ns.i. im ium ! a iee tftf I PH WMUI A nUMnril AT A Bold Speech 1 Expululon of Mr. Loutr. I we nro now engnjstd hat (dread, divided LUbUlMMA UllliUUlliAli- Ik-cldedly the boldest Speech .k.l h.. Tho attention of our reader, b.. doubt- "TfZJ. nVX been hoard on Iho floor of Congress this lesi been attracted, to the exoited ditauss' on tub basis of kxihii.no rAi ., in on session, ni well an mi ablo ono, was dcliv inn which has prevailed in the Unusc al tnti that frAck may iik onui Molts nti- .orrdbv IIon.Ai.EXA.sDEtiI,ONO,ofOliio, Representatives within tli.j at faw days, !btoHED- I deny the charge thai souio rcii- 'on Friday of last week. It has frarleutKis on tbo questions raised by tbo speech of 'lH'" are dinpoa,,! to mak npiu.t me of i , i . i i i .1 it t t ,. . I .dchtrojiDg tbo Union or of di. integrating (and Iranknoii to reooiamond it und al- the Hon. Mr. Long, a Representative from ' tu;3 Unioii. On thu contrary. I am in though it takes a diffcrsnt view ol cur the State of Ohio. That apreoli wi re-I favor of maintaining TiiK union as ir i:x- rrr.-r-r rrrr national trouble, it will bo read with great produced by ui in our number cf Monday i I8TS to day, and no man sou bis face BLOOMSBURG, PNN'A ! .interest, After reviawing tbo condition last. Wc to day give a portion of the do (Bgawi't all toheinea of ditintcgr Jiion more BDITUD BT LIVI U TATE, PKOriUETOR. lof the M T.tnnMn P.m. lulu tlint nriun mi lli . J'" 1 " IH1 IUO W t fllia.l UC Oaturday Morning, Apr. 23,1064 iDlopowera,ftlludlDB tQ tho f,ct lhat cd by Mr. Speaker Colfax for the exnul ft ' " u - if UN & uiii a u.i. .a ... T iiv.i.iwn " Our Oons.l.u.lon.-.guard It cvr ! Oar plorlou. Unionhold It dear I Our starry ri.ig--fcfi.iko It nert Tht proud Caucasian our only pur! Mr. Scwnrd had promised to put down sion of Mr. Long, in consrqiicnco of the the rebellion in sixty day, with 75,000 sentiments avowed in that jpeeoh, and nicu, iustnad of which tlia war had now bavo stated, in a previous number, the lasted over three years and that 2,000.000 proceedings had on tho similar motion, mm had been called fur, Mr. Long takes first for tho expulsion and then for tho the ground that the real fiienda oftlio "eevero censure" of tho Hon. Mr. Harris, Confederates in tha North tboso who , a Representative from the State of Marj gave them aid and encouragement and land. enable them to oarry on tbo war, are Mr. Our readers bavo been ablo to spprsci Lincoln's administration and thoio who . ate at their true value the nature aud ob- will have to pay m nwce.Two Dollar, support it. He contended that Lincoln's jt.0i of tho proceedings instituted in this ron rnnsiDENT is lsa, GEORGE B.MCLELL AN ( Fubjttttolha decision of tho National Convention.) au.wum m sunsiai mi tnmmm Tho Editor has gone to the City. SSf After ono more issue, subretibtrs ill have to pay in advance tT wo Dollahb for tho "Columbia Democrat." Necessity I f00lUh Einanciratioa and Amucsty proc-1 matter for the condeninatioa' of the senti has brought about this stato of things. tarnation, canGscation laws, s$-c, had dono ( menls promulged by Mr. Loup;. That Thoso wno with to save a quarter will uo well, ni many bavo lately dono, by coming forward, or sending the money by mail, bfore the arrival of tho first of May, at which tlmo tho price will bo raised to Two Dollars. Isaac W. Campbell, Enq. This gentleman, who is tho Juuior Ed itor of tho Fort Wayne (Iudiaua) Daily Times and Educated in tha office of the Columbia Domocrat, was last week, elec ted Trustee of that City, by 410 majority. Mr. Campbell, was ra'ucd in Cattawisia, is a worthy young man and a sound Dem ocrat. We congratulate him upon his triumphant suces, and tha mors so, as Fott Wayne, only a few yean ago, wa decidedly Republican. t We transfer to our columns from tho National Intelligencer, an article on the proposed expulsion of lion. A. Lo.no, member of Congress, from Ohio ; wherein it is shown that at the last session, Hon Mr. Content, a Republican, in speech aud resolution, declared more strongly in fa vor of peace aud ili.