COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. EDITED BY LHVI I.. TATE, FHOFRIETOHi " Our Constitution guard 11 over I Ont eloilon Union hold It dear 1 Our Starry ring forak It novcrl Th. proud Caucasslan our onlr poerl BLOOMSBURG:'" Saturday Morning, June 11.10G4. TOR PRESIDENT IN 18SI, GEORGE B.M'CLELL AN, (Subject to Iho decision of tho National Convention.) Rev, Dr. Thomas Bowman, form erly tho I'rincipnl of Williainsport Diokin od Seminary, ami moro rcocntly Presi dent of Aslibury Uulvireity, at Ureoncas tlo, Indiana, has boon clcotcd chaplain of tltc United States Sonate. r We bavo been copying from tbo Philadelphia Ape, tbo best daily paper in tho State, tor several weeks, a summary of the War news, Wo arc only sorry wo could not copy the wholo of its complete, ablo and well digested reports. Tlioy are evidently prepared by some gentleman who is thoioughly posted. tW The Atlantic Monthy for June is rectived. Its contributors are among- tbo first writers in tho country, and its con tcnU.iu a literary point of view, arc up to its best previous issues. This number closes the volume and a new ono begins with July, whiuh will be enriched with tho UBual stylo of matter. ' Mitchell, Ilolmes, Longfellow, Recchcr Stowc, and othcrB will still enrioh its pa ges. Ticknor & Fittlds ; Boston, S3 00 per annum. Fortruita of Lieut Gen, Grant. Messrs Turner & Co., No. 808, Chestnut Strect( Philadelphia, havo sent us several Photo graph Portraits of Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. A. Theso en gravings are amongst the finest specemen of tho Art extant, and as they personate tho great Military Chioftain of age, who is a fino figure wc should judgo they will "bo in groat demand. Tho Publisher's houso, as will bo seen by their Card in our columns, has been located in No. 808, Chestnut Street. Give them a Call. I- Wo have received from the Pub lishers a pamphlet of about ono hundred pages, entitled "Notes on tho Constitution of the United States, with expositions aud explanatory notes" &o. &o.,by C. C. Burr, Esq, ' Wo haro gone through it with great in terest ; and regard it as a very ablo, luoid and valuable work. Tho opinions of Mr. Webster and Mr. Justico Story on whioh the-nnnolator chiefly relies are direct, pointed and unanswerable. It ought to be 'in tho hands of evory American citizen. The 8300 Exemption. Provost-Marshal-Gencral Fry tins writ ten b letter to Wm J. Steele, member of Congress from N, J. saying that the pay ment ot 300 exempts persons from one draft, and that .hould it require several drawings to complete tho quota, tho per sons so paying are exempt from each drawing of that draft. Buown's BriONCiiiAt, Tiiociibs. Ther?c Lozenges are prepared from a highly es teemed recipe for alleviating Bronchial Af fections, Asthma, Hoarseness, Coughs, Colds, and Irritation and Soreness of the Throat. South Carolina Reconstructed ! Tho Stato of South Carolina, tho most incorigible robel of nil tho rebellious States, has been brought back into the Union, or reconstructed,!))' tho masterly policy of Undo Abraham, Tiuo, Charleston is not yet taken, and Sumter, in ruins as it is, still flaunta the rebel flag to the breeze. But, no matter ; the land "of tho Pinck neys, tho llhctts, and the Prcstons, has bcoD reclaimed to loyalty by tho "squat ter sovereignty" prooess, and will ho rep resented at Baltimore on Tuesday next, in tho Convention that is to'' renominate A Lincoln for a second Presidential term, now it was done, tho Port Koynl corre spondent of tho New York Herald explains, thus : On the 17lh of May, u Mass Convcn lion of tho loyal subjects of Old Abo in tho reclaimed pottion of South Carolina, composed oi Army officers, contractors, camp follwcis and negroes, was held at I Beaufort, and, after arsing a scries oil resolutions ot tho stereotype loyal stamp, I appointed a set of Delegates to represent the Stato in tho National Convention Which meets at Raltiinoru on tbo 7th of. June, The Delegates selected, under in-1 struotions to veto for Lincoln, aro ; Gen-1 eral Ssxton, Military Governor; A. D. ' tfmiih, Tax Collector ; Major Parkor, pay master U. S. Army; E. S, Dudley, Bob-; crt Small, Prince Hi vers, -Henry ITatus, I King 'Thomas and Sergeant Williams all Contrabands or ' gemmen of color ;'' Meesera. Cooloy, Dunbar and Bobbins, 'Army Sutlors, and II. G. Judd, Chief Superintendent of contrabands, Wo hope thtttbeforo the delegation goes to Baltimore, it will call upon Mr, Lincoln Somo fatherly instruotion by him as to the manner in which South Carolina should greet 'Massaohutctts' after eo many years of strife, will bo peculiarly appropriate The 10;40 U, S. JBondi aro sell ipg at tbe rate' of nltout 11,000,000 a day, ' General McClcllan in 1002. On tho Oth of May, 18i2, tho Homo of Representatives at Waihington, uomposod of a largo majority ot radicals) on hearing of the battlo of Williamsburg, passed the following resolutions unanimously : Resolved' That it is with fcolings of de vout gratitudo to Almighty God that the Houso of llopresontativos from time to limo hear of tho triumphs of iho Union army in the great strugglo for tho suprem acy of tho Constitution and tho integrity .of tbo Union. Resolved, That wo rccolvo with pro found satisfaction intelligence of tho. re cent victories achieved by tho armies of tho Potomao, associated from their locali ties with thoso of tho Involution, and that tho sincere thanks of this Ilonse aro here by toudcrcd to Major General George B. McClcllan for tho