COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. bditiid rrr van i tatb. pnorntETdn. BLOOM8BURQ, PNN'A : Saturday Morning, Apr.23,10G4 " Our Oonatltntton snard It over I Our clorioni Union hold It doar ! Onr Starry riaj forsako It never I Th proud Oancaaslan our only pctrt Ton PRESIDENT IN 1864, GEORGE B, M'CLELLAN Pubjictlolht dcclilon of the National Convention.) Democratic Bucccbsco. Tlio Democracy have carried Sangamon county, Illinois, by 300 majority, n gain of 400 votes since last year. Pretty good for tho borne of Abe Lincoln. Who aro tho Traitors. In Congress on tho 12tb inst., Mr Griunoll (Abolitionist) of Iowa, made use of the following language : "I would rntber say a thousand times let the country be divided, tho South go t'ueir way all slaves, nud tho North nil free than to see the country ouco moro un ler Deniocratio rule." When A, Lincoln wants what be call & loyal decision to support his usurpations nnd give them the color of law, he has rccourso to a rcnegsulo Democrat, beaause tucb a follow will do a meaner thing than any other creature is oapablo of doing. Thus, when Mr. Vnllandighani was made tho victim of arbitrary power, it was a renegade Democrat, by the namo of Judge Loavitt,who declared that Lincoln, through bis dog BurnMdo, did just right. Now another question has arisen, as to whether A. Lincoln has tho right to dismiss or turn out nrmy offiocra whenever Lo ploafOi, for nny cause, or no causo, as tho caso may be, and bo has a renegade Democrat by the namo of Joseph llolt, acting in the usurped capacity of Judge Advocate Gen eral, who immediately says : "All right. Abe, go ahead." How convenient it is or "Honest" Old Abo to havo inoh fcl lows round. i The Effect of Shot on Veaaelrj. A shot does not mako a hole of it? own size right through wood, but indents it the fibers springing back after tho shock. Generally, the course of tho shot only can be traced with a wire, iomntimcs by a hole as large ns a man's finger. The dam age most often happens in tho inwde of a vessel, is splintering and breaking the wood, after the main force of the shot is spent. FortJ Hamilton Richmond, which are about a milu apart, with a vessel lying between them, could not, with their guns, eond a shotjthrough two feet of its timbers. There is rirely an instance where a ship was sunk by a solid shot. Hot shot and ebello do tho mischief. The latter will sometimes make aportures of several feet n extent through tho sidos of vessels. Payment op the Militia. Chief 'Paymaster Brice,has divided I'onnsylvauia into three distriots, and appointod paymas ters for oach district to pay tho militia of 1802. The following counties oompose Ibe second district : Second District : Major I). H M'Phail, at llarrisburg. The couutie3 of Adams, Blair, Bradford, Oambria, Centre, Colutn bia, Cumberland, Dauphin. Franklin, Ful ton, Uuntingdton, Juni.tta, Lancaster, Lebanon, Luzerne, Lycoming, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry , Suydcr, Union, Wyoming and York. The Warning-. Mr. MoCullook, the Comptroller of the Curraney, hai addressed to tho officers cf the New Nationel Banks, a cautionary cir culation in relation to the niaiiajrcineut of thcie institutions, from whioh wo extract these true and timely rem arks : "B ar constantly in mind, although the loyal States appear superficially to be in a prosperous condition, that such is not the cao." That while the Government is en gaged in the fuppressiou of a' rebellion of unexampled fierceness and magnitude, nnd is constantly drairing the country of it laboring and producing population ; and diverting its mcrrhaiitilo industry from works of permanmit value to the conatruo- lion of implements of warfare ; while cit ies are crowded, and tho country is to the same extent depicted, nnd wasto and ex travagance prevail as they never beforo prevailed in the United States, the nation, whatever may bo tho external indications, is not prospering. "The war in which we arc involved is a ttcrn necessity ; and must be prosecuted for the preservation of the matter what it may cost ; but tho country will unquc'tionably bo tho power every day it is continued. Tho seeming pros perity of tho loyal States is owing mainly to the large expenditures of the Govern ment and tho redundant currency which these expenditures seera to ronder ncoos sary. "Keep