AGRICULTURAL. - - - - WORK FOR TUB FARM. BARN AVI) amnrtir mn oiuuiv xaivu. , At thin season, work acoumula.cs fas- ... , , ,i ler inai ll Cltn DO dOllC, as a general rnlo. A week of rain puts ovcry thine rin'oV r.n.1 (Lor, ... . .1 Jn ., V. " . '"""I u" "" I latal Consumption r mil mil nnali fnrw-iril vncrpsnlinn on tint Those wno should bu watnod by these symptom, gen. SOU anil pUSll lorwaru VCgCSatlon BO tnat rrally think Ituhtly or thorn until it in tci Into. From urtrtnv n ftrmnr naU nnrvnita inr1 liulf !V I thin fact, perhaps more thnn any other, tho sad many a iarmor gei nervous ana nsit siOK,(provM(.11(.0'nnil'falam, of dlica,e whC iWCep,to wnrrsjinrr OTfir iinsvn r ah n Ha hva. Anv j a - j j mm ntin hm Inn nrlliTsn rVima nnrl no. man wno nas two or tnreo teams, ana as many as four or five hands to keep cm ploy oil, may noil sparo himself much pbysieal labor whilo bo plans for tlio con stant and diligent employment of his men and toatnB. If ovory laborer knows ex- SOtly What IS expected Of Dim, that an ac - . . , . . , , i it Count Ol D.13 time IS Kept, and ttiat bis ... , . , , , , . .. Wasted hours and minutes COtint to hlS 013- credit, if not to the decrease, of his wages, ho will be very likely to" bo a bottcs and more faithful servant. Tho amout of labor accomplished under a systematic plan (according to which tho work not only of sach day but each man and team is laid out in gcnoral a week ahoad, w know to be tho casa on somo farms,) it is much greater than when tho farmer plans hi day's work during tho evoning before, or perhaps defers it until after aunriso in tho morning. Barn yards ought to bo so drained that all the waBh may be saved, not by lead ing ii out upon some piece of grass, but so that tho liquid may bo used for wetting the vegetable of the garden, or for distribu tion by means of somo sort of watering cask, over grass, grain or root craps in the field. Strong fences, clean sheds, and tidy tool houses ought to surround tho barn-yard, and every preparation should bo made for making and saving manure in tho very best condition for uso. WATERING HORSES. The quantity as well as quality of wat er given a horso will greatly affect his condition. Perhaps no animal is more distressed by thirst than tho horse, a fact not generally known or if known, not fully appreciated. Horses should bo watered regularly, when not at work, provided in tho latter ease, that caro is taken not (o let him have it when overhoatcd by work. Irregularity in tho supply of water is of ten followed by a refusal to partako of solid food, and moro frequently by colie and founder, in consequenco of his drink ing inordinately when an opportunity off ers. For horses, when they arc not at work, it is perfectly safe to keep a supply of puro water always within their reach ; but, as beforo remarked," there is some danger in this plan when they are worked or driven,and aro likely to bo ovcrhoated There is a very certain way of deter mining when a horso has been neglected. If tho master, on entering the stable and lifting tho water bucket, finds the animal placing himself in an a'ttitupe of expecta tion, and eagerly gazing upon tho vessel, it ia point blank evidenco that his usual supply of water has been withheld "Whenever it ii possible, let the horse have water from a running stream. CULTURE OF TOMATOES. Tho following, which we copy from the Gulturist, will possess an interest to agri culturist and gardeners who peruse our paper : "There is a diversity of opinion In Jro gard to tee culturo of tomatoes. Some prefer to allow tho vines to cover the ground at will, others prefer trellises or frames. Tho French method ia as fol lows s As soon as a cluster of flowers is visible, thoy top tbo stem down to the dus ter, so that tho flowers terminate the stem. Tho effect is, that the sap is immediately impelled into the two buds next below the duster, of flowers each. When theso are visible, the branch to which ttiey belong is also topped down to their level,and this is dono fivo times successively. By this means the plants becorao stout, dwarf bushes, not above eighteen inches high. In addition to this, all the lalterals that have no flowers, and, after tho fity topp rng,all the latterals whatsoever aro nipped off, In this way the ripo sap is directed into the fruit which acquires a beauty, siza and excellence unattainable by any other moans." FEARFUL ENCOUNTER WITH A .MAD BULL. Mr. Jobn Warner, a maH sixty-four years of ago ; living in tho town of Sere na, Ohio, lait week, had a narrow esoapo from being gored to death by a young biUl- Going into his t wyard, tho bull mado & rush at him and threw him down with his horni two or thrco times, whon Mr. W. managed to grasp hira by ono or tiin fnro loirs nnrl liv i dnmAs.ii, i! - xp.u,u cioriiQu A tnrew mm down, llo then taught him by tbo noso and by main strength lield him fla on tho faco. Ho then drew a jaok knife from his pooketbut dared not release bis hold upon tho bull wbilo he opened if i - . ..... a young isay living in tlio family having heard him call, cmo just then and ooenod ,i. i, ',, J.r. 1 , uu wpuuu tne K0II0, and With this, although It was SUitO dull. Mr V out ll, nnimnl'c ihmit unu uu)i,iur, y. cm me animal s tnroat. t was a narrow escape, and but few men would have bad the nervo nnd good man- tgemeni to get Out of a bad scrape SO ea I Bily. ' i DR. WISHART'S FINE TREE TAR CORDIAL is llic Vilal Principle of tlio rino Tree Obtained by n vcenllar process In the distillation of the tar. by which us highest inciliclnnl properties nto retained. ll li the modlclno that cute, when nil others havo , , , .... A (ireat Remedy for Consnmpllon. I I nm constantly receiving such certificates as the lfTvcn?onlft'cou0hiMiiv0 vo sore Throat i itnv 1 J" M "f tlio premonitory symptoms of that most "i? grave at icasione-aixin 01 ucaun victims, What nro Its symptoms I It usually begins with a short, dry cough, which soon betome, i,iunnu but for soma time nothing i raised except a frothy mucus. Tlio hrcnthlng la somewhat difficult, and upon slight exercise much hurried. A sense of tightness and oppression as tlio chest Is often I felt. As IIiq disease advances tho naticnt becomes tlit ii In flesh Is iflllcled with loss of appetite great langnr, Indolence, and dejection of spirits; and may continue In tills state forn considerable length of time, thai it is very readily affected by slight exposure or laiigou. ii incse occur, inocougn Heroines more iron. t.lnlilA nA tm Ctnniln.l tullh ...In.ill.N wl.l.h 1. 