COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. EDITED BY LKVI 1.. TATE, PROPRIETOR. " Onr Oonitltntlon gnard It ever! Oar clorloua Union hold It dear I Oar Starry riag foUako It novcrl Tha proud Oancatelan our only pearl BLOOMSBURG: Saturday Morning, Juno 4, 1064. TOR PRESIDENT W 1864, GEORGE B.M'CLELLAN, (Subject tolhe ireeleton of the National Convention.) Tho War Dcmocraoy. Thoro is a class of politioiaos and of people, now vary rapidly tloorcasiDg, who exult in tho namo of War Democrats. Tlioir organs of tho press aro mony of thorn, disappointed Republican sheets, which now talk blatantly about tho Dom ooralio party which thoy claim to rcpro- sent : and if wo should beliovo their non.l?il, senso wo should think that thcro had been 12th no chauiro whatever in nuhllo sentiment' 17th i!nnn 1 flfll wliitn llinan an.n. l.,,,......!. mam I 7tll w,uw inmu .iikab SUUIU jlltllUIII0 liutu Expiration of Sonatorial Terms. Tho torms of tho following named Sen ators ezplro with the session of tho Leg islature to bo hold in August next : 1st District, O, M. Donavon Domoerat. J. 0. Smith William Kinsoy 0. W. Stein Ilieslor Clymor Bernard Hoilly Henry Johnston Abolitionist A. II. Glatz Domoarat. M. H. Lowry Abolitionist. John P. I'onnoy " O. Ii. Lambcrton Domoorat. 3d 4th 6th i Oth 24th 2E?th it ii (i ii ii it it it i. it tho loudest advocates of tho wild Jacobin it. i . 1 . . . . ... 1. .. . . uu .u.i w.cii siaiKcu ramp mi. n is not , jjy tho n(W ftpportlonmcDl tho dlirota uu.u.ui iu uupuiu .. puun wm. '"-'' 0f Messrs. Glutznnd Lambciton have been csor, iiiucou, is i with them at all. THE WAR. intelligence, I nifl0t) j9 cichteeiv miloa norlhaast from General Grant has abandoned his plan ' Jtjchmondr White Houso is twonty-thrco ol attacking Richiuopi from tho north. ; luies oa4 'r;u0 Confederates will scarce Ho ka gonu toward White House, and y Oj,p0so any serious obstaolo to Generol Nnr.n,l..1 ;.u .,,, l,in,,ii..,tJ,iUU"18:v1,lU4 will beg,,, his labor., ,uw Irom tl.o east. Grnnt'B nroarcss, before ho reaches tho uuy uy uay, una uour ...... bo no Ducloa ,Q fi tho vaean- ted to havo all his nrmy ovor by noon. mi . t .in An AAfl i XDO crossing wan UUU.,.u. . -por ,hl! ycnr thou.aml cll.t hiinflrcd and .Ittr- Since tho oloso of our last week's con-1 Loo abandoned his position on tho South J r,;,. o.uj.. neoled account of the movements of tho . Anna as soon as it was evident that Grant tyo'r Columbia, i'; i""'1 ..hV'a1",l0'!!;1n" Virginia campaign, vailous marches, flank1 had given up, thai lino. Hrookinridge, who of McfcaniiioTaieaof ttid county,aefoiiowa,tov,iti . ... i O , . mtiiiin i r Attn a movements, advances and fallings baoK lmd joined him, was sent to Hanover Uourt vendkhb. , ,7 havo bcuu made by tirant aud Leo re- House to watch tho Fcdoral progress. . aanuol Ileacock i, 14 speotivelyi but of wb uh wo need say no Tho roinain.lor of tho array, by a short " ilirntn Kverrtt, ' H more than that the) brought about no marou of about fifteen miles, oould got Hughes & Oalondar " H dofinitn ro-ults, Hut 'he natiois ol last ntn nn.!i!n to confront tho now appioach Daiilol Molleury, FisMngo'k.U tnrl liner ' u..., n,l,....lUn. 1 Howe iSPenmuiztoUi " 14 O 10 .IMCUUIUUU UUIM, iiuuuiui, j.w.fn. " BOioinoo jjusb, James K. Jones Bernard Ammerinan " A. B; Stowart Orange It. Brewer & Son W. Fritz A- Bowman " A Coleman, merchant tailor AM T, 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 TUB CONFESSIONS AND MXPK. ritntf of an INVALID, I'ulillihfJ for hn txncfll. ami aa a million tn Vonrr Mtn arid wlio mnvr turn rvtvoun Oebilnv I'rcniature Drier of Mannooi1t &c auri'lllne at tfii tamo time Inn Mr.aa or rtir itttR ,y rto nlmhi. "rtr. Iila f.titnl lilmxr aflrr utidrtpolnit totildciel lo quatktrr lly it.rliflnr a jiott-rald ailiirfaicil nrcl( jo ilnjlj Juno 4, IrVtf-lr NATIMNIlUMAVfAIR, Em, lltocJilrn. Kit p. to., N, T, Monday brought us th . loliowing tttirl is adopted MVlullun's plan ol 1802, 1 rjhickahominy Swamps, which aro about The Carnivai, op Dlood. Private letters received in Cincinnati, yesterday, I and will opperate upon ,tho same ground. ' ,cn mie3 from ti,c pamUnkoy t... .1 t . . 1 u? nour iao uorrors, miseries, ami crimes . , nnnnoinnnii t10 ,iln rn,ir(,mnnt nf Min,0 , '.. ,. . ..r . . of this nefarious war are preaching their I V P . V 1 ,Wnin!n nr ,l, ln,l. &l omo"v. ..... , I moved Irom command, a5 ho has failed to , ... ,. . 