AGRICULTURAL. t . r, p, . th&l unless me i o U013. co-noni i-rnirnniiciaie mil IMPORTANT TO PEACH UftOWnil8. i he r due nnth-' following tracts of I'n-'fitort I.andt, situ .. ,,,m i l i ii i i I sic In ColiiniM-v county nre r-sld btfnto the diy of author Of'Ien ACrOS r.nongU, WUO IS i sale, thi vvhnlenr such parts of Irart nt will py tho . . I i .. . . . , . taxes anil tout chargeable thereon, will be- told atllie on ciriertcnrctl utiruculturisr. gives wbat , court iiuuhi:. m Tdoomsmirg. county of Columbia 1, . i r. -; i- t. .,.. -ntithf I3tli day of Jnnn IM14, bring the second Monday, lie llSS MUtia 10 t)C a BUro prevOIltatlVC Of; nn, ,nbii continue.! by adjournment, from dar today the borer in peach trees, lie f.r-t expert-; tWUrA!!iirMt' ""' C" incDtctl witli ten old peach trees that were 1 WAIltlA NTEES OR OWNERS. - 1 1 . t 1 nenriy uceiojou. ay tue oorcr. jio oarou theroota of the trees, nnd carefully re- moved all the worms he could find, then ; washed the roots with soapsuds, and lefi ' 1 ncm uncovered a week, t; .'nauo sure Tvork of any worms that miglit huva cscnp td liii notice. Ho then applied tar to tho disr-asod parts and totbc.trunk oftroclwo or three inches above ground. Tho trees ! roeovcrcd their originnlvigor and have been fruitful bearers cjrer since. Tar applied o young trees rear tho snrfaco of the ground will effectually prevent the borers from molesting them. Coal tar Answers the samo purpoie. Care must bo taken not to eovcr'mor than a couple of inches ttbovc ground. eiTALLWEJPLOWOUIt ORCHARDS I am of tho o'pinion Jhat a plow is not a suitable implsmcnt to use in an orchard. A few years since, after having plowed my orchard about evey way, and harrowed in the same, I seeded it to grass-but lound the surfaeo of the ground loo uneven lo seed down, without much labor with hoe and shovel to level tho tree banks, but, at last, got it quite well done, and I think il will stay done. Now.what will keep the trees in good growing condition? I have practised! mulching around tho trees annually, which appears to bejust what is needed. In the winter or spring. probably mid-winter is better if snow will permit, take straw from tie straw pile, after tha cattle have trodden it under feet and mixed the man ure with it, ami put it around tho trees, at the rate of a good load to cijjht or tun trees, thick enough lokccp down grass and j weeds. Consider whether the trees need J much or little menurc with the straw, and , govern accordingly. If tho orchard has1 been seeded down so long that tho turf has hecomo close and tough, I would take nj pio't or other implement, and dig up tliO turf for several feet around the tree, re i plaee tho turf bottoin-sido up, and niuleh : ns before This seems to bo what is wan-, ted to keep tho soil loess and enrich it as j much as necessary. In fact, it seems to bo what new rum was said to be in uiy boyhood good in wet weather, and good j in dry weather ; and, finally, good all the time. I shall practise this method n while longer, and if I discover my orchard to be . runniug down, and cannot find a hotter preventive, 1 shall again rfsort to the pjovr Cor. of If'is, Farmer. TREATMENT OF AN CHARD. APPLE U As to an apple orchard I have no hosi- t ttion in saying, that if you ran soil tha1 fruit well, and your sorts aro good, it will pay you to leave the whole crop ofgra6to rot o't the ground, and jou will never, want for a full crop of apples. You mu'ti bwcvcr,rp!antor heavily each spring. 1 Adjoining tho orchard, above mentioned , we have a garden with some apple trees in it. We manure this, and d;g round the ' trees, and vegetables. These applo trees biars one crop in three years only, and tho growth and health of tho trees is not to be compared with thoso in tho orchard' where the ground it never touched, or i manured, oxcept by the after grass and plaster. People who oither plow or dig in an orchard, need not expect a certain crop of np"ples, or a thrifty growth of trcos: Tho roots of the apple tfecs natural seek the surface for tho nourishment of decaying vegetation. If you plow or dLj you de- t troy' these roots, and thus deprive the trees of the means of growth, you ran give will ever mako No manurff : up for this ) wholesale destruction to the roots of the trees. Gcncsie Fanner. A hartieulturulist advertised that hr would. supply all hinds of treos and plants especially "p'c plants of all kinds." A gentleman thero upon sent him an order for one packago of custard pie seed, ar.d a dozen of mince pie rlants." The gardener promptly filled the order by sending him 1 four goose eggs and a small dog. 1 If the devil ever laughs, it must be at hypocrite ; they are tho greatest dupes he has ; they serve him hotter than any others, nnd yet receive uo payjwhat is still more cxtraordintry,they 6uhtnit to'grcatcr mor tjficatiou to go to hell than the sinccrost: Christian to go to heaven. j In lifu we shall Gnd many men that aro 1 great, btid Borne raon that aro gnod, but very few men that are both great and good Tho physician who is advertising to; cure "all kinds of female weakucs" most i wonderful of all possible doctors, 1 It is sninc times necessary to test the soundoesj of nman as we do that of a tea cup by giving him a fow smart thumps, mfwaamn mum General Forrest though ho has aband oned Fort Pillow still holds possession of I Western Kentncky. His troops arc all j along the Ohio river from Paducah lo its I mout'i. 1 T R E A r? U It E 11 M S A h K ONSEATEID LANDS. AGREEABLY to the provisions of nn Aft of nmtl y entitle) nn Art dlrotlng the trend of filing Unseated Lands for t.ixes. and other nnmosrs. nAiinl lh 13th rial of