Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 21, 1864, Image 2

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" Onr Constitution guard It aver I
Oar glorious Unionhold It dear I
Oar starry riag foraak It never!
Tb proud Oaqoaaalan our only peer I
Saturday MomJng,IVIay 21r1864,
!" V 1 ' 1 I' H I I'll!
i 'ton pilastDEjhr'iN iei, '
(8nb)ct to ih'e Jfclnlon of th National Convention.)
ISP-Rcv. O. W. Scott,wiI1 proach on
to morrow, at 10. ic 7 o'clock, in Blooms
a?The news by telegraph here has got
to bo oonsidcrablo of a humbun it is not
jnutc umui luacnxnc.
Yea, Doctor, thoro is another machino
hcrcthat js unrcliablo and a great Wimi
owjr." And that is your .Machine.
5y-Tho Jct John publiehed another
'dirty slander, in tho last "Machine," upon1
tho citizens of Columbia county, when ho
ald'thoy came into ''Fort Miller," to hlar
the news, on finding it not as ho had re
ported, went ''homo quite jubilant.' They
were not to bo gulled by him.
History of the Southern Rebel
lion. Wo direct attention-to the Prospectus of
this popular work ia another column, Tho
work is written by Prof. OrvilU J. Victor,
at ? J 1 1
mil uuiuur ui uuuuunicuiuu uuieuriiv nnu .
. .. . , . .
much historic fame. Mr. James Y. Kek
x,ER,of Bohrsburg, is tho Agent for tho
sale of the work in Columbia county, and
is now making thorough canvass for sub
scribers. Wq commend him to public con
fidence The Pennsylvania Reserrcs.
We observe in some of our exchanges !k
,linnilinn I s m s 1 1 rt n I t nli aranlm mK
a disposition to malign tne character ot
... ..... i
iii.jjuo.nuu v iu,.gu n. v
the Pennsylvania Ileserves, because of,
W demanding their discharge fromthcl
.. . b. . .
army. This is altogether unjust. Tno
tS .f.1.1 ,! I I
jvescrves aro cuitiicu 10 nigu anu nonor
able mention. At tbe earliest history of
the war, thoy were organized under tho
0....i ' .li :J r..x. r
f3A. Ion., .n.1 mnrn !n fn.tUnn V i
ui.iu tanu um onut.. iu u. .u. bu ivi i
State dtfence, with the understanding that
.... , . ,., c. . ,
taey would bo taken out of the Statoonly
, ' , . ... .
from necessity, and when called on to do
v .1 u -j . r .x. c. f.u
ao by the President, for tbe esfety of the
J , , ' . , , .
State, asd the preservation of tho Union
! r. m. . ,
and the Constitution. Thoy started out
... , . , ' .,
.nnriTi n hinh mill v.nhln f-niien. with a
promptitude and alacrity seldom witnessed
a. 3.1. iV r .u n -i . .i
obeyed the cal of tho President ; they
' I- . i it .t i t r u. I
tinrtininntfti in nil Inn haril L-iimht hattlpa
partieipated in all tho hard fought battles
rihe Tirginia campaigns, and though iho ',, . :',. --.h-
object cf tho war has changed from a war " T n : T
lo preserve the Union to a war to free and 17, !, !
ealizo the negroes with tho whites, WJTJZC? aTem
JTX' St-T- !
only at the cpiration'of the term of their ' b IT 12
enlistment. They deserve honor for the .
last act astliey did lor tbe t.rst, exhibiting
la doing so o manlydeterminat.on to main-,
tain their dignity as citizens of a republic j
The L0D3 of General Officers.
The lod of able Geccrnl officers in cao'i I
army is oftentimes ono of the most nerious
they cafl sustain. Ttogb we b. only
.,:.:...i JlM ..'!
rebel losses in the lato battles, we can yet
compare the losses of tbe two armies in
this respect, as follows :
Killed Maj. Gen. Sedgwick of Connec
ticut ; Brig. Gens. Wadsworth and Rice
of New York; fjtovensom of Massachu
setts ; Hayes, of Pennsylvania Total 5.
Wounded Brigadier-General Torbcrt,
of new Jericy ; Robinson, of the Regular
Army ; Getty, of tho same ; Webb, of
New York; Baxter, of Pennsylvania; V.
H. Morris, of New YorkTotal, 0.
Capturul- Brigadier-Generals Shaler,
Seymour and CriwfcrJ (reported) 3.
Total number disabled, 14.
Generals Bartlett and Owens were also
snry slightly wounded, but as they aro
still at the head of their brigades in the
field, they cannot bo considered hir du
Killed Major-Gcneral J. E. 8. fitn-
art, of Virginia; Brigadior-Gsnoral jfen
kins, of South Carolina ; J. M. Jones, of
Virginia ; L. A- Stafford, of LouUana 4.
Wounded Limtenant-General Long
street, of Virgiuia ; Major-General Hcth.
of Virginia Major-General Pickett, of
Virginia ; Brigadicr-'GeneraJ Pcgram, of
Virginia ; Walker, of Virginia ; Hays, of
Louiana-j Benning, of Georgia 7.
Captured Major-General Johnson,
UrJgadier-.Gouoral .George 11. Stuart, of
Maryland 2. Total mnrnbex of rebel
general oJBccrs disabled Id,
In .addition itortho Jtbavc itbexo are re
ports ol thenvounding .of:Geuora'l Loe -anQ
T . t I A T TV tit !..
j.icuienancne a. a. r. uiii, out tnese
are not .confirmed. Itebel reports of tho
.oasnalitiss of Thuradaj's battlo iavo not
yet been received.
Th foregoing is compiled with somo
-cstc, butit is necessarily still eomowhat
imperfect. Accounts reeeived yesterday
etato that General.J. E. B. Stuart, of Vir-
gtoWglwD in the list ai among tho killed,
is dw -in JLreo a army unhurt, j
Tb' Army of the PolottAo.
Our connected account of tlio Virginia
campaign ended with tho position held by I croMed to tho south aide of the Chioka
us on the ovcnlnjr of Wednesday May lhomny foand t10 Confederate works sur-
iltb. and the statement tbat jUeo uaa-ro-
tired to Spottsylvinla wbero Geul, Sed- to wltnin ajjc'.mtleft of .tie towW, and . Itnt holtas laid sifcgo to Fort Darling.
wick ma killed. Wo resumo, as fjolly then re-crowed'tho Gliicahoininy to ' llfcannigard by. forced ruwcbrs lint roach
as our spaco will permit. On Thursday 8,anjeii0i Hbre Id Vad another sovcro'd I'i'tarsburg. liarge iunibora of Con
12th,. a battlo was fought at 8pottsylvauia, fconlc,t nni mnrc,ea down tho Chiokaho-' fcderato troops have". Tate y pasted north..
