Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 18, 1864, Image 3

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    i,..i.iMjn mi. ,r, "jrZTSSr
dbitk 0. TAte, Local Editor.
Saturday Morning, Juno 10,1004.
fciNow aubscribcrs arb dally rushing
in to geFfiio Democuat.
LTlio Vallandigliani Fund ofOlito,
for th ntit two weeks, onding Oth of
Juno, amounts to S308 40.
CQr Wooall attention to tho very graph,
lo dosoripllon of tbo battle in tiio Wilder
nos9,"Gy onTold correspondent, Artillerist.
Wo aro' g)a3 to know ho4 has behaved gal
landyllBrofigliout and so far, escaped un-
James S. McNinoii, Esq . & Co.,
"havo established a New Store in Oatawissa.
Mr. MqNinoh is a rood business.mati, of
social linbits and high character. He
'ought to do a rushing trade, as ho is gen
erally known and has hoiU of friend.
5T Hon. John 0., has favored
ib with a-pamnhlet copy of tho General
JLaws passe'df by tho lato Pctmylvania
liOginlaturombraciug the Rnvonue, Mili
tia. Appropriation and Apportionment
Br.ANK8. Wo will inform our readers
that wo kocp on hand all kind of blajk
Deeds, Donds, Leases, Petitions for tavern
Liconsoi, Bonds, Justice's and Constable's
blanks bf every description, Summons,
Executions, Notes of hand, Sohool Orders
&o., fco.-' :
Bay A New Stoue, has just been open
ed by SiFriiEx II. Siiwank, E?q., in Mif
flin township, Columbia county, in the
eastern section of that lovrnihip, and in
tho stand formerly occupied by Ex-Shoriff
Miller. '.Mr. Shwank, has a good itoro
and is dwing a brisk business. Ho is a
pleasant gentleman and deserves success-'.
Id Messrs. G. W. I'rvkmsu & Co's
Mcrnantilo Advertisement appears in to
day's Columbia Democrat. Wo bespeak
for theso gentlemen a liberal &harouf pub
lio custom. Their goods and wares aro
of excellent quality, and offer rare in
ducements to purchasers.
ffikpBt EBMEETT Great Central Fair.
CO 1 f
WHEAT, rr tu1iol
nvi:. " "
couv, "
I'l.Otltl per hid.
flax ti;i;i)
1 M
) 23
1 as
e on
fl .in
liUCKWIIEATriotir. 4 oo
Kant- , . .
HAMS . .
II AY by tha Ion,
1 so
20 CI,
CHICKENS, per pair. .13
T- v.t :
Candidate for Assembly.
At Hid solieitatln nf ninny friends 1 would announce
In the t men nf Columbia County, Itinl t will ha n candi
date for APSBMMI.Y, fit Ilia approaching g ncrnl clcc
lion, ttibject to tho decision of Ilia Columbia county
Ut mocratlc Convention.
Sloomrburg. May 14, 1EC1-2
Profoundly grateful for past ('Videlicet of grncrout
confidence, tho umlorli;nvl, with lha approbation of
rplli: price of ft tingle ndmlnlfin I FIFTY CENTS
.i uiniarcn nnnrr inirtecn nnii price, iiiii miiniti
to Eighty-out, out or tho Ninety Departments or tbe
Fair, and to much mote than lhrccqiiattcr of tho .
tvliolo tpace covered by tho building, Certain Depart I
menu, nine In number, containing aillclca chiefly fori
exhibition, anil not for law. hare been permitted to
ciiaigcs a separate price lor admission, it wiiowts
many of lila Deinocralic fellow rlllient (wlioe npln
lomlia duly appreciates) announces that ha will ha a
Ctuulidnic I'm' Hit; Assembly,
InltheM.egMallvo Pirtllct composed of the Counties of
Columbia and Montour, at the npprnaclilng (lem-rat
Election, aiibjcct to the itsasca nfllii District, and the
dcclilon of lha Columbia Democratic Convention.
tlloomsburg, May 7. 1801.
Candidate for Sheriff.
Through the earnat solicitation nf many Demncrnt
Ic friends, I have been Induced to oiler nysrlf mi n
candidate fur the olllco of Hherlff of Columbia County,
subject lo tho decision ol tha Democratic County Con.
June 18, 18C4. a.
Candidate for Shcx'iff.
l AltTIN A. AMM13l.MAN.of Fish-
1? I Ingcroek township, wo are authored tn nn
nouncc will ho a candidate for tho rllUIUFl' AI.TY, a
thu approaching (Icnernt Election, eubject to the duels
Ion of tha Columbia county Democratic convention.
May 7, I Mil, ti.
QAM U EL SNYDER, of Mifflin towi
r-J ahip, we are authorized to announce, wl'l he a
candidal for tho tho approachlnif
Ocueral Elertlnn.aiihjeclto tho dcciiion oftlio Columbia
county llcmocrallc Convention.
May 7, ISCl.
liu townahip.wo aro authorized tn announce,
will bo a candidate Inrlho bllERIFrAl.TY. nt tho lip.
proarlilnii (ienernl Election, eubject to Ihodvcision of
Iho Columbia County Democratic Convention .
May 7, tcUl.-200
Alt (iallery SScenli.
Indian Department,
Anna and Trophlet, CO " I
Ilellca and I'urlotitlca, 20 "
llorllcultural Department. SI "
Chililrent' Amurcnioiit, 21 11
Wllllaui I'cnn I'nrlnr, 0 "
rennrylvnnla Kllcllen.. 10 "
Pkatiuu Tond, 10 11
The Etccutlvc Commiltco aiture tho fubtlc that, al
thniiphthalull nionoy'a worth will ha obtained Ironi a
vUlttotho clihly-oiie dunailincnt to which the en.
trnucn feo admit a. yet It III bo found lint the nine
oilier ili partmeiita will amply reward the viillur niid 1
tuntifv the iiddlllnnnl outlay. All mint bear In mind ,
hat, by lliofo ulrn chargea, Iho total rccvlpti aro
crenied and tho holy Cuuso l a' much airiiled nn it
would be, weic tho aino mil expended by vliltora in .
tliu nurcliiue of article exposed for ink'.