Afirrh. IMS,, and the riitther siippl'msntilhsttto, passed ths 13th diy, of Mnrth. Idi7. iUlh day of March. ItSi nt Uth day of . i Match, If I" the Treasurer r.r tht rmnty of Columbia hereby gives notice to all persons; concerned therein- - flcrr BEAVEK TWP. Sarah A Cuffran, Isaac Duvi. Elins Miller George Noyer Catharine Noyer Moca Schlicher. Lqwis Filgcr BKIAECREEK. Solom Row'i Sr. Rcubtu Dlish Christopher Render William Clem Henry Deitteriek John Doak William Evans Jamci Evans Oliver Edge I'hilip 1'reas Rhoncv Gsrilenhon'o, Sainuc'l V. Headier, John King S L Peter AugU'tui R Psares John Rhinatd Jacob Siller Samuel II Smith Dot: CD. 1(10 30Q lOt) 200 40 123 17 00 1 4 12 20 4') I 80 1 70 20 62 50 05 25 24 04 04 73 88 3d 18 100 ISO 28 70 10 10 21 M 10 23 n:)3 GO 40 13 7 3 nuo 100 7 100 5 40 01 4'.'7 14 10 14 3 111 400 420 400 100 277 255 3120 3380 403 30 381 100 38i 77 50 19 59 ID 14 1 12 J lin II Suit .)ohn Shaffor Samuel J Braid Do Do Do Do CONYNGHAM Ebenpzer RrAnham 12(30 John Young 30 02 Joshua Ream 40 Nathaniel Ilrown 37 Peter IJaughnor 18 Robert Jordan . 78 Andrew Porter . 80 Thomas Huston 1 1 l r . .1 r , , i 'll iuary jiuston an iz L-wis Wa'.kar R5 45 William Pouell 55 00 Johnston lSearley 02 73 George Rickham 37 GO Thomas Hiltzhimor 02 73 Robert Ililtzhnimer 21G 55 William Shannon 210 55 Amos Wii-kersham 47 00 Pdxton Kline mil Sharpie's 33 09 CENTRE. 38 1 384 250 130 23 5 5 0 13 flj 7 100 3 22 3 8 .0 5 10 II 100 70 Eno3 Adams llnjtmin Allebaoh Samuel Achenbnch Absalom Domboy Mary Drcsher Dewitt and Rencdict William Fritz Kress anil Huffman Jucob Good William Huffman Daniel Kt iiTer George Ifarman Emanuel Laanrus Simon Lowry Elias Uecce Cliristianna Moyr CATTAWISSA Mirhacl Rrobst Joseph Kaup 1 32 30 32 80 04 3 02 ; 44 I 20 j 20 02 20 40 59 33 35 33 3 SO fi 09 1 44 13 27 i 15 3fi IU 30 19 30 5 03 4 47 fi 21 8 01 1 48 1 19 O 71 22 35 0 71 43 14 00 2 07 29 72 II 45 15 19 5 01 3 09 0 00 8 60 8 33 8 80 5 48 ' 2 04 I i 2 32 0 72 3 88 3 22 30 20 i 35 33 25 6 05 1 25 FRANKLIN. 40 Jurmiah lyncher 80 Elij .h Reynolds & Co. FIsniNGCKEEK 313 Paul AppU 433 Guy Hryan 431 Abraham Reesar 112 Samuel.! Dealer 101 Do Do HO William Ihckalcw 200 Freas k Huffman 32 Nathcn Fleckensiino 23 J N & R Jones 150 Thomas Lemons 250 Michad Lemoni 50 George Mack A Lot Do' Po 212 R J Millard 00 Wm Patterson's Et 3 George Poaler 15 JUl'arki 85 Amos Spade 113 Abraham Young GREEN WOOD. 38 Samuel Alberlson 28 Mark Cooper 100 William Derling 50 James DeWitt, Est. 54 Andrew Gray 40 Johnson II. Ikoler 00 Goorgi) Reeco 14 Ellis Eves HEMLOCK. 12 John Child? 50 Nathaniel Campbell 20 Sylvester Pursell 12 Zobiilon Robbins JACKSON. 400 Colder Elias k M. IIoss 10 Jamison Keeltr 7U0 Kile k Neyhard 100 Philip At John Wagner 13 D.ivi'l Loo 31 Renajah Parkpr k Cj. U 18 LOCUST. 12 Lewis Rush 40 John Fisher 31 Samuel John 32 Do Do 30 William Savers 5200 Mary Myers 100 Thomas Ritston 1100 Daniel Rccjo jaOti Mary Ruston 200 Charlotte ItuMon 3200 John Rcyunlds MIFFLIN. 70 Jacob Romhoy i 4 John 0. Hettler 1 85 12 70 91 58 03 44 c 4 4 4 21 11 oo 22 JO 1 81 9.1 03 93 03 10 10 87 30 83 00 55 00 rvo I 7 Jacob Longaborgor ' 31 John Miehaol 20 l'eter Miller 1 175 George Nungcstor 4 0' Rosanna Wall 47 Joshua Zimmerman. 2 MAINE. 40 J Royd k Paxton 27 lft) Rrobst, Yrtter k Sohmick 4 300 0. S. Cox 13 80 I 4 35 10 5 100 112 100 600 40 220 8 10 11 40 4 10 10 Wihtam Creasy Jorcmlah Finchor Henry Q. Miller Henry Miller s Heirs 0. V. iMann k Roat I'hilip Miller Philip Wall J. P. Fincher George Scott MADISON. William Ellis Est. Jacob Mivcr William Oinclns Mt. PLEASANT Samuel Iloone William Ucers Jacob Eycr Lorenzo Grimes ORANGE John R Edgar Jacob D Klino PINK Peter Applcgats Thomas Rcndfiold Aaron Gross Sylvester Heath J nines Lockcnrd Vallershamp Est William Dcrliu ROARING CREEK. Peter llaughuer Gcorgo Dewcos Eckel & Ilea Philip Ku'p Isaac Lindvilla SUGAR LOAF. 74 31 03 74 00 02 04 20 20 00 OS 80 00 00 24 01 74 10 50 r.oo 100 5 60 110 100 50 350 100 200 120 25. 205 80. 414 47 4 150 3 OU 12 1 14 12 13 (10 52 00 51 2 30 15 70 4 0 2 1 10 4 22 o CO 20 00 37 83 83 30 Q4 Ezckial Colo Go Est Alex, k Johua Huts Daniel Mcllenry, Jr. Abraham Young John Kile William Stephens 0U 10 TRF.ASHiiER'S SALE OF REAL E S T A T E S E A T E D L A N D. A G REE ABLY to the provisions of -V Hie act nf Amemblr. entitled an Act to reduce tii statu dbt. &c. i.a.ned the day of April, IMI h. I'rvfi.iin.r of tlin L'nuntv of Columbia hen by rlvea i.r. ,.. nil , nnri.rned tbureill. that Ullkfft ,i, i r.,mi vrliotd. nmr nnd Btata Tax. &e. due on the ndionins renl rttat- rituatc In the county of Columbia, nr- paid befru the day nf sale, tho w hole of fuchparn of each a will fay the charces and coits chaf ealilo thereon, will be eold nt the I'ourt lloiife in llluniTiihue!!. co., of Columbia, on the 13th day or Juno lrfil. diltig the eeeund Monday, and to bacon- tinned by adjournment rrninuay m oaj ior nniiw oftajes iIiip laid county and the costs accrued on each OWNERS OR REPUTED BEAVER rowNSiiiP. Acm Years Vols. Vlt. 400 Columbia Coal & Iron Cora- Columbia Coal 1 98 T. M. Hubble 1 23 John V. Criawcl! 1 4 Maun, Haldy & Criswell 1 BENTON John Herlinger 1 lilizabctb Cline 's Est 1 4 BRIAR CREEK. 00 14 pany 30!) 29 30 1 33 no 150 40 50 60 23 Mary Shaffer 1 Sam l. F. lleadley 1 3 10 10 00 12 10 108 Ae." Sam!. F. Hcadlcy 1 CENTRE. A. Deitterick k, Torby Richard Torby 1 UL. FRANKLtllJ Julia A. Cromley I FISHINGCREEX Wi'lism Parks 1 "'he Hartman , Mother 2 HEMLOCK Jcskwisli's Est Mt. PLEASANT 1 S. 11 CO Q. 63 1 33 4 1 4 1 OS 11 2 6S 1 10 35 1 14 53 177 GO 1 Jacob Johnson 1 7 Robert Nixon h'st 1 3 015ANGE Qcorgo Klino Est 1 0 Do Do 1 1 Dn Do 1 1 J R Morris 1 S 76 SO on 33 34 PINE Lot Silvester P Ilenth 1 DANIEL McllENRY, 'h camror nj ( ol. co. Trentircr'a OlTiee, Llootiipluire;, April 7, 1&04. 