i.i iii.il . sy&wito tm AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. . TATE, EDITOR? "TO HOLD AND TIUM TIIH TOROII 01? TRUTH AND W YVE IT O'KR Tni3 DARKENED GARTn." TERMS: $2 00 IN ADVANCE. VOL. 18. NO. 15. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A., SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1864. VOLUME! 28 MpiA DEMOCRAT. BSXTGd!bY LEVI I.. TATE, TKOFHtETOn. " Our Constitution Ettard It ever ! Onrjgloiion. Union hold It dear ! OarJ8tarrjr Flag forsake It never I TbVproutl Gaucasslan our only peer I Select flJoriqi. UC-V'---- Saturday Morning,June 11,1864. 8gy- Tho Now York World says ar rangements havo been mado for largo im portations of foreign papor, which will soon bring down tlio prico in spito of all i.lio efforts of speculators to keep it up. B.tlt is said that tho negro wenches are to havo a National Convontion to in fist.on .having Fred Douglass put on tho Ropuhlioan ticket for Vico President.. Ilurrah for Anna E. Dickinson, Onrda Do Bois, "Polemon John," and Mies 0 Gr. Nation 1 Vive la Africa. Newspaper Gii vnok. Inlelligenccr, herctoforo Tho Lancaster published as a weekly, by the Messrs. Sanderson, is about to paiajnlo tho hands of a firm under the stylo" of Cooper, Sanderson & Co., and will, after tho first day of July next, ho issued as tho Daily and Wickly Inelli gencery Wo congratulate the Democracy of Lancaster upon the prospect of having a daily Democratic journal published in their midst, especially ono of tho oharac tor which our triends ( ooper and San derson will give to tho public. NOBODY IS HURT. T1j world Is fair find njr to lit. As now no Journey on, And .1111 'tin in. I to think 'twill hi Tlie samo when wo are Rons. Gome few, perchance, may mourn form, Hut soon the transient gloom, I.lko shadows of n summer tloud, Shall lenvo our narrow tomli. Tor men itrp like the wavoi that roll Aim; the mighty deep, That llfi their cret awhile anil frown, Ami then are lulled to sleep ; While rllicr bltlntvs swelling eomo Amid the foam and apraj, And, an wo view thoir furrnwy track, Hink down- and where are they I An.l ever thus the wave shall roll. Like those lhat now ro pa.t. The nflsprlni; of the depth koneath, Tho clilldrru ot the lilcst. And ever thus shall man oriio, And be like those that be, And man no inoro is missed or land, Than wave upon the sea. Demoralization of Religion. Tn what we shall sav on this noint wo wish it understood that wo do not include i tion8 ning Treason, and seemed certain, sooner or lator, to carry ovory thing heforo it. This fact was abundantly illustrated before tho breaking out of tho War. Wherever tho Anti-masonio fever ragod, there it invaded tho sermons and prayers of tho groat bulk of tho denominational pulpits. When tho Teetotal Tomperanco Reformation was tho fashion of tho day, the samo result was experienced to a still greater degree And a9 tho Anti-slaves aijitation has spread more and more, sim ilar triumphs have waited upon its stops. All theso woro controversies of Peace times, however, and foil immeasurably I short of tho evil whon tho nation had onco tasted tho maddening excitement of blood shod. Tho war has swept through till these Denominations like a tornado, with sudden and irrcsistablo violcnoo. Hardly evun tho semblance of an opposition to tho lorapest was anywhere apparent. Tho Old School Presbyterian General Assem blythe most conservative of them all plunged at onco into a scries of Rcsolu- infant, but all to whom he appliod refused, I Chancing to meet ono of tho ofiiacre of with this excuso, that as nil his relations ' Gcn.Dix'a staff.cbargcd with iho execution were killml.it. ,.,.,! lm hoi.or tn vfc ' r this order, wc procccucu in uis compa .. him in tho head I Futher application bo to fancy itself called on to perform tho duty of Courts and Congress. Tho New School Presbyterians went further than tho Old. Tho Methodists havo concluded to extend themselves South onoo more, but will not I admit to Communion any "slaveholders," I tiAM ntilf an1,A Kn ((!..!. .1 ? t . ft try, do indeed affect all in tho same way, j Ulu '","um u lrcason ' to a certain point. In all, tho salaries of . and ihl av mado tho 01t,, of a,lo6iaDce olergymen-gencrally so near tho starva- B f,,hc,.r ""V of Ordination, tion point to begin with-have hern really H? that " dono m other lands only diminishing in value with the gradual rise '"hen there ,s a Union of Church and In .ho nrinn f r-old and the necessaries of . Sut0' BaPt,at3 CngrcgatiOBalists, and , i. i . ,!.., Unitarians unless perchance to a very modcrato ex tent either our own Church in this land, or tho Church of Rome Wo rcservo them for separate ronsid oration in anothor con nnctioni Tho evils resulting from the un settling of tho whole business of tho coun- 'life: oud now are worth but little morQ nave it possible gone even llAvtAdrl t1...t 1..' if 1 M., than what they wero when tho war P-('"""cn. ion i r 1 now ana glorious Goi-pel of War has in hroan; and while all clergymen havo suf- b ' . pcoplo I fercd severely from this cause, tho number . - i'' -u 7"'H- - n m .t rr-:.. r..