en jr nt which could protect thorn, and in the' r: r t'foroo againit national troops holding iv national fortress. 'I he efface tho intuit oilbred to our flag, to flato otirjolves from tho lato of tho divided republics of Italy and South Amorioa, to prceorve our Gov ernmcnt from destruction, enforce its just power tind laws, to maintain our vory exis tonco as n nation theso were the causes whioh impelled us to draw tho Bword. Rebellion against a Government like ours,' which contains within itsolf tho means of sslf-adjuitmont and a pacific remedy for evils, should never bo confounded with a revolution against detpotic power, whioh refuses redress of wrongs. Such a rebell ion cannot be justified upon ethical ground, and the only alternatives for our ohoico arc its suppression or the destruction of our nationality. CONCLUSION. At euoh a time as tin's, and in suoh a struglo, political partisanship should be merged in a true and bravo Datriottsm. which thinks only of the good ol'tho whole oountry. It was in this causo and with theie motives that so many of on oomrades centg ;n ndvano0( ThU is BQ ,off ihli oy. PToK Shall such devotion as that of our dead . neighbors have it. If they cannot pay for comrades bo of no avail! Shall it be said . it club together and got it for them. in after ages that wo lacked tho vigor to . ... coinpleto the work thus begun? That after jgy- At o no of the receptions got up for Tnvissroi !sV ,,i"n "a: r 'heir rc,urn' r UnJ mi .J 1 Pn.ktrt tf li-nn 1 aro told 6omo of tho Loyalists attempted and giro us firmer,, truor hearts than - i Oh spirits of the valiant dead, souls of onrslam heroes, lend us yourown lndomi-1 table will, and if it bo permited you to commune with thoso still chained by tho trammels of mortality, hover around us in the midst of danger and tribulation cheer ' me nrm, sirsngtuen iuc wean, DirC I may doubt the salvation of the and the triumph of our grand old flag In the midst of tho storms which toss our ship of state, thcro is one great beacon light to which wo oau ever turn with con fidence and hope. It cannot be thai this great nation has played its part in history; it cannot be thut our sun, which arose with, auoii urigui promibc lor me luiuro nas al ready set forever. It must be the intention I. 1 1.. ,1 of the overruling Deity that this land, so long the asylum ot tho oppressed, tho raf ugo of civil and religious liberty ,shall again stand forth in bright relief, united, purifi ed, and chastened by our trials, as an ex ample and encouragement for those who desire tho progress of the human race. It is not given to our weak intellects to un derstand the steps of Providence as they occur ;wo comprehend them only as we look back upon them in the far distant past ; so if is now Wo cannot unravel tho seemingly tangled skein of the purpos es of iho Creator they are too high and farreachiog for our limito'1 minds. But all history and His own revealed word teach us that His ways, although inscrutable, are ever righteous. Let us, then, honestly and manfully play our parts, seek to under stand and perform our whole duty, and trust unwaveringly in the beneficient God who led our ancestors across tho sea, and sustained them afterward amid danger more appalling even than thoso encountered by His own chosen people in their great ex odus. He did not bring us hero in vain, nor has He supported us thus fur for naught. II we do our duty and trust in Him, He will not desert us in our need. Firm in our faith that God will save our country. we now dedicate this site to the memory of Dravo men, to loyalty, patriotism, and honor. Loud applause Tho band then performed tho Star Spangled Banner" and ''Yankeo Doodle," aftor which the boucdiction was pronounced by Rev. Dr Sprole. tfp orlal Correspondence of tho Inquirer- Harrisuuro, July 5, 1804. On tho breath of sulphurous vapors and "villanous saltpetre" wero borne to us ru mors cf invasion, and "war's alarums" filled thj? oity with a thousand rumors yes terday, adding a- zest to tho excitomeni which would otherwise have horn missed. But' Harrisburg, and no doubt all the the towns in Cumberland valley, have got used to these alarms, which are beooming quite familiar to our ears ; so that nerves are by uo means "unstrung" now that new alarms greet ua from the border, ami wo are told the Rebels are again advanc ing northward, At one time the Rebels were represent ed as having crossed- the Potomoe and on their way to Hagerstown and Greencas- tle full tilt. The next hour brought anr omoiai aespatcn irom ftlaj. Ueuural Couch denying there were any Rebels this side of the Potomao. One despatch from the border would exaggerate the forces of the enemy to ten or fifteen thousand, whioh subsequent official despatches would ro dnco to three or four thousand guerrillas The facts seem to be as telegraphed you last night, that at six o'olook on 8unday morning Siegel was driven from Leetown and Dftrtville, by a superior foreo ol the enemy, whose cavalry numbered some twenty-six hundred all told, but whose in fantry snm to be involved in