Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 25, 1864, Image 2

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" Onr Oonetltutlon cnard It ever I
r glorloua Unionhold II dear 1
Our BtBtrr riagfortake It never I
Th proud Oauoanlan our only pcor!
Saturday Morning, Juno 25,1864.
Ton F RESIDENT IN 10(54,
(Buhjett to ihn dgclnlon tt the National Convention.)
VSf Oami'aivn StnsoinEtii. Wo will
eend tho Columbia Democrat from now,
till after tho Presidential Elcotion, for CO
cents m advance This is so.low thtt cv
cry man should havo it, and sco that his
neighbors havo it. If they cannot pay for
it club together and got it for them. (
Fiiemont Oman's !Th o Alhnnr .,,.
man, Davenport Democrat , Kansas City
Post, tho JNmo 'Ml and ff'cstlchc Post, of
St. Louis, havo hoisted tho Fremont and
Cochrane tiokot.
Mr, Donison's Speech.
Wo publish to day, on ohr first page,
and to which wo call speoiol attention, tbo
able and independent 8pecch of Hon.
Chaules DENisoN.of Luzerne, delivered
on tho 2d of May, in tbo National Con
gross. It is brief, bold and truthful such
as an honost man and fearless Democrat
alono would make, and rofiocts tho high
est crodit upon its patriotic author, who
was triumphantly elected to Congress over
Speaker Grow, is an honor to tho Lu
zerne District and a Mossing to tho Nation.
Tbo unconquorablo Democraey of Luzerno
and Susquehanna, will of coureo, rc-nomi-nato
and re-elect Chaiues Djj.nison to tho
Thirty Eighth CoDgrcss.
The outrages dono to American liberty
In tbo'porson of Vallaudigharo and othora
cost tbo Republican party a split, and tho
total and final loss of tho Fremont wing,
or tho radical Democracy, who do not bo
lievo in tho slavory of whito men by of-'fjcc-holding
tyrants. Tlio remaining fac
tion of tho Republican party, tho office
holders and contractors, cling to Lincoln
alill, tho author and rcsponsiSlo cauio of
all theso crimos and of tbo imbocilo and
corrupt mismanagement of tho war. The
cost of that political blunder will be the
'disintegration of tho Linooln prty, tho
'division of the honest from tho dishonest,
and the election of a good Democrat.
What is a Democrat ? A Democrat
is one who-believes in tho sacred and in
ulienablo right of sovereign Stales to rulo
themselves ; who holds to tho doctrino that
.governments dcrivo their just powers from
'the consent of tho governed : who gloried
In the Union becauso its authority was
based only on tho free consent of spvereign
and coequal sister States ; and who hopes
for universal happiness throughout the
World, becauso he saw and folt tbo possi
Mity of government established by con
sent, and resting not on force, but on tbo
unconstrained affection of tho pcoplo.
The Draft. It is a singular fact that
a large majority of the men lately drafted
in the various districts arc industrious me
chanics and laborors who cannot woll be
f pared; whiloraany in easy circumstances,
and many persons entirely idlo or in occu
pations of littlo or no importmco, escapo
entirely. We do not reflect in the least on
the modo of drawing, but merely express
a regret that men who aro so much needed
at home should bo compelled to go to war.
Tho demand for laborers and mochanics is
growing groater every day, and if many
more bo taken away tho country will cease
to bo a producing nation and tho people
will become nob only non-produoars, but
burdensome consumers. Tho farm and the
workshop will bo in a raeasuro vacated,
and as a conscquenco, prices will go up to
an alarming extent. What will becomo of
country thus drained of tho producing
classes remains yet to bo seen.
European Interference.
Tho eloventh resolution of tho Abolition
Convention is as follows i
Resolved, That wo approve tbo position
takon by tho Government that the peoplo
of tho United States can never regard with
indifference tbo attempt of any Eiiropoan
power to overthrow by forco or to supplant
by fraud the institutions of any republican
government on tho Westorn Continent,and
that they will view with extreme jealousy,
as menacing to tho poaco and independ
ence of this our country, tho efforts of any
suoh power to obtain new footholds for
raonarohial governments sustained by a
foreign military force in near proximity to
tho United Statos.