1 ....... .w .... .ww..,w -inn Nnnn nrq lnminrr nvcr nrn 11 ... ' irom mo city or Washington, says 1 10 1 ,i i, ,1, v,.i: ,i . i, 1 . - -..0 . accompli 1 ins snare in tlio operations. , .... .... b ' ' 1 and Ift tllO campiicn 1U Virginia end as It t,,llnr. . m H nf n mm nrn Dnmnnrnls. v ' ori ayno agree ,n Bay,ng that lho tm , Mt fflr tlisU,it w,)cn a ,,. ,. . . ' On Wodoosday last the Federal army vrruut una cuultcu a loss 01 oUjUUU men thus far. Tho Cleveland Convention. FR13 MONT &, COOHUANE. OSS' Tho Cincinnati Commercial, an ab olition sheet, oalls tho Fromont men ''long haired radicals." Thou wo supposo the Lincolnitos must bo the kinky-haired rad icals. Tho hair of tho longhaired radi cats in parted in tho middle, and tho hair of tho kinky-haired radicals curls so tight that it cannot be parted at all. J67" Gold is rapidly advancing in New York, consequently tho prico of provis ions, groceries, and goods advances in proportion, or rather, greenbacks depreci oto day by day, All on account of tho Utter incompetency of tho wooly abolition misccgen party. The oonduct of this ad- ministration will disgrace tho pneos of American history upon which it is written. The Roll of Honor. Jou.v G. Thomp son, Esq , Treasurer of tho Vallandigham Fund of Columbus, Ohio, acknowledges tho reooipt of 455 81, for the two weeks ending May 23d 1801. Amongst the re ceipts wo find tbo following : "From Levi L. Tato, for Ladies of Ilemlock township, (Duck Horn.) Columbia county, Pa., the sum of Hvo Dollars and Forty Cents, (5 40.) See "Tho C'jm," of 25th of May. Fjimale TreasuutCleuk. The plan of employing female clerks in tho Treas ury Department is a failuro through tho infamous conduct of members ofjCongress, who wore not content with keeping mis tresses at tho seat of Government, but ob tained tbem situations that they might be paid from tho National Treasury. This is a depth of infamy that tha whole world can not beat, Tho very walls of tbo dens of beastly licentiousness in Pari3 will blush at this depravity of human naturo when they hear tho talo. B&" A pamphlet has been printed in Philadelphia showing that 'Judge Wood ward was elected Governor by over 100, 000 majority of tho legal votes of the State. Tho facts and tho array of figures produ ced, make a clear caso of lho most stupen dous fraud, which, for tho honor ofbuman ity, it is to ba hoped was never known be fore. If this pamphlet does not not fore warn to the extent forearming the peo plo of Pennsylvania, ibey must have made up their minds to patiently wear the chain tho Abolitionists havo firged for them. There is but one remedy, which is to go Into tho nest election detomincd to have a fair vote or free fight. Death of Joshua R. Giddinga. Hon. Joshua R. Gidfaigs, Mr. Lin coln's Consul General, at Montreal, in Can. ada, died in that City, on the 20th of May, at an advanced ago. GiddiDga was an extreme radioalist and mischievous abolitionist. Somo twenty yoars ago, ho wishod to eco, what he called tho ''mob-ocraoy driveu baok with firo and the sword, and if this could not bo done, then to sec blood flow to tho "bits of the horses bridlo, and this ho would rojoice in as tho dawn of a great political millen luni !" Ho lived to seo, or rather hear that our land was "doluged with blood" for such patriots keep or got out of danger r but did not enjoy the blessings of his "great political mollenium," and died sud- denly as he eonoludcd a game of Billiards, nt tho St, Lawrence, with Mr; Felkman, Tho Arreat of Gov. Mcdary. We learn that Gov, Mcdary was arres ted yesterday by Doputy U. S. Marshals, onu tauen to Cincinnati, What offense this veteran statesman and patriot is oc cased of, wo uro at a loss even to surmise. Dayton Empire, Wo assure our friend of tho Empire that he and "every othor man" know jmt as much as wo did about wht wo were ar retted for. Wc found a good jolly Re publican friend on th? eara, of the legal profession, who learning something was up, inquired of us what it was. tWo told him wo wero just as ignorant as he was of tbo matter. Ho at onco hunted up the Deputy Marshal, and soon returned, and informed us that it was tho case of Mr ('athonrt and othors. This was' just be- .fore we got to tho city. But as wc never knew anything of the Cathoart affair, on ly what was made public, as others knew jt, wo wero not muoh the wiser. What over possessed anybody to con nect us with that oase, wo cannot say. If it is mcro political spito, it will redound mora to the dishonor of thoso getting it up than to uo, Wc, of course, abido tho Court of Judgo Leavitt, and hopo for a rpcedy oponing up of the case, that wo jtay get omo light upon it, TheCriiitx in full reward of fiery indignation and of 0!ect next fall will rory probably return 7 I laV alon8 lho SoulU Aum !-... . 