AGRICULTURAL. o BAISINO HOOTS FOll SiTEEP. Extract, of alttler to Won, II. S. RAN- DhUfijEditor of the Rural New-Yorker For beds I select & nlCCO of good soil on , T . . , WIllCll 1 ratSCtl com Or potatoes the prcce- dine mr, mannrn It lir-nrl in thn fall. If! o ' j -- ' I have the manure, if not, in the spring, and always plow in deep in the fall and , two or thrco times in tho spring, in order ' to havo tho manuro thoroughly mixed with 1 tho soil, and also to keep tho weeds from growing. I sow tho seed In beds well ma nured as early as tho ground is in good ordor, and when tho plants aro largo enough, (the bulbs should bo as large as the end of your littlo finger,) I, after rtdg inc the ground, (say three feet between tho ridges,) set out the plants twelve inches apart. The operator should have a sharp stick and make n holo as largo as the root, and bo suro to have the root left 'purpen tlicular ; then slick the ctiok into the ground on two sides of the plant so as to press tho earth against tho root. Tho plants shonld bo set out when tho ground is wet, in ghich caso thoy will begin to grow in thrco or four days. As soon as they begin to grow, I have the ridges well raked over with astccl-tooth raka, as near to tho plants as possible. This Ftirs the ground and disturbs the weeds, which are ptrhaps just on th?poinl of showing them selves and l.lius killB them. After a prop or time, I havo a steel tooth cultivator run between the ridges and give them a good which comnlotes the labor. Alter .....0, .. , the plants aro FCt out tho labor of cultiva ting is less per acre than that of corn. I Komotimcs row the seed in drills and lot them stand and grow without transplant ing, but when tho soed is a long titno in comiog up, the weeds get started and the 1 tbor of thinuitig and keeping them olcan js much greater than thai of trans' planting. Whon I select agood.etrongjoamy soil Tiunallv ret from 800 to 1,000 bushels j , nor nnrn. lint on litht. eandv soil, COO r J a ' " bushels is a fair crop. Beet3 are not sub ject to rot beforo May, and can either be put in cellars or buried in tho ground. Thoso for spring uso are fresher and bel ter when buried in the ground. Ruta-Bagas.l manured the ground well, but not as heavily as for beds; plow at least throe times, (the last limo just be fore planting,) ridge tho ground slightly, now the seed with a machine, and rake close to the drills, as soon as I can sco the plants. I am careful not to let a weed grow half an iuuh high, for a man will do more in one day then, than -in ten after tho weeds bav strong roots. I thin them after the plants have sufficient size, and bh oon after thinning as tho plants becomo upright, cultivatt and hoe. Turnips may be stored in cellajs or in holes, but if bu ried they must be well ventilated or thoy will not keep. I consider turnips (tia ruta bagas) bettor for fattening than beets ; but beets arc worth doublo for milk : and, as a matter of course, if farmers raise both, they eliould fead beets when their cows or she'piarol giving milk. A'Secret" in Potato Planting. A corre?pi)dcnt sends tho following to the Rural New Yorker : I can give some valuble information on raising potatoes I bavo been in possession of a secret for the last three years, that I know to bo very valuable and should bo generally known, and the "season is now at hand to put it in practice.. This sew plan is tho most im portant in dry seasons, as doublo the weight can be raised on quite poor land. Now, I will tell you how I manage ; prem's jug that I never yet had potatoos rot iu tho ground, and that I am sixty-three years old. I plant my pototocs in tho hit tor part-of April or Ihs first of May, anil in tho old of tho moon. When they get up nix jnchcj high, I plaster and dross them out nicely. Now for a secret. When the eo'.i show for b'ossoming, then is the time to tako two parti plaster and one part fino salt; mix well together, and put ono Urge opotiuf'jl of this oompound on melt hill ; drop it as near tho center of the bill as possible. Just as soon as tho pota. toss arp ripe, take them out of the ground ; have them perfectly dry when put iu tho cellar, and keep them iu a dry cool place. Some farmers let their potatoes remain ou the ground, soaking through all tho cold fsll rains, until tho snow falls. Ti0 pota toes becomo dissased in this way more nd more cvry year; hence the potato rot. With tuch management thoy should rot. IIoitBB Dmxhmper "When first dis covered, tako a largo pegging awl, with ono hand pinch tho nostrils together, run the awl thrcujh tham once isjfgcner&lly enough ; if not, repeat it until thoy bleed finely." A Gentleman ashed a country elnrr.r roan for tb uso of his pulpit for a young divino, a roUtivo of his. ! roallv do nnt know," naid tbo'clergyman, "how to refusa you, but if the young man ehould proaoh hotter that me, my oongrgation will bo diisat'uficd with wo nfterwords j and if he on preach worto, I doa't think ht' fit to prach;nt"Bll' T 10 A 6 U 11 U H ' S B A L H UNSEATED LANDS. AGREEABLY to tho provisions of nn Actor sutmbly. entitled n At rilrwtng the rood, of telling Unsntri Lands for Islet, iiuil. other n..,niu. nnsied tlis 13th day ( Mnreh, 1815. nnj the further sunpleiinntithcrsto, passed Ilia 13tli day, of March. 1817. 