COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. JfDlTMD BT LS7I L TATH, TKOPniETOn. BLOOMSBURG, PENNW, l atnrday Morning, Apr. 16,1064 " Onr Oonatltutlon Emrd It avert Onr (storleua Unionhold it dear I Onr flurry Flog forko It never I The proud Oaueaa ilanour only peerl TOR PRESIDENT IN 1864, GEORGE B M'CLELL AN Subjaatlotha decision of tin National Contention.) trillO of to-day. Torlos of 76 an Abolitionists I of G4. j The Democrat! who nto one-half of tbeJNortb, stand precisely upon the samo platform, ndvoosle tbo sumo doctrines that Washington, Jefferson, Hnncook, Adams and tlio American prtriots adhered to in 1770. Tlioy aro tholinical ilecondauts,tho truo representatives, aro in fact tho truo patriots of our day, whilo their opponents arc tho Tories of tho times. Wo proposo to defaad tlicso propositions by arguments that cannot bo gainsayed, saya tin Day Book. Tho Whig party of 1770 hollered that tlio only truo, tho only legitimates basis of tho government, was in tho consent of tho governed. This h tho Democratic doc- Tlio Tory doctrino of ANOTHER EXHIBITION I OF THE HYPOCRISY OF THE Pllh 'J ENDED EXCl. USI VE FRIENDS OF THE SOLDIERS. Show 'cm Up. The Syracuse Journal relates a little Incident that occurred in that town a few days tines, when a deserved rebuko was given by a couple of ladies to one of the Vlack-tongued Union Leaguers, that aro eternally and upon all occasions annoying and insulting peaceable and loyal demo crats. Ilo states "that upon entering a etorc a young man noted for his intenso J.taguism was sitting near tho counter reading a news journal. Ilo hit upon a tirade of abuse against tho "copperheads," snd at once supposed he had a good thing on band. Near tho counter purchasing groceries, were two ladies, one of them dressed in deep mourning. Hearing some causal remark dropped about tho shinplas tcr currency, tha young man threw down tbe newspaper, and in a loud voice com menced anathematising all Detnooratswho did not sympathise with tho administra tion, stigmatising them as brutes, cow ards, copperheads, traitors, &c, &o. For a time no ono noticed tho gallant Union Leaguer's remarks, nnd ho grow more vi tupcrativo and vehement in his denunci ation of "Copperheads." At lar-t one of the ladies turned half round upon him, and Tcmnrked that that was pretty langaago for a "gentleman" to use in a public store. Tho gallant young man snoeringly an swered that his language was good enough for Copperheads and all who sympathize with them." This was too much to bo ndured, and tho othor lady the ono dressed in mourninc turning upon her i,cel. .went up with a sort of indignant traitors to liberty. This is tho position of movement toward her insulter, and look- the Abolitionists of to-day. The British i..g the young man full in tho eye, said, Tory believed that tha King could set -nrrtinnllc- Sir ! mv husband is a Do-! asida the Constitdtion under tho "war j - j 1770 was that government did not rest up on the consent of tho pcoplo governed, hut they relied instead upon tho bayonet and tbo sword to hold thorn into subjection,- Tho Tories of to day holiovo in tho satuo thing. Tho patriot Whigs of 1770 favored no other Union. This is the Union tho Domocrats are for to day. Tho Tories of 1770 wore not for a voluntary Union, but for a oocrccd one, and so aro Tories of 1801, alias tho Administration party. Tho British Tories of 1770 claimed that the King had tho right to suspend the writ of habeas corpus ; proclaimed martial law over the whole country ; arrest and throw into prison, or transport into a dis tant land anybody ho saw fit, without any legal power but his own will. The Abo lition Tories of 1804, in America, defend tho President in tbe samo cxcrciio of the samo usurpation. Tho American patriots of 1770 protested against them ; so do tho American Democrats of 1801. Tho Brit ish Tories of 1770 sustained tho King In endeavoring to excite a demonstration among the slaves Tho Abolition Tories of to-day ara in favor of the fame measure. Tho patriots of 177G protested against it in the Declaration of Independence. They denounced it as a high crime against man kind j so do tho Democrats of 18(54. Tho Tories of 1770 called themselves the King's friend," exclusive loyalists." Tho To ries of to-day flaunt under the same des