Farmer's Department. DISCUSSION ON GRAPES. At the last meeting of Fruit Growers,in Iloohcitor, New Yrk,soiiio very eenihlo remarks were matlo by soveral gentlemen on the sulijcct of grapc-growim and nine making. Judge Larowc saiJ. that tho man, who pays tho best attention to his .,, . . TIDC9 Will realize tWlCO as many crapes as " the) other man who lets "naturo have her ... Own Way i that tho Consumption OlKrapCS , ,. .1 i 11 in this country inoro than doubles every , i .1 ,,, -r, , . , . year, that in tllO Village Ol Bath, in his ... II , I If cuuiibjr, nuuu vuum iius uaei nun a iuu uvo years ago, used five tons tho past year; that four tunes of grapes upon an average can he raised on an acre, having himself raised Cvo toti3 ; that the labor per aero did not exceed 8 10, with him less ; and that ho plants his vines 8 feet by 8. He added that the proper way was to fill tho trellis with now wood and fruit and cut out all tho old wood. Thoje bearing this jcar should be cut of just beyond tho fruit. Tho nearer the aro got to to the eurfaco of tho ground, the riohcr thoy will be in saccharitm matter, lie contended that anything that required sugar to mako it, was not wine. That's so. Dr. Sylvester said we had mado our vines sickly by our manuring, and main tained that whero the ground was rich i . ? . It t. ! CUOUgU 10 raisu ouru, it v,ua u Liiuusju for grapes. Wo agree with Dr. b. It has long been our opinion that we over-ma crrnnp.nilPil It hlflKCS tllOm I nure our grapt-vinea. u tuaias uitm i sickly by producing nn orcr-abtltiuance uu utb. iiuuuuaiivL i in Other Words, bv I " " 1 I I of wood and foilagc- a General emasculation sujactiug them to j disease. Dr. Underbill used trellises 9 feet high, having int reascd tho height from G feet. Ho claims that tho viues becomo more Yaluablo at ihey git older 23 years old aro more valuable that from 12 to 15,with him, 8TARTING EAULY POTATOES A enp of potatoes ready for tho table early in Juue, may be secured without great trouble; If seed potatoes are brought into a warm room about the first of March tho eyes will start rapidly, the norishmont in tubers will sustain them for two or three weeks, by which time they may easily be planted out in some favorable fpot. Of course care mu.-t betaken in planting rut not to break thcjspiouis. Or the tuber may bo planted in a hot bed of moderate temperature, about the middle of tho month. I5ut llltjlll 1U halves, lav tbcm flat 1 tide dorm, US thick as they Can be placed,' . I nnu cover with about two iticlies ol eartu. They may be trait-planted wheu two or three inches high. Thay shonld be re moved carefully, scparJting.tlie roots with as littlo injury as possible. They will be likely to yield a full crop under this treatment, and may therefore bo planted more elosely, say in drills thirty iiiche8 apart in the drills. Another method is to put pieces of potatoes in small squares ol turf, set them close together in a warm place where they can be watered readily. On cold nights protect them with straw. When large enough they can bo tet out turf and all, without disturbing the roots This might not pay on a largo scale, but enough may thus bo brought forward for a tupply, uniil the main crop is maiurc on ough to draw upou. MANURE OF DIFFERENT CLASSES OF ANIMALS- Cows in full milk or with calf, secrete Irora tkeir feed great quantities of valu nblo tubstances which fattening cows or oxen will not withdraw from what they cat hence the manure of tho milch cows is not worth nearly so much as that of fattening animals. This must be evident from the obvious (act, that out of the milk, or what would he milk, tho entire struc ture of a 5-week old calf is formed. The calf continues to grow and learns to eat tho same food that thu eow docs, and and for fevercl years is building up his frame of heavy bones; all the valuahlo ingredients permanently entering into his system, o( course ccmcsout of his feed,. and would, were he a full grown steer, 1 have passed into tho manure Many far mers aro likely to undervalue tho impor tant differences in tho quality of tho ex- CrementS of different Classes of tllO sama kind of stock. Tho differences which we have alluded to, of courso exist as well in tho manure of other kinds of animals as in that of neat cattle. Let us then bear in mind that kocpiug milk giving and growing animals is a great tax upon tho land, that fattiug animals mako sich ma nure heaps, and that full grown male an imals draw much less upon tho coil than fcmnles bearing young and giving milk, A Floral Curiosity may bo pro duced by takiDg a stick of elder, boring out the. pith, filling the cavity with good earth, and sowing in it the seeds of sever al flowers that bloom at tho same time. Tho seeds will soon germinate and the plants grow up together, with their fteuu, branches and leavs o intermingled that to z common observer they will oPpr toj -sassTss mtn tn lima jHLtxi grow from the itme root, DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. Is (he Vital Principle ol' the l ino Tree. CMaliied by n peculiar iirnrcri In the distillation of tin' tnr. by Hlilcli IK highest properties Are maim-u. It is tho iiiedlclno I hat cures when all others liriT fi:l. , A Ureal lU'iiudy for I'misnniptiiu:. ( t mil constantly receiving iucli certificates as th following, READ ITI i Have von a foimli I Have you Sore Throat I llavo 1 yim any of the premonitory symptoms of that most intai iimcse. t oiisumpwun r Those WHO should In! W'nrllCll llV Ihl'SC SVIIlIltnlll-gea. nanllc ll,lnC llnlilH nf l,nl tlllfll It I Inn llltl. l'mill I wi... ...... n j ... ... - - this fact, perhaps morn than nny olaer.nrlics the sad t,r,.f.iti.iie timl fntnlitv of disease Which SWcellstl) the grave at icat one-sixth of Death's victims. What arc Its symptoms ( , It lunnlly lnTin Ulr a nliott, ilry couch. ivhlch noon becomes habitual, hut for soma time nothing Is ralsoil I except a frothy mum, tii-j breathing la somewhat ilillirult, ami upon