suoh oqsour ity, so far as asoertai' ed Ihoir number ie oonoerned. Falling back on Martinsburc Sigel, was again obliged to retreat, this tiao t- tho fiirtifie itions at Harper's For ry. Our losses iu men cannot he great, becauso of the insignifioanre ef tho force under Siegel at tho time of tho attack. That the forces of the enemy canoot he vory great i pretty wall indioted in the faot that, with all the forces of cavalrv thoy aro represented as having, Siegel Cfoaped with very few captures. It is hardly probable that more thau one-third or one half of tho forces sent against Hun ter, at Staunton and Lynchburg, have ad vanoed porihward with this mythical "host." Sioel now has a sufficient force to haln himself, if he will. o hold Harper's Ferry, and thero is little doubt but that i his forees aro able to ket'p the t lace against mi uiiaoKH, luueuu, airer an tne nue ana conduct our workshops, to coustruct the cry raised yesterday, the whole affair will mmWmt of war ,0 guido the premu of not amount to moro than a cattle ra d. , , ., , . , b 4, u , - At the present writing, (three o'oiock P. I truth and to keeP Pen the ohttDne' f M.,) it is notoffioially known that tho Re- trado commerce and manufactures, and belis have orosjed the Potomao any where 1 maintain tho credit of home while the ar in force. It is quite certain, indeed, that mies defend tho honor of tho nation on tho jhey have not crossed. A few Rebel , scouts diBtaot battle-fields. Some mu.t remain, havo been seen to the vicinity of Wi hams- , .r ., , , .... -n oort. Harrersiotvn and MrAnn.lUbnro- , and- lf ihoi' aro 3raf,cd. 0 substitute Will and this has given rise to reports of tho pjLXOaeb of tbo main My, I . '. . P T 1 K I i COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. SUITED BY LEVI I.. TATE, FrtOPIUETOIt. " Our Oonslltntlonsuard It over I Our elorlous Union hold It dear 1 Our Starry Flag forsake It never! Th proud Caucanlan our onljr peer! DLOOMSBURG: Saturday Morning, July 9, 1864 TOn rilESIDENT IN 1861, GEORGE B.M'CLELL AN ' (Subject to Ihe dcclaion of tho National Convention.) J Campaign SuiiscmEns. Wo will few days ago, to lOO'OOO men they bo send tho Columbia Democrat from now, Hove that Banks has boen driven out of till after tho Presidential Election, for 50 to get up political issues, made political ppvk'uuuB, .urn iiuu uiu ' oiug, wuui nro called anti-copperhead vongs, thus of- . r forlDe a. dlrCOt ,nsult to more ,baD half of tD0 alldiellC0 and tho guests. We are glad to say that they wero promptly snubbed, and the result was that the entire rccep l'on wa9 a fri'0-1-0) nl,d disgusted a majori ty in attendance. A few such rebuffs may teach them manners. CS?" Ono of our verv oniWitcncd black republicans asserted on the street tho other day, that' a man "might as well find fault with God Almichtv. as with the nreaoh- . .. " ers." Tlio iollowers of tho Pope in his uu,ia hub, u. palmiest days, nover wunt so far as that ooarse tho !Snnt fellows will easily be lt was left for thsnew light infidels of tho Hcvb this, present day. Now the back townships j would never have discovered that sublime I Anot"er IIero Ai.-We regret to truth ; they are ignorant enough to be-' ohronicle the dea,h of Ijieut- Davil1 Ll licvo that these oolitical nraaaher. ar in Waro of hil Plac from tbo wound ho ro" league wiih the Devil; and that any man who preaohes anything but Christ, and Him crucified ; let him be accursed. The Now Conscription Act. Tho National Force bill has been defi nitely acted upon by the House of Repre sentatives, and the commutation clause has been stricken out of the act. At first tho House refused to tako this course, and the substitute offered by Mr. Smithers.of Del aware, was voted down ; but on Tuesday the voto by which the Bubstiluto was de feated was reconsidered, and the proposi tion of Mr. Smilhers decided affirmatively. Ry tho terms of this substitute the Pres ident is authorized to call out at his dis cretion volunteors for one, two or three years. The volunteers will be credited to the town or district irom which they enter the service, and in case a draft is imposed tho consoripts will also bo so accredited. Accepted volunteers or drafted men aro to receive bounties varying according to the duration of their service. A soldier serv ing one year will receive two hundred dol lars, unless sooner discharged. For two years' service the bounty is thrao hundred dollars, aud for three years four huudred. Tho uiouey is to bo paid at regular pe riods, and a soldier who receives a dis ehargo from service on account of wounds will also receive the bounty according to tho term for whioh ho was enlisted or draft ed. In case of death tho bounty will be given tho legal heirs. All drafts, by tho terms of the act, are ordered within fifty days after tho assur ance of a call for troops, unless tho full quotas aro furnished voluntairly, and ro cruits from ceeded States may be accept ed by tho Executives of loyal Common wealths. The draft will reach all able lodied persons between eighteen and forty-five, and all sailors or