Bravo ! Now what is 'tho position ta
ken by tho Government" that is thus ap
proved ? A few weeks ago tho IIouso pass
cd a joint resolution declaring that this
oountry "can nevor regard with indiffer
tnco" foroign intervention. Tho Senate
"ot only neglected to reaffirm and vitalizo
that resolution, but Mr. Seward sent an
4 obsoquious npology to Franoo for tho ao-
tion of tho Houso 1 Under suoh eircum
stances, and while the thing condemned is
oetually transpiring in tho most open man
ner at our very door, what a mookery it is
to talk such twaddlo as this I Louis Napo
Icon has by forco and fraud erected a throne
in Mexico, und sent a foreign princo to fill
it ; and "extreme joalousy" is tho only
barrier (his Abolition G'ovenlion intends to
LincoTiN to MoOlkiiTiAn. If you will
givo mo satisfactory answers to tlio follow
iiig questions, I shall gladly yield my plan
to yours "
1st. Does not your plan mvolvo a great
ly larger expenditure of tiino tiid money
than mine ?
an. Wherein is a victory moro certain
by your plan than witne .
3d. Wherein is n victory more valuable
... . .
by your plan man mim j
lth. In faot would it not bo less valua
oio m ..its, tua. it wou.a ureas B ,
line of tho cnotny' communications, while
im'ite would T j
otn. in case ot disaster wou.u no. a re-
. i i... 1
trot no moro u.mcuiiy oy your ptau .uu
m'"c' r I
Yours truly,
Aiiraiiam Lincoln. I
Burniido, Hooker, Mcado and Grant,
bavo all tried tho "jokers" plan, at tho cost
t I I .1 1 .1 T
oi one iitinurou mouaauu men, uuu jjiu-
coin's questions aro answered by coming
at last to MoClollan's plan 1 Is itHcst to
8WaP horsCfl wWI orossinS a 8lrcam'"
Kino George and Kino AnnAtiAM.
To show how closely our government has
oopicd tho act of tho British king towards
our Revolutionary fathers, wc quoto tho
obarges they mado against King Gcorg
as follows : "IIo caused tho stamp act to
bo passed. IIo mado tho military above '
civil power. IIo sent men into banishment
and exilo without authority of law. IIo
exoitcd tho negroes to insurrection. IIo
discarded tha constitution and laws of tho
colonics. '' Has not Abraham Lincoln done
all this, and even raoro and worao ? No
truthful man will deny it."
-Sunbury Democrat.
Burnino or Alexandria. If tho ao I
, . . ... . ... i
counts of tbo burning of tho city of A bx-
, . , n , J .
it was tlio most infamous transaction to bo
found in tho records of war. Tho dwojl
ings of Union men soldiers in tho Union
army wero given to tbo flames, and thoir
unprotected inmates women and children
left without Bbolter or food. A lottor
from Cairo, Illinois, to tho New York
World) says : r
"As might bo expected, tbo womon do
sired to go along with tbo Federal army,
wuero tuutr nuiuaiias naa gone, xney op
plied to General Bauks with tears and en- Norfolk Railroad. Leo's troops still con
treaties to be-allowed to go aboard clio ' tinued to nonr into tho citv. and the lines
transports. Ihoy wero refused I Thoy be-
camo frantic with excitement and rago. I
Their screams and niteous cries woro !
heart-rendering. With tears streaming
down their choeks, women and children
begged and implored the boats to take them I
ou board. The oflioers of tho boats wero I
desirous of doine bo, but there was tho ncr
emptory order from General Banks not to
allow any whito oitizens to go aboard, A
rush would havo been made upon tbo boats,
but there stood tbo guard with fixed bayo
nets, and none could mount tbo stago plank
excopt tboy boro tho special permit of tho
uomuianaing uonoral. Xet
room was
found for five or six thousand nenrocs that
had been gathered in from tho surrounding
oountry ! But no room could be found for j
and brothers wero in thn ffedaral rm
and whoso housos bad just boon burned
by tho Fcdoral torch !''
car Wo saw a sight at tho Lehigh Val
loy Depot on Friday last, suoh as we nover
expected to soo in this free country. A
whito man and a filthy negro, both said to '
i. .1 i j
uu uuBungiu irom mo srmv, wero cnainca
l. ! .1 i .i . . . I
- ' I
ivgt.iivr uy irou ciaps arouna ineir wrists1
In this ooudition tbey woro marched thro'
the public &trcots of Easton, on their way
to tho depot. This is carrying out tho
abolition doctrino of equality ol tho races,
with a vengeance. Easton Argus.
OSy Keep it before tho peoplo that tho
Ohieago Tribune, a Lincoln organ, said :
"Give us a rebel victory, let our army
bo destroyed, Maryland conquorcd,Wasb
ington captured, the President cxilod, nnd
the Government destroyed ; givo us those
and any other calamities that can result
from defeat and ruin, sooner than a victo
ry with McOlellan as a General.
New Tax Bir,i,. On tho first day of
July next a committco of tho Houso of
Representatives, consisting of Messrs.