slight exercise much hurried. A sense id' tightness mid iuiprssioiins the chest Is often fe'"- Audio ilisenso advances the patient becomes tmn in tlesn is nmiiieu wnu ios ni nppcuie, gretii laugor, minuend", nun ucji:i u,n "I i-,i,o, ,,,,', iiii'j continue In i his state for a considerable I'ngth of time thai it is veiy rraillly nlTectuil by slight exposure or fatigue. If these occur, the eolith becomes mnr' trim- : , SXl V' ' 'Z!,' ' i ... .. ... ... - - - . . - i i, ,, i .. i, . . ' Is omutluies stri'UKPj ullli liloml. At tins maec iiuui-. .,vmi ii.iinllv set in. nml in some cases n lirnfumi blueilliia of the luncs may nlso occur, l ain in some part ol the cliest is leu, anil ouen a oimtuiiy ui ij nip unim olio or thu other sble, without sjvere Ills of coushins or ii si nce of fullness or nuUiHiillnn. Is ci ft'&K K-M&curer JJi? mliiilt nf mvciilnz the contents of the many thousaulls of testimonials to its value, uhich l have been ami inn receiving from men uiul nomeii of iin'iuettionablo I worth anil reputation I liavu a nuuibtr of these certllic.itespilnteil ia circular form hlcli 1 will semi you Iree on application Whether you now determine to try the medicine or not, send for Ibu t ireular. After 1 years of study ami experiment, 1 otler this medicine, bi'licvlnRlt to bo the best remedy for all pulmonary 1 anil bronchial diseaes. If JoU cannot be benetltted bv I tho Hsu ofilie Tar Cordial, I believe you are bejond nil 1 eirlby aid. Vet If there are bettor acents, I 1 earnestly uJvise their ue, 'l lie best remedies, tho best care, are needed bv those utllicln.l with tliii dis ease, lleltving this to be the best, I nK you to try it. .Many, iiotnnly of the people, but physician ofevery arlmnl ntiil nrnrllie. nrn d.lltl nskine ill". "What is the rrturlnlfi nr rniijti! l.-u,,o;la,y ,;o,,V,,,,,itioii I" My answer i this: ol your success iii itiu iiiuiiuun. , Tho inwsoration of the dlaesiivu nraaiis-htrcnj.- thonlna ofibc ill Imitated system - the pjrinialiim mid enrichment of thebluo.l. iuut expel from thu sv-tem the corriiiilioii uhich scrofula breedi. Willi ' this I. eilwriuu l mo po eriui uiieraii e iii niin ir"m ,n io bM)) r,,crll8 0l- lhu Tur, its heal- ini! and rennnitina prinilple is nlso mtiiis iil'on the jrfj;ltlMj lufae0B(,f iun5 and throat, iii netr.itiiii' toeach de'caseil part, raliel iiij?, sudJuIhk fiitl.iiii.illon nml rn.toriliif n beatthflll teihieiicv. Let till, two.luld power, tim in-.tiing and tiu htreugthcuin, cniitniue to lendeiiey, and the patient is saved, it In lias nut loo long delayed a rort to the means of cure. ticwArti: or cou.viT.p.ixrw. The genuine lias tlw namo of the proprietor find a pine truebloivn in the bottle. All others are spurious imitations. I'mce 1'irrv CtsTs akd Oxe Dolur pin IIoiilk. Prepared only by the proprietor. Dr. I.. H HISHAIiT, No. 10 Noutii SkcoM) St., PlllLADHLPNIA, I'A. For Sale by all Druggists, December 13. 1SG3 Om. EVANS & WATSON- AMANDI'.R KAlTr", II IV .MOVIJll to .Vo. Iliii'mrti JVui-rA Phvadtlphta, liavu on larce assortment if Fire 'rhtof rn.if!ininii.lir nt . 5!i E!ilijiS.sf 10, iron door., for banks and ':17"V ' HTrT" stores, Iron dinner iron sah, all iwk'fy-X'.''ili''' makes of locks equal to uny made in the L'lilled States Fk( Safes in one Jin, .111 came out right; Kith tor tents in com romwwn. Tile Salamander Safes world. of I'hiladclphii against tin EVANS & WATSON, !imo the surent ileinoatrntion in the fullowiiiff c tilicnti1 tliat tlifir inauufitttiri' f ,;imnU'r H.tft nt length tally wurraiitcii iiif representations wiiuii iiavj hft-n ninth- of thnu ;is reiKleriuj; an um!oult':il sfturity ''itiiist the tcrrtlic merit. riiiladelphia April 10. Ie5(i. Wtsrs F.ranf $ Watson: (Juntk'ntfii - It iiirrtJ ui tho litrriipst natliifnrtioH In stntn ttt vnu. numi tti 'tin very irolttiv tialiUi b of tut (-1 the EMlauiiiiuler, i.ifo.i nil it'll ( lifvnu enmn ftvn iinitilli ullirt we h,ned a hirer portion of jewelry, ,umI nil our books, 4:c t'Xposeii 10 ine caiamilio Miosod to the calumnious, lire m Kanslcad inucu on the morning of llu llth iu-l.. Wheu we relied lint these safes were located m the fourth story of the building w u occupied mid that they fell subsequently iutoii heap of burning rums, where the vast concentration of the heat caused the brass plates to melt, we cannot but regard thepreservation of their al liable contents as most convincing proof of the great se curity airnrdeil by your sates, We tliull tuke great pleasure ill recommending tbi-in men of business as n sure reliance acaint lire. CHOUGH U . SIMMON'S, t IIIIO., Jtrtttn K7Thcy hmu since purchased ii large Safen, July Sli, IdliS, August ".u. 151! . Nos. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 Courtlandt Street NP.AP. IlitOAlHVAV, KIJW Y01IK CITY This idd-established and fnvorite rei-ort of the Iliisi ness Coiiiiuunity has been recently rcliltcd, unit is i out plele in everything that can tuiiiirU-r to the comlort-, ol its patrons Ladies and families arc bpeci.illy and care tuny provi, leu (or. It 1- centrally located In the bu-iness part of the city . and is contiguous to the principal lines if lcuiuboati. cars, oninibiiases ferries. &c. In cousequeiice of thu pressure caused by the Ittbil I tun, prices uue been reuueeu to One Dollar a- d 1'ijiy cnls per Day. ' he table is amply supplied with nil the luxuries ol the season, and is equal to that of any other hotel in the country. Ample accommodations are orTcrcd for upward of It'll gue-ts. J Do not believe runners, hac'imcn, and others w ho may say "the Western Hotel is full." 1). D. WINUIIHSTEII, Proprietor. TIIOS. I). WIXCllHSTHIt. I'eb. 13,lSli-.'. THE CIIHAT WOULD'S j'AIlt I'.XIIimTIO.V 11IM.1I IN LONUO.V iril. THOS. W. iMATTSON Was awarded the Prise .Med al for Ills superiority overall competitions in tho United Slates fur his improvements in TiMVellitts TntUKS. 