened, held and closed upon tint day last uloresaitl, nt tho places and within tho hour?, at and within which, tho Gemrrul ICIccliutis of this Commonwealth are direc ted lo bo opened, hold nr.d clofod. Now, Therefore, In obedience In tho re (iiiiremeuts of the 10th article of thn Cnn- Will 00 UUIU III l-iiuil liiu HI" uoui(i-, Milnlinn, and in accordance with tho true intent aud meaning of the ran act ol the General A.kembly of this Commonwealth, I lMhlM.MII ' I'llllTIV ! . ..I .1... . bMj, L'o.nmouwculili ol I'cnnsjlrania, do , issue this writ, commanding and requiring you, lhe stud Josinh II. Iluriiiaii, Mit-rill ol llio saitl county, lo give uoiieo in the u-uhI manner and u by law required, that an election will be held according lo lhe term ol the constitution, t nil pruviion ol the saU nl the General Assembly nloicaid, iu each of the ton iiHliip-, boroughs, ward, precincts and dislricta therein, on thu, FiM Tuesday ol August, in lhe yesr of our Lord one thousand eishl hundred and sixty lour, for Iho purpniu ol ilet'iiling upon I'm appro val uuil ratilieuiion, or'rrjurtion of the raid uireinlinenis. Given unitcr my hand nnd Iho gtnnt sxal uf Hie Slate, al ll.tnibing, thin iweuiy li r-t tl.iy of Juno, iu the year ol our Lord, miti thousand eight hundred and sixly Ion r, and ol the Cominoiiuunlili the eighty ciglilh. It y order ol lhe Governor. KLI SLIFEU. Secretary nf the Commonwealth. In pursuance o'l the abcio tiroi'lainaiinn ol the Cnvernor of the CoinmntiwBiihli of I'eilliMlvatiia, I JOSIAII 11. FUKMAN. High Sheriff ol the county of Cnlimibi.i, I lVnnsylvituia, tin hereby make, known and givo notice to the Hector of llio e.otirily ulorosntd, thut an election will ha held in I saitl county of Colntntiia, on TUESDAY, ! THK 2d DAY AUGUST, ISfil, for the pnr- povj ol voting on "a Joint Ke.inluiion pro posing cerlHiri airiemlrnoiils tn the ConMi tutiou of the Crtinrrioiiwealih," I mIho hereby MMrfe known aud uivu r.olice thai tin; plncu ol hoMing the afore said general eleclidtl in thu several town ships within the county of Columbia, are as lollows, viz : ttloom township, al tho Court Hntisn, in f!loomiburg, lienton tovfnhip, a' thn Public Home of John J. Stilts, iu the Town nf HMitnii, lloaver township, at the l'ublie IIouso ol Franklin L. Sliuuiaii. ISnurereck towmhlp At iho Public: Sohool House near Kv.iuvillo. Horouch nl Derwick, nl thu Town Hoiipo ill thn Itorouizh. Catawisia iowii!iip, at tho Public home ol Samuel Kojleubander. Centre township, at the house of Jercmi ah Hes, deceuiud. Conyiigham twp., ul llio Public Houso ol Heuben Vas-or. K'shingfrt't'k twp., al lhe Public Hntise of llenjatiiiu Mfllenry. Franklin Tinvuship, at Clayton'i Sehool Hou-e. (JreHtnvood Township, al tho IIoiko ol Joseph ft. Patiou. Hemlock townhip, at tho "Itnck Horn." Jackson township al the houo ol l'zekiel Cole. Locust township, at tho Public Homo nf John L. Hnrsl, iu Slabiown. Mitlliti towiiiuip, at the Public Hnu.o of John K'eller. M.ttlisnn town'hip, at tho Publio Homo of Samuel Rimby. Mi. Pleasaniiwp, nt tho Publio Hono ol Thomas Jomi. Montour township, at the house ol Wm Hollingliead. Maine township, tit Iho Public Houso ol John A. Shuinau. Hoaringereek iwp., at the hnue formerly nccupiutl by George W. Drui-baeh. Orange lowiiHliip, at the Public Homo ol Alexander Huuhe-, in Oratmeville. Pino township, al the hntuo ol Albert Hunter. Sngarloaf towiinhip, ut lhe housp ol A. Cole. Scott township, at iho Public House ni J. D. Marchbaiik. I alo, for the information of thn elector." of the county of Columbia, publiih the act entitled, 1 An tt:l prescribing ihe lime and maniifr ol submitting lo the people, for their approval .tr.it ratification or rejection the proposed amendment to ihe Conbt ilu , linn. Witr.nK, A joint resolution, proposing certain amendment to tho Constitution of this Commonwealth, lias bepn agrevil to by a majority of'the members elected to oaeh house of the Legislature, at two suc cessive sessions tit lhe same, the first rcs. sion commencing on tho liirsl Tnenlav cf January, in I ho year ol our Lord one ihous and eight tin ml red and i.vlj -three, ami thu second session commencing on the (list Tuesday in January, in the J oar of our Lord one thousand eight huiidrfd and sixty-lour ; And whereas. It i" provided in the tenth atticlo of the Constiiuiiondhat any amend mum, so agreed upon, shall be submitted lo lhe people iu such a manner, and such