Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 21, 1864, Image 4
AGRICULTURAL. MAY EMPLOYMENTS FOR THE MONTH. Poets havo dwelt with rnpluro'uj tic light ou tho boantlos of Mny, and plioitos i Grout Cculral Fair, FOR TllM SANITARY COMMISSION. ' Orncit cniuCoMiTTiron Liana, Ihcokis inaiara ' nun, No, 118 Boulh Uerentb Sttcst, 1'hlla.dslphla, April : 4th, IBlll. I .The Commlttnnn 'l.abor.lneomi! nml Keramies." In ' co-operatlon wllh them In tho particular tvotk, for I which Ihey hixvo keen nipoliitct. A i tin portion of the ' peoplo tiro more tiatflotlo than the working intfn and women of tho coaalry. It In but Just and proper t!ial that they shnuld Alike have nn opportunity tn contribute to the nhjccuof tho Fair. Tho most rquitblo plan lor , accomplishing thi. nnd nt Hie ntno tlmo tho euslcst one, Is Id ask fertile cmilrlbutiun of n tingle dny'a l.n ' hor from all iiumi'i In tho coinniiinllv. Many will contribute n dnv of their Inbor ttllllnalv. who would 1 not subscribe thclMiione v. To reach otciy department ' of Industry ind ntt will bo n work of gtent labor, but, i i ,a & i t t .! . latininciiiiviiiDcprotiuciiva oi imincnsu rosuiu OpUcrS bnVO'dlpnDd tUCir pClia IiaStlly lo Tha success ufthe plan will depend upon lliolitiity ii . ,. hi .i t eooperntlon of every t lament oflnilueiica within our uciiiicatu, it nossiuio, uia romniioo oi Ml ALCOHOLIC. A niQHLY CONCENTRATED A PURE 1VJSI9. FRIENDS & ItlJBilTlVIJS OP TUB Bravo Soldiors and Sailors. tooperntlon of every element oi iniiueiica within our limits, nud wo lnllo nil the (; I xns or tin Indus trial interests, nud nil others, to tiifco hold with us In futthetltig this grout work of patriotism nud humanity. 'J lib Commltul) Is chargud with tho fallowing duty, Fihs't To obtain the contribution of "one day's labor," or earnings, from every artisan and Inbureri forcaiau, operative nud employee; president rashlrri ttrlUr and clerk of every unincorporated company, rail' rojil and cipross company, employing linn, bank man ufartnry, iron works, ull works, mil1, mine und public ofllce j fiom every private bnukur and broker, importer auctioneer and merchant! clerk, ugent nud salesman J designer, llulsher and artist i publisher, pilnlcrinid mechanic; from every government ollicer, contractor and employee j grocer, butcher, baker and dealer ; far mer, horticulturist nud producer I from every iiiniitua 1 maker, milliner am1 Iriuulo operative! every Individ- ' ...I fltinm-n.l 1,1 (1,0 IllPllllllf tllll Hoi I . I P tl ,1 1 II it tllll llllllll. and I or in anyway earning n livelihood, or Holding a for I ,. l., ih Mtnlcs nf PpiitiKVlviililn. Kmv Jt-rscv and tho planters committing tho golden grain I Delaware. , , , , , , . r .... ! Biui.ii), To obtain lha contribution of one day's ( "Revenue," from all tin great employing establishment I firms, coipnrntions, companies, mllrnnd-i and works, Tinm. To obtain tho contribullrn of uus day's la rnmofrnni cverv retired person of t'oiluuo - male and this delightful month, when "the air, the earth, and the water teem with delighted ' existence" In this htitudo, field operations nro in full progress, Tho activo farmer is over whelmed vrith anxious carca and active duties. Thcro tho teams tro hauling out manure to be applied to tho Indian corn crop. Hero the fertilo soil is being turn ed over, and thcro nro tho .markers to its well prepared sccu bed. - i Tho landscapes arc beautiful ; the meadows arc covered with a carpet of beautiful green 5 tho vintcr wheat and rye J begin to wavo in tho breezes ; tho rich J perfume from tho fruit trees in full bloom fills tho balmy air ; the incessant songs of birds; the lowing kino responsive to the call of their young ones ; tho flock of playful lamds gamboling about their well fed dams in tho green pastures ; "The noisy geeso, that gabblo o'er the pool ; Tho playful children. Just let loos from schnul ;" all teach us that joyful spring will soon lay aside her robes and morgo into the flowery valo of Juno. Planting Indin Coun and Potatoes Will constitute ono of tho most impor tant operations of this month. Let the seed bo tarred, if there be any danger ol its being pulled by birds or squirrels. In previous volumes of the Co. Gent, and Cultivator may bo found ample direc tions for tarring the seed. It will bo attended with gold r'sults to chango seed corn every year or two Our practico usually was to obtain seed of farmers Bituated near tiic tlioro of Cayuga Lake, where all kinds of cereal prniu usu ally ripendc ten or fourteen d.tys earlier thao it did on my farm The kernels on" the Email end of the cars, and the irreg ular ones near the largo cm!, should imvcr be planted, becnu-c they are not perfect kernels. Let such kcrnal-and no other. be planted for a fow years, anil it would be seen that the grain had degenerated very much. Select tho very fairest and hoiindost potatoes for seed, and reject all those of an ill form, as well as those that are in the least affected with tho rot. Eveu if all the affeeted portions be cut oft', it is not safe to plant the other portions that ap pear entirely sound tmd healthy.!i,-. Itvlnp utinii llicir means. and Irotu all clerev men, lawyers, physicians, dentists, editors, authors and professors j nil other persons engaged in tint lenrnul or other professions. Much ol mis worn must no pcrioriuuu uy me perso nal liiflueiico nud e Hot Is of Indies and gentlemen associated or to bo associated with the Committee tu carrying out this plan, Tliu Committee leel the responsibility of Ihe work they havo undertaken, which, to he successliil, w ill re quire n very peifect rnmillcatlou of tucir plan, and they therefore cull upon all ariiest piople, to assemble themselves uwtlicr In every town, township, and nnd form ortrimizatlims oflmlles nud gentlemen to co-opcrute with them in this great work nud labor of. love. In luo iiianuiacturiHg cuuuiii's, me coai auuoii r gions, and In Ihe agricultural dlMiitls, -especially lot llierebc organlr.nlluin In thu largo tonus, so that Ihe jouug pcoplo may have an opportunity thus to reu der assistance tu their ti lntlvcs ami fi I -nils lighting the battles of their country in the armies uftliit nation, . Tha work of this Committee mav beproaecuted whore 11 u other elfort can be made for tile Fair as In the mines of the coal region". A day's earnings' Of the miners, and u day'a product of the mines, cnnlnj obtuined.whera no portable article could be procured for transporta tion. Indeed there is no part or suction of these Stales whero the ilav's may not he obtained, If organisation enn be funned to reach them. The coiumittco cannot close without urging upon nil Proprietors of Cstablishiii'inis.llns duty of taking prompt ami energetic action to secure the henclll of the day of labor train till within their control, 1 lie Cnniu.itiu.