23th day or March, 1821 ntiit Ulh day nf Match. lHl7.tlio Treasurer of tho county of Columbia , hereby Elves nntlccto an persons conccrncit I Mr r i n ' that un leu the I n., llnadi Ucltoni l'nnriinil Statu Tax. m duo on til') tollonliig trnctt of unseated Lands, itu atft In Columbia county, nte pnl.l before tho day nf tale, tho whole r surdi puts of trait ns pay the taxed ami costs chuigoahle tin rcon, w III bo raid at Ihe CIJUUT IIOUfB, In lllooliisbiirif, county nf, I'olniiitiia, .. .1... l-l fl, f Iiiiia IhllJ holtur lti ei-nnil MnmlnV. and to ho continued hy adjournment, from day tu day mr nrreiiriiic;. wi o r ,u,..j , - accrued on each tract respectively WARRANTEES OR OWNERS. BE AVE It TWP. Sarah A CafTr&n, Isaac Davis Elias .Miller Gcorgo Noyer Uatharine Noyor Moses Schliohur. Lowis Filccr BlUAROREEK. Solom Uowi Sr. Reuben Wish Christopher Bender William Clem Henry Deittcrisk John Doak William Evans James 'Eva.tia Oliver Etlgo Philip Press lUioucy Oartlenhouit, Samuel F. Ueadlty, John King S L Peter Augustus 13 Psarts John llhinaid Jacob Siller Samuel II Smith Actci. ,400 25 300 100 200 40 125 18 100 180 Dolt. Cts. 17 00 1 12 13 20 4 40 9 It 62 50 05 4 5 7 28 70 10 10 21 33 10 23 533 300 100 7 100 5 40 01 427 14 10 14 3 441 400 420 400 100 277 285 J 1 20 4380 403 3S0 331 100 384 384 384 250 ISO 23 C 5 0 13 0 i ino a 22 3 8 0 a .10 U 100 25 24 1 04 04 1 2 73 88 1 30 00 13 40 7 7 3 50 10 2 59 10 1 12 14 1 Ji hu II Suit 28 ohn Shaffer 35 Samuel J BrMer l)o D, ' Do Do COX V KG HAM Ebenrzer Uranium John Young Joshua Beam Nathaniel Brown Peter B'lughtier Robert Jordan Andrew Potior Thomas ltujtou Mary RtiHon Luw!s Walker William Poucl! Johnston Bcailey Gcorgo Bickham Thomas Ililtzhimer Ilohort Ililtzheimer William Shannon Amos Wickershara 44 35 1!) 121 30 30 02 40 41 37 00 18 80 78 11 80 37 11 23 35 72 85 45 55 GO OS 73 37 GO 02 73 210 55 210 .15 47 00 Paxton Kline nitl Sharplsis 88 00 Ene-i Adams Benjamin Allebach Samuel AchcnbnoU Absalom Bomboy Mary Drcslirr Dawitt and Benedttt William Fritz Frnas and Huffm Jacob Good William Iluffmaa Daniel Ki iffer Georgo Harman Emanuel Lai arm Simon Lowry Elias Kcece Chriatiauua Moyir CATTAWIS8 A. Michael Brobit Joseph Kaup FRANKLIN. Jorminh Fincher Elijah Royuolds & Co. FISHING CHEEK Paul Applo Guy Brytn Abraham Uirstr Samuel J Bonier Do Do William Buekalew Freas k Huffman Nathan FK-ckenstino JNiR B Junes Thomas Lemons Michael Loihoud Georgo Mack Lot Do Do It J Millard Win Patterson's Ert George Pealer J B Parks Amos Spado Abraham Young GREEN WOOD. Samuel Albcrtson Mark Cooper William Dcrling James DcWitt, Est. Andrew Gray Johnson II. Ikoler Georgo Itceca Ellis Eves HEMLOCK. John Childs Nathaniel Campbell Sylvester Pursuit Zebulon Bobbins JACKSON. Golder Elias & .M. litis Jamison Kurlvr Kile it Neyhard Philip it John Wagnsr David Leo Benajah Parker h Co. LOCUST. 1 32 80 32 30 04 02 44 20 30 52 80 40 50 32 86 83 80 GO I 44 27 1 3 o i 13 70 40 60 33 433 43 1 112 101 140 200 32 23 150 250 CO i 212 60 3 15 85 113 38 28 100 59 54 40 CO 14 12 CO 20 12 400 10 700 100 13 31 13 40 31 32 30 i200 J100 J100 5200 4200 5200 15 30 10 30 19 30 5 03 4 47 0 24 6 01 1 48 1 IS 0 71 22 35 0 71 43 14 00 a 07 29 72 11 45 15 10 5 01 3 CO G 00 G 60 8 33 8 80 0 48 j 3 04 2 fls! 0 72 ! 3 83 8 22 30 20 2 35 83 C 1 a Lewis Bush 1 85 6 12 4 70 4 01 4 03 24 03 11 44 22 81 22 OH 22 90 S2 Oil John Fishor Samuol John Do Do William Sayeri Mary Myers 'i'homai Iltijton Dauiel lice so Mary ltuton Gharlotto HuMon John Reyuolda MIFFLIN. 70 Jaeob Domboy 4 John 0. Hettler 7 Jaoob Loogabergsr 31 John Michael SO Peter Miller 175 Georga NungcsUr 0 Hosamia Wall 47 Joahua Zimmerman MAINE. 400 Boyd k Poxtou 100 Brobfii, VMttH- k 8ohaik 300 0. S. Ck 1 m 10 10 87 31) 8;i on 65 7 00 4 60 11 4 William t rciuy 74 3ft Jorcminh Finehor 8 rw 10 Henry 0. Millor 1 UB 0 Henry Miller's Iltirs 74 100 C. J' Mann ctt Boat 0 00 112 Philip Millor 30 02 7 Philip Wall 04 1 100 J. P Fmchor f) 20 COO George Scott 7 201 Madison. 40 William Ellis Eat. 1 14 230 J.icnb Miner 12 501 6 William Gingles 10 Mt. PLEASANT 10 Samuel Boonu 3 CO 11 Wiliiam Bears 2 08 40 Jacob Eyt-r 7 86 4 Lorenzo Grimos 00 CHANGE 10 JohnBEduar 00 10 Jacob DKIiuo 34 PINE CO Petor Applcgalo ' S 01 f00 Thomas Bmidficld fiO 74 100 Aaron Gross 12 10 5 Sylvester Heath 1 GO 80 James Lockcard 14 52 110 Vallcrfihatup Est 12 00 100 William Dfrlin 13 CI ROARING CREEK. 50 Peter Haughtier 2 20 350 Gcorgo Dcwcos 10 70 100 Eckel & Ilea 4 50 200 Philip Kulp 0 20 120 Isaac Lindvillo a 00 SUGAR LOAF. 25. Ezekial Colo 1 37 205 Go.s Est 10 33 80. Alex. & Joshua II 4 83 414 Daniel McIIenry, Jr. 22 30 47 Abraham Young 2 54 4 John Kile 00 150 William Stephens 8 10 TREASURER'S SALE OF REAL E S T A T E S E A T E D L A N D. 1 GREEABLY to the provisions of Jt tho act of Wscinbly, entitled an Act to reduce llm KUto di'lil. kc, the :t'.)th dny of April, i'H, thn Tri'iimirer of thi County of Columbia hen hy Rivet lintlro tu nil pcrioUfi rnururnrd therrln, that iinlcsi thei'ouuty road, choid. p mr mid Stun Tax, fce. due on tho Vullon Iui; real ettat i ritunto in tin; county nf C'oluinlila.nrii p.ild lief no the day of f ale, tho whole of turn pari oi e.icn nn will pay inc diaries nnu com rhariR'nlili: therioii. "Ill ho rold at thu Court lloute In tlhiiiiiiliu3. cn.. oT CiiluiiiMa, on tho I3th day or June IMi-l. il' ini: the r-eetind Aloiiiluy. and to huron. tinned hy inljnuriiiiii'iit frmn day to day for arrearage., of taxi'H dm fciiid county and the conU accrued on eaek respeciuaiy, OWNERS OR REPUTED OWN una BEAVER TOWNSHIP. Acrti Ytari DoU. Cls 400 Columbia Coal & Iron Com pany l 08 00 300 T. M. Hubblo l 22 14 20 John V. Oriswcll 1 4 40 CO Maun, Baldy it Criswell 1 60 BENTON 1 John Herlinger 1 60 33 Elisabeth Cline 's Est 1 4 23 Bill All CREEK. 