-union, aud against war, than Mr. Loag, but uo voico was raiaud for expulsion. Dr. John will lie about Long, and we desire titnplr to vindio.it j tbo truth of tory. The nbolitiouists aro the disunion ills. That is tho record. Another Dunn I Jcr. Dunn, not ' Thomas Dunn," vtas arrested last week in Ilarrisburg, as au alleged Pirkpocktl, and was rrquaated to leave the City which he did on U!oub!c-quicfc Was Jcrc. a relative of our Thomas ! Ba that as it may, these Dunns arc bad Eggs. better service to the cause of tho South gentleman was careful and express to say than if he had ruado a gilt of millions of j that, in avowing there rcntiuicntsiJic spoke greenbacks to Jefferson D-ivia U be. used only for himself, and was aware that he as bounty money in recruiting the confetl- differed from tho preat mnss of bis politi- crate army. leal Irictids in Congress in the opinion he ., . i. ... i. 1 ... . .. .. . tfir. ljong tuan goes on to argue .ni mc ; mit it ins duty to avov. Jlul, liaving Union cunniv-r be reUotel by War. lie i brought hitnsoll' to the deliberate but re objects to tho further prosecution of tho . luctaut conviction that the further proo- war on the grouud that it is wron.', in Jcution of tha war against the South was violation of the t'nustitution and of the aotonly wrong and in expedicht, but, under principles on which the Lederal Union 85T ''John Thomas, ( hnplain," pub lithsd a slander on the 84th Regt. P. V., in the last week's ''Republican " The abused Soldiers of tho noblo 84th Regt, who Oghl on sm 11 pay, whilst their Chaplain" gets large pay for bellowing abolitionism have given this "loyalist'1 an extinguisher in tc-Jay's Democrat, figned "Copparhcad." "Mora Ar.on,'' is the cognomen of tho truthful Chaplain in this week's lSimit Machine.' Ashamed of hia name, or is ho another Thomas Dana. were founded, and because it will, if con tinuod, result in the destruction of tho Government aud tho loss of eivil liberty to both north and South. Mr. Long quotes from the writings of John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William 11. Seward, Henry Wintr Davis, Edward Everett aud others, to prove that wo bavo no right to coerce the Southern States to remain in tho Union ; atid that any attempt to do so would end in tho destruction of tht govern ment. Mr. Lonjr further contends that the Conffdcrata States are out of the Union, oeeiipjimj the position of an independ( nt I'orter, which they luv maintained foi three years and that the war has abroga ted all tho obligations that bound them nuder the Constitution. If the time ever va, which he docs not believe, when the Union could have been restored by war. it has long since been dispelled by eman cipation, confiscation, amnesty and tho like proclamation, military orders annulling slate constitutions, setting aside stale laws, obliterating state line and attempting to organize and set up a form ol Slate gover nment in their stead, in which one man out of ten who shnll turn abolitionist, tako subscribe an oath to execute and obey the will of Abraham Lincoln, whatever it may be, shall govern and ruin over the remaining nine who refused to becotno Abolitionists. These follies of Mr. Lin- I co'n, have, instead of, "cruvhing the rebel- lieu," crushed out Vihatever Union tcuti- moot may have remained among the Southern people. Some few may take the oath in order to save their families and property, but in their heaits thev detesi and diqUe the oa h and the authority that rcqu r.i it. Mr. Long goes on to argue that in wa ging a war of subjugation and oonqusst a gainst the Confederate States, which have soeeod from us aud set op a govern eminent of their own, we. are acting in consistent with all our former acts. lie s.iys there never wa a people on tho fao'j sf the earth that demanded au iudeneud ent gorenncnt that did not have the sym dalhy of the American people ; aud ought wo now to shrink from the doctrine we have been willing to apply to others! Much as he regretted that any of our Sister States should have desired to cut asunder the ligatnets that bound them to us, it would be better, severe as would bo the pang of regret, to part in friendship, rather than to hold sovereign States pinned to us by the bayonet. Much better would it have hcon for ua in the beginning much better would it be for us now to consent to a division of our magnificent empire and cultivate amicable relations with our estranged brethren, t'lan to teek to hold them to us by the power of the sword. Mr. Long said he was reluctantly and dasponditigly forced to tb conclusion that the Union is lost, never to bu restored. Hu said he did not share in tho belief en tertained by many