Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 18, 1864, Image 2

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Owr Constitution guard It ever I
par clotloue Unionhold It dear I
JJmt Surrr Flag forsake 11 naverl
Vh proud Oanckaalan our only put'.
Saturday Morning, Juno 10,1864.
(Buhjatl to lh ileelilon of tho National Convention.)
Practical Treason Tho radical Ab
olitionists say that Lincoln and llamliu,
are tho Government, and to opposo them ,
is to onnoso tho Government, which (hnv
call Copperhoad Treason. Tho nigger
Convention last wook at 15altimoro, throw
Hamlin off, and thereby upset half of tho
''Government." Should thoynotnowbo
arrested for Treason !
I Dr. John sneori at tho nomination
of Gen. T remont. What elso oould bo ox
pected of a Lincoln' office 'holder. Is not
Gen. Fremont a reformor, an Abolitionist,
and tho negroo's Friend. But then, his
olection would broak up tho den of thiovos
and robbers, who aro deluging tho coun
try in blood under tho plea of u Loyally
to the Government." Their "crojl is'in
Glorious News Mr. Yalladigkam,
tho cxilod patriot, has relumed to Ohio.
Ho is an American oilizen, and shall bo
free, 'By tho Eternal." Wo daro tho
minions of despoticpower to lay upon him
a cowardly hand.
Mr. V., we aro glad to learn, has been
elected a Delegate to tho National Demo
cratic Convention.
The Presidency. In a very lengthy
and well written leader of tho last "Stili.
van County Domoorat,'' tho olaims of
fcjj. Gen. Geo.B. MoCLKLLAN,aro lucid
ly set forth for the Presidency. Wo regard
the article in question, as an able one, but
entirely too lengthy to insuro general po
rusafcand proper accoptablencss. Writers
. iJS public press, and especially small
country papers, should studious y bear in'.i tt a j l ,
. . f. , .... . , ' tho Union Army, and havo formed a part
mind, that "brevity is tho spieo of lifoond f i ur i .
.. ... . J , v , of tho "Pennsylvania Kcscrva Corps of
gives it all its flavor." . , ' . rn P J"
X Tho Pee John will not darb not
-'-publish Gen. Fremont's acccptanco of
the Cleveland nomination for tho Presi
dency, no is too candid, out-spoken and
trutluul for the miscegenation organs of
Old Abo s wiekod, dishonest and coward
ly Administration. 1 'They shun tho light,
because their deeds aro evil and ovil con
tinually." the Miscegenation Convention.
''Two Buck Negroes," and Palcmon
John, sat together last week, in tho Bal
timore Convention, which nominated Old
Linooln. What a motly conglomeration,
of color, taste and charactor office-holders,
niggers, theives and vagabonds. No
wonder they nominated tho Chief of Shod
dies, that they may continno to rob tho
pation and that ho may perfect tho des
truction of tho Union,
HSf Wo copy from Forneys Press, tho
letter of Gen. Fremont, accepting tho
Cleveland nomination for tho Presidency.
It will be found upon our nut sidd. It is
calm, strong, positive document, most
of whose position tho American Peoplo will
neither gainsay nor resist. Thcro. aro
eome howevor which no demooratcan ever
endorso, and therefore the strength of tho
party is sure to go for tho Chicago noin
inee. Arrest of Gov. Medary.
Our readers were informed, a fortnight
since, tbat tho venerablo and patriotio Gov.
S. Medary, of tho "Ohio Crisis." had
been arrested by tho minions of despotio
powor. They escorted Col. Medary down
to Cincinnati, informed him that he was
suspected of "contpuacy," and required
bail for his appcaranco, when required by
oia'"GTanny Lcavilt," at tho Supromo
Court. And now, in accordance tho
genoral course of all such knaves, tho
pro'ocutors havo postponed Gov. Mcdary'a
trial, until next October Term of tho
Court, and this is tho last tho public will
hear of tho ''bogus Conspiracy caso.''
"Our Soldiers Busily Digging."
Such is ono of tho head linos of that
loyal sensation newspaper, tho Philadel
phia Inquirer o tho 8th Jcuo.
Everybody remembers tho holy horror
and tho vast indignation of tho above pa-
per and all othors of African proclivities,
ct tho use of tho spado by Gen. MoClellorr.
There was no defonse,cxeuso or even pul
iation' for such a proceeding. Hidicule,
denunciation, epithets were heapod upon
his devoted head. 'Chickahominy Grave
Digger" was among tho mildest names ap
plied to him by the Loyalists.
Now, two years afterwards, we havo
Cen. Grant directly iu McClollon's tracks,
and with great gutto the radical papers
announce "Our Soldiers busily digging."
And there beforo those Chickahominy
Swamps, Grant has already lot moro men
than MoClcllan did j and yet no Demo
cratic paper speaks harshly of Gen. Grant,
or condemns his course or proceedings.