Reed, Smith of Chester, Barger, Coleman,
Robinson, Bigham and Pershing, will meet
in Harrisburg for tho purpnso of prepar
ing a now tax bill, to bo submitted to tho
Lcgiilaturo at tho adjourned session in
K3" Mr. Sewards craven apology to
tho Frenoh Eroporer for tho action of our
National Houso of Ropresentavos in rela
tion to Mexico, is a humiliation that every
honorablo citizen must deeply feel, nnd an
! ll 1- .1.- I- 1 . H H I
....uu t,u luu popular orancn ot Uongross
whioh that body Bbould promptly rebuke
if it would retain tho respect of its oonsti-1
Hundred Days Men.
Blub adkltaia, Juno 21. Colonol Wm,
B. Thomas' 120th regim.nt P. V. M. has
been accepted for ono hundred days ser
vice by the War Department, for service
in or out of the Utato. The reoruiting
must bo commoncod at once, and finished
by tho Cth of July.
Sore Throat. Thoso afflicted; with
Coughs. Iloarsencss, Irritation and Sore
ness of tho Throat, will find nothing so
efficacious as a Throat Rcmedy,as Brown's
Bronolual Troches. Sold by all Drug
gists. fi" Why is Old Abo a bad arohitoot ?
Because ho is all tho timo busy making
drafts to supply th deficiency of his pro
vtous drawings,
Tlioro scorns to bo vory littto chance of
Qoneral Grant's oapluring Petersburg by
direct attacks. It still resists all nsaults
and is defended by tbo entiro Confederate
army. On Friday last a heavy batllo was
fought in which Gcnoral Grant was re-
puls0(L Tlio Fcdoral loss is ostimatcd at
cjg,)t tt10Uian()
VtQm Vciwhm to j,ort Wallh!1 tl0
Appomattox Rivor runs ncarlv north.
From port WnIthall ila c0UrBQ f, cast to
City Point. Four railroads runs out of
tho town 0nc , 0-ty roint g0QS norlh
cast Ono to lliohmon'd goes north, pass
. threo milc(J t o , t Wllhall
Qa& to Norfo,k runs BOU,jlongt nnd tIl0
road to Wcldon, in North Carolina, runs
B0uli.. pracii0 to tha Citv Point fond
there is a turnpike East from tho town
j8anothor turnpike, known as tho Prince
G rond Th jjaxtor rosd runB
south. From Port Walthall around to tho
Wcldon Railroad is a ccmploto semicircle.
Had General Grant movod with a littlo
moro calcrity bo could easily ' havo cap-
turcd tho town. On Wednesday morn-
tog l"t General Loo's troops begun cross-
Dg to tbo south bank of tho James River,
nl f Darling, fourteen miles north of
Petersburg. Onobrigadoand two or threo
batteries, with a few militia, woro all tho
Confederate troops iu tho town. Tbcso
woro distributed ovor a lartfo circuit, and
could easily havo boon vanquished had tho
Federal attack been pushed vigorously.
At noon, on Wednesday, General Smith's
corps altaokud tho outer lines of Confed
erates, on the railroad and turnpiko run
ning to City Point, four miles from town
The contest was kept up till dark, tho
., , ... ., . ,- ,
umo uuu rivihc up mo uuiur uuo oi woras,
tt , lL i
Hanoook s troops thon began to como up
olong the Prineo Gcorgo road, approaoh
ing Petersburg from tho cast. At the same
timo Loo's advanoo from Fort Darling,
partly on cars and partly marching, camo
across tho Appomatox into tho town.
During the night thoy were sent to opposn
Smith and Ilancock.
On Thursday morning Burnsido oamo
up, following Hanonck on tho Princo of
Gcorgo road ; took position south of tho
road, and approached tho town along tho
fron. , Smi(I, nniI rfnnrnnl. TOflrn ,,
stroug. During Thursday, Warren camo
UP a"d took position south of Burnsido,
approaching tbo town from tho south along
the Baxter road. On Thursday
..,,, ,, n c j .
suuugn unuua, niu iiuuicuurii!.u&, , sur
prised tho 7th Now York Rcgimcnt,which
was out on picket in front of Hancock's
lines, and captured threo or four hundred
prisonors. On Friday morning by an
equally sudden attack Burnsido oapturcd
tho two rodoabts in his front, with four
jguns and four hundred prisoners. Tho
prisoners he sent to tho rear, ani
them tho battle-flags of tho New
"giraent, which ho succeeded in re-cap
turing. Tho Confederates, howevor,open
cd a brisk fire, which forced them to re
treat and givo up tho redoubts, and enabio
them to rctako the guns
On Friday, Wright with tho Federal
trains began to arrive, and J,co s trpops
pouring into tho oity. All tho
i,;i i.i
bo board on tho Richmond Railroad.
