Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 23, 1864, Image 1

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LEVI L. TM'lj, ftDITOll.
Vol. is. no. s.
;Tlic Philadelphia Age.
Yhb oKkv uumocr via uaii.v j.ounwAU run
' ' usiiun in i'iiii-Aiir.i.rniA.
'w'hlih a,Hoiuf. ttic principles anil policy of tint Iiu
Vrntt early. I i ' n-vory inortistitf, (Sunday.
rPtV.l.i iin'l ciumii. inrniuvmo " lur" "'' " w,,,lli ittt rHrliiy pn'l-anM
illch'. on uvurum nt, Politics, Ti.Uu, I luunm, cu,,
tiuJ prompt tMiliotinl cmnniintsoii Iho .picti'ina and Hi- .icy: Market roporla. '
OnVk Uii.t-tlniio. .nri'i", llf port- of IM.i.
llcU mil imif. I'ortijrii nn.t l)ini lic MirmnpunileiiM,
Ut I It. P'.rU. ulrirul fritn-i-i'i". "'.
WieMt'in. Ait nr. I .Mj-'t. Aric.illurul Mai urn. nut
nlKl.a.l .fU.ilucr .ul.joct uof si imr-l intor...
Ulld lllipullllie .
"is mn-nnlcti'!ipi'.lminofltie Xwn or ins
, ,,..,ir . lit- r .-'.Itomi.. Hie Vr'r". rurnnt stock .pri-i'mia rnrKsponJwiwj
' iM i'.ii ral n. iii.itt.-ri. putdlali.'d In Hi.' IHn. Aum.
iTll.M .1TAIM. IIIIHI VAUlklt OF Illllllt tl All kill
tender. n;! il i i -1" r.'-pTU n llratftmiily Journal. pat
II.'y ii uipl.'.t to Hi.. Political!, lliu nlircHniit, ttia
th r li" M.ctu.ilr.tlii. Literary inn, ii-i.l ml flan.
k.oi r'.-o!..". tl li.i. i'i l;at 'very Chirac terl.tio of
l I , V 'I.Wrt"AlT.I. litl.-.l fr tin1 i.'i.initlnil llou.
Hie WorUblt'.p. tlm farmer'.. I'ltesUe, and llu Uu.rnl
k.adsr. . .. .
nny Witr.tT.
ni ysr.'i.) " ' M j M J"
' Bit Month. 4iii Hn Muiilhi.. I
' Three V... tli 'J 00 I 1 hr.u Mouths M
Tor iiii p ri.l I", limn i ' "t" of ' ' ' f
tfirj. ilia, nt Hi-- r p. " Ml
.if rU ..nlvflvd fii p. r mill m ritra copy oaat.a
1 uontli I mrtp-iiiiiifupi
p'.iviii.nt retired inrarinhly m Alliance. I'piinu'in
, eo.i: ol the 1imI iiml Wo'Hy r.lll b miit (train tu
any .1 Ur. . on itpplicilion. , ,
l li rcf TH.- As-irould oisily nil tlulr
oliiiniiHUibli Hi. (iiw.nalit nnn nio.t III., ml r";"'","",.
ilutioii. of III" !" tlu country .l.iil lli- J
pref. r tn.,i it -h-'iU .un I "U.-SUlKr upon '"'?,,'"
Ii.llilk r nil I" no... . II kii..n .111.I l:iti!i-tl"l. I t'-.'
LcliJv.. 11 Inn uc'imif I tf.f r..p.iialion Lv Ho: c.inilor.
fjarl iij.-i" 1111 1 1.1.I 'P' n o ne., wil'i wlnrli it " "
nnilurt...l. ihrou.'!! tnn. a of i'tt, Iin.iry r''l;''';
iIiIlic 00 p.illii' -u'.j.cln, nnJ I ill rly or 11 I no.t nil-
riiiian pnhli.-Irnl It H n ant "HI l".
lurn..! '!.-. tin sop, prinii.l ,
oppiu-.l alikr to r.lii.-.lnin n.l fL.tirliw in '.vry
'.tin, niol ii.-ii.t-.l to lliu ii.alntctiuruaof jo.i.l sut.s ni
u-kVM,,?,:.,';'v'in a, rB,.i9 tun! it I!....
rcu l.-r. p-fiilliir n-ivie -r mi.l iif P "Ulnr cIIimm up
n ifll uln l.v whom il- .ire val'iul. n" l hn
uylli. i-.p r nr-. lo..k V pr.nn.itp nn.l .. ruro tlii
(.'...m.nonnl rcit..ral.oi '.fill' "' '
br.t ali.m Hl'lr .fin- "f Hi' unt"i".' "Ml. " W
-..ubiiKr-. in I, Inlf f tin. tf.-.l nn.i unpiirWIri
iuu.-. li i.iru. ily .Hiaioiii!; tl.n pP'-r " .