ignation, "loyalists," and toll us that the President can do no wrong, and that wc must not appose nny of his enormities. They aro "loyal" to tho monarch, but The Abolitionists in the. State Legislature and in Congress refuse to pay them half of Common Lubircrs Wages! Ilinnisnuna, March 30, 1604. Editors nt The Pmt.ADKi.rHM Aqe : Sonator Hopkins offered a resolution to day, instrnsting tho committee on Fed eral Relations, to bring in a joint resolution instructing tho committo our Senators, and requesting our mcmbors of Congress to vote for a law to pay non-commisioned offi cers nnd private soldiers, in gold, or its equivalent in paper monoy. The discount nf. tin fimn iiptrin nvnr -10 nnnrn. it wnnlil - - " - . . , . t s it !...! inorcaso tho soldiers' pay, if paid in green. "" Pr.BBim..y r.u uPu Pennsylvania Legislature. SENATE, IIamuuuro, March 20, 1804. The Senato met nt 10 o'olook, Statb Bounty to Volunticus. Mr, Kinbky presented the following resolution : WnicnEAS, tha President of the United State deemed it neoessary to issuu another call for two hundred thousand more men to aid in putting down tho llobcl ion, and Whbrbab, Tho people of P. nmylvania have with characterise liber.n iy and pa triotism contributed by taxation nearly twenty-three millions of dollars to raiso bounties to pay volunteers under tho late calls for fivo hundred thousand mn which Ncm SV&ucrliscmcnts. CHARLES G. BARKLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. llLOOMfllltMO, COli. CO.. PA. Office On Main Streot, in tho F.x chango buildings, ovor Miller's Storo. Mooniaburg, April IS, 1804-3m MftWWtJHlWiililllll IH I II .III. Ill II 1 '"" TBBAaUUBll'B fl A I. 15 UNSEATED LANDS. A OREBABrit to the-provision! of nn So docs tho American Aboli Wo might follow the analogy mocrut a 'Copperhead,' as you term them power. . and he is now on the battle-Gold with a , Zionists. inusk't in his hand. My only brother n,uch furtlicr- but U is usclos-' 1Jritish was a Democrat, and hilaid down his lifo Toism in 1770 and American Toryism at An.ietam, fighting under General Mo- in 1804, aro identically tho same. Had Clallan for his countrv while von. r.0Or'lne tauer ,,TCU ,D x"" lucJ wou,a ua a l r pitiful wretch and disgraced coward, aro liera sitting by the stove cursing at men whose shoe-latches you arc unworthy to lie up. Why don't yoit, young, able-bodied and vigorous as you arc, take up e. taken sides with tho British King, the Democrats would havo Washington and Hancock. musket and go nnd Gght for the cause you pretend to have so much at heart, instead of sitting here insulting brave man through their wives. I, sir, lost a brothor at An tietam, and I regret it tho more now, that lie is not hero to chastise your insolenco upon the spot." The League wilted ho whilo been with Tho British ' Tories were for a despotism. S arc the ' Abolitionists. In view ot tho surprising analogy between the parties, wc suggest to our Democratic fiieuds of tho press whether it would uot ho well to call the Abolitions tho Tories ot 1804, They aro tho Tories tho Democrats aro tho "pa triots." They aro the dieciplcs of King George 111, and hia unscrupulous minis ; lr Tr,l XTnrll, .UI1 !. T ... did not ice things in that light and alter t . , " ' L""1UU'-"B Ufu stammering, "hemming" and 'hawing," tho d.scples of Washington. ona rcratcuing nis acau in vain xor a re ply, he turned sickly pale, picked up his hat and left. Wo vouch lor tho truth of tho above, and it is only one incident out cf many. Embarrassing the Administra tion. Tho present administration is more ea sily "embarrassed" than any that over ex isted before. Every one who votes in op- A-Mos Kcndaia on McCtEtLAN. ' position to tho abolition ticket, or dissents Hon Amos Kendall, Postmaster General in the slightest degreo from the general under Genoral Jackson, on beinc invited poliy or an' 6iven measuro of the admin- to prido at a mass meeting oi tho people Oration, according to tho abolition theory, in favor of General George B. McClclUn "embarrasses" the administration, and for the Presidenoy, to bo held on Thurs-1 consequently is a rebel sympathizer. To day last, at Cooper Institute, New York, I doubt lho nlaHuiMj of Mr. Lincoln, or to replied as followi : intimate that any mistakes or rascalities "I will bo in New York, God willing, on have been