thero facia constantly in mind, and niansgo tho affairs of your respectivo banks with a perfect consciousness that tho apparant prosperity of tho country will bo proved to be unreal when tho war is clos ed, if not beforo; and be prepared, by care ful management of th trust coinmittod to you, to help to savo the nation from a fi nancial epitope, instead of lending your influence; tj male it moM rtain and more Letter from tho Editor. PnitADELvfilA, A mil CO, 1804. jDtvw Jd r. Dan octo 1 1 Leaving old (Jjlum bin on Sntudny Inst Iliad a plousaut jour ney and enjoyed the beautiful soencry tin ouch the country to thin City. Busings hero is brisk, olthciuh not quite tlit tieunl average of travel, lor tho scasojtftf the year. Prices advanced yestrnljjj, on many articles of trade, from one tWhrcc hundred pet cent. It is almo?t stargttig lo couteinplato the condition to which our country has conic, nud tho end is not yet. Gold, lo-dav, is selling at $182 I . Tho Boiler in Coruclison & Baker's Machino Shop, in Bight & Cherry Streets, exploded yesterday tunruiug, nnd killed some IS or 20 persous. A portion of the Engine, weighing over n ton, was thrown over two r.quaros, falliug into a Livery Stable and killed n man aud two horse, There wer. about 300 men at work in tho building at the time, and it was yet un known how many were killed and woun ded. Thtst! Engines ro nuisances in Cities or 'I owns. Among the exciting questions of tho day is tho agitation of ilm Removal Qucitioti of the Seat of our State Government to Philadelphia, The Ilarrisburgiatis stout ly dtuiur to tho arrangement, and in order to secure its punuaiiviit location there, the miiuioipnl nuthoritifi", luit week, appropri ated 520,000 (or tho purcliHSc f an Exe cutive Mandun. Thi- Senate, rubscfiueui ly defeated tho Dill, which had passed the iloanc, and ihero tho question endod, for the preseut. Disastrous report from the Army, as much as soma attempt to buppross the truth are believed here arid in New York, and has caused tho great aud suddeu risa in gold aud goods, L.L. T. r'or thel'otumbia llemocrftl. Democratic Doctrine. Coi,. Tate : Please permit space in your val uable paper, for the iniertion of a few re- mark to the Wemncracy.wtierevcr your pa- per may appear. Wo should spare no moans consittont with law and order, at tho first opportunity, to power as our Sucocss is the only hope for tho resto- ration of peace and union of tlic?o distract- ed nud waring states. Wo have for thrco years been sadly experiencing tho evil rc- Milt of the incompetency with which pub- lio affairs bare been administered,by those in power, and the unconstitutional pur- poses thoy are endeavoring to carry out. Has not this been sufficient to chango'ThTr winds of loose who unfoitun- ately for ut all, in eighteen hundred aud sixty, le'l the Democratic party and voted for th Abolition candidates. Ifnot.then, the future appiars dark indeed. We should not despond hecauee wo tailnt to elact ,er) sacred tho Abolitionists, and the hope Wooi! ward and Vallandigham goveruorB, now ol-utUrjy subjugating and crushing ami slacken our effort for success in the QUl lhe Southcrn peoplo,plaoiug negro sol futuro, nor be tBtimidited at the thrests of dier, 0Tcr ,lcnl) atn fiharing with these thoio in power, and their eflorts lo bind block troops in a general plunder of South us with the chains of oppression, but witli eatatcs. besides tho immediate enjoy uudanted courage and puro motives press onward in the suiuk constitutional path in which wo have ever walked, regardless aliko of all assumed ltw 4tid their execu tion which aro unauthorized by the Con stitution. Fellow Democrats ! Be not dismayed, beeaust' the fraudulent means the Rcpub- licans uned to gain last fall's election were let (jo uncorrected, for wo have great lea sons lo believe, from tho touo of tha peo ple, that such work will nevsr bo permitted again. There aro but two ways to re store prace, and with it our liberties and prosperities to our land. To tiithcr put those who now rule over us iu sueh a tyr- " , 1 . "y U'KU""S. men iu their places whose trnnd, are suffi. ciently groal and motives puro to govern competently and honestly; or failing in this, force tho opporito leaders to retrace their steps snd pursue an hounst and con stitutional course. Let us ueu all our e Hurls to accomplish the