COLUMBIA DllOriUT, (Saturday Morulnff, Apr. 30, 1004 osr TnB annual nicotine of tho Blooms. -Iburg Iron Coinpntiy is advcrtrtod iu tbU crock's Democrat. After tint) issue of our pnper wo will bo oblii-cd to oborfio $.2,00 in advance, und C'J,50 if not paid intlil of fix montL. by Tun daily flowers of tho pr.l Week hnvo very favorably developed the orops ; and their improved appaaranoo la cry grateful to all. .fc-SyANY. body wanting g..od Ico Cream. Jntiil n nlcnsant ti nco to eat it in. should 'ito to B. SlolmcM Saloon. 3ta atlvertut . ment olsc where. StlKHirr lias four boarder, tlirec limits and one female. All oandiJatf s for the May teim. The Sheriff loses mou. uy boardiug folic these times at 5 ccuti per day. Its too low. CLOTlIIMi AND I'lE'.'K GooDD AT A. J. Evans If v" wunl good clothing go to eTbh-bNow Clothing Store, (n addition' JiJL -tojol hinds of ready mude olothmc, ltc al A..!.. .i- i i oy i. . j j wi i v j ' - - n for sale by the j ard Sou his ndvcttt.'O. raent. -. - Osn of lbs side walls of tho briok black smith shop on .Maiu Street, below Market fill in on Tuts lay morning latt. The work men engaged in digging a feller under tho , jjttilding cama t oIojo to tho f.utidat'oo of the "brick woik," cud a little below it. which g".vo wiy. Mr. JoaKFii Shannon, dWijjns firing up the place for a meat shop COn Saturday morning Uit, M' Pint, ip Brit UK r, Conductor of No. H IV Train on tho L tck-i and Bljoui-il-urg H. ; XV, met with a pj'tniul neciduut, whi'o einp j ping at tho depot at thin place, by getting, one of lit -4 hands suiuehrd between n. couple of enri. l)r J. 1). iMeKclvy was called unci droved the wouui, which waa found not so bad ai to rentier it uepciii.ury to pert irni nr.y amputations. j How Tiky no Out Wbt Iu f hi--' go lift wst.k, a I) 'iiiocralic c'litor v. ae pre Seated aith n f U!l0 worth of printing cr by f-oma tf frivtids .-.( a gif. j md tho Democrats of Ci't c'liinty. 'mliana, re cently presented S. A. Hall, the edtitorof ihe Dsmocrati? Pntiros, P. inted at L 'gari rpors, t tn w power, pre.-.", v.iili a st'amj engine frttiunio the famo, tho whole costing SI 00. j .Another arrival of Freah Goods I 'Hon. Pj.tki! I'.nt, hr.i just rturned from iIip City, flnnontii-ri. nu i.rrivl of SELBO r SPRING GOOD3. Hi- goods turn brtight his! jut before tin gr at iiUt) tare i ? riiri, r.h hunee ioen- !1.' lo m1 at 'U'd, prin?a, fir eah, ai las':." ii mi ' I et t.i pay an early ri.-il lo the Light Street Ch iap Cash Store. Read hii Csr.l an ! hurry olfl'cr great li.irg iins. - ' j Attkmhtm) Suicide A wnman by the iiaoio of M s. Blinker, who rcidus in j Maiket trect, Dniville attempted to com-1 mit niiieido by cutting her throat r;:thaj riEiir, nu Sunday moroing last. Her ( husband Ining en. ployed .'.tone of tin fti .-- j iiac: i?, ituil rieii c :i r 1 v end jjono i.i ill lUrnaee, anil upon returning, fomu tiuio after, found Lip w if. yet iu Lid, but un nljle to fpcak. She made aomo igu, calling his atlcntion to her throat, and j upon examination ho di.oovcred sevtrsl (gashes had hie'i niaile, one of which wi directly acro'R the windpipe. M--iicri ' assistance called iu and thu uouiid. dreseed, but ft'nri are entertained for her recover?. Slio rin iiri. tin cTi.lnrntmii nf . . tftc, causes which intlucrtl h'r lo commit the' act. PiiV conie time pait he hai cc- easjoiinl'i bceu mlj 'e'. to low spirited nces, which is fuppoMtd io h ive beeo the cause of the fearful deed. Reading There U n refined uhc wh:ch reading might bo put lo namely, to counteract tho particular evils und temp tations of our callings, the original imper fections of our eh'ractor, and tho tenden cics ol our age, or of our own tiino of life. Those, for insl.inaa, who aro engaged in dull, crabbed work .11 day, of a kind which is olwai'si exercising the logical faculty aud demanding minute not to toy vexatious criticism, would, during their losuro, tlo widely to txpntinte in writings ol a larirc aud imaiiiAiive character.-Those, however, sire the persous tvho particularly avoid poetry and works ol iiongination, vrlicreas tliey ought, perhaps, I to cultivate them must. .It is c(jually3o with young men on a farm, or those who aro eugsged in learn inga trade. When they lay out their pocket money in useful books, and employ nil tlie i r spare time iu mastering their contents ; the result is that they corao to bo useful citizous, aud iufluoutial men. Tboprieo of a volumo'or two a month is not' missed, and at the end of oue year, quite a library is secured. 'ft J Buown's Ruonthial TnociiEs. 'Tour Troohes aro too well and favorably known to need commcudation.' Hon 0. A- Phelps, Pres. Mass. Senate. "My commuuioalion with tho world has been very much enlarged hy tho Lozonge wbjeh I now oarry always in my pooled j tha,t trouble in my Tin oat (for which the Troolios ara a speoifio) having made inn otttn a mere vf'hiperer." N. P. MARRIA.GEO. On tho 21, Inst by tho Rev, W.J. Eyku, Air. DKERD 1IANKI3, to Mil's MAtlY Knouh, both of Main township, Columbia county. DEATHS. In East bloomsburg, on tho morniug of tho a2d iust.,Mr, W ii'MAM liAUNs, nijed OU years. Another Cal!. 9 MORE MEN WANTED I revolution in man prices, I.rfltGU ARllIFAL OF SPRIMG & SUMER AT PETER ENT'S STORE, .v t.ianr sTHKi:r, colvmiua muxvr, r.i, HAH Juat received Iroiu fill lmlr-1 li In . nml la now opening nt the old stand lite y occupied ay Marts & lint, n nplcndl.1 assortment of MERCHANDIZE which win basniii cheap for OASll OR COUNTRY PUODUCE. Hi. sloekconsl'tsuf Lndlsa Ureas Ooisle eholcoatalylos niidiitratrushiotie Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, T'lanncls, Carpet, Shawl;), Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. nsaitnoro, ntineta, o tt onades, Kentuoky Jeain1, Tlueiid, k3. Groceries, Queenswarc, Cei'.nrwaro, Hard waie, Medicines. . Druys, Oil-. Paints, fcc. HOOTS A SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In i-ti.'M .'itv tliliiB u.iir.lijr ktpt til a country stnrt' Tin j.r.trniiiiL'i' iiful'l ftiomln, nml tbe public I'encral y, iii r'rin-i tiully fi' icllnl. I 1 1 .