display of thoso high military qualities whioh secure important results with but littlo sacritico of human life. Do tho knaws and fools tho latter be ing tho dupes of tho former to whioh par ty Dr. John belongs, who now delight in slandering Gen. McClcllan for partisan purposes, over think that they aro eatirjg their own words f Senatoii Collamcr, of Vermont, said in the Senate tho other day . I do not wish to occupy the timo of tho Senato by making any remarks about the Constitution ot tho United States.' I think it a subject almost of derision hero ; with mnuy gentlemen is an object of dorision. As it is so in a great measure, and a iniui is sneered at for mcntiotiiug'tho Constitution, and if he has a decent respect for it and for his own oath ho is called a "timid" man, I do not wish to lake up much attcutiou of a body wherosuch a subject is treated in such a manner. What a body tho Sonate of tho United States must be, when a loading and talen ted member of tho Republican party feels constrained to nioko such n statement 1 The Constitution an object of derision I Nowondormcn hato a document whoso plain reading is a constant rebuke of their conduct, The War. Wo have received intelligence of stilt more docidod movements on Gen. Grant's part, looking to tho abandonment of the Mcohanicsvillc jouto to Richmond. On Thursday tho Fodcral army faced south-west, tho northern flank being seven miles from Kiobmund, and resting on tbe road to Mechanicsvillc; the centro at Coal Harbor, and the southern flank thirteen miles from Iliohmond, near the railroad from Whito House to tho Chickahominy. During Thursday night and Friday morn ing Grant 'ovolvcd bis southern flank back nearly five miles to Bcthcsda Church. It rested a little north of that pluco, and was ubout four miles west of New Castle, on the Pnmunkoy. Tho Confederates follow ed it closely, and there wns much slur. mishing. On Saturday tho Confederates withdrew a short distance, and tho flunk advanced about a half mile and there res ted. On Sunday there was no fighting, and no movements are reported. On that day tho Federal lino was a north nnd south ono, facing west. Smith was in tho centre, at Coal Harbor, twelve miles east-nothcaat of Richmond. Warren was north of Smith, at Bcthcsda Church. Burnsido wns north of Warren, on thGcxtrcmo flank, and was four and a half miles west of New Castle, on the Pamunkey, and fourteen northeast of Richmond. Wright was south of Smith and Hancock south of Wright, on tho ux tromo southern flank. He was near Des patch Station, on the Whito House rail road, and thirteen miles from Richmond. The length of the lino was six miles, and it was in all parts closely confronted by strong Confederate works. Grant's head quarters were at Old Tavern, three milos south of Bcthcsda Church. Of the reason of ibis retreat, the groat cr part of which was mado on Friday morning, wc havo no official explanation. It appears to have been made hurriedly,) and tbero arc statement that heavy guns were brought forward by the cuemy.which threw shells over tho Federal lines into the wagon trains beyond. Even when the line, in its rclrogade movement, reached Bcthcsda Chureh, thesoguns were able to shell tho headquarters camps and the trains in tho rear. Beyond u statement of liwci, Secretary Stautou yesterday was very silent, and to-day he has sent us uoth ing. Tho ominous information that "move ments wero in progress," accompanied his last despatch. Tho distanoo of tho Fed eral line from Richmond, on Sunday, aud tho strcugth of tho Confederate position, show a determination on Leu's part not to allow G'tput to cross the Chickahominy. No portion of the Federal force is now within thrco miles of that stream. There is nothing from Butlor or Sher man, Genornl Fremont's resignation has been accepted. Wc Assert it Boldly. Thcro ore no other Medicines so reliable, effectual and oonveniout as HoJJoway's Pills & Oint ment, always ready, for 'uso. Thoy aro invaluable to tbo Soldior exposed to Soros, Wounds, Fovers and. Bowel Complaints, Thoy never fail. Only 30 scuts por box or pot. 1 1 . PWV- 'I'll (1 Aint!,11iArl nn.l ATMS UUU ICUUUfc I U I UJ , with which wo havo been favored,bave won- J dorfully reoupcratcd Iho grass and graiu. Not a week passes without somo oobo of death from hunger in London. . LItt ot the Drafted Men ot Columbia County. The following Is a f.isi at tho dialled mon of Colombia county, drawn at Troy, l'enn., on Friday Iho 3d InM. HLOOMTWi'. NO. DRAFTKD. 27. K R Drinkor Oliver C Knhtor John T Williams Alton F Yot Andrew M Hnport Sumuol H Surtax Jnmos Henwooil Homy RosenMock llunry S Arilmr Llojcf T Sharplns I'uior S Harmon Ransom lluzlo: Douglas Hughes Thomas Dowries Nelson limner Michael McCnrmick Thomas. MvOIII David Hear Thotnus McCnrmick (Sporgo Hfert John McCorntick Ohvor I'nlrnor Samuel (lehritigir Knoa Jacoby Jacob Dii'lil John Coloman Charles II Ilomlorshol 13UNT0N TWP. No. DIMFVliD, 33. TtiomoB Soiyfriiz Charles Koefur Jnol Alberlsnn Robert I. V Cully John Appluman Hanry Sliuliz Jacob KnoiiKo John llarlinaii A Davis (Jrwrcn Allon Harmon t. Sline John V Weaver Duvhl 1' Crossloy Kilwnril McHonry John Swarlout Daniel Kitchen Charles Doil.nm I'otcr Lanbnch ileiijnmiii Brink Routiun J Davis l'amn Mu'tetit Clicittur S DuJ.on Conrad Miberhatti Livingston lthouu Thomas npplumnn Slllllt. Naac K Krickhnnm Abr.iliam Harlmatt Tliornrt llarlinuri Mia McHonry Clark Brink William S Kuso Cull r McHenry BKAVKR TWP. No. DRAFTED. 