committed during his official lho crenim? of tho meetiorr. If lho frinmia ea:cer or to sP,ak Vl&hiy of tho nogro- ofMo JIellan and the country, in New I is CODoluslve evil1eno of ac ialontion to emuarrass mo uovcrnineni. J.ue political backs, to about S'-!0 per month instead ol $13, now paid them. This resolution, so jutt U our gallant soldicri, was advocated by Messrs, Hop kins, Clytner, Wallace and Lamborton, all Dcmocrats,and was opposed by Messrs. Jolinsou, Lowry, Fleming, St. Clair and Wilson, all Republicans, whoso principal argument was that tho Den.oorats had brought forward for tho purpose of making nolitical out of it. which was virtually, ad- milting that (ho measuro wonld b popular with the peoplo. Now as these Republi cans have heretofore claimed to be tho ex clusive friends of tho soldiers, thu opposi tion to paying thcin in gold, or its equiva lent In greenbacks, docs not comport at all with their professions. But mark how cun ningly they dodge and pull tho wool over the soldiers' eyes. Senator Champncys, a Republican, moved to amend Mr. Hopkins' resolution, which was" imperative on tho committee, so as to make it a resolution merely to inquire into tho expediency of doing ko. Mr. Nichols, another Republican, then moved to substitute in place of Mr. Hop kins' resolution to pay tho soldiers in gold a resolution to increase their pay, without saying how much it should be increased ; nnd after Mr. Nichols' substitute was car ried by tho votes of the Republicans, Mr. Hopkins then moved an amendment to the substitute, that the increase should not be less than 24 a month. Tha Republicans fiuding themselves cornered, daro uot vote ugainst Mr. Hopkins' amendment ; and it was accordingly carried unanimously. The Republicans are very generous to tho soldiers in warning them againit Cop pcrhc&ds and lavishing praiso opon them and send Governor Curtin to their camps to present flags to them and to cover them all over with moonshino cemplimcuts and shoddy blankets ; but, when it comes out down and liko the Indiau's flea they are not there. A short time ago Mr. Dcnison, a Demo crat from onr State, offered a resolution in Congress instructing the committee on military affairs to bring in a bill to allow the soldiers 530 a month. Mr. Washburne of Illinois, a Republican, moved to chango it so as to havo tho committee merely in quire into the expediency of doing so', and the Republicans all voted for tha change and the Democrats against it Tho Re publicans having the majority, Mr- Wash- burne's amendment was carried, conse quently wo find tho Republicans, both in Congress and in our Stato Legislature op posit g the interests of tho soldiers ; and yot claiming to be their only friends. They may think that as tho soldiers don't gel any thing to read but republican newspa pers they can kaep the wool over their eyes, by keeping them in ignorance of what is going on at homo. But if I am not greatly mistaken, their relatives at home will remember those who romembor them notwithstanding tho hollow-hearted pro fessions of their professed Republican friends. Vetbkan real CBtnte ; therefore. Resolved, By tho Senato and Ilosnc of Representatives, &c, that the Governor in connection with the Slate Treasurer, he and thoy arc horcby authorized to offer three hundred dollars for each volunteer nccossary to fill up the quota of this Stale under tho President's call for two hundred thousand men, dated the 14th of March, 1804, and for the purpose of enabling the j Stato to pay said bountics,the Govcnorand Stato Treasurer are hereby authorized and empowered to reocive proposals for a loan of eight millions of dollars, nnd to issue bonds, to be redeem d by tho State in ten years, bearing interest nt six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of May and November, in each and overy vnar, and for tho purpose of providing for tho payment of tho interest and creating a sinking fund to redeem nid bonds at maturity, tho Committo of Ways aud Means of tho House of Representa tives bo instructed to report a bill taxing U 'railroads and canah in or passing through the Stato, a light transit duty on passengers, coal, iron aud other products and merchandise carried on aaid roads ond canals. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate oj Christian jMuJJlei, rlec'il. TmrnilSiof Bilnilnltnlioii nntlic Cdatpof t'hrlnlfin jMnnifT Into of Centre tun., ijolnnilila cn.. clrc'il. lint... hpnn ffrnntpj liv tlia Ilralntpr of Cnlumtiiit CO.. to tliounilerilRncil I nil pcraont Imvlm cl.nnu nonlint thi mtnto of IIih ilcccilcut nr! rcqucsteri to pre ion I thcnilo tlm Ailniliil.trntor nt III. rcaltlcnco I" n.ild town lit p without ilclny, mtt all pcranm Indihtcil to mtk imymunt forthwith. n ntttnn C-A.UUl.lJ UU.T UU OUUII April Id lEfit-Crr 3 CO A At .r rnuiMr. rntltWit in An dlrtcttM tht rnodS trllln( Untenlcd I.indt tot tut; mill other n...i ilii, l!Mh iloiror March. IH 15. n l 111 riirttirr rjiipnlcintnU thereto. ieil tho IJtli dnf, (if Alntcli. IHiJ. iUtlid.ijror Alurcli, IwJl n I lilh ilr or u,.. -i. iNiT.tiin Tf. niiiriT nf Hi county of UulwiibU hereby iilvci nutlceto alt pcrtom cotici tnail thcrrln. that unk-M tho l.'ii., lload, Srliool foot and Stato Tit, .. .I..n ..n llm (f.tfnvuliirt Ir.rl. nf 1 In .I-M..I Lllfllll. tltll oto In Lotuiniim county, aro pau neiurr iue ujj ui nlrt. llw. ulwl-iir .Oi-li onrt.of trm.t Ul will Day the litiM mill conta chaiBcnble thereon, will lm old el thu COURT IIUUSU, in liloonmtmrK, county of Coluinlila. on tho I3th ilay ol June ISM, uelnt tho neconu iiiouuay, nml to bo continued by niljouriiiiicnt, from May to day for arrearage! of Uioa duo raid county, uuJ ilia auit aiarueu ou eacn iraci reapecuveiy WARRANTEES OR OWNERS. BEAVER TWP. FILES II ARE IV A L Sprini) cm& 0nmmcr EVERYBODY TlinunderalRneil, rrntcful Tor palronncc, repce fnliv liifuriii lii.rii-iiiincr nnd the nuhllrecncrnllr that lie linn Just rcreivi'd from the Ka.terno eltlei, tlio targcat nnu mosi acicci aiucn 01 SPHINGANDSUMliJEIt. TI1.1l liaa yt been opened In Iltoninshurc, to which he Itivllea 1110 niicniioii 01 ma irieoin.. iino nafurua iiiciu that they nru oirercd for f.ilo nt L'rcnt iKirfallii. Ills mock coiuprlKea n Inns nsortiiient of (lliNTI.UJll.N tf WIIAIIINCI ArPARKt., Coiinliii! 01 t'ArinoiiBLE llKEfs Cot, of i-fcry di crlpllon; I'nntB, Vrstn. Shirts, Crnvata ttcki. Cotton llanilkcrclilcfi), Olovea. (iuspuudera. tee. Gold Watches and Jewelry. Of every description, Hut- nnd clicnp. N. II. Remember " Loietnbtrg't Chtsp F.npri.' call and ee. No clinrge fur exniuinj! OooiU, D.WlU UKJW 1..MI1.IU. Uloomiburz, April 1G, 18G4. (June IrfjO J York, think that it would best further tho cause for mo to preside, you aro at liberty to mako the tho announcement. I am losing my .patience in reading Gen. Mo Clellan's report. Tbo injustice done him, and tbe attrocious wrong to his noble army and the country, are enough to make the blood of honest and patriotic men boil 'within them." -Re. Conor ession'al Proceedings solved, That Poverty is a crime. Resolved; That any person convicted of .this crime hall be compelled to serve in the army for a term not leis than three jears. Gen. McCx.Ei.nAN. We will give our readers a single sentence from a private letter written by a soldier in tho Army of the Potomac 11 It is tho almost unani mous and anxious prayer of this entire army, that General McClellan may bo nominated for the Presidency by tho Dem ocratic party." The commissions of the following nuuiod gontlemen, newly elected Justices of tho Peace, in Columbia County, aro in tho hands of tho Registor via 5 William Priti, Orapgo 5 Lewis Vcttcr, Catta vissa; P. K. Ilerbein, Lncast ; Jacob Harris, Hoinlook 5 Isaac McKaroey, Scott "Win. Kllnetob Briarcreek (Samuel Rhone Bin ton j Samuel Neyherdj Centre ) Den fri ffeiobelrl, Meier Generals, the Shoddy contractors, the absconding agents with thousands of dol lars belonging to tho soldiers, do not in tho least embarrass the administration. In fact, it is impoisible for any Abolitionist to "embarrass,'' no matter what he may do. If at any timo a Democrat happens to suggest that tho President takes good care of his own interests, or is using his power for political purposes, ho is scouted aud pronouueed "disloyal." It is possible that Democrats havo as much at stake in this contest, and have as much interest in tho success of thoir country, as has even Mr. Lincoln or nny of his paid agents. Thoy havo patiently made sacrifices, and aro willing to do so to any extent necessary to put down this rebellion, but rather object to tho unfair and mean ditpsition maui Bounties to Volunteers. Hon