AGRICULTURAL. ar.mers who inako tho most rapid im- pmvoment in husbandry, aro likely to bo i lhoQ who read most on tuo subioct ot tlioir v vocation. For the man tjIio reads little, no matter what Mb vocation is, will-be likoly to think' little, and net with reference to tradition rcecivod'from former gonera- lions, or olio in imitation of what -is going on about him. 'Plmrn in nlxcnvn lmnn of n. . -- ' I man who loves reading, study and rcfiec- . tion. IjI 3113. Ti:, ,:il ilnuiml ft... no tl.n nnrlli !o ! ,u.u ..... u is. ua kUU ... (iri uaiUy .,,,,,, ,,y , Muillr0 or nuivorized ! ami it nil mil il llrercforc. bo fatigue. If ilicnu occur, tho cough becomes morn Iron puivt,rizeu , nnu ir, Bnouiu, ureroion-, uo UtmBt n)( u Mfn,Xe,v,Mi rqpcctnrntion, which i placed on tlfo tOr of tl0 ground. When I most copious and free very early In i the i morning. It f ,l , . ia sometimes streaked with Mood. At this stage night- land has been timed for a nunibor of years 'sweats usually netin, mid m nomo cases no torn so , bleeding ortho lungs may nlso occur. Fain In aomo Subsoil plOUcblUC 18 as COOU as a 11CW l part ul tho client itfl-lt, ami ollrn a dttnculty of linB ,,.,. . upon one or Iho other niile, without mvcro tits of OOat Of lllno, tlB It briDCS It Up agatll to coutMnir or n nenco of fiillnesa or c ., , ... . , .. perlctned. The pnlao becomes full, hard, nml frequent tbO SUrfaCO. Eighteen per CVllt. Of' the I the hectic ftunh tlnt-es tho cheeka, and the dire malady leaves and birk of tho apple orchards con sumo a vast amount of this mineral, nnd unless it is often replaced, ths orchard must suffer for tho want of it: white beans: This crop ought to be moro generally cultivated by farmers. Tho small variety or army bean, ia in great demand for our troops, and is worth at least S'J.flO per bushel at wholesale. They should be sown in drills about feet apart, at tho rate of at leaft a bushel to an ncro. Sow from the 10th to Iho 25th of May. Fifty bush els to the acre aro known to have been raised. Thoy are a safe crop to-grow- be tween the rows in o. young apple orchard) and always leavo tho ground in fine cun "dition. Let every farmer resolvo to havo at least one aero this season. INDIAN DOILED PUDDING Making a stiff batter by stirring Indian meal into a quart ofboiliDg milk or water. Then stir in two lablo-tpoonfuls of flour, thrco of Bugar, half a spoonful of ginger, or two tea-spoonfuls of cinnamon, and two tea-spoonfuls of salt. If anything cs. tra is required, add two or throe eggs well beaten, but they can be dispensed with and some add a little olmoped suot. Such puddings require a long boiling. Thoy will be good in throo or four hours, but better from being boiled fivo or six, and so mo give a boiling of eight or nine. Thoy require good sarrce ct eating. FIXED FACTS IN AGRICULTURE Somebody has gob up tho following list of ''fixed facts" in agriculture, and for once in a consendation of the sort, has hit tho nail on tho head in most of them : 1. All lands on which rlovcr or iho grasses aro grown, must cither havo lime in them naturally, or that mineral mutt bo artificially suppliod in tho form of lime stone, oysters shells, or marl. . All permanent improvtmcnt of land must Too1: to lime as its basis. 3. Lands whioh have been long in cul ture will bo benefitted by the application of phosphato of limo, and it is important whothcr tho deficionoy bo supplied in the form of bone dust, guano, nativo phosphate of lime, or marl the land needs lime alto. 4. No land can bo preserved in a high fbte of fertility unless clover and grasses aro cultivated in the course of rotation. 5. Mould is tndispcnsiblo in every soil, nnd a hoalthy supply oan only be preser ved through tho cultivation of clover and the grasses, the turning in of green crops or by feho application of composts rich in the elements of mould. 0. All highly concentrated animal man ures aro increased in value, and their benefits prolonged, by admixture with plaster, salt or by pulverized charcoal. 7. Deep plowing greatly improves the productive powers of every variety of soil that is not wet. 8. Subsoiling sound land, that is not wet. is alto cminetTy eonducivo to increase production. 9. All wet lands should be draracd. 10. All grain crops, should bo harvest ed before the grain is thoroughly ripe. 11. Clover, as well as tho grasses, in tended for liay,sliouM be mowed when in Blossom. 12. Sandy loams can bo most cffeetually improved by clay. When such lands ro- quire liming or marling, the lime or marl is most bonificially applied when made in to compost with clay. In slacking lime, salt water is better than fresh, 13. TUO CllOppillg or grinding Of Cram - - to bo fed to-stoelt. operates as a saving of ' at least 25 per CUnt. 1 14. uraimrg oi wet lanus anu marsuos adds to their value by making the in pro. j duce moro, and by improving the health of, neighborhood!. ' 15. By stabliDg and sheltering stock through the winter, a caving of ono fourth the food may bo affected; that is ono fourth leei food will answer than when tho stock Is exposed to tho incloincucy of the weath er. 10. To manure and limo wet lands, ia to throw manuro, lime and labor away. 17. A bushel Of plaster per aero, 80WI1 ?""'' how to propagate time of planting andnower ..v....,. v.. v, m.v. j,v. v.u, .viiii in thorl.everv Informal nn nil,l iii; il, broadcast Over ClOVCr, Will adU ono hun- tijred per oent. to ita produce. " 18. Periodical applicaticn of ashes tends to keep Up integrity of Soils, by supplying most if not all, inorganio substancos. r DR. WaSHART'S Pli8E TREE Is the Vitnl l'rincinlc of l!ir- Fine Trod Ulitnlucil by n itrofpu in tho ii.nt.llntinn of tint lr In u'lilrFi 114 It Minat him irhi:tl hrotir flit?R arc 0 n,U!()nc lllatcutc, whtll otl,ct,.invo tnii A ( llcnu t v for Cimstitnniinn. t nm constantly receiving such certificates aa tho follow Inif. RUAD IT I . Have von u ('ouch I H.ivn f nil Sorn Throat f Havo you any uf tho prt-iu-iiiltory symptoms of that must mini nisensei ijousumpiiou f 'Phono wno should ho warned by these symptom? geii orally think lightly of thrm until It l Inn late. From tlila ffirt. ,l,a iiuirn tlinn nnv other, nrlscs tint unit prevalence ninl fatality of dlsi-nse will ill swoops lo .1... -- .! 1t..t ....n-..lll nC llitnll,'.. tilrtllu.. tho cravu nt.lcnstonc-slxih of Death's victims. What nro In symplonis f t.