AGRICULTURAL. M0NTA11C0 MERINOS. Mr. Enos 13 Ferris, of Ronton, Lake Co, 111., alluding to our mention of these sheep in tbo Practical SUtncrd, says ho J'vrould bo pleased if wo would give a li is lory of tbem, and slate their sizo, complex ion, and the character oi the wool." We do not recollect that any European . or Amerioan author gives a sepenito and detailed description of the MontRrcoa Dy a I. iter adre.scd to us in 18-11, by lion. William Jams, and by other letters of bin tind-- our oyc, it appears that among the Vv. i ' u Junto in ISO!), was that of the Coml' u M ititarco, then numbering about 2(),nn, lot of it was bought by a Span Ian1 mil a Portugese, but about 15,700 were shipped to tb'L'r.itel Stated. Mr. Jarvis Bbipj cd a .ui 2,,n o' '!ic.", 'J'ht flock he oventually reserved for himself va com posed half of Paulars, a fourth of Aqueir res, and tlto other fourth of 15cuii.ils, No grettis and RIontarcos. He bred tbcjo sep arately from 1811 tol81fl,and thenceforth mixed them together and bred indiscrimi nately. Mr. Jarvis, in a letter, to L. D. Gregory, sa'ys "the Montarco bore a con siderable resemblance to the Escurials," and tbatliko the EscurinU and tbo Gaud aloupes they "wero dot in general so heavy homed ' as tho Paulars, Ncgrcttis and Aqueirrcs. This is substantially "all wo kno'w about them, as wo have never seen a flock ol them ; and we have no informa tion that any flock of them has been pro served distinct in tho United States. They woro considered atnoDg tho prime Lconesa p. is. the best Merinos of Spain but if Mr Jarvis' statement is correct that they resemble tho Escurials, they were less valuable, according to Amen can ideas, that the Paulars, Infantadosand somo other families, because, although finer, they wero lighter deeced i nd more free from yolk. Wo aro of opinion, however, that more importance has been attached tothesofam ily distinction as a test of value in our country, than was ever attached to them in Spain. American Monition now do not do pond so much for their valuable qualities on the Spanish Cabanas from which they are on the skill and judgement with which they have been bred. A prime American Paular or Infatitado bears very little resemblance to its imported ancectors and is almost every way a different, im proved, and essentially superior auiinal. SETTING POSTS. G. Starr, of Ilarlan, writes us he has Been experimenting thirty years, and his advice is, 'set your posts top down j thoso so set will bo soun'1 15 years hence, while those tct base down will be rotted in 10 years.' llo says in clearing, limbs ol falling trees havo been forced into the ground, which bare been louud to be sound after the stump had decayed and gone. He had potis set in the ground 10 years ago, top down, that are yet sound. Knows posts will last twice as loDg ns if set' in the usual manner. He says, ''saw a stick in two and set each piece on end on the ground. Tho stick which stands on tho but-end will always bo found damp or moist at the top. It is continually draw ing moisture from the ground. The mois ture passes through the wood as the sap .does, natunulv. This moisture causes it to rot. On ihc other hand the stick stand ing ti'j.. dovri. w..l be found to be dry on the upper end. The sap or itioisturo ini' will icturn lack to the earth. Posts set in tins manner will always bo found dry, rxocpt a little on the out'T sid next to the earth. The wcter cannot riso nor pen etrate into the wood Posts, whilo dry, arc slow to rot. A fcuoo made of t-plit posts will last muoh longer than one mado of sawed posts. Thoro should bo no cuts or hacks in the posts near the ground to et the water in. I mark my post when I split them, eo that there will bo no mis take mode when I como to set them." ' Jlural New Yorker, UP DE GRAFF'S KYHAM) liAIt l,FDIl!AHV, (On tho jiinrd, Three Doort from Block's Hotel WILKESBARRE, PA. '1MIIS INSTUT10N is now opcncS and 1 furnished In tho mosl costly stylo. Reception, rrlvntonnd Operating" Rooms nro large, convenient an. I well adapted Tim Surgical iiiirtnniit contains Hid tlucst collection of liikt.uni?iit In tin country, tin t thus lil faculties will enable hltn tn meet nny nml nil emergencies in practical lieu ill operate upon all the various forms cf BLINDNESS, Oninrncl, Uccluou of the I'lipil. l'roj Eyes, Closure of ha Tenr Duct-i, Iti version of tho : vllils, Pterygium, &c, fce. And Kill Irrnt ii'l form of Soros, r.ya (Itnniilod Mils. Opacotios oftlio Corhcn, unci SctofuloUa diseases of tin) Eye to. pettier with nil the iIIschscb to which tlw 11)0 la sub led. DEAFNESS Will treat nil tho diseases common to the organ. Illschnrccs from tho fur, Noises In thn Catarrh, dllliciilty of henrlng.lnlul Di"fiicss even w hero the Drum Is dostrojed. Will Insert nn artificial one ninwerliii; nearly nil the purposes oftlm natural. DISEASES UF Till! "I I1ROAT.-AII diseases com. moii In tho Throat nml Noso will ho treated OEMHIAL SlIHdEllY llo will oper.uo upon iiuo feet, Hair Up, I I t ft Pi.llnto.Tuiuors, Cancers, t.nlar gml Teiicils. c Plastic operations by htnllhi! now Ilexti Into deformed parts, nml Ocnural Surgery of whatever ilinruc tr It may present. HERNIA (or Itni'TUIti:.)- He perform "Lnbius rpcrnllon for the rtdlonl (complete) euro of Hernia, ilils is uii'iuestlinnbly n perfect euro. Ami la w ilh llltlo or no pain. Outofmany hut.drcd operated upoiilu Bolon thi-ru has been no having met tho pcrfrrtnpprobation nT tillwhohnvo aiiliml)tcd to It Alfl'll'ii'AI. UYI'.B. Wllllni-ertnrtltlclnl I'.ycs plv liiB Ihem tho motion nml expression of tho natural. They nro inscrtnl Willi tho leait pain. ItKMOttllllOltiH, (I'ilca.V-Thla troublcaome dnenao la ri'inllly cured. Those aulTerlng from 11 willdowiU tornll. l)r Up l)e(Jrairviaiti Wllkcs'Ilarrc with a vluw of bullilinii up n permanent lnlltuto for the treatniout of tin-i:ye, l;nrniul Cencral Surccry. Tho experience of more than a quarter of a rentury In Hospital nml Rouer nl hopes, will boil Miillcient guuranteoui tho-o u ho niny lie disposed to employ him. Ainy 14, tr. or tiii: Bmvo Soldiers nud Sailors. TO ALL IRON IN THE BLOOD, It is well known to the medlcnl profession that