1.. .1..L ..... L-. .1 -. . . . ,lui tAt,,ti Imnlf nnil Mint fin tvibiicuug acorn win e uuu uui uy tue JJomocratS to truo Democratic party to these Black Ho fidently ox publican War Democrats. which elects What is a Democrat! A Democrat is ate will thercforo nroo one who believes m tho sacred and inal- ()Crats to 18 Abolitionists. In order to DurS "u"loau or."g. iuu momy, uOU110jDg tut! suppression of newspapers as .enable right of sovereign States to rule destroy the power of democratio counties,' "'gly entrenched, opposed any further a crim0) nnd tiiat even a censorship was an themselves ; who hold to tue oltt dootrine tho iniquitous apportionment bill passed prortiM. mouB Himri umoor., gmg iu uujustifiablc.outrago, that governments derive tueir just powers Mt fCS3ion has united them with abolition I me "00,1S JUU u,"s "'"""' ""') l2x.aovenor Johnston followed, main i u 11 ii Centre K. J, Schylcr ) K Sloan 0. 11. Fowlor A, Fulmcr, Flour Mill " Jacob Spons'cr " E.W.M. & G. L, Low " (1 II Ilea .(' C),l (i fh.EvEr.ANn. Ohio. Mav 31 An I'artwasou , , ........... . n .ii..,. 1 nn.lfn mill ' 14 14 14 13 14 13 14 14 14 13 14 H 14 14 14 7 !10 TATATIl IMONl A Ii.--w yotl wlrh in uinnr, ailillei. !.. A'A the ondnrrltncd. lm will r lid ywi, "wlihout' 7 7 7 7 00 00 00 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 ilm nnrlli hnnlr. . . ... .. ... ! tl...... 7. .!.. n .nn'i 1 A 4 Abolitionists, as it is con-1 """ " lladioals and War Demoerats tooi place i '71 s u j peo.ed to carry tho 21st district 1 Tl' w ran bctwee11 luo two portions.- ,Mt cven.ntfi Gen MnM maJo a lang. . h. Stewart ,v i-.acnes grocery two Senators. Tho net Son-I An "C8l"n . . . . thy radical speech, animadvcriing quito (, Jacobv Hriarcrcck 14 ablv stand 15 Dcm-iand 1110 easlor" a lutl WU3t "U'rcuorioKn- . aD0 th Administration, and do-1 J. Thowaa. flour mill 13 from tho consent of tho govoruod ; who counties in doublo districts, without regard glories in the Union because its authority to population or ratio, that their strength 11 . . I. 1 I oouiu not uo aseeria.nuu. .. on)y th(J rka moM. On Tuesday tho Federal lino had ex-' ureg C!U1 savo ti,0 Union. wus based only on too trco consent ot sov- m,ght be swallowed up. For instance tho tended as tar cast as tho railroad bridge, yoni McKinstry offered resolutions do- ereign and coequal sister Status and who strong Democratio county of Montgomery, bllt order to conseiitroto tkc forces, tho caiing that the duty ol'a truly American hopod for universal happiness throughout with more than enough taxablcs for a Sen- flank had been drawn in westward and Administration is to ratoro tho prostrated tho world, becauso he saw and felt the ator has been united with Chester and tho guard upou tho bridge given up. Tho rights 0f citizonship j froedom of the press possibility of government established by Delaware, in a doublo district, that the , poufeduratea at once set Cro to it, and lur-1 ant speech ; protosta ogainst arbitary ar consent, and resting not on force, but on Abolitionists may elect two instead of ono inf Tuesday night burned it to aahes. - rc,st3 al)(i stizures of property fnvora the tho unconskrainod affection of the people. Senator. Montgomery, too, with two On Weduoaday the Federal hcukquarters fttouroo doctrine, and urges lratemity to Now, per contra, what aro tlieso so thousand more taxables than Chester is . woro removed from Mount Carmol Church tho struggling llepublics of tho old and oallcd War Demoerats I They are men allowed but two members of tho House, ' t0 Jericho Mills. Fredcriehsburg had world. who utterly repudiate the sovereignty of whilo Chester is given three. Columbia j UBCn abandoned os a supply post, and ( General Cochrane on takuing the cliair States; who hold that governments need aud Montour, with a largo fraction havo Fort lloyal, on tho Lower Happahanuook, ,nadQ ft lengthy i-peech, enunciating mini- no consent to ratify their powers, but that ono member ; while Sullivau and Wyora- i "1!l(l0 tho now onu. Wounded wore jar ,clltimuiit3 to those in his speech of la?t which tho; can wring from conquered ing heretofore with us, giving two mem- sont thero and supplies received. Propa - uig)t( freemen at the sword's poiut ; who pro- hers, aro swallowed up by the aboliton rations were made to pass tbo eutire army . A Committee on Resolutions was appoin- claim aloud that thoy desiso to see our countios of Bradford and Susquehanna. over tho North Auna. Burnsido's- advance ted and the Convention took 11 recess. Stato reduced to bo tho vassels of a con- There is not a part'elo of honesty or ; orossod. It was discovered, howevor,that Tho committee on Crednctiali reported tral war power ; and who striko at hopes fairness in tho arrangement , and to show Marsh, n largo swamp on the south- ,j, (t (jj, injno: ,'ew York Iowa Mis of Democratic freedomovory where through- tho character of tho LcgMature which cm bank, prevented all communication be- Miohieiin Pennsylvania Maryland out the world by boasting that they will enacted it, wc refer to the article, from tweon tho two wings of tho army on that Wiscoiuin, Tennesso, Maine.Iudiana, Now reduce iUc Southern States into tho ODn-, tho Pbila. Inquirer, on tho first pagu of il(Jo- 'ho enemy throatencd an attack iialI)p.hire, New Jer.y and tho District of dition of another Poland or another Hiio-' our paper of last week. Dont fail to read UP0U the isolated wings. Affairs appeared ni ' r(mrnc,,0,i - 1 . . . .:.:! ..i.