48. I.tivi Michael Win Milton Robert Watson Jamee Gullaglior Jacob Hoffman I'nter Kckrole Samuel Mungclur Cnnrad H;irnuin i. Hrwino William Michael David llnllcmnn Patrick Lynch Aaron .lohnt-oii Davi.l Fry I'.lijah Millor Wm Nans Porer Schliclior John WiUou Henry Raker Jjcub Lindonmutli Peter Shcllliummor Sjiuuel Sherman Joitiah Johunon John Hunsinger - Levi FeoHter J. Painter Jacob Enger! John Loimonberger i'eier Hawk Reuben Shtimati (lidcon iluiitinyur Paul Fry Thomas Proccott Dauiol Hiuderli'er Nathan Itredbender Wm Weru Wm Shu in an Aloruau Davis Solomon Hnutnnyer Jnfeph Horry Andrew Kuittle A inns Yeagur Kiios RittenhoiiKe John Hinterliter Mope Schlicher A J Urettx Stephen Lehr, No. 2 Stephen Lehr DRIFTED, 13 Wm . M Klinotob Jacob Fenslermacher Jimi.ih lilank William Thomas Clark Rower William Tillman Kckanl Smith Evan D Adams Ncmiati Rittenhouso Ephrnim Trowbridge Jacob liieilner Samuel Rinard Enos McAffeo CATAWISSA TWP. Theodore Kreiyh Edwanl 1! Reed Jncnb Mnriz Win H llartinun Jesie K Sharpless Amos liensil Jacob Urecch James Stanley Harvey Geiger John Scott . Jacob H Croasy Geo W John Harvey Millor Nathan Creasy Duvid Molz Jamew S McNiuch No. DRAFTED 3 0 Wellington Clayton Solomon D Rinard John Getkin Mark R Hughes Burton W Former Jacob Hainc Jhrob HolTinnn Henry (iuinii Wm J Brnombach John A Shuniau Peter 8 Beiber Wm Miller Tlionias Howlin 'Thornns Hnrtman Ambrose H Sharpies Wm McNeal. CENTRE TP. NO. DRAFTED. 13. Chits Zimmerman Shailrack McUrnle Georue K Hens David K Sloan Jespe Frcas Wm Durling John Horn Joseph Conner Henry Shafer John L Freaa Daniel Rinard Henry Macteller Isaac Arnwiiie CONYNGHAM TWP. Henry Hechst John Heapeuny Bernard Kelly Henry Maidenfnrt Murlin Cotello Michael Gloylan 1 homas Nixon David Btark William Shuman Joseph B Knittlo Henry Cyroii" Jniepli EdwiiiH Geo W Mitchell Lewi" Dioss Patrick Jnice Patrick Burko Jamen Scott Abm Williams Petor Matey John G Hauler Thomas Glcnncr Thomas Collier J S Beadle John Gristol Elian Slnbich Michael Zivmct Aiiiluiiiy tJnllnhar Patrick Devine Geo W Davis Jacob Fibber Frank Smelir Micliuel Conner Henry Foy Uriah Tilloj Frederick Snyder Peter Hnnelouf Reuben Tilloy David Brnwn John l.angun John llnr Petor Huttensteinu Jnhntliiillcr Michael Glflssner J M Finch Jamos Mongola Patrick Kinney Jiiikins Boweii Richard Keley Anthony Cnurovo Daniel Lunlier Henry Heckman Michael Brinnin John Stall George Womer Thomai l uerd John Dolnoy Thoina Farrul Joceph Brian John Mull jr Sieplion Thomas Moses Morrison Jhiiiuh .McDonald 'Tobias Liuar ' Peter Iiasliu John Sietbler Petor Snow Wu. Lills Eliust Barriiii;cr Daniel Fetturiiian Thomas Kilooll Michael McColo John Hod Junius Darrach Jacob Hariniiti Darnel Kieffer Wm Snvder (icurKO Masiin Barney McGuiru John Fleniint! Pnlrick Demotl Mosoh I.OIIJJ Frank 1 Lou Peter Brenin Wm lloglaml John Stubon Anlhnny ltd y John McDonald Robert Humphrey William Brancliido Thomas Burke 'Lufa) etlu Fettcrinau F1SHINGCEEK TWP. Georyo M Howell Enos Pealer John W Harrison Evan IC Bitienbeiider Jacob Kline Joseph Klino Poier Kojjtirt John llito Frank Wolf Reubon Savao James Campbell Wm Hagenbocli EmanduB Bender Hiram McHonry Jacob 0 Wilton John McHonry jncob Shoemakor FRANKLIN TWP. Joel Zarr Miner Hiles Silai B Harlmun Richard 11 Iliddlo Jonathan Loremau John Lorumart GREENWOOD TP. Valontino Garnet John P Smith Samuel Albertson Jacob Watts Joshua Davit Richard J Eves Iloej Stackbouso Wm McK Muigrure Roese McHenry Isaac McHenry Augustus W Weaver David Suvhs Auihotiy Hunsinyor Amos Savage Jamos F Sinker Abraham Uiiaiiit-t Thomas M Sutton Alexander Yaplo Caleb O'Brien Mathias Appleman Samuel Pealer John F Hutchioon Wm Royer Charles Ash Samuel Shivn Amos Drefhor NO. DRAFTED, 12. John It. Ilrobtt William Swayzo Hiram T Howor Isaac Itichnrdd Daniel Dunn Urael Ashton NO DRAFTED, 18. Goorge Ikolor Jacob Shuliz A P Heller Francis M Itno Peler llayinun Geo Greenly John Lemon Geo V Kindt Erutlus lieadersLot HEMLOCK TW1' Selh Shoemttknr John II Millor Thomas A Lewis Pansovlllo Folk Geo L Shoemaker John C Fox Johu Harlmun John P Guild Goo W Witmilulit Jefforrnrn IW-mj. JACKSON TWP. Jool Folk Abraham SloutTer Mlchaol Grover Martin k'innry Samuel W Girion Jaino T E'lop Isaac Kllchmi John Robbius NO. DRAFTED, 21. Michael Rosier Calvin Dorr Ezekiol Colo Wm Shoemaker Gen W Manning Then W Smith Joseph Derr Elijah Youum Levi Koolur W W Roborts NO. DRAFTED, 5S. Daniel Wary Henry Klein Sam Millor Geo ltosdy Wesley Pony John A Bitnor I. W B Fisher Daniel Bilnoan Wm Carl GcoH Patterson Michael Sloin Jai Betd W H Roinbold Iwis hoinbold Win E Walia r John II Stokes Nathan Kostonbader John Murria Wm Yoagor Christian Small Asa Doily Adam Dimmick Adam M Johnson John Walk ins Slophbn Yoho Jacob Sioin jr -Jos Sanders No. DRAFTED, 39. Jacob Slratifor David Ross Daniel Morklo Peter Smith Geo Dcmott Jacob Shoemaker Stophon Ellis Felix Riitcr Wm W Caraham Henry Waynor Cyrus Wollivor JobiahjMnikt Samuol P. Domott Abm Swisher Wm Winterstoon Amos Cox Phonias Wilkin Jacob Kramer Andrew S Allen Abm llhller Ellis Ynuni( David llishlino Wm Kenler Gollieti Wni;riur Danifl Yonnn Frederick Hops A J Klino lltilth Shuliz llonry Wiimier Josoph YorlcH LOCUST TWP. Poier Miner John Morgan l.iane J Ki.