of his political friend? that any peace is attaiuabls upon the bais of Uniou and reconstruction. If the Dem ocratic party wcro in power to-day, he had no idea that they could restore the Uniou over thirtj four States. Ho bclicv. cil that there were but two alternslive3. laws, and tho echo of tho armed heel rinSi I . wer(, eitljfr t0 aeknowlelkre ,!lQ ' ----- - - - i o IU - ., I CI, ,,. J. ...! the conditions and cefnplcxion which the war had asrumed, was as hopeless as it was wrong and in expedient, he determined to tske the responsibility of his opinions by stating them in his official capacity of a Representative of the people, bound to giro council according to his views of con stitutional right aud public duty. In thin separating himself from the mass of his political fiicnds in tho present House ol Representatives, Mr. Long has done no more lhau was done by a Repub lican member of the last Houso of Repre sentative;, the Hon. Mr. Conway, ofKan s, who, on the 15ih of December, I 602, introduced into that body ths following reso'utions i "?ot'', That the Amaican 'Union consists of those States which are now lay al to the Federal Constitution. llcbolced, That a restoration of the Uuiou as it t xistcd prior to tho rebellion would be a greater calamity than thu re- ....... . ., i. i u a a r. u. Ncnigi?ucvliscment0j ".-.- " " a7Tiik ismAToVs notioe. I U N S B A T E I) LANDS V.tt ,' tlnrhnrii lVllilcr. (&."' v ; ' I AAttiX mruitily rntlU.'d nn ,Ul dire L. Wrlilrer lute r lillontwi.Cnluuiblto..ir rf., ' p0(,., ,me, u,u IIHIl of A(.irth, ISI3. Estate t f larhara W i l iver, tlto 'i. A uiurjrtnui o imo nroiiu.. "." nini ouur t .I... I...... -..-....I n,..i.ii.r ,,ri'.iliiiuM.irn..tolhc l""1' i n. i n l, ,lnv. tf umlfrflcneJi nil iicttnim liavlnn clnliui nfulftil (Uc ft- ' . , .'J Mlh lUf uf Mnrih. li r it I Mh. 'iHl'.nf Lite or Oin ui'fci tho uiuli'HIBnc, without ili'lnv. ...... r..r. .ullh yiun lulu-""-! ... . t.fti . I. llUU'Hl in ' "K r. . . . " .... ,i.i i.u. . i , ... i.iiiui1ii,i ctiiintr. ntf iiuni nciofo .i unr ui Adiultiutrmor. April 91. 1?01. lir IJ. y position This it will bo seen is preci j the posi tion of Mr. Long, of Ohio, Uo "insists that, the war shall be tcrminatcu ud peace restored." Aud such being the idantity of the position assumed by thu U publican member of thu lost Congress from'Kausas and the Democratic member of the present Cotigrcsi from Ohio, the readsr will be able to draw his own concisions as to the animus which has prompUd so much more of indignation against the lattur than was exhibited by his political friends againtt the former. How thu proposition to expel Mr, Long for words spoken in bis quality as a 1 cp icscntativo id appreciated by intelligent Republican Journals, may be read in such comseuts as the following, from the New York Times of Mouday last, when re marking on the resolution of Mr. Speaker Colfas : ,lIu our judgment the Speakrs'a iseal out runs bin discretion. His resolution is neither right nor expedient' Wo have read Mr. Long's speech a published in lull, on Saturday morning, by the Duily iyeics, ol this city, from a copy furiii.lieu in advance. If that pu' licaiioa be tin speech actually delivered by the Repre sentative from Ohio and we have yet no teasou to doubt it it nas a speech which ought to be answered by something bel ter than expulsion. JSalional Intelligencer, Da. John m eiiduuly athamcd of him self, and Thomas Dunn" and in h'i issue of Thursday, begs for quatter.. lie LAND FOR SALE. VALUAHIE TRACT OK TI.Mr.lt I. AND. tonlilip fljiL Ing 140 ficrm. on wlilclitlu're it two iofr mvni.i.txa iioiihi:, ham. in.i n,i uii rate roiiiilctcili ltlin wulrr ioirf r of 111 fi!Pt lull 'nr tiTiim, c., nuurtii uie ni urn iii. iim. cuiinty. I'd,. O, CJ. OAISEIt. April . W,A. 1m rtto, (hi wlmluor tKiclioarUonract h "III y JJiu t.,i,.. ami roL haikcaulu llniuii. Hill Iij fold at tho t;OUllT IHlUtO!, In lilmninliirK. roiliity of (.iiluniMa, on thu Kith ilay i.i Juno im.., i'hok ii i-; anil In l)ii cciiitiiiui'il by niljuufimant. fruui d oy fot arreiirnK f lui'i duo unl.l tuunty. and Iho coil aicrued on mb tract rcipcctlrely )VAlltlAi'tiEi! Oil OWNERS. REAVEIt J'WP. n. !.... .u..m.. i tv.ti. i,r VntnOtlnnl tltoOaaii IJ and l.i vnti l'licla., lo im ilirrrti-d, Imutn out of tli toiirt of l-oiniiion riirai u lioiuinuia rouniri bo ripii.cd to public tale at the Court