No man howover now looks for deeonoy
or consistencinyin an abolition newspaper,
SST Tho Grnat Central Fair for tho I
Sanitary Commission, was opened at Plill
adelphla on Tucnday afternoon latt, with1
imposing ceremonies. It will contlnuo
open daily (except Suuday) from 10 A, M.
to 10 r. M., until further notice. All tho
departments are filled with tho most mu
nlEocnt display of tho products of the va
rious hranohcit of art,indujtry,and scienoo,
and tho whole oollcction is said to present
one of tho grandost exhibitions of human
laato, skill and onterpriso that was orcrl
Clarion Democrat. R. li. BnoVN,Esq.,
has purchased Col. V. T. Alexander's in
terest in tho "Clarion Democrat," appears
I ns its solo Editor and Proprietor. Mr. AU
cxandor,(who was ono of our apprentices,)
has conducted this journal, some twenty-
fiT0 yoars, always a faithful Domooratio
scntinol, and bis fellow-citizens havo hon
ured him with their confidence, by uleoting
him twico to the office of County Treasur
er, and twico to a seat in the Pennsylva
nia Legislature Mr. Brown, hissucoossor,
is a good Editor and reliable Dsmoorat,
and wo havo reason to know will merit
compicto success as tho organ of tho noble
''Democraoy of Clarion."
Increase of "Copperheads."
If wo can credit the Abolition papers,
tho crop of ,(Copporheads" is multiplying
by myriads. At first they applied tho
epithet to only a fow Democrats, and fi
nally to all who opposo Lincoln and his
polioy. Now Howard, tho forger, who
was Lincoln's bosom friend, and walks in
Tilton's sanotuary, is called a "Copper
hoad." Boeoher, Wendell Philips, Fro.
mont, Cochrane, and the thousands of
radicals who took part in tho Cleveland
Convention, are called "Copperheads."
In their eyes, Plymouth Church is a
"Copperhoad institution, and tho Inue
pendent iB tho chiof of "Copperhoad" or
gans. In cutting off all who opposed tho
administration, the Lincolnitcs havo sovcrcd
the hoad and body of tho parly, and havo
nothing left but a small portion of the tail,
which still "wriggles'' faintly.
Return of the Iron Guards.
Col W. H. Ent, and tho remaining few
members of tho(,Iron Guards," who loft
Columbia county over three years ago, for
the Army of tho Potomao," returned on
Thursday last to Bloomsburg. Our citi
zens gave them a handtomo reception and
a hearty welcome on their return home.
Arohes wero crcotcd soveral days ngo, on
all of tho public streots and principal
places in town, handsomely decorated with
wreathes, emblems and banners of tbo
most patriotio character, and the town was
thronged with peoplo from tho country, in
conjunction with tho town-folk, tiTgive the
bravo boys a cordial "welcome iiome."
They arrived in tho morning train from
Harrisburg. Thoy wero met by crowds ol
anxious friends at tho Depot, and with
musio and flags, were escorted into the
Court House Yard. Rev. J. It. Dimm,
then addressed them in a neat and appro
priate speech. Col. Ent, their noblo and
brave leader was next called out for a
brief speech, which he delivered in a most
gentlemanly and soldierly manner, elicit
ing tho applauso of tbo assembled multi
tude. Tho work of shaking hands and pleas
ant recognition was then wcut through
with, after which, tho returned toldiers
and all of their former companions-inarms,
who had been honorably discharged
tho service, wero invited to partake of a
most sumptuous repast under tho shade
trees in front of tho Court House, which
had been especially prepared for their en
tertainment, by the Ladies of Bloomsburg.
Our town presented ono general scene
of mirth and was a grand galiday. Their
friends from the country, generally, wero
in town to meet and greet thoir arrival
.and escorted them to their respective
homes. And those of us, and those only,
who havo had sons and friends in tho Ar
my, can properly appreciate the gladness
and rcjoiceings which crown tho domestic
circle on the ro union of the lung absent
and dear ones at home.
The following is a list of tho relumed
volunteers, members of tho "Iron Guards,''
which wo publish to-day, Thoy aro as fol
lows :
Colonol II. W. ENT,
Adjutant Geo. S. Colkman,
Lieut. A. B. Jamison,
Lieut. II. I. Connek,
Sergents Samuel Stanley, '
W. S, Marge rum,
Corporals W. H, Snyder,
Benj. F. Sharploss,
Jos. II. Hess,
M. B. Hutjhs,
Charles Aehcnbach,
II- 0. Bowman,
Alfred Eck,
Nelson Bruncr,
JOS. i). tiCK,
j?'' par,D"al,d
Thos. Griffith, S. G. Gottshalo,
nenry uottsnaio y, a. liamlin,
Wm. Hollingsheat), J. H. Hughes,
8ylvester Ilowor, John Korn,
Theodore Mendenhall, A. Willard,
A. W. Mann, Wm. llaup,
Baltus Sterling, Abra. Shortz,
Geo. Waters, Alex. 2iglor.
Emanuel Kurtz.
A Negro as Good as Two Wuitb
Me. Tho "Occasional" letter from
Washington to tho Philadelphia Press,
suggests that for negro barbarities, perpe
trated by rcbols, thoy be made to givo two
white rebel at hostages for the pplanthro
pic investment, Vhat soxif
Whistling to Keep their Cour-I
ago up.
Tho Columbia Republican, In common
with tbo other Abolition sheets that are
controlled by Lincoln's office-holders and
flunkies, effects to sneer at tho Clovoland
Convention thttt nomlnatod Fremont.
Thoy aro evidently dismayed, howover, at
tho political tornado that has so suddenty
burst upon them from a quarlor where it
was lcatt expeotodi They aro fully con
scious that tho . schism in thoir party Is
deep seated and past healing ; and that
tho Clovoland Convention is a direct and
powerful protest against tho administra
tion of Mr. Lincoln and his war polioy,
irom thoso who wero most active in clo
vating him to power.