Jno- C. lillis, has sent us a copy of the act of Assembly legalizing the action of county commissioners, nnd tho corpo rate authorities of any city, ward, boiough, school district, and road Commissioners or Supervisor of any township in granting bounties to volunteers. All assessments of taxes for suoh purposes aro also legalized Tho property of non-commissioned officers and privates, in the service, or of those who died therein, or woro permanently dis abled whilo in the service, or served 18 months and were honorary disoharged and of widows, minor children, or moth ers, of non-cemmissioned officrs or privates who died in tho service, is oxemptod from j CHEAP new GOODS HE undcrsirriicd having entered into eo. partnership in Hie Mercantile lu.lne.i un der the (Inn of FRITZ & BOWMAN. would respectfully announce, that we linve purehned and lint received n large and ai led nsiorlmeut ol iJ ER UJ1A NI)J. E which wo will acll very cluap cah. Our nitirt ment con.iits of everything uauolly kept in a country tilore, euch DRY GOODS & GROCESIES. i(()t KMKY mm km medicines Hats, dps, and Clothing, Bootu uud buocs, tie , 1x0., Htore in the old and well known ft and of C. l.aian & Co. (live ua a CALL. W.U. ritl'I'Z. 11. W. DOrVMAIf. Or&nccvllle, Ta., April IS lSb4-3iu J. Wcichnelbaum, OPTICIAN, I-'mi PHILADELPHIA, 1-t caprrtftilly infurini the cltliona of Illoottitb'irf and V vicinity that lie tins npi'iied a ROOM m lk kx anan(u Hotel where lie ofjera fur sale Acres. 4H0 25 300 100 'JU0 40 l!i0 18 100 160 8 70 10 10 21 aa 10 23 533 300 100 7 100 5 40 01 14 10 14 Sarah A Ouffran, Isaac Davis Ellas Miller Georgo Noyor Catharine Noyer Moses Schliohcr. Liwis Pilcor RUIAROREKK. Solom Rowi 1 Sr. Reuben Rlish Christopher Render William Clem Henry Dcitteriek .lob 11 Doak William Evani James Evans Oliver Edge Philip Tress Rhoney Gardenhonse, Samuel V, Headley, John King S L Peter Augustus R Pearee John Rhinard Jacob Siller Samuel II Smith J.'hn II Suit Dots. Cls 17 00 1 12 13 20 1 40 80 70 20 82 CO 05 25 24 04 04 73 83 1 30 GO ia 40 7 77 3 CO 19 9 C9 10 1 14 15 29 eWsiJ 100 300 4 85 10 e 100 7 100 coo 40 0 10 11 40 4 10 10 CO coo 100 ft 80 . 110 100 CO 350 100 21)0 120 25. 205 80. 414 47 4 150 Rrobrt, Yrltcr &. fkhuiirk 0. B. Cox William Creasy Jorcmlah IWhcr Henry G. Miller npnry Miller's Hiirs O. P. Mann & Roat Philip Miller Philip Wall J. P. Finchcr Georgo Sontt MADISON. William Ellis E.t. Jacob Mnscr William Giiiglee Mt. PLEASANT Bamtiuriloonii William Ucere Jacob Ever Lorenzo Grime ORANGE John B Edgar Jacob D Kline PINS Peter Applegate Thomas UeiidCald Aaron Gross Sylvester Heath J uincs Lockcard Vallorshauip Et William Berlin ROARING GREEK. Petfr Uiiigliner George Dwcee Eckel & Roe, Philip Ku'pt Isaac Lindville SUGAR LOAF. Eiekial Cole Gou Est Alex- & Joihoa Hess Daniel MoIIenry, Jr. Young John Kile Widiam Stephens 4 CJ0 l.'l F0 7-X 8 ft I OK 74 0'0 m Oft 04 0 20 T 20 1 14 19 00 1 00.' 03 SO 90 00 84 00 19 1 01 74 10 00 14 53'- 12 00' 13 0.- 9 20 Ifr 70 4 CO 0 20 U 00 1 87 10 33 4 t)a 82 30 9 C4 OQ 6 10 To School Directors. The Common School Laws of Pennsyl vania, require Sic. CLVI. ''That tha county superintendent shall annually, on or Deioro tue lirst iUonday in June, lor ward to the Superintendent ol Common Schools, the report of tho several echool ditricts of thoir respectivo counties, and shall also themselves mako an oxtonded report of tho condition of the sohoo's un der their charge, suggesting such improve ments in tbo school system as they may deem useful, and giving such other infor mation in regard to the practical opera tion of common schools, and the laws re lating thereto, as may bo deemed of pub lic interest." We deslro to act in strict accordance with this requisition, and respectfully re quest the directors of the several school districts, to aid us, by forwarding their respectivo report as early as the twenti eth of May 5PEGTAC8.ES? Of Every Variety tiize Anil Quality. A new Invention nffnectacles for distant or clot- lliponlnro .ol.r, in f mmliiie. with Enid, silver, .tecl. and t'lrtnlia ehell ..v.. u . 1U uol.u U1 f--,--,,,, nl,ew improved as.ortment of p-rlfocal blank reports nnd certificates, shall bo 1 d parabola -round lliiit (5!.ica of his own maim r I fncture. He would pnrliciilarly call the attcntiou of promptly bupplicu by notifyiDg tUe Uounty Superintendent. UIIAS. G. BARKLEY, Co. Sup' l Blorasburg, Col. co. Pa. Continental Monky The firt issue was mado in 1770. Tho depreciation be gan in three years afterwards, and went on as follows : March, 1778,81 in coin was worth Sl,- 75 iu paper. September, 1778,51 in coin was worth 84 in paper. March, 1770, 81 in coin was worth 810 in paper. September, 1770, 81 in coin was worth S10 in paper. March, 1780, $1 in coin was worth 810 in paper. December, 1780, 81 in coin was worth S100 in paper. May, 17811, 8 in coin is worth C500in paper. Not long after these days the holder of government money paid twenty thousand dollars for a ham, and ten thousand dol lars for a half a pound of tea. Nobody could complain that tho debt was uot fairly contracted. But failuro and repudiation were none the leo inevitable. N. Y, Mercantile Journal. 441 400 420 400 100 277 285 3120 3390 103 330 381 100 381 394 394 250 130 ohn Shaffer 05 Samuel J Healer 44 Do Do 35 Do Do 10 CONYNGIIAM Ebenr-zer Uranium 121 30 John Young SO 02 Joshua Beam 40 41 Nathaniel Urowa 37 Gil Peter Ikughner 18 80 Robert Jordan 78 11 Androw Porter 60 37 Thomas Rinton 11 29 Mary Ruston 35 72 Lewis Walker 85 45 William Pouell 65 GO Jolintton HciMey C8 73 l! force B'ckham 37 GO Thomas Hiltzliiruer G2 73 Robert Uilish'Minor 21G 55 William Shannon 210 55 Amos Wir-kerMiam 47 00 P.txton Kline uitl Sharpltej 3d 0!) CENTRE. thu putdic to hia til'lXT ICI.tid for NEW SIGHTED PERSON", i.a tnr Pi.rcnn. who have been nnerntert urion for th rntaract of the vyr and to tila new kind r.f Claaiea and Onnnervtra of tlio aUht.madi; of tin bent flint ami ar.ure CIj.hcj (inod (!lne may he known by th-lr hliap- nart rentru. larll nilll llicniy poiuil'-a .uriacr. inr qimlitlei are to be found in high degree In Ilii lil.nioi. Highly Important ! Very best Brazitlian 1 ehhle ami Rock Crystal! S'J univer sally proved to he Jarsuptiwr to any other "lass. J1LSU, MicroKopes, Spy awl Quizzing Glasses .of every size and Quality, Telescopes, Magnifying and Opera Glasses, With different power., tof ether with every variety of articlea in tnuut nurti-tHn-jimi raeoi.oiiuu. CJr UlTICAI. anil other liutruiueiiH and Clan-a earefully repaired nt ahcrt notice He can alwnya n. Itct lilattet to kiilt the vision nf Hid penun, an lie ees them upon firat trial, lie will remain in lliia place Murine May Coutt nnd thorn; hi want of the abotu arti cles will pleam- ci vi- III 111 n call Cj- lie will if reiiiiied, ko to any reapectable liouae where hii services may lie wnnie.l. (C7- Tho very bent UYH-WATUK and tha but Hunt ing Clausen alway. for aaln. April 1. lt!.-3H. taxation under the provisions of tho net. Tho action of hoards of relief is also le- I9 this Treason? Wo cut tho following from tho Wash ington dospatehes of tho Philadelphia Dai ly News, a thorough Republican sheet, vi : " It is ftated in the best informed cir clos that Mrs. J. Todd White, tho sister of Mrs. Lincoln, did pass through our Hues for Richmond via Fortress Monroo with threo largo trunks containing medicines and merchandise, so that the chuckling of ... . , . fcllU tUUH IIJUfD U,CI 1IG1 BilIC UUIlSlt WllU n-nlizp.d . nml rnnmv ennirniecinniira n n . .a .... . . 0 , j ,u reDel un,lorra3 anQ uuuoiia 01 cola woro auiuurizeu 10 oorrow mon oy to pay any indebtedness lho former may have incurr ed for tho relief of soldiors or their fami lies. The act contains a numbor of other pro visions in detail, of whioh wo have not uow festetl against tliem solely 011 account of timo to make a synopsis. It is on our first their political opinions. What a rickety ' pago. administration this must be that ia cmbar- assed as easily as its beit friends make it On, What a Fakoe -Arkansas has vo out to bo, ted ! Tho nno-tcnth system has been at work, and tho election is over. It lasted founded in truth. General liullcr is not wont lo'bo a ''respector of persons." and it is considered hero a legitimato inquiry why he permitted this woman to pass to tho enemy with her great quanity of con traband property when ha arrests .all others." Intoiuution WiNTEn. Mrs. Eliza- both Jones, of Williamsport, is desirous of obtaining information rchui-o to her son, Henry B. Jones, a young man aged about nine teen years. Ilo wasformly a brakes tSS" What an Amount of Suffering and three days ! wo don't sea tho necessity of man on tho P. & E. Railroad and has Disease among tho Volunteers would bo closing tho polls to soon, Thoy might i disappeared undor such circumstances as prevented by a frco use of Holloway s havo hrcn kept open for a month or so' to oause his mother to fear that somo vio Fills and Ointment. For Wounds, Sores and tho votes of stolon nnd runaway ne-,lenoohas heon dona him He was last and Scurvy, tho Ointment is a certain cure, groes taken as fast as thoy woro brought j heard of at Rupert. Any information con and for Bowel complaints, Fevers, Small into tho Foderal lines. As long as wo aro cerning him will bo thankf illy reoeived by Pox, (to., tho Pills' are tho best medicine making play of tho eleotion, wo might as ( his aged mother, and the press will do in the world. Only 90 cents per box or well havo a good long one, and let the fun! her n kindness by passing this notice -.i i..t i.. . ;i :n r r...u. tt... SHERIFF'S SALES. nV virtue of aevcral writa of Venditioni Exposal. XJ and Levari l'uciaa, to me dirirted, iiiucn nut of the Comt of Common rieaa of Columbia rouuty, will he exposed to public sale atthttlourl House. in Blooms burg. 1'a., 011 Satuiday, April 30th, 1864, at 2 o'clock, 1'. M., of said day the following property to wit: The undivided third part of all that cer tain tractof land, situate In Montuour t- p., Columbia county, containins TWO IIU.MIIII',1) AM II ri.TV- roUll ACIICS and one turn, Ire. I aud thirty nerchas. strict measure, iniuuilcu ami ilescrinuil 111 follows to wit-. Adjoining lauds of John Kit lands, of hiera of I'e tar Applciuan, ike'd, lands of the hi-irs of Caleb ll.irton. c'ec'i I. laud of illoomtiburi! R K. Iron Couinanv llenry Ginger, and other ; wlieroou ara erected n two story Dwelling House A larzo flank nam, wagon home. corn crib, work shoo, and other out bulldiues : about ono hundred and seventy Qvo acres of which are cleared lauu. ALSO, The undivided ono third part of a cer tain lot of Eround, situate in Montour township Col 1.; .ti. ... . nt.t tiiuuiu t-cuii,, unjoin ....iu. ,. (i.Mit .viiiiarue, 101 01 the widow Lewie, the main lload leadiuefroui Danvile to llooinsburg,aud the flrst described tract, rontuUinj Fourteen and one fourth porches uf land, all of which is improved, ttcizeil, taken in execution and to be sold as tho prop erty of Leonard II, nuperl 23 Enoa Adams 1 82 6 Benjamin Allebaab 30 6 Samuel Achrnbtob 32 ft Absalom Bomboy 3G 13 Mary Dreslicr Gi Oi Dewitt nnd Benedict) 9 02 7 William Fritz 44 100 Frcas and Huffae..) J 20 3 Jacob Good 30 23 William Hoffmen 62 3 Daniel K.iffer an 8 George IUrraan 4f! 0 Emanuel Lssarqi Cfi 3 Simon Lowry 82 10 El ins Recce 96 11 Cbriitianna Moyer- 92 CATTAWIS3.V 100 Michael Rrobst f!0 70 Joseph Kaup 6 00 FRANKLIN. 40 Jurmiah Fincher 1 44 80 Elijah Reynolds & Co. 13 37 FISlllNGCRKEK 343 Pnul Applsi J5 30 433 Guy Brvnri 10 30 43t Abraham Reessf 19 30 113 Samuel J Healer 0 03 101 Do Do 4 47 140 William Buckalew 0 21 200 Frcas & Huffman B 01 32 Natlmn Flfckenstine 1 43 28 J N & R R Jones 1 IS 150 Thomas l.emone 6 71 250 Michael Lemons 11 35 00 George Mack 0 71 1 Lot Do Ho 43 212 R J Millard U Ol) CO Wm Patterson'i Ell 1 07 3 Georpo Pealer 20 15 J B Parks 72 85 Amos Spado ' 11 45 113 Abraham Young ; 15 IU GREEN WOOD. 38 Samuel Alherlson 8 01 28 Mark Cooper 3 CO 100 William Derling fi GO 50 James De Wilt, Hit 6 80 51 Andrew Gray 33 40 Johnson II. Ikoler 8 80 50 Georgo Rceee 0 49 14 Ellis Eves 3 04 HEMLOCK. 12 John Ohilils 8 32 00 Nathaniel Campboll 0 72 20 Sylvester Pnrsell 3 88 12 Zehulon Robhins 0 22 TREASU'iEK'S SALE OF REAL E S T A T E S E A TEDL A N D. AGRKKABLY to tht- provisions of "tho act of Assembly, entitled an Act to rediita the State d. bt. &c , pn.s-d the .full day of April. l-t. the Treasurer oflh i County of Coliimbl li.iri by Silvia nolle" to all pcrsoiii tnuierned lln-reiu, that uuleii the County rind, ulniiil pour uud State Tax, ie. dua on the follow Inij real rstiiti- (.Itiiate in th.- county i.f Columbia, aro paid b..f .re the day of fale. the whole nt" such parti of each at will pay th; cli irgcs an 1 eoets charitable thereon, will be sold at llu (,'ourl 1 1 o 'J in I ! 