IIOfi fi'ljlO If l.Lr:'?., ...M.n.l
No. o tiiEtii rtiTr sriiur.r.
im-vj. pniLAHBi-niiA.
Ik AutliOi iX'-l IfOTrr.iocrit l.'.-pT.
AKP IT 111. 111 1 li I'T (Ilil'KIt IT K.NfiK'.B.
i viim -inn t-it-Ki. iai. 1.1 nn n-k'ia r.t.'inl.':. iu-nl' otftct, t
Wift.i-.iro. ircinil.. r 'SI. It-'Kl
-I ...tlfr thtt!i' a!j..r.. in a trot to,.v ,.r tli" . rlcjiiil
,. (Us 1.1 tin. H I', .r-KMI.
r A rl.l-ilit A.lj.itant Cineral "
5 coMri.iur. iv us 1 1 vui.i mp..
With Vlpa moULiu- of III- UtlViuj- . "''y'y"
Appro.irli-a I., iio-uri-ist'i. Si-K" "f April .V oy.l-li,
I Woilf mi.l Rniil.--l,i'U nt IVillMUiiUrj,
PATII.i: H' iMM--!s Ml 1.1..
: larri.iioi' m vi.vmiv li'i.r..
HAI'II.I'. "i' .Ml.''ll IM1 HMI.I.R.
iiM'Ti.e. tif 'it uui:v minion.
Irnn "t-iivurv havb- ii.rri.t:"n..cte. at..
I'hf li-u "fll"' K.-poil U not an i:i. ctlnn irrltj
riuin..nt. I.ut nn ''irt copy of 1I1.1 ontiinl, lakfn ftoiu
fli ri.cor.U ill Vn-!iini!ton."-l'.il!r.rt
'T'ltiioH' o..-i.on fin .ipcolin.n of tin Iteporl
w .an r.-roium.-nl tlin'..liii...;.';-ry V- I'''y-Y,"-
AM UUTl'.N IN I'l.nni tt iTH rtiurn. ri-KlllAl-r.
Tor inls l.y nil lloo-ll..H an.l U-.trimi.
I'".l nt tl.i
offii-c or tiii; lir.iir.i.i.iu'J uEior.n.
v., 11 liro:ii!ay. N',v VorL ( ilr
K7- I'oplf. Frntfii... l.y mini i.nrrciiit vt llo prtei.
Mnrh In. luM it.
rorsct mo not, tlioupli fata iirar.
llu turn lut from my ililli'.lio.j.l'i knnn.
I'.litt ipot tn Inn moat lrar.
8IIII nroutnl lliu altar clon..
My tmil docs imitu U liuinin ftiti.
i Uuni-vor rnvioui caro heart mo,
And stilt fond hope my hoimn ihcwri.
To lliink that you "111 lint forRtt In.
When tnornlnr un It bcamltij brl;ht,
Or thaduiva mark hi. i-llinj my,
our mutual r)cs may p re 1 1 1 hot 1 1 c ht ,
And noribii tti.N tUoujli fur anay.
At err- rrltoli mrturry ik. n .ph?rc.
Wlicro ctaiilcn triiil. Hirer fri lin".
U'ailit thy hlJit lym ar. nitiinjt lcr,
t'm rur tht ynu will not forj.t iiu'
-. . 1 aa..
Ri RitYdlcsH of tli) hireling's orj
Of Copiicrlicatl, find nil thai,
Wu r-tili iic?)iiic powor ilufjr,
And dare to 'peak for nil that.
For nil tb.'it, anil all that,
The trnitor band, Mid all that
't still liolievo the South have riiihti
As vrotl su T'-orth for !1 that.
We lnvo the Constitution, ton,
V ni'Tor will il. ny tint ;
AhliQUi;h tbo Aboluiun crew
Would willingly di'ttroj tht.
For lliut, nml nil that,
Jn ipitii of iH,(if.r. and ail that,
Tin' Cor.i'.ittttion as it is
Shr.U still bo ouri fur all th... lights v.'novcr vrill uphold,
Frto fptccli, frco pre.'S.aiid all that,
Hard CRhli ofcoppor, wlvtT, fold,
Vith no di-count on all that.
Ye. nil that, nnd all Hint:
Vi. jtill adbr-ro to nil that j
No military twessity
Shall rob us jot of all that.
The f cedmn (if tlm b illol bo?
From bitioittlV'ifh, and nil thnt,
Vi'itli no Ujranxr power that muck
At juttiK, I'tare, and all th"t.
Vi..., fill lhat, and all thri,
Wu claim and ni'l havo fill that
While men, no matt.r rioh or poor,
Hub mill th-- rifj bt ro ll that.
Let cotTiml.i ireftr thes gilded olifciu,
AmnlganiatO, Rlld ell that 1
The Deruocfiits ita links disdain,
L ivu freeduin moro thuu all that.
