, . ' - . i'l ! 5' W il III , ft 1,H A6rY6uLTURAL. VALUABLE SEED TABLE FOll FAllMttllS. , . , . , . Tho fnnonni. information uivos tho " number of spuds in a given quanity, find tho upaco they will sow : Ono ounce of parsley seed has in it 10, 200 seeds, and a quarter of it will tiiW i drill sixty yards long, Ono ouiicq of salmon radish seed con rtm 1 1 mi 11. taini 1,050 seeds, and Will ROW broadcast ft bod contiiitiini tell dnliaro vnrds. a bca t.ontainiDg ten square yi s. One nunro of onion seed contains 7,000 , .,, , iiopur. nnu eown ura luctai win siiincn tor 1 - fourteen ot cround , but Fquaro ynrus 01 grounu , oiu i 1 1 ilrilla.will Im nnnimli fnr iwnrilv th for twctltV gtl lor iwciiij ' c J drills, caoll four vards lone, or for about uuun, iuui juiun mug, iwi u tWentV'foUr Bfiuaro yards of crotllld. OllO pint of tluu C0lori'tl dwarf kidney ' beans contains 750 seeds, whiwb an; enough to sow four rows, each stivcu yards long. Ono pint of scarlet runners contains 204 lords, and is enough for four rows, enoli nine yards long. 1 Ono pint of broad Windsor beans has 170 seeds, and is sufficient for seven rows, each four yards long. One pint of Knight's dwarf narrow peas contains 1,7'JO seeds ; ono pint of early Warwick yeas, 1,8G0; oncpintofseimetar poas, 1,S00 ; and any one of thesu pints will sow eight rows, each four yards loDg, s the larger poas require to be sown wider ....... t in tl,n rnnc ilian llin smaller seeded uuai, IU uv .wi, ......... .w Pei19, , . Ono OUnCO ofoarrotSCcdor parsnip SCCU, VUU , , , 1 n.;11 1,n B,,llrt,nnl fnr n hrrl ... 1 ...., containing sixteen square yarns , a eowu in drills. Ono ounce of any kind of cabbage or broccoli seed will be enough for a lied con tnininc nine Rquarc yards, if owotr uroad- naHt or for six teen KCIUIire yards in drills. U.101 ur ui iniM24iM- FOOD AKDTBEAfilE.NT FOll HENS. Linseed meal is found to bo a great pro moter of egg-laying. Mixed with scalded meal or with sour milk, il is rendily eaten, and is a good substitute lor animal food nnd insects. Ileus liko Indian corn better than any other grain, and it is their cheap J . , 1 CDb IOUU, 1U1 room with a dry earth floor, is much bolter than an open yard, which tho rains keep in afiltby btate much of tho lime. With sand to roll in, hens may bo coufiued under cover tho whole season. Half an hour be beforo sunset they i-hould bo let out to range over the yard and garden. They will then bo too busy picking grass, gravel, H-n in enrnteh and do mischief, bcinc al- ways in a hurry to return to tho roost be a..:i;..l,t Ho,,. ,na kpnt. w morn 1010 vmi" . 1 - than twice pay their keeping, if not too old to lay well. Two or three days' imprison ment in a coop, will break up Black Sjian ish hens from sitting, and thoy will soon commeuee laying agafu, if properly fed. Ic Ss only profitable for a villager to raise a few early chickens to renew his laying stock, a chickens aro great and increasing feeders, eating, when half grown, much more that old fat henB. THE PARSNIP B . . . The narsnin is one of the most valuable Toots that ran be crown. In tho island , r t Zt !. . . . .1 nlmnel n v,1 ,, clt.nl Ins 01 JClBCy II, 15 UE6' miuu.1, .Awucvjj .v.. 1 fattening both cattle and swino According j to Lo Cunteur, the weight of a good crop , varies from thirteen to twennty-scven tons! Tinr acre. When parsnips arc civen to milch cow 1. with a little hay, in the winter i season, tiie butter is found to bo of as fine color and excellent flavor as when the animals aro feeding in the best pastures. As narsnina contain six per cent, moro i . muoilago than carrots, tho difl'erenco ac- counts for tllC "superior fatteilingS as Well .. , , . , DS buttermakoitlC quality 01 tllO parsnips. . , , 1 . . 1 in tne latteuiu v u.utiv: iuc (iiuain' i-. found superior to tho carrot, performing the buisnss with more expedition, affflrd ing meat of exquisit and juicy flavor: the an'mals eat it with much grcedinets. The result Of experiment has. bllOWU that not lusovi n,,v . only neat CUttlo, but in fattuillg of the ll0gH V M 1 0 c8 and DOUlttV, the animals fatten much SOOIl. r. ,11 rv er,ana aro more ueaiviiy mau whuh u-u with any other root or vegetable, and that, bebides, the meat is more sweet and deli cious. Tho parsnip leaves being more bulky than thoso of carrols, may bo mown off before taking root,and . ivou to 05en,oows, or boreri, by which thoy. wi'l be greedily ea'en. Another thing in favor of parsnips for IsilS country IS that tile frost doCS not J . . . , I 111 ur' tlieill. I hey remain in tUC grounu . , , ii.i Until spine, When they lliako SplullUKl fecu, . . ,. , r i- at lime every on er mnu 01 1001, is scarce, or they bo tdightly buried, where they can be obtained almost any time during the winter. On acconnt of their rapid growth when young, tho weeding is less troublo than.weeding oarrots, Michigan Farmer. FEEDING POULTRY. It has beon ascertained that, if you mix with your food a sufficient quanity of egg-shells or chalk whioh they eat greedily, they will lay twice as many eggs as before, A well-fed fowl i is disposed to lay a largo number of eggs,' but cannot do to without the materials of thells, however nourehing in other respects : her food be ; indeed, a fowl, fid on food and water free from carbonato of lime, and not finding any in tho soil, or in the sbapo of mortar, which ihry often oat on tho walls, would lay no eggs at all, with the itit fvnM will, UP DE GKAFF'S 1SVGAM) UVIt INPIMIIAKV, (On th Binare, Three Doom from l-taelc'a llotal . WILKESBARRE, PA. fBMItS 1NSTUT10N i now opened and i ! furnished In tlio moat cn,tly atyle. Reception, Privato and Operating Rooms nro mtfC convenient nnil i well adapted. The Sural. a! apartment contains thi (local collection of liiit.iiineiita hi this country, mi; i.... 1,1. r.miiir.. will enable him In meet nnv una n omctgcnclca In practice Hon ill operate upon nil the rm oua form or m.iaiii.w.si', vuinrnci, uirnmn of the I'upll. Cross tyr, Closure version of the i:rfiii, rtorygi . . ,t -. ACrinn... Pn 11 Closure of 1 lie Tcnr Duett. In I'fervirluin. fcc. Ac. Ami "ill treat ml forms of Horn, Eye (Ironulcil I. Id. Opncctlaa nf the Cornea, una r-crui, lions uisea.cii in in- "j gcther with nil the diseases to which tin 1')" I' , JCCI. 11M 1 l-vl'aa Will t.nt -II I hi, ,lllr.tni COI1II1IOI1 to Iho organ. Discharges from tlm I'ar, Nolaea in the Irir Catarrh, difficulty of lienrltiir.lotnl Hp ifncss oven vtlieru tho llruin It destrsyod. Will Insert nn artificial one answering nearly nil lhi purposes of tlio natural. UlPUAsr.8tirTlinTIIKOAT.