Strong demonstrations wero mado against
tbo Confcderato works, bnt nothing could
be acoomplished. Grant began to entrench
A forco of Confederates, north of tbo
Aappomattox, advanced from tho Rich
mond Railroad to tbc line of woiks from
Port Walthall to Dutoh Gap on tho James.
This line is from three to six miles cast
of the railroad and fully protects it, But
lor's forces wero weak, and all but tho
negroes had been withdrawn to attack
Petersburg, and ho rotired beforo tho ad
vance. On Saturday nothing was dono
but skirmishing and digging. Both ar
mies worked hard in tho trenches. On
Sunday morning tho armies maintained
tho 6amo positions. Some attempts by
Butler to advanco to tho Richmond Rail,
road was frustrated. Had bo succeeded,
however, it would havo been of littlo ad
vantage all of Leo's army was at Peters
bueg. Gonoral Grant doos not eeera to intend
another diteot attaok upon Petersburg.
He is apparently oontomplating a flank
movement around tho town by way of
Bermuda Hundred. IIo could easily have
turded Petersburg ono week ago, without
' any loss.
Uilmore, it
seems, has nuar-
relied with Butler, and is renorted to l.nv
j been put under arrest by Button Grant,
it is said, released him. and ordered htm
to Washington. Tho Federal cavalry di
vision under Wilson is; ot Malvern Hill.
Tho Confederates went around it on Fri
day last and fired on tho transports on tho
James, below Bermuda Hundred. Tho
other cavalry division, under Kautz.whioh
wont out from Petersburg, has not beon
hoard from.
On Friday afternoon, a general assault
waa ordorod along tho entire Federal lino.
Warren, Burnsido and Hanoook advanced
to tho attack of tho enemy's works. The
conflict was sovcro and bloody. Tbo works
wero found too strong for capture, After
fruitless strugglos, tho columns woro with
drawn. At dusk tho Confederates began
a heavy cannonado, and as soon as it was
oomplotoly dark thoy mado an attaok up
on Burncido'a position. After a short con
flict thoy captured a portion of a Michigan
regiment, and forecd ilumsido to rctiro
from his outer lino of entrcnchmcnls. The
result of Friday's hattlo was unfavorabln
to Grant, and ho mot with sovoro lossos.
Just boforo daybreak on Saturday, tho
Confederates withdrew from tho portion of
Burnsido's earthworks thoy captured on
Friday night.
On Saturday morning a division of
Wright's corps oamo up and look position
north of Hancook, on tbc bank of tho Ap
pomattox. At daylight tbo contest again
oponcd, Tho wholo Federal lino was or
dered to advance Tho enemy offered t
stronnous opposition as on Friday. II an
cook and Wright mado a littlo progress,
but a Confederal battery on tho north
bank of tho Appomattox, which threw
shells noross tho rivor, mado nearly all tho
ground they took untonablo. Burnsido did
not ndvanco at all. Warren, on tho south
em flank, found very littlo opposition,and
advanced across grain fluids for about half
a milo. 1 hero was a lull until noon. A
second attack was then mado. Hanooek
and Burnsido charged tho enemy's works
in their front. 'I hoy wero met by a fu
riuus cannonade, and after a brief, ineffec
tual struggle, fell back and gavo up tbo at'
tempt. At six in tho evening, Warren
mado another advanoo across tho grain
field, but ooming suddenly upon rifle-pits
and an abattis, found bis progress oheckod.
no returned to his first position and began
throwing up earthworks. During Satur
day night the entire Fcdoral army was en-
gagod in entrenching. No Confodoiato at-
taks were mado, however. Tlio losses of
tho Federal army during tho day wore
quite heavy. Tho battlorcsultod in slight
advances of tho two flanks. Tho centro
remained in its old position.
On Sunday very littlo was dono. Skir-
mishiug and picket firing continued. Tho
Confederates in front of Warren advanced
so close to his lines that it was dangerous To that end resort roust bo had to a
to movo about in thorn, and many Fcdoral draft. But ampld oxperirned has now
soldiers were killed. On Sunday night an shown that tbo pecuniary exemption from
attack was made upon Bursike, but it was scrvic0 (rlulrntes tho obj00t of tho enroll
repulsed. In tho afternoon Grant sent a mont law by furnishing money instead of
flag of truco to Leo, asking for a cessation men.
of hostilities to bury tbo dead. It was re . An additional roason for repealing tho
fused. On Monday morning there was a exemption clauso Is that It is contemplated
littlo caunonading, but nothing ofimpor-'to mako tho draft for comparatively a
portanco occurred. Tho Federal lossos short term. Tho burden of military ser
during Friday and Saturday wero very J vico will therolore bo lightened. But its
heavy. Warren roports a loss of two certainty of furnishing troops is an abso
thousand j Hancook forty-two hundred. ut0 essential to success.