1 most copious and free very early In the moriiiiig. It 1 1 sometimes streaked with blood. At this stogo night. I sweats usually set In, and in sonin cases a profuse bleeding of tho lungs may also occur. 1'aln In some Innrtoftho chest l felt, and often a difficulty of Ivlnr upon one or me ouier sine, wimoui swvere mi 01 I coughing or n senco of fullness or suirouitlon, Is ex perienced. Tho pulse becomes full, hard, anil frequent the hectic flush tinges tho cheeks, and the dira malady is insi Hastening to us close. You now nsk. "Is there a cure I" Consumption has been nnd can be cured by the uso of my TAtiuonotAt., even in npparantly nopelcss cases. This nsscrtion I make with the ability to present the most complete evidence ofthe truth. Space will not admit of my giving the contents of the many thousands of testimonials to Its value, which I havo been and am receiving from men and women of unquestionable worth and reputation, I havo had a number of these certificates printed in circular form which I wilt send you freo on application Whether you now determine to try the medicine or not, send for the circular. After years of study and experiment, I olfer this medicine, believing it to be the best remedy for nil pulmonary and bronchial diseases. If von cannot be benefitted by tlio use of the Tar Cordial, I believe you nro beyond all earthy aid. Yet If there nro belter curate ogents, I earnestly advise their use. Tho best remedies, tho best care, are needed by (hose nfllirlcd with this dis ease, lieleving this to be tliu best, 1 nsk you to try it. Mnny, not only ofthe people, but physicians of every school and practice, are daily asking me, "What is the principle or cause of your success in tlio treatment of Pulmonary Consumption t" My answer Is this : The invigorntinn of the digestive organs thestrcng. thenlng of the debilitated system the purification mid enrichment of theblooi), mil ft expel from the system the corruption which scroful.i breeds. Whilu this la utUctud by the powerful alterative (changing frfliifdis case to health) properties of tho Tar Cordial, Its heal, lug and renovating principle is also ncting upon tho irrlnled surfaces of the lungs and throiit. penetrating to each desensed part, rolieving, subduing infliiinnlinu and restoring a heulthfut tendency. Let this two-fold power, the healing and tho strengthening, continue to net in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, if he has not too long delayed a retort to the iiu'ims of cure. JBF.WARE OF COUNTERFEITS. The genuine has thu name of the proprietor and a pine tree blown in the bottlo. All others are spurious imitations. l'mcii Fifty Cents axd Dollar i-eu Bottle. Prepared only by tho proprietor, Ur. L. il I;. MSHART, No. 10 North Second St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. For Sale by all Druggists. Dccembcir 10. 18(53 (Jin. rHOSPECTUS of the cheat national work, HISTORY (CIVIL, POLITICAL & ilHLlTARF,) OF the Southern Rebellion Comprehending, also, All Important Slate Tapers (Confederate and Federal.) All Ordinances of Se cession, I'rocecdlngs of Congress (Rebel and I-ederal.) Remarkable Speeches. 4:c . together i with official Reports of Commanders, Army and Navy statistics. Maps, &s BY CRVII.LE J VICTOR, To bo Complotcd In 3 Volumes, Super Royal Octavo. Beautifully Illustrated ivith tiled En gravings. Maps, &'c. Prrr,l r.r,e,r, f .1,!. 1. l, T i-,; ,i "no nwin, vy uuiin ItOQF.RS, and other first-class artists Volumes I and II Now Ready. This truly National Work characterized by a leading Journal as the "Paragon of Histories," has now taken Its place hi literature as thu Jistory. parcxccllence.of tho Great Rebellion. It lias received (as will bo seen by reference to the letters and nolices subjoined) the endorsement of tho lending men nnd Hie leading Jour nals of tho country, It is communded by those most qualified tojudge, as such a Record ofthe Rlse.l'rogrcss and Remits of the War for the Union us every Intelli gent citizen should possess. As title Indicates, its covers the ground ofthe, Re bcllion, as well in its Political and Social as in its Military aspects, ll deals, In chronologic order, with the open and the secret movement forSctcssion in tho several States; it comprehends the proceedings of Hie proceeds of the Montgomery Convention nnd of tho Confederate States' Congress ; all proceedings in tho ledcrnl Congress relating to tho questions ofSecession and full reports ofthe great Debates, Resolutions, Reports &c, .all tho Messages, Proclama tions, &e. ofthe President ; thus proving ,i complete, compendium of the political phases of the attempted revolution. As a record of the stupendous Military and Naval Features ofthe Kcbcllion, it will boull that could bo desired full, authentic and graphic leaving nothing unsaid whlxli is necessary to render it the hest and most satisfactory History of tho' War for the Union which will be presented for the oatronairo ofibn An, it. lean People. Most of two volumes will be duvotcd to tlio Operations of tho army and Navy. As each vol nine contains more letter press than any two volumes of other professed "Histories" now tillered to tho public, it will be perceived that this Croat Work on tho score offulnes. and coiiiplethesswill challenge all -comparison. The Entiro History willbo compriscdln thrcoSupcr- Itoyul octaco volumes, of about COOO pages each beauti. fully printed, in double columns, from specially pre. pared type. The amount of matter In each volume is .... , . vw...i,.. v, ii. uiti.tiui J miliar UUOK8 thus in tnroo volumes tho aulnnr will have ample space to consider every event fully nnd satisfactorily, should the war drags its slow length along through the year. The work can only ho had ofthe canvasser. It is not sold by "the Irode." All who wish to becomo pos sessed of it should avail themselves ofthe First prop, ositiun of thu agent. Each volume is guaranted to bo coual, in nil respects to the specimen copy exhibited by the agent. JAS; D. TORRE Y, Publisher 13 spruce St N Y, Adress correspondence to EDWARD HOVEY, General Agent, 13 Spruce St, N, Y. First-Class Canvassers Wanted JAMES V. KEELEIl Agent, forColumbin Co. Woy 21, ItHil. 