-AII diseasca com. ...... 11. 0 n-i,.nn, ti..l Vn.n will lie trcntcd npviMi ai. Mmini'.nv. - lie will onrrnte upon i-mu fi.1. Il.lr LliKClpn Ihl ate. I llliiors, uniicei.. r.iu.u- c"T"tii,'ii! ritle operatlom by lirnllhe new 1 fle.li Into dcfoimcd parm.and tloneral Burgery of. , , , v t r n, ' J'WiVi.ii r.VV"JJ. "T'".""-r i ..,. 1111 1 0 or no nam. lniioiioauy nuiiiirvu iin.i.n" -i . ;" ''''' b .M?..1!!''?.!?; " JL"S 1 . .it "r ,,,. , f ,1 h..hive .uhmiited toit . AtlTIl ItiAI. i:T.S. Will lH'Ct'liirllUclal Uyn elv . , ,,, of tlie uaiural.- i AtlTir It: A I. HVr.S.-WIII liifctl atllllclal Ini thfin tho motion and extre.tnu of the nuiurai. Theynre Inacrtnl with the leyat Pain- , ... ! tIMOUHMOlliH, (I'ilca Thla Iroubleaome diacaae la readily cured, Thoae Buffering from It will o0"'" , to call, fir t.'p DoOrafrUaita Wllkca llitre wllh a vloyor i.Mii.Unn ii i, nxriiiminni liKiituto for the treatuieni 01 the i:ye, i.araiiu tieiierin aureery. job ti ,v,. mote than a quarter ofn criitury In lloapltalamUoncr. nl ptnctice.ho hope., will ben aunlrlent cuarantcc to thoae who may bo dlipoaed to employ Mm, Slay II, 1004. If. TO ALL INVALID S. IRON IN THE BLOOD. It i well known to the medical profeaaion tint IRON la Ibe Vital I'rlnrlpli or Life Uleincnl of the blood. Thlsla ilcilved chiefly from tho food wo eat ; but if the food ii not preperly digealeil, or If from any cauao w hat ever, the ntceaaaiy quantity of iron I net taken Into the circulation, or become reduced, tho whole ayatem itfera. Tho bad blood -rv i 1 1 irritnto the heart, Mill dug up the lunca, will obatruct the liver and will (end lla diaeaae. producing i lementB to all paita orilie aya tern, and every one will auller in whatever organ may be prcdlapoacd to diaeaae, Tho great valuo of ....... ar, iliUA A3 (I IflKilinXE ' j, well known and arknunledced by all' medical men Thudlmiultyhaa been to obtain audi n preparHlion o it a, lil enter the circulation and iiaalinltnt-at once t. .1... 111.....1 M'hU i,r,lnt. .nv. Dr. Ilavca. .Mnaanih uam Ulato t'liemiat, s Brup, by cnmbin! li.t. bus been attained lu the I'cruvl- combination in a way before unknown. THE 1'EUIV.YN SYUlir la a rrotceted aolutlon of the Protoxide ; of Iron a New niacovory in Medicine that Strike" at the Knot of Dia eaae by aiipplyini; tho blood with its Vital 1'rinciple or Life Element Iron. THE l'EIIUVI.N SYICIIP Oarea Dyapepala, I.lver Complaint, llropay I'evcrand , Aune, l.oaa of Enerjgy. Low Splrlti. ! TUB PERU T1AX SYRUP Infuana alrenpin, vigor nnci new me miuuiu .;.ii;ii,,aiiu t,ui lit s up an "Iron Constitution. J TUH PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Chtonic Di5rr''ffa. Scrofula, Poila, Scurvy, l.oaa of I'or.etitutlonal Vigor. ! THE 1ERU VIA N SYIi UP Cuter Nervona Allection.. I'cmalo Coinplalnta, and nil , ujaeuaes-d the Kidney nniL llludiler. TUB PERUVIAN SY11UP , apeeifle fmii uia.w of .lie blood, or accoiop,mie nai a oricinaling in n bad elate iiniedby Debilit or a I. ow State lI the nyatem. Pamphlet containing c.itifieatcs of tura ami recoin ' bieiidationa from some of lha mott viuinent I'hyaiclana CIcrKMiiei., and i,llnTS,ill bi tent Free 10 anyaddreaa 1 lo'aelea a tow of the nainesto show the character of the iPkliiuoiiula. JOHN 11. WIDLIAJIf, Una , 1 I'rcaidont of the Jletropoiilan Hank, New York. i:ev. Atu:i, sti;vi;.s. ' I.ate Editor Chri.tain Advocate and Joamal. Jluv, I1 ciiuncir, I ndilnr New York Chronklo Ilev Jolin t'ierpont, Lew is Jonnann, .11 11, HOiWi'll Kinney M IJ S K Kendall M 1). W It CIliahullH, .M I). 1'niiuis Dana, AI D ' Jeremiah Stone, M, I Jose Auto Saucliei iM I). Abriih.im Wendell M 11. A A Haves, M U. J IK hilton. M !. Hcv Warren lluiton, Ucv Arthur II Fuller. Rev liurdon Hobbina, llev Sylvauua I'obb, Vrp'.,brai". yZ', Jr kv.;k' ;"" llev. Henry Uph.un ucv r 1; neauiey. !!,., !,,!,!, VV (Uinetlad. II, E. Kinney. .M I). i'r,or:,i i,v V I.IM.AIIK & CU exclusively fnr J. l'.DlNS.MORE, No 4UI llroadway New York. Soid by all Uruggista, No rnmily Should be. Without it, Only 25 cents a box. aoa a. Li. BT J. V MNSMOUB. No lill llrmdway, Now York. S W I'OWl.E & CO No. 13 Tremont 4!t On-ton And by U Druggirta und Country Strockecpera. May II, IS'H-lini. L M. MOYI New Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rrillK undersi-ned would iuforip Iheir friendH and the J public generully.that they have taken the aland for merly occupied by (ii 0. .M. Ilasi-nbuch, iu tho Eichiiuge 1,1,11, iiiik, u,i i,,u, ii. jm-trecciveu a full supply r liuiiiiing, on main aireci, 111 iiiooinsourr, wnero ne nac SPrilgM, iTaitie.HeS, S'aiuts. toil, jLniBiiss, Arc , Whii h will be sold on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort and six--.- Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, in all limes und nn ahorl 11. dice. i7" Confectionery cf the best telcctlona, and t'odn Water in season. (- A sliaro of the public custom is respectfully ao- icuei1 EVER A: MOVER. ".-. ap.u ii. km. S'JWTKS WW IOW ESOTIEL. CUii and OOd.Muikct Street, l'hiladelphia, CHAKI.Ed M. ALI.MOND, .Vnmrcr. "PHIS Hotel is located in tlm very icntro of business JL anil is near tne respectacib places 01 uiuusement whirl) make it particularly desirable to persons vUitins l'l..l.,tnl..lii. n l..l,..d 11. .t,..,,r,. ,,,,,1 11,.. VI., ...... hopea by clote personal attention to tho wants of his his guests to make it a comfortable homo for much as may favor his house with their patronogo. May 7, lilil.-l-.in. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. 'I HE undersigned would inform th citizensof I I lllooin.burg ami vicinity, that he haslust re eived and offers for sale one of the most extensive assortments of COOKlNCand l'ANi Y STOVE ever introduced into this market. The Christopher CI uinbtis, James Robbaud t'.lobenro umong Ihu first class cookinghtoves.allofwhiehnreair-tiglitandgasburiier His Parlor .toves ore handfOinc and tho ussortuieut v ried. AI.-:0 l-orlicular attention la i paid to Tin-Wan nnd Hniisr, SluintiliL.. linntl .hurt llctin-. All kind, nl r-jiairiug will bo done with neutucss and desiatch IC7" Country produce taken ill exchange for work. S. MOVER. Bloomaburg. May 10, JSCS. 1SG4. 1804. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE DEI A. I X. JR O :A. ft This great lino traverses the Northern nnd North west counties of Punnsjlvunla to thu city of Erie, on I. she i;ne. It bus been lensen uy 1110 rennvyirania uuilroau nit.l iind.p lliixr nit. dir.. I. hnlu-. ri,iill opt ned throughout Its i-ntiro length. It is in,' in uo for I'asengcr mid Freight business from llarrisburg to Ihniiorium, (IM miles) on the East- ern Division, and from Shellield to Erie (7S miles) 011 tho Western Division. 1IMV Or l-iMtSOEIl AT KOUTlICMBtaLdBP. Mall Train leaves, East 'J -Ji A Express Train " " 10 57 I' . M, , M. Mail " . " West 5 4S " Expreas ' " 7 It) A. M. Cars run ihrmigh witiiiut cnvKni both wa,a on thesa trains between I'luluJelptiM a ml Dock llrtveii, mid Baltimore and Lock Haven. New nml elegant Sleep ing Cars accouipanlug the Expre.s Train both ways between Wi!!iumiort and li.Uliinore, und Williams port and l'hila,lelliia. For information respecting Passenger business, ap ply at Iho S. E. Cor. 1 1 tlx and .Market Sis. And for Freight biisiucssnf the rmnp.iny's Agents H, 11. King. Inn, Jr., l'or.l3lh and Market Sta., Phi I 'a J. W, Reynolds, Erie. J..M. Drill, Agent N. C. R: It., Balllumro. II. II. Houston, Cen'l l'reight Agt . Philadelphia, Lewis I,' lloupt, (icn'l. Ticket Agt. I'iiiladelphia, Joseph I). Potts, Oeii'l. Manager, WHliumsporl. Muy 7 leiil. National Motel. (Late White Swan,) 11 ACE STREET, BOV1-: THIKD iiiiiiAni:i.iuiA D. 0. SIEGRIStT Phoirietor. Formerly' om EngU Hotel Lebanon. Pa JOS. HOLSUM, Cult, .Mitch 9, 18S4'lra. OF Till! Bravo Soldiois and Sailors. PILLS, AND OINTMENT. All who lime Prlcuds nnil Relatives In tho Army or Navy tlinuld tako e-epcclaicarn Hint thoy he amply sup piled with these l'llla nnil Ointment ; and where tho lirnvc Soldiers nml Hnllora linvo neglected to provide iiifiineivoswlth thnn, nn lpttor present can ba ten int'iii uy xuci r r rieniit. iciuynnve nnen provril 111 ue the eo'dier'nnrverfnilliii? friend In the hour ofnce.i, C0k'.!0IIS AND COI.D8 AFrr.CTINfl THOOl'd, by payiR proper Micntlon U the IJircctione which ore attached to each rot or loi; Tot or llor. SICK llIIADACIinfl AND WANT C1F Al I'.TITC, lNciiir.NrAi.TO soi.nir.us. 1 note feelln? which an sadden uauaiially nrl) from rnnhlft nr n imnv nnr,.. Iihalrm ti,d tii.l .lilrntioll. Iir fnl. trnuhln nr nnnovniirn.. iib.trin tid iieinnii-ntiou. or fat- irtc ittnl drinking wlnlcvtr la umvhulinonip, tlina dli. tMrllna hr heallhfiil union of llin livfr nml aloniai h - Then! orenna niut be relieved, If you ricalre tol"! well quickly proiliicon In-althy netlrrn Inboth liver nml .,,,,. ., ... . ,,.,,,,,,,1 and good nppctlto WEAKNESS" OH IlEnil.lTY INDUCIIII BY OVER FATIGUE Will Boon disappear by the uaeoflhe-e Invaluanie rilla, nnd tha Soldier will quickly ncquiic additional atr-ngtu. Never let the lloweia be cither confined or unduly nctcd upon. It may seem slranne, that llol. lownv'a l'llla should be recommended lor Dysentery and Flux, ninny pi-rsons supposing that Ihey would iiicrriiBi the rclixntlou. This l a great inlatake, for these l'llls will correct tho liver and atumaib, and lints remove nil Hip acrid humors from the system, This medicine w ill give tone and vigor to the whole organic system, however deranged, while health and strength follow na n matter of course, Nothing will top the re laxation of tho Howe s bo aure as this fumoiia medi cine. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH, Sorea and Ulcers, Ulotrlics olid Swellings, can with certainly bo radically cured, If the l'llla are taken tilgbt and morning, nnd Ointment be freely uaed aa stated in the printed inatrucioiia. If Irinted In any thcr jnan tier, they dry 11- 1.1 cue part inbreak out in another Whereas lhi ointment will removo the humors from th; ay .lent, a. id leave the Patient a vigorous, ml healthy man. )t w ill ri'iuiro n Utile perseverance In bad ca ses t(,iiisiirc n lasting cure. FOll WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED UY THE BAYONET. SAIIRi;. ORTIIi: BULLET, sOHEi OR 1IUUISE3. To which every Soldier and Sniior nrc liable, there are no medinea so safe, sure, And conveijiont, us linl loway's l'illsnud Ointment. 'I he wounded and almost dying sutTcrer might have his wounds dressed imme diately, If he would only provldo himself with this matchless Ointment, which should be thrust into tin wound and smeared nil ro'Jnd It, then covered with a piece of llucii from his knapsack and compressed Willi a handkerchief Tnlkiug, night and morning, UorH Pills, to col the system und Prevent inllaniutinn. Every Sodii-r Knapsack and Seaman's Chest sliould be provided with tiiese valuable Remedies. CAUTION! None are genuine unless the words "Holloways, New York and Loudon " are iliscernabie na a Water-mat k iu every leaf of the book of direitions around curb pot or box ; the same may plainly seen by hulillug t Ii c leaf to the light. A handsome lew-urd will be given to anyone rendering such information as may lead to the detection of nn party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending th6 same, knowing them to b- spurious. Sold at maniif ictoty ot Professor Holloway, 60 MIndeu Lane. New York, and by nil respectable. Drug Islsaud Dealers 111 Medicine, throughout the cliilzed wo.-ld. t7" llollnway's Fills and Ointment are now retailed owing to the high prices of Drugs, tie., at SU cents, TO cents, und SI, '0 per Hot or 1'ot. C"'I hero is considerable saving by taken the larger sizes. N, I!. -Direction,, fur the guidance of patients in every disorder uru uf.ixed to each box, iO Deaiei s .111 111) well known medicines can have Show Curds, Circulars, ;c., scut free uf expense, by addressing TIIO.MAK IIOI.I.OWAY, t'J MaU'ES I. ask, NhW-YoKK, Dec. Ii. 1EC3.-Iy. Juno iO, lco:i. GI l-TON'S Cheap Grocery &tore. ALSO BHA'S'S, AfiS AiSin 8 BU4&JE?