-xo-nt ti Irolliy mucus, Tho breathing l.t noiucivlint ! ill ilii nil. nn.l iinon alli-lit exercise in ti r 11 hutrlcil. A I scnao of tightness mill oppression as tile chest la often I Kit. As llni illieaao ndvnncoa thu patient lictomc thin In tlch la n(Hicted with lo of nppctttt:, ureal Inner, Indolence, mm dejection ot apirita; mm may rniitliitia In 1 til s stale for n cnnsldrrnblii length of time. I la IHM IIIISICIIIII III .IK I 1II3U. ynu now naK. "la inert.' a cure!" Consumption has hern and can he cured hy the use of my TahOokiiI!., even In apparently hoptleaa cnaen. ThK'nasertloii 1 maKu Willi inu auniiy ui prcaeni uiu most complcto evidence of the truth. Space will not ndmltof my giving tho content of the many thousand 01 testinioninia to iia value, w uieii i nave ueen uuu nu, receiving from men nnd women of iiii'iucstlunnbte worth ami rcnutatloii. I havo had n iiiimhi r of these certificates printed in circular form which 1 w ill send you tree on iippiicaiiou hiicuut on no uc-iui to try I'm medicine or nnti acml for thu circular. Alter yenrs of study nnd experiment, I offer this niedlcinc, Iu-llei lugit to he the best remedy lor nil pulumitary and bronchial diseases. If ymt ciinnot bu benefitted by tlia use or the Tar Cordial, I bclievo J on an) beyond till c.'irlhv aid. Yet if thcro uru belter rurate auentK, I earnestly ndvlao their Uso. Tho best remedies, the oeal core, aro ncciieu uy most- iiiiucieu wiui mis "in case. Ileleving this lo bo tlm best, 1 ask you to try It. .Many, not mm- of thu people, hut physicians oi every school nud prnitliu. are daily asking me, "What ia the princlplo or cause nfyoursuccess in tho treatment of ruliiiotiaryCotisuniplion ?" My answer Is this: The iuvigoratlou of the digestive organ Ilia strong theiilng of the ilehllltatedaysteiii-the purific4itiiin nnd enrichment of tho blood, must eipel from tho ay.tem the corruption which srrofula breeds. While thla Is effected hy the powerful niterntlvc (changing from ilia eao to health) properties of tho TarUordial, Its heal ing nnd renovating princlplo la aim acting upon thu irri.ited surfaeeaof the luuga and penetrating to encli deseascd part, ralieving, subduing Inllaniatioii and restoring nhealllifril lenilenry. Let this two.(old power, the healing and the strengthening, continue to m-t In conjunction wllh Nature's constant recuperative ti'-nlcncyt nnd the patient is saved, if h- Iraa not too longdulaied a Hunt tit the meaux nf cure, HLVVAliri OK (.'OUNTmirElTS. Tho genuine haa- the ii.imo of the proprietor and n pine treebluwn in tho bottle. All otbera aro spurious imitations. 1'bicb Firrv Ceitts A-n Osr nou.Ait tin IIoitib. 1'n.pircd only by tho proprietor, Dr. L. U WISIIAllT, No. 10 Mouth Second St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Fur Sale hy all l)i iiggixlii. December V), IrVJ-t'mi. I'ilOSI'LCTUSOFTIIKCniiAT NATIONAL WOilK.l HIS T 0 R Y ' (Flllli, POLITICAL fi ilHLlTAUY,). , or tiii: ! Southern Robellion Comprehending, also, All Important Slate Papers ((.'onfederate mid Federal.) All Ordinances ofe- ceasiun, lToceeanigH oi iongress (iitnei nnu Federal,) Ucmnrkablc Jpefclieir.c . together Willi oiuciai Kcpnris ol t;nuimaiutera,iiriiiy and Nnvy statistics, ,M,ipsk&a I1Y CUVII.I.U J VICTOR. To ho Completed in 3 Volumes, Super Royal Octavo, Beautifully lllustrutccl with bleul En aravings, Maps, S-c. I .1 .-ol f.l.;n l... T..., j ivjuii;u vApivBoij iui iuid nuiii u uini llounits, and other first-class arti.ts Volumes I and II Now Ready. Thla trulv National Work charaucrizeil hva leadiu-r journal ns the --Paragon of Ui-tories," has now taken us piure in 'Hi raliiii- ns the History i,arceciicncu,or the (Ireat Ribellion. It has received (as will he seen by reference lo the letters and uoticcs subjoined the endorsement nf thu leai'iug men mid Ihu loading jour nals of the couulrv, It is cnniineiiiled hy those inovt qualified tojudge, aa nucha Record ofthe llise.l'rogresa nod Rusultiiulthu War for tho Union us every Intelli gent citizen should poscia. Aa title indicates, its covor8 tho ground of the, Re bellion, ns well in ita Political and Social us in us Military aspeita, It deals, in chronoloi-ic order, with the open mid the' secret inoiementi for Secession in tho toeverni States; it comprehends the proceedings orthe procccda of tho Montgomery Convention mid of tlio Confederate States' Congress J all proceedings in tlio Federal Congress relating to the quealioua of Secession mid full reports ofthe great Debutes, Resolutions. Reports & e. ,n 1 1 the Messages, Proclama tions, &c. of the President ; thus proving a Complcto compendium uf tho political phases uf the iittemptod revolution. As a record of the stupendous Military nnd Naval Features of tho Rebellion, it will be nil that could bo desired full, authentic nnd graphic leaving nothing unsaid w hiih is necessary to render it the best nud most satisfactory History of thu War for thu Union which will he presented for the patronage of tho Amer ican Peoplo. Most of two volumes will be dwvoted to the Operations of the army and Navy. As each vol nine rnntains more letter press than any two volumes of other professed "Histories" now olferud to the public, it will be perceived Unit this Croat Wmk on the score of fulness nnd cumplelhuaa w ill ihallengu all comparison. Thu Untlru History will bo comprised in threeSuper Roynl octnro volumes, uf about WlOO pages each beauti fully printed, in double columns, fioiu specially pre pared type. Tho uuiount of matter in emit volunio ia equivalent to tho contents ofsix ordinary dollar hooka. Thus in Ihmc i oluines tho nulliur will hnvn umpb) spaco to consider every event fully and satisfactorily, should the w ar drags its slow length along through thu year. The work can only ho had ofthe canvasser. It is not sold by -thu trade." All who wish to become pus. sessed uf it should avail thcmselica ofthe Firnt prop osition of tlio agent. Uach volume is guaranied tohc equal, ill nil respects lo the specimen copy exhibited by tho ngent. J AS. D.TORUU Y, Publisher IJ spruce St N Y, Adresa correspondence tu EDWARD HOVUY, General Agent, 13 Spruce St, N, Y. First-Class Canvassers Wanted J AMPS V. KUIU.UR Agent, for Columbia Co. Mny lbOI. 3w 1864. . I8C1. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE 3 CS5aiSiTvVG-I SI cA, X Jt K 'O This great lino traverses tho Northern nnd North west counties of Pennsylvania to thu city of Uriu,ou Lake Illie. It haa been leased hy tho Peinsylrnnla Railroad Company, mid under their auapirca Js being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is iiuvv in use for Passenger nud Freight busineaa from Hnrrisbiirg lo Umpnriutu, (1113 mi les)ou tlio Hast ern Division, and from Sheffield lo I.'rie i7d miles) on tho Western Division, TIME or r-iSSKWUK TRUKS AT KORTHUMOKR'LANP. Mail Train leaves, Hast i) s A. M. Uxpruts Train " ' 1(1 57 P. JL Mail " " West a " F.xpreas ' ' " 7 Id A.M. Cars run through without ciianoi both ways on theso trains hrtween Philadelphia and Lock Haven, ami liaillinorc nnu i.ncs. iiavcn. new aniietrgxnt Sleep "ijunrs uceoinpanuiK me i;ipresa Trnin tmlli wnya I ueiween iviiiiniiispnri nnu luiiiiiiiure, aim uiiiiamai 1 port mid riiiiadeipliia. . For information reapoctiiiB Passenger business, an plyalthu r. i:. Cor. lltli nml Market Bta. I And fur l'rt'iMir liii ttiiiPBn nf Him i"!mnit ints'a Arniiia a. It. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market Sis., Phil'a . W. Reynolds, J.M. Drill, Agent N.C. UtR., Baltimore. II. II. Houston, Cen'l. Freight Agt. Philadelphia, Lewis L- Houpt, denl. Ticket Agt. I'hlladelpliio. Joaenh I). Potts, Cen'l. Manager, Willionmiort. ftay 7 1804. HORTICULTURAL ADVERTISER. HOOK. FOR EVERY LOVER OF FLOWERS. Flowers for the Parlor and Garden. HY r.DWAKD S. RAND, JR, A nnlendid illustrated volumo nn tho rnliurA nf Rrcenhouse, Conservatory, Stove, Parlor, aad Harden Flowers: Ferns .Itlllbs.Are. In.lrllrtintis mid nln ns nn thu building, alucklns. and kccniliz Conservatories. t.rui-iuiDiinnfl, c.; vvnnonian cases, rcrncrios, ace.-, Soil for thu Flower Garded : List of best Plants and f"r or (lie most experienced gardoner II is a volume long needed i and the authnr's high repiitalirm in (heso matters will insure a work that will supply every ' lviee, muiiin extra, 92,50 j hair-cair, wjo; run oWfiuhe principal honk and need notes, and R,!0bn """' by ""' s t c UPnFGRAFF'S ! vxtf. xu i.'iir ivr nniAitv l fOn tho Snuate. Uireo Iloora from Slnolo'a Hotel,) WILKESBARKE, PA. r-)IItS INSTUTION is now opened sad Jt furnlnheil tn tho most cnMiy atyic. iiiccpnon, I'rlvatennd Opetnttmrltooma nro large, tonvinicnt mid well ndapteit, Tho tfnrgiral nparttneut enntaiua tho llucsl collodion or Instruments In this country, nml thua hla racuttli a will enahle hlmt meet any nml nil ciiicrcciicita In prnctlcn lie will operate upon all tho arlous f"rinn or Itl.lNDNllyr), Catarai I, Ueeluoii of tho 1'upll, C'roa. Kyea, ('Insure of tho Tear Duda. In vnrsliin of tlm elld. I'Iiti flliiin. tier.. Ac. And Will treat nil forma of Horua, l'.yo Urnnuled I. his. Upacctlca of tho Cornell, iitnl Scrohiloua illarnae of- tho i;ye to. EClhcr with all tlia dlacnsca to ilia i.ju la auu Jcct. liliili iv in ireiu an inn oiscasea tuiiiiin'ii .u tho iircnn. Dlsiharpcs from tho Knr. N'olsi s in the liar Catarrh, difficulty of liearliiR.tolnl Doalueia even wheru Iho Drum is dcslrsyud. Will insert nil ntlllichil one nnawerinit nearly nil the purposea of tin) natural. UlPDArJl'.rt OF Till! 'I'll IIDAT. All dlscnsea com. nnu tn the Throat mid Nosu will hn I rente, I ) I' VI, II 1 . Ul, Iff, III, V lln lulll nn,,,iU linnil (Mill, feet, Hair Up, ( I'all.ito.Tuniorii, Oa'.iceia, Dnlar-, nod Tenclla. Ac 1' nnerntlons hv heallha new Ileal! Into deformed parte, nml (Jcnctnl Surgery of wii.urver cuararir u may oresciu. IIUKNIA (or KUPTlTKi;.)- He will perform "I.aldtla operullun lor tin rwtii ai (complete) euro in norin.i, llils la iinqucaticnnlily n perfect cure. nml ia done with llttlo or no p,i I n. Out ofinany hundred operated upoiiln lioston iiicru na nceu nn taiiurea. u navmn ma i" perfcit approliiillon nf nil who have aitmnlitou AUTU'ltJAI. VV.H Will Insutt ntlincllll DVCa Civ- I ai jx them thu motion nml expreioii uf the natural. Theynru Inscrtnl with thu least pnln. lin.MUltlUIOllJri, (I'ilen,) Thla troublesome discnso In rondlly cured. Those suffering from it wllldowell to call. Dr. Up DeOrntrvlslta Wilkea-Ilirre Willi a vicwui building up n permanent lunitutu for thu treatment of thu llyc, liiirnnd (Jeneral aurgcry. Tho i.xpcrienro or inoro ttian n quartor urn tenuity in iinfpiiai nnu s" nl prncticclio hopes, will ben sullicietil guarantee to those who may bo disposed to employ him, May II, JrJUI. tr. TO AJ.L IRON IN THE BLOOD. It is well known to the prufusainu that 1I10N' is tlio Vital Prlnrlnh- or I.lfu r.h incnl of the blood. This la derived chlelly from thu food wo tat but if the Condi not pri-perly ilitrcsted, or iffroui ,'iliv cause ever, the necessary quantity of iron ia not taken into the circulation, ur liecoiuea reduced, the whole system sull'cra. Thu had blood will irritate thu heait, will clog up me lungs, win 01, struct tho liver nnd will semi ita disense-proiluclug elenieiila to nil parts or the sys tem, nml uv cry emu will sillier in whatever organ may bo predisposed In disease. Tho great value of IKON AS X MEiHCINH la well known and nckiiiiwleilfjcd by nil medlcnl men The dilllciiltv has hei-u tn obtain such n lireiinration n it aa will enter the circulation nud nstiuiltatn lit mice with thu llluod. Tills point, says Dr. Hayes. Masaarh uncus Htati! Chemist, has been attained In the Pertivi mi riyrup, hy combination in n way before unknown, THE PHKUVIAiV SVHUI la a Protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron nXnv Discovery in Medicine that Strikes at thu Hoot of ilia case by supplying tlio blood w ith ita Vital Princlplo or nnu i.iuuoni iron. TUB PEKCVIAN SYI1UP Cures Dysprpjl.t, f.ivur Complaint, Dropsy I'cvcr artil nim, iiOajH ui iiic'Dgy, low .spirits. THE I'EIWriAX SYHUP IiifuflUH Blrriislli.vior and now life jut n the fystciii.atnl iiKiiHs up "iron uoiifluiuuun. THE PERUVIAN SYHUP Curva Chronic Dit.rrlioui, Scrofula, lloila, Scurvy, Loss oi i.onsiiiuiiouai v igor. THR I T'.lt fIVIA A' XVI) HP Ciiiob Nervous Affection, Female Complaint, and all nisuisct oi mo Kidneys ninl madder. THE PERUVIAN Sl'RUP la a specific for nil diseases originating In a bad stale blood, or iiccompanied by Dcbilityora Low Statu of'tiiu bysteiu. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and recom mendations from boiiio of tho most eminent Phyaicinnn Clergymen, anil othera.will be sent Freu to any address Wo select u few of thu names to show thu cliaruclcr of the tL'bliiuonals. JOHN F.. WILLIAMS, ISKi., rrusidniil uf tho Metropolitan Hank, New York. Ilev. AliCI, sTi:vnxs. Lnto Editor Christum Advorale and Joiruul. Kev, P CIIUr.CH, IMilorNuw York Chronlclo Rev John Pierpout, Lewis Johnson. M I). Rev W'nr rcn lluilon, Rev Arthur II Fuller, Rev Oiirdnn liobbiiia, ROswell Kinney, M jM S K Kendall M I). W R Chisholm, M I). Francis Dana, M 11. Jeremiah Stune, M, I) J,4U Auto. S.iutheo M 1) Abraham Wendell M D. A A Hayes, M D. J It ( hiltou, M D. UevSylvanusCobb. itov. 1 . Starr King, Rev l.'phr.iiiu Nute, Jr., l'.cv Joseph II Clinch, Rev. Henry Uphaiii, Rev P C Ileadley. Rev John W Oluiestend, 11, t;. Kinney, M D, Preiiaied by N I.CLARIC& CO exclusive Iv for J. P.DIXSMORU, No Jill llriMiluny New York. So;d by all Driiggl.ts, Nu Family-Should bo Without it, OnlySjcentaabox. run s.i.u ur J. P DINSMORU Nn -IUI llro jdway, New York. S W I'OWLi: it CO No. H Treiuont m llo-ton And hy all Ilruggiuls nud Country Stroekeepers. ,Mny H, liiil-l.'in. Dr WIS ii ART Of thla City, has uiidoubteilly discovered in hiaoin. biniilioti for tin; treatment of Dyspepsia ono of tin; greatest remedies that has ever been given tn suff ering humanity: u has treated within tho past two years something nvef niiiu thousand cases In his pri vate practice, many of which had defied tho skill of eniinunt phy.iciaus in Uurope and America, and in every casn where tho medicines were taken according to dire, lions, they have made a perfect euro. .Many of the above cases wcru of civor twenty years standing. 'llmsu who are troubled witli Dyspep-in would do well lo call at thu Doctor's otliro. lie gives you ad vice free. IVrsoiia nt u distance can consult hy letter describing the symptoms. Dr. U'li-harl's treatment put up in n seiuro p.-nkagc. with full directions, is sent by express on tlm receipt of Six Dollars. N. II In nil cases where Ihu disease has not become chronic, Dr. Wislurt's Dyspepsia Pills arc all that is cqiiircd. Sent hy mail on thu receipt of One Dollar Addresa Dr. L. II. C. Wishart, Philadelphia. 1'hila MpUa Ltigtr, Dec. 10, IhBU-dui. j. r. Evtn. L N. MOYn New Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THU undersigned would inform their friends nnd the public generally, that they have taken thu stand for merly occupied by Ceo. M. liagenbiirli, iu (ho exchange Iluililing, nu Main street, iu lllooiiibburg, wheio ho lias just received a full supply of Drugs, tfli flicincs, Paints Oils, Which will bo sold nn moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort and size. Physicians' prescrlptlona carefully compounded, at all times and on abort notice. CT- ConfecHonciy of tho best selections, and Sodu Water iu season, U A share of tho public custom Is respectfully so icited, UYUU 4c JIOYUIl. llloomsbiirg, April 11, I8G3, OnovESTF.UN it Co., -109 Droadway, N.Y. fViUW. F.NI.ARQF.D SCALF. PIANO-FORTUS, Willi 1 nil latest improve iiienla. Thirty years' expurieuco with greatly increased fac lilies for iiiauufacturlng, enable iu tu sell for CASH nt thu abovo unusually low price. Our Instruments re ceived tlio highest award at the World's Fair, and for five successive years at thu American Institute. War ranted five years. Terms hkt cash. Call or scud for descriptive circular. .Viarcno. jeui. .'ni. STATUS UNION IIOTISjL. (00 and CU8 Market Street, I'hiladelplila, CIIARLUS M. ALLMOND. Manaircr. THIS Hotel is located in thu very ccntro nf business nnd isnenr Iho respectaclo places of umuscuient wiiii 11 inane it particularly uesiraiuo to persons visiting Philadelphia oil business nr pleasure ; ami the .Manager hopes by clnjo personal attention to tho wamsofhis Ins guests to makii it a enmfdriahle lioiiiu for much as may favor his hnusu with their patronage. May 7, ItitU.-l.'iii. WABiIiPAII2K. JUST Received styles of a new assortment nf good Wall pajicr including Jiorilcring iy Ceilin Taper, and a general variety of material in his line winch will be found on Iho MXOND FLOUR iinniedi ntcly over Ihu store of .Mr. I. T Sharpless.eutranre one door cast of Lull's Drug store, in the Rupert Hlnck, whercnll persons wishing goods in his line will be attended to in person at all times t&r Paptr Hanging executed to order and best style, at short notice. E. J. THORNTON. Illoomthurg, April 0, lBu4-3m , STOVE AND TIN-WAUE SHOP. rnllE undersigned would inform (he eitizenaof uiooinsburg unn vicinity, inui lie iiasjust ro eived and offers fiirsnlo ono of Ihu luosleileii.ivn SC iisaortincuta nf COOKlNCmiil FANCY BTOVUa ever introduced into this market. The Christopher CI iinibus, Jaiuca llobhnnd (Jloboare niimng the first claas rooking stuvua.all of which nru air-tight nnd gaa burner Ilia rarior stoves lire liiiiiilsomo and tlio nssoririient VI rii-d. ALSO Particular atteiitiuii is paid to Tin-Waro and House Spouting, upon ahort notice, All kinds oi repairing will be donu wllh neatness and despatch. Cv" Country produce taken in exchanru for wnrk. I 1'IHLIF 8. MOYElt. iitounisbur:, Mjy io, itoi, flB3iDS & KI5LATIVI88 or run BlUVO BOldlOl'S Mid SailOrS. HOLJOWAY'S pills, AND OINTMENT. All who havo I'rli nda nnd nclnllvea In tho Army nr Nay should take osimrlalcnro that they Im amply aup. piled Willi these I'illa nnd Ointment i mid where Iho hravo Hohllera nnd Hallors havo neglcited to provide thetnaoliea with them, no belter present can ho sen Jhen. '7,Ill,p.1' ''''iTri,?-r'nIiV it uSr of'need ' thu Hi'dler'a never liillitig frleiul In tho hour of need, They navo nei.n proven to no COJHIUB AND (JOI.DB AVTr.CTINO TllOOI'ri Wlli-hn need v rel eved and erfcctuolly cured by using thcao ndinlrablo medicines, nnd by paying proper attention to thu Directions which nro attached tu tnch Pot or llox, sick iii:adaciii:s and want of ap ctitl', INClDnNI'ALTOSOLDIHIlS. Hinao feeling which so sudden uauaually arise froiu trouble or nnnnyaticea, ouiruiieu poiapiraiiuii, or e.ii lllg mill urlUKIllg Wliaiuvtr is uuw nuio-oiu,-. inn-, iii,, Him t,iiililiriil nctlnii or tho liver nud sloinacli These organs must bo rclievi d, if you desire to be well rno I ins, lasen nccorunig i me inoi"n ihhiiii:,iwii" win nu!rk v nnu iico n lean iv action in oo in liver nnu slomarii. nnu, ns n iiuiuriii cuu-fiuuncu, u im,ii iitau and good nppelltu, WUAKNr.s?OP. ur.nii.iTY induci;d hy ovuit FATlCUli Will anon itlannpcar by thu iiooflheso Invalunulo Pills, nml the Soldier will uulcklv nciiuiiu add tiuiial strength. Never let Iho llowela ho either coiilinedor iitiduly lifted upon, it may seem sirmigo, nini nui-iim-nv-a l-iltu nIiouM he recoiiiiiicnded lor Dvseuterv and Flux. nianV persons supposing that lh"i would iiirrriitr, in i rn. million, una is ii crrni i isi iHu.ior tliese Pills will correct the liver nnd stomach, nud thus nunovu nil Iho ncrid humors from the avslcm. This medium; will givo tone and vigor to tlm whole organic system, however ilerangcu, Whim iieaiiu mm sireugiu follow as n lantter uf course. Nothing will stoo tlm re laxatluii of tho Uowo a ao sure as tills famous modi r tie. V0LUNTFXI13, ATTENTION I INDISUItHTIONS OF YOL'TII. Sorea mid Ulcers, lllotciiea mid Swellings, can wllh certainty bo radli ully cured, If thu Pills are taken night and morning, nnd Ointment ho freely tieil in stated III thu printed instru'lluns. If triiited in any "Iher man opr. lliiiv ilrv ur ui cue nart to break nut III unothiir hcreiia thi Ointment will removi! thu liuinora from Iho nytem, and leave the Patient n vigorous nnd hcnlthy man. ji w in require u niiiu pcrsuvtrumu in uau c,i sea ti.insuie u lasting cure. l'OR WOUNDS ClTlllill occahionhd HY THU UAYONI'.T. SAUill:, Oil THU IIULLUT, tOSIIS OK ISllUIHliS, To whicli every Soldier mid fniior ore liable, there are no mcdiuea ao aare, sure, mid rnnvi nteiit, us llnl lowny'a Plllaaud Ointment. 