J. ! UJ DEMOCRAT, S " AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. mrr t t A tip. wnTTnu JJJ'V X JU. XJiXii. JJJLXXVXV. "TO HOLD AND TRIM TUB TOUOII OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." TERMS: S2 00 IN ADVANCE. 'd!f ;3gOL. IS. NO. 14. T-RE ASURER'S SALE , UNSEATED LANDS.' AGREEABLY to tlio provisions of nn Actor nsseuibl". entitled nil Act dlrcclng tlio roodo ortJUiii! Uimeuieil I.aiiJsfor taxes, nud other purposes, passed tlio 13th clay of March, ISIS, nml tho furthcr uiipluiuenl thereto. passed tlio 13th day, of March. 1817. !!3tli day of March. and Uth day of March, 1817. tlio Treasurer or thn county of Cidiimlila. hereby elves nutlcu In nil person concerned therein. I that unless tho l.'o Uoad, School rnornncl Stat.) Tax, en duo ou tlio lolloning tracts of Unseated Lands, situ ate in Coliinildn comiiy, nro mild before tlio day of alo.tlil wholoor such parts nftract os will Bay tlio taxes and costs chutgonblo thereon, will hn sold at tlio .viiiiiv iliilIHU. In lilunmsburi.'. county of Columbia, on lboM3tli dny of Juno ifc'iil, being lliu second Monday, and to be continued by adjournment, frnni day to ilay for.itrrcarnges "f tuxes duo said county, and Hie cojt accrued on encli trait respectively . WARRANTEES OK OWNERS. J". :i hp. v v i? 'I'wu' Ac'ics. .41)0' S.trah A Cuffrau, 2fi Isaac Davis 800,, Elias .Miller 100 Georgo Noycr '2(J5t Catharine Noycr Moses Sohliohor. 130. Lewis Filger 5? BHIARCREEK. 18 Solom Bowct Sr. 100" RouWn Blish ISO. Christopher Render , 38. William Clem ,70,f Henry Dctltcriuk 10 JnhnDuak Q William Evans 31 James Evans 83, Oliver Eilgo ltf l'liilip FretH 23?' Rhonov Gardcnhotpe, 533, Samuel F. llcadlcy, 300 John King 100 S L Peter Augustus B Poarco 100 John Rhiuard Jacob Sitler 40. Samuel II Smith noli. en. 17 00 1 12 13 20 -I 40 8 60 1 70 8 20 3 82 2 0!) 4 05 5 25 7 24 1 04 1 01 2 73 80 1 30 00 13 40 7 77 2 50 10 2 60 10 1 14 12 28 01. John H Suit IF 10 f ' A 441' 400 429 400 100 277 '285 i-iud 3380 403 890. 884 100 864 884 864 250 130 John Shaffer 35 Samuel J Realat 44 Do Do 35 Do Do !' CON Y NO HAM Kbeuezer Branham 121 30 John Young 30 02 I os him Beam 40 41 Nathaniel Brown 37 00 Peter B.iughoer 18 80 Robert Jordan 78 11 Andrew Portor 80 37 Thomns RiMon 11 23 Marv Rmtou 35 72 Litwis Walker 85 45 William Pouell 55 00 Johnston Hoaslcy 02 73 Georgo Biokhani 37 00 Thomas Utltzhimcr 02 73 Robert Ililtzheimer 210 55 William Shannon 210 55 Amos Wii'ketsham 47 00 Paxlon Klinnmd Sharpless 38 00 UliNTKE. EnoJ Adams Ucujamin Allebaoh 1 32 30 32 30 01 3 02 44 vfi Samuel Achenbach '$0 Absalom Bomboy jJ3 Mary D.cshrr idi Doitt aod Benedict '7," William Fiitz 100 Froas and Huffman 1 20 3 23 3 8 Jacob Good William Huffman Daniel K iffer George Ilarmait Emauticl Lazarus 20 52 20 4'J 1) 50 32 36 32 10 IMias Kccco II Christianna Moyt'r CATTAWISSA Michael Brobst Joseph Kaup 100 70 3 80 0 00 FRANKLIN. '40 Jormiah Fiuchor 1 44 12 27 80 Elijah Reynolds & Co. FISHING CREEK 313 433 431 112 Paul Applo Guy Brj an Abraham Rccser Samuel J Dealer Do Do William Buckalew Freai & Huffmau Nathan FIcckcnMtuo J N & R R Jones Thomas Lemons Michael Lcmoca George Mack Lot Do Do It J Millard Win Patterson's Est Goorgo Pcaler J B Parks Amoa Spado Abraham Young GREEN WOOD. Samuel Alberlsou Mark Cooper William Derling 15 30 19 30 19 30 5 03 101 140 200 32 "28 150s 350' '50, 212; 00 15 65 113 - 38. 100 JBt 4 47 0 21 8 04 1 48 1 18 0 71 22 35 0 71 43 14 90 2 07 29 72 11 45 15 10 5 01 3 00 0 00 8 80 8 33 8 80 5 48 2 04 James DoWilt, Est. And row Gray Jobuion II. lkeler Georgo Reeoo Ellis Eves HEMLOCK. John Childs Nathauicl Campboll Sylvester Puraell Zcbtilon Robbins JACKSON. Goldor Eliua & M. Hess Jamisou Koeler Kilo & Noyhard Philip it John "Wagner David Lea Benajah Parker k Co, LOCUST. Lewis Buih 2 32 0 72 3 88 3 22 20 20 2 35 33 25 5 05 1 25 3 18 1 85 1? 