'MMiMM,-. .... . . . SHi.riinj'.'V-!':' lie being tho inventor and Manufacturer of i'dm-tlc steel Spring su'ld Sola Lc-niheraud tolid Hiveted Iron rramc Truvilliu Trunks, Vuliscj, Hat Uascs, Carpet Itags. Leather l!ag. Umbrellas ami Hobby, Hoys' digs, Propellers, Wlictlberrows, :c., which he is prepared to sell at the lowest Manufacturing; price. Tlio inoslcxteiiiiro Trunk aud Curpct Hag Manufactur er in Philadelphia. UJ MAllKli'P STllHin". one door abeve rourth, . South side, PIllLAUHI.l'lllA, tt2"""ales room on the tlrst floor. lL-"i'runlii neatly repaired or eiehangnd for new cues. Call and sec, as wo sell very cheap for cash. Nov. H. leW-lSino. ' nMIHProprietorof this well-known and centrally Iocs I -L ted House, tlio Haciianui: Houl, situate on Mm, mrcil, in iiiiiuiiiMiiift, iioii,i:i.iieiy -poosite tile Co! bia County Court House, respectliilly informs his fnc unu uiu imuiib hi ki-iiiiii, wim in s iiouse is now in or der for the reeoptiun mid entertainment of travelers who may foci disposed to favor it with their custom, llu has snared no cxneiise in nrcnaiius thu IhriiiKim f,,r ,i... thing wanting (on his part)tn uuniter to their pt'rgomii & ;llfc;-P'"'y.'it.i, oiunihuses runnt all tiues between the Hxchange iiivi uikhiiu tuiiuu i, aii ibuiiu iicpuis, ny wiiirn irav fieri will bo pleosuiitly conveyed to and from thu re speitive Stations in due timu tu met t the Cars. , , . . WM. II. KOONS. Illoomiburg, July 7, ISM). TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. THU undersigned respectfully informs his old friend and customer', that lie lias purchased his broiliers uteres! in the above estalili.ii,i.i,t ,,,iit, n,,rFf, .. n.. hereafter bu conducted by himself exclusively. ue uus ju.i receiveu ami oners lor sale, the larg est and most extensive assortment of I'ANCY STOVHS ever introdured itsiii this m.-irkf, -3 Ills stock consists of a coniplete ussorliueiit of he best Cooking and narlor stoves in the mnrki r. ini'. ih. , er with Stovo 1'iitures of every description, Oven and ! llox Stoves, Iladjators, Cylindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, Ice, &c. Stove pipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on shoit indite. The patronage of old friends and new cuttniiur m peclfnlly solicited. A. ,M. UUPEUT. Bloonisburs, November 3d I8C0. tf, JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANUFACTURER it WHOLKSALE OR A LRU IN aHAT; CAPS, STBA .fV j0!-! AiND Vq s NoMh 1 j, pb'iUM( . awiA ws , mt i& OSt and a IMP k'SI'.'a ilj'?--r&P .vidLti. or Tiir! Bravo Soldiers and Sailors. HOL OWAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. All who have friends mid Relatives In tho Army qr jvniy should tnkn iicelulriirn thuy be amply sup nll.i.1 ullli llm.n llll n,l llli,ti,r , mi.l ttliosn fin. .J..,.,,-. ...I .J..I...... I . ...... 1. 1.. initi - r-,:tiit-R lino c.iiiui . niiv.J ii in iiiimu ihrmtelvii,; w Ith tin in, mi Ik Hit present fan In- sen l I... 11..... I'.l. ...I -l-l...., hn. .. l.i.nll .,,,, I , l.n the i-o'dier's never I'alliu friend In thu hour of need fll!(lllit AMI CIU.IIS AKPnCTIN'tl TIIOOPs, Wlll-bn specdly ri'lleved and effectually cured by us ino these ndinlrable mcdiriues, nil I by piyimr proper atic minii to the liirectlons which are attached to each I'm or llnx, BILK IIIIAII U'lll'ft AND WANT nr AP CTITC. I INCIDll.NTAI.Tt) !JOI.I)li:ilS. I 'I boss feeling wlilrh so sadden us usually nrlofroiu trouble or iiiiiioyancs, oburin ted peispirntioii, or eat 1 113 nml ilriiikin.' uhatetir Is unn holesouie, thus ills. , lurblui III heallhfiil aitimi of the liver ami stomach n,...egan "" '? ryh "; hu v -. tiiKeii nceoruiiia in inn priiiieu ins ruiciion, , nrn liici. n In uliliv aciiuii hi bulb liver nml " 'I" cMy pro iiici' n I inuiy nc I i n uoin iivtr nni slomiuh. nml, ns a natural tonsi qucuce, a clear bend nml good appetite. wu.KNi:s.-toR nnnii.iTY tNiiucmi nvovnu PATIOL'i: Will soon disappear by the usoof these Invalnanle PUN, nml tbo giddier mil quickly acquire additional streli!lh. N'everltl the Howe! bo cither coiiliued or unduly acted upon, It may seem (trance, that llol loMi's Pills should be recommended for dysentery and l'lux. many persons supposing that they Would liicreun the rd.ixatiou. Tills i a Kirnt mistake, for til 'e Tills will correit tho liver and Lunch, uiul thus p,.ii,nvii nil lhu m rid liiiiiiiirs from the svstcm. This mtdulue wi'l eive tone nml lenr to the whole organic system, him iter deranged, ulill. health nml strength follow as a iHiilter of course. Nothing will stop the re laxation of the tlowoii so sure m this famous medi cine. OLUN n.l.ltS, ATI UN I lll.N 1 INUlSUUlU 1UN.1 UI l uu J 11. Sores nnd Uliers, DIoKhos mid Swelling, can with certainty In- radically cured, if the Pills arctakeu night mid morning, ami Ointment be Ireely used as stated in the printed inrlru'ilou". If treated in any the r man ner, the) ury ur ., rue pari io un-.iK oui in niioiucr Ithereas thi . iiitinent will remove the humors from the sy -tein, a. id leave the Patient u vigorous and healthy man. u win reiiuire.i ihiiu inrseviriiniu in u.iu en aes toinure a latltig cure. roil wou.Niiij r.iTiiuu t)i;i.-A!iii.i;i) iiv tub IIAVONUT. SAIIIII.. OR I'll IJ DUIihllT, EOSIH Oil l!UUIr!i:3. To which every ?oldier and Pallor aro liable, there tire no ni'diiie so safe, sure, and convenient, as llol liiivai's Pills and Ointment. 'I be wounded mid almost iivliii biilferer miiiht liavu his wounds dressed imme di.itely. if no wiiiild only provide hiinself Willi this iiiatrhli ss (liniment, winch should lie uirusi llilolhr wi nml and smi-ared all mum It. then covered with :i piece of liueu from hi kiinpsai k and coinpre.sed wilh a handkerchief Talking, nil-lit and morning, Hurt Pill i. tu ri'ul the svttem and 1'reyent iiill.imation. I'.veiy Soldier's Knapsaik mid rieninau's Client should lie provided with these valuable llenieilies. CAUTION I None nru eeiiuine unless the words "Ilollnwavs, New Vorkaud London " ure discernnble as a tVater-inark In erery leaf of the book of direitioiis aroun I each pot or box ; the same may plainly seen by homing t lie leal in i no usnt. .i uauiisnine rewuru will he gn en to any one rendering such information as may l-Mil in the d. Ii i Hon of any party or parties counter feiting the m dici ie or vending the e.ime, knowing theiii Io he spurioiM. child ui in.ui.if.ictory ol Professor Holloway, 60 Jliaden l.ane. New Vork, mid by all respectable llrug istsund Dealers in .Medioine, throughout thu civilzed wo.