'I ho wounikil and iiliuou living cttflerpr might have his wouinia dressed iniinu diately, if ho would only provide hliusi lf wllh this luiitchleas Ointment, which should bo thrust Into tri wound nnd smeared nil round It. then covered w ith piece of linen from his knapsark mid compressed with n HnniiKcrcnici. mining, nigui uuu uiuriiiug, uor Pilla. to cool the slftem mid Prevent intlaiiintinn. livery Soldier'a Knapsack nud Sen man's Chest should be provided with tliese valuable Remedies. CAUTION! Nono ore genuine unless tho Worda "llollovvays, New York and London " are ilisceruablu as n Wntcr-innrk in every leaf ofthe book of d reitiou around each pot or box ; tho fame may plainly seen hy holding the leaf to tho light, A handsome reward will lie given lo anyone rendering audi information aa may lean in i no detection 01 any party or parilea counter' teiting inu meiticlnea or Venning tlio siime, Miuwlh them to he 6iiurious. Soldnt ni.inufiictory ot Professor Hollowav, SO Miadeii I. line. Now York, nnd hv ull respectable Urn? istsaud Dealers In Medicine, throughout tho civilzud worm. DV" Hollnway's Pills and Ointment are now retailed owing to the lugti prices oi iirugs, etc., ill ,iu cents, cents, mid 41.111 m-r llox or Pot. tij-'I hero ia considerable saving by taken tire larger sizes. N. II. Directions for the guidance of p.itlents in every disorder arealllicu in each tiox. Dealers in my well known medicines can iiav fellow Cards, Circulars, &c., sent free of expense, by aaureaug ruu.iiArs iiui,i,wvvy, EO Mum. I.Ase, Nkw-York. Dec. 14. 16G3. ly. T-luno '.'0, 1 eiKI. G Ml T O N ' S Cheap Grocery Store. ALSO SSATS, CAR'S AKO 8BIKS, rt - I IB undersigned having bought out the Crocery n 1 David Strouii, lias removed his Hut and Cap Store up to Slroup's old stand, w litre iu addition to a tupc rlnr assortment of FALL AND WINTER Hats and Caps, CONFE0T10NAHIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Supar, Cofl'eo, Teas, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Haud Lamps, Books. "Writing Paper & Inks larihuare and Ceilariuare, Packet Knives , Combs, J-C, )(., ij'C , Together with a variety of articles generally kept in n Store. Also A lino lot of KIDS, MOROCCOS and Limnos !o vvlili h ho invites the at entioii uf Shoemakers and the public. JOHN K. CIRTON. liluomsburg, Dec, 5, 1SG3 DLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. Till! .undersigned informs the cili.elis of Illonm. nm! iii'ighborhood, that ho haa tuki u the large room at the l.xciiu-ige idnrK, extending over Carney Stnhuer Hakerv, and thu Hookstorc where hi; has nut In a large gkylipl t. It lsonly hy Skylight that eood nir.- tttrcs can boll leu especially grimps u heru caUi person can bo lakesj istas well as siparato. lie has gun tu considerable expeusu to make his cs tablishiiieut first class one, mid he lli- refiiru solicits a liberal patro lgo to enable him, Inconstantly iutroducu nm mode .1 improvements ol mo nrt. By Coun -y produce taken in I'.xch'ango for plrturcs HUNItY ROSI'.NSTOCK. lllooinsliurg, Nov. S3 IcUl. Nov, 0 'S2 Nos. 0; 11, 13, 15, 17 Courtlaudt Street, NI.AU UROADWAY, NCW YORK CITY. Tills old-established and favorite resort of the Husi- ncas Community lias been recently refitted, mid is com- yiiK in uti-i,iiiiK , mil c.i II linnisiur iu inu ciMllloris Ol its patrons Ladies and families arc specially mid niru- tuny pruv iicu lor. Jt is centrally located in the bu-iness nart nf tlio citv. and is contiguous to thu principal lines cfsteambuals, cars, omnibiisses ferries, &c III consequeiica of thepri'ssiiro caused hy tlio Rebel lion, prices havo been reduced to une Dollar at a 1'ijly C cuts "per Day, Tlio table is amply supplied with nil Iho limiries'nf the season, aud is equal lo that of nny other hotel in the country. Ample accommodations aro ouered for upward of4uU guests. U- nu not ueucvo runners, iiacKincn, and others who mny any "the Western Hotel is full." ii. ii. vniyuiiiiaiiat, Proprietor. TIIOS.D. WINCIIESTUR.!. rrilli: Proprietor of (his well. known and centrally lora X ted House, thu Exihamis: Ilium., situatu on Mui. Street, In Ulooiusburg, imiiiedialely -;innsitu the Coin in bia County on rt House, respecttully lafornia Ins mends and the public ill general, that his House is now in ur der for the reception ami entertainment of travelers who may feel disposed to favorit with their custom, He has apured no expense iu preparing tiic ExriUMis;, fur (lie entertainment of Ills guests, neither sh'ill there bo any. tiling wanting (on hla part) tu minister tn their personal comfort. Ilia house is spacious anil enjoys ait excellent business locution. Ky Omnibuses run nt all times between Iho Exrhange Hotel and the various Rail Road Depots, by which trav eters will bo pleasantly conveyed to and from tho re spective Stations in due time to meet thu Cars. W.M. U, KOONS. Rlnomaburg, July 7, IcT-n. THE GREAT WORLD'S AIR EX IH1TION HELD IN LONDON 1851. THOS. W. MATTSON Was nwarded the Prize Med al for hla superiority overall competitions iu thu United Status for his improvements TrAveUiiis Trillins, lie being tho Inventor and Manufacturer of Clastic ateel Spring solid Solo Lealhorand solid liiv ted Iron Framo 1 Travelling Trunks. Valises, Ladles lli, Uaaos, Carpet Rags. Untlifr llaga, Umbrellas and Hobby Horses, I . Hoys' Gigs, Propellers, Whedherrows. sic, which ha prepareu m sen si inu lovvesi inun naciuring price. Tho inostexteusiro Trunk and Curpct I ,ig Muiiufuclur er in I'liiiaiii-ipuiu. 402 MARKET STREET, ono door nbeve Fourth, South sido, I'll ll.AUEI.l'HIA, C7"Sules room on the first floor, C7" Trunks neatly repaired or exi h inged for new vnes, Cell and seu, u vto sill very chuup fur cusli, i Nov, 11. lcJltiuo. 1 rrimuiider.leneiMnnmo cxtvnrtvcly cntrnged In tho I V.'