- v,u gary. it, anil remember it was an "Aoolition" , ni;unuauy uveumg a The resolution Democracy like this mean neither more todi;, painted by a "loyal" paper. nor less than military despotism oloaked in I idle forms of long-lost freedom. If War To Our Subscribers. Dcmocraoy has nothing better to propose ( Wo hope our subscribers will not feel f .atti SI t tit in nr 01 1 1 n tlw 1 I UIlllUt'l li'i" E.Strawbridge, flour mill Wm, Frcas, flour mill " Jer. Jacoby, flour mill" P. M. Trauch, flour mill Reuben Miller, flour mill Bowman & Owen Borwick J. Seesholtz & Crai " Abraham Miller " 14 14 13 H 13 11 11 14 11 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 QO 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 15 00 7 00 15 00 monrr ami w ilhotit ricn," ratnaUo Information tin. will uiinuiti j u 111 lining i'"l'l'J rrl "117 1111 Inal trr how nld , hmv iifly, nr liow imr. 'I lila la a reliable, arfttlr. The Infbrmutlnii uill roft ynn nothing j aodir you with to ma rry, I llicmlnlly aariat jrou. All, Ictlcra ttrTctly conflderitlat. Tim dcaiicd ItirortriatloQ, icnt by return ruatl, nnd'nn qnattluna aatril Addrtu HAIIAII II. I.AMlir.ItT, Orccnioml, Kinga county, .V, y Juno 4, mm. Im EXBOUTOR's'NOTlOKr" Estate of Philip Fcas, deceased. LETTIUIB Tcrtamontary on till rjtnlo nf rtilllp I'ronj, late of Ucntrotuivnthlp, Columbia aounty dscnued, havo bron (.'rantcil by tho neglater of Willi, lie, tu ttie undcrslffund altorculdlne In aald towntblp. all pcranni having tt.ilmi aRnlnat t!io catate nf tin deecilcnt aro rnqticitcd to irejont them to the Itieitu Ion without ileliy, and all ucraoni Indi-bted to maki payment fortliwlth. SAilUKI, PRRAH, I WBBI.UV II. ritllAH, lc ,i JES3B II. FIIUAU ) Juno 4,H'!I-JJM. ''PHK undertigned, announces to bin i frlinda ami tha public, ttat lis ha taken ttia nbor.e well-known llottl, In L I Or II T S T 11 K E T, Columbia cminty, r.ihoro ha Ii prcparad to accom iiniil.itc the trnYcllna pul.'lc, tnnincrl allrittto!i. Ilia Table, l well liruvjjloinil and lilt Htalc commo-. dlnui and welluttiMnUd, 1X7 A shuri! of thu public cuiloui In lollrltod, JOHN I'.UEH Light arcet, June 4, I8M 3m. than this, tho people of theso States will very shortly fee tho differeneo be tweon such pitiful hypocrisy and the good old Democracy of Jeffarson and Jackson, We prefer tho Constitution as it was zvith the Union as it is, to any such amendments to tho principles of both. And if America, tho morning star of liberty on earth, has no moro hopeful gospel for the oppressed if tho downtroddeu nations of the oarth must choose between impartial freedom or democratic tyranny better we think they should submit to Czar or Kaiser than to wasto their hopes and blood 10 win tho tender mercies of somo War Dcmoorat. For war Democracy means neither 'more nor less than democratio (?) despotism ; and despotism nt least looks more respect able beneath the imperial diadem than un der a pretended cap of liberty. There is much in a name. Tho Amer ican people love the Democratio nauie,and for a while tho namo ol War Democracy taken very well. But it is too obvious a satire on itself to last long. Wo adv'ue its advocates to give their roso a moro ap propriato name. Tho pill of despotism will hardly go dowu with the people, even under tho sweet sugar-coating of tho sounding name of War Democracy. CSS" ''In our presidential election in 1800x if tho other party had been fuecss fill there would havo been no secession." Bradford Reporter, April 21 That is an important admission And why would there havo boon no secession 1 Simply because all parties, people and portions of our country would havo been confident that tho Govornmeut woul4 be administered upon constitutional princi ples, that the rights of all would bo re spected, thu wrongs of all avenged. Yos, if the Domocrats had succeeded in any alarm at the glorifying storm raised in tho Republican papers about our being ''arrested" on last Friday by T puties U. S. Marshals Sands nnd Wheeler for "oon- heavy raiu began aud u ecrios of thunder . . storms continued all night. , Co, MoM movcd tLat 0oDvcntion Tho rain swollcd the North Anna, Tlio proceed to the noiuinaliun of oaudidatci fords wero obliterated. The two wings lor President and vice President, on the southern bank wero threateded with Mr. Kansiui moved to recou-iidor, be i olalion from the reserves on tho north- living it