hi COLUMBIA DBSIOCRAT. Jessk 0. Tate, html Editor. Saturday Morning, June 25,1 OG'l. oBfOur Fnrmora aro cutting heavy rops of grans, fK, Mr. Samuel M. l'rontis lias the contract for watering 1L0 Streets of lllooins- bnrg,,L--- jSTho Pittsburg Sanitary Fnir closed 'onSalunlay oveuing. 'J'ho net receipts for thojfflftcoiith tiny will exceed llirco lundredlihousaud dollars. - - 1firWo loom that on Sunday last,llio Berwick 6'tation was entirely cons-lined by tiro. Tho nccidont wai caused by sparks ifrom a locomotive passing on tbo road. fcST" Lincoln and bis party adherents laro moro seriously troubled and depressed iby tho powerful flank inovoiucnt executed fey tbo Olovelnnd 'couvontion, than thoy 'would been bv a flank movement ou Wa&li 'lnctori bvLeo's array. Good bvo Abra- SSnbWo call thu attention of our reail era 'to an auverlii'i'uient ot vx. vi. vi. Wrhwi'in to-day's paper, headed kcrnju la.- This celebrated medioino is rcoom inorjded vory highly by tonic of tbo most practical Physician-', for curing certain kinds of diseases rising from an ulcerated torn neb1." Blanks. Wo will inform our readers that wo keep on hand all kind of bhuk f)ceds, Honds, Leasts, Petitions for tavurn License-", Bonds, Juhtiue's and (Joiift iblo's blanks of every dwsoriptioii. Summon Executions, Notes of hand, School Orderd &o., &c. Caught in the Draft. Wo nolico by tho Dusho're Union among tho dratted men, tho namus of Edward li. Snider, Geo. D. Jackson, Esrj , A. bogan Grim, EMj.,aud Tbos. J Iuuhatu, En, . all of thu couuty of Sullivan. XtQBu Mrs. Judgu RurKiir, lias tbo thaulis of tho Editor, and all his family, for a liberal quantum of delicious SriiAW HEniiiis. Speaking of Strawberries, it slrikus us that Mrs. R. has tho largest; quantity of tbi excellent fruit of nny oth-1 ur person in ltloorutburg. And cuituinlv ', thoy aro of a very superior quality. ' More Job Type Wo hove junt receiv ed from tho celebrated l'liutor't) Ware house, of Mr. d.G. Cooi,i:y,No. 1, Spruco 8troot, Now York, four beautiful Fonts of Fashionable Wood Type, largo nud small T-by which wo arc Ijetter tttan cror pre pared to escuto all kinds of Jjb-work aud band-bills at tlio olfirto of thu " UoUmbia Democrat," . tr,, .,..,, Cr ,.rn..r, imu.i ii' in nuu.iwt,! uuiuiiiiia. It nhould be generally known that by a recent ilrcuioii of tin: U ar Department all 1 .1 ! 1 ...I I l. j: I i r Fuiuiura vuo uavo orcu ui?cnirgL-u irora ,L i... -r i . inu lervicu uv rinsou 01 wotiuus ricuivcu in battle are entiiled to a bounty of one hundred dollars, no matter how short their term of serviof. The Dratt in CrtAwionn Countv. Of fivo or six hundred men drafted in this county, between eighty and ninety have paid tbe commutation, thirty have furnish' .l ...t,i:i..in nr. I, l..,.. .1 c ouut.i.uiu.-, ...... u-... nu. uriii", ondtho balance have been exempted on oecountof physical disability and other causes. Not one of those orimnally draft- . r J . ed has cone into Father Abraham's ser- n i Vl0e 1 m . ! ' Church Dbdicai ion. Tho new Lu thorn and Keformed St. Peter's Church,1 ticar Paxino'i, formerly called the'Bluol rl.H,.t, )' :iii,n Jl!,.tn,l !. l'-nl,: wuu.e..., iiuumuieii in i-uu 1 1 ui n n i. ol God on Suuday.July 3d, 1801. Preach ing by Eoveral Reformed and Lutheran Clergymen from abroad, at 10 o'clock, A. A., 3 o'clock, P. M., and at 8 o'clock in tho evening. Befreshmenls will bo provi ded noar tho Church, to accommodate thofo coming from a distance. Tbo public goncrally arc invited to attend. EST" The Local Editor of tho CoM'.M iiia Democrat, has no dosiro to engage in a. controversy with Mr. Bailey, or the fell6wv.who grinds itupid squib for tbo . Dan villj (so-called) Ameii:an .J- Demo crat. ',0ur articlo to him two weeks ago, in answer to lib gratuitous advice, inter mixed with blang about copperheads, (in relation to our course and duty,) wo think on an average, was to bo point and judi ciout. Tlio trouble was, it hit him on a soro spot, and makes hi in tquirm liko a bpiked eel, Mr. Bailey, or bis guide, may c fleet merriment at our expend, but wo uoufess, wo '.'can't sco tho pint." It is Burely not in tho w it or ability of tho now paper, founded on tbo ruins of tho old "Danville Democrat" or tho Manlvttr Aiiuiican" for ovorybody agrees, that tbo new issue is n misorablo apology for either of tho do- funcjjouruals ut wuoro littlo is given littloJs,requircd. S5y Small Pox has already sacrificed eemo of our best and bravest troops. Sol dicrst listen to tho voioo of reason, supply yourselves with Holloway's Pills and Oint. roent. Tbo Pills purify the blood and Btronghtcn tho i-toniach, whilo tho Oint ment removes all paiu, and proveutu pit marks, Only 30 cenu per lea or pot 1 M 1 ill I XI T.I H IU 8 fill u fid A (XI HLTTER. POTATOES. DRIED AIT'LES. HAMS IIACON. 'J I . IH . tn 1 .VI is . in IIAV l.y the tnn. an no ClllCKENrJi pet pair. H.5 CANDIDATES. Candidate for Assembly. At the solitltntlin nf innny friends I would nnnounrn to Iho voters orcoliiiiihliil'onnly, tlinl I will lie a fniidl. dntc for aphcsihuVi mine npprnniinns penorni our.. tlntii sithjitt tnthe dfcMou ot llm (.'(dliliihln cuunty Democratic i;imvcnunii. w M. 11, JA1.U1H . ntooni'luirg, Mny M, ISOt 5 Legislative. rrofoundly irntclul for nnH I'vldrnccs nf cenenMis conndtnev. thu tindcrslcnicl, with the npprolnitlnn of rtimty of his llcniorrnlir. Icllmv rftlr.L'iis (nlin.it niiln . Itiiitho duly ttppr.'clali's)- nnnniitiros Hint tin will he a C'iuHtaie I'm' tlu: Assembly, In llm l.eei.lativu llltttlct rnmposcil nfinn t;onntle of t'oliimlilii ninl Montniir. nt tlio iinitrnnihlitit t.ciiir.il r.lect Mill, soli t rt In tlio tunivcs urtlm lllitrlit. nndlliu ilcclsinn oflltu Colinnhln llciinictatlr I'nnvt iillon. I.I1V1 I, TA Ti:, r.lnonishtirB, May 7. Iffil. Candidate for Sheriff. Thrnilch lint enriiesl snllclintlnn nf tunny llamnrrnt Ic friends, I tinv u heen induced tnnllir nvselfns n candidate fur the ollirti nf SlierllTtir tjnlniiilil.i Uutinty, snltject to tint decialun ol tho Doni.clallo Cnuiily Con vuulloit. JAM Ilrf I.AKC. June 18, 1P(1I,-1!. Candidate for Sheriff. m r tntnTxt 1 1 1 . , , t m o t,. V't Alllitll'jlliUil.lM , 01 LM8II- IT I incrn'i'k limnnhip, wc are niilhnt.cil tn an- nmince will hu n catidld.itu fnr-tlio HIIIIllll'l'AI.'I'V, a theappriMchint; flemnil Clei lion, subj,M t tn tlio di.cu. I inn iil'lhf L'nl bi.i county lluintn.taliciouvcnlioii. 