mm inifoniiViy JwfK 0. Tate, Local Editor, Saturday Morning, July 9, 10G4. T3ijANK8. Wo will Inform our renders that wo keep on"liand nil kind of blajk Deeds, Uontls, Leases, PotUions for tavern Licenses, Honda, Justice's and Constnblo's blanks of every doscrlption, Summons, Executions, Notes of band, Scbool Order &o., Sio, B Wo direct nttetion to tlio advrrtis rnout of Uitnon O, Shivo in this weeks Col umbia Democrat. It is a raro ebanco for Capitalists. Tall Timolhy.'Snoi. J. Vandeh si.ICK, Esq., slio wei! us tlio other dny, eomo Timothy over six ft el long, grown on his farm in Ileinlook twp, Star Isaac W. Camhiell, Esq., ow ing to hi. declining iicnltli, has with drawn from tho "Fort Wayne Times," lenring its entire management in tho hands of lion, John W. Dawson. WHEAT, per bushel. II VII. CORN. lUJrKWAISAT. ri.OIUI per tibl. oi.ovniiHr.Eo, FLAX SEED BUCKWHEAT Flour, u on 1 !!.' I so i3 P Oil 8 SO a so 4 00 lit'TTER. i.nm . IWAiUfiS, mum) apples, HAMS MACON. . II AY liy the ton as so ro i so 80 10 PuMic Sale -or- Valuable Real Estate. "iiickUb, .erVair. S3 1 n pursuance of an nrdor of the Orphans' JL Court of Columbia county, on tSf Wo publish in another column of to-day's paper, tho prospectus of "Tho Campaign Ago," published by Gloisbren nor St Welsh, 4HI) Chesnut street Phila. K2r Urowu's Bronchial Troches, for Coughs, Colds,Pulojonary and Asthamatio Disorders, have proved their efficacy by a tct of many years, aud have received tes timonials from eminent men who have used them. CsSf- Wo' are informed that the Dralt CommissionctB called Thomas Dunn a few diia ngo, but Thomas did not answer. Mui-t somebody cow bo drafted to fill his place 5 or is he rated as a Dcfcrler ? Sup-po.-Bsome cn-Zgtf-mcd blnck rcpuhlicm gives us thi law on tho sul'juet. Deaths in Danville, lint wiek. Mr. Aalhnt Henrie, of tho Union Hotel, a re turned soldier ; John Mwlain, an em- - 1 ...... i . t T I T t pioycc oi me re uu a iron Works ; u son of Daniel Jones, Barber, aged about seven jcais, and a sou of Daniel Morgan, Sup't of the I'onn'a Co's Furuuncc, aged aboutl nine years, both by drowning. C3)1- That wedding that Peo John prom ised us a lnuj; time ago has not yet come off We ilout think Pee is bthaving well in this thing. Tint flank movement on the Coppt-rhundi d ut neem to have amoun ted to anything. But mnyliu the chief cu .fiiiicci' k 'Miuiiting a bnV ami when he lind.-s cue, then we biiiill see what wo nlial' CANDIDATES. CANDIDATE ' FOll ASSEMBLY?" Wo nro nulliorl tcj to announce tlio name of (ICO. BCOIT, orCatawlssa, na ncnndlilntn for ASSEMAI.Y. fit tho approaching general election, Iti tlilx lleprcson tntlvc lllittict, composed of tin: counties of t iilunililit nml Montour, eulilccl to tho ilnciilun of llio Columbia t'omity Democratic Convention. July S, isiij.-pil, Candidate for Assembly. At tlio solicitation nf mnnv friends I wnulil nnnnnni-r. to Ihe otcrmif Columbia County, Unit t Mill be n cniidl. oiiio inr Arni..iiiui , ntina npprnacinng g -nornl elec tion, subject to tho derision of tin Columbia cuunly L..IUVI.I4II11; ..UllVUtlllUllt Sloomiburg, Mny 14,ieoi-2 W.M.II.JACOUY. Legislative. Profoundly grateful for raft evidences of eem-mus ennfldencv. the undorslgtud, with Ihonnnrobnllni of ninny of his Dcmncrntic tulltnv citizens (u lin.c npln . lorn ho duly appreciates)-announces Hint he will be a Candiduie i'nv the Acinhly, In the Legislative District composed of Hit! Counties of Columbia and Montour, at the npproathlng (lenernl r.lectinn, subject tn lhu usages oflho lllstilrt, and tho decision of thu Columbia llciuociotlcOnnvcntlnn. .... I'Kvi i. tape. Illoomsburg. Slay 7. lBf.l, Candidate for Sheriff. Through the curliest solicitation of many Democrat ic friends. I hnc been Induced to offer Aiyself ns a candidate fur tl Illce or Sheriff of Columbia County, subject to the decision ol tho Democratic County Con. entlon. Juno is, ten i. a. JAMr.S LAKE. Candidate for Sheriff. tYKTIN A. AMMEUMAN, of Fish- Inccreek tnwnshln. we are niithnizr-d in nn, iiouncc will ho a candidate for the HIIIJItllTAl.TV, n the approaching (iencrnl Election, subject to the dens Ion of the I'nttiuibin county Dciuncrnticconvcitlion. May 7, leut, SJ. Saturday, the Qlh day of August. 1804, atlOn'elock In the forenoon, James Murphy ailmlnls. trator oreanmel U. Aib, lato of Madison township, in said county, deceased, will expose to tale, by Tubtlc Vendue on the premises, a certain Tract of Land, situate in Madison township in said County. Hounded on tlie Ua.t by land of John Fmllh, ort the South by laud of JMnes llildlne, on the Wc-t by Innd nf llirnin Dougherty and un the North bv land ofCharlos Long ! Containing Eighty-four Acres, more or less, whereon are erected a framo dwelling house and n frame stable, a "ell with pump, and a ynunpnppio orcliard Torthe payment or tho debts of the Deceased1 l.ate the K.t.Ku of said deceased, situate In the town ship or Madison and county aforesaid, COI.CMAN, Clerk. Tl'.KMP Ten percent of oue-foulth of the purchase money, paid do n on day of sale The balanceofthc onc-fiirlii at cor fi nun tlon and the reninlnlnit three forths, In one year with interest from eonflniintlnn. JAMKd MURI'llY, Mm'r, Illonmsburg, tunc SS, Itlit." rptlBCOUNTA' OOMMlHStONI'.US will receive pro I pnsuls at the lloiiso ot Joseph Hhncniaker , in I'ine township, Columbia county, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A, M antl II', M. oil tATUl!l)AY, the !ith 'davofJUI.V nejt, for bultdiiic an OI'l'.N TUUBS lIltlDllUnynr thu West Itrntich of lilllu I'iihlngcreek in said township, near I'lilllp Phufiiukcr's, i iald llridgetube 4Jfeet bitncen nbutiin nts; width II fuel ; lieicht, I! feet and It Inilies I'runi low wnler inark ; the abiitmcitts tube li feet thick, ami the upper and loner wlti,',unlls, on the north side. 1 1 fort IniiK ; tho lower wing-wall, on south side, 12 feci loni; i th Wine walls to be a feet thick. , I'iuii nntl sprcillrntlons can b section tlio day and place oi toning. ny orucr oi inc county uommistioncrs. K.C.FllUIT. Cltrk. Cnmnlilstoner9, Ollieu, t lllootiifbuic, Juno 15. '(14. j ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. EstaJ.c nf John Uruglcr, dco'd. irrTGRSsf administration on the Hstateof John tltllsler. late of lltonm two. Cnlnmhln ,n . .r..M have.bccu granted by tho Iteclster of Columbia co., to the under sinned i nil persons having claim, niiainst the es tate of the . decedent nrc ronicsled tnnrcsent themto the undersigned, without delay, and all persons In debted to make payment forthwllh. J K.nituui.r.n, liloomsbiirir. I'Kir.ll IIUltdl.hH, Hemlock, , .. " Adiuliilitrntora. Juno II, lPill.