This condemnation falls upon them with
ortishing effect thoy boo in it "Iho hand
writing on tho wall," and no amount ol
"whistling" can conoeal their discomGiure
and consciousness of the guilt oharged in
tho Cleveland indictment. Thoy now
tremblingly await tho aentenco to bo pro
nounced at tho bar of tho Pooplo in No
vember. Tho Cleveland Convontion comprised the
very strength and essence of tho tho 'Re
publican' party. It embodies, first, tho
original Abolitionists, who havo formed
tho nucleus of tho "Ropublioau'' party,
nud to oonciliato whom that party has
abandoned all tho conservatism it over
professed. It oorapriscd the Gorman Re
publican elouiont, so powerful in tho West
ern States, and without whioh tho Ro
publioau party is nothing thcro. In
Pennsylvania tho call was signed by some
of the most prominent men in the party,
such as Ex. Gov. W. F. Johnson, E. M.
Davis, Esq., N. P. Sawyer. Esq., and
others and was attended by a largo dele
gation. In York State, whero tho movo
mcnt has made fewer manifestations than
clsowhore, it comprised such reprcstnta
tivo men as Lucius Robinson, Republican
Comptroller, elected last fall ; John Coch"
rans, Rcpnblioan Attorney General, clcct
edjlast fall ; Thos. B. Carroll, editor of th0
Albany Statesman, tho nearest approach
to a Ropublioan Statu organ, since the
Albany Journal lost tho respoot and con
fidonco of its partisans ; with formidablo
organizations in New York city. In Mas
sachusetts, it has tho aotivo sympathy of
Gov- Androws and tho Stato administra
tion. From Maryland, oven Smcthors,
who was clcotcd to Congress by Liucoln's
bayonets, was sent to tho Convention and
took an active part. To attempt to be
littlo such a momcment by sneers, is the
height of folly.
The Cloyeland Convention and its tick
et is no concern of ours ; but it is useless
for tho Lincoln organs to ignore tho im
portance of such a movement; and it
would bo ungenerous and unmanly to
withhold an acknowledgement for its great
service in boldly denouncing tho outrages
of tho administration upon the people, and
in setting its face against official assump
tion and usurpation.
Marshal Murray in Trouble.
Albany, June 8. The cause of consti
tutional liberty was vindicated to-day by
a verdict at the Greeno Circuit Court of
nino thousand dollars against .Marshal
Murray, and William Buckley, his depu
ty. Tho plaintiff, Albert W. Fatrie,wus
arrested in August, 1802, by Deputy-Marshal
BuokloyJ who had no warrant, but
acted upon tho authority of tho War De
partment, and on the information of Pa
trie's political oppouunts that he had spo
ken against the administration. Partrie
was arrested whilo at work on his farm,
taken to Now York, confined in tho Elm
street jail in an underground cell. The
apartment was four feet wide and six fcot
long and there wero two ether prisoners
confined in it. Ho offered hail, but it was
refused, and ho was kept in prison until ho
consented to employ and pay Judge
Ucebo to procure his release. Judge In
galls presided. Judgo Porker conducted
the case for the plaintiff, and Mr. Maitoou
for the marshal and his deputy.
The caso was swoin off for two terms
on account of tho absence of Secretary
Stanton, and ono of tho deputy-marshals,
neither of them was present on tbo trial.
The arrest was based on a letter of some
of Partrio'a political oppononts complain
ing that hospoko against the Administra
tion. A verdict of nine thousand dollars has
been rendered ogainst Marshal Murray.
Every Soldier should have tiibm
From 11. B. Heintzelman, Steward 7 2d
Rtp., P. V- "Your medioal preparation
(Brown's Bronchial Troohos) is certainly
valuable to soldiers in tho field, and I feel
satisfied, if generally adopted at tho hos
pitals, many sleepless nights of tho weary
soldier would bo averted. Our regiment
aro now testifying their qualities, and 1
believe are all satisfied with their pood
effects in alleviating those distressing af
fections of the throat arising from cold and
cxposuro. They arc now daily prcsorib
cd in our hospital and at the surgeon's
morning call." - Sold everywhere at -5
cents per box.
To Arms! To Arm I Tho Citizen
Soldier will find a moro deadly foe in the
brackish muddy water and damp night air
than in tho most determined enemy,
Holloway'i Pills so purify the blood and
strengthening tho stomach and bowels that
tho soldior canenduro theso hardships and
still be Btrong and healthy. Only 90 cts
per box,
War Domoorats.
Got. Soymour,of N. Y., has, cvorsinoo
his accession to tho chief magistracy of
that State, boon an advocate of this (
"cruel war;" exprossod himself ttmo and
again in lavor of its 'vigorous prosecutioni' ;
taking pains to show tho willingness ,ie '
felt that citizens of bis Stato should bo
sent southward to battlo ostonsibly for tho '
Union, hut really for tho negro, and has -
been a ready and willing auxiliary to tbo
Federal administration in carrying for
ward its war measures. Notwithstanding
all this, thcro is not a prominent Demo
crat in tho country who is tho rcoipiont of
so much virulent abuse, or malignant hato
from Abolitlouists, as this, samo Gov. Sey
mour. ' Ho is misrepresented continually,
and incvory official aot the radioals seek
to discover treason or deceit. On learn
ing of. tho death of Gon. Wadsworth, Gov.