- n i . , lot oases in iviuun uic i.ui-v u.ivu u.muu uj , - - I , . it I tamo and rather troasouab c o d Gospe of il.n .1 flVrnnrn is an PMPPflinrr KninM nor. I w " ' - n r tion of the whole. This gradual pressure 1 of "tarvation has thrown vacant a much The Somiieus' Vote Tho fthould remember that the Abolitionists aro tho very men who objected to thofoldicrs' vote. ' A Democratic sheriff was elected in Philadelphia by tho soldiers' vote, and tho Abolitionist olijectod to it, and carried .largor proportion of parishes than usual, it to the Supremo Court. Judgo Wnod-M and . much larger number of clergymen ivard decided it according to the Coustitu- have been sent adrift, to hunt for now par tionjnrid in acoordanco with'tho wishes of if hen, or for some sphere of labor however tho Abolitionists. Tho docisio-i threw a humble, which may keep soul and body Democrat out of offiee, but now the aboli to mako cap 'oral rule; and tho increase Peace, that paradoxical as it may seem there was no peace for any man who did not go in for tho war as tho only ro- hablo test of his religion. Pulpits seemed turned into drums. Meeting-houses wcro tho most efficient recruiting stations. Preachers flocked to the war thomselves. tionists try own act. ITo'wVto Increase J " J Tint no ntiinlninc! 1m. t - C. 1. . 1 together. Vacant parishes und wandering , u-A,,ur wuu outofihcir e'ergy are not helps to devotion as a gen- "uu """ ' u.uur or wun in the number """""" -"""""""'P' was 1 nvrAllnrl na I . ! . 1 11 ... r 'of both ha had and is having an unfavor- . ,""'7 lu , l"'u'oafc uuu "0DlL8t 01 the Democbatio . ... , nl nn rni;;nn nf i,n nnrtinn, tl,oso ' eood works ' wl,iol re the fruit of Votb.-Two dollars .pent in securing tho ()ftho c(,untr gomo fcwWOuld that !allhi and to tear tho unhesitating prom circulation of r sound, nntriotio newna- ,l n it,nnn n ni,nni.;ns fnnmi lses of ueavon to thoso r .,r, ' IIIUJ Mllli HI"!, t unt.ii., u. ivi.ut. pe-r, wncrc none circulatetl notoro, is wortn ten time's that amount of money rpent in tho month before an election. If each of our prefcnt'siibecribers will seo to it that some doubtful voter in thoir ditrirt roads the Democrat for a year, he will be sure to voto'rigbt next fall. Two dollars will pay for more good political reading than can bo hVd'for ton dollars, in tho heat of a IKottp oq nlmnlnin (nun. "a " V" IUO0 WHO SUOUIU 1411 in ' :.. it .1 their way into the Army : but the misera- ! u""l Huurcu cau wouiu inn- hly int Cicient organization of tho Chap- ; c' tllat lho preachers wero imaums of tho lainny departmcnt.necesfariiy arising from ! Mu88ulm' per.uBsion.nntT it Boomed hard the (art that there can bo no organic con- V odax that tho sermon should not nection between Church and State with us, ond with tbt! ProPor formula for that kind has jrouo far to ucutntlizo the benefit of ol Gospel, "God is God, and Mohammed having Chaplains, except in a few choice 18 luu 1 roPet 01 uou ; canipaign. elr'Tlie rebels firt-d on Fort Sumpter, and this the aliolitionitts offer as an excuso why 'they should wage a war of mhj liga tion and extermination, to do away with Btato rights and to frco the negroes tho abolitionUts bad nevcr fired upon tho Constitution, tho rebels wo presume, would never hav fired on Sumpter. Tho abnli tion'ists'bavo beon firing upon tho Consti tution of our father for tho past twenty years, and th?y havo'gnt it well nigh bat tero'd down. Fort ff'nitc Timet. And while it may be true, as the Church Journal sayp, that the clergy of theEpk caes. Hut tho greatest and most significant ehango has taken plane in the general oopal ohurch "os a body' have taken the tono and temper of tho preachings and 1 correct view of theao ''questions of tho prayings among the great bulk of Protcs- ' Day ;" thero are various and sundry intli tant