marines enlisted in the navy will bo credited to their proper districts. These are the features of the oew National Force bill ; but it goes fur ther. It removes the commutation clauso. It is expressly provided, in case of a draft, "that no payment of money shall bo ac oepted or received by the Government to release any enrolltd or drafted man from military service." It would havo decided more definitely tho prico of a substitute, had Cougrcss affixed to the bill a commu tation clause for a stated nun. Rut there is now no moneyed exemption ; aud if the House substituto leceive, as it probably will, tho concurrence) of the Senate and the approval of the President, thero will be no way to escape adraftsavo by strong- J ly-defined bodily aliments, or the presen. tation of an ablo-bodied representative t0 shoulder a musket or inarch to the field in the conscript's stead. I This will increase tho prioe of substi- i lutes. It will doubtless require one thou-! sand dollars to procure a suitable substi- tuto, and bounty brokers aud substituto speoulalors will reap a harvest from the uow act. Thcro must bo men at home. A11 oannot enter the army, for wo must oavo producers at borne to till our nelds,to bo the 0D'y osooPa from tu8 enforcement of tho conscription. ' ( Tho supposed ignorance of tho Domoorats in the back townships, who read nothing but democratic ncwspnpcrs,is a great souroo of merriment to tho on UghUcncA black republicans of Blooms, burg. Wo hoard a drunken one on tho street tho other day, in a very f.irottous strain, telling how thoy wont to tho post offico tibrut once a month, and got a pa per and never had any later news. Now if that is all true, then wo supposo the pour follows do not yet know that Riohtnond is taken, though it was publuh ed in tho Lincoln Hand Organ hcro,tonio- thing like a month ago. Thoy still su'pposo that Grant is fight ing thoy still think ho has not cvon got Petersburg thoy aro of tho opinion that his losses amount, as stated in Congress a Louisiana, and Cacby is no better they ar0 aonei to ,l0 boliot that Wilson told tbo truth when he said tho administration had recruited over700,000 men within the - year. ' Poor fellows how ignorant they aro ! Now if they would read the Hand Organ, iho M know ti,at Buticr took iiioh- mond a month airo. that Lee had offered to surrender with 70,000 men and 'that ho was wounuca anu in uicnniona mat Beauregard had been whipped-that n. , . , , . "hleton had been taken several time-., and that the rebellion, under tho fostering care of Lincoln, Stanton & Co., had been rapidly growing small by degrees, and beautifully lees. When that fellow goes up the orcek, to scaro out tho Fishiogcreckers, perhaps ho had better tako a few copies of the Hand 0rf-'aD b Pce JouD nml Provo to tbom tbatlho war is over and that if ihy wil1 vote tor Jjineoln, there will bo no moro ceived in the late battles of the Wilder ness. Ho'died at Armory Hospital Wash ington. His remains were taken to Phila delphia for interment, whero he was buried with due military honors. Lieut. Waro was ono of four brothers the balance in tho service in the army of tho Potomao. Yot the fathers of these brave boys, ouo of whom has just fallen, must bo denounoed by the cowardly stay at-homo Loyal Lea guers as a "Copperhead, Sympathiser," "Murderer" &c. - DanviUe Intelligencer. DSf The abolitionists who aro all mis cegenationists and centralizationists, are very found of quoting the Declaration of Independence in favor of their pet theory of negro equality. Whon therefore thoy talk of destroying tho states and degrad ing them to provinces and districts and depondencits ; how will they reconcile it all with that other paragraph in the Deola. ration, to wit : "That theso United Colo nics aro, and of right ought to be, free and iadcjiendeiit Stales. Ru-eal op the Fugitive Slave Law. On Thursday last, the Senate passed an aot repealing tho Fugitive Slave laws ap proved by Washington in 1793 and by Fillmore in 1850. Wo give tho vote en liro. Yeas Messrs. Anthony, Rrown, Chand ler, Clark Conness, Dixon, Foot, Grimes, Halo, Harris, Hicks, Howard, Howe,Lane (Ind.,) Lane (Kansas,) Sprague, Sumner, Tun Eyck, Trumbull, Wade and Wilson. Nays Messrs. Ruckalew, Carlile.Cow ivan, Davis, Hendricks, MoDougall, Pow ell, Riddle, Saulsburry, Van Winkle and Willoy of West Virg nia. Sf Sabre Cuts, Gunshot Wounds, and all other kinds of Wounds, also Sores, Ulcers and Scurvy, heal safely and quickly under tho soothing influence of Holloway's Ointment. It hsala to the bone, so that tbo wound never opens again. Soldiers, supply yourselves. Only 25 oents per pot. JGS7- Mr. Lincoln says tho Baltimore Convention in nominating him, acted on tho priuciplo that '-it isn't best to swap horses in a stroam." Soribolerous thinks that the country should proposo to 'swop' this 'horse' for a dog, and kill the dog. Binghampton Democrat. We wish to see Mr. Sumnor walking down Pennsylvania avenue with a colored ludyofthe darkest hue hanging on his arm. J Washington Union. Wh wish such a calamity and dirgreco as that to fall upon any "colored lady !" The poor negroes are likely to have had times enough, without keeping oompany with Sumner. Disloyal. Why don't Lincoln "sun- proSa" the Fremont party, or sent it to p0rt Lafayette ? Its orators and news- Papors aro uttering the most "disloyal" sentiments on record. 