would bo better to await until af crn bauk. The movements of thu enemy ter the Baltimore Convention. Col. Moss moved that John C. Fro mont bo declared the nominee for Presi- wnri! nrninnna Tn nnlni- in ni spiraoy." We responded tothegentle.nan. taok ejtbor of lho w 1 Tf ciimmnna itifli nil fmnil ,1 n n n .j m.w.uuuj .. uuuuui, uu ntt3 uu. JthnnnniA dent. Mr. llatiiom moved anamcndmcLt that to tha a nominative Convention be held in Cleve land, on the firit Wednesday in September. , , . , vi . luiin. . ui.ui.iiiu UlUtCilill V tU IL'UIU iy s-irpr.seti on arriving atdudgo LwxWb tho s,rcaln) :)lld by Thursday nigUt a, tho w"'"""u"" iimiuiuMi: Federal troops wero withdrawn ions togt rid of us than we did to part north bank ol thu North At)llu. with ihum, aud wo returned tho satno niiflit. tn nnni'nr firrnln uli.n Viot' nftnl iu . c, i, . e ,, ' na routo must bo abandoaed, he determin V. A fihllll ITIvn nnr rnrllm'J n Full nnnnnut e ,i . , r. ., . ed to follow the ouly other feasible road, adjourn over to tho Radical Convention, at of this. affair m duo season. If it does not , . ,"' .... tr T, J, . , . . T ., . ' , turn out a humbug, then (hero aro no hum- i W"S lL D frrm ;V '"t0 IIouse U Bttl"u,oro 'J11 tIlB 0th of Juuu l)iohl bugs in this world at this time. It has ,iv-, ?he Pan,unkcy- resolvoJ t( transport out of ord. r- en the Hepublici.i papers, some of which ,hlS atm? Mthcr aa 1uickl' a? I'wsil,e 11,0 ol,lllUlo of I'rfiul0,,t lh are no hotter thnn H,nv hr,l.l Im. ,! . and m 01(ler t0 Set across thc rivt'r- w,licl' m!lJc b acclamation. When Grant found that tho North An- Ln.t, only ! voting in lho efflrmative, Mr, Powcl, of Washington, moved to A. P. Evans, for J, V. Dodson. ng't Uerwiek 14 Ilcury llnckmaii " 14 Jackson Bower & oo " 13 J. S, S uidcrs 14 0. D Fowlur " 14 Jackson ii Woodiu II Jackson & Woodiu, foundry 14 Reuben Miller Mifflin 14 Stephen H. Swank ,l 14 Creasy & Drown " 14 W. A. Brown, flour mill 14 J. K, Swoipenheier ' 14 Swcppenheiscr & Co. Maine 14 Franklin L.S!iuurin,B.!avcr 14 J.ieoli Bamburgor " 14 Jacob Yager Locust S-t Washington Yagor " 14 Mark Williams " 14 Abraham Iiice " 14 J B. D emer ,k 14 J. Choriugtoii l?or.ringc'k 14 Joseph 1$. LCuittlu,Contcrvi le 11 Daniel Wvrtiuuu, g-'t liq utorel 4 Wilii.mi Sn3dur,shoe store 14 Mrs M Uorrell " 1 1 Jooathau J. Iloagland 14 Washington Parr Franklin 14 0. Meudmihall, flour mill 14 (J. S. MeWilliams 14 J S. Urob-t Catawissa 12 ii i J S. McNiaoh & Co Creasy & John J. Sharpless & Co G. Hughe Sc Sou, stoves J. K. 6'harpless " S. D. Riuard, stoves " William John, ttoves Caspar ltuhu, elothmg store Kline & Z.irr, grocery, Wm. Orange, grocery. L-tvi Ktiiler, eating hoifio J.'S Brobst k Co., grocery M Conner.grocer, Rupert Ur. P. John, Bloom I L. PiiTlon. flnnr mill 'I . , r : .. n r i. t r,.... ohunoe to blow off steam, and they should ! w a luu WIUU lwr 1 couvemel11 Pa3Si,Sc - oenratie, x. uraix mown, nnu mako the most of it. There is a nice lit-1 Whito IIoUSe' 1,0 cLS0 a poiDt S0,ue GeUural 13l,tlui wcra namad fr VicU Pr,!ei' tic story behind this, which will not look j vo, where there was a ferry. On dent. quit-3 so well when made public, if we j -Uiur3(,ay afternoon he sent Sheridan s Mr. Cochran, asked loavo to retiro from have got tho hang of it correctly. : cavalry to sieze this point, and with Shor- the Convention. To Marsl al Sands and his Deputies woi(lau'a ,narcI' begnn thc transportation of Mr. Gibert, taking tho chair, tho ques- returnour thanks for their very gentleman- i lUe onem' to Whith llouie. This change tion was put and tlio nomination of Gene- ly conduct in this business, and tho friend-1 of operations to tho several criticised Mo- ru Cochran was confirmed, with but low ly interest they took in returning us to our I clollal1 route, will invoke ono comment voicos iu the nfgativc. family aud business on the shortest possi- j froln everir ,noutl'- Gra,lt) after tho most ' A committee was. appointed to report a bio timo. As it was our first appearand ' aa"guinary f'ghtitig and sevoro losses, has pln of party organization and a name "under arrest," wo uo doubt appeared a ! but "rived at tho point which M'Clellan for the party. little awkward, but thoy showed us how to j reached by a road comparatively blood- Wq ajUick and tired re- nnr. nnrl wa wnnl thrrtiirrli ci,nnri..rn1lM Mag. I The Crisis. cording the outrages of this iuterual nd- i rom uencno .uiiis, ruo lAortn Anna ministration. Tho heart Brws An American Vessel Fired into by a Spanish Ship of War. Capt. Gray, ol tho schooner Flash, ar rived on Saturday from Baracoa,Cuba, makes tho followiug report : "April 20, 7.45 P.M., while on tbo pas sago from St. Martius, to Baraeoa, off Is abella Bay, a vessel hove iu sight astern and fired two guns blank, when we