-iu. ! lloiloway's Pills and Ointment are now' retailed ow ing to the high prices of Drugs, itc, at 'M cents, 70 cents, mid SI. inner tint or Pot. t,V'l here is considerable saving by taken the larger sizes. N. It.-Directions for the guidance of patients in every ilisortlcr nrcatlixeil to each liox. y Dealers in my well known medicines can have rrliow-i ariM, Lircul irs, a.1'., bent treu of expense, liy nddreasliig TIlu.M.tB IIOLI.UWAV. tU .MaIDICN IiiNK. NcV-VoRK. Djc. K. IfM.-ly. June '.'0, IrtW. GIRTON'S Cheap Grocery &tore. ALSO ZSATS, CAPS A WD Hi: undersigned having bought nut the firocery o t Dai id Strouii, lias removed bis llat mid Cap Store up to Slroiip's old stand, where in addition to a supe rior ussurtiiieiit of FALL AND WINTER g Hats and (Japs, Jpi? CONFECT10NARIES, CRACKERS, Mo'a.iMS, Sugar, Coffeo, Teas, Tuhauco, Snuff, Cigars, Spicce, Dried Fruit, Dutter, Coal Oil, Diugs, Parlor and Hand Lamps. Books. Writing Paper & Ink. llurdu-drc and Cfttnrtcarc, 1'fcku Knives, Combs, iJ'C., J-c , ij'C , Together with a variety of articles generally kept in a Store. Also A fino lot of KID-'. MOIlO, I'.OSand I.isimstn whiclilie imitej thuat ention of Shoemakers and 111'' inibhc. JOHN K C1RTO.V. Hlooiiuburi;, Dee. i, 1801 lb04. 18G4 PHILADELPHIA S: ERIE A l 2. - R OAS. This great linn traverses tho Xorthcru and North. west counties of reimsyunnia to the city ot Lrie.on ,M:e I; no. It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania Ilailrnail Company, and under their auepicrs is being rapidly opi-iieillliroughout its entire length. It Is n, iw in use for Passenger and Freight business from llarrishiirg to lhnporiuui, (lift miles) on the Hast en! Division, ami from Sheiitcld to Hriu (76 miles) un the Western Division, T1.MKOI l'ASES,irn trains it NOI.riIl-MDr.Rt.ANP. Mail Train leaves, Hast u 3J A. M. l'.xurcvs Tram ' 10 57 P.M. Muil " West S ii " Hi press 7 IS A.M. i-i,, run thmu'ih wiTiinirr ciianoe both wavs on thestr trains betwi-en Philaibliiliia and Lock Haven, and Haltimore nml Lin k Haven, New ami cleg nit Sleep ing Cars uceompaiiing tho Htprcss Train both ways between Williaiusporl nun lijllimore, unit wiliiams port and 1'liilailelphi.i. I or iiiiorni'iii' ii ii c' viii'i. i i uuiutvii, . ply lit tin? S I!. Cor. litis and Market Sis. And for freight biisinessnf Hie Company's Agents S. II. Kingston, Jr , Cor. lUlli mid .Market Sts., Pliil'u J. IV. Remolds. Erie. J M. Drill. Agent X. C. K: II., Haltimore. II. II. Iloustun. (ien'l. l'rriglit Agt . I'liiladelphia, Lewi I,-lloupt, (ien'l. Ticket Agt Philadelphia. Joseph D. Potts, Ocn'l. .Manager.Willlaiuspuil. I'ebruary LI, lc!ii4. NB3W I'ANCY HWlBa, FOR FALL ij- WINTER. rPIIE i-ubscriber has just received a lot JL Ho; cry Trimuilugs nud New Hoods, such as u Hi fi m v a o iJJiSTjUAUS WOOL &C .ALSO: GLOVP.3, DOLLS. STAYS. tJATCIIRM.. HOOP SKIRTS. POHTMOMHS. AND OTHHR NOTIONS, ffy" Wheeler & Wilson's Sjwing Machinea fur sale. Also Sunday School Hooks mid rubles. AWu-Mr. Allen's Hair Hestorer which will give to gray its natural color. A. n. wnnii. Next Door below Court House. Illonmsburg, Nov. 14, leli'J, """dloomsrurc. skylig ht, Picture Gallery. Till! undersigned informs tho citizens of llloom, am' neighborhood, that he has laktn the largo room nt the Hxchnugc Pluck, extending over Harney Sloliuer Itakery, and the Hookstoru where he 1ms put m large Skylip' t. It is only by Skylight Ihat good pic tures Clio VKtt tun vieililliy f ua, wnitfv t'SCU person eanbetakcsj istas well us beparuto. Iluhasgon to lonsiderablii ixiense tn mako his es tablishmeut llrst class one, uml hu lli'-reluro solicits a liberal putro igu tonnable him, tncousiunlly introduce I lie mode I improvements of tho art. C7" Coin -y produce taken in Hicliuuge for pictures IIHN'ltY ROSHN8TOCK. P.loomsbure. Nov. S3 IFOI. Nov. U -33 ELI IIOLDEN INVITHS tho alti'iitloii of everv reader of tins pup.r. which lu Climes many thnusjiiil of his old patrons nud mqtialiiiniiccs-Tn his ' uuiiiually largo and beautiful varity of! . . . . . ' . . : i A.MURICAN nd IMPORTHD WA'ICHHS, CLOCKS I and elegant dislgnt of JLwUI.RV. Silver Ware, tec, 1 ELI HOLDEN. I 70S Miirko Sr, PHILADELPHIA vrkvt i9m-tu BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IF VOU WANT TO HOI' Pall & Winter Goods, GO TO t'reasy's Slorp, in MglH S.rcrt, I'a. IIVio Keeps ull Kin of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, G INO HAM. FLANN1 LS, OAI.I'HTS, IIOSIKUY, fill AWLS, Ready-M'-do Cloihiiig Miigarn, MoIiipsos, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, ISaeoti, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Stfars, Hats, Hoot", Caps, Shoes, Drug., Oils, Paints, Sc., &c, In ndilitimi tn our large stock of Dry Goods, w o have 1 large anil full assortment of Heady Made Clothing lor Vru and Hoys wear whirh wu nre determined to sell cheaper thin can bo bought elsewhere. I'ull mid sec, and Judge for yourselves. II, W. Ul.l.,3 b UU, T.lght Street, Nov. 7, 1PC.1. NEW MHAA'GIW! rPHE peoplo of the county of Columliia ! are rrspeclfully, Informed that the uiiders icneJ has foi sale, at the 11 Hi ORDFAVS OFVICE, in ut.oosisiiuitc. tim: nr.sp and ;iii:api:st AtiSOItTMi:.S"P OP TATI01IEI To he found anywhere in the County, consisting of Note, l.elter, Legal nml Cap Paper, Pens, Holders, Pencils, Ink and Ihivelopes; -).S'J NEW AND SECOND-HAND DOOKR, , Comprising History, Poetry.rictlon.The, jFtl$f', ology mid the classics. i l " "" of Holm's London publications, from which selection can be made, anil ltooks furnished In order; by special arrangementwitli New- York Agcnis. D00KS, DOCUMENTS, PAMPHLETS 1 mid Speeches; and cnpic-i of tin' I'ulted States, and State Constitution, lu arious styles, nhviiNson hand. JOHN (!. I'ltUL'Zi:. ' llloonitbiirg.Nov. 7. 