first hut if we prove unsuccessful iu that and they still rule over us unconstitutionally, my advice is, we should first use all mcaus peaceably to effect a different course, aud if to no purpose, thru lo pursue a cour?o most like ly to bring back our liberties. If all the conservative elements will but to unite to one purpose by having free aud fair elec tions, wo will . undoubtalily prove succsss ful in the coming elections. Let us work to this end, Aud may Ho who sustains cud preserva all things, aid us in our ef forts to gaiu power that wo may again go on in poaee, prosperity and happiness. A DEMOCRAT. Goshen I.nd., April Oth, 1804. Col. Tatb, Dear Sir : Enclosed I send you two dollars on subscription to tho i Columbia Democrat, Please send it along t for I cannot do without it aud tho neigh bors about hero hevo taken a great fancy to it and think there is no paper liku the good old Columbia Democrat. It is scat tering bread upon the waters to bo gath ered many days henco, U aching tho trull, nnd exposing corruption whether it i found at home amongst petty officials, or at the scat of Government amongst the bugt. ' Yo.uri )S:e,, J'. K. I. Who have Favored Dkanlon. tie I1UIU lliav inn fci eromuiim uuuiu ( havo had n peaceful involution of tho Union imdtl.oy realty neuron h, ami H0d over numerous small towns, all over tho people of their States, after n free and . , . .. , . . , fair. lUeussion, decided to separate from the country, miloa and miloi npar -how thoUuion. So wo told them tit tho time Buall they bo gathered together! Tho so f-oino of tho leading Republican journals paper maker, tho building owner, tho tcld thorn ulMli L'ood faith. President ' 50uriiovman comnositor. iho eioccr, the Lincoln, Govonor M.irgMi, and nearly nil oftis, oponlv ffcvored n convention of tins States which (and which omy, a, tho di- uniotiists well know,) would havo had i power to dcarcc a pcacotul ilisBolution oi tho Uuion," uVctti York Tribune There it is says ihe Cleveland Plain Dealer the bold undisguised declaration of lloraco Greeley that not only himself, but President Lincoln, and ''nearly all" of the Kcrublionus were in favor of a peaceful disolution of tho Union, More over, Greeley uvors that thoy so told tho Secessionist1!. This, it is lo bo observed, is no declaration tuado some time ago, but is publUed in Monday's issue of tlio Tnb- toic. There isn't a "loyol" sheet in tho country whioh will have the hardihood to deny ihat Greeley has now maiiu tree con fession of his guilty complicity with tho Southern rebels, charged Lincoln with being purtkipt criminis. When it ii ic mcmbered that tho Southern loaders in re bellion arc charged with havwig been plot ting the great revolts for yenrs, it should bo graven in character! of fire upon tho memory of tho American people, that with full cogi.iiauco of tho designs of Davis, Yancey, Toouib Si Co.,thcle.iding Repub licans, through their mouth piece, assured them that they might peacefully dissolve. The strong fret demonstrated by this con fcssion'is that the Republican party really coTOtcd the disruption of our glorious Uniou t ardently thirsted for division of tha na tion, rather than there should be aty fur ther participation of the South in the public councils. Wo havo now the very key to the auti-alavery cxoiteninnt which was fomented by radical journals nnd stump speakers. It sprung from genuine hotrod of slavery, nnd no genuine phila thropy for the negro but was a mere en gine used to bring about a separation. This was the real object of tho statistics so 0rten prepared by Wendell Phillips to show tuat i)0t, North and South would bo bet- tcr(,(i Dy dissolving political connection, ',js wa9 tiJ0 object of Mr. Lincoln's cele- urated argument in favor of tho right of CVCB n 8l.gmCut of a Stato to revolutionize, q,js was (le object of tho bitter invectives ; rj0I1grc?s against the South, winding up tj)0 taunt tjiat ..the South eouldu't be Uickcd out of tho Uuiou." For this ob jcct 8Uoh mon as Thompson were imported t0 wijell ti,8 )r0nch, and such legislation fls thj ..pc,.j0naHiberty bills"made chronic nnd tll0 footi enthusiasm John Drown Brgcd on t0 hig mM raiJ ju Virginia. It maT be asked what has brought about a cimngc jn the sentiments of these men ! Wo reply that there no real change. T(l0 terriblo recoil after the Uring ou Sum- ment of all the offices, emoluments and pickings incident to the war, mako them for tho pre.