- Iilv!ni market pricn Il'i for country pniilur", TliTlift UNT. Lllhl .lct. ApMl M. 183t. 4? A V ALU A RLE TRACT nl' TIM Hit I. AND, eimtilii- SB. i.l'. Mil l0 ncri i. (in 1 Iclnh'ro I. a two :nry DWr.I.'.INO UDI'SK. n 11AM. Iirml nn.l till raie cniiipl- I'sl, vii itlt a wutrr porvr ir 111 fed lull I'Tin. 'cc n Mre.i nu at liuil Unek l.tizcrni cuutit). I-., a, c. UAisim. A ril i!3. 'E'.'. l.n ADMINIS'I HA'! OlfS NOTICE. F..ta'f of C'rhtlm MiJfln, d'c'tl. TI'Trr.U'' of .iilniiiii.trr.tion r.ritl.c ltnte of Chri.tlun -y lit.. uT I'eii.ri' twp.. i oliinilui cn iler'-l. Invi'b'i.i !:rr.itU'il hy liiu licuwtt r i'f i.'oluiuliri t .i., tn tun u:i iT.'i''1' ' r.i' jiernoim liavi nu rlaiio-. ai;.iiiihl tli- i rfil" i f lli i'"ce 'eiit an' r.'ij'H'-ii'.l to pr. 8 lit tlieni in IV' IitimiitratiT nt III. ri'-iii-ur io itti-i tiii.n hl.ip itliiut 'I'-ia-. .ll-i ri:l per'ia. in ..-l.tL-.l to lUAkri puyi.i -ht rurl.iwiiti. i'AMUlil. UOWIIII, AJmr't. Ap.-n m i.-iu-i.w ti ii'i ADMINIfjTRATOtt'S NOTICE. Titfate rf liarbttm li'elhver, dec'il. KTTI'.rtS f imitii. trillion an tin- Ilnlate ofPnibir 4 VVeliiviT Int.1 of '.rliitia t-ri i 'i.luiubu r o.-dcr'., hATI'b-f II J rlStlt r-.1 I.;. til ' ill KlliT of I lilUl'lbia I o.. Id Oil' uuilfr-UiH'ii ; all pcr..jiiH hnvin; tl.'.iiu. uain.t tlie tale of tlie t ti r'd nt rr.' re'i le.teil tn pri'.i'iit tlii'iotn Ilit u n 0 .-r. i 'nu 4 , nt I r'i.iili'iice ri t.,inl tniMilii,!, witlioul delay, ami nil porbOtiH in !..tetl tu tu3u pa muni fuiiliMiib. VALKMTIMJ UT.I.I.IVEIl. ..uiuiiu.lrator. April 71, 1-3I. Git 50d ADM IN 16TRAT0 US' NOTICE. i'.iliie of John Mujflt tlcc'd. ETTEIIS of sdmiriirUrotion on the i;.tnte of John Muliliv lat.- f r'cil t '.luiulii. i county, il'Tt'i.'ii li uv h Itei i ter of I'nluiii'iia ro'imy io t Ti . II, I H tlli- uii lu -iiie.l ; all l it- of til ' lli'if j r.o ii n-ivio1: . .taiaxi to lil'lli lire r'"U rl-t lit pr it Hi 'in tolhi' a iiniiiiitrii'.or ct liiJ r uliMir.' in fcolt nip , unliu'it Oi'lay, aliJ itll t.iTi.-.nN inJ. iil'-.l to ma.-: pa)iii ui I -. rii tin. II. U.i Ki;AtV. A Im'r Alitil 20. 1:'C4 Cis S3 Co urt Proclam ation ll'lirrtr.AS. Ill llos. Willi iu Kiiysll, rmsnlfiM ' W In Il'ii nf tin Court oi liver aim 'IVrciii r noil fien". I ernl J iil D lin ry. t'nirt of Uuari' r S.'smi.ii. uf Ik 1 I'eare ami I'ourt of I oinmnii I'len. ami Orphan's Court, I in til til Ju Una Iimtnit. compose I oi the omnlied I " -"tiiinliin.-aillln tin amlW yoiiiinu. ami tli lion .John .iiii..viii.iis.Mipneu nni iy..isniiat'Juii5e'.iin npim bi.i r imtv.liai . im leu Hi ir Pf e pt.le nriiif ilate Hi" Tilt day uf l' c . in th .war of our l.or.l on, tlinu.niW i ijhl liumlreil an IsMiy Hire, am! In me ilirecteil f-ir liul 'in; a ' 'ourt of Oyer .um l'i riiinii r ami Oem ml Jail ileliv ry fjeiieral Uu. liter r1' mi.iu.1 of the Pence, C'riininon I'le-i ami t)riliii a in .rt, iu lUoetiuleii'tr, in ths county .f (Vliirnlji.i on ilii ir-i M.imlav, I inthrf 1st tljyj &f K bruaiv n.'jt. tn erntiuiio one uei k. Notice H tier' llj' klVlt. Ill 111') I orolier. tlm Jll.tlCM of the Tear.' ami I 'm.' i-.lilm of til. t,ai I rnuiitv of 1'oJ umliia tiial ill 'i In lie u ami there In ttielr proper per. j eoliF al lU i.'cloiX in tin forcmi. ii iifanl liuv uth .utir recor.l., iii'iuioltiKii. an I oilier reii.emlir.imv i. d i tliove lliiiii. i then to tlieir tlutr utiiiertaio lo b done. I Ami tlmse thai ar linuii.l hy lerocniiaiicn, to pro.eruts nK'Uma tlie pnuum ri that ar" or mat bo in tlm Jail of vii'l county of I'niumliM to tie Itieu nml there to proa., eutu llieiii ;u .hall In ju.t, J il lurs aro reiiust,.l lo lis punctual hi theli attemlaiice, niire. ably to th. ir notiisi. i 1 Dated til KluouiaburK, tlm rtli ilay uf llrt. L. S. lin til 3 year rf our I. or I one tlnlusaml eiukt ( ) liumlreil and ulylhree. ami in tlm eiilil nglltli year of the liiilepeii.liinconf the Umti'il jata Of Aim lid. ( (Ion hAVK'llli: t'OMHO'.llF.LTll ) Jo.xiAII II. I'l'ltM AN, nhtrir. Oitrid'i CClet. nin.iinliurs.Mur. .u, USIAJJI) Ji;UO!lS--MAY TKIIM Bloi'n Jacob llelflenliaeh II. n VToIIp. Local a Mayer, sliniuel rjli:itrr, lleury Wolf. Ile.iver John hino. ruler, Jacub nreisi'.ali l.riarrreei. Jacb L'reu.y, ilor llerwirK llir.1111 II tinwer, Ctniikliu- J.trob Koitenba l.r, Orei'iiwood-Joseph rt.ese, Csors-i IWrr, Oairg irtnu, llemlnr!; Dani.l Yorum, Jackson John I' Ilea ., .Mt Pleasant -Jmiep'i it Ysidcrdlee Tetat rJptit. itcil, laiue Jacob llnwman, Undisou (ieorirt! liennle, A D WaltM, Milllni Abraliain Crliwcppcnhnie', Pine John I' 1'nwler. r.uarin 'crvnk-Nathan Draialiack. BUfiiruKlf H.uionl Sliulti, ITooiuabur;, .March 'M, lai.H. TilATKRSE JUROUS J1Y TERM. I'dPom Hnimirl Jacobv, Heaver John litem. Ilamel tirltart, llentun-Wm llulnis, Sauiu.l .M.llaarf. Abrataai Kline, llriarereck Henry Dunk, l-'entro Henry llelnni. L'ony ntnoiii ciylvister Hofftis! Fialiliij-creek -dvrua II0I1I1111., AlstaaiUr Oraniic, Mlclianl Letnuii, Dan'l Kllcbaa, N'.tkaa riakaaatins, Jahu Pealer. Ureiniionil-John Millar. Hemlock n.tvid Wagner, JacSson Hiram ll.iker, Locust Jonas llehvir, lilt 1'lea.aut Andrew Mtllsb Mifltiu-John .Michael, .Madison tfimou Uetner, Jnha ATaala, tYiniain Harber, .Mnntonr -Daalel Sljar, Jska B slirici.! Glgar, Henry Oh I, Oionee-Mirhael Kellnr. Pinu-Williain riatt, Roarinjcrcek Jatues Klefsr, Bcolt-Oicar P r.ut. Sani'l Sujsrloif. Aas'raw Laui(, sllcaar Hl. Stk 1 -i mi.. Iltaailsl( Vfir.k rf 1114 PRIVATE SALE OP Valuable Heal Estate. rjpIIE Rubserlbcr offorn to fell at prlvatt II .alt. A TtlA'T. v I.Aftll, fltiiMe n Jiki. UwaililiL i.'nluiiihli roil nr, I'n., conUinlni 8IXTV ACHES. rifty Acrt. nf whldi In lniiriicJ, mid In a hlh iltt or nil llvntlnn. tin- renin In ilt r In uoodi, oullulue larg. cumilitr ofguuil rail timber. ALSO) FIFTY ACRES OF LAND, lltuftlo In 1'lne tnwmlilp, county HfumnlJ, uher ti rcctrtl n (rooit Kit AMU DWELLING HOUSE. with the nccui.ary nuWuillilInf nml n jourm lbrl. Intr Orrliard. Ten Aire, or wlihli I. clcari'il. n nil tit luilniici' well tliiiherril, A ilrr.nn or n nti't rum tliriuigli till! lirOltll.r.. Illllklllff It n llc.imlllo .