1SC3 I 1 HE SEW 0:.o(',EitV SToRl!. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just 'cccivcd ut Erasmus' New Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas Coffee, Rice, Spices, Mrts and Caps, Fish, Salt, Tobacco, Segars, Candies, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together wilh a gnat inriety of no'.ionsaad clciti;. ins, too numerous to loeuiioii. iiy Putter, Hugs, Meat and prudute, generally tikn in exchange fur goods, a. u, nnASMCs., May e, leT,. FRESH ARRIVAL or h Willi coons lJ1 A T Miller's Store. riMlli rubarriher lias Just returned from 1 he Cities X witli another large and select assortmet of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, nurchar.-il nt Philadelphia, at the lowest fiirure. nn.l whicii they arc determined in sett on a moderate terms as can he procured elsewhere in llluoiusburg. His stock comprises LAU1KS' DIIUS GOODS. of choie,t styles and latest t,ihinn. our otiinjn, .1X11 fiiwrr.KiKS, ii riituit' lit k j ur.yx-iv.iiu:, CF.MH IIWKK, (.,"' utox, am., tiuorn A- SIIOI.S H.1TS H- dl'S. fcc , ,yc, 4c, III short I'verylhingiisiially kept in country Stores to wlii- Ii lie i it i lu the publi,' gem rally. lhu llighc! price paid for country pro luce, S 11. MILLER. Hloomsbiirg. Oct. 51, 1FKI NEW ARUIVAL. Fall & Winter Goods At A. J. Evans fliOTHIVt!! BLOOMSHPRG, PENN. ; LATEST SYLES CAEAP (JOODS nIIU uinlcrfiuin'i r!-H'ctfuUy infernis In fn.-iul uml Utc public generally, lit- tins jud roci'i from tho Knatctu citici. large juurtiia'iit uf il .s: w' a x. q s i 1 being the liPst assortment ever offered in Ibis market, Also u complete assortment of Hoys Clothing. In f.ict everything in the t loihiug Linu for those who prefer to leave their mi-asiires. a perfect tit giuraut-'ed. mid 1 nothing but the best wotkmauship allow ed at this e tablishmeut. Hu nUo keeps on hand a largo assort-1 incut uf , HOOTS AND SHOES. ! HATS AND CAPS, together wilh n variety of ninioni. i 07- CALL AND SKI! I'OR YOLR.-Hl f. Uji A. J. HVAUS. I liloomsbiirg, Nov. 31, leu3. Nationafi Foundry. liLOO.MSIiUHGj COLUMBIA CO., PA. 'pill! Fiilicribfr, proprittor of tho above naiiu'tl ex J ttiiMvu cstublikhiuuut. id nov pri-'pnrcU to rccciru orders fur AH Kinds of machinery,. for Colleries, lllast furnaces, Stationary L'ugincs, Mills THRLSIIING MACIUNDS, &C. He is also prepared tu make Stuves, nil sizes an.) patterns, pluw-irous, mid everything usually made in tirst-class foundries His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war jaiilt in reciiviug the largest contracts on the most reasonable terms. K7- Grain of nil kinds will be taken in cxchani, for castings. U3"This establishment is locn.ed acar the l.ackawau na Hiooiiisburg Railraid Depot. PHl'CR IIILLMHYLR. HWouishurg, Sept. 12, Ifcli3. nliv .JEi.sEV inns fou sale, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FAR. MS, Suitiible for Grapes, Peaches, Pears, Raspbeirles, Sln-wb'-rrles, lllackberrii s, Currents, Sic. of I. -JJ 5, lOoa'JUucres each, as lhu following prices for Hie present, via: Uu acres lor I .'ml, Hi acres for I no, 5 acres for (1,0, 'J acres for tiu, I acre for t It). Payable by one dollar n week. Also, good Cranbury lauds, and village lots in Client wood, '.'j by Ion feet, at till each, payable by "n.i dsl Inr a week. Tlie nboi u laud mid Inrin. are situate a Chentwood, Washington township, llurliiigtou county New Jersey. I'sr further inforiiiatioii, upply, ith P. O Stamp, for a circular, to II FRANKLIN CLARK. No. DO Cedar Street, New York, N. Y. January 17, lb3. SCIIOOLASUIPiS FOR SALlt. Pittsbargh Coiiiiuercial College, Hiiighaiiiplln " " Crittenden's Philadelphia. Slratuin,Uryant& Co,. " Tlie is Scrips, aru inauinunts of (15 and S-'l and are is so much cash, by lhu Student on clitring either of the abovo Colleges, Young iiiiln desiring toobtaiu ufliilsli, d t.'ollsgiato Bdusatiou, will here And a good specula tiqn ly stpulaacat rtrs of te Vtr 1 M MtifUMI P CWUnjiAT, Another Call. MORE MEN WANTED I INVOLUTION IN IUGfl PRICES. LJlllGE ARRIVAL OF FaU & Winter Goods AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ixi.innrsriiKKV, cat.v.vntA cutwrr, r.t, i I AS Just rucrlvi-d from Plula-lelplila, and Is now 11 openingit the old stand late y occupied by .Marti tt Cut, a splendid assortment of which will be sold cheap Inr C'A.-'H OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills sloekeniisUtsof Ladles Dress floods choicest styles an I latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Giughnms, Flannels, Carpctn,' Shawls, llotiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Casiimcrcs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kontuoky JeatiB, Thread, &c. G rocovies, Quecnswarc, j Ccdarware, I Hardware, Medicines, DruRS, Oils, Paints, &e. ROOTS ct SHOES. IIAT.S & CAPS. lu shori -very ttiiim iisiinliT kept in a country store The patronage of old friends, and the piiblie funeral ly, I re.p"citully so lilted. The hlghc-it nrsrki t price paid forcounlry produce. PCTLH LNT. Light Street, Nov. 7, 1SC3. ..'I.l i.vJ If' T"III'. iin,1eril'n.'irls nisn oxlensltelv engaceit III ttm I Umtfrtahni! llusinrsi, mid kei-pnonslniiuy on hand nd for sale at his Wurermims, a larse assoitineut of I FINISHED ''OFFINS, lly whii li lie is enalileil to nil orders on presentation AioUecp3 a good Horse and Hearse, and will at al timeb bu ready to attend 1'iiucrels. SIMON C. SII1VU. Itlomnshnrg. January CJ. rS'J First GSreat Arrival. OF i'liimw ii fit inn trnvyu i The iiudersigui d. In. jut repleiilhi' l his Store limine in Orangeville, with a w, II-bLlected atsrotu,eiit f FALL & WINTER CJOOHS Consisting in part i f Cli.ths. Silk., lusll;is, Cas-i-1 mere, tiinth. im, ( iilii iie. Shawls. Ilosierii .