Tho other havo not reported. Tho Con- j I juvo tbo )lonor ,0 bo your obodl0iu
luuuruws uuiu mo norm uans ot inc Ap-
pomattox all tho way from Petersburg to
Port Walthall, and havo batteries in po
sition which annoy tbo northern flank un
dor Hancook and Wright very much. Tho
railroad between Petersburg and Richmond
is in tho possession of the Conftdorates. 1
On Thursday tho Confederates oapturod
four hundred prisoners from Hancock.
Some changoa havo taken placo in
Grant's command within tho last fow days.
Butler has hoen virtually relieved from
command. All his troops, with those for -
morly under Gilmore, havo been furmod
into tho 10th Corps, under Gen. Brooks.
Butler will command at Bermuda Hun-
dred, and superintend tho receipt of sup -
1 r. ...
nnil llnni.n ll.annn ... . 1 . .
uuu v. tuw hi ijuucj ia iu fcciutiurrry uuiu
mand of his corps.
Thcro aro rumors in circulation of a de
feat of General Hunter. Tho abscnoo of
authent;c Intelligence from his command,
causes them. Ho loft Staunton somo timo
sinco and went wost. After marching
come distance ho turned southwest towards
Lynchburg, IIo was at last oacouuts,
(through Confcderato channels) about ton
miiea from Lynchburg, where be had hah
ted. A strong forco of tho enemy wus in
front of bim and prcvcr.tod any furthor
progress. When Hunter left Staunton tho
enemy case of tbo town entered it, and
have all tho timo been following Huntor's
roar. He is surroundod, honco tho ab
senco of news.
orqicaii. An oporation was performed
on thu 7th inat., by Dr. Up Do Graff, at i
his infirmary in this placo, upou tbo eyes of
Mrs Ilachol Bruogoss, of Keelorsburg, in
Wyoming county. This lady is soventy
fivo years of ago, and has been totally
blind for a long timo. Tho operation was
performed in tho prcsonco of a number of
our oitizens, who were eurious to know how
tho Doctor does theso things. In less
timo than it takes to relate the facts tho
old lady was ablo to sco as woll as over,
discerning all objeots in tho room. The
circumstances of hor visiting tha Doctor
was not from any faith that she might a
gain bo mado to seo but, as sho said, to
please a lady who had been troatod and
cured by tho Doctor, who had so constan
tly urged tbo matter that'sho finally agreed
to get rid of this teasing. When this old
lady was operated upon, and was enabled
again to soe tho glorious light of day, it
was strange to see hor break out in csta
cics, blessing the lady who had boon in
strumental in getting lr r hero, almost
foregetting her real benof ictor, tha Doctor.
This is but a Bingle instuuoc among tho
hundreds who are under treatment in this
Institution. Tho blind ami deaf will do
well to bearthis in mind. Luzerne Union.
What a pacifying effer t upon tht rebel
lion tho Baltimore resolution deolaring
that slavery shall destroyil, will havo, to
bo sure ! If human nattu o is what it usod
to bo, tbo blood of hundreds of thousands
of our people must atone ir thoso foolish
the draft.
The Secretary of War and the Provoit
Manhal General concur in ailviswg
tfr Repeal of the $300 Exemption clause.
Washington, Juno 8.
Tho following was laid by tbo Speaker
boforo tho Houso-to-day, and was referred
to tho Committco on Military Affairs t
JbtVie Senate and House oJleprscntatives:
I have tho honor to submit for tlio con
sideration of Congress a letter nnd incis
ure from tho Scbretary of War, with my
conouricnoo in tho recommondation their
in mndo.
Washington, D- C, Juno 8th, 1801.
Washington Citv June 7th,1884
To the President i
Sin t I beg loavo to submit to you a
report mado to mo by tho Provost Mar
shal General, showing tho result of tho
draft now going on to fill tho deficion oy
in quotas of certain -Statos, and recommon
dation a repeal ol tho clauso in tho En
rollment Aot commonly known as "tho
throe hundred dollars clause" Tho rco
ommendation of tho Provost Marshall Gen
eral is approved by this Department, and
I trust that it will bo rccommondod by
you to Congress
Tho recent successes that havo attonded
our arms lead to tho hopo that, by main-
taing our military strength and giving it
such inorcaBo as tho extended field of op
erations may require, an ecrly termination
of the war.may bo attained, But to ao -
complisli this it is absolutely necessary
that efficient moans bo taken with vigor
and promptness to keep tho army up to its
strcngtb,and supply deficiencies occasioned
by tho losses in tlio Cold.
Secretary of War.
WAn Depautmbnt, 1
Provost MaushAu Genii ai.'s Obficb,
Washinuton, D. C, Juno 0, 1801. )
To Hon. linwiN M. Stanton, Seo. of War.
