Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 02, 1864, Image 2
COLUMBIA DBHOORAT. EDITED BY LEVI I.. TATE, PROPRIETOR. " Our Oon.tltntlon guard It ver I Onr glorious Unionhold It dear I Onr marry riag forsake It ntTtrl Tin proud Cancasslan our only pier! BLOOMSBURG: Saturday Morning, July 2, 1064. TOR PRESIDENT IN 1064, GEORGE B.M'CLELLAN (Subject to Ihe decision of ttrn NalUnal Convention,) DOT Oampaion Sunsciiiutu. Wo will send tho Columbia Democrat from now till after tfio Presidential Elcotion, for CO coots In advance This is so low that ov cry man should have it, and sco that his neighbors have if. If they cannot pay for it club together and got il for thorn. Ridiculous, The idea of tho Prosi dent being escorted through tho Fair, pro ceeded by the First Oily Troop, with drawn swords ! What will snobbery do next ? A Just Decision. Tho Supreme Court lias affirmed the decision of tho Common Flea of Cumberland county, in thu case of Kennedy vs Oswald and others. This is tho eclobrated Mecbanicaburg case in vhich a f-elf-conetitutod "Vigilance Com mitteo" arrested a Dcmocratio citizou of York county on suspicion of being aseoos D siobist, and were mulched in $1,000 damage'- The $300 Commutation Clause. Lincoln, Stanton and Fry, as was shown by last week's "Columbia Demo crat," havo recommended to Congress.tho repeal of the 8300 Commutation slause in tho Consoription Act. The Scnato passed thu bill. In tho Houso it was defeated by two to ono 60 yeas and 100 nays, Thus it will be seen, that tho contemptible meas ures of this miserable Administration, aro even too obnoxious for tho aotion of an ab olition Congress. "Old Abe" must indeed be in bad oder even with his Kitohon Uabi net and political partizans'. P. S. Sinoo writing the above, wo themsolvea and prepare to dofend learn, that tho 8300 Commutation Clause at tno ballot box the prcoious and sacred in tho Conscript Bill has been repealed by ! heritago of freedom left them by their the Abolition Congress. Old Abo made , forefathers in tho Constitution of the Uni it a tost of fualty to his Administration, ted States. Organizo in every neighbor nnd aftor Congrcsa had decided against it hood, form clubs, and prepare for aotion. by 2 to 1, he ran it through under tho Delay not, but straightway put your shoul ''whip and spur.'' It is now a plain ques- dors tho wheel. Rest not in fancied tion, whether white-men have any rights seclusion and seourity, but remember dan under this negro-administration, and if ger is upon and around us. Arouse, then, they will submit to be doliberately driven Democrats, and redoom your State and in the aboliliou slaughter-pen and mur-' Nation from tho rulo of madness whioh dcred in violation of all laws and rights I 1 TW? I uuuiau or divine. Double-Distilled Rascality. Charles Ridlay, a colored soldior, was lately conviotcd in the Montgomery Coun ty Courts, for murdor and sontenoed to tho Penitentiary. Andy Curtin has pardon ed him and sot him loose upon tho commu nity again to murdor white citizons. Tho ' reason doubtless that Ridlay was a loyal . abolition nigger. I'ish, the late Provo Marshal of Balti wi. t n . I i r r .. ... . ujuiu, uuu uuiuuui oi a Connecticut Ken- ' . . ,. . "" "-.' inent. was tried hv n pnmmilrn r .vor . . , , . . : , eoQvioted of robbing the Government. Ho i . - """""J"11, 110 was sentenced to pav five thousand do lars ,,i i ., , ,, . and work one year in tho Albany Peni- tentiarv Old A,, .... Lt .1, . ,, ' v.u" ' ": "' u,. uuu , The reason was, that to be a loyal thief and Fish was proven scoundrel. Wo doubt whether thero aro two great cr knaves in tho oountry than Curtin and Lincoln. Thoro are certainly no greater enemies to "law and order" anywhere in power. Common jmlico requires their dethronement. Abolishing Slavery. In tho Homo of Keprosntatives, on "Wednesday ,tho bill or resolution proposing amendments to tho Constitution of tho United States, abolishing slavery through- out me union, was defeated. Tho voto nincty-four ayes to sixty-five nays, being ctcven snort of two-thirds. RuJ three Democrats voted for it, viz : Messrs. Biuly, ofPcnn, Odol, of Now York and Gnswold, ofNew York. It thus loll eleven yeas shoit of the two tbirds necessary for its adoption. Tho Homo was a vory full one at the time of xalling the yeas and nays on this quostion, ana too voto was tbo Iargost one thero has been this sessiou. Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, subsequently gavo cotico that ho would moyo a reconsideration of the voto, and tho matter will probably be postponed tilt tne next session. Keep it Before tub Pkoplb. TIio New York World mikes known the fact, and wishes it to bo heralded East and West, North and South, that tho Tribune of Juno 17, 1SC4, editorially admitted that the radioals and rebels understood each other, and conspired together to de stroy this glorious Union. "When," said the Tribune?, "through their (tho rebel) aid we elected Lincoln and Hamlin our triumph was nowhere moro generally or openly exulted oyer than in Charleston, he fountain a nd fooui of the rebellion." These factions have been equally the ourse of the country, and it is tht duty of "tho country to rally at tho next election and put down Lincoln as well as his confeder ate Jeff, D&ris Organize, Democrats ! Democrats I thcro noror was a lirao when thero was a greator necessity for or- ganixation and unity ol actioji. Wo are soon to enter upon a canvass, tho results of which will bo of vast importanao to tho nation. In view of tho calamitous contlt tion of tho country, it is nil important that the prcjont party in power should bo de feated. Thero is muoh to encourage tho Dcmoer&oy and inspire thtru to action. The very bitterness of tho opposition, tho abuso of thoir authority by persecuting Domocrats, demands that no effort should bo spared to cradioate them from office.- As wo valuo our liborties and the tvolwaro of our families, we should do our wholo duty in tho ooming oanvass. If wo sue ccod, as wo certainly will if wo do our du ty, our reward will bo ample, If wo fail we will havo nothing with whioh to ro- proach oursolvos. It is a time when every freeman should guard well his liberty at marchod up tho eido of the hill and reach tho ballot box. They aro organizing so-led tho cnoiny's works. Thoy wero rcpuls erctly, and aro pledged to support tho Ad- jed, and retreated to their original lines. ministration in ovory aot. Wo havo al-1 MoPherson reports a loss of fivo hundred, roady exporionecd tho acts of usurpation and Thomas a loss uf two thousand. Bo dono in tho namo of the Union, whioh have , tween ono and two hundred Confedorato all been sustained by that party. Wo may rest aijurcd that, if it can bo dono with impunity, thoy will bo increased a thou sand fold. Let Domocrats and conserva tive men of Pennsylvania be up and doing. -Lot us all go to work and pursue one course regardless of tho Abolitionists. Tho hearts of tho people aro with us. We havo only to conduct tho campaign with firm ness, determination and zeal in order to aehiove a glorious viotory. The Dcmo cratio party, however, is no placo for cow ards. He who cannot reooive tho intimi dations of tho Abolitionists with iadiflur onco should at once surrender and make terms with them. He is not fit to bo a freeman. Eternal yigilanoo is the prieo of liberty, and thoy who havo not the norvo to resist encroachments which it requires no vigilance to discover, aro unworthy or tho boon whioh they havo not the courago to defend. Wo, therefore, appeal to tho Democrats of this county and this Stato, as they love thoir wives and children, as thoy valuo their liberty, as they priio tho uuwioniuj incir nomes ana nrosiacs, in the name of all that is dear to them, to now disgraces both Rebel Starvation. One of tho correspondents with Grant's army thus dispels tbo idea of rebel star vation. Ho says : "Tho country is abun dantly supplied with everything. Grena ries aro filled with corn until thoy over flow. Gardeus grow all the luxuries of inn ennenn Vlsinb't nwl 1 . doserted ,h, na8turM an(1 . ... n . and Thyrsis eat their country's messes in the shade. Fowls frequent the barn yards, j . , , , , . and tho dovo cotes arc not abandoned bv ... ... "J tueir meek and mnooent inmates. Our u j , , , , , horses wade through c over kneo deep.and ... , - .''auu too growing wheat brushes tho r s des as n .Z L t 7 pa through it. Immense tracts are fillcd wUb thriviug oorn fiol(ls Wq h very seriou doubt,, engendered by lat0 exporicnco of evop staryi ,h c thriving com fields. Wo have onr exporicnco of ever starving tho Con federacy, and we look for tho end only by hard fighting, in connection with General Grant's left flank strategy." A Swarm on Opfioe HoLDuna. Tho Abolitionists have arranged matters so 'hat almost every third man of their party 's an offico holder, but even this does not secm to content them or satisfy their greed for plaoo and profit. We now find that they have