'I'll.. I..t. ...Ill nnan n iMlfmiAV ll ?lt, liil . n(
Jlnd Iww hU Pulmonic A'jyrw, Xcawted
Tonic, and Mandrake J'ills act on
the SyHcm in airing that dis
catc, and the
1 M
On Wcdneaday. fctli init.. the Fulr will bo oiioned
from SA. M. to 10 I'. ,M.
.ne II, leCI -Vt
5 "Reward.
T'lll! ftnard of School nirettora of Illoom Dlitrict,
I will pay Five Dollar! Rowaril to nuy perion giv
Ing Inlormalion leading to tho detection, nnd convic
tion nf any pcrmitm committing deiiredatloiu, Jr In
nny way dcfuclug or injuring tha I'liWicHcliool lluusei,
of said Uiitrict. Ily order or the Hoard.
J, J. UltOWT.U, Secretary.
Illoomiburg, Juno II, IPG I. lit
Estate oj Jl'ushinglon Siuman; dsc'il.
T ETTEUPnrnilminislrntion ontho Eitalool Waihlng
To nbovo It a correct IlkcnoM of l)r Srlicnck takeu
many yearn ngn, uflcr he had recovered from Consump
tion : by n cour.o tt hla 'ScilVHCK'a I'ULMOMf BYHUP,"
'I holiltencia, althoug it dora net rcpreacnt him nny
thing llko n had an ho un at Iho worrl, yd It Is In
Irons contrast with the hale nnd vigorous looks of tho
Portrait below, which M the true likeness or hint nt tha
present time, Tlio contrast between these two por
traits is o great that many would not believe them to
he the same person. Yet there ore hiiudredn nf per
rons. In mill around Fhllad-lphla, who will rerognisa
both portraits tobo truo representations. When tho
first was taken lie weighed 107 pounds ;at Iho present
ti 1110 li is weight Is 2.'0 pounds.
Candidate for Sheriff.
pIIAlll.ES.ll. II ESS, l-Pq., of Mifflin
V. tnw!nhip, wo .uo nulhnriied to nnnnunce, will
he n candidate lor the SHERIFFALTY,. it the approach
ing Ccnenil Election, subject to tho decision of tho
Oluml'ia i.ounty Democratic Convention.
June 4. ttiCI.
Jton Shiiinan.liilo of Heaver twp., Columbia co..dec'd, I
have been granted by tho Register of Cnluiublaco., lo
the undersigned ; nil persona having claims against the ,
estute of tho decedent nte ruipiested to presaut tliciu lo
tho Administrator nt Ills residence in saidtowii'
ship wlthoutdetay, and all persons Indebted to inaka
payment forthwith.
FRANKLIN I,. flllU.MAN, Adm'r.
Juno 11. lSiH-ilw Si tiu
TtzttitR nf John lirunhr th,?il.
, ...
LETTERS of ndinlnlstratlon on Hie Estatoof John
lliugli r, late of lllcmuitwp. Columbia co Jrc'J., j
liavebeeii granted by the Register ofCuluuibia co.,to the 1
undersigned; all persons having clnlinsngnlnsltho cs-'
tatuoftlio decedent nre ro'piesteil tnprcsent tlieuito
the undersigned, without delay, nnd all persons in. I
d.btcd to uiako payment forthwiih. 1
J K. IIRUdLI'.R. Illoomiburg, !
I'EIER I1RUUI.LU, Hemlock,
Adinliil.tralors. i
iuno ii, leai, ow s.'iio.'
Cfiy Wc call atteutioa to tho l'rosprc
Uib, in another column, of the Philadel
phia Inquirer. It is a good newspaper
nud always contains the earliest Army
News and is a first-class lamily journal.
Mr. Haudino, the Proprietor, is an oner
getio and cntei prising Publioist.
Hie Si. Clunks, Washington, I). C.
This House is kept by Mcsbra Dell & Al-
labtoli, and is a most desirable
A'LLEN MANN. Ecq.. of Reaver
C tounslilp wo aro nuthorb.eri to announce, will
be a candidate for COM 'lf H10NES. at tha enmming
geu.ral election, subject to tho artion of tho Columbia
Counlv Oeniocracralic (Convention.
May CS, leM -
T ACOH DKEISI5ACU, of Beaver town-
( ship, woyfrc uulliorlzeil to announce, will be a
candidate fur CO tlMlHSlUN EU, at the approaching
gcnernl election, subject to tho action of tho Columbia
County Demorrnlic Cnuventiou.
May IE04-
r.FBW.UPfCTU J J if. ',"-'7'
THE undcrsigiicil respectfully nnnonnces to his
friends and the nubile ccnerallv. that he has alien. I
cd a
on Main street, in IIA.N VILLC. a few doors below tho
II.iiivIIIj Hank -in the building formerly occupied by ,
Hainuel llluo -where I o manufactures tho best 'pyility I
of Beg.irs. which w ill be sold cheap, wholesale and
reiuu. no also aeeps a
well stocked Willi Edibles and llovcrago to gratify the
wan! of the epicure, to refresh the weary and assuage
the palates of the thirsty.
Danville. June II. 1801 :im
I havn been discharged by reaonn by WOUNDS HE
CE1ST.U IN ANY RATTLE, nnd who havo not recei
receive the same now tit once hy appl)ing eilhrr in
person or hv Ii Iter, nt 'I HE .MILITARY AND NAVAL
ACKNUY, No. 427 Walnut Klrret PlilinM.
jRF.r. MONEY.-Afull lit of ALL IA Y RI,ETO
DATE ran be seen at the ollices. These nnd nil
other claims against tho Curernment promptly col-
, letW.
nlnen nf ler'id
r .
entertainment, vtn. i'. 11. Ai,LAnAcii, -;.., ..;
J ER nrrilST'ElloVniiySOI.IlIEIt.SAli.ORor.tlAl
I ' ... , ' him;. Kii.i.UD.iir who has iiikd, in the service of
one of tbe proprietors is a Into citizen of
Luzerne, and will always be clnd to cn-
turtuin his northern friends and acquaint- i
anco. Sco card of tho "St. Charles," in
our columns.
SSf Struck by Liyhtning. Dur'ng tho
heavy storm, on Monday evening of last
week, tho Barn of Mr. Andnsw Tcrwilli
gar, inBloomsburg, was struck by Light
ning. -A Miss Smith, biatur-iu-law of Mr.
