COLUMBIA DilOUlUTBSE CSBJikM. ' - B, SrOUMUlt would respectfully an- Saturday Morning, May 7, 1864. tioutioo to the citizen's .if Bloomsburg nud - Dr. Up DoGrnff's Card next week. ' Cour Proceedings next wick. MAUKXT PriCO of Gold On WcdnClday, ' ' Read 'Our many now Advertise- tncnls. TiiKjjTtit ait.outit rciilizid'liy tf 10 Now Yoik'aTnilary Fair it 81,100,000. JSt - - - JEayjiVc had Snow to the depth of two InoliPapln Tuesday morning latt-Mny Od.-IEBIoomaburg. By General Orders, Gen. Hanks auth orizes the formation of a Negri) Invalid Battalion in ihu Department of the Gulf. Jlo.'era .Montgomery, Jaclcon end Ellis h'tvc our thank for the Annual Re JiOrt of the Rourd nf Military Cl.tinn of 11 UQ"U ' suiiumv ui.tlllM 01 thu Stato of Feiiu.-ylrxuia, Fur the Ycur 1803. trjjjjfl MrJAMCi M. Leach, a peace man, been elccicd to the Umifedtrnto Cou;rtsj frJiu'lbTNortli Carolina Congosional Dis. tnet vyta larc in. loritv. AsTilie i lutidcut lua comiuasiniied Gen. DlaIiiiIo iiku mi luipiirtitut ooinin.uid, after BrAt.t had iir.ulu suult lerribio clMriJa Mjaiantitlie h)iiuMiy of S.crotury if eryjiar what I'resiJtul IttNci.M thiukb of Cbaso. "CZ -,- AU'-ihe conpanie-i of heary artillery in the Stato huvii buuii ordered to Vi'a.liiiiir. ton. A eiiffieictit number of Msmaehu ceiti uiilimi rrill'taku thoir pl.tu: iu tht MM JH.;Our latei-j Uct wrik frnni liar riburg' and Washington, arrivrd tuo lilt lor public.ition. We thought wo had writ ten aauu thin4 that milit interval our rcaderd, but the fuiluro of the mails knock d it "all,-. New Goods. Mr. 1). . hat recti .ed hid new tork of Spring und Suuiiior ready made Uoodd. Alo, general tseortmcnt of cloths, plain r.uil fauey-"'cr.uimors, e.Ming, itc wh'eli !k "Hill nuke up in the Ltrai ati'e, ;md on fbort order. Gill and examine hi Goods Ni:w LtvniiY ami E.xcua.ncu. Stadi.k Mr. umMtd l'i entice, liaa oprned a I.ivery ij- Exehitngti Stable, ::l the Fork Hotel, in IJ ooiiislmrg, wlmre he will be picaied to ttt bit oiii ftiuudi aud run flu ff, lln will iidcaur o .MioommotUte U that mr gi'o hint t ca 1. He his joud Stock. , - 's 'I'hs Jiop.j cf tli,' Union h now de pending upon tlie .-ueoc of the Army uu dcr Grant and Muade, and ti.e iu:eret of our ptojile ncx! i the pnrcLa-ing of tin best Goods at the lowest price, which they oaii Iwjj liud, iu en-rj raiu-ty,:a tho Clierp Cash. Store, of L. T. SiurpUa,iu liioouw 'burj.;' Rev. J. P. Chen, of Columbia, Ohiof Ttill ol. ,ij:c us by tctuliug the 5th No. of bin txccliciit 'Chris.t.un Witnes.'' Mcssri. Wollo ci Wilhelm. have taken lbs United Sutss Hotel, at Miltou. They we Tory accou.uiouatiiij giniiemen and ktion.hciw to keep a Hotel. (Jivcibcui u call. SlMBO.J IlEViiiir.Ey, of the twelfth Main rrgiuicbl wos oliot deail on Monday uijibt at Reach Street barracks, (Rjsion) by th Iiieutenatit of the gund. Ii i. nSieguJ th .t ho assaulted the oDioer. Rt.Vbtti.uv had aerjfcd in tho raak since the orgau.i ition of the regiment, ( CST Thu Yonkeri Ucmld tajg tho R,-. j-ublieau party in ilui lonaliiy, i ' not only bung, but buiiod. " There ii one c.Jiuola. lion for tho nmurnirj: The paiiy was not "buried alive." Edward W. Grkkn, who , FttAli Co.NVEitsr, tel er of the Maiden , Uauk; wan eentoneod on tho 25th, lo he hung.' There i, i.n iinmen-e crowd in! and around the Court House at Lorrel to 1 bear Ifnd know the .itence. i OflPFV ripeil'r.,1 irirli -M. UKCi.,N rtCCtVCU WltU appc.ircnt calm. nets B"As the Jiej.ubliun paity uo longer has nd exiittunce. It i riidelv surL'eiited ' that tbo. namo of our radioal oru,an bo ohaugod to "7'ie Mixcegeiuitionist." B&" Tho Vallandijjham Fuud, of Uhio, for two week, endiugon tho 1-th of April, amounted to 0.5 821 New Utorc in Rr.'iviclc. .Mcsfrs. M. E. J.iakson, Isaiah Rower & Co., hao established a splendid Now Store inBer wick; t& Col. J. P. SlBBKTT, h:iS taken tbo ' T ' i .. . Berwick Housb owned by Hudson Owen, i i . " Eiq.and, on wo learn from tho Ikr- mek GuzetU, has made it a No. 1. Coun- try .Hotel. The Fint 'National Bank of Bleotiitburg, it io full operation. Ita Bills aro bi.ndsotuly gotten up and presenu a beautiful &ppearnco. 0. It. Pixton Esq., Pretidest, ttd Rev. ,T. P. Tubtin, Cbfbkr vicinity, tunt iiu iibi jut npcu'iil an orefhlt Confectionary fltnrJ. 1 diwr ahnt-p the Pout Office, In niunnmliiirtr. where tin will aervu up Ir"crnni of tin most chnlci flavors, every evening, during tlir Hilnllnsp mnnttis. nl Itin inns! psns itlfihlA tales. WM'nMli'sainl P itiill- (an be accommodated with ttlff.1tllrlnntu.ti Sim. I iiiitlpa. (Urn lii 111 a mil. ii,, l'fop'f. Illoniniliurg, April HO, V.t, NEW ARRIVAL. ' At A. J. Evnu3' CL0T!II.ll EMlill BLOOMSRURQ, PENN. LATEST SYLE8 OAEAP (iOODS 'I'HE uinleralgiiril rn'p-ctfiitly Informs lilt friends .1 ami Ihe public generally. Unit Iiu has jiitl received from the Liistetu cities, a. Isrgu ar-mrluiiiit of ulnj the lift nsnrtnient rrcr offered In this market. Also ii minnl. tu nssnrtmi'iil nf Hot I'lmlil ,. In liri i ererilhlnt! In th" Inilnmr Mils Por those who nrefer li .-.ivj tln-l r in a'tires. n perfect fit giittnut-cii, nnd mMhiim but th. he.t wnrknmiii-liiti nK'.w.-.l nt tli! tntilinliinuiil, lie uto ktrpa oil (.ami a tuna oniirl- llll'lll 01 . ItnO'lS AND SIIf)Ei. II ATS AVD CAl'!. tneedipr with u rnrli ly of notloni. E7- O.M.I. AND Si C 1011 VUlIIICi: P CU A. J. UVAlS, Ulooniiburi, April, 53, 1:04. FRESH A R It IV A 1. Spvinn nub Summer r- e !' 'L t?it w st :v) sr its. -port- EVERYBODY l IIP, iinprlmipil, "rntcfnl fur past pntronaie, t""icc I fit H v iiifiiriiii4ilciitiiiii''rs ami lh," liiilillrt'iiiiernlly thai he ii.i il't ri'c Ivi'il Irmu thu Ilmtcrne cltlc, the ntU'j'l and iixi't fcUcl atnek of Sl)!llM!iiiiSSe:ill!i!R, Tint lin ! JiL'iMi opciii'il hi lll(iom?lt'iriT, t wlili 1 h I.IVHP thn atti'Mtmii nf lit filer. df. ;u, nsnr(W tlinn tli u llhy nu niH rr.l I'ur fcfitr nl l);ir-;iiha. Ili Hlock t'iinipriiK a Wirce iM-iirtnu'iit tif (iiws'r'i.Mi.N'.s vi:auin(j Ai'iwtt::.,, .otiiitiii)j hi r A'liHiHAiit k liut-.