1 May 7, IWiJ, 31 " " ' I CANDIDATE FOIL SdKUlFF. , Q AMU Kb SNYDER, or Mifliin tnwnj; r-T5 ship, wo arn .iiilhnriznd In nnnnunre, will he it e.iudlilale for Iho Slir.UUTAIi'Y.iit Ihe nppruai lung (li iirr.il i:ioilion,siibjrttl.i the ileclnlou ufthu Uoluinbl.i rnuiily Oiiinii ralle ('oiiventiuu. Mny 7, Inn. 5'. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF, W lb MAM KI.ICKDAUM, of Miff, lin tow iMhlp. we am iiuthnri7.ed tn fitiitoutirn, will l,e n candidate liirth t r 1 1 1'.H I I'l M I' V. lit thu up pru.irllitiz lli'lli-ral lllei Oolt. sllbi'rt til 111' di cisioll of the i'nltimbia Cuunty lleimier.itiu ('onvoutinit . .May 7, leUI. 'Jim Candidate for Sheriff. pHARI.ES II. IIKSS, Ksq of Mifllin J lnvnliii. wn .ire authorized to nnuiiuiice, xtill he iir.iiiuiil.-ili' tor lli"Slll:iilFl',I.TV, nttlieiippioni li log liein ial r.l. cllno. mibject In the il :i rion of the L'eliiinlita Co tiily Democrutli! C'oini'iitioii. Juiiu 1, I'M. COUNTY COMMISSIONED " Wt are authorized to annonncn llmt WIM.IAM Oi:i:Ar5V,.of C.-il.-iul4s.i IohimIiip CntlittiliM totinty. through Ihe'solieit.itioit ofhiri lleino cttitic liii.nd. has h-'oit iitduioil to oIlW hiimoll' as a rilllilldiite for C;j MI.TV (JDMMIHHIONIill. Ill II p pro.'tchiiu gi'iiiT.il election, Mihjert to the dicisiuu of the lleitim rattc County Coiiventioti VVI I.MAN' CllllArfV. Citnwiss.i, J u nu Iidl. COUNTY (.'OMMI SSION fc.lt. A bbEN MANN. V.h , of Reaver X n township w are iiiitliorlzeil tn nnnotiiii-e, will bo n i.iuilid.ite for I'lIM I -SIDMl.-i, at Iho uiniiiiiim gt-ni ral elerlinu. si.til.-ci in tli,. iirtioti of tho Coluiiibm t.oituu ili'iiiorracralic (ouveution, Mny CM, IMil - COUNTY COMMISSIONED. T AQOB DHEISUACH, of Denver town- f fhip, we are aiillinri.id to 1111111111111-0, will he 11 cnnili.liitu lor CO t,M IS.SKIV 111!, t iho .ippr.i.u hini; Ci-neral I'll cltnll, Mlhji ct tn the ucllnu of tlio Colilllllil.l C'nutitv Dc'iooi-riitie Cunveulion. 1 Al.-iy lelil- I SPECIAL NOTICE-S fi WOUNDED rOI,Dli:i!S, AI.I, SOI.DIERfl who havo been illstltargrd by reason hy WOUNDS 111'. (T.IVIUI IN ANY IIATTI.K. nud nhuliavo not rccei. veil the ONr. IH NIir.i:!) DOLLARS OONTV, . an ri cci tint Miiint nuw at once bv npiling nlhrr in iiiTM'ti er bv b Iter, at 'I III: M ILI'l'Alt V AMI NAVAL AUENUY, Nu. Ul Wulnut Ptreet Plnln'il. , josui'iu: nr.viTT&ro. ' TjntZI! MONI'.Y. Afull ti-t of ALLPAYMII.ETO "A I K Clll llC SOI'll lit till' OlIlCI'S. '1 1 1 H f llllllall 0,.r claims against thu tioverninent prmnptly col '"jiny'ti, Iffi4. , NY WIUOW.uri'AUl'.NT.orOltrilA't. or lllit'l'll. I ER nrPItfTEli nrniiySOLIiir.lt, HAILUH or MA bine. Kli. the 1'iiiled rril I'll ... ..1... I,,.- Ill f 1 1 r, ,, ...,.,.' ...... , iiiiuin l ulled Elates, wliu desires NINETY-SIN DHL. , S(Slni) a liar PENSION, from 0'E Ill'NDIiED i.aiis '.iii1 ,Va,m ViVr.1 -ami moi-vtv n., i - i Wl.L V" "'J due him, should call at unci; or writu to JO.Sl'.PIl DI'.VITT & Id.. No -127 WALNUT ST.. Till! Mil, it m:y fc N. v ti.iiiiiiMv rim. ,vi). Aim, Slate Pny, Coiinly, City, Ward or other llnunty tcr , if Hi :io is any due, Apply either in poison ur hy letter. May 21, I?HI. EUi.Illl.E DISCI. O.-LKEd SI.CaETS Foil THE MILLION I A ninst vnlualile and wondorlul puhticalinn. A w.irk uNiid ,nge. nndSO colored mgrnt iu;. DIC.IIl'N 'I'Ell'S VAIIE .MEl'UM, nu oiigin.il nud popular neat. ie on Man nud Wnniaii tlu-ir Phvuuliuv. Fiinctiuns . undPeiual disorder of every kind ith never failing JiS:! , ;j:J;l' l1,1" ,1",","il""r,l'' "VADe.mkchm it is a volume that .Jiould he iti Ihe hands of every family in the laud preventivu of sicret vices, nr us a guide fnr tiw allet laiiun of cue ofthu most .iwl.il nud ibMruitivo eourgis . , r visit, d mankind. Unu copy si riirely on- veliipiul will be foiuarili.d I'ruu ofpoPtago tn any part Ol tho I lllll-il l.'itk C,,r .r,il f...,,u ,,, P.l utn.. Address, pust pnil, -Ireit, New York. May '.'I, lefi4 y. Dr. Hunter, No. 3 Diviriuu Uniformity nIFriccs ! New I'l.Mturn in llitssines r.veryune Ins oivu s.ilesuianl JONliri en. of tho ijreseni I inu I rice Clothing Storu. Nu.''.'lll Mnrketstreo nbovu .i.Mli, Philadelphia, In ad lilioti to luting iho large!, must varied nud favhtonnblu slock of Clothing in Pltil ulclphia uindui'v presbly lor retail salei., itavu cutistitiiteit every ono itis own saleiuuu, by having marked In figures, on eiiidi mticleut thu viry lowest price it can bi oi,i fur rothey caimot possibly vary nil iniisi buy alike. The goods arc well sponged mid prepared and great pnlust.ikeu ith tint uiakiiig so Una nllcuu buy with Ihufull .isMirnnca of getting a gum! nrtiele ut the very IniM'sl pure. Also, 11 large Mock of pieci guods ml hand nl'lhu litlest style nnil I ipialtties, villi ch will bo in.ulu tu order, in tltu must I'atluuu.ihlu uud bct-i inaiiner, per cent, below credit prices. Rvmuuihcr thu Crescent, in Market above Sixth street nu -HI. JoVES Ac CO. AWI.LOW luo or three hogsheads nf "llitchu. 13 " Tonic Hitters," "Snrsiipatill.i," "Nervoua Anti dotes," A.C., &r., i-c , anil after j on nro satisfied vv ith tho lestili. then iry unu liux of OLD DOCTOR IIUCII AN'ri ENULISII BPECIFIO I'lLLli-nud hu restored to 1,, al 1 1 1 and vlgni in lets lli.i.i Unity tlnys. They nru purely vcgvltilde, pleasant tn lake, piompt mid salu tary in their i , feels on llm hrokeii dovvn and Hliatlered uiisli lutiuii. Old uud iiuug ..in laku llieiu nil ml vantage. Impelled nnd Mild hi the Untied Males only by JAS. S. IIUI I.ER. Station 1), llilde llnuso, Nuw Yurk, (ietieral Agent, P, S. A box sent tn any address uu lecetp of prifu whirii is One Dollar- post free. Manh lu, IMil.