Torwilliger, had taken temporary shclier
undor tho covering ami was considerably,
but not seriously injured by the shock.
part of tho burn roof was torn off, but
most fortunately the 13am escaped with
out further loss or harm.
till- I'lliled States, who desires NINETY-SIX 1)01
l.AUtifSVG) n vinr I'KXSiOV, rrom ONE HUNDRED
LARS (ll'Ji,) t'AHIl IIOENTY, nnd all the arrenrs of
pay iiue him, should call nt once or unto to JOSEPH
E. DEVITT tc I ')., No 47 WALNUT SI1., THE MIL
1TAR Y & N A V. L All ENC Y I'll ILA'D.
Also, Stale Pay, ('utility, City, Ward or nthar llounly
A.r , if tlierc Is any due, Apply either in person or by
Slav 51, KOI.
flQT A few weeks ago, tho wifo of Mr.
'James Brown, of Mifflin township, in this
county, narrowly csoaped death, by being I
A most valuable and wonderful publication. A wjrk
OI40H pages. Hint :ii colored uiigravinyn. DR. HUN
TER'ri VADE MDCiJ.M, nn nnginal and popular Heat
lea cm Man and Woman their Physiology, I'liurtioiis,
and Se lal diordrr of every kind Willi never failing
Kemedle for their sp oily cure. The p.o licoof Dr
Hunter long brea and Mill is, unbounded, but at
tho earnest solicitation of numerous persons lie lias
been induced In i iteiid his medical mefolne.-s through
tho medium r his -VADE UEOUM ' It is n volume
that -hould be in the hands of every Ir.mily in the laud
as a preventive of n cret vices, or as a guide for tile
alleviation of one of the, most awful ami dei-tructivc
scourges ever visited mankind. One copy securely en.
velnpeil will be forwarded free of poi-tage to any part
of the United States lor 50 cents in 1' O stamps.
Address, post paid, Dr. Hunter, No. a Division
htreit, New York.
May 21, Ir(i4.-y.
U. S, 10-40 Bonds.
First National Bank oj Hlopinsburg, Pa.
jpVIIESE BONDS bear interest nt tho
Jk. rato of five per cent, per aunum
Which, at tho prtsent valuo of Gor.D, is
equal to
9 per cent, per annum.
(Eonpon Boniis,
On hands and ready for delivery after the
first of June.
J. P. Tustin, Cashier.
Dloonisburg. May 2ri, 1?C4. 3m,
New York, Wednesday, March 30, 1BC4.
10 7 ME PI3ByS?
Thirty years ago I was in tho last stages of Pulmon
ary Consumption, and glvtu up to die, I resided in
riilladclnhia ami Dr. J scidi 1'arrish, then of this city.
ort crcd me to Morcslown, N. J,, n distnuco nf iiin?
miles, which took me two days to get there. On my ar
rival I was put to bed, and there laid for many weeks.
This was my iintive placo. where-nil my family lived
and had died of Consumption. Dr. Thorn ton, who at
tended my falhcr In his last illness, was called, nnd
gave me one week? to fix up my nlfairs. He had seen
till my family go that way, nnd thought I was togo.too.
'I hen t heard of tho remedies I now offer to the pub
lic, which cured me. It seemed tu mo that 1 could feel
them penetrating my whole sytcin.
They soon ripened tho matter on my lungs, nnd I
would spit oil more than u pint or oiienslve yellow mnt
Iter, and take Rre at palm t? villi any onothatahti
hears has nnylhlng Ilk Iter easo, and tflM lo gel
thorn Income and eo me. Tho neit case l Miss Sco
flo Id, from Stamford, Conn. Mrs, llartholomcw got her
down (o seo trie, and sho has beon rvcr since l lisr
houso. When she first cams to my rom, sho was
much emaciated with a distressing cough, spitting large
quantities of blood. I eiamined her lungs with lha
rcsplronieter.and in all my practice never found one
with one lung so far toi. nnd tho other lung so sound.
I could not give much onrouragement, I thnnght alio
would die; but toiny astonishment the Pulmonic Syrup,
Beawcod Tonic, and Mandrako Mils all see mod to go
right to work, the lung it all litaloil oyer, leaving a
cavity at largo at a goose egg ; good appetite, fine
spirits, and hat gained, some thlrty-flrc pounds (u
weight, She hat soma cough yet, wblrli t do no not
think will tenvo her before Juno, 1 should think it
would bo nf great Interest to tome unprejudiced phy
ciclan to visit llieto cases, particularly illlst Senneld,
or any of them who linve been cured by my modlclnet,
'I hey aro numerous In New York, but tho above tnree
all differ from each other i and If my inodlclnes aro do
ing what 1 represent they nro, they should have too
credit and tho ollllctoil know where and how they may
bo cured, J. II. BCIIENCK, M, n.
Dr. J II. Schenck can bo found at kit principal oIUcb,
No. 30 Nnrth Hlh Street, riillailclnlila. ever Saturday,
fromS A. M until 5 I'. M., to tlvo ndvlco, freo of
charge I hut rur n tbotntigh examination ho charges
three dollars Prlno of tho Pulmonic Hyrup nnd Soa.
necdTonic each SI per bottle, or the hall' dozen,
Mandrake Pills '.'3 cents per bat. and for tale by all
Druggists nnd Dealers.
Juno II, 104.-1 y.
:UrS, lOSo BoiidFr
Thsto Uond- nro Issued under Iho Actof Congress of
March Bill, 1801, which provides that nil Ponds issued
under this Ac4luill ho EXEMPT FROM TAXATION
by or under any statu or municipal authority. Hub
terlptlont to theso llondt nre received In United
Slates notes of National Hanks. They aro TO HE EE
DEEMED IN COIN, at tho plcasuro of the Oovernincnt (
nt any period nut ftst (Aan ten xtrmore than furl) ytart
from tluir dale, and until their redemption FIVE PER
liondsofnot over one h imdrcd dollars annually nud
on all other llondt seml-annnally. The interest it pay
able ou tho first days of March nnd September in each
Subscribers will recelvo cither Registered or Coupon
Donds, at they may prefer. Registered Ronds aro re
corded on the books oflho U, S, Treasurer, and cm bo
transferred only on the owner's order, Coupon Roods
uro payable tobeater, and aro mora conv.nlcnt for
commercial uses,
Subscribers tn this loan will have tho option of hating
their ilonds draiv Interest from March 1st, by paying
tho accrued interest incolu (or In United States notes,
or tho notes of National Ranks, adding fifty per cont.
for premium.) or receive thorn drawing Interest from
thd date of subscription nnd deposit. As theso Uondi
Exempt from Municipal or State Taxation,
their value Is increased from one to three per cent, per
annum, according to tlio rato of tax levies In various
parts of the country.