00 Mary Shaffer i a 00 150 Sam I. F, Ilcadlay 1 10' 12 108 Sam'l. F. Headley 1 10 15 GEN PRE. A. Deitterick ii Torby Richard Torby 1 'L. i 1 Tu 11 it FRANKLIN i Jalia A. Crotnley 1 FISniNGUREEK 1 1 William Parks 1 3 'Ilia Ilarlmnii Mother HEMLOCK G Jsakwish s Est Mt. PLEASANT i as 8 1 60 1 10 Jacob Johnson 1 35 Robert Nixon Ksi 1 ORANGE 114 Georgi Kline Et 1 55 Do Ho 1 177 Do Do 1 GO J It Mortis 1 PINE OG 76 28 00 32 S4 1 Lot Sylvester P Heath 1 DANIEL Mo HENRY, Treasurer of t ol. co. Treasurer's Office, Bloomsburi:, April 7, 1804. PME TREE 1b Hip Vital Principle of thn ' ino Trot. Obtained hy a peculiar process in the distillation nf the far. hv rrhich its hii-iicit medicinal nronenies are rstuiiied. It is the uadiclnii tint curat vrbsn ill others havs ftiUd. ircnt Rt'incdy for Coiisnuiiilioii. I am constantly receiving suti aertiflsitus as the following. IIIIAI) ITI Havo yon a Cough) tiara you Soro Throat I Hare you any 'if the prauiouitury symptoms of thit must fatal illii'.-se, Cuusuiiiption I Those who s hoiilil b j warned hy these srniptoius gca ernlly think lightly of them until it is too l.ito. 1'rnm this fact, perhaps more than any tho sad prevalence mid fatality of disease which sweeps to the gravu at leant one-slMli of Death's victims, hat nre Its hyuiptoiiis i It usually begins with n short, dry cough, which soon becomes habitual, hut I'nr soma time nothing is raised except a frothy inucui.. The breathing i.i some what ditlicult, ami upm slight exercise much hurried. A sense of tightness mid oppression ns the rliet is often felt. As tho ditenso advances the patient becomes til in in fliish is ulllirted with loss of uppetile, grcnt latigor, indolence, mid dejection of i-pirtts; and m.iy coiitimie lu ihla rlato fora ccinsidirublo length offline, thai il is very readily nlVtcteil by sliglit ciposiim or rmigiio If these , ccur, tlin cuiigu heeoiiii's more Iron Ideniuie, and is nttr iided Willi ipertor.itimi, which is loo.t iiipnius und free very early in tho morning. It is joinctiiiies strenked with blood. At Ibis nage night sweat usually set in, mid in snmn cases n profuso bleeding of the lungs may also occur, 1','iin Iu some part ol Old chest is tell, and often u difficulty uf lying upon one or llm other tide, without swvero fits of couching or n teuco of fullness or MiUbculion, Is ex. perienred. The puis, hecriiues full, hard, und frequent the hei lie thmh tiug-s the cheeks, and thu iliro malady is fntl hilhtelllllg to its ilnse. You now ask "Is there . i cure I" Consiiuiptioii ha been ami can he cured hv the uso of my TaiiCiuiiiiai., even iu nppurjiilly hnpcle cases, This assertion I m.'iko w ith Uiu nbillly to present the nio.ttoinpleli-evidenco oftlie truth. Bp.'ico will not admit of my giving the contents oftho many ihnuiniiils of testimonials to its value, which 1 have been and urn receiving from men nnd women nf uiepieslioiiiiliiu worth nnd reputation I have had n number of theso certificates printed iu cjrctil i form which twill send you treu on upplicatioii Whether you now determine to try I'm medicine or not, ssnd for thu circular. After years of study uud exiieriiuent. 1 oiler this medicine, b 'liei ingit to bo the best remedy for nil pulmonary nnd bronchial dlseares. If ynii cannot bo hoiiclUted hy tin usa of tho Tar Cordial, I believe youaro beyond all earthy old. Yet ifthero are belter curato ugeiits, I earuefclly nilvise their uso. '1 ho beet remedies, the bent care, aro needed hv those ntllicled w ith this ilis ease, lleli vim; this to bo tho best, I ask you to try it, Many, iiotnutv oftho nennle. but tihVhieiniis nt'everv schoul and practice, aro daily iiakiiiL' me. "What is thu priiiciilc or coitio of your succuss in tho treatment of I'uiiuonary i.ou.uinption I" flly nnawcr is this : The invigoration nf theillgeklivoorgnns thestreng. thonlng of the ilehiiliatedsyktem-tho purification nml enrichment of the bluod. lull, I expel from tho system the coiruptlnn whirh scrofula breeds. While this Is euVled hy llio powerful uiterativo (changing from di I : ,'"." '? . V . I ",' ' ? . "u I iij nun roiinuiiiiB principii) is uisn licilllg upon llio n fr his snneriuritv ncesn l Irriuteil surlaecs of tin, lungs nnd tlinwt, penelr.Uiiig J ' "V i ii i, t i Jmn to each deseiised part, relieving, subduing liitlaiuution i fir I i. i mi Vn.vmn, , t. anil restoring u Iiealtliful leii.icnry. Let llii. two.fold t ., ror "'" ""Pfoveiiionts , ,vu,,,,ta ., ,.,u P.,1, t UIICIIUll m . act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative loinlency, ami llio patient is saved, if he has not too lung d tia) ed a ronrt to the melius nf euro, nUWAKK IIP COL'NTlIlttElTB. The genuine has On iiaiiio of the proprietor and a pine treoblown in tho bottle. All others are spurious Price Fiftt Cikts nn Oi. Holme si.,. Prsytrtd nly by the proprietor, . Dr. li. 1 ). H ISIIAltT, No. 10 Noutii Second St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. For Sale Ly all Druggists, Sltsssssr 19. 1H4-IM OPTUU Bravo Qoldlora nnd Sailors HOLLOW AY'S PILLS, N D OINTMENT. All nho hare Trlcnila and liclativ m tho Army or Navy ihniilil tako itrpeelal rare that t he amply nip. rilled llh lhe fills and Ointment n. where llio irnvo PoMierii and Hnllor havo ni'ciui d to provide theinielvef with them, no lictter present can ho en thcin by tlfeir l'rl niln. They havo heen proved to ho the t-'o dlcr't never f.tilinj friend in the hour nf need, CCJJOIIS AND COI.ns AI'r'nCTINn TitoorH, Wlll'lie miecillv relieved nnil rfTertusllv cured hv iuIiie tlieno ndiniraldc medlcinen, mid hy paying proper atlcntlnii to the lilrcrllims which aro attached to each l'nt or llox, PICK IIUAIlAniCfl AND WANT or AP BT1TE, iNcmr.N I'A i. to soi-ntr.itft. lhor.0 fccllnc which no naitden mutually nrlefroin trnuhln or nnnoynncen, oli.trui ted peirpirntlon, or eat. Ins and drinhini! uhntini r la unwholesome, thus ill" turblns the healthful action nf the liver nnd Ftoiuach Then' organ, must ho relieved, if on desire to ho well 'I he 11 