40 John Fisher 0 12 31 Samuel John 4 70 32 Do Do 4 01 30 William Sayora 4 08 1200 Mary Myers 24 03 1 1 00 Thomas Ruston 11 44 jl 90 Daniel Rocso 22 81 3200 Mary Ruston 22 03 3200 Charlolto Riifton 22 93 J200 Johu Reynolds 22 03 MIFFLIN. 70 Jacob Bomboy 1 03 4 John C. Hetilor 10 7 Jacob Longabergor 19 31 John Michaol 87 20 Peter Miller 1 30 170 George Nungeator 4 88 ! 0 Rosauna Wall 00 47 Joshua flinuiorman 2 50 MAINE. 40,1 Boyd & Poxton 27 00 100 Brnbst, Ytttcr k Sohmiok 4 00 300 O. S. Cos 13 80 4 William Crcay 74 35 Jeremiah Finchcr 3 32 10 Hcury G. Miller I 98 5 Henry Miller's Hrird 74 11)0 (J. F. Mann & Rout 0 90 112 Philip Miller 80 02 7 Philip Wall 04 100 J. P. Fmuhor 0 20 500 George Scott 7 20 MADISON. 40 William Ellis Et. 1 14 220 J.icob Mo.-cr ' 12 50 8 William Ginglui 10 Mt. PLEASANT 10 Samuel Hoono 3 00 11 William lleors 2 08 40 Jacob Ever " 7 80 4 Lorenzo Grimes 00 ORANGE 10 John B Edgar 00 10 Jacob DKIino 24 PI Nil 50 Peter Applegato 3 01 r.(IO Thomns Betidl'ield 90 74 1U0 Aaron Gross 12 10 5 Sylvester Heath l 00 80 .lames Loekcnrd 14 52 110 Vallershamp Est 12 00 100 William Berlin 13 51 ROAU1NG CREEK. 50 Peter Biughncr 2 20 350 George. Dowees 15 70 100 Eckel & Rea 4 50 209 Philip Ku'p G 20 120 Isaac Lindvillo 2 00 SUGAR LOAF. 25. Ezclual Colo 1 37 205 Go Est. 10 33 80. Alex. & Joshua Hess 4 83 414 Daniel Mellenry, Jr. 22 30 47 Abraham Voting 2 51 4 Johu Kile 09 150 William Stephens 8 10 TREASU'.EU'S SALE OF REAL E S T A T E S 13 A T E D L A N D. ,V G REE ABLY to the provisions of f tlio net nf AiimMiiblv. rntilU'd mi Act to reduce the Pt.tlc debt, (cc, pa-BCd ill'. :i'.itli day of April, llii' Treasurer of the County of Columbia hereby gives notice to nil prrsoiw cmtrerni'd therein, thut iinlesb th i:ounty. rojd. sihoul. pur and State Tut, tic. due on tin' follow in real rf Int' bilitatc in the county of Columbia, nr panl be f .p- the ilny of sale, the whole of such narle of e.icli ai w III pay the chare.es mid ciub chargeable thereon, wilt bu sold at the Court House in liloomtbiit'e;. co., of Columbia, on the 13th ilay or June ICill. dung the fecund .Monday, nml to bo con tiiuifd by adjournment from diy to day for arrearage-, of Lues ilii said county and III,; coals accrued on Lacli respectively. OWNERS or reputed own:: BEAVER TOWNSHIP. Years JDo.'s. Cls. Columbia Coal & Iron Cora- Aa is 400 pauy 309 20 30 1 33 00 150 108 1 T. M. Hubble 1 John Y. Oriswcll 1 Maun, Haldy i Criswoll BliNTON John llerlinger 1 IClizahcth Cliuo 's En 1 Hill A It CREEK. Mary Shaffer 1 Sam'l, F. lleadloy 1 Sam'l. F. Huadley 1 CENTRE. 98 00 22 14 4 40 1 50 50 4 23 3 00 10 12 19 15 i Ac." A. Deittcrick & Torby 1 20 Richard J ortiy l L. S. Q. 11 53 FRANKLIN $ Julia A. Cromley I 1 88 FJSU1NGCHEEK 1 1 Willitmi Parks 1 74 2 Uho Hartman iS- Mother 2 108 HEMLOCK 0 Jeakwish's Est 00 Alt. PLEASANT 110 Jacob Johnson 1 7 90 85 Robert Nixon Est 1 2 76 0 RANGE 114 Georgo Kline Est 1 55 Do Do 1 177 Do Do 1 00 J R Morris 1 0 23 1 00 1 32 5 34 PINE 1 Lot Sylvester P Heath 1 21 DANIEL MolIENRY, Trcciiicrcr of Col. co. Treasurer's Offico, ) Bloomsbnrg, April 7, 1804. Public Sale -0 F VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. 'pilfi undersigned. Agent for Mrs. l.ydla Wanlch, X will offer at l'ublic Sala, on SATURDAY the Mh day of June. A Dwelling Houso and two valuable Lots of Ground.sltuat o on Main hMreet.iu East lilonms burg,(niiir McKelvyg Furnace,) Said dwelling is uduu I bio house, partly or each Int, The property, therefore i Is adapted to tho iiseoftwo families or for the bettor accommodation of ono liuully. it will ho sold sepa rately or together u may best suit the purchaser. Thcr'i is an excellent well of water on viid promt ses, with the usual outbuildings nndit varlet) ofchoito Fruit. i E7 Sale to open at 1 o'clock,'!'