3w 1864. . .864. PHILADELPHIA k ERIE SAX lJk DK, O & S . This great line traverses the Northern nnd North, west counties of Pennsylvania to tho city of Erie, on Lake Eric. It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It Is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Emporium, (1115 miles) on tho East ern Division, und from Shellield to Eric ,7a miles) on thu Western Division, ' T1MSI Or PASSENOER TRAINS AT H0RTU0M BORLAND. .Mail Train leaves, East 11 Si A, N. Express Train " " 10 37 P, M, Mall " " West 5 ii Express " ' is A.M. Curs run through without ciunoi both ways on tliem trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and llaltiuioro and Lock Haven. New and elegant Sleep. Ing Car.arcompnning the Express Train both ways between WIIII.nnf.port anil Ualtiuiorc, and Williams port and Philadelphia, For Information respecting Passenger business, ap plyatthe S. E.Cor. Ilth and Slarkct Sts. Andfor Freight businessof thu Company's Agents S. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market Sts., i'hil'a J, W, Reynolds, Erie. J. M. Drill, Agent N.C. It: R., nalliinnro. II. II. Houston, Gen'l. Freight Agt . Philadelphia, Lewis I,- Houpt, Gen'l. Ticket Agt. Philadelphia. Josejih I). Potts, Gen'l. Manager, WIHiumsport. May71oti4. ' HORTICULTURAL ADVERTISER, tjoOK FOR EVERY LOVER OF FLOWERS. Flowers for the Parlor and Garden. BY EDWARD V, RAND, Jit, A splendid illustrated volume on the culture of Greenhouse, Conservatory, Slove, Parlor, and Garden Flowers ; Ferns .llulbi, &c. Instrurtiuns and plans on thO building, stocking, and Icennllii f:nn..rn.ln,li.. uivciiuousea, c.; ,v auonian cases, f erneries. &c.i brecniiauicfl. &r Wn Inn soli fonhe Fiowir carded f List of best Plants and ?.fed,r ll0Wt? i"0PI1''u iime of planting ami flower- lne, In short, every nforinatlon needed by the ai.iat. cur or the most experienced gardonc It is a volume ,0"r nee,1;d," ,lina ,ho KHhor's liigh reputation in these matters will insure a work that will supply every wnt' Turkey, Jim.1" 82,50 ' bl,f-",f' fu" Hld the principal book nnd ss.d .tores, and "0n,0bny """ by ,he pwir. J, u. timo.m u co UP DE GRAFF'S EYE AM) EAR INFIBIRAHY, (On the Square, 'Ihrco Doors from Steele's Hotel,) WILKESBARRE, PA. millS INSTUT10N is now onened and JL furnished In the- most costly style, Reception,, t'rivatennd Operating Kerns nro large, convenient and. wen nuapicu, me nurgicat apartment contains inn finest collection of Instruments In this country, and thus his faculties will cnalito him to meet any and all emergencies In practice lie will operate upon all the various forms of IIMNDNESS, Cataract, Orcluou of tho 1'upil. Cross Eyes, Closure of tho 'fear llucti, In version of tha Eyelids, Pterygium, fit., fee. And will treat nil forms of Mores, Eyo Uranuled Mils, Opacctlet of tho Cornea, and Scrofulous diseases of the Ey to gcther with all the diseases to which tin Eye is sub ject. DEAFNESS. Will tieat nil the diseases common to the orgnn. Discharges from tho V.tir, Noises in tho liar Catarrh, dlfllculty of hearlng.tolnl Denfness even whero the Drum Is destroyed. Will Insert an nitlficlal one answering nearly all the purposes ofthe natural. DISEASES OF Till! VllItOAT. All dlseoses com. lumi to the Throat and Vote will be treated QENKItAI. SLtnoEllY.-lle will operate upon Club feet, Hair Up, Cleft I'allate.Tuinnrs, Cancers, Enlar ged Tcncils, o. Plastic operations by hcalihg new llesli into deformed parts, nnd General Surgery of whatever character it may present. IIEItNIA (or UUITUIU:.)- He wilt perforin "I.ablus operation for Hit rvdlcal (complete) euro of Hernia, Ibis Is unquestionably n perfect cure, nnd Is done wlltl little or no pain. Out ofmaiiy hundred operated upnuln lloslon theru has been nn having met the perfect approbation of all who havo submitted toll AI1TIFICAL EYES. Will Insert artificial Eyes giv ing them tho motion and expression of l)ie nutural. They aro Inserted with the lent! pain. rp HEMORRHOIDS, (Piles,) This troublesome disease is readily cured. Those suffering from it will dowel) to call. Dr. Up DeOrnfTvislts Wllkes-Itarre wlthnvlewof building up a permanent Institute for the treatment of the Eye, Earaud (iencral Surgery. Tho experienco of more than n quarter of a century In Hospital and goner. nl practice, ho hopes, will ben sufficient guarantee to iiiosc nnu may ne (imposed to employ mm, May II, liOI.-tf. TO ALL INVALIDS. IRON IN THE BLOOD. It Is well known to tho medical profession that IRON is tho Vital l'rinriplo or Life Element of the blood. This Is derived chiefly from the food we eat i but if llic fuodis nut IironcrlV digested, nrlffrnnisnvrniii uhnt. ever, the neressary quantity of iron Is not taken into me circuiaiion, or Decmncs rcuuccil, tho whole system suuu'iv. inu ian -1101111 win irritato uio Heart, will clog up the lungs, will obstruct tho liver and will send its disease-producing elements to all parts of tho sya tern, and every ono Hill sullcr in whatever organ may be predl-poscd to dlsunse. Tho great value of IKON AS A BIEHIflXE Is well known and acknowledged by nil medical men Uio difficulty lias been to obtain such a preparallnn o It ns will enter the circulation and assimftati-atnnco with thu lllood. This point, saya Dr. Hayes, .Massach usetts State Chemist, has been attained in the Peruvi an Syrup; by combination in a wny before unknown, THE I'EUIVIAIV SVIiUr Is a Protected solution or the Protoxide of Iron a New Discovery in .Medicine Hint Strikei at ilm Il.mi nr nl. flje by supplying tho blood with Its Vital Principle or n uiuiuilt IIUII THE PERCVlin SYRUP Cures Dyspepsia, Elver Complaint, Oropsy Fever and Ague, Loss of Ener)gy, Low Spirits. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses strength, vigor and new life Into the system.and builds irpnii "Iron Constitution. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Chronic Diarrlirra, Scrofula, Roils, Scurvy, Loss or Constitutional Vigor, THE PER U VI AN SYRUP Cures Nervous Affections, Female Complaint, nnd all me niuueys anil iiiaililcr. THE PER Ul'IAN SVRUP Is a specific for oil diseases originating in n bad state blood, or accompanied by Debility ur a Low State of tho System. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and recom mendations from some of the most eminent Physicians Clergymen, and others, nill bf sent Free to any address , o select n few ofthe names to show the character of tho testimonals. JOllNE. WILLIAMS, ESCl., tresidont ofthe Metropolitan Hank, New York. Rev. AUCI, BTKVENS. Late Editor Christnln Advocate and Journal. Rev, P CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle Rev John rierDont. Lewis Johnson. M tv Rev Warren llurton, Ucv Arthur II Fuller, Itev (I union Rubbina, HOsivell Kinney, jj D S K Kendall M I). W R ChWioliH, M D. Francis Dana, M I). Jeremiah Stone, M, D Joee Antu. Sanchei M D. Abraham Wendell M D. A A Ilajea, M I). J It. Chilton, M D. llCV SylvailllsCobb, ucv. y. Starr K In?. Rev l.nhrniin TVute. Jr.. Rev Joseph II Clinch, Rev. Henry Uphaui, Rev P-O Head ev. Rev John W Olmesti'nd, ii, t;. Kinney, M I). ireonrcii nv n . i.a ik a- i?r. ,.i,lo,....i.. J. P.DINS.MORE, No 491 Broadway New York. So.'d by all Drugglsu, No aniilySliould be Wlthoulit, Only 23 cents a box. , , . . OIK S,LE III J. P DINSMORE.No4'Jl Ilrmdway, New York. S W FOWLE & CO No. W Treiiijdnt St llostou And by all Druggists ami Country Slrockecpcrs, May 14. 