1 hey denounce the long-legged "govorument" in bitter terms, and are permitted to run at largo I t&- If an abolition lawyer finds his business dull, or a politician fails in his expectations) bo can apply to the Admin istration for a Major-General ship. Death ot Ex-Govehnoh Reedek Uabton, July 0. Ex-Governor Andrew II Recderdird at his residence in this placo at an early hour this morning, after a iborfc illness, " MARRIAGEG. On thft Sth Init,, nt Erprct't Unlet In OrnnRCvlllc. by Rev. Mr. Onoilrlck Mr, lteuhrn II, Hcuscr, to.Mln La villa I. Wolf, both or llloomsburg. Ob the 3d Intl., by the Rev. Win, J. Dyer, Mr S. 0. Rottihall, to Miss Emellns Auman both of Ashland, Ta. ii '- " DEATHS. In Prl'rereekion the 18th tilt Mbert P., ion of John Jaccby, aged S years, 8 month'. undSt days. OBITUARY. WitiMAM Ckbasv, joungost eon of f'tho late) John k Margaret Creasy, was drowned in tho Wyoming (Janal, at tho residence of bis brother, J icon Urcasy, in Centre township, Columbia county, on Saturday, the 20th ot Ju c, 1804, in tho a Oth year of his ago. Iu Mcmoriam. Bon, thou wast mild and lovely, Gentlo is the suinmor breeze ricatnnt as the air of evening, When It floats anions the trees. 1'caecful be thy silent slumber, Peaceful in the grave so low Thou no more wlltjoln our number. Thou no more our songs thalt know. Dearest son, thou hast tell us, Here thy loss we deeply feet, But 'tis On, I that hath bereft us, lie can all our sorrows heal. Yet, again, we hope to meet thee, When the day of life I fled Then In Heaven, wllhjoy to greet thee, Where no farewell tear la shed. M. C j Xt) UUCtitSCUlCUt Valuable Property AT PRIVATE SALE. TnE undersigned desirous of retiring from business, oirura to cll ut private sale, the es'.ablishme ot known us The Bloomsburg Plaining Mill, PASII FACTORY, SAV M ILL, AND DWELLING IIOUSU.&C. Together with tho ENGINE, AND ALL MACHINERY ncressary for a (lrst class establishment of the kiml. me concern win warrant employment lor tiny fli.tnus at all times. There is also cnnnrcteil with the above, and doing a very extensive run of custom, a The whole will be sold at a bargain, on reasonable .erms, and immediate possession given. A&S O J TWO OTHER IIRICK DWELLING IIOUHE3 NEAR LY NEW. The one n lareo size double house, out buildings, &c, Ihey will be void at a bargain if appli cation be made soon. H.C 8IIIVC. lilooinsburg. July t, 1801. E7" F.aston Argus, Mlltonlan, Lycoming Democrat Clinton county Urmorrat, and Luzerne Onion, copy four times, and send bill to Columbia Democrat. THE CAMPAIGN AGE. THE rUIJLISIIEUS OF THE PHILADELPHIA AGE Will issuo a Campaign Sheet for the Dom oeratio and Conservative maspos' ', It will be printed on a large sheet offine white pj. per, at mrh rates as will bring It within thsreach f all. It will support the nominees of tin Democratic National Convention, the full proaeedings of which will be publinbed in its columns. It w ill boldly ndvo cato the rights of the white man, and 'fearlessly sus tain all the constitutional riulita of tbe citizen, no mat ter from what quarter they may boassaili d. The first nnmber will bo Isliiicd abii'it the .1th of Ail gtit. The whole number will bo thirteen following each other weekly, unlil the Presidential election, tho result of which will be conlained in tho final number. Democratic and Conservative Clubs, County Commit tees, Agents find all interested in the cause arc invited to co-operate in the circulation of THE CAMPAIGN AGE. TERMS: The CAMr-AIflN ACE, of Thirteen Numbers. fliNULtj Copies for the. scries, 5U cents. In Clubs of not lest ttiun 'JO to ono address 45 cts. each. " " SO, " 41) Cash must accompany each order and NO VAKI I'lON WILL UE MAUL IN AN V CASE FROM THE AMOVE TEK.M3. Orders should be sent in immediately, or nt least by the first day of August, to GLOSSBItENNER & WELSH, 430 Ciiestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 9, 18C4.-Im. For Sale! THE undersigned offers his entire stock of TSSSSYJi TOOLS 1 for sale. They comprise a full assortment and are in ojod or der, They will be givenup atauy time, olmi, the place ofbiiiiiness, Hhith uln Hie centre of Itlooiiihliurg. the best locution for constructing nil establishment jf the kind ju tins section, Tlu- terms w II be made mod crate. Apply soon. PHILIP S. MOYEU. Illoomsburg, JulyO, 18U1. 41. Special Notice! rPhe Subscriber wishes t cloe his o'd i Uooks, all persons having unsetlled accnunis on theeanie will please call and seltlu without delay a woruiu uiu wise is suiiicieut, J.J, imOWEtt. lilooinsburg. July 9, I8C4. 3t- LETTERS OF ADVICE FOR LADIES. FIVE ANATOMICAL ENGRAVINGS. Has information nover before published. Sent free in a sealed envelop for ten cents. Address, Dr. STANFORD, Box No. 4,633 New York P. 0. WIlXLliHSPOKT OIL WORKS. NON-EXPLOSIVE PURE mWTAl GABfiON ALSO j Refined Benzine and LUBRICATING OIL in tight Pack ages. ' Orders will reoeive prompt attontion. H. L. HOLDEN, ! Proprietor. VVilliamiporl, July 3, lBG4.