Tho Confederate eastern flank rested on , . Ti0.lom, hrM. crossed over. I Carolina railroads. '
Spottsylvania j tho western flank on tho and passing below Richmond he reached 1
I'o, whioh at that point runs a short dUth'tf James rircr just below Malvern Hill,
puce.suuiu. aiicrwaraj ourviug arounu. in
tho roar of tho town. Bumside was 011
the Federal eastern flank Wright west
o. jsuruiao, ant v arren wosi 01 urignt.
General nancook. who had been n reserve i-
,1 ... ... I
murcncuiorwarujustbeiore aayiigiit ns-
tween Bumside ami Wrir.1. nnil turnrNe.1
siaeanu tvrignt, anu surpriseu
, . ' .. '
tho enemy
a eastern flank. In the Con- (
Icuerato works alittlo oreek ran between
this eastern flank
(.oaitina, making
ana too rest or their
. . . a
a low Rap. Hancock
surprised the Confederate troops who held
IU ituui ui ..... uium.uu
it proved an oasy capture Thirty cannon
were taken, with between threo and four ,
moutana prisoner', ibis opened Timrs-'07cn
day s battU. Hancock suceeded In scour
ing righteen of the cannon and sending
them to tho roar. Before ho could secure
the others, however, the enemy made a
stronuom attack to regain their lost ground.
C .I ' Z i . : -.
oreeK ran, on cround altenatclv in tlio
.,......!.. .(.!.. . -
woo..,. , vio vu uiiiuu. u aapiib
T-r.nn.i. r"-.-.i n . 'j. .,.
naucock, General ournside, on tbe ex-
trr.rn lofr . ... tnin ..ii.n w-
trcrac lett, was sent into action, and War-
,!t.i ii
u ...u i,Buv, opcum iicaiv cauugu-
auo, uunisiae was repuisca wnu Heavy
.1 t . t . a
losses, and does not appear to have caned.
any ground, or been engaged after ton or
eleven o'clock. Wright was then sent to
Hancock's assistance, and the contest rag-'
rd around the twelve oannon. Tho Con-
federates however sueoecdod in rccaptur-
ing all of them. In front of Warren on
iLo Sdclnpn ( n tr n . n.lilln.. 1.nt -
foromo wheD W(
vo..u..u uu 01MUl.IT UUC1 WHO
ttnnn V.pijn n..
f I - .u.w V,-'
. ...J- .1..... rr; ., ,,1.,1 ,J
1 , , tr. , , .
b' . H. ' .
J I,", n 77 .
work, but the Confederates reccivmc re-
TOrnn s w.
"I '-
Ultimately out-
!ji 1 I A ii-i. !
unnKcuanu cumpcueu 10 move nis udo
r1 n(iI ... .,,.
7- f---
W bright and nancook on their
.... ,v .uu r w..
T ttr, . . ... . .
"n 'Ua 801 Mtnl
11110 was not, more inan iwo miles long, a
. , , . ,
j considerable contraction bcinc caused on
1. .. .... .. . .7. ..
lo st, by tho attack on Warren. At
... ., , . . , , 1T ,
nineoolock the contest closed, Hancock
ui,,- . . f., , , , ,
1 holding posssion of the mound bo had
. . .. . n , , . .... . . .
.taken but the Confederates still retaining
tbo remainder of their works, About
".V. 7" " " 7"' ,
midnight tho Confederates began a can-
. u ...
nonade uPon "aneook s troops which was
.. . r
. ' ...... ZZZZ
of thre; oat b - '
on TuM(hv ook lftM a mj,e "
A mHo anJ ft hM lh
,B a h-0UM caU(jd th(J
Pol rond, ono from the Ulock House
nnd one Irnm Hnnir...vlvflni. run .n.Mlim.Di
j , .w
nnrriii tllQ Pa. Tllf tiridrnj ralmrn lUe'
ZZn Uronm nV .
7n 5, th"9
from tho battlefield. About seven o clock,
nn h rinnv iiinrfimiT rlin mnlr.itd rnn..H
... j 6, mona vouia require a campaign ol six
that the Confederates had retreated. They I weakl. From ali appCaranceB the two ar
withdrew carrying their baggago and . mios will remain on the Po for some time
naarly all their wounded with them, along 1 to come.
these two roads. General Hancock was. General Butler has not been heard from
orlcred to follow, and found tbem jmt bo- sinco Saturday and nothing is known of
yona me vo, cDtrcncnou in a new position
on its southern bank. Their retreat had
been in all about four miles! The Fed
eral army was than moued up to Spotts.
ylvania Court House, and that place was
maao urants beatlquartcrs. Hancock!
witii tne aiivanco was on tho river's edge,
Gwiag to the heavy rains of Wednesday I
night and Thursday, the roads were very
heavy, and these movemonts were made
witn anncuity. secretary Stanton tele-
grapus tnai on rriuny tbcre as no Oght
The lino nf battle formed by tbo enemy
on 'lLursday was sie miles south of Chan
., ..1 1 I . .i nnJ ..;n. ... : I . t r
W"U,M""'( '"uo '""' B0""J or ap-
paharwock at United States Ford. Their
new line is thirteen miles from the Rap-
pahannoek. Horn Spottsylvania to Han-
u.k. icui-iour uuif miu 10
the North Anita is twentyono miles.
From Spottsylvania to Richmond is forty -
seven miles. South of the p0 and be -
tween it nnd tlio iNorth Anna, thero are
various streams all about tbo size of the
n .t i
Po and running through a f imilar country,
First comtx. h T,i il.n tL M. .1.
rirsi comes tUO la , Iben tbe Mat; then
the East NortliP-i eraat. L Il . " iUV" ,UOT,BK UP luT WingJ and
UIB Liasi l0rllicast creeK J then roleuatl. It.: .t. T7..i. i ...
then the North Anna ; then Lit-1.
iloTHvpr , w.rnnj ,i a .1.. c
Acna jfosilion as before Htvncook's success. .
J Thoir works are covered with woods, 'so
General Bhondan a cavalry raid begau that the movements of tho men are oon
icnjant Monday. Kofasied to tho east e0aled. Gen. Leo has cent a loWam lo
,,1 .r " .1 .
.wo onuoerno post,on at Spottsylvan -
ta, and then aouth to rho North Anna
river. At Bea.vor jDatn.tten miles west of
Hanover Junction, ho cut tho Virginia
Central Railroad, destroying a largo
'quantity of provisions and several trains of
I rtllflMlUl' nf nrnnifllnni n J A
-cars ; besides releasing three hundred
and seventy-eight Federal prisoners. He
'crossed tho railroad and wentto the South
i .a , f .a
uuf tuon lurnmg.ow no went to 41 in.
otor Jouotlon, again catting too rattroad
and destroying provisions, lie thin
marched South towards Richmond, having
several oonteiti with the encmv. IIo
.n,i. ,.i-..,w.-
effecting junotlon with General Uutlar.
Ht.ti1 nn..ln.wt .ll
cavalry of Grant', army.