Yes, all that, and t-ll that.
Ptaccitfticfr, truth, and til tbftf,
Our glorions Uuion aj it wts.
We lovo it .till for al' tlirt.
otoms.lly disgraced tho honor of our nrms. and peronal political interests, and this in
Yon have boon unablo cither to forcaco or a republic, in tho namo nnd under the plea
forestall anything. What has bccoino of of popular sovereignty,
the nation's cuthtiaitutn ? What hava yon And to cap tho climax, you aro obliged
dono with tho immenio rcnources, uuprc-1 to hear definitions like thii i Au unoon
cedunttid in history, that the nation has , ditional loyal man is one who, although
lavishly given you t j not satisfied with thu measures taken by
Yon are now appealing to conscription, the government, approves them all and
Llncolu'fj Hoaenty and Capacity.
And we n-ill not enter into a discussion of
tho principle itself, but wo will trll you that
ynu shall Iwtvo foreseen that tho day must
come when you would need those- ni;ii,and
that you rtro to blamo 'in not calling for
thorn when the people's enthusiasm ws
first aroused, when they certainly would
not havo been refused you. You arc not
to blami', inasmuch as throngh your inea
psoity and personal schenief,tlio necessity
for such an appeal lias beoomo a question
of public safety. You are to blmuo lor de
priving us of the service of men wlioie
popularity stimulated that enthusiasm, I
Ynu havo told the country thnt both the
rebellion nnd elaicry were dead ; you
havo told the people that the forces of the
rebels were reduced by desertions, nnd
that they could not bo recruited, fed, nor
nlothcd; and yet you are forced to act up
on the defensive, bcinjr ihrortteucd nt nil
When you have directed tho action of
our troops they havo been uuiuforuily tin
, f uceaful ; you have pcrprtually o'Tered
jus tho wretched fpoetaclo of splendid re
I sources and excellent chances of success
' ii: 1 ... : mi..
I anrrmcuu iu ujuajkii ujr, x uu iiuiy success
! which you came near attaimn;j, put the
i credit of whicli wo intend to take from you,
!) duo to thu incredible imaginativeness
that you havo dicplayed in describing
fasts. Changes of base, inaft 'rly retreats.
1 anil reuoinioiscanees have succeeded crob
other with a rapidity of tbo gieatcst show
man of modern times. The imint iif-c v.a
ritty of rvocum-t'.uiceJ i.J only eqna'.ed b)
, the identity of the results- Wo have :
J Shannon's rtconuoissnnee,
i Buiith'p rcconnoissance.
Thoiuaa' rec jnuoisisocu.
j Kilpatricke recoonoissanrc.
Custer'ri reconnoi5anee.
I Seymour's reonnois'anoe.
Gilmore's Charleston reaonnoissance.
I i lie revolt ta cvcrvwtiero tnc same, ri
diculous and ditjuTtrous. Tho sola con
corsiou we cm make to your bonosty is,
gives them his constant support.
It seems almost iuoroJiblo. Aro wo in
Constantiuoplo, in St. rctcrabtirg, in Rome
or in Paris? Are we the descendants of
tboic proud Saxons who refused to sue
ounib to any yoke, or the illccitiinato off
spiings of cardinals seeking to securo for
tuno and greatno-a by a perpetual wor
ship t Aro we really the descendants of
those disciples of Luther and Calvin, who,
rather than subject their reasou to an nu
thonty which they despised, preferred to
expatriato themselves to thoso tihorcs,
whero, through the agency of liber
ty, they founded our natioiiitl greatness,
which jou aro now striving to drown in a
sea of cowardice and adulation, corrup
tion and incompetency ? Were our nnccs
tors to yibit tho earth, they would certain
ly bo surprised to see that, eighty years af
ter tho revolution that gave life and liber
ty to tho nation, tho Lincoln party could
find no other definition of loyalty than n
loyalty.wliich is only fit to secure the votes I cost ai much as yours, and I venture to
of thoso fools, who, instead of delving to say it will be as welcome."
tho root of tho matter, blindly believu all j ''You are right I wish now I had not
the interested falsehoods published by j bought this costly trifle. However as it
journals that arc paid to npplaud and sub- lis purchased, I will send it."
mit, whether right or wrong. nd f
Mr. Lincoln's honesty is o
Bcription. consists nnioarly ru,
country and m d.regu ,..g U inte l,
, oruer io .uku - - - f ,hes0 a u W33 d d ft bittor
Innnr To our eves, tho man who I
J b . . , ilnv.
has deprived his country oft.., . y fllrni,hed, sat
sonioofitsbestcuueiis.wl.oha hoc, - ' nnJ J ghe
ah o to niako any better uc of the. inoreut- J h ft i i
n i i.,, n..,1 who i cowering over a scanty wood Gro tho beet
bio resources confided to hltn and who, '
.. ., ri,ii Moiif,ii sha could afford, which boated tho room
alter agitatiugst) many public qucitious i
without solving one of them, U.srcgarus v - -
bU nWn utter canaeitv, is, of nil Iho eit. 7, shivering from time to time s the cold
zens of tho United States, tho least honest
and the most dangerous.