introduced into Cougress a bill totako a U. S. census in 1805 hereto fore it has been taken every ten years. Thoy make this movo on the presumption that old Abe will bo electod for another term, and thoy want to fix thingi so that employment will bo furnished to several thousand moro of tho Loyal Loaguers, too cowardly to entor tha army, but all eager to dovote themselves to tho " support of the Gonernraent" for pay. One of tho grievances that the Ameri oan colonists urged against King Georgo III., in justification of their Declaration of Independence, was this. How aptly would its words apply to our present Ru lor i " lie has erected a multitude of new ofli. ccs) and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their sub. statics.'' 1-iiti S&r Will Congress adjourn without de manding of Secretary Stanton why he or dered Major MoLeao, who exposed tbo Hurtt frauds, to leaya Cincinnati to go to Fort Vancouver on the Pacific oo ast, and why he postponed tho trial till the major was well out the way I RroBUUs and Bounubs. 8ince the 17th of October last, six hundrod thousand white men and one hundrod thousand ne- groes hayo enlisted or rocnliited into (ho Union armies, and one hundrod and twenty five million dollars hare been spent in Bouhttss I THE WAR. Secretary Stanton has at length sent a despatch. Ho describes an unauoccisful movement ruado by Oenornl Sherman on Sunday and Monday last. On Sunday tho Confederates wrro encamped on the ! ridge which runs northeast and southwest in front of Marietta They ocouplod tho three peaks of the ridge Konesaw, Pino and Lost Mountains Kcncsaw boing tho northeastern one. Sherman ordered an attack on Sunday evening upon tho Con federate works on tho low part of tho ridgo, botween Konosnw and Pino Mountains. His forcos moved forward in two columns, about a mile apart. McPhcrson led tho eastern ono ; Thomas the western one. During tho night the columns got into po sition. At dawn on Monday a furieus can nonado was opened the Confudci.tUs along tho entire ridge. Under cover of this firo McPherson and Thomas ndvanued. They priaonors were oapturcd. Tho enemy's loss, Secretary .Stanton says, was muoh smaller than Sherman's, It is almost oortain that the Confederate raiding parties who arc menacing tho rail roads in 6'keriuan's rear, arc beginning thoir operations. A largo forco of Con federates on Friday last, suddenly appear ed before Lafayctto, in Georgia. This town is twelve miles west of Dalton, on .Sherman's supply railroad. It is a forti fied post iotonded as a defense of tho rail road, and is garrisoned by somo Kentucky troops. Tho Confederates surrouuded tho town and demanded its surrender. This was refused, and they capturod it. They were aftorwards attaokod by ono of tbo Kentucky regiments and lost seventj pris oners. '1 be account of tbo contest ucascs without telling its result. Our advices from Dalton are to Friday, tha day on which this contest occurred. No Confcd- crates had at time appeared on the rail road. Thoro is nothing of importanoo from Gen. Grant's army. On Saturday night thero was a skirmish in front of Burnsido's corps. Sunday and Monday were quiet. Grant's troops maintain their old positions, Foster, on tho north bank of tho JaineSjis four miles abovo Malvern Hill. Ho is not within five miles of Chaffin'B Bluff, oppo site Fort Darling, and shows no intention of trying to get thero, Tho Confederatos are in front of his works, and his troops keop oloso in them. Thero seems to bu n ftcnoral movement of the Confederate ar my to tho south and southeast of Peters burg. Its scope and objects aro not yol evident, though it causes Grant's troops to bo on tho alert, and for a time has divert ed thoir attention from tho si ego of tho town. General Hunter is still retreating north west from Lynchburg. Ho is trying to get to Covington, the county seat of Alle gheny county ,J Virginia, about fifty miles from Lynohburg. Thero he will be pro tectcd by two or tbrco high ridges of tho Allcghonics. Tho Confederates aro pur suing him elosely. Thoy report having captured thirteen of his oannon. General Hunter has sent a despatch to Secretary Stanton, though from what placo is not stated, no says that want of ammuni tion and supplies and tho superior force of the enemy made him retreat from Lynch burg. He is resting his troops. The Federal cavalry, it is reportcd,have cut tho Richmond and Danville Railroad at Burksville, southwest from Riohmond. They have burned various