(to flip llin ornMInn of n Knw Mill. K7" I he nliovc jirnpcrtjr will b itod rtipnp nml on PftlV rotlilitluill. f-iiril.c-r 1 nft.rinlltliln ..11 ha bj applying to Hip. nubucrlbor. . . jijiix Ktia?i.r.E. Jickien twp., Mnrcli 19, IBM.-tf, Groat Central Fair, roit Tiir. .SMZV77V7R V COMMISSION, Orrict or nu ("oMiir ike m I. mm, Ixcoxli aj.ii hti. nun. No. lis Houlli Hevunih ."tri tt, l'Ulladt.lphla.April 4lh, Ifi 4. The t'oinniitte on "I.alinr.Inrainri nml Kptciiufh." In en.nperntlon tilth them In tho particular woik, for Miiliiuuey nave ncen nppoiuieii. ,. no poriiuu oi mo pmipm nre more pairioiic iu : than the working men nml ixiiuen i rrtlir. coin try, It l Out Jil.t r.tnl proper tl'Jt fj'fl M nllkolnvcniiiipportuiiityii.cortributj ilijectmiftliu 1'alr. Tlio iiumI eiultblc plan ur I that the lo the oli Hccompir.liini: tlu, ami nt the runm limn tho ea.lnl one, i. iniitK inriun couiriiiuiiou oi n hiiiou nay i.n bur from nil rln.rin In Ihu coiitinunily. Many mil contribute n ilny of their labor ullllnyly, who won I, I iioisuii.criiiu ineir nioiieir. i u rencll cvciy iiepartiui'iil of Imlu.try iml art will be n work uf gnat labor, but, btluineil, will be productive of iniineimo regult tint .:icci'. in mo pi, in win iieiumi upon inn nearly cii d)"r olio:! of mery ilciiieut oi iiillueiieu within nur lliiili, ami we Inrilu nil tho gunr.lliiii. of tin luilui trial iiitcrcFtti) nml all iithir,tu take hold with u. iu furtlicrtiiK thin work ot'patriutliin mid hiiiiiinily. Hie Couiuiittiu i charged will! tliu fi.lli.wiuz duty. I.Mvlf I'ir.t To obtain the cnntrliutlon of "oue day'i labor, ' or earning., from every mil Inburvr. foreuiiiu, opjrritlvi! uud employee i piunidcut cashier, teller uud clerk uf et erv iiiilnciirniirntml cnuinauv. rail road mid eJipreHF company, umplo) in firm, bank mill I uI'ik tury. iron work-, oil work., mil' mine, ami public office ; fi u iu every private b.mki r und broker, Importer iiuilioueer and iiiercliant ; clerk, on'iit and .aluamaii ; -ilesisuer, llulalii'r mid artist ; puldiaher, pi inter and ! luiilianic; from evry tliiverum'ut otlicer. coniraetur j ami 1 einplnyeu s trncer, butrhrr. baker an. I denier far- j m.r, liuilieulliiri.-t nnd prmluiur ; Iroiu every lunntua ! uinkcr. milliner nnd leuialp op.'rallvo: every Imlivid ual eiiRaKCd in the lurum' ilie tLimlitu tin loom,! or in any way euiuiuii a livelihood, or Uulilm a f.n I Joe williiii theHtat a uf Pi una) ivtiuia, N.w Jeri"y mil iiolit arc. i-Fiinti,-Tii .l.l.iln tli" ct nl r i tm ti-ui of on, day". "11. v ii'i," from all th ir it empinjim,' ttitabll .hm at I lir.n., ibiporalinu.. conip.iiiie... rr.i'r nwaml w.irnii. T.I UP. -To i.binin Hi j c.iatrili.ilio i ol' "iu .ay'. in ' foul1 fram hvery r. Ured pi rso.i of fmti.i inn.: nod fHiiu.l' liiiu; apou Iheir uieriiis. und Iroin nil fl'rj;. uu'ii, laWjcrs, pliyalciau., dentltta. e 'llora. nuilnni , nu.! profd.aor. ; nil olii r pcr.ous cuutiu i.i lbs lenr-iri i or other profJauUna, i Mm h of tlii. work, ui.i.l perf.umeil by the p rii mil iufjjeiice nml cll'oils of la. lie. nnd crimem..., . nr.ioci.iiud orto ba nnocihte.l with tlu Cummittee in I cirryiug nut thla plan. I Til lioniiiiittec Icel tin tenponaibility of the work. Ih y have undertaken, whlrh. to Iu aucce.(ul, w III j .)utro a very peifoct ramUieatimi of tneir plan, and th -f t!ier.fore call upon alt larne.t people, to ai.uintile U.cauclicj lieU.or in evuiy tuwu, toiiu.liip, and ! cniinty. nnd futio iiriMulzi.tion j of ladienuml Keiitleinun i to co-operate with thtui in thla treat work and nhor of love, i.i luti iiiaiiutacturiH;. cminuufl. inn iuui ami on r butf, nnd iu lb.' aprkultiirnl dl-trnt,-e.p nally b I liieru be ur.iiii.ationi in the laie Iowiik, tu that Ilie yi iinj; people iiioV li.ive an opportunity tit i. t" r. u. n. r .ikii-ln.irc to tlieir relatit en and Til' ml. HiOiiin, i.i b.ittl of Hi ir r .unlry in nu urint' "f th ual 'i 0 ' w.iil. of ilna Louiiiiitiee may b-pro cul'-d ih-r no lb. r elfort can he. mad t r llit Inr as iu 111 n . . oftUecnal A iia'n i uri.iiiit. of ill unii r.. a. in a !iy. prndULt of the niineH.caobe obi no. !,w iota ui purl .tile article eonl.l le prornr. .1 i'i ti.iu-p.j, tj. linn. 1 ui. t d th-re h in p irt or to etinii of tos.' r-i.,i . wtire the day's may lint lei obtained, if org.inUhitim can o - t.iruie 1 in re.ieh them. T hee i:iu.iU-o caii'iot i lu. without nriilic upon all l'r. pri lnr i.f l'.stabli.hni .oh.iI,.. dut of takiu; prompt an I cm r'v.tie ailiooln .eLari the benelit ol the day if wil'ini tin Ir ioiiirl. 'i he CnMtiiilici: deem it ullnlceaylo dn more, thin thiltf lo be sent the niiljuit In the pi ople of tlu three b'.aiF. named, iu u.e ion. t-4 lampaiii. or mir tiruiie. Ilia labors of tlie 3 imt.iry 1 nmioio.r will be I ly aimiin iii.'ii. nv in ur-nijiim! c.ri ui'il 1.1 .:i-on.i 1 r tin iur:t. .1 nriuie, n lent times--.., II In 111 liolart a ftirci .inttered ever reirmiiri to if iiicli the men at u hum rlini.'ited.mul u,eeiit'iril tarry 1 aln. w nil it u larjp a.m.irit n( ftickiicK, salt' 11111; an 1 ' death, tu ray ut.tbiiii; 01 1,1 - i;uili rcl horror, of th" bat ! xi-.; it. 1 Tie o aufleriti;., it la our houmlen Iuty. a. inrn anJ 1 1 bt'aliait., In relieve A 'ri at und cnltijliteiii d p pi;, rnj". nig in" Ide.hiui;. 01 a enveraui nt ol lb ir otvii uiakini. r. uuot r lute aai-t.inr to m uatiir-'ini to ti.ailit.tlli iLllltllurily. an I we Mill lint b dieve tint Hit- "ilr at 1 1 ntral fair " 'riwiui; it prn.liii'ln from tu three ftnt.t of I'en .s Iviun, dew Jer.ey md lli I aware, "ii tiuueni mull u.i:i.--ni, .urn uliural ami Indm 1 ...n r..i. .. ..... . - ...r... . t...u ' ma. . n 91111 11 1 111 n 1.1.. 