Rut even if President Linooln were tho
honest man that his paid organs represent
him to bo, how dangerous would his re
olcction provs to the liberties of tl people
under existing oircumstaucos, surrounded,
as ho is, with tho military influences that
he has at Iub back. Lot us remember tho
teachings of history, and thu instances of
feigned or real imbecility, all of which
havo resulted in depotin. Sixtus V., the
half stupid moult in his cell, nnd Napoleon
I ill at.. -I : ,1. .1 ..lint nli Itnlnnrf 1 ri thr
' Minm school. The men who have nail to
V V I iS
liu t wo have exercised this blind and
intito subm'nsitin during thrco yoars: dur
ing three years wo havo kept silent aud
whit was more generous than silence t
Some true radical patriots said not long
that you hftvo improved upon tho chango
A Trrnhh I'hUUpie Annint Lincoln by ol baso in ISG'i ; you destroy fewer eol
ri .tti .. . . . ....
i. rremnm vrii'in. ,!K,r;l al;a iiUn, less ol tlK nation S prop
liow i it, that afier three ycarB of in
comparable victories, according to llal
leck'h fnetioua exprossion, ''unprecedented
f Troni the N'tw Yor!: Halian
We all recollect that worthy citizens of
Atheni who banished Arislidcf, solely be
cause it nuuoved liim to hear tbo enitbet.
"il, .lul. ; cnnlo.l wi,i, ).! in tho niilifary history of nation, you art
name. We have all been .truck bv this stiI1 pom'-cringhow to preserve the national
strange specimen of political liberty, and by , UiVP,U1 aml '0U,r ,0' Por!lllo f
the U' k of judgment in the npplicatiun
, , It was no. because thii undue notoriotv
Larkr.H'.-wllia & Hloumslmn; HniSrr.(, given to the name of a citiicn -f the rt-
i-fvyvw.- rcssvrsrpi , punuc imgiic nucr a tune, prove (inngor.
Is it a reward for such succes, for tho
achievement of pitch rcults, th&t you now
j nsk the nation to pass a voto of eoufidence
and re-elect you for another, nud perhaps
' another term i
! in your inaugural auiirosi you gavo ft
. -.! fll . c i:
He would not very BiriKing muair uiou oi yorr jn-euuar
rtr-r mt 2
't.-LV2EJsi'.Ji-.J-i- iks-s. iK-oaiiso ihn oniLhe.J of 'inal" n-as
ON AS-n Ari'Kll JAN. I. Hoi, l'ArfSK.VURi , r J
TU.MNrf wii.i. ki;x as rcLLoivs- questionable, that tho worthy eitisrn, of
L I U. . laniBJ,ed Ari,,5,lC9.
T"11"" 4.r. evf.ii dinntf . tbo matter, ihe emihet au
. n',',::,:,;,",, - . mi . ,, ,lim. ftml ..... W.H ,, . dance wltn the well-known principles of
- K'.iie. t'i 'nilfliu ttitfortnnat, bear.r. In this e the party which had elected you, not to
Arriv. at NoIiiiuiui....iaiJ. , another term ; you said thii in
.Uave rf iriliuinl.i ilad. r.nn.t.ti, .....
fnimik'. ( litiral eduoatiou.
" idoon't-'liars' , ' Nov.', wo are annoyed and irritated at
.Artiv" nt s nmi'iu 1.3i "'. heiriti the worda Abraham Lincoln and
rpuL';K.'iH'!iV'i'-v"r honesty alwavs coupled together; but bc-
KT.K.'ifn'it.rrVTjfl'lv ing more generous than the excellent Ath-
' 70.1 i 'lit.' .M.ul train from Norlli'iiiilM-rliind .... r i 1 r
at (.01 ". '.. '"'''"",..' ..... ,ni.i, aiii'on fi,riniil . vtp nrnnfiiii". tii'tore
leav' iy .in r in.i, u..n. " - t , ,
enduro them, elected them ni unimportant
individuals,who!C election would give- time
for reflection aud contidcration ; it will
soon bo sixtcon years that Franco has re
flected and pondered over her lost liberty.
We lo.t confideueo in Fre- ""'S ,he unknow.n. fi,,n.n,JIDS T
1,r riPvtnrb.itions iucidei tal to chance, they
! 1 . . . . ..
have had despotism anil ruin, which arc
moiit. S hat has lie said or dono for
v.-nor nisi ?'
i . ...ui . .i. . ...r,:.