Seymour paid a public and eloquent tri
bute to his virtuos and memory. A few
days aftorwards tho Tribune, in referring
to it, said : ''That Governor Seymour is
at heart with tho traitors now in arms,
for our National destruction, we havo been
long oonstrainod to boliuvo;" and this,
notwithstanding Seymoqr bcliovcs in the
war as 6trongly ns Grcaley, although for
a different object. Who would be a War
Democrat. Bridgeport (Conn.) Farmer.
Physical Culture.
Tho "Nokmai. Institute ron Physi
cal Education," incorporated iu 1800,
and under tho management of Dn. Dio
Lewis, will open its Seventh Session on
tho Fifth of July next, 1804.
Tho demand for teachers of tho New
Gymnastics has become such, that tho
last two classes of Graduates, oomisting
of about ninety ladies and gentlemen wero
at once ongaged, and hundreds moro might
hnuptoutablo employment.
Well-known medical men assist in pro
paring tho pupils to act as guides in Phy
sicnl culture.
In tho department of Gymnastics, Dr.
Lewis personally trains every candidate
for tho Now Profession.
If any reader would know moro of this
pioneer institution in a new and noblo pro
fession, lot him or her send for a full cir
cular to Dr. Dio Lewis, Boston.
"To Dr. Dio Lewis, moro than to any
other man, is this oountry indebted for tho
present dcep,)raci!tcc interest in physi
cal culture. IIo has dono a noblo work
Mass. Tcachir.
lWo look upon Dr. Lewis as ono of
tho boncfaotors of his raoe," Grace Green
"Success to Dr. Lewis's Gymnasium.
No bettor Institution exists." -Knickcrbock.
"Dr. Lewis's book is tho most praoti-
oal, sensible work on this subject, extant
in auy lauguage." Continental Monthly.
. "Dr. Lewis has givin iu far tho bast
and most practical of all publications ou
tho subject of Physical Culture." JV Y.
The Hand of Providence.
The hand of Providence is in this war;
so says the Infidel proachers whoso hands
are reeking in human blood. Wo find tho
following incident in an exchange. How
many such arc transpiring every day,which
never become known to tho community
"Mrs. Bctsoy Elliott, whoso husband is in
tho 17th Maine Regiment, was found dead
in Portland, a few days 6inre,on the floor,
tnere being no bed or furuiiuro in the
house, and nothing to eat. Her daughter,
about 15 years old, was tho only person
with her. The oorpae was lying- upon a
fow rags, and thero was nothing in the
houso to cover it with. Sho died from
Tho Three Hundred Dollar Ex
emption Clause.
Washington, June 8 The President
has sent a message to Congress, embrac
ing communication from the Provost Mar
shal General, approved by tho Secretary
of War, recommending tho ropoal of the
thrco hundred dollar exemption olauso,
which prevents the army from being kept
up to its maximum strong. b.
Growing Weather. The delightful
growing weather we havo had for a few
weeks past is worthy of mention. Sweet
refreshing showors and bright genial sun
shino havo had tho effect of bringing out
vegetation with tho gjoatest rapidity, and
tho country now presents a beautiful and
luxurious appearance. As the poet says :
'One could liutf lielie ve he heard
The leavct and blosiomi grow,"
Just Thinifof It.
Lincoln ro nominatod for tho Presi
dency !
Grant farther off from Richmond (and
that by compulsion) than ho was ono week
ago I
Gold up to 107 on Thursday. Thatis.
it requires 197 dollars of Linooln-Greon-backs
to buy 100 dollars of old fashioned
Constitutional democratic money,
II li,,.. .nJ l,.oi .i
noxt President." Uoston Traveller.
Then if tho pooplo aro not slaves and
cowards, "balls and bayonets" will mm.
make. That Io tho Christian rule
"Thoy that take tho sword Bhall perish
by tho sword."
If calls for "moro men" continuo at tho
rato thev havo for the nast vear. it will
' -
not be long before tho abolition paradiso of
tho "last tnftll and tho last dollar" shall bo
llsot Drafttd Men in ISictM of thoie Required.
Tho, following is a complete list ot mon
who weto drafted in excoss (the fifty por
cont.) of thoso required to fill -tho quota of
Columbia county.' Thoso mon need not
P"t themselves to any uoublo.about repo.t-'
m """"
' jjjqom TOWNSHIP
R. . ii n '..1,-, ini. Colanwn
Euos Jjcnby
Samuel Gehrlusir
Oliver Palmer
ficotgo Ihtssert
John AliiCornilcIc
Thomas McCorinick
David Doers
Ilohr Mc Henry William S Kaso
Clark Drink Klias Mcllenry
Thomas Hartman Abrulmm Hariman
lenoo K Krickbnum Klislia Sliultz
Thomas npplemuti Livingston Rnwo
Charles Dodson
Stephen Lelir, No. S
Stephen Lohr
A J Holt
John llinterlilor
Aimn Voauer
Jofcph Barry
Alnruan Davis
Wm" Woriz
Daniel llinderliter
Moioi Scltllclter
Kims Ititianhouse
A ml row Kuitilo
Solomon Jltinsinycr
Wm tilt u in an
Nathnn llredbender
Thomas Prescott
Samuel Binard Kpltrtilm Trowbridge
Evan D Adams William Tillman
Wtn McNeal.