- Coats, tfi'vury (Iph rrJpticjt; hmta, Vr!-, tIiirl(t, Cravitts rft.'cks, Culton lluii(lkerdii(.li, (Jltivt.'fciiijtL'iiilt.r-t. c, LU)U Wiiichos anil Jewelry. Of fvry 'IrnrripUun, Hue nin1 cln-or. S. It. Il.-nu'inli r " Loiccnbfrg' C'fap tUapcrium cull itiii) ce. No tliargit for i;.xaininc 4i nod-. David Jovi:'nnuti ninnnifhur, April IfJ. I?! 4 iJ""' If4"' - Another Call. M1U3 MEN WANTED I REVOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES, LdUGE ARRIVAL Ob" 2 PRtiMG & UMER AT PETER ENT'S STORE, .V LIGHT STItr.KT. COLUM1III ow.'.-fy, P.1. ! ju-i rcciveil IriMn i'hilni'lpliia, nml it now ' "V null! at Uu' nll n.unl lui- y mcni'liil ky Statu M Put, a t-plcmliil aMortuu'iit of MEltCilANDIZE lik!imll tu .KiUl rh.'ip lar ("Asl( OR COUNTRY PRODUCJi. Hi. uttii kroiini.tiKif l.lJiei Il.mi C'nuJi cln.Kciltl)lci nil l.iti'tit I'a.hinua (Jalieos, Mu;lint, Gingham, PliuneU, Carfctt, tshawln, Ho.McrT, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. .isdineroa, atiucti, otton.dtti, Iei,tueky Jeans, Thread, &e. Giocuiii's,, Cedarwar, Hardware, llcdiciniis, Drups, Oils, Paints, Ac. BOOTS i SHOES. IITS OA I'd. In ilmr, t( ty tliiiii: ii-tmhjr ki pt in n country itori I Tin' palrou.-,!iMif 1,1,1 frii'mls, ainl thu pihlio iruiifrul. I ly, i rc-p.'i tfiilly ini kiii'il. Thu hishe I liirlii.t pneu i,l fur eouiiirv prci'nc-. i'U'J'KIt UNV. I Lishl Suect, Ap 11 M. mi. LAND FOR SALE. t VALIIAW.E T1MPT JS frfHW , -..i11' 'f'i:ii i.avii. ,!. n Ha'.on wl.jihih'rei.atHO rtnry nwr.i,i.i:;ij IIOPti:. a ham. i,,..i .rT.-ii ZXX:, a,.."?nor.r7:7i''f,:,!;'ar,,,:,,,;,!;,i. 'Tini Srisw. im r" i,Msi'Ai " ADMINISTRATOR'S NO I ICE. hh,a'e j Ckrhtlm 'Mil. I WKr.'".1 ' U,nv0 l','T" "U'.!il by tho Ui''r ofClmulij., r.. tliuiimlersl.Miud ull persona huviuv cliiiuna",iiii.iiho f Unla or lli.i ili'iedi'iil nre ri-.pi,' ti. pres. nl III. 'in in the A'liuiniir.itnr nt his re.iileni ii in .il,l i,, ,.. liip wnln nitil. l.iy, ami all pcrsnns ludtbteil nuke payi.i.-ut forthwith. 0, . HAJIUUI. IJOWIIIt, Admr'a. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE EstiUr if lUirbara We finer rrt;' B FlvTi'Vifr"f J li"' '''':'" 10 PM.iIeofnarbura 1 JL. Wul.lnr late of ia;1.iitw. l.'olumbi;. co... v.. . h.'ni'hi'i'ii tranti'i la the II i..r ,',.'i '.., . .7" j ffiKW 'ffiJsJr i': vtitu.vmu wei.i.iviii!. Arril 53V1S01.-C)v J.'dft Ailmiui.tralor. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. L'ilitc of John Jlwc, itee'd, 1 ETTEItf! nf riiliiiii,iut,.,iilA,i . .,..f,:.alc of Jo1'." Muffley latu of Kcnlt mwn.hi,,. i m" "'"oieouniy, uecuaseii. Juvu lueu L'rauteil lie Hi, VKl ,''f ''"im.ii.ia c,.,.,,iy ln n.n.i, $ & ers,.nshaviiiKcl.iiiua.UMiu.l the estiituol lli. Uec. TVi! x 'I'''t tn.hi,d,,,i.,i.iu; 1''? m,d u" Ji. W. CHEACy, Adni'r. April 30, ISO! Ok 92 'I'A mil I.l iinnr t . . iv i lib ruriLiu. The undersigned wnulj liiform hi, f,ien,!, .nj ,v, Batisfactinn will bu given or nn pny VSuuired or'".!. Bl..r..bu,l.A,.,1I8.,JM. SOBCK YOBT, Groat Ccutiiil Fair, FOIl THE SAN IT Jill Y COMMISSION. Ornoi or ma commi'mse ok l.ta.R, limimti (trt Mn. n, lid Poulh rJuvciilli flrcst, l'lilliiddplila, April -itii. im. Tin Oniiiiulltenn t.nlinr .Inroins nnd HPTnniip,"ln cn.iiiriitnii with tlii'in In thi particular work, fur whlihlhey tut vf been niipn luted. A in. pnrlliui iflli peopla are inure pulrlntle than llif working muii mid women i.ftlii) cnaatry, It It. but just nml prop." full III it they should nllkn have mi opportunity tcuntilbiit-.i lutho objects of tliu Pair, 'J'lm ntutt r,iitl1n pl.ui lr iieeumplfsliiiig Ihi, nml t thi tamn Hunt Ihe o.i.k'll niiu, Ik ti.nsk I'. r 1 1 1 n contribution (if u single day's I .it -bur ff urn all (lassos In Ihu cniiiiiiiiiiity, Many Hill einilriliuti) n itity nf their labor trlllliiKly. who would lint tub. crilm lli.'lf moiiev, T.i tenth uveiy l; ,mrt ux iit of Industry iinl art will ho n work nf gntit Inlmr, hut, uttnlni'il, will hi'iniiliiitlvii iT liiiiiiuuiu ruiilt Tim nucii'M i.l Ihu plan will tlnu ,1 iipim II in hrirljr cn iititriillon ofi'Vory ck'iiant nf Inftiieiitu w Ithhi iiur limit, nml Wflnrliu u 1 1 I In: gnuriiiiM nf thi linlui, trhil HiliirfrU, inl nil ntln rn.tii turn Imlil with u In fiirllarinil lliln cru it wnrk iil'putriulidiii a ml liuiiiniilly. ihu CuiiilulU.u Ii lluruuil with lllu lultuuluu duly, til wit I nrir in nimiin tnc coniri union or "nuo ilny'n lutmr.'' r fiirinii!, frum evjry uitltan nml lulmrur. fnri-.iiiii, np.!iullv,i anil eiiipluyoui pr.itlilfiil culil-r, Pmr In nlitiln the contrl'Mitlnii nf "nuo iln' ti I Iff ami i:l. tl. nf uvury uiiliiiiiriiiir.itinl ciiiinuiiv. rail nuil niitl rAiiri'irt Lnmpaiiy. uiuplii) lu llrnt, bank man. iiU'lnty, trim w.irk-.utl wnrk,., mil), niluu nml puh le uiu r i iiimii uvi ry privmu nunker nun nrnKi'r, tiiipninr uutiiiim'ur unii inuriiiaiji; ciltk, ii.'iii miu Miirfinan li aliii, r, linltlu'r mnl nilltt i inibllahiir. lit Inter an nii'ili mil: i from i V 'ty iiiiv. rinin nt oilker. cniilrni tiir nn.l I'liiiiliiVL'U I urm'cr. mitt'tirr. h ikir mi i .li'n irl Iti r inur, htiillriitturi.t mnl pru.luuur I from rvi'ry inaiiliu nniKrr. niiiiiiirr nnii i.'in.ii,' opiraiivu : uvirr imiltiil. mil i'ii,mi:uJ In th.' Inrniiit! Ihu null, U'liillni Ih.i l,i,mi, nrlimi m,y iiimuiik it liti llliiinil, or llulillmt a fnr tuiieuithni lliiitll,il.'4iif t'iiiKjIvuiila, Nt(v Jcrtcy mi J IK'liiuiiri', fiiiiMi. Tu oht.iln thu cen'ribiilloii nf nno ilny'a "Itui. nil.',' I mm all III titruat unipin)iii!i'at.'iblli,hiiU'iit llrmt. toiiMinillttiia. cniiiti.inii', r.ilrnaua nuil wuri,a. TiliRti.