At Iho present rnto of premium on gold Ihey pay
One Eight Per Cent Interest
In currency, nnd are of equal convcnioncc ni a pennon
cntortempornry investment.
It is believed that no securities offer to great induce
ments tu tenders bi ths varlom descriptions of U. S.
Ronds. In all other forms ofindebtcdnett, the faith or
ability of private patties or stock companies er sepa
rate communities only Is pledged for pnymert, while
for thc;debtB of tho United Ftates tho wholo property of
the country is holde.n to secure tho payment of both
prlncipnland intcresl In coin.
Theso Honds may be subscribed for In turns from
S50 up to any magnitude, on the snmo terms, nnd are
thus made equally available to the smallest lender nnd
the largest capitaliit. They can be converted Into
nionev nt nnv moment, nnd the holder will have tho
benefit of the interest.
Itinny bo useful to state In this connection that tho
total Funded Debt orthe United States on which Inter
est is paynblo In gold, on tho 3d day of March, ISM, wat
, STGS.OfiS.OOl). 1 he Interest on this debt for the coming
Sharpies' Column. !p()STSCRIPT!
Army of the Potomac,
u making preparation for tho
ffiatutc of Xttd)m0ii&
Heady Pny
Selling Goods,
News by Ycstcrday'o Mall.
Tho work bfcarnago goon on without
result, and yet tho fofor-tliirjl for blood. 1
unullnjctl, Richmond was moved ngftl03
; by four arinlcj but sb Ut in vain. AtoHv
, up tho Kanawha, moving to cut the rtii
road into Tcuncssco, has rolunrcd without
success. ; Sigcl up tho lUppabauuoJk was
I driven buck with dofoat; Bullorarproicu
ing from tho South aido of .iatuei river,
has been compelled to abandon tho'czpctii
iiion ; nnu so ur uoncrai uraDt uaaii
icoinpliahed little Or nothiug. Geu. Lea i
, yet north of Iho Chicknhominy, uiakirg
j successful rcsistanco in flu temporary work
I at that point. Grant scorns now td ba sat,
far fro.'ii tho eatuo unfavorable position
which MoCli'llan occopiod,nnd from whioh
j he returned when he abandoned his cam
paign against Richmond. These teem w
be as near tbo fota in the casa at wc cu
Thcro ii not much from Gen. Sbermau
latoly. IIo is said to bo within twum;
miles of Atlanta, the vital point of militar v
operations iu that quarter. Much pre
cious lifo has been lost ou both sides ia.
operations without any important result.
It is of littlo uc to repeat tho daily din-
patches, for they havo bo uniformly proves
deceptive that little rclianco can bo plaoci
on thorn.
Wo havo soirio more dctaila" of Friday e
Gghliog at Cold Harbor. Our loaa w-.
aovere, but tho result was indecisive Tti
rebiMs made the attack.
Shcridah is roportcd to havo taken Bot
tom's Bridge.
Tho Now York Tribnne's corrcspondsn.c
shatcs that owing to tho formidable Chir
ac tor' of tbo enemy's position it was han;i j
expedient to continue tbo assault. K?
peaks of tho Confederates capturing
tho rssault six pieces of artillery.
u,..,i .'r,, up, nw .'i;r-r-rij..iu . ti-yj-Ty.y.r,T.-t.y-
' lur every inorniiig. As soon as that began to subside, , f. steal year wlllbBSjO,937.1Sd, while the customs raven
i my rough, fever, pain, night sweats-all began to leave , j gold for tho ending June 30th,
me. and my nppetitebucainu so Brent that ll was with I .' T , , f. ,immivin,
I ditriLulty I rniitd keeplrom eating too modi. I soon I Iftll, has bean so far al tlic.rato of over SlOO.OOO.uOOpor
gained my strunglli, and I hae been growing in 1WI1 annum.
vcr slnci. For many years I Uavo enjoyed nnintcr j , , , thmcrcn tho present gold revenues of
miited good health, keeping tin- liver unil tninnch ' , , , 1 ,,.. ,.r.i...
' healthy with tho Seaweed Tonic una .Mandrake the liovcrnicnt arc largely in oxecssof the wants or the
I mil of a bilium teiunoraiiienl. Jly w oightis two linn Trcasurev forthe yaynient of gold Interest, while ,ho
dred and t we lUy pounds. On my "l"',","?" ' rcccnt ln"c,,l,e of tha ""iir wi" loulltl,!8 ruil 1,1(1
like in'iiioT'Vo'r'lhis purpose I pay professional visits annual receipts from customs ontho tamo amount of
Hi tlm largo cities. The coiLiiniptivcs wish lo sec the importations, to $150,000,000 per milium.
I one that makes lhe(.o medicines, and who was cured of I inctructions totliu National Banks acting us loan
rilllBUHlJillilH tty ,11, ,11. luiinu ,, , .a . ... j p . -
I hie ; biilcavitins in thu lungs and chronic ulcerations
I of thu bronchial tithet can be healed e-uch cases aro
! dying hourly under tbo ordinary treatment of pbysi.
cioiis, and Jutt such are itiiud l.y tlio proper use of
' Schcnck's Pulmonic Syrup. Seaweed Tonic, and .Mao.
Than oan be bought elsewhere.
Ho is
from Now York nnd Philadelphia, and U
disposing of them as fast at
Uniformity (ilPricos ! A New Feature In ilusslnes
Every iino Ins own Balcsininl JO.NI1S U CO. of tho
thrown from tho wagon in her husbauds i bhXsi"tv ,ore,o.204Markc.sree
I in nil.iitinii to Having tin- largest, most varied and
1 fashionable nock orClothlng in Philadelphia inaduei
! prcssly lor retail sales, havo constitute.! every one
I his own s.ilemnn. by hnviiii: marked iu Henri's, iiua.ioli
'Ihueooiis are well stiouired ami tirrunrnd and crcat
painsiaKi'ii wiiii me miiKiug bo mui niir.iubuy will!
tin-full ass'iranca ill ecttius a good nrticlo at the very
lowest ti rice. Also, a Iutl-i stock of niecoeoods on hnnil
of the latest style nud best -pinlitict, which will bo niado
to order, in the most fashionable and best manner, 23
nor cunt, below credit prices.