. M, on raid day when attendance will be given and terms be mada known by JACOU WA.NtCII. I llioomsburg, May.SllNM, I BLANKS! BLANKSTl Of every description) for sale at thin offico BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA Select poetrn. HOME. I travel o'er tho land,' 1 1 travel o'er tho sea (. From homo I cannot go. From homo I cannot bo. My homo is not a manio On hillside sweetly placed, Which art, at great expense, Exquisitely has graced. My Initio is notn homo Of high and statcljjmlld, Which prido and wealth combined With pageantry havofllfed. v Those cannot inako a home ; 'lha heatttTuueh tnoro requlros, Ileiuitted lovo clone Domestic blis'i Inspires. My home Ij'm niy heart. My wlfoond" .children thera i I never froin.them part Hut always fc"ellicin near. A Christian honn limine, Whence matins daily rise, , And from Its pious hearts Vrspira ascend thuVklosj 1 iravHi o'crtlis land, I travel tj'crlhe sea ; Fromlioino I will notgo. From lirmo,! will not bo. i:. s. j. The Freedom of the Press ! Tiifl Suppression of tlio New York World ami Journal of Commerce. THE EDITOR Or THE WORLD TO THE rrtl'.S IDENT OF TUB UNITED STATES, To His Excellency Abraham Lincoln, Prescient of I ft u' United Slates : Sut : "That the King can do no wrong" is tho theory of a monarchy. It is the theory ot a constitutional republic that its chief magistrate may do wrong. In the former the ministry arc responsible for the King's act3. In the latter the President is responsible for tho acts ol h:s ministers. Our Constitution admit) that the Prcidetit may err in providing for a jugement upon his doings, by the peoplo in the rognl.ir olectious. In providiug for his impeach ment, it admits ho may be guilty of crimes In a government of laws, and not of men, the most obscure oitizon may wiihout iu- decorum address himsalf to the t hief Magistrate, when to tho Constitution, wheuce you dcrivo your temporary power and he tho guaranty of his perpetual rights, ho has constantly paid his unquestioning loyalty, and when to the laws, which your duty is to care for a faithful execution of, he has rendered cutirc obedience. If tho matter of his address bo that in his person, property and rights, thr Con stitution has been disregarded and the laws disobeyed; if its appeal to the prin ciples of justice bo no moro earnest than the solicitude of its regard for truth, and if iho manner of his address bo no leis tem perate than firm, he does not need courtly phrases to propitiate an attentive hearing (from a magistrate who loves his country, her institutions and her laws. Iu tho World o( last Wednesday mom inn-was published a Droolamationnurnort- ing to be signed by "your excellency and ! Woild was not rescinded. Under your r.ot, why not ? countersigned by tho Secretary of Stato orders General Dix scut a strong military Is thcro a different law lor your oppo appointing a day of fasting ami prayer, force to its publication office and cdiiorial nent-. and for your supporters? and falling into military service by volun-1 rooms, who ejected their occupants, uud j Can you, whoso eyes diaocrn equality toerinrand draft four hundred thousand ' for two days and three nights held pus- 1 under every complexion, booliuded by (citizens between the ages of eighteen audj I forty-five. That proclamation was a for-1 igory, written by a person who, ever siuce your departure from Springfield to Wash- iuglon in 1801, has enjoyed private as well as publio opportunities lor loamiuc to counterfeit the peculiarities of your . speech and style, and whoso services for years as u city editor of tho' New York .'Times and upon tho Now York Tri'iunc acquainted hiin with tho entire newspaper machinery of tho city, and enabled him to insert his clever forgory