-Bw $JOo. CANDIDATE FOll SHERIFF. AMUEL SNYDER, of Mifflin town- shin, u-ii nrn nnttitirWml in n nnfiiitirn. u'ltl be a candidate fur the I ho approaclilK Ceucral Uletiiiui, subject t J the decision of the Cidumbl.i county Dciiiiicrnlli' Cunveiitlou mny 7, itut CANDIDATE FOR SIIEKIFP, WILLIAM KHirKIJAlLM, of Miff lln tiiwnnhlp. we an- nutlinri.ed to aiiunuuce, will bo a rainlldiite lor the flir.ltin'Al.TY. at the np pronchlnc (lener.'tl r.lei tiuii subject to the decision of tin- Columbia County Democratic Convention . Mny T, leU4 WW Candidate for Sheriff. rillARLKS II HHSS. Fsq.. of Mifilio j township, we .,re uuthnrized to announce, will be n candidate tor ihe HllllltlKl'Al.TY, .it theappro.ich lne t.ciieral Uli'ctiou. siibjert to the decision of the Celuinbin County Democratic Convention. Juiiu I. Ikl;4. Mrs. Je.-nio Froinont's book, " ria Story of thti Gtmid" ninl Coopers novel ol "The Pathfindci" linvo suddenly Lccome viry popular. ' The Republican'' think Coopers uuvul i- a life and advueturcs ol Fremont, unJ are buying it with a rush. It will givu them ome very good roadiny,if it docs not very much un'iplitcn them ibout John C Public Spoakeia, Military Offieere and Singers can ubo "Brown's Rrouchiol 'I'rouhes," or Cough and Voice Lozenges, as freely as requisite, containing notbiuj; that can injure tho system. They aro iu valuable tor ll:iiiig the hoarseness an'' irritation incident to vocal exovtiou, elcur ing and strengthening the "oico. COUNTY WVn! New Cash Store! -AND- AT LOWER LIME RIDGE, PENN'A ri he nnoerslgncd, having completed their spacious J r-tore House, at Lower l.imu Hideo, In Hcott tnv.u ship, Columhl.i county, l'a., take pleasure in annouuc Inu to their trientis uml tiiu public generally, that they Date jiii openeu a NEW STORE, ADMINISTKATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of tt'ashinglon humant dfe'd. 1ETTI5ll9of ailrnlnlstiatinnontho Cstataol Washing, .ton Hhuman,talo of Heaver twp.. Columbia rodcc'il. have been granted by the Heritor of Columbia Co., to thounderslirncd I all persons having claims against the estate of tho decedent aro reouestetl to nreient them to tho Administrator at his residence In said town ship without delay, and all norsoni Indebted to make payment forthwith. f it ANKLIN It. HIIUJlflN, AdmT. June II. ISGJ-Ow t 00 or Dn. BCHENOK'S OWN CASE, WniltE LABOntNO UNDEIl CONSUMPTION, Jl ml how his Pulmonic .Syrup. Seaweed Tonic, and Mandrake Pills act on the System in curing that dis ease, and the GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT COMMISSIONER. iro authorized to annonnce that III AM rillMHV. of Cntauissa tnwnhln ..."Minium l ounir. inronuii ine sniiiiiannn n ni nemo- crntic friend, has ln-un induced to oiler himself as a I L.uiiiiuaie lor i.ui',1 v i:i)l JlIPSIUMni, at the ap proachiii ceneral elet tlon, subject to tho derision of the Demouatic County Comenlion WILLI AN' CRl'.ASV. Cataniasa, June Hi. leYil nhirli is luent of fully supplied with a well setectod assort- COUNTY COMMISSIONER. t LLE.V MANN. En . of Reaver f ttiunaliip are niithnri7.ed to announce, will he a eaniiiiliile for (MM UHlOM' tho commiiiK t'en. inl elcttioii subject lo the action ofthe Culumbla l.'ounl v deiuorracralic Convention. M.iy '.'H, lri.4 - CO UN 'I Y COM MISSIONER. ACOH DKEISB-CII, of Heaver town- ' ship, uc arc anlhorized to announce, will he n t aiidid.ile for (,() UMHrilOV lilt, at the nppniacliini; general elrctioii, subject to tho action of the Columbia County Democratic Convention. Slay -ii, lt04- SPECIAL NOTICE3 EYE Si EAR. t'mferjor J. IS ACri, M. M., Oocvmst aud Airist formerly uf I. edon, Holland, is now located atN'o.5ll I'l.Nll Street, 1'im.tnu.rniA, whero persons afllicted willuliteasesof the KVt: ami T.AIl will hi scienliti. ally treated and cured, if curable. Ky Artificial It) es inserted v. itliout pain. N. II Noiharsos made for Ksaminatinu. 7h Med ical family is iuiiied,as lie lias no secrets io his mode oftreatment July a. Icul.-IJm. S Wo have hei-n authorized to state that, Martin A., Esq , o Fishingereek township, refpeotfully do. olines nemo; a candidate for tlio ofiieo uf Sharif! at the approaching Fall election. The ciroumstanoes under which he has been placed by tho loss of his wife have induced him to withdraw bin naino from uelore the- public for ihe nomination ol Sheriff ol Columbia'county. Mr. Auimer man is a gentleman of considerable popu larity, and UIH chances fur tho UOmiliatltD artitdeat the tery lowest Uice it can be sold for sothey were tolerably fair. Star. T kk iiii.u Disci.o-uiu:a sr.cains roiiTiiu l .MILLION I A most aluahlo ami wonderful publicalion, A work ! ton pagr. Hiiilllo colored curavini". DR. II UN Tl'.lt'S V AIli; Ml. CUM. an and iioniitur ticat- les on .Man and Woman their l'liysiology, I'linctioiis, and Se.Mial disorder of every kind with never failing ileinedlt'S for their speedy cure. The pacticcof Dr. Hunter has lonir been and still is, unbounded, hut at the earnest tolicitalion of numerous persons ho ha been induced lo extend hit, medical usefulness tii rough tint medium nf ln -'V MIC MI'.i.'UM ' It is a volume that .lioul.l be iu Ihe hands of every lamily in tho land j as a pievciilive of secret vices, or as a guide for the ' alleviation of t, in-of