. "J - i ... u.,.1,,.... and kuonaconatanlly on liatul ndforsnlunt ins wareruouis, u iiuku . FINISHED sssSS) COFFINS, Py which ho Is enabled to fill "Tdera on prectitalnri A..,, Knena n L'ood llnrsu and Hearse, and w ill nt ni times be ready to attend I'unereH. llloomsbiirg, January III. t8S0 TMW AND SECOND HAND SAFES, t l'.,r nlu i; can. at Niw York t'afu Depot, TI Wil liam Stretl, Now Vmk. A. GREGG. SV.P. AND PUlCl'.fl OF LILLIIVS F1RU PROOF HAFF.S. OUT SI I) V.: itnoti't', uinnt, ill '.'d H i!J III) i!4 aj a-) at at id :n PKrrtt. 'JO III tt I ill " i Birrn. 13 li! 1'J M It 13 No. I No. 1! No. a No, I No, S No. 0 immii'. 17 i'A a i 'ii 'J I ill w I 111 II, Nn. 1 No. 3 No. a No, 1 No S No. 0 II l-H 15 Id '21 '.'1 rmri:. .. ?:,o on , i,n mi , 'a no . m nt) . inu (hi , lis oo No. 1 No. i No. .1 Nn. 4 No. 5 Nc November 14, I .-fin. IDEL AS SPF.CIF10 PILLS Wau- I 9 11 1 ri n IV AM, Cai vs-Ciii bo relied nn I Never rail to cure! Do not nauseate 1 Are s peril V in aitlonl No rhuiige of diit required I Do not interfere with hunlnssa pursuits! Can bo used without iietciuoii i Upwards of Euo cures tho past month --sumo of them very severe rases. Over one hundred physicians havo , used them in Ihiir practice, and nil spenk well nf tin ir I cllicacy, nnd npprovo of their composition, which ia entirely vegetable, nnd harmless on the system. Hun dreds of certificates ran be shown Hell's Specific Pills lire thu original nnd only genuine Specific Pill. They lire ndaiited for male mid female, old or young, and tho only reli.ib'o remedy for effecting a permanent and speedy ciirv in nil cases of Sperma torrhea, or S inai Weakness, with nil Its train of evils, hiii h aa Urethral mid Vaginal Discharges, Clout, the wmiu. Nightly or Involuntary i;ni!"inii. iinon lluumiie. Genital ni hility nml Irritability, Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Power, Neruous Di bility, kc nil of whtili principally from Sexual excesses or Self--huso, or somo constitutional ib-rangeiunut, and incapacitates the sufferer from fulfilling tlio duties of married life' In all rci-ial diseases, as (ionnrrhea, Clcct. and Slrirltirus. and in Disea-es of tho llladder and Kidneys, they rut nan (harm I Relief is experi enced by taking a sinitle bux. Sold hy nil the principal druggists. Price $1. They will be sent by mail, securely sealed, and eon lideiitially, on receipt uf thu money, by J. II RYAN, M. D. No. :a Cedar St., Now York. Consulting Physician for thu treatuiL-nt of Seminal, Urinary. Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, whu will send, Ireu to all, the following valuable work, iu seal ed envelope : Tm: Fii-iiiTM Tiioi-sino-Dr. HULL'S TRUAT1SC on Self-Abusi-, Preni.ituru Decay, Impotence mid loss or power, Sexual Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Nightly emission, (irnitai Debility, tcc&c, a pamphlet of 114 pages, containing important advice lo the iitlliclud, and whiih fdinuld lie read by every siill' rer, as the iiii nns of mre iu tho severest stages is plainly set forth. Two stumps required to pay postage. December 1. Irlil ly. LEATHER I LHATIIK1U! rpllF. undersigned would announce, that la- has nn hand . I ...i.ia I l.u Ihnooriiiin. on .Main Si.. Illooins burg, on assortment of d life rent kind of leather, such ns line rait skins, morocco, (red iiii'lttl.-iiKJuud linings ul! 1 1 f w hit h hi; will sell i beeper than (an In- had elsewhere I iu this market. Call aiidcxemiue them for your-clves JOHN K. CIRTON. Illoonisburg, May 'Jl, 1SB4. I X J A 'f ATTORNEY A T LAW Br.ooMSDuno, rji. Office 111 Court Ally, formerly occupied hy Charlea Hiickult.iv. llloomsbiirg, , Ilcc.-I.1K3U. a. c, 1-lUL. a, n. TllUMeSO.N, PAUL & T II 0 M P S 0 N, WHOLESALE 'jJS DEALERS IN No. 13 Noith Miurves, PHILADELPHIA. Vy I! UTTUR, CHUESU, Nnv. 14 lrld:l J2ma. II A M S, &c. Cl JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANUFACTURI'.IliWllOLF.SALi: Dl'.ALI'.R IN SSUIA'IX CAPS, STltAW GOODS, 3iONfE TS AND AUTIFIOIALFJiOWlSBS, No. 2G7 North Third Street. PhilaM. Nov stl. IHIW FRESH ARRIVAL OF ms on! A T Miller's Store. TIIH subscriber lias just returned from Ihe Cities witli another largu aud select nssorlinet of j SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. purchased nt Philadelphia, at thu lowest figure, and whiili thoy are determined to sell on as moderate terms ns imi bo procured elsewhere in Ulooiusburg. Ilia stork comprises LAVJIX' JlllhtS GOODS, of choicest siylcs and latest fashion. VJtv auoi)s, jiffn aiiocr.itiKs, 11 lUDU'AllK QUKKJfiWMtH, CRDJili IMUK. HOLLOW WAItE mow, am.s, Hoovs ,y sitous HATS if MPS, Sit., 4c, In short everything usually kept Iu country Stores tn which he invite the public generally. The Highest price paid for country produce. S. II. MILLER. nioiinishurg. May S9. 1P01. HEW sA;REAH'!jE3Vl!.EST:r. I rTIlE peoplo of the county of Columbia JL nru rt-spcrtfiiily, iiifmiucd that the undersigned lias iu. suit-, in uiu RECORDER'S OFFICE, IN IU.OOMSI1URC. TUP. RUST AND CIIUAPRST ASSORT.MHNT OF STATI-OHTEBY To bo round nnywhero In Ihu Couniy. conslKlngo Nine, Leller, Legal und Cap Paper, Pens, Holders, Pencils, Ink and envelopes; ,1!.iO NEW AND SECOND-HAND DOOK'S m Cnuiprlsiug History, roetry.Flctloii.Thci OlEiyt ology and the classics. t;;u:ilo;in!M of Ilnlm'a l.Ainlnii nnlil Irnttnna r,mn vvliieh srlortlons can bo made, and Hooks furnished (o . order j by special arrangement with New York Agents, Ill-Mlfllilie .t'l'II"! JJIUltlAtAJ.lLi HOOKS, DOCUMENTS, PAMPHLETS ' and Speeches; and copies ofthe United States, nnd Statu Constitutions, iu various styles, always on hand, Mimsburg, Nov. 7, 1803. PIAN O AND MELODEONS AT WHOLESALE AND RRTAIL. EVERY Instrument Warranted for Tivo Years, Address, A. P, BENNETT, Agent. Eltuira. New York. E7 Orders left nt Iho nxchange lluttl IHoouisbura Pa., w ill hu promptly attended tu. llliiomsbiiig, Mmth, SO, ltail,-'JHi ! ! 7 i I iiwii1tw""- 1 mMMm) IffMi ii,"vri.i.uToxcoMMi:nciM cour.ny. IlilllSi mmmmsmm. , , J(0 ko 1,rilUS, nud succea.rui g . uu.iics u, ,, , ,,,,. ii,,.sclves under his charge. .. .... n .t irr jl 1 Moenrerla svsti-ni will l) tauglit in all Its vatlctlea by F. ?n"'J?" E?fir. i ...i.iern nl' tho nrt. Specimens of I II nf IIH"l. rmt'i'ii -- , 1 ai... I.IriliiiEt Writing from this liis'ltution nave iccun eu elicomiiltnalriituiuo press. ,,.i,.. mr Col- For gcnernl Ililorniiuioi , V In,"',r, i' r " , r r siiocl. Iccc .Monthly, which will ho inai , d frc , n t r oci A.,,wJll'a Commercial College. HI 'f "'iluul P, S.-One of Hitter U Duncan's N". I hlg U ' , fine, perfect point, quill spring CoM IV"; 1 1 " niiilciisu.wurrnnledfor one year a m l " sunt, rreeor ciiargo to uny "nu n "i-- - the abovo ndilreaa, Octobui a. tsii.i-iy . uM.iTWja I'c.'SiivmJirtV' u.t. ft;? V VI-IT A'.. Il B,.L-flfld ICS ..V:' n Pk; ia' B. lit lit?, a.