lluuir.lti llloouii burn, I'a., en Satin day, April 30th, 1864, at '2 ii'cluck, I". M.i if laid day tuc folloiii property Tho undivided third part of all lhat cer tain tr.K t nf l.tml. "itiiati. In Moiiluour t i p., Columbia ,,1.. ...iilnllllllL' TWO lll'Nlllir.ll AMI flX'l'- FnlJlt VCHIrf and one hundred and thirty p-Kliti, ftricl luvnaiirp, l"iindi d mid iloairiln-d nn folluwHlu jilf. Ailjoliihii; liimlf iifjiihn lllihiiril'.laiidi, nfliirri iiflVUr Apiili-iu.iu, ili-c'd. laud, of tin- In im of I'altb ll.irion. iii i '.l. land, of lllonuinburi! It It Iron ('oinp.iuy Henry Oigjer. and other i whurcuii ara erected alo A larrji Hin irarn.aon iinii.p.coru issrsycjaww rrlb. unik .Imp, nnil oth.-r out Imililinv.; nliout niiu . hundred and urtnly fivt acre, of wliiili r cleared land, ALSO, Tho undivided ono third part of a cer tain lot of ground, ultuato In Mnnlnur innnthlp C"l uintiiT county, ailjniug Inml. ofjohn RUlnrdH, n lot of thsulilow l.enin, Um main Itnad Icailinnlriiin Danvile tn I'luiiitislnire. nnil 'In' flrnl di .criiieil tract, loutalaiu; F.iiirt.-fii and one f.urili piTchea of Ua J.all ofwi lelt ii iinpiovi-ii, ij.'izi-il, l iken In eincution lad to ht iuld ai In. prop erty of Leonard II. Ilupert ALSO A certain lot o( ground situated in I.inht .Jtreet, ricott tuwnlili, Ciduinbla cnuiiiy liounb rd as fiillnw... In nil: On tho w.rt by Mam .Street, on the north bv nn Alley, nn the o.it liy mi J II , and on On; snutli by lot nt' Jacob llmnlioy, coiitaltiiniui; ouu fourth of au Acre, nhireon aro orrdeil u lari;e tivo rtnr) frame DA 1)1.1 IMO IKlL'di: ivlili a riu.r.' Koiun attached, nd tuu fr.iiua S?t.ible, uith the Mppurleniu. ce. Heir -.l. tak.h in ex-cutiou aad to b .old ai th property of John W'jrdiu ALSO All those twoJDWELUNG HOUSES objects to rcferini,' to private character, of uni. &c. beini; thirty two r.at in Fr uit and ' a r i tttitiiy eisht leet deep, lituate on the roid lead- and says Wllt IS incorrect. that he In Irom the Columbia C'nal mul iron i oinpanv . dial J 1 1 bed. near to sal I coal bed. In the ".il.l nmuty ol . u in - never interfered with his neiehbors' char- bi.i s.-ueii, taken in execution and to b- soi l a. tin; property ol J. V. Cri.wull. ovner. and Chri.lian actcr. We Can Ollly ShV to Mr, Duntl. shumau, couir.irtor. lth nltlee to TIiolis. Laton. ' , , Al.i, Uitchey, il al.. terre leu ml.. April I8ih, 1804. i E call the attention of aur readers to an article on our first pace, fro-n Tht New Nation, a paper recently established in New York to advocate the claims ol General Fremont for the presidency It is the most terrible phillipic against Abra ham Ltnco'n and his parasites that we have ever seen. It lays open tn the bone tho imbecility, corruption and tyranny of his administration. It well says, thai 'were our ancestors to visit the earth they would be surprised to see that, eight ty years after ihe revolution that g.ivc life and liberty to tho nation, tho Liucoln party could find no other definition ol 'loyalty' than a blind-submission to th decrees oftlio government. "Are we in Constantinople, in Si, Petersburg, in Rome, or in Paris I An we the descendants of ihoso proud Saxons vrho refused to succumb to any yoke, or tho illegitimate offspring of cardinals reekinir to sreure fnrtuns and greatness b) a perpetual worship V it asks, and then adds, addressing itself to his Excellency, the I'resideiii : "We have been imposed upon long enough. The ruiu which you have been unable to accomplish in four years, would certainly bu fully ronsum jointed were you to remain iu power four ytars loDger. Your Military Governor aud their Provost Marshals override the Dr. John, wo mean, that runLio .men should preserve such p'ivite character it, as would bear sorntiny and investigation. 0,- HeaTjTH r ui TiiK Soldier! For one wtin flint frnni (till f fTnt nf thi liultot. frn in:. :...!, : i.. i.r. . . , UCIllUli 11SGII, Slliuu lb 1TUUIU LMTi: uew iiiu . . f , . . i . to the "irrepressible conflict' aud entail Peruh from dD,P smi "P0511 l" n,hl ou the nation another cyelo of bitter con-: i,ir- S,na11 oses of llOLLOWAiS teutinn and civil war. 1 PILLS, taken every othsr night, will cor-, "Rciolve'l. That the Seceded States ' rect all di?erdcis of tha Liver and Stoui can only bo put down, if at all , by brlg auh, purify ths blood, and eneuro sound e"arfoi as out. ol con stiuu tonal iclatioas , , ,' , 0, wfh the Union, lod by being assailed up- b"Uh crer mril!