Ambroso II. Sharpies
Thomas Hartman Thomas Hcnvliu
Win Miller l'oter S Ueibur
John A Shuman Win J liroombach
Henry Uuinu Jacob llolTmaii
Jacob Ilainus
Isaac Arnwino Honry MnKlotler
Daniel Binurd John L Freas
Jacob Shoemaker John Mcllontr
JacobO Wilson Hiram ftluHaury
Etnamluft Homier Samuel Shiva
Chiirles Anli Win Boyor
John V Hntclittoti Samuel i'ealer
l'orier Sutton
Israel Ashloti Daniel Dunn
laanc Richards Hiram T (lower
Ernnlus Hondershol Go F Kindt
John Lemon Geo Greenly
1'eUr Hayiuall Francis M Rot)
John Bobbins Isaac Kitchen
Jamei T Etop .Samuel W Girlon
M.iriiu Kinney Michael Grover
Joseph Yorks W W Roberts
Lavi Keelur Elijah Yocum
Joseph F. Dorr Ttieo N Smith
Goj W iMunniui;
George Eioribach Jos Samlor
Jacob Siein jf Stephen Yoho
John Wn'kins Ailum M JohiiKon
Adam Dtinmick Aa Doily
Chritlian Small Wm Yeaifer
John MorriH Nalhan Konlenbadori
John H Stokes Wm E Wnller
Lewis heinbuld Wm H Boiubold
Jus Ueid Micliuel Stein
Andrnw S Allen Jacob Kramer
Phalli. Wilkin Amos Cox
Wm WinlerHeen Abm Swinhor
Samuel P. Demon Jomh Moi-t
Silas Welliver Henry Wnuner
Wm W Caraham Felix' Bi.ter
Stephen Kllia
Geo L Omnn Robert S Oman
John Hippenstebl MelrhU Buckfl
Allreil Miller Henry Kitchen
Gabriel Evnretl Jo-eph Gilbert
Henry W Mellick Alnxaniler Rnmbo
Darnol Bouavitz Joshua Hartzel
David B Gluing Louis Filker
Thomnn Qniiiii Manin Nns
Jacob Ban man Nathaniel II Brown
Isuac B Ssliull James V FoMer
Siephflii II Schwann
Clemiiol I! Ilunrie Mnrioii B Hollies
Elwoml W Coleman Joseph C. Huithm
Samuel Achenbacti Robert B. Rickett
McClnm Drako Jonathan Point
Henry Siitmr Daniel Shul'z
Jeremiah Hcfr Abm A' Kline
EmamiHl Appleman
John E Gorman Latayntta Ungor
Joteph Dnebelbis John I.nrti
Isaac Sweeny Richard W. Lyons
Pemberluu Pialt
Wm 11 II Eck John M Trump
Marim Wuiiersteun Owen llugluifJ
Samuel L Cheriuuton
Emanuel Ruckel Philip Dieteriek
Uriah M Eiicar John B Vanhorii
Geo W Eilgar John Turner
Chnrlos Marrel Jainns Gruenago
Daniel M'aurou Henry Oman
John Wolt
James Pelorman. John Montgomery
Naihanie! II Steward Wm Peterman
George Elison
car Fremont's "flank movement" on
Linooln has staggered the shoddyites.
PITRAVnil from the premliea of the aubaenbera in
yj looiuaburg, onThuradoy uijlit laat. a mouse co.
JSEuley Cow9
Just purchased out of Kcmcrr'a Drjve. A liberal re
ward IU I") given if fur her return or Information uf
JACon n. cnoui.
Ulooni.hurg, June 17, 'CI,'
Cortlnnd N, V.. on the '-'ml of June 16G4. bv the
Rev. Mr. Ilcainan, Charles J, llarkly, i:i.,of lllooms.
burg, fa , and Miss M A. Wilson, of Troy, N, V.
In Malnvllle, on Pumiay, tho 13th of June I8C4. by
Jacob llrown,lq., Mr. Andrew Dingles, and Mrs,
Mary Ann fihuman, both of Maine .township, Colum
bia county, l'a,
! .In Beott township, on the Cth Inst., John Vaniah
itenicht.ln the tith year of his ago and on lhe7ili
Clara Margaret Whiteniiht, aged llmontha, and 4
days, and on the loth of April, Henry I.loyd White
night, aged 6 years. Children of John V. aud Harab
K. Whitenight i all died ofdiptberia.
In Mount Pleasant township, Columbia count y, on
Saturday, June lllh, lbul, Mr. David I, l'atteriun.atcd
about 3U years.
In Bloom two,, near Dlooniburg, on Thursday, tho
Oth Inst., Mrs. Rebecca J, Fisher, wife of David Fisher,
youngest daughter of James Lake, Ksi., aged 25 years,
7 mouths and 0 days.
' En1,? .P.n'Wi
1 ?c?lh'
i in uocusnwp., i;oiumeia county, on EatuTdav ev"
?fW JShn' y Jg"r,lh" M"' K"" Ya'
, In Fishlngcreek township. Columbia co.,on the Ctth
' Ai.m.'; n :W,wiV$t?, f dsyV.1
New &iDetttscmtuts.
Estate of John Cox, deceased,
ETTEUS of administration on tho
l'.itMoof John Cox, lt 6f Hemlock lowmlilp.