into the icgu lar ohannels by Which wo receive news, vt a timo when competent inspection of its genuineness was impossible, and suspicion of its authenticity was improbable. Tho . mauitoiu paper, resembling in all respects! that upon.which wo nightly raccivo from i I .. . . our agents news, and from tho government 1 itself orders, announcements, and procla- matious, was lelt TOh a night clerk about' jthrco or four o'olockUu tlitf morning, after , tho departuro of evc?ji rcpwisiblo editor, land was nl once passed intoyho hands of i ! the priuters . nut in tvne. and published. j No newspaper in lho oouutty but would have been deceived as wc wero ! Our misfortuno was complete. At an ' early hour, hnwovcr, beforo the business 1 of tho city had fairly beguu, it was discov 'ercd that wc had been imposed upon, and , wore boing made to appear tho instru- inonts of a deception of tha puhlip.Thoro was no delay in vindicating ouroharaotor, Our wholo inaohinery for sproading nows was sot iu motion instantly to announce that wo had been deoeivod by iwforgcry that your oxcellcLcy had issued no procla 'motion, Tho rale of papers oyrrour eoun- COUNTY, PENN'A,, tors was stopped. Our bundles to tho Scotia, bound for Europo, that day, wero stopped, Tho owners' and purchasers' files wcro utopped. News-rooms bundle and files wcro stopped, and tho agent of the lino was informed that tho proclama tion was a forgery. Our printers an pressmen wcro brought from their homos and bods to put in typa and publish the news of our misfortune Our bulletin boards wero placarded with tho offer of reward for tho discovery of tho forger ; and to tho agent of tho Associated Press, 1 sent a telegram reciting all thn facts, for him to .transmit at once to nearly every daily paper in tho North, from Miino to California. Thus beforo tho Scotia sailed, before your Secretary ol'Stato had official ly branded tho forgery, the wings which wo had given to truth had enabled her to outstrip cverywhoro the falsehood yc had unwittingly set on foot, and in many places tho truth arrived hoforo tho forger had come to toll his talc. For any injury dono to ourselves, to the Government,. or to tho public, this pu b licity was ample antidote. It indeed mada injury impossible. But the insult to your excellency was tho greater in proportion to the eminence of your station. Early in the afternoon of Wednesday, therefore, I went with Mr. Wm. C. Prime, chief editor of tho Jour nal of Commerce, which had been deceiv ed precisely as we were, to the headquar ters of tho Department of the East, and laid before the commanding geucral ev.cry lue iu our possession which could lead to the discovery of tho guilty persons. All tno wets atjovo vociteu were telegrapUott at nnr. ... ,1. .i. o . c nr.. uui-u ii' juu iuiuuii uiu uui:iutuij Ui u ui' by Ccueral Dix. I assert our utter blamo- Ics-ness. I assert, moreover, that I havo i.over known a mind so prejudiced iu which acquaintance with these facts would not eulorcc the conviction of our utter blame- lsssncM. " Hero 'was tho absense of nn attempt to do wrong, hero was an antidote for an in- jury uiiwlitintrly listed, moro complete and effectual than tho injury itself hero wa, an alucritv in search of the wrong- doer, and assignee rendered to your sub- ordinate to discover the author of the in- suit dono to yoi. With theso facts sot fully beforo you by the General commanding this department, ' would a process as summary as a you reiterated an order for my arrest and drumboad court martial have been resort imprisonment iu Fort Lafayette j for the I cd ' by you in a peaceful oity, far from seizure and occupation of the World offico H'o boundaries of military occupation, had hv a militarv fiuaid. ami the nmnrfsiinn of its publication-'. The Journul of