-'J'ii nbtiiln 111 l iiiiitribiilluii of oik ilay'a in riiimi Irani uvory r. tlr.:il purann of Imtiiui m.ilr nnj fitm.ilii lit lug iipim Hi, 'lr iiu'iiim. mul I'riim nil id-riiy. nit'ii,,, i-f. pli), ili-iill.ta, uiiltnra, niilhnra uml piiif.aiirai nil "III r puruiia uuuueU in tht Ifiui.a i or oth r prof'asliiiia. .M i. h ,.1'Hil j work muii h-' pi'tfnrmej by Hie pir.n tiul iiill.ii'iict' niitl I'lloit'i of l,t il.'a niitl u ,iitl.jiti n lu.i'ti ituit ortn bu niiaiii:jiitjl nitli thu Uoiuinlttuu m inrr.i 1 1 i nut thl pluii Tli 1,'iiniiuillui' U'i I th ' rPfpomibilily of Hie work lli.'.i U.uf iiiiikflaki'ii, u hli li, In ln .lie:. "lul. it ill tt 'liilrn n yi-ry ii.'ltVcl r.iinilliMtlnii of Int-lr plan, am! th,y tii,r,Tnrr intl iipim nil i'nrn,'at p oph', lo nAsi'tubli) tlieuHiilvr t.Mrther In t'vuiy tn,vn, ttiwn-hip, nml e oinl), miu f irm nriMiiU.ili.'.M nl,iin.l Konlh'iiiun tu lo npi rnlu with in 'in In lliMur. at ork uu.l uimr of liivti. In tbi' maiiul'.iitiiriHK iniinti m, tin coal mi. I nit r ulouii, ami in th.i ill.trlif, vti ilnlly I n IIi.t: Imi nrc. ini.jli. hi- In Uu l.irxu Imviin, n th.- tiMiiiB ii i.l j lu.iy h.ivn un iipiinrtiiiiity lh n to r.'ii. tier ii.l.iiniioti,(li,'ii r, l.illvL'a nml HI -miK iljininu Hie b.ittl.'K nl lln'ir c untry in tli'j itrinl.- t r th.: miiitiii, 'I'll i work of Ihlrtiniiniitci1 ma. h pr.ii'' wIiim mi otln-r I'llnrl cm bu injitul'iir Ilia P.iirnaiii t la minra of Ihu rcLi.tiii. A ii.iy'a caruliii,'!. of iln mln.'ra. ami n ilay', prmliHl of (Iiu iiiiiii'a.cmiliuolilaini..i,wli,ra no port. ililu artii le' prociiruJ tr.itiiipitrt.i ti.oi, Imlut'il tliuru i mi p ut or M'Uiuii itl'llicau ritatea iv lie ru thu ilay'a may tint Iiu obtainuj, II ontanualiiin mil bo foruii'tl tn reach III 'in. Tliucommitti'U caniiut i lonu without tirtilut- upon nil l'r .prLlorn.f U-tiiliiilim..nU,th.' nnly of taking promiit un i .iiiiKttlo uilitiiitn recur.' Ihu h milt oftlij ,iay of labor fr.mi nti u il'Mti llicir couirul, . hu t.oi.miitii'u iluem it titiiifuviary In iln innrctlnn IhUi to bu n-'iit tliu Hiibji'it to Ihu ptophMif ,., thruu pi. nr.- nami'ii. tn tliu i .un, 4 tauip.iu'iis of our arnil.'a Ihu l.iliors of tlii- rf.iiiifiry Coimuiriilmi'' n uc t.r .;,t- ly aii'ini'iiU'il, lit Hi.' rtrflot Jiiuu ai.l.0:'iliiii ii-uiii' ,,f i thu largest nrniius uf ininlurii inm'n n III np,.raliii" in ' tliu ll.'lil, rjnl.iru n lorcu si aUi.T..l ovit ri'uioua tu I which thu mini ur' niiniiljnrituil.iiiurt n ccFa irilv .iirry ' .'ilufl.; u ilia it a l.iriiu aiiiounl ofKiikui',,, u n' tinf nml ' iliMtli, to a.i) iiotliiiii' ol til j u.ithcruil hurrora nl thu bat- I ti....o in. TIu'm- nifrriiiff., it ii our brum ton iluty, a men and I'lii. til. in", t.i ri'li. vi! A t'rt ut ami i;nli.;hioM.'.l o. plu, eojojinj! tin. I,l,.sinj;fl nf a (inn rliuifiit oftln'ir' oivn imikio, i a n not rrfun' .i-m-l.turt t.i m,ju hiiII'i. hit ' In in lint, .it, il-milhnrity. ami wi'willnot blli'ti' that lllu "(ip nt i i air " ilratviu' it pnuludK Irimi th' Ihruu ilat.'a of IVnni Ii ani.i, Sew Ji' ami II. 'I aw.iri', tmallliii'iit in all miiiit-.n, ami nitlim trial wraith, kli.ill l'i 1 1 b -In 1 1 any nimil ir .ll'irt wiurli ' li i.- y, I huun in-ilu fur thu n lnl of tliu N'aliuu'a tlnl- ' dri'ii. Aa it ii itrttrnlilo in t tn imtltiplv nrciilara; nu fir-I Hi' r .iiiihurily Hi in Iiu rircilar u ill in- ni'cet.ary i'ur I any I'liipto) inn liroi or ininpaiiy. or any r. cp.'.-lrLMe i loinmiitri. nl a.lti's niitl .' luprut'ofii at once iu Hi. i work ol'tlua roiiiiiiilt , ami it U Impel th a'r it or.iuU.itioii!! will pritl up in nil llif tnwua I llll.i l,u,.y li'Uinu- of thu ht.;l,ri of i'u'1tl)'lvuilid, Xuw J.'rt-y IN luw urwe. SiibFi'ripljiiiiA will b Ihankfii'ly nrknowluil iiitho ! ii w .p ipt'r of I'hilail.'lphi i ami it is vi'iv ili'situhk' that tli coii.iii..iiti. mioii. m finli I'r.'ah iakiiovx luuc I uit'iii ill cll'irt iu ..tli . r I -.i I ili.-i. All Piib-rrlpti'i.n a-lli.ll I.l In' llililr, n-i'il JOHN' V, (JI.AIiilolt.N. I r.''r. olllju of tl Coin. i, 111.. o mi ) I I rir.i.iiHH ami III tonm.," .Vo. 11 dualh iuvuiith I Mr.', Hi. I'hila.lolphi.i. (."All n eill'nl h Ip-i" ami t'n.ti r w ill he loruarilctl to p.uli m applyln,' lor iliuu. Until tu Ihu , Chairman oi'tlni IVninmU.'a-ub.ivu. I I UUM'tlUHPIiy li'l.Vli. L i JOilfi W I.T.AtilloitV.TrtMiMiri'r. H l! V I', IV llntt r, rorru-pnmliiiL'ri.'i'ri'larr. AlLiiUUtiUlt J. MITi'lll.ftl.N .-ur.'lary. IIIIMJII -11 V Ml.tlliClts. ilia I'.xrvlli iiry, A (i LUIl Vl., Unveimr of I'onn )!, ni.i. Hi" l'..cclli'iny,jrji;i,t AIIKi;i!,Uovi'iiorif NVw Ji'ra-y II i llicull 'm y. VU L' XHNDNMJiiti niir ofll.:laware. nnii .ii.i, a inui.u iiiiMiii. linyoroi riiiiaiiclpnia, Hi li Jli.-lll'll It I.NUt:i(St)l,l l'i nii-jltuiiia. Hon JPIlCi: ( l i;n i nit. Xow Jrr,i'y. Il.ilt Jl lllli; II AKIMNHTIIN. Ili lawar,-, M.ijnr-Uiiii. CUi: i. .Ml A III:, Anu of the Potomac. run.MU'Ti.i:. tiU'ht llcv niimop Porfr .Mii-t Hi: v lll:hop W'mM, Ituv i:ihop Simiieoa, llt.v lit llraiiiai.1, llfv W ! r.n-.'il, ll'V IIU' llullir, ltui Inane l.uu-ur, H.iiiunjl ,M iV'ton, John t-,ili,'ar I humton, i:,,, I! V Kin, 1.1.,., .Mr. Ilev.i: W llmter, hairuiar. I Mrs (J. or;o .M Daliaji, j .tir. jonunrrcaru Aim Job. i .M .-'t. u. iiaOi'iii'rai tluatle, Mr- J IMipir 'riiumoii, Mra Jo- ph Hat ii"o , Jr. Mra Hub rt V i.ia.niin', Mra I,. Iloutoiui'ry Hun J .Mr" lino a: P Weaver, f Ira li.'orsi' W Harm, UlraPA l)ru,.. I Pri'iliTick Pralfj', ' John lliiih.iin, I liunrKi' W i liaiua, niv iv m'lunaro. n it mo i ft hi'iii v l'(rolu5or Henry I'opp.'r, .Mr" John V Porney, I , inn, i rii.iii'iiiu L uvi, , if, .Mis fiaiuit '1 A Cruxur. llr Walti r WillianiMui, .Mrs Hnnih 'Parley, .Mist A H iilur, .Ml?" Silri.lll ir.V. ill, .Ml.