- deem it unnecccsary to do inurcthan thus to be sent tho auhjeel to the pui) le o, Urn three males mimed, in the mining cuuipuigiisofoururiuiea the labors of the "Sjnitary Coimnlssluii ' will bo great ly augmented. Hy the rirlnf June TOO 000 men onu of thu limcst armies of modern times will operating iu I the field, So largo n forco scnllered rver regions to which tho mcnuro iinacelimated. must necessarily uirry along with it a large amount of sickness, suilertng nnd death, to say nothing nt the gathered horrors ol thu battle-field. These sulTe rings, It is our boon. Ion duly, as men and Christians, to relieve, A great ami enlightened peo ple, enjo.t ing the blessings of n government oftliclr own malting, i anuot refuse assistance lo men suffering to maintain its authority, and no will not bdiuvo that the "fit'-at Central l air." draw ing Its products from th three states of lVunsvlwini-i. ,'ew Jersey nud Del aware, 'so nlUuenl iu till mineral, agricultural and Indus trial wealth, shall fall behind any similar effort which has yet been made for tho relit f of the Nation's chil dren. As it is di slrnbh! not In multiply circulars ; nn fur ther authority than this circular will In necessary for any emplojing firm or company, or any respectable coiumittco of adies nnd gentleman, to proceed nt otu-e in thu work of this roiumitl'.e ! rind It Is hopod that under it organisations will hpritu up in all the towiid nud busy region of the Slaloti of I'ennsylvauia, New Jersy llclawurwo. nlir'cri)Uotis will b; thankfully urkunivledge in the newspapers of Philadelphia and it id eiy desirable thnt they eomtneiicj soon, a each fresh acknowledge ment will Mliuul.iic elfort in i.ih . rlocalilus. All subscriptions should bo uddnssed JOHN Vv Cyl..U!JU!t., 1 reasurer, onieo ol ton DOCTOR IIOFFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS rur.pARr.i' nr DR. 0. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, P. W!t.t effectually cura Mver Coinnlalat, Dtspcpsla, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous licblllty, Disrassa of llio Kidneys, and nil diseases arislag from a ilnor darad I.lver or Btoiouch. such at Constipa tion, tnwnrd l'llfs, Fulness of lllond loth Head, Acidity oflho Stomach Nausea, llenrthurn, Ulsgut for Kaorl, Fulness of weight In the Stuniach. Pour -.rinitrtna.tiiiikinfr or Platte rim at the Pit of tho Btomnch, awliniiilug cfths llend, llur rlsd nnd Dllllciilt Ilrealhlng, Fluttering nt the Menu, Choking or Suffocating tensntions when la a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Wabs befon, tho sight. Favcr nnd Dull Pala in the Mend, Deficiency nf l'crspliatioa, Vcllowncts of thorJkln ami llyss, I'llu in the Bide, Hack, Chest Limbs, ic, Huddcii l'lushts ef Kent. Ilurnlug In the Flesh.Coiistant Ire aginlugsnfmll, & depression of spirits. And will positively prevent Yellow Fr. nillious Fever. &c. 'I li.y c ntnln no Alcohol or bad Whiskey. Tliey will euro tho ubovo diseases In nlnety-nlna casus nut of a hundred. ', , , , Induced by the extensive sale and universal popu lailtv of lloolland's liermnii Hitlers, l,iurely vegetn lilcl'hosta of Ignorant Uunrks nnd uuscrupulcns ad venturers, havo ouned upon suffering huiunnlty the flood gntcs of Nostrums in tho shape of poor whiskey, vilely compounded with Injurious drugs, and chris tened Tonics, liiomnchiea and Hitters. iicwnrn nr thu Imiuuinroblo array of Alcohnlij prep- pariilions iu plctlioric bottles nnd big bellied dor the modest appellation of Hitters; which instead of curing, oiilv aggravate disease, and leave the disap pointed suffir'in despair. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS! Are not n new and nntrled article, but have stood i,p ipt of lin.oMi wars trial bv the American uulilie and their reputation and sale, are not rivalled by an; uiiiiiliir nrenaratioll. '1 he proprietors hava thousands of letters faom tba most eminent C1.EECYMF.N, PHYSICIAN'S, Ann citizens, Testlfvlna- of their own personal knnwledse, to ths bciicncialen.'Cts and medical virtues ofthesa Ulltirs. I)t you want tomtlhtng to ulrtKgthen ysr Do you vanl a good uppctitet Do you wont ro build vp your Constltulttnt Do you vanl loftel villi Do yoi vanl tJ get rid cf ntritninmt l)o yti vant energy ? I)c you wiiit lo steep veil 7 Do yoii vanta ttrifk nnd rigorous feeling J If you do, uso HOOI'LAND'rf G Lilt NAN HITTERS. From Ilei: J. A'eirton llroicn, ). )., F.dltor of tho limy clopetua cj jtcugioux ixnotcicagt, Although notilltposcd to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, iiirougu iiisirustoi uicir ingre dlcnti nnd effects j I yet know of no siilttclent reasons why u man may not lotny to mo bcueiit lie iiciicvci lilintinir tn linvu received from any simnli nrennrallnn in the hope that ho may thus contribute tutho benefit of outers- I ilo till a the more icadlly In repaid to lleofland' Oermaii Hitters, nreiinrcd by Dr. C, ,M. Jackson, of thi city, became I was prejudiced against tl.cin for many undor in; imnrcssion that they were chiefly an al'ohnlic mixtiiru. I tun indebted to my friend Robert fhoenmliiT, llsq., for the removal uf this prejudice by proper tests, and for eiunuragcuieut to try them, when sulfcrini! from ureal nnd loon continued debility. The use of three hollies of theu Hitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followd by evident reliel, nnd restoration to a degree of bodily and i..ental igor which I had not felt for six months before, and had al most despaired of regaining. I therefore thank Cod HOLIOWAYVS PILLS. and oint:ihnt. All who hava Friends anil l! Uvea In tho Army nr Navy should take aspcelnlcnr li. t they ho amply sup' I Elicd with these Pills nnd (Jliilu nt i and whero Iho rnvo Ho' Hers and Pallors have neglected tn provide thcmselv s with them, nn belter present can lie sen them by llieir Ftlciids. They havo hern proved lo ho the (-'o ill r's never falling friend iu Iho hour of need, C(tJ(illfl AND COI.DS AITIX'TINO TllOOPri, Wlirin" spectlly relieved nnd effectually cured hy us ing th so admirable medicines, nnd by paying proper attention tu the Directions which nro attached tn each Pot or Hot, BICK llllADAl'lins AND WANT OF AP UTITE., I NCI DUN 1'A I. TO fcSOl.DI I'.IIS. I hose fecllnir which so sadden us usually nrN'from trouble or nunnyntir"". obtrni ted peisplratiou, or eat ing anil drliiKing wn.ncvr r is unwnnii'some, inns ins turbliig Ihe heallliful iiitlnn of the liver nnd stomach 1 tieso organs must no reneveu, n you m-sire in ue wen no I'lils, tiiKeu nccoruiua to tun priuicu iiisriuciiinis, ill quickly produce n healthy action In both liver and stomach, nml, na n natural innsc'iience, a clear head and good appetite, WtlAKNLa? Oil PF.HII.ITY INDUCUD l)Y OVIIIt FATUIUI! Will toon dlsanncnr by the useof these Invaiua.ilc Pills, and the poldier will inlckly ncoulrc nddltiounl strenuth. Never let the llowels