It . tnken according to the printed Insrtiictlnns, will quickly produce n healthy action in both liver nnd stomach, mill, as it natural cousc'iueiicc, a clear head and Rood appetite. HT.AKNiiaiujii nr.nn.iTv patioui: Will soon disappear hy the uscoftheso Invnluaule rillfi, nml tho Holillnr "III 'inlckly ncuulro ndditlnual trcnutli. Never let tho linnets ho cither coiillued or ll ti it ill y acted upon. It may reciu flr.ilii,"!, that llul tnwny's 1'ills should ho recommended lor Dysentery nnd I'liu. many iicrsons siippnslui; that they would Increase tho'rcl.ixntlnii. This Is n great mistake, for these I'ills will corrert t!lo liver and rtuuiach, nnd thus remnvo all the ncrlu liiimnrs rrom tho system, This medicine wi'l civo tone mid lror to the unolo organ c system, hnwever ilernliRed, whlla health and strength follow ns a matter of course, Nothing ulll stop the re. laxatioii of the Houc'S so sure a this faiuous niedi cine. vuuwrr.nns, attention i ;.niscm:Tio.v.i or YOUTH. Pores and Ulrer', fllntches nnd fielllng., can with Humility he radically cored, if the I'ills am taken nk'lil and morning, und Ointment he freely used ns stated In the printed liistru"ion. If treated ill nuy -'thcr man ner, they dry ue , rfiepart tohreak out in nnotlier tVhemi! till' j lit inc- nt will remote tho liuinurs friuii the sy item, n. id leave the Patient a vigorous und healthy man. It will require u little perseverance iu had la ses tnlnsure n lusting cure, ron wounijh r.iTiinit orcAsiovnn nv thi: HA VOMIT HAUItl., Olt'llli: IIUI.IXT, 60SU4 oil tlltui.sild. To which every Poldier and falter arc llahlc. then arc no riieiMiies so safe sure, nml convenient, ns llol- loways riiisaiiu uiuiiueiii. i ue wiuimied niol nlinot dying tuirerer might have his wounds dressed liiiinn dintely. If ha would only provide liiiun If with llii. mntchless tiintiiient, which should he thrust into tin weund mid siifared nil inund it, then covered with a piece of linen from his knaps 11 k mid compressed hli a handkerchief Talking, night nnd un-ruing, Oiirf I'ills. to root the system and l'revciil inllaiiiation. lively Soldier's Knapsack nnd tfennian's Chest should he provided with these vnliinlde llemedles. OAUTIOIII None nre genuine unless the words "llolloways, New York and London " aro disceruahle ns a Water-mark in every leaf oftho hook of directions around each pot or hox ; the same may plainly seen hy holding the leaf to th light, A hulidcoiiie icward will no given many one rcniierlng such inlormatinn as may lend to the detection of nuy parly or parties riiunter- leiiing nit- nntiiciues or veiiuiug inu same, knowing liiein to ti'1 spurious. -, Sold at inilll'lf.ictorv 01 Prnfessnr tfnttnwnv. pn Mladeu l.aue. New York, and hy nil respectable llrug- iMsuiiu ucaiers in .ucuiciue, uirotiguoui inc civttzeu wo.-iu. uy Ilollowav's Pilla ami Ointment are now ret.illed owlii" to the high prlrcs of Drugs, 4.C., at 39 cents, "U cents, and SI, ID per llox or I'ot. pj-'l hero Is considerable saving by niton tho larger sizes. N. It. Dirertions for the guidance uf patients in every disorder nroninxed to each box. Iiy Dealers in my well known medicine can have Bliow Cirili, Circulars, be., sent free of exprne, hy addressing TIIu.MAS IIOI.I.OtVA Y, 60 Maiuen Lane. Nmv-YnRK. Dcs. 12. iera-Iy. Juno '.'0, Icon. G I UTON'S Cheap Grocoiy fejiorc. ALSO HHAT, CAPS Aft' SflaWJES, 'I HI! iindersigiied having hmight out tho (."rorery o H;n ii SlriMii, has leiiioved hi Hat mid Cap Wore up to Mrniip' old slniid, wlicru iu addition to abupu nor assortment of FALL AND WINTER li.ils and Caps, SWM 0ONFE0T1ONA RIES, 0 U ACKE US, Molasses, Sutjar. CofTee, Teas, Tobncro, Snuff, Cipar". Spices, Dried Fruit, Putter, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lumps, Books. Jtfritmg Paper & luk. Hardware and Cednrwurc, P-ckel A'nwcs, Comb, tj-c, cj-c, y-c, bio" Tarl"y of a,tic,ci' Bencrally kept in a Also-A line lot of Kit), MO!!Oi I'.O.-lnnd I.isinos to which ho invites tlio at cnlioii of HhoJiuukcrs and Hie public. niooinsbilri, Dee. S, 1JC3 BLOOMSUURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. Till! uin erslgued informs the citizens of Illnnin. mid neighborhood, Hint he lias taken tho large mom at the,nige lllnck, rAtendiiig over Hnrnej s'tnhner llnkery, and tho llookstoie when- in, i, ,., :.. ,i I..v.... Or,-l!,.l t T, I ... CM ...t, . ... ,, turi s can bo ti e especially gionis where each ner.oii lanbetakcsj 1st as wi II u mparnte. Ilohasgou tn iniisideriiblo expense to make his es tablishineut first class on-, and he th-refore bidiciti n liberal patro lge tneimble him, tncnnsinnfly Iutroduco the mode i improvements nf tlie nrt. 07t;o'iii -j produce taken in Kxclinngo for plrtures IIIINIIY ltDrirABioCK. iiioouiniurg. Nov. '.'3 f0I. (Nov. 0 J2 Nos. 9, 11,13, 15, 17 Gout tl.intlt Street, Nii.Mt nnoAmv.vT. ni:w yduic city. Thi old-estnhlish-il and favorite resort of the llusi ness Coiiiiuuiiity has been recently relllted, and is nun. jilcto lu everything that can minister to tho comforts of its patrons Ladies and families are specially and caie fully provided for. It i- centrally located in the bu-iness part oftho city, and is contiguous to the principal lino, cfsteiiiiihoals. cars, ouinibusses ferries, fcc. Iu conseipienco nftlio pressure caused by the Rebel lion. liric-CH have been ri.,lnr-,t In One Dollar a d I-iltii Cents nar ! 