Denominations. Heing merely human 1 vidual cases which arc, to our certain societies, liviug, moving, and having their 1 knowledge among the very worst we know Tr being only by tho will of man, nothav- of. Sormons which some ol tho congrega- t-t, , ... I. .!,. , ..... ing beon organizes; ny our JUura Jesus ' on ucBirea to cneer, nro ot tue kinu wo Christ and His Apofiles, and having no refer to. Nor did the Oioccsan conveu promise of perpcluity, no guaranty of tho vention at Pittsburg show its dovotion to .prcfcnco of Christ with them, and no : principle, to churohman'-hip and to their pledge that tho gates jol hell shall not pre- 'holy calling, in endorsing in any manner i vail against them, what can they do the fanaticism of Yankee Goodwin with his when they eucounter storms and tempests 'blood and thunder prcamblo and resolu tn tho Questions of the Day ? J ho Sect '.tons. "As a body," wo think tho con- organization is merely of man. It does j not claim any higher origin. Tho qucs- Tho Chicago Post, alluding to tho pas- lions of tho day arc of man alto. No eago.of Mrs. Lincoln's sister, with con- stream can rise higher than its fountain trabandgoods, through our lines ondorscs J head, Tho Question of the Day is always ng in vain, ho took tho littlo orphan un der his immcdiato protection, and aftor tho campaign, brought him homo, introduced him into his family, and oduoutcd him." The Forged Proclamation. Tho oriminal fraud just practiced on tho Now York press by tho fabrication of tho spurious Presidential proclamation doos not risn to the dignity ol tho famous "moou hoax" of Mr. Locko, but is about as in gcnioui a tho pretended annual message of President Von Huron to Congress in 1837, though not as innocent as was that amusing invention. This fraud of Wed nesday morning on tho press of New York caused a great sensation in that cxcitablo city until the. deception was discovered, and then the trick itself was the great top ic of tho day. It has not been traced to its authors, although it would seem t have originated in New York, and iho. detect ives havo been on the alert. The spurious document, it oppearB, was carried to tho different printing offices in manifold writing in tho 6emblanoe of tel egraph news, but at so lato an hour that it obtained admission in but two or thrco journals, tho others having gono to press. livon the proprietors ol thoso papers which gave currency to tho forgory had left their offices, and tho employees who inserted it had no suspicion that it was not genuino telegraphio news. Tho publication of the document, however, was followed by se rious consequence to tho proprietors of the journals thus imposed upon. We learn from the New York papers ro ccived last night that Gen. Dix, by direo' tion of tho Secretary of War, bad on Wednesday suppressed tho two newspa pers which gave publicity to tho spurious proclamation the Journal of Commerce and the Woild and ordered tho editor!. of thoso papers to bo imprisoned in Fort Lafayelte. (Th latter part of the order it appears, was subsequently suspended.) This seems to us, wo must say, a very harsh proceeding to inflict a sovero pun ithmcnt on citizens of honor and charac ter for being tho victims of an infamous fraud. It was punishment enough, wo should think, to be mado tho innocent in struments of a villainous imposition, to which all men nro liable, without the penalty of damago to their property and incarceration of their persons. Thoy have published, at Now York, a protest against tho severity of this pro ceeding, in which tho facts of the case are fully stated, and which, in justico to them, we placo beforo our readers. National IntclliscMer. ny to tho hoadr.uurtors of tho Dopartmout of the East, and woro informed by Gen Dix that tho order for arrest had been sus pended, but that tho order for tho suppres sion of tho publication of tho World and Journal of Oommcroo had not been ro scindou, and that wo could not bo permit ted to enter our offices, which continue under tho charge ol the military guards, We protest against this proceeding. Wo protest against tho assumption of our complicity with this shamolcss forgery im plied in lho ordor for our arrctt Wo protest against the suppression of our journals for tho misfortuno of being de ceived by a forgery not less ingenious nor plausible than tho forged report ot the Confederate Secretary of War mado tho basis of diplomatic action. PntMK, Stone, Hale &IIam,ock, Journal