- ,1m. YOU WISH TO BE CURED t DR. liCCIIAN'H ENULISII SPECIFIC PILLS curs, in less thai 30 days, the vvor't (lues of NERVOUdNESS, luipuicucy, I'r mature Deeii) , Seminal Weakness, Insanity, mid n Urinary, Sexual, uud Nervous Affections, no luatier from what cuu.o produced. Price, Ono Dollar per box Sent, poslp.ml, by mail, on rirtlpl of mi unkr. Ad dress, JAM LS r). IIUTLEil, Sliitioii D, llililu House, New York, Manh 10, IPO 1 IJni. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous nobility, lucntn. petvnev. I'rein itttrc Ili cav ,nn. Ymtililnl Errur. mtiin. led by desire tn bcitctH others, will bo luippy to luruish In all who need it, (five ul'tl.irc'e, 'hu re uipo and ill. rieioiis fur iiiukiiig the siinplu remedy used in his case. Those, w I.hiug tu piuflt by Ins uxpciieucu, and possess h Vnluablu Remedy, will receive thn same, by return iiiail,(carcfully seluulcrt,) hy addressing JOHN li. Oil DEN, No, fs) Na.suu street, New York, Slay II, l;i)t-nm. tFtMk"no"o 1'IIER l-l!L'l.'II,N"tl SPECIFIC l"lLLS aro tho only Itellnlilii llcnudy fur all Diseases of thu rieniiual, Urinary and Nu vims Systems, Tiyunu box, and be cured, ONE f "I.I. Ml A RON". One box will perlect u cure, ur iiiuney rcfuudud, Sent by mail on receipt of price, JAMF.HH. IIUTI.Et!, Station I). llihlu Home, ... ,. Nov York, i,ei,.ial A;ml Maih n.i3ul Sr. Will! AT, per bushol, uvn. corn, " " iiuckvvaeat, FLOUR for blil. ot.ovi:im;i:n, FMN PEED IIUCKWII EAT Flour. $5 Reward. ( rlMl(S Hoard nr Pflinol Director of llloom tllitrlct, I will pay Five Dollars Reward to nuy person glv Inn ltiloriii.it ion lending tn th detection, and rouvle linn of nny prrsims cnniui lltlna depredation. Jr In nny way defacing or injuring thu Public Kchuol llniuos, rf said District. Ily nulcr nf the Hoard. J, J.llltOWEIt,Scctctaty. Itloomihiitg, June II, leoi, 31 Ab7Tim?'rirours notice" Estate of Washington Slitimiuifdsc'd. LETTERBuf adininlstialioti niithc Ettiitrtnl Washing, tun Shuman.latu of llrnvr tw p Columbia co.,dcr.it, hnvn been granted hy tho Register orCnlumbln tn., tn the undersigned ; nil pcrtoiu having r.lntin against thn date of tlio decedent urn requested to present them to llm Administrator nt his re.idqncn lit mild town ship wUltmit delay, ami all person Indebted to- ni.iV c 1 payment futlltvvlth. 1 FRANKLIN 1..BIIUM AN, Atlui'r. June II, lam-fiw 92 w ADMINISTRATOR'S -NOTION. Estate of John lirngler, dccl, LETTIIliHof administration nil tin; Estalunf John. Ilruglor, I nt'- n( I'dnnlll Uvp, 1,'oliimhln CO., Jtc'il., havchcrn granted hy thu Hi l'I tc r of Columbia 111. .to tho unuefHgncu 1 nil persm 1111 VI 11 a claim ncaliifl 1110 uif. Into nf the decedent lire requested tuprcsent tlicinto the undersigned, without delay, mid nil persons lit' ouuieti iu iniiKu p.iyiueut inrinwiiii, J K.liKIIOI.I'.R, llloonulturi!. I I'irinll IIKtlll.lMl, tleuilnrk, ' Administrator. Juno II, tOI,-nw 92fli). I - - 1 -- lUUilVvl ililJ CJUUilllD I Wlir, tintlersiutioil respectfully nnuninces to his X friends utid the public 1,'ciierally, that liu has open- ed 11 .S E G A ft A.1f0KS?t nu Main street, in DAN VI l,MI. 11 few doors helnw tlio iiinvMii 11 inn -111 1110 111111111111; 1, inner v ncti tien ny Hi lul llluu whom I e iniiuulacturcs the het qimlity of Hcaari, wliicli will ho sold cheap, uliolja.llo mid ritail. liu nlsu kueps it I fUrflTIM. 1! I.'Q'I' tTl 1 M'l ' UliUIUI'j lil.O 1 AUlvAlN 1 , ,vc hicj,. with Hdlblus and Itever.iso tugrnlify thu ' wauls nf the epicure, tn refresh Hie wenry and nssuauu I the P..iat..anf ulu tmmy Danville, Juiiu II, lei t Jim U. S. 10-40 Bonds. FOR SALE AT THE First National Hank oj litoo)ubur) ! a. I )inlIESE BONDS boar interest at tho rate of five per cent, per annum Which, at tho present value of GoIlD, i'i equal to 1) )cv cent, per annum. ffioupon On hands and roady for delivery afior the first of Juno. J. P. Tustin, Oitf.'uVr. Illeomshurs, May 'J-1, 101. Sin. GEN. G RANT'S OAMl'ALGN " IN VIRGINIA in cuuipllniicu with w inlru frequcnlly esprescd, AN ADVANCE 1'EllT of the lE!liiB2siiiiiJtl(uW (ESataiDft I'dilcd by KIIAN'K MUOItt:, CON I'AINO Official Reports, Narraiivcs, aud Incidents OF Ct.... c.. . l t 1 lN. t'UANT S ArAXCK ON IvICIIMOND, Will ill nttlilislnd ill nil rmlii thin h uLitiMisuuc it! an cany an,). .1 l'lCO Illty CCUtfJ. Fifty ('rders sliniibl lie sent nt nncu tn Ollico of THE HE-lir.LLIOVitl.l.'OKD.-HI ItriMdwny. New-York. I'art J-J ofthe ri gtil.ii Issim of Til E UEIII'.I.LIOV lll'.l HKll will lie published on .lie Mlh of ,May Volume I Huppleuicni.iry Voluuie llnu.-t.un'i llscwpn coiupleti., cnntaltiiiig very valuable Olilcinl lii porls.inil atatu Papers, v, ill diiiiii In: ready. Address. rue m:iii:r,r,tON record, 'Ml Broadway, New-Yorki 3 now GOODS A T HP HE undersigned having entered into rn. OArlnoraliiit in II,, I.. I....:..... -... ' ; ' ' """"' uiiriuu.i. u- tier mu iirui oi ,,,, ,, , ,T LRU & BOWMAN, ,"'.0:", i '"""""c-' o havo purchase,! M li li UJIA NhlS E which wo will ell very cheap fir cash. Our assort inent consist, of cverUhiuc usually kept in a country liluro, ucli as DRY GOODS k GROCESIES. ( JtOt KEltV WO Hats, Caps, and Clothing, Boots unci onoes. iVc., co. , Ptnra in thn old nud well knmvn stand nfE. & Co. (iivu us 11 1 ALL. W.M. I'UIT., II. W. IIOWMAN, . Ornngevillc, I'.i., April Hi lM,I-am Luziim NEW F,.XCX SPj, FOR HPIUNi; ,y- SUMMJli. rSMTl'i Kiiiisrriliri' lin iiikI i-onnlv..,,! o n.rnr nssnriiueiiioi iiiibu ry iriminlngaauil Ncw'Oouda such as & E !P !H y IB LS IS S liJL; NJ2 WO OX ALSO (7LOVIIE, DOLLS, BTAVfl. SATCHELS, UOOP-SKIUTS 1'ORTMONIES, An other notion, tn which she iuvltis Iho ntteotinn