18d4-I2m. ' Dr WIS ii ART Of tills City, has undoubtedly discovered In his ram. binn.ion for tho treatment or Dyspepsia one ofthe greutest remedies that has ever been given to siifT ering humanity: Hollas treated within the past two years something over ninu thousand cases In his pri vato practice, many of which had defied tho skill of eminent physicians in Europe asd America, and in every casa where tho medicines were taken according to directions, they have made a perfect cure. Many of trio above cases were of ovur twcnly years standing. l lioso who are troubled with Dyspepsia would do well to call at the Doctor's offirc. lie gives you ad vice free. Pcrions at n distance can consult by letter describing the symptoms. Dr. Wishnrt's treatment put up in a secure package, with full. directions, is sent by express nn the rerelnt nf Ait riAlln.a ' .,. , !" "J ." w here tho disease has not become chronic, Dr. Wisharfs Dyspepsia Pills nro all that i '(.quired, bent by mail on tho receipt of One Dollar Address Dr. L. U. C. Wishart, Plilladelphin. 'Asa Mpkia Ledger, Dec. 19, IbU3-Ciii. j.i - .etxr. . fAJ pi w ' I nnn Un,n r r. Cj v JLJ ii U t k5 1 U li H., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE undersigned would inform their friends and the public gencrully.that they Have taken the stand for merly occupied by Geo. M. Ilagenbuch, iu the Exchange Iluilding, on Main slrcct, in Rloomsburg, where he has Just receiveu a full supply of JUrugs, Medicines, Faints, oils, i Lamps, &c, Which will bo sold on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort and site. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, at all times and on short notice, Confectiuneiy of the best selections, and Soihi Water in season. , C7" A share of tho public custom is respectfully so Iclted. EYER tc MOYER. Oloomsburg, April 11, 1863, GnovESTEEN & Co., 409 Broadway, N.Y. NEW. ENLARGED SCALE PIANO FORTES, with all latest Improvements. Thirty years eipericiiee with greatly increased fac lilies fur manufacturing, enable us to sell fur CASH at tho above unusually low price. Our Instruments ru. ceived tho highest nward at tho World's 1'ulr. and for live successlvo years at tho American Institute. Wur ranted five years. Ta.rms net cash. Call or send for descriptive circular. March S, Ibo4.-3ui, STATUS VKIOX HttTEIj. tOO and C08 Market Street, Philadelphia, CHARLES M. ALLMOND, Manager, THIS Hotel is located in the very ccntrn of business and is near the respectacli, places of amusement which mnke it particularly deslrablo to persons visiting Philadelphia on business or pleasure J and the Manager hopes by close personal uttenlinn to tho warns of hl Ins guests to mako it a comfortable homu for much as may favor his house with their patronage. May 7, 18G4,-l!im. WALJLi PAPER. JUBT Received styles of u new assortment of good Wallpaper including Bordering- $ Ceiling Paper, and a general vnriety of material in his line, which will bo found on the SECOND FLOOR immedi ately over tho store of .Mr. L T Sliarplessntranre one door cast of Luu's Drug store, in the Rupert Hlock, where-all persons wi.hirg goods in his lino will be attended to in person at all times StT Paper Hanging executed to order and best style, atslwrt notice. E. J. THORNTON. Hloomsburg, April 0, 1804 3m , - ESPYMHOTEL- rpilE undersigned, having taken tho Espy Hotel, X lately kept by Mr. E Howell, would respectfully onllVno'n' of all w ho may favor him with their cuitoni. uiuiiii ins iricuus auuiiie nuunc in general, tnal no .,.-. juo. u, i.auiiiAonv, Kpy, April!. 1E64. . . BLANK SI BLANKS! 1 Of svery description, for sale at this offieo OF THE Bravo Soldiers nud Sailors HOLLOWAY'S PILLS) AND OINTMENT. AH who havo friends nnd Rclntires In the Army or Navy ihould take espeelalrnrn that they be amply sup. El'eil with these Pills and Ointment; nnd whera flic rave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to provide IhcmsclVFswith tliem, no better present can lie sen them by their Friends. They have been proved to be the So dicr's never falling friend In tho hour of need, COCCUS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS, VViirbn speedly relieved and efTcrlually cured by using these admirable medicines, nnd by paying proper ntlcntlnn to the Directions which nro attached to each Pot or llox. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF AP ETITE, INCIDENPAL TO SOLDIERS. Thnso feeling which so sadden us usually ariefrom trouble or annnynnces. obstructed peisplratlon, or cat ingund drinking whatever la unwholesome, thus dis turbing the healthful action ofthe liver nnd stomach These organs must be relieved, If you desire to be well The Pills, taken according to the printed insrtuctlons, will quickly produce n healthy action In both liver and stomach, nnd, as n natural consequence, a clear head and good appetite. WEAKNESS OR DERII.ITY INDUCED I1Y OVER FATK1UE Will soon disappear by the useof these Invaluable Pills, nnd tha Soldier wilt quickly acquire additional strength, Never let the Rowels be either confined or unduly nrled upon. It may seem strange, that Hot lowny's Pills should bo recommended for Dysentery nnd Flux, many persons supposing that they would Increase the relaxation. This is n great mistakefor these Pills will correct the liver and stumnch, nnd thus remove all thu acrid humors from thu system. This medicine will givo tona and vigor to the whole organic system, however deranged, while health and strength follow ns a matter of course, Nothing will stop the re laxation of tho Uowois so sure as this famous medi cine. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH. Sores nnd Ulcers, tllolchcs and Swellings, ran with certainty bo radically cured, if the Pills arc taken night nnd morning, nnd Ointment bo freely used ns stated in the printed instruction. If treated In any other man ner, they dry ic ia enc part Inbreak out in another Whereas till-Ointment will remove tin; humors from the sy.tem, nud leavo the Patient a vigorous and healthy maii. It will require a little perseverance In had ca ses to Insure a lastini; cure, FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED IIY THE II A YON ET. SAHRi:. OR THE MULLET, SOSES OR 1IRUISES, To which every Soldier and Snllor are liable, there aro no iiiedlues so safe, sure, and convenient, ns Hoi loway's Pills and Ointment. 