What could he do! V. hat sould hoi luem, i i ...
iii i it . 1 . . i : I Imt Vnjfnun Itncs
say? He has done for you what Rutler ! w 01 nli ",0 re'l'l,uu" ""
and t-'igil have done ; what we havo all
dono: he has been chnritablo enough to
keep silence, and that is moro than he
hitherto recorded.
What Came of a Valentine.
A Pretty Ston.
On the avdoingof tho 13th of February
lfiSO. two ounii men satin a comfortably
should have dono In the face of so much
incapability cud corruption, patriotism
alone hai kept u silent. Each titno that
a fresh defeat or fresh concession to foreign
powers brought an indignant exclamation I furnished room in a largo Now York
1 J. .... . i .... 1. ..i..-.: r.-
to our ligs, we restrained its utterance. j boarding House, a origin uro giuwiug ...
And yet havo ruuoh grief and love, and , .he grate, wcll-ehoscu engravinga adorned
admiration, accompanied each hetacamh j tho walls, and a bright light was diffused
of these unknown heroes, martyrs to their about tho room from an Argand burner,
country, who have, fallen thro'ugk the in- J Let mo introduce the occupants or the
competency and cold and inratiablo ambi-1 apartment as Tom Stacy and John Wil
ticm of the men whose mhnioii it was to , bur youug men of twenty-five or there
lead our sons to victory, but who, being nbouta, who ware known tu businoss cir
bliuded by political considcratians for their, "tea as Staoy.aud Wilbur, retail dry-goods
personal advantige, led them only to a j deahrs, No. Uroadway. They had not
profitable death. j boon in business long, but were already
And yon have not displayed morn tal- doing unusually well. They had taken
cm or energy abroad. Napoleon has 1 apartments together, ono of which is now
trampled upon tho rights of a friendly ro
blast shook tbo windows and found its
way throuiih tbo cervices.
Poor child I Life had a very black as
pect for Iter on that winter day. She
was nlono in the world. There was ab
solutely no one on whom sho call for help,
though she needed it sorely enough. The
thought came to her more than otico in
discomfort, "Is it worthwhile living any
longer!" But sho recoiled from tho siu
of suicide. Sha might starve to death,
but she would not take tho life that Qod
had given her. '.' .
Plunged in gloomy thought sho con
tinued to work. All at onoo a step was
heard ascending the staiicase whioh led to
her room. Then there was a knock at
the door. Sho nraso in soma surpriso and
opened it, thinking it mut be tli land
lady or ono of tho servants.
She was right. It was a servant;
"Hero's tho letter for you that the post
boy just brought, Miss Morris."
"A letter for ine!" repeated Hollen
Morris, in surprUc, taking it from the ser
vant's bauds. "Who can have writton to
"May bo it's a valont'me, Miss," sid the
girl laughing. "You know this is Valen
tine's day. Moro by tok'jn, Lvegot two
myself this morning. One is karnktor
arienturc,) so mi'trces calls it, Justlooi
at it."
Bridget displayed a highly embellished
piotorial representation ol a female hard
at work at the wasbtub, the case of beauty
being decidedly Hibernian
,fUh,s nnd luit.... '"''.rrr. "'I.'"" trUm., honest Abo from the White
l''li In i at PI. I' P. M. to touch point, on llu. ti
during tli" io'.t for nn. Hnnsp io consider his ri"bt tu
No. nnd ol. uni.l cilJ .us rara nrcoinpany th niekt liou.t', m i.ousiui i un unui m
inlm I'm Ii nay l. . m rv,ri!i.iiuu..n.mtl an.l mm
iDoro, uud Norlliunibi-rlaud and I'hilaJoliitila.
J. P.Wclla. Nu'l liilt .lfe t.
lUncstrH, J.nunryUU, t -1 . 1-
Nulioiisil Foundry.
vi'lir. niliacrilior, propre tor of tin- almru niinjd
i inimu inul.lnliiio-iit, ij nun po-parod turJ.n.
orders for
Alt Kind? of 3l.icii.nrry, i
tot Co'lcrus. niait furniiccn, Stationary Unjinf f, Mlil.
Tlllil.SIIINO .MAC II IN US. A.O.. t(J.
Hois al-n pr'-pan-Ml Io rnako Slorrr, nil flic and
rattiriif. plon-irons, and tverytliiui! usually mada In
irit-clai"' rouudrion
Ills'jnaivi.. (arilill nnd practical workmen, war
janlt him in ritwiim tu." lari it coutracti un thu
tnnat r.'U'ou.ililii l..rna.
iXy llriiiu "f "II kind, will I"-' tak.'n in f jthanjie for
f" j."t"iU ..sldlk!iini.iit ii l'.ra.i.'il noar tho l.acUwan.
a 4- ll....ui.buM Uailroad ll.'Pot.,pK ( uMlty
Hlniu(lnirir. f?. pt. 13. 1Ki3.
Fourlh & Arcli S(s.
ARB firr.NISO FOR pritlNO, J'fi4.
lOO'pr.. 81. rnncy BILKS. 50 per. India Blllti. ?1.