13 -1 1111m 1 -.. ... nun... iuatli ftu the r nef of t:iu Nntiou't clnl drt 11. Aa it i! tl'atrr.ble ni t to umluplv cirrul.ira : no fur lb r aulhnrilv thm tin ctrcula; w ill b nucLs.ary fir any tniipto) iiik linn or couipuu... or any r'.pect:ibM coiuiiijitne uf l.ndlea and 510. tleinan In prorei d ut oner 111 the work of this romiuut.r ; ami 11 la Imped that ii I r it 1 i'.tuir. ttlons w ill sprint; up 111 ivll tne towns and Ini'y leiuiis 1 f th 1 tl'.ul u tf Ivniifylvanu, New Jfry In Ijwarwe, uli-rriptioin will b- thankftillv rtrkunwli'i!''' in ths 11 w -p-tper. of I'hiUd. Ipln 1 ' nnd 11 11 vt r oesiraida that tie y comtnenc. iiwn. ,11; 1 itch frt .h ackuow ledie iu.'UI will .tlmul.t'.. t tlort in ntn.i loe.iltti it. All milMrrlptin.1-. .1101.111 b adtlr i-'d JOK.V W, iT.AdllDliN, Ireaaiif f. t.:r:. of t'l i:n.nii.iit.e l a'e.r Inrani;-. and" No. II S11.UI1 sJcvoiilti Mrei Ih, I'hiUd. Iplna, ' "All m'C.ilul h Ipi. in (Trrul.irt and roptera w ill br firwapleil to p.irtii'.- applying lor Iheia. Direct 10 tbe Chairman of the t'ni.fintte a- above. 1 MUN'TtiOMIlllV IJiiNIi, 1 li.iirnun. JOHN VV CI.AiillOit.N.T'i'i'.iauler. Kl.V I'. V llHtt'.r. t'orreipomliiiif secretary. MclllUl'.IOIt J. IHTflll.SON. .-urelary. iiiiMji: Miv .vn:tiiii:i:t. IIn r.xr'lleiicy, A i 1. UUT'l.N, (.livelier of I'cnmylva uia. His i:xeellenry.JOi:i, PAllKr.1!.Hovennr nr 'w Jera-y His i:ci llenoi'. VM tA.N'M)N,ilmenor of llelawai). linn AI.I1X tNllllIt lli:,;V, Majorof I'lnlailelphia, lion JDlll'll it INOIUtSdl.l.. IViiimylvaiiin. Hon JUIKill r Mt' ll I nil. New Jerjey. lion JI'IKil; !IA1!I!IC I'li.V, llel.lH.tri!, .Maior-tl.n. t!OU O M I .Mill, Army of the I'otnmaa 11 mi. Ml I'T'lli:, Uii'lit Uev r.i'hop I'orti Sir llov. KW'lIiittfr. 1 liiurinan Mr (.1:0151' M O.tllaa, MrJ John !H'ri!i nnl Mrs John M Sell. MrHlleiieral Meade, fllr J ielttar Thoiu.on. .Mr. Jo. ph llartiso . Jr. .Mm I. oli rl W l.eannni,', .Mia I.. li.ti;iiiri 1 v II. ill J, MrUie" L- I'- Weaker, .Mr. lieor ' W ll.11 tin, Mr. I' A lirtnel, ir. M V i; lley Mr. Jnbii V i'nr.i.y, Sliit Kev lli-liuj. i imd, "iv l.ihlmp, l! v Hr llraiiiard. 1 (lev W J' arced, I Kev li W linlter. ! Ilev Isaac Let .i r. ..llltllel .M rultn'l, John lldt,ar I lootivna, 1J0111.ll .'.itorl.i,i:i. ! I'rederirk I'.aley, 1 Julm 1 1 1 tu. 1 . .1 1 . 1 (.. ur;! V 1 liains, Kiv tVrlildd.ird!,, 11 n, I'rofe.sor Henry L'.ii: Clins I'eiitlleuui Tult, l'r Walter Williams" M 1, .Mr. r'aiu 1 l A l.rur, 11. Mm r.noi li Tuiley. 11, .Mi.. A f'l'er, "on J.w.iM 'I Ihmii, lion J I! I.udlutv, M11.S KiiH.1.1 IPS', ill. N lilliowne, MisnKallie beoit, llauiel Oouuherty, Mlaa l.oui.a II Ci.'it'inrn. uud 'JO others. uud 'duothers. April S3, 1Kb 1. COMMITTEE FOR A DAY'S LAROR. rjItllAT OilNTllAL SAMTAUV FAIR. Committee on "Lahor, Inconun and Reuenues." OQiceVo. 118 S. Seventh St. JOHN W. CLAGHORN, Troasurcr. Tills oiiiniilleo lias 11 special work, tn wit: to obtain n tluy's ''labor, ' .1 day s "incoim)." nml a tlay'a "reve nue." Iroiu et ery eili. -n of the three tjtatr. of Prim y. Ivanin. Nw Jersey und Delaware, for the beuelit uf our Kiel. nml woumleil soldiers. The t'oiitmitteii 1. now fully organised nt the abov a.elirss uud call, for the co.opvraliiiii t.f all in 1 lit coiiiniuinly. We waul to fliow what the 1 11 itmln al d.iaaes can tin for their soldiers I What the people ran do in their leparatetradcs I What Pennsylvania can tlo! What New Jersey ran do I What liel.iware ran dn' What eat li county ran dn I What each city and Inyo can do I What each profession tan (U. ' What each trade can tin I What cat It occupation can dn I What eat h manufactory can do 1 What i nch bum., iiimnmce rompiny and railroad ran dn! What inch mine can tin I What carli workulmp can tin I , What each family can do I What eai'li man can tin I What each woman can dot Wb it each boy uud uirl can dn I Wo waul tn show to the world what Aratrimn fric mi 11 are ready to tlnfor their soldo ra I Wilis is a ureal u oik and the time short. Tliu wuy to tin so Is to Dllti ANI.ll I Ort'.inir.e in jour wnrkahnps in your faiuilles, Let the men ortanize. Let the wti'intii iir.tliici Let the Untie ortlauiae. orsaui.u uverywlieru. Let Hm workmen jivu with their tmplnjeii, tlm em. pluyvcs with their wnrkunn. Itiseasy done. 1 1' th.' workmen will nuthorirn Ih-it ei:ipio)trs to iiedtict one day from llieir week.s ur liitiit til 'H enriiiuga, uud tlio ciuployers will add tu it a day of llieir I'tnriu, tliu uholu niiiu will beackuotvledj cd U'f tiler Iu the credit of tho ustali'iahiuiiit. We aay mall, (jo to work ut mice with us 111 thi.Krrnt work. Hurry your rontuhtitiou. linry uckmin IfJsment will i-timulale timers tn follow your eianiple. I . .... i, r. in, r..n .... .... .1...'. .. .. i". . npplicatiou, by mall or otherwise, to the underaignedi Tu wojk ! to work I L. .MUN'TGOMHIIV BONO, Chalrmtn l ch,iro!;f;u.VuFii...r'-i,...iOALL AND EXAMINE TnR GOODS,, M J. HlTCUWrtW Itssrataty ...... AirilJ. 1W4 Ww.kaF, iyitlW llll-tsaa Sliarplrssr roliimn. TOU .'AN ALWAYS lOY (IODS CIIEAPIill I OR CvH THAN CRIiDlT. rruiLti run ' Army of tho Potomac, UNDEtt THE SUPERVISION OF GKNE11AL U S GllANI, is making prrpnration fr th ffiajturc of UieljmcmD AND END THE WAR, m Vrf JHT mat M, raji I.M VS f 3 ,8S rgjfl-j w '3 ML ffAr i 'Jfcf Jul j&' 3, 1 jl lrt ' J'' .-XMU JwUteftA" IS SHOWING THE SUPERIORITY Ob1 THE Cash My Jray Selling Goods, AT W rrsTm Thin can bo bought elsewhere. He is V RECEIVING GOODS CONSTANTLY ' from New York and Philadelphia, and it dispo.isi of them a-i fait at EXTREMELY LOW CASH PRICES , C A L L I C 0 E S . . n At 'tUCt., i.ldl. ViOClS. UoCtl anil -it CIS 1 !.,,. , , , , , . .1 Utf 1,1 o, tifOU'tt tlH't l'Cil'itfd, ' At 10, 5J2, 'J-l, :V2, ai, 33. i'J, &. oOeti. j Alt zees'. Lustres, l)el.aine., Chillis, Jeans, Ca.simeres, ike , &. 