im mediately hovo to. Tho sail camo up and proved to bo a Spanish man-of-war. While neitring us, she commenced shortening sail, but never hailed us, and fired lour musket 1S00, thcro would havo beon no secession, shots at us, tho ball of one whistling close thcro would havo been no war, thore would I t0 9aPt: Gray'a uar and we,lt through the mainsail near tue ucoir. we were then boarded from tiie steamer by an officer and havo been no weeping mothers, no bereav ed Maters, no widowed wives, 110 orphaned children ; sorrow and mourning and dis six marines, who examined thu papers and then sent them on board the man-of-war tress would be strancers : oousoriniions.i to ho csamincd by her coinmandor, after midnight arrest?, and Government battilos i !licU ,lbuJ' woro f8"1 baand tho vessel Undor any other administration, except tho ouo now in power, Spain would be made to pay dearly for this insult to tho .', American flag : but wo aro fallen so low 1 ! ci . t. i would havo boon unheard of : hanniuess. prosperity and progress would have hkss cd our entire and united country ; tho buf foon wlni plays President at Washington, would havo oraokod his stale iokc3, am told his musty stories to tho bar room loaf-1 crs at SprffiScld ; tho "on to Richmond" would havo been' peaceful, and bloodlcis and hilarious j "!JUd tho Uuitad States, would still bo a power upon earth, honor ed and respected abroad, and ono in tho bonds of law nnj order at homo. that even Spaiu can board our vessels, ex- amino their papers, firo into them, and not ovon waken up old Granny Welles. What a contemptible figure we aroeuUing in tho world, to bo sure, I nc Old Guard For May, is on our table It contains a fino steel plato en- runs a southeast course to White House. Below tho junction with tbo South Anna it is called lho Pamuukey. This stream is very crooked, but in a stragiht lino the distauec from Jericho .Mills to Whito gr'iws faint at each renewed villainy, ami wo wonder how mnch longer these things are to he. No man is safe from tho hand of oppres sion, nor is ho sccuro in his personal lib ertv. Tho best men and nurest natriots House is thirty-fivo miles. A road along io the lantl nrJ (Jraed from their homes the south side of tho river, about for miles in tIl0 doaJ houra of tho igbt, and incar from it. connects thc two places. Tho oerntC() ; foui .Jungcons, without knowing Fredoricksbug Bailroad crosses both tho whv nor whorefor. Tbo nword of milita road and river fivo miles from Jericho ry f;matioisni is placed at lho throat of ev Mills. Tho crossing is at a town oallcd ory ,naDi au(1 ;t is ut tho option of those in Chesterfield. Ton miles below the railroad poffcr) wllciher it shall bo thrust home or bridge and about a miio from tho south not Tho m0Jt loccnt outrago ia (he . bank of theriver is Hanover Court House, i restby mi,itary authoritv of IIon gAM. eight miles below Hanover Court House Ml!DAUV of Ohio.-'ono of tho ablest and also on tho soulh bank is Hanover democrats in the country. In tho namo of lown. Two vo miles from IL.nover Town God whonext!-and what next! and also on the south bauk is House. , FoH (f On tho road fifteen miles from Clicsterfiold, stands Mongohick Church. It is nbout fiST The quota of New York is said to six miles northeast of Hanover Court bo full ; in consequence of whioh thcro will nnuse, tho river runuing between them. ; bo no draft. General Sheridan's cavalry woro sent ; Iamaazxp" : aloug tins road on J hursday afternoon. mi , ni , r i - i 1" lllnoin-bHrs, on thn 25lh nit., by Hrv. J II. Dimm, lhcy passed Chesterfield aud Mongohick . Mr. Aovtu w. lUuaren.and Mm i marie fkv, ,M ci ni.,l. n,l r.Vi.ln ..l 1. j UU I'tC. od the river bank opposite Hanover Town. DEATHS. Hero they took possession of a ferrv. 14 14 1J 14 12 14 14 I 4 1 i It M 14 14 14 14 B. Stousr, eating bouse, ooufectiono ry. iVc, Bloom Eyer & Mover, Drugs " S H. Miller " W. N.Rislwl,confcy'' D. Lowenberg,clolhiug " S. C. Shivo A- J. Eans, clothing " J. K. Girton, grocery ' A. Uollcder, thoe storo " ii nines K. liver ' Eliaj Meudvnhall " Henry Klcim, grocery J. W.neiulershot.groctfr" 7 7 10 7 ' 7 15 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 15 7 7 7 7 12 7 7 1U 7 1!2 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 14 U l :i 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 11 14 13 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 Oil 00 00 00 ou 00 00 ou ou uo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 on 00 00 00 00 00 00 ou 00 00 00 uo 50 00 00 ou 00 o 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7 7 10 00 7 00 0. A Jacoby, grooery' .J.J, JJrower " A J. Erasmus, frocorv" Fox & Gillmoro,outing saloonl4 Melvelvy, Ncal k CoBloom 8 II C& I V Hartman do 11 F Rabb, grocery do 14 E 