Another Call. Farmer's Department. FlKllSNDS As KBaiLATlVaJS oPTim Bravo Soklioia and Sailors. DR. WISHARPS ' PINE TREE M011E MEN WANTED 1 II' YOU WANT TO irUY BARGMKHI THE FARM IS A MANUFACTORY. It ought to bo co regarded. Tho toll should be looked upon ns bearing the Bftino rotation to tho Agriculturist tutu any raw material does to tho manufacturer of that Bpceifio raw untcrial. It is the stock from which is to bo wrought out the mark etable product. What is put on the soil in tho shapo of seed, fertilizers, labor eho'd always bo regarded, togothcr with tho in teroit ou tho monoy invested in tho laud, as gointj to make up tho cflst of tho pro duct of tho nrtiolo manufactured from the soil. And tho farmer should know precisely what this cost is, and it should ;nc-rn the price at which he sells hU pro is the Yital Principle or tho Hue Tree. OMalnoil by n peculiar trocu In tho ilitlillntluii if tho tut! by vvbltli Hi highest nmdlclnal properties ar tatained. i It It Ilia nmtlslnu tint cutis nata alt others bn . Mini. ... I A (ircnt Ilvmcdy far Consuinpliim. t nm constantly receiving iutli certificates m tho following. READ 1TI I Have yon n Cough! ItaTH you Soto Throat t llnvu you any of tho prumonitory symptoms of that tnoit latut uiseuse, conruiupiioii i TU nm tvtiri .hmil.l In. VvnrilOil liT ttlCfiO SVmtltOUl. CCU ctnlly llilnk llahtly of them until It Is ton lato. from ...l. --. i?.. ............ t.n.. ..Itm. till. .'(! IIOLIOWAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. 1 til. in rt. tiprliatm inoto than nnv other, rulies the sail prevalence mid fatality of disease lilcTT 'sweeps to ilioni by their friends. All who have friends and Relatives In tho Army t Navv ihouldtnku iifiioi laicuro that Ihoy hniimply ! -piled w Ith them Tills mul Ointment ! imil where llio bravo Hnldlcts and Hnllor. have nralct li.-i! to provide in,iiinlvt. with Hu m. no heller nri'M'iit inn bo sen tlmm bv linos l'rirtiilr. Thev- have burn lirovod tn be the gravu at h nat ouo-slxtli of Death's victims. 1 t,0 Soulier's never fulling frleml In the hour of need, !Sf,.Ty 'W&'.h.rt. dry out!.. Which soon I V"" AN.. CONIW AKP IjCTIXO TROOIU become, habitual, but Tot soma time nothing Is raised WIIPb sprodly relieved ami eHVi t.nlly cnrn.l by i-xrctit a frotbv muni., Tlio breathing la roinuwhat ' its lug there iidinlrnblo inedltiiier i: by puylln! proper .i'i,Knii n,i iiiinii oiinM exercise niucli hurtled, A nttcntluii to Ihu Directions which tiro nltuched to cull ' n'use of tightness ami oppression as the chest Is often , l'ot ot Ilox. iftlt. As tho illseaso advances the patient becomes 1 m(.'K HEADACHES' AND WANT CI' AP ETITL, llilnln flesh is afflicted with loss of appetite, treat I INCIDHNI'AL TO BOl.UIEIW. , langor, Indolence, and Htl r'1'''?'. I 'I ho.o fe tintc w tilth so sadden us usually ntlw from I .t.0",".,!lis " Hl't.?'!! PJ.n.M' ,J .1 !. , A ,,1 ri ; i trouble or annoyances, ob.tru. led ml Ion. or eat- mi., it is .u, . """1 - i Ins nm driliKtiut whatever Is unw noiorumc, iu on- i,iiin,... ir t in.ii oemr. the cone i ticeomes more irou- blesoluc, nnd Is nltendcd with cqpcctoratlon, which ll most copmus mid freo very ently In tho morning. It Hi At .1 !- . '..I , lis iomcllnicsstri aked Willi blood. Aiinis singe muni- 01. 0, MOW, tills 13 il Very UlllpIO und ; .meats usually set In, and in somu cases a profusn self.cvidtnt proposition. It has been Uf SJJSS often repented j and yet it has got to bo "S'a Venc told a nrcat many thousand times more !?" M 'Z' Z L XoX upireu- , y now ask. "Is there a cure?' a great many beforo tho mass of farmers will ato its importance, judging by tho ratio of their progross in-this matter in the past. We refer to it now , and so often, bo eausc'we believe it is cmphatio ;lly the ba sts of success in agriculture as in manu factures. And wo intunil to rrnunt. it , ..... 1 years of study and experiment. I offer this medicine, Until OUT reader Who do UUSlllCSS hap-1 belleviugit to be the butt rtniudy Tor all pulmonary . . , , , , mid bronchial If vi,u cunuol bo benclllte, by uaznru anu ian, tuaii tiuucratanti nov to go to work to find tho leak that U sinking the ship. ,,,..1 lurhlng tlio lieaitunn nctioii 01 1110 nver nnu There organs iuut ho relleed, If you desire to ho Well The I'llK tnketi ncrorillng to tho printed Insrtiictlous, will qukkly produce n healthy action In both liver and stomach, i.nd, an a natural consiqucnce, u cleat bead and good appetite. WLAICNUa OR M'.HII.ITY INMJCIID II V OVRll 1'ATKIUU Will soon dlsappeitt by Iho usooftheso Invaiuulo Pills, mul the Soldlet will ipilckly ncpiiie ndditioiial strciulh. Never let the llowels bo i ltlar conllneii or I" I iindnlv nrieil iniiin. It tuny seem slruncoi that llol. L'titi. nilnii liar bei n anil run be cured by the use of i,,.. (. JhiiiH lie reentiiiaeiiileil I'nr liVheutery my TAUtloRPHt., even In nppurontly hoptless cases. all j.UXi llinlly persoiir rupporlng that Ihey would Tills assertion I make with the ability to prureut the ncr,.ne tb r-l.'Mition. This li u great mistake, tor most complete evidence nf the truth. Space ill not I ume pills will correct tho liver and rUinat h, uiul thus adinilofuiy giving tlleriMiteuu of tho iimuy thousiinds . r,Mov0 all the acrid humors from the system. This of tertluiuniuls to its value, which 1 linve been nnd nm ,K.,irliie wi'l give tone mid Igor to the whole organic receiving Horn men unu noincii 01 iuhiuumiuhuuiu i g. ,t(;ni, Imttever dernngeu, wnim neiiiiu ami siri iitiii IlllUi't (II lliese I (1,11, ., Fall & Winter Gda. 0 0 TO , ' (reasy's Store, in Light Sli .et, l'a. Who Keys alt Kituh f' AhlOO, : ; MUSLIN", SILK-. olNOHAM, FLANN1I OAlti'J': c, IIOSIEUY UAWL - Kcady-Mado Clothing Sucars, Molasses, joitccs, .Fish, Uli 1r...y... limns, Lard, Tobacco, euars, Ilatst, Hoot", Caps, Shoes, Dru. Oils, Paints, ic., &o. In addition tn our largo stork of Dry Cnods, w e liave i Inrso nnd fu assortment or lteady amue iioui iib in. M..H nml llnvr wear which we nro determliied to null idieatier Hi in run bo boiiulit clsowlicre. tall nnd sco, mid Judge for yourselves. ,.,.,. .. II. , , . Ivl. IJ.l- 1 n. j t I.itht Htrcct, Nov. 7. 