IRON' Is the Vital l'rluriplcor l.lfa nieuient of (ho blood. Thlsis deifveil rhlelly from the food we eat ', hut iflho food la not properly diccstcd. or if from nnr cauau what ever, the uecesauryiuaiitity of iron is not taken into mo ciriuiauon, or uecouiea reiluced. tlio wnoiu syteni aulfers. The had Mood will trrltatn tho heart, will ciog up tlio lung), will obstruct the liver nud will send ita diseasu-producliig elements to all parts oftlm sys tem, nud every one will sutler in whatever organ may bo predi-pnpfd to diseose, The greut value of IKON AS A mcuiriNK la well known nnd ncknoled(fod by nil niedwnl men uu uiiiiiuiiy ueeu in noiniu men a preparation o It a ill enter th:' rlrculatioii and nsrliullalo at once with Ilia lllood. Thla point, says Mr. Hayes. Masaach utetts talo Cheiiilit, lias been attained in the Peruvi an Syrup, by combination In a wny before unknown. THE l'EHliVIAN SVItl'P Is n Protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron aN'cw Discovery In Medicine that Strikes at tho Root nfll!. ease by supplying tho blooj ivlthits Vital Principle or I'MU UtVIIIVII. lllllll Till: PEKCVIliV SYHUP Cures Dj'spepiln, I.lver Complaint, Dropsy Fever and Ague, Loss of Ihierygy, Low Spirits. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Uiftises roiiz!U,iRor and new !ifu into tlio syalcm.ant! uiiiiuk up an "iron i;nn8Uiuuon. TUi: PERUVIAN SYRUP Curea Chronic Illarrlitzn, Scrofula, Dolls, Scurvy, Loss of Constitutional Vigor. THE IERUV1AX SYRUP Curea Nervous Allections, 1'oiuulc Complaints, and all diseases f tho Kiducys and liladder. THE PERUVIAN SVItUP Is a specific for nil disi-nsea originating in a bad state of .he Mooii, or mcoinpanicd by Debility or a Low State of tho Syslum. Pamphlets containing certiflcatas of cures and recom mendations from tunic oftlm moist eminent Physicians Clergymen, and olhi'rs.uillboHenl 1'rec lo any address vu solect a lew of tho names to show Ihu character of tile testliuomiU. JOHN R WILLIAMS, ESQ. Presidonl ol the Metropolitan Itank, Nuw York. Iluv. Allt:i, STl-.Vt:S. Late Editor L'hrLl;iin Advocate nnd Journal, ltev, I' CIIUKCII, LditorNew Vork Chronicle Rev John Picrimnt, ltev Warren liurtln. licv Arthur 11 Puller, Rev (i union Robbins, Rev Sylvanns 1,'nbb, ltev. T. Starr King. Rev I phriiini Note, Jr., Rev Joseph II Clinch, Rev. Henry I'pliun, Rev P V lleadli v. Rev John U Ulmest.'ad, Leu is Jidlllsnn. M I. ROsnell Kinney .M I)., S K Kendall M II W it Chi. holm. M I), Francis Dana, M 1). Jeremi.ili Stone, .M, I) Jose Auto Suuches M D Abraham Wendell M D. A A Hayes, U II. J It i hilton. M II. II, L. Kinney, ,M 1). Prepared by N I.CLARK & CO t-xclusivelv for . i , lh cJivjiv ij, o -iui iiroatiwuy ivew VorK. by nil Druggists, No Family Should be Without It, Only S3 cents a bot. run su e nv P niNSMOKi: No -till llnudwny, New York. W FOWJ.B CO No. Id Trcnlonl St lloston And by aM Druggibts and Country Stroekecpcrs. fllay 14, 18U4-U'm. J. r. ivtii. L N. MOYl OBSTH00TIONS IN DRAINS. A correBuiDdent of the N. E Iurmcr states that ho has found a difficulty, thus Jar insuperable, in his drains becoming ob structed with a deposit from tho water. Tho tiles wero laid in a swamp, the water of which was strongly impregnated with oxidn of iron. In a jcar or two this com. pletely filled the tiles with a slimy incrus tation which stopped the flow of water, and rendered the drain worthless. A partial remedy was fouud.for tho main drain, as follows : A cast iron box with s a.ovablc cover was substituted lor a tile, at inter vals of about 100 feat loDg the whole length of thed rain. Ho then took 12 "Brazier's rods" (i inch iron, 10 feet loncj linked them together by cjeB on tho end of each, first drawing tho end of tho rod a Httlo smaller, so as to bend tho point around tho rod, to prevent it oomming apart in in the drain. Two lamp ohimnov brushes wero bound together, to niako a brush of proper Bize, nnu laBtencu with a copper wire on one end , on the other ond was a swab of bull shape. Then the brush CDd was put into the outlet, and pushed along "by means of tho rod up to the first cast irou box, from that to tho second, and so on tbo whole Jougth of tho drnin;ami tbonl run back in the same manner. New Drug Stork, WHOLESALE AND ItETAlL Till: undersigned would Inform their rnends and the public gone rnlly.thnt they Have taken the sland for merly occupied by Ceo. .M. Ilageiilnich, iu the P.xcliangc building, on Main htn-ct, in Uloomsburi', where ho has jui-t receiver! a full supply of jUi'iigg, IVSt diciiics, Paints, fljils, Which will ho told on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, surtaud , size, Physician' prescriptions carefully compounded, hi all times nud on short u-'lice. n.- unntortloiiciy ol tlio best teleaiuus, and Sodo Water in season, ." A sharu of the public cu.tom is respectfully so icitcd. UYCR It MOYER. lilooiiisburu, April II, 16G3. $TATS-: UNION BfiOTEf tOii and COS Market Street, Philadelphia, CIIAP.I.l'.S M. ALLMO'Il. 'PHIS Hotel is located iu tlio very centre of business JL anil is near tho resnectacle ulnces of niniis.-mnnt which make it particularly desirable to persons visiting -! --- or ... M( u.iiiu , .inn mu ..ijiiiazer hopes by cliuo nltintiun tn tho wanisofhis III a fllr.-l D tl, bll ll n nn...r,..lnl.ln l.n -I o- ............. .......I..., ,ui,.u nutiio iuj HIUCll US may favor his housu with their patronage. May 7, ldU4,- l Jm. STOrE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. 'I'll 13 undersigned would Inform thn citi.cnsof isat el tit. ustnrtments ofCOOKlNOand FANi'Y ST(JVi:a r. nV3 I Utooiuiilitlre und vicinllv. Hint liil.3.ln.i.n eeaV. cived nud offers for saluono of tho mosloxteni.iR ever introduced into tliismarket, Tho I'liriftoplier CI uuibus, James Unbband Clobo aro among Hut tlrst i lnss cooking Stoves, all of which are air-tight and gns burner His Parlor htm os are haiidsomo and the assortment vi rled. AtXJ Particular attention is paid to 'Pin-Wan nud House Spouting, upon short notice, All kinds ol repairing win he iiouo with neatness unit uespnlch. CC7" Country produce taken iu exchange for work, PHILIP s, Movi:n. nioonn-burg. May 10, ISGi. ISO 1. IS(il, PIIII.ADELPIIIA & KllIE ir ,a, x r o' A., n . This grent lino travcrsi the Northern nnd North ;vet counties of Peunsjlvania to the city of line, on Luke L'ric. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, nnd under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is tiuA' la usn for Passenger und Freight business from HnrrWburg tn Emporium, (1113 miles) on tho East ern Division, and from Shclhcld to Erie (;d miles) on tho Western Dlvitiou, TINK or t-lSSENOtK TRAINS AT MORT1IUMDKR LAND. Mail Train leaves, East 11 aj A. ,M. Eiprois Train " " jo 37 . M, Mail " " West 5 4i " Express . 7 J(J A sj Cars run through without itunoi both Hnys on theso trnins between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and llalllinore and Lock Haven. New and elegmt Sleep. Ing Cars nrcoiiipnniug the Express Train both ways between Williamsport and Ualtiinoro, und Williams. jiort and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business, an ply nt the H. E. (.'or. Ilth and Market hits. And for Freight busfuessof the Coinpnuy'a Agents 8. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor.EUh and Market ts., I'll 1 1 'u J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J.M. Drill, Agent N. O. It: It., Ilaltlmnre. II. II, Houston, (ieu'l. Freight Agt . Philadelphia, Lewis l.i lloupt. Uhii'I, Ticket Agt. rhiladelplua. Joseph 1). Potts, (ieu'l. Manager, Williuuisport. May7IBiH. IIOLJ (WAY'S PILLS) AND OINTMENT. All who have Friends nml Itetnttves In tho Army or Navy ihoulittnko uapeelalcnro that they henmply sup. plieil with thoso Pills nnd Ointment ; nml where the hrnv-p fiddlers nnd (tailors havo neglected tn provide themselves with thuni, no better present can bo sen them by their Friends. They linvo been proved to bo tho i-'o dler3 never falling friend In tlio hour of need, CP'JGIIS AND COLDS ArTEUTINO TROOPrf, Wlll-bo snccdly relieved and eh"ettiinllv cured bv using those ndinlrnblo medlctni-s, nud by paying proper 11 tl r nt Ion ta Die Directions which nrc nttnchld to each Pot or llox, SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF AP ETITE, INOIDEN PA L TO SOLDIERS. 'I hoao feeling which an saitifen in usually nrlol"roiii trouble or annoyances, obtruttcd peisiiiratiuii, or eat ing and drinking whatever Is unwlinlusoiiie, thus dis turbing the healthful arllon oftlie'llver and stomach Thcsu qrgaus mint bo relieved, If you dealrc tn bo well 'I lie Pills, taken according to thn printed iiiBrtuctiona, will quickly produce a healthy ncliou In both liver nml stomach, uiiil, na it natiirul consequence, a clear head and good appetite. WEAKNESS OP. Di:ntl,ITV INDUCED IIVOVEIt FATIOUE Will soon disappear by the iisoof these invnlunulo rills, and tho Soldier ulll ulckly nr.uiic adilitloual strength. Never let tliu lionets bo either conflucil or uitdiily ncled upon. It may seem strange, that llnl. loway'a Pills should bo recommended lor Dysentery nnd Flux, many persons supposing that they would Increiiso tho rel.ixutiou. This l a great mistake, fur theso Pills will correct tho liver and stgmacli, and thus remove nil the ncrid humors from tin) sysiem. This medicine will pivn time and vigor to the whole organic system, however deranged, while health and strength follow ns a mailer of course, Nothing will tnp tho re laxation of the Hone s so sure ns this i.iiuuus medi cine. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS OF VI1UTII. ores ntnl Ulters, lilolrhes nnd Spellings, can with ceitaiiity hu radiinlly cured, if the Pills are taken night and iiioruiug, nnd Ointment tin freely used us stated iu the primed lnstru"ioii-. If trrnted in any thcr man ner, lln-v dry if ., cue part to break out iu another VV h.-n-ns thi .iiitment will roinovo the humors from inc sy-ieiu.n.iii leave in..- i-ain-iit a vigorous ami Healthy man. Jt will require a Utile perseveraneu iu bad ca kes toin-oiru a lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS 13 Hi I Lit OCCASIONED 11 V TUB IIAVOM3T SAlliti:, OR TIIH IIULLET, eOSEd OR IIRU1SES, To which every Soldier ami Sailor ore liable, there aro 110 inedlues so safe, suro, and convenient, as lint lownv's Pjllsand Ointment, i ho wounded and nlin.,t dying sull'erer mlglit have his wounds dressed Imiiin. dialely, ifho would only provide himself wilh this maicniess wintmeiit, which shouiii be thrust Inlntht wound und smenrod all round it, then covered with a piece of linen froiuhrs kuans.irk and comnrcsscd with a handkerchief. Talking, night nnd luoniing, Our 8 nils. 10 cooi ti:c system ami l'revent intlaiiiatlnn. Every Soldier's Knapsack nud Seaman's Cheat should be provided with thesu valuable Remedies. CAUTION! None ar genuine unless the worda "Holloways, Now York and London " nro dlscernnblo as a Water-mark in every leaf of tho hook of directions around each pot or box j the same may plainly seen by luiuuiK iiiu 1u.11 iu uiu iigiu. n iiaiiusuiue row urn will be given tonuyoiiu rendering such Information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending thu kiiim, knuwiug Ihem to b-t spurious. Sold at iiiaiiuf.ictory ot Profesnr llollnwny, 811 Mlndou Lane. New Vork, and by all reipectablo Drug istsuud Dealers in .Medicine, throughout thu clvilzed wo.-ld. IL7" llollowny's Pills and Ointment are now retailed ou ing to the hk'h prices of Drugs, iiC at 3D cents, 70 cents, nud SI. 10 per llnx or Pot. ty'l here is considerable saving by taken the larger sixes. N. II. Directions for the guidnncc of pnticuts in every disorder ore alined to each box. IC" Dealers in my well known medicines can hive Show Cards, Circulars, aec., sent free of expense, by addressing THOMAS IIOLI.OWAY, t'u .Maidln Lank, Nuw-Ynnir. Dec. 12. 