Th0 , u,0 doflt)to intcliigenc5 '
o i . V.. j
lum vjcucrni iunor. in his uwii uos-
Datches ho savs ho has laid sleco to the
f . ...
laim siue 01 irury uiuu on wnicn i-ori
Dring is eituat.d. Ho is thus about
ton mil fmm Tliphmnnrl. Tti aarv
" - " -" .. .
the Richmond and Danville UailroadTovcr
tll9 bond wal8 of tbc Appomollox; RnJ
twenty - live miles west south-west ol llioa-
Qeneral Lee. it annoars. has not vet
relroMed aorosi tue Po, Ho ,tiu
- -
holds the north Bank. Tho villace of
Spottsylvania n on tho neutral ground,
p08Scssed by neither army. Tbero has
j,cen no iCro Oghting sinco Thursday,
May 12. General Grant seems to have no
U9,lro 10 auaolc llie CDemie Ps,llon' 110
ini,,,i,,i in Ro-i. Qi.ninn v,.
b-""' - " j "")
nwinp to the heaviness of tho roads, ao-
t vo onerations will for the present be sut-
"vu "lJBllo,,s "", ,0 uo prcstui
ir . . . .
Nothing has beeUi heard from General
On Thnr..le n,l.t .h... flenrral T,M
On 'I'hursdav niirht wheu General Lee
retreated, he merely swung his eastern
flank back to the Po, so sib to present a
northeastern front to Grant. He did not,
, wo supposed yesterday, abandon tho
ground north of tho Po, His eastern flank
now rcstf on tb4l ,troamj ,oulh of Spotta.
..... .1 '
..l !ini Ilia lino r.nvl.. .n
. . ...
,,,a M.Bln.n n n I ' . . ..... " , , .
,u" ,V"H" "" 10" vu
. . , . . " .
Danlts' west 01 opottsylvama. Urant made either on Friday or gallant fcllowwill leave his home to bleaeh. j
c.....j .1. .1 .v.'0. ... . J
i.' . -
road, Drevenlinf it. ' General Lens niok
ponsyivama ana no a u.o
country lor about a half mile north ofit.
country lor about a half mile north oHt.
General Grant, lines has advanced about!
alf a mile, and his headquarters are now
a milo and a half north of the town. 'Spot
sylvania thus lies in neutral ground still to
be fought for, and beyond tho captures of
prisoners and guns, Thursday's battlo
was as ineffectual as that of Tuesday.
The Federal supplies aro carried by
Sn Irom Hello J
,.inw Wqahinn-inn
Delow wasningion,
fo.j, t0 the .
noon I0TQ3 IU Hie a
wagon from Hello Plain, on tbo Potomaot
acsro8s the Rappabnn-
.nocK ,0fd9 W. l,!5army- b0
nurg railroad has nit yet oeen rebuilt.
A &M McM f l03,eB ln ttc
Vari0Ug Cfp8 f GraDt' arm M rePrteJ
? M
Our latest Int.Uigenee from the Army
? .
'.r", " V!
to that time and Iho armies held their for
mcr position, Leo presenting a firm front
and holding his ground north of tbc Po.
The Confederates, it is reported, havo
received large reinforcements.
Thn mull hav iha rr.trli.rai nrrnv i varo
. .. . . . . .
""P1 160 "ew iork anting I'ost ban
telegram from Washington giving it as
the orjinion ther tha. lheoanurft rtll0h.
. . . ....
his movements.
The Ny, Po and Ta rivers form the
Mattapooy; eight or ten miles seutheut
of this, Lee cousidorcd tjbe ioicrxnedjate
eountry susceptible of defonce, and eroded
substantial earthwork: yar immodi-
ately in front of our present position.
Tbey are eocded, and seem to mount
heavy guns. Ow troops are between the
Ny and Po rivers, from one to two miles
north of Spottsylvania
l. . . ... .
uundred wouuded and tblrteen iiundred
miisinc The flth oorns iias Jost one
thousand killed, sir tho.and wounded
and twelve hundred visaing. The total'
losses oi tuose lexeo orns amoutit to twen -
ty-seven thousand seven iundrod. Burn-
' side's losses are nearly in tho same pro -
1 portion, and swell tho total to abouot
,thirt;-fivo thousand. Tho proportion of'
slightly wounded is extraordinarily larne.1
i ..w.v.,,.,,,j iBijjD.
Th, r.ftnff1pr.. i. , j ., ...
lbe Lonfcderate have gradually adjust-
Lj .l.!. I! .. ... .
fiuiiruituiiiDi' uiiDii Llie iifiui riti nnmn iiniii
O 1 . . fj
wv ,m ""V J uo eamo
, Richmond, dated on Webnespay
which he states that bis losses inthopre -
,ious conflict had beep .verj small On
Monday the 6th of .may iio cantnred a
, cannon from Grant's western flank. -Ff0m
I 1 1 . 1 .
an mat wo can learn
net seem to bo msteritll v ininrii-rl. !,
njl ,j .. . j
no doubt are fatigued, but the two .or
three days rest has refreshed them, and
" r
larss relnrorwmfrnts hsva mad nn tn,
" r
j Tho 2d corps has lost eleven hundred St.i.los aged 8 years 9 m.mths and 23 days. 1 " B''ruP- tWuii'ou'i a'ay before unknon.
I killed, sovoii thousand wounded, fourteen' In Tln.illn . oaii, n t. tt., I TIII2 i'iilJtVIAiV Si'M!!'
hundred missing. The 5th corps has lost rietta U ALDv.wlfe'of Edwaud H'. Baldy i n,.!vInir!nf.?.?LV'S.riK.l!l".
' twelve hundred killed, seven ihoiiianil fi' KQ and daunhttr of tholatu Hon. J. 0. ' f!.b.- ""ppiying thuibiooi withit. vitai i-nnciDieor
their losses, Their1 fatlguo and losses aro
no worse than thoso of Grant's army, and
thcj ira" i till a frfmibabiV obetaalo in bis
path to Richmond,
It if very bsrdto, lavwli'at Butlor Ib
dobtf. ;Nodc(ij((f;ip!.lligencfl has beon
reeo vcd.frtrm Mrri. th'riti li ii ! ifertorittl
(We go to press on Friday morning. :
The papers of Thursday evening last bring
us no news. Tho Brinies of Grant and
Lea nrst atill on tfi Pn, tWnitMtir rpinfnr.
" ----- - - - 1 " 'fcj -....
cemout!1, and throwing up entrsnchmenta.)
"",77 ZT onii.
Another Veteran Of the 20th'
nirs j . ?i. Armsiroug ot this viilsgo.rc
t sri . . a in
oeivcu a despatch yesterday from ualti-
more, announcing the death of her huv
band, which took nlnea at tho honnital in
. . ,
. I . T , .. J II K .