1 1 n) m -!' i" - ci.. of Uolumbii, on III,) Yih day or June leCit. d' lint the aec.mJ .Monday, ami to bt con tinued hy adjournment from day to day for arr. ars(. of taxes duo said county auJ tbv caits sccrusd oa respeslivalV. OWNERS OR REPUTED OWNERS BEAVER TOWNSniP. Ac a Yean Dots 400 Columbia Cot) & Iron Com pany i wa w 300 T. M. nubble 1 23 14 20 Johe V. Ur-svrell 1 4 40 30 Mann, IJaldy & CiUweU 1 60 BENTON 1 John IL rliuger i CO 89 Lliiabcth Cline 's El 1 4 39 BRIAR C REE BL 00 Mary SlmfTur 1 8 00 150 Sara I, F. Hcad'ey 1 10 1 108 Saiu'l. F. Headley 1 Jl? I ('EN I RH. i A. Deittcrick it Torby 1 J ' i Uieherd Torby 1 L. 6. Q. U FRANKLIN I Julie A. Ciomlev I I FlSlllNGlREEK 11 Wi'liem Parke 1 C Tho HurtniMi 6 Mother t 0 HEMLOCK 8 Jeakwish'e E-t Mi. PLEASANT t Ifi Jcob Jnhnsen 1 T OB 30 Robert Nixon Eat I 8 78 OUANGE 114 George Kline Kit I C 39 53 I) Da I 1 CO 177 D Do 1 1 33 00 J H Morris 1 A SI PINE 1 Lot ByUeatcr P II-ntb 1 1 DANIEL MeilKNRT, Tnauier oj ( ot. ce, Tremurtr'e Office, i blooniibiirf;, April 7, 1804. PUBLIC NOTICE FOif LICENCES. xl ''TUT. Is hereby ti en that th- Mlowinc persons a iu Columbia rouuty. have filed their pi'tili ma in th" Coutt of (luarlrr tfcs-Miiiv. of the said cunty ft r Tavern and rHuru LiceiiM- in ih Ir ri'Mpi-ctivi'town.bitia winch said petition, will be preMiileil to the said Court on Monday the '.'ill;. lay of .May. A. II. lsiH. of whidi all nereoiis inter, sled will take notice, and tint I Iran esfor the inunly nft'nl in. bi., will he granted on Wad nesday, till day of May iivxt, -I !i o'clock, p. m. ALSO lot ol croiind Wit ti long aiit will. W Wayne Times, eround. 400 10 700 100 13 31 12 40 31 32 30 $200 3100 3 inn All those two DWELLINGS HOUSES 3300 of two stories. &c., being thirty two feet iu Trnnt and . joint twenty elijlit feet deap, on tho road lead. 4lu Ilii! Irom the Columbia Coal and Iron Couipauv'a coal 9'00 bed, near to said coal bed, in lho said couuty of Co'iiin- 1 bia leized. taken iu execution and to be sold as tho ' puoperty of J. V, Criswell, owner, and Christian 1 Chiiiiiou, contractor, with nitico to Tlioinai Law ton. Alax. Wilrhey. ct ul., terro tenants. JOSIAH H. i'URMAN, Sheriff. Bloomsburg, April 13, 1601, jx certain 101 01 ground situated in I.irht Street. Bcntt tnwnshin. Columbia eniintv. bounh cil us followa, to wit: On the west by Main ftr-'ct, on Ike north by. ail Alley, on the cast by an Alley, and on tho south by lot of Jacob llouiboy, coutalniiiing one fourth of an Acre, whereon are erected a largo two ttorj frame DWllLLINU IIUUSU with a Storo lloom attached. jiiiI two frame Stables, with the appurtenau- CCS. Seized, laksh in execution and to be told as tha properly of John Wardin. ALSO 44 WYOMING SEMIA'AIKY and Commercial College. Tlln nsit term nf this institutloa, wl aoinaiiaea April aist.aaj aontiuue twelve wtake. ct.ria r. Aftiu.iMiw ' raJW' 70 4 7 34 20 175 0 47 JACKSON. Odder Elias & M. Heie 30 20 Jamison Kceler 2 35 Kilo it Neyliard 33 25 Philip John Wagner 6 05 David Leo 1 as Benajah Parker 4 Co. S 18 LOCUST. Lewis Bush j 85 John l islicr Samuel JqIiq Do Do wiuiam Bayers 4 Mary Myers 24 Thomas Rujtoo 1 1 Daniel Rocso Mary Huston Charlotto Huston John Reynolds MIFFLIN. Jacob Bomboy John C, Ilt'ttler Jacob Longaberget John Michael Peter Miller George Nnngceter 4 Rosanna Wall Joshua Zimmermen 2 MAINB. Lorenzo D Mendenhall, Oliver A Jacoby, John Lcock, Win B Kuous, Silas Dodfon, John J Stiles, Samuel MoIIenry, Franklin L -Sliumae, Charles F Mann, William Longenburger, J P Sibbet, Ainoi Eaehcs, John G rover, Samuel Knstenbsder Jacob D Kistlor, Richard Rarr, . A. W. Cramer, I Stephen Thomae, John L Kilne, ' Reulicu Waser. Benj Mellonry, E Unnnust, W A Kline, Joseph F Long. John Hartmau, John L Ilurst T.nrlu iiT Thiol . I -b - U.VI, j il Joshua Womer, A.llKaac Khodei, r.o f - v..v. , I John A Shum, "1 1 i,i, tr.ii.. ""mi xvuuor. Townshipi. f?ore Bloom Tavern " l ti tt Benlot a it Heaver c .1 (i " BrwioVr ' Centre. Center 'Cetwwiue. it it 1' n Cony'a i 11 H . I c r. r Fiihingcreot 11 .i " Greenwood .. it o E Conner, S'2 031 29 00 1 Thomas Jonei, SSiS.T?JBb' .1 kjlll I III V Samuel Everett, Jacob Good, Alexander Hughee, Samuel L''iby, tMlham Long, Robort S Howell. j J D Marehbauk, I Daniel L Evcrhart, John Reece, 03 10 10 87 30 83 00 65 Hemlock Locust a .1 if Maine si 11 " Mifflin 'Montour Mt pleasant "Madison 11 it Oranre it 1. rt rt " R. Creek H Boot! ,floo) " .1 u .r JEBSE GOLnMAN. 1 Fffotbonftiry s 0&, 1 W Wetni.Bijrr;, April fr, H94, f