-hor Gora (lower Joseph Thomas Alex Knmtt Betiinrd Teufel Calvin Achenbach Davitl AilamM Josnph Ivhoaila Jacob llunier Nicholas Eugloliart John Yost Jacob Curl Lloyd F Farrlnger Jonathan Beaver WiriAuHiiean Sol Siraiier Peter Kline Geo W Yeager jr C P Mearti Geo Morsan Chas C Eck James J Campbell Peter Fottermau Berij Feiterrniiii Reuben Leiby Goorye Ei-untiacli MADISON TWP. Horny 'Thomas Geo W Parmor Isaac Whipplo Joint llaino Robert FSSlart Wm Montollor Joseph Mnmt Edward Smart Joxeph C Smith John Sirnnt; Wm Griiham Jackson Bid dlo Philip Eves Georyo Ohl Woluy Domoll Cyriin Dmnoit Thoiniis Boker Wm TowriBond C.' rus Richard MT. PLEASANT TWP, Samuel Jacoby Isaac K Applomun James J Thomas Jackson M Howor Aaren Kister Aaron Fox Matlinis Kindt Samuel Marr Emanuel Siller John It Crnwlnrd Thomas C Keater Joseph Crawford James Billeiibender Rusel Appleman Sylvester Crawford John 0.iman Samuel Harp G llartol Josoph Hildebaum Robert Howell S R Bittonbendor Alexander Zigler' David Strnup Clemuel Shoemaker Joshua Harlzel Daniel Bonawitz Alaxander Rambo llonry W Msllick Joseph Gilbert Gabriel Everett Henry Kitchen Allred Millor Melchia Ruckol John Hippeusteel Robert S Oman Geo L Oman No.JDRAFTED, 18. William Ritter William Auyel John Wesley N H Brown Jacob Battman Martin Nnss Thomas Quinn MAIN TWP John G. Piter' Solomon Deaner Francis Fleming Jonas N John Samuel Schcll Franklin Shiiman Reuben Shuman Lewis W Culp Conrad Uredbeniler Louts h ilker David B Giuing MONTOUR TWP. Andrew Pltoth Franklin Miller Jackson Leiby Emanuel Summers MIFFLINITWP. Philip Hess David Eckrotho ORANGE TWP. James R Handiwork Samuel Trump Jeremiah B Kisnor Riyhier W Bowman Isaac K Dildinu S M D Montgomery John Triimbnro Samuel Johnson Petor Bogarl Alexander Herring Archibald Patterson John M Whito Taylor Buwiuaii Nelson Grouse Adum A. Schoyler Jamos F Fo-ter Isaac B Schnll NO. DRAFTED, 3. Stephen II Schwank NO DRAFTED, 3D. Charles Jones Henry Bowman Aaron R Patterson Geo W Rittenhouso Euintiiiol Snyder Chutjes Allabuch Emanuel Appleman Abm A Kline Jeremiah Hess Daniel Shultz Henry Stiner Jonathan Poust MoClurti Drako Robert B. KiektMts Samuel Achenbach Josoph C. Hughes Klwood W Coleman Marion B Hoy lies Clemuel R tlonrle, Jntin IM-Iicr Geo G Lmt Charles Brewer Benjamin i aden Miles A Williams PINE TWP. NO. DRAFTED, 20. Alvin Fowler .Montgomery Cox Lafayette Appleate Pemberton Piatt Richard W. Lyons Isaac Sweeny . John Lore Joseph Driobelbis Lafayetlo Uuger John E German Clark Whitmoyor Wesley Keller John Wtuicrstcrn Wm P Faus (Jeo Crosaloy Jacob Christian Clemuel McHenry Wm Kinney Wm 'Thompson Jacob Gorduer ROARINGCREF.K Tl1 Phenis Thomas Beenrievillu Rhodes Henry Y Gable John B Wittier Abraham Beaver Robert S Hampton Joseph Buck . NO. DRAFTED 14. Josoph Wttnor, Beni Levan Samuel L Chorington Owen Holland Martin Wiuterstocn John M Trump Wm H H Eck NO. DRAFTED, 32. Esband S Fowler jJnlm W Hunter Geo I Trnnsue Priscus E Bomboy SCOTT TWP. Patrick Daly Abuer II Brown George Gilbert David J Quick William Masteller Theodore McDowell Charles Schui; Wm A Caho Charlo. S; Fowler N E Cain Robori Earst Josse Merrel Geo B Kitchen Clinucey C 'Trench Isaac J. Kester Emanuel Ruckul SUGARLOAF TP. Jncob II Fritz Alexander Hess Montgomery Colo Samuel II lleob, Cornelius Girion Zapparniah L Klino Jesso Fiitz Mcrdacui Goodwin unsiia i) t'ursel Daniel Johnson John Wnll Henry Oman Daniel Mauron James Greennjjo Churlns Merrel John Tinner Geo W Edgur John It Vnnhorn Uriah M Edaar Philip Dioterick NO. DRAFTED, 15. John T Brink Shepherd Larish George Elison Wm Pelerman Nathaniel II Steward John Montgomery James Pelerman, IJbcapb op a MuiiDKnun. Ono hun- drcd dollitra reword is olTcrd for tho an- nrehonnion of Johu Warron, a murderer who escaped from tin Bcrh'n county rriSon, .Ll ' '- " J I ; I &5 Reward. l7f!l!ort or School Plrittors of nioom lt'f Ini Inlorn ot'on IcsJInj to tho detection, and convlf will HSV r lvc iionari nuwiiru . n.i win (in i . ,i-.-il.,. mwl rnnvlc. nny w"y"""K X.V.r I ur said District, lly order of the Hoard, ui Hi" ui.invi. j, j.BllOWCll.Bccreftty. Dloomiburti June II, 1881. . "administuatoh's no tice. Estate oj jyashinton Shuman, tUe'd. LCTfKllSofadmlnlittationonthoL'itateolWnililnij. ton Bhuiiian.tato of llcavcr twp Columbia rodcc d, bin without delay. "... "7. i-.i.i.i.i ... aim ui, imiaim v-.v- .u 1 ' 1'nANKlilN L. 8I1U.M AN, Adm'r. Junn 11. ISCl-Cw S3 00 ' r.lrlhlVlMl ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . Estate of John Brush, dco'cl. ETmilSof ndmlnltrntlon on tho Kslatoof John iitimliir. Lite nf ltlnoin twm Coliimblix to., rfre'rf.. hi,ui.o, i hv tliu Ilt'elstcr ofColuiubin cn.,t(i the l underslBiied; nil persons having claims against the cs tuloortho lU'Cudcnt nro requested to present Ihemto i tho iiiiitcrslnucd, without defny, and nil porsons In , dbtod to uiako payiueiit forthwllli. j K.imuoi.nn. r.inmiuhurg. I l'lilEK 1IUUUI.I.U, MOI1IIOCK A .t...l..l.,,i.i... lllllllllia,lllll'l a. Juno II, 1801,-Ow S200. liaVO DCen Rrnmeu uy lliw ui ...... . I nil wuni m. . i .fi . fll. nfllin .Mint. he undersigned j Ml person, having claim. ni?alnttlio lh0 .i0,acli.iind it Is csrriod i) rby .! M ah. of tlio w estate of the Jecodcnt aro requested to prc.ont them to llrftko Pills, til Pulmn'ile Sj rup " ', ",0,Vn," an- fhn Administrator at 111. rosldenco In saldlovvn. Tjlis , the only way to cu.p ron.iiniptloii. H l ean TOBACCO AND WARSIai rrtllU undcrslcnoil rc.pcctfully nnnonnccs to Ins X frlemlsaiid the rublic generally, that ho has open- id a on Main street, In tlANVIM.C.a few doors below tbo Dauvlll.i llank-ln the biillillui! formerly occupied by tiamuel llluo where I o manufactures tho best quality of Begarn. which will bu sold cheap, wholesale and retail. Ho also keeps a CHOICE RESTAURANT, well stocked with Edible and llevcrago to gratify tho wants of tho epicure, to refresh tliu weary uiiduss.iage tho ralatca of tho tlilr.ty. JOSEPH MO WRY. Danville, Juno 11, led. 3m Great Central Fair. I'LEASE TAKE NOTICE. THE price of a slnglo admission 1. FIFTY CENTS Children undor thirteen half prlco. This nilmlta to Eighty-one, out of the Ninety Departments of the l air, ami to mucii more man inree-'iuaiiers or the whole .pace covered by the buildings. Uurtolu Depart ments, nine in number, containing articles chi.ifly for exhibition, and not for sale, havu been permitted to charge a separate price for admission, ns follows: Ait Gallery. " cents. Indian Department, '-3 ' Arms and Trophies, Si) " Itelies and Curiosities, SI) " Horticultural Department, 33 Chlldrcns' Amusuinelit, k!3 William l'enn l'arlor, Id rennsylvania Kitchen. 