depots and cars at that place. The damage to tho road is not sorious. The cavalry have disappear od. The Confederates have recovered pos session of the Petersburg and Wcldon Railroad, and aro' now repairing it. A foroo of Confederates, abont 000 strong, attacked an Iowa regiment at tbo mouth of White River, Arkantas,on June 22d. They wero repulsod. Killed by the Cars. A telegraph dispatch was rccsivod at this plaoo, on Saturday evening last, state ing that a man, supposed to bo from this vioiuity, by papers found upon his person, was run over by tho oars, at Mausdalo near Danville, on Saturday alternoon, and killed. From tho description given, it was supposed to be nono other than Mr. Samuel Smith, Ser,, an aged citizen of Mifflin township, this couuty, who left home in tho early port of the week to visit ono of his sons living at or near Reading. Ho was infirm, and scarcely able to take Oare of himself, and it is supposed was on "is return home, as he was seen at Dan villc, in tho morning, Unfortunately, ho wandered about, and got upon the Catta wissa Road leading to Milton, and travel ed as far as Mausdalc, whore ho was over taken by the afternoon passenger train, bound for Williamsport, knocked off tho track, and instantly killed. Onu f hist sons started in soaroli of tho body on Sab-1 bath morning, and returned with it in tho mnrnliiff train on Mnnilav On 0 j - he was buried in the Borwiok cemetery. He was aged about seyenty-fiyo yean. Berwick Gazette. Piobable Adjournment of Congress. A joint resolution passed the House on Wed nesdsy, to close the present session on Thursday last, 30th ult, It is said the' SsdaU will concur Anothor Abolition Rascal. Tho last case of Shoddy rascality is that of Hondoraon, Nayy Agent at New York, and publisher of tho Evening Post, excopt the Indcptndcnt, Boston Common ucalth, and Garrison's Liberator, the most ultry Abolition papor published in tho United States. As tho prooocelngs in this case aro boforo a civil tribunal, wo may hopo that at last, a ''loyal" Abolition roguo will receive his deserts. Wo sub join an account of Ilia arrest, IIo is at leged to be a defaulter to a vory largo amount, a million or so; but we must pre sumo him to boinnocont until, in a legal way, his guilt is established. rromtheN Yofk Tritxmo.J ARREST OF THE N. Y. NAV1' AG'T. CIIAROKS OP (MEAT 7HAUU and coa- nuri'ioN. Unite I States Circuit CourtJune 22 Hefore Commissioner Belts. Mr. haao Henderson, publisher of the Evening Post, Navy Agent t this port, was arrestad to-day by Marshal Murry and assistants, on a warrant issued by Commissioner Belts, on tbs application of Mr. WilsoD, Special Counsel of the Navy Department. Tho charges are very se rious, ombracing fraud, bribery ,tho trans mission of false vouchers, &o. Wo did not learn tho amount which th Govorntncni charg ob Mr. Henderson with liaviDg ille gally received, but it is said to bo largo. This arrest will take the public by sur priso, for tho accused has heretofore borno an irreproaohablo charactor, and has been considered a man of large means foreover al yoars. , The Marshal called at the Navy Agent's in tho Evening Post building, at about 3 o'clock, and found Mr. ticnderson at his desk in his private office Ho served h.i warrant, and took tho prisoner to tho Dis trict Attorney, Counsel appeared, and, waving tho right of a preliminary exam ination, bail was givon by E. & E. F Stu art, attorneys, and Joseph Stuart & Co., bankers, in the sum .of 810,000. Tho hearing on tho warrant is set down for this morning at 11 o'clook. A few minutes before tho arrest was made, Mr. Bridge of tho Navy Depart ment called upon Mr. Henderson, with an order from tho President, removing him from oflico and direoting Mr. Bridge to take chargo In addition to tho above, it ocours to us that CoL.Fish, lato Provost Marshal of Baltimore, was convicted of crimes which should havo sent him to Penitentiary for half tho term of his natural life, and for which som e light scntcnoo was inflicted upon him wo beliovo a fino of five thou.