'I he wounded and almost dying sufferer might have his wounds dressed imme diately. If ho would only provide hinief with this matchless Uintuicnt, which should bo thrust into the wound nnd smeared nil round it, then covered with n plcco of linen from his knapsark and 'compressed with a handkerchief. Talking, night and morning, Our 8 Pills, to cool the system nnd Prevent Inflamation. Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chest should be provided with these valuable Remedies. CAUTION! Nouo aro genuine unless tho nnrds "llollowuys. New York and Loudon " nru ilisci'riinble as a Watermark in every leaf of tho book of ilireitions around each pot or box ; the same may plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information lis may lead to the detection of nn party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Soldat manufactory 01 Professor llolloway, 80 Mladeu Lane, New York, nnd by nil respectable Drug istsniid Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilzcd wo.-ld. E7 Hollowny's Pills and Ointmenf are now retailed owing to the high price" of Drugs, tc, nt 3D cents, "0 cents, and 31.11) ner llov or Pot. ,B3"'I here Is considerable saving by taken the larger sizes. N. II. Directions for tho guidance of patients In every disorder are affixed to each box. IE?" Dealers in my well known medicines can have Show Cards. Circulars. Afe.. sent free f etneim. hw addressing THOMAS IIOLLOWAYi BO aIaidkn Lane, Nkw-York. Dec. 12, 1603. ly. (Juno '.'0, lt-'tK). GIUTON'S Cheap Grocery Store. ALSO HATS, CAPS AND SHOiiS, 'I'llE undersigned having untight out Hip firocery o 1 David Slrniiii, lias removed his Hut and Cap Store up to Stroup's old stand, where In addition to a supe rior assortment of FALL AND WINTER Hats and Caps, 1I11P C0NFECTI0NAR1ES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Surjar, Coffee, Teas, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Duller, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Books. "Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware ami Ceilartvare, Picket A'uives, Combs, rj-c, j-c, tj-c , Together with a variety of articles generally kept in a Store. ' Also-A fine lot of KIDS, MOUOrEOSnnd Lininos to whicli he invites the nt entiou of Slineniir,.ra ,i.. puuiie. ,,, , ... .co JO,,N K UIKTON, nioomsburg, Dec. 5, 1EC3 33LOOMSRURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. THE undersigned Informs the citizens of nioom. and neighborhood, that he has takr n tho largo room at the Exchange Illnck, extending over Harney Stohner llakery, nnd tho Bookstore where ho has nut in alnrgcSkylitlt. It is only hy Skylight that good pic tures call belt ten especially groups where each person can bo takenj 1st as well as separate. Ho has eon to considerable expense to mnko his cs tnblishmeut first class one, and ho Hir f'orc solicits a liberal patro ige toenable him, to cuiislumly introduce the mode l improvements of tho nrt. VJ Conn ,-y produce taken in Exchange for pictures HENRY UOSENSTOCK. liioomiuurg, Nov. S3 1601. Nov. 0 52 WESTER HO 8 Nos. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 Courtlandt Street, NEAR BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY. This old-established and favorite resort of tho Busi ness Community has been recently refuted, and is com plete ill everything that enn minuter to the comforts of its patron.. Ladies and families aro specially and care fully prot ided for. It is centrally located in tho bu-iuees part ofthe city, and is contiguous to the nriiicioal lines r.r ui,-:iiIi,i;ii cars, oinnibusscs ferries, &c. In consequenco ofthe pressure caused by the Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to One Dollar a d 1'ijt.y C cnts jier Bay. The table is amply supplied with all iho lumrlo. r the season, to that of any other hotel in the country. Ample accommodations nru offered for upward of 41)0 guests. u- no noi uencvo runners, liockineii, and others w ho may say "tlio Western Hotel is full." T..OS. . WINc.'Ei'E0"1'' V"f'in' Feb, 13, ISO!. E! P Ml wm & wmi 7 THEProprictorofthis well-known nnd centrally Iocs ted House, tho Eu-hano.: HorLi.. sinint,, m, tviui Slreet, ill Bloomshurg iiiiinediately opnosito the Coluni bia County Court House, respectfully informs his friends nnd tho public in general, that his (louse is now in or der for the reception anil entertainment of travelers who may feel disposed lofavorit with their custom, lie has spared no expense in prepaiing thu ExriiANiiK, for the entertainment of his guests, neither .hull there be any. Ihilie Walllilllt (Oil Ills Ilnrtl In minister In their nrnnnnl comfort, His house is spacious and enjoys an excellent business location. E7" Oinnibusen run at all times between tho Exchange llntul .till (liu .... n-:i ti irt- l ,. . elers will bo pleasantly conveyed to and from the re jiecuve muuuiis in nue iimu to meet tne cars. , WJI. U. KOONS. Bloomshurg, July 7, IffiO. THE GREAT WORLO'S r'AIR EXHIBITION HELD IN LONIION 1KSI. THOS. W. MATTSON Was awarded thr "'lie Med al fur his superiority over all competitions in tha United Slutes for his Improvements Travelling Truuits, He being tho inventor and Manufacturer of Elastic stael Spring solid Solo Leather and solid Riveted Iron Frame Travelling Trunk.,, Ladles Hat Uases, Carpet Rags, Leather Hag., Umbrellas nnd Hobby Horses, XJle ,,t exic.u ire Trunk and Carpet Bag M.nufacliir. nt in riiliaucipiiia. 402 MARKET S1HEET, one door nbeve Fourth, , . South side, PHILADELPHIA. ErTrunk. neaily repaired or exchanged for -new T. Ww-S'o we ,c" n ttKtf (ota,i- t-, lmtmWjirJ i . - . .wac 74 ..V rum TIIBundetslgmMMsMso extensively cngagen In the rr. j..,..t .. n.fn.f. ami keens constantly on hand nd for sale nt Ills Wnrerooms, a large assortment of FINISHED fffCj" OOFFINS, ny which he Is enabled to All orders 3n presentation Also Keeps n good Horso nnd llcarso, and will nt nl rendy to attend Fmcrcl.. r auv& llloomitiurg, January 29. 