-tf, RUNAWAY! ADBCONDEO from Iho subscriber In Centre town ship, on the ISIh ult a bound boy, named WASH INGTON FOOEL, ajed about 13 years. All persons, are cautioned against harboring or trusting said boy as I will pay no debts ofui contracting. WILLIAM MILLER. July f ieet-3w. PROCLAMATION ! FOIt A TO BK lIKt.n ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 2(1, 1801. IN THE NAMK AND BY THU AUTHOR ITY Ot' TUB COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. . ANDREW Q. CURTlN, Governor of the said Commonwealth, To Jojiaii H Fimman, Eeu , t'htnff of Ihe County o) Columbia Sends Greeting : WiiK.nKAO, A jouil retoliiiirm prono ug cctlaln amendments to the Condiintin'iof: tills Comtntinweulili, which ate as lollows "There shall bo an additional spclion to iho lliinl aiticlo of the Constitution, to bo dosianalcd us ferlion lour, us follows: "Skc. -I. Whenever any of llui qualified electors of lhl Comrnomvonltli fhnll ho In nuy actual military service, under a requi silion ftom tho President of the United States, or by aiilhorilv of ibis Common wealth, nirti electors mnv UNercUo Iho right of suffrage in nil elcclions by Ihe citizens, under Mich regulation n two or t-hall be prescribed by law, so fully a if l hey were present at Ihetr usual place of elections. "TriPfB shnll be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Cmifttlutlon, to b designated as seclioif eight and nine as fnllowt-: "Sen. 8. No bill shall be paseeil by iho Lppislature cnntainlni; mo'u llinn ono sub jhl'I, which shall ho clearly expressed in ihe iill. p.ct' Hpprnpiiiilion bill. ""See. 9. Net bill shall be passed by ihe Legii-liiiiirp, srauling any power or privi leges, in any cape where the anihurily to tirnin cucli powers or privileges, hnn been, or limy hereafter he, ennletrecl upon the rouris of this Coinmonwesilih,'' ha- (men nareed in by a mnjoriiy of tho members elected to each Hnuso of the Ltirluiiira, at two successive sesion ol Iho same. And Wherea, ll is provided in the IPlh article of Miid cou-iiiiutinn, thai any amend merits in aareod upon, i-hnll be siihniitied to the ponplo in dii'li in an nor, ai.d at uch time, at least three, month aller bniji" sn Hereeil to by the two Houses. a Ihe l.eui! Inline shall prescribe; such submission to be in such manner and form, that ilie peo ple nuy vote lor or Hunm-i each amend ment feiiaruln and ili-tincily. And Whereas. U an act of iIih Central Assembly of tin- Coinmonweahli, pa-seil the 23d day ol April A. I)., one Ihou-atnl eiahl hundred und -ixly limr, H is provided "llial foi ihe purpn-M of useeriaiinnu' ih" sense ol Ihe people of ihi Coniinoiiu ealih in regard lo ih". ado, lion or rejeclion ol said .'lmendmeniH, or enher ol" ilium, the Governor ol H'is Commonweahh shall issue a writ of Wecnon, direcled to each anil etety Sheriff of this Cummnnnealin, com mandina Ihem to aive notice in ihe usual manner, in not less than two newspapers in each city ami cnunly. Provided. That so many are publi-liPil" (herein, and by nt lean no printed handbills in euch election district, o) every city and county wherm no newspaper is published, that an election will tie held in each of the lowushipt, boroughs, wards, precinct-', and dismals therein, cm THE FIIIST TUESDAY OF AUGUST, in the tear of our Lord, one thon-and eight hundred and si.xty four, for llie purpose of decnlina upon the approval and -utilit'dtion, or rejection or Ihe said amendments, which -aid election shall be opened held and cloved ufion the day last aforesaid, nl tho places and wiihin the hour, at aud wiihin which, Ihe General Eleciiniin uf this Commoiiweallh are direi: ted lo be opened held and closed. Now, Therefore, In obedience Iu the re quiremeiils of lh 10th article ol Ihe Con stilulinn, and in accordance with ihe irue intent anil meaning of l!ie sunt act of ihe General A-".emblyof this Coii'monwe.iliti, I, ANDItEW G. CURTlN. Governor ol the said fo.nmoiiwt ab h ol Pennsylvania, do issue tin- writ, commanding anil requiring you, Ihe said Josiah H. Purmaii, S!n-rill of the said cnunly. 10 give uniice iu Ihe u-tial manner and a b Uw required, lhai an election will be held according lo the term ol ihe consiiiniion, ind provi-ion of the act ol the General Assembly afore-aid, in each of ihe township, boroughs, ward, precincl and di-ineis iherein, on l lie Fir-I Tuesday of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty lour, for Ihe purpose ot deciding upon (he appro val ami ratification, or rejeeiiou nl the said mi endrueuls. Given under my hand and iho gieat seal of llie Slate, al Harrifburg. ihis iwemy fir--! day of June, iu the year'of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred -and sixiy lour, and of tho Cntrimoiuveahti the eighty eighth. Ny order ol Ihe Governor. " v ' ELI SLIFEK, Secretary of iho Commoiiweallh. In pursuance of the above pioclamation of Ihe Governor of the Co-n monwn.ilih of Pennsylvania, I JOSIAH 11 FUI.MAN, High Sheriff of the county of Columbia, Pennsylvania, do hereby muke known and give nmice to the electors of Iho county ulnresaul, thai an election will be held in said county of Columbia on TUESDAY, THE 2d DAY AUGUST. 