'I I, ,nl.1 L .....!.. I,', t ...... . " ' ,.,,, ,,,,,, ,ui mi ine luxuries or the season, undise'pl.'il tu mat ol'nny oilier hotel in the country. Ample accommodations nre offered for upward of 490 gue-ls. Vj Do not believe runners.hackinen, and othcrn who may say "the Western Hotel is full." Til OS. ... NV.NCl'lt''0"'11' l'"""i"t' l'eb. 1,1, ItHM. BXC 7 fvn Y ' III: Proprietor of this well-known and centrally loco i ted llouso, thu IIiciiAMii: llomi., situatu on Slni, nlrei't. in lilooiiishure. -uin,ii ,i, -..i bin County Court House, respeclluliy isfonus his friends 1 and tho public in general, that his House Is now in or i iter for tho reception nnd entertainment oftravetorH whu 1 may feel disposed to lavorlt Willi their custom, Hu has ' pared nooxpeiiso in prepating thu Kxi iiamii!, fur the , entertainment ofhis guests, neither slnll thcro bo nny. ' thing wauling mn his part) tu minister to Ihcir personal comfort. His house is spacious und cniova nn eieellem biifuiess location. ILr-t)iiiniliun.'s run at all times between the lltchmgo lintel and the various Kail Depots, by which trav elers will bo plensiintly conveyed to nnd from tho re spective atutions in duo timu to meet tho Cars. n, , , , . WM, II, KOON8. nioonuburg, July 7, 1W0. THE CHEAT WOltl.D'H r'A I It F.XIIIIUTJON HELD IV l.nviniM THOS. W. MATTSON Was awarded the Prim Med Triivrllins Tninus, i&$mmx ,11a being tho Inventor n.,,1 JZ&$l&t$l Manufacturer of Kl.istic stuul,t,l ai-siC'"'' Manufacturer of Clastiesti.,.! Hpriug solid Solo l,eiiiherniid ,ll,i Ulvefed Iron Prams I i V. i "., ,, ' " '.", I-an es uiu w.isus, i urpet ngs. I.eather Hag,, Cuibrellns ami Hobby Horses, Hoys' digs, Propellers, Wheclberrows, fcc, which he, I PTC l.irctl 10 C ai I 10 Inweit iHnmirnsli,,!,,,, Tsm?n,U,f'iol'0T,''"knnJL'an'" ' sr In I'hiladeliilua. I 4U2.MAKKUT WTIttinT. ono door nhrve Fourth. Hmitli .i,te. 111 1 1. a in i .tin i a v. onmi room on ins nrsl floor, CT-Truiiks iiently repaired or fxehantsd for new Tlir. iindcrilgnirii-nrso extensively cngrgert In til' I VndcrMtnr Jtulnris. nm! keepsconstnntly on haiiii nd for sale nt Ills Warcrooms, a large assorimeiu m FINISHED etP oia-iiNa, llyHhichlielselinbleil tcTTill orders on presentation At.o-Kccps n good Horse mid lloarso, nnd will nt nt limes bo rendy to attend 1'uncrcls. -,,, llloomslinre, January 29, 1 WO FRESJ1 JIRRJYAL OF If ALL & WIMIUl GOODS Miller's Store. rpltt; siibsi-rlher lias Just returned from I lie Cities jl wiin aiiuiuer iihh'j nnu ptn-i, .ip,..ium i ..j FALL AM) U'INTHR GOODS. nurrliased nt Philadelphia, nt tho linvcsl figure, and which they aro determined to sell on ns moderatn terms ns can hu procured elsewhere In Illooiiikhurg. Ills stock comprises i.ww.v aoons, of choir,, st st)ennd latest fn'hlnn. DHY (HMDS, .1X1) OHOCIUUES, iHiumniK QfA::.V'ir.(f:, 11:1111:, liu.unr ikihk UtOX, AW.5, HOOTS l SllOh.S 1IJITS .f Ctl'S, Ac. Sit., .J-., In short everything usually kept In country Stores to whli h ho invite the puldle generally The Highest priio paid for country produce. S. II. M1LLEU. lilonnishurg.Oct.SI. Wi EV AN D SECOND II AND SAl'ES, For sale c enp at New York Mifo Depot, 71 Wil liam Ktrect, New York. i. A. G 11 EG a. SIZK AND I'ltlCF.S 01' 1,11,1 V8 riRC 1'KOOF H U'tlrJ OUTS 11) r,: HFIGIIT. WII'lll. csrTit, No. 4 SI at 'JD No. 3 25 S3 SI No. 3 3'J SI Ml No, V 32 S-i SI No, i 34 31 SI No. C 4U 31 SI IXeDH: neimiT. winnr, sizrTii, No. 1 17 II li No. 1 I'.'J 13, IS Nn. 3 SI IS 12 No. 4 22 Id I I No 5 St SI II No. 6 31 SI 13 rniri. No. 1 J.hI no No 3 I II (HI No. 3 7(1 II I No. 4 M II I No. 5 1 nil In) No. li 113 (IU November 14,1803. nsynii'fi'E.'fi'Bidfi.'. II. C. II O V E 11, bUHGEOK DEUTIST. hi m i. i- i i i i.i. mi rs ins proi 'Hs iri!,,il n.lp.1. ,.,,1,., I. ...... W&ft men of l.luooihburg anil vliiuity. lie is J-"I--" lirell'iri'd til IltH'llil til nil III., ifiriniik operations in the linn of bis prufeisMii, and i piiividi-d w ith the latest iinprnveil l"jltVr.L1l. THI.TII : which will heiuertecl nn guli, plutina, tilverand rubber base loluiikwell nt the natui'il liith Mineral pljte mid Mm k teeth manufactured mid all operations on teeth, eurefu ly and properly utti'tnled tu KcMdeiicc ami nthee a fiw doors iibnvc; the Court louse, t-aiiio side. Iiliioiusburg. June II. 1. 1,3, 1804. PHILADELPHIA k Ell IE 1 jl X h n o A 17 3 This great linn traverses the Northern and North wen cuuiilies of I'l'MUsj I viuii.i to the city i-f i:rie,on l.ako Url". It has been leased by the I'enns) Irnni.i Itailroad Company, and under their auspircs i being rai lly opened throughout its entiru length. It is iiii.v iu use for Passenger nml I'rei.-ht h'lsiuess from llnrri-hurg to emporium, 1 1'1.", miles) on th East ern Division, and from t-liellicIdtoCriuvdiiiili-sjon the Western Div isiou, timk or 1-AssKMicr. thusj at i.cvn. tllnil Train leaves, K'it p gj . M, Ilvprers Train " " m y, p. j. Mail " " West 5 4 " Hv press 7 i A.M. Curs run through wirnooT riiANns both ways on thesa trains between I'liil.nlclnhin nml l.cek llnveu. und j llaltiniore and Lock llavi n. New nnd elegmt Sleep. j iug t'ars ae e niiip auing tint i:pross Train both was j between Williauispiirt and ll.iliiinore, and Williams I port ami t'hiludelphri. i nr iiiioriiiaiiiui ri'spi-eiiiig rassi nger misiuess, np ply nt thu S. II. Cor. Iltii mnl .Murk, t sis. And for freight busliiesuf Hie i 'oirinny's Agents S. it. Kingston. Jr . (.'or. Kills and Market s-u., I'lnl'a J. l . lti-i iiolds, lrie. J .M. Drill. Agent N. C. n: It., llaltiniore. II. II. Houston, lien'l. rreu'lit Agl . riut.idelphia, Lewis I.