VOi Hood HI. ii k ' '.on " Ordered I'lain
4 1 I.VONS lllark Pill: VUI.VT.I'.
"., l.rnwd KII.Kti, SU- 5. 4. a. 9. I po,' yard.
' I'.lack 8'1. 5. 4. 3, 2, I, per yrd.
Jj Mniro Antiiuci, all-col, ira
.M:i;l,lllr.'i,! (iri'i. idiiioa.
iiiisuinc.iii "reanuias.
tlia fur-
naine of "Honest." To call ono man hon
est out of a populaiity of thirty millioii.--,is
not to much of a compliment to him ai a
saica.m upon all the rest. Lvt us look in
to iiis hoiienty and capability. After three
years' of patient silence wo have a right, in unreovor our duty, Mr. Lincoln,
to oxaniine your -ct and show them to thu
nation. You couinicuced the I'ato of our
cause, thu honor of our arms, tho lives of
our sons to men having no higher claim
to such trust than a ho.t of voters ft their
command whoso support you coveted in
order to advanoe the welf.iro ol tho nation
! We havn allowed you to further your
political and porsoual intererts, aud to
transform into heroes men whose iuofii
j oienoy have swallowed up thousands of
, lives aud millions of treasure, so that you
! might to able to dazlo tho eyes of tho
people with victories far more than real.
We have parniitted you to sucrifico died
patriots, whose popularity alarmed you
and whoso energy disappointed jour cal
Wo have allowed yon to doceivo tho
pcoplo ; wo hxve let you transform dis
graceful defeats into uctories ; and even
manner wnicii nono oi vour supporters
then understood ; but your words Were
evidently desigued to boar a double mean
ing, ro that, if you nhould find the sweet'
of office more enticing than you possibly
anticipated, you might chango your pur-
poso wihout eccming to violate your prom
ise. Candid people will see in this a good
deal more evidence of cunning than of hon
esty. Tho whole truth is thii : you ars lead
ing tho notion quietly to its dotruction by
deceiving the people as to the danger which
threatens it. In tlm fkst part Joltho cam
pabm of t SO- you gaiucd advantages
whioh you were unable to utilize or even
retain in 18f!3.
You sacrificed tho entiro West fur tho
oapturo of Yicksburg, and thm you pro
claim to tho four winds that tho Mississip
pi is free, while not a tinglo steamboat can
navigalo it without being attacked or per
haps burned, uud without every pas.engor
having the fear of tloafh or captivity before
his eyes.
To eorvc tho ends of your cause, you
havo mndo n hero out of a man upon whom
public , ho has iusokiitly notified U3 of n
blockade of the Mexican eor.5t,and thrown
tiio Monroe doctrine in our faco.
We ask, thoh, who is master now in
America, ho TfUp'lny-s..down tho law,or ho
who submits to the'samc! Id it Napo
leon the III, or thoisuceessor of Washing
ton !
God alone, by bestowing upon tho coun
try itiexhaustublo natural wealth, and that
ardent prtiiotism whioh makes every sol
dier a hero, has saved the country from
tho ruiu into which your selfishness would
plunge it. This is tiio secret of the differ
ence between your currency snu that of tho
"Wo have been imposetl upon long enough
Tho ruin which you havo been unnbloto
accomplish in lour years, would certiinly
be fully consummated wero you to remain
in powor four years longer. Your Military
Governor aud tlwir Provost Marshals
over-ride the laws, and tho echo ol the
armed heel rings forth as clearly now in
America as in Franco or Austiia. You
havo encroached upon our liberty without
securing victory, and wo must havo both.
You have dishonored us abroad by
shameless misrepresentations as to our
true condition . Places that wo occupied
in lfJ'.i'ai aro now ag.iiii in lliu bunds of
tho rebels, and God knows whether your
preparations for the approaching campaign
are adequate Corruption Iiub entered in
to overy department of your administra
tion, rendering it a very Augean btable,
which needs a Hercules as your successor
It is time for the light to shino forth aud
for tho truth to fully appoar, so that all
tarn," was tho dispirited reply.
"Was that all you could raiso !" inquir
ed his partner, turning pale,
"Are you sure you thought of every
body J"
"I have boen everywhere. I'm fagged
to death," was tho weary' reply of Stacy,
us bo sank oxhaustod into a chair.
"Then the crash must corau," said Wil
bur with a gloomy resignation.
"1 suppose it must."
Tlicro wus a silence. Neither felt in
clincd to sy anything. For six months
they had been struggling with thu lido.
Th'-y could sec shuro, but in sight cf it
they mut go down.
At this moment a uoto was brought in
by a boy. There was no postmark. Ev
idently ho was a special messenger.
It was opened tt once by Mr. Wilbur,
to whom it was directed. It contained
those few words only :
"If Mr. John H ilbcr will call immedi
ately at No. Fifth Avenue, ho will learn
something to his great advantage"
There was no siguaturc.