18(14 for the pur-pos-of voling on "a Joint Resolution pro posing certain amendments, to the Cousli 'iiliiin ot Hie Commonweal-h." I alo hereby make known and give r.o'ico 'hat the place.-, of hoi ling the afore said general eleciii.il in the several town ships within .he county of Columbia, are us lollows, viz : illocim lowoship, al tho Court House, in Bloomi-burg. Benton township, ni the Public llnuae of John J. Sliles, in the Town nf lieniou. Beaver lownship, at ihe Publiu House of Franklin L. Sliumau. Biiarcreek lowiifhip at the Public School House near Evausville Borough ol Berwick, at the Town House in the Borough. CaMvib-a township, at the Public, house ol Samuel Koslenbauiler. Centre township, at the house of Jeremi ah Hess, deceased. Conyngham twp., at the Public House of Reuben Wasser. Fishingereek twp., at the Public H inse of Benjamin Mcllenry. Franklin Township, at Cluj ton's School House. Greenwood Township, al the House of Jo-oph R. Patlon. Hemlock township, al Ihe "Buck Horn." Jaoksoo township at the house ol Exekiel Cole. Locusi lownship, al the Public House of John L. Hurst, in Slabtown. Mifflin lownbnip, at llie Public Houso of John Ioller. Madison lowntliip, at the Public House of Samuel Rim by. Ml. Pleataui iwp , nt iho Public House ot Ttiomas Jones. Montour township, al the house of Wm. Holliugshead, Maine lownship, at Iho Public House ol John A. Sliumau, Uoarint;oreek iwp., al llie houso formerly occupied by George W. Dreisbauh. Orange towti.hip, at the Public House of Alexander Hughes, iu Orangeville. Pino lowusliip, at tho house of Albert Hunter. Sugarloaf township, at the houso ot A. Cole, Scott township, at the Publio House of J. D. Maruhbaiik. I ulso, for the information of iho electors of the couniy of Columbia, publish Ihe act entitled, ' Au aci prescribing ihe lime and manner of submitting to Uiu people, for Ibair approval ard ratification or rejeclion, the proposed amendments to the Consiilii- tion ... VVhkbkas, A joint resolution, proposing certain amendments to tiro Constitution of this Commonwealth, has been ngrecd to by a majority of tho members elected to oaeh houso of tho Legislature, al two suc cessive sessions of Itin same,-Iho first ses sion commencing on Iho Hirst Tuesday of January, in tbo year of our Lord one thous and eight bundled and tdxty-threo, and tho second session commencing on the fiist Tuesday In January, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and six- l Am! whereas, It Is'ptovidod in tho tenth ntticle of Ihe ConrtilulionAUl any amend, monl, to agre.od upon, shall bB submitted to the people in such a manner, and suoh limes, t least three, mini hs nllnr being so agreed to by the two houses, ns the. Legis lature shall prescribe, such submission to be in such mammr and form thut the pen pla may vote fur or against eneh amend ment teparaiely and disiinelly ; therefore, Sfc. 1. I'o il eiiai'lcd by the Senate mid Hnii ol nenresontallves of the Common- wenllh of Pennsylvania iu General Asem bly met, and it is hereby onaetej by Ihe authority oflhn same, That for Iho purpose of ascertaining the senso of the people of this Commonwealih,ln regard to the adnp lion or rejeclion of said amendments, or either of them, the Governor of this Com rnonweallh shall issue a writ o( elec.lion, direded to each and every sheriff of this Coiiimonwoallh,eoinmandiiig them lo give nmice, in iho usua1 manner, in not loss than two newspapers in each city ami eouiMy : PiovUtd, That so many are pub lished iherein, and by at least two primed handbills in each election disirict ol every city and couniy wherein no iiowspappi is published, thai an election will be held ill each of the towiishiis, boroughs, wards, precincts and districts therein, on the first Tuesday ol August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four, for Ihe purpose ol deciding upon Ihe appioval and ratification, or rejection of Ihe said amendments, which said election shall be npriie-J, held and cln-e.l upon I lie day last aforesaid, nl llie place" and wiih in ihe hours al and wiihin which t tin gen eral elections of ihi- Commonwealth aro direcled to be opened, held aud doted, mid ll shall be the duly of the judge-, in spectors and clerks of eieh of said town ships, Botoiighs. Wards. Precincts, mid Districts to receive, in the said election, ticket-, not exieeding the number o' pro. pn-ed ameni'mmits, eiiher written or prill led, or partly writlon and panly primed, Irom each of the qualified vo ers ol ibis SialP, who may oiler the same, and 10 de posit l hern iu a box or boxe-. lo be for that purpose provided by the proper officer, which ticket shall be, lespec.lively, label led on the ouiside, "Firs' an-Mi'lineni," "Second amendment." anil 1 Third amend ment.'' and thoe who are favorable lo j said amendments, or any of ihem, may