-!., 'I HI! undersigned having buticht out tho Crocery 0 I David Stroun, liasremovid his ll.it nnd Cap More up lo Stroup's old stand, whore in addition to u supe rior assortuu nt of FALL AND WINTER . Hals and Caps, pis? CONFECTIONA1MES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Ruiter, , Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor aud Hand Lamps, Books. "Writing Paper 8z Ink. llurcware und Ccdurwure, F'dict Kmva, Comb:, ij-c, i)-c , i)-c , Together with a variety of articles generally kept in a Steie. Also-A flue lot of IC1IW, MORO' EOS and I.imnus to which ho invites the at cntion of Shoemakers and the public. . JOHN K. (illlTO.V. Illoomaburg, Dec. 3. leca DLOOMSDURG SKVLIGnT, VI-B , t riciurc aiierv nnilE undersigned inform, tha citizens of X and iK-ighiiurhr.od, that he has taken the larce at the l.xciiang,- uioch, extenuiiiL' over I'nriiej Stohner 1 Kakery, und the Bookstore where he has put in j a largo Skylipl t. It is only by Skvlightthnt cooil pic tures can boll ven especially fio-ips where each iicrson 1 can bo takerj 1st as well as separate. I He lias goo to considerable expense to inako his es ' tablishment first class on,-, and he th-'reforc solicits 11 1 liberal patro igu tnenablc him, to constantly Introduce I ttininoiie 1 iioprov cmeiiiH 01 the urt. C5 Co'in produce taken in Exchange for pictures HENRY KOSENSTOCK j llloomsburg, Nov. 23 led. Nov. 6 "53 ' WIESTU'sSir fiE3 SCIi, Nos. 0, 11, HI, 15, 17 Couitlandt Street, NEAR IIUOAHWAY, NEW YORK CITY. This old-established and favorilu resort of tho Ilusl- nesa Community Ins been rtcenlly refilled, and iaeom - plele iu everything that can minister to the comlofts of us puiruiis ijuuies unu laiuiiies are specially uuu caru- luny provnieji iur It is centrally located in the bu incas part of the city ami is cuntlguous to tin: principal lines e.fsleuuibuals cufs, omniliusses ferries, Aec. In consequence of theprussuro caused by tho Hebcl 1 lion, prices have been reduced to , One Dollar d I'ijly Cents per Day. 'I lie table is amply supplied with all tho luxuries 'of ; the season, and is equal to that of any other hotel in the 1 country. Ample accommodations are offered for upward of 4J0 I gue-ts. ' CL7" Do not believe runners. hackmen. and others who may say "tho Western Hotel is full." I). I). WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TIIOS. I), WINCHESTER. Feb. 15, 1SGJ. r-plIEl'roprictorof Ibis well-known and cenlrdlly loca 1 ted House, the Exciianue HorbL, biluau- on Mai, Street, in llloonisburg, immediately ---mosito the Colum 1 bin County Court House, re.pecllully iH forms Ins friends and thu public in geuerul lhai Ins House is now iu or 1 der for thu reception umlenieriioniueiit of travelers who uiu) feel dispo.eil lo favor it Willi their rusloui. He has spared no expense in prep.iiinx the ExriiANiiK, for the entertainment nf his guests, neither shall Iheru be any. thing wanting (011 Ills part) tn minuter to their personal comfort. Ills house Is spacious and enjoys :m excellent , business location. DC" Omnibusen run at all times between the Exchnngu Motel and the various Rail Ro.nl Depots, by which ttuv elers will he pleasantly couvejeil tn ami from thu re spective Htatiuna 111 due time lo meet tho Care. W.M. II. KOONfl. 1 llloomsburg, July 7. le'Mi- TIIK CREAT WORLD'S r'AIIt EXHIBITION HELD IN LONDON JS.1t. TIIOS. W. AIA'TTSON IVai awarded the Prize .Med- -, .-.vviv ai tor 111s euperiumy overau S,r,-Jew-v,i ,n n.illnoJ l ihn IT,, He, I W VOJIV tlates for his liiiprovt'iueuta in Tr.-ivt-lliiit? TrmiKS, tfjhfl n. i,ntn i I,.. ....1 , j-'i Manufacturer of Elastic ateel Hpring aolld Sole Leather and solid Riveted Iron Frame Travelling Trunka, Vuli.es, Ladies Hat Uases, Carpel Hags. Leulher B-igs, Umbrellas and Hobby Hones, Boys' digs, Propellers, Wheelbcrrows, ttc, which ha is prepared 10 sell nl the lowest Manufacturing price, The most exlonsivo Trunk and Carpet Bog Manufactur- 1 er in I'iiiladelphia. 403 MARKET STREET, one door abevo Fourth, South aide, PIIILADELI'IIIA, E7Hale room on the first floor, ' CyTrunks neaily repaired or exchanged for naw oriejt.. Cill atrl tae, ca w nil Very rhlarp fur cub, ovi 14, lft,3--1!-no; I) 1 Ii'JsjU. ' .UAUl 'PlIC linorilcM't! !? nun rxtunmvpiy ensapert Iir Ih J ' Undertaking llvslntii, nnd kci'pt onutuntly on liand nd for nalo at hU Wnrcromns, a Inrpu itfr-ortmcnt nf ELVISIIED (JOFFLVS, By which he is ennliled to Mil orders on presentation Ar.so Keeps n gtmil Horse and llearso, nml will nt nl limes bu ready to attend l'uncrvls. rjl.YlUN 1;. HlllVli. DIoomsbi'rg, January 2H. 1SSU EW AN I) SECOND IIAXDSAKES or sale c ean. at New York frnfu Dcoot. rl Wil- liam Street, New VbiIc V 6. A. (Hi EGG. SIZE AND PRICES OF I.II.I.IE'S FIRE PROOF HM'ES O UTS ID ;.- IIFIallT. Willi It. Dll'TU. No. I! I !!u M No. !! M Hi 54 No. a 3D 'J I y No, 4 a J !M i No, .". ai 31 a4 No. U 10 31 yi tftSlDE: nunnT. vriiiTH, rjirTir. No. 1 17 It 12 Nn. II 19, 111 .j No. 3 21 15 li Xo. 4 it IS 13 No S SI SI 14 No. 0 31 51 ' ' 1J rntrri. No. 1 350 00 No S Ml 00 No. .1 70 01) No. 4 MOT No. i 1W) 110 Not - 113 no Novem berl, lflOS. JELL'S SPECIFIC 1'ILLS War- Jl ) KAMiuiXALL Casis Can be relied mil Never fait to cure! Do not nauseate 1 Are spoedv in action! No change of diit required I Do n t Interfere with biislnuss pursuits I Can ba used without detection 1 Upwards ol 'J11U 1 ores tliu paBt month some nf them very severe cases. Over one hundred phy-icinu- have 11 eil lliein in their practice,, ami nl' speak Weil of tin ir etliincv.nud approve of their rompo.itiou, which is eiitiicly vi getiible, nnd harmless 011 the system. Hun dreds of cerlillcntes can be phnwn Bell's Specific Pills arc the 1 rigirtnl and only genuine Specific Fill. They nro minuted for male nnd teuuile, old or young, and the only reiinb.o remedy for effecting a permanent and speedy riirs in nil casus of Sperma torrhea, or Seminal Wi-akin ss, with nil its train of evils, such as t-rcthral and Vaginal Discharges, (Beet, the Whites. Nightly or Involuntary Einls-lous. lucou liuuauee, lieiiilal Debility and Irritability, Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Power, Nervious Debility, ice, all of whuli arises principally lrom"eual l-xcess, sor Self- 'bus1, or somo '-uuhlitutional derangement, and iucnpncital'-K the suir.'rtr froi.i lulllllfng the dunes of mairied life In all sexual (licenses as (loiiorrln-a, (Heel, and ritricturi". nnd iu Dl-euses of the llladilcr uudKiihieis. they act tisntlniriul Belief is experi enced by taking a single box. Sold by all 1 lie- principal ilrugcists. Price 1 They will be s-nl by mail, securely sealed, and co.i fideutiatlv, 011 receipt 0' the money, by J. BRYAN, M. D. No. 70 Cedar St., New York. Consulting Physician for tho tre.itrieut of Seminal, Urinary. Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will send, Iree I null, llu following valuable work, iu siul ul envelop,; : Thk Fir Hint TnnvsAHi-llK. BEI.IS TREATISE on elfAnle. l'rcniaturi-l-rray, Impoti-iicr- nn.l loss of power, Sexual Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Niglitly Emissions, l.enitui Debility, kcKc, :t pamphlet of 1,4 pae.es, contuiuing iiuiurtuut advice to the atlluljd. nnd whidi should h-i read by every self rer, us tin- means ol cure in tin' severest stages Is plainly set forth. Two stamps required lo pay postage. December I". Ifli.l-ly. LEATHER t LEATHER I ! I rpUC Miirir UtH'tl would niinouiiCL-, tlmi lw linpnn hand j X ut Iiin Hat and Cap I.mpurluin, nn Maui til., Ittnnui.1 Hue 1 alf skins, morocco, (red audh'r.cK;nnd linlnes nil - ct wiucn lie will m- 1 leaner llian ran lie inn h .ewii'-ie lu this market. Call aud exeuiiue them for iurselves JOHN K. OittTON. lllooniaburg.May '.'I, lbCl. A T T O It N E Y A T LAW, utMOMSHuna, p.i. Olfiea In Court Ally, formerly o.ccu,icd by Chnrlm I Buckalew. Blonmshiirt'. Dec. 4, lWO. A, r. PU'l, PAUL A. II. THOMl'-iOS. & THOMPSON, j WHOLESALE JftfrfS DEALERS IN No. -13 No'th Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. ZC?" B UTTER. CHEESE, HAMS, i.c. UJi No v. II JrliKI-JSmo. JOHN 0. YEAGER, MAN! EACTURER U WHOLESALE DEALER IN S'J'RAW GOODS, RONNEI'S AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. a57 North Third Strtct. Phila'd. Nov -.".I. IHIVJ FRESH ARRIVAL or SPRING OUIMUiOQi Miller's Store. ! 1 rpllE subscriber has just returned from the Cities 1 1 with nnothcr large and scleit nssortmct of SPRING A'Nl) SUMMER GOODS. I purchased at Philadelphia, nt the lowest figure, and i wfiieh they are determined to sell on as moderate terma , na an be procured elsewhere iu liloointtiurg. ilia sto' k comprises I i.HDir.i,- dhi ss aoons, I of choicest styles and latest fashion, ' nur aiioos, .ifo aiwcr.iur..i, 1 iumm'iiRK qur.i-.xir.iHK, CIZIMH II.IHK, IIUI.l.UH II.1HK 1 IKO.V, .V.ilLS, U0OT3 4- SIIOI.S JUTS $ C.irS, &e., 4-c, fjc, I In short everything usually kept tn rountry Stores , to win. li he invite the public generally. ' The Iligheslprico paid for country produce. ! S II. MILLER. i Bloomsburg, May Si. 1?64. I new1 AEKAHCsm-eiato nPHE people of tho county of Columbia JS. aro riapertiuiiy, itiiurmea mil uiu uuih-rsigncd has fo, sale, at tho MX ORDER'S OFFICE, IN nLOOMSnURU, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT OF f- To bu found anywhere In tho County. coiisMiug n Note, l.ciler, Legal and Cup I'apcr Fens, lloldcra, l'eiieils, Ink and Envelopes ; .iLsil NEW AND SECOND-HAND ROOK'S Comprising History. Poetry, FictionThe ology nml the i Insslcs, 4'a(a lollies of Bnhn's London oubllcntinns. frnm which selerliona can be made, and Bonkn furnished to order; by special urraMgeuientwith New York Ageius, EVBiMOeaSATIC BOOKS, DOCUMENTS, PAMPHLETS and Speeches; and copies of Ibe United Slates, and Stato ( oiistilutions, iu various stvles. nlwavsnn I liaml. John r;. i'i:nr:7i:. GomliUig, Nov. 7. CH ALES G. BARKLEY. A 'I' FORNEY AT LAW. BLOOMSUUIIO, COL, CO.. FA, OrriCE On Main Street, in tho Ex change buildings, ovor Millcr'u Store. Bfoomsburr, Aptit Vt, Iffi-Sm 'riillia INSTITUTION la under llin anlo manaeemen ; J and direction of Prof. 1). W. I.uwtu, o lone Prln- cltml of Iho I nimvA.mvy co.VMr.uvut. count & I The course of Instruction enibrncea all the requisites of nthoroush practical business education, and has been lately extended by th Introduction of an Actu I Business Course, in which the Sludenl engages In the regular routine ol business transaction., rxinidlnl 'and lamlllarised by menus ol a atom, (in which lha aclenl iuslnrsa of buying and aeillin' goods Is carried on by ciich Student,) and Business Olliccs, vlxi llanka I nf la.iionm! Dcpo.lt, Unll'Rinillngniid Htenin-lloallng ' IMtl llitlrn. Teleirraoll. 'cc.. &C. The Proprietor has spared nntlmoor cxpeme in inn. king Ihl. Cour.e Iho most thoiough nnd enmp eto of any-t ver presented lo Hie public, and feels fully aa siircd that niter having been himself engaged In actual buslneas, nnd having had many yenrs' i iperleiice at leaching Ihn fclure of Acro'luts, nnd being nideil by a full nnd Cllicelent corps of teachers, ho will been bled to nuke thorough and successful graiiuatcs or all who may plaro themselves under his charge. rr.A'ju.i.vsittrt In this essential brunch of 11 businaa education no College offers belter facilities to tlio learner, inn pcnccrlaii sy.ien. will 1.0 taiig ii 1.1 ni "'' " . 11,., ,n,,.i tkiltrnl in.irrt nf the alt. Specimens Writing Iroai tlii. I ns'ltutlon nave receivcu me iiigucsv encomium, from the proas, . For genernl inforinatioii, terma, tie., ndflroaa for Cot. lego Mi.nthlv, wliirh will bo mailed frees ror sped., mens nf lVnin.iiiship, enrloso two three cent stamps. ... 1 11 IV rnlVI'l.l.. Ir lirlosl. Lowell's Comtnerrlal College, lllnghamtnu, N . 1 . 1 V S.-Ono of Hitter & Duncan's No. I highly finished fine, perfect point, quill spring (lold l'ens, with holder nml case, warranted for one year nnd to suit, w ill ha j sjnt, freoof charge to any one who will remit 8J,jO to I tiie above address. 1 Oitobei :i. leia-iy. Fos' USals, iraicc, QSo.Jt ltiVi. Ants Bled B5uy;, ilSolIis in E'ui's, Wo.iEiMi'-, Ace, ic ,fiiiNcul on Bl:ints, Fovl, Aniiiiiils, &c. Put up in Str. flOc. and gi.flfl Box-is, llottk-s 4: Flasks. $:innd sixes for Hotels, Public Institutions, in. "(liny infallible remedies know n." --Free from Poi.ons." "Not dauei rou. to the Human Family." Rats come out nf their holes lo iilo." 117" Sold Wholesale lu all larce citi"s. n.7 Sold by nil Druggists fc BetaiUrs everywhere. 17 1!!! Blew snr '111 ol all wnrtlil-sa iniitatlons Z3 See that "CosTAn's" name is on each Box, Bot tle, and Flask, befurc yon buv. C7- Address IIENItV U COTTAR. C7" I'mNCII-At. Dl.POT IlllOAOWAY, N. Y. By Sold by all IMiolesale and Retail Druggists iu llloomsburg, 1'n. February li, lM4.-fin. EVANS WATSON- l .'-r'.'v.T kllf.AMt!titll Ci rlo till 'Hi, lnrtro iisortiit"nt nl" Vn fi' iifiT'ra.iaSiiian'if'r s?afft. iron do'Ti, tor lunks and 4jiW.,i;' miikci of lutks euul to any ma ly in tho TTnitod Ktatos. trr Srtfc in unr ,firj. silt fame out right; ititfi tor tents in t?0'it coTtifttiott, Tlm nUinaiidfr afi'w uf rhilii'It'lpliia Qgohut tilt u or Id. EVANS & WATSON, nave had the surest demot-tration in tin' following c 1 tificaf- that tln-ir m ifaeinre of Salamander Satis lia, at 1-liglh fully warranti-U the n ir,'sentations whuh have been made of thr-ni in rendering an itmloubled s'-cunly I against the terrific 1 lenient, , Philadelphia April 12. leAU M'irt llvnns & Walton: l.'enlh-nien-It all'onla ns the hichest satisfaction to stale to you, that owing t the very pruli-itive qnalilies nt tivo ol Iho Salamander, Safos wlni Ii we parch. ,so,l of ymi some 1'nc month slme we saved a larse portion nf jewelry, and all onr books, &c,, exi I to Hie calumnious, lire in Kaustcnd plate on the morning nf tin 1 1 1 li inn.. When wc reflet I rhsit thi-s,- s:if, h vi-re If,nlp,t 1,1 1r fourth smry ofiiu-building wu occiiiued and Hint they fi II subsequently iutoa heap nf burning ruins. vliero the vast conci-ntratlon of the heat cau"ed the brass 1 late, to ! , '. "'11'.' 