3IIOCERIES e e.., (inlT..r. ICcit'? Kail 'Tntlii ' sugars, a)rtip3, IjOIIue, 1-.C.H 3 I-asi J.llUia Cuffee ttt 2.r)cts, a superior articlo highly reoommeiided. GREEN TEAS At 30, 35 aud tC ots. per qr. MACKEREL Ry the and i bhl, at 12, 14, & 10 dol lars per hairel. THE LARGEST LOT OF (leonswiirc EVER BROUGHT TO I3L00MSRURG IIOTIl OP Common and Ghanite Waue, which v1ll uk sold at oi.i) piiiue3. NOT.OXS, ROISERY, 1(00!' SKiltTS. MtADMErs AE1V RUOi' SKIRT, The Duplex, Eliptio Spriug steel Skeleton so well known among the fair sex for beauty of stylo and durauiltty. in ond less variety for .Men Women nnd Childieu. Gaiters of all kindtt. BALMORAL, SIDE LACE AND CON GRESS DOURLE & SINGLE SOLE. The Celebratsd Gutta peroba Soled Shoes for women aud children. Gents' French and American, calf Roots, it rals, Genls' Laoo Roots 81,00 to 51. llaluio form CASH PAID FOR stfwijft Aim :iuEii. f7ra:r awl olhtr pwtlucf. taken in exchange for goods. Ruy!nr and Felling for Cash he it prepared to sell gooda on lorvcr profitj than trhen dning a credit "on f. iBaVMmsiD'iuis rnrnx & bit CArtr, oonriRCTED wKKcr.Y. tVlinAT. Pit burfitrl. 11VI!. " I'dllW, " IIUCKWAKAT, n.OtJIt pcrbbl, CMIVKItHKIil). I'l.AV upnit I 4.1 1 St 1 it t nu H t.0 U 41 iiti'rrftit. . roTATtins, . Iltlll.l) Ari'LEf. HAMS IIACOf. ' Ct . 1 on 1 ta 19 . iu M 0-J HAY hr Ibe Km. IIUnKWUUATrionr. 4 UI OIIICKI'NH, per pnlF. SPECIAL NOTICED CST" Soveral difforont editions, 8 to., 13 mo , and 1G mo., of Milton's pnetioti works ; together with a most select as sortmciit of new and iccomMianded hooks, for salo by Col. Prcere. Uniformity olPrlcoi ! A New Texture In tluaaln.aa t'.virv mm hi. otin nnleaimiri I JIINI.I) , t.'U. nr l. (.'rcseiitllnn I'tlcu Clothlii Store, Nu, 'JVi .Matkol.Ker t itbovo rliith, I'liilndi lpliii, in nddltlon tn havliit; the largest, mnat varied ! ra.hlonnblo atock of ('lotliliic; In rlillaili rphia mader.. prcaaly for retail aales, linvn rniiFtltiilud every one hi. own aaleinau. by h.ivlinr mnrked In fliiurea. on raoh nrtlcluitt tho very Ion 'ml price It can be Fold for aoth raiinoi potiiiiiy vary-wm iuu,i nay ante. I lie (.'ood-i urn well apoii.eil nml pri'pnreKnnd ureal pain, taken tvltli thu iiiakinz so that nil can buy wllb the full a..ur.tut'ii ol iiettiiis n (tool nrtlrla at the very Inweal price. Also, a lame stork ,f piece Roods on hind of the latent style and best 'pinlitles, which will be niKile to order, in tin) most faahiunablu uud be.t uiauuor. Vi per cent, below credit prlcci. Iteiuuliibcr tliu L'reitellt, In Maik.l ebuvn Hixth atrssl n'j 'Jut. KIMid 1l UI). TVTfiTTnM l,,l,,. in nil l..r. . i it. ' i r i JL1 creditors anil (.Ih jr persons InteraHtod In .he ts. , ta eg oftbo respective ileeeiideiits nnd the tollow liiff tdnilniatriilloii and Ouar.lUii ticcou'it. Iiiiyo county, nml will be for cnuflriinttoii an. I al- iiwnncc in me urpuans t.ourt, to be in i.i nt niuiuiia. buru, in the county liforeaald, on Weilnasdsy. th t itli day of .May, IHUl, st I u'clnek iu the all .7110011 ufirtld ; 1. Account of Jacob Fry, Executor of Abraham Try, late nf .Mifflin tnivualiip, dec-strd. Final accouut of Emanuel J.azarui Susrdliu nf Millaril C'onuur .'I. Final account of Emanuel Lasarus Oiiarillr.ii of William runner. 4 Account of James Masters and Ahel llartiiian, I'lccutor ot Jnuiei Ilatt11.11, Into of lint luwiirhlp, ileci'aaeil. 0. First and final account of Rnnjainiu Eves, adiiilul.tratiirijf t'bailes Uvea, lat. nf (irujuvooj tuAtia)iip, doci'u.ed. 0. Account of Sdiuuel Creasy Guardian of Hephijii Milter. 7. Account of Hannah Uornberier, ad- minis tialtli tt Daniel llurnberi'r lata tnp. 1 dect'Ufd. H. Account of R. F. Hartinan, Guardian efllnntiali II. Wlilumiflil. 1). Account of R. F. Hartinan, Guardian of Murtlta II. Appleman. now .Mt.. Kyerly, 10. Second and final account of Eli-ha I n, llrowu, uf lllrain Ueynultls latu of Milillu twp., ueceaseu. 11. Account of Joicph R. (Jlovcr and John, le iby, Hrs . of rn tli rick Lciby late uf Locust tuwn.hlp, dcccu.eil. 1 l'-i. Account of Johu R. Roup admiuis. I Irtitor of rJatuuel lloup, late ol l.ocu.t towiinbip. da I ceased. I 1!). Ac-omit of Catharine Klino admrx of.lbr&hii ii W. ikliue Uls uf Pitbiugcr jrK Liwiialnp. 1 deer., d 11. tjecoiiil and fin-tl accniint of David ' Demon an 1 l.a.ic .M. Deiii' tt. eiectilor. of laaac I).- luolt.ljte of Ma .laoli I.n. tl-llip ileci aa -tl. I 10. .ceountof ."roioiiinti llelwigj-uardian of Win 1'uln r. lit. Account uf Solon. on llelwi p.uard an of l'.-lli-t I'lchcr. 17. Account of Solomon Ilflwiji (iuaidit'u of Mary I'l.her; Tlu 'sal Hire, tirita of J1I1.1 l'l.lisr. tlt-ce.lne 1. 18. Account of William I'riesb.ich guar dian of 1 tirisliaiii, I'nl.y,'i tnd,, ininer dill dreii of Ihu ihi.I (iuaruuii by tin lirst i ife. 10. First accouut of Peter Eut, admini;- trainr of Aleut .Mrr. Isle o.' twp , J-eeiaed ill. I''irt account of William Uidlav ti John Mlnte. llxccutu.t of 'ainui.l Tih te, LL of tli;.n;e tuwtt.liip 21. Account of Daniel Sti tin, Excutoroi i r.or;e i-:iuc tats of l.ncuat toivntlnp, Loluuibia coun ty r. r.I. 22. Accouut of Lpw'h Yetter, 'I'ruitee epptiinted by th-i orphan's '.'nut of Columbia county, to acll th. mat saute 01 Ja.ttea liv.11., deed. JOHN G. FREEZE, Urgw'.er. B1smitn,(. Asnl .Uet. TO THE rUBLlO. The underficned would Infurm his frienda and ttia public ifenerally. lint lie ih prepur.d to titnt surcet.. fullv lll'l follolMtl'' Ulse.le.tffi, llrotielii ti., irt. Antlmny'H I).iuce,Loi3 nt niititi, nun nu inoiiu niHea.e., Willi inpprt ,.c. tati.aition will be 'lienor 110 pay r 'Uir d. His rein, en s are p'irely veuetable free from any taint cr poison, and snfcani pleasant. I'.HORGE YOST, Dlocmsbur;, April 'J, 1;CI. rjpRIAL LItsT, MAY TERM, 1961 1 Philip Winteratcn r Valentin Wiafnteea S Henry Well, ii (ienrire Kin ry, Jr. 3 David I.ui i for the use J V I. Hewitt j 9aetaal L lletlle. Idij.dt .MrMtirtrle. et al vs chri.llaa W.lf. i Loui.a (low eu vs lllizabeih llalius b J icoli II irii. rs P. t. r Jni oby T tit'oriii llui'lisi. tl al it J V Crisweli, st at f; Dav ill lt'iubold vs .Mitliacl (Irnver. y llelterra Vautlt-riiee r tleorff Ibelsnn. 10 Win. K. l."iiL'erb. r;ei's tl al rt Christian Vf slfn at 11 II F Seylierl e lleuben Nirely. 1J II F lleiuhard A. Ilro ri Silns I) I'.dgar. ij llrbi-cra Tra'is'ie vs William Trait. us. H Ja.ob Terlll..'ir rs 'i'lionets .Meredita. 1.1 II II llo'.trt 1 1 .tl r Willinu ll.' et sl. It! ll.ti id Ai henluch rt John Warden. 