- and dollars and a short imprisonment. I This is the only instance we call to mind ; ' and this is not ayailablo in behalf of the 1 Adminiatration, sinee, shortly aftor his , sontence, the President granted him full J pardon A Soldior's Letter to his Mother. We publish below portions of a letter, not intended for publication writtou by Jon.N B. Anderson, (one of our aDDren- tiecs) to his Mother, Mrs. Mary AniN Anderson, of Heach Haven. Ed. Demo. In thk Field, Juno 10, J 804. Dear Motiiku ; I received your letter the ninht be- foro we left tho Fortifications, and had no time to answer it. Wo loft the Fortifica tions on the 27th of May, marched to Washington, and cot on board of a trans port, then stoamod down the Potoraao to tne iiay, down tho liay, to the liapahan nook, and up the Rapahannoek to Port Iioyal, and from thcro wo marched to the Army of tho Potomao, where we now are, a distance of about one hundred miles I saw John Seybert, in Washington when wo came through, went to his house and took dinner. Ho is a very fine man I tell you, and be has got a splendid wife. Ho filled my Haversao with good things to eat, and ray canteen with Port Wtno. no said ho would write to you and tell you all about our moving. Our Regiment has not been in a fight yet, but we have been pretty tloso to the Rebs, whero tbo bul lets, and shells have whistled around us pretty sharp. I havo been guarding the Baggago train for tho last two days, and I dont know but what I shall stay hero all tho time. Wo ara about three miles in roar of tbo army. Tho news is this morn ing that tho Uebs have evacuated Rioh mond. I know thoy aro rotroating from whero thoy were when I was with the Regiment. I was down the other dav to sco the Broekway Boys. Their Battery was stationed oloser to tho Uebs yet than where wo wero. They are lookine well. and in fine spirits. I have been very well since we left tho Fortifications. A groat many of tbe men gave out whilo on th o march, Your affeotionato Son, John B. Andkrson. J3-The following hoart-sickening in oident shows how the shoddyites take care of tho families of tbo men thoy have tempted or drsged into the army i 'Mrs. Betsoy Ellitt, whose husbaud is in the 17th Maino Bogiment, was found doad in Portland, a few days since, en tho floor, thero being no bid of in the houso, and nothing to cat. Her doughtor, about 15 years old, was tho only person with hor. The corpse was lying upon a fow rags,and thort was nothing in the houso to oovor it with. t$S- Quilp says the young lady who creates the most trouble ii Miis Apprekon- HOD SunaiOAr. . Among tho many surgical cases whioh have been opjrated upon with in a fow days, Dr. Up De Graff, at his In' firmary in his plaoo, was that of the child of Mrs. Mary Sturner, of Truxville,in this eounty. This child was born blind, Tho operation was witnessed by somo twenty citizens, who were curious to know how it was possiblo to restore tho sight of ono who from the time it first breathed had nevor seon tho cloiious lit: tit. Tho child was properly eecurod and placed in tho hands of an attendant, of steady hand and as quick as thought tho instrument was socn within the cyo. Tho difficulty within.tho eye oould be distinctly seen by lookers-on. In an instant tho eyo is seen to olear up bright and liquid. Tho child stops crying, looks strangely about, and seoms puzzled : it is in n new world. It sees. Whispcrod expressions of aston ishment aro heard from bystanders. The doubtful no longer doubt : tho mother weeps with joy, while tho forbiddon tear is seen in many a svmpathctio cyo. All aro delighted. But tho doctor seems calm and thinks it nothing strange. These things occur every day with him. Luzerne Union, The Soldiers True Friend. For over forty years, Doctor nolloway has been supplying all tho armios of Europe with his Pills and Ointment, they havo proved thcmsolvus tho only Mcdioino ablo to cure tho worst oases of Dysentery, Pcurvy, Soros, Wounds and Bruises. Every knap sack should contain them. Only 30 oent: per box or pot. Altered Notes. Two dollar greenbacks, altered to fifties, are now boing circulated. r eceipts"for ju me, to THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. :oi Tho following payments have boon in a do to tho Columbia Democrat office, during tho month of Juno, 180-1 : Henry B Artbur Jcb Idler Art ISme I.jic Ikeler John Horn J K Umsler, E'1 litt of Juhn Drugtor Jcr U dm l til 8'20 00'ramcs Pdon 9 00 11 UO'O W Crcvdiliffc Co 13 00 !1 CU'J Kurin9.11, 3 00 1 -"ifM t ItelRtiarl llro 1U uu 3 Softer Appluman 3 UOjK.t of J'AlH 1'ux 5 OOilsaae .Moore Deutott SOiNatlian Hoinboy H Oil II M.irrlihnnk JU 3 00 3 110 I 75 3 00 1 00 8 (10 y 00 1 00 V 00 7 00 t 00 4 CHI 4 00 s 00 3 00 4 m 1 0(1 2 00 10 00 s 00 5 1i C'apt A Noble K.tofLudwig Younr 11 23JVim Kant (III) .Mr. I.ydla Vvanich 4 SO'lHram Thoinaa Mathiaa Gilbert S .Syniliun MarlU'l Ceo M Heiglo 2 00 Um nWi r.t of Wash Sliuman 3 OOJAuron