bo cillier ciiutined or unduly urtcd upon, it may seem strnuae, mat inn lnwnv's Pills should be recommended fur Dysentery and Flux, ninny persons supposing that Ihey would iucri'iiso the relaxation. This is n gnut mistake, for these Pills will correct the livi r and stumach, nnd thus reiunvc ull Ihe acrid hiimorH Irnm the system, tins luedictne will give tone nnd vigor tn the wtinlu organic system, however deranged, white health and strength tollmv ns a matter of course. Nothing will topthe re laxation of the Howe s an sure us this famous incdi- t id. VOLUNTUF.riS, ATTENTION I INDISCIUITIONS OF VUUTII. Sores and Ulcers, Hlnlchos and Pwellincs, can with certainty be radically cured. If the Pills nro taken night ami morning, nnu uinimcui on ireciy useu ns stateil in t Ii o printed loMrut'loo". ii treiiteu iu nuy'.tucr man ner. thev dry ur m cm-nart Inbreak out in nnotlier- vMiereas thi iiitmeiit will remove tliu humora from tho ey.tcm.and leavothe Patient nvienrous and healthy man. it win require a niiiu pcrbcvcraucu in uaa ra cs tninsuru n laslinz cure. roil WOUNDP lllTIIIJIl OCCASIONED HY THE ii a yon iw. sahui:. on tiii: nui.i.m'. tosin or nituisr.s. To which everv Poldier nnd t'alior are liable. lhen are no luedines so safe, sure, and tonveuieiit. ns Hoi. lownv'a I'illsand Ointment, 'I ho wounded nnd ariuost dying sufferer might have his woiitnts dressed iiniuo diutely, If hn would only provide himself with this matchless uiniiiieut, which siiouiu ue i n rust intntiie wound nnd smeared ull tnund it, then covered with n nicco of linen from his knnnsnck ami comiuesscd with n handkerchief. Talking, night and inorniuc, Curd Pills, to cool the system and Prevent lullauiatlon. livery Poldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chest should be tirovide.1 w tth these valuable Remedies. uau i iuii : ,ono nrc geuuiiio unless inc worn llollnw'avs. New York and l.oiidou " arc dlsceriinble as a Water-mark 111 etcry leaf of the book of directions urnuiid each pot or box ! tjicsauie may plainly seen by holding tnc leal tn the light. t nniKisome toward will bo given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the dvteclinn of nn natty or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending the b.iniu, knowing them to hi spurious. Sold ut manufactory oi Professor llolloway, M) M aden l.aiic. New York, nm bv all resiiecta i e Urn Istsnnd Dealers in Medicine, thrnughout the civilzed wo.'ld. ITT" llnllowny's Pills and Ointment .ire now retailed owing to the high prices of Drugs, be ut 30 cent),, Til cents, and 31,10 per Hox or Pot. K5"'J here Is considerable saving by taken the larger bIzcs. N. H.-DlrectlonB for the guidance of patients in every disorder aroallixoil to each box. L"" Dealers in iny well kuuwn medicines can have Show Cards, Circulars, &c, sent free of oKpi-usi-, by addressing THOMAS IIOI.I.OWAY, SO M iints Lnc Ntw-YnRit. Dec. Ii. leU3.-ly. Juno VII, leiKI. ri-IIIH INM'ITI'TICN l under the solo nirilingeineii r'anllirSlon nf Prof. - W. l.nwrLt, so long Prin- C,l,amM.V7'c.A-co.v.vocM, couumiu i .n.B co,ir of Instruf linn embtncci all the tequisl ej iSiXittM '''Th,?terTet?hnaV"e. lotlmoor expen-e In ma kh,r I I Course the mo.i l.ori.!tl. nn.l couin de nf rpiir;i.nderilgn..,.f.nio cxt-nitvcly cngngpfl 1 J" (.d to'mako thorough and ""ccessfnl K,''',c of , 1 UndcrtoJAng Dvtinest, and keeps constantly on lianu .10 ,ny ,,iur;U themselves under lila tli.irgc. niirorsnioat ins ivareruums, u. - r r.A.MJ"'" ' tot the "Committcu Oil n,.,i ,,tw vlrt,i,l f.,r ,llr..ltir hip In tlmiih,. nf llinm. Labor Incamei anil Hcvcnuej," An, 118 boutli r-ueiith J. NliVVTON IIKOWN !,1ll,,.l'l,"a',l.l'l,p,lli?' , i , . in , ' Philadelphia, June 23, 1601. All needtiil helps in Circulars nnd Posters will he lorwartied to parties applying lor them. Direct to in USES OP THE POTATO. In Franco tho farina is largely uat-il for culinary purposes. The famed graties, eauces, and soups of Franco are generally indebted for their excellence to that source, and its bread and pastry equally to ; while a great deal of the so:called Cogu;u; ini portad into England from France ii the produco of the potato. Throughout Ger many, the same uses arc common ; and iu Polaud the manufacture ol spirits from the potato is a most extensive trado. "Setiin brandy, well known in commerce, is largely imported into England, and is sent thence into' many of our foreign posses sions as tho produco of the grape, and if placed on many an English tabic us the amc wbilo the fair' ladies of our country perftimo them'clves with tho spirit of po tato, under tho designation of Mm-tic Cologne. But there ate other uses to which tho esculent is turned abroad. After ex tracting the farina tho pulp is manufactur ed into ornamental articles, euch us pie lure-frames, snuff-boxes, and several d;s oaiptions of toys ; and the water which rum from its process of manufacture is tt most valuable scourer. For pcrfioJv. clcnsing woolens, and such like articles, il is tho housewife's panacea; and if the washerwoman happens to have chilblains she becomes perfectly cured by tho opera tion. A STRA WHERRY MOUND. Select a spot of ground in your door- yard, or elsewhere, where you do not de sign plowiog, and malic a email mound ol turf, litter, a few "stones, etc., with soil enough to fill up all the crevices, nnd let tho whole bo firmly prccsed together, so that it shall settle as littlo us possible, Then collect a quantity of pebclstones of vartous Mzcs.and after covering the mound to the debth of four or fiyp inches with gravelly soil, commence at the bottom and enclose it with a circle of tho larger peb blcs you havo, pressing them firmly into tho soil ; then at thu' distanco of livo or six iacbes up tha side ol tho mound, placu Chairman nf tile Cnmmitle.i' above. I. MONTUUUKltY HO.VD, Chairman. JOHN W CI.AlillOliN.Treasiiier. ItliV II W Mutter. CorrespoudliigSccretary nicuui.uuit j, .ii 1 1 c ii i.ii i . c-carerary. HONORARY .11 mi IICR.-'. Ills Uxc.llcney, ,1 11 O'UKTIN, (.'oveiior' of Pcmi'Vlva iiiai Ills excellency. JOT.l. PARlvl'.R.noveiiorof New Jersey.. His excellency. W.M CANNON,t!ovenor of Delaware, lion ALEXANDER UIINRY, Miiynror Philadelphia, lien JOril'.l'll R iMIliUSOLL, IVun-j Ivaiu.i. Hon JUIKiU CAUPi: V I CR, N.