. , ... - . - , i
taai Cliy, on OUnaay' iat. iur. Arm-
il"??Tw" J ,n" 01 ,h0 28th 1e'
JJ J" relied'
to tlio call or thoir country. Ho was with
tlu m In all their marchos and battle. Ho
wa wounded in both legs, at the bloody
battle of Codar Mountain, and was dis-
u:irr!n m fliinr iiin inrq n. a.
oh ar fed from aervieo nnd aoni. liotnc. T.t
fall I.
some time at Elmira, was srnt forward
H died of Kheumatism and EyreMpelai
i!,.t5,0 hospital en Sunday 1st. He was
thltt3'nx ";narf;r v.
Mr. Joa M. Jlrmtnng, named iii the
. . f .1
abovo notice, was formerly a citizen ofl
t, i ,,. . . . ,
iJiuouisourg. 111s rematas wero inierrcu,
-m . in. , -.i ti
on 1 liursday of last wcrk, with tho Hon-
Mp .l ,,. . ! ,, .
OrS Ot ar,in too iiloomaburp: llOSCmont
n.. T I.:
vumv.iiajr vatg tr uio u.nuca,
Browa's Bronchial Troches, for
Brown's Bronchial
uougus, Uolds, nqd Irritated throats are
offered with the fullest sonfidenco in their
efficacy. Thoy have been thoroughly tes-
d, and maintain the good reputation they
have justly acquired. As there aro imi-
tations, bo sure to oltajrithe genuine.
C? . I.. rnL. ir.l...
. , ., . 1 t
icers aro nraving mo. aangers 01 revor,
Scurvy, Wounds hd Cholera. Many
woo, oy mo am oi -Houoway a nils ana
Ointment."' would have returned to bit
famil, strong and healthy. Soldiers, try
thorn 1 Only 30 cts per box or pot.
rri.. tl 1
Wnat JtlaVe We Gained.
J he Army and Natal Journal, reVlOW-
, . - ,
lOg the Campaign of tha VCar 1804, as far
. , ' , , , , '
DS It has advanced the defeat at OIllS-
. ., ,,. , , ...
tee, the tJiIufc at Charleston, the raids of
a. ,., ,., .. , , .
oncrman and IVIIpatriCK, tbe lOSS Of Ply-
., i, , , if-, .TiM, . i
moiltll raUUCab and l'Ort rtllOW, and IbC
. . - n , n-
recent disasters on the Red RlVC, Sari :
fflnt ii.a liaan I,n' fi,.,,l ,.,.,
Miat Uas UCCn tllO result, WUUt lias
bnen.tle (jaiu of all these operations, which
, . , 1 , , J
liavo OOSt US in Ktllel, WOUndcd anil prj H-
oners, not less' than tin thomand men, or
more than twice the number loit bv Gen,
Grant in bis great operation, from Chat-
anooga last November I The net profit
Irom all tlie.-.e terrible costly opcrationn is
What? Well at this limn WO bold Fort, i ,r i n, at, uiib mill, wo ni'lll rort
dvl KU83CV, and tho rebels hold Fort Wil-
lian... Bit what beyond this can truly
and possibly be set down as .ho real gains
and losses Of tile dozen expectations of
6B"Simoa Cameron ia talked of as a
mr u..uiuu "'"u '
candidate for vice President on tho ticket
Wltb Old Abe. Iljo Dai BOOK thinks
there no earthly doubt that Simon bus vice
enough to grace that position.
that position. Such a
tioket would be a fino combination ofsniut
and rascalitij an excellent presentation
of tho character .of tlio great shoddy par-
ty- c
On tbe 1st of May, 1864, by the Rev. jj
W. Lescher, Mr. Jcqb Andes, and Miss
Anoeline Weiss, all ol Uol. co, Pa.
On May 15th, 1804, the same. Mr,
Jonv Co&cman, of (Iron Dilo.) and Miss
Catharine M. Heller, of Greenwood,
Hoi nn ln
CO, I a,
In Bloomsburg, (t Iron Dale.) mi Ves-
terday morning, James Ralston, In iho
7otn year ol bis age
In Banton tOWntbip on the 1 2th of May.
lioiiEUT W.., (onof Richard .&. An.anda
I .
AliiHTnniirnv an . 1. - Qf.,1. - f i
' " Jcu u "cr.
ngf: t,..'.:,, ... .L '
48 year., 8 modths and H.days q C
' - ".i 1
Mftll rlMrticrmrtltlX
Estate of William Cole, Jhceuscd.
TFT1 T!m,a ' " Katate of,y,iii.n,
JLi Cole, late of tiiwnshlp, Columbia enuiiir
5. ave i,.en granted b iha iieei.e, Ir Co uf."
hia eounty. to the undersigned; all persons havlag
laiin. agalnuthe e.tate of the decedent are renue. .S
to present tbe.ulo tb, Hiecutor. qildeacJ
in aaid town, nip without delay, and alliieraoHainHnkT
...v i.j,.l.u tu.iun mi
t.rf ,r, n.n,.n, ., i.
Tnoa. n. colk.
3 Eieeutnrs,
May SI, iefft-6vr.82 00.'
Public Sale
V-0 F
'nde,..,n,d. Are,,, m .. l v L
,A iYr H vn- ,n , , ,r
' . J F
.0,f oforo'u'
M..! XX&ZVfX' 'Wi''.fcf
ia atriavxIoH fn I ha ll o nlivn 1 -1 tu 1 i ....
aceoiumodaiion , of III rmmiiy. Vu.v,mi .be iiia .Vp"
''"'' 0A,!.n" ".' PMrchaser,
mere is an ciceiiem wen nt ytaler.pii said premt.
"r"itw ,b0 u,ual 0U,bulJin n, "'' f chone
..KTl'ViMl" V.'0.'ci'k-.''-H'?n iyb'n
Mvu'.aiii win viirin isr (irmi oa DllfJO KOQWA
.. Jron wamch.
Hlertassbiirr. My,yi,Ai,
i e
'PHlfi subscriber has just received a new,
I anortnientof iIoileryTiluralngiandN.vrCcd;
A L s.o.i
LI. (i.iii.bI col. IP.
Ncit Door below Court llouiil
nioomibutft. May 31. ItOI,
A mott valuiible and wnndcrful bubllcatloa
oldtl uifi. ad3il colored nrravirlr. DR
TER'8''!?Vl;V!La?,LVM '
j iv I'll in un uii iTVMimi . . hbm.v,, .
nnd Heiual di.or.ler ofevcry kind w til nevfr rail Mt ,
Iteiuedlee. for their ipeedy cure. The pactlceof lr i
Hunter lia long beeK and .till If, unbounded, but at
1 the earne.t aoliiltallon of nunieroun per.un. he ha.
teen indued to extend hit modicai un.f,iiiicnthrouith
,' pevemive of .ecret vicee.or a. sdidefor th.