10 " Bkating l'oud, HI ' Tho Executive Committoe assure tho Public, that, al though the lull money's worth will bo obtained from a visit to tho eighty-one departments to which the en. tranco fee admits, yet it will be found that Ilia nine other departments will amply reward the visitors and justify the outlay. All must bear in mind Hint, by these extra charges, the total receipts are in creased and tho luly Ouuso is ni mucii .assisted as it woulil ue, wore mo same sum uxpenueii uy visitors in 1 ",.,,urS , .".' . " . ...7.!,,:.o..r .J.. .... . . I r. m. On Wednesday, Eth inst., the Fair will bo opened from 8 A.M. to It) 1'. M. IIOrtACn HOWARD FURNCBS, Sec'y. Jno II, 18M.-St mi mmmmm s laosTr OF DR. BCUENCK'S OWN CASE, WIIIIiE tABORlNO UNDKK CONSUMPTION, Jlnd how his Pulmonic Syrup, Ncaieccd Tonic, and Mandrake Pills act on the System in curing that dis " case, and the GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT ! To above Is a correct likeness of l)r Schonck taken many years ago, after he had recovered from Consump tion : by a course of his "Schesck's I'ulmcikxSvxcp," The likeness, ulthoug it does not liiiu miv thing like nsbad ns he was at the worst, yet it is in strong contrast with the hale mid vigorous took, of the Portrait below, which is the true likenes of Ii limit the present time. The contrast between the. two por traits is so many would not believe tluiii to be the samu person. Yot thero are hiiuilredii of per son., in and around rhilaiMpliia, who will recognise both portraits to bo true representations. Wncii the firm wub taken lie weighed lU7pounJs ; ul tho present time his weight is -20 pounds. Nsw Yore, Wednesday, March 30, 18G1. TO THE PUSUfis, Thirty years ngo I was In the last stages of Pulmon ary Consumption, and e,ivin up to die, I resided in Philadelphia. and Dr, J seph l'arrish, thenoflhi. city, on ered me lo Morestown. N. J a distance or nine miles, which took ine twe days to get there. On my ar rival 1 was put to bed, nud there laid for many weeks. Tills was my native place, where all uy family lived aud Raddled of Consumption. Ur. Thornton, who at tended my father in hi. la.t illness, was called, and gave mo ono week to tlx up my affairs. He had seen nil ray family go that way, and thought I wus to go, too, Ihen I heard of tho remedies I now otfer to the pub lie, which cured me, It seemed to me that 1 could feci them penetrating my whole system. They soon ripened the matter nn my lungs, and I would spilotrmore than a pintof oll'en.ivc yellow mat. tcr every morning. As soon as that begun to aubside, my cough, fever, pain, night sweats-all began to leave ine, and my appetite becamo so great that it was with dillicullyl could keep from eating too much. 1 toon gained my .trength, and I have been growing in llosli over since. Formally years I have enjoyed uninter rupted good health, keeping the liver and stomach healthy witli the Beawecd Tonic nnd Mandrako fills, as I urn of a bilious temperament. My weight is two hun dred and twenty pounds. On my recovery people would send for me, fur and near, to see if their cases wero like mine, For this purpose I pay prolcssinnal visits in the large cities. The consumptive, wish to see the one that makes these medicines, and who was tured of consumption by them. To makonsw lungs is Impossi ble ; but cavities in the lungs and chronic ulcerations of the bronchial tube, can be healed 8uch cases are dying hourly under tbo ordinary treatment of physi. ciuns, and just such are cured by tho proper use of Bchcnck's I'ulnionic Syrup. Seaweed Tonic, and Man. drake rills. 1 urn now a healthy man, with a largo cavity In tho middle lobe of the right lung.the lower lobe very much hepatizod nndcomploto adhesion of the pleura, The left lung is sound, and the upperleboof the right lung is In a tolerably healthy condition. Tbe great reason why physicians do not cure consumption is they try to do too much j they glvn medicines to stop tho cough, to stop chill, to stop night sweats, hectic fever.and, by so doing, thev deranee the wlmir. ,itf,0.itu.. ,-.,..., i-i,. ing up the secretions, and uvcntually the patlcut sinks anddles, Aftorl make n carelul examination of the ! tfMVJi!if tflu'r.;' J'i f,?, JlZVToX 'TtZ. hsalihv. In New Unglnnit this enntier, thronletMarrti, U out !t1. llnic nh.l an. U they vvl vet Is temporary rciici - Sv'.'.. ..'in i.I.i inni.iilVfifl. 