18a-ly. Jum- io, icon. G I "TON'S Cheap Gro3ery Store. ALSO BBATS, CAPS AND SEBOliS, HE undersigned having bought nut the Grocery o David Stroun, has removed his lint nnd Can Store up to Stroup's old stand, whsre In addition to a supe rior assortment of FALL AND WINTER Hats and Caps, 5Pi? CONFECTIONAIIIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Sujrar, Coffee, leas, Tohacco, Snuff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lumps, Books. "Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware und Ccdarwarc, Packet Knives, Combs, iJ'C, ij-c, .J-c, Together with a variety of nrtlclcs generally kept in n Store. Also A fine lot of KI1H, MOROi'F.OS nnd Lininos to which lie Invites tlio nt ention of Shoemakers -mil the public. JOHN K. GIRTON. Illoomsburg, Dec. 5, 1603 National Hotel. (Late White Ewano 11 ACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD IMIILAIMCLl'IIIA D. 0. SIEGHIStT PuoruiETou. Formerly f 1 om Eagtc Hold Lebanon. Pa JOS. IIOU8UM, CtR, Marah,'.', ieol-iCl. BLOOMSBUItG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. THE undersigned Informs the citizens of illoom, nnd neighborhood, that ho has taken the lame room lit the Exchange Illoek, extending oyer Harney Stohner llakery, and tho llnokstoro where he has not in alargeSkyligl t. It 1b only by Skylight that good pic tures can beti ten especially gioxps whoru each person He has eon to coiii-idcrahlu oxnensn to niako hla o tabliehineut first class om-, and ho threfore solicits a liberal patro igo toenable him, toconslantly introduce inn iiiuuu 1 uiipruvt:iiit--uiB 01 ine art. OyCouii -y produce taken in Exchnngo for pli-turea HENRY ROSENSTOCK. Illoomsburg, Nov. S!3 16(11. Nov. 0 '52 Nos. 0, 11, II), 15, 17 Courtlandt Street, NEAR nitOADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. This old-cstablihed and favorite resort of the Busi ness Community has been recently relllteil, nnd ia com-pli-te iu ever) thing that can minuter to the comforts of its patrons Ladies and families aro specially and care fully provided for 11 i- cuitrally located iu tho hu inuss part of thn city, ami i.- contiguous, to tho principal lines i,f steamboats, curs, ouiiiihiisxi.-s ferries. &c. Iu conse.iii-iiMi ol'the pressure caused by tlio Rebel u-'ii. iiiu uavu iit--i;ii reuueeu to Tilts INSTITUTION Is under tho solo manngenien I nnd dlrocllon of Prof. I). W. LowelX, ao long Prin cipal of tho 1II.WIUMTO.V COMMmCIAL COLLKOR. The couran of Instruction einbrncea nil tlio rc'iulsltoa of n thorough pruttlcnl buslnesi education, nnd has been lately extended by tho Introduction of nn Actual Business Course, in which tho Student engages lit tho regular routine ol business tinnsacllom, exemplified, nnd fainlllari.ed by men-is ol a store, (In which tin) aeliwl buihttt of buying and selliin.' goods is carried 011 by each Student,) nnd Business Offices, vizi Hanks of Issue and Deposit. Rall-ltoadlngaiiil Slenm-Iloiltlng Pot Office, Telegraph, fcc., &c. , Tho Proprietor has spared notlmo or expenso In inn king thU Courc the most thorough and complete, of any ever presented to the public, anil feela fully as- , sured that lifter hnvlng been himself engaged In actual business, nnd having had mnnyjeara' experience nt teaching the fclnco of Accounts, and being nldcd by n r.iii no.i ,ir.f innt mrni nf ti-iiehers. hn will been. 'I'ltn undcrilgneirisaiso cxtenitvciy engaged In tho I bled In make thorough nnd successful grauuatea of all -s uitiitriMng Jlmlneit, nnd keeps constantly on hand 1 who may phi LIST OF DEALERS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, lor the yenr one thousand'clght tiiinilro.1 nnd slttv, JL lour, of Ouoda, Wares. Morchaildlso and Uijrfi, lers. Brewers, Ealing Hritisn Keepers, within thocoun. ty of t.'nluinbln, rctitrncd rrrnl clusslflod In accordance with Hie aevcrnl eels of Assembly, by the Appraiser of Mcrcantilo i'nies of said couniy.ns (ollows, to wi( t VENDERS, Mrs. II A Colo, Siiiuuel Hcacock) Ilirnm Everett, Hughes & Calendar TWP3. OliASS. am't. Den tun, 11 14 It M it it it (i CELEBRATED STOMACH nd for sale at ills Warerooms, n largo nssortincnt of FINISHED gjj OOFFINS, By wliich ho la enaliteil to Mil orders on presentation Also Keeps a good llorso and llearso, and will at al lilues hu ready lo attend Funcrela. SIMON C. S1UVE. Illnniubiirg, January 89. 18S0 FAV AND SECOND HAND SAFES For sale c can. at New York Safo Dcoot. Jl Wll. limit Street, New York, A. GREGG. AND PRICES OF LILI.IE8 111113 PROOF SAFES O UTS 11) A.'.- SI'.C icu themselves under his charge, p r SM.iA'siri ri 1 n llilv na crtif Inl lirnnrll nf a bllsilISS odllcatinu no College oirora better facilities lo thn lenrner. The Spencerlan -ystcm; tvHI l.o taught In all It. vnrietie, by .t,,. n.,,1 nlterallvo iiiionr. mnTit. Okrrii. No. I 2i 20 Mil No, 'J sn -i 21 No. a no ui vi No. I HJ !H 4 No, 5 314 .11 "4 No. e 40 :n ai tJfSIDK: iiciniiT. wmni, depth No, 1 17 II 12 No. '1 lot Ell lu No. .1 21 13 12 No. -1 22 M 1:) No 5 St 21 14 No. 0 31 21 5 pntcE. No. 1 ? M 00 No. 2 oil (II) No. 3 7(1 (HI No. 4 . .. VS 00 No. 5 HID 00 No , 115 UI) November 1 , 1603. BELL'S SPECIFIC FILLS War iiamku ix All, Cash Can bo relied on' Never fail tn enrol Do not nauseate I Arc spcodv ill action! No change of ilitt required I Do not Interfere Willi liusinui-s pursuits! Can be used without detection' Upwards ol 2UU-uircs tho past montli souiu of them very severe cases. Over one hundred physicians have used them in their practice, and al' speak Weil ofth- ir cllicacy, and approve of their composition, which is entirely vegetable, nnd harmless on thu system. Hun dreds of certificates can be shown Bell's Specific Pills nrc the original and only genuine Specific Pill. They ore adapted for male and female, old or young, nud the only reiiab.c remedy for etfecllng a permanent nnd speedy ctiru iu all cases of Soerma lorrhen, or Seiuinal Weakness, with all its train nf eils, such us I'rfthral und Vagiunl Discharges. Cleet, the Whites. Nightly ur Involuntary Emis-iniis. Iiiccu tiiiuniiri!, it-ii 11 ul nihility nnd Irritability, Impotence, enkuess or I ofis of Power, Nervious Debilily. &c, nil of w hull ari-es principally from extial l.xccssesur Self- bust, or some i-oititiitiniial derangement, and Incapacitates tin- -nil' r r fimi fullliliiig thu duties of married life iu nil i-exunl diseases, as Couorrheu, (ileet. and Stricture, nud iu HNcascs of thu Bladder and Kidneys, Ihey net a a charm! Belief is experi enced by taking n single box. Soul by nil Ihc principal drugcists. Price SI. They will bo sent li mail, securely sealed, and con fldcntiully, 011 receipt of tliu money, by J. BRYAN, M. D. No. 70 Cedar