-1 t irs, runniii..- rut up in 2.-.C Sue, nnd 81.00 Itoxea. Hollies & Flasks; S3 nud $3 sizes for Hotels, Publiq Institutions "Only infallible remedies known." "I're'o from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "lints come out of their holes tu die." tLT" Sold Wholesale Iu all large rltiea. Sold by all Drugglita A: RelaiWrs i ii'r win re. C7 llll HkivaheII:! ol all worthless iiiiitations See that "Cost Alt's" uniiiu is nn each llox, Hot tie. and Flask, before you liny, IT- Address IIF.NRV R COSTAR. t V I'ltt.MirAi. Drror 43-3 Hbihiivvvv, N. . Zy Sold by nlllMiolesale and Rclu Druggists in llloomsbiirg, Pa. February II, lStil.-fni. roof Hahinainler Safes, iluors. for b.mko and m cli.iUcri inm u?u all oflockrt cniiilM any male in tlio United Stntns. I'ireSflfc in one JirJ, Jill tame out right; aith tor tenia tn noon nnnitiwit. Tin- tfalamamler aftn of riiilmlolphia ngainst tin worlil. EVANS & WATSON, have had the surest demostr.'itlon In tin; fnlliiwing ce tilicate that their iniiuufacturi- of Salamander Saf, s haa at length fully warranted the representations w hiih hava been niade of them as rendering an undoubted security against Ihe terrific element. Philadelphia April 12. 1.-5(1. Mmars. Jiin J- H'uf'oii.- (ieiitlcnu-ii-lt ntbirds in the Inghcst aatlsfactioi' to stale .to you, that iiwiiigitu tlio very protei-live qii'ilitii s of ti. o of the Salamander, Safes w hich we purchased of you suiiic fivo month blurt we saved a targe pi rlinn of jewelry, and ull our bonks, ic., exposed to the ralamiiious, lire iiiRunstend place on the morning nf the I Ith iul.. When vvc relb-it hit these safes were located in tin fourth sury of the buildltig vvu occupied ami that they fell subsequently into a hi ap of burning ruins, wliere the VilSl ll'HU llll llll, I IIIC- 1,1,11 , ,ll',1- I lie III il,S I it l - II- melt, we caiini't but regard thepri-M rvatiou of tiieir val iiahli; lonteiits as most com iucing proof of the great se curity ufforilod by jour sales, Wi- shatl e.nat pleasure in rerommcudiiig tln:m '. men of biisini'ss as a snr- rt liann- at:ain-t lire. ' (II'.URCK . Sl.V.MONS Ac liliO., .IrxlllcfS. n7They have since nurihased six larut' Safer. July -.'0, ICti.'. August v!U KC. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. rpill'. undersigned resperlftilly Inrorms hla old friend jl nml customers, thai In- has purchased his brothers merest iu (ho above establishment, nnd Ihe concern w lis herealter be conducted by himself exclusively. Ho has just received and offers for sale, the larg ."CT est nnd must extensive' assortment uf FA NC V sSffil '' uv,'r infoo'ici'd nnu this market, it? Ills stmk ronsists of a complete assortment nf he best Cooking and parlor stoves in the market, tngeih. it with Stove Fixtures of every description, Oven mid Hox Stoves, Radiators, Cjlludar Sieves, Cast Iron Air- Tiellt stoves. Caution Stuves. fcr.. &r. Stuveiiinn mid 'Pinwaro constantly on hand and manufactured to order. I All Kinds oi repairing iinue, us usual, on short notice. Thu patronage of old triends and new iiisloiinirs re pnclfiilly snlUited. A. M. RUl'UI'.T. Hlo burg, November Md lPl'l). tf. THOMAS DROWN, Rarbcr. RI.OOYISI'.URO, COI.UMIIIA (;()., '.'A. Shop iu Onurt Hnuso Alley, near the Dcmmrat Ollice. Novelnbi'r 1 4, Id-ill. Flll.SllMOTII it I! IlOTilEltS. WIIOLUS'ALE T 0 15 A 0 C 0 D E A L E R f 0.1 03.NO11TII THIRD STIIICKT Five doorsbelow Rare, PHILADF.LPIIIA IMPORTANTtoFEMALES TO TBSE JliAHJEES ! BOTH MARRIED AND SINGLE. Oldest Regulator lor Females. DR. CIIF.nSHMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Will immediately relieve, without pain, all disturban ces o the periodic discharge, whether arising from re laxalinii or siiiipressiou. They act like a charm in re moving tho pains thai accompany difficult or iiunioilo t. ale menstruation, and am Do, ,,nH- cr, i ...u..k,n remedy for I Inshi-n. Sick llendaclie.Paiiia in tho Loin t. ' Hack and Suli-s, Palpitation iifthu Heart, Nervous 'Pre. ' mora, Hysterics, Spasms, Hrokeu Sleep, and other nil. ilrasaiit ami dangerous ollucls of an unnatural coudi tionut he sexual functiuiis. In thu worst of 1 luor A bus, or Whites, they c ffeit a speedy cure. , DR. (TIUUSU.MAN'S FEM ALU PILLS. 1 Have becn uaed over a Quarter of a Century. They ' aro utfered as thu only safe means uf renewing Inter. ruptei meiisiruulioii.but La lies must bear ni mind that, then) is one condition of tho feniiiln aystciu in which thu Pills ruiiuut bo taken without producing ii ' peculiar resul The condition referred tu ia PregnaiTcy 7.V',,.u?l,iU' MnfTlHKt!. Such is the irresistible tel.- I in ,,. , ,,iV,.,, Ti,., ' '.V "w' "u nJtual (unction to a normal condition, that even tho reproductive puvv. er of nature cannot resist it. Thoy cannot doharin in any other way. m ) "iiuiu uonarin in DR. CIiI:i:si:m.N-S FUMALI: PILLS. Aro H' ""ly Jlodiciuo lba( .i.nrried and Sln-lu Ladle. ''."vo relied upon r,,r many yenrs.ur can ; ,,, . ui iiiiiiuuoiisi -rnt-su Pills loini Hie Finest Prepara Uuu over put forward, with i.nme'liato and ! tteJ.iS'.o XhilSL ! fnihoi.I, I S.VK1!: !.'"!'. F'W" "o -Meilicino DR. CHEUSMAN'd FEJIAI.n I'lLLSIII ,iw!n7rl.'i""! te"iv n'"l "ro now receiving tho son- IIUllUNua dt H1LLYRR, l'roi,rieors. n-7 Hni.i 1.. ... , 81 .'''viar Street, New Yurie. vmoW 1,l00'"l''e' "y j ll DLA.NKSI PLANKS! 1 Of every description, for salo rfft thisoflico I'ov Kats, iTSicc, Iffioaehcs, Aintshe,. J'j V A IN 13 iV IV l 1 ' iSi.'rii: Kii&nSR!. SALAMANDRR SAI't:s, II I - jiHiijKHViB'C'w MOVIID In Xo. III.SjbIA fourth ; d. r ;aAi3i,l'"'iiiii rcc(, PhiladtlnMa, have on trie I.. 'i1 . ,i , .. ..e , t. p.-- . '..ti anu ii iiirue nssui iiin-ni ,n 1 nu 11 Ks$. CELEBRATED' stomach . , .lim.rtn Tonir, corrective and nit,.,,,,, A pure " I .,,,., eata(y hl dlsense of tl,0 ST0.11ACH, MVEIl AND BOlVKLs. r.MM..lnlt, ltf,n.t.l... . n, riii,i.!i. .. " Deiniiiy, rervousu"s-, urin.",'- ihi,i-, ,;im sllpnllnn, Colic, luteruiiltelit l evers, Crauii. and Spasms, nnd till oinpbiinH of l iibc, Sex, arising from llodlly Weakm-rs whether Inherent in the aysteiu or produced by special cmscs. tlvi-lu ita nature inters Into ti- toniposition i,rW 'TI'.'ITI'.R'S HTOMAUII in i i i. ii". i ins, . ti.iration niiitaliia lin mlMeral of nny kind, ins il.-adl botanlrnl elenienti no fiery excitant i hut It .n,i, ll.l ion " i i- . .i.- -- - - .,,,,t.