of Commerce. Manton MAiuiiiE, W'orll. iNVto York, Mai, 18, 1804. having in bis poiossion the ovidenco to pooplo would rather break out thin break establish their truth T And would Pros into it. idunt Lincoln assign General Blair, to an As a hotel it U not equal to tho Mansion Tho President's Disloyal Relations. n strong condemnation of Mr. Lincoln for his allcgod oourso in tho affair and adds tho following interesting statoment : ''In tho recent diabolical outbreak of se cessionists in Coles County, in this State, two of Mr. Lincoln's own cousins wcro among the active and loading prrticipators in tbo attack upon tho soldiers and fortu nately both of them arc now prisonnrs. They -.arc W. F. Hanks, af Charleston, aud'EI? Greenville Hanks, of Big Creek, Edgaricounty. Tho latter, when arrested, boasted that he was the man who hilled Sur gton York." To bo sure, tho President ought not to bo hold responsible for tho doings of his own or hia wife's relations ; but sinco it io thofashion with somo extremists to judgo ft man disloyal becauso bis father, son, brother or cousin may bo a secessionist we 'don't seo why tho rule, if it is a good ono'.'should not havo a universal applica tion. Btiff, Courier. "WO" An exohango Eays thero is some. .tHjiig.inoxpressibly sweet about littlo girli. Toiwhioh tho Louisvillo Journal adds : i:Aiu it grows on 'em as thny grow big $et ' newer and fresher, and is bold by greater multitudes, and with much moro intensity, than that principle (whatever it may be) which onco upon a timo formed tho Sect, and has been, ever since its origin, its life and strength. Therefore, whenever a Sect of any importnnco encounters tho Questions of tho Day, the Question of tho Day is certain to provo itself tho strong man, which binds the Seot, and takes pos session of it and all that belongs to it. Resistance may and will bo mado, pre cisely in proportion as tlio Sect holds in solution moro or lo b of the Tiuth oricin- ally confined to the Catholic Church, But, in spite of this rcsistenco, tho Ques tion of tho Day is certain to prevail at tho last. Whon the samo loeislativo power at ono timo passed ono Act, and at another timo adopts ono of a precisely contradio tory tenor, tho lator of the two in point of time is held to bo "tho law.' Tho earlier was passed by the same authority, in deed; but as that authority is frco to ehango its miud, tho later utteranoo super sedes tho formers So as tho fundamental Seot powor is human, and tho Question of the Day is on the same level, and is tbo latest expression of tho popular will, it is Treason in the Cabinet. Somo time ag-o Gen. Blair, one of tbo representatives from MUsoari in tho Fed eral Congress, brought charges of corrup tion against tho Secretary of tbo Treasury Salmon P. Cbate, and asked for a com- mi. too of investigation, whieh, wo bolievo was not granted. The attack upon tbo Secretary, how- over was gulling to himself and his friends, and they resolved upon retaliation. Mr. M'Clurg, a colleaguo of Gen. Blair, accused tho latter with having speculated in liquors, while in command in tho army, important command aftor ho bad mado such charges unlos bo President Lin coln beliovcd thorn to bo true T Wo think not, What then docs this quarrel between tho wurrng faotionsof the dominant politi cal party reveal. Tho astounding fact that, a mcmbor of tho Cabinet no less a pcrsonago than Salmon P. Chaso, Secretary of tho Treas ury the man who oontrola tho financital operations of the Government, is traitor ously suppling the rebels with military supplies that he is corruptly appropria ting Government funds to political pur poses, and enriching his relatives, by the most nofariou moans, at the expence of tho people. And further, the fact still moro astoun ding , that tho President of tho United States, with all tho know'edge upon the subject which Gen. Blnir, possesses re tains this traitor, speculator and corrup liouist in his Cabinet ! " Wo aro making hwtory," said Mr. Lincoln. Truly we arc but suoh a his tory ! It will be without parallel, wo tru, as it certainly is without precedent. After such a rcvalation of treason and fraud in tho very bosom of tho Adminis tration, it is euporfluousta inquire-''Whith-er are wo drifting ! Patriot ff Union. Howard His Style as a Writer. We select the following extracts from a letter in the Brooklyn Eagle of last week, purporting to have been writton by How under cover of order for military supplies,; "u. "of