I express iheir approval ihereo! bv voting. I each, as many sepaiale, wriilen or primed j or p.irdy writien and partly printed bailol I or lickei-, as ll ere are amendments ap l proved hy ihem, containing, on 'he insido t thereof, tho words. ''For llie amendment," ! ami lhoe who are oppo-ed lo such amend ments, or any ot idem, may expres-iheir oppoHilion by voling each, a many sepa raiu, wriiieu or printed r.r partly wriilen and partly printed ballots ir ticket., as there are amendments not approved by ihem. containing on the inside thereol, the word, '' Agam-i Ihe amendment," the electors voting for or against thn ll amend melll shall tie considered us voling fur or against the proposed loiirih Sec. lo article three of the Constitution, extending die right of stillrage lo snliliers; electors vniing for imam-' llie second amendment shall be cou.ideied ns voting for or against llie nro pnsed eigh'h section to nil'cle eleven of Ihe Consiiiniion; and eleclots voting lor or egamst ihe 'bird amendment shall be con sidereal a- voling for or ngainl the prn posed ninth seclion lo article eleven of the Constitution. Sec. 2. That the eleeiion on llie snid pro posed ilmendmenls shall, in all respect, te conducted as Ihe general elections of this Commonwealth ate now conducted, and il shall be thu duly of tne return juilges ol Ihe respeciive counties and Districts lliereof, fir.-l having carefully iiscer-ained the number of votes given for or against each of saiil amendment, in tho manner aforesaid, in make out duplicate relnrns ihereol, expressed iu wonl- at length and not iu figure only, nl which returns, so made, shall be lodge I in ihe pri'honol uy'ts ofhee of llie court ol common pleas ol the proper county, aud the o-her ealeil and directed to ihe Secretary ol the Common wealth, and by one of -aid Judges deposit ed, lorihwiih, iu Ihe niosi convi-uii nl pus office, uprn v hich postage shall be prepaid at Ihe.expt'iise ol the proper couniy. Sec 3 That it uhall be Ihe duly of ihe Secretary of the Common wealth mi iho 23d Jay ol August nei, belore four o'clock, post meridian, to deliver lo the Speaker of Ihe Senatu, or the Speaker of llie House ol Representatives, the returns of ihe said eleeiion, from llie several counties of the Commouwralih; .and the same shall on the same day and limit be opened and published iii ihe presence ol ihe members ol the Senate and House ol Representa tives; and tho number of voles given for and against said amendments, respective ly, shall bo carefully summed up and as certained, ard duplicate certificates of ihe result, shall be signed by the Speakeis of the two Houses. One ol said certificates shall be delivered lo the Seuretary ol the Commonwealth, who shall cause the same to be recorded and filed in his office, and the oilier of said certificates shall be deliv ered to the Governor, who shall forihw ith issue his proclamation, declaring whether the said umendmeiiis, or either of them have been approved and ratified by a ma jority of ihe qualifipd voters nl the Slato vo'ing iherein. ProvidedThat if for any cause, a quorum of eiiher Houses of tho Legislature shall noi be present at the (lay and hour above mentioned, then the said voles shall be opened in the presence of such members ol said houses as shall be present, and incase of thu absence of the Speaker of either of said houses, ihe said ceriificaies shall be signed by Iho Speaker present, or in case of ihu absence of both Speakers, by the Chief Clerlts of both houses, or eiiher of them in Ihu absence of one of the said cleiks, See. 4. That llie several duties required to be performed by tho Sherilfs, Commis sioner, constables, judges, inspectors, and all oilier officers whatever, in and about the general elections of this Common wealth shall be performed by such officers in and about the election herein provided for, and all persons, wheiher officers or others, shall be liable to the same punish ment for ihe neglect of any duty or the commission of any offence at, In or about the said eleeiion as they would for the neglect ol like duly or iho commission of lile offence at, iu or about the genora elections of this Commonwealth. HENRY C. JOHNSON, Spoaker ol the Houso of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNY, Speaker of tho Senate. Ap proved, The twenty third day ot April Anno Domini, ond thousand eight hundred and sixty four. ANDREW G. CURTlN. Governor ol Pennsylvania. Meeting of Jletum Judges. Pursuant to the prnvUlntis coiilatrj Ihe 2d section si tho act u(oteui,i jinlgosof Iho nforosai'd di-irlct (,, spectively tako ehargo of ihe cer inu return of the election ol their lej,,' districts, and produce them at it ni()t.,;fl one Judge- from oaeh district, at tf,H t ly Seat, In Bloomsburg, on thn nm. after Iho election, being FRIDA of AUGUST, then nnd Ihnro in'(u' porform iho duties requited by law w" said Judges, Also, lhal whero n judgo by sickne, unavoiiiiU'lo auciueui is uutiuiu in such meeting of Judges, thou the nie or return aforesaid shall !, a Of oharao ofbv one of the inspectors nr..'