John Wilbur read it with surpriso, and
pased it to his partner. "What does it
mean do you think !"
"I don t know,'' was tho reply, "but I
advise you to go nt once."
"It teems to bo n feminine handwrit
ing," said Wilbur, thoughtf Aj.
"Yes. Don't you know toy lady on
Fifth Avenuo t"
Well, it is. worth nsthing. We have
mot with so little to our advantage lately
that it will bo n rolrcshiiif' variety."
Iu Dvo minuter! John Wilbur jumped
into a horsecar, and was on his way to
No. Fifth Avenuo.
Ho walked up to tbo door of a magniD
ceut brown stona house nud rang tho bell.
Ho was instantly admitted, and shown in
to tho drawing room, superbly luruishcd.
Ilo did not havo to wait long. An ele
gantly dressed lady, soarcoly thirty, en-
iereu,anu bowing saiu. "iouuo not re
moinber wo, Mr. Wilbur! '
''No, madam," said he, in perplexity.
'Wo will waive that,theu,aud proceed to
business. How has your house borno tho
crisis in which so many of our largo firms
havo gono down 7"
"We have strucrcled successfully till to
I day," ho answered. "Rut the end has
come Unless wo raise a certain sum ot
inwncy by two, wo ore ruined "'
'What sum will save you !" was tho la
dy's quesliuo."
'ihe nolo duo is two thousand dollar.
I ...nn.ilnrl tr fliA rnrlnr
IHUOUUtV." 'V . - .WW.-.
"Has it occurred to you, Wilbur," as
ked his partner, removing his cigar, and
knockinc aw y tho ashes, ' to-morrow is
St. Valentine's day 1"
''Yes, I thought of it th'i3 afternoon, as
I was walking up from tho store. '
l'iio did I, aud to some purpose too, as
I will show you."
Tom Stacy went to a drawer and drew
out a gorgeous valentine, tin elaborate
combination of health, doves, etc.,
" W hat do you think I gave for that !"
he asked.
"I don't know, I'm sure. It sppears to
bo very elegant."
"It cost mo ten dollars"
"Whcwr whisteled "Wilbur. "It
strikes mo you aro either extravagant or
very devoted. May I know what fair
danuel is to ho made glad by tho roeeipt
of this olegant missive ?"
"That's my secret," said Tom, laugh
ing. ' i uon t miuu toning you, However,
It's to go to Edith Castlcton."
ti. .ti.... ii...:. i 1...1 nt.c.i I. ' B0IU
not open her letter while Rriget remained onj s(;V(.nty.fiTc."
a little to tho disappointment ot mat eu- j "Excuse mo a moment, said his host-
riousdainsel. ! ono leit tno room, nut quickly rc-
Hclleu slowly opened the euvelop. A , turn,?,, ,. ,, . -
. , , , ,i i , JT . " There," eaid she, handing a small strip
bank-note for ten dollars dropped from it j of pnpef l0 John Wilbur, my check for
to tho floor. ' two thousand dollars. You can repay u
.fhe eagerly read tho few words tin the nt your convenience. If you 6hould ro,,. . ' quiro moro, come to mo ngain."
Hi'" o. v i .- ii I '-.Madam you have saved us," exclaimed
"br0...St.alentine , Wilbur, sp.inging to his feet in dolight.-
" Heaven bo praisadl sho said, lold- ...viiat oaa havu inspired iu'you such a
iugher hands gratefully. "This sum will benevolent interest iu our prosperity!"
enable tnu to oarry out the plan whioh I "Do ou ramcuiber, Mr. Wilbur," said
bad in view." I tuo 'a('vi l'a certain valentine, containing
' . . ' ... t ,i n ton dollar note, which you scat to a
Enbt vonrs with their cots and snail- . . ' . J . .
ibui. b young girl occupying au atlio room in
ows, their joys and sorrows. I hey bro t i youl. lodging house, light years tineo I"
with them tho merry voices of children ' "I do, distinctly. I have often won-
they bro't with them new-made graves dered what became of tho oung girl.
hap'mess to some and grief to others. 1 lJuk Lor "...e was Helen Morris."