0 oo (I n ii 1 1 It lo ii I s t s o r 6 1 c l y If you havo any dli mVn in anv tiart of the My. II wll reinnln there nnit ViT.ZnViiiinn food, and make now bloorl to , k ,M rnf() f (fl(enf .1 rustier. T I; Is Hit y ""V. f "Tu" i."' ' .on. have snldfft t int When Mood Is onco diseased tannothe p iirl fled I lidlieaiedthe san.o n Ilia jtl.cftsrit n alter tn tho r.ytcni i but get the upparntui In "tiler, the liver an i rat Otis 01 iron - V'V iiiiin.ieii In ... ".. - .: i . ...i i im.. ,.nii nut uijett. i cim s i .rrr "." ri, .1,. ...mill reiiiiivo lioiinr.1 uiu miiunv im ; ....... tliecnusu anJ It Will sto.i of II. ir. rills . tin trouble I linvo Willi wy pa. jnls at my r )).ih. IIM .ay,"Uoclor, 1 fn l one t i I cm c.if, my nu'n iousIi Use b.l .f," iiinl lluy ru iislonis oI tu I ar in,. n UkiI ilu ; imt main r i ftHOve tl" taiiMiind it w.ll amp ttsrlr. Hchmck's Bj.nvi-Jd creates jnaa Srakrl-ill. ,:.Miiut m Icrttlu uct. of tits l11," in taut .liorl f time, tn ruer to allow tl i tale Mleiupi.s 'f Ileep Un llvor i:io healthy nml there is less wnscr of co.ta.iuif.tin i or fcny other .Iheasc. it is' to tsa ml 4 lisn 'cans are hnlihy. Taose sis blliou. low "I'lrito t, tlrvary, feelniR s.t.iilil. euated toiisue. pour a PtitOi V.V I. , -r ....I .... .ill. In-? IS GUI1 Df ioiiK, miiiiiu ii iwi III II 'mm r . . i j ...... a , ,,, ,f i en ll.'s heavy, loss of i.inmury, tty oil! Iio.tla r DiWll I..1. O otinu ii , y .,. - . ,,f II IJ " IV ' '-"rt Willi fill UUV'tl.U'. ti) sa.liy win., .no t o t:uKi.s u t,rJi Llinnm i.i ilio ffni. a iy p. rson mat ','t"'C ry heir., by u.n. t.M Sj.t -a.'d Tonic aa.i ;1"'':rH'"JIs1 tucli lidiitlliy cuiiJit on Hut lli-y li.'cu.u f. can pro lino a numb t of u y nlu r.iii-.nrlv paliwis now enyin? (ino.l lisattli, vei.ii:i; luariy -Jlpo mils. I ...III no.,. I ... . Inr r.'! I. Illr.l resl'll.iva L.l'ld 111 New York, and which nr'all j .rsnt, niiJ v.h any onuwlioleels nny iii.cres' i:i .lu taslnif to visit the.", first is Mrs. Fi.rluiv, i jsiJ.iig then tit .o. 1U. Iloustoii street. Hut lyuban.. call" . upoi nr at mv riwin. .1. lloiidstr 'ti nnd wished ,i.3 to ..Ii .ia.i e'.K'r. ttu sai.l I cculd do no emu ;l,ij..iu haidll tnets'sl luo.ii. cat uttJ.iil.inco, nii'all ... U mm loo to.-on with t'onsumiitio.i toll uuil , ,.ut s!i Ii. d li'ar.I "f tonic ' eri'i.l cures t had :na., , bii.i iIj Jasifd t.i rn.tify hr wishes. Icslted, .i.-i . lur ijln cn iilai'il to her be.l in tho last st.U. " co..u...p:.o:i, and h. out doubt iiiUHl .'tut I Ml .iiii-i. i I'.x.i.iilu ii n3r -:id both hr.n hint ..ill-.. . :r; nir.'ci-.u, but no cnvltlas lu furiiiuj, h , ruiisli was vsry sever.!, tho spit-box wo. half fn of t iiki.r-. l'als l-l'i legs I Bwnllc-i very ;:t;i.lij )i ... unrso l .an nil. mo .ina i'-i(o-i ..i. .ii i..n.. n.,r i..-i. !.., !,n..n ..iiivnl fit veil times ,llat y, j0d ii,-r -ho .i.i.l jiiitseno.r;.i tnlio ur.'d, but that this dlurrhtca ItJ. b jii long una hr l.,L'.,a It, ul 1, nn .l!,-a. filr-n ,-uil till. I uf,aidiiotlii.ig could bj Jo.u. Fho insisted 1 t.iou.d try and do what I enulii foe . ar, ons rvmg that she .ould not lart long In lu co.iai.iou .ho iw.s in. nnd 1 could no. iiaic her any worn. ' gave her first uiloseoi n'(u Fills, aim .he tu.ii.-. nuu Srup frilly. ' was o.i Vu ', and by tiu aeitH-iiuay llui-l.-irilneawnJi-airij., ml', li.rnpi' tits h-iurs.iiriud ii.idiluTojII nt up i.i bed n;i j .it i'r .li.uur. is now well, anv, t ave nu u l..:ig certilUaU, cer.iued to by the lluv. Dr. Dowii.ig. Alra.i:."..thilo .'.eiv.t;. West Foity.luVi stroet, ciimo to my rooms with a iJ..ior on h 'r liver. I'll J was low eiiillJd,kinsiilloiv. toiijuu i.:itedi bowels tos.lvi. no nin.mltn. nii.l f:i.t kLitttll', l:i.u til,- t-mVU. 'i lU .ail. 111! .III" tumor hau ocmi runu'.g iiv. r fo-.irt-eu yea.s. I gavo her Syrup, Tunic, fills, u.i I Itiidhe.- lu lasnLlani Justus the illriciiunn werJ pri.uct.. hho cauu b-ic to my room.. 3U llim.i s.u'. '. i.i two we -ks, snin'.whiit bellsr ; iier tnttfii" had li.-i.iiii to clja.t a around I tho ctiges.hsr s.m ..m nan h r ec linsh:er, and I r ,i. i,.l ev.r duiu Inlore. Bli- kept grud. Ilu tunmr ilisi turning very ouemivo iniu-cr. iium , n ,Ilri,vlil ut ,:, i,ii.ittiu munl.i sue . a.ue to i my ruwiii very -i i i ui:. .i. u, mu. ,g that f...' uinr I had nearly sloppe.. r iiiumu, ..n ,u a.nt ilia. ei.r lunior nun imu i.j. ihut ,i il vit i.e.,,.-, , wt.ald a-isu h'.r ueulii. 1 tin,, iiur ti.,.1 i ' die.is3 h.l ml let hrr sysi m. and 11,1'ur wu.ia.iiii h ul ir.ip. rii.-.v nra now Irnletl. r.nd lluv h.-jn fin- .'ihout nvear, ami she ii.-is h -tirty nnd inlnnin v.. ,r..i as )uu v.ill II iln n :!ays ivnl'. M .a laj f-,- any one ic.ill on her, in..,'j i, ,-at p.ntH lu vi,it nay s n t hit Ii3 turns lus any. Ii!;- h'r'.i--. i-t.t r-' - io gs; the..i to ti id te. .lie. ih1 .icxt t s i ill's P ' lieltl. Itom b:.u.ifor ., ('. it.i M Iiii.iIioUi.ii.i- -1 h I ihiuti to s-.e :ue, n.i. .ie ;:.i b t.i e.rsitK i.t Ii r hou3. V7..en sli'1 tlr11 nuu n :n.. rno . s. slu was in.ic.1 em.icia.eit wil.i a .:i.u rti.igci'.ii i, mi, i lii.. utit i - h of bloo. . i c:.. u. unci ... iai H.-iihthi respito.ueief. . :u in nil mypr.i-,.c u-.-rfu ,. .'-u wi.;ioii2 iung so -;i!ii' tin t'-. oiiier I .ig i. .. 1 en il not mil -i ..iiiii.irn-'e.iie I. I Linus . mu would die; h .t to ..iy - si on ,i ..t .Ii - l-'i' ... i. ,'r ip, He.i-.vo 'j'o.iic, i id Ma.u', ,.!.c I', . -I, a nisd tu go rijli! to wn. ., t.i l.r.i,, ,t ,1 .i ,n : rie.. '" i a caviit' I'S l..rge n .i (.uu.-i i ,i-n., .ippii. .'. ...10 spirits. :.ii4 lia-. gain . sui.te. thir.i-i il weigh:. Shi ... mi .i oi.t y.i, whi.u i o iin unt think will i;-..V3 In.- lielnr- .ii . I tli'-uic .hl.ik it woulil b.-of crsttt i.i. erist i . .oiiu ju,,r , ...ii'- piiv cifi in to i iit i.ij.-o ra. .n,t,.-.'l,,rly M. s o tl orauy o.':!ii'.., who h;.v ,is if i uy niv ...c.t.n i-s. 1 hey ar. ti uueroj i.i ,N w Y k, irit ' t.l, ivi. nil ul.:" r I.-" .. -.i:li .illi.'