-. Cai."is nud Lauivs'I'amv (Jihio. g 'iterally, from I-JJ to 7i. t s u n t Print fru'ii l.'J tu .'uts. UhlADrAiADJi ULOTHiXGr. Ilats, Hoots it Hho-'s -Mickercl .Mel. a'res, Sujar i. Salt. GnOOEUIES GENERALLY. With atl oilier artile-.. usually kept in country St 'res, to wnicli he inviti'i-the e,irly mtetitioii of old nt, 1 lew cu -turn, ru. H iving ncui ,,t ino rny in the riBt ime -bo'iL-bt low and paid e-ish'-he will u-' able to com ,ete Willi the be-1. .mil sett fur small profits and lire -ipt p.iy. His friends nru iiitlleu tu pofi in uu l see 'be tiuhts. U.MI'HITZ. Ornngi'vllli'. Nov 7. 1-''J. EHr AM)!-Kl!i).D II AND SAFES, Pormlec e.ii nt .Ntw York r-ufu llt-put, 71 Wl Slreit, New sik. liam .s i a ii u a :. SIZC AND PRIcns OP l.ll.l IK'S FIRU PROOI" S iKI.S o uts u ' f I'aJ'','..' 'Tiiv.y'i'M.i ;w . i i. . t v -Vtl J-r- V z- v -v:; t' wi ptfdrpfav, wnnii. nrrru. No. 4 Jl at) -J.I St. i! Si! Si Ml "ui. :t SO 24 lit No. I 3i es "t No, 5 :i4 :n vi No. li 41) 31 Si4 rxsm K; iiEiimr. ii'icTi.-, rtrru. No. I 17 II i'j No. V. VJl 1.11 M No. 3 '.'1 1.5 13 No. 4 '-i lri 1 1 No 5 lit '.'1 II No. 0 31 til IS rmi-r. No. 1 ?3J 00 No 'J I il Ui) No. 3 li I),) No. 4 e.i til) No. 5 HID 111) No. li 1 13 OJ Gf-, reenwoo : Seminary. r.xausu, ixi commercial school run iiorii srxr.s. T. M. IOTTS, PniNciril., Msthtmaiics. lloo't Keeping and Xaiural detenus. J. B. PA PTON, A. lil , EhcutioH l.iltriturt, and . 'Indent anl Modern Languages, I The Srholaslic year isilieided into four quarters of ' eleven weeks inch, coninu iiclng ns follows: Un Hie i seeoinl Momlsy in August. the lir-t Momlny in Noi ember ' the D'lnl Monday in January, and tile second Monday in April. Tin: RXPFAsrs Per quarter for Hoarding mid '1 union in Huglifli, range ; from 1 ii ml to $JI On. Languages, .Music uml Draw. i i its urn extra. iry for I'l'rriilars nr further nartieiilars. adtlress tho Principal at MlLLVll.LB, COI.L'.MHIA CO., PA. Oetoher 3, ieU3-ly, II. C. II 0 W E H, SURGEON DI1NTIST, RFSPLCTFCLLY oilers his profess inn, 1 1 services tnthe ladies una genlle- s uiu,, i i.iu.i,.i iiuu vii tuny , lie is nreiiared In atli ml to .-ill il, vrl,,M operations in Hi,' Iiuu of his prnfesaioii, and is provided w ith the latest iiuiiriiveil ruitCF.l-AI. TF.F.Tl) : which i will be inserted on gold, platiu.i, silver and rubber base t oawi'ii as uiu miturni teeth Mineral pluto ami block lecih inanuf.ictiired and nil operations on teeth, carsfully mid properly intended to. Residence and olhcu a few doors above I lie Court House, tame side. Hloomsbiirg, Junutt. l-fiH, H O tB. 5. It IS, A IT A v Printer, Roukbiuiicr t'c liaiiklieok Al A NU FA C TUR E It; WiioLssiM and (i. , Dealer in PRINTING, Will WRAPPING PAPERS Aui-ir roit 'tiiurArAwiisA i-apui mills. Main Street, first door below lhe Public Spuare, WILKESBARRE, PA. Nov. 81, lplil-lsi. . t. 1-ACL. A, 1). THOMPSON. PAUL & THOMPSON, U'ltnr.rSAI.R K.joTis. nnr.rns Jigggjj DEALERS IN e-i-- No. 43 North Wharves PHILADELPHIA, 17-nUTTIlt, flillllK, Kir, IV iW-tM U AM. rrillS INSTITDTII'N Is under the sole mvifisenient ' J ',!id illrottlon of Prof. I). W., ln Prin cipal of tho .. 1 ni.miMMroycoMMr.Hci.1t. couior. The course of Instruction einliracis (ill the requisites of i thorough practical business edi callnn, mid Ins ee . lately uUendcd by tho Introduction of nn Act.l il 'uVliies. t'ourse. In which the Student engages ii tim ri'Mlar routine ol buslne-s t,r.nsiiclliinj. (..' nip in- d mid lnuiili..rlze.l by lu.ns ol n f;. 0" ' 'j'c'' &ttat 6Uiwi of buying and selling goods l carr i.t nil by oach Stildenl.) and lluslii-s Offlcc;. vl. of Issue and Deposit, llall-Uiudinennd Steaiu-Uoatlng Pint (lllki-, Telegraph, Thu Proprietor has spared notluienr rxpenii In ma- king ihl-Course thu st thorough ijnil ciunp ete or any iver preseiiti-d In the public, nml feels fully n sum! that alter having been lilni.elfengaged In actiia ini.l,,,.... ,, ml hiivlue had many years' experience in teaching tlie Millie of Acrounls, and bclns nl.teil j r;y n full mid clficclcnt corps "f teuelrrs. he w I I be en bled to make thorough and successful uf who may place themselves under his charge. In this essential branch of n biisln9 edufatlon no ( bett-r facilities to Ih" ear n r. P J 1110 IIIIISl SMlilill iiiiii-k-,7 ' - I .,- ,,(,, i Writing from this lustliimon nave rccem cicoiiiiuins irnm me pci -s. . ., , 1'or general Inrorniatloii, terins, fcc.. ndi'tcss for -o lego Monthly, which will be mailed tree; "'' "' mens ,. ,,f Peiiianshlp, enclose , wo , ' I'owflPsCnnunerclnl College, lllnpliaintnii. N.Y. P. S.-( lie or Iter inincairs ,y . 1 ihkih? e. perfect point, quill spring (!old P.-ns, w h hot le ,d c,i.e,warrnnti.lf..r one year nn. In ' - "'J , 1 I fine nun c,ie, "hiiiiih" .". .. ,i. i-.ii I., sent, freonr charge to any ouu nnu wm iv,,.,. the above address. Oclnhej :i, l.'63-ly. FAMILY DYE COLORS. ni.icK, Dark Ull-i, l.miir Dick, I'klslii Hi ee, I'nuiT liitmvx. IIAIIX llROWN, l.rmir Prows. S.M-rr l!r,on, CIUM-.0-C, Dark Hp. mi, Liuur lmn, DRK tilltkN, I. tun r Uiui.x, MAorsTA, Mariio-. OniNor, PlSK. I'unn.ii, l!oAI, I'CBPtl, Sci'loi, SctntKT, Slue, Sotrnio,, Vmoiv. ror Dying Silk, Woolen and .Vlnd noods, SImwIs, Scarfs, Dresses. Itlbbon. Cloves, 1 runlets Hats, renders, Kid Cloves. Children's Clothing and all kinds of Wearing Ajparcl, .r s ell'lk'fi nl.l .Ilk 1,1-11 M?t'!l mTZ Z: .1.1 ll.llf ur O" ' ''M I'nr er, cents vou can order n m-iiiy goods ns would otherwise cost five tluu s Hint sum. Varlou shade can be produced from tin same Dye. Tlio process is simple, mid any onu ran use the Jyo Willi perfect suc cess. , , Directions in Hnglish, t rencn ami iicrman, insiueoi onrti nurl.nne. I-... e.,.,i.n. i.,c.,.,..,i.,,, i Hi ..luff, nnj pivtri'f n iter. I f,., 1 kiinule.',',, what colon are best nilaiiteil to !yi- ovr others, (wilh luanv valmibli- ueipes.) purchise Howe i. rilrpliitiii'TriRtti.' on lly. lug .111.I Colorinj. ficnl by in.iil 011 ri-ci ipt of pilce. HI cent. Si inufjctured ly DOWL k Sl HYI'.N'S, J:,(l I'Roinw av I osio.-!. r"Tor sale by Druggists and DeaUrs generally, December 14, 18r,ll-iuiios. S'r BS:it, act', ESoKCitcx, Ants ?