-w Jersey. Hon JUDtii: HARRINGTON, Delaware, .Vtujor-Ccii.COHl. Ml'.AlIC, Army of the Putomac com.miitci:, Right Rev Uisliop Porter, Mr. Itcv.lJ W Holler. Most Rev llithop Wuod.. Chairman Rev lliKhop Siuipcoii. Mrs Oeorge .M Dallas, Rev DrHrnlniird. airs John sergeant, .Mrs John M Bcott, ,irsCfitcial .Meade, JIrs J Hdgar'I'homson, Mrs Joseph Hiirriso , Jr. Mrs Robert W Leaining, Mra I.Uoutgninery llond, Mrs f Weaver, Mrslieorgu W Hams, Mrs FA Dreiel, lrs..M N Kelloy Mr John W Forney, Mrs .Samuel A Crowr, .Mrs Hunch Turley, miss a nager, Rev W P r.reed Rev i: W llulter, Rev Isaac I.euser. Samuel M Felton, John Hdgar 'rhumsnii. Com.lll'Sioctiton, Frederick Frnley, . John' Hiucliaui, Oeorge l Hams, Rev WSuddards, D D, Crufcisor Henry Coiper, Cluis Pendleton Toll, M II Dr Waller Williumi.ou, Hon Oswald '1 houipsou, Hon J R l.udlow, N U Hrowne, Daniel Dougherty, audit) others. April2:i, letll. PARTICULAR JS'OTIOE. I There art many prrparafions sM under th nurnt UittcrA, put in quart bot'los, tonipounUed of th ehr&pitt uhhkey or common rum cottin J'rvm iiO to 4U cents fir gallon, ihe taste tuijiuiac orj ,intse r Lortanuer ztet. Tills r,lns uf Hi iters Iiiie) Ciiiinut. nnd will comlnu to caue, ux luu? us tliy can bo Fold, hiii'drcd to die tti! (luatli of tlin ilninkiinl. I!v their uq tho byftcni is Ki'pi coinjuuaiiy uuurrinc limacitce oi licououc kiiim ul.nit-4 oT the worst kind, tlidcsiro for fjiHur irt crea ted and kept up, ;intl tilt; result ii alt tlio Jiorrnrs it iciitisUtit upon a nruiiJtitrii s inu nun urain. Tor llioso u liudf eirc mid will liavu u l.lqunr Hitters w imlmali thu touowiri'' rucultit. uci Dim bottle u; Iloufl tud'n (.'fTiiKtu Hitters and mix With three ii,trt ol trooii ornmiy or wiiismw, ami lue rcMiit will I pri'MiT.'tliun will tiir ex rot in medical virtues nud trHG excellcnc! any (f the iiiiinetinis l.i'pior IliHerniu tlio markets nml will rofit murh Uff. Yoti will have all tin virtues or lloollnud's IlittcrrtincnuricUion with n fjnod nrticlu of Liquor, at a muili luss prica than lliesu jnfenur preparations will co-it )ou. ATTENTIOTTSOI-DIERS I AND TIIC FRtCNES OF SOMIIERS. HOSTBTTEH'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. .....inillln WT7I,,IAI I...I.I. ..,.mll l.mnrli nf a UllSllISS l-uiiciiu"" " vidian gv-au roiled Ily which h Is ennhled to fill orders on presnita Ion u'lcll(,,rttl, y,,,,,,, w taught In nit Its v' W' f A pure nnd powerful rSHemn n gnod Horse nnd llcnrso, ami will at ul n(1Jt ffl matXrts f the art. . I if,c Vl a Se t "f wonuerf"' vMvttty k" "" "t lk.i tlnieB he ready to attend Funcrcla llloonislmrg, January 2!), 18511 OOFFINS "r . i.. ..1, i ...locntlon no in this csseniini urnncn r,. ril.MON C. S1IIVK. FRESH ARRIVAL OF If ALL & Will GOODS, Miller's Store. KM i:,M;mlOn..averecelve.l the highest cacnmiuuis frnui the press. ,.,. f,.. (.,i, I mvell's Cnnnnerclnl College, lllnf han.toii, N. . P. H.-OI1C- of Hitter & Duncan s no. .i 'S " " : v " , fine, perfect point, mill spring Cold Pens, l Ii hoi I r 1 and cne. warranted for one year am t a 1, H I i actit. freo iif charge to uny one who will rciuli .") to , the ahovo nddrrss. , ! Octohet II. Idll3-ly. STOJIMIH, MVEIl AXD B0WKI.S. I'. res Dyspepsia, Micr Complalpt, 'lendacln-, fli nt, DeMllty, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits, Can ttinnilnii. Cnllc. Intermittent l evers, t'rainni and fpn-lus. nud nil ' omtiinini ol eiiiicr Hex. nrlsing from Hodliy v enhuess frnm llio Cltlca I Till, slllisrrioer lias jusi mumi;'! ii.oi. i,, w ith another largo and select nssortmct of FALL AND )V INT till GOODS, aivr i.ii.imami I'hli.tdMhliin. nt iho lowest ficnrcntij ! "r IMUI.I....1.. ... i - . . , uitiiii i)Mir which Ihey are determineu to sen on niuuueruii m n i , i.RESUI us enn ue procured eisowueru m hiuoi,uuii,, stock comprises ladies' Dithss noons. of clinical styles nnu inici lasuino. DRY GOODS, .1X1) aitOCKMKS. ii mim'jinn q iwamiwhe, CF.D.1H li-MF., IIOI.1.0II' U'JIliF. IIWX, XAWS, HOOTS J- SltOI:S IMTS f( CUPS, &.C., lie,, fc. In .linrt pvprvthliis usually kent In rountry Ptorcs to whirli he lntitc the public, generally. Tho Highest price paid tor country produce. y. 11. MILLER. Ulooinshurg.Oct.SI. Wi FAMILY DYE COLORS. fAsr" I'M I'. 1. 1 HltOWN, Dark IIrown, l.rour Hroun. i3urr PiitoWN, Cbimsov, Dikk Dntti, I.IUKT DltAII, Dahk Cki.i.s. I.KIIIT (jlll.l.l, MflKTA, M nooN. ORANUIt, Pink. PcnrLP, RnVAI. I'l'Rrl.c, Hai.mos, fClRI.KT. M.MI, Poi.rkitiso, Violet, Vl LI.OW. : For Dytn Pllk. Woolen ami Mined floods, Shawls, ' Pcuifi. Dresses, millions. Cloves, louneli I Hats. Feathers, Kid Cloves, Children a Clolhlng nud nil Muds of I Wearing Ajparel, IVlEWANDSECOAVDHANDSAFES.Jrss-ASAVINli OF 81) i'EIt CENT. 33a J. For salu c cap. nt New York gate Depot, 1 1 Wil- . n Ham Street, New York. 6'. A. GREGG, ami rniccs of ui.iifs fiuc proof SIZE No. 4 Mi. a No. 3 No. 4 No, 5 No. I) No. 1 No. i Nn. 3 No. t No 5 No, ii sFi;a O U T S 1 1) F.: UFiniiT, win-rn. 'Jl a I Hit !1 Ml '.'4 :u w 34 31 411 31 IXSI I) r.: urioiiT. 17 111, 21 il. 51 31 wiuni, II 131 1 j .'-'1 !)l rents vou can order n many conns as wmim otherwise cost fivo times that sum. Various skades can he produced from tho s.imu Dye. 1 lie prnces is nimple. and any onu cnu use tho Jyo wilh perfect sue- Directions ill Cnglisli, French nnd fierman, Inside of I each pnekaae. . paprii. r,, L.-nmHrtn i ,, Tiviinrr. nnJ p vine a ner- feet knnwlciigo what colors are heft adapted to dye over others, (with many valunhlo ricipi s.J pun has" I lloive & Sleplnns' Treaties on Dyeing aiol I olnring.- i henthy mail nn receipt of pile),-It) lenli. , Manufactured by llllWF. HIT, I.NN HnoimvAY I mnw. I (T7"l'"r sale by Druggists nnd Dealers generally, )ei ember M, I8..3 -lunos. L'l) CI 1!4 'J4 '.'4 Dierii 15 I'J li 13 II 15 No. 1 Nn. . No, 3 . No. 4 No. 5 No. 0. rnUK. .. S j() HO . f'.fl IK) TO HI . Ki ill) . mo mi , 11.1 1)0 ii:t . ELLS SPECIF 0 PILLS Wau- itiNiFPif am, f$ts - (Jan be rclioJ mi ' (er( i Wecallatteiillon tn all having relatiolis or friends in the army to the fact that -IIOOFLAND'S Herman ! Hitters" will cure nine-tenths nf thu diseases induced hy axposurcs nnd privations incident to camp life. In the lists, published utmost daily in th" new spapers, on the an Hal ol the tick, it will he noticed that u very large proportion nrc AUircritig debility, livery mm; ul that kind can he readily cured by lloofland'a Reruuii I Hitters. Diseases resulting frum disorders of llio 1 1- ' gestii'o orcaus are speedily relliovdd. We have no hesitation in slating that, if thesu Hitters were freely ued mining nor soldiers, hundreds uf lives might be f saved that otherwise will hi lost. r, ... ..t it i 1 iuii parueiiiur uiieninui iu me ioiiou ing remara (jOlumiUce Oil "JjalXir, InconiiS and , able and well aulhenticated euro of ono of iho nation's Miss siusuii O'Veil), Missriallie Htolt. Miss l-ouisa H Ciughorn. and 35 others. COMMITTEE FOR A DAY'S LABOR UtlCAT CENTRAL SAMTAHY FAIR. Ivcuunues." Oliicc No. 1 1 8 S, Scvcatli St. JOHN W. ULAGIIORN, Treasurer. This 'unimiltee hue a special work, to wit: to obtain a duy'n '-labor, a day's "income," and n day'a "rut c nue, lroui every oflho three States of IVoiipv. Ivania, New Jersey an I Dataware, for tho benefit of uur siik and wounded soldiers. Tile Committee Is uuw fully organized nt the abova address ami calls fur the co-operalton of ull clashes in Ihe community. Wo want to show what the industrial (lasses can do for their soldiers I What llio p-inple can Un in their tcparatctrades I What Pennsylvania can do! What New Jersey can do I What Delatvaru can do I What eacli county can do I What eaeli city and town can do I What.each profession candu' What each trade can do I What each occupation can do I What each maiiuluctnry can do ! What each bank, insurance company aad railroad can tin I What each mine can do 1 , What e.iili workshop can do! What each family i an do I What each mail call do ! Whut cadi tvnuiaii can do ! What each hoy und girl cm do t Wa want tn show to the world what American fric men aru ready lo dofor their soldiers I , .Wills is .1 gresl woiknud the time short. The way lo do to ii to OHO ANI'.U I organise lit your worKsiiops-in your families. Let the men organize. ., Let lha women orgauizi Let the trudes organize. Organize cveryw here. Let thu workmen gin-Willi their emplojers, the em ployees with their workman. II Ucasy done. Iflhe workmen will authorize their employers to deduct one day from their week.s or monlh'i earnings, and Iho employers will add to it a day of their profits, the whole sum will he acknowledg ed together to Ihe credit of lha cstab'inhuient. We say to all, go to worfcut onco with us In this great work. Hurry your contributions. Kvery acknowledgment wilt stimulate othera to follow your ftxuiuple. tirculara with full instructions will bu cent upon apilic4Uou,l' mail or mbcrwiiu, to Hie underjgued, To work ' lo work t h. MOiVTOOMCUy JIONO, Chairman. Mr, li W. IIUT1IIK, Chairwoman of l,adiea Committee M, I. MITC1ICSO.V. (Secretary. April n. 18(11. PRIVATE SALE OF VaSuable UcaS Estate. auotlier circle of Binaller pebbles, and dj , , ' Un.,...n.ti .T, .n,i... .r,i,; ' ii.lTHE offers to sell at i . luu .nuuuu io n ,aie, A TRACT. LAND, situile in Jackran all divided in this manner into sections. tawa.iiip.c,oiuiiaMuaty,p containing M iSlAii AUlshS, jjuvuiu sums uuu oiiuwuurr)' plains rifiy Acres oi which is nnpioved, and in a high state ...l -lo n vnm r ,l,.,, !., i t - . oi cui I vatiou, inn reinainoer in W'Mda, coata a r anU plaoe a row or tliem iu each division, lurga 'luantuy of good rail timber. b and next year, if your vines do well, you ALSO ; will Lave not odW a nico crccn raound. FIFTY ACRES OF LAND. tthieh will bo ac ornflnir-nt t ... Situate iii Pine township, county aforesaid, tvhereo. i, but also a very beautiful one. TJiero1 FRAME DWELLING HOUSE in nn II da mav ho mndn nf -inn .1,1. I with the naccssary outbuildings, nnil a young, tl ITIOUIIUB IHUV ue niaao 01 any UtBirablo ' inir Ore hntd. Ten Acreaof whidi la rleared. , eize ThrPB feot in iltumprffr ni.l il. balance well timbered. A stream of water runs thrnugk J-lirtB icot in tliametcr, anU tllO the premises, making it a desirnblo sito fnr lha ereetioa same in perpendicular hoight, Is about tie ofraThe",b'ovo rrope,.y win b. .imi cheap ami Biee whinh will Usuallv fin fr,nA ' t"".11"'0"': ..Tuitlier iiiforiuttlan san be ottiiaid j visuu oy applying 10 tua tuDicriuer jnl, uhvi fariiur. heroes, w hose life, to use his own luugutige, "his beau I saved b) thu Hitters. 1 PmcAiiFiruiA, August S3, 1F0S. I .Vesrs.Jones$ l.Vafts. Well, gentlemen, your Hoof , land's dermal! Hitters has saved my life. There is nn inisiaKe iu mis. iiistuucueu lor by uuiuuers or my comrades some of tvho:,o names are appended, anil who were fully cognizant of all thu circumstance, of my ease, lam ami have been for the last luitr years, n member of Bhrmau'a celebrated battery, linn under the immediate command of Cnpi It. II. Ayren. Through the exposure nltciidant upon my ardoroits duties, 1 was attacked in November last Willi influiuiualion of the Inuas, and wus for seventy-two da) a in tlm hospital, I was then removed from tho While House, nml sent tu this city on hoard the ritenmi r "Sure nf Maine," fromwhlrh I landed on the 'Jclh of June. Milieu that time I hatu been about us low nanny onu could ho and slill retain a spark of vitality. For nweek dr nmro I was scarcely able to swallow anything, and if I did forco a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up gain. I lould lint even keep a class of water un mv stomach. Life could not last under these circumstances : ami. ac cordingly, tho physicians who hud been working laith- lutty, tuougii uusiKcusEiuiiy, to rescue mo trout the grasp of Hi i dread Archi-r, Irankly told mo they could do no more for me, nud advised mo to scu u clergyman, nnd luuku such disposition of my limited funds us best suited lue. An tic'iuuiutuucu who visited me al Hie hospital, Mr. Frederick Steinbron, uf giith below Arcli Street, advised me, na a forlorn hope, to try your Hit ters, and kindly procured u bottle. From I hi limn 1 commenced tailing them tliu gloomy shadow or i oath receded, and 1 am now, thank Cod for it, getting better. Though have- taken hut two bottles, 1 have gained ten pounds, nud 1 feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wire nnd daughter. I rain whom I havo heard nothing for (iglilecii months: for. gentlemen, lam a loyal Virginlun, from tUeticlnity of Front Royal. To your valuable Hitters 1 owe Hot certainly of life wnic.Ii has taken the place of vague fears lo you- Hitters will 1 owe tlu gloriotu privilege of again clasping to uiy uusoiii innsu w oo un ui'urcgi in mu in me. very truiy yours, ISAAC IIALONK. Wc- fully concur iu the truth of the above statement as wc hail despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Ma- louc, restored to health John uuddlebacL, 1st New York Hatter. Ceoigu A Ackley, Co. C, I It la Maine, Lewis Clieualier, H'.'d ew York, I. II. f penccr. 1st Artillery, Haitery F. J, II. I'aseucll, Co II, 3d Vermont, Henry II. Jerome, Co. II. do, Henry T. MncDounld, Co U nth Mains, John F. Wnrd.Cn, l!.,atli .Maine. Jlejman lincli, Co. ll.,TJd New Vork, Ji'uthauiel II. Thomas, Co. 1'., Mill I'ena., Andrew J. Kimball, Co, A.. 3d Vermont, John Jenkins, Co. II., luGlh 1'ruu. BEWARE OF "COUNTERFEITS. Heo that tho ajgnoturo nt ''C. 11. JACKeJON," is oa lha Varrin of each bottle, PltlCn PKIl IIOTTLB 75 CKNTS, OR HALF DO,. FOR $, 09. Should your nearest druggist not have the I Jaikica Iwy, Manh It, 1H4. -if JOHN KKMLBR G I I.TON'3 Clicap Gro3cry Store. ALSO ebat.Sj cas's and saaflis, ' IIP. undersigned having boiicht out tho (Jrocery o I Datid ftroiin, has removed his lint und Clip Store up to t-troup's old ataiid, where iu addition to n supe rior assortment of FALL AND WINTER m Llats and Caps, ? (JONFK0T1ONAHIES, CRACKERS, Jlolafcs, SuEitr, Coffee, Tens, Tobacro, Snuff, Cifjars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Ruttor, Coal Oil, Drugit, Parlor nnd Hand Lamps. Books. TVritiuf? Paper & Ink. llarthvurc untl Crdnrwure, Pckcl A Him, Combs, ij-e., tj-c , ij-c , Together w ith a variety of urticles generally kent Iu n Store. ' Also-A fine lot of