limes, at least threo rami hs alter being so agreed lo by the two house, as thu Legis. latnrn shall precribe, such submission to bo in such manner ami form that Ihe peo ple may vote for or agaiiiM each amend ment separately aud distinctly ; therefore, Skc 1. Ilu it nnactptl by lhe Senate anil Ilou-e ol ItepresetiUiives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem bly met, and it is heroby enacted by the authority of the same, That for Iho purpose of ascertaining Iho sem-e of Iho people of this Commonwealth, in regard to the adop tion or rejection of saitl amendments, or oither ol them, the Governor of this Com monwealth sIihII issue a writ of eleclion, directed to ench and overy sheriff of this Commonwealth, commanding litem to givo noiico, in iho ueu.i1 manner, in not loss than two newspapers in each city ami county : Providul, Thai so many aro pub lished ihorom, uud by at least two primed handbill in each election district of every city and county wherein no newspaper is published, thai an election will tie held in each of the townships, boroughs, wards, precincts and districts therein, on Ihe first Tuesday ol August, in llio year of our Lord one thousand oight hundred ami sixty four, for tho purposo of deciding upon tho approval and ratification, or rojeciion of lhe said amendments, which said election shall, bo opened, held anil closed upon the tiny last nfnresaid at lhe places ami with- In lhe hours al nnd within which the sen, oral uleclions of itiin Commonwealth directed lo bo opened, held nnd ehj nnd it shall bn tho duty of thn judges in spcclors and clerks of ouch ol said inuh ships, IIoiougliH, Wntds, Precincts, nt,,i nismcls lo receive, n the snid cleei tickets, not exceeding the numbor of n posed amcncmsiiis, cither written or rtl led, or partly written nnd partly prime, ' liom ench of Iho qualified vruorsoln. Stale, who may offer Iho snmo, aud i0 (I? posit them in a bos or b'dxos, lo bo for dai purpose provided by the proper olliee), which ticket shall be, respectively i,,,,, led on Iho ouiide, "First amendment u "Second amendment," and "Third unirm' 1111:111, mm must) wiiti nro iitvoraule i said iimenilmanl, nr any ofs ihem, n.. uxpress their approval thcreol bv vntinV itach, as many seprtiiile, written o'r prurJ T j or partly wrilion and partly printed halloi', or liekois, as thure are amciidmonis proved by Ihem, containing, on 'lie itisi'u thereof, Iho words ''For Ihe amendment mid llimo who are opposed lo such HrncrnV menu, or any of ihem, mliy e.tpresi then opposition by voting each,, its many sep!, ram, written or printed or pirtly w;nie' ami partly printed ballon ut ticket, , there aro amendments nor approved i,y uii.iii, (.-ii ii lit in ni; uu uiu insitie inercoi, ill(1 j woriU, V Asrainsl llio nmeiidinetii," n,u electors voting lor or against tho, 1st nmeii,. men! shall be considered as voting fat nt iigaiiift the proposed lourth Sue. to k rt it-U-llitoo of the Conslittilion, exleiuline il,,. right of suffrage In soldier; electors voiui. for againit the second amendment -hrill l, considered in voting lor or Hgaiul the urn. posed eighth seclimi to ailiele eleven of i,fl Constitution; and electors voting for m fiiaiiist tho 1 1 i r I mnenilmunt shall ba cm , siilereil voting lor or iigoiixt ihe pr(l. pn-cil ninth seclimi to article oloven ol he Cuiistiiutinii. Sec. 2. That tho electio'n on the sti.l pro. posed ameiitlnienf? shall, in all respects bu conducted a the general ulitctions nf this Commmiwealili aro now conducled ami it shall be I lie duty of tho return judged ol thu respective cotitilieH mid jji-tnii, Ihureol, hr.-t having carelully N(;eriainiu the unrulier of voles given for or ngauxt each of said amendment, in iho rnannei itlores.tid, to make iml duplicate return., thereol, t'.pre-sed ill wonU at length ntni not in figures only, ol which reinrn si, made, shall bo lodged iu the prothnnol iryN oflico of the court of common plea ol ilu, proper county, and the other sealed ami directed to Ihe Secretary ol the Common wealth, and by one of said Judgot dopneu ed, lorihwilh, in iho mo! convenient ,,oti office, upon which pntage shall bo prepai l at thu cxpuifo ol lhe proper county. See. 3. Thai it shall be Iho duly of it 0 Secretary of the Commonwealth nn lhe :,),! ,l,i) ol August next, before lour nVloVi. posl moritlian, to tltdiver lo the Spr.tki'r m the Setl.itu, or lhe Speaker of llm House . Itrtpresimlatives, llm