Itemember tlio Crescent. In Market above Sixth street
in 31)1. JONF.S CO.
B2r AU tho bodies drowned iu tbe
Munoy Dam two weeks ago havo been ro
covered. Daniel Hafcr, Androw Hafcr,
nnd Reubon WykoiT, wcro found on ilon
.day of last week tho first two named,
at Mengia's Ferry, below tho Dam, and
tho last near Lewis burg. Ilcrvoy Hafcr
was found on Thursday aftornooii last,
near Oyetcr'h, below tha dam. Tho ro
latins of Daniel Hafer, Andrew Haferaud
Iltrvcy Hafcr were interred in tho Munoy
. Cemetery, an4 those of Reuben Wykoff,at
Turbu'tsvillo, Northumberland county.
Muncy Luminary,
Barn and on the hard floor backward
We aro boppy to learn that sho is rcoov-
nrino It U minnnsnil tint tlin linrtou rrnf articlent the verylowest price It can be sold fur sotluy
OHDg. 11 IS suppoaou Hint IHO llOrhOS got c.111Mul pisii,iy vary-nil must hu yiilmo.
ntle.-p wlulo ihey wero loading soinci
Ha' droamod, took fright ran away
.and causod the accident in question,
SStr Dr. Horlaciiek, of Now Berlin,
lias been "pending a few days in Blooms
burg, and selling to many of our citizens.,
topics of bis Tract, Slavery Con
.deninod by tho Bible, or Prohibited by the
Constitution of tho United States." As
ho is a venerable Doctor unil an invalid
in tho bargain, bin work has been gen
erally purchased by Union mon and Abo
litionists,but, it is laughable to sco how tbo
latter fellows squirm when thoy read its
Christian and Constitutional arguments.
Tho Doctor porlectly annihilates the soph
istry of tho Disunion Lincolnites.
8- Lieut. Col. James Chimborlin,.of
this place, has been appointed Military
Agent , of this Stato by Gov. Curtiu. His
duty will bo to take care of tho sick and
wounded soldiers of Pennsylvania now in
tbo Soufbwest. IIo is also charged with
tho oolleotion of tho back pay aud pen
sions of those about to be dipcharged, and
various other duties, prescribed by tho act
of Assembly creating the oflico of military
agents. Lewnburg Argus,
in compliance with wishes frequently ciprescd.
of the
Tditcd by FRANK MOOHC,
Official Roports, Narratives, and Incidents
OF j
Gen. (Juant's Advance on Richmond,
Will be puihit'l at an caili day.
Price Fifty Cents. j
Trdcrs should be sent nt once to Office of THE UE 1
I.EM.ION IH;oiin.441 llruadnay, ew-Vnrk. '
Part I'i of the regular issue of THE IIHUEM.ION' '
KELOID) will ho published on ho Villi of May '
Volume I Piipplemeiit.iry Volume Umiiluon IIscvrd
coinpli i,!, containing very valuable Olllrial lleporls unil '
State Papers, will boon he ready. Address,
'Ml Broadway, Nt'W York. ;
At- ;
r 1 HE
rVWEI.OlV two or three hogsheads ofBachu,
Tonic Hitters," '-Sarsapnrilla," "Nervous Anti
dotes," It,, hr lie, and alter you are satisfied with
Hie result, then try one box of OI,D UOOTOll BUCH
AN'3 ENtll.iaii Sl'ECIPlC ril.LS-nnd bo restored
lo health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are
purely vegetable, pleusaut to take, prompt nnd salu
tary iu their tlfecu mi the broken-down nnd shattered
ontti tution, Old nud young can take them with ad
vantage. Imported and sold ill tho United i-tatct only
hy JArt. S. 1IUTI.ER.
Blatiou 1), lliblu House, Now York,
General Agent.
T. B. A box sent lo nuy adilress ou leceip if price
which is One Dollar post free.
March HI, leUi. 3ui.
ENGLISH Sl'KC'il'IC l'IM.ri cure, iu less that 30 days,
tlio worst cases of NEHVOUdNESd, Impoteiicy, l'r
niaturu Ileinv. cmiiiat Weakness. Insnnilv. nnd a
Urinary, Beiual, and Nervous All'ertions, no matter ! BUC''ni'
from what ceuse produced. Price, On.) Dollar per box
rieut, po.tpuld, hy mail, on receipt nf un order. Ad
dress, JAM LB S. HUTLEIl,
Marrh 1!), 1PM .Int.
btatlon D, Iliblo House,
Kcw vorK.
A GENTLEMAN, cured ofNervous Debility, Incoin
petency, I'reinaturu Decay unit Youthful Error, actua
ted hy desire to benefit others, will bo happy In furnish
to all who need it, (freo ofihargo,) tho receipu and ill
rcfiou for making tho simple remedy used in his
case. Those wishing lo profit by his experience, and
possess a Valuable Ucmi'dy, will receive the same, by
return mai),(carefully selealed,) by addressing
No. CO Nassau street, New York.
May 11, lSOl-Sin,
aro tho only Reliable Itegtedy for all Disease of
the Seminal, Uiinary and N vous Systems, Tryono
box, and bo cured. ONE DOLLAR A UOX, One box
will perfect a cure, or money refunded. Sent by mail
on receipt of price,
Station 1), lllble House,
Ncty York, General Agent.
March VQ,lSGl.-3m.
MATRIMONIAL. If you wish to marry, address
the undersigned, who will send you. "without
money and without price," valuable iiifoinntlini that
will enublu y u to marry happy nnd speedily, nn mat
ter how old , how ugly, or how poor, '1 his is a reliable
affair, Thu Information will cost you nothing j uudjf
you with to marry. I will clieeilully you. All
ettera strictly confidential. The desired information
ent by return motl, and uu questions asked. Address
CMIl.1.11 II. llASlllt.llT,
June f 156(.-lm
' drake Pills.