ltII)J, MOROCCO nud I.imnos to which he invites the at entinn of ijhoeinnkera and the public. JOHN' K. CIRTO.V. Illooinsburg, lice. 5, 1803 RL00MSI5URG SKVLIO IIT, Picture Gallery. Till! undersigned inform tha citizens of ninnm. am' neighborhood, Hint he has taken Iho largo room at me Lxcnungi- iiiock, exteipiing over Harney Hohm r H.ikcrv. and the l.nokstore where he h.i nut it, a larcet!kligl I. It is only by fr'kjlighl that good pic tures can hull ten especially croups w hero each person can bo takcrj istas well as separate. Ilchnsgou to considerable expense to make his cs tablishmeiit first class one, and he th"ri'forc solicits a liberal pntro ige lotmuhle linn, to cnnaiiintly introduco inn iiiuii.: i iiiiroviiiieijs m tun nrt. t'oun -y produce taken iu Htcli.iugo for pictures IICNI'.Y RUi3UN!5TOCrC. Hloomihurg, Nov. ll-lil. t'ov. B '52 I?t'! BSu, SEolh-i in Dili's, failtoiurel Do not liausrute ! Are speedv in nilioii' B7 t Bp t. -JBiri' PtnU'tu1 Nn change of .its l reniiirod Do not interfere with. H'Ol cStll'; if Bill E4ti.ll.ill." ijis j businiKK purriiits! Can bo u-ed without di tectlon ' IJpwurds of -.'ul) i ore? ill" past month some i f Ihein veiv severe cases. Ovi r one hundied uhysiclans have un',1 them in their practice, mid all apeak well ol Hi ir ellicacy, mid approteofth ir composition, winch n ; entirely tegi inkle, and linruil-' on Ihe sjulctu. Hun- ,lr,.,l4 i,C rT.ll lit, .ilr,u imii, Il lini, n i Hell's r-pecific Pills are Hit. QHi'inal and only genuine Spjcilic I'i'l. 'I hey are u lahteil for male nud f.-male old or young, ai.d H'm only rJia.b.0 remedy for ell'ecting n permanent anil speedy lui.iuull i asos of f-'perma torrhea, or Seminal Weaknes, Willi all its train nl i ll.'c. such as t'relhral ami .igiual DiMharges, (.'feet, the Whites. Mghlly at Involuiitary P.mis-ious. loicu liunnnce, Ci l. ill. I iiehilit) and Irntabilily, lni i.t.-nre, Weakness or l.oi-s cf Power, ?,'en ions Debilitv. itc. i till of whuh ari-es principally from M'Mial l.'xe 's-esnr i Self- huso, or Mimo eoiii'lit'iiioiial derangement, nnJ I iueapacitates th; Hilferer from fulfilling tin iluliesol iiintried life- In nil rexual di-nurt, as (foiiiHrhi-a. j fileet. and r-'trn iure. ami iu liiica-ce of tin- HI'iihler , and Km lie) s. Ihey art n a charm I Relief is cxperi j c-iiceii liy takim; a sitiele box, 1 tionl by nil ihe prim ipal drta-sit Price 91 I Thet will he sent bj mail, secunly sealed, and ro,i : fidi'iiliallv, u,i receipt ir' Hi.- mom v, by J.' 11RYAN', M D. I No Til t'i'dai M., Nc-tv York. ! CoiH'illlug I'livs'n inn for th- treatment of lueiuimil, , Ciiu.iry, exuul, and ,i-rtous lllseile, who Willi t tend, free tu all, the follow me valu iblu work, iu tenl- cd I'livelope : Tin: Firiitiii Tiioc-and-I'u. HULL'S TltlJATISC on helf-Abuse. Preuiitlnri' I -i-a . lmpoteiiLo and lots of power, riexunl Disi-iises, Seminal Vt eakiiess, .Nighll) HuiistioiH, tienitai D, In hl &.e., a painphh t nfiil pae,(oiitaining important adtice l the i.lllicti d. und whii h houlil be read by every sulf-rcr. un the moans of tun.' iu Ihe severi'i-t stages is plainly set forth Two stumps required to pav posfig.-. December U. Iflll-lt. S'iiSBSl -i, l-'uwis, AniiasnlK, Arc. Tut up in !?'. SAe and 1.00 Hot I'mil-a k l'l.ik. Sutid SSsi'.ei- for Holds, Public Ili-lit'UI "is, c, "Op.;, infallible icmndiV know u." 1 Tree from I'nisou-i." .t dangerous In the Human Faiiiilt ." Rats i nine out of thdr hols to ol"." DJ7" Cold Wholes-lie Iu ull large rilie. 17" Sold bv all llrngcMtr. & llul,iilra iterwh"rc. !''! IIuwaiikI!:1 ol all worihl.-sa iiulinlinus !T7" H.-i- Hint "Co-taii's" iiiiiiii' is on eacli I'.ox, Rot He. ami I'lask, hjlore you huv. 7- Address Illi.VltV-11 nfTAIl K7" Pinsceii, llipor JiJ IlHnMnviv, X. V. Hold by nil iioleile mid Retail llrogisls hi llo,iiiiT.biir, l'.i. FclTilliry li, Irhd.-ein. whether Inherent In the system or i produced by special c.iusca. i NoTinxn that is not wholesome, genial nnd rep, live Iu itnintiini enters into tke coinnnsition r,fn TtVn'HR'd BPtJ.M ACH HI'PTHRtt. This nupiihrs. Ii.irallnli conliiius ho iiiiHeral of any kind, no iln; botnnical demetil; im fiery excitant i hut it is a ron.i nn Inn nl'Jlho extruits of raru bnls.nulr herln r,i plnnts wllh the puicsl and mildest of all diffusive , "'it'is'wcl! Iu he furea'med against dlenc. ahd w n Hie human sym-m can be protected by liiiiu.iiim, , ' ngainil maliidi . eiigendorcd by an uuw, ' iiioftihere, Inuiurc water and other rxteriinl ra,, 1 WjrjlT.TTr.Ry HITi'CRS may he relied on us u,. ' "'hi'lii-trl'ls Inr-tted with f-Vrcr andjgnt, il hat f.iitnd ihlilllble ns a preventive und IrresislHib ' remedy and thnumnd who resort tu It under ni ! henslon of aiinttack. escape thuscoiirge; nud thoim, 1 w ho neglect tn nvail theinsi'lves of Its protectite 'Itiesln ndi.wcc, are cured by n terynriei coin, this uiartclutu Hiedicioe.. IVv. r nud Ague pub nffer being palld with ininind for niunlhs lu v nil til fairly sntuinleil with that ('anceroiis nlkn'ol not uufr.-Tim nllv re-losed In honllh wiihin a lew ,, ' bv tile use of UO-'IVTTI.R'S HITrF.tllS. , 'The weak nomach Is rnilil'y Invigorated nnd I petlta resloreil 1 litis: ngrocnl le Tonic, und hi wnrkr womleis in cases id DIpopia and In lesi ' lirmid furins of ltullgelln. Acting ns u genii painless npperienl, as well a upon the liver, r iiivariablv relleteslhu (.oiisllpatlon siipcrlii.liii Irri cular'aclioii i f Hi'- digeslivu and secretite nt: i Persons of feenle liiibit liable AirnuM .itlarka hiss of i-piriti nud Flic ' languor liud pr"in' ; pi-rniani iit relief finiu thu I'llle a 'I Im tesliiiin , ; ibis poiiill.i most iiiuil'isiv, and from luvn , , Theucnny of Hillius (Ml e i Imniediat l ii.u I by n single diiM-nf Hm st miilant, and hy nrcisn i resorting to it, Un- iclum of the complaint may h , ".''is a erneral Tnii'c. HDSI'iriTCn-B IHTTI.R" dureeffeiis w hieh mii'i he i-xni'rienced oiwiiii. , before. Ill y 'nil h lull)' appioi la'etl. Ill ca-es i,i, ilitutioiial tt i nktio-s, prciu.iturc decay nnd debnii' ilei repilude arising from old age. it caurtist-a i tile inllui'iire In Ihe lonvale-rcnt stagoaoi'nll 1 1 - il opernl a n delightful invlijoraut. When tin I I rn ol nature ar n lated, it op 'rates in re-lnfgr' re--tab1ishlheiu I nl hut on' l-.i I, it thj on . liimiii iii. hlng mai ufacttired from annul ntnl . mis m it. rials, und ntlrcly free from Hi- m id .-ini presinl more or ln'i in all Iho otdiiui) toui stomal lm "I the dai . ?,o f mill) 1111-1I1-im has been so iinitersn'-i may be truly added. d,.irr(tlly p.ipul.irw itb li. , gen i portion cf Iho coiiiinii'iili , .i HUSTLi: 1111 THUS. Prewired by IIOSTKTTER cV SMITH. PIT I. "Ill lii.ll , . ' Hold by all Druggists, tlioiers and H1", eterywh. re. Noteiiilier il, n'O-ly. Genuine Proarai;iix EVANS & WATS J I'.'W&'&I' riAPHH. Hi; V-VU'tt.iN-; S'rcrt, Philadelphia, fi.ivc nt, , ' ttvu mnl (tpfcifir M'litfJy lor iII-im nt tU d l Iviilticy. Cruvrl, mill ilfijiHical hvt'llitiL" 'I'liid nic'it'inf iimti tipi-j. Iti? M.wr hi .ntji-'iit. , t'M-ili III'1 Jih-iiTh'-iiI iiit" .fill! In nn.un hy Um i U'lu-ry "r I alt'iir 'nii ilfjui.iijMtih. rn-l .ill ' Uiil.iri'ini uitiiiu arc roiluc.