- . ..... .. ..
aiieviaiion or one oi inn moil amui anu uv.iruciiw
.1 MlB,l,.n nf i.tln nf I. .una, .
lc,migei ever vl.ltc.l mankind. One copy aeeUrrlytn-1
vciupvii .ni ue lomarueu uce vi n " r" i
of the United Htate. for 0 cent, in I' O tamp, or 3
ci pels for SI. Addreit, post paid, Dr. Hunter, No. 3
Dlvi-ion HtreetNcw Vork.
May 31, 1804 -y.
X have been discharged by reaion by WuUNDfl UK
Cr.lVEDIN ANY UATTI.C. and who have not rccel-vi-d
receive the aame now at once by appliing ellher in
pcraoii or by 'I 111: M 11,1 TAlt Y A D NAVAL
AQHNUY, No. iV Walnut Street Phi'a'd.
DATE can be seen at the oincea. Theae and all
other claim againit lhu Uovernmeut aroniptly col
lec'ed. May 21, If 94.
Ell nrtflSTEIl, SAILOli or MA.
KINE, KILLI1D, ur who 1)11,1). in llie eervice nf
the united Bute.. desire, ninei-y-bix uoi
lar(ji.) a vear i-en'siov, fnm one iiu.uiied
, u rij.tivii.-N uuauiii.u ,u nlnltv-mvc uui.-
i.ahs (tiu,) ca.-ii iioii.vty, ami ei the or
pay due him. should call at once nf write to josei-ii
i:. iiEvrrr!o..Ni4S7 walnut sr., tiic miu
itauy & navalaoency piiila-d.
-Alsn, State P.iy. Cuunir.City, Wurd or other llnunty
' c, Ifthere ia any due. Apiy either in peraou or by
i letter.
, jiavji
, li'CI.
Southern Robollion
Comprehendli.j, also. All Important Slate Tapara
(Confederate and Federal.) All Ordlnancea ofde.
canton, l'roci'cding. of Onncresa (llebel and
federal.) ltemarkable Spoechca.xe . ttiKi'thr'r
with official Ileporls f Uoniiii.iiidcra.Army
and Navy etati.lica, .Mnpa. is,, '
To be Completed in 3 Volumes, Supor Royal Octavo.
Ucautifully lUustruteU xuith Metl En
gratings, Maps. fyc.
Prepared expressly for this work, by JoiiN
uoatins, una other artieti
Volumes I and II Now Ready.
Tills trulv Nutional Werk rliar..rtprir.d ttv a trfmlln.
Journal a. the "far-it'ou of Hi-tones." has now t.iUu
its planrinitiratareastlie;i.tory par eicellence.of
tbe Ureal Itebellion. It ha. received las will be een
b reference to the letters and notices subjoined) the
endorsement of tlu lea'' jut; men nnd the lending
al. of the country, It i. coui.m'Udeil by those most
qualided tojudge, as sucha Record oflhe Itlscl'roereia
"d KeKiiltmil the War lor the Union a every lntelli- citiieii sh.iuid pua.fss.
a. tin? muicnta, i cr.-;. the ground of tin, He-
belhon, a well in its IVIkJciiI mid riocial a. in its
Militar) aspects It dealj, in chronolosli; order, with
the open and the In the
several Stitesj it compounds the proieeilints ofthe
prucceila of 'the Alnnuinnery L'uiivci.tinii and of Hie
Confederal,, siaca- Cnuaresa ; all proedinss iii thV
FeiicraM.-iinfre.. relatinK tn the u.-etilmia orSeceasion
und Itehellion.slvinirrujlri port, ofthe crtnt ..eb.Me.,
f!"ro"i,""0",.' ,',"'H?'"' "J, f1,u iVLuua
turns. cc. ol Hi.) rresntent j tliua frovnir a (.on.tilcte
compendium of the phaseaoftlie nttempled
'l.e'cnrd .r the stupendous sniiury d Naval
reutures ortne k-i .-iii..., it win neaii iiutcoui.ibu
Iran t'eopie. .Moat or two volumes win oe iiwoted m
,hc "I'etatious ot the army and Navy As each vol
,lMe cnnlalns ui.iru litter press thin any two volume,
"f '"'1;r profesaed -ltii.turm' now offered to the
-V llilt,lry vin , e8mprlfjdlullir..8'up(,.
Kynl nctaro volumes, ofabout liuou pjgea eachbenuti.
"ull Pinled, iii double, fipm specially pre-
pared type. The amount of matter in rath volume is
equivalent to the contents ufaix ordinary dollar books.
Tims m three volumes tiu au;n.,r m luve n...Pi
space to, conanler every evefl .illy and satisfactorily,'
houMUuw draeaft. .low leiijjihajoniH'toushthe
llm work can only be hd oflhe cayaaaer. His
m,t .ailil Uv Ill fr.,1
se6cd ou souuij avail tiiemseivea ofthe rust prup
o.ltlll.l of the nyelit.
ositiou ofthe
Lach volume is euaranlnl to be in all respects
to the specuueli copy exhibited by tbe stent.
JAS. D.TUHtllU . fublisher IJ aprucc rit N Y,
Adrcas correspondence to
General Aeent. 1J Hume rli M V
Pirat'Claaa Canvasaera Wanted
JA.MLS V. KtlULHil Agent, for Columbia Co.
; Way ill, JcSI.-Jw
tl is well known to the medical profession that IKON
lathe Vital rrinriplu or Liu JVeiuent ofthe blood.
food ia not properly digested, oraf from nuyeauae what.
ever, tho neceaaary quantity of iron j. Hot tajten into
th,. circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole system
inn., cmi'iiy irom lue Jtou wo eat j but I r Clio
wffers. The bad Mood ni irritato the heart. Mill
clot- up thu lungs, will obstruct the liver and will send
us uia.'sFc.,iuuuciii; in an parts or tha sis.
tein, nndevery one Mil, suiter in whatever organ may
e predisposed to disense.
Ice great value id'
IKON AS A ill lSi)M SX1S
is well known and arkuonlodecd hv nil m.l,..
. 'l1.,. ! IHl jx, I, U hj. I. t. ' " ".i"
ila" 111 u'1"' lhl! circulation and a.simiiatoal'once
,7" ":.. W, ",:'af.
v"" ""V ' -."'r. i'uj. in ,i.HIt".l 11.
cure. Dy.nen,,.. m,co.di.4.i'u,- p ,
t ""
Cures Chronic JJiirrnaa. Scrofula, Rolls, Scurvy. Lou
of Constitutional Vigor.
Cprca Ncryoua Affictions. Female Complaints, and all
diseases of the K,ldueys and Madder.
j THE PER Ul'lAN syujJP
Isaapeciflf. for all disaeca originating In a bad state!
I "i'1!" y"' r atcompauied by Debility or a i-uwr3tale
rainuhlcta containing ccrtincatia of cures and recom
."ondaio,,sf,0m.ome-or Sn'SKS
IsClfCt a fUW Of tllU llBittnri .h.u ll . ..
w ii .'""NK Williams, nsa.
rrrsldont ofhe Metropolitan Ihink, New York
llev. -vlie'LHTt.VlJNa.