tho Times," from Fort Lafayette. to the amount of 88,000. A coinmi:te9, 1 1,9 lettar s an excellent imitation ot the at tho request of Gen. Blair was appointed i Bt3l ,n w"lcl1 6"" "Uaaa Boal u,s to investigate tho charge, and thoy repor ted on Saturday, 23d April, eniirely ex oncratiug tho Genorol. They say that the orignal order, signed by Gen Blair and eight other officers, was for tbo sum ol S15I) or 175 only, for liquor and scgam ; but lhat the order was subsequently al-! lered by Michaol Powers to call lor 58,- 000 worth for Powors' own speculating, purroses. The committee say : I 'As a specimen of tho alterations one may be referred to lhat as to brandy. The original order was for five gallons. By insetting tho figure ti before tho figure 6, and adding tho word each to it, it bo came an order, as nine persons had signed it, for 225 gallons." j After the reading of tho report Gen.; Blair, addressed the House, charging that the accusations mado against him woro in ' consequence of his hostility to Secretary Chase's " Trade Regulations," and hia plan for ''letting the Southern States go." He more than intimated that the orders had been altered or forged at tho Treas ury Department ; tho evidenflo showing that the forgery was made public by a Treasury agent, who know its character, fanciful nom de gurrc, was wont to tickle tholitora-y palates of tbo readers of the E'igic : Ckei. 5,311, Second Tier, ) FortT Lafayette, May 24. Dhak Eaqlh : In the language of tho "magniOoent'' Vestvali, '! am here." I think I shall stay hero, at leant till I get out, Perhaps yon are surprised at my sud don departure. So was I. Hut I received a pressing invitation from Gcoeral Dix to corao down here, which I didu't feel at liberty to decline, bo did'nt Bob Murray brought tho invitation. Bob Murray is United States marshal and he marshalled inc the way I should go I so I thought it best to go it. : Hob is a nico man ; but I would'nt rco i ommend you to cultivate, his acquaintance You way havo heard of Fort Lafay 1 etto ; it is a great resort of friends of tho ' administration over tho left. j THE LOCATION 1 ' of Fort Lafayette is in tlio water between tho Atlantic ocean and West Point. j It is a good site for a marine residence but I hav'nt seen any marines here. It is He almost flatly charged tho Secretary I iuaccessiblo on all sides, except tbo inside with treason, alleging that he was in favor j Its oit-accestibility is what I most object to. TltK WAY TOU OUT IN vention disgraoed itself.and that tho Churoh has liitlo cause to exult over tho Denomi nations on tho "Questions of tho Daw'" Ed. Dtm.- Meanwhilo, even tho Lord's Day is losing its saorcdness. Somo of tho most widely circulated of our daily papers, aro issued nn Sundays ns well as on othor days, and few hesitate to road them as eagerly. Tho preaching and praying about tho war in so many pulpits has led ono(stop further, to tbo holding of opon moetings on Sunday for tho discussion of political topics, and tho delivery of secular lec tures and the giving of concerts on that day, Military funerals aro nlwaye fixed for a Sunday whero it is at all possible. Tho ciroluation of exciting Sunday Pa pers is increasing, and tbo attendance at tho Houses of public worship is diminish ing. We are Eteadily drifting towards tho Sunday of Continental Europe Church Journal, Humanity of General Jackson. Protest of the Elitois of the World an-t and Journal of Commerce. Will vou oblicro us bv niiblishinrr ?n . . .. . . -ri...:... t'...i Ci.i.,..: your columns tlie following statoment of ol leiuus lUu uumuuiu uw.M ... Hcuu, the proceedings of tho Government this ' was opposed to reinforcing Fort Sumpter I evening towards the WorM anil Journal , and employing troops to put down the re-1 ;3 curious, and may interest you readers . wv : . -"b . r , belUon: aua that lie Etui uoias tucso views, i who hav nt been hero. You can't ao by lamation,. purporting to be ttigned by Pres-1 ''e,'"P "ow eSa3 ' maturing a plan to , rairoad, or steamboat, or horse or buggy ident Lincoln, appointing n day of" fading J M the Southern States go in peace and tf. 