-cut prato of Uuion,but at heart they are as honest and absolute traitors as they ever were. i nrettv set of follows to bo denouncing jjt,m and the Confederates I E&y We notice that A. J. Dcitrick,Esq, of Williamtport, for several years past ono of the leaders of tho democracy of Lycom ing county, and a Mr. Harvey, wero ar rested recently, at Washington city, on the chargo of attempting to incite a caval ry company to revolt. Through the inter ference of lion. Jas T. Hale, member of Congress from this District, and Senator UuckBl they were, however, soon re- leased, and il is now announced that they were unconditionally discharged tho ar rests having been made through a misap prehension. And ol course there was no apology, as there was no exouso, for tho outrage com mitted. Some ''loyalist" suspects, and honest and decent men suffer, and that without redress. "A misaprehension," in deed How many hundred of men aro now iu dungeons hy order of the ''loyalists," who have never been brought to trial bo cauvo arrested ''through a misapprehen sion" which tho officials dare not admit. Our frieud Deitriok wold have been anoth er victim but for powerful friends and prompt action. Oun. soldier bovs. accorananied hv a large number ofoitizens,repaired to Miffiin on Sunday morning last to asist in the burial of brother soldier by tho name of Washington Beck, who recontly died at Prir.i. Maura.. M.v Ttcol- oiwnro.i i!,a servieo last fill, and was attached to the 178th Reg, P. V. M. Ho subsequently , , 11. , , . .. returned home, nud volunteorcd to nil the e m-iii- ,i i . i e. i i i riuota of Millliti in tho last draft, and had , , . , , been in service but u low short weeks, rr -.1.1 i r He was buried with the honors of war. His ago was 10 years 0 raon-hs and 27 days. Ikrwich GuzeUe. lT Is tt possible that any BOldlcr Call bo so foolish as to leave the city without a miinlv of Hoilowav'n Ointment and Pills' supply ot nouoway uintmcnr, anu i ins . Whoever docs so will deeply regret it. Tli nun uiedirineH urn llift nnlv nnrtnin ifor Bowrl complaints, Fevers, Sores and eourvy. uniy ou renii pr orx or pot. The Printer Estate mi: miner uuiiuii wum'j hu ,ui jr i A. dollar hero, and a dollar there. Matter tlinl 11,0 ltai(or .tld nll assisanl9 to bin. .u carry I , ,, , , , . , i ng on his businesi, havo their demands, hardly ever so miihII as a eingb dollar. 1... .L ...!!.. r..,.. !,... ,1.. ..,.. I... .uu diligently gathered aud the la-.- linfailitien will never become sufiieiently i u'ky, We iuiagiuu tho printer will have to get up an address to his widcly-scattcrcd dollars aaiiiethinir llkn thi fflllnnritir, . , O " "6 ' ' Drill nr. tiulvnrf. ntinrtnra Atmma. .mt all manner of fractions into which ye arc 1 divided, collect yoMrselves, and come home 1 Yo aro wanted 1 Combinations of nil sorts of men that help the printer to ,VC0M0 proprietor, gather such force. j antt ,iCiiiond, with such good reason, your j0ppearanco at Iiib couuti-r, that nothing short of a Sight of you Will appcaso them, n .. . , .. , , , UOllOCt yourselVCS, lor Valuable as OU arc Ill tno aggregate, Single you Will never i . t ... pay tho cost of gathering. Come in here in single file; (hat the printer may form you iuto a bnttallalion, and send you fonh again to battle for him, and vindicate his feeble credit !" Header, aro you sure you havo't r couple of tho printer's dollars sticking about your clothes I n ........ ., u.. T i . Pltrc iindcrpli-ned, srati-fiil fur past pattonnse, tpee ur.MIS Foil OUCCI.SS 1 have groi t j rutty itiformr lilKiti'ttitiii'rs ami tli: inil.l ictrutiprntly .d,l, , , .it.-i: v . its that he hat Jim received from Hid K.uterno iltlci, the conlidcnce (says "hlsio enner," ) in Wll and most Seicit mock of young men who bclicvo in themselves, fl S)!ti A A fl ET M U I) and aro accustomed to rely period. When .01 lit i0 il l U 0 U 1 111 111 ill a resolute young fellow steps up to tho yV'Vir'vf great bully-tho World-and takes him; fej 1 SlllU boldly by tils beard, he is often surprised Tint has y.lheen opened In tlloomsliurf, tn vfhlcli he f,i fin.l : .,, rr : I.: . I I l .i . liiviteRtlianttcntinn of hi friumla. Hint iinnirea them to illlU It COmo OfflO his hand, Utld that mat they arn ottered for Mln at irrr-nt hargalue. Mil