17 S)lvester J t'm urn r I) F Itrielnr.I, t tl. IS John Oiec'er i Uirli.i r l II. .Meu.u-h VJ U Loiiip nli rt'er ct al tt Jushua llobbiaaaa aud VI llojler. CO lleitrj liilmer v. .Moore (.'revelinj St Ciiiii. for t.'u us3 of Klijah Horn, et al vs Jaisb Fuller, Hi Pine t-'rhuo! Directors vs A J Matinin; rl ol. ii Jehu Alleunr fur use ofhis wile H.irab A vsJahn Y Alleb'.tr. SI I'.no. I. Adams v. llauiel r s'eybert rt al. !M Siniml Willinu. vb C II Ileilerirh it al, CO II F Iteisharn vi II liibeth V.msirl el al. .'7 Luke lioaii u.e uf Auiii llejina Koan vs CTi.irles n lifiternli. tS James I. Dunn for u.e of Henry f'rici vs Juba I' tlrork ct al t Philip Diiatcrich vs William Long. JF.tSi; COI.KMA.K, 'rilA.srary, PROTIIOTiF.T'S Orirt . I Hloomiburi', .Marrli (i. leul. I RECEIPTS FOR MARCH, TO TIIU COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. -:oi- Tho followiii"; paynienis have been madoj to the Lolmivna JJ'mocrul ollica, during the montli of March, 1801 :- Wm Pnydcr. Hal , gPJWl'Capt Daniel P,elnbol,, uej lb J I si.'t lull tl, Stl Rlelltllit r 3 Oil J ('apt, Jim, II V.. Ik, i DO 1 Ij.ii.tud llrtiwu.Jr, 3 011 1 M John Ateii, l -,i S H'riTiiintas .Men. 1 75 I S3 John Snyder, (Miflin) I i 1 .j'Aiiriin llernemjer, 9 tin S eucJacob Gen. el, S Ol) 1 7.1 Jacob alumina, 1 73 I IHiTtouben Hnrtnma. 4 73 1 43 Julm C. Wunuer, I 73 I Uj'.Mrs. Jacob ll.mdlon;, 1 (19 S nil. I Inn Aaron lies.. 1 3') 1 ;.VJulin G. llulck i:. , 4 33 I 73W. Wirt i;.'. 3 01 4 uu' list, Franklin McUrida 7 UO 1 73 'C N ttiv.iKu, 1 3U 1 73'Tlios, F, Law bach, 13 en list. Daniel tnyuer, Hon. WHi.lllwell, U illiam Funk P. M. lleiler. Jibn MulII.y. Joseph U l.tiliy. G o. W tlri.sbieli, list G A Wtteli Henry C. Gable, Charles Thmtiai, Fsaur Girton, II. II. A.leiier. Iliioik Howell, Joseph lliitlrel, Itutlloiili r-liiiinart. Wm. l.nnijenlierBer J. II. Lotiiieubeigt r. Henry H.uliel, Joseph (ll?' r, John A. Wmmnn, Cain. J. it. JamesoR, v i)U;M w .Mclienry, J iiu'liiivitl l.ewii, 1 75 2 73 a I'.1 Johu Lewis, 3 i Isaac Velter, J G .Maxwell, till. I John Harmony, j Sol rJiiank I William Hunt II. Hiram .1 Under. Pii- Jacob Geii.l, list, uf H Wunleh. H.iuli.1 Uamb.irli, lion W Merrilield, .Mrs Mary Vansicle, of A llsRtlllnlcll. i of W Hutcluaon, i David r-avase, i John Iloff.uaii Win II rhirdrr. a Oil AlinaaCole, F.j , 4 3D 3 U) Joseph (I Hess, 3 Ui) li un IM of lieu. Folk, 1 73 5 Udjliavd PI'rnsley, 111 00 li iD'i 111 pileman, 1.11 , 3 OU I -U'ltnht itTuYlur, Jr.. t OU CUJn ob MGiiton, 1 73 7 50, Wilson It Keller, 3 00 I ?3Duiiicl iMrlleury. F.a, 1 Kl 3 Wdlon WmCollcy. 1 00 I KO'l.ewis Sibutler V.ii 'Jim 4 iTijOolumbu County, 33 Od fl iioM .M Aiipleuian, I oa I T 4lli 1 1 1 is es. 3 OU H 0 Mex.iniirr Kramar. 3 73 I llii apt J H Abbott, 17 Kit of M vVhilslkt. 7 nlWiWtni llelon: 3 kf M Sn LC. 1 l: William Uood ini-a I 7 tnaJasaaa V Kt.lar, I J5 1 7ar a uaita IWH, I1 . 1J ARGAINS' ! EARGAIN8!1 IF TOU WANT TO UUVT GO TO ( rfftsy'd Storr, iu l.igln Street, Ia. Who Ktept art KtnJt of CALICO, MUSLlNa, BILKS, GINGHAM, , PLANKEL3. CARPETd, HOSIERY , SHAWLS, Ready-Mad o Clothing Sugars, Jlolasso, Syrups, "offees, Teas, Fish , y a 1 1, Iiacou, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, ip-kri, Hats, Root', Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paint.-!, &o.j 'Co, If. addition tnonrlcrRe stock ofDryOnods, we have , lnr(:n , fu nortiiiont nftle.dy Made Cnthln r Men and Ilnjs wenr which wo aro determined tu , e,enpcr thm can be bouslit elscn hem. Cull slid II. W.CIlKAtJr . CO. I.llht Street, April . 1J(J4 ESP YM HOTEL iJiBR under. irrnrd. hayini tikrn the Eapy Hst.l, I ltly k-pt by Mr. II llowrll, would rupectfully inform h a frlind. an Itli puhllr In cenernl, that nn till 11 a will be spired for th antl.farlnrr entrrtsiaiaeat of all vth.i may rave' alsi vitb tkiir cur-torn. JOi. n. l.lIiaDA!.1I. Bs.y, April:, 1MI. STILZ k IIARTLl'.Y. ici'jBiBSiiiA'iav vaai'Ms, Hank I.uIIiHhj. 320 North Third St nit Utu-ttn Vim -j Vnllowinll , ni 1 1. a u n 1. r u 1 a. June SO, l!tJ-ly. 1 U .J T rteceivetl a oov r.iirirtiasr.1 sf f JoJ I attles (if Weill pripertinclwling Boriltring Ceiling r.iprr, nnd a general viricty of materlsl in Ills line, winch will b. f 11111J on tho fT.COM) FLOOR Ininiedi. nti ly ovi-r tlu t.torc or .Mr. I. T one door t nt of Lutis'si llrUB Here, ill the lluncrt ITork. Iwherenll per.ous wl'hlei! con I. in bis litis will be attended to in perron nt nil times tuV I'upn- t lunging exfruted to cr-hr nnd brsi s'hliy nt short nnticr, E. .1. THORNTON. g' IS H 3 L ,a iu A if g 53 ROTH M RRIED AND SINGLE. ; Oldost Eosulator for Pomo.los. Dr.. C 1 1 P. HS 11 M A N '!? r 1 1 .M A LC PI'.L? Will ii.tniedialely relievo, without pain, all tllsturban re. nf ihu periodic I'is.diarpe. whether ari.lui; from re liixalio.i nr cuppre.Mon. Tin y urt like a charm iu re nunini: th. pain th u accompany iliilir.iilt or iiiiuioder at", nu n sirinil n:i . and ar tlie only eafu and relnbl! fnr I lu.he.. s-nk lli adaihe.l'.iiu. in the I.oini, Hark and ride., p.Opl ation of the Heart, Nervous l ie. mors. Ilysteiics, Spasms, Hro'ceii Sleep, and other un. pi a'.mt nun damp runs oil'ecl. of an unnatural ccudi iio'iofth. .exti.ti fiiur t'ltiH In the wore! cf Fluor Albiis, or U hit they i tf.. t n speouv cure, ill. eilUI'.M.AiAVd PliMALI. PI1.LU. Hare ' een usei! over a Quarter of a Century. They aro i rf rod a. the only t-afu means of renewing iul?r r.ipted lueii-iriialion, but I.n lies must bear in nund th it, liter" i. one cnndiiiiin of the female Fjslciu in w hit h lb Pill, r.-inm.t be taken willinut producini; a pt rullai result The rnudinon ref.'ired to is I'reminury Hi.' irsult Murnrrlar; . r-uth t. tin; irreristible ten. denry of the me In t,ie to restore ihu stiual function, tu .t condition, lint evun the reproductive putv. er of nature cannot resist it, Tiuy cannot do harm iu any other tvnv. nu. i.itKUsn.MAN's Fn.MAi.i: pii.lh. Are tin. only Meillrino that t.itriied and Single Ladioi have n li d upon Inr litany years, ur can re'y upon now. lien an of Innitiiini. ! Tite.e Pill, inrm the Fiin-rl i'rep u till un ever put forward, with immediate nnd Persistent ..neons. llti.V'i' HI', l)i:ii:Vi:I). Take tins aili'.'rttM'iuetit to yuur Druii'iist. and tell him that you w ant tho bst anil most reli.tblo Feunlo .Medicine in the iiwrld. winch i. compriscil a is lilt. Cllllllrt.MAN'ri rtLLfllll Tlo) have ree.