the most awful an! du-truttivo . scourges ever isilt tl mankind, tine copy securely en- ' velopL'd will be fur warded free ofpot-tage lo any pari ofllie United Stall's for 5U cents in 1' U stamps. I Address, post I'.iiil, Dr. Hunter, No. :i Division ! street. New York. May til, leM y. Onlformlty nIFrlcos ! A New feature in Ilusslnea llvt ryont- his uwn Kilesiiiiiii I JON'IIH l CO. of the CreseutOue 1'nce C'lolhini; btori'.N'o. UM Marketslree above Sixth, Philadelphia, j In ad litiou to having the larcest, must varied nnd ; comDarad. ,.! ..nb ,.ri't.,th..,iT In I'hil , mniln .T. I ' '' pressly for rt tail sales, have roiiEtitutt'il every one his own saleioan, by ing marked iu Uuurrs, on ennli SEASONADLE MERCHANDIZE, Consisting of Clothes, Cnssimors, Silks, Muslins, Sattinctts, Ladie's Dress Goods, Uentleuicn's Clothing, and in short everything u?u ally krptin any Country Dry Good and Variety Store. ALSO: GROCERIES FISH, MEAT, SALT, &C , &C. t M lCL jst. y BOOTS & SHOES, j i i All of which will be sold as cheap as can bo purchased j elsewhere. Car Butter, Eggs, Meat, Grain and I Country produco taken in cxehango for Goods, and for which the highest market price will be paid. Give us a call, No chargo for exhibit ing our goods, but it will aford us pleas uro to havo them examined and prices PCBACCO AND MM TtllP. tiniterileneil resnertCiillv TinnHfifn In til Jj friend nntl thu public generally. lliat he lias open on Main street, In DAWILLILa few doors below tho Dauvilla ll.iuk-ln tlio building formerly occupied by Samuel lit no where lo manufactures tho best iiiallty of Hegars, which will bo sold cheap, wholesale and i.uu, uu uihii neeus a CIIOI0E RESTAURANT, well storked wlihr.dlbles and lleveraije to gratify Ihe wauls oflliti epicure, In refresh the weary aud assuauo the palates of tho thirsty. JUSKi'II MO WRY. Danville, Juno II, Id'il 3iu U. S. 10-40 Bonds. FOR SALE AT THE ' First National Jlatik oj llloomsburg, Pa. jHESE RON 1)5! bear interest at tho A rato of Ave per cent, per annum Which, at tho present valuo of Gold, is equal to D per cent, per annum. Coupon Bon&s, On bands and ready fur delivery afier the first of June. J. P. Tustin, Cas'iicr. llleoinsburg, May as, lfUI. Ihn, NEW PAKCX GiW'lizi,' " FOR SPRING ,J- SVMIU2R. rI,IIE subscriber has just received a now J assortment of Hosiery 'I riminings and New Uoods such as 3 os ip S3 a aa ALSO; Ri.ovi:n, UULI.!). STAYS, SAVCIIELP, IIOOl'SHIRTS I'oiiT.yu.Nir.s, An other notions, to u hiih she Invites the attention of the Ijidies generat-y. 07" Wh. eler tt Wilson's Sew Ing Machines for salo , Alko-Siinday S'linoi Hooks and Uibles. Also-Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer whlcli will elveto eruy its natural color, A. D. wr.llll, Next Door behtw Court House: nioomsburi;. May SI. 11-61, her, and takes great paint to visit any onsthstshe hears has anything like hsr case, and tries to get (hem Income and see me. Tho neit caso Is Miss Hen. field, from Btninford, Conn, Mrs, llartholornow got her down to see me, and she has bten ever since at her house, w hen she first came to my moms, she was much emaciated wflh distressing cough, pitting largo quantities of blood, I examined her lungs with the retplromcter.and in all my practice never found one with one lung so far gone nnd the other lung so sound, I could not givouiuth encouragement. I thought ilia would die; but lo my astonishment Ihe PulinonleHyrnp, Seaweed Tonic, nnd Mandrake rills all seemed to go right to work, the lung is all healed over, loavlng a cavity as large at a goose egg I good appetite, fine spirits, and hat gained some thirty-live pounds In weight, filifl has some cough yet, which 1 do no not think will leave her belore June. I should think It would ba of great Interest to some unprejudiced phy. clcian lo visit these caset, particularly Mist Beoneld, or nny of them who have been cured by my medicines, 'I hey aro numerous In New York, but the above tnree all differ from each other: and If my medicines are do ing what 1 renresent thev nre. thev should have tne credit nnd the afflicted know w here nnd how they may bo cured. J, II. BCHENCK, M. I), nr. j. ii, Pclienck can be round at mi principal olllce, No, an North 01 h Street. 'hilndelDhia, every Saturday. from 9 A. M.. uhtil SI'. M.. to give advice, free of chnrge ; hut for a thoiough examination Ire charges three dollars Price of tho Pulmonic syrup and Bea, wectt Tnule each l'-'i tier bottle, or (1 the half dozen Alnndrnko Pills '.'5 rents per box, and for sale by all Druggists and Dealers, June 11, 1-01.- 1 y. POSTSCRIPT! -. . i Tc above Is n correct likeness of Dr Bchenck taken many cars ago. after he had recovered from Consump tion i by n course of Ills "Sunbelt's l'oI.Moaio8vncp," 'I Im likeness, alllioug It do' s not represent him any tiling like nsbad as he was at thu worst, yi.tltls in strong contrast with tin-halo and vigorous lonksoftbo Portrait below, which is the true likeness of him at tho present time. Tho coutrnsl between thee two por traits is so great that mnny would not believe th'm to be the same person. Yet lliere art- hundreds nf per sons, In and around PhllaiHphia, who will rerognlse both portraits lobe true representations, When tho nrst was taken he weighed 107 pounds i Jt the presint timuhls weight Is '-20 pounds. New Yobk, W tlnesday, March 30, ltCl, 10 7 HE PUBLIC, , Thirty year ngn 1 was in the last stages of Fulmon ary Consumption, and pivm up to tile. I resided in Philadelphia ami Dr, J pc.1i I'arrlnli, thou nfthls city, on p'Ptl mc tn .Mort'ftown. N. J.. ntlit-tance nf nine ! miles, whit h took me two days to gfttlierc. On my ar ' rival I was put to tied, nnd there laid for many weckft. This wad my native (dace, where nil my family lived nnd had died nf Cons innption. Dr. Thornton, vtho nt landed my f.ither in ln Init illne!8, was called, nnd pavp me one wi'ek to tlx up my nlfair?. He had ecu i all my fatuity put hat way, and