7T TAR CORDIAL Is tin' Vi!al E'rlitciplc of tlin ! Inc Tveij. CM lined by a perullnr process in the distillation of the tar. by which its highest medicinal properties arc retaimd. It is the Medicine tbst cures nben all others have filled A tiront KeiiH'd.Y for I'onsmniition. I am constantly receiving such certificates as the following. READ ITI Have von a rough Have you Sore Throai ! Have, you nny M' the primonitury symptoms of llut most f.ital iluere. t'oiwuinptinii 1 Those wno should bo warned by these sj mploni gen erally lliiuk lightly of tlnm until it is too l ite. Trom thU f irt, pcihnps lonrc tlian any other, arises the sn,l prevalence and fatality of tineas': wliiiTi sweeps to the ar.iv" at b-a.t o'le-sivlli of Death's vKtims. lint are Hs sj iiiploms t It usually b gins wilh n short. dry couch, which soon heroine habitual, but for soum time nothing is raised exrept a frothy mucus. The breathing it somewhat dillicult. nnd upon slight exercii-c much hurried. A si uso of tightness and oppresMon us the chest is uiteii ftlt. As tin- dibonse advances lhu patient heroines Uiiu in tlli is nllliited with In, of appetlt, , great , Tingnr. indolence, nnd dcjetlion of spirnsj and tuny rontiou in iliia itale forn considerable i'-tilii of time, tint His very readily allicted by slicht exposure or fatigue If thr i , ceur, III" roup Ii beeiuues uior trou I blesoni", mid Isnlleniled with uipertoralion, which Is I moil inpious and irte verv early in the morning. It is ometiiiR-s streaked with blood. At this n.ige night swi at" usually s"t in, and in some cae,i a profuse blci iling of the lungs may also oicur. Tain ill some part ol the chest islelt, and often a ditliculiy ol" l.viog tipoii nun or the other side, without s.vero fug of ! coughing or a seuco of fullness or sutrjeation, is ex 1 perieuted. The puis, becomes full. hard, and ire'iuent the hectic ll isli tinges the cheeks, uiul the uiru inaludy i is fait hastening to its close. von now iisk "is mere n cure r Consumption has been and can b" cured by the use of my TAittioarjiAL, even in appaiaotlj hopt less cases. Tills nvsertiou I make wilh tho nbility t-i pichent the inostcomplete evidtnen of the tiotli. Space will not nil in it of my giving the contents of the many tliouiauils of testimonials to its valin. which I have beep nud am receiving Iroin men and women ot tinquesiinaaiiio worth nud renutalinu I have II 1 1 a number of these certificates printed in clrcul-ir form whu II I will send you Iree on npplicatiou Wh -ther you mm determine tn try tho inedii-iue or not, scud for the iircular. Atlcr years of study and exp, riui. nl. I oll'.-r this medicine, b lieving it to lie the best remedy for nil pulmonary mid bronchial diseuses. If you cannot be bcuelilted by Ilia use of Hn- 'Tar Cordl il, I believe you are beyond nil curthy aid. Vt If there are better rurate nireuts, I earnestly adv ise their use. 'Iliebest remedies, the best ture, are needed bv those utllicled with this i!n tase. I'eli ving this to bo Hie best, 1 usk you lo try it. Many, not only of the people, but physiti-is of i very school and practice, nre dailv askinif me, "What is the priuripic or rause ot vour surcess in tue ifenuucni oi l uiiuonary i onsuiupiiou i ai) uiiswt-r i i-us; Tha mv ignratiiin ol Hie digestive organs-Hit! strong, i thuhing or the di bllitateds) stem -the pqrillcitioii and I cnrichuiciil of the blood, must expel from the syitem ' the corruption which scrofula breeds. While this Is' ell'eited by Hie powerful alterative (i hanging from ills ; ,.s tn l,,.:,lll, n,nil.,i,. C ,1.,, 'I' . l-n.,llrl Its loi'il. I 10 l nig nnd rennvaiiiig priutlplo is also acting upon the Was awarded the I riz" Med irrialed surfaeesor the lungs ami throet. penetrating ' al for Ills superiority overnl in oacli licensed part, relieving, subduing inllaiuatinii couipctitions iu tho United and re. luring n healthful lendeucy. Lot Hiii two nd Slates for hi Improvement! power, Ihe healing and tiio strengthening, conlinuo to i In act in roniuiii lion with N'ntuic's rnnslant recuncratlva I 'I'lM Vl'llillfr 'I rilllKS. leiiucni,,. mm mv ,4u ii, i. i.ins, i ot lids iu. i,u long delaieil a rtiort to tliM menus of cure. .'IIEWAKE UT COUNTEIITETTS. Tiio genuiuc bus Hu nauio of the propii tor nnd n pine tri e blown iu tim bottle. All others lire spurious imitations. Tnicis 1'irrY Cinti aud Osr. Douak. ter IIottie. rreparcd only by the proprietor, lr. I U -USHART, No. 10 Noiitii Second St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. ni .Srtr by nil Drvuuts. fUcmbrr l. (r3 fim ( JTIIK Bravo Solcllors nnd Sailors. I HOLLOW AND ( TS PILLS, TI'MENT. All n tin hare Ftienc Navy fliniildtaKn i' piled with thCFP ('III' bravo HoMlcr nnd P tli'tinolvr.wlth tlioi'i i I Rtntivpn In Hie Army or i mm Hint ther bff amnly r-un i Olnlnii-nt ) and licrn Hie liar neglected to provide !m tier preffnt fan be ten i v have been proved to be I him by their friend. II, j t?o'dlcr'i never falling Mend In the hour of need, CCyHlllS AND COI.DS .UTKCTINfl TliOOrtf, 'hone feeling ulilrh oadden u uinally nrlfrom trouble or annoyanre.. obtrmtiMl peipiration. or eat i.nnn.t tt.lnkintf w hnte v r 1 a ii n hoi epntne. t liu 9 rii 4- turblnj th lieatlhfiil nctlnn ol the liver nnd stomach J hco nrsnns mufi op r'urvni. n jim, u,--ue -,, I hn fill, iftKen acforumir in iub iiriiiin, juriiuiiuu-, will quickly produce n haltliy anion In both liver and itomacli. nnti, as n natural conprrmvute, u ctvnr ucau and good appetite. wkaknussoii inpuced dv over tatioui: Will foon