I um now a hcallhy man, with n large cavity iu tho
middle loliu of thu liglit lung. thu lower lobe very much
. Iictiati'.i'd and complete adhesion of the pleura. The
i left lung is sound, and the upper of the right lung
Is in n loiprnmy iieiiiiiiy coutiumn. j nr piuai reason
why physician do not cure couMimptiou is they try to
do too much ; thry give medicines to stop the cough, to
stop chill, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and, by so
doing, tl.ey derange II, u Mimic digestive powers, lock,
lug up the secretions, and eventually thu patient sinks
and dies. Alter I iiiaUi: n c.irelul examination of the
patient uiih the llespiromcter, and Hud lungs enough
H it tn cure, I direct the patient how to use the three
Inmedien Uemovo the cause an. I they w ill all stopof
1 their on u accord. No one tan be cured of consump-
tien, liver r. inplnint, dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ill-
cerntetlflliroal, unless the liver am! stomach aro mad,;
healthy. Iu New Engl. mil this ranker, chronic catarrh,
nlcernto l throat, elongation of uvula, is more preva
lent llinu iu any other section of the country. This is
frequently caused by a foul stomach. You n ay burn
it out with caustic, lime and again, and nil they will
get it temporary rein f Correct thu stomach aud liver,
and thry will heal up themselves.
Good nut.ilioii is Iho remedy, ifvou have nnv dis
ease in any part of tlio body, it will remain there and
decay mini and mora until you cm getihu stomach in i
thu condition to digest food, and make new blonil in
tnku the pl.ieu of discasi-d nutter. TIili is the only
w n v to caviller in the luuas and ulcerated brou- I
j thial tubes. Correct thu stomach and lncr, nud nature
will ilu the healing. Many persons havo nn nli'.i that
I certain mi'ilirincs aro great purillcra of the blood.
, Win n blood is once diseased it cannot bo purified ; it
is dis'ased the same as the disease ! matter iu the
' system ; but get the apparatus iu nrdcrt tho liver aud I
1 stomach, ami give it plenty of nourishing food, il Hill
1 make new- blood, nlncli Hill lake thu pluco of that
. uhirh is diseased. ,
! iirlienck's Pulmonic sj rup is one of the best prcpa-I
latious of iron in use, it is a puuerful tonic of itself,
ami tic ii the Seaweed Tonic dissolves the. mucin iu '
Hie stomach, and it i-i carried offby thu nid of iho.Ylan
' drake Pills, flu. Pulmonic Sirup is uiadu into blood.
This is lliuouly way to cure consumption. If lean ,
I not get u good appetite and food does nut digest, I can ,
i imicure tin- p.ili. i.l Never mind the cough ; remove I
.!.... ...,.l I. ! . i . tlieiause ami it mn slop (it itsen. i ins is uri uioei
UllUerMKIlCd liavllli; Cllferctt into ; trouble I lone with my patients ut my rooms. They ,
iho Mercuniile biiriuess uu-J say, -IIo, lor, 1 feel wronger i lean oat; my uiglit '
i siieuts arebetMr. ami I feel belter every way ; but 'my i
cough is so Lud jet ;" and they lire ,'is.louiseu in near :
mu say Hut dues not matter ; remove the causu nud
it will stop itself. icheiuk's (Seaweed creates a good
appetite iu about nliiii d.iys, when there is no lung dis
ease, unless Hm liver is so coi.gcsicd that thu .Mini
dr.ikrl'ills c.tuiiot unlock the duils of the gall bladder
in that short space of time, in order to allow the stain
bile to pass ott Keep the liver nud the stomach
healthy and there is less danger of consumption or any
other disease. It is, hard lo take cold when lhoi,c or
gans aro healthy, Timsu that arc bilious, low spirited,
dreary, feeling stupid, coaled tongue, poor appetite,
nervous, stomach full of wind, everything thai is eat
en lies heavy loss of memory, try one buttle of
rit'llliNLK'rf SEAWEED TONIC, and uno box of
S DEN'i K'B MANDRAKE 1'ILl.S. 11 is only a tost of
one dollar and tnciity-rivc cents, Willi full directions.
This is sullieit.-ii t . In many cases, to tut i fly what thu
medicines are, frequently ne bottle makes n gnat
change In Ihe system. Any person that enjoys ordina
ry health, by using the Hi nHi-ed Tonic and Mandrake
Pills ncciisioiiHll) , must get the digestive orguua in
such u healthy condition that they become tl-shy. I
can produce a number of my old coiistimptivo piilicnts
linn eiiinviui: cood health, neighing nearly".-!)" pounds.
I n ill conclude hy relating three cures 1 have made in
New Ynrk.nnd which are all dilleri nt, and wish any
one n ho l:tls any interest iu the matter lo them.
I'lrsl Is Mrs. l'nrlow, residing then ut No. JUT Houston ,
street Her husband called upon me hi my room, :i.'
i Uond street, nud wished me local! ami ree her. He
said I could ilu no good ; Hint he hud all the best incut
cal attendance, nud nil said sho was loo tar guuo with
Consumptiuu to hu cured ; but site had heard of some
gieal cur.. I had made, and Ilu desired to gratify in r
wishes. 1 called, unil found her lying confined in lu r
bed in the last stugu of bronchial consumption, and
without doubl must hat o iln-it soon, I examined her
lungs, found both broiuhial tubis very louch allecteu,
but un cavities had formed, liurcougli was very severe,
thu spit-box was half lull of thick pus. Pulse I PI, legs
swollen very much; and wnrso than all, she had thru
hie diarrheal, Her bowls had been moved eleven times
that day, 1 told her she had lungs enough loheiurud,
but that this durrhiea had been longstanding, and Iwr
stomach was ill such uu ulcerated condition that I was
afraid nothing could be done, file insisted 1 .Usuld
try and do what 1 could for her, observing tli-.l sho
would not last long in Hie condition shux.isiu,
and I could not inuke h"r any worse. I gavo Ii r tlr.t
ndosuol my Manurak 1'ilN. undthu tome nnu dyrup
freely. "Thai was ou j . y, and by Hit. next Sunday
the cliarrhcca was cum 1 her appetite had returned
and the could sit up i n and eat her dinner, tihuit
now well, nud guvu ino . lung certificate, certified to
by thu Rev. Dr. Dowliu.