'j-ij0 entrance is effected in a highly mili- and prsyer, ami calling into the militia Jccl a permanent dissolution oj the. Union, j (ary manner, invented, I behove, by Gon service tour nuimreu tuousanu men. Farther than this he alleged that under' 0ra! Dix, or somo other man. nn i i j wriiiu.1 1 tllB Secretary's Trade Regulations," con- on lho msnifold paper, such as is used for , ' , , ' all the despatches bent to the several newa-' treband 8oods Pa8S cDstautIy beyolld u' papers of our association, and had every ! Hues, and read letters to show that, ro extornal appearance and mark to identify ' cently five harrells of percussion caps were it as a genuino despatch arriving in the I Eent from Memphis to the enemy, regular course of business. j .,,, , t ,t ,t a . ... t was delivered at our office lato at Still farther, he charged tho Secretary night, at the time of the receipt of our; with nsing his official power and influcnco latest news too late of oourso for edito-' i0r Presidential purposes squaudjring rial supervision, but, as it happened, not tu0 proceeds of plantaiious abandoned by beforo our printing offices were closed. , fc , tQ fustaill IWroy's, National It was delivcd at all or nearly nil of tho . ,, . , . , ,. newspaper offices, and published in a part Executive Committee, which was working of the morning editions of tho Journal of in his Chase's interest for tbo PrcMdeu Commerce and the World, and, as wo ajo jai nomination and to carry on tho war inlormcct, in a pari or ttie euitions ot ono neraliv -:(t ti10 Admiiiistatiou. O -rf o Still worso than this ho ehargd distinct- or more of our contemporaries Early this morning lho fact that the fared by us lor tho disoovery of tho forger. Tho Executive Committeo of the Assooia tod Press also offered a similar reward of ono thousand dollars, as the fraud liad been attempted to bo petratcd upon all tho journals composing nur association. Wo took pains in tlio aftornoon to ap prise Gen. Dix of tho facta of the cae, and gave him such information in regard to tho circumftaBces of tho forgery as ! might assist him in tho discovery of its " During tho Greek war, after ono of 'author. Tho Govomment was at oneo tho battlos, an Indian child was found ; P"' " possession of tho case. i.. ,t . , f l i i .1 t ' Novenhcless, this ovoning Gon. Dix, snaking tho breast of us doad mother , " ' , ' .Ar. cm uJ ,, . ... . ! acting under peremptory ordors trom the lhoecono was truly affecting, and diotatod Government, plaood our offices under a tho course that ho, who has boen charged 'strong military guard, and issued warrants by tho tonguo of calumny, as possessing a for tho editors snd proprietors of tho soul of iron, and a tiger's disposition, 1 Vo.rld and Jfmrnal ommorno, and Airii i 3. , their imprisonment in Fort Lafayette. A should pursue. At first, ha endeavored to WM, w u , at one of th(J w'hamg t0 prooure a squaw to relie-ve the wretched onrcy us thither, despatch had not been sent by tho Agent ly, on tho authority of an eminent citizen, of tho Associated Press became kuowu to of York, understood to bo Wm II. us, and its fraudulent charaotor was at' ppinwall, that tbo Secretary has givin his and a reward of five hundred dollars of- Bon-inlaw, Senator Spraguo, a permit (of contreband, untlcr tho You go to Fort Hamilton, Which is just over the way A 1,250 pound shell with tho inside out is provided for the purpose You get in the shell. It is then put in a 2-40 inch mortar and rammed down on a barrel powder. The mortar is touched off and up you go. You keop going up about fifty miles. You then come down and land right in tho middlo of Fort Lafayette. Tho artillery artist has at'aincd great House, though tho terms aro moro reason able. They don't charge any board. The only char go military , people are given to is to ulnrgo bayonets. Tho bill of iaro is wholesome, bat Uoki variety. Thero is too mdcii ponK. The bill of fare, however, is varied. Wo have pork and oraokers for break fal. Orackore and pork for dlnnr, and Pork with crackers for toa. I think wo shall have a change nixt weok, as the oommandant ha sout an or der lo New York for a barrel of pork When you writo to mo, inclose a bunoh of radishes in tho letlcf, tiiu sociBrr of the fort is selcot. Thoy aro mostly peo ple of Southern eomploxion, who hava. been recommended hero for the benefit of' their health. They don't generally see it. Thero is no female society here. Nor no Union Leagues. Nor no Philharmonic conoarts. Otherwise it's pleasant. Th? view is onchanting. Lovely water scapes spread bolbre tho vision on every side. As I said before, tho situation is marine ultra niariuo, and gives mo tit blues as I gaze upon it. Thero is no post-offioo in the fort, and correspondence is limited Perhaps you'd like