It n,.li. iln.t n tn .,... . :i ftiick c"inprleB ii larcu .Tsortmeiit of it was only tied on to tcarc away timid i;i!nti.b.mi:.vs wr.AittNO appauki,. .1 - i . T" i I ?niiaf i tiu nf t"" i tt i itt!.K I ) Villi ( it-ri. nf rtrv it jovon.urcrp. i nave freu youug men moro thap ouec, who came to a great city """'-,'."lv". fuM.oii.iem.Ao. without a single fricnd.siipportthemsclves1,,, and nav for their education, lav no mom-v - ' r w in a few years, grow rich enough to travel ! and establish themselves in life, without ever asking a dollar of any person which they had not earned But those aro ex ceptional cases. There arc horse-tamers born so, we all know ; there ore women tamers who bewitch tho pes as tho pied piper bedeviled the children of Hamclin j and there arc world-tamers, who can make any community oven a Yankee one get down and let them jamp on its back as easily ts .Mr. Rarey raddled f'ru ser. Why yes, of oourfe, that ia all so It is not .'o very hard a matter wo fancy. "Tho Nigger" has the whole Yankee com munity" do.wa and is jumping on its back with great gleo and satisfaction; and the fun o! tho thing is, that the said "Yaokcc community" teems to liku it. Jumping ou its back I Yes iDdeod,and tho Yankee is carying Sambo and Dinah. (Jo on, tho "Commuuity" is ocrteinly 'bewitched.' Boldiera and tlicir Duty. Gen. Roaecrsns, at St. Louis, has Us ued an order relating to breachc) of the civ il law by soldiers. It contains the follow ing honorable, soldier like, aud statesmen like scntituont,which every true patriot and lover oflaw nnd order will heartly endorse : " Officers and soldiers are reminded that, their functions being to establish law and justice against armed opposition too strong for the oilicers of tho civil power, their uulform becomes a cacred badge, and whoever woaring it, commits or permits wrong or outrage to persons or property, laius that badge, and stabs the country ha profesaca to serve. Military power is a trust more sacrad and honorable than a trust of property. Ho who mim-os this power to gratify or bonefit hiunr If is more guilty and dishonorable thau the violators of a pecuniary trust, Impartial justico and the strictest regard for the weak and defenoeli'si are therefore the duty r.ud tho glory of the truo pstriotia soldier. They arc, also, tho marks of truo nobility and courage, while cruelty and injustice are the sure badges of baseness aud coward ice." rp. f .1 i . o.t. . -LHU mniiur ui mo ouovc IS ono Ol tllOSO hii'h-minded Hold in ra trim linn Inn munli uijjU miuucu Miuuio m WHO IlUR lOO muOU military prulo to see tho army oouvorted ' into a lawless mob. If all high military functionaries had heretofore thus tauulit' WC Should HOI hear of as many OUtraccS hundred iu.l reoty firr acren of which ire eleared i ll- . laud, by soldiers upon citizens as are now occur- j LSO, ring daily throughout tho country. Tho j Tll0 allliTided "one third part of a eer- truth is, tho soldiers are IlOt aloilO to tain Int nfcrnund, lituatu in Montour inwnihip Col ., ,. , , i umbia county, adjoiiiB l.iud. of John Itirhardii, a Int of UIUIIIO. I 110 greatest Offenders aro tllOSO i the widow Lewi., the main Itnad leading from IlanTilo , j, , .... , , to llloonifhurs.and Ihu flrblilencrilicd trad, eontuiaint COWaraiy abolition OratOlS and editors I Kourteen and one f.urlh perchee of land, all of winch ii ,!, f, , . , improved. WHO, tor partisan purposes, have stllliula- i Poized, taken in eiecution and t to eold the pr.p. ted soldiers to the perpetration of theso "r"f Un"' BMPeJfLS0 crimes, wl.ich,if not .topped will soon pro- A corU,n , ' ( . d '""! i itiiHiaiiuii iuhi nnu uciior ' I10t uc awakened a retaliation that will 1 be visited upon tho real offenders aro- ! taliotion that may not be bloodless. Let I llle "al offenders be warned in timol I i Wape said in tho United Stales Sonato J not long ago that "when he heard a man1 . , , . m thctn times talk all tho tuno about ibo n ... ., . Constitution, ho suspected him of bcinf a ,. . . ... . " traitor." Daniel Webster onoo said : .i-pho Constitution of tho United States ia a writton instrument, a record of fuuda- , meutal law ; it is the bond, tho only bond of the Union of the States; it is all that gIVOS ua national cliaraoter, Webster was a statesman and a natriot w i i i . ,. , ' Wa(j0 ,H a Josagocuo and a traitor. Web- .,.!..,,,.. imt ,,,; :,. .u. ,,.f nf mankind. Wado is living, but dead to all. tuiuoui rvspBrt; id ids wurin. Ijjfljj IKttlS ClUVlltfi STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. A Meeting ofthn Stooklioldcrs of tho lllnomitiuoi IrnnL'ompanjr will b hold t tliolr btOco lit Iron linle.nn Jfe WcdncBtlav. May 10, lOOTt. 