Columbia county, ilctnmed, lifvo been gtantcil ly tno
Kr el'ler of Columbia Miunty to the tinilcMUncil to
liding In lllooin townlilp nil notions having claltin
nciilnit Iho cutato of tho decedent nto toqiieto(l to
nroitoiitthomtothondinlnlHralor , without delay, and
all tiomonu'lndcbtcd to make payment rntthwllh.
I.EV I COX, Adnrt.
Juno 18, 1804.-0 w $2.
jukkiigu ijETTin.
dnvorJUIiV next, ror iiunning nn urun
UlUDOli oyor the WcH lltnnch of little I'lihlrijcreek,
in aldtownililp. lienr rhlllp Bhueinnkcr'i.
BalJ llrlilrte to be 42 feel between abutment! u lain.
14 fectl height. Ofeet anil 0 l.uhc. from low water
matk ! the abutment, tuba 0 feet thick, un,l the upper
li ml lower wmicnnin, mu ..u ... ---
tho lower wliiffwall. on eouth ilile, 12 foot long j the
win walle to be 3 feet thick. ,..,
Won nnil upeclflcatluni can be itcu on the Jay and i
plate of Icttlnir.
ll.U.Fn'UIT, Cltrk. j
Commlmlonerj' Office, )
liloom.buiBi June 15. 'tit.
m A It. 1 A ..... .1 1
laS? HOW l.osi, now ncbiorin. ;
7 OHT publlihed.a new edition of DR. CULV12I1.
J WUtil.'H Cr.i.llIlllATnU UHSAV oil the radical
cure (without tuouicincj oi sraiiMAiimKiiwii, m .oun
ual Wcakncei, Involuntary Semliml l.oetei, IKrunxcv,
Mental and 1'hyiicni incaiacny, iinjicuinieu w w
rlaee, etc. i ulno, C'oiiiuiuitlou, Kpllepny.aad I ll, In
duced by elMndulgeuco or .eiual BitravnKnnco.
rrt'.U. Ill U KCHICU tiiveu,(ii;i "iii u v.n.
i i.n,l iiuiliiir ill tin. a.linlrabte etay clonr-
ly deiiionntratee.lromu thirty yeare eucccMlul practice,
n ml
ICT" Tlila Lecture ahnuld be In Iho baud of every
youth and every man In the laud.
riant, undoraeal, Inu plain envelope, to any nddrcia,
fOit-pattl, on recaipt of alt colli., or two puat atauipi,
Aurueaa me puuiisurra.
i;il AO. J . yj. iv u l r. ec.
127 lloncar, Nlw Venn, t'oit uthco box 4S80.
June Id, Jet!4. ly.
New Cash Store!
bo Bodaralgned, having complotod their apaclou
lnro llnuie, at l.uwer l.lme lililto, in H.olt town-
iti p. Coluiuhiu cuuuty. ra , tKc picitiurc in minuune'
111 IU llictt Ilium" iu iu,M(tja vi'Vinnt ii
hartt Jtnl up en ad a 1
which li
ment of
fatly aupptled with a well selected aacort-
Contlsting of Olothos, OJSBiruors, Silks,
Muslins, Sattinctts, Ladio's Dress
Ooods, Gentlemen's ClotLing,
and in short everything um
ally kept in any Country
Dry Good and Vaciety Store.
SALT, &C, &C.
All of re hlch will ho aold a. cheop a oau be purchased
alien hare.
fcS" Duttcr, Eggs, Moat, CJrnin and
Country produce taken In exchange for
Goods, and for which tho highest market
price will he paid.
Qivo us a call. No chargo for exhibit
ing our goods, but it will uford us plens
urn to have them examined and prices
G.W.Oreveling &co.
Lower Lime Ridge,
Juno 18. 1801.
Public Sale
uhuim n, mm
iN piir.UHiico of nn order of the Or
phans' Court or Columbia county, on
Saturday, July 9, 1S6JL,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, JACOB II AJtTM.W, ,d.
niluistrator uf the e.lulo of JACOI1 11AKT.MA .M . late
of Montour county, deceased, will expo.o to sale, bv
puMic vniidue, on ih u premises, a certain tract of land
aituatu iu Hemlock township, Columbia county, bound
ed by laud of Joseph Muuei. land of Heirs of llaltis
Appleman. uud others, containing
125 ACltpS OK LAND,
more or less, reserving to tin Rloomsbnrg Rail Road
Iron Company all the Iron Ore, and the right to dig,
mine and carry awny thu same, and nil the timber need
ed for mining purposes, and the right to cut and haul
the samu, together with free ingress, egress and re
gress for the above purposes, Whereon is erected.
n story and a half Framo
mviXLiiVt. iiousi:,
and other out-bulidlngs, OKCHAUD, Well and Spring
of Water.
A 1,30 A certain Trftrt nf T.nn.l .llnrttn I.. 11
twp., Columbia county, bounded by lands of Joici h
Mouser. lands f llaylor Sc. (iulliver.iands of WiMiam
llarliuan, and lauds of the heirs of Haiti, Apple uin
more particularly dosrribed as follows! Ileginnine at
a ppst in a line of Joseph Mauser, Ihcnce by Maiiscr
ff llaylor norths L4 cast, J0U.4 perches tb n post.