return-, i,lf SiJ((i election, Irom thn several counties of ll o Commonwsalih; and iho samn shall in lhe same day and houi bo opened a- cj published in tho pre-mnce ol the memlierc ol the Senate 4111! Ho,;so ol lloprescuia lives; and thu number of vine., given iu and again. t said ainendmoiiii, respective ly, shad bu cmelully summed up ami a cerlatneil, aid tluplicHlo eerlififHle nl 11. result, shall be signed by the Speakers I the l wo tluuu. Ouo ol said certili -Aies shall be deliverud to tha Secretary ol lh Comniouweallh, who hhall cumh the same to tin recorded uud filed in hi office, ,111 I the other nl said certificate shall tiedcliv erod to tin: (jovernor, uho shall lorihwi'ti isue his proclamaiion, drclnrmg wh"i,r the -stitl umendmeiil4, or either nl ilium have been approved ami ratified b) a nui jur'ny of llm tpialilietl vo eri nl ihe St,n voting therein. Provided Tout if for 11 y catthrt, a quorum ol eilher lloiies of 11 u Legi-laitue shall not Iib present l 1 he tt a'ld hour above mentioned, iiu,n ifie ntd vote shall bo opnued iu the prut ci ol nrh members ol said homes in shah Iih preoui, anil in ca-o of lhe ahfencrt of Ihe Speaker of either ol unl hont'H, 'the said certificate shall be signed bv the Speaker pre-ent, or in ease of iho nhseneu of Imtji Speakers, by tho Chief Clerk of bc'i housns, or either of them in lhe absence ol one ol Iho said cleik. See. A. riist lhe several duties required lo be performed by tho Sheriff', Commi sionert, con-tables, judges, in-peetors and all oihnr officers whatever, iu find about lint general election' of this Common wealth shall bu petlotmeil by inch officer' in and about the election herein provide t for, ami all persnts, whether officers nr others, shad bo liable lo lhe sumo punish ment lor iho neglect ol any dtiiy or II ' eornini"io'i of any tdfenci! at, in or ubntr the said eleciion an thoy would for iho negleci of like duly or iho cnmmU'ion t like olleuc.e at. in or about the gmiei..1 ,,i:lioin ol lliin Ciiminou'.vealtti. HKN'IvY C JOHNSON, Speaker ol the House of llepresetna ives. JOHN P. PI'.NNY, Speaker of lhe Sena'o. Ap proved, The twenty third day ol Apr! Anno Domini, ond thousand eight ll e ami sixty (our, ANDRKW G. CUP.TIN, (iiivernor ol Peons) Ivan m. Meeting of li'cturn Judges. Pursuant 10 Itie provisions contuined hf the 2d section al the net alnresaiil, la judges ol tho aloresnid di-tricls shall re speelively lake rharge of the ccriifictut or return ol the election oi their respective disirtcts. and produce thorn at a inoetiug ot one Judges from each district, al tho Coun ty Seal, in Rlnnm'burg, on ihn third day afler the eleciinn, being FKIDA, the 6lh olAUtiUST, iheti and there lo do am! perlorm the duties required by law ol the s.i ill Judges, AI'O, that where a j'ltlgo by sicl;ne or unavoidable accident is utiublo 10 attend null meet. tig of Judges, then tha certifi cate or return ttlnresaid shall be taken charge of by one of the. inspectors or clerks ol the election of said district, who shall do ami perlorm Iho duties required of said Judge unable to attend. (Jiveu under my hand, in my oflico in rdoomsbitrg, the First day of July, Amm Domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty four. JOSIAH H. FURMAN, SherifTs Office, j Shurilf P.lnomsburg. July 1, 18fi4 I Lackawanna ci IJIoonisbiirg Itailronil 0 T11AIN3 Wild, KUN AH l'lJI.I.OWH: WUVlNtl SOU T II. J'asnngtr, I.cavo Ptrnntoa. I 50 r 5ii U.'iS b.:i.- U.13 , M. " Hiiirton . " llltiuiiialiarj " Itupert " llanvillo Arrivo nt NuitlnuiitiiTlanil, . Movmn noutii NorlliiimhurlaHil, I.covu e.00 A.M. e. 10 .w u.a.i taw v. m imnvmc " lliii'rt, . . . " lilnunuliurg . . . KliiK'tna. . Arrive at Bcrnnton I, al) rreigntu raiiensor lravcn uioniaiuiire, iu.15 A. Ji, I'naicngers tnktin; the Mail Tiiiii 60111I1 conned Willi the Uiiuoiiii trntn Irnin NnilhM, arriving at llarrUlmri: nt S.liu A. M., llnltiiunta T.OU A. M., nnd at I'liiliiildnluu nt 7.U0 A, M, Tim Mnil train from Nnrtliiunberfainl leavra iiinafiliotcly after tlio l'.jpri' train (t'n llnr ritburg anil Italliinnru, allnwiny I'uticneord liaviii( rtiitaiteliitiia nt III. HI I', Al, to reach nlnu on lldf tuai duiinii tlio neit forenoon. Now nml rlecant Bleeping can arcanipany tha nlf lit tralna cacti way liettvecn Northumberland, anil Hs-ltt-tnoro, anil Northumberland and I'liiladclpliia. II. A. I'ONHA, Hunt, I J. T Wf tin, (ttn'l Tickrt AvviW Kmeilnn, ; oniarv W M 1