Uio diu- Christain tdvoqatj and Joaroal.
Hev, I' UllUttCII,
Editor New York Chronicle
nev John Pieroont
LeU Is Jnlin. nn. M n
'.V Warren hurt. in,
'xy Abur D Puller,
tc.v (iur. I on Hi. lb, us,
ov Hylvauusl.'obb,
lev. T, Starr King.
Itev I phr.ii.n Nine, Jr.,
Itcv Joseph II Clinch,
Kcv. Henry Uphaiii,
Itev P t) Head ev.
BOsivell Kinney. M u!.
S K Kendall .H I). "
W K Chi.(iolm, M D.
Francis Dana, M ().
Jeremiah Stone, 'M, J)
Jpse Ajito ganchea II p.
Abraham Wendell M L).
A A lleyei, . 0.
J It hilton. tl ll
Itev John W Oiuieitead,
II, I.'. Kinney. M D.
V.',.ily,.r? J' CLARK ii Cwcjcluaively'ior
uiodjiuuc,, no s'Ji Br.oa.dway New York.
No Family Should bo Without It. ninl t
ww.U vj il,, tUgglllS,
.V !....'"at" ""tji iiroiiiway, New York.
8 t.(lWL,E u ;0 Tremont St H,"0n
Ma Iff lm-lSi1''' ni ""'f
An othr notlom. to which lie Invites tin atteatlon dtte fof AP8EMIII.Y, atlhe approaching gji;ral elc. ,wtsrw Comprltlnn lllmrfry. poetry, f it.lon.TTi.
of tbcliadlei aenernny.- , ' tlnn, .ubjccl in tho Jeclilon or th Columbia county tig If EL uli'xy anil lh" cluolcl,. .,.
BWhraler k Wllwa'awIni Maehlnei fr nlj, Dm9cralli! Convention. iArnuV 3tT ala!0!TMC8
Aim. BjnJov Be hiiol llooka and lllblei. . i .iYM. U. JACQU V. 'j3fcaSP .,. , u!,.P...ii,j..ilJ .
. . ..-.l.. II..'. II. I. 1. M, II I lltO .,..! M.,1 11 1PIU .UIIUV, ,,uuM..,ullf, f;
, Lite iron.
'TVIIEAT. priel,
I eo
1 IS
e ou
8 50
1 M
4 VO
Pnoi JL rfaamfiilljr, Motnoi lliat ' ttio Hii.lfr.i . '
PtrrATUBSr, .What ftu mIT at Uio -
bacon, . jo im DLobMeouno, the nig,' nd 0:ii:,i
iiay by th ton. moo A&MrtniK.rr Cr
uorn. -
ri.titlR tier hM.
CHICKENS', ptrpolr.
Candidate for Assembly.
P rofoundlv irateful for patt evidence! of Rcneroui
confidence llie undctilmud, witli tho apprnbailooi
m.nv rhl. n.mnrralic fellotv (llllent (ttho-p npln
i.n. h. .i..iv mm ne win mi a
9 ;
.1 'iniiiii.iin ..a aiai- anM:iiiii.i
Intllic-I.celilatlve Dl.trlct compoied ofthaUountlc. of
fnluinbia nnti Montour, at tlie npproariiinK ucnerni
eXn. .iibJccU "ho uiagi-a ItlZ KUtilct. and the
''"' ;,k"i Vii.,.hi. ii,n.0erailrnniivenllon.
Dlooiiuburt. May 7. WA.
Candidate for Sheriff.
1 1 TU AIM' IN A. AM ME U MAN. of Fish-
JJ lnecre'k towmhlp, we are aulholid in an-
nounce will bo a ranitidine rof tno ciiKHir i .ij1
the approaching Ocneral Eleitlnn. anl'Ject to t!:o deria
Ion of the Columbia county Deiuucraticeontt.lum.
May J, leu. !.
QAMUEL 8NYDER, of Milllin town
Yj ship, we are authorlied to ntiiiounco, w. be a
candidal,- fur the the r.pprothint
Oeurral Llerliin,tli)rclt) the dcciilon of the L'oluuibla
county Democratic Oonvei.titiu, 4
may 7, ieu. en
lilt Imvn.lilD. we ar aulhorlto.l to atiuixinco,
will he n candidate tor tlio SIIKitltTALTY. at lh ap
pr.'AchlnR General Ulrctiou, rulijcct to tin- deciiion tf
the Columbia Comity Democratic Convention.
lMy 7, lew. kuu
Iy virtue of a Writ of Vend. Exp. itfucd
I V out of the Court of Common Pleas of fihiulkill
County, tome diretln.l, there will be sold nt I'ublc Ven
due or outcry, at the Court House In the Iloro.itli of
Pottaville, in said County, on
Sat ui dai the th day June next, at ten
o'clock in the forenoon,
All that certain farm on tract nf land
lying and bejiig situated in the Cnunliea nf Pehuylkitl
and Columbia, lu the township nf Union ill Schuylkill,
county, tinu Cniiyngnam township In Cil jmbia eounty
bounded and described arfoll.iw, to wit :
Beginning nt Hemlock thence along land."
of Ceorao Limlrninutb, south sevetitysevcn dewiest
Weit'I'wo hundred ami forty four per'hes to stones,
thence North twenty nine decrees West fjily ritl.i per-ch-a
1 1 stoucM, iheute alo.iQ llie land of 111, Idle ntnt
George Linden. 11.1th, North Sixty ail an I a half ,l:rcei
Unat iwo biindretl and thirty ail pi-rrhes to to,i.'s.
th.-uce al.ius land of said Ucorze Lin.teuinutli outli
twintyniue dsreea east one hundred and eighteen
perchtf-. 10 this pine; of beginning, containing (IN'L
leas with tint appurtenance ctinsi.tiii ol a Two Urnn?
DWELLtHu llocsx V7KXTIIKR hm.kdkd. with stone bate
mvi.t, story lug Hoihe and a log Hani
S.-lzd and taken in Ksecutlun as the property or
VMIIU1.1 l.indeii.iiut , a.lJ nillbe soldby-
heriirs Orhce PntWr lie.
May . Irfii,-t
1SC4. ISC1.
This great line trnverses the Northern and North,
west counties of I'eausylvauia to the city of Erie, on
Lake I'.rie.
It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Itailroa '
Company, and under their nuapicts is bilHg rapidly
opened throughout its entire length.
II )a u.i.v In llie for Passenger and Prright Hsinesi
from iLirrisburc to Hmporium, I 3 miles) on theKait
eru Division, and from Hhellield to trie (Tcu.iles)ua tin
Western Division,
timk or rissavaiK Tfiiss it joarncusit t-i-in.
Mail Train leaves, Hast VI ti . M,
Eipresa Train" " 10 57 V. M.
Mail West J ii "
Uxpress ' -' " 7 MA.M.