-iied, and are now receiving the .in ctmn of Ilie most eniin"nl Pin slrlans tu America. IllltlX'l IONS null each Hox,-the price One pi r Hue. contaium.' Iroiu 5 ) to no Pills. Pill, sent by in tt a 1 . promptly, by retuiltiii!; the pi ice tn tin: Propri tint, or uu itulhorized Agelil, iu currant fund., ri.dd by PriiejisU ireiierallv. ilUlillNoti & IIILLVllll. Proprietors. rj Cedar Street, New York. E7" Sold in Hloomsliur;', by Jlyer c Moytr, anil R. P l.uta. Feb. VT, leoi. ly. Dissolution of Partnership. T OTICE is herehy Riven, that tho part- L 1 nershlp beretoforo exi.ting between the subsrrl hers, in the MknotntE, in Jir-ejiown, ''oi iimbia cntnitv, wa. tt..,iH d bv mutual c.ii.cut on tho llllh nf Fi binary, 1-1.4 The liook. of the Into firm, will r is i.i t ti ,n th rtore. in the hands of Williai.l Kramer for ..llleiuent The .Mercnitlile Husln.s.,w ill be continued at tin old btand, by Courr.d Kiamer, f r whom a euntinuuiiio or puVlie iiistom is respectfully solicitm.. ('(INHAII Kltl'.AMillt. WILLIAM KUHitlEi:. Jtrseytown, February SO, ha. Imnortant to Harried Ladies I TRULY A RLESSING ! I will cnt!. ntibR nr ciurue loaiiy hail) who trill K'lui in !it itiimu And .iililrt diri'ttiini1 how tn iri vent t!i -iMtrciitit pa in uf ClIIIiD-HlUTil ; nUi how lo havi porlVrtlv tialtliv nnl linautilul "h i ).lrtu ; Mv ntie nti-r n mil MH'OIMMNT UliriUlT. tlu unljr surf- a rut nfi' rMiii'tln' cvt (Iinr(vcri tl. My ol.JtHt in in.ikiiif.' ihc .ibovi.-utl't r is to imluco e , orj la. ir In it my r-ni ii'.s. Alrirw .MAI A MR OlTrA'TAUX, M D. Fb S7, in -3m. 707 IIroafhay, Nw Yvriitf. AUCTIONEER. rTMIK under?igued infornn hi friends and feliniv. citizens tlirnui'hnill this a'nd the ad. tun: riiuntiia..thit l.' is a re;utaily tireused auctioneer undei the United plates Laws, ami I. prepared lo tvy llavinc hid several years rip-Hence in the b'lalasat, ho flitters himself that he will ba ablatigjva satla facliotitu all nbn .mtdoy him. JACOn SHELIIART. Daavllla. Jan, S9 1M4 Ovop ar tvrp. MILLINERY ct STRAW GOODS, tu ri'rtiv vii)tp.ii .. ... .... : sjtu V'fiSIJi or in. laicst imporiations, nnu or ma VT Usjd limit fashionable, sty In. 5'1 Ouu Stiiaw Drpauimest, Will comsrlst every vuriety of ll.inncts, Hntt and Tiituininsi. tn bo found in that Hue ; of tbo lattat and most approved shapes und stylus. Bolicitmc an early call. I remain Yours, Ketperifutly, n. VI AID. Nos. 101. 103 & 1U7 Notlb MUCOND CIS., railadilphla. Marik If, 1M4.-4W. CHARLES G BARKLEY, ATIORNEY at law. UI.OO.MBIIUP.G, COL. CO.. PA. Orncx On Maiu Sireet, in tht Ex- chanc buildings, oror Mlllor'i Qtfirc. ti...iiut siTl U, ItHt'Jas j rriio-iii!) tr. .pril 0. I'M 3-1, 'lirmfjWtoFErMilS v ' Ti US Not Alcoholic ft. HIGHLY C0N0EWTRATB1 A PURE TOXI0. ; DOCTOR IIOFPLAND'8 GERMAN BITTERS rtBrAKKB IT , DR. C. M. JACKSON, PhiUdelpBl, Pa i j TTT ILL effectually enre Liver Complaint, rapip.l, i V Jaundiee, Chronic or Nervous lltbllily, niiene-e of Ibe Kidneys, and all tliaeaaua arlalaj Iron a Jlrtr ' ast4 l.ltar vr rJtuinnchi suali I at Conallpt- I lion, Inward I'll.. I Pumess of lilond totha II. ltd, Aridity nftlie Hloin.ek rtatica, llcailliurii, lllagu.! for r, I Fulmias ofucljlil in the rMOhiurli. Siitir , Kructatlons.riinklniriirFlulterlnirF.ttlie lit of the Stninaeh, Mvimmlnr' of the Head IIir rled nml llilllcult llrestliliig. Unturnij nt IM Heart, Cbnk'ni or Huirocailnr r'co.atlou. w..n ia a lylnK posture, Oiinues.of Vision, Dots or W aba ksfnn. Ilio aluht. Fever and null Pal l Ibe Hi ndi Defirlency of Perapitatioa Tallownrta of tberlkln and Uyea, I'aiu in tho Hide. Hack, Cheat Limbs, Ac. Htiddeii l'ltis'ias af Heat. Ilurninclii tbs Flesh.' 'nnstaht tin. aginingsnfuvH. iSc ilepreaslua of spirits. And will c-aililvely prevent yellow raver, fll'li-fis Fever. ce. Tli.y e main no Alcohol or bad Whiskey. They will euro the above diseases in ninetytila sasrs out of a hundred. Iiidiicrtl by tlio uxt 'naive sale and uulversal popn laiity of lloollind'. Cennan Hitters, (purely vejett hie, hosts or Ignorant Uuirka und uiisrrtipulcn. ad venturers, Invn opened upon tutrerlne hu.nanily th floo I jatea uf No.trum. in the shapu of poor whlsky vilely compounded with injtiriniM rtrtia. aud chris tciic. I Toiiei, f'tomaclik'S nnd Ulltera liewaro of the Innutuiirnble array or Alcolinlb prep parations in plethnrii bolilcs and Li f hclliod kcis, Ua der the mndt.t IiPPnlUtlon of Hitters: wlilcb instead of cuiitig, only neginrato dtasaae, aad Ivavt las dlitp poiuioj tau.r in uuapsir. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS! Are not ancrranil ontried article, but have stnrU lie test cf fifteen years trial br lite. American nubile tnJ their reputation und aalu, are not rivalled by auy aiiiiiiar preparation, the proprli'tora tare tbounuda uf Ittters faon Ut amlMsut OLIUJOYMIN, lav. rntit. ITirctCIANi. C.TI7.BX.. Teallfylm of their own personal knnwleilf. U lha tieiieliciai caects and uieoicsi virtues of these Ulttsrs. Do yan want something to strtnfthtn yoT Vo au leant a good eppttitt ' Do you vant 10 build up yiur CVtttits!it I J3 yon vant to fetl iPtllt Do yo'A Kant topet rid vf nirscnsnn.7 Do you leant tt.trfy Dt you imnt tosleep icrllt Do you icant a lirhi and viporflltt fselinir 7 If youilo, use IIOOFI.AND'.i GP.llVAN niTTElte. From Eel, J. A'eictcn Urovn. D. D., I'dilor tf tht Kns oloptiha cf litligioH lenovledfft. Although not disposed tn favor or rrro nmenil Patent Mtnliciuea in Reneral, tliroueh distrust nf their injro dient. and t ffeils I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefit lie believes himself tu have received from any simple preparation. In tlie hope that he may thus contribute tutlie benefit of others. J tin this the innre readily In refatd to lloofland'. German llltti rs. prcpnrt'd by Ilr, C, M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced ucjalnst ll.inii for nunj yinrs, under lie iiupres .ion that tliey were chiefly aa al oholic mixture. I am indebted to inv I'ri ml U'ibcrt - iioemaker, K.q., lor tlio removal . f this prrjutlice hj prop, r tests, nml fir in:oura,'eiiient tn try them wit. a siill'eriiic from great mil Ions continued debility, an u.u of three bottle, i.f tlte-ti Hitters, sttlie beyinninj of the preaent year, was followd by evident relief, and restoration to u dcttree of bomly and ' sij'.r which i had not felt for six month" before, und had r.l most despaired of resuming. 