- 0n!' 30 ee,lt' Per ou principles of ordinary warlare rt'ca , D0X- ! ittfj'crent naliont. J Resolved, Tint the superior resources' From the Army. 1 nf milif.ov uroirrq nf lit ti Vurtli in tUi ! " ' struc-le are beyond dispute, and that the , Cami-81tii Reut PcrtaA. Vols., question of its success turns not upon the 1 relativu ability, but on the fdness uf itt Col iate; Chut I'-xeciUtvt Mugttlratc to give ejject to l,tAT olr i's lower, I I wish to call your attention, nd the at- iteslveilt That it is a matter for scri-' teDtio'1 of ll,c readers of Jour P4Pi ta " ous reflection whether another election for paragraph in a communication from this Pre. ideut must not supervene before the Regiment, (signed John Thomas, chaplain, rightful authority of tha nation ean bo ea al)d ,mblii;hod in the "Republican," in its tablished, rm tohetlter, in the mtm time, . , ,., - . - n,. . . . ,.,.'.,. ' ' ssue ol the 14th ius'., mi : ! his rcEimsnt it is not A rr.AoitA.s'r wasth of ouu fr iNKitoiEs to continue tub WAit." for ample, cauie out a rank copperhead These resolutions, as wo have said wero regiment, from the commanding ollicer to introduced by a political adherent of the tllc humblest piivate Now things are Administrate on the 10th of December, greatly changed.' - IBGa. Immediately on their presentation, J-,,,T" " 1 ",su lu ""iB ul- ex Mr. Maynard, of Tennessee, called the at- ccpiioiiR to this paragraph, not because of teniion of the IIouo to them as being "Me any stigma conveyed in tho remark; fir fint formal proposition lookinn to the dir.. tUc contrary, to ne calico a eopper mcmbermciil of the Union und theiccogni tion of the Southern Confederacy." He JOSIA1I H. 1'URMAN, Sheriff. Bloom-burg, April It), If'Ot. NEW ARRIVAL. SPRING AM) mo Act cs. 4(10 25 300 100 aoo 40 U5 18 100 160 28 70 10 10 21 y;t 10 23 r:i: 300 100 7 100 40 01 427 It 10 14 3 411 400 420 400 100 277 aur, 3120 3360 103 3S0 384 100 385 3S1 3S1 2.ri) 130 Sarah A Caffran, Isaac Ddtii Elias Miller Oeorge Noyer Catharinu Noyer Moc Sehlieher. Lowis b'llger UUIAROUEEK. Solom Bnw r. Reuben lilish Chrialophnr Bender William Clem Henry Dcitteriok John Dunk William Evam James Evans Oliver Edge Philip l'reac Rhonoy Oardenhouf, Samuel F, Headier, John King S"L Peter Augu"tu H Pa irs John Uhiiurd Jacob Sitler Samuel II Smith I J. hn II Suit Doh. Ctt 17 CO 1 12 13 20 4 40 Q 60 1 70 6 20 2 62 2 Otf 4 05 6 25 I 7 21 1 1 04 1 04 2 73 88 1 30 00 13 49 7 77 3 59 10 3 59 19 1 14 ia 28 100 Brobst, Yttlor &.3olimick 3U0 0, S. Cox 4 Wil Ifttn Crowy 35 Jorimiah Fiuohor 10 Hnriry O. Miller 0 Henry Miller's HUri U 0 U. V. Mann Si Koat ll'J I'hidp MilUr 7 Philip Wall 100 J. P. Finehcr 000 Gooruo Hoctt MADIMON. 40 William Ellis K-t. 220 J icoh Moer 0 William Oinglea Mt. PLEASANT 10 Samuel lloonu 11 aWil.iam Ueura 40 Jacob Ever 4 Lorenzo' Grimes OHANGK 10 Johu B IMcar 10 Jacob D Klinu PINE 00 Peter Applegato COO Thomas Beiiddeld 1U0 Aaron Gross 5 Sylvester Heilh 80 J nines Lockcnrd lit) Vallcishaiup Em 100 William Detliu ROARING CHEEK. 00 Peter B maimer 350 George D. Heos IHO Eekcl&lUa 209 Philip. Ku'p 120 Is.iac L udviilo SUGAR LOAF. 25. Er-kial Colo 200 Go-is E-t HO. Alex.. & Johns Hs 414 Daniel Mclleiiry, Jr. 47 Abraham Young 4 John Kile 150 Widiam Steplntn i! i M I. l 7 1 7! I t JWJ l'J I 1 U He ia j i i LV, 4 ! t) J 'U 1 1 10! 4 . 'ii ; v : At A. J. Evans' (lOTillMi EMPORIUM ! BLOU.MSlM'llG, I'hNN. t'ATEST SYLES CAKAP GOODS fpllt: uil.leriioned lynpertfully infiirnn ln frien.Ii .1 and the piibhe Ri-ni-r.il'y. that hr. Iisi J'Jut recind froiii the Ua stern citie, a laisu nfiirlno nt of W23W 02-os;n.j:!a. bein? the bent aortment ever nfTered in thi markit. A 11) n rninpl- te amortinent of lloj Clothlny. Iu faet r verythlni! iu lh" I lotliiuc l.ina 1'or those s.hn pref r to leave their ini'a.uri'B. a perfect fit Kuaratilerd, aul nothing hot the liert s nrkmaiiphip albmed at IhM e. l.ihlishiut'Ut. He ulan ktepn on hand a Urge axerl llll'tlt of n an is A.xn si ions. II AT AMI CAI'-!. lojilht r . ith a vari"ty of mitioni. Zj- cai.i. aii si.r. i-ok voukst.i r A. J. LVAN3. lUoimiibuii, April. 