iliiappear by the ueofthejc Invaluable Pills, and the tfoldler will julckly acqulie additional strenctli. Never Icttho linnels be either confined or undulv ncted upon. It may recin slraiicc that llnl lowavs l'iU should be recommended for liysentory nnd KIut. many persons suppnsins that Ih'y would inereue th rd.ixatlon. Thl Is a treat mistake, for these fills will correct the liver mid stomach, nnd thus remove all the ocrin numnr iroin tno system, iiiis medicine wl'l cive tone mid vljor to the wlinle organic system, however dernnecd, uhlU health and strength fallow ns a matter of course. Notlnni will stop the re laxntluit of the l;owo' so suro a tills f.unoiis incdl- VOUINTnERS, ATTENTION I INDIaCitETIOXS or vourii. Sores and L'lcers, nintrhea nud Hivcllinss, can with certainty bo radically rurcd. If the l'ills are taken tilchl nod innrniuir, and Ointment bn freely md ns stated in the printed Instrii'Mou", If treated in any ther man ner. iliev rirv u-.! inenart tobrouk out in another t iiert-as thir ointment will remove the humors from the sy tern, leave tip rati 'lit a vigorous and healthy man. It will rcuulro a little persetciauic in u.iu ca ios to us .ire n 1 isliujr cure, roil WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED UV THE 1IAVOVET SAURI.. OR THE lifl.EET, EOSE3 OR ItltUlSES, To which everv Poldlcr and Pallor are liable, there are no nii'dlncs so saf.1. sure, und convenient, ns lln. loway'it rillsniiil Ointment. 'I lie wounded nil I almost iiyin? fuiiercr miRiii navo ins wuunus urest-u imme dinttly. If he would only provide himelf with this uiatcliless Ointment, which should be thruct into the wound nnd sin 'nred nil round it, tlmi enxered with a piece of linen from his knaps-vk nnd compressed with n handltcrtliief TnlkitiK, nlpht nnd inoniini.', 0 or C l'ills. t cool the system anil rrevoni innamatinn. Uvriytfcddier unapsacK anil eeanan s uncii snouiu be jirvided Itli tliese valuable lleinedies. CAUTION! None are nunulne unles the words "llnllownvs, New Vorkaud London " nro disr.-riinble n n Watcr innrk III everv leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; tho same may plal'ily seen bv Tioliliu? Hie leal to trie num. a nauusoine lewaru win be (riven to anyone rendering surh iiiformntion as may lend to the detection of any party or parties counter feiting the nicdiclnea or vunilin; tho s.iuu, knuiving tliem to be spurious. Sold at manufactory ot Professor llolloway, fO Miadou l.ano. New Vork, nnd by nil respectable Drup IsIb:hhI Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilzed wo.'ld. lC llolloway' Tills an I Ointment are now retailed owing to the lii?li prices of Drues, tc, nl 39 cents, 70 cents, nnd SI, I" per llox or I'ot. Kg-'l here Ii considerable eavmc by taTlcn the larger sizes. N. Il.-nircctions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are alfixed to each box. 05" Dealers in my well known medicine" cm have Show Cards. Circulars, iic., sent fro" of e?iinae, by addressing TIM.YIAH IIOI.I.OWA V, fc() Miuici LAir. New Vork. Doc. 12. ISC3.-I'. June S, leo3. Gl UTON'3 Ghcnp Gro2ory Store, CAPS AMD SHOES, '1 HE undersigned having huiight out the Orocery o I David Stroun, has reninvi d his Hat and I'ap Store up to Stroup's old stand, vvhru in addition to a supe rior assortment of FALL AXJ WINTER $ Hals and Caps, Jfe? CON FECTIONA RIES, C HACKERS, Mo'a-i'.r.s, Suyar, ColTee, Tets. Tobacc, SnufT, Cipurs. Spieos, Dried Fruit, Euttcr, Coal Oil, Drng, Parlor nnd Hand Lamps. Bocks. "WritiriK Papar & Ink. Ilanlwurti uvd Cdlnrwurv, 1'' cklt EllivCS Comb", t . f ' I j'C, iJ'C , iyC , T.ifetksr vTith a variety of ariieles gener.illv kent in n Aleu-A fine lot of KIIH. MOHOi l'.CK mid I.txiiosto ( w hith he invites tlie at t-ution of Shoemakers mid ths i public. ' i JUIIN K C.IIITON. niooinibiirg. Dec. s, uen RLOOM.'iRUIU; SKYLIG UT, PicUwe Gallery. TIIK undersigned iiiforius His ritir.ens of filoom. inn1 neiehborhood. thnt In- has taken Ihe large room at the Exchange Work, cxlendiiig over Hartley r-ic,hner I'lil.ery, and the llouksloro where he lias put in a large Sk hg' t. It is o'llv by Skj light that good p c t ires can b"tr ten i specinlly gioips where i-utli person can lie tiikei.' 1st as v.i II as separate. Ileh.isgon lo co'isi'lernble expense to make his es tahlnh.ii.-iil first class on , mid he th-refuru solirits a liberal pntro ige toenubli. I.i n to eonlaiilly intiuUuco I thoi.iode i iniprovenif ut-of tlo-urt. I IL" Coun -y produce taken in Hxrlnuge ftir pirturet Illi.VltV KUSEXS'TUCK liloomMiurg. Nov. 23 Iflil. Nov. fi 'il WSiS'6'SvKS ESfliCCvBi, ; N03. 9, 11, i::, 15, 17 Comtlandt Street, NE Mt IIIIOADWAV, NEW VtlHK CTTV. This t'ld'oslnblirhtd and favorite resort of the llusi ness Coiniuuiiilv has been recently refuted, mid isroiu-pl.-te in t-ver) Hung that tan minuter to the comlurts of its patrons Ladies and families nre specially mid care fully piovideil for. i It i ctutrally located in the bu iness part of tho city, and i coniiguo'.is to the principal lines of steamboats, cars, oiunibiisses ferries, ,te. In ciiuseiiieiicn , if Hie pressure caused by the T.ebel lion.iirires liuvo been reduced in Om Dollar a- d J'ity ("cuts per Day, 'I he table is limply supplied with all Ihe luxuries of Hie srasun, and is equal to that of uuy other hotel in the cooutiy. Amplo accommodations ere offered for upward of li0 glie-ts. 'Sj Do not bilievH runners hackineii, and others who majrtTy"thu Western Hotel is lull." D. D. WINCHESTEIt, Troprietor. TIIOS. D. WINCHESTEIt. Tib. lj, lrti-.'. it i.