ihnuuht I nan to po,t(1o, 'I hPii I lienrd of th rnuedn's I now oiftr to the pub Itc. which mred me. It M'rmul tn me that I could feci then, piquet rating my whole xyytcm. They fixjii ripened the ii.atttr "ii my Itmgt,and I would $U oft'more than a pint nf oiT-n stive yellow mat ter cery inorning As ooti fn that htgan to bUhside, my i oiiBii, lever, pain, nilil swcais an lu-can to leave ..Qlii:ST OK FA1U lTI0t. Estate of I'rederink Knome, dte'd, COLUMBIA COUNTY , ss : I N the Orpli.UK Court or Columbia Countv, in thi I malterid the partition and valuation ot tlio Cstato of I'reilerirk Knouse, l.tu- of J.u-ksitn twt., lleclued, TUJacksnn Knouse, uml Ihiiiinili. liitirmarried w it It Peter N'agle, residing at lllhe, in llrauch eonntv.fitali' of Michigan. TAKIl NDTICI,, Thai an lauunsT w ill be held ntihcjulc tlwetlini house of Frederick Kuoii., tlecensetl, In the tnw nthip of J,'ukou county of Co. Itimliia, on TUUstDAY, tho tuli day of Augu t next, lrl,4. between the hoiu s of tlo'rloi k A M , anil 4 o'cliiek P. 'it., of said day for thu imriiose of making parti tion of tlie lUal Kslaleoi s.tid deeeassd, to and among his children and legal representatives if the same tan bo done w itliout pri juiluc to or poiliug of I lie whole, otherwise tc value and appr.iise tlie s.iiiio nciiinling lo law ; al whit li time nnd place )ou are required to at tend it vim think proper. J. II. rUUMAV, Shsrilf. Iliiio nsburg, June 4, 1804. it j W ATKIMONIAI.. If you wl-h to marry, address ill the uiiileriunid, wlin will send ytui, "wnhniit money aud will t price," wiluuble iiifiirimitinu that will enable y u tu marry happy and ficetlily, no mat- ti r how old , luiw iicly, or lo w r. 'I Ins is a rt liable atr.iir. The inforiuatiiiu will itit you unth'ng ; and if you w ih to marry. I will i lieeilitl y nstitt vou. All loiters stritlly The desir ed inforiiinlliin sent by return matt, and no iue.ti.tus asketl Address , SAK.II II, I.AMIIKKT, (i r.'.-n .r.j nt, Kingi county, N. V. I June 4. l'l'.l. Im I ISA R GAINS ! " BAHGAINkS! IV YOU WANT TO BUY fiS The American Monthly, a Demo cratic .Mugazino, devoted to '"Literature, Art, Scienco and Polities" for July, is on our table. It lias uinoly-slx pages, antl comprises twenty articles chapters iu.the life of MoOlullau Brazil and its society Denmark tho country and tbe clergy Talcs, essays, sketches, poetry, Editors Table and hook notices. Tha July number is an improvement on previous one?, and tho course of tho 'American Monthly" is onward and up-1 W gT ward. It deserves support, and wo trust , JL-i r.niBiit nusbililv vary nil must buy alike, Tlio poods are well pon;jcd and prepared and (,'rent painslaken withtliH makins so that allcanbiiy with tin-full assuranca ol gutting a good article r.t thu very lowest price. Alto, nar(!eBl"cknfpiece;oods on hand of the latest style ami best qualities, which will be made , to order, in tho most fashionable and best manner, 'is ; per cent, below credit prices, , Itemuinber the Crccent. in Market abovo Sixth street m '.'04. JOVHd at CO. I G. VV.Creveling &co. Lower Lime Ilidge June 18. 1804. LAST WOTiGE. TjUItSONS knowincr themselves indebted to Ks-Sher-X ilf Jlilltr on costs, nru required iinniediatly to pay the same to tlio underaiuiied. i The amounts of Dr. ticorire Hill, still unsettled, if not i paid by August first wi,l be suerh q lllnomsburc. June, fti, lt,4. ! V. 0. IIAllllISON, M b. WOUI.n re.pectfully iuform tliocili.ens ofHIooms. hurj'.aiid vicinity, that he coiitinuesthe practise of MHMCIA'K J1X1) SUHOKRY, nd solicits a share of pnutic patronuire, Ointt on .Main Street, first hoaw below the Court House, lllon inshuri;. February 3, ItS.'i tf NEW AltUIVAL SUMMER that the party will sec that it has it. Tlio July number begins tho series and tho vol umoe, and is of course just tho time to eubooribo. Price 83 a ycaa ; No. 37 Park Row New York. Tho verdant Editor of tho (so called) ' American and Democrat,' most tcrriblo J misnomers, for ho is certainly neither an American or a Democrat, is undoubt edly seeking notoriety in his continual ef forts to provoko a contrororsoy with tho Local Editor of tho "Columbia Demoorat." We declino granting him, or his hired fquibbers, that distinction. It is enough for us to know, although perhaps for ua, fortunately know not the chaps personal ly, that their constant uso of tho torm "Oopperhe id," is presumptive evidence of 'heir want of gentility, and their impu dent advice to ueaso partisan considera- tioni, rvhon they aro themselves, the most B. STOIINEH would respectfully an nounce to tbe citizens of Blooms-burg aud vicinity, that he has just openid an 1 over his Confectionary Btore, 1 door above tho Post Oitice, in lllonmshuri!, whero he will servo up Ice-cream of the most choice tl.ivors, every evening, durlug thu Summer months, at thu most rensnnablo rales Vfje Parliesaud I'nmilios call be accommodated with tho article upon short notice. tlive linn a cull. II. BTOIIN'KH, Dlooinsliurz, AprilM, '61, Prop'f- PRIVATE SALE or Valuable Real Estate. THE suboriber offers at private Sale, on reosonablo terms, a farm situated in Hemlock township, apout 3 miles from Uuckhoru, Columbia county, containing 108 ACRES, about eichty acrcaof which is cleared land, tho Im provements upon which, consists of a good F ii A me House and Bank Barn, Wagon f-hed, nnd other out houses, a good Hprlng House, ic. A fine thrifty apple orchurd is crowing on tho premises, with a largo variety or other kind ot fruit trees. The remaining 'Jn acres of wood land, is covered with Oak und Chestnut timber nf good quality. The farm Is a desirable propertv, belnn in an rieel- lent statu of cultivation. Aay information regarding At A. J. Evans' CM) MM B POMP! BLOOMSBUIIG, PENN. LATEST SYLES OAEAP GOODS rpllE undersigned respectfully informs his friends 1 ami the public generally, that he has Just received from the Eastern cities, a large assortment of SEW GliOtgHHiG heinu the best assortment ever offered in tills market. Also a complete assortment nf Hoys Clothing, In fact everything hi the Clothing l-liio For those who prefer to cuvu uit'ir measures, u iierieci iu tuuiitiiict-u, uuu nothing but the best workmanship allowed at this cs tablishiiient. Ho also keeps on hand a largo assort incut of BOOTS AND SHOES. HATH AND CAP, together with a variety of notions. E7- CALL. AND tiMl I'Oll VUUIlSi;! .f A. J. EVANS. Illoomsburg, Apr 11.23, lc04. House and Lot for Sale. WILL be sold cheap aDJ on easytermB, ' A DNVKI.LINf! I10USI. AND VAUTAUI.E LOT. situate on Main titroet In West Illoomsburg. 