to know how I sont this letter. A pigeon flew into tlio fort to-day and I at tached tho letter to bis tail, Tho pigeon is a carrier-pigeon, and you may get him a situation as a letter-carrier under Postmaster Lincoln. Somebody may inquiro wiit i cams ilfcitri. I'll tell yon confidentially!. The governments making extensions t its mansion at Fort Hamilton i likewise- at Fert Biohmond, on Staten Island. They wanted a reliable person to look after tho architects, to seo that they did'nt pooket tho bricks. Fort Lafayette is half way between, and so situated that you can oeo both forts at once, and is just tho plaao to see what is going on. Amcciingof tbo cabinet was eollod at tho White House. Secretary Stanton in troduced the 6ubject. The Prchidont said it reminded him of a story ho once heard in Illinois. A man who lived in Sangamon county, in con versation with a mcdioal student, said ho did'nt beliovo in vaccination. Says ho, "It don't do n child a bit of good. I bad a child vaccinated once, and in three days after it fell out of a window and broke it nock." The cabinet saw tho point nt onco, and laughed so loud that they woko up Secre tary Welles. Secretary Seward rang his little boll, and sent for General Dix. 'General" said William H., "how is Fort Lafayetto V ''Our flag is there," said the general, with military promptness. "Is thero a reliable man to bo found in the Department of the East ?" said Wil liam II. "If thero is'nt," thundered the General, "I'll shoot him on the spot." "Who is ho 1" askod the Secretary. "His namo is Dead Boat." says the General. "Send him to Fort Layfayotts.' So I citme. 1 am still here. Yours, In retirement, course to trada in Treasury " Regulations,") by which he will realizo two million dollars ; and that Jay Cooke, the agent and relativo of the Secretary, had received 6450,000 for nine moths, services, part of whioh ho used in buying up newspapers for his rolat.ve and patron. When wo reflect that these charges were made upon the floor of Conress,(by a mem ber poscssing tho full confidence of tho Presiecnt of tho United States, and who is also a Major General in tho army, recen tly assigued to commaud by tho Pretidout, wo oannot but conider them serious, Would Major General Blair, hazard bis reputation by preferring such charges against a member ef the Cabinet without precision in the range, and you light ex actly in the ccntro of a hollow square of military pooplo drawn up to receive you. THE SENSATION as lho shell goes up is peculiar. When you havo reached an altitude of forty-nino miles, eight furlongs, the viow is magnificent. You have a bird's eye vtow of Bath, Couoy island and New Jersey. I made a sketch of it. I'll send it to you. Perhaps you think this is a Btrnnne way ol getting into tho fort, but it is is'nt a circumstance to THE WAV OP GETTING OUT, which I have'nt ditcovercd yet. When I do I'll let you know, Tho peoplo who keep tho fort aro oltbe military persuasion, it is ;hoir forte. They Dead Bbav. Connubial Matters. Dow, Jr., gets of the following on oon nnbial matters : "My Brethern, for charity's sake whoso buisnosa but her owu is it if a young lady has a beaux, two beaux, twenty beaux, or no beaux at all I Is a little flirtation, or a course of systematic courtship, suoh a nov el and wonderful affair as to excite the curiosity aud meddling propensities of so ciety at largo I Why, tho thing has been dune ever siuoa Noah and his family gavo up the chip, aud went forth to multiply and replenish the earth : It is a fair buia ness transaction betwoen the parties con cerned and a very pleasant pieoe of busi ness it is, too, when not interfered with by calculating parents, or pastoboard re latives, who fear somo starch will bo taken out tho of family pride and by outsido poke-noses in general, who are dcteminod to tnoddle for tho fun of the thing. Lord I what an unnecessary amount of fuss thero mostly wear guns or swords, and do every- is mado when a follow tieads up to a girl thing in a military way, whioh is not a oi- " f bo meat to put her through a hasty ., ....1,1 -i courtship, and then make her his old wo- vtl way, though they havo been very o.vil man . Pj,c of lhe deyil lImseU x W0Q. tlJ mo' i dor if when a gander selects his goose, Tbo fort is a substantial building, thero there-is saoh gobbling and shaking c-f is no apprehsnsion of burglars. BenilMe feather among tha flack j"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers