ffljJMlill LDBMOORAT Saturday Morning, May 14, 10G4. I6ST" Ex-8horiflt Mtt.irER, has just re turned from tho Cities, with an excellent ni'sortmint of Now Goods, to which atten tion is invited, by his Oard in nnotlior ''column, ' Va lit, and to it am Fond. Wo ncknowl edgo aiya tho Stark co, l)cmo".ral) tbo re ceipt of 83 05 from School District No. 2, Plain township Also, 85 10 from No. fl, Washington township. "fli. .r Tho Domocralic Lidics of Hemlock iownship, Columbia county, Pa., havo formed a "Vallandigbam Fund Society," nnd at a meeting raised over 65 00. 'This is a good beginning and should bo emulated. Push on the column. HOT Nct lo tllO admiration of tho bcail- ties of nature, with which OUT country is now adorned, is tbo gratification nf a I commendable economy by calling nnd cs I nmiuing SbaiplrR?' Cheap Goods To ... , a i i i .i .i call is to buj. And to buy there h the ' . bcst.w!.y to "get your money back. Me fl. V. XHOT.K.S'. nf llm tliildr I GuSrds. writes from tho ArillV, that UP 1 ?Sam . ... - 1owc:itur(iuy tlieir loss ol lulled 'inu t?oiiii J I MXV.'i. V. VtM'I'.ithitm '!)(. .TottV C! .4)14 , ." TJfloMP.v, K-q , I rcaR.irer ol tho :.l-. laiidigliam Finn!, for Columbus, Allen county, Ohio, acknowledges through tbo Ohio Cris'.t, for the week ending May !!d, the'fum of G'')S 75, for tbo benefit of the family of the exilcid Paliiot. ,C00r. TllO Too Cream and Lemonade furnifln-d by Wji. N. Itriiir.i., at bis now ' , . , , etandonMniiirtrect.il few donM ubove , ., it , i Miller b btort?. It you wili a choice ar- , ticlo g vo li I tn a rail. i)i . i t n .-in JAC0P. M ERIir. hsu., Olir retired 1'rO" I ' , tUOIlOtary WO nro liappy to anilOUOCO, lias ' , , , , i .. i i ..i llieaSlirillly recovered Ills ifliattereil health i , , . i . , r ' ntlil was able Jtl-t Week to spsnd alow nivUfS ;u Court "by many fi tends yut' prolonged. 'May his useful life be C3T Mr. J J. Huownit, our exnoliant citizen and enterprising iMcrcliaiit-liieni!, has materially enlarged, improved ami renovated Ii i- b'tore home, in Plooui.buri:. lie lias fXtolltll'd Ilis Store Rooms bank to the end of tho buildinir, uinl:inr ii now quite a coinniodious Store. Mr. P. ha.a jutt repleiii-hed lii- Tlou-'O witli a largo Mock of Ni w Comls. of which be is en abled to aeeoniodate bis iiuincrom cut lomcrs willi fiis'-rate bar-'aiiH. A sad accident ouettri td to Mr. RltUODBU, of Rlootiivburg. on Wednesday of-lut week wiii'-h resulted in bis U"it!i on lost Sunday. IIo w is asiiting in draw ing some leather from t!io h. li- R. U. Kratioo, when the tuiiiu became IVigbfoned, by which lie got entangled in the li ic ifhrowiiiK him asaiust tho l'latfoniii, iiiid$p.nii'MO DPMnRR AT. golsevorel i n j fin nif jiSqlh 7ii.foufidny8 relf iiijurinibiin as '"toBoiiiFc !.n 1 sTS. . '. tj.t i...: ... . ItIOftllrlIl.Iouruiiys.'Vriur. iinun;u, wjs a X)Sn)bcrat, (Jeutloninn and Cliri-tian. "Dieted arc Hie J;eail who the in the Lord." May Flown 3 Wo are now realizi- p the truthfulness of that old naying. that ,cApri! Showers niabo May Flower!'." Nature is just now robed in be: beautiful a'nd' variegited garmeuts redolent with tho praises of an Alm'ghty Creator Eve- ryw.berc the grass is sprinping, buds are ; starting, and tbo birds singing, A poet i characterizo" April an 'A timid, blushing maiden, Willi downcast, tearful cye-i -In her band an opening rosebud, Perfumed by dewy sighs, Oft retroatiiiji, olt advancing. . She lias won our hearts the while ; And wo cannot cbooso but love her, For her tear-drop and her Finilo-'' Tho municipal election hold reconily in tho borough of MMkcslarro resulted in a complete Demi-ratio virtoy for burges and high constable-, the former by 12." and tbo latter by 41 majority. In tbo First ward the Democratic candidates for eoun- cil and sl-Iiop! director were also elected SOT" llrown's lironeliial Troche- clear nnd give strength to tlie vnieo of Singors, and arc indispensable to Publiu Speukms. 'I reccomeud their uso to Pitbiie Speaker.' ricv. E II CliAl'IN. They have suited my case exactly, re lieving my throat and clearing tho voice so thatl could sii'j with cabii. T. Duciiakmk. Chorir-tor French P.tridi Ohurch, .Mon treal. Soli! by all Doa! crs in Medicines at 30 cents per Ro.v. CSf A'tontion, Soldiors I Protect your! oalth sensible man will leave tho ty without :i supply of Ilolloway's Pills tt ut i .,,il,t , .-n i ., lloaltb . sensible man will leave tho citV without ll surnlv of llollowav's Pills 1,1 v. ". I y . . y-. . - ,- ... 1 1, and Uinllllt'llt. I'nr Hounds, Jfruisrs, Snrr Vfivi'M nnd Di'SPntprv rlinio in ml ' OOres, rcu ra anil t-iDlir), im-IO meil- , ?! n il... l.n. I .. l.l 1.' lClllOS nro tilt' best 111 tllO world. IljVerV rt t- t l i? i o i i: j .t English antl lrenoll bolllloS USCS them. Only 0 cents por box or pot. A'UANDin 1 iiysician. A cciHlemau Called SOIHO tllllO SIIICO tOOOHSult a phyM- cian 'with regard to rheumatism which caused him much pa n. Tho doctor ini-, mediatclv sat down nnd wrote him a pre- flcription. As the patient was going away il. IL.1 I.!... 1 1. II1U uoeiur uiiiicu imu uaCK. "llV tllO Wav. bir. should tllO nrCSCrill. 1 ' Uiiurni noriiniiiuri,uii,i .iiLCiiaiiic.il tisoc aliou "l'eraun,t in i u llll0 ol his profession , anil Is prov iled 10 IllH in IUV natllO, iintl nUlllOen't , Ills m v mhj ty, on, ciiuuui i uiu prtstril" fr tho flet Hon of nrlicer., to serve for ono ve.ir. will h.t witlillm into, t imnrnvetl I'OltCfUIIA TKF.TII: whirl. , i... i .... ' ' tlOD BtlOril you OIIV rellC-f, plcaso let mo hhl at IhsCnUltTIIOI'm: in lllnnnisoiiry, on will hiiiii-eitetl nu pnld.plalina, .ilvcr .liul rubber baso oeen lost tiy Hie. know, as 1 am mvBolffufferiHL'fioman af. hatuiuiav, tiii: tiist ok ma v. iim. ' i V i''m it',Un. T!,,!,i "'''I' , . A liberal reward will be paid to iho 2 similar !? A?X5 li ' M' A f"" VTr'i dM , ' 'H'1'' r!X ?,',! finder, by giving . to .ho ,l0Vri,.l. . ., I,i..nn ni-rsnr. lhh,'''K' ,, "'''e and olhce a few-do,, ,hnre th. r.iurt SVMUHL VAN' LOON , . m l u v . , u,. uui v iiii.il ' null iu ill ' t .. . - i,,iiih,....iii,'hi,ip. - ......... U, S, 10-40 Bonds. Tlissa nonds nro Issued umler tho Act of Congress nf March 8tli, 1P04, which provides that nil llondi Issued under this Act shall ho EXtlMPT 1'nOM TAXATlOV by or under any data or municipal authority, find, scrlptlnhsln thoio liondit nro received In United Plates notes of National tlnnki. They nro TO III! 111',. IN COIN, nt Iho pleasure of the Onvcinmcnt fit nny period net tett than ttn ner more that forty ytart from tlwir date, nnd until their redemption I'lVI! Pl'.It cn.vr. lNTUitnar vit.i nu paid in coin, on i'ondanfnnt orer ono h undrcd dollars annually nnd on nil other llonds sonil-nnnnnlly. The Intercut Is pay able nu the first days of March nnd September in each year. Subscriber) will rccolraclfllor IlcBlsterci nrCoiipcit Ilomls, ms tliey may pref..-r. Itpglstcrci llonds nro rc corded on the books of tho U, H, Treasurer, nnd cm ho transferred only on tho owner's order, Coupon Hondo nro payable to bonier, nnd nro moro conv nlcnl for commercial uses, Subscribers tnthislnnn will hnvo theoptlon of hnvln? their Hoinls draw Interest front March 1st, hy paying llio accrued Interest in coin (or in United tft.itrs notes, or tho notes of Xntionnl Hanks, milling filly per cent. for premium.) orrcjoivn thorn drawing Interest from "' datiofsubkcrlption nnd deposit, As theso llonds ExclnPl from Munlcipnl or State Taxation, ",clr v"'" " ,"rrc"50" rrni" onn ,n tl,rPC',,!r cc,"',cr Uniiuui, oecnrding to tho rate of tax levies in various P'tH of the country. Atl) ftruM m, nrpr(n,lutn c,lM , ,y Ono Eight Per Cent Interest 1,1 "'""i-cy, andro ofeMUalromcnlencens a perinan out or temnor.irv Investment. estmcnt" lllsliellevodth.it no securities off'r sngr-nt induce- j iiients to lenders HJ III" unions dejcriplions of IJ. S. Hand", in nil other forms nnndebtediiess, the filth nr nl'i'it) of private parties or slock companion or sepa. ,.,. rn, llitk0lly A for iaylll(.rti fI)f ,!,, III'1 com lebtsoflho United States tho whole properly of 'Country Uhnldm to secure the payment of both principal nnd inierci incnin. Tlieso llonds may be iiiib"tlbe.l ft.- in sums from SW up to nny migiiltiido. on the samo terms, nnd are thus made equally uvailablo to tho smallest lender nud tholarg. tt caiiitnll.t. They can bo o.mv.rtoil intn( !" a,,y ""! wl" l,"vu l" ', benefit tiflhe iitterctt ,..,, ., , ... 1 It tony be useful to gtite In this connection that Ilia I , ,,,, total rundetl lltbl of tho United Slates on whli li inter- tit.t la r.'.t nl.ln I., mil. I .... tl... 1.1 .1 ... if VI .rnti Iril'.l Itn. ... h ,......,. - S"(H."i:.i,(l in. I hf intercut on Mils debt for llio eoming Po genernl has llio uso oftliis remedy become, and so .,.,-.. , ., . 1 popul.irli'ileicryHhfre. that it is unnecessary tn TI.. .ealyearwIllboSIS.Wl-.lSo.wliilelhecustomsroven.,,',,, 1s , ., N work-speak for it. nnd fine m. no in roia for the current llsral year, in-ling Juno aith, '.eriinro iii Iho iibuiidaiil ninl vo'iintary toMmoiiy of tho ' ' nuiny who Irom long t m 11" ri tii iiii.I setb'il illseac I nvc l"il,han br.sn so far at the ratoofovor lllil.UU'J,Ollper livlisuso liu-n restored to proline vigor nud health ! Wo can prdeut n uiavs of ovidene,.- in nroiii'of cur minimi. L.rli,m4 prn,,f ..four insertions, that It will be seen that even tip present ;nl.l revenues of III Cnvcrumnt nrv largely in ciress oftha wants of th'i j Tnaurey fnrtho yaymeiit of gold intero-t, wlillo .he ! recent Incvajc of the tarilf oMles8 rnise the ', i nn.iii.il ri'ccipts from customs on l!i; samu nmou'itof , ' rtl''"-W WWsm per n: t. j Instriiclliiiia totho Xntinnnl II inks ncting as loan 1 rr:rnt ern ol Is.ued from tho ll.ilted Suit.- Trensuy until March SI, but in the first throe weeks of April the sulncrlptlona avoragod morn than TUN' .MILLION'S A wni.K, rHipscripti'ms will h i received bv nil NATIONAL RANKS which Jirii hiij rHitnriua (f Puhlic iutnoy, unit nil RHSl'EOTAIJLK JJaMCS AND RANKERS thrinitio'il t Ti 3 country, (acting n ncntK nf the Nat mil i) '(xifiuity lUnkx.) will fnuiiih firt'i r i.n'tr.tu th)!l (VI iipjilic.itioit nud AT FORD HVCHY FACILITY TO .SURSCltlRKRS. May 7, lf'-i'.l. -2m. RECEIPTS FOR APP.IL, TO TH'n :o: tiu. r..n. ,......,,.,,.,0 1. ...... L, v,, ,.!.. i;m iimiiu " nau ..vwn iuu I'i 111" 1 oninvH'i jJ'tiHii 'ti' oiaeu, utuiiig (be montli of April, lKfi 1 : Ce. W. Cirietun, U lin'j i.tltri I'. .Mastell'-r, 1 7.1 r.iilir.iin ' IIviiik. tflsi'tieoW lb I'.'.. 7I1U I one Mellrid". I .V) llniryC. Mills, -1 Wl dec. I-, lieighart. :i :in,.. K Simln. I oil l.i-t.iteof W. Kline. Hum J, u nit ll.irns. IVi Hi in, J'iIiu liret-rirk. 1'.M , I 7.'t l.taie til ll K, I'ulk. aid Jiieuli I' II lllerlek, :i 7 I'dlll Keeler. (.Ilt'llloll ) III! a s oiitoiau lloiiekiii:ckt, I 7.7 a l.'i.li. C ft ii-er. I Oil a I'll I -i me K. Hil.hne, 1 .Ml .1 .t.vti in. i;. iiaiiM. a .vi l 7.7 I lies-, (LfWiliurg.) I 7j till.U'illliitn Hi fs, 'J III) .7 .lll'l'littiii HOfs. .7 HI f.'eo. U . Mialier. Uaae H Killlll, 14 Cirlou, Cnl .1 li. Fn e7.0 U'm. I'. Lore, Pi t.-r Healer Jih II, .M.ircbbany, ' h" 'V'lll""'r- I -I'.; hm li:n m. in, (Mirhi.) I 7.7 I 7'u-iiiiiii I - tettli r 5il liVL''i't'imer, I ..(l.imurl ?llivi 'J oo. I II I'tirtiiaii. t'ii '! IIOJL I' hariles I lils.ine M.iwry - oi 'loieph ,M -tii.t r I 7.i!l)mid Hill t .71 binh uu Hri-sncli I 0 I' flilirk- r -l iliihn S lieilty -J (I i, lones c U ill 3 4 in.l'i i-lmiiilli llrollier a oi' -.mi tiioiiimiiii '.' -HJIlr I. Ci; Wirh.ut 'J mJliilin II SwAby I 7.j5 Iny, (Jitu ix. co 1 no to (,u 1.1 on ." on ,""' 'I'-p..',!,";,, Win. Winner, , ,i7 I 7.j ,75 1 ti.i H ni) Ill on ' 3;;! M H. S Ut) Philip Miller. Jamb r.jvr, 11-7. Willi.im M.ist-ll r. Jnhll Si Ottle. ' 1'hilip ( lin.-iiriii. ! Jitsp t II -ui.tu. I Pit. r .Miller, John II. Vnoliorii. Jiilltl l.eiliy, I Hliunir I'orinnn. j J,hu.i I). Wiitiou, joun Keiier. Will .1 Hi H, II. lies", (Susarluaf ) t orui Hits (,'iiiiio, J.itub H 11 I'liiaiiuel l.aiib.ii'h, Ifariii.in Kline, Jor. S 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 hi, le nnuril A.liuus. J. Sihs. (luili.iua.l .1, II. lkeler, (I'o.) It- v. I. ,t'lr.ii, lion. !S I'. Iltaill-y, Willi. mm linat, ,toiiiri It.ivis, :i U.J' I Join a II l.'i. lumoM 11 Power :i '.'1CI1 is M Alliooud I t..;ltnu t DeniMHI a 111 II It''.' 'lias Con. ler, Hi.- Ii Oil I 7i .'raj HiiIIiiu 'J (III I T.I Hun II IV racv 3 ml I fieo W Wi llivt r I a .li-PUi r Cri't, H112 I 73 I Ti ilr C.ith. .-luiemal.er I ml 'J UiKS.iiMiiel Olil (lli'iiilnik) 1 "1 2 oil.M.trtiu L ll.iml.ill -J 00 4 tuijf.iiiiiii I Vim I .i-xii lilil I T"i Hr I' II IMonit 1 7.' A III II111I1011 lloiiibov 1 Hi J O i 'iuuli .MeCiilliim :l Oil I ,"inii. I .1 t'ltree, jVi'iyi'",''1'' I ,Vt J.u ob i iiuii li t nil I To John Itiiek. i:.' li HO I Ti'Joncti Webstor a HI iac U hippb. Ouu P.eccipH for March arc very eved- itable and quite eneouraoino;, Wo aro compelled, hereafter, to exact our increased terms vz 52 00 in aihtee,$X 25 at the .-nd of three montlH. and SJ 50 afier six moritliB Thanking our friends who do pay, for thi'ir patroiiiigc, wo must injus tice to ihein say, that it will be our duty to SCO that Others do llki'WISe, or they lllUSt Of thNCitv. Ins innloubtetlly li,cnvered in Ins r 'in , , . . biitn' iou for Hie i r -:t 1 1 ii" t t of l)yPp, pkia one .if in,. Hand liio iiicroascil charge anil not expect cr. nir.t r. uie.iios in a lias ever been ;-i--eu to nuir- i an estendid credit. ' Vo' " f .ts-.n i.-w. hy a turn Ni-iAniA inmm(ios. i-asi:ii tiih loiiutt mi i'tsiii.i'iiii-t, ttiutit i.xriitst'S an, loiti. or am. -.tios anj isTiiLTnunsTMitnoiii' t.ovti.iv : I'lun th.- i-mwiu ili-plornltle nvil war bus been fire ouu Iho eoiintrv bv Iho ili..iriii,nlsl of Iho 1 Ut--'I nl'i'it I'm r.iiiiiujr iiy tun ,i t t n ,. 1 1 n r'uulheru Males, n.ot inaruisn;aiusttheL'oni.ti ''"Vernnieiit, nud in nrms itroiinil Hie t'niltal i ,,)s N.m,,,,,,!, 1,,,-rm-my , I'.increhs, baulslnui: . : ,, ,, illlhtltlltlOUIll that iu ..ii i-.. ..i. of mere pas-inn nr rc-enlnieiit. will reenllect only Hin HI IIUTI' 'tl 1 "I I' -" '" ""' "' II I'l'IJ- itr!;!!."'::?" : '!::: ,r"rt itttiiuij loiiie w Hole t'oiiuirt ; mat ttti trart not travci. 0,1 ir porlm any tpint of Wn.tw.rr ni,yvyr SriJir"! T. thane iiolf, iut 10 ilrend vuu.. i.ndf inytnu I'll', ...ii.hi .... in, , ninl (.l.l. .j "i0 '"'""'''' "" ''"'", unite- andiUla ioathcseoj,n, a-c acromluheU herar '"" " - UjIJMKJ A C'Ot'WIl'Y jH.l'l J UlLlf HJUPlLj S'DSlliJ'fL . ... rriHK Anniinl Mtelin" nf the Cnlunibia t'nuntv A I iiio inuBi nr4co-iitM Miwnrv mon of inndfrn llmrs, Liiiuuruu wiring mo iicrxjiunn, oikj Uiiin, 11H)( OUU rf ttKMicrn. ninl nvnr 'J'.n nn. mfiti. m-. !... .... ,s uifimuu i in ui iicnuiunn, ititu (Jlllis, 100,. I OUU Prisoners, and nvor iUO.tmo Smalls Armsi his m. ileoiired AO.hiii suu-irn miles of Territory) has ro-open ' .fl! "!0 '"'R'nr Mississippi, rind so mod. i, 'I" oily lias no moved nlong, tint few nru lully ncniialnteil ti ltd nil ho hns accomplished for tho honor ol his l.ountry. ll Is n Must Piiltirr.cnjrrnved In elegant stylo, from n Photograph tnken nt Chattanooga, . e.i i. . 1 , 1 'I 11 u"niur, ciininining riciuros oi tno Unities of . . . . . A. . . I J.'On JJonclSOIt, WitOh, I ICUa'Wg, aiUl r Capttulation of G'cn'l I'tmbcrton. I'KISTlJOOIVPI.ATni'APIIIt.lOjSIINCIir.S Pl'JCG, Only $1.00 . lT.lt COPY' (Sent free, by Mull, on Mtong rollers, on receipt nfl'rUo, liver 'over of his Country. very man vtlm hn n llriiihor or Hon In lliii Ariuy slinulil have n correct I'ic- turool heir lleneral, nnd tho. Urcntrsl Military lilLKlcr Of UlC TillirS. Address, 'i uk::u & i-!i;iii:iucks. Id North liih rU,, I'lillndelpliln, I'eiitin, 07-A(Ji:NTrf wAN'iniia In every Town nnd County I" the Btntn to tnko lie 1.1 cf tills I'lituro. rtiim $IU to S-'j per day aau oasilv bo minlo. I'or particulars either address or call on TUltNUIt k PltKUKItlCKS, My iuKuri.1 o ei, 'iinatl'nr.i BELL &. ALLABACH, t'mpnelns. cniiNi:n or 'Mill D ,ny PEXESYLVANIA A V. VASHINQTON, D. Ol May 7, larjj.-liin. Wistars's Balsam ovnorTiii:oi,iu:-!T avd .most nnt.i Am.n iiiiMiiniiy i, 'i i. i: would von C'nwgi, t'nlth, U'lionping Coitght I3ron Inis, lJi(fuultij ol JJicahinu, ttsihnw, Jlo'irsaiCiMy Sore Tirott, Croup and cvrr; nj'ectiou of THE THROAT, LUNGS & CHEST, ivci,ui)is nvnv o k bj .ia p t a o rv . TTTlnf AV. Dnlnn. 1 TTT 1 I .1 f 1 vtftfiia. o jjiiuiu ui vvnu uiiurry CAXN'OT III! DISt'lll'.UITUI), ,,. S llV kCr- sf.CO! feeCEiScS". dl known ami iiiurh repe,t-d nmong t,u Onrmiii t., . (i () I n t s . s In Hiik cmiMry. mukes tho folr,iugttite- 1 f"f ' ?'; ,,,, D""" Sir. Ilniiig rer.Iir.etl in my f.imi'y impurtint ip'.r iiiit(iini mi- it.;(tu j Mir !tlti:illie ir 'l.l r.lt loll WlsrAlt'slUl.ot.M til- U'll.lt ClltnilY- It all', rils nlens. I ure to r-eoninieii I it to Hi- ! uidie. Suiu . i-iln yenr- ' iiipniiiooi inv iianeii'ers neeirt-1 tu be in a ilt cline. and .-.ml imp -s it 't.-r recovery wini enterl.tineil. I then pmc'ired r. ltuttlo of your e.'et Mi-tit Hal.-a-u. nn I b t-re he li.i'l taken Iho v.-ti;;ln of Iho tmil -nti tif Hie b.-.IHo thero was n groat iinirovenieut in ri-' health. 1 have i y iuiliUuii.il i.ise, ma le l'i.-ipi.iiit ice nt' tour vnl iiabV- in J.iicni'.-, an I havu alw ays b-en b.-ii ri t -1 lie t jAetm .SM ni.i:it From Jrssir Smith, Esq., Jc.i 'rn nj the jMoris Count t Hunk, AhriixtowH JS'civ Jers'i. "Ilavin? used UrT U'itar's llalsnm of WilK'h-rry fur about nfteen .tears, ninl liitvioir r-.i'i.o-l It -m-lli ml roiilt iiiiiiyfiuiily.it nlftrds me creat pl'iure i , re enillmendliii; il loilm iulilie n a valuable ruined t- in t.i-st- of weak Inn;., mil s i iiurIis, 4ie.. ami ,i r -t.t.-ily ttbiihl iiiiiiiler lobe entirely i itiitti-i-tit . uu 1 ttty I.'t taken with p.-iloct safety by iho ino.t .1, ln..tle in b.-i.lih. From lion. John E Snt-t'i, a Milin puisic t .Lawyers in ll'ittmin stqr, Mil. I have on peverol occatlons ued Iir. Witar'n Ilalsam ofWilli'h rryfiirxt-vt-rectiiiN, nud i,ltr-iy ttith ileii dt I boiielit. 1 miow I'no jirn juir.itictii that is more uilic aeloiis or more tl f rt in i.f t-en r.il u-e. 'J lie lllilsnnl has nlFOl.ei.n useil Willi e.xcellent elT-ct by J.ll. Klltott. .Vli'reii.iut, Hall's I'm, lliruls, Mil. fl'istar's Jtasant of Wild Cliemj. Xnne genuine unless signed "I llCT'l'.-J," on tho wr.ipp 'r Fur snip by J I' 1)1 VPMOP.II.Vii in I nrnndnny .Vew Vor1!, H W I'OU'l.ilLii, Pitmri. tor., llosiuu, And by all Uruvi'Lti Redd in ys Russia ISulvo. FORTY YKAKS EXFERlliNCE. Has fully established tho mprrlority of Reclding's Russia Salve. frvcr a I otlior hciling preparations. It rur-'s all kiiuls offinres, Cuts, .caNs, Huin. Moil 'J'cers, Silt liheiim, llryhlpel.ts fiies 1'ili-a, I'tirus Sun-Hpn or--- eyes, ftc, 4tc , reiMoMiiir tho p.im ut "uc. ninl Itiiliicioa lb- iui..t unary i tii.kms rin-ellnijir unil lull.iiualioii as if l-y limbic. Ou'y -.-j cents a but." ri in nu. or J P !IWMOl!i:, n.4il llnndway Vev York. & v Loi LU J. CO.. N'o, l'l'remoiit tt. Iloston, And by nil Druuiilsu, M.iy 7, IJCl-Um, - " - - I'Oi'innd f.n .Hark, t Flrett, Pbiladelpliia, I'llAllLllrl M. AI.LMll.NI), .I.W'rr ll rPlllf H Ui l i locateil in Hi,' very n ntro uf hustoets IS J anil i-i mar the ri'Miet luele i, laces uf tiiiiii...ini.ni w hiih inak- it oartieularlv ilet.irnble in iktsimis vi.iim l'liibidelphia on i ui'.- or p'l u jure ; anil Hie MaunL-rr h"pi by t Imu porou,il nlti'iitio.t in tho waiiisnl'his Ills uuetis tn make 11 11 cniiifiiriuhln lini.ie fo, mill h ns niav favor Ins hoiuo with their lutruunip!. .May 7, Idtil,- IJiii. National SSotel. (Lal0 vvhito s-an.i RACE STREET, ABOVX Til JUL PIIIItADKLPItlA. I). 0. MEURIST, PnomiKTOli. Fj'"v'r!!e U"Ul Lcb""ou Pb M in.ii i. ism -um. Dr WIS HART i rini: jtiiiii.iiiiiy: tin tta- ire, urn tviiuiu llio pnsi two eara Biuiieioiui; over iiiue iiiousailtl e.tses ill no. prl vate liruitn e. mailt' nl w ilt h hint ilelli'il lit., Ml.ill nf t"iiiiieiit phj till. ins iii i:uroio ..tl Ainerifii. ami in everyiiifo ttli.'rt the itiediuiies tvero taken iiciurilin to tliri't lions, they hat e made a perfect cure. Many of the above raes were of iiiur toeuiy vears staniliu?. I imse tt no are irouiiieii wiui llj"iia ttoulil tlo well to cull at Hut Iloctor's tuhre. lie t-ives vuu nd l lio free. I'ersons nt a distanco can consult by letter ileseribins the symptoms. Dr. Wisharl'slreutnieut put tin in a recuro 0:11 l.uioi. with full directions, is sunt bv ,,,, ,h .,.,, h.t ,.,' llnll.,, Tn-i'i lTM1,, h.. no, i,eco,c all that is A;:, ,;:.,;r'v;sr..rp;l:ob",hi:, Ouu Dollar I'ltila- .i.t 1 ... rt.rt- 11. ' d Dec. 10, leoll-Ciu. pgi'Ta.s'a'BUY. 11. c. 11 0 w E R, SURGEON DDNTIST, w- iu .iri.i 1 1 ui.i.t oii -rs tils profess f$-l? 'onai servicey lotiio lailies ami gentlu P JXTZ,1 NOW READY ! A MA0NincnvTSTr.ntrt,ATn nNoriAviNo MKIir. (JBiVliTcmA.VT. SPECIAL NOTICED Uniformity oirrlecs I -A New Festurn In iluMlnra livery mia Ills own rintetiiinii JON Ills' to. CO. nftht Crcsent One Price Clothing 8toro.Nu.3JI Mtrkttstreo i tioove cimm, riiiiaiifipniit, 111 nil.ltlltiil tii Itnvltiif flirt I .iron it. mnt trnrln 1 unft iU"nnim murK oruiotiiinjr in I'tiiindof piiin imiJo rx p" '.' i"f n 'inu sine., iiiivi- riM'sinmi'ii every nnt-t "Is own snlninnn, by hnvlnif marked In dmirr-a. im rnnh milclent tho v ry lowest pilco It tan lie solu fur suthoy ! cannot ponibly vury--flli must buy iillso. ' 1 ho ponus nro well spooned nuil prepared and (Trent pains lakon with tho mailing so Hint nil can buy with Jherull nMiiranrn ol gutting n good nrticle nt tbo very lowest ptlce. Also, n largo stock of piere goods oiiliainl siyiu nun oosi iiiiiiies. oico iviii ira luacio to order, Intlio must f.iahlonablu nud best manner. Si ,PP , . i,. ,.,,,1, llomomber tho Crescim.ln'Markctnbove fHlh street SUI- jonch & co. MAWUOff two or three hogshends or-llnchu. O " Tonic llllters," "Sirsnparllln," ".Vervnus Ant. dotes," &c., tct., fcr.. nnd niter J on nro snllstled with tho result, then try ono box of 1)1,11 DOUTOIl HCCII AN'S IlNlll.lrlll BPr.CH'lt; ril.I.M-niid ho restorod to health nnd vigor In les tha.l tlilrly day. They nro purely vegetable, pleasant to tnko, prompt and salif ,lry , , btokolll(luwn nnJ ,ultcf nnstl tutlon. Old nnd young can take llieiu with ad vautnge by Imported nnd sold In tho United flatus only jas. h. nun.r.it. Station I), lliblu House, New Yutk, lleneral Agent. P, S. A hot sent tn nny inlilrcss on iiceip of price ulili Ii is Ono Hollar post free March III, lot!!. Mm. DO YOU WISH TO PE UU11ED I 1)11, IIUCIIAN'rf I:NULISI1 mX'iriU PILLS cur:, in less that .10 days, tho worst cases of NTUVOUtSN'KSri, Impotoncy, I'r mnturo Ilecny, fcmlnal Weakness, Iminlly, nnd n I'rlnary. Hexual, nnd .Vervous Affections, no matter from wluil muse produced. Price, Ono Ix.ll.tr pur bom. Kent . po'lpnid. by mall, on receipt nf an order. Ad dresi, J.UII.S B. IIUrt.llH, Station 1), llible House, New York. .March 19. 16(51 -Urn. Usn no oTiinu i-nuciiAN's npnciric rn.i, arc the only lie Haiti' tlemedy fm nil llisonesof tlu dentinal. Urinary am' Nvms Systems. Try ono boi, and bo rured. ONEO .j,Wl A IIOX. Ono box will perfect n cure, oi mn y refunded, djnl liy inuil uu receipt of price, JAMIIS S. llUTI.r.ll, tilatlou 1). 1,11)1- Itnusi. Now York. Goneral Agint March IB, IBOJ.-Sm. , 6T00KIOI.DlRS MEETING. A Meeting of tin- Stockholder." or tho XI. Illoomsbiirg IrnnCniupatiy will be held at their olfico nt I ron I'ale, oil ! Wednesday, May 10, 18G4. , for Iho election of officers nnd oilier business. C. It. l'A XTOV, liloonifburg, April 30, ISM.-St lVesidinl. and Cosmnci'ciul CoBlt'Se- rpilU nfjtterm of this institution, will commence X April Sist.autl cuntinuc twelvu weeks. K. NELSON. Kingston, Ta. April I.ltfi4. Sir l)n. Wi"tnnT- Dear fir : T had n verv dreailfn tnucli unil sine throat lor one your, and m whole f.vs leiu win fust giving wav. and I was prostrated on inv bed Willi but hull- Imph id' recoverinc M dlease biillleil the pittvrr nf nil nn-itii iin-is. nnd In n short time 1 in 1 1 1-1 have (.'one tn my crave, but thank Oml, my tl.iut.-li-t"Ho law would not rest until she wont to yniir ftore. ,o. 1 14 . ,et ninl Street, and related my cimjIomhi. lurrh iM'd ono buttle of your Pino Treo'i.ir i.'ordial, I, I. ,ii.., ,,.,i ... i..'. i..... i... ,,i...'t t....t.. wi ll, u nou.'h , tn nil mv fneiiiii.. lor they all irminiin. ced uie past run- Publish my rne if you think piupcr. Ili-nitt 4 IIamii.iov, No. ail Wjlie street. Philadelphia. ,-i iti.u.u.i2 cuun ron iirdxchitip. I Or WiMuitr Sir -I linil Ilrnnrliitiii Tnflfini.itlnn of hv l.tiM. SltiirtTii i.f itn .iih. ntnl Palpitation ol'lhu 1'i'iirt in lii-ir uri Tortus ; I had Imvii traliil hy i'v Nil ol i!ii itMi-t 11111 'i -nt phvr'H ifthi) In I'liil nit lolihi. It liNllM'y oil lit lint -ln;p tilt- r.lptll roiirc oi'mv li.ut imiI iNiia-! iii'(tjitri'(l ct t fry ln-lns rot"nil In lirnllh I win t nily cu tho v. rf-'u ni thi' uiavf. Your l'irn Trt-i; I'm ( orili ! 'i- hiylilv r. ohiiiii'IIiIlmI tn un hy. iVi'Mid; I irit-il it, rtii.l am tt-.tiiKf .il w nay that, altpr uin f nir t-irL"'. mt'l "ti wtna I hiiitli', I u;h r-'?ttrt'il t pirt'i-rl h.'iiltli. Yon can j!iv" rcl'Ti'iiH' to my Iiouhi so. W N S.'oui trlt. nr .it my tilHru of UireiviT of tui" from ii s, Vt t- ' r. M., i'lirnur f CheMiiiil ami Sixth rlT'.'ft'. John Waiid. KLEKDING OF THE LUNG 3 ni'..n run rni.i.oviG: Mr t"iit.ti; i, l-'lr I return you my crat 'f.il thnnk fur the (lit-i-iivere ymi have made in making :t meili.-ine Unit will cure luil.i.-iatinu nf the Lilies and Liver Complaint. When I oommoneeil to ue jnur I'ine'l'ree lari oruial I was. lo .ill apiiearani'Ls. near mj urave. I liad been fur a lenslh ol time slutting blo.nl, nud iMiiihl m liinei votuii it. My physicians (lor I em. Iiloyoil t tvol ironiinuecd inn mn iiin-j but my sister hail iied ) our I'nio I lee Tar 'ort'i tl, w hit h'tliil her so mueh '.nitl that be pret ui eil 011 me. n it last r'ori to try It; noil lhunk (ioil, I ri-lillliellri',1 to li$e It. I hat'e taken twt Ivi hiillloi ami urn p.-rleetly eureil. nnil am remtv and ttillinc thai ,mj pi ihnii that i- eiik shnulil call on me. and I will toll 1 1 in what tour 1'ordl.il h.i" .lone tonne. All my friends and neiuliburs wereutterl) .ilciiii-lh'.l at my speetly return tit health, for they had seen me vomit blieel in ,1 tlntted sl.tit-, fre'iuenily. I'lililtsh 111 v cae. fur I want every person 111 it is sun" emu us I was, tn kilntv of your invaluable nieilirlne. Ilesieclfully, Jniiv Yhidis. f'rase ?iroet, six ibmrs above Ilirhinniul street, I'luL adi'lplm Tho Pine Tree T.ir Cordial will cure Coughs, Pnr Thrum, and Urea t llroiitlutis, Aslhui i. Croup, Hoop iu!,'i'nu!h. Diplheria. nud i alsu nn eveellenl rciuetly fordista-es uf tho kuliieys, ami female rnuiilainls. First Spring Arrival FOR 180-1. IF Y05J WiWr -tlOODS AT THE RJGHT PJUCi:S, J. J. BROWER'S STORE. YvTinni: vor will nn Muslins at 20, 2-r, 00, .18 ami ir, rents. Strip's i)- Cluels at, 11.5, .'18, 40 oy fiU cts. Caheotsut Hi, 18, 20 and 2li cents. American iy Freneh Dilaives, 2j lo 40. iJood line Afpaccus Ladies oncra Cloths. ALSO, Carpets'. Carpets 1 1 Carpets ! 1 1 A I'KIMII LOT 01' GROCERIES . viMi- cvnt-toi- ni- niTntttt -ttr i iff' A M'.W S I Otlv Ob O.ULENa ARE, ..'. ..-..... j ... C ALL AND IjjXAIINE llIiionnbur. May r. 1111 $225. SEVEN OCTAVE $225. ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTES. CiuoviisiT.LN' ii t'o.. 490 Hroadway, N.Y. jVJinV r.V'.AKGIHl Si'ALi; PI.WO KOBTi:i. Willi 1 1 nil latest iniprnvc inenis. Thiily years' inuurienee Willi itrnatly Inereasi-d fac I Una f"r iiianulailiiiiu;, euablu us to sell for 1'A.SII nl t le ubot 0 llllllsilu It low once. Our lllslriimeltts re. ' iveil tlio liii;hel nwaM at the Worlil s I'air. mid for llv sucresgio yearn at tint American Institute. War r.i'Heil livo years. Terms nr ctsn. t'ali or w1.-nd for ( tli'scriitive t'lretilar. .ti inn .), i.-ih. .1111 F. C. HARRISON , M D. WOl'LD res(-ie,-tfuly inlnriu tlio rillrens ofl'.lnnms. burti.nii'l vicimlt , lli.il he eoiitinuontho pratliso of .WKWt'.W: ,1M HUM1IMY, nd solicits a share of puMir patrouaiie, Orriii: on .Mam Strut!, Hist hou--o below tho Court House, llloo lll.lilllf. I'ebruury 3, leii tf s rn A certificate for Two Shares in the Capital Stook of tbo Lackawanna t "looasljurg Rail-Road Company ; issued A H. STOTINI2K would respcotfally an nouncc to Iho citizens of Dloomsburg' and vicinity, that bo lias just opcnid on TrlrMrPWln n f c? K 'V r rtltT . j MVfl .iiAItOUW nvsr his Confectionary Ptore, 1 door above tho Tost office, In llluoiiishurg, where ho will servo up Ice cream nf the most rhnlco Havors, ovory evening, during the Hummer months. nt Iho most rensmablo rntcs. x:tr Pnrliesnnd ramllles ran be accommodated with tlienrtleln npon slmrt notice. (llvo in ill n call. II, STOIINCR, liinnmilinrif. Aiifiinn. v.l. v.n,.. 'I NEW AHIUVAL. QVmm AMD BDMMES At A. J. Evans' riMUM GHPOKIDM ! PLOOMSDUltG, PENN. LATEST SYLUB CAISAP GOODS rpilli uiiderslcnetl mspectfully Informs Ins friemls .1 nnd the public pener.illy. that lie has Jutt received from tho Lustoru cities, n iaritc nstortnuiiit of bclnj the bl nsortment ever oll'ered in this market. Alsti n rnmpb ie nssnriniiMit of Hoys rinihiiiit. In Inct everythlui! ill the I loilimi! Lino I'or IIiom! who prefer to leavo their measures, n perfect fit truar.inti uu, nnd lioihlnj! but the host Workiiinnshlp nllowed nt Ibises. tabllshmi-nt. Uu also keeps on hand n largo assort ment of HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AVI! CAP, together wild n vnriety nf notions. VJ- CALL AN II Ml.i: 1 Oil VUUIIriBl.r. Ti A. 1. EVANS. llloofnburi!, April. 2.1, UCI. FRESH Allli 1 VA A Sprint! auD Summer -ron- ' EVERYBODY Till', iin-'ersijineil. grateful lor pat patronaee, respc fully Hil'oims fn riit'imers and III'- puhllciienernlly i that In- ii.isjmt received from tho Kasterno cities, the u'guit nud most seleit stock of SP RIM.' AM Mil, 'Phat hns y?t been opened in illooinsbiiri!, lit which ho invites tho tt'toulfoii tif his friend, unit assures them th. n they an- oirered for hale nt creat bariiains, His ?lock couiiirises n larm- nsmrtnient of lill.Yn.H.MKN'H WHARlMi APPAIIKL, Oonsi'tuti! oi i-'AMiioNAni.ti DiiLt.'.Cinrs, of every ties 1 rriptioii; l-.inta, Vesti, r'hirls, Urav.iH t5t.scki, Cotton I llanilkercbiefs, (.loves, s-iu?r;in!i.Tt, &c. I (!old Watches and Jewelry. Of every description, line nud cnoap. N. II.- tl'-meinlier " Lotccnbtrg's Chtitp ll'itporium.' I rail nnd M e. No charso fur exaioiii!! Oonds. II. Will LOVr..N'lll'.P.fJ i nioniii.biirz, April Hi. 1?H4. (June Irt.lii ) , Anolhei Call. Mi KK MEN WANTED I REVOLUTION IN HIGH PUUESJ LJitUlE ARRIVAL OF S P R I M G & SUM E ll I AT PETER ENT'S STORE, .v i.iattr srtir.r.r. Columbia corxrr, pji. HAS just reeeiveil from Phi'nib'lphla, nnd is now npi-iiiiii! at the ni t htnnd l ite yorciiplotl by .Mart. & Km, a splenilol u-sortinent of ME ICLIANDIZK which will be sold cheap for cajii i nniivi'i'v pnnnnnu His stiicknn.lsof l.-ulios Dress Uoods clioireststylos ami Litest lusliioiis Calicos, Miu-lins, Uinghnms, Flannels, Carpet-, yiiawl--', Hoi-iorv, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. asjimcros, atnict.5, ottonades, Kontucky Jeans, Thread, &c. f! rocorics, Queenswarc, Cedarwarc, Hardware, Medicines, DrucK, Oils, Paints, Sec. 0Trf ii RIIf)KS. IIVI'S & CAPS. In h.-r -t-erv tlun.T n-unlty ki pt m n country elorti 'Pin. p'UM.iiaiie nr ..til (rieitils, and Iho public 'jroneral ly, i i. n i Holly m iciii'tl, "The hishe.i iti.rk-1 irn e paid fortountrv produce. I'Utl.H i;'T. I.ishl Sire. t. Apiil :ii If J I. LAND FOR SALE. .'SfSi A VALUABLE TRACT ,e ..wiii . ' i i -I i. it L.tMi. coniani' eJSss. fjjtlir ins HUncros.nu tfhichlhere i. nttio t story mvni.t.lN't; IIOI'Ssi:, n DA.iI. Iiead and tail rate rnuiplrii-il, ttnlia water pnm-rof l-.l feet fall i'or terms. &r aililress mo at l.t.-d Ho-k. Lu.eriic county, P.i.. (3. O. CAISIHt. April il, lui ADMINISTH ATOU'S NO ITCE. Estate nf Chrhti'iv ,Vi0lei, doe'd. I T F'lTIIUof ndiiiiiiisirntinn onthe CstutonfriirisMni i LjMuiib-y i.u.- ..t ivntro twit., ,.oiun i e ti.c'ii. j ll'tvt- I ll er.uileil by tllo IteL-lster tifl'tilllliihi.i e,.., lo ' iue uihiersiuiieo ; 'III ierous lint 1 Ui 1 11.11 Ills nj.llllst llle I I, eeilent ure ri'ilete.l tu otesent tllelll lo the Adiniiii-ir.it'ir ai his ro.nienee in Kii.i town. liip without d'dity, mid nil pernn inm bteil In iu.e patineiu r.iriimith. PA.Ml'IIL UnWIlIt, Admr's. April 1(1 lrtil-hw SJ uo A D M IN IKTR ATO R'S NOTICE . Estate withiiiit delay, and .ill person ji-di.litei tn nuke pay Hlllt lilt lit ll t vt . V.M. i:TIM3 WHLLlVlli:. Atliitinitlralor. April CI. isill.-nw SWl. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. F.stite of Mm M it flirt dee'd. UTTERS of administration on the 6 J llstate of John Muillev Into of Seott townhin Columbia couiiiy, deci ,ieil, h,.vo been gr.'iliteil'lty tin - Kt-Bi ter of I'oiiiiubin ciuinty to tiio iiiniiirsisnoii j nil ,ri.uiin ii.ii ..; . in,., i. iigonini tun t'Mittu n tue ut'ee- dent nro ren.uo.toil to pnieul thi-ni loth'o ndmliiistralor nt his rosideiicu in r'cott ttti . ttithout delay, nud all persons indebted to make panient forthwith. I II. W.clll'.ACV, Adm'r. April 30, Ir'ill -fin S3 1 TO THE PUBLIC. i Tho undersisned would inform Ids friends and th" public ut'lierally, that he is prepared lo treat success fully Iho follott illU dlse.le.k'S 1 llliHtimatisui, llronthi lis, M Anlhnny's l),inte,I,r, of Hiiiht, nud nil Lloo.l ili. .ies, w nil Hirpepiia r. i alikfaclinii will bo i;iteiior no pay roqoireil, I ins reiiii.iiiis .ira puieij t ej-t lanm irec Iroui nny tsint I ot poison. n safe anil plei.ssi f' Barbara Weiiser, dre'd, I Li:TTi:ilSfniliiiinistrniioiinntheIMiteni,-,,,aial J 110 UelcbraWU Ijrlltlri pcrcha !?o!cil HIlOCS ""omieiitoiiiper.onnrn'iiiuiua Woint'iriait of .Miitii.untwp.t'niuiiiiiiacii.,ircv.. for Wtiiiien and ohiklron (ieiKs' Frpncii I tt& I'nptr thtngmg executed to orler havehe.u.i..,aie,!l, the Itea.stor of Cnluinl.ia ,',.... the IOr wollle ',lu c,lll"rL"' f'U't3 , ' Ut short notice umierMKiiuti ; .iii persons hat in!; . Ian... ulmiiisi Hi.- ek. nud American, calf i5nots ,t Daluio- int" ursl yiei "''"""' "V,';':'' Mlooflho ilecedeiil are re.pieMetl lupreseiii lliemttti i (;,. i..n i;0()U far,,. I E. .1, THORN TON. Hie iinderhiane-l. ill is resu eiicn in san low nsliin. i rats, lients Jj.lLii jjoiih IOTUI t,u..,.i..... a... n n Sharpless' Column. YOU CAN ALWAYS I5UY GOODS OUEAPEK FOlt CASH THAN CREDIT. j WHILE THE Army of the Potomac, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF mPTVIT?!) A T TT Q PDA TT UJilJlVilJj u u uiviiu, ti making preparation fr the OTnt iVhmmih VSinlUlCOI iliCijUlUUU AND END THE WAE, VSfoS) S''Bi','.Sf.3 ' fiCalAJa MAmWmmm IS SHOWING THE SUPEIHOltfTY OF TIIK yscem BY Selling Goods, AT op WB filgMl Than can bo bought elsewhere. He is RECEIVING GOODS CONSTANTLY from N(T Yo.r,; "nd PliiUdolpl.ia. and is I uispo-itig 01 iiicin as insi iit EXTREMELY LOW CASH PRICES. CALLICOES At 20et., 23ets. 25ots. 20cls and 27cts. MUSLIMS, brown and bleached. At 10, 22, 24, !12, 34, 83, 42, & OOctS Alapaccas, Lustres, DoLa'mes. Cliallisy Jeans, Uassimercs, &c , Si, GROCERIES Sugar', Syrups, Coffoo, Kent's F.asl India ColTce at 2uets, a suptrrior arliclo liiybl v recommended. GKEEN TEAS At 30, 35 anil 40 ots. par qr. MACKEREL the i and 4 bhl, at 12, 1 1, & 10 dol lars per barrel. Ry THE LARGEST LOT OP Q,!jcc3iswarc EVER BROUGHT TO RLOOMSRURG no rn or Common and Gkanitk Wake, which will i1ks0l1) at old l'uk.'es, K9TI0.S. IID5SEHV, SIOOP SKIRTS. IilMI,11EV'S M:V HOOP SIttitT, The Duplex, Eliptio Spring steel Skeleton so well kuown among th lair sex for beaut3 ol stylo and durability. i - . . - tR, i f3j iwC rf. p its tag ff I .18? jSi, gSl 41 i?l55 &!J ;n ui,(less variety for Meu Women and ,,, , ' . .. , , : Ciiililteii. O alters ot all kiudi. ' i "- t t i nn t r omit t r,, ,-r. ..v PALMORAL, SIDE LACE AND L ON- I (ilM-'SS DOIIHT I-' tmNl"1! b' Dll.' , " ' "i. 81,00 to 54 CASH PAID FOR fctrCIl Aim ziAH 1 . ... , , . , Ci rain and otmr proflucf rti'CJ in exchange for goOlfr. Ruying and ?cllins for C'asTi ho is prepared to sell goods on lower profits than when doing a credit business. PALL AND EXAMINE THF. GOOD?:, Ready Paly ! Baltics in Virginia. j LATEST FROM THE ARMY. NdwB by YcstordayMail. j GrnnSlias givert tip the idea of a further advanco. On Monday night tho enemy J attempted to outflank Grant, but were re pulsed. On Tuesday a duel began tin ,' titno with artillery, ono of tho noisist, but not always tho most rfTuctivc weapons. On Tuesday, at 5 o'olock, Grnt ii hoftrrl j from and Stanton tell tho result -''Both urmics at that titro held their positions at sPtts'lvaniA ('0,,rt irou"0'" wi,ll0,lt aD' material chang.." Not intcndiiiff more than liH own protcction, fJrant had made ri0 atta(.k Meanwhile every effort of General r.rani tva, directed co getting supplies.- j A Herald correspondent, writiug on Mon- jtlay, states that nearly all wore gone. A I week of forced marches anil tcriiblo fight ' ing will very nearly r'xhatrst ten days' j rations. Tho Fedori.l oonstruction train ' were jcnt from Washington to repair the railroad to Aquia Creek. A bridge had 1 t'o bo built over the Rappahannock, Tho ' army correrpnndents who have coma north from Fro lericknburg state that they had 1 to cross that Ftrcam in small boats. Grant ' had not anticipated being cut off from the Orange railroad and the great stores of ' provisions so long collected for his advanco nt Culpepper, Union Mills nnd other ' points, nnd not dreamiiifj- of tho result . which bad taken place, must supply hitu I self as best bo nould. Transports were 1 therefore loaded at Alexandria, as wo had ) a report of two days ago, lo go down tho 1 Potomac and up tbo Uappabonnoi-k, nnd try to get to Fredericksburg Tho ' guerrillas worn thick at Aquia Greek, and no wagon trains could bo pent out until a ' force could bo collected to protest them. Wo think that for n timo tho Rspidan 1 Advance against Richmond is over. Tho army is reduce! very much by losses- ' the Herald says twenty-seven thousand, tho Clirotiicle thirty-five thousand ; the troop" are exhausted ; tbo food eaten up 0r was'rJ'; and the enemy cntreuebed in I a position much stronger than tho ono in 1 HM.l. n..,l linlln, etill nf ilju ,1 nucule?. VJI.IIW i .'tt.ibi .a aiti, nu City Point. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO I3UY GO TO I'rrasy's Store, iu !,itht Street, Pn. Who Kecpi all Kiii.lt of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLxiNNELS. CARPETS, t HOSIERY , : SHAWL"1, Rcaily-Made Clothing ' Sugars, Molases,' Syrups, "ofl'ces, Teas, Fish, 8a It, B'acdrf, Hams, Lard, i Tobacco, cjrars. , Hats, Boot', ! Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Sec, &c. 1 I a addition to ourUrfo sloe's orilrV Goods, we Have . a larso and full ahsortuienl of Heady Mado I'lothiuit , lor ieii anil Hoys wear which' tt are lieteriiiined to 1 sell rhenpor thin can bo hmiuhl elsowhoru. Call and , see. and jndifo fur yourselves. II. V. CREASY & CO. , Llpbt Street. April '31. 1-0I , ; ESP Y MIIOTEL- pilK undersisned, bavin? tnken the Kspy lltel, JL latuly kepi Or .Mr. tl Uowrll. would ro.pectfully iliT irm tns fn -ml anilths public in (jeiierul. thst no pains trill h.. sitared for the satisfactory outertaiuineiit of all n lot may favor luui with ihcir rut tiiiu. JO.s. t, J41SCWUAMK. nspy, April 2 ISM. STir,Z& 1IAR I'LI'A', Cunxolldalloll flftltk liiiilJinj;, 3'JO North I'lurd Stud, benecei Vine if- alhwtiiU, I'll I L A n c i, ? H I Aj June SO. I PUS - ly. WASiB. fi'AH'fl'iES. 1 r S T Iteccivod ! i' styles of new nssortnienl 4f rono! Wall paper, including Hindering $? Ceiling ! '"I'r. nnd n neneral variety nf material In his line, j "inca win m riuind ontho hhcovd im.oor imnu-.ii ( ntely over tho store of Mr1. L T Sliarplers.eiitruuru on iiniir etist in L.U1B 8 lirillt siero. ill tun liunert I'loCk. wheronll ier-ous itliii'K iio.iis in his Hue will bo CHEAP new GOODS A T (Sf Mi M S: wi rjP HE undesigned havinf' entered into H co.nartnershin in Iho Alerr.nillt.t hii.lii.. nn. net inu ttrill ui FRITZ Si BOWMAN. I wnulil respectfully nnnnunce. that tvo hare pitrrhMe'I I'i'l jUbl received a lartu nud .elect nsiortnient ot U E It C 11 A N 1)1 .V E I which tv will sell very cheap fr cash. Our assort, iiient consi.ts of cm thing usually kept tn a r ouuity More, such ns DRY GOODS A- GROCESIES. ilUI'KKKV Hats, Cups, nud Clothing, Roots and Shoes, Sic, Sca. , .. u'.ii.ii. na. '.,' itji-.ii.i, Htnre in the old anil well knntt n sljnd of I" Tarns i - Live ii k L.M.I H'll I'KII., li U' H V A V oriin-fi .no r p. ' in t i tit - otonmsii'irR sist.7 191, tllenintburs lniir"' I'fi Plymouth Ap an, I fill t - Sw ricuRor or rnioniib'i p ti" ' n 3pl I Illr.m.knrt tiH1 1W( . 1 mo