1 JOHN O. rnBE2E. 'Mny GO TO ritasj's Store, in Light Street, Pa. Who Keeps all Kinds if CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Roady-Madfi Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, eoflecs, leas, i'lsh, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, cpars, Hats, Boot1, Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, tS:c., &o. In addition tn our large stock of Itrv Goods, we Have a laige and full assortment of Heady .Made Clothing lor lieu anil no) s wear which wo nru determined tn sell chenper thin can bo bought elsewhere. Call and see, and judge for yourselves. II. W.C1UJAMY & UU, Light Street, April 23. 1SG4. me. and my appetite became o, great that it was with tliflii ulty 1 could keep Irom eating too much. I soon gained my strength, aud I have been growing in Hush ever since, l'or many years I have enjoyed uninter rupted good health, keeping 1 lit liver anil stomach healthy with tlio Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, as 1 am of a billon t temperament. .My weight is two liun tired and twentypotiiitls, On my recovery people would send for me. far and near, to sec if their rases were like mine. Tor this purpose 1 pay professional visits in the large cities. 'I lie i nn-umplives wish to see thu one that makes these medicines, and who was cured of consumption b them, To make nsw lungs is Impossi ble ; but cavities in the lungs nnd chronic ulcerations of th'.' hront hial tubes can be healed i-'uch cases are ding hnurlv iindertho ordinary treatment nf physi cians, and just such are cuied by the proper ue of tfcbenik's Pulmonic Sjrup, Seaweed Tonic, and Man. drake Pills. Ininiiowa healthy man, w ith a large cavity In tlie middle lube of the right lung. tlio lower lobe very much hep.ilized'anil completu adhesion of the pleura. Tho It lilting is sound, and the upperlnbenf the right lung is iu a tolerably healthy coneitioii. Tbe great reason why physicians tin not cure con.untption i-s rhe7 try to do too much ; tliey give medicines to stop thj cough, to stop chili, to stop uiglit sweats, hectic fever, and, by so ' doing, lliey derange the w hoiu digestive powers, lock ing up the set returns, and eventually the patient sinks und tiles. After I make a careful ex.tminaiieii of tlie patient with the nespirometer, nnd find lungs enough left to cure, 1 tlir"Ct the patient how to use the three remedi's Kemt ve the taue and they will nll'stopof tli'-ir own accord. o onu tan be cured of consuinp lien, liver c-mplnint, dysptpsia, calurrli, canker, ul-eernl-tl'throat, unless the liver ami stomach are made healthy, In ,V-w England this canker, chronic catarrh, ulcerate I throat, eluiigation of uvula, is more preva lent than in niiynther section of the country. This is frequently raiit-ed by u foul stomach. Vou n ay burn it out with call-tie time and again, and all they will got is temporary relief Corr' I thu stomach and tiver, and tiny will heal up themselves, t.'otid ii in. ition is the remedy. If you have any dis ! case iu any part of the body, it will remain there and , decay more and mure until ynu can gelthc stainaih iu ! thu condition lodigc food, antl make new blood lo take the place of diseased matter. This is tho only ! way to cavities Ih the lutiss and ulcerated irron chlal tubes. Correct the et'imach nnd liver, and nature I will du the healing. .Many persons have an idea that I certain medicines are great purillcra of tlie blood, . When blood is once diseased it cannot bv purified ; it is diseased the same as the diseased mailer in tho 1 sslem i hut get the apparatus in order, thu liver nnd stomach, and give it plenty of nourishing food, it will in. ike new blond, which will lake the placu of that I winch is diseased. : fi lieuck's Pulmonic s) rup is one of the best prepa rations nf iron ill use, it is a puwerful tonic of it.elf, and w hi ti the c-ettweed Tonic dissolvts tlie mucus in I thu slumaih.nnd it is curried oil'b thu aid of the Man. i drake nils, mc t-uiiiiouic r-yrup is inane mm oiomi. This is tlie only way to euro consumption. If I can not gel u guild appetite and food does not digett, I can I untciire the patient Never mind the tuugh ; remove Ithecausi and It will flop of itself, tins is lln must I trouble 1 have with my patient" at my rooms. They . say, "Doctor, I feel stronger; lean eat; my night J sweats are better, and I feel belter every way ; but my , cough is so bad yet ;" ami they are aslouiseil to hear I me say that tioes not matter ; remove tlie cause itiul ! it will stop itself, Schenck's Seaweed creales a good appetite iu about nine days, when there is no lung tlis I ease, unless the liver is so coi.gesied that tha Man drake Pills cannot uiilorK tlio ilutts ol tlie gall Madder in that short space nf time, in order to allow the stale bile to pass oil' Keep the liver aud the stomach healthy ami there is less danger of consumption or any , other disease. It is hard to take cold when those or- gausnre healthy. Those that arc bilious, low spirited, : dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor appetite,' nervous, stoimuh lull of wind, everything that is eat en lies heavy loss of memory, try one bottle of riCIII'.NCK'ri tJEAWEI'D TONIC, and nno box of S HENi K'SMANIIItAKEPlLLS. It is only a cost of one dollar n mi twenty-llvu cents, with full directions, This