1' Littz, druggist do 14 L T Sharpless do 14 J R Moter, druggist do 14 A J Sloan do 13 Hloorns'mirg Iron Co do 8 David Whitmiro Scolt 14 W A Harton & Co do 13 B F Ruighart & Bro do 14 C S Fowler do 1 1 C S Fo'vler,steammill do 8 Samuel A Worman do 14 I a; T Crovcliug.grocor do 14 G W Creveliug & Co do 14 H W Creasy & Co do 11 Peter Ent do 13 Jacob Harris Ilomlock 24 Charles Ney hart do 14 M G & W H Shoemaker 13 C Kreamer Madison 13 I) Flick & Brother do 14 G fc W Maslerrf Greenwood 11 John Lrggott do 14 B & C Eves, fnotory da 13 Cornelius Preston do 14 Schuyler & Black do 13 Josoph Sands, factory, Mt Pleasant VI Moses Lemmous, distilillcry Fi.hingcr'k 11 ReubcnMil!er, distillery Briaroreek 0 Rohr McIIenry, distillery, Honton 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 LNQUllST OK PAR f ITIOJ?. COLUMBIA COUNTY , aa : IN tlio Orphana' Court of Columbia County. In lh ruattrror thu partition and vnlunllon or tho H.tate of Frederick Kiinuat, late of Jiitktnu twp., dfrcaicd, TOJnckann Knouiin, and lliuiinli, liiti'rMK i "d with ivter ''npji'i r.Ulnj rt llithel, in Uranch Miinty.fltn of Michlzan. TAKl. Nol'li.'U, That un lajour will bu hiild at Hi? linn iln In no uf I'm lvncu Kiio'i-, di'ci'.ncd, In the townnhip of J.irkion county nf Co,, lamhli, nu TIIIHDAY, thn lull day ( Auitu.t next, Iiil4, betui'i-n lho houianf Un' iork A M ,niiiU ii'clnck 1. of ...ild day, for thn puriioao of lutkiujf parti-, tinnuf Uw Kual ft.tutu ni mid d-ci-niid, to and amonif hlii children and legal ri'liri-n-ututivr if thu mi, rau bu done without pri'judliu tu it , pulling nf tha nhula olhcrwlac It xlui! and .ippriiiia llu .nn- nccordini; ii, law; nl which Ohio nud pluc'you nru rcjuirud In at tend It yuuthiiia proper, J. H.rUItMAN.HIiarlir. l:iooiiliilrj, Junn 4, 1931 lit PUBLIC SAI-E OF A LOT ' OF TIMBER LAND'. riMM undrrnltne.l, Kaciito nf the l.l't Kill an I t.. J. tatiu'iit of I'lullp I'ru.M lilt- of lr tre lnwnihlp, L'rilumbla county, durea.i-d, in pur.u.ince nf Iba will nf Bjl.l dftcdent, will cipio lo public ihIo, on tlio prcniHfg, on Tbui'Mltiy, i!ic Oth oi Jnr, A Tiart of Timber L'nul, .It'iMc In llriJrcr-.ik lorrnrhip, Coluiubia iomty, P . cuiilaluiug was Acass, niljolninf l.tnila of ll.ivld Sli ul'cr on th- north, lliekii on tin- east, und otherr, all of wlilcU l.tiunu-prnvi-d. DV Bain to commence 31 t o'elook, P. M on aaM doy, wlii-n nltnuUuc will ba elviMi and rundi'.iout. be inadu known, by KAMI'HI. KKKAH. wrni.KV 11. rnl.As, JUSSK H. PKlAri. Eiccnl.r. of 1'hilip I'rcai, d-eaaiod, June 3. :1I, Real Estate Sale. 51 Valuable 3 aim, rtf lutiivrilifr oHitri sell, at rirM Pth. Vili X. 61c t'nrm. concli'tiEif nf 100 ACRES OF BOTTOM LAND, nituatu iu tin; valley nf l'ihin:ttr?ck. abiui two i:il4 niir.h nf Hooni.biirs, I'clumliia wiunty, IM , ciiiipruitia thn hntlnm land ul the wnll ki'own Vnni'iljy Karai aaa the Uaiiiliu 1'arru, Ou tha urn a Dwelling House, two qooii liurnn, an rxecllent OltCIIAIll), oiitdi'lildinKr, Wall. ta ll, ther Miih.a Maple Orchard, yielding from 5'Ji) tn 1,013 lb.. uir ptr yeir, Thj yiin oftlu "Uliiiuulurj Iron Orc,"ir iMi 0113 end af tliii tractor land, Al tiij 1 Valuable Tcwa I'ropprty. The lusc Three Btory nrlck EU1I,I)I.V0, aid Lot 01 CllOUNK. 011 which it la erected, nituaiB on Ihr north ride of ilain ttreet, central in II19 town of lllnnintbiirir B.iiil bul!Mjr la aub.Hntlally cnnalrueUd of eicjllcnt brirk formerly uad for a I'arrlairo tt toryand ran ba well adapted toapla 0 uf buaina.a, Bnid I.otia II feet front ou Main street, and i4 ft denp, roinoslon of the la. I uaim-il preiuijes will be riren iiiimediately, if do.ircd. rC Condllinna of ml a will be made In anit tho purclinner. 0. 1. WAI.LI3U. Ilhionnil.uri;. May 3d Mill. Kbkp Your Eyr 0N 00 00 00 00 00 00 OU I 00 00 00 00 On 7 00 30 00 13 00 7 00 7 00 13 00 7 00 10 UO 30 00 7 00 10 00 i 7 00! 15 00 j 30 00 7 00 n mi 7 fin HAlfinlyi:t1 1".11 e.te,MI: ImS'ovedhia Store Boom I O UU ln,.,i.l , , !, i ' ' wl"cn ""I bo aoia at I ii on 1 THIS PLACE. S13COXD All RIVAL OF NEW GOUlfcS r ' low us at anv other ei.tnhll.Km. .n ,i,. .... . " ' in I ri 7. "iwuiiirj., UO (Illinn nt IU IO On J nr. . . t nu ' , iu, n uit'i at cenrg. 1 'u nlii.,'.,. Ill 7...I r, . .. 7 00' ' ana urown al z;, v.u, 1 i.-Ti in .in ynf . 10 00 10 00! 