7 . for the election ofoffltct(ind other butlncis. . .. the election of offlcct nnd oltioi 1,,,11AU1, Dlooniflurr, April 30, KJM.-m 1eiKleni. L O S T- A ccrtificnta for Two Shares in tho Capital Stock of. tho Lackawanna Si Bloomshurg Rail-Road Company; iswd to me in my name, and numbered, has boon lost by me, A liberal reward will be paid to the K,'" " lu ",B "UU"'K"UU SAMUEL VANLOON. rl?'no"th AP' 30' 180'1 3w B, STOHN'ER would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of Bloomshurg nud vicinity, lhat ho has just openid an If I1:WW SlCl K ' . V K9 otrrhl Confectionary Store, 1 door nhovo ho Poet onlco, In nioninehurir. ivhcro hs wllMcrvi-ii Ice-ereaiu of the mint choice llavnm, every oveniiiK, during the hi ii ...,. iiiiinllia. nf Ilm trmaf rnnu.tnnhlil rnlni kJ- I'arllcnind Families can b nccominndatod vrltb me nrwno nnti nuri iwugv (lire him a call. ll.BTOHNint, I'rop'r. Iltnoinetiurc;, April .10, 'C.I, FRESH A llll I VA J. Spring cmi Summer cipu,,,,, .,u,t, vcm, siiirt.. urnvat., Outton 1 ! "'""'ciub.-r Lovmberg't cw K,f,riu. can anu see. ko ennrk-c inr niaiiuiiK i.immi.. DAVI1I LOWI'.VIir.RO nioomburc April 10, I8C4. (June HJO ) NEW ARRIVAL. SPRING A-? SUMMER At A. J. Evans' CLOTIiiM! iit'OEffl! BLOOMSHURG, PENN. LATEST SYLES CAEAl' GOODS fTMIK under.iirned re-p-'f Ifully inf'rin. hi friondt .1 and tlii- "iiblic generally, thai he tni juft recited from Ihe Ktterti ciliee, i lurfi" .fuulnu'lit uf beinj the lieit ainrtmcnt ertT nfft'rt'il hi tins tiurkr.. AUo n rnuiplfU: annnrtmi'M f tWi- 1'luttiinc. In fart PTrrythini; in th' 'loitmm Mrm Kit Uiu.i wJm jirtft-r to leave tliHr m Henri's. R pfrfc'Pt fit jfutrnritvril, itnil liuihintr but Unj he it workman? hip n II tir mI at hn tnblishincut. He r.lio bvcm on IiauJ & largu nitil- BOOTS A. XI) SHOES. HATH AD C M'P. tojeilier wllh a vnrlely of notion.. ZJ CALL AKI) SEK POU VOL'IWCl.l'. A. 1. EVAI.'fl. niooai.ourr, April. 33,ltM. CHEAP new GOODS X V s "ay to, sr? ip rl ME undorsi rjncil having entered into fl cn. partnership in the Mcrramite buiinen nn derthe rtrm cf FRITZ & BOWMAN. vr.iuM repi'ctfully announce, thai we have purfhaied and Ju.l reccivi-il a ami nrled .n"rl.u.iiil ol M E R U J A N 1) I ; J nhiihwe will eoll very cheap for ch. Our aort-iiii-ut c;ihitd cif cverj Hung usually kepi iu a country Store uurh m DRY GOODS k GROCESIES. (HOtKEitV DRUGS AN MESJGES, Hats, Cips, and Clothing, Boots aud Shoes, ic , &e., Flora in theM and well knnn n utinil rf B. Linn It Co. Hue iu a UALI.. WM. riU TZ, n. W. I1UWM AN. Oranjevllle, Ta., April 10 lfauj-3m T?V Tirtne rrrfrral writi of VVmlUiont Cxpnan. 1J unit l.rvari Parian, tu inn hrocti?il, i8uia nut uf the (,'nuit of (Joiuinnn I'lcni t,f ('nluinbin rnunty, wiM bt rxpo ?t'il lo public iak at tlie Court Iiuu9C,in Uluuut burtf, l'a. ou Satui day, April 30th, 3.8Q4, at S o'clock, 1', JU., of mid day the followinj propnty to wil : Tho undivided third part of all that cer tain tract of land, aituntn in Monuiour tn p., l.'oliiinliia cuuiitr, e.iut.iiniiiB a WIJ IILNDHI.l) ANII CIXTV t'llUll ACIiKH anil out- hundred and thirty perchee, ! ptrin im asure. h"iinied nnd desctihi'd a. follnwn in 1 nil: Ad uill Adjuiiiin: land, rf Juhu Itichurde.landa, nf hieri f I'eter Applnnan. decM, lands of the Ii.-iri nf Calet. "arton, I'ec'd, lands nl lllooinnburs II. H. lrunl.'ouipaiiy , cury uic!er, a,,j uther; Hiiereuu aro ended a to "'T Dwelling House A laree Hank Ilam.nason home.enrn ' .