- Iliiupt, (ii n'l.Tii ki t Agt l'hil.ineiilna. Jnseph I). Potts, (Jcn'l. Manager, Willi.iius.poit. l'cbruary 13, Idii4, fiCoa.Iicty E2:u! trail. SUMMER AllKANGEM ENT. -tiir.ATTiii-NK i.ivi: i'hom Tin; noutii and Northwest fur rhiladelpbla, Now York. Heading, l'ottsville, l.ibauou. Alleutowii, Kasfon. kc. l e. Trniiis leavo llnrrisbiirg for rtiiladi tphiit. New Y'nrk Heading, l'ottsville and all intermediate tuitions, ut ti a. in., mid 3 p. iu. New Yor"t exptess leaves llnrrisbiirg nt 2.15 a, m , iirilvlng at New York at ll 15 the same morning Pares from llurrisb.irg . To New York 83 15; to Philadelphia ?3 3J and $' r'J. Ilagi'iigo checked ihiiiiigh, Returning, leavo New York at fi a m.. ISr.non. and 7 p. in., il'ittfhurg i:pruss). l.envo Pliiladelphiu nt e.lS u. in,, ami 3.3U p in. Hleepiugi ars in the New York expiosslrains.lhrous to and from I'ltlslmrgli without change. Passengers by theCnlawiseu IcavoTainauua at e.5U ii in., and S IS p in., for Philadtlphi.i, New York and nil Way Points. Trains leavo Pottsvillo at IMS a. in., and 5.30 p. m l.Ac"V,,,Va"'i" '"SM!?'..".1". '''I'V" Uca.Unit ,,pill,l, 11,11 ISIIUI illlll i,U,V t OTK. .. '- ..'...' mid returns f'ruiii Pluilailclnliiii nt r, mi n m iy uiu ,111,1, u ci.iiiis run iTiuij, r-uiiiin) s excepleil. A Hundiiy train leavis Poltsvillu nt T.3U it. m.. ami Philadelphia nt 3.1a p. in, ( oinuiiiutioii, niilenge, season, and excursion tickets I at reduced rules to and from all points, (i. A. Nll'OI.I.P, (Untral &u;,rriiifnteiif. i ATTOltNEY AT LAW, ULOo.vsiiunn, v. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charlss lluckalew. Itlnouisburg. Dee. 4, lii'J. . c. r AOL. PAUL a, fi. Tiiourxnt, & THOMPSON, 5555!, DKALEna in WnOLESALF, S?BO VISIONS, No. 43 Noith Wharves, PUILADELPIIIA. Cy B UTTER, wnEEHU, M.V.I4 ICM-lJao. II A M S, li c. 8 Dr. Horlacher'3 Pamphlet. ai.AVIIItY' CnNDIlVIN'i'.ti nv Tin- , , l! '7P"TKpllVTIhJ CUNSTITUPION op -rm I'NITHD HTATIIS I rS'IIlS is tl.l. tiflon. t.. i:,.t.. i J Phlet, ou the nhovn subject, hv 1)1! J M OIt mill .Udlllll, of Xsw llerlin, Union County, Pa.', c oi a , "S ,"!u,II,m""!'". vuso'' '" i"elMlinmJ Cefiuaii.iiid iiiiiit i .llll 1.1 mg : for sale at this oilieu. It foiitulns a va.t amount 0f ufui jnformtlon. Price Id Cents per copy, JlarthJ, l&GI.-Jni. JOHN 0. YEAGEU. k WIIOLE3AI.E DF.AI.ER U u.-. r -ar . ... H A K i 1 A 12 ' c-'OTl a lir r, r rir, . . ' ojium vrvivJJJO. JSIJN.N'I' S AT11 ARTIFICIAL FLOWEHS. No. 257 Norti ThW &,, PkUa'd. w w, rtm rr-itm tVfcTtTI'TlfiV li under the ifl manageman I T "nd dlwllon of rrof. n. tV. L..wti, so long rt In. elpalnflhe . . Di.nii.i.VTO.vcoMMr.ncML couuaK. Tho course nf Instruction embraces nil the reuuliltei of , "borough practical biislnes edijcalloii, nnd ha been Intelv Mti'mled by the Intnulurllon of nil Actual Husine.s i''. In !"' " c"flf '," ',', !S rrf ular routlno M business tmnsacllons, cie i. in .1 ami famllhrl.ed hy means o n s ore, (In wlilc . thn of hiiylns nd seill nt g. .mis Is c rrled nn hv earli Ptui ent.) nnd lluslness (llllcc. viil lan" of Is.ii" and Deposit. Itall-Hondiiignud Btenm-lloatlng . I'ot blllre, Telegraph. &c, &c. The Proprietor has spared tmtlmoor rxpenso i In M 'king thi. l'nuro thn most llinrougti anil cmnp eta or I any ever presented to the public, nnd feels fully as , sured that after having been liliusclfensagod In nctunl I business, und having hnd inanyjenrs' r!iperleiice nt teaching the cince nf Accniiuts, nnd h"liig nl'lcir by i .-.I, ...7., n.n. r.r i,iupli,ri. hn ni I bo en. llM , mlku tlinroit9li nnd iiicrejsful f niniiittoa of all , . ,M1 t,eiusilve under Iris charge. i PKX.VA.V& III VI In ,1,1a ftr.inrli nf n hiirttifi ciliiMllon no nillcgo offers beUer facilities to the earner. J ho Hpcni erlaii svstem will ho taught In all Its vatictl by tho iikisI skillful maslerk of the art. fnerluieiis of lYrlling tram tilts iiis'iiuiinn navo recen vu , i encomium irnio ni'i ., f,.r-nt I'nr general tnintniaiioii, icrms, c. ''i" lege Jliiiilhly, wliii It will ha mailed free! mr sped, mens of I'eninanshlp, enilnse two three cent stamps. Address l. W l-O.VIll.l., 'riuclpH. 1 owidl's l.'nniniercl'il College, Hlnsliiimt"ni N; ; 1. SV-Oiii- of Hitter k Dunenn's Nn. I highly J1''111,''11 fine, perfect point, 'pull spring (iold I' with holder mid c.Nu, warranted lor one year and to suit, w II bo sunt, frenof charge to any mm who will reiiili 33,oOlu the nb(io address. Oclohej 3. l.Jii:i-ly. Family dye colors. Hlick, IIaiik Mies, I,iiiii r III ut, 1'llLM If II, I t, MinrxTA, VIariioi. Oiuncx, I'lNK, t'L'KTLC. Ilnvn. Pi-nrLi, .-A .Mill, SctiatT, 1.AIL', PoLrFlll-IO, VlOLXT. t-Ltns'r llnon'M, Dark Drown, l.rmir llnotvH. Kmii llr.on.s. i:iumun, IIaiuc Iirac, l.inifT llm ii, IIAIIK (ilUK.V, l.toiiT Giug.-r, 4 YfctLUtY, For Dying Silk, Woolen mid .Mixed !nnd, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses. Itilihons. (iloies, I outlets Hats, i'ealh r Ki I Cloves, Chililrin s (Jlutlim- 'ili ' all kinds of Wearing Ayparcl. W S.VIX OF I'Eil M?ST. "Sa Per 2.1 cents you cm order n many coinls as would ntlierw Ise cost'flvci times that s u in. Yiiriou. shinies can bn produced frnui tho same Dyu. Tim pron-ss is simple, mid any one inn use Hie J)e with perfect sue ci s. Illrectious in Ilnglibh, Preiich and Cermati, Inside of each pneknee. I'nr further information lu Dyeimr, mid giving a per-f--rt kiiowh s'ge what colors are best adapted to ,'ye over oiliers, (with mniiy valuable rccipi ) purilins,! Ilowe Ac Mephi tis' Treaties on Dyeing and (.Vlnriiij, ellt by mail on receipt of pjlcn. ID cents. Jliinufuctured by IIOWP, A- Hl'lIVnNC, Si ll HnovnwAY llnsTo.t. (Por sain hv Druggists and Dueler gem rally, jDecember IS, Id'IJ i.iuns. Cii'li titles, ifilOlSIS III 1 SJI h, Wo inn- fcc, &.u . iit.ec4. on a'sasalv,, Q.'.wls, A:38!:i!y, &c. Put up in 2V-. af, nml Pnves. I'otlles ., I'laiki. 33 and 33sU's fur Uriels. Public Iintitullous, c. "On y iiifallilite reiuuli $ known." 'I'ree from I'ld-oms." ".i t itnngeroiis to tlie Human Family " "Hals reiiie out of tlisir hnl -s to ale." C Hl,l Wholesal" In all Inrse cities, ti Mil,1 b-all Driiec'i-l-A. H evervvI.ere. P.7 l"l lli.HAm. Ill' ol all worthl i Iniitiiiiuiis CT" S.