1KI. Syrups, Teas, w. ,.n, .l renutntlnn 1 Imvu n litlnib' i.ti,iii-jii, iiirlnted in rlrculir form wliitli 1 will send you Irco on upplicatloii Wliether yon now di t-nimio tn trv the medii lue or not, send for the i Ireuhir. After tn j use ofibo 'fur t-'urdial, 1 believe you are beyond nil .....ILL. ,,l.l Vt If Ihern nm h-.ltnr LoratC intents, I earnestly ndvlso their use. The hot remedies, tho best care, ore needed bv those alHictod with this ills care. Ilcl. be the best, 1 nsk you to try It. Many, oflhe people, but pliynuans ofeiery scliool nnd practice, are dally inking me, " hat is the principle or cause of oiir surei s in the ticiitmeiit of Pulmonary ('onuuiition f .ly answer n this: The In igoratlon oflhe digestive omuiis-th." utreng tlioeiug oflhe deliilltatodsyttein-llio p.iriuY.iliiin and cnrithnient of tho blood, must expel from Iho rvtem the corruption which scrofula, breeds. While this ir ellVcted by Hie powerful uderative (i hanging from ill. euao to health) properties of the C'oriliai, Its heul- i,n nttl rellnviltltlU Prltlclltie is IllrO actilll! ttlKIII tho 1 irriated sutfuees of the lung, and thtiwl, penetratlnir to eacli nescaseti pari, rjueviu, rumiuuii; niii.ii.i.itiiiu and restoring a hcallbriil liindeiiiy. Let lliii lwn.od power, Hie liealiui mid the rlrengtlienlng, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's ton-taut recuperatlio tendency, and the patient is saved, if he, lias not too long delated a resort to the uieuiis of cure. IIEWARB Of COlTNTfiltt'EITsi. Tho g.-nnino lias th name of tlu proprktnr nrul a pine treebluwn in the bottle, All others are spurious imitation.. PKict Kirrv Gusts and Ose PotLAn peh CoTTik.. fripurtd only by the proptielor, lr. L. 0, i- UiS.'lAitT, No. 10 North Second St.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. For Sale by all Dsieoibtr 15, 16G3 Cm. APPLICATION OF MANUhE3. The question as to whether barnyard manure khould be applied in afresh or de composed state, has long been discussed by farmers. A eorrstpoudont of tho Mark Lane Express,' in giving a sum mary of Liebig's laws of culture, throws Eomo light on the bubjuect in the follow ing, remarks : Manure tct3 in two ways by the prin ciples it contains which servo for the nourishment of plants, and by its chemi cal and physical action. In clay tho temperature is raised by the fermentation ofdung; clas is rich iu solu ble principles serving for the nourishment of plants; for these reasons, the use of unfermented dung is advisable. Fresh dung is not so mi table to sand, which contains but very littlo quantities of the substances to bo tlccompossd, and in which-tho'raising "of the temperature is not necessary. In sand, theref'oro, dceompas ed dung suits better, and lasts a longer time in1it? T. I . j . I nnve nail lue silieci ueiiiusiiuiiuii in i.iu i 'iiuiiit, in JI W0 leave tue dung SprCKU tipoil a Clay 1 tilicate that their manufacture of Salamander ."al'is Inn . , .. a ... . ' P.l leillllll lllilj 1. ui i.iuicu ine I u-j,iche,iiuiiL.,.r oiiiu, iinu; SOU, tllB OUiy inconvenience Wbieh reSultB ! been made of them ns rendering nn undoubted tecurity . ." i . ., , , XT against the terrifis clement. is that lt'does not warm tho land. Upon ! Philadelphia April ia. sa. n- . i ., .i . . , I .llr.rri Krtini Sf Watson: (Jentleiiiell It affords us It Ulllty OT tantly SOU there IS some risk the highest satisfaction to state to you, tlmt owing '.to tl.n. n .. .r ii , r. , ' tho very protective qualities of two of tho Balaiiinnder, tUOla part Ot the fertilizing principles may ttafes whlcli wo purchased ofyouBOine five month rime be carried down by tho water into the subsoil.''' EVANS & WATSON - HAI.AMAMJCR SAI'nS, 1U AtOVUI) to .Vii. lit Sorth I'osrfi MfiSlrtel, Phlta Mihia, have on I .and a largo assortment of Fiie I shuw Cyrils, Circulars, i.c.. sent Iron uf expense, by TlfJJInti Illll.l.IJW.W . SO Maide.n, NKW'VonK. Junu 'M, icu:i. . .ji R7 1 mot prooi saiainaiiuer b.ih s. lso. iron doorr. for banks iihd I f. ,,. d 1, 1 1 1 1 .. .u 1 r, .,, ! nil fc(SwS'-vinakes of locks equal to any inailo in the United Plates. Fur Siisn in ont fir. Ml c ami cut right; Kith car tents in reoil condition. Tlic ijalaiiiandor Safes of Philadelphia cgainst tin, W0"J' EVANS & WATSON, hnve bad the surest dcmostratioii in the following eel fl.llow us n waiter of course. Nothing will stop the re luxation of tho liowo's so euro us this f.iuio'Jj luedl line. ........ VOLUNTElJllB, ATTli.M HiN I x.MJiairi.1.1 iu.n.j ui VUUTH. stores nnd t.'lcers. Illolcbes mid Hw clling., ran w ilh certainty be radically tured, if tho 1'llls arolakeu nlfbi and morning, and Ointment be freely used ns stated in the printed Instni'Muii.. If treated iu any 'ther man nrr. thev drv ur i., cneii.irt tobrenk out in another V herons lhi -iiiluieni will removo the humors from I he lime the Patient u vigorous und healthy lliall. II Will ri'lliiruu illliu i,i:csi;ui.iiii.u .11 uuu cii ses tnlnriiie n lu-Ung cure. I on wounds uifiimt occAyioM'.n iiv tiii: iiAVoNii'f sjAiir.i . ou tiii.; ijl '.iiip, coaus OR MlUSUiJ. To which every tfoldier and f.mor are liable, Ihero are no luetliues so fafe. sure, and i niivoitiont, n. tin jimuv's Pills.iiul Ointment. 'I he wounded iiutl almost ilvlii!? stiller, -r iniehl lime his wounds dresteil imiuu i tali Iv. if liu would only provide him.' If w ilh this MMti-lilers Ointment, which should be thrusl Into the v.-niiiu! and rni.'