. . ,ri if nvtn- ici s. J 'In ing w :at 1 ar-..; ;.,e are. ii y . ii" i'- hi .il1 credit a. id ills .illli .Hi k.ioiv i,h r. n:u lt-i. I.. :.if.y be cjrec. 1, II oiiiit.aii, . I'. Dr. J. II. Schenrk caiih. .j , .al 1 1 ... r. i ', No. Si Korth u.liHir ot, i'h.Lu ,ih..i, .' y -.j,:it,v. fronii A. M uMil S ; .M., tr, tivv vi :, (rn . f c.-.urge; bat lor u tho. ouj.i pi ;;i ..i .. charges thrco t.olhirs rii.i in s-j P..l..i.nie byr .p u iJ 8m wc.mIT uiiii-f.u.t 51 p,-r b,. - f r Ilu t JO-.e i, ,Mnndr..iH Pill. s pir ijox, an.i fcr salt by till DnijgiaL nuu DcUi.'rs, Ju.u II, I-.... -'. y. Pubiic Sale OF VALUABLE MM, mm XN pursu nco of an order of the Or pliaiit1 Court ur Cn. Jinlna cou tty. 04 Sj'.iunJ.ty, July Sr, SG2, I at 10 o'clock 1 1 tin fin-ennui, J ' i !l..n'''l.T. ' if-! miuist mu of iho 3. t. n,' Ai .1' il '.ti'l'M 1. 1 ' of Mniunu coa uy, -i-ea e,l. ,.t .-Xin. e ...' J,v putlic vtii il o.i ill set-, ., c r!n.. i irai. nf l-ni't biluuui.i i-i:ilu s toiv.iship. fi i.'i:.i.i ..o.i.iy. un i.iil c.lby la id 01" jii'i-ph Ai.ij.m. !:i.i . of Heirs o. Uiil... Appie.iiiin. am! iol.ui.uig ACRES OF LAND, moicorlesj, reserving to tlu ftloo-nV.iurg Hail Itnad I ici Compaq a.l the lio.i Ore, and the right lo oiu, mitu a id ui.ry aw.. me s.iiii3,,i:id a.l the Umber iue.1 eil lor .Hilling p.irpos, anil t lie ilht to c-l ...ul lu il fi. .nu., t. .-i i i'r-- i xri-H-., irSf ...rc ..) ill.- . r ;i ,it.j tVi'-reo.: jc;t;J, A GOOD HAISk' IJAJLV, a s.-r .:l ii Iii; r.;;v; inn:;.Li:-:u smisi-:, r.ilur o.:-j: it ,. . ..,.;; ., ., ti: 1 1 .'.jr. V . .0 A c r. . ' 7 ' n .1 ;, ,. r . t. I c .ini . . i-oj , k u . . . , n. J Mod r . .. y it i , a.i .1 W liarl .a .. -U i ir-'o: i.u' ,, ,tp, :.- CONTAWLXG ?ri AC 11 EL, rnig nt ; 'I'll I mer var. u r. jl. . is . . ,n..n s:n. 1 g ..t n ros i.nlii 11, Jo. It . .a . . r, ..10 . ,,y uui'r ti .ly.ur nor. W ,.i .... , 1, i 1, p. , . ,. t:, th .tc .y Layla .u i r . U C .ies.o.7S pe.c . " . 1 u.i , 1 ip by W sO.I i-s ti su i '.-r., to as. e, 5 eu t SJ Oil .es t . a ,. . p iiiij V "I oi. 1 f C I 4 . the 'to .1 a. Ci la , s,.i hs t is b .- .a . j ,i .o.l, 11 II .wp. -k, IUi l; east i:t , en to b .11 ..17 l.Jt th 0-1. .t. of h.ii d e as of 1. l.ici, a . ci umy .uresti V Co diti. i.m..ti- ow 1 . a 1 J fOIHl UlooiiiFbargi id .3 11, lcii,,-t etc situate i. tu , '.'I - U. by Ad E5EI'TES'rii5y. II. C HOWE R, SURGEON DBNTICT. RFSl'CCTFUUiY otrers h. proress ionnl service, to the ludies and gentle, men of Illoonisburg nud vicinity. Ho is lirpiinr.iil In nllnul i . .. operations In the lino of hi. profession, and imirm Idml w th the latest improved POHCEL fu m)' l cu 0 ookwen ,.1,0" .W' ''t'?"' silver and rubber bi.o toiooKwell as the natural teeth. Mineral pluteond block teeth manufactured and all operation, on teeth, carefully and IirnnAvlu nltnn.lsi,! itio.p .n,fl"'i'inllicua fw I"ors above the Court UloomBburg, June 0. 1803 ' U. S. 10-40 Bonds. FOR SALE 'AT THK First National Rank oj Moomsburg, Pa. grIIESE BONDS hour intoretl at tho K. rato of five per cent, per annum PismiBQaS ass mmh Which, at tho presoDt value of Gold, is equal to 9 per cent, per annum. (Eonpon onto, On hnnda and road y fur dolivory aficr tho first of Juuo, J. P. Tuatin. Cathhr. ... ::r... .. u ,,.. i rniit .Imolven tliaiaaca' in MMmM- A tA f Diseases Resulting ) horn JJisordct s of ,, Liver anil JDigistivc Organ, AUK CUBED UV DOCTOR HOOVLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS THE CHEAT BTHENOTIIENINO TON 10, Thcso Bitters havo performed moro Cureti mvy. jim do am: nv.rn.n SAtsrjitriop UAl'K JWOIK Ttiyn.WMV XohK p!: ' H'KCIABLV. PKOrLll 7W IOVVII AO Tlf T. THAN M Y OTJIKll .HHT1CL1.1X THK 'V.tUKl j Wo ilofy any one tn roMrmllrt ,llils nsserlinn. ml will pay JlWOtn any one that wl'l produco a ictttricato publLshed by us.tlml Is not genuine. nOOFLAND'S QKHMAN BITTKlig, will cureevtry case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease it the Kidnoys, nnd diseases nrising from a disordered Stomach. O'iservb tho following symptom ! Ilornltlng from n orders nf tliu liigestlve Organs, us Coustlpu lion. Inward rites, fulness of tllnml tntha, Acidity of the Stomach Nnusca, Heartburn, disgust for lnil, Pntnesg nfwLlelit in the Stomach. Hour Eructations. Pinking or l'lutterlug at tho I'ii of the Btnniach, Swimming ortiw Head, Hut. d nnd Ditllcult llreithlng, ITuttcring nt I tie Urn Heart, Choking or flnll'ocnllng Sensations when in, lying posture, Plumes' nf Vision, Dnt. nr Web, before tho sight, fever aud Hull L'liin in tliu Head, Deficiency nf I'crspiiatlon, Yellowness of thcrikln and Kyes, I'linlnthc Blilo. Hack. Client l,lmh, &c, tiuililcit l'liishes vf Heat. HurniiiK in tho Flesh.('onstaiit I in iiginiiigsofnvil, fi ilepressiun of spirits. HEMKMBKH THAT TJIIS UrTl'FMH Is Not Alcoholic, CONTAINd NO KVM OR- milSKEY, aniCJI.TTM.1KK OR VJftCJtHI), HOT IS THE BEST TONIC in the World. KflJAU WfllO SAS From th". llov Levi llcek.l'astor nf thn Iti.tist Ch i,cti. IViiiburt..n. N J., furmeily of tha .North Ilaptm I'hursh, I'hiUJelphli. 1 havu known llnnfl.ind Oi-riiian Kilters favors fur n nuinh"r of ywirs. 1 h.ivu iise.l thei.i iiijim on, family, mill h.ivo bee:i so pl;ase.l uitn their , . , that 1 was induced to r.'jriwni.'UUil this.i to iii.ui, . ,t ors, and know that theylfiwii opvnteu in ti sir, Met , iicncilrlni manner 1 tnko ; re..t pluusuro 1 1 t,uiUi , uciy p.'iii-i.iiiiiiu? tin i. ict, uiiii; uu .itij itt , ' J those ..lllii le.l with tho..! oiseuses tor '.vhii-h .li.y r recniiiiueiiileil, to Il, Hiiiti. ktiov.i v frni.i .