Ihctico by Dnylor & Gulliver north a 1." oust. B7.75
perches to stones, thenco by Wm. Ilartniau, south til
V?.?'''"'""-'"1,"" tuatnne. thenco by samo north
Ji.'. J."lV:, llurcl!?"oi0.a. "on"' "'enco by UaltisAp.
pieman's heirs sorith 80 .4 west. 103 porches tu a post,
thence by other lands of said deciaaed south II hi nr.. .,i Vi i , , ,
",uat8 in tl,u ,wp-
j Conditions made known onay o?sul'e.,'b?' Cle,1,
whp,, ... ,.b,viic. iu ucgiuntug,
irtooD..t,urf, June 11, iK '.
mllUCOUNTV COMMIsaiONr.lW will recelvo pro
1 posol! ivt the llou.o of Jo.cph Uhocmoket . In Una
towu.hln. Columbia county, between the hour" or IU
n"cl"k ..M.. nd 1 P.M., on SATU I AY, the fith
.. .u..i..h . """-i. T - ..ft f link utr nr Hli liMl.Hln'r bplliullllll. uhitn In.
g;-s,?v;'S;ef;;ifaf -is. A'i
eondlllon may be, may cure hlunclf cheaply, privately, 1 S?." f ' .. o S if 1 .V '
- I kill III IIIC ui'isi ii.i .iwa
Diseases Resulting ft om Disorders of the
Liver aiid Digestive Organs,
Ann cuitF.i) v
Thoso Bittors havo performed moro Curett 1
nu'v. ji.yd no att'i: nr.TTt:n s7Vvc77o.7
We defy nnv one to conltftdict thli nn.otrtloD, nttd
will pay 8101)0 to any one Hint will produce a'
rerlitlcate publlillcd by UMuallinot eenulne.
will curoevery cue tt
Ohronio or Ncivous Debility, Diseases of
the Kidneys, and dlscnses arising
from a disordered Stomooh.
O'jeorvctho following tyniptom f KifUltlng from Dlj.
otdera uf the lllgcftlre Urgantl
n Condlpa
tlon, Inward l'llei,
riiiiieM of Itliiod to the
Head, Acidity oflhe Btoiuaib
Nauaea, Heartburn, llingunt fn food,
I'ulncta uf utlglil in the Stomach. Huur
Kructatlona. linking or I'lutleilugat Ilia I it
of ttie rfiniiiach, Stviininiiiii of lliu llred, Hur
tled and lliltlcult Drcjthing, rluttenn; at tbo
Llmb, Sic.. Huddou Fluahca
cf Hint, uuruini! in the
rterh.Coiiatntil liu.
tc. depreatiou
of aplrlti.
Is Not Alcoholic.
IS THE BEST TONIO in tho World.
I'rom the llev Levi Ueck, Pastor of tlm llnptlat C'butch.
i'emtiertun. N J, furmeily of tho Worth ifatitln
I'einucriDii. .i j , tun:
Church, I'liiln IcInliU.
I have known llauilanda Gcnnaii Hitters favorably
for n nunitier of yenra. I have U9e.l them In my nun
family, anil have been so pleased with their rlTecti
that I was Induced to rccouiinuund them to many nth
era, nnd know that they have operated In etrlUnly
beneliclnl manner I take Kreat pleasure In tliua pjh.
llrly procl.iiinliiKthii fid, and callutj! Ihe attention of
tbosc afltitted with thoie diseases fur whi h they arj
recommended, to tlioae Itinera, kuowimc frometpeti
enco ttial my recominendHtinu will be seatnlned, I do
Ihit more elisor in t ly as lluolbiid a llitteri is intends
to benrflt Ih i nfllicted, and iauot "a ruin drink."
Yours truly, LriVI G. BECK.
Frosi ret. J. Mirtcrn liroien, I). I),. Editor cf thu Knti
tloptdia uf ItcliglouM Kiieiclylgi, ani UMnlan CJ.nn
itle, l'Mladtlyhia
Althnufli notdiaposod to favor or reconmend Tatcnt
Medicines in eineral, through dintrunt of their luere
dienta and ttrecta i 1 yet know of no autlici -nt ri'no I
why a man limy not teatlfy to the benrfit h l bellows
blmsell tu liavii received from nnv tiun.l) preuaraltu
In lliu hope that he may thua contribute luthe bjueftt If
I do tlila the more lendlty In rcfanl to lloofleno'i
Orrmnn llittera, prepared by Dr. V, il. Jarkaim.iirtliK
city, becaiiMi I was prejudiced against tl.eui lor man
yiirs, under he Impression that they wro cHlefly i,r.
at. (ihrilic mixture. I am Indebted to my Irieml ltoben
fliocmakcr, V.i., Cut ttie removal if this prejudice It
proper teala, and fur en, omnfemcnt to try Iheu, wh n
HUirerine Irom great and Innc continued debility. '1 in
usu or three bottles of Iheiu Hitters, at the beelnnln
of the preaent year, was fotlowni hv ovidens rolinr
and n-.toration tu n decree of bmlily ,'ind L-.enlal vitei
which I hud not felt fur in months b.iforu, nnd liad i
atdesimired of regaining. I thcrcfuto thank CuJ
nnd my friend for directing me to the uho of tlisjn.