Kelchnor Kit of Or. Uco U llayhuritLoahua Fowler Dariil S Brown U ,'aiiipbell Kra.tut Sliuman Ahram Swepeuhiger (.'apt J no It Yulio Daiiii llrown, Jr Jamen Uruwn John 11 llrtler, K1 Utephcn II riwaiik. oujiicnry u Keiciinor 3 00 MaJ Samuel Trtai 1 00 Wllliumlllll 1 "' I, Kelchuor 2 OUjiinn (ico tfcott 1 OOWo.hua Frill S SoSfat 1,1 Tho Tajiart i ouitvin Dticsbach 1 5(Ilrl!lV Wella 00? lj at or Re nj Jonet O.ftVin Frill. Kq I) II Monlzouiery.M D3 OUiKrity It Bowman Uunbcn .Miller (Millliii) I Ou'llenry Kelclinvr a u iillliarti I 0 4 00 s 00 50 3 00 3 00 a 00 I 00 00 so I 00 0 00 1 ?s John Keller L'liurln Kllngaman Jacob yohv, Jr John J (iearhtrt Daniel Miller Jobu llaiiiiony Jo.eph .Manx Joicph II Kl.llcr Michael Kcinlcy John A Shumau John llett Wiili im T llaitiet 1 w tvm wnancat 2 00 j U 4 40'A I) tluo.l S 0011 F Kverilt 2 OOllohn J Stiles S 00 Daniel .Mdlunry 3 OOJoim Itau.h, F..9 3 OU'Dai.iel Btino ti OO'llr. Margaret Crca.y 1 J Henry lie,. (Centre) " 0UJo,iii M,...v 1 '0;Eilwurd Krnvllnfi B M IVtteugill Co, Y)Trenurer of Col. co. S3 3'i 1 Oil ii on IvttT !.,.,, 1 00 a n l'eiungill Jc uo tlio.-Jl.fvl Thomai 3 00 I 00 3 i 1 00 i 00 1 00 S Oi 1 00 ton) i 00 Lli.ha U" llubhiiij Joieph I.illcy .Mr. Anna Miller C T Ncyhatt Cera llower Hohr .Mdlunry, Cq William Creasy, St B. A Uiddla 1 O.jDan'l Miller (Maine) S OO.Jnlm llruncr 1 no'Jaine.i.ate, I'.i I OujDr. J Harlacher 1 OojJo. K Derilt &. Co i Oojcieth 2 00' 8C7" Again we thank our friends for prompt payments. Thoso of them who know what is right, make no objection to the payment of S'J 00, in advance, for the '0oluinbia Democrat," and this they also know does not pay us near so well as 1 51) did in Democratic Money. To ihoso still indebted, we ask a remittance by ranil, or otherwise, as we are compelled weekly to discontinue the names of tho delinquents. llOIili TJ1" TUB COLUMN. MARRIAGES. At the I'nr.onace. in Hacellon. on tho Itlh of June, hy the Kcv. Jn.iah I'orrc.t, Mr. Win. Iletler, and Mi.i Bophirh lluml, both of Columbia couuty. i'a. On Tuciday, 31st June, IbCl, ntBt. Stephen, church, Wilkcs-Ilarru, hy the Hector, Ker.t Uer. 1). Milea, ,Mr. C'harlr. ParrLll, and Mm .Mary Cniiyauhaui, elde.t laughter of Hon John N. Conyiiyhain, al I of Wilkes liar re. DEATHS. In lllooiniburK, on the 25th ult., Mra. Barah A wife of John lirobti , in the stith year of her age. I n Wilkei llarre, on Saturday IhfI, lifter a lingering illne.a, Mr.. Ulizabeth Johnson, wifg .f l.y man Hakes, F.sq aged 37 yearn. In Centre Township, on Saturdiy last, hy aceidon tal drowning, Mr. William Creasy, aged about 30 yri . Obituary next week. In Hemlock lon-n.hip, nn Wednesday last, Mr. Jos. Vanderslice, eon of T J Vandeishce. lisq., aged about 30 years. Kcu) SIDuerlisements. EYE & EAB. Professor J. ISAACS, M. M OocouiT and AcnisT formerly of Ledon, Holland, is now located at No. 511 PINF. Streil. I'liiLiDm.rnu, whero persons nlllic toil with diseases of tho EYE and EAR will be .dentin ally treated and cured, if curable. C" Artificial Eyes inaertc d without pain, N. D. JS'ochargee luado for Examination. The M ed ical faculty is intiied, as he has no secrets iu his mode of treatment. Julys. UCl.-13m. R U N A W A Y I ABSCONDED from the subscriber In Centre town, ship, on tho 13th ult,, a hound boy, named WASH INGTON FOGEL, aged about 13 years. All persons, aro cautioned against harboring or trusting said boy as I will pay no debts ofbis contracting. WILLIAM MILLER. July 3' 1661.-3W. WIIXIAAISPOBT OIL WORKS. NON-EXPLOSIVE PUm CRYSTAL ALSO i Refined Benzine and LUBRICATING OIL in tight Paok-' ages. Orders will rcoeiye prompt attention, , H. L. HOLDEN, 1 Proprietor. William. porl July ?, HM lt ' SCROFCIiA. DR-li- W- WELLS' AMERICAN COMPOUND For THE MAHHh THIS old established, thoroughly tried Rtmtdy, recommended by some of the most eminent Physicians, has attained a ctUbri- i ' ty in most parts of tht country, in curing I ' SCROFULA OR AVAGS EVIL t Bcrofuloui Born, nom or Krjfilpla. Scaled Holl and Ring Worm, Trttor or Salt nkwnGleiittr or Sn oil ed Neck, (io eomuion with onr American Female.) cu rablo Canceraantl Caocorom Sor, Illalu.or Uoll. ' Ulironle Ulcerated Sore, I I J Note, MoutU and Throat, Syphllla In nil lit Utm; By phltllic or mercorrlal Bora mouth, and throat, chroule ulceration of tho Luogi, Stomach and KlJiioyi, I'lui ploi, Poitunei, and Blotchea. Ithoumatlim, Female Wcakueu. Lereorrhao, (atl.lnj from Internal ulcera tion) Uropiy, Ueneiia! Debility, Emaciation and all Jl iB.oi of