.ired all round it, til 'ii covered with n niece of linen from h,s knnpsiu k nnd romprersed with u handkerchief Talking, unlit and iiiornlni;, GorrJ 1'iiu. to riMil tli sstem and Prevent iutlauiatiou i;veiy Soldier's ilnaps.ick and He.'Mnan'n Chest should be provided with these valuable lioiiiedies. CAUTION! None aro genuine unless Iho words "llollowiivs, New York and London " are ilKceninhlc n. n Water. mark in ererv leafof the book of tlireitlou. around each pot or bu ; the same may plainly seen by heldina the leaf 10 tie' nam. a nanusome rewnm win h- mveii to anyone reinlering such inlornintlon ns may lead lo Hie detection of mi) party or parties cnunler- feitmg Ihu medicines or vending llio same, Kiiuwin: Ilium to be snutiolls. Sold til inanuf.ictury ot Professor ILdloway, FO Miaileii I.ano. New Vork. and by nil reroectable Drns irlsnini Dealers in Mediciiu, tliroughout the civilzed world. Itolinwav's Pills mid Ointment are now retailed ow nig to the luuli price., of Drugs, c.. at 'M cents, 70 cent.., and 3 1 .JO per Ilox or Pot. tJ-'J here Is considerable saving by taken the larger Ues. K. It. Dirui lions for the guidanco ofpatlonts in every illmirder nr, .nhxeil toeiull box. Dealer, iii my wll known ineiiiclncs can n ivb ilW AREAKGEAiiiiVT I uEvoLUTJox in man jiuues. L.I IIG V. ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods AT PET Kit MKT'S STORE, .v uaur svnv.v.r, coiaimma cotwvv, r.i, P illaileiiinia, lino is ii"" rr-lltq INSTITUTIOM Is under til" ' I T "nddiroAlonof Prof. II. W. L-.wsu, ininnermni so long I'rin. .i...t .,r .liu i i,ivii.imvoX coM.vr.nci.lL cour.nK. n.v.nnfi,,.; of a thorouiih praclli ll I J , ,lf ,ulll , been lately extendi d by 1 1- ntr mi i ramv, in th I lll'll'''".,;V:'.",::,,lil." V'Ti insmllon., exu..lillrl r I AH Just received Irom Plillnileipnia, mui VVM,V .12 V.V mivliin utiil rolling goods Ir rarri u H openi.ig.itt tin- "Id stand lately occupied by Maria ij f ' 7, , Olllccr. viz : Ibitik' & nut', splendid assortment of , ni. j'V Vall.ltoadlng and ateum-Uo.tllng IIIE noonlo of tho couuty of Oolunibia J are rvsperifully, luformed that tho undersigned has foi sale, at the UECORDKlVii OFFICE, in liLooMsmjua, tup. nnsr and ciii:aim:st AtftfoirMnvr or To ho fouinl nnywlii re in the rounty. ronrl'tlug of Note. Letter. and Cup P.ipi r, Pens, Holders, Peiicilr, Ink and l'.nvi lopi i Jtl.stj new and Second-hand books, Comprising History. Poetry, rictloii.Tlie If!",'! ology and th" ila.sicr, tf..-ia.v nf ftnliu's London publications, from which selei tinii. can he made, nnd Hooks furni'lied to order i by special arrangemeiitwllh Now York Agents. jjJKrtSLdSiUESrITEl! BOOKS, DOCUMENTS, PAMPHLETS nnd Hpeecher; and copier of the t'nited State", nnd r-tiitu Constitution in tariuus stjles. always on hand, JOHN U. VlUXYX. lllonnisburg, Nov. T, Iclil 0!i (iliV f''i('E. M Oil 13 FRESH GOODS. Jutt n'ctived al Erasmus' lSsw Store. Molasses, ubii .h trill bu sold chenp lor CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. 111. tockcoiisltsor l.aiiies itiess uuwii umu.i";." and latest f.uhlons IlllCOS, Muslins, Ginghams, T'launels, urpoh, Shawlf, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. as fcinicrcs, atincti, o tt onades, Kentucky Jcuub, Thread, So. Gioeeiies, Queeuswaro, Cedarwaro, Hardware, Modioinos, Drug), Oils, Paiuts, Sc. & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. j,.re tiiini. n.tinliv krnt in n country titore I'be tintrimnai' of old friends, mid the public general ly, is le.peilllllly rn lciled. t .it. . . I . . ...Inn l.n .1 P... n.,11.11.,, t.r.l.t. rue ingnos. iiiiii.-i inicv ...i.. ' i;-;;;, ,' itr.:i. n lull and eineelent corp. f leatlij r. m , bled in inako tlinrough and sue srf ll E "u.u who may place themselves under bis ilurgo. j Iu this o.jciill'ViMncynbii'l"'' education no (mo ti lf Mmw o tho eJ" ' ; ' J Hpenirlan ryrlem will be taught u il vol i 11 s I y H e most skillful musters ot the "''v.n tiVu hleho.t Vv.iiiMj from this luriitutioithave received the hltncsi (Urnmiuuis from the press. forCoL I'or general into n auo , w .' . ,lu,c. wnicn win no niiiiii" CELEBRATED BITTERS. addressing Doc. 12, lDC3.-'y. NORTH C EST It A Is RAILWAY. Summer Time Table. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North nn.l West Uranch , f tho. Husquchanna, Ulun'ra, and all of northern New York. ON and after Monday, April Both IfoiS'thc PasEcngcr . Trains of the Norm Central Hallway will airivo at mid depart from Sunbury, Ilarrlsburg, uud Uallintoie as follows, viz : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (client Sunday) 10.10 n. in. ' " leaves Ilarrisburg, 1 15 p in. ! " arrives at llaltlmure, 5.3J " Ixpress Train leaves Sunbury dally (exsept Sunday,) 11.07 p. in, " leaves Ilarrisburg (except Monday,) 3 00 a. in. " sriflves at Daltimoro dailr (ex. cept .Mondav.) e.15 " Ilarrisburg Accommodation leaves Ilarris burg. 0.80 NORTH W A II D. Mall Train hares Baltimore daily (vxtept fuuday,) " leaves Ilarrisburg nrrives at Sunburv. Express Trains llaltinioro dully, G I "TON'S CSieap Gvozavy blore. J1LSO rpllll tindersinecl having bought out tho i.torery o i David Strouti, 1ms reionved his llarnnd Cap Pluro up to sttoiip's old stand, whore in addition to a supe rior assortment ot FALL AND WINTLtC bugars, Teas Coffee, Rice, laTs AND biut'os, PSv El1 f 'ren'innn hi i .'i.Vloie twolliree celit rtmnps, . , , Principal. Addreri II. W. i.uvvi.iu.. ""'.v. v A l.r.wJ It's Commercial College lllnf liain J on N . . S.-Ono of Rltter D.iiicnn s No. I big ' ' ' ' . erferl iiolnl. -t iill spring Hold Pen., w i h bnl I r and rare, warranted for .mo enr "'''"' 'cVsil to rmt, free of charge to any one who will temit ...'.w 1 fine the ntiiiva uddress. Oclobei .1. Itb3-ly. FAMILY DYE COLORS. BOOTS In slmrx Light Street, Nov. : lll.vrK, Dahk IlLtm. l.iim r Hunt. ritLSCIl l-I.IK. Ct.Ans.i llnovvN. Dahk Urohn, l.rotiT llnmv.i. !L'ir IlltOVVh. CniH-ov. Dahk Diiau, Liiiiit Dnvii, Dahk (iHKs.s. LlOIII' (ilUL.V, -PX Maofnta, Maiioon. Ohimis, I'ISK, I'l'IIPLV, RllVAI. Pc'ltl'LB, fvLMOV. SevHi.eT, Still, Sni.rt.Kiso,, I! V,-,,.., '"' J -jjr " JV -, ', if) i .'ix .s-i j v iv. -i ratii s "tr It Km E A Sail, Fish, I Tobacco. S eg urn, Candies, Rnzt-ns, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Tosether with a great variety of tiotioiisand cleric ia., too uiiinerou. to Mention, IT- lltil t'-r. Lggs, Meat and produ.e generally taken in exchange for goods, A. II, KRASMUS. Uloomsburg, May n, 13CJ. : I .. I4..',i . iWiui.m, ; ;c- - , i- r-: tii rpilll utiilotelcneirl-ni..o ovtensivuy rm.