nf ili. Ladies generally. H.V- Wheeler & Wilson's Sun ing M ichines for ssla , AUo-Sunday Schnnl Hooks nud llibtes. Also Mrs. Allen's Hair Rotorer which will give tn gray its natural color, A. D. WEIIII, Next Door below Cnuit llmisc: r.lnntnsburg. May SI. Iff, I, li QUEST OF IMUT1TI0.V. Estate of Frederick Knouse, dee'd. COLUMBIA COUNTY . na : 1 N tho Orphans' Court of Coluntbin County, in the 1 mtiiter nf the partition and valuation of the Estate of Frederirk Kiunia , late of Jackson tvvp., deceased, Tiljacksou Knouse, und liauu.ih, iutei'married w ith i'eti r Nagle, refilling at llelhel, in Itraui h county .Slate of Mulligan. TAM! Ml'l'lfi:, 'I'hiil an liqosr will lie held lit lite lute dvVellllll lloiur nf I'rtilerisk Klloll-, deieased, lu ihe inwtishtp ot Jncksiui. cuunty of Co. lniiil.il., on Tl'ESD.W , the PHi .1 iy of Augtol m w, 1-1,1, belivi'i u Ihe houiHuf n o'clock A. M .and 1 n'.toi k P. .11., of s.inl day, for tho purunsu of making peril liuiior Ihe Rual Estate m .aid deceassd, tu and among Ins .liildreu uud leg.il n proscululiv es if ihe haunt ( uu Im done without prtjudiiu lu or i-poiline ot Ihe whole, olhtnviscii valuo ,iud apprttidulho same arcordmg In law; lit which liiuu uud plaen you nru reipnred In at tud il luii I In u I. prnper, J. II. l'UKMAN, Sheriir. Illoo nsburg. Juno I, lEiil. ni A. LOGAN GRIM, Attorney and Counsellor at .mv, I APORTF SULLIVAN CO PA n-:- Vit.i ire inil .,'t'hor clniitia iiru'niotlv nlti inloil in OMotior ti iHtll promptly niteiiucil tn urim.tr. il. iciu. ESP Y fia HOTEL r7 "l"!' y m 1 Uf (IMIE i,u,l.-r..g I. having taken the IM.y llclel, aving niken the Espy l.clel, pains will he tpari'd fur the salisfictiuy entirtaiunietit 01 uu who may luvor iiiui wun tueir rk.iiuu, JOS. II, WUUliliAN'K. i Espy, Aprils. ISdl. i it ATIIIMON1AI.. -II' vuti vvi.U lu intrry, address wilhutii 111 inn minor. Igneii. wnn win senu yen mniiev ninl vv ilhout unit'.1' valuitblu iufurii valuutdu iitfurmatiun Unit willeuubluy u to many happy nud speedily, nu mat. ler how old , how uclv. or hnw noor. ' his it a reliahlo nlfalr, Tlid Infurmaliuu will cost you nothing ; nnd if you vv Mi m nurty, I will cheeilully assist you, All letters klritlly cuufiik'utial, Tho desired iiituriuntluu sent by return null, and uu nttustiuus asked. Address SARAH II. LA1UIERT. (Jrecnpoiiii, Kiiigs luiiuly, N. Y. June I, I3.1l.-lni BLA.NK S! BLANKS! 1 , .. , , . . 01 evcty uiMCfiplloa. lor sale at thiiotnce or dh h'juewck's own ("abe, whim: i.aiiouino undku conhumition, Snit how his Pulmonic Syrup t Seaweed Toiiir.y mid Mandrake IHlh act. on the System in curing that dis ease, and the GUM AT SUCOUSS ATTHNMNU IT To nhovo Is n correct likeness of ltr Rchenck taken ninny years ago, lifter he hnd recovered front ('iiiininip. tliliiellkomb.nl ns ho wn. at llm worst, y.titis in p,iiil tuiuian ,1 11 1 nu n.iit: nu viuruim nin 11 inu I'lillrall belnw, which Is tlio true llki ues. nf hiiiint thn present tlitiu. Tliu coiitrntt between theso tvwi por trait is so great that many would nut In lleru them to hu the sumc person. Yet titer's are hundreds of per sons, In and iiroiind l'lillaillilil.t, who will recnguNo both portr.iits to lie true representations. When Iho first was taken lie weighed 1117 pounds ;st iho present tiniu IiIj welglit is pounds. Skw YoitK, Wtdnesdny, .March ICfil. t to the vmmt ' Thirty year, ago I was in tlio last stages of Puimon. er Cnn'iiniiption, anil giin up In die. I resided in ' Philadelphia nud llr, .1 soph Parrish, limn ol'this city, ori orcd nut to Morestnwu, N. J,, u llitauce of uim , ! init,-. wlncli took me two tints tn get tin ra. On my nr- rival I was put In hi d, nud theiu laid for many mii ki, , This was my native place, where all uy family lived , and had died of 1'nm.niiipliuii, Dr. Thornton, who at. tiiidod m f.ithi-r in lii" last illuen, wits called, and g ivn inu mil wick In lit up my aithirt. lie h id siu-n all in) family gntlrit way. and thought I was tn go. ton. i 'I lieu I heard of tho rt niedios I umv niter to lint pub- ! lie. w hieli cured mo. It M-euu'ii to me thai t ccutd 1'uil ' Ihi'in ieiirtraling my nhnle system. Thoy soon ripoiied thu mailer on my liittgj, and I tii'iitd Hut ntl'inuro than .1 )iint of oiTensivo yellow mat lor eery morning. As sunn us that hicaii to tubsidr, my i oug'h, lover, pain, night sivenis nil bec.in lulo.ive lue. Mini t ly appnltle benimii u great that it w.u Willi itilticiilly I tnuld Keep frnm eating ton much. I sunn (lined my Mrougth, and I hne ben growing in Him-Ii ever since, b'nr many yenrslhato iiijtycd uninter rupteu goon ueaiiu, hcepiiis 110: uvc-r nun Mooiaiii In alllii w iih Hie Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills.n, I am nf ahilious tempera lit. My weightis tuohuu AtfA nuil twcntj, Un MIJ. ri.c0Vl.ry ro,C H0U,,, rend fur me, far mid near, In sou if their casus wore rupted good health, keeping the liver ninl ttiutiarh : ns il weru like mine. For litis purpose I pny pmlc-sinn.il M ils in tin liiriie pities. 'I iioi-on-uuiiilives wish lu soothe one that makes Hove mo lit lues, and uim was i un il nf ri.iiMi nipt in 11 hyllieui. Tn uiaken'av Itiugais linpn.i. lib; ; lint i.-uiliun in the lungs and chrouir tilcernlii.us of liu htomhiiil lubos can lu Itealed Sucli ctst-s lire ih iug Iniiiilv unih r the ordinary treatment of physi cians, and just melt are cii'i d l.y tho proper usu of Schcurk's Puliiiuuie Syruii. Sijawced Tunic, ami Man drake litis. I I mu now n heallby man, wilh n large ravity in the middlu loin; of the uglit long. tho Inwei lobe very much liepati.ed and complete adh.'siuu nf the pleura. Tile' h ft lung is Hiuiul. and the upper lobe nf tint right lung i in 11 Inh rnhly healthy coui.ilioii. The great rinsiiii v. hy ph) tiri.ins do 1101 1 urc 1 nntuinptioii is they try In 1 do ton uiur.i , liny give medicines tn stop the cough, to , stop chill, lu slop night sweats, hectic lever.uiid, by sn doing, ihey derange the wholu digestive putters, lock. J omidns. PalieillVSi upiliu ticcri'tiuns, anil cveuiuany toe p.iiient fiuks i Alter I in ike a cure u examination or t ie illi Ihe Respirotneter. uud Hud lungs enough , left U cure, 1 direct the patient how to tisetliu three ' reutcdii-R Uciuuvu the cause ami 1'iey will nil stopol their own accord. No one can liu cured of continup. lien, liver complaint, dyspipsij, i.itarih, canker, ill cernted'lhroat, unless the liver aud stomaih nre tuadu i henlllty. lu New England this (anker, c hrouic catarrh, . ulii rate 1 throat, ilotigntiou of uvula, is more preva lent lli.in in uiiyolher sccliou of the country. 