1850 "VTEW ANDSEOOND HANDSAFES, 1 1 For sale cl eap. at New York Safe Depot, 71 Wil liam Street, New York. A. GREGG. II7.H AND PRICES OF L1LI.IES FIRE PROOF SAFES. OUTS ID F.: iiriour. winm. titrTii. No. SW No. !I '--! !M No. 3 30 54 9.4 Nn. 4 3-J 2d 84 No, 5 34 31 24 No. 0 40 31 !i IJfSlDK: MiinnT. niDTii, dii-tii. No. I 17 H 12 No. 9 101 I -I I I'J No. 3 21- IS 12 No. 4 22 Id El No 5 21 21 14 No. 0 31 21 15 rates. No. 1 $30 Oil No. 2 bO Oil No. 3 70 OH No. 4 MM No. 5 nm on No IIS IK) November 1 1, ldfi.1. ELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS -War- RAnTEn is Lt. Cicvs-Can bo relied on ! Xca or fail to cure! Do nut nauseate I Are spceclv in action! No change of illit required I Do not interfere with hiisinurs pursuits I Can bo used without detection! Upwards of 2uu i ores tlio past month soma of them very severe coses. Over one hundred phyilciaus havo used them in their practice, and all speak well of th-ir efficacy, nud npproo of their composition, which Is entirely venerable, mid harmless on thu system. Hun dreds of certificates can be shown Hell's Specific Pills are therriginnl and only genuine Specific Pill. They are adapted for male and female, old or young, nnd the only rcliah'.c remedy for effecting a permanent and speedy cure In all cases of Sperma torrhea, or Seminal Weakness with all its train of evilsTsucli ns Urethral and Vaginal Discharges, (Meet, the Whites. Nightly or Involuntary Euiis-ioiis. Incon tlnuance. Genital Debility and Irritability, Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Power, Ncrvious Debility, &c, nil of which arii-es principally fromr-'exual Excesses ur Self-'ibiise, or some constitutional derangement, and Incapacitates tlio -ulTcrer from fulfilling the dutie, of married life' In nil sexual diseases, as (innnrrhea, (Heel, and Strictures, and in Diseases of the llladder and Kidneys, they act as a charm 1 Relief is experi enced by Inking a single box. Soul by nil thu principal druggists. Price SI. They will be dent by mail, securely sealed, and con fidentially, on receipt of the money, by J. HRYAN, M. D. No. 70 Cedar St., New York. Consulting Physician for the treatment of Seminal, Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will send, free to all, thu follow log valuable work, in seal ed envelope: Tun FtniLTii TuoisKii-Dn. RELI.'S TREATISE on Self-Abuse, Premature Decay, Impotence, nud loss of power. Sexual Dikeases. Seminal Weakness, .Nightly Emissions. Genital Debility, liic a pamphlet of 01 pages, containing important advice to the ntlticted. and which should be read by every sulf-rer. as the means of cure in the severest stages is plainly set furlh. Two stamps required to pay postage. December 12, Itrb.l-ly, LEATHER I LEATHER!! THE undersigned would announce, that he tins nn hand nthisllatandCau Emporium, on Main St., Illooins burg, niinssurtuicntof different kind of leather, such ns fine calf skins, morocco, (red nudhlncKjnnd IIiiIiiim nil cf .yhicli he will sell cheaper than can he had elsewhere In this market. Call nndexeniiiie tliem for vouri-elves. J0HNK.G1UT0N, Bl.omsburg.May 24, 1864. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLOOMSBVlta, PJt. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charlas R lluckuluw. Rloomsburg, Dec. 4. IHJ'J. 0. PAIL. A, B. TIIOMFSON. PAUL & THOMPSON, WHOLESALE kSlW& DEALERS IN No. 43 North ll'iarves, PHILADELPHIA. (C- R U T T E R. liTEE S E. HAMS, tc c. Tj Nov. 14 Iri'tf-lSmo. Dr. Horlacher's Pamphlet. IS SLAVERY CONDEMNED RY THE III RLE It contains a vast amount of useful information i iitu iu ileitis per copy, March 5, lS04.-liii. JOHN C. YEAGER,' MANUFACTURER ir. WHOLESALE HEALER IN J1ATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, RONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov i. 1803 FRESH ARRIVAL OF A T Miller's Store. THE subscriber has Just returned from tho Cities witli another large and select assnrunet of SPRING AND SUMMEIl GOODS. purchased at Philadelphia, nt the lowest figure, and which they arc determined to sell on as moderate terms as ran bo procured elscwheru in Hloomsburg. His stork L4U aoons, of choin-st styles and latest fnthlnn. dry noons, jijvd attocEitiEs, IHHlWAnK QUKK.YII'jillE, CfillAlt n'JWK, HOLLOW H'jtltK tlWX, AV1.S, HOOTS S1I0KS 1MTS CAPS, &e tj-c.,- tj-s.. Ill short everything usually kept In country Stores to w tilth he invite thu nubile generally. The llighe.iprico paid for country produce. S. II. MILLER. Bloomshurg, May S8, 1801. npHE peoplo of the county of Columbia A are respectfully, Informed that the undersigned has foi sale, at the RECORDER'S OFFICE, IN BLOOMSBURC. THE REST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT OF To bo found anywhere in tho County, coutistiiiao Note. Lcltcr. Legal nnd Cap Paper, reus, Holders, . ... ... ul. UKTVIUJIU. , NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOOK'S rt-j Comptisingllistory.roetry.Fietlop.The. BlMFjL ology and the classics. t; la toques of Tlohn'a l.nnilnii n,,i.llntI.- which .elections can be made, and Bonks furnished to order; by special arrangement with New York Agents. UE.UOCKATIC BOOKS, DOCUMENTS, PAMPHLETS L sndSpeeche. j nnd copies of tho United States, and WBtate tonftiiutlon., ia varioui styles, always on baud, JOIIN O. FREEZE. eemtbnrg,Kw,7,lES. LltcllER, of New Berlin, Unio,, County. Pa . contal,,. When e relied hut these safe, were located , the 52?..';.?" Kf .15 H 'Z'.'ZI r8"' B"8h' D'. J ' K . v' r '"122'' - W 5c. A trial wiiiconvlncJ.hVJno;,.'.! ua rTHIIB INSTITUTION Is iunder tho r 1 nnd direction Of Prof. D. W. I.oi olo inanagcmen ill, an long I'rln- elmil of tho nixntUMTOX COMMMCIAL COUKOK Tho course of Instruction embraces all tho requisites of nthorougli practical business ciiucnuon, been lately Extended by the Introduction of nn Actual Ihislncss Course, In which tho Student engages In the I reiular routine nl business tinnsncllons, exemplified I and Inmillarlied by menus ol rt itore( im which in 1 "( of buying nnd .oiling goods I- ""led , I on by cneh Student,) nnd lluslnoss Offices, vis I Hunk; of Issue and Deposit, Kall-Uoadlng and Bteniii-lloiitliig . Post Olnro. i eiesrnpu, &,... i., Tho Proprietor has .pared notlmoor expense In ma king this Course the most thorough anil complete or any ever presented to tho public, nnd feels fully s-1 surcd that nftcr having been himself engaged In actual , business, nnd having had many years' experience at teaching tlio ecliice oi ncroums, unit n full mid clncclcnt corps of tctichers. ho will be en bled to make thorough and successful graduates or all who mar place themselves under his charge. rKy.iM.vsiitri In this essential brnncli of n buslnss education no r,..,, ..r... i.A,i. r.j-illiles in Itio learner, lite Spcneerlan system will ho taught In all Its varieties by A pu(c tni notvorhtl Tonic, corrective and nltcm Hie most skillful masters of tho art. Sperlniens of f 0f wonilctful cfllcacy In disease of tlie writing iron! in is iiistuuiiuu nuvu ivwn v., ..... ...B..vD. cnromiiiniB from tho press. . For general Information, terms, lit., ndrlrcss for Col lego Monthly, which will be mailed free; ror speci mens of Penmanship, enclose two three cent stamps. Address D.W. LOWELL, Principal. Lowell's Commercial College, lllnphainton, N.Y. P. S.