from lliu Ubv. Ivt 11 K.winrd, Paatnr of Hi .u
llapti.l I .ui. ',
I)b. Jacksox :-llcar nir: I havrt luen fr-ifi mlr t
quested in connect my na:n with cumuinidiUi.m. t
iliderent of medicliii's hut rejnrttinc ihe prie'la
aaouturiny nipropriatu sphere. 1 hive in iili .a,M
declined ; b it witli nili-ar proof in van mi i..eun.
and particularlj in iny Inmi'y. orth uicliilni.i ,i I r
lloull ind's Uurinau Ui'lera, 1 depirt fur nricj fr'.ii u
uual course, to express my full innvlcilnu th.u, f.j.
general debility uf t la t ayteiu nndcpci hilly t ,r Lit
i.oinpl.ilnt, it ia a safe and vulujlilu pinmiralion 'i
nine cane, it may l.nt ; but u.iiully. 1 riot it c.',
be very beneficial tu tliua" uti.i .uiW frnu iuii Viv j
iuusc. Voura, ery n apectriiiiy,
J. II Kli.'ArtD
liifhth below L'oalus at., i LUuj a
Ilrom Rev. Warren Randolph I'untcr cf lioptlat Churt;
Geriuantuivii, l'a.
lla.C. M. Jacxsoi i DearHir: l'urmnil rinerlersi
Halites mo to say that I regard thu li r.iian Inner,
prepare) bv ou as a most excell.inl niediijne, Iocl.-b
ur aevcre cold and general debility huvu been ureal
ly bciiLiitti'd by Hie use ui thu hitters, nnd duul.t fic
lucy will produce Biimtar elLn ta on ulh-ra
Vours respectrull), WAKRIIN UAN'UOI.I'K,
(ieimaiituwn, Peiiu u
,.iI rom !f,cVf"' T""r. I'astcr ol lle.Miu; M. 1;
Uhurch, l'liiluda-
ni!!rJfCK"",r:i,,c,'"'.B"' !-"vinsuM.I )onrriiriir.a
niturs in my f.imjiy tre.pieiuly t uin prep.ncd In y
that il has been of great k-rvice. I t.cli.' v.. that in i',i
cases of gen irally licliilny untie s.isteio it Is the sif n
and most valuable remedy of which I luvo nnv kouwl
edge. oura, 4,c, J. II TUit.VEU,
No. eitl N Nineteenth Utr let
rrom the Rev. J t. Lyons, furiner'y Paatornf ths Co
luiubus (.N, J.) and Milcstoivn, (l'a ) llaptiat Cliutcfa
r, , . New Criluinbtir, N V.
IlR. UM. J.CBHOM-DenrBir.-I feel it n riliasuri
Ihus, of my own accord, to bear tesliinuny lotlijis
cittern d ol Hi, Oerman Hitters. Soino.yearsslnfia usiuj
much alllicted witli llyapepaiu, 1 us-rd them with ciejt
lirnrncinl ri'siilts. I liavu olleu receinnn-nded llioin to
persona enfeebled by thin tormentiiudioai.o.nnd lmv
heard from llioin the most Haltering L'HtluioiilaU fcl tu
llii'ir great value. In cases of general debility, I bj
lieve it lobe atonic that tannot be surpassed.
lta;ni.h,ucf::T"0''Win'Sr' I,,StC'0f
Ha. Jitmiin , --Hear Sir :-l fool it due to vour f; rePl
lei i preparation, lloofland's Certilan nittera. in !
lers. 1 did so and Imve experienced great and unex
pected re hef; my health ha.'been very materially ben
uu.Mti.1,f,""nn'lu,""?' rc"'nenil IhJ art.clc where I
meet witli cases similar to my ow n and have bocn as
......... .,,, , , .,, iiieirKuuu eu.'cis.
Itespectfully yours, T. WINl'iilt. lloxborough, P
I'romRcy. J. S. Herman, of tho German Ucforui'J
Church, Kutztown, licrks county, l'a.
JJS'n'H1, Jtc,K0,,-liesH'cted Bir :i ,avo boon slck
n.. i,y' ''f '"'1rly ,uc,1Iy Mr. and have never
, .I"""11",' ,l,at d,J Hiuch good as iloof
nf?d !ki,!SrS" I "'" vo,y "luch improved in health,
after takiug rive botus, despe;tlully yours.
Large Biso (holding nearly double quantity,)
Hm.n ui.. - 8I,0U P" Rottle-liall' doteu, 8J (M
Bmall biio-,5tcnn per Uottle-half dozen, Hi i
.,Se,0,not ,llu 'iR'iaturo of "C. M, JACKSON," Is on
the Waifi tu of each bottle.
Should rnop tlpnrn.t ilmnni.t 1.... ..tin).
flinJ ') ! U'Py rn"y, !"
, and ivim? h""rul1
J lVU U l" ,or"'",u
do not be put olf by any of the Intmiciling prcpara
n ita plucn, liut scud to ill.
rely packed, by ixpteti.
Principal Office and Manufactory,
Wo. ai Avch Street.
Jones & Evans. '
(Successors to 0, M. JACKSON k Co...
tO-KOK SAI.E hy DiiiggUn iHd Dealers In in
wn in the United blah.
Juno II, leol. (jct, SI. lfG3l?rmi
my lestiniony to ttie deserved reputation it has obnl
I'd. I have for years, at times, been troubled.wnu
great l sorder n my ,ea.l and nervous aystei i. I iu.
advised by a (riend to trv n b,,ul .,r v.n ........ i,