-dKxii it aii 'j'Hi. troprietor oiuis vveii-Kiimv n ami centrally loca j Ilill) ' ilii il, "i.i, ,.' u vi usni, t, iiiiici., .HiiniJ I'll mm, Slreet, ill llloomshurg, iuimeiati ly -ooosite the Cnluui bia t'oiiuty Court lloii&e, respectfully is. forms his friends n,n t l ,e S nlr'ab Mnnea. nnd Vy P in "proper I B.ln. P'.KTf "'" '',!,c0 '1"""l lvc' B;'7f 'J ! C""'S'' "t'entlon u the Direction, which are attached ti each nd for mIo at hi. Wareroom.. a la a ""',l"p"1 yr.A 'MA .VS WJ .,, I'otor lloj. FINISHED r SSPn (iOFFINS, In tliU ftntlnl lrnncf . V o lenni" "rti'' and the public in general, that his House is now in or , der for the rtceptiuii ,iiideuteilaiiiNii-ut of travelers who , may I -el di. posed to favor it with llo-ir custom, lie has spared iinenpi-nio in prepming the Ext Hanoi:, for Hie on ti rt.iiiimeut of his guests, neither shall there he any. Hung wanting (on Ins part) to minuter to their personal comfort. His bouse is ep-iclqu nod enjoys an excellent bllsUless locution. C r oiunilmsej run at all times between tho Exchange Hotel nud the various U-ul lload Depots, by which trav elors will be pleasantly convened to mid from llio rev speclive Sbitious in due time to meet tho (.'are. ! W.M. II. KOONS. Hlooiusbiirg, July 7, lefiU- , THE CHEAT WnllI.C r'AIH E.MlllUTION HELD IN LONDON lei I. THOS. W. MATTSON Ho lieini! Ill" inventor and M.nnul'iclurer of Elastic steel "" Spring so'ld Solo Lenllieraiid solid Uiveted Iron frame , 'Travelling 'Trunks. Valines, End es lint Cases, Carpel Hags. Leather Hues, I'liibri-ll.u mid Hobby Horses, Hoys' Higs, Tropellers, Wlicelberrows, 4tr which ho 1 is piepared to sell nt Ihe lowest inunuf.uturiiig price. The most extensive Trunk and Carpet Hag .Manufactur er in Philadelphia. , 4UJ AlAKKET STHI'.ET, one door abeve Totirlli, Soulh side, I'lllLADELTIIlA. 'rialet room on the first floor. 1 'I "Trunks neatly repaired or exclnugcd for new ones. Call and tee. at wr sell very cheap for cash Ivor. 14, IWiS IJmn l.ii... '. u.. nn,l Horsa and Hearse, nud will at ni times be ready to attend ri,"ere'"'t3IM0N. c. sVE. lloombi'rc, January 2?. ISif JlJ 0 A T's Store. THE subscriber ha' Jut returned from the Cities with another Inrge nnd select assortmet of VALLA XI) ll'JNTf'H GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia, nt tha lowest figure, and I which they arc determined to sell on as moderate lero s , ns enn be procured ciscniicic in niuuiusuui. stork comprises LdiiiKs' vithss noons, of choicest stjles and latest fashion. DRY UMiDS. aUOCF.HlKS. ii.mmr ihk civr.h:v-v.iir.. CF.D.M lYMlK, HOLLOW IV.iltU mo.y, x.iiL, hoots .y snohs 1I.1TS S CI PS, ice, Ae., fft.. In short everythlngusu-ally kept In country Stores to whi' h ho Invite the public generally. The Highest priie paid lor country produce. ii. H. MILLER. nionmsburg. Oct. 51. 1KI. M EV AND SECOND HAND SAFES, 1.1 I'orsale e cap at Now York Safe Depot, 71 Wil liam Street, New Vork. a. a. nit egg. 3I7.C AND TRICES Ol" 1,11.1 IE'3 TIRE TUOOr s ri:s o uts in v.: UEIOltT. ' Wll'Tlt. lit l!ll (iti !J All 'l 3'J 21 34 31 4ll 3 1 tA'SID R: I'Errii. aj ji Ml S S4 ill PEITII ): 13 it 15 No. 4 No. 3 No. 3 No. 4 No, S No. 11 tlEKIIIT. 17 IJl SI SI ll SI WIDTH, II I3J IS H HI SI No. 1 No. 11 No. 3 No. 4 Nn S No. U rules. ,. foO 01 , I 0 (HI 7U 01 . f.7 tlfl . Kit) Oil . 115 UU No. 1 No 2 ... . No. 3 No. 1 No. C No. ti ?.'ovemier It.lSCJ. BELTS SPEOtiflO PILLS War-, Bamed iv a,.l cats- Cm bo rcllcg m, NeTcr fail to curl Do n d nauseate ! Ar speedy in action1 , No change of 4in rr1:r.u Dy nut iiiterfure with: W-mShK pnr-uiis' ( b'.- used without detecti., : I'pwards ol sou rtirr;Mlii past mouth -si;ir r,f them I very s.voro tas,,5. nv .r ,, iiltn(.,tj pi,, ,lrin. i,5v(! , lled them in th ,,ractlC and nil speak well oftlolr , efllcar' . ,,! n,,,,,,,, a ..f lli, lr rn.iii,,K,tinn. uht.l, ill ehtiiciv veetinble, nod harmle-is on lliu system, liun dr-ds f cerlilleates can lie shown Hell's Spei i lie 1 ills me 111 i rii,inal and only genuine Sptrific Ti'l. 'i li.-y are adapted for m.ili- and IVuiale. old or young, and the only r, o remedy fir elf cling a pirionncul and speedy cur-, in all rai'es of i-pennn torrh".'i, or Seminal We.iku, s, wi'h nil its train of evil, such as I rethral an I airinal Oisttiaraes., the bites, iglitly or Involumais Eims-ious. Incon tiuiiniite, Ct-iiitiil licbilitv and Iriilnbility, Impotunce, WeaKtos orl.ossof Tower. .Wrvinus Debilily, cc, all of vvlutii arises print ip.illy Irom .-rxual Evcesecsor Self- bust-, it "(line cnuiiiutinuul iler.ingcuieut, nnd iocaparital.-s th" siifljror from tullllling the duties of matned life- lu all sexual ni-., uses, OoncrrhsB, Oleet. and Strjrtures. tin I in Dibtase oi th-1 l.laildsr and K J 'nei s, liiey act aiacharuil Rtlitf is txpsri ciiced by lakiite a stnglj box. Sort bv all ih'j principal druggists Triel. They vVili be si nt by mail, securely sejlcil, and c fiilLiitiull) , on receipt of the money, by ' J. II11VAN. Sf. n. No 70 Cedar St., New York. Consulting Thyician for the tn iitnient of Seminal, t'rinary. Sexual, and .V-mius luwases, who wilj sund, Iree lo i.ii, the fulliming valuable work, in eeal- tti env elope : The TinitTii Titor3A,D -1 r.. T.EI.I.'S TREATI-'E on r-elt-AlniSo-. Treut.-ti ore I ecuy, liopoienre and l.ihs of power, Sexoul Diseii"i', Si loinnl V takutss, Nightly I Emissions, ile-iiui Debility, &C..4.C, n pitui ,h Ii t ol t4 , pa.-s, containing nopurtaut adv ice iu the nilhcicd, and uhnh shoulil be r, ad by every miiT rer. n Hie means "f eore mthes veret sl.iL-ea is plainly set forth ins ! staiups it-quired to pay pomg,i IlL-cju.lier 12, HGi-ly. LEATHER! LEATHER I ! 