Cars in ii thri ngh wippn cviko U'th Wivj on t.iesv
trains etwien I'inl.idelpliia ami Lock Haven, an.,
HaHiiiiOfe and I.oik Haven. New and eleg,it fleep.
Ing Cars eerninpauing the Hxprcss Train both wayj
between Wijanisport and Ualliujore, and Williams
port nnd I'JjiUdrlpbia.
For information respecting Passenger busluoie, ap
ply ntthe S. K. t.'nr. I 111. nnd Market rite.
And for Freight biisineasof the Coiajngy's Agrnta
H. II. Kingston, Jr.. Cor. 13th and Market Hit., I'hil'a
J. iV. Ueynnlds, I'.rle,
J.M. Drill, Agent N. (,'. It: H.. naltimore.
11. II, lloiistou. Ui'U'l. freight Agt . I'l.iU Jtlrbls.
Lewis I.- Iloupt, Itriri.Tiikel Agt I'hiladelphia.
Joseph D. I'olts, Utn'l. Manage,. Willuuispoit.
May 7 ItiiA.
Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Mtiiltoail
Leava 8crantnn - 4 00 F. II.
Kingston iii
Ii ooutaburg .... a,v3
- Rupert. t3I
" Danville t.5
Arrive at Northumberland, B.ii
Leave Northumberland, . (on A. 31
Danville, ' . MO
" Rupert, . , . . . 9.gj
tiloombug ....
' Kingsto ii.n p. ,
Arrive at Scruutou ,j,i
Freight at I'assepger Reaves ninomsburg, 10.15 A.M.
Passengers taking tbe Vnll Trin Hoiuh ronn-cl with
the Uiprem truiu tioy NnrliM, i.riving at llnrrisliurg
at!i.3(iA. M llaltimnre 7.00 A. M., nnd at PhiUiielphia
at 7.00 A M. na Mail rra.lp fr,s?i Norlhuie'v laud
leavea immediately after the Lfprvas train fto.'i iir
ri.b.irg mid UuUimore, aljonii.g Pf avengers Iraving
Philadelphia at IU.4Uf. M. tu reach points on this road
during tbe iicx.torennou.
New and elegant Sleeping cars ae-ompany the night
trains each way betweefl N' and Haiti,
more, and Northumberland n;id Pla lelphia.
II. A- '0(.. Supt.
J, C.Wells, (Itn-l 7ici.l ren
Kingston, January 3u, leH.
Just received at Erasmus' fltw Store,
HaTs afd Caps,
Together with j. great variety of notioaaaad steels,
raa, ton numerous to menilon.
ir?-Jlu.tier. i'ti; Meat and produtr generally taken
ln exchange for goodi, p '
Dloonuburt.MayO.ieCL' A, n,r.A8ML'S.
Summer' Time Table.
in O TUAiBi,iiLY to and fmm the North nrt
r! Wl: all of
...... - : ifUMi iijc iv ruin anu
Trains of the N'ortn IVmui ii.ii..... .. i,; ! cr
iblrj ?i0.? Su,"'ury mlZil
i aauTiiW)sn
t Mail Train .leaves Bunhury dally (eieeut
i Sunday)
I ' leaves Harrisburg.
" arrives m lialtlmore,
I tVpteii Train leaves Bunbury dally (eicent
I . r'niidajr.) '
" leaves Ilarrlsburffueept
I ,Mon.aj-,)
" arrlvc.s .at tWliimore riailv (ex.
n"' burg Aceo,r1.,'1ol.itl'ori Mavei'li'ar.rli-
10.10 a.m.
1.13 p ni,
11.07 p.m.
S00 a. to,
Mail Train laae?UalUmo'reUdally ft'icept
I as Hat lla..l.l....
LIS p. in.
.I5 '
.. ..r'j1' ,u.'s
apreia Trains Uallimore ilallV
leave. II. i.h m-
V arrive.. taunbu?:
er further tnloraialion apply at theOffire
mtiv ....t. - it . i
To be fouml anywhtra' In th County, cr.ri'ij.ii.., ', .
Noli1. I.Mter, l.i'ral ."ml Cap Toperi Vuni', ,iJt
reiiciln lnkatid KtiVfloji''" M.-VO . '.
order ; by ipcclal'New Vurk ii?n.
DUUIVS, UUUU ninn X o,l Xiuril UUl'j! !ntcc:ie tnd cople. of Iho tJhlteil SlnUi,
.... ....... -j -"i
11N.IIIU1IUU IU laWWU. 1IY,-', tl.tyfl m
.... ...
Illtinnnb.l R, Nov. 7 l?l
liYU AM' tiXil I.M'IMIiVKf, ' .
(On tlie 1U ire, 'JUrco Doors from S'tecle'j "Hou
IIIS IKSTUTIOiN if hoVop".n;.d s.v
furnished In the tnjit coally stylo, .fl-tsi.u,!,
I'matoartit Oyeiuting ISoonu are inrge, ronvculnii ;m
V. u iiuajuen. ,.10 onrrin iiimiiniuni' i-iiiiuua 1,,,
' fiiti'st coiipcllnii of'ii.iiPMtn In lhii ii.'jnltv hL
lima nta laeuuica win Him.-ie nun in uirri n.i nii tn
f-jiil'sncU. i" prncllii' He Mill oprrnteupun ,,!it. .
various luriiix of lll.l.ii,'l;S, Catntnct,' On l.tcu ,(
the I'upll. Cross t'.ves, I'lcj.ire ol Tear ! ,ui In
veraiu.i of the Uyell.Is, rioryfliiiii tic, kr. AmJwi
;r. at uil forms t,ror,.n. Eye iliimtileJ Llda. pu.e'.',
of the Cornea, a-d Scroliilnus dlarnsei, nf tlu L)j it,
gethcr with all the diseases to which Ills Lyu Is aj,
liUAIVinss Will treat all the illiaaei, er,s-.s.tJ
the orgi.n. Hlscharcea f.- nil thu I 'it r. rtolv".! ti
t-itarrh, Jitlnnlty ot Ua .fiii-ae
thn Ilium l dwHroyed. Will insert an it'liritiilmg
antwrlm nearly till Ida purp'iea ol the tiMura'..
Uttfr.AriErt tir Till! 'I llltOAT. All iliacJioa toj.
1110. 1 tn the Throat aiu Vu.., v'ill be tri'.ili.'.l
OUM'.itAl. riUIOUUV.-lle wlil opurat.i up n Hii
reet. Ilutr i.ip Vint 1 t.llaie, I ihmus, ur.iic. 1 1
geu loiiciis, wc na-tic np.'riiiton. n mi.'. w
tle.h into I'cfnnni'il pnrln.iml lieneral h ir;;, , .(
whV.Jttr it nny ptount,
II CIIN I A (or KUm lti;.J tin will perform Ml a. .,
operiitinn for llm raolitil (ci mpl 't-) cum ol l''.r i,i
1111. u uiHiuestlmnMy n perlVit h dul.t, v i,
lllth: or no pnl.i. Hut nfnriiiy lut.tlrJil op"i 't'i 'l" 1
tlolon there lu been tin f.uliirea. It luting met v.
perf' 1 1 uppiiibation of all liolnve auliniit!' '! "
AltTlh'ti.AL U I'.i. Wllllu.eitnrtllaial-Lyei f.
nig thin th 11. nil ill and rxpri mioti of the n.itura.
Tlieyaro luscrt'd wit:, tlu li'ifl pain.
H K VH lit ItllOl l. ('iies.)-Thi trouldeunme dm,,
Is readily cured." Thoso .uirrrii.g frouiit will '.'
In call.
Dr Up DeOraffvlslts Wllkes-Ilarre wilhaM".
buil.'ing up u piriiuiicnt lintitute for tin- trt-i.tmenl
the Eye, Laraud Oeneral Surgery. The exiierieb'H .
more than n quarter ol a ci ntury in II, Kpit.'l nnd V" '
al practice, lie hopes, will be a 1uinck.1l gani.aiU-i.
those who may 1,1 tli.pused to employ him.
.'t)aj H, IKtil. tf.
st iiuoLisiiir.i i on &XI.&
I'ittsb'irgh Cniunierclsl College.
Ulughamplin " "
Crittenden's ' Nilladdlfibli. ''
Hiriittun, liryant . Co.. " '
Tliea ."rnps, ar iuniniiur.1 of 315 niul 3 SO u,
issouiuch cash, by tlic ttiiil. nt on enlriugi -:ru
-.lion- I'nlli'gcJ. Voiinu men desiring toobta.n a tini,
d i.'ol!.'gi.ite IMuritii.ii, will here rind 3 good 'pecu.i
Hon by applviugut tbe orliee ofthe
I" II 1C undtT'lciied' inform his IriiMnlj
and fHow-eliir..u. throughout this i.n l tl,. ..
mug couoli.i that hi i s a regularly mini .,
under the Uuited iitatea Laws, and is prepaicd tu c-i
Htinf hfitl ipvtsI yr.ira xptrifnet in Hi? Lujtrmi
lie flUffji !iiinHf tUKl U'i will Lc nblu to (fire Uj
faction tu all who employ him.
li-llt. T..a. W IfrMJ 1' ...
smu'liioi ui i);jj t r aV(J,
S. Jffl. DcIVCHjF'S
No. 2')J North Sceort.l Sti-f.-t Phi!
);.fTA'TLY oa hind a f II n.sitt iur! -e V. i
' j Jtad .H-n tint :.,'. If-filnir as J tl.i.; 'Fi.
i g ii ois it b"l.'..le uaJ Kttati
January v. Itci. cm.
i r. sua.
t. x
New Hkug St ok
1'IIB unilersifni d would inform t'icir fne.i Is .I'l,.
p.,Mic geiierally.thil they !ac 'n th lmi.
mer.y oceumcu i.y uo, Itc-jcir
rly oceupicd by (lo.;r! sjilliehi.,
iliifng, mi Miin street, ill Vjfit-un, habiU'!e be ',t
treceiveii a full supp.y ot Almi, nUiuiltlfc,
Uuilding, mi Miin street. IliUXc
fut rvcciviMi a full iui'p:y ot Kliuijin, nituii,
iVhkh will be sold on tuodcrs!'- fur reay pjy
AIo, NuTIOVd geii-.riillv, f e . ry variety, vn.-.l
rnysieians- prri-rlfflona careful compo'indeJ. n
all '. in a id tin j-l.irt in t ce,
. 0111.11.11111; er tne ocst .jlretiona, and ''r,'
VValiT in .r-nrou.
1-7" A share of tlu puillc custom is rerpeclf .11 .
nrt'R i. Moyu.t.
dlivinisbarg, April II, l&J.
Notion to the Tox QpUeclorr.
V OTliJE i lurtby given to ;tlf enT.'o .
tors of State. Cuntv, and Dog Tar.
and riiie?, holding uti-aiU
dtipliciten for 160a and previous joa,-'.
that they ftrirtly required tusuitli; a:,'.
,-ay to the County Tro.tJii.-er. on
the 29th ol May iost., or writs for ih.'i:
immediate collretioti will bo placed in tits
hand of tbe Sheriff.
0. W. HESS,
Coin 1 1,
Oomrai'iirviers OfSco,
Ulooinhburg, May 12, 181H
IfiiS (D IB A rM A IT 0 TJ .
Oldest Regulator lor Females.
Will knmediately relieycwithont pni, all diet,ur.
cca of ll ii uerjoi i.e. rUarlinrKn. ..i.,.,. 1 '
la,. Ion or ..rppVeH.ioii They ac lik ' r , c
LC! ',tP,rnn ttiXl Mf'l'ydll8cul or , in.'ile'.
," i . fii ,r , TV T,r tuaciio.raina in tht Louis
L. mJ "'Pbatlon ofthe Heart. Nervous 'I re
n n, llyaterica, Bpasins, ll,(1ken Sleep, aid otl . r .'.
plensan and duigejou. nflects of on u. nit, rnl con...
tion of t , semal funcijons In tl, To, " iwt J
Httor All, us. or Whites they ,irt a soeedv rure
Have been ti.ed over a Quarter nf Centurv' Ther
are olfered the on ,Vf0 mean, nf ne ng i iter
ruptcd lueiiairuulfon. nut La lie. i..S, Tl ear n iiriuJ
tTu,'!"llC0nliilun of " female sv, a I a
which thu Pills iiiiinot be taken without nrod icinc
''"tli.'.fdr !, Tlm fu,"l1S!' " f'"""' f" iWvJSnsKy
-the result, .l,eiirrage. 'Such is the irr.'sistllilo tin
dency ofthe inediclnn to re.toro'thoe'xu'lful
to a normal condition, , CVei. the Trcpr.." ctiv I ow-
.anXr way?"'"" "' Ttay i-'
lilt. cilEESKMAN'a .FEHALi; PILLS.
h,,,!lX,!,,,J,l,10 nvried and Silig'lo Ladl-l
wii "l'ali0l,,.lr,1'l!': form Ihe Finest
l,V V. " ver 'I" "'""'d, with Immediate an)
ler.iatent succea.r OONT UK IIECeiVEiV. Ta1"
vni, wnhi iii i . i your Druggist, und tell hlni that
nit. cni:Ed.MAN'3'Fi:.iALr. riLLsin
,in",!'rli?!"!nC5','if "ni nr0 "nw receiving tlu sv
rxei iriT mM-',' 'wSf..' ,Jl,lf Anitrira.
One 1 .Un, L,Ul'l ".U;l lC eiic' "" P'1'
f,i . ' a,,,pk,' "V co,"'"ioe from M iota nils,
tr Mi in WnlH,rB. ) Fyc.r & Moyer, and i