'I Ins is 1 frequently caused by n foul stomach. You iinyburul it out with caustic time and again, ami nit thoy wilt 1 j get is temporary roll. 1 Correct tlio stomach nud liver, I and tiny .Mil Ileal up themselves. (ioiul ill Hi cm is tltu lemrily. If J on linvc any dis- ease in nuy part of tho body, it will remain tl.ero and . ' decay more uud mure until you cnu geliho stomach in , the condition to digest food, and make new bKod tn take Ihe placu of disc, ised matter. This is the uuly iwiyvu lie. n cavities in tnoiungs ami uicciuieu n i nu i dual ttilii.i,. Correct the tonlacll and liver, mid nature will dn thu healing. .Maiiy.tiersons have auideu Hut certain medicine are great punfiels of thu blood. When blond is once diseased it cauuolhu purified ; it I is diseased thu same ns thu diseased mutter in thu i steut i hut get the apparatus in order, the liver and stomncii, unu give it pieitiy in nuurisiiiu louu, u n hi make new blood, which vtill taku thu jilaeu of thai wliirit is dieaced. Sth. iiLk's Piilmouic sjrup is olio of th" lu st (trepa-. rations of iron in use. it is n liuwerful tunic ol Its, If, and when Iho Seaweed Tunic dissolve.'! Hie minus hi tint stomach, uud it is carried ofi'liy I liu ai I of III i Man dr.iku I'llls.thc Puhnuuie Syrup is m ide imo tdnoii. 'Phis s iltu ntily wnytocuru roiuuuiiilioii. If I can not git a good appetite and fluid does not dige id, t tun. notciire the patnuil Never ttiiiid tho cuuuh ; lemove , thetnuse mid it will stup of ilsi If. 'Ilns is III. uiti't I troulda I have with my patients at my rooms. They say, "Doctor, 1 lei 1 stronger; lean eat; my nijbt sweats are better, nnd I feel belter every way : but my 1 cough is so bad yet ;" and tliey nro u.loui.ed tu hour mu say that dues lint matter ; remove the cause and it will stop itself. Schenck's Seaweed creates a good j appetite in iitiout ninu days, wneu tueie is un lung ills .use. unless thu liver is socunges.ed that Hie Man ' drake- Pills cannot unlock the ducts of Hie gnll bladder I in that short sp.u-.ii of time, in order tu allow the stale I Inh: to nnss oil' Keen thu liver mid tlio Etoiu.ie'll 1 healthy nnd there is less danger nfcunsuniplinii or any other disiuso. It is h ird tn laku told whin those ur- I gnus are hcullhy, Tiiusc that aru bilious, low spirited, ilrfuo, feeling stupid, coated tongue, pour appetite, itorvuus, stomach lull el' wind, ever)th!ng that is mi ni lbs heavy loss of memory, try our botttu nf SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TOMC, mid imo box .if S Ili'.Nt K'S MANDRAKE PILLS. It is only a nn-l uf niiu uoiiar unu tiveuiy-iive cents, wnn lull uirei nuns. This is sullii lent, iu man ca.es, ti. s.nisfV w hat tho I medicines urc. Fre'iueutly one bolllo makes u great clijiijio in th t sy.tcm. Any persuu that enjoys nrdinn- , ry health, by itfing the Seaweeil 'I nine mid landraku 1'llls iiKastouniiy. inun get nie itlgestivu organs in Mich a hcullhy condition that Ihey become 11.-t.liy. I1 can produce n number of my old lousumplivii patients , nuw enjo.vliig good health, weighing nearly -nil pnutnls. I w ill ciiuciitiie ny rei.tinig utree i.ttres I havu ma le in New York, and w lin h are all diliVreiit, and wisliauy one who l.-i Is any lul- rest in the nnlKr tn visit them, i iibl is .Mrs F.irlnw, residing Uu u nt Nu. 1117 llnUhlou street. Iter husband called upon me at my rnuiu, :t lloinl t,lre t, mid wished mo to. ill and Hu tier, lit said 1 Clllllll du 110 L'ood : Ihathu Il.l.liitl iho best lliedi. . .il itlendance. and all s.nd stiu was loo far goun with t'unsiimpliiiii tu lie cured ; but .he had heard of snitie . Si i nt curt I h id Hindu, and tin di .ip-d lo gr lily ho j wishes. I culled, and fuuud her i)ing cuiihn.'d to hi r , bed tu the lu.t slugo of briitiiht.il eoiiMiiupiinn, uud vv itliuiil duubl must have died .iiiui, I .Annulled her; lungs, fuuud bu'.li hrnncliial t ibis very tnaili alii rt"U, I hut tin cavities had fiirmed. llur ciiil'Ii was vorv soveie. i th,ispii.buivvashnir.iiiiofii.ici,pus. ,1'uiau un, hsi svvul t'll verv lliltch. nud ivorsn I bun n lie tin lillro. i ! II i c diurrha'U, Her huvvln li.nl huuii innyed eleven lino s I thai du). I told her she had lungseiiutigh tuln. cureil. '"" '"'" """ IU;I"IUL'' cciiu lung .iiiiiuiug. unu iiur Hemachwus in sucli un ulcer.Ue.1 coiidilinii that I was u(-rail, ll(llllnt; u,(, uo b, UitUuA I should try and do what I lould for her. nbsorviug that shu ' vvutild nut lu.l lung in Hio coudilinu she was lit, ' nnrf 1 .nill.t lull Iniili, licr llnv ii'iir.n 1 trnvt lli.r lir.t .. .1..... it ..... II. I.. 1 .1... ...!.. ..nr. t inTiji j ikiv iui Lit i u nutty, unil Ijy Hit. in:w-'niuc.j ' I".1""' S L I. X'XZ X ' ".'.o. 11 .f.''li?":v?.