Com- your course been, as we were, the victims j dation, since our blamelossuess having been i's, watching always in your fitful ibep, merce, its editors and publishers , were in- of this forgar f Had the Tribune, and alleged to you by those hero whom it was ; cpless by 1 eluded iu the samo order. Times published tho forgery, (and the your duty to believo, it seemed only pru- J y 00uia Hv1 g0 many ,ows & I belie vo, though I cannot state of my Tribune candidly admits that it might , dent to await your recovery. j would suffice to thank her fully. Through own knowledge, That to tho commanding have published it and was prevented only I For the next twenty-four hours, from , reckless and impatient youth the is your General's ahscrtiou of our entire blame- ' by more chanee,)would you, sir.have sup-' moment to moment, it was expected that counsellor and solaefc To bright maa l.noU was owing that the order for pressed tho Tnbune and Tim as you ; you would hasten to confess and repair . JjoJ fS our arrest and iuoarceration was rescinded, suppressed the U'orld-MA Journal of Com-1 your mistake. But the mistake thus pro- , tLtiD) and roren,i of -oar mother j ' But lho order for tho suppression of the session there, injuring and abstracting some of their contents, and permitting uo ouo to cross tho threshold. -ot until oaiuruay morning tuu tins oc- ... XT. iM .1 I. . .1.. cupation cease. ioi unui io-iiay ua me ! World been freo to speak. But to those 1 who have cars to hear its absence has been Iuorc eloquent tnau us columns couiu over be. To characterize their proceedings as unprecedented, would bo to forget the past history of your Administration : and to characterize them as shocking to every Illillll would bo to disregard that principle ' of human naturo from which it arises that luen submitting ouco and again to lawless ; encroachments of power, with ovory en- 1 . r. .!.... -f :!!., 1 1.1 t. . "rmissiuu ui u viguauui.- wuiu nuuum uU continual, loose something of tho old, free, , kcu SCDJ0 of ll,eir truo nature and real dungor. Charles was doubtlcs advised to, and applauded for tho crimosby wh'oh ho lost his orown and life. Nor can you do any such outrageous, oppressive, und unjust a tb'msr that it will not bo applauded by those whoso prosperity aud power you havo created and may dostroy. To characterize theso proceedings as arbitrary, illcgal,and unconstitutional, would seem, if such weighty words havo not been emptied of all signifioanco, to befit better an hour at whioh you have uot arrived, and a placo where not public opinion but tho author ity of law spoaks, aftor inipuachmcnt, trial, conviction, and judgment. But, sir, tho suppression of two daily journals in this metropolis ono tho organ of its great commercial publio, the other a recognized exponent of the Domocratio SATURDAY, JUNE principles which aro shared by half, or nearly half, your fellow-citizona did shook tho public mind, did ainnzo every honest and patriotic citizen, did fill with indignation and alarm every puro and loy al breast. Thcro was no indignation meet ings, thoro wcro no riots, there was no official protest. But do not imagine, sir, that tho Governor of this Stato has forgot ten to do his duty ; do not imagino that the people of this city or State, or coun try have ceased to love their liberties, or do not know how to protect their rights. It would bo fatal to a tyrant to commit that error hero now. A free people can at need devise moans to tench their Chief Magistrate tho same lesson. To you, sir. who have by heart tha Con stitution whioh you sworn to "preserve, protect and defend, ' it may bo an imper tinence to cite those natural and chartered rights therein enumerated, among which arc those : That the peoplo shall ho secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable seizures, and that no warrant even shall issuo, excopt upon probable cause, supported by oath, and particularly describing tho place to bo searched and the pertons to bo seized ; that no person shall bo deprived of life, liberty or property without duo process of law ; yet those aro the most prioelcss ponsessious of freemen, and these you took away from inc. Even a captured uud guilty criminal who know that his crimo would bo proved, and that tho law would assuredly visit upon him condign punishment, might with propriety plead those rights and ilcmanil , j oi me vjuiui maJuuK w ' ),;, ilinon uliinlila Asantiltorl liv llin foav. ! .iiu. .wa uu.wt. "j J j onuts of a militarv coinmaudor, ho might ! protcat and assert his iualiunabh right to I J the orderly processes, the proofs, and the ' punishment of the law. But has the Sax- j '. on tongue any terms left for him to use ! who, being the victim of crime, has beou ' ! also the victim of lawless powor I I I H s tbo theory of the law that after ! the commission of any crime, all proceed- j ' iugs takoa beforo trial nball bo merely ! preventative , but tho proceedings taken i against tho World wero ot the nature of; n summary execution of judgment. Would j trial by law Have been itemed, wouiu tuo , law ita,!lf bavc lcen 60t asi!e for lho ba' the presses which consistently applaud mtrce? You know you would not- II , tho huo of partisanship I , The World has sustaiutd tho Goveru- munt in its struggle to preserve our impor- jieil nationality. it hail helped inspire tho martial spirit of tho peoplo, and on courjgo them to the saorilicos thoy have so nobly mado. It had advocated thoso , measures of financial policy which could j best preserve tho tono and vigor of tho , Government in tho contest. It had de- served well of the republic, and thosowho love it. But it also exposed aud denounced tho corruptions attendant on your Administra tion. "It had opposed a delusivo aud en ervating system of paper money. It had vindicated the fame of a patriot general whom you had removed from command on tho eve of victory. It had deprecated your re-election. Did you tvot find in these facts tho provocations to your wrong and your persistence in wrong ? II id you not made up your mind against us before the underling, your partisan, had concoct ed his plot ? Whon you answer these in torrogatorios I will produoo tho proof of threats mado against us by thoso nearest you and assuming to exert your preroga tivo, beforo this trick of forgory furnished you with tho specious prctenso of an ac cusation. Can it bo possible sir, that for a mo ment you supposed that journals liko ours could afford to be guilty of this forgery. Let tho uiianimom voieo of your own press answer. Such a trick would hard ly have succeeded in Sangamon county, Illinois. Fpr a party whioh is to go be foro the peoplo, and ask them to ooramit to it? hands the administration of attain, 4, 1SG4. whioh has been inoro generous and for bearing to your errors than you havo been just to its guidos, permit mo to say that it was less possiblo to bo true ol any ono of them than it was of any man high or low who suspected them. And so the end has proved. Tho con fessed and guilty forgers wcro your own zealous purtizans. Joseph Howard, jr., who has confessed his orimo, was a Repub lican politician and Loyal Loagncr, of Brooklyn. Consider, sir, at whoso feot ho was taught his political education, and i iu whoso causo he spent his political law. Tho danger of such a conflict of breath. Mr Howard has been from his laws is so far passed, that not oven a Pros childhood an intiinato friend of tho Re- idimt could now plead national safety as publican clergyman, nonry Ward Beech- an cscuso for rcfusingto do justice ornub or, and a member