-t.gnit in tne .1 Umlertakini! lh"incs, and keep.const.nitlv mi band lid for sale at hia Wuterooius. a lame iissorlui -lit of FINISHED sjfifc COFFINS, llv whlrh he is rnahli'd to till orders on presentation Al so-Keeps a good lloro and Hi arse, mid w times be rc.idy to alien, l l uuereu, For Dying Silk, Woolen mid Mixed Hoii l". Shawls, Scarl'I, Drerri-. liibbonr. (ilovi . I'onncH Huts, reiilher-. Kid tilmer, (.'hildrtirs Clolblui and nil kinds of Wi uriug Ap.irel. J3-A SATiX !'' ' J'BIt 'KST. I'nr SJ'i ii mi you ran order a. many foods as would otherwise lost live llniert that rum. Variant rbadur nm iMiiiiodnced from the sum- Dye. The prnre.r is simple, mid any one can use the Wje Willi nrr leu tun- tUf)Vreclioiis ill Unslisli, flench and Uerman, intnler.f .;n Ii tiackace. , . Tor further information In Dytiii?, nml givme a per fect knowledge what ruler, are b'st adapted tn dye over others, (with manv viilimlilr re. ip.r.i puriwise llllrte Slepllens' Treaties no lv. ilia nil 1 Coloriug. neui bv mail on rec ipt of J. -l ('I'I,,.,.,.VJ Miiniilactured ty r...... ... ,'1 II I'HOMIlVAV I iiv'I.I.N. tfJI'or sale by I'rugei's un.i in .dirr generally, yjeee-iiib i I .', i.' i s. Uloonisberg, Jami.iri- 2'J. I-S0 vill at ul SIMON' 0. SIIIVU. OF Arrsvaa. I). 15 n. m. 1.15 p. 111. 4.113 " U 15 " a. in. arrives at Hnrrisburir. oaves iiamsDurg(;xccni iionday) J.m " arrives at Sunbury. 5.3d " Vat further information applv t tho OfTicv. 'I.N. UwllARUY.Soirt. narrlsbarg.Aug. ?, leos. wn saved a arco iiortinn ot ewcitv. anu mi our iiooki. Ilc. cxnored to the cnlaiuitious, flru ill Ranstead I'L.te on the morning of the 11th mat.. When wo reltoctm.l tneio sates were locaieu in uie fourth story of tho building wo occupied and that they fell sub.equenlly intoa heap of burning ruins, whom the vast concentration of tho heat caused th.' brass plates to inell, wo cannot but regard the preservation of their vnl uablo contents as most convincing proof of the great se curity afforded by your sates. Wo shall tt;l:o great pleasure iu recommending thi :r, . men of butinedK as a sure reliance u2.titi'l lire. (.LOIilJL U. S1.1I.AIONS i. I.UO., JcuUil e7Thev llavo since ntirchuscd six laree s-nti . July 'M. laii'.'. , August ii.), lPSt. WKSTfiitt JESej- till , Nos. 0, 11, 13, 10, 17 Com tlaudt Street, NIlAU I1ROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. 'fhi. old-ostablish';d and favorite resort of the lluri ness Coinuiuuity has been recently refuted, mid is com tilcle in evcr thing Hut can minister to the comforts of its patrons Ladies uud families uro specially and cure- tuny prut lueu lor. It i. centrally located in the bu.incss part of the city, und is contiguous to the principal lines of steamboats, cars, oinnihusses ferries, &c. In coiiseiueiico of Hi" pressure caused by the Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to One Dollar a d l'iy Cents per Day. The table is limply supplied with all the luxuries of the season, audise'iuul to that of any other hotel iu the country. Ample accommodations arc offered for upward of 4'JO guerts. Sy Do not believo riiniiera.backtncn, and others who may say "ihu western iiotei is nm." 1). I). WINCIli:STER, Proprietor. TI10S. I). WINCHESTER. Fob. 15, IFlii. Huts and Caps, CONFECTION A IMES, CRACKERS, Mouses, Coffeo, Tubaceo, Cigars, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Eotaic of Fair ivk Gradtj, Dcwttsul. Sugar, Teas, Snuff, Spices, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Books, VJviting Paper & Ink. Hardware und t'eil'trware. Fnckit Knives, Combs, i)-e., .:., ij-c , Togetksr with a variety of articles generally kept in n Store. Alro-A fine lot of KUi- M OHOi EOSnntl LtNlvosto whirh he niv ilea llio at ention of Shoemakers and the public, lilonmsburgi Ilea. S, liir.3 Green woo : Seminary y irr fir JOHN K CHITON. rndy, late of Cotivnjhain twn , Columbia inniitv , deco'ireu, have been granted by iho l!igiter ofCnluis bi i couut, to the ttn.iersiiiHed ; all persons liivint i luuns tigniu-l tuo rslale ol the decedent me re'iu.stca to present them to the Adiuiui.lralor al his lestdeuiKi in said towiialnp without delay, and nil persons iadek ted lo make laymeiit furihivilh. llRlDniPf.'ItADY, Adiniuistrutrix, April2, lclil Ow 32 OJ. VALUABLE RE A ESTATE AT PRIVATE StlLE. Real rjrltite foruiorly owned by Elms jirwi. rim Ml T L Wertm iu in llohrsliuri;, ' .duiubia eimniy P.I., is offered tit Private Sale, consisting of Two frame ilwollines uud a frame Store House, wilh Ihu necessary out-buildings, all inot, ider. tT" Term. Easy for further information itl,i ot Samuel Acheubuck, Oraugevllle, I'j. January 0, Idiil. Siu PALIi&lTOGflOBSi The iiiider-iin'-d. ha. Jitrt replenished his Store 1 Ilou-e lu Oraiigeville, Willi u well-selected asssrolninil ' f FALL &. WINTER COOPS ami 1 .a .tiu.-- I'am y liULs (Iihkh, goal r.iUy, frotn ji tu T.VtsJitnl I'rin-from !.' lvj.Ji.ti-. iKEADYMADci CL0TU1At(j. Hats, lloolsfv Shoes M.tckcrtl Molaasscs, Sugar i. 1 Salt. , GnOCERIES GEHERALLY. With all inner urtller. iinially kept In country St ues. ' tow huh lie iuvit'.'H tlie early attention of old and levi customers. Having bei n at the City iu the right .im" leuislit low and paid c.isli he w ill b aJde tu com icle with the best, uud sell for small ptntits mid pre npt pay. His friends uru liivneu 10 pop in .111,1 see xbb bis",s- W.M nilT.. Orniiceville, Nov 7. IE''.!, EV AND S13UOND HANI) SAFES, PIntai, Hviii, Aiss33Ji:ls, &c. Put up in i"ir. .We. an I SI.OU lli.xes, llmtli a v. SI and I'or Hot, Ir. Piildir Institutions, Vs. Oniy infallible reinedii s known." 'Tree from I'oirons." "Ni t daiuerniis In the Human Kxinlly." 'Hals cmtiB out of their holes to dM." tJ Sold Wholeralu in all larce cities. IT 'r- S"l,l by all Druir; .t rvrtrnhira. vy !!'