St., Now York. Consulting Physician for tho treatment of Seiuinnl, Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, uiiu will semi, free to nil, the following valuable work, in seal ed en elope 1 The Tiiousxsn-DR. BELL'S TREATISE on relf-Abusc, Prcmnturu Decay, Impotence anil loss of power, Sexual Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Nightly Emissions, (ienltnl Debility, &c.,&c, a pamphlet uf ol pages, containing important advice 10 the allhcted, and wiiiih rdiuuld be read by every sufi'jrcr, as the means of euro in tho severest stages is plainly set forth. Two stamps required to pay postage. December 12, Itll.l-ly. LEATHER! LEATHER! ! THE undersigned would nnnou lice, that he has on hand uthis llataml Cap Emporium, on .Main St., Illnnios. burg, nn assortment of dltferent kiiidnflcntlu-r, such nt fine calf skins, morocco, (red nudlilacK)nnd linings nil ef wliich he will sell cheaper than can be had elsewhere In this market. Call nud eieniine them for yourselves. JOIINK. GIRTON. BIoonieburg.May 21, 1804. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLOOMSBVna. PA. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles It lluckalew. nioomsburg, Dee. 4, IBM. A. C. PAUL. V A U L A. D, THOMPSON. & THO LI PS ON, WHOLESALE &2Jgn3i DEALERS IN No. 43 No'ti If'iarves, PHILADELPHIA. ET-BUTTER. CbTeESeT "lIAMS, &c. 3 No v. 14. ISn.l i2mo. JOHN C. YEAGER, MANUFACTURER t WHOLESALE DEALER IN ,HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, RONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Pliila'd. thn tn.i.f itmclnriL nl tho nrt. Writing from this Institution have rccelveu tne insnesi cnconitiims from tlio press. For general Information, terms, Ace., ndflrcaa for Col lege Monthly, whlcli will bo mailed free; ror speci mens of Penmanship, enclose two three cent stamps. Address D. W. LOWELL, Principal. Lowell's Commercial College. Bliighamton, N."t . P. S.-Ono of Bitter & Duncan's No. 1 highly finished fine, perfect point, quill spring (Jold Pens, Willi holder and case, warranted for 0110 yenr nnd to suit, will bo sent, freoof charge to nny ono who will remit $.i,j0 to the nbove address. October 3. Itii:i-y Ditniol Mollonry, Fishingo'k,! 1 lioweicvreiiinugtoii, Solomon Duss, Jamoa N. Jones llornard Amiiicrman A. R. Stewart Orange 11. Urower it Son " W. Fritz $ Rowinan A Coleman, iiicrchant tailor E. J. Sehylor D' K. Sloan Ccntro G. 11. Fowler A, Fulincr, Flour Mill Jacob Snons'er " I5.W.M. & G L. Low " C. II Hess & Co Jno.Keloliuor,llour mill Henry Lahman, irroo'v" K. Stewart k Eachos sroeory M O. F. Hill ' 14 John G. Jncoby Hriarcrcck 14 For EE.its, iTHicc, ISoacIics, Aiais livtl Slugs, IVBollis iu Dili's, Wo(ilciii, &c, Ace .GiikccIs ota E'lasati, Fowls, Auinials, .c. Put up in 2.1c. 50c. and SI. 00 Boxes, Bottles & Flasks. S3 and $'i sizes for Hotels, Public Institutions, (;c. j-Ouly infnlllble remedies known." ''Free from Poisons." "Not dnngerous tnthc Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." ty Sold Wholesale Iu all large cities. C7" Sold by all Druggists & Retailers everywhere. (T7 III! Raw-ARB II!! ol all worthless imitnlinns. Zj- See that "Cost All's" nnuie is on each Box, Bot tle, nud Flask, before you bin-. 07" Address HENRY It COSTAR. K7 PniNcipAL Dtr-oT 4S2 BnoAOWAV, N. Y. H7 Solil by all V holesalo and Retail Druggists in Illoomsburg, Pa. February II, 18U4. Sin. of wonderful cllicacy in dlscaso of tho STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. Csrcs Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint. Headache, Oencra Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirit", Con sllpntlnn, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, I'raiups and Spasms, and nil nioplnints of either Sex, arising from Bodily Weakness whether Inherent in the system or produced by special causes. Nnnimn thnt Is not wholesome, genial nnd restnrn tlve In its nature enters Into the composition ol'HOS TUTT I3U'S STOMACH BITTERS. This popular pre tiarntioii tnnlaina no mineral of nny kind, nodeiull. botanical element i no fiery excitant ! but It Isn coinby union of the extracts of r.iru balsamic herbs and plants wllh the purest and mildest of nlldlflualto stiin tilents. It Is well to ho forearmed against dlsi-aso. and, so far ns the human system can be protected by human means against maladies engendered by nn unwholesome nt mosphere. Impure water and other external cnuses, 110S TETTER'S BITTERS may bo relied on ns a safe guard. In districts Infested wilh fVrrr nniMifrif, It lias been found infallible as n preventive nnd irresistible as a and thousands who resort to it under nppre- iieiisinn of nnaltack.escnpothoscoiirgc j nml thousand-) J g SntldcrS W I1U Ill lUtl III tivmi lllwillP,', us 'l ll. pi .ill', ,t r .i .. - . Itiesiu advance, nro cured by n very brief course o I t... 1) J'OWlvl' t tills inarielous inc. Heine. Fever nnd Ague patients Tl... v. u'.i: nIVer belnir onlld with uuililue rorliioiithsluvnill.ini 'JflClvSOIl A. V00llln til fairly saturated with that dangerous nlku'oid, nro JaellSOtl it Woodin, foundry not unfre'iiiently restored to health within a few days ,, , ' J by the use of IIOs-THTTEK'H II1TTF.IIS. IiPUlifcll Miller Mlfllin 14 14 14 J. Thomas, flour mill Levi Suiiiuicrvillo " Win. Frcas, flour mill " Jor. Jacoby, flour mill" P. M. Trinicli, flour mill Reuben Miller, flour mill Rowman k Owen Rorwiek J. Sccsholtz & Crainr " Abraham Miller " 13 J4 lii 1-1 13 11 11 14 11 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 10 7 7 7 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 7 10 7 lfl 7 15 A. P. Evans, for J. P. Dodson. ag't Rerwiok Henry Iloekman " Jaekson Rower it co " tl it EVANS & WATSON- ' f-M'AMANDER SAFES, RE- iiW'h(i MOVED to .Ve. lliA(A fourth . .J':sHM. Street. I'MlndtlMa. have on i'r'?,iirtt and n largo nssortincnt of rim it operate The w eak stomnrh is rapidly Invigorated nnd the np-' S'tonlmn IT ...nb petitu reslorcd l.y this ngrccablo Tonic, and hence it , '"'"IL ' ,,' ownnJ w oraf woiiuera in cases oi uisiieiisia nnu in less cou ' i.k-!