-ireei. hi-oh iownuip, uoiuiniiia eountv. hnimb , the north by an Alley, on Hie eat hy no Alley, and raurtu of an Acre, whireon nr erected a large' two , SttSh&d wS'rv "'rW-ii. tak.h in exenuion and ta u .old is, ! properly of join, Ward.o. ' ALSO All thoso two DWELLING HOUSES dftwo noiie.. ic, being Ihlrly two feet in Front and 'wt'"y -i in 'ect deep, ,uuai ou tho tou lead. in from lhe C'olumhia Coal and Iron I nmnany'a eoal td, near to aid coai bej, in tho .aid comity orcniuin- bia tloiiud, taken iu exieuiloii and to ho .old a tin property of j v. Crinweii, owner, ami christian rliiiman, contractor, with nltico to Thoinav Lawion, Aiei. witci,cy,etai.,terro tenant.. JOSIAH II. FURMAN, Sheriff. Bloomshurg, April 13, 1801. " I) are thu only Ucllablo Ucmedy fur all Ili.eantanf . Seminal, Urinary nn l Ncriroui ttyitema. Tryona '"'' cure4. one hom.aii a iiox. Onoioi will rcifect a euro, or money refunded. Beat oB receipt of pr.eo. station n, mi mm ir,ini,- -l' OR- EVERYBODY I TUUAiUUUR'SSADM i or UNSEATED LANDS. AGREEABLY to tho provisions ofnn Actof AMcmMr. Entitled n Act dlredng the inodo oftcillliii! Uimcn'ed I.amln tat taxi, Mil other I liuflinici, pnnicil inn i.un unj ji niarcu. ioi.i, nun hu.ih.r .nnnlenionu thereto, imnetl Iho 13th ilay, of Mirth, ISif. SUlti lr of .Msfth.MMI nnl Whdiycf ii7.n,,. Tfcmtnrer of iho rcitnlv nn.'ntiiuili n !,..i, .li.. n.illrnlil nil iiemnll. f r.iicuriiod IhcriMH. Jt JuUtl t;n Komi, rfcliofi f.iot mid Wall) Tor, en iluo on tho fnllnwliif tmctn ur unirnmci i.nnui, iiu aid In I'liluinhln county, aro tmlJ Ucfom Iho day of nilo. tho uholcur such nnrtnnract ai win pay ino pa tajei nnd to'tn eh ngeabltr thrreon, will ho 'I'M al tho l;0UIU liuusii, in inoouinuuri!. ciKiniy ui on tho I3tli day nf Juno Jen, heing til" econn numnnyi anil t hu conllmicil hy ailjouriinicnl, from day to day for arrcarap'a uf laxi-n due unit" county, and the colt arciucd ou each tract reupccllrely WARRANTEES OK OlVSfBRS. 71 V A VVU 'IHVD Antes. 4(10 25 3U0 1U0 aoo 40 l'J5 18 100 Dels, Cti 17 00 1 12 13 20 Surah A Osffrao Isaao Davi Elias Miller George Noyer Catharine Noyer Moses Schliiihur, Lewis Filger BRIARCREEK. Solom Bow.'i Sr, Reuben Blish ChristophiT Bendsr William Clem Henry Dcittoriek John Dnak William Evatu James Evans Oliver Edge Philip Frras Rtioucy Gardsnhoui, Samuel F. Heidley, John King S L Peter Auguatus B Peurtt John Rliinard Jacob Sitlrr Samuel II Smith 4 40 8 80 1 70 8 iiO J 82 2 f)U ISO as 70 10 10 21 10 123 f:i:i yuo 101) 7 100 5 40 01 14 10 14 a 441 400 4i!l) 4110 100 277 a-! 5 5 iuo 403 :iso 1(10 v)S4 3H-1 a.'j'j 130 a a 6 o n 13 oi 7 ino 3 sa 3 8 t) 5 10 11 100 70 40 cu 313 433 43 i 112 101 140 200 3a 28 150 2,ri0 CO i 212 00 3 15 er 113 05 24 04 04 3 83 1 30 00 m 40 7 n 3 09 10 5 CO 10 1 14 13 29 I, Jehu il Suit ohn Shaffer 33 Samuel J iWler 44 Do Do 35 Do Do 1 0 CONYNGHAM Ebcncier Branhmn 134 3(1 John Young 30 02 Joshua Beam 40 41 Nathaniel Uronn 37 01) Peter Hiuchtur 18 80 Robert Jordan 73 1! Andrew Portjr 60 37 Thomas Rn.too 11 38 Mary niwon 33 72 L'-rrii W'kr fjO 45 William Pone 1 05 00 Johnston Hcutlfj Oi 73 Goorcu B-eklMiit 37 00 Thoiiua lliltzhimrr 02 73 Uoburt Ifilizheiuisi- 210 03 William Shannon 210 35 Amos Wii'kershstn 47 00 Paston Kline itnl Sbstplus 8d 00 CENTRE. Entt Adatm na lli'tijatnin Allebsoh 30 Samuel Achrnbteh 32 Ahloiii Bjii'bo . UO Mary Dreshrr fi Dewitt nnd Boneditj I Ji W illiam Fritz U Frc tnl HurToian 1 20 Jaenb Good Cti William fruirmRR r.'J Daniel Ki-iffer 50 Genrge Ilarmsn 4'i Emauuel Lassrv.! 60 Simon Lonry 33 Hcrci! st Chriatianna Mojtr ,ia CATTAW'ISSA Michael Hrobil 3 BO Joseph Kaup S 03 FRVNKMN. Jirminh Finrber 1 44 Et'ah Reynolds A Ca. 1 37 nsurxacKKES Paul Appl Guy Brysn Abraham Reestr Samuel J Healer Do Do William Buckalrw Freaa & Huffman Nathan Flrckeiistino J N Si R 11 June, Thoinsa Lemons Mich.ii'l Lemons (!eorgo Mack Lot Do lio R J .Millard W in Patterson's Est Gnorcjo Pi-iler 15 80 10 30 10 30 5 03 4 47 0 31 8 04 1 4S 1 13 f! 71 22 35 0 71 43 14 00 2 07 20 72 11 45 10 to fl 01 3 GO 0 00 60 e 33 B 80 0 48 3 04 2 na 3 72 3 83 3 22 30 20 2 35 33 25 5 05 1 25 3 18 1 85 0 12 4 70 4 01 4 58 24 03 11 44 32 81 22 03 23 03 .i JS t'arks Anion Spado Abraham Young GREEN WOOD. Samuel Albertson Mark Cooper William Durlim? 38 23 100 00 James Di-Witt, Est. 04 Andrew Gray 40 50 14 12 50 20 12 400 10 700 Johnson II. Heeler George Recce Ellis Eves HEMLOCK. John Chillis Nathaniel Campbell Sylvester Ptirsell Zebulon Robbing JACKSON. Colder Elias & M. Hess Jamison Keeler Kile it Noyhard 100 Philip it John Wagner 13 David Leo 31 ia 40 31 32 Benajah Parker & Co. LOCUST. Lowis Bush John Fisher Samuel John Do Do 30 William Sayers 3200 Mary Mvrrs 100 Thomas Rusten Daniel Reese Mary Ruton Charlotte RuMon John Reynolds 4190 .1201) 32110 3200 32 03 MIFFLIN. 70 Jacob Bomhoy 4 John 0. Hettlor 03 10 10 87 30 83 00 00 7 34 20 175 0 47 Jacob Longaberrjer John Michael Peter Miller Georgo Nungciter Rosanna Wall Joshua Ziuimorman MAINE. 