-. "JT .,r:'L"'.r;. V. ',:.,'.,.r'fr,,.VVi 'A1'" MaVtl.Vil.ii !w e Mra,Uariliulnmew.o:i West I'ortv.nnh ttrect. camo lu my rooms witli u tumor "n her liver. Uhn wus low spirited, tkin sallow, to.ijtm dialed, biiweli costive, no appr lile, uud f.ifcl linking into Iho grnvu. Thu suid tiiuiur hud l.ecn iiiiiHii g over fourteen yeors. I gavu ficrBvriiii. Tiinle. mid Pills, mid lul.lh.ir to taknlhem Junius the dlrecliotiH were printed. She cumu hat ft tn my rooms, ,t.' unnu ttreei tu two weehs, suineniiiii hater her tongue had begun tu clean a little nroiind tlio edges, her .kin winter nud her ojes brighter, uud tha tumor discharging very oiruiisivo mutter, tnuili faster than it h id ever dona before. Shu kept gradu ally imprut iug, mid iu about two months iho caino to luy rouuis very much frighlened. a.iyiitg tlialthu tiiuiur hud nearly stupped running, nnd was healing up, mid Ilial every doctor had tola her that if it ever healed It would c.iuatt her death. 1 It-I.I Iter that tlie.liseaso had .ill lei'il.vi sy.ieui. and n.iluio would heal thu ulcer up, They aio nniv healed ,tul havo been for about ny.ar. auit iio it us licaity ami (ouusl a wuni.tn us you win findm a an -vaiit, si.o mnd fit anvonotu -iil'i'i licr.aniltakcigrc.it pains lo visit any one that shq hear lin anything like her cast;, and ttloi to get Ihcni Income and sec mn, Thu next case li Mil Pco. Hold, from Hlniuford, Uotin. Mrs, llarllioloiniw got her down to sec me. nud she ihih btcn ever alnco at her house. VJhonshe first cnina to my tuomi, the wi much emaciated with a distrrtiingeoiigh, spitting large quantltle nf Idood, I ciainliied her lungs with thn rcspiromctar, and In all my pracUeu liover found nito with one lung sn far gone and tho oilier lung o sound. I could not give much encouragement, t thought ho would die! hill toniy astonishment the Pulmnnlcfyrnp, Pciwecd Tonic, and Mandrake rills all seemed to go right lo wntk, the lung Is all healed over, leaving a cavity as Inrgo n a goose egg i good appetite, fln spirits, ninl fiat gained tome thirty-five pnundt lu weight. Phe tins sumo cough yet, with h I do no not think will Icavu hor before June. I should think it would ho of grest Interest to tome unprejudiced phy rlri in t, i vl.it then run t, iiartlcularly Mlit Hcoticld, or any of llicmwho hnvc been cured by mv medicine, j I h-y nro tiiiuiernus Hi wow vorK , mu mo nuovn uir.-c all dllfer from each oilier . and If my medicines nro do ing what 1 represent lliey nro, tlicy should havo trie . roilit nud tin. nllllcii.d know u heiu and li nv lliev mny I ho cured, J. II, PCIIF.NCK, M. D. I Dr. J II. Pchenck can ho found nt hi principal ollico, No. :i!l North lithPlroet, 'lilladclphlu, every Pnturday, fruuiS A. At.. Iilitll R V. Mm In mvo nilvlce, fnc of I charge t but fur n thntnugli cxaiiilmtlnii liu citarges J,' I lllll HIT H IIIIITOllgll UAIIIIIIII lll.'ll liu Hi'.1'" I odollnrs I'rlcn oflhu Pulmonic Pytun and Hea. d I'nnieench $1 per hottle, or 85 tht half do.en. draku Pills 'A) cents per hot, ami for tic hy all 1 iiirec uoiiar j WCeil ainiti Druggists and lleitler. Juno 11, 1-01,- i j, U, S, lOoTjoiids," 'J'hon llnnds nro Is. nod under tho Act nf Congress nf March ttli, IFi'il, which provides Hint all llonds Ivuod under llils Act sliall hu EXEMPT FROM TAXATION liy ur under nny ttalu ur intiiiirlpnl itutliorily. Hub. scrlpllniuto thesu llonds nre received in United SHnte notes, nf Nnlluiinl linnks. They nro "I ( HE HE. DEEMED IN CO Li, nt thu pleasure of thu (loveritincnt nt liny period not lit) than Irn nor mort than fort) yean from 111 .1 r date, nud until their redumption FIVE l'Elt CI'.NT. I NT U It EST W1M. HE PAID IN COIN, (in llonds of not over one h undrcil dollars nnnu.illy and on nil other llonds seml-ntiuniilly. '1 he Interest is pay able oil Iho first days nf March and September In each year. Pubscrlberii will receive either Reglsterod nr Coupon llonds, us they may prefer. Registered llonds nre re corded mi the hunks oftlio U, B, Treasurer, and cm hu iransferred unly on thu uwner's order. Coupon llonds nro payablu lu beaicr, und nru moru coiiv.iilent for cuuimurclai uses. Subscribers tn this loan will Imvo tho option of having their llonds drmv Interest from M nrch M, hy paying tlio ncctued interest in (loin (or ill United States notes, nr thu notes of Nntiunitl Hanks, lidding llfiy per cent, for premium,) or reeelvo tli c in drawing Interest fruiu tlio dntu ofiuhsi riplluu and deposit, As tlteso llonds nru Exempt from Municipal or State Taxation, Itteir vnlun I. Increased from one to three. per cent, per milium, ncrording lu thu into of tiu levies in vurluus parti of thn tountry. At tho present rate of premium on gold they pay One Eight Per Cent Interest In currency, nud nro nf equnl ronviniunco na n perman ent or temporary Investment. It is believed that no securities offer so great Induce ments to lenders in th various descriptions nf U, P. llonds. In nil other furms of indebtedness, tho f.illli or ability of prlvato parlies or tlnck companies er sepa rate cunimunltles only is pledged for paymect, while fortlii'Vlsbtsoftli J United States tho whole property of Ihecntintry Is Itolden to securu thu payment of both pii m i pnl nud intere;l in coin. 'lhesoliiuids may ho FulHctibed fir In sums from R3tl up to any magnitude, on the rnnu tr.rina, and nru thus Hindu equally available tu tho sutiillost lender und thu largest ,'apltalii.t, Tliey cull lio cnnveitcd Into nintiey at nny iiiunieiit, nud lliu holder will havo tho benefit of Ilia interest. It mny ho useful tu 6tate in thU connection that the total .Funded II, hlc.ftho I'nited HTotes nu which inter est is payable in gold, on tho nd day of March, 1SUI. was STliS.UiW.Ullll. 