-ii.-i, I o-ice luai my rccniiiiiien on will tin h.isl.tin '-). J , t.ils moro iiiot'riiiny .1 I b liriu. is i it .i. tu ben tit tn-i iilllklud, n:tJ is.iol "a mi n '. n't ' YuJrs trjly,'I i, i i.i.. From te. .. .Va:oi llroicn, I), Fililor nf Mo ricpcdU of r.t'.igtoaj K,.oicU.l s and .in-iia. itic. .t.atltl,! i.i. Altliou; h not en to I'lvor or n r .Medicines i.i geiiei'il, tlirou-.n i.i-t. . in, m , I'icuts and ill'e Is ; I yet k.uu.- nf uu r why a mail may not tcillly to the br,i. .Ii h himsell to hato recjivril lri..l ti uy Itniil.i pcmi.-c. in tile hope that he may thus rniitri!,.ite totii- bin i PtllOTfl. 1 do this tho more ica tlly in re; In llebrt l.nters, prepiueil bj llr, c, .j, :w0n n' illy, li;c I wns prejudiced turiilon or tn yw.r ., under lu iinprrsrlmi that tltev w'-r ilu. tlv in ul i.holte nilxtiiri-. I urn indi bie.l t" tit,-In o.i If ! -l clioe.i.:iKer, H-i'., rnr(he i f tlu prejuiliri-bi p.or-r teilH. and for en I'.iMaomciii in try IIumii, lilt.,, mineriiiK Iroin treat it'i.l long roiiti.ineii tjnbility. n,. u.eoi lhri.o boltlCH or ilui.i lliitcrs, 41 the b -vlann.. ol iho present yuar. w;n lollw.-l by tviden: iiif. and restoration to rt degree of bo'ltlv iiml ti.m which I Iiml nm felt fur si morilhi'lnnrn, end I1.1l al most despaired of redlining., 1 thercfoio tn t.k l, uud my friend for directing .no tn tiu una of them. J. Mr.Vlu.N UUOtf.Y Trom tho Ituv. J03. II K-nnnM, I'astnr rf the lull Ilsptlut t-'hurt h. Da. JiiK-ns : llrar i-ir . -1 hava heeti frciupnilvr '(""" I'-ct my Willi loiniui'iidatioiu'if different kint or niedieiut-s but regarding Um pr.uii, iiso.uofiny nppropriiitj sphere, I h.ivo 111 nil c.t, , ili-cli.ieJ ; b it with n clear proof 111 v.irn.u.. niitjni-.-u.t.l p,irricu l.irly 1:1 my 1.111117, of tip tiserat.-i-'xa if i r lloolliii.i'i. (J.iniuii j,jtjM 1 lU'ii.trt f.r o.-tcn frn.u .11 11.11.H inurbe. in eipress my full com ictimi thai ge-.teial tleln.ity of tr1 ny.tem mu r.perinlly fir l.ivi I, it j. a bale i.ntl valiiablu prepiirntlo-i. I. stu nucs it may lait : but tistialiy 1 doubt not, itwji bavury benellcial In those who sutler lium tho ubJi. causes. Yours, very ri-npectfiilly, J. II KCNNM.n l.ighth hclmv Co.itei, .1., , mia.r l Urom Rev. Warren Randolph. Pnfti-r ef Ujptist Chir.'. CciinuMovin, 1 a lit. C. M. J'tK8o:i Dear f'tr : Personal pxncrisa? fiMtnus nu to say lliut I regard thu German llirSi prepared by you w u most execlbint nicdiiiii.. Inctit.i of severe told and general debility I ban, been "re 11 ly benellttitd by the use or the ussier, imd duulitnr they will pruducj elleit. oT others Yours respectfully, WAltltn.V HASDOl.t'" tj'eriiiaiitown, fe-ati. Front Rev. J. II. Tinner, r.ntor i.i llediimg M I uurch, I'hlladn. I a.J. tK 60s -Henrhir:-Having ined tonrt. nu IlUr-n my faniii) irciuemly 1 .im prepiued to that 11 has b-ii-;, ofgreal .-r 1 ...-. 1 belii-t that in 1.10.1 cts- of gMiirallyiubiltiy cftbssv.tcni it 1. ihesir,-. I tilge. m .nui tuiutiii 1 remedy orwinni imvu nnv kn.Yi iojrs, inc., J. H.'lTR.VUIt, No. 61(1 N Nineteenth Froin the Rev. J M. Lyots, formor'y Taitorof thcO lumbus(N. J.) nnd .Uiloilmvii, (Pa.) ltj.ii9t Chares. n.. . New t.'oliiiiibtia, N V i'.iv,-i.ji(Hfco.:-iienrKlr.-I feel it tt plcasur. 'hus, 01 ..iy on-ii rui-ord, t i luar tJHi.nony tothici CI'"J,,U?'!1 '" Uer-'nn Hitters. bineo bill! inu'h i.tllicle.l with liysp -pM.i, I us,i tut-in Willi g.e.t bMuii:iel resulis. 1 11.1.0 oit-n rsecnaiemlnu the.,i 1. Jisrson. viifetbl :, by thn tor.ii.iiitiurdi.oasc ,-ud Inv IfPiir. frftn, I ... ...... ..... .. .. uicir great value, lievj it tub j n to. I.i case nf t jiieral i.jnilit,, I In. sth.:t cannot bj auriiass".!. J.Jl. LYON? i.Lr, " yi?'"-V;' Winter, l'.i,er of l'.o.bu,oui t-apiis, chu.'efi. It. Jcc.oi ;-lJj'r.r Cir .- i t J? it due f your f lent irepaiutiii. l.tmllaiMV (i irtnan iiiiu-rs ton1' my tjsiiiiiony toth. d.-nervj.i r-putatioii it has ubtiis - iui ji,ii, ui hum., u.-en troabieu win .lisora r 1.1 my h '3.1 and n.'.-vou. sysr-Jin. I ' alM-i. by !ii"a.. lory abaltU of vour "r.ii.ii' m rs. 1 1.1 su k ,J nTivv ei,irie.ii ea gn-.-.l nnd una 1 nave tor years, ut tmiHi. .,, i,n ,1.1..,. ,1.1,1 i"-,l .lisora nut lers. tiei; 1111 oejlili .iai lioja v,,rviiiui 1..1IIV lien entte.. I contiaJiilly ircoaan?:i,l thj r.rtl. lo whet" I lyeit with en. .a sii.ul ,r lu my 1111.1 ami have bjeu a sure.1 iy ma 1 of their soo.l .-.Vets. Kespactfully yours, T. Wl .TU.t. Roiboroug'', IV From Rev. J, n, : 'ir.taii, of thi ruin tnurih, ..uutunn, i.o(,.s eouiuj, i'a. ...???,,::M- 3c'" -". -etJil Kir :-l lt..vo Iipcii nr wiiii i.yspapi.i narly i,c,t,yyc , , 11,1,,-have iicv.r laud'. UitUM. , .""".'".HI li.Al Ul" II I US II I US IIMf Cll LOO-'i 11- l!(t ' i am ,y i.tu.ii Loiimvuil in hjulin, uiicr lahiut 11, j autt.s. itesliL-llullv t-imrs. J, H, llMl.'.X- r..r..3. Large Biu (hulJinp neariy double quantity,) H..iia- . tJlM l"'r "otile- hmf dozoji, S3 it Small 8ia-T3 tCala ut Uotllj-lulf uuieu, il W REWARE OF COUNTERFEITS, Bee that the signature of "C. M. JACKSON," ii "i the WejtmK of vucli bottle. Should your nearest ilrucgist not Inivo the niluW ilonotbsputoirby nny of the intoxicting nrepars lions thut may bnoirered in it. place, but .end tiu. uud wo win lurward, btcurcly packed, by express. Principal OJico and Manvfaclory, No. I Arch Street. piu&wciruii. Jones & Evan's. (Successors to 0, M. JACKSON fi Co.,) PROMtlEWRS, US FDU HAI.H bv HtluriUl. iik.I ll,il,r lu Lull Ulcoiinburg, May a, ifiji,. -jmi i wii III Ik. United Slates. ' June u, 1B01. Wet ill, 18 M-Hurt)-