-ii, ni will nt jui, .Mlli.U.i'll, :o:- '.4vtJ" rjt!7! makes of L13ATI1HR! LHATIIK15 1! Til II undersigned would nuiinuui'f . that ho has on ill ml iithis Hat and Cap emporium, on M;tiu HI.. Illoouis burg, an usorluiiit of dilfjrout kind of leather, such a flue calf skins, inoroci o, (red and iii,-ici)aud liuiiigi all if which In- will sell cheapi-r than can be hud ulsewhcir ii this market. Call audi xuuiiiie them for toursilvca. JOHN' K. CIRTO.V. BlDomeburg, May iil, l.-'Ci. tVl'STIi8. B20! Kh, SU3IM B R AR RANG K M KNT. GIRI'.AT TRUNK I.INI! FROM Till'. NORTH AMI r Northwest for Philadelphia, M-iv York, Heading, Poltsville, Lrhanoii. Alleutnwu. F.a-.tun,&c., A:c. Trains leave- Ilarrishurg for Philadelphia. New York Heading. Poltsville and all inttriuedijie stations, at d a. m., and " p. in. New Vork exptets leaves Ilarrishurg at 3.1 j n. in , arriving at New x ork at l) la thu hanie morning checked Fares from llurrisbur; i,i.:,n.i..n,.t.. -tl .....I T. n It in I c- 1 1 rt il 1. i nii.i'i il'lll.i mm itus, v, ii, i,i, lo, ii xjourii.tiitii oircer, I through. l.ciuiiiiug, IL-Itvo .iinv i oik ui u .1 in., rnnoii, uuu p. in., (Pittsburg Cxpruss), Leave Philadelphia at tSAS a. ut.. and ll.'dll n in. Sleeping rars in the New York express trains, througit and n largo nssorlment of Fii pro-it alamauder H:ifes. ' n iinors, lor li.tiik- nml I on shutters iron .ih, all i cks u(iial to any ma le in Ihe Pulled Suites. -'ice 6ttVs in one Jin. All etime out right ; irtth to, trnti in good eomlitton. 1 Tin- Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against I hi : world. , EVANS k WATSON, have had tin- nireit druiostratioii in tin- folloitiur i" l , tihiate thai their maiiiir.iilure ol Salamander Sal', s ha, at lengih fully wai ranted tin- representations ttliiih haw necn iniiiic oi rii'-in ns reuui'riiic an uiidouiiii'ii a gain 31 Hie terrific lenient I'htl'idiliihhi Annl l- l-.'.O Mart l'rnng S: It'ntttrt Centlemeu -Il alfnnls us Ihe highest satisfaction to stale to you, that nttiug In Hie very protetilve 'pialitu s of tito of thu salamander, I'afes which we purchased of you souio rite mnnlh nu-e I we sated a largo portion of jewelry, and all our books, j &e exposed lo the cal.iuiiuous, fire in Raiulcad plat Hie morning of the lllh'inst.. When wc- reflet t Hut Kioto safes were located in the : fourth siory ol Hie building wu occupied nml Dial they fell suboiuFUIIy intouheap of burning ruins, win-re Hit' vast coiieentralio.-i of the heal caused thu bra.s. platen lo I ""'It. tvi: cauiiol but regarjl file iireservatiun of their val ! iiiibli' contents as most coJviucing proof of the great so i cunt) eilorded by your wiles, Wi- shall leku great pleasure iu rocomiiiomlini' tb!r. j men of business as u sure reliiuin- ngainst lire. .u owner: . sniMON'SkHito., jeutiun, i IL-' I hey have aince purchased six large Sale:;. July Su, JelW. August till !f TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. H ELM ROLDS",R'XTR'AC i I3UCII - . "c, Tor ttrnkneas arising frnm Kessei, Inbitji-f iipation, I'.nil) liidiscietinu of Abust-t,, atttm i ti th- follow ing st uipK'itis :tv 1ndi-poiiioii to Ctriiou 1 r I. ii. b o I Meiooiy, . filflu ultv ul u i W oak Nerves, ' , Hi inn "!' Hl-eas", I'll I II in III 1'uivt rsnl l.astitu le of the Musi ular s. ien Hot llaii'l.. F,niitiofis- en ti Dryness of the Skin. Puslung ol Pallid ('niiulenaiiee. 'I h"e svinptoms, if allowed to ro on win omi loii-ws bii'oitruv. Faicuy, Ci'ictTHi Pitt. Iu one of wiijiii llio rilieni un 3 r-inire Wlio can say flint iln-v nn' m l I'requcnUy i bv tliosi' "Diri f ;l lH,.aes " "INSNITY AND roNsH'MITIDV ' Mailt uje in' nre of the c iuso o tln ir - ill i none will confess the recorils (if the lii-raiie .t- ud incliiiichi'ly ilealhs Coiisiimpiioii ! o w iltii-.s lo th" trulli of iln- usertiou 'I'lie I 'oiislil tilioii o-ire i Ib-ited w Ull oreann u n 'piires Hie aid of Medicine to streiigllieu . mute ibe syttem, which llcliiiljold's ( jlrnil I i variably does. A trial will convince' Hie io"j k a"curil) I ineiliiine iiivanatd) remov1' ' biroiiuiv, I'aiiii To .New York SS 15: to I mun t.... j ..... .. .. . sj ,-!i. Ha i-u checked I . .. irspeciiiiny iiiiorms his old friend nuar huoadway, ni:w york city. Tills old-establislied and favorite resort of tho llusl- ness Comuiunily has been recently relitted, und is com. plelciu everything that can minister tu the comforts of ita patrons Ludiea and families are specially and caie- I til ly provided for, It is centrally located in the hu-iness unit of the citv. and is contiguous to tho principal lines of atenuiboan, cars, (iiiuii busses ferries, &f. In conseiuencu of tho pressure caused by thu Itcbel lion, prices huve been reduced to fjfi Dollar a a Itjlij C cuts per. Da;, 'I he tnhle is amply supplied with all Iho liixurica'of the season, and is ciiital to that of any other hotel iu llio country. Aiupio acroiniuoiiations arc altered lor upward of iva guests. Cr" Ho not believe runners. Iiackmen, and others who may say "the Wet tern Hotel is full." 1). D. W4NCIIUSTi:R, Proprietor. TII03.D. WIXCIIEdTKR. Feb. 15, If OS. to nnd from Pittsburgh without change. Puisengers by IheCatawissa Railroad leave Tauuiiuri at f .30 n m nml v. 11 p m for Philadelphia, New York and nil Way Points. Trains lent o Potisvlllc at 0.15 a. in., and 2.30 p, m,, for Philadelphia, Ilarrishurg and New York, An Accommodation passenger train leoves P.eading at a. in , und returns from Philadelphia nt S.tlUp.ui. SL5" All the above trains run dally, Sundry's excepted. A Sunday train leatea Poltsville at 7,'JU n in., und Philadelphia at M.I .I p. m. Commutation, mileage, season, and excursion tickets ul reduced rates tu and from all points. C A. NICOlil.S, OencroX Superintendent. nii'i customers, unit ua has purchased his brother nterest iii Hie abotu enablisliiuenl.iindilie i-oucein tvlla herealter bu coiidiicted hy himself excltisivel). . "u ll''"f J""1 received und oilers for emu. the hire 3n est and most extensito nssnrtiiiert of FANCY ri'l'p V1!S ever iutioduied into iliis uiarkit. In; "'ck consists of ii (Oiuplete ussoiiineiit r.f l,e lit .noLf us jirail parf or stov es in the murkil, logelli er with btoti! Kittures of every .lescriiuion, Oven ami Ilox Stoves, Radiators, C)liudar Stoves, Cast Iron Air. I mlit stoves, Cumuii Stoves, See.,, &e, Stovepipe and T!'.lv."r!! c01.16'-1)'"!' on hand anil manufactured to order. All kinds ol repairing dune, as usual, on thort notice, 1 he patronage of old friends and new cuslninors re. pectfully soli.iK'd. A. M. RUPCRT. Illooiusburg, November 3d lebli.