tho BJLO In cases of Costiveness or Constipation it NEVER FAILS- Its mild In Its action. Juit sutficlont to regulate the bowels and keep thctn regular. Its unlike all prujm rations for the Dion, I. having the laiallre propurtlos combined. As lt contains Wild Cherry, Mandrake and Dandelion prepared in a scientific manner il works wonderfully in cas es of chronic affections ol the jLivei BOWELS, Chronle PILES, and permanently cured by the Altr ! natiro aid Uiatlre allWt one great fealuro iu it, produces nn j APPETITE. from tho conunenment-ln short It is a tery flnoTon Its palataM: and can he taken by tho most del icato Female or Child. It being puroly vegetable thero will bo no harm done In taking it, If there Is no benefit , , derived. Prepared by Dr. E. W. Wells', Practical Physician WILKES.BARKE, PA. OFFICE over L 0. I'ains Store, Makkkt Street. For Sale by ull Druggists throughout the Country. V.B. Every agent Is anthoriied to refund tho monoy where tho compound falls to relieve. Full Directions accompany each bottlo In English, French and Ger man. N. B, No Carthetiq modioino is ro quired. In trostiDg Fivo thousand cases, I hayo novor known a case to requiro Physio, or have I over known it to fail in thoroughly removing tho disosses. As I devoto all my time at tho Btudy and treat ment of Diseases OF THE BLOOD- I1 am prepared togiyo advice (gra''s) by ap plying to my offico or by letter, aocora panied by a Stamp. E. W. tVELLS, M. U AND Distdics Resulting torn Disorders tf ult Liver and Digestive Organs, ark cutu:6 BY DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS THE 0 It EAT STRENGTHEN 1NC1 TONIC, Those Bittors havo performed moro Guru 1 nnvK jiifi) do aim bettkii satisfjictioxi UAI'K MOIIK TKSTIMOXrlUAI'K .MOIIK SI'HCIAMB PKOVLll TO VOUCH Foil THKMi TllAtt ANY OTllMt jtUTICLE l.Y TllBM.IHKkh, Wo dofy any ono tn contradict this nsjcrrtlnn, nnd will pay $1000 tn,any. ono that will produce a certlflcato published by us.that la not genuine. nOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, trill curoovtry caia ef' Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases tf the Kidneys, and diseases arising from a disordered Stomach. Obserrelho following symptoms : neiulHng from in, older, of the IMgeitlvo Organ.: n. Cnn.tlpti tion, Inward l'ilai, Fulness of lilood to tbo Head. Acidity of the Qtomach Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness ofwiight III the Stomach. Hour Eructations. Finking or Fluttering at the t It of the Stomach, Swimming of tha Head, Hur ried and Ulfllcull llrcathlng, Fluttering nt thu tlentt, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in lying posture, Illumes, of Vision, Dots or Web. beforo the sight. Kr-vir and Dull Fain In the Head, Deficiency of. I'erspiiatiun, Yellowness of the Skin and Kyos, i'ain in the Side. Hack. Chest Limb., &c. Sudden Flushes sf Heat. Uurniug iu thu Fle.h, Constant lm asinlngpofutll, 4. depresslou of .pirn. HSMSMBKR THAT THIS ISirTKUS Js Not Alcoholic. CONTAINS iwo rum or jrm&KEr, anJC.1.V T.V.1K VX U.VJC.1 HDH, 11UT IS THE BEST TONIC in tho Wurld. BtUA8 W HO SAYS S 5 I Fiom the Kov Lsti lltck.l'astorof the Raptl.t Chaiu I 1'embertoii. N J , furuieily of Ihe North tiapiat i nurcri, i niiaaeipnia. I hure known llontlinds (lerman hitlers favOrobi for a nuuil.rr of yenrs. 1 have umi them In my m family, and have been so pleasid with theh ilfni. that 1 whs induced to recuinruennd them to manv utn ers, nnd know that thoy havo oierated In h a'tifini-iy benclkinl manner I lake (rent idea.ure in tli.i pu. licly proclaiiuing this f.tct, and callinif the aitentiun ui thuse iitiliited nllh thove for tthifli they or recommended, to llinse Hitters, fiuowlng fromxp.i vuee that my recommeiidution will be sustained 1 'n tlii more cheerlnlly ns llnoflsnil a llitturs is iol.'Uoit tu benefit tho ulllictud, and Is not "i turn drinK ' Yours truly, LIIV1 0 liUCK. Fron Uf. J. A'.Klua i)r 1). Editor of tht .itf I Mi. I'hiladttphu , nlthnugh nut disposed to faror or raco iirvend I'jt' Medicines in gi-nerJl, through clUlrusl of their iun- dients and vllects ; I yet know of no suftliii nt re. sub. 1 why a man may not testify to tin, beimfit he helicm. Iiim.elf to have received from any siiiiplo In the hope tliat Ini uiay thus contribute tuthi benellt A , othvra. I do this the more readily In regaid to Ileolland . German llitti-rs. prepared by Dr. C, M. Jackson, of tba I city, hecansu 1 Has prejudiced against tl.ein for luuu. 1 yirrs, under he iiuurrs. inn thnt they were ehi .fly a' al.i holic inixt'lie. I nm Indebted tu my friend Il'j'j.n-, I .