4 3 B.yil k Futai 3Y td 4 11 69 7.4 3 tt tK U 0 00 UO 03 04 a 20 7 20 1 14 13 50 IF a" ew) 2 08 ' 7 80 uo 00 34 a oi SO 74 13 10 1 00 14 02 12 00 13 01 320 15 70 4 00 o 2 GO 1 7 10 33 4 63 33 30 V 54 Oil & 10 200 Philip Kulp 120 Isaac Indville SUGAR LOAF. 20. Ekial Cole 205 Goss Hut 60. Alex. & Joshua IU 414 Daniel McIIeury, Jr. 47 Abraham Young 4 John Kile 150 Wi'liam Stephens TREASUoKU'S SALE OF RKAL E S T A T E U E A T fi D L A N D. AGREEABLY to tin provisions of Ihe act of AHseinbty, entiled nn Art M re.tu-, tb.3 mate debt, kt , pa..-d tin- 3 dh day or Apill, UU, the 'I'icasiirer of tin County of CnliiuihU h -r.-by Hire., uutlee to till peroiii coneeini'd therein, that units, the County rind, ncliool puor an I Mitu Tux. Sir, due on the followini! real estnl- allnut? in Un county r.f Coluuilda, are paid tlu dnirf .ale, I'io w nJi micli p.irti of r.ich a.i will pa) the ili-.rgea anu icit. chargeable tlii-reoii, wilt bu eold at till-Court flout, in Idooiindiiii'i!. co., of Ciduuilii.l, on III.' 1 1th day i,t Junu Irt.l. d. Iii? tho secuiid .Moii.lay. mid tn be eon-tlnio-d hy niljisiirtiiiieiit from day tn day for orn arai urtJUM due said county and la co.ta nctru.d on Miii rtipcdivaly. OWNERS OR REPUTED OWNKIIS BEAVER TOWNSHIP. Aces 400 puny 30V 20 SO 1 23 00 150 ICS t k Years Dots, Cls. Cilumbia Col k Iron Ooin- 1 U8 00 T. M. HuMi'e 1 23 14 Join V. V. r.well I 4 40 Maun, Baldy ii Ciime',1 I Ou BEN 1 ON John Hrrlmgsr 1 fr& 1' linbeth OTiue '$ Est 1 4 ta ' 15R1AR CREEK. Mary Shatter I 5 M Sm I. F Head'ey 1 10 12 lilm'l. F Ueadlcy 1 itf li t.'EN I HE. A. DM'tt-nci a Torby itithant lorbv 1 ''ii. 4V an IRaNKLW ,'f!U A. Ortmiey FlSIiiNGl.RIKK WiMitin Puks JL 1 do li.o inmo t? Mnilier HEM LOCK I Est Mt. PLEA HA H T 1 6 tt 1 l3 U 3 110 Jtcob Johnson 1 7 D!i 33 Robert iNunu Kil I 9 79 OKA NO 13 IU Uecj-ge: Kims Et: I 6 23 CO Do Uo 1 l tifi 177 D.) Da I 1 b2 00 J li Morris 1 3S PINE 1 Lot StUcster P Heath I 31 'DANIEL MellENRY, Ti taturer uj i ol. co. Treasurer's Office, hlooitubtirg, April 7, 1801. PUBLIC NO'lICE FOil LICENSES. 1 j yj Tll'i: i. hereby siren tint the fidlowinp pericm ! lt in CU'imhii county, h.ive (lied Ihnr petition, i. ta.- CoJit i f lluutti r ae.iuiif, of thu faid count) r..r 'l .ivetn mid More License in llo-ir re.pective luuiislnji which raid p. tition. ill In- pri ekliteil lo the aai.l Cnurt on Slomlay the -Jutuu) if .lay. A. 11. IeG-1. if ulncli all person, iiiterrslr.l uih take notice, und ihs Licva in. tor the county nf Columbia, will be sranttd uu Wbu ni aday. Illi ouy of May ueil, l 'Jo'ilucV, p, ui, Applicant?. Townships. Lorenzo I) Mendsnhall, 9'ore Bloorn Oliver A Jacoby, Tuvnn " John Lr.cook, Wm B Koon", Silas Dodon, John J Stiles, 1 Sauuiul MoIIeury, ' Franklin L Shutnan, Chailes F Mann, William Longonburgeir, J P Sibbct, Amos Eaches, John Grover, Samuel Kostenbadar Jacob D Kistlcr, Richard Barr, ' Alexander W Lovf, John L Klino Peter Hower, A. W. Cramer, Stephen Thomas, i John L Kilne, Reuben Watser, Bunj McIIeury, E L'nanst, W A Kline, A. H. Roo Joseph F Long, 1 John Ilartman, ' John L Hurst , Ludwig Thiol. I Joshua Woiner, Isaac Rhodes, j Isaao Yettor, John A Shuman, John Kollcr, I E Conner, I Thomas Jones, ! Samuel Rimby ll B.-Klcu ii UiaTtfl II Ii u .1 ti II II II Berwick Centra Conter ''Cattairijjs, ii ii u (( II t u ll ii ii Cony'a riahugcrcj. t ii Greenwooi'l it ii Hemlock Locust it (I II ll II ll it (i Slaino H Miftiin ''Montour Mt pleasant ''Madison ii ii " Oranpo CI i it " R. Creek rv a omitn, Samuel Everett, Jacob Good, Alexander Hughes, Samuel Leiby, William Long, Robort S Howoll, J D Marohbatik, Daniel L Everhart, John Reoco, ii Scott ,8eo n i. ii H ii i JK3SE CGLEHAN. OffVrV! ProtliwrHjiry'i Offitv, Wlorimiliiiri, April 8. 1061. j 109 JKrolxt. TtUr k Scbmiok 00 0. fl. Cox i William UroMj W Jeremiah Eincficr 10 Iioory G. Miller 0 Henry Miller's tldrji 100 0. V. Maim Si Koftt 11 ii Philip Miller 7 Philip Wall 100 J. P. Finchor 000 Goorgo Scott MADISON. 40 William Ellis Et. 320 Jacob Moscr 8 William Ginnles Mt. PLEASANT 10 Samuel Boonu 11 William Beers 40 Jacob Eycr 4 Lnrcnao Grime ORANGE 10 John B Edgar 10 Jacob D Kline PINK 00 Peter Applcgato COO Thomas Beudfiuld 100 Aoron Gross 5 Sylvester Heath SO James Lockcsrd 110 Vallersbanip Est 100 William Derliti ROARING CREEK. GO Peter B'tughtier 350 George Dowces 1 0 Eckel & Rea