' ....... i .... , lbho stands before you,' was tho quiet
Towards tho last thoy brought the great rcponsCi 1
commercial crisis of '57, when koiiBos I You, Helen Morri- exclaimed Wilbur,
that seemed built upon a rock tottered all
ct once to their fall. Do not many re
member that time all loo well, when mer
chants, with anxious facss, ran from ono
to another to eoiieit help, svnd met only
averted faces and distrustful looks I
And how was it iu that time ofuniver
Fat famine with our friends Stacy nnd
Up to Ti7 they had been doing an excel
lent business. They had gradually en
larged the i-pbero ol their operations, and
wero rapidly growing rich, when this crash
I presume you feel particularly inter- 1 came.
csted in the young lady!" Thoy immediately tool: in Gail. Uotlt
"Not at all. Rut 1 told her I would , wero prudent, and both folt that this was
scud her a valentine, (tlu voilul Shan't ( tho time wheu this qualify was urgently
you conform to tho custom of tho day !" .needed. By great efforts they had sue-
"I had not thought of it," .laid John, ceedod in keeping up till tho l ltli ot I'ob-
thoughtfully, "but I bclievo I will." I ruary, 1S5S. On that moruiug n note of
"And what fair ladj will you select as two thousand dollar canio due. 1 Ins was
tho recipient?"
their last peril. That surmounted, they
"You remember tho poor seamstress would bo able to go on with assured coti
who occupies an attic in tho house?" ,fidonce..
"Yes, 1 havi? met her on tho stars two Rut, alas I this was the rock on which
.i tl it.-.. moat nnninr.neiAn 'Pltrtv
or l.irec limes. , w.ejr ,,-u . -.. "- John ,ook a luuriot, ,eav0 and t
nt - . 1 .! 1 1 it. ! u un. a. I'irta a t wl iirmnet 'I linn '
sue iooks as ii tunes wero nam witn nor. . axcu men n-s u..u..i uUJI , , . , 1; fltrllok 0lc
starting back iu amniument. 'You, sur
rounded with luxury.
No wonder you aro surprised' Lifo
has strange contrast?. The money which
you sent me seemed to come from God.
I was on the brink "of despair. With it
I put my wardrobe in repair, and madu
application for the post ol companion ton
wealthy lady. 1 tortunately obtamou .it.
I had i eon with her but two years when
a geu'.leiuuit in her circle, immensely
weahy, offered mc his baud in marriage
I esteemed him. lie was satisfiod with
that. I manied bun. A Year since ho
died, leaving mo this houso and an immen
se fortune; 1 have navor forgotten you,
having accidentally learned that my timely
tuccor canio from you. 1 resolved, if for -tuno
ever put in my power, I would bo
fricud you us you befriended mo That
time bns come. I have paid the first
6iistaluieut of my debt. Helen Eustace
remembers tho obllga'.io s of Iltlcn
John Wilbur advanoed, and respectful
ly took her hand. You havo nobly re
paid mo, bo said. Will you also award
mi the privilego occasionally calling upoi.
I shall be most lnppy, esid Mrs. Eun
taco, cordially.
Eirhii nn NT7.r.n and piutuALi-ri. HprjiE Fhiis m!Hn no ouicrv when you were rcduo-
N.. hnl.l r-laiil"
rncrl a..ortmnul nf Men'. Wrar '
ed tn heg pxonera'ion for nets which have
you have lavished cvarything, who had. bincero patriots, all men why look for noth
every obstacle removed from his path, and ' it)g furtlu-r than tho advancement of thier
n ho was promptly .u"""h.u witn ruin- oouulrv nna 0f liberty, may rally in ono
lercdineuts aud tupplioj, while Roscorans oompact body around tho great principle.
could gel nono; end who his Scarcely Q. iucralism, and form a liberal party
bicn able to hold, with tho iminoiiso res- ro.,uv Worthv the name. Such a man can
outces lit his command, the ground which pn)y savo ,10 colintry.
his predecctsora gained iu spit of you by Away with ull tho impostors who have
his own tulonts. invaded the temple oflibcrty, and turned
You lmo offurcd us the disircssinft jt into a voto market, Let theio bo an end
apictaolo nf the sacrifice of merit to caprice f,f this ridiculous farce of unconditional
1 think I'll send her a valenlino. j called upon their Irionds, but their Inends
"And what good do you think it will do wero employed in taking euro of thorn-
her?" asked Stacy, in surprise. ' solves, aud the selfish policy was tho ono
"Wait till you soo the kind of Valentino required of them.
I will send." "Look out fur number one" superfcdod
Wilbur went to bis desk, and taking tho golden rule for the time being.
out a sheet of notcpaper, drew from his As I havo said, two thousand dollars
portentonnaio a ton dollar bill, wrapped it ' wero duo on the 1st of February .
in tho popor, on which ho had previously How much havo you got toward it?
written "From St Valentino," nnd plno- asked Wilbur, as Stacy canio in at half
ed tho wholo in an envelop. pat eleven.
'There," said he, "my valentine has Three hundred and seventy five dol
Ilo showed his delighted partner tho dice
which he had just received. I have'
time to explain, ho said, this must at our
be cashed.
Two o'olock came and the Grin r
savod saved from their U?t peril. IJ
cetorlh tliey met witu nothing but p,
perous gales.
What more.
Ilcleu Eustance Ins agaipchangod '
namo. Sho is now Helen' VYi bjr, ir
her husband now lives nt Nj. Fit
And all this camo of a valentine