( SUvgs, ilSr.lhs iia Furs. Woulcxn, Arc , Vo .ShhocI; on 8;i)ili, ii'oM'i", Ai:j!ii:sl., ecc. Put up lu Si'. SOc. and $1.(10 lloves, Pottles k Flasxi. S'l and $.i fizoi for 1 1 -t 1 -. Public liititilions, fc. "On, y infallible remedies known." 'l'reo from i'oioii," "Nut d.tueeroti tnthe Hunian l'aii,ily Itats come uut of their hub's to iile." IT?" Sold Wholesale lu all large cities, (t Sold bv all Drug'iisn A. Hctail-rs every nhsre. iiV" "!! IlKW-ARr '"' ol all wnribless imitations S.-e that " ar's" ii.'iiiii-ie r.n e.iih lloi, net tle, and flask, bi fere yo i buy. r"" Address HH.VllV H COTTAR. C f I'p.iM iptt. Dri'or iJ-2 lli-oiiiw-AV, N. V. ti" Sold by all u liolesale and Uitail Druggists In Hloouisburg, Pa. fibrunry Ii, lnl.-.-in. Lackiiwnnii.i & Hlocmshurg JSnijroail, OV AND TRAIN: rU'T: It JN. H, 1 -CI. PASSKNGLit AINri Y.'ILL RLN AS FOLLOWS: M o v i n a so c t ii. i'a.-eiiirrr. Leave Scranlon. 4 CI P. M. S.'Ji b.:i5 11. 1.7 Kingston It oomsburs Rupert " Danville Arrive M Nort'iiiiuberland, MOVING NORTH Leave Norihumbeiljd, . Dmieille " Rupert l.loolnsbllrj ... " Kingston, Arriv.i at Serant'iu, f r,-ight st Passenger leaves Hloouisbure, p.nn a. .M. htU '.':2i ti.llj r.M'J P. M l.llil 10.15 A. M. Passengers t i nig III,' Veil Train South connect w ith the tlYeire train lrom N'nrlh'u. nrriiiii'- nt K.trrt.l.nn, ut -J.3 i A. L, Ilalliiiuire 7.1)11 A. M nud at Phil nil Iphia at . OJ A M. The Mail train lrom .Norllmmberl nut l-avi s luiini-diali'ly dltt r Hi Hxpress train lrom liar, ri-burg nud kiltiiuor.-, allow lug Passengers buying Plulailelphii at ID. Id P. l. to icaeli points tu til i road during the next forenoon. New and , legant Sleeping cars arconipnny ths ni.'lit train each nay between Northumberland mid Haiti mure, an, I Northumberland and Philadelphia. II. A. FONDA. Surv. J. C.Wells, (leu't Ticket .Igunl Kingston, January 3ti, led t. j. r. ivcr. L K. Muri ) y - fO W fl 8 II i I 'li e i t. li Hi V OJ It LI Ix i3 1 O il lL. ,,, , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Till! undersigned would inform their I'neiiiN mid ihe till ,1 c "emir., v.l nil ll.i.v lim., i,.t,. ,i.A tt- . t.ierly occupied by Geo M. Iltieeiiliin b. tu in,, i:, Hiiiluin on .Alain street, in Hlooiusburg, where htilias jhsi rett-ive,! u inn supply oi wrHss.iiaticincs.B'.iij.Hfijii.,, .. .... ,, : - V hull will be sold on moderate terms for ready pay ej Also, NOTION'S generally, of every variety, sortand Physicians' prtscriptlous carefully compounded, at all times and on short notice. I 'oufei turnery of the best selections, and Soda ater in season. icird V 'IUrU "f 1110 iml'"e custom is respectfully su- i:yi:r & aiovcn. Clnonisbnrg, April II, IiC3. Excliane Hotel. iLAte cou n. a. josu.l No. 77 Dock Sireet, nest door to the Poit Office, Pllilailelnllia rpiiis well known cstnblishnient stablislinient inilntii,,. ii. .' J. celebrity, and its well knoivn r I .rV.... ! the best ' HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Shall be sustained. Room- may bo had at all hours Pr iiiglit, J cents ; per week, iJ 5u, ,t.r mmi,, S, lhe ll.irand Lanng Di-iartmeiits are furnislieil witk " - si.-ijiiiiiiB me marhiiiaii produci-, Ci.ME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, I delicacies of every clime way Lehad at n luoiiiu t's mid liolice. Meals tit I'J ccnls and upwards, mid may be had from 5 A. M till tJutiilcbt, Gentlemen may rest as.ured that no expense will be spared lu render this Hotel a J. OTTENKIRK, Propr. March 7, lcC3- &Mmm'E mini 9 VUBLIC 4(J U.1RK, irii.Kr.s-B.iniu:, V.1. n-iituni'er.igned, having taken this well-known itsnd ! 1 (formerly of .Major Putetbaugli), retpectl'ully soli) . 1 its the patroii.igo o the- public. No pain will bo rparetl in any of its departments, to ' reiider satisfaitlon tn nil guest. The TAUI.H uu 4-Um I.AR will always bu supplied with the "EST Till! MARKET AFFORDS. JO- Good stabling for llnrss and altnntlvo Hostlers. riio-Lxchange" is eligibly situated on thu Pu,f , Squire, and has therefore iicculiir .i.le. ,,..... L . .. : ii.iis atleiidiiig Court or doing business in tin, public othces. Cliargns modcratp. ' N.H. Whenever you some to tuwn, pleasa call. H. J. YAPLI, tvilkt-i-Harre. Nov. 13. !Pr,5 , -"EM HiiWiiJiWSi THOMAS BROWN, liarber. IILOOMSUUKG, COLU.MI1IA CO., I'A, Utsp ia Oert Houit AlUy, ,, VtvsajisrM- UN. HOSTETTBK'B CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A pure and powerful Tome, corrective nml rillerallM of wonderful tllltncy In disease of tho STOMAJII. I.8VER AM) DOWELS. (.,r(, u,.,,,np,,, Mver Comphint, lleaihche, fieneral OiMllty, Nervousness, Depression of s-plrlt. Con stipation, I one, iiiterinilteni l evers, i riuips lid Spasms, and all omi'llints of either Sex, arising from Hodily Weakness whether inherent In tin- system er produced by special tJiises, i NOT!""," that Is nut wliolenune. penlnt nn I r'tori live In lis nature enters into C composition of litis, TI.'ITI'.lt'ri SUMACH IHTTHIIS. Tills popuhir pre- 1 ti.iralloii contain ln mineral of any kind, on den, It tiotaniial lenient; no iV-r.v ; but it Isn comlil. 