Sir In accordance with tho amended.
cnroiimetu act, approved lebrnary 24th,
-804, and your orders on tho subject, 1
. am D0W C0Dducling J"ft in various sub
distict for tIleir r.spcotivo dofioiencies od
! fluotas of lrooPa ''"etoforo assigned. Tho
I "suits of this draft, so far as shown by
I lhe roPorta to lLU dal0 ar0 wortliy of
tontim1, Thy brpfly nro 08 follow3 :
! Nu,bl.r,mi,u.j for pliyelcil, ji8U)lmr.
4, 1174
7 Old
I U..I1 uuiuuur V WlllUltlll.
Number paid comminution money,
Number r.'hobavu furnithcd nubtlltulo.
Number hold foracrrieo,
This last includes somo who
pay commutation monoy.
Total not exempted, 7
These reports oomo from sub-dirrtriots in
eight difforent States.
I invito your attention n tho Bmall r ro
portion of soldiers being obtained unilorlbo
existing law. I soe no reason to beliovo
that tho army can bo materially strengthen
ed by tho draft so long as the 300 olauso
is in force : nor do I think it safe to as
sume that tho commutation paid by a draf
ted man will enable tbo government to
procaro a voluntocr or substituio in his
I do not think that largo bounties by tbc
United States should bo again resorted to
for raising troops.
i reeommenutnat tho Threo Hundred
Dollar Olauso as it is known, bo repoaled.
j. am, sir, very rcspocuuily,
Your obediont servont,
Signed JAMES B. FRY,
Provost Marshal General.
tSS" Tbo Mooting', of tbo Domocralio
National Convention, has been postponed
from the 4th of July, to Monday, tho 20th
ot August, at Uhieago
In Kapy, on tho Oth int., by Her, Tuckrnmiller, Mr
Cyrus Alclltiii), of Orangu twp and Mim Kcbccca
Ilagenbuch. of Centre twp., nil of Col. co.
On tha 16th int.,nt Still wnttr. by IW.Button. Mr
UvlnBslon lthono, to Mim Mary farmeter, both nf
vol. CO.
At tho rcaldcnconfMr. Ell Harlman, in r.nny, by the
llev. 1). H. Tucki-nmlllcr. Mr. Aniasa Wblli'iilfht, of
iirinmcn ip an. i .uu euaan tvaiuch, ol Uvpy.ccl'
county,, r.i,
At nioomnburg. cn the 15th inat.. ISilzabetli Wllliti,
daughtur of Dr. J. II, & Mury II. McKuIvy, nged 4yra
and 3 days.
In Mlftlln Iwn.. Col. to.. Jnnn un, air n'-.
Fry, aged 35 years. '
Mr. SmiiKi. gMim, n rcipcclablc nnd wealthy
nf Mifflin totnhip, Columbia counly, aged 7.1 yeara ,
tvna killed nn Fiidav of Ian wrrk. nn ihn li,ii,.,,..i 1
neur llauvillu.
r -"-"T-fr. ri ii iiirTHTBiiiaiiiiTiaawiaiai--i"r-TijtueauBuuMa
PEItSONS knowing thcnuolvea iudfbti-rt to Hi.BbPr
in Miller.on eoitb.ara rcqulrad Immedlatly tonav
tbo tamo to Iba uuder.igiicil.
June, Sj, ISC J.
Estate or John Cox, deceased,
T .Iri;nT,Efili3, ,f oiiDis'rntion on tho
1j hitaton JolinCoi, latuof llomlock town.hip,
,, .e i.. u?'bu f?un,J' ,n uio undcr.igned i ro.
aiding ii lllonn, owniliip all peraoni having claim.
agalnat lhe e.latu of the decedent nro requeued In
present llieui to tho adminUtrator , without delay, and
al) peraona Indebted to m.ko payment forthwith.
, ,.i . Levi cox, AdDi'.
toiuiiiuin couniv. neee.Keri. h.u. i.u.. ....
777S old ettuUithed, thoroughly tried
Remedy, rtcommended by tome of the most
eminent Pliyideiant, has attained a celebri
ty in most parts of the country, in curing
Bcrofuloui Horea, Ucria or Urytlpalas, Bonlixl tlrail
duJ Mug Warm, Tuttci o; Sail llkium OeUtor or H deli
cti Nock, (in coanunn with unr Amcrltnti fomMoi) cu
roblo (,'aucartand Cuuaeruua Poroi, lllnlu or tlolU,
Cliroulo Ukctolud Bora,
A Jffl
1 No,0i Mouln nmt titom. Syphilis m aim forint,By
phlllca or nmrccirlal Boro moiilh, and thront, chrodlo
ulceration of thu Litagi, etninaohand KlJnojs, I'iiu
p!o., rostune", and Ulntchoa. Uhiiumatlim, Fgmnlo
Woaknon. Doucorrhoca, (arl.lnn from Inturnal ulcera
tion) I)roty.Oun)"l llrblllty,EineraUon nnd alldli'
arso of tbo
In cases of CostlvencsB or Constipation it
1U lull J In lit action. Junl tufflolciM to raalato tho
ton ell and kwp tliuin rnular. ll unllKa all prepi
ration) for tho lllond. harlng ho latutlou pri'prly
combined, Aa It toiilollu
Wild Cherry, Mandrake and Datkltlion
pi cpai ed in a tcicnlifte manner
t works wonderfully in cus
t of chnmic affections
of the
Chronic 1'IMW, and permanently cured by UioAlfr
native nud Laxatlon alTjct osa grout fsatuto In It, j
produaaa nn j
frnni tha eoHimcnceinont-ln rlioit It la a cry llnuTon-ie-
Ita palataala ami ran bu takan by tho uniitdcl.
icata Femaloor Child, It bolng purely tcgatablo tbuto
will bo no harm dono la taking ll, IMhore la nolncffl
Prepared by
Dr. E. W. Weils',
Practical Physician
OFFIOIi ovor L. 0. 1'ains Store,
Maukbt Stiiekt.
For Sale by all Drugpists throughout
the Country.
V.B. Evi3ry ogent la authorliad to fofund thu money
nhuo tha compound falln to rcllovo. Full Dircctian.
aeeompany earli bottlu In Englnh, Froneh aud tier
man, N B. No Carthbtio modicino Is re
quired. In troating Fivo thousand cases,
I havo nevor known a caso to require
Physio, or havo I evor known it to fail in
thoroughly romoving tho disoasoa. As I
devoto all my timo nt tho study and troat
niont of Diseases Olf TnK BLOOD- I
am prepared to givo adviro (gratis) by op-
' plying to my office or by lottor, aocom
I J ""m
named by a Stamp,
J '
B. W. W13LLS,
M. D
"' "-'W"r
Public Sale
Valuable Real Esto
n pursuance of an order of tlio Orr.'
Court nf Columbia coilhty, on' ' 1
Saturday, the (th day of August, i
at lOa'cldek in tno rnrcnoon, Jnman .Murphy n,j.
tralof or Hamuli II. Alt', lalo nr tIaI.Dn i-iw,,,),
ahl county, iloefamili will nttini. to talo. by i. mi llu nrnmlinJ. II P.floln ' "
Tract of Land
illuato InMaillinn hnvm'ilH In enM County, (!,,
on tho Kn.t by land i.f John flnllh. on ilm p ?
land ofJftmca IlilJInc, on thi 'V0t by lanj nf m .
Ih)ucliriy, and uu lliu North lr I.11M ofChjuU. i !.
Eignty-iour ij-crcs,
nroro of Im. wh'roiMi aro nrotled
roii aro nrotled n fraino qwi,
ulalile, ii wi'll with pumni
buu.a ana n rrnuniati
y outip op" ortuard-
llin lliir-UHdil1
d I'erthu payiumilof tho attl( ' ih'J Kitalfl if aald dtM'nBod. Itnntc In tha to.
i 111 n ef Stadium audanuuty trforjuild. '
j ji'jiks fot.intAjr,ci.t,
iT.n.TIli Tn nur c-int of oite-f.iurth of thu nu..i..'.
moni'y. paid doivu on day nf imlu-Tlw balaiica of it
imo.fortli at e-nlirmallou j mid thi ri'iiialnln) ti,,"
ferltn, lu ono year with latiro.t from connruiullm
lloomibarj, lano a. inui.
Public SaSo
it ii nam in niui mn
N pnr6unnco of on order of tho Ot
plmin' Court or Columaln eounty, on
SnturtKiY, July 9, 48111,
ntlOn'cloali In tlnforannoa, J0OII ItAlf .MAW.Ji
lulnlntrntor of tb ui-tato of MCflll IIAHTM U,
of Montour comity, dicaafod. lll itp t to nli.j,
puMIc vcndiii-. un tha pri-iiili,. corlalii ir.ut of In,
iiluali- In tlrmiiicR tnwu.hlp, Columbin coji ty.boijtj
nl by I a ml f Jotrph Muu.i'i. land of llflu of I) a I ,,
Applenian. nnd ottior', Niiilaliiliiir
mnroor tail, renorvln? to tlx lllowiibur? Hall ft,t
Iron Company nil tho Iron tlro.nn tku rt , t to d,.