-lioemnkur. Esq.. for the removal i,f thii prejudice br ! ir.iper tests, und fur eiuoiirngement to try th.u, nb , "olleririgfrom groat ami long continued debility. 'J Lis ; u. of thrcii buttles of thejo Hitters, at the hvfi'.iim , nl the present year, was follnnvd by eviduut rci 'I 1 and restoration to a degr.-e of bodily and menial nv-jr , vihlih I had not felt fur six montln before, and bad al , must despaired of regaining-. I therefoio tnank Out , oud my friend fur directing ni" to tho use of Hum. j J. NEWTON Ur.UVV From tho Dot. Jos. H Kennard, I'u.tor of the luih i , Uapllst Church Da. JiCKSox :-Dear lr: - I have bx;n fmiiently re qwe.led to connect luy imm with cniLUiend'tinn. . f different kinds of medicines but reesrding the pruUui as out of my apiroprintn spheru. 1 hare iu nil i rises I declined ; but with a clear proof iu various Instances. ( and rinrticu larly in my fnmi y, or the userulue.s or dr. ' Hoollami's Gernnin ilillers, I ilepart fur ono from ir lu.ual cnurso, to express my full conviction that, fur general debility or tho syetcm nnd especially for Llt-r I I mnpialiit, it is n safe and valuable preparation. (i i suiiiu cane it mnv fn.l (. i.. . be very bsueficial to those who sutler from the ulmte causae. Vours, very respectfully, J. 11 KENNU1D. Llghth below Coatee it., l hilnd a CromfUr. Warren nnmlolpli. Paster ef Baptist Chare t. Cerinaiitown, fa Da. 0. M. JiLKsoM j-Dear Sir : i'ersnnnl iprl'im enablJS uu to say that I regard tho German Hitter prepared by you as n most cxrellent medicine. Incite. i. i r.. . . ,""" 'leuiiiiy i nave ueeii Brest ly benefitted by the use of the llitti-rs, nnd doubt lie ( , niuy will produce similar eflsct. on others j lours respectfully, WAItltl'.N tmaiilown, rutin s I Hit. Jktxr an T)...a... E . 1 .... I 11:.. 7 . nariiig nsou your ' il ,1 Vi'" ",'y (a'"i y ff1ue" I am prepared to sas ' i. ... . , "l,e!1' VfV?l!.,,""Tlco- 1 helievlhatin mn.t ' nn.i l ''f eu""l yJebility of tbo system it ,ile ar..l i and mo.t valuable remedy of whlcn I havo miy kuowl .eilk-e. ours, ic, J. Il.TUItNiiK, I No. 810 N. Nineteenth Strtt't. ' riu',l!!!J vTi M-,1');0". formerly Pastor of ths Ci i lumbus(N.J.)niid llaptist Chunb. ... New ('rit.imli... V V I Ha. (-. M. J4CKSox:-DcarSlr.-I feel it pleasura '"u. or my own accord, to bear testimony tothoex ' " ' . 1r Gcr'"an Hitters. Somejyears since being much afflicted with Dyspepsia, I them witli gruel I !.;enn,fi"l,,rf"l,',,,"i , 1 ","ve nfIe recommended lhAi to , P""0."" cnfeeblutt by that tormenilrigdisense.and have their t0"1 ""i """ """"'"8 te.llnioniaU as l ii. it int.. .ruv;.:v."..u' so'' u"'"iy. . i.aMiiui ue surpnsseu. J..M. LYONS From tho Iter. Thoj, Wlnt.r, Pastor of Roxborough .ujii.i i.aurctl. Dr. Jicksom i-Dear Sir !-I feci It duo to your excel ent preparation, linnii.,,,1- n.,m.. i.T.J Li i my testimony to the deserved reputation it lias'obtain 1 V.V..I ii vei . )t'ar"' Bt ,,lne"' been troubled with ...... U..UIU., in my neou nnu nervous system. I was idvised bv n Irlend to.try aholtle of your German Hit ters. 1 did so nnd Itavo experienced great and unei Sn5 e,1 re ,Cn"iy UrhU "M bava 'y materially bea mf u-i.f ?"nft(l(!,""Y 'ecounnend tbe article where I meet with tases similar to my own and Imvo been as eurod by many of their good Effects. Itespectfully yours, T. WINTKU. KoiborougU, I'a. From Hey. J. S. Herman, of tho German llefornwd t-hurch. hutztoivn, llerks county, I'a. whh'rJ,l-IACiK80N""'p',td Hl' l'V8 boon slo n. ?.?,fp ''?ia, "eV,y '""'"y y. and havo nere' lH.?.i-ri?,'."'',Ci".B """ ''" t"d. Hoof .0.1-? ! ' ?'" Vl''' "mtl' '"'Proved in health, aner taklug five bott.s, Kespootfully yours, J. 8, IIAK.MAN. PltlCr.8. Largo BIze (holding nearly double pinntlty,) hi.., ,$l,uu '"!, Duttle-half dgioii, t W amall Sixo ,3 cents per Uottle-halr doxeti, it OJ RE WARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ,i,SeiVi'al ,h0 ?8n""ro of "C. Al, JACKSON," It oa the Waumit of each bottle. Should your nearest druggist not have the artists, donotboputoirby any of tho IntoilcaUng prepara tions that may bo offered In Its place, but .end tow., and we will forward, securely packed, by express. Principal Office and Manufactory, Wo, 031 Arch Street. PHtUIDRT.Pm. Jones & Evans. (Successors to 0, M. JACKSON k Co.,) PROPRIETORS. IO" FORBALE by Drtiftjlsts ad Diaten In ovsry w In the llnlint ilu, ii isiis . fi M ,n I-,,,. JtiW Hijt, 11m