-etliiit "I'iktau -" I ami- inn each llox, Di.t- 0 '. and I'la.-k, b. Im y.i i buv. Z7' Address III.VHY I! I'lli'l'AIt. 1T7" PiiiM'ii-vi. I'rriT li lluotowAV, N'. Y. Sy Snl.i hi nil holcsjlu mil Kttnl Drugjiiti in 1 lii'ieisbiirg, Pa. rcbrunry H. leil.-cin. HVANS.V WATSON- SAI,AMANI)i:il SAPIW. till ', ' .MOV, III) to ,V. Hi .VoiA Viml i ,Srnt. I'MaMphii, have on I , ' md a large ncrtinrrit if Put-, Thi f prouf Sal.imaii ler P.ifes ?. l-o. iru door, fur banks nod ! ' stores, iron shuti rs iron saih, nil 1 - oi niiics i iiuaito any ma le , in the United States. Fire Snfri in ottn firl. .Ill isrii ul riAl; vifit roi ttnla in t'pod fitmlillnn. The Salamander Sfus world. of Philadelphia igainsl thi EVANS ,fc WAT.-ON. hm the .iirert deinosirntion lu the following ci tillrate tint their iiinuiifactur.- ofsi ilniiinmhT Sal', s ha, lit length fully wnrrant.'d lh repr 'si'iitations whnhhiive h",,,.""1I" th'-tii ns rendering an undoubted security ;aiml Hie terrihc , lenient ... ,. , . Philadilirhia April 12. Ir3r-. n.- n'!i . '".".' ''''"' Ceiitl.'lii,li-lt ntlurds us the highest satisf.iifiim Instate to vou, that owing tn the v.-ry prntecliv lalili nfttvo nf the f.ilainaiolrr Pares whii h we purchaseil of you some nvo since ... ........,..,. ,iu ill in Piu ire. uiu ti mir ...r.L- ixpi sen to He c.'iiamiuou, lire iultaiistead place on the morning nf the 1 II h msi.. 1 hen ue ri-llcct rhst these saf.-s were located in the' t , ' 1 . 1 sn" occup ei inn that thev fi sllbseuilenl i inf.. i. I,..,,,. ,,ri ,.. ' .. . ".' ' w.Li ....... i,... ? "itootn nuns, wuero in i m.. .. ,,, , , .' 1 !" ",0 i "1 f"u,"!,l ! '''" P'ates to .,,,11,. . . -viini ine iirc'servailon o III, ir vnl Uillin- coilieius Its llioi.t rum ,n. ....r ,.p .i. curity nllorded by your nii i " ' "' BC ' .),". f1,1"11."111'' fnt pleasure iu recominindinr tkiii.-j t men f "MJ;' ii u sure relimieu against fire, rr-i i.m L1"1' "' "IMMtiNdfc llllt).. Jtv . irn. 'i j i " piirciiaseu six large S.-ifen. July .0, 1(11,2. lAneii.t-Jii. ic.. TINlVAltl-'" f- v'l'MVM, orw.T. J.l.Atllj M()JiJ SHOP. rpilF. iindersig,ie, re .,ecir,illy Informs his old frieml Lzi a'te. i... . .rV""'rooi' oi.iiuuiiiu concern wi s -",'.' " njf iinuseii exi iiisivvly. I, , , j ,,,,r-i , ,,i limit fly, lie has Just received nml oilers tor sale, s-ia : " " '' s.iif, i the Inrg. -S ""'SI ejl.'llslvo assort lit ol- l-AMC- ,..11 Sl'l'li V I' U - . '-' ,- Y tV ir , 1 r I'uroiiiicou into mis market. t; , , ' I'll'' mis in.icm.1. IH stuck consists in n mini let.-assortment nf hu liest ( nuking and parlor stoves iu or with move Pijliins of everv ,le llox Moves, llniliators. Cylindnr (tin iu uie market, logcth- eseril.tlllll. IKcn nn.l irs. Cvlilldnr Stove.. I'.'W, l,r A... Tight stoves, I'aminii sltii,.,, jc- .... .. Tinware eonslnnilv , ;, , :.". . u,Vml" ' ,,i .-'. n"i iiiiiiniiiiciiireu in order. AI kinds ol repmriiig done, ns Usual, on short oliiV iieiJfull", solfrm".' a"'' "ow "' re. niuoi.if.hHra. N'nvcinlHTa.J 18f,.-tf. THOMAS 11UOWN, llarbr. HLOOMfliiiJKo, COI.C.MIHA CO ' Shop In Omirt Hou,e Alley, neat the Ot,no,rat OtVice. November 14, ItHS. I'MtlSUmcril UUOTMKItS. WIIOLIIPAI.K TOBACCO D E A L E 11 F :tO.105,.Otfl'll TIIIUU STltHHT Fivedooribelowilnri-, PIIII.ADIII.PHIA A LOGAN GRIM, Attorney ami Onmsdlor at ImubJr aH-IS. 01 c"""" 1"0,"1", aue"dei' ,0 STOVI AxD TIX-WAllK SIIOP nv, 'Jl- 'iiulorsifUK il umilil infonii tlm cilizctisnf I ll oouisinirg mid vicinity, that In, h"sj,i", ,0 faNt ''"'Inioloinrslorsalooiieorihoinostevte tisiie C- iissnrtineiits ofl'iiOKlNr:,,,,.! I'lv. v-srV,.,.,., 1',!"'1"",',1!!" thi-market. Tho t hri,topher C? Jtl ll'S 1111 ll at il li lit, i, its,, , ,,. t . , rookiue h'lnivi nil ,,r,.-i,i,.i, ,.. lit. i'.,si; :,.:. .r""..'V,.,,'',M,K" corner ..... -,.,, iiaiivisoiiii, mm iuu USSUrtll r""'.''.. Al.-O Particular atte """1 .M"f "I'on . i 'nr 1'!' 1,0 i " cV,"'i eiilioii is paid m 'J'ln.tYnn. uori nonce. AH kinds o neatnea. t.,,,1 ,lu...n...,. Country produce tnken in oxchnngc fur w ork. Illoom.burg. May ti), ifOS. 1 'MuVl:K' ilANOi AND 1VISLODEONS AT WliOLntiAI.K AND ItCTAIL. EVERY Instrument Warranted for Fivo Yean. Address, A, P, BENNETT, Agent. Ullllirn. iVnw V.V TTP fltAtrm ! t. .. .. . .. mm tSs HOSTETTBKB CELEBRATED !ACH i . , pn,VCI(ui Tonte, corrective nnd alterailrs f f w,orulc,fL1) dikauy in dismsoof tho ST031ACII, MVI5R AM) UOVt'ELS. Ctres nyspepila, Mrtt 'niniitalnt,ICB.ln:h. 0nr UeliilltV, Nervoiisnes". tleprei'sii'ii ofplrits, Con tlpa'tion, L'idlc. Intcriiilttcnt Fevers, ( riinpi und Spasms, mid all oinplaints of i Ither Dux. e.rislng frnui Itodily Wi ukn' .s whetlier Inhereiil III Hie s ysieiu or prndured hy specl'il c lines. Vflriin iimt 1 1 nut w holesniiie. genial and restir,. live In its nnliiro enters Into t'- roiuimsitlon or litis Tl.'ri'l'.K'H ttTOMrtCII lU'lTHIlS, This populnr pre. nnra'inii contains no iniMernl of any kind, mi dendl hnttnii al 1 1 meiit; tin II' ry exrltant ! hut It Is a nonl.y II I Inn cifillie PUrm Is nf r.iro bnt-iiinie herbs and plmts wllh the purest mid mildoU of all diffusive lim I "'it 'is'well tube foiearnied ngnluit dii'nso r.wd, so far I ns the liiinimi svtem can be protected hy human means I against iii'iludi engendered hy ii-t iiiiw holeinmo at niiniiher . uii'iiri' water and ullii-r exteriuil causes, j llOrii IITTIIKM lUTTIir.S limy he relied cn in fa rain- ' ""I'li 'iii'trl ts inf.-fted w ith rccer anllgnt. It hat hern I found iur.illlbli! ns n prev uilHii mid IrreslMIMo no reiue.U nml tlnnirnnds who remit to It under apprri I heii'lon iifiiniitfi''ii.esiiipeth"sci'irg! and tlintuvid I who n-giei I to iirnll thaniselves of lt pn tei tivr ipm llien iu ndvniire, are eu-d hv a very brief eniiro I this niarvi Ions mei.lcin. IVv- r r.nd Ag-io p.ilicnt 1 nl'lor belli'' lull i ,1 Ultll MllilllllO fur months III Vaill, tin ti', fairl) siitii'iiti d with that i'.