Mra.llarltioloiuciv.t-., Vest rorty-fiPJi street, came
to my roomt with a turn on her liver. Dhu was low
spirited, txin tauow, to oj couieu, ouweis cusuve, uu
a;ents weret ol issued frouitho United Biate Trcasuy
until March 91, but in the first three weeks of April the
liibscriptlons averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A
Bupscriptluns will bn received by tlm
First National Bank of Danville,
Pennsylvania, nnd by all tho
whirli arobopositarics of Public inonoy, nud all
throughout the country, (acting as agents of the Nat
nol Depositary Hanks,) will furnish fjrther Inform!
tion ou application nud
May 7, led!. Qui.
BELL 6c ALLABACH, Propriaors
At 20et U3cts, 25cU. 20cls. and 27ct3.
MUSLIN 8, brown and bleached.
At 10, 22, 24, 32, 31, 33, 42, &, 50cts.
Alapacoas, Lustres, DeLaincs, Cliallis,
Juau.3, Cassimercs, cc ,
Sugars, Syrups, Cofl'eo, Kent's East India
Conee at 20etB, a superior article
highly recomiiioiiiled.
Real Estate Bixh
21 Ijalitnblc Jfarisr.
Tlio subscriber oilers ta sell, at private sale, a Valu.
ble Farm, consisting cf
situate ill tho valley of Firhingcrcck, about two mil j
north of Hloomsburg. Culumbia county. Pa . comorlsi ,
the bottom land ot h? well. known Trimbley Turiu, a...
ine uaintin i arm. un me premises nre a
Dwelling House, two good JJarns,
an excellent ORCHARD, oat-buildlugs. Well, ate, to
gemer wim u
MapSe Orchard,
yielding from iuj to 1,033 lbs. sugar per year, Thi vci
of the "nioomtburg Iron Ore," t raixes ou'j ui-J o tun
tract of land. ALSO '
Valuable Town Properly.
The largo Thrcu Story Brick llUILDtNO, n id LOT
OF (1ROUND, on which it is reeled, ntusto on t..e
north side of Vain street, central in it,,- town of
llloomsburg Sjid bulliling is substantially - or.ti, urte J
of cscallent brick formerly used for a i.nrriKga Ta.
tory and can be Well adapted lo upl.uc of bu.l iBii,
told Lot is 41 feet front on Main stieet, ami 51-1 It dec
Possesion of the last named premises w ill .-iv- a
inimcdiatcly, if desired. C? Conditions of rlu w...
be made to suit the purchaser. D. J. U' ALLLiL
BloomaDUrg. May JO. lOTI.
TiIIC undersigned,
J. lament of Philip i'reas,
May 7, I;0l.-1-Jm,
At 30, 35 and 45 cts. per qr.
Executor cf the last will ur,d res-
latu of t.ei tre tnwn-u n
Columbia county, deceased, iu pursuance of the ' ,
of said decedent, will expose to public .ale, t. to
premises, ou
Thursday, the 5304h of .Suu.
A Tract of Timber Laud,
situate in llrlarcrcck township, C'olumbiu tutinty, Pj .
adjoining lands of D.iv id liliall'dr on the north, Jegu
Hicks on tho east, and others, all of which is unim
proved. iO" Bale to commence at 3 w'clook, 1'. M., on sa.l
day, when attendance will be given and lonnuio. J
be made kuuwn, by SAMUEL FIIEAS.
WEfLEY It. f K- A?
Exccuters of Philip Freas, de-oa.-ai
Juno 3, 1SCJ.
No. 20i North Second Street Phil'a. I , the h and bbl. at 12. 14. & 10 tlol
OXSTANTI.V on hand it full nsitmint of Ready I " l, - l...,.,,l
p'ON'STAM'LV on hand it full n.siitment of Ready
V .Made Men and Hoy's Clothing nnd ueuts' I'urnish
lag (.nods, at Wholesale and Retail
lara per barrel.
January 9, IcTst. Cm.
co-nnrtiicrnhin in
would respectfully announce, that we havo purchased
and Just received n large and select assortment o
M E ti U U A N 1)1 ,N I)
wliidiw'9 will sell very cheap f,r cash. Our nason
inent con.iits or everything usually kept iu a country
Btoro, such as
(1(01 KT.IiV
buss MBmmms
Hats, Caps, and Clothing, Boots and
Shoe... &o , &o,,
Ptort in the old and well known stand nfE. Laiars
i Co. CivousnCAI.L. IV M. FRITZ,
Orangevllle, Pa., April HI leol-3in
nIIE subscrilter has just received a now
I assortment of Hosiery Trlmminga and NcwCooda
& S P !KI v a ? So
BOTH 01'
Common (Juanitk Wauk,
The Duplex. Eliptic Spring btcol Skeleton
1 so well known among thu fair sex for
beauty of style aud durability.
An other notions, in which she Invites tho attention
of the Ladies generally.
rxywheiler i. Wilson's Pewing Machluos for salo .
AUo-fiiuday Si hool Hooks and Uiblcs.
Also MrB. Allen's Huir Restorer which will givu to
gray Its natural color,
A. D. wnim,
Next Door below Court House:
Illnomtburg. May SI. letll,
Greenpoiirt, Kings county, N, Y.
Estate of rederick Knouse, dee'd.
1 N lite Orohans1 Court of Cnlllmhla (Tniintv. In lbs
1 niaiterot the nartition and valuation of the Hstntn 1 .itittHiite. noil fast sliiki,.. into the grave. The said
of Frederick Knouse, late of Jackson twp,, deceased, tumor had been luimn.. .er fourteen years. 1 gavo
TO Jackson Knouse, and llanuali, intermarried with lierrJyrup, Tonic und I i ...and told her to takellieni
I'eler Niigle, residing at lleihel, in llrnnch county ,Stam just ut tho dlrcctiont w r printed, Bho cuino back to
or Michigan. TAKE NOTICE, That un Inquest will inv rooms. IK llond si, t in two weeks, .oinewhut
ho held nt tho lato dvelllnf houso of Frederick Knotis, , belter : her tongue had i' .in to dean n little around
Ueceaseil, Hi tho township of Jackson, county of Co, tlio edges, her skin who
luinbia, on TUESDAY, Iho Dili day of Auguu next, i the tumor discharging
Irt-I, between the Louis of U o'clock A.M., and 4 o'clock , faster than it hud ever
1'. M.. of said day, for the purpose of making parti. ally improving, nnd in in
tion of the Real Estate ol said deceassd, to and among my rooms very much fn
his children and legul representatives, if the samo can hud nearly slopped run
bo done wiihuul prejudice to or spoiling of the whole, Uiai every ductoi had t,
otherwise u value and appraise iho tuuio according to 1 would cause her death,
law i al which limu and place you aro required to ut uil left her system, and
tend If you think proper. j'hoy are now healed, j-.