of his church. Ho has niitto judgement. listened year in and year out to Iho drop-1 y0t no citizen who regards hi3 duties pings of tho Plymouth sauotuary. Tho should ever hesitato at tho last to oppose stump speeches which thero follow prayer lawlosa deeds with legal re-asdics. Tha and precede tho benediction he for years 1 aw may break down. It will then disoloso reported in the journal whioh is your devo- t0 a watchful people tho point cf greatest ted organ in this city. For years he was danger. Courts may fall, judgement may tho city editor of that journal, tho Now ' uo intimidated by threats or bribed by tha York Times; for a long timo ho was tho allurements of powor, and tho30 who havo Washington correspondent of tho cLief 'BWoru t0 execute tho laws may shrink Abolition newspaper of tho country, tho ' from tho fulfillment of their oaths. A era. New York Tribune; ho has bcon a fru- 1 von Congress may sit silent and idly watch quent contributor to tho columns of tho ( the perishing liberties of tho peoplo whom Independent; he journeyed with you from ( tUOy represent, but this cannot dster him Springfield to Washington ; ho represents who, in defending, his rights, is determin himself a favored visitor at tho Whito ' ed to do his wholo duty, and to whom it House since your residenco thero. hs compalont at least to commit tho issco By a curious felicity tho' stylus 'with ' to that Powor, omnipotent and iuscruta- which his amanuensis copied on tissuopa- per tho proclamation and signed your nanio was abstracted from tho editorial rooms oi tho unOitnc. The party pnuoi wur. nmiu rulu w u. ( minister llir" CSnverriTir'Tir. lirtvn linen tlio ! - j daily moat and drink of this forger. Ho j has denounced as faithfully as you the par-, t by whoje defeat you roso to powor. Ho ( has been the noisy champion of an exclu-, nivo loyalty ; ho has preached in club , houses and at direct corners those politios , which stigmatize constitutional opposition to the Administration as disloyalty to the.' Government. Tho stock brokers who wero his confederates will be found to bo of the same kidney. They all advocated a paper money legal tender; they have all counte- nanced tho paper inflation ; they have all , uecn needless oi tuc misery to poor men which such inflations breed ; thoj havo all rejoiced at tho speculation thus fostered, iboro patiently with your thoughtless rude aud by (peculation they had hoped to ness "ursed you safely through a B. . . .gionol ills end maladies, Her hnd it TC" . ; was, bathed your burning brow, or mois- Lor twenty-four hours something was , ton,a tuo parchca lips : her eve thatlinht- pardoned to your presumed natural trepi- i longeu grew to the proportions of a crime ;; and till the disoovery of tho forger stripped its mask off and disclosed tho inspiring cause of tho act, it grew monstrous men's eyes. We wero patient that the immeasurable infamy of tho not might swell to its full proportions, aud stand complete. By tbo recall of your arbitrary order, you havo not mado reparation for tho wrong you have done. Tro injury und the insult remain. Tho violation of the Constitution stands recorded, and unless adequately atoned, becomes a fatal pre cedent. For the purpose of gratifiying an igooblo partisan ro'cntment you havo struck down tho rights of tho press, you havo violated personal liberty, subjected propetty to unjust seizure, ostentatiously placed forco above law, setting n danger Oiis example to thosowho lovo force moro than thoy respect law ; and thus, and by attempting to crush the organs of frco dis cussion, hazo made frco olections impossi ble and broken down all the safeguards of representative government. It is you that in this transaction stand accused beforo the peoplo. Its you who aro conspicuously