-4y i liniwll r........ t...lln.!nt. A.tlnn .. n I ..I Illlll-'tl IU' HI" ,M ll.l.lJUS,l,.ll. ,11111 ,,- fcl-IHK- UIIU ,11 l,lln.. ,.nn,lan, ,,.ll l. t,. ... I, n la.. I ' Invariably relieves thu Coiistipatlon suni riuduced by ! .1. K. Swi'tlDCIlllL'i-pr Irregular action of tho digestive and seen live organs ! .,i.. f. n t Persousof feeole habit liable .Vrrroiij .Htacki. Low "WOnpcnili-laor iV lO.AInino ikss cf Spirit! and hilt of Languor, Hud prompt and I Franklin LSIlUlinn.R "avor uir . ... . ' A. Rrown, Hour mill Thief urnof Salamatiih-r SuC.a. lso, iron doors, for banks nml stores, iron shutters iron suh, nil ;)erinaneiit relief from tho Bitters. The testimony on this pointis most conclusive, and from bolu sex is Thu agony of Bllllus Colic is immediati ly nsoiaged by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to It, the return of tho complaint may be pro vented As u general Tfinie, IIOSTETTP.U'S BITTERS pro duceelfects which must bo experienced or w ituessed before they can be fully appreciated. In ca-es of Con wi nkiie's, premature decay and debility nnd decrepitude nrising from old ng. it excrcicH th elec tric inlliieiicu luthecnnva e cent stages nl nil disenes as a ueiigntiiil invi joraui. When the pow Locust s . :,r--rm' siores. iron suuiters iron sa. n. n i MfSiYr -a ,Vff,' mnkes of locks equal to any made in tho United StntoB. PicsSecs in onr fir. Ml came cut rigt; vith tor tents in cooil eontlilion. The Salamander Safes of Philadelphia ngainst tin world. EVANS & WAT. '-'ON, nave had the surest deinottratinn in the following cei tilicata that their manufacture of Sulnniandur Sales ha, nt lenglh fully warranted the representations which have been made of tlieni as rendering nil undoubted security agaihBl the terrific element. Philadelphia April 13. 1?M. Meurs. F.ran IfaHon: (leiitlenieii-It nirords ill the highest satisfaction to siati- m vim. Hmi flu iln, td the. very protective uuallties of two of tho Salamander, c-.uei. niutii mi- piinnaseii in you some nvo m. nun since we saved a large pnrtion of jeneiry, and all our books, ACC, exposed tn the cillainlnoiis. 11 rt- in Itittisti-ml t.l.'ir., nn the morning of the 11th just.. t lion we rellcct Hut theso safes wero located in the fourth story oftlm building wo occupied and thnt they fell piibseiuenily jntiiu heap of burning ruins, where the vast concentration of the heat caused the brass plates lu melt, we cannot but regard Hie iireservalinn of their vnl liable contents ns most convincing proof of the great se curity utl'orded by your sales. Wo shall tcke great pleasure iu recommending tlium. men of bunness as a sure reliance against lire. CEORHE . SIMMONS tailllO.. JcuclUrS. lij- i uey nave since purchased t,ix large S.tfui: July ill, ISC-.'. f August 1S". TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend and customer, that hu has purchased his brolhers Merest in tho nboii- iMnbli'liiucnt, anil the concern wils hereafler he couiluited by liiiuselfexclusivi-ly. He has Jut received and Hirers for sale, the larg ,S3a est nnd mnat extensive nssorlnieut of FANCY rJSTj! S T O Y E S ever introduced into this market. 542 His stock consists of a complete assortment of he best Conking and parlor stoves in the market, tngetli er with Sloo Fixtures of every description, Oven nud Box Stoves, Radiators, Cylindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air. Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, dec., tic. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured tn order. All kinds of repairing done, ns usual, on short notice. The patronage of old friends and new culomurs re peclfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT. Bloouisbiirg, November 3d 1SC0. tf. crsol nature are relaxed, it operates to re-inlnrce and rci-fctnblish them. Last, but not ' -.ft, it the otils snfe sliiuulent, being manulncliired from sound nud innocu ous materials, ami entirely free from tho mid el'iuients present inure or less tn all the ordinary tomes and stomachics of the day. No family medicine hn been so universally, and il may be truly ndded, deservedly popular e. ith the Intelli gent portion of tho community, us IIOS'J'ET'i'EK'S 111 ITERS. Prepared bv IIOSTETTER & SMITH, PITISBIMilill, Pa. K7"SoIil by all Druggists, Urocers and Sloiikeepcrs everywhere. November 21, 1.1113 -ly. it (t (t 14 14 13 11 14 II 14 14 14 1 I 14 14 14 14 14 24 14 14 14 14 7 10 7 7 15 7 7 7 IJELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU, a pn.l tivu nud spei itic yi ineJy ior of the bladder iiuneys, i,ravei. uiiu urnpsicni swelling. j ins mctiMiun increases in excite the absorbents into lv an-ry or ralrareous depo imiargcniemcuts are teuuecu, us will us pain uinljii lldtnaiinn. Jaeol) Ratnburcer Jacob Yager Washington Yager Mark Williams Abrabatn Itico J 15. Di-cnier J. Chcfington Roarinrrc'k 14 Joseph 11. Knitt!e,Coiitervi lo 14 Daniel Wcrtman, og't liq.storeH William Snyder,ahoe storo 14 Mrs. M. Cicrrcll " Jonathan J. Iloagland '' Washington Purr Franklin C. Mendotihall, flour mill G. S. iMeWilliams 1 1 14 14 14 14 Catawtsa 12 J S. Ilrobst J S. MeNinch & Co " Creasy ; John " J. Sharpless & Co Q. Hughes & Son, slovcs J. K. iVharplesi " S. I). Rimini, stoves " William John, cloves ' Camper Rulin, clothing storo Kline & .trr, grocery, Win. Oranue, uroccrv. the iiawer ofuiceslinn. und Levi Koiler, eatinff house ienltliyact whiih ihn i n -,. , . r .itions, end all Unnatural' ' " lrot)Sl iV 110.. procorV M Conner. grocer, Hppprt i Dr P. John. Rloom :o:- THOMAS RROWN, liarUr. 'ilLOOMSIlURO, COLUMBIA CO., '.'A. Shop in Oourt llouso Alley, near Hie Dtmmrat Office. November 14. IH(i:t. Nov i'.l. Mi FRESH ARRIVAL OF ill ill! LING & 81 Miller's Store. I KlllSIlSlUI'II ifc UUOTI1KUS. WHOLESALE TORACCO DEALER? IVU. 105, NORTH T1IIRU ST11KET Five doorsbulow Ran-, PHILADELPHIA i IMPORTANTtoFEMALES A T riHE subscriber has Just returned from tho Cities J w itli another large and select assortmct of SPRING AND SUMMEI! GOODS. purchased nt Philadclnhla. at tho lowest fl mint, nti.l i wjiirli they are ilcteriiihiHil to s-1 1 cm artinoilcratu tcriita na fan lm (irocurud eUcwJicro in Bloombburg. JIU Utf tJoltir a a lijtij ( cuts per Day I'AUir.v wims aoons, I he table is amply supplied with all the luxuries i,'f ' of clioic-st stlcs and latest fashion. ssii;vr"u'I,",,u" fo "' or"ny t"'ii"ti?.f i mnTs, Auinle nccomiiiodatlnns are olfered fur mm-nr.l f jon ! ...J?