11 r7'.'ri1 ,ll,r .'r' servation ol their val iialdo contents as mot convincing pioof of the great si- Liirnj iiuoiui-u uy yi'iir s.111 s. We shall lake great plea-mro lu recommendinc h"ic-'. men of business us a ure reliance ngaiu-t tire. (il'.OBilE . SIMMONS k IIRO., Midlers, tC7"riiej have since purchased siv large Safe.!. July HO, it?lS. lAngiiBi-Jd. 1P.. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Till, undersigned respectfully Inlornis his old friend and instoiovrs. that In- has iiurehased hi- brntli,-rB nteresl iu the ubovo establishment. and the concern wils hereaiier be conducted by himself exclusively. He has Jut received and oilers lur sale, the larg .32JJ est and most cxli-iisivo a-orlnictit of FANCY t"!S,!lbl "Vl.a ever introduced into tins mnrkel 11. . 1 ., . ..j. ' . ... . .. . he best Cooking and parlor stove, in the market, log.-ih- or with Stove riuur-s of ,-ver.v .Ic-fription, (lieu and 1 inwnre cuntant v-on haml nnil maiiut.utorf-,1 in onler All kinds of ri-ii.iiriiig done, a. usual, on stout uoliie. .. . . . -, . The p.itimiagi- of old friends nml new 1 usiuiiMrs re peufully soliciled. A. M. Kl'PEIlT. Bloomaburg, Novcmlicrnd lcilo. tf. THOMAS DROWN, Hariri: BI.OOMSIJLT.O, COLUMBIA CO.. '.'A. Simp iu Ootrt House Alley, neat the Dimaimt otnee. November 14. IS'i'J. PmSUIUtiTfl UltOTIIKUS. WHOLESALE O R A 0 0 O D E A L E R f tO.I03,KOllTIl 'I'll I It I) ST1S.)5ET Five doorsbelow Rare. PIIILADELI'IIIA , manttofemales 'G IP IB 3 -U Jim A if S3 TO TEBiE iliAIDIBiS ! BOTH MARRIED AND SINGLE. Oldost Regulator lor Females. ' DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Will immediately relieve, without pain, all disturban ces of thu perioillc discharge, whether arising Iroui re- lasaiioii or soppre.sion. I ncy act hko n cbarni in re- I innviug thu pains that arcoiiip.iuyditlicull or immoder-! nte inenstruatlon, and are the only safo mid n liable' remedy for Flushes, Sick lleadadie, Pains in the Loin., : Back nnd Sides. Palp, ution of the Henri. Nervous Trc' mors, Hialerica, Sojsnis. Broken Slcon. und othe-r on. i pleasant and dangerous infect of an unnatural condi- Hon ol tlifl sexual liiuc'ions. In the worst cases of . 1'luor Albus, or Whites, Ihey effect n speedy cure. 1 DR. CIIEESEMAN'B FEMALE ILLS, 1 nave been uaed over a Quarter of a Century. They are i,u -red as thu only safe means of renewing inter- rupieii meusiruaiiou, nut l. a lies must lieur iu muni that, there is one rondilioii of the female system iu whicli tlio Pills cannot be taken without producing u peculiar result The condition refeired to is I'ri'uiiaury -th remit. Ml.currlage. Sucli is Hie irresistible leu dency of the lueiilciiie to reslure thu sexual funillons to u unriual comlitiou, ih:it even the reiroiluetlvo iuw er of nature! cannot run. I it. They cannot du harm in any either way. DR. CliEESEMAN'H FEMALE PILLS. Arc the only MuUlnuo Hut t nrried mid Single Ladles luvo relied upon for many yenrs.or can rely upon now. Ib'wnro oi'Iimiuiiunal Tkese Pills lorm the Finest I'rcparalinii e-v, r put forwrnl, with immudiato and l'srsisteut success. OU.VT BE DECEIVED. 'Pake ' this ndverllsement In your Druggist, and tell him that you want Ihu best nml most n imble Female Medicine iu the world, which isuuuprised iu DU. CIIEESMAN'ri FEMALE FILLS 1 ! I I hoy h ivo re ceived, and nro now receiving tlio san- ' ttfon of Ihn nio.t eminent Phjkiclans In America, i .. i,.ri.luiT iiiiieui IUNS with each lliu,lhu nrico One imiar oer Box. conminim. r,n, .o , , n.uJ pin. .....i i. . i. .... ,.:r" :.' : . . .. , ' "" i-,",,i, uj ii-iiiiuing mo prioa to the i'roprielors, nr an authorized Ascut, in currau , I U 1414 wt ooiu uy Druggists generally. iiu minus 4: iiii.LYIlll, Froprietora, 3 r,I,,r Slr.,.1 V.. -V. 0p Bold ill Bloomaburg, by Eycr II Aloycr, and U 1 Lutii, " Feb. M7, ibol', ly. BLA.NK SI BLANKSM Of every doecription, for sale at this office ;..;,.......,. i'"! nml a 11 ivrjiA- Thi .1 -a a hi w: .-ss bj rrif' HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED BITTERS. I . nur. ...j nwfJ,, Tonl. mrrrctlro and nlteratlv. uf nondcrful elllency in disease nf tha STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. Cvrcs Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache-, Ocnora Debility, Ncrvousnes., Depression nf Spirits, Con stipation, Colic, lujoruilttctit Fevers, Cramps and Spn.tus, murall ( nmplaints of either Sex, r.rislng from Bodily Weakness whether Inherent In tho system or produced by special ciujei. NoTmin that is not wholesome, senlal and reitnra- , live In its nature enters Into Ike composition oflKM I TF.TTER'S STOMACH BlTTEnH. This popular pre , 'pnrntinn contains no mineral of liny kind, nodenill. 1 botanical I'lementi 110 fiery excitant! but it Isa comby 1 na Ion nf (the extracts of rare balsamic herba and-' plants with the purest and mildest of all diffusive slim ulents. I It Is well tn ho forearmed nealnt dlsenso. nnd, so far , ns the human sy.tem can be protected by human means -ngnlnst maladies engendered by nn unwholesome nt 1 inosiihere. Impure wuter nnd other external tausea, I IIOS TETTER'S BlTTEaa may be relied on na a sure 1 guard. j In ditr!rt Infested with freer anijlHnt, It has been , found Infallible ns 11 preventive and irresistible as n reinedj and thousands who resort to it tinder appro- 1 iictision of nnatlack. escape Iho scourge j and thousands ' w ho neglect to nvnll themselves of 11. prr.tettlve qu il-1 Ities in ndvnncc, are euled by a very brief coure n ' this marvelous medicine Fcv r nnd Ague putlcnta. ' nfer being nalid w ilh 'lulniue for months lu vain, ur, I lil fairly satmuted with that I'aneerou. alkn'oid. nrn 1 !,!:i:':?,Vr.';r'Vfn!.'Mi'l.,.,t' 4' w-l-Vl-AW1" " fC,V by tl so of IKK-T-TTI.IIS BITTEHS. I 'I he weak vtomarli is rapidly