9S, kSi. CHARLES G- BARKLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. lll.OO.MSlll ltd, fOI.. CO.. I'A, Office On Main Street, iu ths Ex change buildings over Miller's Store. Illoiunsburs April. Hi, lJm-3iu accordingly moved that the resolutions be laid on tho table, und on this question, the yeas and nays being called, it vas decid ed in tbo affirmative by a vote of yeas 132 against 1 nay, (Mr. Conway, the author of the resolutions.) in an elaborate speech delivered on the war by Mr. Conway in tho House nfllep resentatives on the 27th of January , 1603, he expounded his dUunion views at length. In the course of lhat speech he said : ''I cannot refrain from expressing my individual opinion that the true policy ol rbo North is to terminate this war at once. The longer ii continues the worse our um at ion becomes Let the two Homes adopt tho following resolutions: Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, i)c. "That the Execu ive bo anil hu is hereby requested to issue a general order to all commanders of forced in the several military departments of the United States to discontinue ofleiiairc op ratiuos against tho enemy, and to act for tlia future entirely on the defensive. Weivlved, That the cxecutivo bo and is hereby furthor requested to enter into m gotiatious with the authoritict of thu Co i fudcr.ite States with rcferonoe to a cessa tion of hoslilitici. based on the follow inu propositions : 1. KaconNiTio.v or the in . forth as clearly now m America as iu !.,...., ct... c t. . j i m.i'ENDENCi; or the lo.nfedkuati ' miieriuuuuiiuu UI MIU UUU1M lis UU 1UUCUUI1U ., . . f . .. Franco or AuMrU." Pretty plain ta'k . . '. M omn ' . i otatm. a imror.n sys om oi untie . ,.. 1 v , ' cut nation, or waga an cniiloss war for upon imports. 3. Frco trade between the that, lor an abolition newspaper, wo shoald , t,ldr ccnirilet0 6ubjugation and extermiua. ! itto States. 4 Free navigation of tht 4ay- Itioii. OJ these altemattvtt lie pretirre t Missippi. 5. Mutual adoptiouof thu Mon- k., iht jif3t J roc doctrine. Est lanaloni. Some time aeo, wo at.v ! vv. ,.it,n tt, imoWn in. nr. "I am aware that this may be said t tail link soma neonla moved ansv. oi.:i i (.:. .mi. bo giving lip the contest. Ill one re (liiesi , f , h- Vti . ,7.riB Z i s. B. ' f 1 il undoubtedly ia. It is au abat.dontnen. out of the State, without paying ho Prif ,i0n . spccc!l brcau betakes a new for the time bdng of tho attempt to brin .or, mi ni.si. ..... ...sV i-u,u. uw m vjew 0f our troubles not so new, nerUaps, tbo South under tho sway of the Union u Hut it cannot he denied nn mnrPT p-i. a n p ii neini ge to express tucm. wo win cuueavor " . w , , " " to nulil.fh the cntiro speoch bearaftcr. so ro , ... , ... .. ... , . . ., i . -...,.i i .. . DiSLiKi. i ui'U n i iviiuii iu uuiicrcciiini lion. Vie had just then been so sorted by ,hat flur rea(lcrs mny -me of itg ,n5riu a G,ob0( aj g,,, Cotljrre8;p 0f,.j A. H, J. F. MoK, P. R , etc., aud think anJ ,il8 ,:0rreci,.gS 0f his arguments for On the follewing 14th of Fubruary,l8 ws did right in making tho notice. Our ,hemselvea 03. .Mr. Conway explained tho purport ol houcst friend, RruiiEN II., who had gono his rosolutions and "deded his jo ilion' West, wroto baok to know if ho "is the car Hon. D. H. Montoomcrt, our in tho following terms, as found in tin in in." We tell him No. Ho paid tno Stale Senator, has our thanks for Wash- official report of tha C'ongro'fcional de- ADMINISTH ATOM'S NO I ICR EJate oj Chrhtinn Mitflhy, dte'd. T FTrUIt-'of adoiiniFtration onthe (!tateof'hriillin , , . . . i. i i. . ... I iSlul ev aie oi i euire iwi., i iMiiuiu a ro oec i . Ueau IU tllC general application "I IDO t1v,. i,.,.,; granted by the ll.eister ofi -ulmulm ru . to th11 unlerHii:neil ; all peroiw has pit: rl.iiiu-i auaint.1 Oil I'nt.ite of the decf.dent are re.piehteil in pri ienl tli.-ui to till Ailiuininti.itiir nt lin roi.lenn- in t.-tnt tuss n -ihip without delny, and all pemnnii indebted to nuke uyineni oriuwuii. HAML'EI. UUWIlli, Admr'i April Hi l?i:i-l'.ff "ii UU i view oi our iruuuits uuv so ut-sr, psiuups, iqq ooutil unui act as though they wero dishonest, and t0 many pc0plo, but he has had tho cotir- force of arms, enquired how thoy would like to have their .lf,e to express them. Wo will endeavor T,,AT IN T,U3. bills sent to their new homes for Cnllco- years iu odvanco, and it an honii man ington's Farewell Addroii and Qen. Jack- bates t itnl a i!cnilemo. mh'i Proslamstioa vi J Irare' r'S(J tbat tlrt trtr fn whlrh word, as used lo denominate a political party at home, 1 conceive it lo be as