-.H.illn. .Sc. ill. ,Miss Louisa H Ciniihnni. an. I ILmiIIuth. Jl 'in Umval.l 'I hoiupnuii, Jitul J It ItllilloW, tl II IllotVIIU, liai.iLl Ooiiuht'rly, ami ml othera. Apriia:i,i.-iii. COMMITTEE I'OR A DAY S LAROR. (IKIIAT CUNT II A T. SAMTAIIY PAtrt. Committee on ''Libnr, lticom o and Rcueiiut's." Office No. 1 IH rf, Seventh St JOHN W. CLAliUORNVI reasurcr. Thi' oiiimitti'i' li;i- a ppt'cial worli, to it : tn obtain niluj. 'a ''labor, ' u ,lny n "lutMiiie." aii't a iI;i)h "ru.. ' one." Iroin every i itisteii of III - Ihr.'i: St,ilra of tvim y. I Uani i. iVew J.-rs.'y nu I D.'lawar i, f.,r Ihu bum lit of1 our ,i.k ami woumli'il Fiilttn'ri.. 1 Th,' Coiiiiuilt, o 11 iinv fully ortrauizi'il at the nbova I aililre." uu,l culls for tliu cu-opurnlii'ii of nil cla,e, la tiu'Cimiui'iuit). We want in hrlw what thu imliittrial ihnscs can do for th.'ir solt.i, rs ! ' Hi" p. "rlu run iln in their separate Irailea I I What I'onru.) U aa,a can .lol i hat .New Jersey can tin I What P. laiMiru can iloi What , ut h ciiiiuty can .In I Wliat i'. nil .Hy an i town cm do I What euili prof'i'u i miaul Wh it rni h trade ran do ! What .'mil i.rriipauou can do ! Wln.t uih uuaiil.uiory ran do I V.'li il i lull bank, iuur,iucu lumpany and railroad ran no 1 What , ni Ii iuiiii' i uu do I Ii it i'.ii h v or k. Imp can ilol What c .ill family i an iiu I Wnal ,'ju'ii man inn do I n,it riich woman ran dot hat em h boy una uirl cm do t Wa want tu .Ii iw tn Hi worl I wh it American frte no ii are reuily In ,l..,,r Hi i, h.,,i ,i Whia it a i;reat woikau i Hie Hunt hurt. Tim wny in il., .a i, in tun; i.t; i . - .' ""iR.uupu in our lauiiiiea. J.i t Hi - un n iiranir.e. I l.i'l Hi ' wnait'li oruiizd I X,'t lh.' trades iirj.iuue, I iirifaui. ' every h re. ' 11 "orkui ii mtu with their emplrnera, the em- Willi lli.'ir w.irkiuiii. ; llisia.) iluii... if ii,. w,ir,inn will millmriti their i emp oji rs In ileum t on,. ,ny fr. ;, ir iuvi,m iiinulli. enruiuL'.. uml Hi-euiplujers will add In it u duynl Ibeir pr, Ills, Ilia wil bu ai unuwl ,!. ' - "i r in Ihu credit f in,. i.iah'iei, in ut. We say lunll, i-n in itorkul inn u with us In ih. crenl work. Hurry your cimiiiiuilioii. :v,,ry mkiinwk'ik'iu.iit will .timulale nlll. rs .i f.illme voar eiaiyole. I iriulars Mil I'.i'l inslr'n Hum will In, .sum upon I applicaiioii.b) mall r Ih.Twue. tu thu iiii.ler.ijued, lu work ! to work I I I,. .tliiVTOOMI.Ity BO.VIl, Chairman. I Mra. II W. Ill'l'l'llli, l.'ll liril ,.,,, l.n.ll... f,,,.,,..!... .M.J MITi:ill'l). rucretary. April ti. l-i.a. PRIVATE SALE op Valuable Real Estate. ''THE subscriber o(l'i'r to pell at private I sale, A Tlt.MJT I.ANII, rituate in Jatki.n imn nsnip, ' uiuinnii .'.in ny, ra , cuiitaiu in MXTV ACKES. riny Afeor winch I iiiipruvL'tl, nti.l in a hi hit h naif laluiiif I U"""t ui i uiMiaiinu. nu n iuKiiiui'r in wutUu, cuu iJiu 'iMiiiiuiy ui (uju ran uurjtTi a I rtt FIFTY ACRES OF LAND, Bitiiatuiu Pine lownahip, county ufurt aaid, wlioroon it erected it good ! FUAME DWELLING HOUSE. with the nucetsary outbuildlnst apd arming Uuir u uriiitr , ih siK,r w ii:h ia ch ared, i ml Hit buluncu well timbered. A stream if water tuna hriu ik utViin ' .Mi'li maliil' H 4 eailile tit for the erecti'i - Ji19.,"1""0 R'TfrtT will ha tied cheap and na Sharplrss' rolumn. TOU PAN ALWAYS 1JUY OOOD3 OUEAl'EH I'OU 0II THAN OUEDIT. WHILE THIS .Army of tho Potomac, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OP rt -t-y-K-t r1 IT n n rn 4 -kt'I It It, f l.l Alt I iS (t I A N I v JiXl XJ1.VX1. J.J U k- UXlillH 1 ( it miking preparation fur tht AND END THE WAR, IS SHOWING THE SUPERIORITY OP THE BY Selling Goods, AT Eiwcr figures Tbn n be bought elf hare. He it RECEIVING GOODS ( ONSTANTLY from New York and Philadelphia, and is disposing of them as fast at EXTREMELY LOW CASH PRICES. CULICOES i At '-Met 'jaeti. UOctf. 2fJcu and 27cts. M US l.I AS, blown awl b'ca'Jicd, At 10, 22, 24, 32, 3t, SS 42, k 50cta. Alapiicc.t.', Lustres, DjLaiucs, Chsllii, Jean.', Ca.simures, &.c , &. GROCERISS Sugar.", Syrups, ColTiie, Kent's East India Oufl'ee at 20ct.s, a eupeiior aitielo highly reeoiniueiidei. GREEN TEAS At 30, 35 and 45 cts. per qr. MACKEREL the I ami J bid, at 12, ll,k 10 dol lars per barrel. Ry THE L ARO EST LOT OP ueeuswarc I EVER I5R0UGHT TO 13L00MSBURG i ll'ITIl UP i Common a.nd Uiianite Ware, WHICH WiMt HE ,J0I,I) AT 01.1) lMII'ES. I XOTIO.VS. IIIIJ iliRY, HOOP SKI UTS. l5UU).tlEV".S HEIV IIU01 MURT. The Duplex. Eliptio Spring sti'el Skeleton to well known among tho luir s. x fur beauty of stylo and durability. MWi S2 i in endless variety for Men Women Children. Gaiters of all kinds. and BALMORAL, SIDE LACE AND CON CRESS DOUBLE & SINGLE SOLE Tho OidobraUd Gutla pcrcha Soled Shoes . i i'ii , ,1, , for WOIHCII IIUU Clllltlreil. dents French and Auiciiciiu, ualf Hoots A; rals. Gents' Laos) Root SI, (10 to S4. RullUI). (otm CASH I' AID FOR Gram and othir produce taken in exchange ' . b Or gCOdt. pi -tmr iciv i nr! Buying and Polling for Cash he js prepared to sell goods on lower profiti , than when doing a credit 1 buB"nei.B. ' CALL AND EXAMINE TnE GOODS. t Un.aar, frail! Ittt taa , BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IP YOU WANT TO UUY GO TO frtasy's Slorr, iu Mght Street, Pa. Who Kttpt ull ICinJt of OALlOO, MUSDINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY , SHAWLS, Ready-Mad o Clothing Sugars, Slola-ses, Syrnpa, 'offeef, Teas, Pish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Pri, Uati, Root", Capi, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paint.', tcc.,fic, ta adilltinii to our Inrrr- atork of Dry Cnmla, wr linre Inrfjc ami full RMuftiui'M of Ili-aily Maili Clothing lor r ti nml l!n J tvunr whlrli w nre ikteriniucd t" ti ll rh.'nio'r Hi 'Ii inn lie I, "unlit tltuwlicrc. Call .Mnl ai'u, nuJ jniitt: for youractvi't. ii. t co. Lljht Street, Aprils. lHGi. ESPYMUOTEfr 'I'UR iiiiilrrticni'il. Iinnug taken the Kpy llnlrl, I lately k.'iH by .Mr. II llnwrll, wnuhl re-p' tllully luf inn Ina Irl-inl" atnllhe public iu (I'lii'ml, thai m pant" will hi aptrf.l for Ihu enti'rtalMiucut uf nil nhu may farur bim witn tkvir luitmfc JO, it, .