is sufficient, in many iaes, t satisfy what tho medicines are. Frequently one bottlo makes a great change iu tlie system. Any person that enjoys ordina ry health, by using thu Stuweed Tonic and .Mandrake Pills occasionally, must get the digestive organs iu such a healthy condition Unit they becomo Ih-shy. I eau produce a number of my old consumptive patients 1 I now enjoying good health, weighing nearly UU pounds, , I will conclude by relating thrco cures 1 have made in New York, and which are all iliil'erent, and wish nny I ouu who leels any iiileresl in tlio inatler to visit them. 1'irst Is Airs l'nrhiw, residing then at No. 107 Houston street. Her husband called n ,iuii mo at iny room, 111 U, S, 10-40 Bonds. Thsse Uonds arc Issued under tho Act of Congress of March fth, 1 fefi-4, which provides that alt Uonds issued under this Act shall be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or under nny state or municipal authority. Sub scriptions to these Uonds are received In United States notes of National Hanks. They are TO PR RE DEEMED IN COIN, at tho pleasuro of the Government ntany period notlut than lea nor mors than forty years from thsir date, and until their redemption CIVE PER CENT, INTEREST WILL DC PAID IN COIN, on Ponds nf not over one h undred dollars annually and on all other Hoods scmi-annnally. The Interest la pay able ou the first days of .March and September in each year. Subscribers will receive elhr Registered or Coupon Doiids, as they may prefer. Registered Uonds are re corded on the hooks of the U, S, Treasurer, andean be transferred only on the owner's order, Coupon Uonds are payablo to beater, and are mora convenient for commercial uses. Subscribers tothisloan wilt have the option of having their Uonds dratv Interest from March 1st, by paying tho accrued Interest in cold (or In United States notca, or tho notes of National Il.mks, adding fifty per cent. ! for premium,) or receive them drawing Interest from the date of subscription and deposit. As these Bonds aro Exempt from Municipal or State Taxation, their value Is Increased from one to three per cent, per annum, according to the rato of tax levies in various parts of the country. At the present rntc of premium on gold they pay Ono Eight Per Cent Interest in currency, und are of equal convenience as a pcrman entortemporary investment. It is believed thatno securities offer so great induce ments to lenders as the various descriptions of V. 8. Ilonils. In oil other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties or stock companies or sepa rate communities only is pledged for pnytnect, vihile for the'debts of tho United States the whole property of the country is holtlcn to secure the payment of both principal and mtercsi In coin. These Roods mny bo subscribed for in sums from ' $30 up to any magnitude, on tlie same terms, and nre thus made equally available to the smallest lender nnd the largest capitalist. They can be converted into tnottvy nt nny moment, and the holder will have the benefit of the interest. i It may be useful to state in this connection that the total Funded Debt nf the United Slates on which inter est is paj able in gold, on the 3d tiny of March, ISM, was S70cJ,'JC5,UtJil. The interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year will be $45,037,120, while the customs roven' uc in gold for the cnrrcnl fiscal year, ending June 30th ltd, has ben so far at the rate of over $100,000,000 per annum. It will bo seen that even the present gold revenues of the (Jovcrnieiit are largely In excess of tho wants ofthe Trcnsurev furlhc yayment of gold Interest, while .he recent Increase of the tariff will tlouhtless raise tho annual receipts from customs on the same amouTUof importations, to SI jo.UOO.OOO per annum. Instructions tothe National Il.mks acting as loan agents weretotisiticd fromtlie United State Treasuy until March 25, hut in the first tliree weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. Supscripllon9 will to received by the First National Bank of Danville, Pennsylvania, amfbyall tho NATIONAL BANKS which arc bepositarics of Public monoy, and all RESPECTADLK BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the Nat nofDeposltary Hanks,) will furnish further informa tion on application nnd AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. May 7. ISOI.-Sm. News by Vcstcrday'fl Mall. Proclamation by Gov.Cux'tin. A CALL FOR 12,000 MltN FOR ONE HUN DRLD DAYS. IlAiimsnunu, Jul; , 1804. PfiNNSVIiVANIA, SS A. G. Curtin, In tho name and by tho authority ol tbe Commonwealth o Pennsylvania, An DRBtf Q. Curtin Governor of said Com monwealth. A PROCLAMATION Whcrcaa tbo President of tbo United Statca has this day niado a call upon tho oommouwealth of I'cunsylvanla for ttfelva thousand (12,000) militia, as voluutcor in fantry, to now at Washington and its riciniti for one hundred days, urilcsj sooner disccarged. I,Andueit G. Curtin, Governor ofthe said commonwealth, do s.ako this tnj proclamation in rcspouso thereto, and du hereby call on tho freemen of bo Penusyl vania Militia to come promptly forward, as thoy have heretofore done, and Cll tho requisition for important service. It is apparent, that tho enemies of our govern ment,in desperation, nro threatening 119 with an armed force, in tho liopo that tho army of Goneral Grant may bo withdrawn from before Richmond j and I call upon tho oitizens of this Commonwealth, capa ble of Bearing arms, to roino forward with out delay, and thus aid our haroio brothers in the proat army of tho republic. Given under my hand and the great seal of tho State, ot Harrisburf,', this Otli day of July, in' the year of our Lard out; thous and eight hundred and s-jty-four, aud of the Commonwealth eighty ninth. By tho Governor, Eli Slifer, Secretary ofthe commonwealth Real Estate Sale. ilalnablc Jfarnu 'phe subscriber oilers to sell, at private sate, a Valua. -L ble Farm, consisting of 