-1'!1. IW1.LOIY WAltH ...... . . . , imij. j.-jiir.s. nnivrx .v- siinvx HATS if C.1VS, tic, tc 4-c, In short everything usually kept In country Stores to whirh lie invito the public generally. 'Hie Ilighcslprice paid for country prodi CP5rtl, 14' V LIU T-s- HELMROLD'S EXTRACT UUCIIII. Knr weakness arising from Exsesses, Imhils nf Dm sipation. Early Indiscretion of Abus-s, uttcnde.l nli the following symptoms :iv ludi. position tn Exertion. Loss of Pnunr Lois of Memory, flliriculty of Pre illnu - Weak Nerves, 'Pre. hilling Horror or Disease, I'nin In th B.n L Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Sy.tciu, Hot Hands. Eruptions on the Pace, Dryness of tho fckin, Eliodung uf tlm lie.h , raliiu ' oiin leiiauco These symptoms, if allowed to go on wliich Ihi.i mcdiiitic invariably removes, soon follows i Imcoicncy, I'aicity, Pi'dai-iu I itt, In one of which thu Patient m,,y r--.'iir.i Who can my that they aro not f re.uenily h.ll.iw ,-, ; by thoso "Direful Diseases." . "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are nwarn of tho e-iuso of their mini ine, I. u 1 none will confess the records of tin- Insane ,,jiii, I And milnmholy deaths by CniiMiiuptinii In n - nuip t-1 witness to the trnih of the usseninu. The I 'onstitiition once ell'ecteil w nil orcanie we ikuess , requires thu aid of .Mediiiue to str.-uiitlien ami Iiiml-. i tuati- tliu system, which llelinbnl.l's t Mr.nt lliiihu in variably does. A trial will convince thu murt tk. pticnl --io: FEMALES FEMALES, In many nlTections peculinr to I'l-innlcs the Extract Buihii is unequalled by any other remedy, as in I hl.i rn,is or Retention, Irregularity puiiirmiicrfi, ur Sun prcssiun of Cusloinary Evaluations, iileeraled or scir rhous btatu of the Uterus. Leuihnrrlnua or Wliilos Sterility, ami fr all eonijilainn inuilent to thu sex. whether arising from indiscretion ti aLitu of dissipa tion, or in tlio L Pastoit, flour mill 15. Stoner, eating I ouse, eo ry. &c, Rloom 1'yer & Mojer, Drugs l' S. 11. Miller W. N.Rishcljronfvc'y'' D. Liiwenberg,clolhing " S. C. iSliivu ) A- J. Evans, clothing " .1. K. Girton, grocery " A. Uolli-der, thm; store " Jamed K. Ever ' Elia.' Mendeuhnll " Henry Kleim, grocery J.W.IIunilcrshot.qrocer" O. A. Jacoby, grocery" J J. Rrower A. R. Erasmus, prorerv 11 14 14 12 14 12 14 14. -1 14 14 14 14 14 1 I 11 fi.'Ctilllll! 14 It l:i 14 14 14 14 14 14 11 14 14 14 11 13 1 I eui-i-ts. tty Do not believe ru nners. Iiackmeu, and others who may say "the Western Hotel is full." D. D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TIIOS.D. WINCHESTER. I " ' Pob, 15. leJO-J. rrIlK Proprietor of tills well-known nu !7flTri r. i centrally Iocs nioomshurg, Slay 2i, 1P04. S. II. duce. MILLER. v,f ,,T x - . .nwMwnu . "";"'"' i'ru"i"ii- Joey mi iiku a Charm III re lii.W AfilfijElSSuf EN'S?1 ft ""ovliil Hie palm thnt accompany difficult or inimoder i nl. tiiptl.lriiiitmii itii.l nn. tl,.. ..,.(.. er. i ..u..i 1 . i I, , ,i ,. "-. ...- nu.,..!., ...ti , ,c ..K.,..ii.i,iii ....I .nu uuiy .uu nml rellahlo A ted House, tho Liciixsoii HnriL, sltuato on Mai, i 'I'Ulli people ol tllQ COUntV Of Columbia reincily for I'ludies, Sick lleadai he, Pains iu tho Loins. Street, ill i Blooiu.burg, imincdialcly ?;iuoite tlio Colum ! nro respectfully, Informed that ths undersigned "ack and Sides, Palpitation oftlm Heart, Nervous I're. in iri " i".ini miuiuu ins iriviiua nas iu. suie, at thu ...... .,,. I.-....IU ,,, b-.ll.H ,liu. nil, HUUSU IB IIIMV III UI DECLINE OR CHANGE OP LITE. Take no more Balsam Mercury, or unrdcasant Modi. cines for unpleasant nnd dangerous diseases Helm holds l.xtr.iit lliiihu nnd Improved Boso Wash cures secret diseases in all their stages. At little expense Lutle or no change in diet. No inconvenience, an no ; exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Uri nate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing nun I curing strictures of thu Urethra, allaying pain and in- llaminnrioii. so frequent in tho class of diseases, and expelling all poisonous, diseased and wornout matter. I Thousands upon thousands who have Leon tint i' ic. Oldest Regulator for Females. itTAM and that thu 'POISON" has, by the uso of '-powerful DR. CHEESIIMAN'S PEMALU PILLS astringents" been dried up in tho system, to hreak out Will immediately relieve, without pain, all distitrban-1 u" tuXed form, and perhaps after marriage, ces of the periodic discharge, whether arising from re-1 laAuiiuu r suppression, i ney nci iiku u charm lu re ins mat accompany difficult or ininioder. I IP R tk, f till A "if Q (D B3 TO TBfiE JiASJlKS ! ROTII MARRIED AND SINGLE. -30!- der for tho reception nuduiitertnininent of traveler who ( may feel disponed to fuvorit with their custom. He hns , spared no expenso in prepanng the ExrnsNUK, fur the enlertaiiimeut of his guests, neither shall there bo any. I thing wanting (on his part) to minister to their personal ', comfort. His house is spacious nnd enjoys uu eicellent business locatiun, D7Oinnibutcnrunnt all times between Hie Exchange Hotel and the ariuus Rail Bond Depots, by which Irnv elors will bo pleasantly convoyed to nud from thu re spective Stations iu duo timu lo meet thu Curs. WM. II. KOONS. Illoomsburg, July 7, 1EHU. undersigned RECORDER'S OFFICE, IN BLOOMSIIURC, THE BEST AND ri!nrr.ST ASSORTMENT 01' STATION HI mors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep, uu.i other un. i. ........ tin.i iliiimviuuh IUII.-CIS oi an uunniurai cnuui- lion oflh. texual fiinciiuns. lu tho worst cases of Tub- ( uiil .i .Vote l.eller Pencils. Ink an NEW Till! CHEAT WORLD'S "AIR EXHIBITION HELD IN LONDON lr3l. TIIOS. W. MATTSON Wns awarded tho Prize .Med al for his superiority over ail competitions iu thu United Slates fur his improvements iu M" i' MMI .ij HUUi- S Couiprisliig III. liny Poetry, Pictlon.TIn). ology and the elastics. Catalogues Of Ilolin'ii I. nml fin mihllrnt Inna ri which tielcrtlont can liuinude, and Unuks furuulied lo 3 Travelling Truints, Igmgfflm m ae :r"1,,i,ne", 0.?,!:: Spring solid Sole Leather and solid Riveted Iron Frame ! Travelling Trunks, Valises, Ladles Hat Uascs, Carpel Rags. I.uollier Bags, Umbrellas nnd Hobby Horses, Boys' filgs. Propellers, Wheclberrows. be, which hu is prepared to sell at the lowest manufacturing prlco. The most extensive Trunk and Carpet Bag Muuufactur. t-r in Philadelphia. 