Invigorated mid the np-1 1 petite ri'sored by this agice-ibh 'I'onic. and hence it I wnikf wonders in cases of J)jpcp-ia and in less con-( ' firmed forms of liidigestlo i. Acting ns n gentle nnd I painless npperlcrit, ns well as upon the liver, il also invariably relieves tho I'nnstlpiiiinu superinduced by i irregular action of the digestive and secretive organs 1 Persons of ferula habit liable .Vrrreus .luatks, Iiv J nrss of irif nml Fitr tf I anritor, find rompt and permanent relief from the Bllti-rs. The testimony on I iliis point is mot rnnrlu.iv e, unit from botu si x -s' Theiigony of lllllius Colie I. iiumi-illnt. I) nsiunceil ny a single nose 01 uie ctmiuiant, ami I,y nccistoually resorting to it, the return of tin-complaint may be pre vented As n general Ton le, IIOSTET 1T.IVS BITTERS pro dui-eeflects which liuiit be experienml or w itliChed before they ,-an be lullv app'ei la'ed. lu cne. ol Con 1 stilutional waknes, pr ature derayand debnityaiul ib-ereiiitiide urising ironi old age. it e'verei-ies thi'ciee tiir inlliience In 1 In- ronvi e cent stngi aofull diseasca , it operates as a delightful invijoruut. When til pow. lersol nature are relaxed, it op irales to rc-inforce end , re-establish tin -m. I agl. but not -a-t, it h mil. rufo , sliuiulent, being manufactured fruui sound nml innocu , oils in tti-rials. and entirely free from the acid t loun-iitv J pres'-nt more or )cp tu all the urdiuaiy tonics and I stOHiai iocs of theil.iv. No family im-ilii me ha bun so unlver. ally, nnd il I may be truly added, ilcjervetllu popular w illi th j lutelli 1 gent liortion of the coailoiiililv, us IIO-S'J ET'l'Eil'S , IlllTE'.lS. Prepared by IIOSTET'IEH ,v SMITH, I I ITISIll'IKill, Pi. rr-y.-,i I liv ..11 iir,,n.i.i. n,u ,.1 ..... everywhere. November "I, I3,i:i-ly. UELAJtiOLiD'S Genuine Trcjiafalions. COMPOUND FLUID ENTHACP BUC'IIU. 0 pel. live und spcrifii- jemi-Jy lur !i,nes of tiie bl.nldiir Kidney,, Cravel, nml dropirnl --wellings. This liiedicim- increases the pawt-r ol uigcslion, 1111,1 excile Ibe ab.oih-nts into he ilihv action, bv w hii Ii tiie Wun-ry or Calrar-'ius ile0),ilion,, cud all IJun itiirai Eiilargeineinehts an reduced, lis well as paiu and lu ll .tinniion. I HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCIIU. Prr cjiKn'1'i nrHtn:; from nxfi;iifrf, haliitu of fipsiiinn, liarly liulHcri'tion of Abiist'i-, ntti'ndt'.l nti . Hi" ddlou 1115 syinptuiiM v - 1 uui 'Odium 111 isauiuuii. I.nfi dl I'tiWftt lv.fik Verves ' ' fHfliculty ,,l n .ilhiug u, rr,,r ,,f iiisi-ise 1, .T"" '" ' Mus, uta f " 1 .. .... .....n i- , lirvne.. m liie r. . E ushiiii! nl in,, 11, ,i. 1 oiiiii 1 iiiiuieiianei'. I These symptoms, if allowed to go on whlih thi. ; medicine nivauablv removes, .con follows ! lMi-oii,ey, Faiciiv, Erairrn. I ut, j li) one of whicli Hie Patient m.,y require Whoruiisuy that ihev aru not freqnently lolluwd , by Ihuso "Direful Diseases " ; "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." I Many are aware of the raiije of iheir suH'ciiii", b it j none will confess Hie rerords nf the Insane A.ybno, I A ml 1111 laucholy ilialbs b, Cnnriiiujiiinii Len-ouiiie I w itness lo Hie trtiili of llu-assertion TbeConstitntioii 011,-e eil'.-cled w 11I1 organic wejkucs. 1 requires the aid of .Medicine to strengthen and Invig 1 oiate thu system, which llclmbold'K 1 xtract Buiim in ' variably does. A trial will convince the mukt tk, pUdl :o:- I FEMALES FEMALES, I In manv affections peculiar to I'eunles the 1 iinciiii is uni-quaiieu nv nnv otm-r remedy, as rosis or Ileteiiiion. irregularity. . paiufuliicii 1 iiii-KMnii i ,'iisioiunry uvni uaiious, Ulcerate . riious siaio ni tne uterus, Louchorrhcm or Sterility, and for nil cnmiilaini. I 1. .1 - .1 - 'a- I wncuier anttiii" iroin liMiBcrf tlon liulnia of diiHii-s . linn, nr in tli.i 1 DECLINE Oil CIIANOE OF LIFE. -:o:- Take no more Balaam Mercury.'or unpennt Medl- , rtiie fur iiniileasant ami ibm h'uniM nie,isi-H lieim- . . .. . euiuu unu iiupruveu nose wash cures I seeret diseases in all lln-ir stage t utb- i-xiiemn-Liule or no in,iiSL. m ,, t m, inconvenience, un no 1 cxinsuri. It causes n frequent desire nnd gives strength In Uri nate, thereby remnvinj oli.tructions, ireventiug ami I curing strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain nnd in i llimiiiarion, so frequent in tlm thus of ,li-eases, and e-vpi'lllngall iioisomms, diseased nml wornout matter. ' inn In ,' I !" ?. "'' la.V0 v " j uouMinus upon tin. ii. ami j viho havo been Hie vie : : , , " I""" "ey lees in no cured in a short tiiue have loiiud tlniy were deceived u,i uuu me -l uinu.v uas. ny tne use or "powerful nstringeuts" bet n dried up in the system, to break out iu an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. -rt. Use Ilelmbold's ExlraC. Buchn for nil irc,n. ... i disease! of the Urina y Orga ,, m i 1 stiL alnU.,,,! i',,, .i,. t.J.... . . '". no matter of how' l,,ne t..,..ti .... Drl"""'E-"nu Dise-naes of these Organs requires the aid of n Dim ctic, Ilelmbold's Ettiaet Buchn is the fire.-.r n, , . ii iiuciin is Ihu Ureal Diuretic, "l " I'uvo desired ellUt in all Deaso. to whicli it is reconimendsd, '''''Jff'l'u'uost, reliable and responsible rhar- acler will niconipauy Hie luedlcine. Price $1 per Bulflc, or 0 for $5. Delivered to uny address, securely packed from obwr vntioti. Ilcstribu syiuplnms ill all bouimuuica'ioiis, cures guaranteed, ndnco gratis. Address Icl'eu lor itiforuiatluii to ,iwn ' II. II. IIELMI10LD, ChtmUi. 