1 therefore thank God and tay trisnd for directing mo to the use nf them. J. NLWI'UN UliOWN. rallaOlphia, June Si, 1S61. PARTICLLAR NOTICE. Thers rt nany preparations sold tinder Its nmrnttf Uttttrs, puttn quart boVlos compounded of Lis eheapeit vrMikey or common run. costing jrom sill lo 40 crnlj gallon, tie tatte Ct'guised by 'Inisi or Coriander Sted This rlasa of Hitlers lias caused and will enutirua to cause, as Ions s the) can be sold, hundreds W li the death of the drunkard llv their u.e Ihu system li kjpt cnnimually under the i tt 11 .tence of itlcoholie stint ulant. of the worst kin i, the tlesird for Liiuor Is crea trtl ami kept up, nod tlie result is all the horrors at tendant upon n drunkard t life nud death. Fcr ihiHt wlioiltsire nnd will havou I iiuor Hitter., tve publish tlie follow im receipt. Get one buttle of UooRamr. Uerinnn Hitters and mix w th three uuarti of ((nod brandy or whiskey, and the result wlli be a preparaliiiu that will tar exrt i in medical virtues an 1 fue t ji. Hence any of the numerous Liquor Hitter' ii the market, nnd will cost muli less. ott will ham all the virtues of Unoflaud's Uillera in connection with a stood nrti'le of Lbiuor. at a much leas pries than theae inferior pruparations wlit coil you, ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! AMU THIS FH1ENE.-5 OF SOLUIEas. We call attention io all havinc relations nr frienis in the army to the fact that "UOOrr.ANO'S Gemini Hltterf" will euro nine-tenth, of the tliina induce. i by nxpostires nnrt privations incident to camp life. In tin lists, published n'luusi daily in tin newspapers, on the arrival id th. sick, it will be Hoiked that a very luri.. pr porluti are lUIi'.-rinc debility. Ili rytase ' Unit kind can lie readily cured by lloofl.ind'a lierinar. Hitlers. usultio;: Iroiu disorders of the . Restive oriMtis aro speedily relhovetl. We have to molt in untnn; that, if these Hitlers weru fn c y u.ed uiunng our snlc'li rs, hundreds of lives uuirlii isi saved that oltn rn ise will b i lost We rail particular attention to the following remark abb' an J well authenticated cure of one of tlu nil a heroes, whose life, to use his uwu laujuaje, h s o-co saved by the liiiters.'' riiaautcrnu, Au;uit 23, Mtssrs. J'eii5.'taa.-Wel. joiitlciiun, your t if land's German Hittir. In. snieil my life. Tin mistake in this. It is vouched for by number. . r my comrades soma of whose names are appem a I n ho were fully comniniil of cIP the of mycast. I am, and have been for tho last to tr . ira, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, nnd r. inr the immediate command of (.'apt It. U Ayrts. Thr "h the . xposuru attendant upon my aHumus duties', I v a. nltacked in November last with iufiinumntiuu ol 'mt linns, ami was for seventi tnndays in tho hospit.ii 1 was th 'ii reiuoveil from the White, nnd s- t to Ibis rity on board the .eitn:er -'Sta e of Maine ' from wlnrli I lauded on lie J-lh of June. Siuco th it time I liuvt! been nbnut as low asnny rum run I.i be an still retain n spark of vitality. For n week or more t was scnrrtly able lo swallow anything, and if I did force a morsi'i down, it wa. immediately thrown up u;tiiii. I could not even kor rp a ulnsa of water on my stomach, lifer the... circumstances and. ac Life could not last urn rortliut'lj, the physirian. who hud been working lanh limy. iiinuRu . loresiue me rrom the Itrasp of th. diead Atelier, frankly tnlu me tlnycoull , do no more for me, and minted me to see u rlercynmu, and make such til. po-ilion ol' tuv limitetl fumls a, bu.t ) suited lite. An aci'iiiintaine who i mlied u. u tin hospital, .Mr. Fredirn k --U'inbroii. of Sixth blon ,trch ftreit. inlvi.ed me, n a forlorn hops, to try vuur lat. Ur.. and kindly procured u boith. From th'i limo t eouiiin iireil t.ikmB ihem thr shadow of i eath icreded, tin tl 1 urn uw, Hunk God tor it. Renin? better. Thonsh I hivo t.iki n but two bottles. I li.iit gained tun pounds, uud I lei I saucuiiie nf belli; permuted to rejoin my v. If and d.tusliler, from whoni 1 have h ard ni'tltiiiilor enht ii t.i ntlls : fur, .entleiurn. Iain a lojnl Vlrijiui.iii fr .11 ihi vniniiy of Front Knyal, To your valuable liiiters 1 own the cerlaiuty i f lire wnich histnkiit tho plnro t,f , tiftn tu j our will I one Un Slorinus privilege uf again clasping lo uiy boiom tkusu who nn ileurest to int. in lift, Very truly yours, I-tAAC HA LONE. We fully concur it the truth of the above atatsmeal aawehid despaired ofbetini; our comraJe, Mr. Ma l'im, riitored to health John Cud.ileliick, 1st Xcw York flattery. Oeoicii A Aikley, Co. C 11th Maim, I.enis Cheu dier, PJd Vew York, I. H. Mpencei. let Artillery, Haltery T. J 1). I'asewell, Co II, 3d Vermont, Henry H. J mine, Co. II. do. Henry T. M.,l),unld,i n C. bth Malaa, John 1'. Ward. Co. i:.,3th Maimi, ilojitian Km Ii, Cn. 11., i-.'d Sew York, Nathaniel H. Thomas, Co. I' , !i3th Pena , Andrew J. Ki uiliul , Cn. A.. 3d Vermont, John Jenkins. Co. II. luclili 1'ciin. BEWARE OF TuUNTERFEITS, Feo that the sljnature of "C. I. JAClCttOM," la oa the Wsirria of each buttle. PltlCC PHR HOTTLH 73 CE.fTB, OP, HALF DOZ. FOR 31 . Should your nearest drusfc'i at not have the arllele, dn not be put off by any of the intoxicating prepara tions that may bo ntl'ered in its place, but tend to aa, and wo will turwardi securely packed, by cxpresa. Principal Office and Manutictity, Wo. QUI Arch Street. Jones & Evans. i (Saecejson to G, M. JAOKSON Jc 0.,) PROPIilEWRS. ttJ- rORJALn bv nrj1a a-asl VsM, U tisr