-; plani Willi llie piiresi mi" -wnir, "'it 'is' well lobe fiirearuti-il nalnt dii'aso nnd toh , l., I,,, nu,,, eii'in run In; protetted hy hum inim ,. ' ngalnst mil.ullea engendered bv m itmvlinb si,i,. 1 musphere. iiuiiurii wnler and other c u, , HUSri'.TTlill'S urn'UnS iny Ii' rcliuil on a. arf. , B"h''iiitrlit' Infested wllh ftrtr an-M-me ilh.i b irriiiedv and tliousanda who re ''rt In It mid r 1111IIIU llllillll'Ji" - r"-' ..... "' ' lu-iisloii of uualtark, escape tne irourgo ; anu tuou x ho neglect to avail theiuselv a in Ha proieriivi- I,,,,. In , nf'" being I'MId Willi quinine ,lor months In M, , m i.nriy siiiu'iii. , ""'V ' , not Vnxu s IIIT l i: S. I 'The weak stomacli la rapidly invigorated and th' i, ....... i i il,la ni,m...aihltf TOuir. itn.l tu,. t i I . ....... , .. . i r III. ,.,,. In f.n,l (,, I, . WorKS woiiiii-is liniii" " - I I ip-iii I firmed furiiis of Indigestion. Acting ns a genii, I painless apperii-nt, n well ns upon 'he II v.-r ill1 i invariably relieves the Cnn-tlpatinii nperiuilu , ! Irregular action of the iligeslive nud s ir live r ,, i PersniMof feenle haliil liable .V. rco"- JIUui i. i riMS e .Vic" and Fite f Languor. Iitnl prouit I pi-riu.inent relief from Ihe Hitters. Tin' ti'stiim Shis point is ino.t lonclii'lve, and from boln si t a The auniiy of lllllius Colli I miediatil) nan ' by a single doenf the st uiulnnt, and hy occ .ic , ri soriine. in ii, me iciurn tn uiv tviiii'ii,,-. in,. u i VUAsea general TmiV. HOSTUTTI'U'S IIITTUP.-' I'lirui'llerta Wlllrll must be I'Xperiellced or VMtl.i, i before they 'an lie lully appu-i lated. In ea es nfi stltllttonnl VV UKlle-s, preuiauiru u i -iy itno ouimoi . rrpitiidu nrislng Iroin out nge. u exeri iea in llllllietici' III llie lonv.l e ceniM.iil siiiiiiiiim oiietnti-s as a dellslillul invigor.ini w lien in p ers ol nature tire relaxed, it operates tn re lufor I ri-etablishth"in. I.n.t, lint not .ii-i, it ine mils stiuiiileut, being maiiulacliired Trom sotinu and Iui una in:i1i-rlal. )inl i nlirely fri-'i Iroin tho arid i Inn present tuoru or I'm in all Ihu ordinary tmui stoHini hlrsof the day. No family nn-ilii Ine ha been so minors ith may be truly added, ile-trrrtln popular wllh III gent poiliuu if the cuiuuiitiiity, us IIOSl'l i IlIITLRS. Prepared by UOSTETTEll & SJIITIT, PITISHl'RCII Pi !E7"Sohl by all Druggists, iSrurvrs nud siorck, everywlnre. November SI, 13i!3-ly. HELM HOLD'S Genuine Preparaiions. - n ' . ' i i.A iit.ii i infill' .i.u I i. n rts. t A...... Jil T.lf lliui.ULU Jll- It... I.Ik . ,. i iMiinry-a, iiriivei, itiiu tir'ifiriii ci:iiiii; ! This nicdit i m inifiMit. i thi' jiciwcr t.f tt j tft jct I ! rile I he nliMiilnnt mtn lienltliy ru imu ) uliiih , W.iiiTV "r Cnkarrniiii (cioftilitt. rnd fill I iiiiMi I l.nlarci'iiK'iiK'iitd arc ridiicvd, un u ( II uh .w ,t; 1 Uiiuiatmii. -:o:- iTi'T.niftT.rt'a. v vn? a ct rir'nttt' llUJJlliUUlIU U W.lilUlV. 1 iUVjIlll. sliiatinn, I.arly lnilicn linn (if Ahtimn, jiUoinl.'.i ( llie tolidWHM tyuipiHiint .w ( lii(liMiriiinn to l.icrtiou- I't'-'H of l'nr Isii-i. nf Mi'inory, Dlincnlly m' L'riMif . WfllR MTVI-ft, JTi'illJil . Ilorrnr i'f Dm afi', Tain intli I's 1,'nlviTtNil I-a-Jiilihlc nf the Muft utar Sv.teni, Hot llumU, lir u .ti on m tn tln IV DrjiH u-j uic in, Jsiuhiitng ot tlio li r.illiil l'oun(cii:iti((j M'lii.crt dfiiiutnititt II' ' ti. ir,. in i t, ...I. ( incilHiiH! uivarialily rfiinivcti, ?orm IoIIovvh l.MI'O'1 1- N Y, IViriTV, lIlMUl'l'K I ITT, In one nf ulikli tliu ratiunt may ri'iuro U Im tan :ty that llii-y art' not fr."iu'iitly ullnvt "I.VKAMTV AM) roXHl MH'inV" Many art awan f tin" ciuhu of tlivir -MiliMtt?, wiiii' will fniitVuj the rfnirilrf nf the hi-an i I A ml tncliiut holy death hy I'oiir.ninjitini, hci .i:nL I w itiiiMi tn Hit- truth uf llif a-ciiKni ) Thf t-'niitttitiilMMi iiirr 'll'.tti'il Ith orianlr wimKi. i ro'Tiurt'rt tli! ant uf .Mt'ilirim in r-treniMhcii and Im i luatnthu pysli'iti. 1 1 il in1iil d I Mr.irl llinnu ari.HH tiout. a hmi . m umviiicu ua iuti 0iVi yii FEMALES FEMALES. In many nffectlnns peculiar to Females the Htln lillchu la lllieutiatleil by nnv other ri'lnodv as nil rosls or Hi teulimi, Irregularity painl'nlne-s, ers pressiou uf Ciislumary Uv ariiatious. uh i rali d nr I rhniis ft. He of tho Hlerus, l.euchurrhu'.i or M'liiK hn rililv, and for nil i oiiiplaluts incident to lie wiii'tiii-r arising frum imliacretlon liabiis ol ilr lion, or in thu DECLINE OU ClIANCi; OF LI I'F -!o: Take no more Halamn Merritry. nr iinrle,iinnl V lines for unpleasant mid dung'erniis d!., as-a II' noiii s i.virnii i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 uuu improved Rose i Iui' n-i ri t diseases in all Iheir sl.iges. At lilin i- I l.inle or nu ihange iu diet Nn inconvenience m C'.insiiro. It causes a frequent desire and gives sin-tigili tl j nalu. thereby removing obstructions, preveiiima curing strictures of Ihu IJrellir.i, iillaylug p iu am I ll.irniiiariuii, so frequent iu thu class of di .isi , expelling all poisuuoiis, diseased und wnruoiii nwtt" I 'I'bciiis.iiids upon thousands who haw been lie i thus of Us, and who hnvu paid hi avy f I" ' t'liri'd iu a short lime, liavu foiiud Ihev wen iter r nnd that the --POISON" lias, by the usu of pumil I astringents" ueeu dried up in tho system, to lirenk in nu aggravnlvd form, und perhaps alter uuirr'age. Use Helinbold's Extrac; Hiichit fur nil nH'eitmiK " si-iises ni the Urinary Organs, w nether evi-tun Mnlunnl l einalo, from whatever cuueuorigin.ilinii'' .... M.,,ti in unit long ii, unllllg. Illseasea uf thesu Organs reutiiri-s Iho aid ul a It CtiC, He lllbold'rf I'.llrni I l-iiiln. I. tl,.. l-r..i linn and isci rtHiii to haio desired elUcl iu all Insi-i'"' which it isrccmiiiiiuniWd. Evidence) uf iho most reliable and responsible cU acter will accompany the iiieillcinu. I'rico $1 per Bottle, or 6 lor $3- n i . ,, . . . v rcJ .,n vny "''''rcsa, securely packed from i vatiou. Dcscribo syinptnuis in all buiiiiiiuuiia'i' J 'l"" Kll:':"eed, advicu gratis. Address li-ltaH i I information to II. II. ChcmM, 104 flniilh Tenlli-st., below Chestnut, I'l"'1 IIULMIIOLD'S .Vrdicai Dciwt, IIULMIIOLD'a Drust and Clicmietl ' S'Jl HnuAiiwAV. New "' Rewaro of t'oiinti-rfeita and iiiiprlntipli d iha1 who endeavor tn dispose "of tlioir uwn" uitd'et111 urllcles on tho reputation attained by llelinbubl's ' unto Preparations, Uxtract tlucliu, Extract sJ.u ap-ni"1 Iiupruvcd itusu Wush. FOR SALE H Y All Druggists Evorywlioro. ASK FORIIELMnoniVS. TAKI NO 01 H Cut out thu AdVL-rti.nuieiituiid send for it. And nv,gii imposition ami evpovnrc Nov Hl,S-ly,
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