great au honor :ih could be conlertcd. The im pression however, that Mr. Thomas wished conveyed was quite different. He wiched to be understood as saying wo were all Democrat-), and thereby in hi. e t'inat ou, anything else but gentlemen. This ih ductiou is quite fair, inasmuch as gentle men of hiii political school can not associ ate anj thing iu their minds m humble aiia democrat. If, as he asserts iu hu comma uication, the 8 1th was a copperhead regi ment, I would rcspeotfully eugge tho best thing he can do for his country in his ca pacity as a Miubter of the Gospel, is to pray God that 11a tend us more Copper heads, it being, in my opinion, the most ...lie .i i ii i That has y.t been opened in lliitunsliurp, CfleclUal mode Ol suppressing the rebellion invites the attention of hia friend, and Tho 84th was originally a democratic regiment, that is, a vast majority of its members votrd the democratic ticket when at home, and our worthy Chaplain will no doubt ascertain to his regret, at the Grst opportunity ibat present itself, that they aie as strong in their demcorat'c prin- o'ples as ever. Our 'gallant Cclmcl, (Murray.) the flrs-t Pennsylvania dd. that fell in this war. was a firm, ardent and enthusiastic democrat He fell at the but tle of Winchester, bravely and defiantly l'.'iding on his legions of democrats in that s ngumary contest. A better or noble so' dier has not fallen during this var. Ui regiment has borne a reputation lor vilor second to nono in the service; and yit there aro itay-at-home individuals, men who never saw a battle nor smell brim. stone, that call us Copperhoadf. What hi autilul consistency ! What glorious Pa triolein ! The history of the demooral o puty is the history of the country; its ihcorui h ive been the landmarks of our Republi can form of Government, its fundamental principlo have become tha laws of th land, and wo ask no greater honor than to bo acknowledged ts belonging to ils ranks, COpPKRnEAD. olin Shaffer 35 Samuel J Dealer 44 Do Do as Do Do 10 CONYNGIIAM Ebenrier Branhain 12130 John Young 30 92 Joshua lit-a in 4(1 41 Nathaniel Brown 37 GO Peter Buiphner 18 811 Robert Jordan 79 1 1 Andrew Porter 80 37 Thomas Uu toQ 1 1 28 Marv Kuitnti 35 72 L'Wis Wkrr 8fl 4.r William Pu 1 B.r GO Johmton Hei.ley G 73 Gorge B eklMin 37 GO Thomas llilluhiuicr (12 73' Tiotisrt lliltzh'-imir t?lG 55 William shannon 210 05 Amoi Wi.-:crhnm 47 00 P.nton Kline unl Shfpn 38 09 CENTRE. FR ES 11 A R I I VA 1. Sprinij auD Summer EVERYBODY M IIK umltTi'innci!, emit f ul fur p"t ii&t rnTinr. if fully iHfnrun hNr-istumcrH atitl tli pti!iliri!fitcrntl) that lie It.ts j lift ivojivtiil from the Usi-li-rut.' citiev, lh; irK-'ft and mom fii'k'tt stock of 8PR INU A i 0 8C U M K IL tn Willi Ii hr niiireii llieio Hi. il they ar ottered for tale nt i;reat barj;aiii(. Ilii Stock touiiiries n larire asborliuelit of (;i;nti.g.mi:n m wiiauino ai'I'aui:i., I'liusutiiiu hi r'AstuoiAui.fe: liRkii Coatii, of every dfi enption; rants, V'ets, Shirts, Craiats ftucki, L'olton lUndkcichiefa. Clovei, c'uM'eiuler.. dr. Gold Watohcs and Jewelry. Of every ileaerlptisn. tine and cheap. ,N. II. -Iteineiuoer " I.ou-tnbt r' i c.ifia f.mptrium. call and see. u charge fur exauuiiK (tond. DAVID I.OWnNlir.IKi Cloonmbur;. April 10, IcCI. ;Jnuclr5'J) CHEAP new GOODS Uii under'ijrned having entered into i co-partnerkhip in lh Mercantile limine. i un derthe firm of FRITZ & BOWMAN, would rejpeitfully annnunru, that wo have pilrrhaied and juil received a large aud i led niiortineut ol ) E H U 11 A N D I .V E whirlnvi will sell very chean fur canli. Oar ainrt. lu nt eonn.t of e vi-r tiling usually kept in a country nn'ic vueii urn DUV GOODS & GKOCESIES, (BOIKEIIV DP.UGS AWD MEDlfiJWES. Hats, dpi, und Clothing, Boots und Shoes, s'o , ite , Clare In the old aud well known ttand ofn. I atari it Co. Oiveui a l Al.l,. WM. Fltll'Z, n. IV. IIUWIUM. Orancevlllc, I'a., April 10 !n4 .''ni 55. it, JHHfJilg, A T T O R N K Y AT LAW, BLooMsauiin, pj. fil99 la Court Ally, formerly mauplml Wy CktrU ( loirisisw. wwytirf- re. i. taw. 82 Euoi Adami 1 32 5 llnjtniiii Allebash 3fi r) Samuol Achi nbxgh Sii 8 Ahfalom Bouiboy 30 13 Mary D res her . 01 (Ii Dewitrand Bt-nidiel 6 02 7 William Fritz 44 100 Fruas and Ilufftnaa 1 SO 3 Jacob Good SO 22 William IIuFma 02 3 Daniel K-iff-r 20 8 Gcorg.i H.rtn.t 4'! 