101 South Tenth. St.. heluw I'lie.Mnil l'l. II. HELMBOLD'S Milital Utpot, HELMBOLD'S Orute und Ciemical ll'arthoiut, . . SU4 IIroauwav, Niw YoiK. Ilcwnro of Counterfeits ami unprincipled dealers who endeavor lodispuso "of their own" and ' other" articles on the reputation attained by Ilelmbold's Cen time Preparalions, Extract Uuthu, Extract Har.apariha. Improved Rose Wash, FOR SALE B Y All Druggists Everywhere. ASK FOR IIEI.MIlODD'fl, TAKF NO OTIIBIt Cut out the Idvetti.a.nentand aenl for ,t "U,HK Nov 71 IdflJ- I iseiS-fi. " "foainri una cxaoauis ANfl i Diseases Resulting tout Disorders of the Liver and JJigestivc Organs, AUB CUllED 1IY ' DOCTOR IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS THE GREAT STnr.NOTIltl.VINfl TONIC. These Hitlers have performed moro (hires ! ji nn: jimi) do nit'ti nr.TTVM srrnMcrtoHt iuvh Mini: Tiwixoxri- itAVi: mohk :. sri:ci.int,r. PKorw to ivvoh ivh tiiv.mi 77M.V.1.V1' OTinM AHTICU: I.V Till: .VjillKhT We defy any one In contradict this n.serrilon, nml will piy SK'WItnaiiv one Hint vein prnduron crrtltlcale published by us.tbat is not genuine. lUOOl'bAND'S 0 HUMAN BITTB11S. will curoevtry case of Chronic or ITorvous Debility, Diseasos of the Kidneys, and diseiiBes arising, fiom a disordered Stomnch. O'iservc the following symplsjin. Rerultlni from Ul uidvra of Ihu Digestive Organs: as CntiMfpa li nil, 1 11 mini Piles, Fulness of Blood tiithrt Head, Acidity of the Stomach Nausea, Heartburn, lllgii,t r,,r Food, Fulness ofwilghtln the Stomach, Hour Eructations. Sinking or Fliitteilngntthc I it of the Sinmach, Cniuiniingorih,! Head, Hur ried nml Difficult Drc-tthing, Fluttering nt Ihn llratt, Clinking or Suirnotlug Seusutinns when In a lying posture, Dlmue of Vision, Dots or Webs befori. the sight. Fever mid Dull l'uln lu the Head, Deficlcnry of l'ersiiiation, Yellowness of tho fl kin nnil Eyes, l'l lulu thu Side. Bock, Cbost Limb., A.C.. Sudden Flushes if Heat. Burning iu lha Flesh.l'onst.iiil 1 iii- aginiiignfi.vil, depression ol spirits. ItKMKMliEn Tlt.1T THIS UIITfJlH Is Not Alcoholic. CONTAINS NO HUM OR WHISKEY, axil C.1. VV M.n'K DKCXK.IhDX. 11 U I' IS THE REST TONIC in tho World. RE':.&B5 J3AYS SO! From tin II v Levi nicl.P.Mtur ofthr, Ranti.t Cliuich I'euib.iton. N J formerly ,, laa ,nll ,.,nll,t ( hurch. I'hltf lclphf.1. 1 1 hsv" known llooil inds Uermuti Hitters f-ivnr,l,lr fur u number of ye-irs. I h-ive u.,-1 iheni in ,v -,, l-iiiiilv. und hiveb-ens'i ple.ii with Hi dr , (T-.-t. that I iyn iuilu,-id to recmmi-nu 1 1.1001 1,1 mam Min ers, Ni,d know that Ihey have up-cued 10 n s nknuiv benen-1 H inann, r I lake gp at pl.-a.iir,- in (h liclv pioeljiiiiiiiglhi. I.ice, and e.illing fin ntt-iitiJii of those al.ln ted w 11I1 iho.e ilim-n.- s for w hi- Ii Hi ,y r-ciiioienile.l, to lli.T-,- llilt. rs. knowing fruiev,.ri Mire thai my ri cniiinii.nditi-u will t- si.ii,iu.oi I ,iu !'",' r,;''"'"!,,"1-1 V l,"."n"'1 - '!' r is nit -n l , tu b.-intlt llni alllieted, and ,bi,u. -,a ,,., ,,.iuk . Yours Duly, .,.V ... ,K''IT. ' J- ' '"i"i- '. , r.Mor of thr I,.,. '.''.y 'Itdf. Wn-lw, (Jlt- I is, rhilailtipkiu llhonjh m,t dip', Mf-dicines in eem-rsl -e.l tot'.imr or r,.,. ninnii p3mt (llelits ami cH.-.ts ; I y,. ,,, 0- Ia tlx r 1 ,-ai t rf,ii. . why a uia.-i may nul testily th i , ,;, 1 . ifu iiisiiu.i ,,r lln-ir iiere iim.ull In have ri-ceui-il froin am sim,ij rr.-ii-.,ati...i In lli-Miopo that he ,a, thus cuatributi'tn,', tT'jt I doiiii, Ibe mora leudily In roP,, to ID oflsn.l's ( erinan Hitters, pr-prm-d by Dr. c, ',1. i , , ,? u c ty be a, I was pr,-J,l ni:ir,5l ,., , ' Si ,.h..i.; ...... . 1 ' '"-ion 1 1.11 iin-j w,.r,- rlu-tlv 01 ,,,,,. 1 hiii in jeiii,-. t 1 ,,. 1. , , Mioeinaker, Esq.. for lb,- removal . r ,t.; lt-,li -,-t proper te-ts. mid f ir eu.ourasemeni iu i,n.... r -Jndi - bf autterii g rrom great and l.i.ig rr,nuuc iy. q uV.ol three l.ottle, of , - 1(ir,, .,,,"' ', ? lot In- present ),..,r. w.- riu,w, ,y t i,l,-i, r" ", and .e.turallon to ,, degr,-,- o l,r,,v , , , ,," L"' whuh . had.not le't r, fclx ,, ' 5" IKOstdespsired or legulninc. 1 iheri-fme t si k llj , and rr.cud fu, direuing ,,. ,.,V u." nr !!," !,, J. NEW I O.N Bl.OW.-f From tho llev. Jo,. i Kennarl. I'astor of the leih 11...., if , ,-i ,. ....'"V -"ear sir: I In,, ,- ,en freq,,- nlly rn- S I1;''"? "y n-Vlie With .une,,,,n,,iy:r - . o r , " "f "" '.,"'""'M '"" "Ji.rilnis th- pr.ict,,, 1 ' . ." . "I'prfri..tf- .phere. 1 ,u , ',, , ' ami l-nrliei, l,,,, v ,,,,,,'i ,-. ,,rti. . u,er,l, loollaiid's Cermau 11,-ters. I tb-p-iri f,., on", I - 1U a Clear 111001 ,,, t I r usual gell",, 1 oill se. tn iii... .... c,,,i . . . geu-ral debility nf the si-, ten, ,.,.. .... , ... 1 nlilpljiillt, II IS a safe and valuable Iir, nrsll,,n I, s uses it mav f.nl - but usually 1 i!n ilit not. 11 w 11 io.- u l, , . ,. . b very beneficial to lho- causis. lours, very r.pcciiulii, ,, , . J- I' kl N V l I.lglllh below I'm., el , a Erom Ucv. Warren Ran dm illill I'nt.-r ef HnoiI-i 11,,,.. , lllljlll.,., 11, 1 ,1 Da. O. M. Ja( isov : Dear Sir r 1 ir,l,l... ,n, ..... ' ,'-ri--iirn tireo-ir..,! I..-., . ....... iP". r r ' . ' , ". ' 'l eTceuvni iiii-i , in,,. Iii .V r,::.m,.': ,.'.l'l.,,;,',',r'',l 'l'.l'l',, nvei,..,a rases ares' they .wp;od,.,m,;Ur "'n'-Vi uubl not lours respjctrully. WAliliEN RANntll.PII, lierioani-.u n, I'uiu'a i Frnm Iti-v. J. II. Turn r. Church, l'lilladu. I'astor of lleddnig M II Niniteeutli fctr.st. ! Da.C.M l.e ,,. c..K"-)".'.,iinib,H. N Y j thus, of my own accord, to bear tes.iuie! ,v- t!i ','he ! c.llement llu (Jerinan Bitters. So,,,"" . ir, i,,.-e -nine i ni .cto.i .,i. ii 7 "" ' irs sinu-lu I fid;" 'paults, 1 h.ijo'oitc'u re.'c'm, Hlolf! 1,,-r.niu i-ineui.i ,,, I, , ..... .......... i,,. i," ., ' r-T "'" ,url"enilugi,tuhr.. ui J..H. LYONS BapiuTi-'iru!1,,::1110'' r nw. -"?' S'.r -I feel it d , vnP . ,- lent pnparalinn. ; IHJ' testimony to the ihe vU , V ' ' ""' llonlljniFa tieithnii lliiu-r. m ,,,i,i tl . i -(-,, ,7 " ' "" " " onunf erc ,. J. '?,'?' " troubled Willi Ere it disorder it, my ,Vd u n'rvoi sV ,", ' advised , Hie,,! , , nluM, ,'' , ' ' 1 ' l?y experienced ereal ., 1 ,,e m, ' i ; "?' "t'"llh ""en very : materially beii ntti'd. 1 conlidei.tiy reeonwneml ,u" , cli ivhero I meet with eases similar to mv o i ,,, ,i .. . . sur-.d by many of their guo i'f ."," "" 1 "aVU " ltespectfully ,ours, T. WINTER. Itoxborough, Pa. rf"" "aiur.'hSku!xS'7 e''a C"""" IM -n lire li, Kuti-.own, llerks county. Pa IlR.C.M. Jai us,,.-1!. ui. .. with liv.i-.,.,n IV..'' l "" ueen sis , ;. .;' i ," ." l-'Uty years, mid have ncv ' i ,"' ."". Z""," much go',,1 a. Il",r , i 1 "'"ers. J am very much inn, mv..,i .,, i.,.uiii, "fl" 'akiug five bett.s, ' piSjVu,.1. 1 M IUIMIAV I pumas. ' ' ' Large Sir.') (holding nenrly eloublo quantity. ! Sni.ll V'W l.,.er..,.!o,!--l"lll- do ddzen. 01 t mum iur iioiuu lialf tlojyri, JJ U) DEW ARE OF COUNTERFEITS". a'ior.'r11'" F HF- ".cil"" anu wu will lorwnrd, accurely packed, by express. Principal OQke and Manujactoiy, Wo. Gi Ardi Street. rtiiL.ii)i:u'tu. Jones & Evans. (Successors to 0, M. JACKSON & Co.,) PROPRIETORS. uiin".'! by "'lau and Dealer, un lu lbs Uulicel biort. 111 ovsif Kxtract' n, IS, X Z". ""vlnBuacU yof Cermm d or sclr- ",.; ., ;. " . lf " H is the ,.-,f, ,t Whilis, Jum L ' ' ""'"' "" "ny knoni --Ute- XUUrs.fcc. J. II TI'll I'll ( rio . Jims li, Jl.it Oct, 31, IclfTJUniei