! llEWtRK I'll ul all uorthl iuiltation. Vy See Hi. ,1 I'o.-t aii's" miiue is on each liox, Hot- tie. mid I'lasK, belore yei buv. f- Address HENRY R COSTAH. i f I'niM'irM. Dry t 4-3 IIr.iu.w'vv, N. Y. ty Sold liy all U holesalu and lletail in Hlooi.ishurc, P.l- rrbruaryj'i, 1"' 4 em. A t.uro sd powerful Tonlf, ctrrrtlvo and nllttnl,. of wonderful itlltncy iu disran of lbs STOMACH, LIVBK ANU H01VELB. C.rcs Dyspepsh, Liver I'oniplnlnt, Hraitachn. tlsuii Diblllty, Nervoiisiier., Ileprrrrion of Spirit., Cot. vtlpatimi, lollf, Intermittent l'i ver, fraiifj und Spa.inr, mid nil nmiilalnH of eillur Uex. arising irom iniuny ..-,m.- wlu llier Inben ul In Iho syrteni nr produced by rpcclnl causes. NnTinsothat is not wholerome, gmial and r'rtr.m- 1 live in it. nature ulers lino ins romporuion oiii'i 1 'lV.TTER'S s'lOMACH IHTTEIIH. Till, popular pr ' tniralion roniaiur no mineral of any kind, nnileadl. botanical bMiieiit; no fiery e.xeltant i lull it Isn coiul.y. I lia Inn ofthn rxltiirlr of r.ire balrnmlc herbs nnd I plants with Hie purest and inllih tl of all dlllmiv. sins- ! It Is' well in In forearmed against di.enso nhd, so frt a the human ryrti m cm bu ptulettud by liiimnn mi nn i ig,itnt maladies rngeiidered bv an unwholesome .ll iiimiihore. imiiure w iter and other external causes, IIOSI'ETTLR'I HITTUR9 may In. tcilcd on as n cafs- I 8 ''in di'tri' t" Infested with IVrrr and.lgnt, it has br found infallible or a prev. ulive and irrentlble nr a I remedy and thousand, who resort to it under npprrs hen.icin ofntiatliieK. errnpe the scourge i nnd thousand .. i... ........ .. i.. .,i.nll tl,t, iMi'H-er nf llr tm.tertivp l llal Hies III advance, are ctirid bv n very brief coiirv r u this inarv clour inodlnue. fivr and Ague patients after beinc pnli.l with 'lulnine for months In vain, u til fairly salinuted with ilanaerou. alka'oid, aro not nnfre'iiiently restored tn health wiihin a few days by the use of HO.-1'. . 'ITER'S 111'I TEHH. The weak rtumnrh Is rnpliHy Invigorated and tho up pclltii resored liv this agrte.iblu 'I'onic, and Ileum it works wondeis lu inn r or Hi. pepsin and in less eon. tinned forms of indigestion. Acting as a genii.) and pninless npperleiit, a. well as upon ihe liver, ilnl.o invariably n liever tho Constipation tiiperlndiiceil by irri anion of the dig, stive nnd seer, live organs. Perron., of feoele habit ll ibl .V rrirnr Mntkt, Lair nts r .Viri" mid l ite rf Inntrwr, llu.l prompt nn.l petmaiient reli, f from the I'-ttte-H. Th" te.ti ny on Ibis point i. inort roncl slv i, and from bo n sex Theagouv of lllllllls Clli' i inline. Hat ly Is-ungci bv a rinl,i'i,"se nl Iho st uiulant, and by iiccasionallr ri"roiilnf to it. Ihe return cf tile cc iiijil.iiut may be pre- As n in neral Toii'c HOSTEI TEP.'S IIITTEU.-" pro dure effect, wliiih iiui't bu i a tier i nred or w ilne-re.! beforo th'-y 'mi Iv lullynppi"! .: d In ran s ofO.n rtitntioiial vval;in.-r. preiuiilura ill nvatnl debiilly an I ilecrepttmlu arlrim; n d g -it. xer iser Hi. ele, trie inllneuce In the rnivnlrrr..nt st-Besofall ill van it operates nr a deliulmul liivij'irant. When Hi pow er, nt nature aro rulaxee, it ojiermis to re-iuforce und r. -. .t iblirh Ihem. I nsl. but not least, it the mils i stimiiieni. b. imr man inn tured from sound un 1 luunru. our ni.iieri.ils.niid entn-'ly Ir, from the tu id elnmeut. pres-ni more or I sr ill all the ordiuaiy minis mil -ton n hie-id' the dav . Nn family in-'di, ine h-i been so iiniv-i r.nlly. nnd it mm b. truly added, tlurrred'g popular ith the Int. Hi ceiii poitiin of the community, us lio-TLlTl.h S III ITERS. Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH. Pa. ir7'Sold by all nrugjists, tiroccrs nu.l bloriiern,ts rvrywii-'re. NoveiuberSl, 133 ly. iN? IMPOIU'AV'f TO LAniCS.-Da. Hauvlv's I'imale Tiiij havo never yet failed In removing clitiicultis aris ing from obstrHclion, or stoppage of nature, ur in re storing the system to perfect health when suffering from Spinal Affections, Prolapsus, Uteri, tho Whiles, or other weakness of the Ul;rin Organs. The fills are perfctly harmless on tho constitution, and may bu taken by.tiie most dellrate female without causing dis-tres-luo same tiuio they act like a charm by strength tning. invigorating And restoring tho system to a heal thy condition, uud by bringing on tho monthly period xvith regularity, no matter Irum what causes the ob struction inav nriJO. Tim should, however, b'OT be taken during the first three or four inoiith. ot pregnancy, though safe ut any otlur tunc, as uiUctirriage would be the result. box contains U) fills, price $1. Dii, IIARVE VTUEATISBon of I emales. P legnaucy, .Miscuiti.-:i:i . f urrenm-ss, Sterility, lii pro. duction. and abuses of ualuri , and emphatically Ihe, l.sdlos' PrivV.e Alwlical Adviier. u numiihlct cf 1)1 pages, sent free to any addrcsj. Six cmts required to THE UIIEAT WORLD'S r'AIR EXHIUITION IN LONDON ld51. TIIOS. XV. MATTSON pay postage 'ihe fills tnd book will bo sent by mail wh:n desired (CCUrc-lysiated. and prepaid, by -- j. nuvA.N .it II.. fJcneral Agent, No, 7u st.. New York. Cy Sold by alt the principal drugs iU. December 1-. IsiiJ ly, BR, WISHAUT Of this City, lias tindnubtedly discovered In his cm biliation for the treattii -lit of Dyspepsia one of tho greatest remedies that has ever been given tn suff ering humanity: lie has treated within the past two year something over nine thousand rases in his pri vate practice, many of wIiIlIi hud defied the skill of eminent physicians in Europe a. id Aiueriea, and in every cao where the iiiodiciius wore taken according tu due-lions, they have mad - a perfect cure. Many of the uboviicttws were of over twenty years standing. 'lliosewlio oro troubled with Dyspepsia would du well to call nt the Doctor's olhrc. lie gives you ad vice free. Persons at a distance can consult by letter describing tho s inplumg. Dr. Wishart's treatment put up in a secure package with full directions, is sent by express ou th" receipt of Six Dollars. N. II. In all caws where the disease has not become chronic, Dr. Wifhart's Dyspepsia fills nre all that it rnniired. Sent by tn ul on the receipt of line Dollar Address Dr. L. U (J. Wisharl, 1'hilado' Vhtla MpMa Lti'tr, . tcc. V, lcU'J-Cm. Was awarded the I'rl.u Mod- ,.v -v: ul for his kiipenority over all I. .." competitions iu the United "ff; Slates for his iiiipruveuieiils jC.-Ij' TravtlHng Trumis, MMlMi( Ilo being the inventor and .JSagV' Mannficturorof Elastic stoel Spring solid Solo Le.uheraiid solid Riveted Iron t'rmnii Travelling 'IruuKs, v uuses, Lad.os Hut Uurcs, ' nrpi t Rags. Leather Hags, Umbrellas and llnbbv Horses, Hoys' (Iiga, Propellers, Wheelberrows, .r., which lie 1. prepaid to sell at the loiv- st inanur.iriuriug price. -1 no uiosi oxion.iTu iruuiv mio carpet nug .ilauutaciur tr in Pbiladi Iphia. 4Ji MARKET STREET, one door nbeve fourth, South side, PHILADELPHIA, CT7Salcs room nn the llr.t floor. lCTrunks neatly repair, d or exchanged for now cues. Call and see, as wo sell very iheap for cj!i. Io , 11, loU3 12mo. K.XCIUS1I, CLASSIC. 11. 1X1) CO.M.VCnCIJL , t on Horn skxi:s. UOOL wmm Horn rpilEf roprtetor of this welbknoiv u and centrally luca 1 ted House, Ihe Exciianui: Hotll, situate on Mai Street, in llioomsburg, iiiiniuJiutelv mnn.ltu lb., r1.,!,,,,', I bin Couuty Court House, respectfully informs his friends uad the public in gem rul, that luu House is now in or j dur for tfiu reception iiudenieituiiimeut of travelers who may feel disposed to favor it with their custom. Ho has I spared no i xpense In prcpanug the Exoianiii;, fur Hie I entertainment of 111 h guests, ueith. r shall there be any. thins- wunlini! (on his uurli to minister tn tl,,.,. n..... i cnuifurt. Hir house is spa.iuus und enjoys an excellent busiuer. location. ii r umnibusos run at all timer between the Exelinfo Hotel and the various Rail Road Depots, by which Iruv clors will be pleusaiilly convoyed to and from the re spective Stations in duu time tu meet the Cars. WM. 11. KOONS. Eluoiiikburg, July 7, 1SCU. SIHIOPLASUII'.S FOIt SALE. Collrge, lllughaiiiptlu " " rriltendeiiW " rhlladolpbii, Siratton,llryuntit.Co.. " ' ' 'i'hesd Scrips, uru iuauiounts of $15 and JW and nre s so much cusii, by the Student an mitring cither of the above Colleger. Young mdii desiring toobtaln utlnijli ud Ciillegiutu Education, will here find a good specula tion ky unplViugul tho otliie of the Wor. I. IM LtiniA DK.M0UAT. ESP Y MHOTEL- fl'IIE underiigned, liaviiig taken Ilia Espy Hotel. 1 lately kept by Mr. Ejjliowcll, would respectfully Inform hU friends and Ibis fubllc in general, thai no pains will be spared for the satisfactory entertainment .of til w ho may favor him with tbeir tutioni. a .,. JWi J, MAJ5WIPAKK. 'ttJ. ArrllJ,l!tl, 1 TINWARE k STOVE SHOP. riini. iiiiiiersiinei rrriiittrul v inrormr h it 1.1,1 r.i...,,i X and customers, that ho has iiurrh.-is..d hir hr,oi,ru merest iu Ihu ubovo i subli.liiuuuLandtliu coniern wlla hereafter bu conducted by himself exclusively, ,s. lie nas just receivea and offers lor sale, tho Inrg i 3 el "i -st extensive assortment of f A N U Y iMi8 rt'J'IJ VES uver introuueed mio this market. "l; 'tuck consists of u complete assoitment of lie best Cocking and parlor stover in the market, togeth er with Stove fixtuios nf ever) description, Oven and llox Stoves, Radiators, ('yliudur Stoves, Uat Iron Aar Tight slovrs. Cannon Stoves, ice, 4cc. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on li.iml and manufactured to order. All kinds ol repairing done, as usual, on shoit notice. ine paironage oi iu friends and new cusiounrs re. pectfully solicited, A. ?.. UUfEllT. llioomsburg, November 3d JeCO.-if, JOIINlj. YEAGEIt, HANUf ACTUEEU it WHOLESALE DEALER IN .HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ifo. 257 North Third Street, Phih'd. T.JIAT. POTTS, fntsapAi, .Vathsnatics. Hook Kecking and rVaturaJ 4ciftcc. J. B. fATTON, A. M , FJontiox, Literature, and .dncltnt anil, Modim Languages. 'Pile Scholastic year is divided into four "manors "f eleven weeh curb, comment lug nr follows : On Hie second Monday iu August, the first .Monday in November the third Monday ill January, and the second Monday in April. THE E.TESt-.S for quarter for Hoarding and '1 union lu Engti.h, rntigu from S) im tu 5 II U'J. Languages, Music and Draw iug mo extra. s" for Circular, orfurther particulars, nddrr$3 the frlncipiil at MlI.LVll.LE, L'OLUMUIA CO., 1'A. October 3, icfi'l ly. renjw faKvEy fi!).vi7 FOR I-ALL IF INTER, npIIE subscriber has just reot-ivud a lot .n. Ho'Zuiy 'I'm, miugs mid N'ew Hoods, such us Jfj iu tu in y ty. . cy u-i a uj u . i j AL SO: GLOVES, DOLLS. STAYS. SATOIIELL. HOOP SKIRTS, fOli'f.MOMES, AND OTHER NOTIONS. (TT tVhaclcr fc Wilson's Sewing Machines for sale Also Sundiiv S.h-iul liool.s and r.ililer. Also .Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer which will givoto gray us natural cuiur. A. II. WEI1II. Next Door below Court House, llioomsburg, Nov. 11, l.-LJ. BLOOMSBURC! SKYL1G IIT," Picture GaHesy. mMlE uiiderrlijneii Inform, the rltlzen. of lllooin X mid iieighlnirhuod, that he has taken Hie large room in lite i.xrnauge iiiik-k, ext. lining over if,irne stoiuie liakery, mi l thu i:no:.stoie where he has put in a ItiraeSkvliL-l t. It is only by Skilmhlthat irood nic- lures cm belt e:i csp eially groups vvlieru each person tan bu tukcr.J ist lis vi i II as separate. He has gun lo runriderublu expense to inako his cs talilishuieiit first class one. and he th-reforr solicits n liberal patru iga toeuablu him, lo'coiisl-iiitly iulroducu tlie mode 1 nuprnvi-mLiitj of tho url. Zy Cuhii produce tulicn iu Exchaiuto for plrtures IU..MIV iti; HP HE undcraignetl would inform ho cua- tnmeis of the late firm of C.K. W. KREAMER. I ns Merchants in Ji-rsev lo'.v n. that ttie linn has le-en ' dissolved by matiial coos nt, aud that Hi. li-oks mid Accounts are in my hands fur collection. I'er.ons aviuu iifcounts vv ill please cauu and maliu an early settlement and oblige, &c. ; Grain und Lumber, taken on nccniiu.. i VVH. KHEAMaS. Jerseytown, I'cbruary 27. 1S14. llioomsburg, Nov. '.'3 lebl. Nov. 0 '5 L H. 1J07 ) r-r T O ll K New Drug WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'pllE undersigned would in lone ihnr friends nsdtke 1 public tin y Have lakeu the slaud for merly net n pi- h lieu H. Haeeiibin h, iu the Exrh.iugv iiiiiiuiiiK, on .ii.ii-i street, in uiuouisuurg, vvuere lie lu ju.i receitcu a lull suppiy ui I $ eigy, JWrcIicEiies, B'ainls, Oila iLiaiiiits, etc , Which will be sold on moderate terms for tuv. Also, NOTIONS gumrully, of every Variety, tottaui! Size. fhyslciuiis' prrscriptluus tan-fully compounded, at all times and ni sh -rt notice. (Tr Coufectioueiy of iho best seleitlons, and 4'od vv uvr in season. i'or sale c win. at New York eafe Depot, 1 1 11 Lain ,-treet, New York. I 6. A. OR EGG. SIZE AND 1'KICES Of LILLIE'S I'lEG PROOF LIGHT STRUET, Columhi.i cou .ty, Pn i'lii. iinuersi'.'ueu nas i.icateit nt in- ao iv nnn-eCI hotel, formerly occuoied bv Peter ( chu .. and sollc- ! its u share of nublic tiatrouae. I iy (Jood atcouimodatiuus for man i u I beast. Tlic best kind of loiuors ul the bar. J. II. kiue, Proprictsr. ' April 11, I'M- No. 4 No. 1! No. 3 No. 4 No, .1 No. 0 No. I No. 1 No. 3 No. 4 No 5 No. 0 SM'El o urm I) K: USIOII1, Wll'l Jl. 1 Ul Wi SI 30 E4 : ei 34 31 4il 31 iimuilT. 17 ll-i 21 21 SI 31 WIDTH, 11 EIJ 15 16 SI SI DErni. ?, 21 VI S4 J4 tJtrrn. ii li 1.1 11 13 CLOTHING HALL. No. '20i North Second Street FliiPa CONS PANTLY on hand a fall ars iitment of Ready Maoe Mi ii and Hoy's Clothin-' and Cents furnish ing Guilds, al Wlioli sale uud Retail January leo-i. but. Nn. 1 Nn. 2 ... . No. 3 No. I ..... No. 5 ' No. I. November 11, ISC'). l'RICE. .. SSI) bO .. 10 tm , 70 II I . K. in . nm mi . 115 bJ First Spring Arrival! FOR ldti-1. W YOU WAW7 GOODS AT TEE RIGHT i'RWF.S. CALL AT J. J. B ROWER'S B T O II E. WI1EI1E YOU WILL 1'IMl Rlirshu at 20, S"i, HU, .Jtj and 15 cents. S'ripis ij- ClucU ut :)5, 1)8, -10 V HU cts. Vuhvoeaal 10, 18, "20 and Ud t'fi4. American Frenth Jtlaincg '2!i tu -1(1. Good lute Ajmcctis i- Ladus o'-era Cloths. ALSO, Carpels I Carpets ! ! Cai-pcts ! '. I A I'REdll LOT Of GROCERIES , A NEW STOCK OF QUEENSWARE, i I And all tlu ntcinra'a usually tvt'lJt, r. 1 i v j 1 " i Si lit A 1 U W.J A ei. Illootnsburi. I'cbruary n, lJl'l. j II, c. i NOTICli .VXD CAUTION, licrfta, my wife, 'pha Anu Loiby, 1 lias h'fl my lcl mul Imtirtt willmnt jutt ram.i or iiruvucatHiit, uotiru in tliurtiture liurfby L'lwu.iiut.iil arbitr or trut Jut u uiy nc inuit, an I tun lrt T-ninie lu iiuy no iluuu ol iicT ruiuraiucitr aui-r unn tiai ii-iti i im i t i nmu i 4Us3lllll J, Uisllil, hooua twp., Ftlirunry 7, lit. , 11 0 W E R. feUKGEON D3KTIST, ; Rf SI'I'.CTl'ULLY idlers his iiroft-ra , ional rervlees to tho Indies nnd gentle nun ul I'd-jonisbtirg and vicinity, He is iiren.ired toatuiulto .ill the various operations inthe line of hir prefes.iou, mid i. provided with the latest improved l'uitCM1I. Tt'I.Tli; which will he inserted on cmd. platina, sltvcraud rubber basu tulookivell us the iidlural lertli .Mineral pluti- and block teeth turrd nut! nil operations ou t.-ctti, i artfully mid properly attended to. Residence uud uihcc a few doors above the Cuuit House, same side. Ittooinsbiirtf, Juueli. IrG'l. THOMAS BROWN, Barlxr, HLOOMSIiUKC, COLIIMIHA f;t., PA. t?kap In Omul liiis! Allry. mat lha Dtuoirat Oldce. November 14, lb3. iiELM COLD'S Genuine Prcjsii at ions. coMrouvi virUii r.xTKAcr nur.Mtr, n live an! t-iMTiIic ynii'"ly 1 r ois'-.i-ps I tlie bludtUr, lli.lti. ys, lirawl, aiht tlrr'P'in'. 8i'Hmes Tins tnt'i'ii-iai' iurr. uva lui i.H'.t t'l '.igLtinn in i (M-Hc tin: at'-fiili'Mit-t intu htinlttiv action, by wiih It th Wan r or ali'im "'ii. tJr pn tin h , tint all UfUjaiiir.U r.ultri;t-riu'ineau aru r-iuct, hi t.JI m jma Ltuiu lltmati'un HELMEOLD3 EXTIl ACT BUCHU. si P., ktb,tsn,Cil npnti -ii, Eurlj Indi-i itina cf At.uj. s, wliS th - loll, n tin.' -ni! I- .vv lndl'piiellif'U to LAtiiiua. l.os of Poiv.f, Loss of Meluoi), nlHcully of Ur. iilim;, Uenk N'etvi r, Trembliri' Horror nr lu.insr, I'.iin In me ilrts, liuivi L.isMtuJo of tl: tla.i u'.ir H .teiu. II, it Hands. I.ruptioiir ou Hie Cnis, Uryuess ol the Pkia, Enishiug of the llortT. P.illli Cnmitrnuure. 'I In-so svinptom., if allowed to g-i os vrkisk Ikli inodlnue lux-u riiil.l v remover, toon followr Ini-ortMV, I'vunv, Hulumu. I irr, lu one of v Im Ii the I'.iti -ut may n -puro Who run s.iy that tin ar not frequently followH b" thoso "Direful Ills, user." "INt-ANlTV AM) IIN'Sl'MPTION " Many are aware of Hie cause ol' their sulTuine, tin none will confess the reiords of Die Insane As) lumri And luelnnrholy itmiliH h; t.'ou.uuipiinn b ii c.i pin v.itucrr lu the t rut It id the us-ertinu. Tho Constitution oure ell'-cted w ilhorirauic weukae.i reipiires the aid of Medn im- to strenctheu and Ihvic ojute tlie rysteui, whirh lletmbold's i-xtrart Purlin is variii!.ly does. A will cuiv iuce lie must piiil FEMALES FEMALES. In many nd'ecti,. s peculiar lo I'e'n.ili x His XvlfiKl Purlin is uncipi.itlcd by any i-Hn-r iu..edy, as in Ii rosis or Hi trillion. Irregularity, pnii.luluc.r, or Mip prersiini of Customary Evatnaltons. ulri-ru. -.1 or scir rliou. statu of Hi! l.terur. Leurhiirrhie i or Whiles, faterilily, mid far nil eoniplaiut. incident tntliesri. whetli-r nriring from i.licr.'ilo bibus of lion, or ia lbs Kmbll.UCTll to l!KOf lllilt;;. WHOLESALE TOBACCO D E A L E R p J.J. 105, SOUTH Till It 1) STltlilST I'lve doorsbelow Rati;. flllLADHLPIIIA iSlli. IS64. liii m BILLS Nently priuUid ou new nnd beautiful plates, ou eli-'tt iioiice nt the litficu of thu -,f;oi.uMiii.v IlBtocnAT." BLANK S! BLANKS! ! f overy description, foi'.sulo nt this office A. LOGAN GRIM, Attorney and Counsellor at Law LAPOUTH, SULLIVAN CO., I'A ' lober1'iiUfrcSa Utl'5r 0l'''"" ''"""''"J "'"nJnd to I'VlitJC SQlf.llit:, mi.!.KS-UAllMi, s 1'Jl. I rciisun-lerrlgneil, hav iug taken this well.ltnnvrn nsna I I 1 (I'utuierly uf .Major Puterb.iujh), resi.cclfully solii. I Its the p itronagu ot Ihe public, I Nu pains will bo 6p,ired iu any of its render satisfaction to all i.-u, t. 'J'he 'f AI1LE as J tlia EAR V. ill always bo supplied with tlu LEST (Opposite InueenueniL Hall,) CtlES'l'.MJTiJTREI'.T.llETWnEN I U'TI! U dlXTII, I'MLjinr.i.fiiM, WV.Vl'f 4: 11 mil. I Nti S. -reji-iclors. N'uvsBiber 30, 13H1. fMmtll HI, lo5e F. 0. HARRISON, M D. WOL'I.D respertfullv inform lliecili.ens offllooiu.. burg.nud vicinilv.'th:itlie coiitluuestho practise of Mi:i)ivi:.-i: mv sPHur.ur, lid solicits u rhate of public patrouago, Onui: on Maui Street, first house below the Uouit lluiliu;. dlouiAsbilrg. februiiry 3, 1M5 If A' TTENT10N 1 to jiumioM iv .iwr co.vci:A'. 'fheundersiciicd belneareirularly "licenied Auction eer." hereby olfeiH Ins sirvices as such, lu nil who may feel dispused to clvo him n call. Ills great expr rleiicn lu Hie business, will enable him to render satis faction to his customers. At the same lime lie Cautions till Auctioneers, "not licensed," Irum following said calling, as the line five, I by th' fluted Stales will surely be minus d. uud the law carried out to its full iy A iliaru of the publli custom is rcipsttfully , "l1 "t- All porsonsde irine to obtain my nr jltss, will j pUaii: lafurm wo to Hut illect before Hy advsrtiis. I YIU it MOVER. J , , . . . ... f Wi AvtTOKW Iiioomiburt Apnl H 15" liljat sum Nsr !(, lift. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE This great line traverser the Northern and North west counties of fount) Ivaniu to llio city uf Erie, ou Lake Erie. It Ins been leased by tin' feiiusylrania Railroad (.'uuiiMtiv, and under their nusnici.s is bciHir lumdlv opened Hirouithoiit its entire length. i JiLsf THE MARKET AffOIinn. ii i iiw i.i use i r u.niu nun i reijiit leisiiie.s , ry Hood M.iblln: for Hots -s and alti-mlve,,. from Ilarrisburg to Emporium l!u mile.) on t.. Hast- i The "Exchaiiuii" is c'li -iblv sii 1 1 ..I ,. , h i f. f, ' "y'riLi. thais, ,r 0,m,,,a: j xi!";'!,,'-,!!::'"-ta'""" X'' H1 l0U ji' I ' ''-"'hoover you come low,,, , rsn.',L. .V -i!"m Wllkrs-llarre, Nov. 13.! H'J''C i.Aiin rs .... , lo , .ii. Curs run Ihrouch wnittiu. - iiAsns both wavr on llieso I en.Aioi " 1 ' irainn b.tween Phil.idtlnlua und Lock I aven. and OlUUi JViU liA-WAKI' S1I()T liuilli.i j mui ,,1'iiv iiu, en. isui, mui cie'iiii pieep i UK cars lictvveLii port r i ply i Aud fo B. ll. Kingston', Jr , Lor. uiu uud .Market tils,, l'lul'a , nw i.,i.,r .. III. oti,l..ikl,f,,...l i, ..I.I . .r. .a... i... . ' uuui'iui.iu.ipHin. ! TTC u.siinm, nts , I .'.;, Kivi i., , i -iv t 5 ! ir iiuiirui.111011 res ii-ciiug r.irscugcr uiisiuess, ap I ever inii-,.,1,,, ...i i.i.i . .... ... "i.'i.s itthe ct. E. I'or. I Ills and Market His. ! mm.,,., iT.T. : .'.".';.'"'"" ' ''J ' uri.ioi.iitr i;i r I'.eiglit bUBinesrnl' thu Uoinp iny's Agents r0okine siv."r 7i ,i . .' .... i .1. . ! "rV , ,,- ", "'ni" "uunnsnnriH r J. IV. Revunlds. Erie. J .M. Drill. Agent N. C. 11. It., f.nltlmore. II. II. llourtou. lien'l. l'r, igiu Agt , Pbiladi Ipbla, l.evvir I.- lluupt, tloii'l.Tlikel Agt 1'liil.idelphia. .loseph D. folts. (ieii'l. .Manager, U'itliaiuspott, fi binary 13, Ibilt, 1 arlor ,tovi s lire h.iud.oino uud th assortnieiit v . AI.MJ- rarliciilarattei.tiouis paid to Tl iVno tied. uud I ',if'"',n' win ou none with matners 1, ii.., i,7.: ny i-oaiiir) prudmc-taken , ex.hiui. ofor work llioomsburg. May 10, lcl. fl' alur"' DECLUT. OR CHAN OK til' l.WZ. Take no more flnlsim Morruiy, nr une..nil .Me.'l riues for unpleasant anil i.';iiik. io:h diseases ilelm bohl's EMruit lluchu and Impr, v-il Rose Unshcurrs serret ilite.isos tu all their tta:e8. At little ixpeni -. Lillle or liu ch.nge iu cut No 1,11 ul exposure. It causes a frequent desirean l givex strength to I'ri Hate, thereby reiunving rdi.tiiirtiou.., proventiiij; 1.1..I curing sin, tun s of the L'rellir.i, ull.iying p.iiu and 1 ,. Il.uninarioii, so frnpieiil lu Hie class i f ui-e.ises, and ixpclljiigiul poisonous, i'isi'iisi-,1 and wnrimui m.uter. Thousands upon limit. uiu I'lohi,-.- bieii Hi.- vic tims of ipim ks, and w Im In.vo paid In avy fees 10 br cured 111 11 short time, Imvo found t'l.y were den ivod and that tho ptlliitON" Ii.m. bv Hi - ns,. uf pnvv-i rful nslrlugetits" been dm;, I up in the ry.ieni. in 1-rei.l. out in un agiavucd furai.and perlisps aftei t'se Hclmbnld's Extinft lluehu for nil nfftclior j 11 of ih L'liunry Otgnus, vvmihur ciisting is .Mukiid I .-male, from vvh never casc originating nud 110 mailer of h-iw lung iluiidiug. Hiseasea of there Orgtns ri 'piiros the aid of a Hiur ittc, lb Inibi.ld's Extract lluchu is the limit Hlurelit, and ire. rtutn lo have desired clLct lit 11.. Hiseasea foi Which it i' recommended, EvideiiL of ilio most reliable nn.l responsible sim ucter will lucompaiiy tlie n.dicine. I'rics ?I per Ciilllf, or fl for jf . Delivered to tiny address, rsturely parked from r.bit i,,.. Mi-sii.tiu H 11 uiuiS 11 Ull liiiiiiinoiMfuilii.nw guaranteeil, advice grulls. Addtesr Ultjis fsi lullllll tu II. II. IIEL.MI10LD, C', llll South T, nil,.., hi l.oi 1 1, ,..i,..,, i-i.., . IIEI.MIlOLlri. M,Jr.l 1. ..,.. J HELHIiOLH'ri tJrus and Chemitol Haniou,,, 1 1 lll.l, 1 lv -v V... I Itewnro of Counterfeit, und unprincipled uealsrs who i-iiikuv . to i.iipose "of tlieir uvvu" and ' othr nrlirle, un Un, reputation attained by lleliub.ild-s list-inn- Preparation.., Extiuct liueku, Lxtnel fUruiiitlbv, Improved Jlo6 Wi..h, A. 0. l-AC'L. A. U TUOMrSO.N PAUL k THOMPSON, WHOLESALE wftBSs DEALERS IN I (Lalo Wh. . 1 is. s 1.1.11W Si, Vm Csi S. ; No. 43 A'oitt It'ianes, I PHILADELPHIA. Bit' TT C B. I'HEZSK, Kav, It lI-llm 11 A .V 8 1 1. National Iloteir to Cwan.l ABOVE 'MIL D I'll ll.AIM-.l. I'll l.. D. C. SIEGR1ST, PuuiiuuTOu. ! 2'CiSi Tc'c llotel Lc,J ' Match .1, It ' POR SALE Y All DruggiGts Everywlioro- ASK I'OR lIELMUOnn'i TAX? NO OTIIE I' LUI eel lit v;ii,w,t,0 .najifem Nor :irs,Mi 'rc n tM "',"'J"!