4U2 .MARKET STREET, one door abcre Fourth. . South side, PHILADELPHIA, CT-Hales room on the first floor. ones. Call ai)d see. a. wc sell very cheat? for C8irV."W I ohaDgO buildings, OVOr MiUor'u Store. Pliioi Albiis, or Whites they i ifeit a speedv lure, IHI. CIIEESEMAN'S FEMALE Pit 1.3. Have been used over a (luarter of a Century. They aro otfared as thu only safu means of renewing inter, nipled mcnstrualiuii, hut La lies must hear in mind that, Ihi-ro is oiiu iiiiiiliiloii of tho female system iu which the I'llls cannot lie taken without producing a peculiar result Thu condition refmred to is Pregnancy - tlu result Mi. carriage. Such is tlio irresistible leu I'ency of the medliiiie to restore the sexual functions to n normal coudilioii, that oven tho reproductive pow. erofnnturu cannot resist it. They cannot do harm in nny other way. DR. CI.EESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS. Aro tho only .Medicine that urried nnd Single Ladles have relied upon for many ycnrs.or can rely upon now. Beware of Imitations I Taesu Pills lorm the Finest ii.uiuni, uvvr pui lorwuru, Willi linineillale nnd Persistent success. ),i."p BE DEUEl VEli. Tnk,. , order ; by special arrangement with New Vork Agems.'to S?D,uggi.V, nnd tell hi,,, .ha, I WEillOCIliATfC I V!'?.",1,!1!" '"i",' ,n'""!'10 i"falo AledU-iua i tho world, wliich is comprised in DR. CHEES.MAN'S FEMALE PILIfllll They havo received, nnd nro nuw receiving tho san- ROOKS,DOCUMENTS,PAMPIILET.S and speec hesj and copies of the United States, mil 1 ctiun of tho most eminent Physicians lu America Statu Constitutions, in various styles, always on han 1. 1 EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS will, leach llox -the' ooiusburg,Nov. 7, lfC3. Use Ilelmbnld's Extrnct Buchu for all nflcrtions and diseases of the Urinary Organs, Whether existing Iji -Main l emale, Irum whatever cause originating und no matter of how longstanding. 11 Diseases of thc.o Orguus re.uircs thenid of a Diur- cue, ucimuoiu s j;xtract lluchn is Ihu (Ircnt Diiirelie. nnd Isceriuln to have desired ulfict iu nil Diseases for .... .w.. . aiiiuiuiiii;iiiivii. Evldencu of Hie most rellahlo nnd responsible char acter will accompany the medicine. Price $1 per Dottle, or C for $5. vn.lii.rL''li!0,"',:!' "'I'lfi-'t'ecurely packed from obsc r vutloii Descrlb-i syni.toin in ull biiininuiilca'ium, iniw.i;;:'iLU-aiJv,co KraU8 AMnn H. B. HI3LMIIOLD, Citenlsi. I4 South Tenth-st., below Cliestiiut. Phi a IIELMIIOLD'S MeJieal Depot, """',ua' HELM HOLD'S Drug and Cliemicot ll'arthoutt, I, i:,4 llRUADWAV, NlW VOUI. Bcwaro of Counterfeit, and unprincipled dealers who endeavor to dispose -of their own" 'und ' other" "nine. inu repuiaiiou uttaiucd by Helinbuld's lien. r0,uee57o,ir.,:,,, Uuc"u' tofi ".apa,ia, a 11 14 14 14 14 I.') 8 14 13 14 11 8 14 14 14 11 13 24 14 13 13 14 14 13 14 13 7 7 7 10 7 7 30 lo 7 13 7 10 30 7 10 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ()') On 00 00 00 00 00 (10 00 00 00 00 00 00 01) 00 00 00 00 0(1 00 00 00 00 00 no 00 00 50 o r.o 00 01) ou 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 (II) 00 Oil 00 00 00 00 00 (10 00 (III 00 00 00 00 On (10 00 00 (II) 00 00 00 (II) 00 00 00 1)0 15 00 30 00 CHALES G. B AR.KLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I1LOOMSUURQ, COL. CO.. PA. Office On Main Street, in tho Ex- EM'LICPP DIRHuriONS with each Box.-the prico i One i DMIar per Hot. containing from io to uO Pills. . . ,f l"u,"l'"'' "y reuniting the priiw to the Proprietors, or nn authorized Agent, in currau funds. Sold by Druggists generally. I1UT1HNUS Si IIILLVER, Proprietor!. I rr-i- ania i.. in. . Bl ,Ct'llar Street, New York, j Dp- Bold in liloomsburg, by Eycr & Moyer, and E 1 ' Feb, 87, U04 ly. Uloomikur;, April 10, ISO l-3m RLA.NKSI RLANKS! I Of ovcry descriBtion, for sale at thtsoffico FOR SALE ' B Y All DruggistB Everywhoro. A? "BI'J'nODO'f.. TAKF NO OTHER Cut out the dverlisnmentand tend for u. Nor. 9 8",IP,,U,," "na "f"""' Vox ti Gillniore.L'titinri galoonl-l lUenolvy, iNeitl iV (joRlooin II 0 & I W Hurtmaii do V Rabb, grocery do E P Lutz, druggUt do L T Sliarplefs do .1 R Mover, druggist do A .1 Sloan do Hldtiiinluiig Iron Co do David Wliitniiro Scott W A Unrton & Co do R F Reighart & Rro do 0 S Fowler do C S Ftivlor,itcain mill do Samuel A Wornian do Km T Croveling.grocer do G V Orevelinir ti Co do II W Greasy & Co do Peter Ent t0 Jacob Harris Ilomlook Cliarled Ncyliart do M (J ti W II Shoemaker 0 Kreamer Madison D Flick ti Rrothcr tlo Cr & W Masters Greenwood 11 John Leggott do R & 0 Eves, fuclory do Cornelius Preston do Schuyler ti Ulack do Joseph Sands, factory, Mt Pleasant 14 Moacs Lemmond, distilillery n t Fiiingcr'k 11 Reuben Millor, distillery Driavroek 0 Rohr McIIeury, distillery, Ronton 1 1 All nersons who lilflV fun I t... -I.n uossincalion can huvu an opportunity of Appcall!". bj calling upon tho undersigned, at Ills onlco in Hug:' ?u,'u,?."' ." Mo'a 1110 second day of July, -- I. lelll. or at Ihn I nlnml., n,..iu ...i. ti..... I . -...iu, n viiii;l-, ill iiiuiiiH' burg, on the second day nf July, A, I). 1801, between mm iiciocr, uiter which no appeal Andrew Laubacii, Mercantile Aiipraise.; 7 7 7 10 10 7 7 10 10 7 15 7 10 7 00 01) 00 Oil 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 7 fO is :o 25 00 15 00 the hours of U will bo heard, May S3, 1801. A. LOGAN GRIM, Attorney ami Counsellor at, LAPORTE, SULLIVAN CO..PA. .vr,M".l.l.arm."1 olt"" claim" promptly attended to October 31, I8U3. ESPYMHOTEL 'I'lIE undersigned,, having token the Espy Hole!, X lately kepi by .Mr. E Howell, would respectfully Inform his friends and the public in general, Hint n paint will bo spared for the satisfactory cnlertnlnincu of all who may favor him with their curium. , , .in, r. MiamiiiANK l"uy, Aprils, IfT.I
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