100 ACRES OF BOTTOM LAND, situate in tlie valley of I'islnngcrcck, about two mile nnrih of Rlooinsiburg, Columbia county, Pa comprising' the bottom land ol the wcll-kuown Triinbley Farm, and the Hamlin Farm. Orrtho premises are n Dwelling House, two good Bams, an excellent ORCHARD, out-buildings, Well. 4-e., to gether with a Maple Orchard, yielding from 5uu to 1,000 lbs. sugnr per year, The vein ofthe -lllooinsburg Iriin Ore," crosses ono end of this tract of land, AI SO ; Valuable Town Property. The large Three Story Rrlrk BUILDING, aid LOT Or (JROUND, on which it la erected, situate on tho north sWe of Main street, central in- the town of Illoomsburg Said building is substantially constructed or cxcallent brick formerly used for a nrrlago Fac tory and can be well adapted to t'pla o of business, Said Lot is 41 feet fronton Main stteet. and 814 ft deep. Possession of the last named premises will be given immediately, if desired. K7" Conditions of sale will be made to suit the purchaser. D. J. WALLER. BioomsSurg. May 30. 1'Jol. !MlBtLl3 EKDITEIL BELL 5t ALLABACH, Proprietors. CORNER OF THIRD S T t)r PENES YL VA N1A AV. WASHINGTON, D. O: May 7, ieC4.-12ni, S. H. 89 c WOLF'S CLOTHING HALL. No. 201 North Second Street. Phil'a. ' -ONSTANTLY on hand a full assortment of Ready . Made Men nntl Hoy's l lotliiuz and Gents: Furnish ing (.uods, nt Wholesale antl Retail January tl. Icill. run. Keep Your Eye ON THIS PLACE. EXEUUTOH'S NOTICE. Estate of Philip Picas, deceased. LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of fhllip Freas, late of Centre township, Columbia cuunty. decea-ud, have been granted by the Register of Wills, 4c, to thu undersigned also residing in said township, all persons having ilaims against the estate of the decedent nre requested to present them to tlio execu tors without delay, and all person, indebted to make payment forthwith. SAMUIli, FUIJAS. l WCSLUY 11. FRCAS, Vlix'ra. JL'SSUU. FREA S Juna 4, 13C4. S3 (10. ' The Berwick House. Berwick, Columbia' co., Pa- IffOE undersigned would respectfully announce to rjjjj his fuiends and the public generally, that having leased this well-known house he has given It nthorough renovation. The rooms havebeen rc-paner ed and tlie entire establishm ent Clf-ITnntlV W'fll.n.ahn.l lleing tilcnsantly nnd eligibly located, and provided with all the requisite conveniences, It offers to th public the combined advantages of A Pirst-Class Hotel.0 III3 TAR LB will always bo supplied with the best tha markets allbid, and HIS I1AR with tlie choicest li luora. Travellers, drovers, eeamstcrs, boarders. &c accommodated to general satisfaction. Cart ful and ac commodating Hostlers always iu attendance. Stabling n. l.iu.a -uui,I.IU U.IU VA.VtiSl. V III IIIIS SCCllOU, May 23, 1804. J. P. S1BBET. SECOND ARIIIVAL OF NEW GOODS EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Cole, Deceased. Lr.TTERS Testamentary on tho Estate of William Cole, late of Heiitnti toivnshlp, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by Ihe Register of Coluin bla county, to the undersigned ; all persons having ! claims againtt the estate of Ihe decedout aro requested I to present them to the Executor at thlr resldenco iu said township without delay, anil all persons ludeb i ted to make payment forthwith, i MOXTCOMRY COLE, TI10S. U. COLE, j May 21, ieOI-Cw 91 00. Executory , Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Railroad rN AN'll I J TRAINS WILL HAS enlnrged and greatly improved his Store Room and stocked it with n large and superior Stock of Leave M M. It. H ' . 3 .M - ft- 8PR1NC and SUMMER GOODS, which will be sold as low as at any other establishment in tlio country. Calicos at 16. 18. 20 nnd 25 cents. llunilstrei't, and wished me to call and set; her. Ho MUSIinS, liltached and UrOWtl at 25, 28, 1 tha Express train from North'd, arriving nt llnrrithiirz tiuil ho hadall the liest iiictii- io , at'JJU A. M., Oaltitnore 7.00 A. JL, and nt l'hil.ulelnhi.i Phil JAN, irol, PAbSENUEII RUN AS IT, .LOWS. ' MOVIJt'C SOUTH. rasscniTCr. Seranton, .... " Kingston .... " Illoomsburg . . . Rupert " Danville Arrive at Northumberland, MOVlSfi NORTH Leave Northumberland, . . . 8.00 A " llunyille, (r. 10 " Rupert II.-J " Illoomsburg ... . ii. j " Kingston, 14 1.' p Arrive at Seranton, I.i, Freight k Passenger leaves IllnninBburg, 10. u I 23 P. 51. S.M HJ5 U.Ij U.55 M. ESPYMHOTEL- vlndiotivo and malignant partisan, in the f.f KtVSJ? Sy'ftK ft" .-irwo" KUp.Xf5."VaJ. coumry, is oqual ovmcuou of their u i Jom8 we property TPIIE undersigned, having taken Ihe Espy 1 lilUfthiD; hypforu'j'. Jisy 25. l&Si.-em, CYRUS HELLER. Hotel. Inielv kent bv Mr. E Howell, would re.pectfully inform his friends nnd the public in general, that no pains will be spared for the satisfactory entertainment of all wuo tnayiavor uim wuii meircunum, K4 D M IBOHBAKKi Eiry. Aprils, jets. JUL A N Ji x O O D ! How Lost, How llesiorcd. JUST published, a new edition of DR. CULVER WELL'S L'ELEIIKATEI) ESSAY on the radical curt (wnhniit medicine) of i'I'irkuiorruoka, or semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Imi-otcmy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to .Mar riage, etc. i also, t.'ontuuiptinu, Epilopsy, and Fits, in duced by self-indulgence or sexual vxtravagance. Cy I'rice. ill a sealed envelope, niilyll cents. The celrbrated author in tin- admirable essay clear ly demonstrates, Irom a thirty years successful pructice, that the alarming consequences uf st'lf-abusu may bo radically cured without the dangerous uu ofiuteriial mediriue or tho application of ihu knife- pointing uut a mode uf ru rt, at mice simple, certain, uud i-tlt itual, by means of which every siilferer, no matter what his condition may be, may euro himself cheaply, privately, and radically. rrT- Tula l.ccturo shoulc be in the hands ofeverv youth and every man in the laud. Sent, under seal, iua plain envelope, to any address. pan-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Aurutss me puaiisiii'r. CH AS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 iloutav. Nisw York, Post office box 438(1. June 18, ieU4.