-.iigerioi nlkaolU. ar lint iinfri"Pi "lilly ro'tnr.-l to health "ilhin n lew dayi by Hie ue of IIO 'I' TT 11 M nriTII H. Til.' weak ttoihiirh s rapi'Hy inv igoriitrd nnd tho ap. pptlt -r.'s.'ored y this ngrn nhl.- I'-oile. an I hence It ! wnrkf woinh'is in en id' Dlfpep.'a i.nd in lr-s con firuie.1 fut.'.ii. of iii Mj, -llnu. AitnU in n geiill-nnj p:,iiiless npperi'iit, as well in upon l?io liver, it alo 1 invnrliibl) ri lieves the t.'ii'ilipatlon sup-rlndiired by irn ai mm of th ' dk" tivll md m etc live organ. I Persons nf f ill' li.ihlt li ibln .V,miut Mmtlu lav ' nis nf toil II' and Fitr if I mii'ii.ii', find pro'npt mm ' permanent relief from tin' lliltcs. Hi. t. rtimutiy tu this inMiit I' mo-t i uirl isiv,, and fioni bn,n S' x 'S I 'lh -nai'iiv of llllliiH (Mi- i' in nicdlnt ly M-mgos I by h niicl.-'iliii-i'fif the st umlaut, and by occ iniiiillj ' r-'portlui; to It, the icturnvf the complaint may hu prs I eiilited , As a geii 't'il T.i'i'c, liOSTUTTl'li 3 IIITTKn ftn ititrdi'lfeits w hli'li inil'l hi c xpet ii'llied orwitlie'sel ' before th y ran In Hilly npp'ei la'ed. In ea-es i',n Ftitutmii-.l w iikiiu-s. tireiiiiiliirc decay and decrepitude arising Irntii "Id nee. it ex. rrles ihs oh trie in l! leticu In the ciu.vaiec nt st gesofall diea..i It operat s as n d' lightlul iiivl"rant. When th- pnw its ol ii.iniri' are relaxeO, Ii operates to re-lnforce nnj , -I'st.'ihlish them. I.llht. but not I art. it the mill s.;fr slliiiu'i'iil, b.'lng iiiiiii I tu-1 ii r 'd from si 'indiind imii.'ii- I oils mi.ti'riiils, mi I enlir ly tu"' I'roiii th in id i Intueuti pres 'iit i.n're nr I s, in all the oidinury tunics nml sliMiin hi""if Hi" din'. No l.umli ineili' iu h i" been so universally, and 1 1 lay li-''. 1 a.nrroiiv popui.irwiin me inient- gent e ..tain of the cMi.iuiiuit), as HU.-1L1 ILU H 1)11 i 1.1!-. Prepared bv HOSTET'LEH & SMITH, PlTISIICItflH, P. i uMOi'i oy an iiruggins, orueurs auu Liiucvsuepsri i everywh 're. i November SI, 13-13 ly. If ELM COLD'S Genuine Prop.inilions. coMriiCND n.i'in i:xiiicr nucpu. n.i. live nn. I epri ific ji mely Inr uiseaies t the bladder I Kniiioys ttr.ivi I. an, I i:r"p-ieal sin lllug. ' I Tin-, tiieiiirii," i-nrea-es tlo- .wer of aigestion, r.nt I evritc the ub-. ih uts into heaitliv aiiinn. by which tns Winery or i 'iili'iiri ii'iH dei'u.ilinns. rud nli'Uulnlnul I Ijilarni'in, menu alu itiujci d, t. well as pain anil m- IMIilAIID.l. -tot - HHLMB'tLD'S EXTRACT DUCII1T. i For wenkness arising from Eifeiss, habiti of Dis sipalioii. i:.irl Indiseictiini of Abusts, ctieiidcd with ' Ho- follow lug -v in) IniiM :w ludi. position in Lveriiou. I.os of Power Loss of Memory, WCiciiliy of '.'n athing ; tt i nk Nervs, Trembling Horror of lli-i ae, Pain iuihe hack I'rnvrrs-il I-as,itudo of fho Musrtilar M stem. I Hot Hands. I.iupti ins on the rei, , Dryness of the Skin, I', usliing of Hie lluiiv, I Pallid ''ountruaiici. I Th're symptoms, if allowed to go cm which this medicine invm inl.l v removi sunn lollows ImioT!mv, I't ii nv, Ceil. hi in I itt, j In one of which th- Pali -nt nn.y r -pilro I Whoeanmy lliM Hi- nr not frequently follows , by those --Direful His ,i.. t " I "INSAM'I'Y AMI CONiMIMITinx." M.myare uwnre of Hie e-iiise of their putfiring, but none will eolili ss III r-ionls of thn luan.l Aswluni.i i'cl'mi-li.,ly Hiiiili. I,, ( e.n iijii,,-i , I witness to the truth of Hi,- insect n,u ' I ''''V' 1 '"f"'"!!''!! once clWteil w nil organic weakne n uuires uie r.iu oi .vii-,iiciiii to strengthen and lurig- iu.ii iu .- sj iein, wiiii n in iin'i.uii's i xtrnct lUichu it variably do.'s. A trial will ci.m ince thu inot ,fc,pi n.' FEMALES FEMALES. In many affections tn Females tin Pxtiacl liiichu is urn .iu.illed by any i ih. r r.'tu'Vy. iH n ( Ii rosis or iiiiii.iion. irrepu.arity p.iii,fniiirs.. i r .ii. P.ressi.u, nt Customary Hviu mitin,.. iileer.n,,.! , ,,. 1 Znt ."V' ', t "'" ,, U'r""'. 'f'"1" ' "r WI.Hl.. at'iVnufrt Trvj; ? t un. or In ihu -i" DEULIN'C O.I CI1AKOU OF WFB. Take no more n.-ilsam Mercury, or unple.innt Medl ti. .j. lor in pl.'i,st,t nnd ,it-n,u .lis. as... ll, ,,.. hold's I.Mrnct liiichu I Improved Hom It', - ,, , secret disease, in .,11 tln ir stages. A hu e expense c'x,!,,,s'ur;e.,'l,C,'''',i!',,, '"" N "'v-'.iiv'.ice,.1;,n', i, ','tl.nih''r,"i',err."1'""! 'i0l'i,r',,l'l l-'ivoa 'trenctl, inl'ri' then. hy r- iiioving ob.tiuciioin. iirivi ntim. mid curing s.ri, tur". nf th - I'relhr,., allayiii, i ai. d i i fl,,n.i.,ri... s fr-.pi, nt in the i las ' i f , a ex HIInga' nou-., dtseas-d an wnrnout mailer I llioiisiimls upon tli'iiisinds wliohavi heel, ih' 'it. Ilius i, ,,.,! ks. and wh ,vo pal l heavy fee. to b cur, dinii slmn tiiu, . havo I u.-y w.rc uce ieJ und Hi.- fi)lM)S "ha..l,.vth,. ii r , ,,, ii. trtiigents" be.-,, dil.,1 up in tin- ,y,.,. ,,. br, ilk out iu un mgravuted lorin, and .crl,ai. alter Vni riae. :oi. I Use llelmbold diseases of ..r,.rSrt,v.rfr ;,iho,;,!;;!in: Prico $1 per Buttle, or 0 for 05. Dcl ' '.""" ;',rt'! luior Delivered tnuny address, securely packed frnm nbr. liilorniati,,,, to ' ' luu,c" M," "" ,, ,, ii ji. iini.Miiou), t'Mii, j.J!!,ti!Jr(,-,'-,'1",1'''1" HLliVlilOLU'H Urns mid tfn(t IVarel.ov,,. I!.,,.. c r, . IIHOAUWAV, Mw YOEli. ill , , ',l'f?",'!le'f,'l,, al1'1 ""i'tlnclpl 'l dea er. wim endeavor toi lsposo "of their own" nn.t . ,.ii,.,r" .iri.cles on fho reputitiun atlalue, U,y Ji"clH , ". ( - VOU SALE B T All Druggists Evorywliero. ur n, , "R miiiMnonn'B, Ut Its,,.,