-txZ.JDANK. Eaay, April!. 1241. ST1LZ k IIARTItKY. ConrollJatiou llnuk I'.ultili ng, 320 North Tlurt SltU between Vim i Catlvii'hxll, PII 1 1, a o E I. f n t A. Jvnt co, icrs-iy. IU H T Uenl'eJ a uciv aiinrtmiiU f good ktrka of Wall paper ,indwfing Ronlcriiig Ccilln Paper, nml n Rrnrral vaili ty of material in hla tin, Hindi will In foiiuU on Iln- SI'.t'ONII Pl.OOIt I ill- nti'ly our the toti" ofMr. I. T h.trplaj,i.ilrauen one tiiwir i n.l of I.uu'a tlrtitr ftoro. In Mm Unpen I luck whi'renll pcrioiis ui.lii' U pnmN in hii liua will be nttumleil tn iu peranu at nil limea st&'Jtipir Iliingiiii; cxtruled to oria uml b si t'vt, ut short notice. E. .1. THORNTON. B'oi n-b ir,'. M'rit 3. t4'H -3u, CHEAP it GOODS II E tinderitfucd liavinu ciKfted inlo S co pnriiirrship in Hie Meicaiilllc buijaesa un ilcrtke linn of KRITt & ROWMAN. wmiM rrp(slfully aiiMnuncclhat wo liare piirchaieJ ifiul jiikl rfviwil a l.iry? ainl V'd nsiort.uont ul u EH VllA N 1)1 E hiiti wi vi ill vrry rlie.ip f.r cnfli. Our nrt nn'iit curuuM nt everything uuually kept In a muutry Sture. hiicli at DRV GOODS k GROCESIE3. i :: kury V)Vm AMD MEBlfilWES, Hats, C.ips, and Clothing, Roots and Shoes, kc , ke. , Stnre in th'1 cM and well known atnml of R. Lazara & Co. Hire m aCAl.l.. WM. Pltll'Z, It. W. I1UW.MAN. Oran'erille, Tn., April Ifi leH4-:im CHARLES G- BARKlEY, ATIORNEY AT LAW. IH.OO.Mrilil'IIO, Ct)J.. CO.. I'A. O.PXICE - On Main Street, in tho Ex change' building, over Miller'd Store. I looiniliuri! April 10. I8;4-3m AUCTIONEER. 'HK iiiulor-ijncl inforiiK hi.-t friends nml .Mlmv-rhijiiMn tliriurihruit thU nn.l the nd- inn? foiintiat tiiat h Ii a regularly lirenacd am lloiieer under lllu United flatus Laws, ami is prepared lo cry nil E. It (5, T I C 5 S f S' v llnvinzhad -everal year" experience in ilo biiiine.a. Ii'llitti'r" liiiiis If that hi' will bu able to uivu sutii faction tu nil win) emplny linn JACOI1 SIIPI.IIAHT, lianri'lri, Ja'i. 30 IHi Cooper twp HPORTANTto females" L IE U i TO 'CBS 30 E ROTH MARRIED Oldest Regulator AND SINGLE, tor Females. DR CliTXHIJUAiVS Fr-MALH VIUl Will iiiunciliati'ly n-H -v' nittinut pain, at) itUturhan cvs of iln piTMHiic t'lH lurj'u, wlk'tlii-r arifina (runt ro I.UMioii or tuppr'Mntt. Tliey ai( tike a t da nil iu ro iixiviii'.r I hit pa llif th it upt'oinpaiiy iliilicilt or iuuiMnier at uii'iiif nation, ami am th.' only salu anl ruliaiile rPinut.y fur J'luili. Hji-k llinl n hn.l'aiiM in tliu l.oins'-, I'.ilpi anon of did Heart. Nervous lie mora, II) tir iffl. Hp,utun. llroiii'rt HlLM'p. anil oliit'r uu pt a-ant atot il.uiL'-roaii ot'.:cli of an minatarul coriiii turn of III hcxtiul I'n uc ioim. In 1 Iiu ort" casci uf l'luo. aMliiu, or .Vint'- Hey WPi t a vpt:ctlv rurc. nu. ;iii:i:hi;man(S n.MAiji nili.rf. Have l"i!'n iim'il ovit a lnart'T tiT a (Vnturv. Thtr i ara Mi'-ri'il ax Uih only no aits uf reto-uinj,' int'-r-; Tipt('1 no'iiflrualioa, lint I.uIhm iiiut In ar in imml i tll.iU llli'ru in miu coiiiliiiou of tlif f nrtlu t. iilt'iii iu vliiili thr 1'ilU r ii ii ii u t tn taKt'ii without proituciiin; a j peculiar r-'iilt Tiio con.ltiioii rU'-'ir-1'! t'i if I'rcynaiicy -un ri'.iiu him arriuy cmi deucy ufthe un diuu,' m re-mr In n normal rinmitniii. tli it en' er ofualure lannut renst it. 'I iiw ri'hw.i wi -cut ring micu i- iiu irniiFtiiih ii-ii rci-luru Hot fi-iual fiiiii'hi'iij L' y tt thu rPrtl" tH'i pov. l uuy ciiuiut iiodarui in any oliit'r way , Dit. t;i.r.i;snMN'd nniAM: ' Arc tliu only M.iilciuu t lit I nrrifi ami Hml! Ladici ' IntvtJ n-lit'i) iipoii fur maoy can rv'y upii now. I fivarta of imilalioiiii ! Tmotf Vitl torin the lj riot t .'reparation 4vr put forwenl, with iuiitniliatu aiot ( i,t-riituht s act-en-. DU'I' HC UKI'I.I Villi. Tuku i lliiu advrrtiet'iiieiii to your Dmst'lfta ami it'll Mini U:i i you want llii h"l ami iikiaI nliuliia J'umalti .Mctticiuo . iu Ihu world wIiIlIi u foui'fi.Ml hi y uu. uii:c?MA.vri ri;iAi,i; i I Tlu'y have P'Ci'ivnt, ami aru now rerciviun ttu tan 1 ctioo of lh" iuut I'liii.iciit rtih latiri iu Aiut-ricn, i:i'itH.'i'r uiucn ionu with fu.-i. itox, -tim price Oho Miliar l"'r Hoi. coiitainiiif Irmu it) nn.U IMIn, rill, will by man, promjitly. liy rt-niiitiiij; I Iiu ptiro . " "" i' mra. or auiiiuriif ii Agunt, iu curmi fuJ' ol,l by llrugtlstsg rally. IIUl'IHMIS & IIILI.yillt Pr.,.ieln. curraiii zy- (Sold In Hlooiuiburc. by EyerJt Mover, and E. P Lutt. Peb. '.'7, leM. ly. Important to Married Ladies I TRULY A BLESSING ! t will tend, rats or miaou In any l.ady whn will tend in hur iiamu ami address direrliona how to pre. rout thu oxtreui pain nf CIIIEII-HlilTII -, also how to navo perlei liy licnliny an.t uranium t iiiiiireu ', alio nneoili..r newnnd IMI'OKTANT HE'TIET. the only mra and nfu rouiediet ever discovered. lUlxtiM1Ux'x,iMy',t AdWra.a MADAME DULENTAUX. M D. r.a rr. '0-Jet T9T Drftdwty, VtvTtiat'lry r V Hot AicohoiiclPOSTSORIPT A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED J. PURE TOitA DOCTOR IIOPI'LAND'8 GERMAN BITTERS rCliPAKKD IT DR. 0. M. JACKSON, Philadelpkia, Pa tit 11,1, effectually cuto Uer Complaint, llyape paia, V Jnitiiulco, Chrnnlc it Nerrnua nihility. Ili.rat.t nf Hid Klilmyt, ami all ditcatit aritiag fruat a fiiot' d.rtf Lir.r orrituiuach, tilth at Cnn.lipa tlnn, Inward I'll-t, ru.neaa of lllond Intkt (lead, Aridity nflbe Htmuark Nautea, llcatlliurii. Disgust for P . Fiilnc!! of wi klit In the tttniuarh. Hoar Eructntiuiia. finking or Plulleriiigaltho I II nf the Hlniincli, ((wiiiiuiliig eflhv Mend, Hur ried nml llirllcult llrealhiug, Plutleriu: at tht Heart, Clinking or Hiilfnralliii.' f'cntutlnna when la a lying potlure, Hi, niieai of Vision, H"l. nr Welt ksfuri. Ihe sight. Pever nml Hull Pel a la the Head, lleltcii niy nf Perapiratloa, Ttllowiieaa ol'lhurikln and Uytt, fain In tilt- Side. Hack, Chetl Limb", Aid Hmldrii Kluihti f Ileal. Ilo r ii trie la tbt riefh,' oualaiit lia, aniniugitnfetil. it ileprca-lun of splritt. And will ponltlrely prerent Villnw Tarar, Rlllmaa Peri r. lie 'lh rc ntalu in. Alcohol nr bad Whi.ker. i They will rure Ihu nbore In nluelj-lilat aes out of a hnmlred, I ludiiceil by thu I'lti'ii.iri' title and uuirerial popit- Intity of Iiimii. mil'- Ceriiiau llillcra, (purely regett hie,) lnils nl laimr.uit Uuarkt nml uiiieriipulcna ad lenlururt, have opeueil tipuii .iifTering Injainiiity the do. nl K.itua of Nmtruui" in Ihe "hope of poor whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious ilriiga, and chrit, ti'iied Toiili's, lllnuinchh a nml lllltora. .'inaru.d the iumiiunrnblo nrray nf Alcnhnlls prep, parnllous ill pl. thuii botllea und big kega, ua- I. r thu uiiidi"! iippi llaliim of lliltera; which intteail of ruling, only nggrivatu disease, aad NaT. tht disap pointed tuRVr in dutpalr. IIOOFLANDS GERMAN BITTERS! Are not a new and nntried article, hut hare atonf he t. -t of fifteen years trial by I ha public; and their reputation and aale, ara not rlrallcd by any tiiiiilar preparalinn, Ihe proprlitura hart Iboaiaada f Ittltra faoaa Ika inoatemiuaut Cl.SSCVMlN, LarVriR". I'llYrtlClArti. 41 P C.TIZHNJ, Teatlfylng of their own perannal knnffl-dga, t Hit beueliclal effect, and rirtuea of then Uiltira. Js yen arant fsmrMin (e slriaUla fut 1)9 you ttant a geiid eptttittl lit yen Kent i lifilJ vp ityr Csaililalis t Do yon vant to ftti vtllf Vo yvn vant togti rid cf nirainittssi 1 lc yon vanttntrxyl l)c yoa vnnt tostrrp veil J l)o you vant a brisl and vifforoinfielinr J If you do, u.u lltlllPl.ANDM UllllS' AN BITTERS. from l'4t. J, A'cvton Brom, 1). P., I'dllor of Ikt X'niy, tloptdia of lltligtoui Kneuli,lgt iMthnupli nut aliMi.-voil to'.'arnr nr rem umeml Tntent Medicines in crin rr.l, through dl-tril-t of their ingre dients nml i ff' , i ; I yi t know nf mi sufficient reasona why n ;,,m may mil tehtll'y t.i Ihu hem fit lie bcliuvea .iiii"clt In hate rrcelved Irnuiauy impl , preparation, iu the hope that hu may thus contribute tutlie lieneht of otllers. I I do tld" the more icmllly in rrj.ud tn llorifl inil'i (.eri.iau Ililt, rs. prepared by llr. C, tl. Jarksou. of Ihis city, b ca -"a I was pnjuil;cu't ngaiiHt tl.eui ur iiiany ) irr-. iiuil.T h that they were chiefly an ul oholir luiiluru. j am imli btiol In mv IrJ n.l Unbert hueiii'iker. C,,.. fnr Ihe r. Hint al f this prejudice by proper ti"i .m l f r en our. iguiu'iit tu try them, w Ilea eutf.'r. lie from ureal and luiiv rnutlnuud i, Inlity. 'His ih.i rt ihr-i lioitli s of ilie-u lliitets, at the li"tlniiinr uf the pr s -nt yar was by evident relief, ami rofiurniiiin ! a decree nf bodily nii'l i..enlal tignr w hkh . h id nut felt fnr ix innriUi" before nud had al luual despaired of r.'galuing. I Ihfrefoic tnank God and my trK'iid fur direroti tue lo Hie use of Hc'iu. J. M'.WION UUOWN. rhllidt'lphia, June -i. PART1CILAR NOTICE. TStre en rr.anf frparVUrt ueJ.r ia. aastf. liitttrt. put in qutrL bot'lli. cmpaundtd of tht thttput vhi'key or common ruin, totting frvn 'Jl. to ill t'nts p r ration, the lattl diund l,y .inlts or Coriandir heti, Thii rlasa of llitlrrs has canted and will cunUnaa to cause, as long nt they can br sold, Jmedredt to dit the death uf the drunkard Itv their use the system i. kept cuuliuually under the influence uf tilcoholie. Him. ulaut- of the worst kind, thu desire fur l.i'iuor Is crea ted ami kept up, and thu result la all tins hurrora at tendant up. in a drunkard s life and death. Per lh"e whn di'Mro ami will have a l.l'pinr lliltera. we publish the following receipt, (let one. bottle of llooil, mil's Herman lliltera ami mil w Hi three uarti of guud brandy or whiskey, ami the result will he a preparuliuu that will far exrcl in medical virtue" ami tiuu exr..enee any of the uuuicruiis l.l'pinr lli.tert in the marki i, and will met much less. Vuti win liar. all the virtues of Ili.olIamPs llitteraiucniincctfou with a good ankle of J,i,piur, at a much Ices pritt than I bead iufuriur preparations will coil yitu. ATTENTION SOLDIERS 1 and Tim rniENES of sottUiana. We call nlfntion tn nil baring relations nr frienda inlhnnriuy tu ihu fut that "IIIIHPI.ANO'.S Ceruiun llillers" will cure iiiiie.tenllH of thu dl-rneea in. lac. I hy nxpnsures and privation inriiletit tn camp life. In the lift", pnbli-lieit n'luusl daily in tli' iiewpnprs, 0,1 th'i arrival nl Ihe sick. H will bu unticud tlut u verr i large pripnrn in aru inluTing ih biliiy. Evi r ca-e of that kind can be readily Hired by llm.ll nni's'lleruitii ' Hitler- IHhea-i'" resiillni!: Irom disorders of the ( geslne oruaus nre speedily rilliuved. We have uu heilallnn iu stnliuj! that, if thesa Uitters were freely I ii-ed ainnng ne.r suldiers, hundreds of Uvea might be ; suvi',1 that nthi-rwi".) will be lost. We tail particular attuuliun to Hie following roinsra nbl" and well authenticated euro uf one nf the nation's hemes, whose lil'j, to use hia otn language, "hit been saved by thu Hitters." ' PiiiLADEiruii, August 5X l?f!2. Mturt.Jmulc J.Voiis. Well, ge,!illenien, your llonf, laud's l.'i rinan lull r- Ins saved my life. Tliero ia un lul.tiike inlhis. Itisvuuihe.l for by numbers or my comrades nunc names aro appended, and wbu wi ru fill )' ( nf ail Ihu i-iri uinstauee. of myiase. lam and have bi -n fijr thu last mar yeers, a inember nf fhermau's celebrated battery, ami unuer thu iimuediate tummaud of ('apt Ayres Through the xposure atlen hint upon mv ar.lnruas duliu-. I was Mt.ukeil in Nnvtu.b. r last , ilh iiinuiiiuiatiun uf the Inn."., uii I w'U" fnr s.. eutv -two itav s in I was th n rjiuoved Irmu lh.' While House, nud ,ent tn this niy mi board the Mniiuer "r?u o ff Maine," I llliletl on the 'J'tll of Jllll '. Ilire titt tune 1 have In'i'ii about as luw iisimy on,- r-nuidbu and till r 'I. 'in a spark of v Italily. Pur a week or nu r" I wai snircely ;,be tu wallotv uilytliiut, uiid if 1 ills' fnre.' u iiii.ttel uuvvn, it was iiiiiiie,, lately thrown up again. I I , did nr.l ivni k'.i pa gla3 of Hater on my nuiarh l.if' e old not la-1 . iiiiler thi'se ciicuuistaiicrs ; and. ar cor-iiuslv. Hie ph) siriaus w ha had b 'en t oikini; laith fully tho'iiih mis i. cr.sfiilly. turrs. in: me Iroin lli prsp of Hi ' dreid Ar. her Irunkly told me Hu.) roul.l iln no u for uu , an I i It j.i d ma In see a i-lfrgv'uiau, mnl make stn ii di-posiliou of mv liaiitu.l funds sun.'. i iu-. An ac'iuiiiiituui"-.1 h" vi it-d uie at th hiispifil. Mr. I red.'ri' k t inbrnu. nf r-ixth In luw Arih I'lreit. ailvii-i'.l ui". ii" a fnrlurn liop.', to try ynur Hitter-, g id kindly prneur. d a In. Ill', l'r, mi me i,. coliiliieliced taking th.'iu Hie uhmiuy shadow of t eulh reredeil, nud I nut now Hi ink Cud lor it, selling belter. Thniigh I have tai, n but two boilles. 1 have iraim it leu nuiiuils, uml I te.-l suugniu,' of Ii, ing perauited tu rejuiii my wife a, id ihiunlit r, Irom whuiu I have lie. ml ml hliiu for eighteen mouths: I'm', eruileiui ii. lam , y :il Vireiiiiaii frum tin .triiuity of Prnnt llnyul. Tu your valuiible llillers I owe Hi. ceiininly , f lite w in. h ha" taken the plaro uf v lain, ftars In your llitii-ra will I nwo Hi i giarinu- privil 'i; uf again i lasping tn .ny tknse who are ikarisl tu me in lit'.:. Very truly yourt, liAA.' II M.nNK. We fully f.ineur ill the truth of thu fibuve at.ueiuenl at we had despaiied of seeing uur lumrade, Mi. SIs loiie, rittnied to Ii uilth John Cu'blck, 1st Vow; Vurk ll.m-y. (ieuige A Arkley, Co, C.. Mill Maine, Lewi. Chen ilier, 'did New Vork, I. II. Hpt-nri-r. l-t Artillery. Ilaltery F. 1. il. I useui II ti II, .Id Vermont, Henry II. Jerome u II. do. Henry T. vlacliiuuiU. ' o C., I tli Mains, John P. Ward. Co. P . .till Maine, tliMimm Kucli. Co. II , -d Sew York, Nathaniel II Thuiua-. Cu P., li.Hh I'ena., Andrew J. Kipibali. i o. A., lid Verinout, Jnllll Jenkins, Cu. II, lUUth t'ellll. HEW A RE OF COUNTERFEITS. See that tlm signaturo of "C. ,M. JACKSON thu Waarrmor caili buttle. I'ltlCP. PI U llOTTLIi 75 Cr.NTS, OR IIAI.P DO',. PUR 81 Of. it oa Should ynur nearest ilrucgi st not have the article, do nut bu put oil' by any nf the iiituiic.ling prepara linns that may bnullured iu its placu, but tend tu ut, and wo will turwiird, securely packed, by cxprutt. I' Oftcc and Manufactory, Io. l Arch Street. Jones & Evans. (Successor to C, M. JACKSON & Co.,) PROPRIETORS. Cf- ron B.M.B hv I)rast, uf W.iti lVil-4 BhJs U M- -St UaM IVUra it ref The Draft in Pennsylvania. A Washington herniate 27th April.con ta'iDs" intelligence which , if I'rue, writ b in teresting to manj of our read'ars. l'i roadt thui : InUrtict!onf bare boon tent to tbo Pro vot Marsbilf in the varioui dellnquem diitricts in Pennsylvania to begin tho draft I Immediately! The tlcGcieney in tlw quota, I of tho Stato of Pennsylvania ii in tho nei Ii borhood nf eighteen thou and." HEW AEUAKCJUMJICCW rMIE pcoplo of llio countv nf Colutnli5 I arc rr apectfnlly , infonued thai tht undeitlua Ius4 nat to. saie, at in a RECORDER'S OFFICE, in ntooMsnuno, the must and cilturiirtT ArWOKTtlENT OP To bo found nnywhere In the County consisting nf i Note, I. liter, Legal nnd Cap Paper, Pent, llnldoii, Peiirlla, Ink und Unvrlnpesi .1(.hU ;NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOOK'S . .. k Comprising History. Toelry, Fletlon.Tlit' rtll?,f-'iL tilugy and llin clasiles. Clalalogiios T.iaJ' of rtnhii'a Lntiilon piibllcallnn", from which aetertlnns ran bo made, and Honks furnished ta order; by special arrangement wild New York Agolils. ROOKS, DOCUMENTS, PAMP II LET.S .'.ml Hpccrhesi ami cnpkt i.f thu t'lilted, Pt.itc", nn4 Mtatc cuiitlllutiun., iu various styles, nlwnts mi hand. JUIIN IJ. niHH'.i;. Illonnuburtr, Nnr. 7 lets l--j;r. ENTERNATIONAL CHAIN OP COMMERCIAL COLLKGES, Establislud in the follotvtnr citict : PHILADELPHIA. s.r..ccitT.itrni andcui:'tni:t it.. Nito York UUy, HrnoMyn, Albany, Tury I'rnvufcnr, Pnrlltmd, Hartford Eur. lingto'i, Newark, Rochester. Ilvjfalo. Toronto, ( Icvtfand, De'roil, Chicago', Milwmif.rc awl Si. Louis. Tbrnugh Iheor'.tlcal nml practical inslruilioii Iu all branches pertaining to n fini.h.l llusiness Pduiatiun. The I'hiladclpln.H.'ollese stand" first iu the State, both In point of reputation nml lorn I advantages- Tho p. iut aimed al is. tu place Cnuiiuerrial Education wlieroit lieloiig-in Ihe front rank of useful instruc tion, 'l'u this end, n most Ihurnugli muii" nf h isiucst training I-adopted nml . arefuliy euf.irced, under thu persniial sup"rvision of i ompetent l'rofe"nr iu ths various department". ' p; :;;;j.t pcrfett system of prai tical ttl'.iliiiig ever ilcvis" d h is been put in oparn tion, nu J is successfully rurried rut. alfirding lo stud ents advantages siuh us have lulheiin bom .on-i'lorej possible only iu connection vnn the counllng-ho'ite. -After bediming prnlirleut in tho sSrieiice uf Atcoiiiils, PLiiiuaii.hip, C' Cakiilatinns and law, Ihu stiiilent is advanced tn lh Practical Dep irlnu nt whera he beenmes uu actual llnuk.k 'epi.'uii.I A,'- reliant , pas s.'s thruugh tbo uill'erent llouea ails in turn aTelb r Cahi,'r, &c.i learns thu i.'utirs and reapon-ibiltua of i'.n Ii ollice, nnd becoiue" thurnughjv informed, no! onlr iu Ihe lurui" which ate in umveistl Use, but in in. mag. nu' Ihe fill' lira uf bueincEB with svsletn and despatch. fcholnrrlnp' Issued nt nne point, nre gcod, for a unliiiilted period, in the eighteen Colleges comprising thu "ihain " lliplumat aro awarded to thnse only who fulfill tlm pres. ribed course of study, and pass the rciultils tx uiulliatiui;. (L Porfull particulars snd for a circular, mldress ilJtyAN'l', &TUATION 4c CO., P b. 1.1, ie03. Oct 18, ISO'J- lSui. Hon. Wilson MrCandlci", Judee of tliu Unlled Ktal Circuit Court, Pre-ulont. Corner I'ctin and St. Clair Streit, ri'ITSHUr.GII, PA THE LARGEST. CIIAl'Ei'l' AND I1EST. $3S.OO pays fnrn fu 1 Commercial Cnursc. V - No extra rharge" fivr Miiuufacturcrs, Steamboat, Itoilrnail and Hank HoSk-Kceping. Ministers' suns at half pricu students enter and re. view at nny tfine 'I bi-'in.tilutinn is conducted hy experienced Teach ers and practical Accountants, whn prepare young nirn for acUve biisimuis, at the least expense anil shnrte'l lime, for thu iuot lui iativc uud respiuisiblu 'ituntions. lliplouias graiit. d fnr merit mile, ileure His uuiveral prefirence fur graduates uf this college, by busiuesa lli.'lf I'lpf. A. COWLEY, tho bed Penman in Ihu Union, who holds the largest number of first premiums, and Miverallconipelilors, teaihes rapid business writing, 1 i.'iKoci.iUb uo'il. lining fa I iniuriuuUnn split utta oa applicatioh to thu Principal. JENKINS U SMITH, Piinnpnls. . C7 Attend where the Sum nud Ckrks of llusiueti Men and Hankers graduate, I April lit, leia-ly. April 1, ldl'.j. TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. I THE iiiiilersiznod oilers, at Private Sale, ti.e valua I hie properly, known as the RLT'l ll'P lll.Ol'K, si'uatJ in. . i,,u( ui ..nun nun iiiariiei siret'is, l loom burg This property will Ik: told togetli -r or eparatril inlo n4 in suit purchasers I'ersnui wi.tuui: tu buy n good bu-niess site, ore requested lo examine Ihi pro perty. Por particulars impure of life undersigned, re. siding in llnoms art' E. MENDEVM ALL. Illoomsburg, Jan. IW. IbSI tf, iiarrisbCrg, pa; 'Villa old r.stablilisd lion.. Ins umlergond extsn-ira L impruvetumenta. und hern thor.'iu'hly renovated and r. flltril. Il is pb amntlv loceted iu th- li'urt nl the City iu ea-y access tu Hie M. lu lupilol and Public Iiu. mils. ' Por tn nrroiiiinodiiiion t f nur euets, we hare re.enily coiiiinruied In run i, !' in h in and Irmu tho Ihiilrii'id. Iu this milliner unpleasant noluy in leaving Ihe l)"iot fie ihe Until will be avoided, mid much uu ru lime ullaraed giiists ur meals when leaving I h tlniHe. Iiieni!i,'igihat I Iiu IJI;EIII.E1: IlOPriUihaUbn really n lu'inr -like resort for the ururger nml trim h i we re epullully .ii nil 1 1 ti.e pi l,r p.itronara. (iEU j. iioi.TON. Ort. H, ItLS. Proprielor. ltTvTHEii i l io I'm iiir r i" THE under .igned would annoituiv, that he tins on ha,m nthis Hat and Can Emporium, m .Main St., Illuuui" inii'g, nu assoituii'iii ol eill jr.iiil kind nt liutoer, such aa fine ealf skins, inororro. (rid im.lniaik) ami linings nil i f wlnih he v ill si II run. per Hum tan I bad risen licit il Ikis uiaihi't. Call and iieiuiiiu them fur vniir-rliss. JOIlNh.. UIKTON. Rleuoiiturg. May tl, l;et. ELI,'S SPECIFIC PfLLS VAn- himhii in At 1 1 Ci s Cm b reliclonl Nerer in i l ti t .i ! H i not ii.ius, ate . Ate speeds iu aclinnl '.' fining.' if .'h t required! t.i not iiitetfero with I - pur. nils ! Cnn In. nilhuut dct. ilioul I pwnrds nl '.MO i mis ihe pa.t iu .nth-some . f iln ut v i) sever : uv ' r oa - miiinred physn iai" bar a used th.'iu iu th. ir prartii ', and all speak will i.l" llr ir i ll'ua. y. and approve ol their rompusition, vhuh is euliicly veeiinbl :, mil bar ml, s ,.u thu ) stem. II uu dr nl. of eeilifiiuli s ran b stiuwit Hell's i . ifi.' I ill t arc the onginal and only genuint Spn Hir I'HI Th' ) are ail liued Inr male and female, ni I ur young, uml '.in ''ily f ha1' u remedy i ll. i ling a pi riiiauriit I'.ul tpeedv run i;v nil cases of Pperina torrhr i. or annual Weaku ess, Willi all lis train of t ill., sii'h as Urethral 'ind V .-ginal llisrhnrges, (lie. t. Hie Whiles. Nightly ir Invniu.ilary Emis-inus. lucoii tiuuiu.ct, (ieiutal H.-biliti nud Irrilabllily, liuimteiicc, v.'akness or Lust of l'i.,M.r. N'ervioin Ikbilily, ic. all nf whtiliuri'e&piini'ip.iiiv frouiSoxual Vxcsxtetor S. ll- huse, or soiuo eoiisimiliuiial ilrrangement. ami iiicnpaciintes, Hi' 'iitlirur from I'ulrtlliug thu dunes uf niniried life' In ull seiual .. us UuiiuriliPa, lilei'l. uml tflrirliKUi. und it I'i.easct of ihu llladder and Kidneys, lliey nil n. n uiarlti I RilKf 11 fjpiii.. eiiced by taking a single box. Moid by nil (lie, principal uruggista. Price Jl They will be tent hy mail securely sealed, and t f.JuilliUy, on recupi o," iln: muiiey, ny J.. IlllVAN, M. D. No, "0 Cedar fit., New York, Contjlling I'hyiieian fur tho treatment of Seminal. Urinary, Sexual, ami Neivoua Liseases, who will end, Ire j in nil, tho fallowing valuable vvurk', in teal nl 1'iivetopu Till' Pirnirit IVeiaiKu-Da, flKI.I.'H TltCATIIt un relf'Abusu. Preninturu liei'UN , Imiint 'tu-n unit lost of p iwer, riiXiiaUUseases, S.'iulnol Wcskin ss, Mghlly Euiissluns, Hr.'HUi Debilily, dc, fee. n paiupl 1. 1 of l I'.isi a, containing luipJrtiitl ml vie,- tn tho aillirtml, and w nil li should bu read by every "uif rer, us Hie meant i f ciro in ihu severest staget it plainly tet furlb, Trr it naps irqalr nl tn puy pustjgg, It- ccuiber U. kill- ly. BLANKS7 BLANKS! 1 Of "ery tci.iriy& n, for nil at thirofift