1 .L atitit Mat nuiH'.'ii) I.tup iriiini, tut Vniu.t., tUnmiiH j ImrjJt nn nMriiin'iit of iliUVrrnt h i mt if leatlir. fucU n j fan1 c.tlf kiiis, morocco, (j.mI niiilh'-.rManil hiilni' nil ' rf hi -ii lie will m.11 cti:tt"r Hint) fan lc had t ltf lir-ir it tins marki't. Call uiuU'x jiniuo tlifn fr viinr(,lv',A. JOIJN'K.GIKTOX. ninojiilnirp. Vny 4, 156 Km K:til Gic.Ks. SUMMER ARRANGE M ENT. pUEVT TT.CN'K LIVE TIIOM THE NOItTII AND VT Norlliwcst fir Tiiiladilphia, Vork, Heading, I'nttsville, Lebanon. Allentowii, E.ton.e., .c. Trams leave llnrrisburg for riiilodeiphin. New Vork Heading, i'oltsvllle and nil intermediate stations, nt ii. in., nud -J p. iu. New Vnr't expteis lenvcs !larriburg nt 2.1.1 n. in , nrnvlng nt Now Vork atll 1 the soioe morning Tares from llnrrisbuig: To New Vork j 15; to Thiladclphin s;i :U and S- r'J. Haggago checked tlirnush. Hi turning, b avo ew Vork nt Ii a tn.. 12 noon, and 7 p. iu., (Tituhurg Express). Leave Thil.idelpiiia at d.15 a. m., and p iu. Sieepiugiais in tlioNew Vork express trains, through to and Irniu Pittsburgh witliout change. Tassengers by the Cntavvis-a li.iilrnad leave Tatnaqua at o .'.o u in., nud 'J IS p iu.. for i'liiladtlphia, New Vork nud all Way Points. Trains leave Ttttsvil'e at SUA a. in., and I.II!) p. in,, for riulaih Ipliia. ilarrisburg nn I New Vork. An Accommodation passenger train leoves Heading at o,ol) a. in., mid returns from Thiladt lphia lit 5, CI) p.m. CJ- All the above trams run dally. Sundays excepted. ASundny train leaves Tottsville at 7.311 a.m., nnd Philadelphia ut .l.l.'i p. in. i I'lnmutatioii, iinle.-iL'e, season, and excursion tl:kets at reduced raits lu and from all points. ii. A. NK'OLLS, tiiiicral Svjcnnttndcnt. A T T O II N E Y A T L A W itLooMsiiuno, r.i. Office ill Court Ally formerly occupied by Charles I mictvaiew. 4. ISO!). llloomtbur:, Dec. P A U L k THOMPSON, WHOI.ESAIiE DEAI.EllS IN No. 43 Noith Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. 13- BUTTER. BIIEHSE, HAMS, fce. f3 Nov. 14 1'T' 15mo. Dr. Horlacher's Pamphlet. IS SLAVEItV CONDEMNED 11V THE IIII1I.E Oil IIVTIIU CONSTITUTION Of THE UNITED STATES I noil lilllr, Ti-im ritiit tlllio 1 am nPIIlS is tho title of it fi nhlet, on the above siiblert. l,v mi. l Airnn nun l.HCIIEIt, of New llerliu, Luioii County, Tn., contain ing I!.' well written pages, in English mid Herman, and for sale at this otllce. It minimis n vnt ainmint of Useful information. Tncu ID Cents per copy. March 5, Iciil, Inn I liO - - lnn.l fresh arrival '"-;;nr" i!!!!" f.W.rv OF Al ,,"ll'. Commercial College. ''j'fSv'rt.'.l'.ed' mm a m wwm 15 ' JOHN C. Y EAGER, MANUFACTUrtEH & WHOLESALE DEALER IN I HATS, CAPS, I STRAW GOODS, RONNE I'S AND1 ARTIFICIAL ELOWEHS, I N.'n Ori Nnrll, Tl.t.l ISi...t ..... .-w.... .mill uiibci. a una il. Nov J". MM rntim tvTITOTltW l tinder tlio ol manntmPn , T "!,d direct"! Tof IV-r. W. LnvrtU, Ions Plli.' j cou.naK. u,,,, emliraiYH nil tlwrenild.ten , iiiic(iuiiii. cdiicnllon, nndhaa I Mni l.l. i:o.ifotl. lnt tlinrouS Ii nnd ro nip ol o . f ,u ne 'Minvlnltn.! many year a' .Jiperk n .1 teachlin the Fclnco of W V iMIl horli. ft nil I and cmwieiii cn- . i '.; iiialai of all i HiH.rfrnii r" the most skiiii.ii mnsiui : ,i,0 hichest Wriling from this liis'lliitioiiliavi! received the higiiesi eacomiuuis from the pros. Col- 1-or general Inrorn.aiio . tern - I. .ni hit' u- i r i will nu iiimivii n" - . and rae, warranted for one year anil t '.V, r sunt, freoof ch irge to nny one who will remit C i , the above address. I Ociobcj a. I'lin-iy. . i FAMILY DYE COLORS. I Runt, )jlIir Un, Daiik llMlg, Maocjiti, M Annus, OaNos, Tisit. l'tlll'I.C rESC n, LEi 1'I.AKST HHOIVK, Dark IIrom.w, l.roiiT Ilium. S.iutr llitowa. t.'RIM'0. Daiik I hue, I.iokt Uraii, llAKIC (Rlf K. I. nun iiai;i, RovAi. Punrt-B, Sai mom, St lltl.LT, CLtlF, SuLSI-HISO. . Violet, i V I'or Dying Fill;, Woolen nnd Mixed Cool". Slinwls, Scarfs, Dresses. Itibboni. Olovrs, 1 oiintts Hats. l'enlher. Kid ('.loves, rhlldriu's Clothing and all kinds of Wearing Ayparel. car A S.WIXti OF 80 I'Elt CENT. "S5a Tor S.'i cents you can order n many goods ns would rthervvlse cost five times that nun. Various shades can be produced from the same Dye. The process H simple, and any one can use the ;yo with purled sue- C oTrrctiona in English, Trench and Ocrman, inside of I carh package. I Tor further information in Dyeing, nn J giving a per fect know le'ire what colors aro best adapted to rtvo over others, (with many valuable rcripis.) p'lrrhnsi Howe & Stephens' Treutlen on Dyeing mid Coloring. Feiitby mail on receipt of pJlce.-UI rents. Manufactured by IIOVVE & STEVENS. 'J.0 r.noADWvY I OSTO.I. CT- Tor sain by Drugcists and Dealers generally, JJceember T.', ii ,3 buns, .'yTlffl a H nrrifr&(!V-ir- .7- - 7ov .niH, iice. ECoachc Mjjis tn t. K'tSl'S, PlnziU, Fowls', AiiiU5r.I, Arx - j "P Jje. .Wc. nnd &!.nn lloxes. Itotil.-- h Tla-k. 'l ami i'i six s f -r Hot' Is. Tub'ie Instituliuns. A r. "On'y infaTilde reuicili s known." "Tree from ' , i-on-.." ' t dangerous totlie lluinen T.tniilir." Rats roine out ol lliilr h ol t.i el .." Sold Wholesale iu all large citi-.. Sold bv nil Druggist" t iletaiUrs ivrrTrbr' CT I"! Ill ware. "." ol all wonhl iioit.ilions ZJm See that "Cost xn's" imuie Is t,n e:n h llux, Het- tie. and flask, before yo-t buy. L7- Address HET.V It i"iiTAR. C" Taini-Ai. In pt 4Ji llnovow iv, N. V. ?y Sold bv all vv hulrfsiilj and Keiml liiuggiils iu I b,.inileire, T.t. T. I roa-ytO, le-ii 1. -em. w EVANS k W ATHN - ; ;Vs7;l BAI.AMAMIUU t'AFKS, WW 1 -'.l unci n large n?oriinfiu oj nr i il;?.s' 'j met prom f-iiatnainier fc.r;5. 1 Uo, iriin tluor. inr Itanks anrl I ,.rii.i.'i.'