guilty55"is upou you that history, when rcccflftfiig these evonts, will affix tho crime of ""alisTcgard of your duty, oblivion of your oatlf. aud a pitia ble tubservienoytJ),urVv,judico aud to personal ambjtlon', wheiT-Uio country de manded in tho presidential office olevatcd character, devotion to duty, and ontirc self-abnegation. But you are uot to bo left to tho judge ment pf history alono. Thank God, by tho provisions of our Constitution, not yet wholly abrogated, the peoplo arjwoou to pass upon your claim? to rc-oloction, and tho right of impeachment yet remains to their representatives. Tho peoplo and their representatives havo tho right to speak Mhon tho pen in etiuok from tho VOLUME 28. hands of a. freeman by tho bayonet j when tho BaBtilo once brokou down onthu oth er sido of tho Atlantic by tho reverbera tion of our Revolution, is reconstructed bore. In stormy times like theso, nmid dan gon with which an unsapprosaed rebollion onvirons us, his would L-.vo been a ia:h hand whioh had liastily cot in notion fail another purpose'than tho suppression of a rebellion, tho machiuory of jtutioo ; who had invoked against tho disloyalty cf ru- lors tho retribution and redrcsjes pf thd bio, who presides in events andnways tho dcstin'us of nations and tho hearts of men. Manton Maxuile. Km Yohk, May 23, 1604. Speak Kindly to Your Mother. y dl t " th ounS mcn &WM 10 yar moti' , and oven courtooiisly-tonderly to her J a llUle nd F03 llsr 00 more forever 1 Her oyo is dim, her form is bent, and her shadow falls grarewara! Othors may lovo you when eho has passed away kind hearted sistora, or eho whom of all tho world you may ohooso for a partner-children may lovo you fondly, bat "ever again, never while ufo 13 yam, ', 8'all Jva of "raan bo to M lJKn' ' lrembllDS' we3kcucd m8lLor j la?r;hCronh neipies3 infancy her throb- hing breast was your safo protootian and , Mipkort fln wayward, testy boyhood, alio ed up tho darkness of wasting nightly vig- 3t!d when vou, too, shall bo old, it shall in , some degreo lighten tho remorse which ! "ball bo yours fur other sins, to know that f vinwntjt mnntnntt Ti o r r trii ti f tr rtrtfl flin r-n spect duo to l,old women." Liability of Telegraph Compa nies. A caso of great interest to telegraph comptinles and tho public was decided a few days ago iu tho New York court of common pleas. A firm tolcgraphod to their agents in New York to sell fivo hun dred shares of Southern stook at tho morning board, and buy fivo hundred Hudson in tho afternoon. The word "Hud son" was omitted in the dispatch, and five hundred Southern Michigan wcro bought, The result wa3 a heavy loss to the parties who gavo tho order, and (his loss was directly due to the mistake iu tho transmission of tho dispatch. The result was a verdict in favor of tho claimants, j thus establishing tho principle that tele graph companies aro responsible, into oth er commou carriers, for tho accuracy with whtoh they transmit the messages intrust ed to them' Patriot $ Union, Duiuno an examination a medical stu dent was asked tho question' "Whtm does mortification ensuo V Whon you pop the question and nro answered 'No.' " t3S "Hans," eoid n Dutchman to his urohiq son, whom ho juit been thrashing lor swearing at his mother, "vat a uat you're thinking so viokod 'bout out in tho corner dcro i ' "1 ain t thinl: not'n." "You lie, you little vagabond you ; yon thinks by d d and now I'll whip you for dat." tar A gentleraon rodo up to a public houso in tho country, and asked,- "who is tho master of this houso t " "I nm, sir" replied tho landlord ; ".my wife hits boon dead three weeks." EST A shell thrown into Charleston fell and burst in a blacksmith's shop whera two whito men and a negro wora at work, breaking the negro's armful injuring nei ther of the others.