1 n.t Ion ofllhn extracts of rare balsamic herbs mid plants Willi the purest and mildest ol ull ilitTusive stlni- "'it ls'well lob.' f,irearui"d ngaint diseaie. nml, so far l tv- liutnan sysieni can be proteited by liuinan means against lualadies ensendered bv nil unwliol 'sumo at i iiiul'liere, iii.nilro water ami other external causes, t IIOd l'UTITIl'J lll'n'LT.S m iy be relied on ns a safe. I """'i'n'di'trl.ts Infested with Trt-rr andslgce. itliasbeei ' found Inr.illiblo as a preventive mid Irresistible as I remedy mid thousands who resort to it under nppre I h-nsliin; and thournuds I who neglect tn avail themselves of its protective qual ities In advance, nre cured by n tery brief coiir-c of this mam-Inn i.ii-illcliu'. nni ami rtguo paucniH, ' nter belli,' p, Hit qulnlin; for months in vain, un. ! tit fairly satimiteil with that iMngemii" alka'old. nr nut inifri-iiiKMitly re-tnred to heallh within a few days by the use of IIO-'I'..TTi:it'.S HI'l'THltS. Vi,,, weak st,,,,,uchirnt.idiy Int Ignriitul and tho an ,,,.11,,! resrored I y this ngreeablo Tonic, and hence il ,. ,t. ,,,,,!,... ,,, tiki's of Di.nens a nm in less con tinued forms of indigestion. Acting ns a gentle and miiiilcss npiieri "lit. ns well ns upon tho liver, it also I Invariably relieves the Constipation superinduced by niin ,,f the digestive mid secretive organs. IV ran of feenlo habit liable .VcrlDtll .HtacU, .no' nrua of I irils and l i'e tf languor. Hud prompt mid permanent relief from tin- Hiltcrs. Tlio testimony un ibis point is iuo..t roiielii"iv-, and from botu sexes The agony of Illlliis Colic I immediately nssiiaged by n single doi-nf Hie slixiuliint, nud liy occasionally resorting to it, the return of tli tottiplaiut may be pre vented As a general Tnn'c HOSTi'.TTril'S HITTHR? pro-,tU"i-i fleets wlin h must bo experienced or witnesseit b.-fore th"V can b'l hilly appreciated 111 rai i nfCon' w-,akii"-s, I'ri'iuature decay nml debi itymi'l il.'iri'i'itudc arising Iroi i old ag". it exorcim ill lee. tiiciiilliieneu In tin- riuiviili"i-.i nt stages of ah'.Tes Il op, rates as a delightful mvii canl. When th pow ers, it in, lure arc relaxed, it operales'to r" liiforcu nml . r tublish t Iii-iii. l.nsi, nut not ie,i-t, tt mo unu sain 1 stiniiileiit, being uianutni lured from oiind and Innncii. I mis materials, and entirely free lrom lhu acid elomeutj present more or lis in .ill I llu nniinury tonics nnu tt'inim Ine- of the day. No f.iiiiily in-ilii iin-ha been so iiniver.-illy. and it I may be truly added, iesttrtdhj popular wilh the Intelli gent noition tf tlpi cjiiiiuunity,' us IIOr-TLTTUU'3 till Ti.ll?. Prep-ired by HOSTETTER & SMITH, piTism iiiiii, Pi. C"7"Sold by all Druggists, firucers and etotekcepori everywhere. November SI. HKl-ly. UJQLMBOLD'S Gonuino PrepaiatioiiSs compound n.uin r.xiRcT ni'rmr, a pn.i. tivenuitsp rtcyimeiy fir ilisea-rs i f tlio blu'.d r, Ki.lncys, Cravel. and dropsical swelling- Thin meilii iiu iui reai-i-s the i-.wi r I i.igi jtinn, an I excite the ah-nob-iils mtn liea'thy aciinu, lie wlttrli thi Winery or I alrareoiis ilepn.ilii-i, i. co l all I un iiurnl Hul.irgeiutuieuti are reduced, n will us pur.i tndia' flaLutiuu. :o:- IIELMBOLD S EXTRACT IJUCI1U. Pur weakness nrl'ing from r;is"rs. hibits of Dis sjitioii. I'.nrly lndiscr. Unn cf Abuses, aili udtd wtih the follow in symptoms w ludl-po-itliiil t i i,xirllua, Los of rower. l,os of Memory, OlfSetilty of dri-athing, Weal; Nerves, Trembling horror of Dneas. Pmn inth- L'a, , rniversal LassituJe of the Musrulnr Sy.tem, Hot llainls. r.-nptimis en the fac Dryueie ef the Ekln, 1. usiiing of the Ucd, Pallid Countenance Th-s fymptnms, if allowed to go on whica this mediiiiie invirribly ret.inves, soon foltows lMPiiTl-JIV, f Ari'lTV, HHUPTIC I ITT, In one of winch the Patti.-ui may r quire Who can say that they are nut frequently follow! by those --Dirf fill Disenses '"I.NSAMTY AMI CONSI'.MPTIO.V " Many nwari-of Hie evisi- ofthur nilTi rmr, but "n,i will cmfess the rerorus of the Hisaiiu Asylums! A nil uu Iiinrliolv iletitlts h; Ciin-umiiti.t.i bear amino w miess to the truth if the n-si nu n The I 'oiisliiution onri eff-cteil v. lib oreanir wes.knes requires thi aiil of Medicine tn strengthen and Invii' the system, which lleimbnld's I xtract I'liiliu in variably decs. A Hi'l will convince tbd uost skeptical :o: FEMALES FEMALES. Tn mttni n 1 1 n n nariiln. t,. H. sU . rJ . ' ' - vunui hi 4 i uiniL-r in- i-jiirnGl I " "iiequaneu ny any other rini.iy. as m I lim. 1 ri" "r Reteiili-m. Irregularily. paiiirmncss, or Sup. i pressiou of Ciislomary Hv.-u ii.-nions, ulreraled or scir. f,11'1 l;,L'"". I.pmli-rrli.i or Whites, wln'ih,-r arising from luJiscretluu balms uf dissips. l.,.. n. i.. .1... .ww.vm tluu, or in tho DCCLINi: OR CHANGS Of UPS, -!o: Tke no more Palum Verrurv. nr Msi. i cines for unpleasant and dangerous diseases Helm hold's Kxlracl Hui hu ami Improved Rose Wash cures secret discuses in nil their nagcs. At little expense. Little or uu ehmige i it diet No inconvenience, an ns exposure, 1 It causes a frequent denre and gives strength tn L r i liate thereby removing obstructions, preventing mid , curing stricture's of the I'rethra. nlliyiug pain uric) in. , tl.immarion, so frrinout in the class of diseases, and expelling nil pi.isiuious, diseased and wornout uiaiti-r. Thousands upon thousands, who have been lhu vic tims of quarks, and wli.i havo paid heavy fees to be cured in n short time, have found th,.y were deceit ed and that the -POISON" has, by the use of "poweiful iiiriug--iiis" been dried up in the system, to break out in au oigrsvatud form, and perhaps after u.rrlage. -!0!' ss nelrnbold-s Kilract Huchu for all aff-rtmns and diseases of the I riliary Organs, wnetlier existing In .VI uiu mil I euiate, from uliai.-ver cau.u ongiiiati.ig and tin matter of huvv long standing. pueases of these Organs requires tho aid of a Diur ctic, llelmbold's Extract Huclin is the Great Diuretic, and isccrtdiu to liavu desired luVct ill all Discuses few which it is ri'rouiiiu-ndsd. Evidence of the most rcliablu mid responsible what acter will accompany Ibu inedjeine. Price 01 per Bottle, or 0 for $5. Delivered to sny address securely packed from nbss f yatiou. Describe symptoms in all bouimunications, Cures guaranteed, advice gratis. Addre.s lelteis fee information to : II. II. IIIILMlim.l). m.-i.. ... .-04 9nuth , below Cliestnut. Pbiia. UHLMHOLDS Mtdtisl liepot, ,HU,',UII IIELMHOLU'S Drug and Chemical lltrekavit, Wl nreOAnwAY, Siw Voix ' How are of Counterfeits and unprincipled di alers who endeavor to dispose "uf their own" and ' other" iinivs uu mi.- repuiniion aitaineu tty llelmbold'l lltn .lino rcepirjiioiis, r.xttact uuthu.titract Sarnpi ipnilie. ,m,(,,u,iu nun nsiu, VOR SALE B Y All Druggists Evorywhoro. ASK TOR HELM ROOD'S, TAKP NO OYWn tut out the -dvertisamcnt and send for il, .v?'?.;1'1 InpotHI'Sfi oxisiora I i