-ly. to"thb"pdblioT The undersigned would Inform his friends and tho public generally, that ho is prepared to treat success- said I could tin no good cul am-iidnncu. and ull said she was too far gone with Consumption lo ho cured ; but she had heard of some git-ui cures I iitiu mane, ami ne ncsireu to grainy nt r wishes. 1 called, and lountl Iter lying coiiliued to her bed III thu last stage of bronchial consumption, and without doubt must have died soon, I examined her lungs, found both bronchial tubis very much alfeclea, but no cuvities h id formed, her cough wns very severe, tlie spit-btix was half full of thick pus. Pulse 140, legs swollen very uiuclu and worse than all she had chro nic diurrhucu. Her bowls had been moved eleven times tliul day, I told tier she iiad lungs enough to ho t ured, but that this ilurrha-a had been long standing, and hir stomach was in such an ulcerated condition that 1 wns afraid nothing could be done, flw insisted 1 should trv nnd ilti what 1 ctiuld for her. oliscrviuir that she would not last long in 'he condition she was in, j and 1 could not make her uuy wnrsu. 1 gave her flrtt I n Uosool my Alanuraku Pills, uud the tonic and Syrup i borthr, r. ,.Vi Xi) Nos. 1 and 2, medium and large. Also, a largo and n -rnnld lt uo in bt-d nnd unt Itt-r dinner. tillOJS splendid assortment Ol fflAMXim. lu"s wuflme' cu""ie,,,0 AS!11D IDg!SIi3SWAlBIS Mrs. ii.niiititniin-tv. k:i u'psi rnrtu.nnh street, camo I new desiena. Also, a new let of TRUNKS and tn my rooms with a tumor oi her liver. She was luw spirited, .kin sallow, tunguo coatcil, bowels etistive, no appetite, ami fast sinking into the grave. The said DRESS GOODS of every shade, quality and price ; a full lino of Domestic Goods, viz i Checks, ftrlpes, Ticks.Llniien and Cotton Table Diaper, Ginghams, Nankeens, c . &c, A good supply of Ladies Shoes and Gaiters NewUtock of Hats aud Caps. All Wool Ingrain aud Collage Carpels, a splendid article just opened and for sale, A Ircsli supply of Groceries and Spices, a now lot of CADAR AND WILLOW WARE. MACKERAI. by the qunrter, half and whole bar rcl at 7.00 A M. The .Mail train from Northumberland leaves immediately alter the Express train front liar ruburg nnd Haltlmore, allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 10. 10 P. M, to reach points on this road during the next forenoon. Now and elegant Sleeping cars accompany th night trains each nay between Northumberland and Ualtl more, and Northumberland nnd Philadelphia. 11. A. 1'ONllA, Sunt. 3. C. Wells, Ocn'l Titktt.1gen. Kingston, January 30, 1SUI. tnninr hn.l hi-f-ii riinulM. nvt.r fiuirlitm v.-ars. 1 rzavo 1 her Syrup, Tonic and Pills, ami told her to take them justas tlio directions weru printed. Shu came back to ' iny rooms, 3'i Bond street iu two weeks, suinowhat i belter; her tonguo had begun tn clean a little around thu edges, her skin whiter and her eyes brighter, and tho tumor discharging very offensive matter, much fatter than it hud ever done before, Sho kept gradu ally improving, and in about two months .hu camo to iny rooms very mucu irisuieueu, saving iimitim minor U"J. ' ,.,V, "7K.."V.1,,.hn.. ,. , had nearly slopped running, und was healing up, and,, ...un. ..., .-. .,,,..-,.,,-,,,. In,l( f 1, ... w ..,nu, . itsln Af.r. v.nj ..uv.v ...w. .. . . - would causo her death. I told her that the tlisease hau all left hvr system, and nature would heal the ulcer up, i ney uiu uuw neuiuu, aim uavu occti tur uuuut ujcut, i eti uonegiuio r.uuraiiun, win nt-rc and sua is as nearly ami rouust a woman as yuuwnii ton by applying at tun urucuoiine of Bight, und all blood diseases, with Uispepsia &c, Hall. taction will bo given or no pay requireu, His remedies are purely vegetable free from any taint or poison, and safo and pleasant, ' - g-onnrtr. vrcn Vl-VAUb ivdii new designs, Also, a new let of TRUNKS and Oil Cloth Satchels. Having bought these goods before the late rise, I am prepared to sell low, cheap as the cheapest for cash or country produce, WE STUDY TO PLEASE, Illoomsburg. May 12, IHlit S 1101,1. ASIIII'S l'UK SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College. Illughainpiiii " Crllti'iiden's ' Philadelphia. Stratton. llrvant i Co.. '- Tlieso r'crips, nro in amounts of 15and S50 and aro so much cash, liythoSmdent on entringcither oflho nUB ,-nttA.,a ....... ,1 u a I . I n IT . n l.t o t r, n Slnl. ed Colleglato Education, will tit-re find a good specula' BtetfflllVll, A in H Vt U6t. nndi.a days walk, Bhs is glad fr any on sill o J ,My I Isct W(LWMBIAmj;tv7i'..sT. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Estate of John Cox, deceased, TETTERS of administration on tho j Estate of John Cox, late of Hemlock township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Regi-ter of Columbia county to the undersigned s re siding iu Illoom township ; ull persons having claims against the estate of the decedent ore requested to present them tothe administrator , without delay, and all persons indebted to make payment forthwith, LEVI COX, Adm'r. Juno J8,llX!l.-0wfJ2. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. 'I 111. undersigned would Inform the citizensor 1 Illoomsburg and vicinity, that ho hasjusl re eived and offers for sale nno of the mostcxtensive assortments of COOKlNtSand FANCY STOVES ever Introduced into this market. The Christopher CI umbus, James llnbband ('.lobe aro among the first class cooking Stoves, ull or which are air-tight and gas burner His Parlur stoves arc handsome and the assortment vs tied. ALSO-Farticulnr attention is paid to Tim Wart, and House Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds of repairing will be done with neatness and despatch. BV Country produce taken in exchange for work. t ,...,!. I.. tVH iiciisij, 1W ,. j BV Uoi I