7 00 1 in 00 1 n nn 10 00 A" Iffr.iiii anil CoUao furpeli), 7 00 " " iciioju nrtlrle Just opened and for tale, 10 00 n!IE?S OOOI):i of every rhado, quality v. A"'' "f'l1"'"" f llonierticOood.. t,i f. i.'1"1"' tt','lT' Tick., Linncti nnd Cntton Table Diaper, filnShaina, Nnnkienr, te . be. A good auppty nf Luiliea Blme, and liulim iuck 01 uau buj Caps. A ( upply uf Oh 1 what ii train of evils we should graveing ol Hon. Koger B. Taney, Chief havo escaped, if the Democrats "had been Ju8.tico of tllB United States. Its roading successful" in 1800! It is now again a raatter is written and solocted with caro, quastion for tho people shall wo bo'suo- and contains souud democratio sentiment, ccssful" in 180H ,61,50 per antra, Van Evrio, Horton r U....I.Ir y r. it,. Al.. I " WI t IVAi Vt ill" ltl UU.t oaptunnff the Confederate guard of about' Bonof a1"1 UMtabeiu I a " I manlhi ami 1-J . .ivr. oigniy men, ana maae preparations lor in oreenwnnd 11 All ncriona who mnv fi.t n.iA..A.i i... .u.' ... ...... .. cin. . -,nii., -;.." ... "J aP.DV( uii.. vii.iuM Thomas, eiueet " i'pjriuniiy 01 Appealing Mil Kunu, nued IU yearii.S Ycf "B "I "" the un der.lenod al his offlo in flujar Groceries and Snices, 7 00 a new lot or 15 00 1 CADAR AND WILLOW WARE. S?nA.0Cm?ii.1.' by .,,h0 1ua". li'f and whole barifl Noa, l und medium and larijc. Alao, h larfa anJ 25 00 tplendid amorlincnt or 1500! '"IW de'in5' M"' HowloiofTKUNKSarid Uil Cloth Satchels. !.Ii?7,ini!.b0IJS,,,'!,',e81 Jooila before the late rlae, t aia Facts ron SoLniEni. Throughout tho Indian and Crimean Oampaignstha only ' Co., 102 Nassau streot. New York. Couan Bronchitis, Tho eutiro free. ingredi crossing the Federal army over to tho south bank, A portion of the Oth Corps roaohod thore by noon. Tho remainder of tho army moved on Friday, The march waB about twenty miles in longth. Headquarters woro moved from Jericho Mills to Clicsterfiold, and then to Mongo- i hick Church. At fivo o'clock on Friday ... ... ilnm (mm n 1 1 rlnlnlnriiiic i m.rml i. n In wnn.lnH I modioincs whioh proved Ihemselvos able to ,. ,, , , , fa, afternoon the array was encamped around euro tho worst oases of Dysentery, Scurvy 'i? ' Pr0nchial Tr0f "S r Qr"f 1 tho ehuroh, and as soon as it was dark the and Fever, wero Holloway's Pills and , an01" Log3i aafo remedy for tho orossing began at nanover Town, which Ointment Thercforo lot every Volunteer S S 1 - ther on At eco that ho is supplied with them. Only highoet eatoom by Clergymeu,Singor,8Dd 'But o'clock on Saturday morning Grant 30 cents per pot ot box Poblio Speakers gonorslly, tolegriphed to Wai,hlngon that h jjpeo' in lireenwnnj lowiulilp, Coluintla county, on hurc, 01 the " bwoih Tiiv . r iZl a ''"x''onm Wedneadav lint Mr. Juuu Usuott. nf eon.uniD.lon. . I ... ." fr0 '"iSW.'1 July, A, I). Trl31, between oeed about S5yeara. ' 7ii u"u - "cluc. fKr which no appeal ,- - . i nibiiui. ui HIS OI11CII Ill r)U lar. rri,ii,.n. n , , l, u ' ".l"l I IHv IOIO loaf, any lime on nr before lho .ecoiid Hay of July, A, IU, " ?" low' cllcaP elieapcut for ih or II. lebl, nrat tho l.-ouiiiii.ninner'a (.nice: In lllnnni.. cou"1' Ploduoe. neath reninved from the familycirale, on the 2Gth nf May, lf04, in .Miftliuville, I'nliiiuliia county, I'.i., Iitlla I'eltio M. C . iluuiihier of Dr. 11 II. and A, 11, Montgom. ety, used 7 yeara S iiieulhi and UO dayi, OIIITURY. Pcltic, thou wa'l mild and lovely, ticutle Hie iiiiiinerbreuca, I'leataiit ni the air of oveiiiug When it float! iiinoni; thu treet. Death liau claimed our little FeUle, titil hie eul upon hcrbrow ; And hrreyea that Rhone ao brightly, Shine in heaven with Jeiua now. will be heard. Dearcit rcttie thou haa left ut, Hero thy lot a wo deeply fuel, Hut 'III God that hath bereft in, Uo can all our aorrow heal. foiiie, our deal and loved one, Thou art ever free from pain i The angel, railed ihoe, Jexia welromid Paras ell, we iImII matt aa. ouiniiiiiiiner'a (illice, in Ulonnu- stween appeal Amjiihw liAUiiAci;, M.,au8. '"" Appraiser. CHARLES G- BARKlEY, ATfOHNEY AT LAW. ULOO.M8IIUIK1, COL. CO.. I'A. OFFicE-On Main Street, in tho F,x ohauge buildings, over Miller's Store. IllouuiaburBi April 10, ld01-3w W. KTIIIIV T.r ...... . ti, li' UiCAeia. Illoojiuburj. May 12, 130 1. Tle Berwick Houoe. Berwick, Columbia ca., Pit- 3"tiS"r,,un!.,or',l''nei1 W0ild reapeclfully announce l ml fmeud and tho public generally, Ihat havlng leaicd thia well-known house-he haa girea il a thorough renovation The room, havo been re-paper ed and thu entire calabllahment eleeaiilly refnrniiibed. Ileing pleaianlly and eligibly located, ami provide w . .. lbo "luieito conveniences It offura to public the coubiaud 'advantage! of A First-Glass Hotel: IMS TAIILK will atwaya bo cuppllod with the beat tb niarketi nirord, and 1II UAU wllhtllie clioicent Ii F. 0. HARRISON , M. D. I a. ra.n..lfnll.. .. . ... ... MlttlM ' VV h,,,rVn. : ':.'.. V7..V'u'n,,,l. of I'I Wna- quora. Traveller!, drove,.. t,in.t.r honrder.. j .i:C7A-fc S wi iuiinVuv mMn of c"ino.led to general .ali.futlioii. Caraul and ac . d t.lkil. n H.,re iof ul,Uc iiatronai'e ' tomrno datlnj Ilo.Uera alway. in attendance. SUblin Orrica, ot, Main Btraa.. H h.'if.'.- .... ....... u mo"1 ""Plt ud eJt.a.ivn in tl.i. action. Houie, niooni.burg. ..-..,, SIBIH5T. rT'ir s, HTU, iml