-One -of Hitter & Duncan's No. 1 highly finished fine, perfect point, quill spring Oold Pens, with holder and enso, warranted for ono year ond to sii t. will bo sent, free of charge to any one who will remit 8-M) to the above address. OclobcJ 3. 1303-ly. FAMILY DYE COLORS. num. lUltK, I.ioiit Hum, FBt.itii lti.ur, CmitT r.iiowK, Dakk Uroivn, I.roitT IIrown. Sxurr Ilium ri, Chimwi. Dakk Diiao, Liiikt Drah, Dahk (Jatin. Liuur (lur.t.N, MaOE!ITA, MAnoo.t, Oranok. Pink, PUKI'LS, IIovai. PunrLK, Saumov, ScAni.sT, Hi.aik, Sof.rtniso, Violst, Vli.iiw. For Dying Silk, Woolen and Mixed Hoods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons. Cloves, Runnels lints, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing and all kinds of Wearing Ayparcl, BtaT A SAVING OF 80 I'ER ( EST. otherw isc cost five times that sum. Various shades ran be produced from the s.imu Dye. The process is simple, nun a cess. Directions I earh package. Fur further information in Dyeing, nnd giving n per fect know le.'gu what colors are best adapted to dye over others, (w ith many valuable recipi s.) piirihnsc lluwe U Stephens' Treaties on l)elng and Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of piico, 10 cents. .Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS.- SMI Pnomw-AV lloslon, 07l'or sale by Druggists and Dealers generally, ccember 12, ltiG3 Innos. For Rats, JUicc, Utoaclics, Ants ISimI Atugs, SIollis in Fin's, Woolei.x, t&c, tVc ,fliiect on riants, FoM'ls, Aniinnls, fce. Put up in SSe. 0c. nnd $1.00 Unres, tlnttles & Flasks; J3 nud fur Hotels, Public Institutions, kc. "Only iiifnllllilH remedies known." "Free from Poisons," "Not dangerous to the Human Family," "Rats come out of their holes to die." E7 Sold Wholesale lu all large cities. K7 Sold by all Druggists A: llclailars evrrvwhere. 07" llll Rkwahf. ini'ul all worihless imitations K7 Sec that "Cost An's" name is nn each llox, Hot- tic, nnd Flask, before you buv, T7" Address HENRY R COSTAR. Uy Principal Hipot 48-2 llnotnwAV, N. Y. Z7 Sold by nil Wholesale and Retail Druggists In Hloomsburg, Pa. February 0, 1661, -Cm. and a large nssortinent of Fire u i prooi salamander Safes, irun doors, for linnk. mnl ntnn, l,m, -1 ...... ... J, iu,,i.-,n nun Siipu, ml sVjj makes of locks enualto any made in the United States. Fire Safu in one fin, Jill came oti right; uith cor tents in pood eondilton. The Salamander Safes: of Philadelphia against th, world. EVANS & WATSON. have had the surest demostratlnn in the following eel tificate that their manufacture of Salamander Safes 'ha, ' at length fully warranted the representations which have i been made iiflhein as rendering ai undoubted security i ;;V2Sr---, EVANS & WATSON- tM'iMffltffiTm P;'AM.NI)EK SAFES, RH kte'mimilir&H$. Street. Philadelphia, have m, 9c i.o IciJKM'a)' aBa., .emuc e.eineiit. Who can say that they aro not f euuently folio.. hi.i..;.;..,r.r3..u-:T..."':"vi"T.".u,,u?M" ."" .. -inhanitv on n.i....i..i.Hii n,nV it, viiu. uim owitii-iiii, r. ...! . - I . ...... .... - . . ---n.i - ........ .,l ,,, i,- .., inn I.IHDU ii iiii'ir Kiinrrinr nr ; ."....i.n.hiiuiiiiih.iii: ii, you, inni owiiuritu , - - ... .. .. .., ul, tuiiis, , iii.-ie toe vast coiici ntrat on of i u l. t ..o.,.i ,i... , melt, we cniinot but regard the preservation of their val uable contents as most convincing proof of tho (treat se. curity afforded hyour safes. ' TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. TIIL undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend and customers, that he has purchased his brothers , merest iu the above establishment, nnd Ilia concern wils i I hercufter bo conducted by liiiuselfexclusivcly. a. ue una just receiveu mm oilers for sale, the larg-' est "ml most extensive assortment of FANCY ! PSJI ,,, ti cvtr in'roduced into this market. I His stock consists of a complete assortment of -ii ki . if. I""'nr sioves in uie marKet, tngeili. i rltttinil (li.nn I Box Stoves, Radintors, C)liudar blows, Cast Iron Air 1 Tight stoves. Cannon stoves A-r si, ,..,;..., , 1 ',,,1! constantly on hand and luuiiufiutured In order All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on shun notice. The patronage of old friends and new. customers re. peclfully solicited. a, M. RUPERT Bloomshurg, November 3d leco.-tf. THOMAS BROWN, Barber. HLOOMSIIURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. Shop in Oourt House Alley, near the JJcrasjrat Olllcc. November 14, IB03, FKISIIMCTII &. UKOTI1EIIS. WHOLESALE rn f T a rt r t . j. vj u a j kj u U js a L U H F AO.103.NORTII THIUD STItEKT I FivedoorshelowRuce, PIIILAHELPIIIA 1 A. LOGAN GRIJlT"" j Attorney and Counsellor at f.uiu, I LAPORTE. SULLIVAN CO., PA. . I 11,1,,.! it.",L!!-i"1 0,l,lir cla'l", Promptly attended to 1 STOVE Hiiihus, James Rnhhuud Globe are among the first class cooking Stuves.all of which nro iilr-tight and gas burner ills i arlur stoves nru handsome und tho assortment vs noi 1 1.Al'BU-l'-rticularalleiilioiiis paid to Tin-Wart ., n. 11,, 1 1 "mice, ah kind of ."''"s "in uu uiiiiu wuii ucaiiicss anu ZT Country produco taken in exchange for Bloom.burg. May 10, 1602. 1 IIIUl' S' M0VCR- PIANOS AND MELODEONS AT AVIIOLESALE AND II ETA I L, EVERY Instrument Warranttid for Fivo Years, Address, A. P, BENNETT, Agent. Elmlra, New York. Pa., will bo promptly stionded to. uum.uurg WuouirtuTB, March, SO, btH,-, nc .nan tune grout pleasure ill recoiiimcnditi thorn men ui uusmess us a sure reliance ngalnst fire I rr-.e,. SI.MMONS & IIRO.. Jrttltl-J. ?.e;i!il,VB 8,"co P'l'eliascd six large S.ifeu. July -o, IBM. f August iW. 185Pi AND TIN-WARE SHOP? ' 'Pllli UndCrtiiL'IlCll Wnlllil Inrnrm Jira J iiiooiiisiiurg ami vicinity, that lie has Imt r L civedaiidollersforsaleiinooftliomostexieiisivo SafciaV. I ... " " '" ..U VlllfllMUI . . T ""orimeiiis 01 COOKING and FANCY STOVES etcr introduced into this umrkei '11. im,.i. ,..,.... . .7 , HOSTETTBH'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. STOMACH, LIVER AND B01VKL1 Csrcs Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, 'Icadachc, ci Debility, Nervousness, Depression nf Spirits, . I stlpntlnn, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cram,, I and Spasms, and nil ( omplaiiiN of either ! e.... llr..lll,, 1'..HL.... 1 UVA, (tllstllK ', j ...oniiv-S whether inherent in tho system er produced by special