'Iho interest on tills debt fnr til J coining IKc.il year willheSI.V.,37,l '1', while the ctis tnnts rtiven uo in gold fur tlio inrrent liscalycnr, ending Junu IlOlh, ifiil, has hewu mi Tar nt the rate of over S10d,uiW,00J per nnnutti. It w III he seen that even the present gold revenues nf tho (iiivcrment nrelnrgely in excess of tltu wants of the Troasiirev forlliu vavtiieut of gold interest, wlnlu .ho recent lncrcnn of thu tarlll' will doubtless raise- thu nnniial receipts liotii cttstonis on the same nuiotritor importations, in $l.i,WH).OiK) per atiniiui. liiktructioits tntho Natiouiit lltiiks uctlng ns loan agent, werul ol is-iied frnmtliu United Suite Trcasuy until March M, but in the Ural three; weeks of April the subscriptions averaged moru lli.m TEN MILLIONS) A WEEK. Sitpscripllnns will bo rucelvod by tha First National Bank of Danville, ronurylvatiia, anil by nil thu NATIONAL BANKS which nro depositaries of Public iitonuy, ami nil RESPECTAHLK BANKS AND B NKEKS throughout Ihe country, (acting ns neentsof the Nut mil Depositary ll.inks.) will furnish further infiirnn lion on application und AFFOKD EVERY FAOIblTY TO SUBSCRIBERS. May 7, lftM. Sin. BELL &. ALLABACH, Proprietors CORNER OF Tina d s'iy penesyl van a a v. WASHINGTON, D. Ol May 7, lfil. Itiiu, CLOTHING HALL. No. 20'i North Second Street. Phil' a. oNSPANTLY on hand n full iissiiliuent of Itendy V vi.i.i, Men and Hoy's Clothing uud Cents- Furnish ing (, .nun-. I Wholesale and Retail Jiinu.ny u. 1 -04. llm. ON 1THIS PLACE. i SliCOND A llll IV AT. OF NEW GOOD T I AS enlarged nnd greatly Improved his Store Room l i nuil sin' kcii ii w nu a targe nun superior r-.'" v "i Hl'itiMl ,in,l SUMMER (iooli.-i, w hich will ho sold as low a .it any other stahlii-hinenl in the country. Culicon at 10, IB, 20 und 25 tents. Muslins, lili arhrtl and Vrown at 25, 28, up to lj cents. DRESS liOoDS of every shade, I'inlltv and price ; a full line "f Dniuettii- (inn.ls, ni : Checks Snipes, Tkks.Linnon mid Cotton Table Diaper, C.inghaius, Nankeens, etc , &c, A good supply of Ladles Shoes and (Jailers " ie. . , :.. Iluij mi, I I'.,,. a if Wool inirralii mid foliage fariicts, " '"Fi'"'" o il splendid nrticlu Just opened ni.d fgr tale. lie-Ill pnpi" in Groceries anil Spices, a notv lot of CADAR AND WILLOW WARE. half nud whole bar ri I ; 'V- , , " , ,i . n, ( ii-i.m Almi a Inrgu una spiendid nstine.Uof i P0- nuw designs. Al.o, a new lotof'l uu.M.s nun Oil Cloth Satchtls. llnving buu.tlit Ihesn goods befuro tho Mle rise, I mn prepared lo sell low, cheap as tltu ehtapest for cull ur i r.nuuirv urndure. ,,,, .'..ft'. .V . 1 u . llloonifliurg, May li, Iritll, Si llOOLASUIi'a i'Oii .ti.b. Pittsburgh Coutiiiercial Collegu. Iliughnmptlii " " Critteiideii'a " t'lillailolphla, Sirutiuii. itivant & Co.. ' ,k Theiu Strips, arc inaniountt of 813 und tS 0 und are astninuch easli. I y thu Sludeut un cnlnng either uftlte above Colleges Youiii; men denting luohtain a liulsh- ,d Colli -;ine i;ait' ntion, win licr; linn u gonu apocutn lint 'iy applying at tliu olfnu ot'lho Mjy t IW1 COIjUMUa DLMOf'EAT. Sharpkss' Column. I YOU OAN ALWAYS BUY GOODS CHEAPER FOR CASH THAN OUEDIT. I WHILE THE Army of tlio Potomac UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF rt -j-k-i ititi IT TT D rill A "VT'I Ijrj. 1 JiilA Ij U O IjJvAlN 1 . " J ' Jl-i-J V v- 1 it making prcjxiralion for the f , f a V QlQLtUVC Ot iiilCnlltOUU T ANT) TINT) THE 'WAT?- . i mmwmwmm IS SHOWING THE SUPERIORITY OF THE BY Selling Goods, AT Lower ffig Than ami bo bought elsewhere. no is RECEIVING GOODS CONSTANTLY from New York nnd Philadelphia, and is disposing of ihcm an fust at EXTREMELY LOW CASH PRICES. CALLICOES At 20ct 23cts. 25ota. 20cls. and 27ots. MUSLINS, brown and bleached, At 10, 23, 21, H2, 34, 33, 42, & GOota. Alapacoas, Lustres, DeLaincs, Challis, Jeans, Oajsimcres, eV,o , GROCERIES Sugars, Syrups, CoQuo, Kent's East India (Joffea at 2.'5cts, a superior nrtielo highly recouinfonded. GREEN TEAS At 30, 35 and 45 cts. por qr. MACKEREL By the J and i bbl, at 12, 11, & 10 dol lars per barrel. THE LARGEST LOT OF ucensware EVER BROUGHT TO BLOttMSBURG 1IOTH OF Common and Gkanite Waud, wiucii will ee soli) at old imuces. NOT10XS. IIOISEHY, HOOP SKI UTS. BHADMEY'S MiW HOOP SKIRT, The Duplox. Eliptio Spring steel Skeleton so well known among thu fair sex for beauty of stylo and durability. BBS in endless variety for Men Women and Children. Gaitorsofall kiuds. BALMORAL, SIDE LACE AND CON GREiSS DOUBLE & SINGLE SOLE Tho Celebrated Gutla-percha Soled Shoes for women and children. Gents' French and American, calf Knots fz Balmo rals. Gents' Laco Boots form 81 ,00 to 8-1. . CASn PAID FOR Grain and otlter produce taken in exchange v., .......... I q UI gVUUdt Buying and Polling for Cash ho is proparcd to sell gootia on lower prouia than when doing n credit businoss, CAbb AND EXAMINE THE G0OD6, ninoni.l.tur. April 01 IWI.-Bii'O I iP,JS' '3' e s' ' I iPQSTSCRiPT! News bry Yeoterday's rXuJl. The Battle of Pctaraburg. Tho wcok past has bcou aliloody and exciting one to the army of Gen. Grant. It has marchod fifty miles, orossn! Iho broad Janice, and fought four dayn in tbo seven. But all this endurance and incom parable valor has not been crovrnod with any (substantial frnits of victory. Real Estate SaBe- valuable jfarm. , npho tnkicrlhor orfot tn soli. at prtrnla .-Jo, n Vftlua. - Me latin, cosulfllng rT j acres of bottom jand, sliusto In tho vo'llsy of l'lihingcrfik, tbotit two mll i tiorib of I'.loomsbtirg, Culniutiln coitity, l'o oomptivinc 11,0 bolfom loud ot the tvvll ktiuwn Trirnblsy Fitri. Qui .nu ..uiiiiiii h.iii. en .nu prumuei aro n Iho Hamlin Faun. Dwelling IIuum, lino good liarws, an excellent OltCIIARD, ont-bullJltig,, Wall, Ac, to gether with n Maple Orchard, ; ylelJlng from iisj to 1,000 Ihs, tutor per year, Thu vofn I of the "Uliiiimhur?arn Ore," iriistet one end of thlt tractor land, Al HO Valuable Town Priprty. Thn largo Thrcfl Pt'try llrhk IIUILDINO. n d LOT OF ((ROUND, un which It Is erected, tltauto on tho north sida of Main street, cititral In tho tnrvu ef lllooiniliiirg ftild building la aubitantlally com'tui nd nf uiisllent brick furmerly uod for a inrrla'o.Fac lnrynml can In! well adaplud to nplnt of ImslnoM, Paid Lntli II feci front on Main stteel, and gU ft deep Possession of tho last linm-d premises ti 111 bo give Immediately, If desired. uV Cundltlons of salo vvlli bo itiHile lu suit thu purthascr. I). J. WALLUII. Ulunmifcurc. May M. IJul, 'PUBLIC SALE OF A bOT or TIMBER LAND. THE nnderslgned, Exccntor df tho la't will and te tament of Philip I'runs. Inte of Cottle loivnsV . Columblit county, deeeu.ud, In pursttnnco (if tbo '.viil of said deep lent, will uxposo to publio Clio, on tij premises, on Thui'flday, ilm iJOth ol' .Siit:. A Tract of Umltcr Land, tltuato In Ittlircrcck township, Columbia count, Pa , cuutalulng mljolning lands of David HlufiV on the nnrtlt, Jaori Ilicks on thu u.t. UkJ mlieij, nil of nMcli lsauiui prnved. U?' Silo to commence nl S o'clook, P. M, oa ecU day, when attendance will la given anil condition; be made knuiv'h, by tAMi;i'.h FLEAS. WESl.GV II. I IlKAn JESrili II. FREAS, HiocoteTj nf I'lillif I'tcns, deceased. Jung S, 1301. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Philip F)eas,dcccased: rETTEUrl TeslBmuntary on tho estate of "ttllp 1 I'reas, late of Centra township, ('uluiobl i cuuntr deceased, havo been grunted by thu teglsUr cf u., frjjrT t" the un,lefrlgu,id also ru.-l ilng in sud t wn V. LrVpersuua Laving , rlaima ognlmt th estate ot i decedent nru rii'iuestud to preteiil Ihotu to Fio Ex i tors nithout ileluy, and nil person, indebted to 1111,4.1 puymonl foithwith. BAMUHI. I'REAS, J webl ;y n. fukac. 1 ux r JN93B II. Fail AH ) Juno d.lMI.-SJnO, rff,,HE nndcreierncd, announces t"o hiU JL friends aud the public, ilut he haa taken lb u abuvu well-known tlutat, In L I 0 II T STREET, Colutnli'la county, Pn where holt prorxired to aocoin. ruodatu thu Iraselin; public, to gciful sullifu-.tton. Ills Tsoiu, Is well prnyikjonc'l aud hit Stale toannn dlous and we'.lottcudeU. BV A sharu of the publio cuatom la toltilte.l. JOHN 11EE(. LljM Burnt, Jane I, IStTI. 3m. Tbo' Borwick Hcnab. Derieitk, Columbia rt?.; Fjs' fwjtlK undersign,! would reipsrtfnlly eriaonnce to ''' 'Jl,:ld "llJ 1,1 " psblio gcnertHv, that having knieel ".his w'll-tnotv u tiona h6 liti given ft uthuroagli ri, tin alien. TO rooms haVobcsn K'-ppr ed a'idthe untir. eir-jbllshtnaat e-Ugiulfty n fsmt.hiJ. Ileing pWasantly np J , eligibly lot,e., tad prorldnl vvrih nil tho fvc.gltua couvsiiiencirt. It vluns l Uw public, the combised advuutairiit ot A First-Class Hotel: HIS TABt.P. will nlveaya b tuppirod with ths bsst (De morkela ollonl, uud 111H UAll wjih iho thoiaust II luore. Travellers, drovers, (eatnttefs, boardura. &c uccuinmodtited In general satisfaction. Careful and ao coimnuduling Hustlers always in sUecdanca. btabnnf the must cuuiplctCi and otuusivj In this .icctloit. 7. P. 8IBBET. Moyca, iwi TO THE PUBLIC. Tho undersigned would Inform h'la frionda and Ox public generally, that ho Is prepared In treat r'lccets fully Iho following diseaesns ; Uheumalliim, llrunchetis, St. Anthony's DanM,I,nt of Sight, aud all blood diseases, with Ihspcpsia tai. Satisfaction will be glyou or no pay requiro.!. . His rcmedieH arn purely vegetable fron from nny Hint ur iiuiEun.uud safe und iileasaul. ti uvut'., . ui . . P.loonndiurg, April 0. ISO I. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Wiliani Cole, Deceased, LETrEKS Testautentsry on tho Estate or William Cole, Into of lluiitou tuwnthlp, Columbia coQ.ily duceased, have to en granted hy Iho Register of Coiuus. bia cuunty, in the undersigned : nil persona having claims ngnin.t the eetute of (he decedent nre requested tn present thorn to lha Executors at thilr resl'deuoi iu said luvutiip withnut delay, and all persons indeb ted to make puvment forthwith. , .MOSTGOMRY' COLE, TI10S. p. COLE. Moy It, lfl-0vv 81 00. Eirtcubvrs. MANHOOD! How Lost, How Restored. JUST published, u new edition of DR. CULVEC WELL't) CELLP.llATED ESSAY on the radi ears (without hicdiciiie) uf Si'inMATiiaitiieai, or semi mil Weakm ss, Invnluiiury Scininal Luaies, lueorcx , Mentnl and rhyiic.il Incapacity, Impediments t, Mi', riago, etc. ; al.o, Ceinsiiliiptwu, Epilepsy, aud Cits, In dured by aelfi'iidulgencu or sexual extravagance, (CT" Price, lu u .culeil luvolope, only (j ceuta, Tho celebrated author in tin. uJmlruble ens tlr r. ly ileiiiunstrates.frumii thirty years successful pncti. , that thn iilarining cgnsenueiicea of self-abuse, nay radically cured wilhuut the dangerous uto ofltHer I medicine or the application of Ihe kuifo poin'lng I a mode of oil re, nt untu simple, ciitaiu, nnd e- JTi-ctu t, by uiiian of which every sulVurer. nu matter what p j condition may be, tuuy euro Iilursclf cheaply privuin y, and rmtiraUy. tZJ- Tina I.cciuro thould to In tho hands ofevi y youth and every man In tho land. Sent, under seal, ma plain envelope, lo any oddre j, posl-pafj, on receipt of tlx cents, or two petl jtan a. AdrdL-ss thu tiuhllsher. OIIfl. J.U. KLINE k CO., 127 liovvcny, Nuw Yomc, Foil offlcubui 153U Juno If, eC4. ly. PRIVATE SALE OF Valuable Rca! Estate. fftUVi hubfcribor oilers at privalo Sole, fl nu reasonable terms, a farm situated lu Hemlock township, upout '1 in lies from lluckliorn, Columbi,. couuty, containing 108 ACRES, about eighty acrcaof vvhieli Is cleared land, tha Ira, proveutenta upon which, coual.tt of a good FitAMB House and Bank Babk, Wagon Shed, nnd ether out houatB, a good rfprlng House, &c. A llnu tin Ifty applu orchard iu groTitt-ii, 1 House, &c. a nnu tin ifty appiu orchard i groTin n. nreniisei, Willi u lurgu variety uf oilier hind I thu premises, with a lurgu variety ur oilier Kind ; 'ni l tree., Thercmaluiug ifti acreaol wuoil laud, il r 1 wiltl Odd und Che. Unit timber nfgood uunlily. The farm is a desirable Prop ronuity, henig lin an axcri lent itate of cultivation, Any Inl'oriuuUoii reyre n I the renuiuuiia upon winiu uij i arm can uo purcuo will wiittorutid by lulling ui reur wuri.iieisers, c joining tun rmperty GYRUS IIELLEH. Hay SS, IStil-Cm, i Houbc and Lot for Bale. , ITTIbb bo Eold oboap and on easy term?,- " A HWKLI.lNt; IlIUHE AN" V,LUAIILBUTi illiia'tu on Main Btrcvf In Weil itlooltulnirif. Mny mm iiotidij.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers