DISEASES OP THE BLOOD AND CIR'HJLATION. ' When animal, rcccirc and cat a supply of food, wbicb is greater tliftn requited for tho purnofo of life, and tlio maintenaore of brolth, they will uiually lecomo fat and t II ea i ii i . , i .1 full of flpsh. iM ore blood is formed tlmn can be diiposed of. Tho heart iuclf takes on a fatty coneilon', wliioli in turn dej uss os tho circulation This tlTcot if often wit nessed in cattle and sltuep, nftjr indulging for a time in urcon luitiriaut pasturo, by their being affected by what m cabled a Shot of b'oad RlacUcg -so collol be cause tho part nffictcd whon cut into, presents a black iuass. All at ooro they become very ill, somo part of the boly Cl,.tl. '......II.. -.t If 1 1 I v ,,j ..w u, iUl, rtnarr r. tthte-L i.. : it i), .,.. f -j ,,.,. ,. h..v,. . iuu i.iuu " Quarter Evil") becom'8 puffy asifoon- taiaingair and in two or ihrco hours the animal is dead from what may tru'y be ! , cal cd anthrax poison' from b.in loo full Of flesh or blood, Tllll condition seldom . . , nriSCS or IS Witnessed in tllC horSC, but ID , . , ' n plctliorio or robust Stamina CrcallB a .",., , , Strong Ulapontion to lDUamtliat3ry OCtlOII .... . . . ... u u iuug, leer, auu eyes ; nau n those escape, another will take place, vvhich it called sirfi.it, ay iffort of niuro to throw off all effete matter from the circulatory fluid. 3ris this all thai it to be looked for from an over coodition. Weed in cat tle and prcasc in tho horec, terrard scratch rs in the United States; one of the legs will swell to an enormous lize usually tho bind one ; the animal is very lame, with pain ou the inside of the thigh, which is very much increased by pressure. This disease is, I think, the cams in man, but known by tho name and title of Phlegmasia tlolcDs. Thii may be coniidercd more a a disease of the absorbents, as thcie vesicls nre found enlarged to the sizeof a quill, anu having their vasa vasonum highly injected. Those affection may oocur eith or in an acute or sub-acute form. From ah over supply of hlocd, we may Iiavc the heart itself, tho great centre, the symtoms run high, and nro generally re tnarkable for the bounding ve oci ty of pulse, an'l the heart, called the" thumps," whioli characlerizef it from almost every other affeqiion. Enlargements of the vtins and arteries aa a conscqunee of an over condi tion is by no msans uceotnnion, ond ihsir valve3 are found ossified, nnd some of them pvggid up completely deranging the circu lation in the part so affected. ThU tie posit in (he blood vcstel is rcthromauous, or like a chessy material, which th. sys lem has failed to gel rid of hence the plug Sing. Aneurism of the great trunks is another child of tho same crcaton; but hjppilynot cfton met with in veterinary practice. Connected with the circulatory syetem I must not forgot to state that small parasites or worms are1; unfortunately too ofion found in the blood vessuls, almost com pletely filling them up. This coiiditicn, however, U to', pracii-ed by the eases al ready alluded to, as praothiug the above mentioned diiease of llie blood. The va riety of worms referred to, as being found in tho blond, irj i hit fly the strsglus and pilaria, which aro found in the aor a and ccelue plexus. Anothdr biseasc, snd"tba last I will 1 ore alludsd te, ii Staggers, arising, as it does, from an over supply of blood to tho braio. This condition rasy; hotvover, bo brought about without any disea3o in the blood or blood-vessels, as, for example, a collar that is tio amall, put on a horse, or does uot rest propfrly upon tho shoulder, must necessarily preji upon the neck, ami r .l - . ui vuuiau, ainu upon tne caul) oi the great venous a:id arterial trunk Ie-idin to and fro n tho brain. When IVh U the cjso the horse W.ll swing from side to side, lie? upon the pole, or on the shafts of the car riage or cart, stopi amljfalls, or falls uhile running This attck is what is djnomi naied megrims; an appellation which would be more readly understood, if it were called Vertigo or giddii.oss. Stag gars in nattlo and sheep is known by the name of Souping ill. It is bu called, he cause when attacke, these animals will tremble, fall down, and subsequently roll and toss about, aud the powcrlul oz gores at everything within itsrcachf To prevent any and all of thoso tlisoatoj nrWng from disoase of the blood and circu lation, will be, if possible, to get and keep a high standard of general health in iil animals, without producing too much fat and flesh ; and moro especially, to keep any animal that has h t'icrlo been starved, and poer in flesh, from bciogsidlenly tunJ ed into rich pastures, orsupp'y them all, as it were, with too much rich and wnn v i cnnpontrntotl TK. ...... ' I M.v... t.j suaiijiiigitricuysrainst, such trenlm.nl. f- i1 7i .it - b ... -........,, uucHMf.a win tronble the herds thus cared for. The farmeri of Lancasttr county are turning their attontion to tobacco culture. One fanner haa sold his crop, the product of thro and t half acres, for Sl.dOO. It is eitimated that the crop raid in . . i rnnnir met tAir wo . ti rnn Th. nricA nd'fn T,,,..;7. r lT .7. . r..-.r -v-.., uu, tJgnt to twnj cents, to quality,'. DR W8SHARTPS PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Is the Vital Priiicipio of ihn I Inc Trcb. Obtained Ay a, lyttllir rrotati In.th dJitlllMlon et the 111. bv nkliti III Mf but nedlelnal rrotiattlai ita I rttalntil, I It la the taadltlne tktt taut rtkan ill othanktvi fklltd. A Ureal nenioly for Cousniupllnn. I nm constantly rrtclvlnr ink Mrtlflitlaa Ik following, 11 HA I) IT I I II... tnn . Mftunh I It... ... O ... Th.n.i I ft.. i ."-.n f to pramnnitory eymptomi of ttm mmt fatal disease, Consumption? TIioio wnn should lie wntneil lit theat r mess symptom gc f rally think lightly of thi'in until It In Ion lute. i rom tills fact, perhaps tnnro than nny other, rirjtos tlio tad muvalenco ami fatality of dlscas uhic icn aweepa to the grave nt IcasUinc-sixth of Heath's vlctlme, na. VVIint nrc Ha symptoms I It usunllv licelns with n short, drr much, which annn gini become habitual, but fur soma time nothing It rulaeil except n frothy mucus. The breathing la somewhat difficult, ami upun slight exercise lunch hurried. A tense of tlghtnees mid oppression nt the chest la often felt. As the disease ndauci'a the patient hecomea llitn In iIopIi la atlllitcd ultu Ion of appetite, great langnr. imlolcnce, and dejection of aplrlta; and may cotitinti- 1 t III m ttaleforncnnalderable Icusth oftlnie, thai itlacy readily nUVttoil hy alight riponure or lallcud If llicie occur, thecniigli becomes inorf Iron bleaoiiie, nnd la iilteinled with cipcttoratinn, which la most cnpioua utid free very rarly lit the morning, It la jomctimce atreaked ullfi blood. At Ihia atage nlnlit swents titually act in, nnd in anine cnaea a profuan bleeding of the luuga may also occur. 1'aln In aoino , pa,t 0n,8 t,ett la reit, nnj uncn n ditnculty or lying upon otto or the other side, without mere Ilia of eouih niiorn aence r fu neaa or suffocation. Is perienced. The pula,' becomes full, hard, olid frequent i lie nectic nusn tingca toe enceita, aim tne utre inaiauy ii fast liaateniug to ita tloie. ou now an "is tncre a cure i ' I'onsumiition ha been and can be cured br the llie of niv im i oroial, even in aonaratit v noiteiesa casca. This nasertinu 1 make with the ability to present the IllOat rotnltletM evi. (port, t.rilw truth Rrtfirn uilt not R'tmll'myglMngtln'CoiiU'iitsorihitmniiyiliouaaiiila of testimonials to its valu-'. which 1 have been ami nm receiving riom men and women of unquestionable wonh nn I reputation I luve had a numh-r of tlieae , certltlcatea printed Inrlrtula form which 1 will send you tree on application Whether you now determine to try ihn meiiiclne or not, send Air the circular. After 1 yeara of study and experiment. I ofler thia medicine, believing it to be tlio best remedy for all pulmonary and bronchial diseases, I f on c.innot be benefitted by ttia use oft'je T.tr Cordial, I believe youuru beyond all earthy aid, Vet Inhere are belter i urate agents, I earnestly advise their use. 'I he best remedies, the beat cad, ure needed hy those ntllUlcd with this ills. eac. Kelt ving Mils to be the h.'tl, I nsk you to try it. Many, nut only of the pnopl.', but physicians of every ifhool ami orui-tlce. are daily asking me. "What lathe principle or cause of your success in the treatment of rultminary Cnri.iiuiptmn I" My anstieris this: The invigorution of the digestive organs the streng then inz of the debilitated system-the puriflc.ition nnd enrichment of the blood must eipel fioio tho sv.tem ths corruption which icroful.i breeds. While tills la etrmted hy the powerful ii teratlve (changing from ills case to health) properties of the Tar Cordial, its heal, inf and renovating principle is also acting upon the irrialed aurfaceaof the luiiss nud throM. penetrating each deseased part, rolieilng, subduing Inlliiuatlnn and restoring n healthful tendency. Let lhi twofold power, the healing and Ib.i strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with .Naturc'a constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, if lit lias nut too long delayed a rtsort to the means of cure. I1UWAISE OF COUNTERFEITS. The genuine has ths name of the propriilnr nnd a lino tree blown in the bottle. All others ar spurious Imitations. Thick Fiitt Cists ira Ott Noma ru norm, rr. pared only by tho proprietor, lr. I.. i ,. UISHAUT, No. 10 North Seco.nh St., PUILADISLl'HIA, For Sale by all Druggists. December 19, lSl'.1-Cin. I'A, 'T-.-v EVANS & WATSON 'Sr&Zii&r&ZLK balaaiandbr safes. Itl i'AWvuiS:,(4Hl .S ntt, Philadelphia, hare on 'lYlJt rftvsSitl aa' a large assortment rf Fire .VT jpfrJ'.',Ai?i 'llilef proof Salamander S.ifi a. li'lJiiysCi,4f ls0' ,t0" doors, fur banks and WtlfKSI; atorcs, Iron shutters iron sash, all -r-,.. vao.r" makea of locka equal to any male in the United RiMea. FirtS-Jrtin em r. M tut rifrit rln ... tntt in trooit condition. world BsUmaniler Sifl' of I'hiladelphi agaiiiit tk. KVANS & WATSON. have had tho surest demotration'in tho following m tiflrate that their manufacture of Salamaniler Safi a lin. at length fully warrantifil tlni repreaoutatiuue whithhave been ma le of them ns nonlenm. n n.i,,i,t...i - againat the tcrrlfia clement. Philadelphia ptt ie. l?Jo. Mtstrn F.tant & llilm... tl,.ni....... i ni'.,..i. ... the hiehest stlGr,rtl,. .n ...... ' " . . the very protective qualities of two of the Salamander, nine. men we i urciusfd ofy u some Cve month since we suveil u larec nortion of 1,-M.nir.. n,,.i n ..... i.n..v. te., exposed to the calaiuinoue.lire inltanstead place on the morning of tho 11th inst.. vvr.en we rcll at (hut thesa aafea were located in the roiirth srory of the building we occupied and that they fell aubsequcntly intou heap of burning ruins, where the vast concentration of tho hent caused the brass plates to melt, we cannot but regard th j preservation of their val uab e contents as most convincing prouf of the great se curity afforded by jour sales. " cii.ii ii,- great pleasure in recommending then. I men or business as a sure reliance airain-t lire. --., 'V'KGE . SI.MMOXS i IIHO., .huc'.U-, .C . .e-T "ae i,lc'; purchased .ii large Safer. Julyiib, m-2. rAngusfJU li. Nos. 9, 11, III, 15, 17 Couitlandt Street. NEAllUnOAIIWAT, NEW YOKK CITY This old-established anrl fa.orli.. nesa Coiiiiiiunity has been recently refitted, and is com Y u I" everything that can inini.ter to the comforts l Hilly provided for:" ,im""' m"a"y "ml e' It 1 centrally located in the bu-iness part of tho city, and is cuntienntis to tho ,..i,...i...i i cars, omnibussca ferries, kc. .luuiimoaia In coiisequenco of the pressure cauaed by the lebel lion, prices have been redueed to One Dollar a d 1-iftn ( cuts per Dm. i ne table is amply supplied with all the luturiea of country, y 'r ,10tc' '" ",e Ample accommodations are offered for upward of 400 mr SSl'iSF' S"d lh"' Wh TI1M. I.. WIN'ClVESXC,,1:aTEKl r'0r"','' Feb. 15. 16CS. THE CHEAT O'QAJRHimTION 1IKI.1I THOS. W. AIATTSON v us a -jiucu me i fizo mca- o-V4-'"e a! for tils iuperioriiy over all Htateft for hit improvi'DieiitB AwsSSfA1 in i ravpiuitj; Ti uuks, SSIIS He being the Inventor and !!?i?&3 Manufacturer of r.l.i.tli.at.ai W'iiJft h.r.l,lS:?Ll')T.?"!Pv,Jr;ira,,a'0!,d "'"cted Iron Frame n... .T.it.. h?" '! U-'ses, I hrnet iir.; AT V. i. umorenaa and llnbbv Horses, lojs' (Jlga. Propellera, WheUberrowa, be, which The la preiiared to sell at the lowest isnaufacfuring Price m MA1IKLT BTliEET.- one donr abeve Fourth r- South side, PHILADELPHIA C7"Sa es room on t h. rt,.. ""'" iiia. Tr.''.uk' !lPally "P'"1'' r exchangod fo, new L.1n " "B H ry cheau fo, ck.h cnes r-nv 14, IWI3-JSint. q'HE Proprietor of this well-known and centrally Iocs derfortherecept on nndeulertalniuent oftralelera u , may feel dispo.ed to f.ivortt urni, ti i. .... .... a;,J11' spared no expense in prepating the rr,i"smi for the entertalnincnt ofliis gucta, neither shall here be X lh.ni: wnnj ng (on hif pa,i)to .ui.il.ter to thei, ,.e am .oc'au'o'r,1;" " ''8Cl0U" e"J" " ieYl"5l t.Mlit eler. will be plea.aiitly oiitS o Jli? f., , Va'V apcclive Stationa in duo time to u.eet the Car. Cloom.burg, July 7l ,eco. WM' "' K0N8. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP TMfflM!''!fr !".. Wend merest I,, , I.. . r'"V"" '.0, Purchased his brothcra hereafter .rronS . lie has just reee ved ami ntr,.- r., , r.. .. ot ni,.i'... .;. .:r.r"" mrg. StoM HTO V n nJ,7. i.. i.. j ."'''.'y.'1' A N C Y TS Ilia stork Vni..tV . r,:u,u1l market. htkJ.t uilti?tnW&i fo"r of er with .,.... wr; "in mi inaraer, togeth- with 8U)VB -Fir .;:;",' "L';."'" t llox P.o'na,!;-" nj lindiir S ?" ?!f1llV.0VC, .ta","on H'ovet' Stvep n j ' All IU ia da of r e? i " i1"1'"1 ni manuhcturedVoWr! , 'Vf,. i'.. tK?i,ln,.l0J'"' " u'. Bhort notice Dectfiillv ao iVii. i ,rna '" new curtoin.ra re- Pm.I,H Xk "ciif '' A. M. UUPERT BIoom.burg.N,oTember3die60.-tf. ''uutL"r- JOHN C. YE AGE It! MANUFACTURER it WHOLESALE DRALRE IV 1HATS, CAPS, 'STRAW ftfinns Ttnvvni.a avI. STUA v ' BONNETS AND AimtfiviMi I'LOWERS. TJravo SoldiorB and Sailors IIOLJ.OWAY'S PILLS. N D OINTMENT. All who hate Friends anrl Itetativet In the Army or Navy ahould takn tpcclai fare that thcr bo amply atip piled wllh these I'illa nnd Ointment ; mid where the bravo Soldiers ami Palloro have neglected to provide ineintcivea witn mem, no belter prcrcnt can he sen them br their f'rlenda. They have been proved to be ' iuc ca uier never iai miff irienu in inu nour oi neeii. rtyjIIIIHANDCnLDi) AFPFXTINd TROOrH, Wlirbe Fpeedly trllered rind f ffi'dimlly cured by uilng these admirable inedicinca, nnd by paying proper attention to the lllrectlona which arc attached to each Tot or lloi, hick iiuanaciilis and want of ap etitk, inciiii:niai,to somiikks. Those feeling which so saifden us usually arise from trouble or annoyances, ob. tnn ted peisplratloii, or eat. ingaml drinking whalcvi r Is uuwholesnuie, thus ills turblng the healthful action ufthe liver nnd stomach These organs must be relieved, If you desire tube well 'I he Tills, taken according to the printed distinctions, will quickly produce a healthy action in both liver nnd stomach, and, na a natural consequence, a clear head and guod appetite, WEAKNESS OR DF.ntl.ITY INUUCEO HY OVER FATIGUE Will soon disappear by the usoof these lnvalua.de rills, and the Soldier will quickly ncqulre additional strength. Never lit the dowels be either confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem strange, that llnl. lowny'e Pills should he recommended for Dysentery nnd I'lui. many persons supposing that they would increuse the rcl nation This is a great mistake, for these Fills will correct the liver and stjmhdi. and thus remote all the acrid humors from the system. This medicine wl'l give tone nnd vigor to the whola organic system, however deranged, while Heal Hi and strength follow na a mutter of course. Nothing 'will stop the re laialiun orthe llowc so sure al this famous medi cine. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS OF YUUTII. Sores and Ulcers, lllutches and Swellings, con with certainty he radically cured. If the Pills arc taken nl-ht and morning, nnd Ointment be freely used as stated in the printed lnstru"ion. Iftreated in any .thcr man ner, they dry uf .i cne part to break out In another v hereits Ihl' .iiituiiiit will remove the humors from the ay item, a.id leave the Patient a vigorous and healthy man. It will requlro u little peraevcranco in bail ca ses to Insure n lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED I1V THE I1AYONET SAURK, ORTHE IIUI.I.ET, r-OSES OR IIUU1SES, To which every Soldier and Satlor are liable, there are no medlnes so safe, aure, anil convenient, us llol loway's IMlBiind Ointment. 'I he wounded nnd almost dying sufferer might have his wounds dressed Imme diately. II' lie. would only provide himself with this matchless Ointment, wbith should be thrust intnthe woiind nud smeared all round it, then covered with n piece ol linen from his knnps.irk and compressed with a handkerchief Talking, night nnd morning, UorB Fills, to cool the system and Prevent iiiflamatlnn. Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Cheat should be prut iiied w llli these valuable Remedies. OAUTION! None are genuine unless the worda "llollowuvs, New York and London " aro discernable as a Water-mark in every leaf of tho book of directions around each pot or boll ; the same may plainly seen by Induing the leaf to tho light. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such Information as may lend to the detection of any party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing Ihem to b" spurious. ',' Sold at manufactory oi Trofeasor llollnway, SO Mliiden l.anc, New Yurk, and by all respectable Drug, istsand Dealers ill .Medicine, throughout the civilicd world. 07 Ilolloway's Pilla and Ointment are now retailed owing to the high prices of Drugs, lit., at 30 cents, TU cents, and $1,111 per llox or Pot, ,ES"'J hero la considerable aaving by taken the larger sizes. N. Il.-Dlrectiona for ths guidance ofpatienta In every dikorder are affixed to each box. 1C?" Dealers in my well known medicines can have Show Cards, Circulars, iie.. sent free of expense, hy addressing THOMAS IIOLI.OWAY, . P0 Miiuan L-v, NkwYnmr. Ilea. Ii. ieC3.-ly. fjune m0i leu3. G I K T O N S Cheap Grocery Store. ALSO MATS, CAPS AND SHOUS, f HE undersigned having bought out the Orocery o David Slrnun, has removed his Hat and Cap Store up to Stroup's old stand. he re in eiUliiion t a t, . nor assortment or FALL AND WINTER S Hats and Caps, US' 0ONFECT10NA1UES, 0RACKERS, Mo'aises, Suj;ar, Coffee, Teas, Tobarr, Snuff. Cigar. Spices, Dried Fruit, Ruiter, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lamns. Books. "Writing Paper & Ink. Narduur nnd Cedn'rwure, P'cku Knives, Comln, St" re'11" n'"' Tlui!tr of a"it,e" tenerally kept in a Also-A fine lot of KItH, MOROi EOS and LiMNca to whirhheiiiviteatheatciition of Shocmakera diid the Ut,,., Uloomahiirg, Dec. i. 18M JOHN K. GIRTON. JGreenwoo t Seminary BXaUSIl, CLASSICAL JWD CP.VMr.RCML SCHOOL yon BOTH SKXKS. T.JM. POTTS, Patdctna, AMlSMIilt, Bock Kltfivg and .ViaraJ Mnw. J. d. pa"tt6n, A. M, FJctuthn UUnturt.and Antimlni tdodtr lMgag. The Scholastit year is divided into four quarters of w.w.. .. ...i uiu, fi.uiicneiiie as lonowt, on the second Monday in August.the first Monday in November inApril '" Ja"uary' tl10 01"t Monday THE EXPENSES Per quarter for noarding and Tuition In English, ranee ing'nr' extri'0 ,3' UU "W- Muii "a Urifw. o P" r",' V'1.r,,',u,,',ir".orfu''h particulara, addrcsa the Principal nt .MILLVII.LE, COLUMU1A CO.. PA. October 3, Ibli3ly, ' ' NEW FANCY FOR t'ALL WINTER. rPlirc subscriber has just received a lot X HoSery Triiuminga and New Oonda, audi aa u & ii it j v a CLOVES. A1'80: DOLLS. bTAVS, SATCHF.LI,. HOOP SKIRTS. PORTJIOVIESJ, AMI OTHER NOTIONS B-f-n neeierS: Wilaon'i Sewing Machiiiea for sale. Alan V. ,"11001 ,l0k nd Bibles. Also ..in. .ue i a nair iteBtorcr which will giro to natural color. gray its natural color. A. I), WE II II. I.loom.bu,g.Nov. iftig"' b"" C"" "o-. " BLOOJISUURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. 1'Hi: undcralgned inform, u, citixena of Illoom. am' neighborhood, tbnt he has tnicm n. !.,..... nulla Exchange lllock, extending over Harney Slohner llakery. and tho ookmor,, u !.... t. I... :,1 a largo Skj lip' t. It ia only by Skylight that good pic turea can beti let. especially groxpa whera eacli person can be taker) i.t ns wi ll na aeparute. ' llehuagon to lonsiderable expense to make hla ea tablishment first rlassnm.. nn.l l,n itb..r... ni. " liberal palro ige toenubhi him, tocniisiantly introduce - ,,vlc,ii. in uie an. O"toiin -y produce taken In Exchange for pictures HENRY UOSENSTOCi;. lilnomilmrg, Nov. 23 JelJJ, Nov. fl M I M, M0T New Drug Stquii, WHOLESALE AND RRTAlr. T"I?,!",llc',inB'1 woul'' "'cir frienda and the J11'0 Beeftty.thal they have take,, the .Jandfo,! P, eW """I'M H AL llagenbiich, iu tho EichaiiM , ,'Vu,"Bi "'a' airect, in tiioouuburr, where he kta rcceiren a full aupply of i"eaa -.,...,;" , - " ' tsat-aaaurj, ttlltas, 0Jlaj j Ji;tlll)H, &C, Which Will be Bold on mndomtA l.fnn fn. mm A I Alao, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, Physicians' prescriptions carefully tompouadtd, at all timet and on short notice. WiHi0i'e'i'onll'!,70',,,B be,, ,el""0,- d ?eda Uawtkurg, ApNl II, IIM -.- fciiKMW oci:iiv H'roni:. MORE FIlESn GOOI)9. Just weived at Erasmus1 JYtf Stort, Molasses, Sugars, Teae Coffee, Rice, Spices, HaT9 and Caps, Fish, Sail, Tobacco, Scgarn, Candies, Razcns, PIC ED AND PROVIM NS. Together wllh a great variety of notloiMand etcete ras, ton numerous to mention, C7 flutter, Eggs, Meat and produce generally take In exchange fur goodt, A. II, lit ASMU8. Uloomsburg, May 9, Ii:. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. JTs'e of Patrick Griuhj, Dcceastrl. LF.TTEIIS of administration on the Estate of Patrick Orndv. late of Convnghaiii t ii . Columbia counlv. decraaec, have been gianted by the Register ofColtiui lila county, In the undersigned ! all persons hating I claims against the estate of the decedent nie requested j to present them to the Administrator at hla leslileuoe ! in said township without delay, nnd all persons ludeb. i iu to inaso payment lerinwitii. URinni'.T on a ii v, Administratrix, April?, IpOI-Ow S2 00. VALUABLE RE A ESTATE AT PRIVATE SaLE. 'pnB Real Estate formerly owned by Elias I Wertinan in Rohrsbnrg. Columbia countv. Fa., Is olferJil at Privato Sale, consisting of J Two Frame Dwelling and a frame Store House, with the necessary out-huildlngs, all ino tirder. iT Terms Easy For rnrther informalioa inaaj t Samuel Achenbuck, Orangevllle, Fa, January V, lcJt4. 3m fi!lTrfl!S. rPIIE undersigned would infoiiii he eu- I tomeis of the late firm of C. &. W. KREA.MER, aa Merchants In Jcraeytow u, thn the firm haa boea dissolved liy mutual content, nud that the Hooks and Accounts are in my hands for collection, I'eraona having n counts will pleaic came ,ind male an early settlement nud oblige, &c. Grain nud Lumber, taken on atcnaii,. WM. IllliMH, Jeraeytown, February JT, UB4. WALNUT JBOTl:L, LIGHT STREET, Columbia countv, Tr-i lit- l. ..!..... . t ..... . - 1 . ' I,,.- ,uiiicii.iiii;ii Hat iucuicu at tne tnovc nairef hotel, formerly occupied by I'eter Sakag, and sniff, ita a share of public patronage. , C" Oood accomiiiodatlans for man tail beast, TL, beat kind of liquors at tlw bar. April .1. tm- i..IOC.Prop,l., S. III. JcWSslF'vs CLOTHING HALL. No. iiOi North Second Street I'hil'n f tONSTANTLY INSTANTLY on hand a full BMJrlmont of Ready Made Men mid.ll.iy'e Clothiug nnd Cente' Furnish. lag floods, nt WhfilenOo and llctail January !), Ifivi. (Jim NOTICE AND CAUTION. Whereas, my wife, Epha Ann Loibv, 1 haalcfltny bed and board without Just cauot or provocation, notice it therefore hereby givcn.nnt.isj arbnr or trust her on my nc mint, aa I am deter. mine t. pay no debta of her contraclliig after this date lOS-'.PIl I'. I.EIIIY. Lay st twp February 27, 12M. 3t Nmh fi4UHo irr nnd lieaitllful pUlnt. m nfcn fif nt tho Offlco of the "OoitNDU nHitmiT." RLANKS! BLANKS! I f every dtifcriiirion, for sale at thisoflira mi , h . i a s . w- a ' ( Opiu.iile h- H-cnnefiiL Hall, ) CHESTNUT STREET P.ETWEEN FIFTH faSIXTH, i PHILADELPHIA. WY ATT U HEIM.INOS. f'ropriatoia. Navtuker 30, ISM. f MurcU 13. IR E. C. HARRISON, M b. , W OULD respectfull) inform the citixena ofhlooin--hurg.aud vicinity, that he coiitinuesthe practise of MKMCLYi: A.VO HUHOFMY, nd solicits u share of public patronage. OrncK on Main Street, f rat ktnae kalaw tk Court Iliuiso, Uoaaukurg. rabrutay 1, Ip,k af ATTENTION ! TO AU. miOM IT MAT coxcaRt.; The undesigned being a regularly "liceii-cd Auction eer." hereby otrjra hla services as tuch, to all who may feel disposed lo give him a c.ill. His great expe rience in the business, will enable him to render satis faction to hia customers. At the saimlininlie Cautions all Auctioneer!, "not licensed," from following aaid calling, aa the fine fixed by Ihn United States will surely bo imposed, and the l-w carried out to its full -.v..;. All per-oiiade-irine to obtain lor asrvicss, w ni plev lafr.rm me lothtt tfTci before they flverli-t. ... J. I' hi4;2. .'.rerrouctrx. I.igtit SiTSSt, Nt. 14. 161. J. Weichselbaum, OPTICIAN, FROM PHILADELPHIA, I ) rspectfully infurms the cllizena of lllonmshurg and Ik vicinity that he haa opened a ROOM at Hid Ii. haiige Hotel where he offers for Bale fr c- ,. . ' Of Every I'uriety, Size And Quality, A new Invention ofHpectaclea for iliit.mt or closn rending, with gold, silver, steel, and tortoiie-shell friimea and n new and improved asorlment of pi rifocal facture. He would ,,Vlcu.a7i call the nuen ou u the public t : to hi. SPECTACLES for m;k sighted n:usoxs, And for Persona who have been operated upon lor the cataract of the eye and to hit new kinder Classes ond Cnuservera of the aight.madif of the best flint ntid asure Classes Bond Classes may bo known by their shape exact centre, .harp and highly polished surface, The riualiltes arc to be found in high degree in his Onuses, Highly Important ! Very best IJrazitlian I ebblc ami Rock CrislnU So uiiivc tally i uvea" to be Jursitpoior to any other glass. JTlsu, Microscopes, Spy and Quizzing Glasses of every size and Quality, Teliscopes, Magnifying and Opera Glcuses, With different powers, together with evoxy variety of arliclea in the OPTICAL litt-t not mentioned. ID" OPTICAL and other liibtruuiciita and (Ilatsos carefully repaired at abort notice, lie can always se led Classes to ,ult the vision of the person, a he sees them upon first trial. He will remain in tliia. pl.icu during itiuy Court nnd those in wunt of the above uni ties will please glie him a call VJr He will if required, go to uny reapectablo house where hit services may be wau'e.l. ICr- The very best l.VE-WATEK and tho belt Hunt ing Classes always for sale, April 111, lUiii. 3ta. AlAKOb AjND MELODEOKS AT WilOl.KSAI.E AND RETAIL. EVERY Inttruint Warranted for Fivo Yaara. Addresi, A. P, DENNETT, Agsnt. limits, Ntw Talk, . Ia7" airdara lift at tk Bnhtagt Bttta, BtMaaakurg r., will bt pranaptly AliaidiJ to, ax.taiik.rg, Uartk, M, irW.-ltii. FEMALES I FEMALES 1 1 FEMALISIII U that Safe, PI -atanj Remedy known na HELM. UOLO d EXTRACT IIUCIIU, for all complair.ta incid cut t the Sex. No family should be without it, and Hone will when once tried by them. It it used BY YOUNG AND OLD, In the decline or change of life, beforo and after Mar riage during and after confinement, to strengthen the Nerves, restore Nature to Its nrouer channel, and in. vlgorate the broken down Cnuititution.f iom whatever canse originating. USE NO MORE WORTHLESS PILLS I ll I I. i.'V I .,! .'VI.' ' i See Advertisement in another column I ui mn t end for it HORSE m BILLS; A 1 J'.. i 1 00,000 MORE MEN WANTED! REVOLUTION IN HIGH PfilCES, L.9ROH ARRIVAL OF Pall & Winter Goods T PETER ENT'S STORE, Iff LiailV STHF.V.T, COLUMBIA COV.TY, PA, 1 1 AS lust received from Philadelphia, nnd ll now opelilng althe old ..and lately occupied ky M.r.x Ent, a splendid assortment of i i WO eW1 Trw PPP 33 & tl'2 1 &Wm.HtM$ which will be aold cheap tor 1 CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stockcnnslsta of Ladles l)rsa Oonda choleastaljlee and latest faahloitt . Calicos, i Muslins, Ginghams, Flaunels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MrlDE CLOTHING. tistiincrcs, atincts, o tt onades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &q. Groceries, Qucensware, Cednrware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, I Paints, l kc. ROOTS fi SHOES. HATS it CAPS. In shon -sery thing u-undy kepi in n country slorn The patronage ofohl friends, nnd the public general ly, is respectiuii) soiineu The highest market price paid for country produce. r&TEK UNI'. Light Sireet, Kor. 7, 161.3. 7MIC underilgnHi. iaiao cxtenaivny cngrgert Hi the Uihlcrlakiv" BuaiiivsF, and ket p constantly on hind an lor sue in ins n arerooms, a large asFortinent oi FINISHED jggj COFFINS, By whiih he Ie iiiabled lo till orders ou presentation Alto-Keeps a good Horse and Hearse, end will at nl timet be ready to attend Fuuercls, SIMON' C. PHIVE. Illoomsbi'rg, January VI, IfSD I EW AND.-ECOND HAND SAFKS. For sale c ent. at New York t- ife Dent.t. 71 Wtl. ham Sue. t, New York. s a. a n f. a a iiiu.ts 'if i.ii.iir.s nac ruooi S FES r irrsi i r.-. C.'.i A'll BiiunT. winrn. 54 -W nr.rui. .".i !4 'II J U H rinn. Ii Vi Ii Ii 14 IS No. 4 No. a No. 3 No. No. t No. I 30 H 31 2-i 34 31 ') 31 iff st nr.: KSimtT. WIDTH, No. I No. 1 No. 3 No. 4 No S No. o II lv !l 24 31 131 Ii H :i si Micr.. .. vn ea . no o'j 70 II ) . M 110 . 10(1 III) . US llll Vn. 1 Mo S No. 3 No. 4 . . . . in. ,1 No. II November 11,1663. Siili'T SStTESY. II. C. II O W E R, SURGEON DBNTIST. RI'SPECPFULLY oflVrs h.a profea, u'-fo';,':,!,!:,;!!"1 ",?";: nrenared in iiti..t,.i .. -nl ,i... . oporr.tii.iw iii the lini-ofhis iirefessinn, and is provided with tin uti st improved l"JhOV.LAI. TJUTll; winch MnZxa!Msa' tu"bbJS Mineral plate and block teeth manufacture d and all ?" '.e.V,h.-."'''"': I'ror.rly at..:..,.l-.l to. House, .aiiic aide ... "it. ttiiu tnur.v & ew nnun JHIiitH I Fii I nn tt - . - Illoouisburg, Juncr. 1po3, I8(i4. PIIILADELl'IIIA k ERIE JR. A I . - R O A . This great line traverses the Northern nnd North wett counties of I'cBiisvanin to the city of Erie. on Lake Erie. ' It haa been leased by the Pennsylvania Ilailroad Company, nud under their iiuspicis it belag raaidlv milip,t tbrniil,ii,il It. ..till I...,tl. ' - " ' "fJJ'i !'?' rV I, w , " S, V mT . !, V"'" , Weatrrn lilviftnii, v ' ..1!f.i;,"K,,'A.1"'FSI'F" AH aORTIIl'KBtRllHD. Mail Train leaves, Eat 'IS1 A M Expreis Train" 10 57 P. 3L Mail " We.t 5 4i Expresa 7 itfA(M, l ars run Ihrough nmtour cniaet both ways on thes trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and I llalliinoro nnd Lock Haven. Now and i-legtut Sleeii. ingCarsarcouipaningthj Eipress Train both wa) between Williiiuispori and Ualtiniore, and Wllliama port and Philadelphia, . ror inioruuiioiireapectlng IMssenger business, an plyattho S. E. Cor. Ilth nud Market Sis. And for Freight buaineasof the Coinpany'a Agenta S. II. hingston, Jr., Cur. 13th and Market Sis., Plitl'a i. . llejnolilj, Erie. J M. Drill, Agent N. C. It- R Rnltimore. II. II. Houston, Oen'1. Freight Agt . fhiladilplna, Lewis I.- Iloupt, Uen'l.Tiiket Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph I). Putin, Cen'l. Manager, Wtiliniuspi'rt. rebruary 13, IfciU. Btcaclins Rail Runcl. S m M ER ARRANGE M ENT. -IRE T TRUNK LINE FHOM THE NORTH AVn I V.T Norlhwe.t for Philadelphia, k'liv York, Reading . Pottsville. Lebanon Alkutowii, Eastnn, &c La, Trams leave llarriaburg for fhilaih-tphij. New York Reading. Pottsville and all intermediate stations, at ti a, in., and S p. an. New Vnrk exptesa leaves llurri.hiirg at S.15 a, m arriv lug nt New ) ork at !i n tlio same inortiiiig ' n,l,'i"!,.,fr"" lllld'B- 'Pit New York 5 15 ; to Uiroilgh "'J' ""HS"" clruclced lliturniug, leave New York at fi a in., I-Jrioon. and 7 , p. in., (Pitt.b'irg Exprussi. Leave Philadelphia at B.I3 1 U. .1.1, ., 1,1 tdei'iiiiieiar in tho NVu Vnrk rnrn..tin. .i,-u Pa.smiger, by thn Catawts.a Railroad leave Tamauua and all Wav Poiuis. r... ""'."." -- .""" p. m 1 rauia leave I'oIIkvII.b at 9.IS a in., and 0.30 mi iiiimui-ipiiiu. uarrifcuurg anu now York. An Accommodation passenger train leuvea Reading MUl,.',u,i" "!'d """ Pl''lelp!'la at S lilip.nf , OF Al th,; above trains run daily, Su'nday. excepted ' Couilliutalioll. lliiteaee. isit.nn. .nd Tr.,r .j.l... at reduced rates to and from all points. a. A.NICOLLS, Utniral Svptrttll4nit. 7t W V--V Tt it 0i M. leva n ak A. UT j ATTORNEY AT LAW, nr.ooMsavKn. rj 'J! in t'.. Ally frfr-.i'l. :w.,a ruitsiltf Iltiaaikui; Pet (. n rrillS I'TlTUTIfN la under the sola nianaraniS , J nnd dlrarllon of Prof. I). W. l.'Trit, to long Prl- . alnal or the ItlXattAMTOJt COMMERCIAL (XlLLICOB. Thi course of Insttiietlnii embraces nil tho requisite a . of nthnro.igh practical buslncaa fd; cnllort, and has been lately eileitded hy the Introduction of an Act nl lltisluess Oourse. Hi which the Student cngagca In the regular routine ol business tinnsncllons, r'nP''j nn.t la in lariicu ny iih-" o n"-. ".--,,, u.i.i nrhnvlni nnd selling gooda is carried "'BlSrlVnOT " . ,5 iirit.iali. Rall-noidliignnd Sleaui-llo.tllng l'ol oiurn, reicgrnpn, c, i. ... i. ,.. The Proprietor Una apared notlineor eipen.c in. kM ,,ls course the most thorough mid cmnp Me t 1 ... ..... ......i,i...i tn the nub e. and feela fully as- any ever prcsenii-u to tne puonc, nun im sureu mat alter riaviug t ii.mni.,i,.." : buslneas, nnd having had many years ixperlenci M leaching the f-eincc of Accounts, and being aided by n full and eiricelent corpa of teachers, he will be en bled to inaku thorough and tuccotrful gr iduates ur an who may pl.tce themselves under hit clung. PKX.MAXSIII ft , ., In this easenlial branch of n buslua fdiicntloa na Collage offers better facilities in tho learner. Tk SpeHcerlan system will bo taught In all Ita Tarlclles by the most skillful masters of tho att. bpeeliiiena re writing from this Institution hive received the highest eacriiiir.lins from the press. .r..i For general Information, terms, it., ndilreaa forcol. IcgeMonllily, which will hi mailed (reel mr apeal mens of Peiiiniinahlp, rncloso two three ceiitstanipa. AddrcBB I). W LOWELL, Principal. I nwell's Commercial College. Illucliaiiilon, N. Y. P. S.- One of Ililter & Duncan's No. 1 highly f'1;!'",3'1 fine, perfect point, quill spring Cold Pcna, nllh npU'r and case, warranlod for one year ami to au t, will i.a tent, free of charge to any una who will remit 3J.5 the above address. Octobej 3. liili'J-ly. FAMILY DYE COLORS. P.UCK, llinti IlLtlK, l.iuiiT III ue, FntMii Hut, (.'l.tltlT IlKOWrl, lllRK DROWN, Lroitr llnnwa, SM'ir IIrowm. Ckimson. 1iuih 1irab, I.IIIKT DrtiD, H.IKK liKHJ, LIU1IT UllVLN, Mjesim, Maboos. Onitiua, PlK, I'eiirLS, llovAt. Fcma. Sai.mm, Pctm,tT. cla I x, SoirFnive, Vini.tT, Ytuow For Dying Silk, Woolen nnd Mixed (Joods, Shawls, Scurft, Dresses, illbbnnt, Cloves, I'onuets Hats. Feathers, Kid Cloves, Children's Cluthing and all kinds of Wearing Ayparel. ser , sAVixii or 8!i rs:it ikxt. For Si cents you cm order ns tnany gooda ns would otherw ise cost five times that sum. Various t-hndes can he produced from the same Dye. The process la , simple, nun alt V one can use tne iiya wnn peritct suo- cess. ' i Directions In English. French nnd German, inside of eaeh package For further inforinatinn in Iiyi inj. and glviiii a per- I feet know les'tre what colors are bt adapted to dye over others,. (with tunny valuable recipes.) purchase . Ilown i Stetihena' Treaties on Dyi lug and Coloring.' Sent by mall on receipt of pjica. Ill cents. ' Manufactured by HoWF, & srK.VIINS, t 'Ji.ll liROASK'AT I O-TO.S. r7-ror sale bv Druggi-ta nnd uculcri generally. ! December 12, i8.i.l-liuioa, HlaI.irW 'iiBlflBS' (For Bints, iTflicc. ESoachew. Ants , Se'I ISllfj, I?IotIlS ill 'rFlll'S, tVoiiicnx t5j:.c , &e , Siist cl ot : B't'atitti, Fovls, AsaimaS),, tfec. Put up In J.le. SOe. nnd 51.00 llnx-a, llfdtles & Flarks, C'l and V fiJ'f for Hotels, Public InatlUtioai, Art. , "On y fufalliblo renedi't kno-vs " ' Free fr..m I'oiAiias. ' "Not ilaneeroiis toihe Human Taailly ' ' Kats coino out of Ih sir holes to ilia." , C7- Sold Wholes-ile In all lirge litiea. ' ".'" 5-l I I ..- f 't ll'iigentsi Retail. ra tvartT-kirt IT7' I"! llrWARi " ' ol .ill ivi-nlil".. iun'.aii -is S -e tliet Cost aiiV" nau i ia ou as:t P., t, L't tie. and I'ln.k. Iiefors yon huv. K- Address IIEN'RT VI CO-TAR. I 0 FntncipAi, llanu 4-'J llaiii.wT, W. Y. Sy Sold by nIMMiolesala and Kfliil Druisla it I loouii-biirg. Pa February ll, 1S)4 -em. First Spring Arrival FOR 18t;. YOU WAT GOOBS AT THE RIGHT PRICKS, CALL AT i J. J. Eft 0 WEE'S STORE. ! wiicun YOU will nn I Ittushns at 3(1, :", Jill, 3cj mul 45 cents, j S'riws d- Checks ut 35, U8, 40 & 50 rts. III I 0, I B, mill lili cell's. I A";ca" s-f' Dim, c5 to -to. , , fl .J. . - .... . . i jO0ll ti,? Allinf.ri'K .1- I .rt't r. sn.ri Clntl.i ' d T CD " ! ' AJjoU, CarpetBl Carpets II Carpeta A FRESil LOT OF , nkn . n t I t R -wm B r tl MM Bd ' f. U Ui1 t , VU C V H M .' K J M Hiit'f A NEW STOCK OF QUEENSWARE, ' And all thn tte'jtera'a usually kept, ! 1 all and Examine. Illooniiburg. February C, 1564. THOMAS DROWN, Ra,b:r. nLOOMSHUBH, COLUMIHA CO., '.'X. Ror " wt Uo"m r. mi ma rtnum oevw, N.rauatT 14, IMrt. b'ftiail.MCTH fii UltOl'ilEUn. t7!I0LEAI.ll TOBACCO DEALERp ao.ios.Non'rii third stiiekt Five dfiortbelou Kftu. PHILADELPHIA A. LOGAN GRIM, Attorney and Cmmsellur at Law u11.,ai,0Kj,,'sij''''V'vco..pa.' ' o;'!Md 'u,r Uh" ',a" rVBLIQ sqUAllE, rtr1 ai r r rs ..... lilLKHS-BAHllS, PA. rri iiinersrsncdjliavingtakeiithia wall.knoni, ,i,d i (formerly of Major Puterbaugh). reii.tctfullv toll. , its the patronage of the public. ! "uiiy tol . , No pains will be spared in anv of Its ,l.n.,i. I K'.,r ,0 a KUO.t. The TAULE ,,d ike I EAR v, HI alwuys Le supplied with the j UBST THE .MARKET ArfORDS. tioI 'Eh! ?Jf:':''''.fti.r.. The "Exchange quare. and hattl Square, and h.Aa.,Vfn'VSulT VdV...'" ? nitiff I., i- r..1 N. U.-Wiientvcr you come t towa, plaaaa aall. Wllkf t-Barre. Nov. 1. "' J' l- STOVE AND TIN-WARE snnv I'llKundi,..!.....! .. . .Too r:;u:. '.u. .u,.,",o'..n.' ,n." '".or rtV eived nn.loir. r-itif .1,, 7 int'at -I iMo thi. inarLet The Ch istonh?, ?.? I It Parlor .five. n,o hVtii.o ,Te J it dVl "?.a.?..6.'Lr.,',:r .i, i, ; ;,:--;.':."-'""""' liiuiiieaisortinent.. ried, AL0 '..a,,' " '"fi'imar attention it nuid to TioXi'.,. ''" SpodtiiiB, upon hort neltce All V 2'' Hmie will! neatSeie an.l Vleanateh Loaal'y P'oducu takn in etchange fo, work"" nioetniburg, May!0,lE6J. National Hotel. . (Ut Whin Sran. ; RACE STREET, ABO VS THIRD ' D. 0. SIEGRTRt" Pncrn i ii W!Salkil HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTEBS. A rva atd purtf llnl Tnaie, aerrtttlve aid atlrf) af nairfaifal afiiaay la dlisait tt U KT0.1UCII, MVHU AND nOWF.I,!, Ctfia nyapspala, Liver Cnmptalat, Haadackt, Intm Uubllily, Nervmiansss, tJepreailnn of Spirit', Car dilution, Colic, Intermittciit Fevers, Craaayt and Spnaiua, mid all nuiplnlntt of rilhtr si, arising from Ilodily Wcakiif.s 1 nhether Inherent In tlio system tf priuloted by special tauiaa. Mninia.that la not wholesome, genial tal rsitin, tlva In It-nature enters Into Ik- composition nflllsi TK'I'i'l'.R'S STOMACH IIITTEHS. This popular prs taratloii cnntniiis no miaeial of nny kind, nodeadl. ntanlial element; nn Aery excitant I hut it la a comky na ion ofthe eitrnrla of rare balsamle herbs aajtl. plants wllh tkl pureil nndnilldeit of oil iHITuilf ttiat 1 lent"- ... I It is well to be forearmed agninit diieato and.tnfst as the human system can be protected by human nan ' against maladies engendered by an unwhnlcanme at Unisphere, impure water and other external eaust. IIOSIETTER'd HITTERS may ba rilled on as a tafa guard. In diitrlfts Infested with hrvtr tnd.lpn: It hatbsM found iiifalllblu ns n preventive and irresistible nt i .rented) unit thousands who resort to it under apprca heuslou of nnattack, escape thetcourge ; and thnutaud who ueg'ect to avail Iheiiiselvea of Its protective qual ' ities 111 advance, aro cured by n very brief count n this iiiarvt Inu- uiedirinn, Fev r and Ague palicats after being palld Willi quinine for months In vatii, us til fairly saturated with that I'angorous aika'oid, are not infrequently restored to health within a few data by the uae of IIO-T TT- UK IIITTEHS. 'The weak stomach la rapidly In Ignrated and the sp. petite, restored I y thi a agre aula 'I'-niic, and htnea U worm wonuets in cases ii insprp.ia enu in teas aoa. I nrnieii rerun or inutgeiiion. acting a a gentle an- nntniesa npperient, at wen as upon ma nver. it aim 1 Invariably relieves Hie Constipation superlnductd by Irregular action of th digestive nnd aeere ti. organs. i Persons of feenle habit liable .Vrrwui Atlteki, Luc nisi of lyirtti and IVr cf languor, find prompt ant: permanent relief from the l'lltera. 'Ih- testimoiij on i this pointi- uio.t concl ibit e, nnd trnin no u sex Theagony of liilliua thdie i iiiiiua.iiat It neuiagsd by n siugli dote of the si umlant, and by occaaionallv I reeorting to it, the return of th- complaint may be pte. vented ' As a general Toii'c, IIOSTE1TKP. S RITTir.!! pro duceeifett-which iiuMt In experienced or wilnetsi I i before, they eau lu Hilly app'cria'ed. In raree of Cie, alitution.il w-iikne-s, premature deeayatid dcbiiltynnd t ili-crepiiiiilu nrising r rom old age. it i xerciea llu elec tor Irilliienr.i n the ci'iivalescent it igea of all disease : it operates ns a delightful nivigorant. When tho pun crsol nitur-'nro telax"ii,t oparalPt to re-ii.force and ' r.'-est.ihllslitlieui. I list, hut tint h a-t, it the onla safe 1 illmil'etil, b,'ing in'iri'lfnrture.l from sound and iuiiocu mis tnateri.ilt. and entirely free from tlw xr.l.l floiiisnii present mi re or Ii - in ill Ibe nri.lniry tnuian s.ad stosiacliie" of iei!ar. I Nn faimlv in. ,,i' in., hat b ai aalversally, aad it may be truly a bled, intrtiilj pupJli.r wHh the Intelli. gent portiot if Hit tiiiil.iumty, ll IIU.-TKTTCK'aI IIUTKW!". I freptre ly II OS TETTER A SMITH, riTiBnun, Tj. ' C7"9ol.l l,y til Prt;ltli, raatrt tad Blerttati rl avsrywhrrt. Novaiuber 14, 1141-ly. 2ELM HOLD'S Gcnuitjft Prcparationa. covro"ND ri.rin xTcr r.t'reii 0 i live and si-(ine me- tor dli.a ej rr tat tlnid.t fciui.eyi. (ir-ive. aau ur'p.ir.tl swellia-s, ' This median- inrreasi a (lie ptcr ofoigeitiot. tni ncile the aboth'att into hetithv action. b which the Wan rj or t lcjr.-oui d-timtif aa, cn.l all Unnatural r.ulargraisiatati trs nSss.4, n ti tall at lain aatit rlaaiiiiSB. BLM10LB 8 ITJ.CT BUCJlff. For weakien arltug frttt Irilitt,, takita f Bis slpatinn, Early llidiicretioa ,f Abuua, atte aded wiik the following symptoms n Inili'pniitiiin to Eicnitt Lost of Power llerror of ln-eas., P,i, nrJm ?,'"' I'liiversal Las. itada of ike Muscu'sr System, Hot Hands. Eruptinna en the Faat Dry-.es. of tks Ski, r.-u,bg of PallK Countenance ih-e sj tnptnniA. if allnwad to go na wlco this medicine invariably removes, soon follows lmoTinci, I'Aii'irv, ErnamcriTT. In one of which tin Pntient nuy r -quire Who can sav Hint they ure not freuaaatlv ftHmtl bylhoee I)ir.-fi,l Diai-asea iy iwieviti "INSANITY WD fONSI'MPTION " Mtny are iiwutn ol Ihe ei'ist ol their suff-riar kai none will eoufe.a the rerorda of the Inaan Aayluiaii And milunchi.ly dunli. t.y I miruu.ptloii Liar aiinl' wilne.. lothHiriiihof the asiertlon. 1 Pile l.otistitution once iffe cted mth organic wet tat it re-pilree the aid of Medicine 1 1 ttreugihen tad ,,, . - cuuiiuiira mraet Hatha it rtriatly ata. A trial mil n.ariatt tas aitat akatlnt :e:- IBMALES FEMALES. It y arrectmns peculiar to Teinalf a tit Bititu Uuci.n it uneipnlled by nn, other nm-dy, a. " "mT i ."..., iiirfuoiriiy painruiiicja, orSaa ) presM.iu of Ciittouiary Km nation, iHecriled rri.u. ' rlioi.s .tata or the Uterut. Leuchohaa or Wliittt. Sterility, and f.r all sompltint. Incident to the a!L lioa, er la tat '"'asratioa ton. ef (i.si,. bmuvb iNi nmrm Take at rati- Palatn klcraary, titlaaattt Ua.tl. alne8 for unpleaisnt and danrernua Mt'iu.u.im. bold'. Extract lluchu and Improved "in ' W.,1, ,'lTo, aecrct dl.caaes in all their etagea. At lilt t Vxnonat ixi;osOrre."0,"6"-"!in d,tt' 0 '"o""ln. It caiisee a frequent desire and civet ttrenttli to Cit. rate thereby removing obstiuctfous, previr i ,g ,. curing , r.emrej of tho I',ethra, l,,,,'i, pai , and "a flam uiirioii, so frequent in the claaa of di.iafei ani expelling nt poisonous, ili.eaaed and wornout matter Ihousaiida iiponthnnsanda who have been th,i vie tluia o quacks and who have paid heavy feea o ba cured iu a short time, have found ,hi,y "s ,-J?.S5 and thnt Hie POISON" haa, by the, uie of powcrfii ailringenli" been dried up In tfle ay.tem. o break all in a tggravatad fom.end parkapi tftar arrias.. t'ae Balnbnld'a BxtraC. Tuika for all tT..t,.. ..a d .ea.et of the Urinary Organl, ",t, ,n -tl Ulln u e.nY will Z7l 'a " "IW " .if W.m fir .ale, . Si ' ""i "'"I leliabli, and reaponilH. atxr alter will ateompany tk undltiat. "'on"l I'rlcc $1 per DotUe, or 6 for 3S. "reilr.yaddrtss.ttcurelvDiIk.,t c,. .1... ". Hcnbe .yipl0,u. h0mm r;; inrZ... t."i" 101 South vl ,'ih ."iL,Mn0iI' ' .uv1Bul.u-8 Urugand Wcml.al IV.rsls,,,, ayi un...- i. "eware of Counterfoil. ...7 Ti i ',u,lt- who eudeavor todl.f.n.i ,..n;?ti.iV"p'l"l',,d drl4' rViclc. o.uho repu iilo an.iri!'. 7ndM """' Preparatto u. Extr.at ".ik 11 ion 8it B Y All DragglBte BTerywfeorsi AETt tOt. HriLHlODn g fArw it