-tf. f 71 7.1 KW i fail PAUL & T WIIOIiESAIiB t PIIK Proprietor of this well-known nml centrally loca I Uloorasburg, Dee. 4, 1859, I ted House, tho l'.xi iunok IIoiii., sitiialn on Alui, 1 Street, in Uluomsburg, immedialely opuosito Ihe Coluui 1 bin County Court House, respectfully informs his friends nml.tlic public in general, that his House is now in or . der for Ihe rcceptiuu nndemcrtainment uf travelers w lin ' nuy feel disposed to favor it with their custom. Ilu lias spared no expense in prcpaiuig Iho JlxriumiE, fur tho 1 entertainment of Ids guests, neither sfc-jll there be any. Hung wauling (nji his part) to minisli r tu their personal . comfort. His home is spacious und enjoys an excellent business locution. !L" Omnibuses run at all times between tho Ilxcban-ro I lintel ami thu various Rail Road Depots, by whirh trav-' I elera will bo pleasantly conveyed to and from tliu re-' I bjiecuve Stations iu due time tu meet the Cars, I W.M. II. UOONS. ; iiioomiDurg, Jtuy 7, iti.u- i Jl, Elf a A X Sf XJ tt E . AffTOHN K Y AT L A V , m.ooMsuutta, r.i. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles U iui.nm iv. r.MlTltlll r:. j, rr.r--.rrv THOMAS UROWN, Barber. lll.OOMSIIL'ltfl, COLU.MI1IA CO., '.'A. Shop in Oourt llouso Alley, near the Dcwsirat Ollicc. November II, iM3. A. D. THOMPSON. T II 0 31 P S 0 N, DEAtKUS IN No, -J3 Noiti iriarvcs, PHILADELPHIA. E7" II UTTER, l.tlKHUt: Nov. II JS"T-I5iuo, KU1SI1.MCTII A, imorilRUR. WHOLIls-AIiE TOBACCO DEALER? IvO. 105, NORTH TIIIItDSTllEET Five doorrbeluw Race. PIIILADl-l.rill.. i FEMALES FEMALES , In many afTi'illons peculiar to Femules Un I. Ihichu is uucpi'illcd by any other remedy, ns n 1 rosls or Reli'iition, Itregiil.inly. paiiifiiltii-s, piesblon of Customary llvamalion.i. uheraii rhniis stale ol ihe Uterus, Lem horrhuia or u St.'rilitv, ami fxr nil complaiiits inu'leol l whether arising from indiscretl in habiis ufu lieu, or in thu . IIECI.INF, OR CIIAN01. OF I.II-C -it)! Takpno mote Hal. am Mercury, or unp'eaia1" ciiu-s for iniplenFiint nnd dangi-rniis dis-imn bolil'k llttract Ihichu and Improved Ro-" t.i recrct discuses in nil iheir atages. At IdHi I. (e or no change in diet. No incnnvciiiem C-''03iiri;. II camesa frc'pienl detironnd gives strciign liale. thereby mum ing nhslim tioua, preVM.iio curing driftures of Hie Prethra, allaying pal" II. imiu.iriou, su frniueut initio class of in expelling all poisonous, diseased and woruout a Thonsauds upon thousaiiiis who havo bnil' tuns of quacks, nnd who Inrn paid heavy n cured In n short time, hatu fiuiml ihey tvcreili and thai Ihn 'POISON" has, by tliu use ol " nslriiigcuts" been dried up ill the system, to lie in nn uggrntutcd form, and peihaps after marri,. Uae llelmhold's llxirnc. Hiichu for all ntT.-ctir d seuses of ihu Urinary Oigaiis, iviieiher in Maletnd l emal-;, lroui ttliatcver cause ungi'ici, no ninllurnf huw long Handing. Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of ' etic, Ilelmbold's Ilxtratt t.ticlin in Ihu (ileal I1' ami isccrtalii lu havo dctlred eii;.t in all Ui,.. which it is reconiiiiemlil. Lvidi nco of iho most reliable and roipomiH' acte.- will accumpany the medicine. II A ,1 8, it c. o TIIK ORUAT WORLIPrt FAIR 1.XIIIU1TION 1I1.LD IN LONDON 1WI. ' TUOS. W. MATTSON Wna aw aided Hie Prlie Med- t7,-tala nl for his suneriuritv over all 9'--rw v.11 Dr. Horlachcr's Pamphlet. ,3..?L'.YK.RY CONDUMNCl) HY THE nilll.F. irtlrlc do notho putotf by nnr of tha intoxicating nrenara. comnetilions in the United lloiia that iniiv be olfered iu lin nlnrA. hut meml in us. Elates for his Imurnveinellta .in C7- I 1 1 . . 11!.. Tf ' ,n tf?JJi i l r ,n filing i Minus, and wu will lurtvnrd, securely packed, by e;presj. Principal Office und Mamifuctory, No. GUI Avch'feUcet. Jones & Evans. (Successors to 0, M. JACKSON k Oo,,) PROPRIETORS. rm iiitiiii iVeeiin .,.,,,7.. trr." . l.l. Ull , .... ,., , 1 . " , i. , . .. " , . .... "... Oil :::;:::.!::; '.".' '..'.' '"c- wuivstitution of tiii: '"'v.uurMi. tjic- t-hristonher in wniii.usi-A'fiai U...U.IS, jiiuii-a iiiino ami i.lubenrn i,u,ong thu tlfn li rrnis i.th0liti..ra Bt uioPo. s'ute ' ,-B..P,,J,'J DrnJ"".'0r,n ""''J"1' b mi. jacod hor ! f' ' 'r"i"rne,).io is paid ," "!,,' Si !, ...;..... . v i.crnii, union uounty, Pa., contain-' ..""8' ul'" "ofl nut ce. All kinds of ing S-J we tvr mm imsni in i',.ni. V. '1""""". rena ir tie tvi II lm , i,n in, ' ' . muiis oi for sale at this .uuce" " " "" auu I ld Cpiij.try produce ta ,".!,mr..?,l''lS.a.",'nt ot '"iTiaauon .March 5, leui.-lin. A. LOGAN GRIM, Attome; and Counsellor tit J.uw, n- 1!'A1',)U;r,'',l:!L,'''V.NCO.,P. oTobil r-li'Ul 0,"t,r C,ai"" ',rH1"l'l,' nttci.dcl to STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP.' I,r,C0 $I I,Ca BoUIe, 0r 6 fcr ' 1MHlmmS5',l';;!l vlcil&iaViie d"fC"Sor 0-fv"rcd to any address, securely pack,- GSra cited and ollwVfo vatiou. D,scrlhe aj.uptu.n. in 'all hoimim". ""''"-"taofUmK-lNCam. FANCY TO VcS lufor ,ffi!Z BU' adUC '"" M" ' II II. IIELMHOI.n, CUt iVl 3oulh Tcnlh-st., below Cln stnul ELMHOLD S M;d,cal Dtuu, llELMHOLD'ti Wriir and Chemieol lior n S'JI HnoxiiWMV, Ni iring will ho donu witl, neatne.. , ,i .1.... .,. ' ,u i, V. ". ' r"1"" 5"." uuptiuiipe " Cpuiitrv nrodiice taken in i,i.,r,. --'i'iivii. "'imiw m iu pou --oi me r own . outitry prouuee tuKeii in etc ancu for work. nrticli a on the reputation attained by lKJi.n I'll I I.I ! rt Ml IV I'll li inn Prmm n i. l'.i n..i. , j ty KOI SALE bv Qragcists ta IHaCrri la eta hi ta Ah ttJ t H rW, iwv-il. Tf He being the inventor ami .Manufacturer of Clastic steel Spring solid tou Lcnlbcrand solid Riveted Iron frame i ravening rruuaa, vaiiscs, cauica lint liases, i.arpct Itaga. Leather Hags, Ucibrellns and llnhhy Horses, Hoys' Rigs, Propellers, Wheelbarrows, &c which he 1 Is prepared to jell at tna lowest manufacturing price, Tbemottoitensirc Trunk nud Carpet llag Manufactur er lu Philadelphia. WJ MARKI.T BTilEET, one door ahevo Fourth, STRAW (iftfiTlS! HOWVIr-PO ( t-n (south aide, PHILADELPHIA, al nA JulJ&i UONNL I S AND n-78ales room on the lir.l lloor. i ATi'lTTfTflPA T. 1?T nttrino opes, ciiisnnuB, q wc sen vvir cutsa jur cbio. 1 Nov U, HHi3-Uno niooimbure, May 10, Ifti'J, JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANUFACTURER k WIIOLESAMi DEALER IN fsm Ml A 'St PIANOS AND MELODEONS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Eycnv Instrument Warranted for Tlvo Yoara. nine Preparations, Extract Uuchii. Extract u'' Improved Rote Wasli, FOR SALE B Y All Druggists Evorywlier I a. r, JJUiM-NUTT, Agent, Jllmiril. New V.rlr No. 857 North Third Strset, Phila'd. ' Pn0n,b,rif,J.,,nD,t,it .Uih.anee ,Iotcl "'oom.burg lF"u,,"r'iO,"oun'ri' . taki-no"- Nov,8S 1 ' ir,1j""U8P'oiptlytieudedto, tut out the IdvartlatiuvHltuii amxlNr It I woomsburf, Match, ii, Ifijj 3u,, ., Aud avjrlU Hupusitiuu aad cxp.uf.