luinu and tarry away Ibo .aiuu.iind nil lliu tli icr t
d forinlnhiK puru.ii, und lliu riRlit tu cat ,;iH,,
tlm kbuiu, toRfthi-r ith froo Ingrci., cr' Mlrt
iru.i for thu abnru purpuaea, Wln.ruiu la ct ii.j
n vlory nnd a half fraiiii
und olhor out-lmlliUngs, UUCIIAIil), Woll nr.
i,f Walur. '
A1J50 A ccrtalii Troitof I.nnd. .Itnaro In
tup', Columbia county, linunilfil by Iihi Ih
iui a:
lou-ior lUllil. in imyior miniver, liiinii n'
llatluiaii, and lainlj nf thu huirn of Ualtli Ap
rnoru particularly dotcrlhrd n rnllniT: lljll
n pail lliulimnf Joi-i.'ph Mauvr, thunrn by
A llnylnr uorth Hi 1-4 wiV(t, lUti.l pi-rilms lu ,
Uioncii bv llaylur t (iuliivcr north V U4oa
Jt ll
purcbu. to Hdiii.'i, llmnm by W in. Ilnrtuiiiii,
I'll iirc.t 57,5 purclmi to aituno, ttiui:'j by im --.
) i. caat, ilJ purcho. ton .toiii), thrncu by lln
plvmun'i boi's i until eii 1-4 wont, purcliu. to m
tliuiito by other lands of nii.l ducujHud IMIL ti
im.rt. III purcliaa to lioi;lHiilnj.
I.alu the enlala cf naid ilriuamd, itltaalp In It n,
of llauiloifc, uu coniity ufuronld
jutai: cohiiUAN, i n
Couditlom uuido nnomi on day of nulu. oy
JACOU llArI'MAM, .ait
Ooomfcburs, JaiM 11, ltOK-H
TrtKCOUNTT t:()MMIiartNKIW 1ll rn.' iii
po.aU ut thu llon.u uf Jntfuph k'tioouuiKcr . fi
towu.biu, Columbia .uUMly, bi'twuvu Mi i b .i. - .1
iAIocH, A.M., and I I'. U.. ou fATCHI) A. . i.t.
ilny of JUI.V iiH. rnr l.ulluin an ODIN
Illtlllininyor thu Wvil llnauh of little KliHU.iit.i
In ..Id tnw n.liip, ncarlliilip Khniikar.
Haid Uridiit to b H fel betwunn abut jn.ti 'i
14 fiel ;, I) IVi I und 0 imbei from lo ih,
niiftK ; tha utiutmiHli tubj 0 tot UlliJi, and 'It 1,1,
nnd iur nlug-wall., on tlm n-irtlr afdo. l-J fn j
tlio lunar wiuicwhll, uu roolh Mo, W Ciel '.I
niu$ walla to bo 1 fact lliuk .
l'lan and . u.uill.atloni can b 6iiii Kh) r
plusii of lutllna.
r,j nrdurol tbo Cuuuly dwiraliiMivia.
' . U,U. fKMlY,(M
(.'ririii,lBUii.f.' OI3e, i
lllooraobiiif, Jumj la. '01 j
I New Cash 8 (ore!
AT LOWKli Ll.Vlli BID tjli, PS?:,'
Imi Hule(.lgrHJ, oaring oa&p K"bfJ ftvlt .
hl.iru lloiiw, at kow.r I.imn Klilou. In Cvtti..
hlilp, Cnliiitmia rouuty, ra., takn pLuciirt In vi'i..
mi to tlmir frmudi aiH tha publlo utiirrully .bat
luiu J Ji upenvd n
; Consisting of Clothes, O-silfuarj, fiill
, Muslins, SaltiuoltJ', Latlio's Vtan
GooiU, Gontlenien's Clothing,
and In short everything uti
ally kept In any Oouutfy
Dry Good and Varioty Eto.
SALT, &C , &0.
Hatsf & Caps
All of which itlll b .old oj thoifiHi oan b prtb
fi Buttor, Eggs, Moat, Ural '
Country produca taken In oxohanjft 1
Goods, and for which tho. hlghesirrul
prioo will he paid.
GivousaoalJ. No chargo for (J
ing our goodB, but it will aford tM fl'
urn to havo them cxaplnod aud
Lowor Limo Ridgo, )
Juno 18, 1801. I
h U. HARRISON, M. i-
WOULD reipcctfulty inform thacllUmnJ
burg.and iejnity,thathj r.ontlnuo.'tlio p
imilKlKK .1X11 MWOKHY,
.nil lli.I,a b .I.. -Tr ....
iirriiw. oiiMBjnHlrw-t. dw Iiorm iMtirw
,naiy ui niiDiie nairoiiaud.
tlm (
il.mke. IHun