.M'sy;;-i? itort'H. in in hhntlcru irnn iti. nil I P'J'.i lisAjV?'' mntli'i iiCIilf k i tii.ll t.i .in inn !n in the T'nitcl Ptatrs. Ftra irf in one f.r. Ml tarns out rifht; Kith rot tent iti con i rnntiuior. TI) nor lil, Salamander Sxfsi of Thiladtlphia against th, EVANS k WATSON, have hn 1 the sitrest ilemohtratioii in the following eet lilicnl" that th -ir luauiil'arture i f S ilnioan.ler Sifi-s hat at length fully warranted th. representations whiili hai j been ma le of th -in n rendering nn undoubted s -curily against the terriiie Um nt. I'hilndilphia April 19. l5i. Mrs riens.v Walton: (ipntlemen -It atlords lis the highest sulisfactio'i tu state to von, that owing to the v-iy proti dive qualni-s of tivn'of tin SaTiiiiaudi r. Safes whirh we purchased i.fyui some five niunili unre we saved a large portion of ievvrlrv. and all our books. k.f exposed lo th.. ralamiuous. fnt in f.aro,tcHd olate on the nioriitiiL' of ihe llili inst Win ii wr red, ,t llut ilii se saf s were located in the fourth sory ofthe building wu occupied end that the) fell subsequently niton In ap of burning ruins, where Ihe vast cmur titration of Hie hi at caused the brass pTites to melt, we eanui.l but ,-eard Hi" preiervation of their val liable i ontents as must convincing proof of tha great se curity alfirdi d by your sales. Wo shall tuke great pleasure in r"roinuienilinctliOK, ', men of buinrt us a pur reliance ngani-t lire. (iE'JliHE W. SIM.MUN'S ;;i ).. (j;tv C7"They have since purchased six large Safe ,. July Jo, Icdg. August -Jil Hi . TINWARE k STOVE SHOD. THE undersigned respectfully informs his old friend mid cui-toiiicrs. that he has' purclnPd Ills brollier merest in the above establishment. mid the roniern wils herealter be conducted by hiniscll'eii-luMvelv. lie hu jiiet received nnd oll'eis lor sale, the Inrg CGy est an ! most extensive assortment of T A N C V lUCTja S'T" V ES ever introduced into thi-i market. ' "x? His stock eon'its of a complete nssnitinent of he bet Cnokiog mid parlor stoves in the market, tngeih. ur with Stove TiMnres of every de'iriptioi . Oven and ISox Stoves, lin liators. Cylindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air 'Tielit stoves. Cannon Sloves, tcr kr. Stovepipe and 'Tiiiwan eoiiftautly on hand nud manufartured to order. AH kinds of repairing dune, as Usual, on short ootid'. The patronage of old friends and new cu-toinrs re. perlfolly solicited. A. M. RlTEItT. Uloninsbtiig, Niivenibcr3d 1SC0. tf. THOMAS RROWN, Ihirfor, III.OOMSIIUKC, COI.C.MIHA CO., VA, Shop in Oouit House Alley, near tho DjMojral Office, Nnvember 14. lt'J. PltlSIUl OTIl Ci IIIlOTUEItS. WHOLE? AIi E O R A C 0 0 D E A L E R 5 AO. 103, SOUTH TlUItU S'i'IlKKT Tlvc doorsbelow Hace, Til I LADELTIM A A. LOGAN GRIM, Attorney anil Counsellor ut, I.ATOUTE. SULLIVAN CO PA Military and other claims promptly attended to (. .., , iro.l. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP fj, 'I HI. undersigned would inform tho ciliiciunr jlTSJ llloomshurg and v irinlty, that he lnsjitbt ro fjtS. cived mid oilers lor s.dn olio uf the moslexteiisiv v ussorluienis nf COOKINflnnd TAXi V STOVES vur inlrodiRi d into tins market. The Christopher C iiuihui', James Itobb and (llobe uro among the rtil tlnss tiion.s.mi in nii ii are uir-iigiit uuu gd burner 1 1 tH1 t'lrlor -tnvi s are haiidsonio nud Hie a-sortuii nt v - . rieil. ALo-Tariirulnr attention is paid tn 'Tin. Won and House Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds ol repairing will he done with ncutuets mid ilesoauli l!y Counlry pruducu taken in txihaiigefor uork. I'll 11.11 S, MOVEU. liloointburg. Mn 10,1802. PIANOS AND MELODEONS AT WHOLESALE AND HETAIL. EVERV Inotrurncnt Warranted for Ttvo Years. Address, A. P, DENNETT, Agent. Elmlrn, New Vork. p.'Tiu'i?" pfl 'V "otel Hloonubure i ' mm! !i:oombiirg, March !), CELEBRATED BITTERS. A rur and pnwetlnt Tonic, orrettivo and attsratlr-. P uf wonderful elllency In dis.n.o of the ! ST0JIAHI, LIVER ASD BOWELS. ' rvras Dyspepsia, l.ivrr rnmplalnt, 'leadnche, flsnet. Dsblllty, Ncrvousin. Depression of Spirits. Ton stliulloii, Lolic, liiternilltcnt I evcrs. t ramps nil Spasms, mid all nnipinini; i inner Hn, ctlslng from tlodily Wtaktiess whrlher Inherent 111 tho ssteui or produced by special cjosi. Notiiiko thai Is not vvliolrsonic, genial and reit,r. the In its nature i nters Into Ike conipo.ltinii ofllOM ' Tl-.TTEIt'S STOMACH IIITTEIIS. 'I Ills populnr pis. ti.iratlou rnntalHS no mineral of any kind, nu ikodl. botanlrnl rlemcnt: no fiery excitant i but It is a ioiby na Ion nfltho extracts of rare balsamic ' herbs mI plantswllhtha purest and niiiuest oi ulldlluisivo itiiii- 1 "' It 'is Well to ! forca"iid nralmt dleao, and, so far ns tc human system can be protected by human means ' n-ainst mnlidi s cngvidered bv nn unwholesome at iifosnher.'. impure water nud oilier external causer, 1 1 1 US II HTTLirJ IIITTT.lt1 may hj relied on ns a safe kU"n'ilitriit Inf -fted with -Veer mid .?. ithathsra fmnd lul'.illlbl a it previ-nlive ami irresistible r rcmedvund T.iousands who resort to it under npfre henslo'n of nnnttack, escape th- :-i ourge ; nil. I thousand who neglect to avail tlieniselv, r c f Its protective o,us. ities in advance, nre cured by a very brief course this iiaivelous medicine I ev- r and Ague patient ufur being palid with quinine for months in vain, no til flirty satmated with that A-.ngernua nlka'oid. ats iiotiiiifrtq.i. ntly ftoredtn hecllh within n few days by tno use m iu? i . i i i. r, ,.. . , Tho wenk st.uniirh ,s rnpi Hy invleoriitcd nnd Hie ap petite resfnr il ' v this aeif u'dj ,'T. lie. and bene it works ivonileis 'lu raes i l l.'ispepsla I tiJ in less con firmed Iwrins i.f iiidigolinu. Acnng ns a geiille s. pnlnles apperhnl, as well n upon llio liver, it alio invariably 'jlb vus tho Co i-llpntion siipcrludured by