cdiiscs. Notiiiso that is not wholesome, genial nnrl re,: live in its nature enters into the composition efn! TETTER'S HT0.MACH IHTTEHS. Tills Popnt,,, paratioii couiaios no mineral oi any ninu, no ,1. j I botanical element; no fiery excitant ; hut it Isn rog. inn. inn ofjtho extracts of ran! balsamic, berli, xi plants w nn me purest nnu iniiuesi oi an oiuusht ulents. It is well tube forearmed against disease, nnil.m ns the human system can bo protected by human mc nirninst maladies engendered ii uy nil iinwiioleiiim;, niosphere, linpurn water and other rxlernal tim HOS TETTER'S HITTERS may bo relied onasiJ guard. in districts Infested with Freer ttntMgnt, It hiibt found infallible us n preventive nnd Irresistlblii reuiedv and thousands who resort to it under i , henslo'n ofnnnttack.escapcthuscourge; and thoim who neglect to avail thoinselves of its prntectitr ,a Hies in advance, aro cured by n very brief enure i this marvelous medicine. Fever and Ague untie. I offer being pnlid Willi quinine for months In Ala. til fairly saturated with that dangerous nlkn'uht ( not ii nfrcqiieiitly restored to health within n Rwtj, Tpn by the use of IIOs'l'r.TTER'S HITTERS. The w eok stomach Is ralddlv invicoriiled nnila. For a.1; cents you call order as many goods as would petite restored by this acrOeablo Tonic, and line, workr wondcts in rases of Dirpepsia and in ,l(l, firmed forms of Indigestion. Acting ns a gemleu ny one ran use tho ye Villi perfect sue- j ,,anc npperient, as well ns upon the ...,, . , , , r Invariably relicvci the Constipation sup n English. I rench and (.crmau, Inside of rrt.EBr nctlon of tho dlgeslivo and r-eci liver, in, "eriniliiei cu nr nctlon o too uigesiivo ami (.ccretive i,, l ersoiis ui lei'inu iiiiiiiv. i i.iiiii: wti ri wii iiiorj ntss of Spirlti and h'itt of Languor, find proiiqit i; permanent relief from Hie Hitters. Thu tcstiimmii his polntis most conclusive, and from bntn set-. The ngony of llillius Colic is Immediately limp,., by a single dose of tho stiiiiiilnnt, and by occ.uiom resorting to it, the retain of the complaint may Lop, vented As a general Tonic, HOSTETTEU'S HITTER4rs tliiceclTects whicli must bo experienced ornitiuv, before they can he fully appreciated. In cares rfl' wiakuuss, premature deenyand ilclnlit),, decrcpiliide arising from old nge. it exorcises Hi (;. trie, infiueiico In the couva e- cent ,.tageBof rill din-.t it operates as a delightful invigorunt. When Hit pt, ers ol nature are relaxed, it operates to ru-iufurr i, re-establish llieiu. Lust, but nnl 'Mst, it thu onlihi slimuleiit, being manufactured from sound nnd limit oils materials, and t ntirely free from the acid clum, present more or less in all Uio ordinnry tunics a: stomachics of the day. No family medicine lia been so universally in may be truly added, ileierredlii popular with tliu Int. gent portion of Hie community, us HOSTET'l'Lli HIITERS. Trepared by HOSTETTEll & SMITH, PITISIII'lHill. f4 C7"Solil by all Druggists, Grocers and Sturiketre everyw here, November 21,,3 ly. UELMUGLD'S Genuine Preparations. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT HUl'lltJ, n n live nnd specific ycuieJy fur diseases of the Maim Kidneys, Gravel, and dropsical swellings, This medicine imrcascs the pawer of iligeslmn. i; excite the absorbents into healthy action, hy winch c, Watery or Calrnreniis depositions, cud nil Unnitui Enlargeiuemoiits arc reduced, as well as pain cm.i flaination :o:- nELMROLD'S EXTRACT BUCHC Tor weakness arising fruin Eisesser, habits of Hi slpation, Enrly Indiscrelioii of Abuses, intended k the following symptoms :w Inilisposllion to Exertion, Loss of Vw Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Urathi-i Weak Nerves, Tr,., Horror of Disease, Pain in tlio list Universal Lassitude of tho Musriilnr Sy.tem. Hut Hands, Eruptions on tlio IV Dryness of the Skin, Elushing of the B, j Pallid Countenance. Tliese symptoms, if allowed lo go on which ll medicine invariably removes, soon follows Imkvieniy, Faii-ity, EriMpric 1'irr, hi imii; ui which me iaueui oiiiy reipnro -:o:- FEMALES FEMALES. In many afieclions peculiar to Female the Eitrin Biichit is unequalled by any other remedy, ns in l'li rosis or Retention, Irregularity, painrulncss, ori prcssion of Customary i:nriiatiuns, tiltyratcd or m rhous stale or the Uterus, Leuchorrhioa or Whites Stcrilltv, and far all complaints incident to tin-in whether arising from indiscretion habits of diinri Hon, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. -!o:- take no more Balsam Mercury, or unpleasant W cines for iinpleasani and dangerous IWa hold's Extract Ilucliu and luipruvcd Rose Wash cum becret diseases 111 all lln-ir stages. At little exninr Little or no clmngu in diet. No inconvenience. aj exiioaiirc. It causcsa frequent desire and gives strength tot" ! mite, thereby removing obstructions, preventing ti ming strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain audit 1 flamuiarioii, sn frr .pient in thu class of discuses. I expelling all poisonous, diseased nnd wnrnoiit matter Ihniisanils 1 upon thousands whohavu beciilla-in ; tims of quack., and who hnve paid heavy fees to" j cured in n short time, havo found they wore decern) I and that tho "POISON" lias, by the u!o of "pof. usiniigenis - ueen nrled up in the system, to break w in an aggravated form, and perhaps al'ler marriage. .11L'8 ,'!"b'M laitrnct Ilucliu for all affection. i'l i"J vim'y Organs, wnether eiiclinrii fS,,fl!'''t, ifr01" "'''"'"or caus. originating no matter of how long itaiiding, Ihseascs of llieso Organs requires tlio aid of a it cue, Heliubold's Extract Ilucliu is thu Great HiuM'i i!i 1! 10 ,leifed ell'.ct in nil Uiscaie.H which it is recommended. n,.v. Mfeuf 11111 '""t reliablo and responsible rbic actor will accompany tho medicine. I'rlco $1 per Bottlo, or 6 for $5. Delivered to tny address, securely packed from ores guaranteed, advice grails. Addre.s Icliuis ! formation to voLituu Hviiiiiiuiim in mi riiiiitiiiiiiiiriiiiui" . I'. H. IIELMBOLD, Carmln. .. ln' South Tenth-st., below Chestnut, I'biH- Hi. I, .M HOLD'S Drug and Chemital WartMtt, ,.. , S'J4 IIUOAIIWAY, Nw VDf newnre of Counterfeit", and unprincipled deal'' who endeavor i,,, ll. ,,.,r.i.i. ,, 1 1 r.ilitr .... u,,oiltll l Ui. is I'nvuniitsiiio.. despatch. n"'cl('s on thu teputalion attained by llelmbold's tii work. '"' 1 reparations, Extract Uuchu, Exlruct riarsal""1'11 Improved Itti.o Wash. FOR SALE B Y All Druggists Everywhere, ASK TOR IIELMROnn'S. TAKF NO OTII" era out tho Advertlsainenlnnd swidforit. Nav 91 IS0ii"i 1,1 "H'"Mw 'lid vxpenrr