J, II, r UItUA?. B tsrlft. I and she is bs hearty un.i
if r fcKOWER
HAS enlarged nnd grcntly improved his Store Room
and stocked it with n large nnd superior ritock of
SPRING and SUMMER CDOIIS, which will be sold at
low us at any other establishment iu the country,
Ccos nf 1C, 18, 20 and 25 cents.
Muslins, liltarhcd and Groum at 25, 2B,
up to 48 cents.
DRE.rt COOD8 of ovcrysbadn, quality i
and pilce ; a full linn of Domestic Hoods,
v it. . Checks, Stripes. Ticks, Linuen and Coilon
Table lliaper, fiingliains, Naiikeens, A.c . &c, A
good supply of Ladies rihoes and Callers
New stock of Hats uud Caps.
All Wool Ingrain, and Cottage Carpets,
a splendid artl'le just opened and for sale,
A fresh, supply of
Groceries and Spices,
a new lot of
MACKERAI. by tho quarter, hulf and wliolo barrel
Not, 1 mid 'J, medium and large. Also, a large and
splendid assortment of
new designs. Also, a new lot of TRUNKS and
Oil Cloth Satchels.
Ilnvlnir boucht these, fronds beforo tho late rite. I am
prepared to tell low, cheap at tha cheapest for cuili or
couuiry prouueu.
Uloomsburg, May 12, ItoU.
in endless variety for Men Women aud
Childien. Gaiters of all kiuds.
Tho CelobraUd Gutta percha Soled Shoes
for women nnd oliildron. Gents' French
uuJ Auieiioan, calf Hoots it Balmo
rals. Gents' Lace Boots form
81 ,00 to 5-1.
Estate of Philip FreaS, deceased.
L UTTERS Testamentary ou the estate of J'hi i;i
Ereas. latu of Centre township, Coiumbili c unf
deceased, liavo been granted by the Register of U' ' a.
See., lo tile until r signed nU'i residing in said town .hi i,
all periuns hdving ilaiina agains-t the estate of Hi .
decrileni ere icquesicd to resent them to the Ei 'CU
(ors without delay, and all persons indebted to bulla
payment t'oithnilh. tSWllJEI. l'RE.tS. I
J USiJE 11. FUEA3 i
Juno 1, 1 SO ( . S3 nt),
rPIIE underfilled, nnnounces to bis
friends und the public, that ho hat taken tho
abnvu well-known Hotel, in '
L I G II T S T 11 E E T,
Columbia county, Ta,, where he it prepared lo accorr.
module, the traveling public, to general satisfaction.
Ills Tvulk, is well provisioned and his Stale commo
dious und wcllattended.
O" A share of the public custom Is solicited.
Eight Street, June 4, letll 3m.
nioontburr, June t, 1664. 6t
aud her eyes briiliter, and
ry oheiisivo matter, much
,o bifore, She kept grndu
,1 two months sho came to
ned, saying thai tho tumor
4. and was healing up, and
her thai if II ever healed It
told her thai tho disease hud
',ir would heal the ulcer up,
uavo been for about a year.
i, 'butt a woman at )ou will
flndiH a da walk, dun (lad fot any out tpcall on
Pittsburgh Commercial College,
liliighauiplin ' '
Crittenden's " Philadelphia.
Riratton. Urvant t Co.. " "
Tlieta Script, are In amounts of $15 and 5(1 and are
t so much cash, by the Student on cntring either of the
above Colleges. Young men desiring toobtain u finish
ed Collegiate Education, will here Andagood specula-
on by oppltingat the oruroofihe
tMty I ItfOt.. C0J,VI,mA V E0C?AT.
Grain and other produce taken in exchunge
for goods.
The Berwick House.
Ecrwiek', Columbia co., J'w
Meg HE undersigned would respectfully announce to
"af1 III flu n d and thu public gencralU, that
having leased .Ills well-known househo has given '
athoruusU renovation. 1'iio rooms have been re-pap i
ed und the enure establishment elegantly rtfurnishe
lleiug pleasantly uud tligibly located, uud provid,
with all tho requisite conveniences, il offers 10 II
public the combined udvutuaget of
A First-Class Ootci:
HIS TAI1LE will nlwuya be supplied with the bcitvo
murkcts all'onl. and HIS UMt with the Lhniretl i
quoit. Travtl'ers. drovers, it'iiuibters, boarders, it
iiccomiuodalcd to general sallfl'.ution. Can fill and at
comuiodaling Hostlers always iu ulleudaiicu. StuLlh.
the most complete; and exwuiivu In this settiuu,
May 23. 1S01.
Buying and Felling for Cash ho is prepared
to Bell goods on lower profits
than when doing a credit
HqomsWs;, April 2J IW-U tinq
The undersigned would Inform hit frler.ds nnd tl
public generally, that lie is prepared. 10 irea.; nieces,
lully tho following diseaesvs
Rheumatism, llrnnchetis, tt. Anthony's DinccLoik
of Sight, and all blood diseases, with Uisppsia die.
j Salislaitiuu will bo given or no pay required,
His remedies aro purely vegetable freo from any talr.i
I Cr poison, and safe and pleasaul.
, OC011GEY03T,
llloomsburg, April U, 1CG1.
j Estate of William Cole, Deceased.
f ETl'ERS Testamentary on thu Estate of William
JJ Cole, late of Uciitou towmhip, Columbia count)
j dccintec, bare been granted by Un Register of foluui
, bla county, to tbe uiidetblgned ; all poisons luviiv
, tlainis ugaitist thu . .lato ot ihu decedtut nre requittol
I to present them tu the Executors at tmlr icsldeut
in said township without d'iu) , and all peiton ludet
led lo iiiiko payment fortliwltii
THOS II. r.,.t,
MaySl. I6l-6w$; 00 !rc,,io,s