0 Emanuel Lar.iru.' 60 5 Simon Lowry ' 32 10 Uli.o. Keeco Sf. 11 Chrhtianua Mcfi S2 CATTAW1S3 A 100 Michael Brobit 0 8(1 70 Joseph Knup 3 6'J I'll V.N KLIM. 0 .Tirmish Fine her I 44 60 Eljih Reynolds 1 Co. 12-37 FlriHINOCltJCEK 343 Paul Appl 13 30 133 Guy Br) an II) 30 43 Abraham Heear 10 39 113 Saiiiin-1 J Mealer 5 03 101 Do Do 4 47 140 William Huck tlew Ci 24 200 Frca k Huffman 8 94 32 Nathnn Fit ekisnstine 1 4H 2f J X & R II June. 1 13 1.10 Thrums Lemons (5 71 250 Michni 1 Lomoos 22 30 50 George Mack 0 71 1 Lot Do I'o . 43 212 R J Millard 14 00 00 Win Patterson's Hit 3 07 3 George Pealer 20 1-5 J B Parks 72 6S Amos Spade 4.5 113 Abraham Youtur. 13 19 GliEEN WOOD. TREVSU.-EK'S SALE OF REAL E T A T E S E A T E I) L A .V : 1 OREEABLY to the provisioin t thu act of Amen bly, enlitloil an Art t.. llin Sl.tlo debt. &c., pa -il thu Jtth day of Apul Hie Treasurer of III i Cu i-ity of (.'ol.nulila her n.y notice to all permim cutin'riigil th 'rein, that Iheroiinty rnid.linnl poor an I .UttJ 'I'.tt. ou Ihe follow inn real entnt fltuato il lh cm Coliiinbl i, are paid bel' re the nay of n il'- tin w stirli parti of each us will p i thi chir'smi iliarne.ilile therson, will bu old nt th 1.0,011 in lilooniub'.i,-!.'. cn., of Onluinbh, on lli. I3in June 1WU. d. in,' tlu second Monday, an I ti l tinned by adjournment from day to day tor arr. ol taics due said county and the co'U accrued or. . respectisiill. OWNERS OR R EPUTED OWN K11V BEAVER TOWNSHIP. Years Do'i. ( Columbia Col & Iron Co 1 T. M. Hubbto 1 .lohu V. iVhwcI 1 Mann, ilnldy & Ctistn!l BEN TON John II' rlingcr 1 1- lix ibeth Cine 'a Est I URIAH CHEEK. Mary Shaffer I Sam I. F. H'-ad'ay 1 Suui'l. F Hemlley I CEN IRK. A. Dciittriek & Torby R.slurd forhy I Ac es 400 pany 309 29 SO I S3 00 150 108 i i I-1 i h. FUANKLIN J alia. A. Cromley I FISHINGCUEEK 11 WiMi-m Parks I 3 1 ho II irtiiinti A- Mothsr HEMLOCK fl Jtftkwish s Et Mt. PLEASANT 1 1 10 Jacob Johnson 35 Robert Nixon Bit 1 1 OH A NO 12 1 1 4 George Kline Eit I i 55 Do Do 1 I 177 Ui Dj 1 00 1 U Manii I i PINE 1 Lot Rylreiter P Il-ath 1 DANIEL Moll ENRY , Tnasuter j i Treurrr's Office, Llooiiinbiirg, April 7. i PUBLIC NOTICE FOK LH E:.' si f'TU'i: u heri by siv, ii ni.,1 in f : m j , 1 in l.'oluiiilji i i .iintv b.iv f. 1 t' i r p 'i i th- I ouit i f Uiutli r Lc-i i i f t'i s:.i.i 'J'avern and ?ti r--J.ic on., iu ,'r -in.-' which f.iid pi titi'io w ill I.. , r i.t iu iM - t. n on Moinlay tle'.Mfo.iy id A. I ;-- . ; all peroiiH int. Teste I v. ill I -.1. mui c , .,.i 1 '. set lor th i ojnty of i I nibi , "ill i.ti ,1 uesiiay, 4lli ila) ol May next, it J,... : 33 Samuel Albertton 28 .Mark Cooper 100 William Drrlin 59 James Di-Witt, Ett. 54 A lid re iv Gray 40 Johnon II. Ikeler 50 George Hceoo 11 Ellis Eves HEMLOCK. 12 John Child 50 Nathaniel Campbell 20 .S)lveter Pursell 12 Zuhulon Bobbins JACKSON. 400 Golder Elias & M. nn 10 .laiiiiaou Kut'lcr 700 Kile & Nov hard 100 Philip it John Wagntr 13 David Leo 31 Bensjah Parkfri Co. LOCUST. 12 Low is Bush 40 John Fifhor 31 Samuel John 32 Do Do 30 William layers ?200 Mary Myers 100 Thomai Ruston 3100 Daniel Roes 5200 Mary Ruston 32110 Charlotte HuMon )200 John Reynolds MIFFLIN. 70 Jacob Bomboy 4 John C. Hettler 7 Jnoob Long.iberger 91 John Michael 20 Peter Miller 175 Georga Nungcitor 0 Bosanua Wall 47 Joibu Zimmerman MAINE 01 09 B 33 fi 80 3 43 2 0t 3 32 0 72 3 88 3 22 30 20 2 35 33 25 a os 1 25 8 18 1 85 6 12 4 70 4 01 4 59 21 03 11 44 22 81 22 93 22 93 Apj licant.i. Tov-i.-Lorenzo I) Mendeuhall, S or 1! Oliver A Jaeoby, Tavirn John Liaeock, " Wm B Ki oiii, Silas DoiUon, John J Stiles, II Samiiul MoIIenry, " Frankli.i L Shumao, 14 B Ch.i.lcs F Maun, William Langenburgsr, J P Sibbet, " Il . Amos Baches, " C John Grover, 11 c Samuel KnMenhikdtr ' ,lCitu Jacob D Kistlor, " Hiehard Itarr, " Alexinder W Lov, Co Peter Howcr, " A. W. Cramer, . " Slpphcn Thomas, Johu L Kilne, " Reuben Wasor, 1 Bcnj McIIenry, Fisbtn'i E Lnans;i.t, W A Kline, Greec A. II. Bon . Joseph F Long, Johu Hartmau, Hir John L Hurst J L Ludwig Thiol. M Joshua Wonier, Iaac Rliodei, Iiao Vctter, John A Shuman, John Keller, E Conner, Thomas Jones, Samuel Himbr tv A R,,,;(i, Si 03 ( Saiuurl Everett, Jacob Good, 1 1)3 Alexander Hugh, III Samuel L"iby, 10 William Long, 67, Robort S Ho wall, 1 81) ( .1 D Marohbank, 4 83, Daniel L Evcrhart, 90 , John Recco, it I it ' Hi pie u ' O rr ii " R, 561 JESSE 0OLKMA Pfothormtorv's OfhV?-, V fin lMenaiSurj, April t. 1t'J f