irregular nctloii of the dig tive no I secretive organs I TersntHof feeole Inhit ITible .V.e esi Jlttaclt. U 1 nrjs lnfrf(f nnd J ife ' Trompl m perniantnt relief from the lints, 'i Ii" lestioionj n Ibis point l must fori sive. unci f 'oi in ii ' ' Th. neo',1 or IliUm .' Il i i' insdiit l M-uag-l 1 by n linjl iiineof the st mill mt, nud by (uc . r'soil.ot to it. Ill return of the nun. lamt mav be pr. I "as'u cerrral TonV, IKWrf.TrniTS niTTEU-' rrv .lucei ,r-ct- whieh ion--' b- cxpi-n -'"d or wilio si, ,i b. fore til y ran be lully npp-e, l.i i d. In of t on I slllulioinl nel: , premature d- ciyand debiiilyiinj I decrepitude arising from old r.p-. it oxernsefl tli elis ! trie InlU. no In the couvn'e .cent stagey o'nll iiif.iar i it '-... rue- a n deluhtful invlsnrnnl. V. boil ttf 'J'" ersofnaliirinrf, relaicJ, It oparHVJ ti '-l"t' ' r'-etabll"h tliem. I.rst. but i,rd i 1Pi ih, 0nb sufj ' slimu'ent, being mar lOiftur-tl !., so m, and Iniio.,,, , ?US ttidtrrials, an. riitir't fr mi tho ,-ij clftmtuu prt-sent i.ii-rr or 1,-ss in all liu un.iilary tetnes rtoiuaebir of the tinv. ' .Vi f.iu iH I' no lia -Vn so tiriiver.jtly. and I ma'' truly a it. J"s '.aWy ppi.l r w ul tao lutein ' teal i f the tOiuu.utut) . as, HO.-" k' TTl-L i UIITMirt. Trepsr.-it by I IIOSTETTER k SMTTII, tit i sir. huh. r. ' C7Sil I by all Druggist, Oroscis and lilortksopei.v everv vi here. JSov -:i.i!.i r SI, I3t-ly, Gcr.uiue Prpparaliuna. ! COMTOl'Vp f'l.t'll) T..VII!.rT T.rC'lll.r, .,, 1 use and sp-i ,.1c jeiueJy for iliens tf the bl iUdr j Ki In ys. Cr-iv.el. nn' I'r'qisical swelling I Tbu inedirin- mi reases lb- pawer of ingestion, tn i i-irjie the ab-i.'lieuts into b-i'llu artiou. M ir W.tierv or I'alrar -mis dep.i-iii uu. cod all I, .n-tturil i l.otni genu ieuis art rduit-d, st Ktlt as psiN knaio ' HFsLMBOLD S EXTRACT RL'CHU. f Tor weakness nrlnug frna t T.xsessts", habits of Dis. ' sipathut, Enrl lndiscntiou of Abuses, nttemlud vrlili the follow ing syinptoois :W ' Indi. position to Exertion I,os of Tower l.oesi.i, MfSrillty of frcathitig U i n't N'-rv , "Ti r,. Ihrroroi Iii'ia"'-, i',n-i p., .1, l;a,'5 , I'm vi rs''l L.u tiludc of the ,Mtli u'ar r-i sli in lb t Hinds. I rupii mi en lb-' f'trs ' Dryness ef Hie Skin, J n.ioi g ol tin. Ildr l'ailid r'oiintenniire q'be.e v mpto I- if n!!owc.- lo in vhich tl.n ir.edHiue mv mlabl) rei.iov-mi fii-.'l'.ws iueoitsiv, f AH.-nv, Ee , pi-c I nr, I In one of wlurh th Tato at no.y r quire Who can sny thnt th v are rut fn ir.e,iUy ftil.ivT.l bv those --Direful liis-ns-- " "INSAMTV AM) CfiNSI ViP; ,i. Many are aware of the rauso of th ir sutr--inr, I nt none v. ill inufes3 Ihe recur, is of i!it- I'lNaiiu , l-nnsi ' And no laocbi Iv il-atlis.b Conse'iiption In .t " i.i,-.. wiiiie-. lo ib- truth of ibe hm rn-oi q'he rou st it ut ion i mo ell'-1 ted Hit oreenie w eat i si requires ihe aol of M oe'iu 1 1 sir, ,-,'h, n tn,l -,n OJali- th'- SJStetll, wllllll lleltl'O' I J's I XTIet lillllll II variably dn.'s. A will ccnuiKe Hi.j most ml :o: FEMALES PEM A L E S . In inpnv nfTeclinns peculiar to Teniales tha Tifstt lliirhu is uneqirilled by any Ho r r on -y, as in I- rosis or llit.-iili'iii, Irregu'iririly ainiuiucs, i r i pression of Custoii.nry Ev ai oation-. ulr.-nted , r o rhous state ofth) Uterus, Lemhorrhiux or Wtntes. Sti-rilliv. an I f r all i-.i :n (-1 a i nt s i in : ut tolin-sci wheth'ir arising from Indiscreliuii b.ibi.s uf ditsipa Hun, or in tile. DECLINE OH CIIANfif. OT LITE. -IS! Take no more n.ilsam Mercury, or uapkesant U. '. fill- for unpleasant mid nr. iK,' .-mi-, ilncases lleln. bold's Extract lluch'i and linproveil tse w .sli rup s secret disease iu all Hi ir stagi s. At little exp, i s- i LUtle or no chhiigu iu din No inconvenience, mi r, ' exposure. It causes a frequent, desire and gives strength til' . n-ite. Iliertby removing obstructions, prevent,.,. I curing striitures of the Urethra, allujiug pain aim . , fl.itnnuition, so frf-pient in the class ir ,i, uascs. a expelling nil poisonous, diseased nod Hnrnout matter i 'i'liniisaiids npuii llioiis.inds who have Irenil, tims i f quarks, nu l who have paid heavy fees to ' ' rureil iu n siiori lime, have found th- wv-ro dec iv ' ninl that the 'TillSON'" lias, by the uso of "pow, rlnl nslrlngenls" bei-n Jrljd up iu the sy.lLi.i, tol.reus. ou in an uggravuti d form, end perhaps after marriiigo. -:o:- . llclmbold's I.xtnc; llucliu fr.-il nffections and disi uses id the Urinary Organs, wnelher pxistni" 1 1 Mule -nil Tein-ilu, from wlnteve-r cause originating nnd no mailer of how long Handing. Iiismses of these Organs requires the aid of a Dim otic, Ile.nibold's Ext'ai-t Tnrlui is Uu (ir at Diur -in-, mid iseert.ln to liavo di uri d ti), tt u, nil Uisea. . Iji w Is toll it is reCDiumetnkii. Evi.liiiu! uf ih; relifil.le nul responsible rhai , acter will accompany lhu i.iedirnie. - , Price $J per UoUIc, or C for $5. Delivered to tiny address, securely racked from obi-r vntimi Duscribo in all honiuiiiiiimiioiH. t-urcs guaranteed, ulv Ice gratis. Address ittte s Im iiiloriualiuii to .. , "I-MIIOLD, CAfni.t. JIM Boijth Teiilh.jt., below Lliestiiut, Tlula. IIEI,MIIOI,DSM,-mca Jjcput, JIEI. 11 HOLD'S Druf and C'irmienl Wartliotut, . 3JI 1'itn.iuvvAY, Nt.vv Voes I.cwaro of Counterfeils and tinjirlocipleil dean rs who endeavor lodisposo "of their own' mid 'other' articles on the r qmtation attaiuoi by llelinbold's (ieu iiit.u Trepn it lotv. Extract llurhu, Extract SarsnpnrilH. I liinrrM. i.. it..A IIV.l. FOR SALE R All Druggists Everywliero- ASK FOntltsLMnODIl'S. TAKF NV1 OTB ER -ut nut the 'dfejii.nmsnt-eTKi tend for It, Kov 5r!Bid3,Leir",,0""!W' " '""
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