. -e L. of ihe election of said district, w'iu',, do und peilurm iho duties rcquitoii c': Judge unable lo attend. Given under my hand, in uy uffi Uloouisburg, tho First thy of July, Domini, one thousand eight hundred , sixty four. JOSIAH H. FURM.W Sheritrs Ollice, ) t f Bloomsburg, July t, 180-1 RECEIPTS FOlt TO THE JUKI, COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT so: Tho following payments have been m,, to the Columbia Danocrul office, ilai, tho month nf June, 1804 : ""I Henry B Arthur Jarcl) Idler Alt Hum Istinc tkcler Jnlin Horn J KUrusldr, 121 I'.st ut" Jcilin llrugler Jur OHnillli 20 OO'iimus I'mlMi J O'J J II Purinan, F.,. 2 I'O.II IV CrcvellnfA. ' I ail H T Itculiarl & Uiu 8 iiii;.o ll Mari'lihiihk il SOlVlor A pnlo rim n a iWJI'st nf 7-lni t'.i 5 (lO'Isnac .Mooru lli-inon Cart A Wile Katuf I.HilrtiR Voung 11 Sj,tVni ltniil? II du.aiiiaii iioiiiiioy .Mrs l.yilla Uanich 4 m lliruui TJin.iin ' Jlntlilas Oilbert 5 iUynslnm tlarucl (ieo M llclplP - IK),.olin lttrs Ust of 'nli Sliuuiaii 'I UO,'Aumn U.-l. lin- r ' list of Dr. Oi'O 11 llu)liurlj.nhua.runlvr i uu-ni'iiry u iveicininr Dariil S Urmvn V 1 ;.impl)';ll Muslu siliiiiuun All nun Si-pi'iihiser Cnpt Jnn ll Yoliu Daviil llri-n, Jr Jani'is llrnwn J-.hu II llrtlur, V. l Bl-;ilifii 11 .-mtiiik UOi.Miil Caiiiui l Friii. 1 0 ; VV il I io in ( 1 1 1 i I .'-;Uni I, K-ili liner II HU,llim 0,'u mt I lJi);.nf Inia TrUr. il 51 - i f l inn i'.ii-ja,, 1 KH.lViii Iln -li.ir.li I W'Dri: IV IVills ii III! Cslof I!, s.j J.,:i. , A t; ,iil-iirii 0 II Moiitsniiiery-M H U,'I'rily & Jlimin n a ii'vll 111 r ill,. Ueiiliijn inner iiiitnun - .'viu-iiry iriinrtt.'r John Krltur I 00 U in l iiiitij-st C'lurli's K 1 i iisn nitiii Jacol, Vulic. Jr Julin .1 liLarlurt llaiiiLl Miller Joint llnrniuiiy Jiisepli'Mnrtz J-sui-li II Klttlrr .Mkli.ii I Ituinloy Jolin A Mini mall J (ill n IkU Willi in T Ilnrlzi l ti .11 lVttcngill &. t'i). H VI IVttcngill & t'u tun) Jj-i..ll l.illiiy Mrs Ainu Miltur i ni i- ii iinriniaii 4 M A 1) (iiiml UO II 1' i;v.Till 'J 10 li.hu J Hill. 2 111! D.-mli I M,., i,,y e uiijiiiin iin.ish. t:,. i '.' no li.miil Hum-I- IW .Mrs linrtrurt t i'r-',i.t 1 10 Henry lli-s Iftntr. i! (HI Jiis-'ili II-'s 1 GO VAw aril Haw IniL'i (N 'i ) Tn-hsiiri-r nf ( ul n WI OU l'ctcr llrnn.i.iii VHos - l.iAi Til-Jinn .'- IW l.li-h-i K Ki tilinn I II D.m'l Alilu-uWdin i! Oil Julin lirnni r 1 nil.Jlllnus l.il;.., I i I II fllr. J llarl.icln-r i (I'ljjns i: ut ii Co 3 Wi 111 ftlini'iiiiiK. r 0 T ,.- Ii.irt i.rra iii-h er Ki.lir Mclk'iiry, Kt William frc.tsy, t-r It A lliildlu Uj1 EC" Again wo thauk our frieiids i prompt iiaytuef.ts. Thosu of t'.i kuow what is riulit, uiaku no "i-j-e - -the payment of 6v! OU , ii cilv "Columbia Ueiiinrrai," and thi -.-know does not pay us near r.o vr-i' j did in Democratic Money. 'I'o ihr indebted, vu ask a reuutaiice by o otherwi'-c, as we are compelled two. , discontinue tho mimes of the deliiiii-u n ltOI.Ii Ul1 TIIL COI.UJIX. FRESH A ll ll 1 V A J. oprtnn auu ymnnid" 31 '-.V k6 roit- tllC iinrtfrj-ij!iioil, pralt'l'iil f-r j-a-l lialrrina?-', i Lilly inl'nrnn hN(ii.iiniir- nail Ih' - -1 1 1 1 1- c . " Hull liu inn Jiim rrrcui'il Irom tlx- i:,itrria- rill- -. arjji'st and must si-Ii it ju.cl: nl' mm mm n n VI M'.AJ.M' A A Jx.4 aU )J t That lia yol heun npi-ni'il in ninnni.huri;. t- win-1. inviti'H iln. atlonlii.ii nl' friciiili-. unit aMiri u. that they urn nltercd fur falc at Rrfat bargain . Stuck Luintuiics a laruu abrorlnu'iit -if tlllM'l.U.MKN"! WKAHIMi AfPAIIi;!., Onlli-lstlli-! in I'AilllO'.AUl.l: l)ats Chats, nt i-vrrj -' criptinn; I'.inu, Vests, Slnrln, rravats Ht-tcks, IV' Handkerchiefs, Mliivt'H. riiiriiciiili-rs, :c. ('oid Watches and Jewelry. OI'..,-ry ili'si-rlption, fini-ainl ilm.ip. X. n.-llflni'iiilnr iMirralrri'a Chmp .'-i-yorl.-i. call and si-e. Nn i h.it",. fur -'taniine Cuuils. david i.owr.Mir.itu IlloJiiishnr;', April Id, 1SU1. iJiiiiv I-.. ' MOKE MKN yA XTBD I REVOLUTION lN HIGH ',7cV: hJlllCE A li RIVAL OF SPRHMG & SUMBil AT PETER ENT'S STORE. JX LIGHT STREET, COLUMBIA COVATV, V.1. HAS Just received troin riiilad'.-lphia, mid is l'o opuninjjil the old stand lately occupied Ly Marl: & Cm, a splendid assortment of MERCHANDIZE which will tie sold cheap fur CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His str.ckconslsts of Ladles Dri'.s Goods choicest atyl-i and latest fashions Calicos, Muslina, Qinghauis, Flanuels, Oarpols, Sliawln', Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. assimorei, atiuuti, ottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &o. Groceries, Quceusware, Ccdarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. J" 'lion i-ery thln-j n.uol.y kept in n country store '1 he palronaBe of old friends, and the public Vnernl- The lilelie.l market prico paid for country produce. . -.LV..Ul VU'llllUU I.iglit Btrcet, April 3D, 1801 I'KTUIl iJST. National Hotel. (Late White Ewan.) 11ACE STREET, AnOVU lMIIIiADGLlMHA. THIKD D. 0. SIEGRIST, Pnoi kietok. lormerlyfiom Eagle Hotel Lebanon, Pa Jos. nouauM. cuti, ' March S, HOl-lSm,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers