Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 26, 1864, Image 3
COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Saturday Morning.lVInr. 26,1064. AnniYED. Tho season for pruning fruit and shade trees and grapo vines. -1 pgr One hundred copies of Genera McClellafiB Rport for ilo bj Ool, Freeze, Prios Filty csnts . oopy call and gt n. WHAT Next. It is proposed in Nor Tort tn introduce into tlio churches ''iii' THd pews" and ''sleeping pows." tS 0m. McClellari's report in tho various editions sells liko Lot cakes. The country evidently beliovcB in him. As Tin Expected. Tho lie about Ren McOlcllan's interview with General Lee proves to be ''a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifiyng nothing." The Spotted Fever etill oontinuos its imarkof death in Luxorno county. The Union records six deaths in Kingston, fiom the disease, last week. The noblo Democracy of Oentro town hip, Gol. co., on Friday last, effectually wept the field, not even giving the aboli 'tiouiiU a !bow for office. The Old Fogies who govern tho town will annually spend moro money than is required to do this, and also keep the streets at kept alpiQsnt, aqd yet the real necessary work will not be done ; and it norer will bo, until there is a Borough and -a Street Coinmi.sioner with brains, and nr.iplo powers to put tho reformation an Improvement through. Houte Burned. Mr. Emjaii Aldert ioN, of Benton towushi),Columbia county, lost his tlouss with all its contents, of Thursday, the 17th of Match. No in surancc on the goods and furniture Wo jtnpatbise with Mr. Alberfon and his Urgo and wejrthy family on this their as vir sod unexpected RA7ri:(o. Th Susquehannah river kat been in excellent rafting condition for week past, nnd a large quautity of tim ber and lumber has pasted this place for the lower markets. Tbeso arrivals only constitutes tho advance fleet of immense quantities yet to come. Lumber is bring lug better prices than in former years, the (upply falling far short of tho demand. Appointment by tie Poj; Muster Cen tral. Comxad Kkeameii, Esq , to be Poit Matcr at Jcrseytown, Columbia co., Peuna ; vieo Jackson Thornus, lisq , re 'gned : Mr. Kramer will keep the offico in tho (wit, and the people will henceforth have something like mail facilities and acoin moilaliuiM. The Departmunt has ovinccd oniidertion for tho convoniuno of the Vitigcns of Madison. Efiy Wo observe that tho abolition Preachers aro ayain ou tho stump, open ing the presidential campaign, and bawl ing for "miscegenation" and all tho other bereiies of tho day. We trust our friends Kill avoid all sucli creatures, anl if tLo pretchiri had seuso enough to appreciats It, wo would reerommoiid to them tho study of Millon's '-Lycidas." How degraded must that man bo, who dcliberitely degrades a high and holy tallinr, and ho.v lost to shanio must bo ibat J arty, which solicits it. nEATTii. Bloomsburg ought to bo the most healthy village in Pennsylvania. Situated its it is, on a high bluff of Fish ingereek, with the ground doaoending, to the small stream coming in at the Forks ; D I from the riso below that there being a descent to the N. B. Canal ; (hero is eve tj facility for leading off all impurity and keeping streets and alleys iu a purfeotly anitary condition. The littlo stream that rani tho whole length nf the upper town, mi bo mado tho channel for cleansing j ni at th.' lower cud, small labor would ab.iully iusurc freedom from dirt, aojuinu ating vcgctiblo and animal matter, and oiopleto washing by orcry shower. TinET OF Arnii,. Tha general payday is close at hand. Wo hope our frinds, in miking their oilier payments, will not for get tho printer. In tbeso limes of hiah prices and cash terms, wo need our mnuey J tit as fast as wo earn it. iu order to make uotu onus meat. Wo haro also several i C, r.i n T A nH r. n , , 1 ... n , . t . 1 . f 1 T. ' ui. wi .fcj.ii Qwiilincuia iu luuuu, lur tVUluU wj depend upon tho receipt of what is duo us. Wo hear almost every body say "men cy is plnty." If all who owo us would pay up during tho month of April, per. baps wo might bo able, for once in our life, 'o realizs that "what every body says, is true." Those of our subscribers who intend to "movo" on or about tho 1st of April are requested tn give us timely notico thereof, titling as well the place from, as tho plaeo towhioh they romovo, Thi3 will enable US to doliver their pipers at their now resi dences, or forward them to tha Post Offices nearest to them, without mistake or delay. The presont mail arrangement enablo us 10 reash every subscriber, in whatever tiirt f ths MiBty h may rsiids. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTIOS. Estate of Samuel tf'anich, dee'd. TETTERS of administration on lic J Estate of Samuel Wnnlck, lalo (if Hemlock ttr., t.'olniiilim county. itcccnCrf l, linvo been crnntcil by lit ItcgDtcr of Columbia county in tho undersigned i nil persona having claims against tho citato of the dceo. iletit nro requested to present them to III a ndmlnlsUMot at til residence in Hemlock, without del ay. And sJI persons indebted toinako payment for th u i I i, WILSON WANIUII, Ain't. March 1!. ieCI-0w8J MILLINERY Si STRAW U00D8, tv variety. tHSil of the Inlet Importation, anil of tho ISiim must fusliionnlilca stylus. Ourt Straw Dkfautment, Will comprise, every variety of llnnueta, Ilata ami Trimmings to lio found In that lino : of tho lataat must approved t-hnpes ami stylus. Soliciting un t'arly tall, I remain Yours, Hoprctfuily. II.VJAUI). Koi. 101, 103 & 107 .North SECOND Sli., Philadelphia March Hi, ltui.-lw. -TT8E NO OTHER l-HUCIIAN'S SPECIFIC Pll.t. J nro tho only llcllalilo Remedy for nil lllimn of Hid rjcmiiini, urinary ami nervous cywuiis. w box, nnd bo cured. ONE DOLLAR A IIO.Y. "no box will perfect a euro, or money refunded. H.nt hy usjl on reeolpt of price, jAMr.3 s., Station U, lllble Uotiie, Now York, General Aganl. March 10, ieC4,-3m. T0 .YOU WISH TO HE OUKED 1 1 DR. HUCIIAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cure, In IiJm that 30 days iim ,vn,.i fn.n. nf Nl'IlVldl-ll.-l. I mnnlencv. I'rc maturo Decay, Setulnnl Weakness, Insanity, nnd nil Urlnarv. Sexual, and Narvotn Affections, no matter from what ctmso produci'il, Prico, Oini Dollar per lioi Rent. nosttiald. bv mall, on recclm of an order. Ad dran, JAMI.S H. HUTLCR. Station 1), Uible llou.e, New York March ID, l?C4 Jin. SWAtil.OW two or throe hogsheada or "Uieiiti," Tonic Hitlers," "Sra iparlll.i," "Ncrvom Anil, dotes," &c, tic., tc, anil niter jou ate satlilU'.l witli tho result, then try ouo box of IU,D DOOTOH 1IUCII. AN'S E.VU1.ISII srECinc I'lnLf-and bo restored to health tmd vlfjor In leu tha.i thirty dnyt. Tluy ur o purely vegetable, plensant to take, prompt and snlu tary in their cffi-cts on tho broken down nnd tlntterod constitution, Old and young con take them with ml- vantage, by Imported and sold In tho I'nited btates only J AS. S. 1IUI I.EIt. Station D, lllblu House, N'ew York, lienrrul A y o 11 1. 1', S. A box tent to any n.ldreta o ii iccclp f prlri which Is lliw Dollar-post freo March 1U, ItiOl, Urn. PiibHc cinduc ! WILL bo ospojed to sale at I'ublio Yrnduo.nt tho late ri'sidcnce of Pamurl Wanich, deceased, ill HcmlocK tousliip, C'oliiuilila rouuly, I'.'i.. on Tuesday, 20?t of March, 18G1. The following deicribed valuaiila pcuonal propsrty, TWO HORSES, TWO COWS, TWO 1IOKSH WAGON, Onu set of light and olio ect ol heavy double Harness, Fly Nets and Sadie; bled, Plowz, IJurrows, Cultivators, Lot of I'ord-icoo'l, Fanning Miliand Cut- ting JJnx, un inteicst in a Grain Drill and J rcslang Machine. ALSO; HAY HY THE TOJS Corn and Outs by the buslul, tj'c. Cradle, Scythe, Log Chains, Double-tree, Meat Casks old Iron, ko., w ith a yrnat variety of fanning utensils and other arti cles too numerous to mention. H F.ik' to commence u. lOo'clock, a. ni of aid diy, when attendance will bo given nnd conditions bj mad. known, by WII.SO.V W M..1I. Adniinitrntnr of th) nutate nf gauiuol Waiiich, dee'd. M Corf man. Am Hone it. Hemlock tn p.. .Martn III, JrC4. Public Vendue ILL bo rxpoHod to sulu, at Public Vendue, at thu residence nf the un tcrsigued in .Mount Pleasant luwuMiip, Columbia county, t u on Wcilncs'ay, the Stith day of M"rct, 1801, The Jollowing described vclmllo property, vit : ONE HORSE, ONE COW, OiNE SPRING WAGON, ONE TllltulMIORSI! WAfJOV. HCQCY & 1 RUCK WrtOON. TllltllrilllNIi MACIIlVi;. Fanning .Milt, one Ihght-dny Clock, i'low, llarrowa, (hittivatora, Sled, and Harness of ilttrennt Mud, to gether w ith other articles too uiliii-rous to mention. 1L- Sale to cniiuieiiee at 1 n'cioek, P. 31.. of sai I day, whtn attendance will b- giv. made known, by Wll. mid i-ointilioiM be I AM IIUU'ELL. MOSES cul'l'VAN, Auctioneer. Mount 1'le.uaiit, .March U', IrtVI,- -t Public Vendue! WILL bp exposed to sale, at Public Venom-, at the rii-ld, nci of the mid. reigned in Greenwood township Columbia county, on 'fiursduy, the '.Mat day u Match, 1S04, The following described vnliiuld j -personal properly : TWO HORSES, THREE MILKUOWS.A TWO HORSE WAGON. TWO SP1NG WAGOiNS, Sled, Fanning Mill, Plows and ll.urowj, doub o liar-lies.-, and other Farming uteu$it9. ALSejj Carpenter, Cabinet-maker nn l Turning Tools, nf nil kinds and dofcriptioii. with a variety of other articlea too niiiucroua to mention ttj" falo tn cniuiiieiuo nt HI o'clock, a. m.. t.f i-aid day, when nlteudauce will bu given nnd conditions be nuue Kiioun, oy JOSHUA DAVIS. Greenwood twp., March 1.1, 1501.- t-. PRIVATE SALE OF Valuable Real Estate. 'IITE subscrilicr offer? to oll at privnte B sale, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Jackaot township, Columbli enunty, Pn , containing SIXTY ACRES, rifty Acre, nf which Is improved, and in n hliTl tnt nf cultivation, tho remainder iu woods, coutaining a large quantity of good mil timber. ALSO; FIFTY ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Pine township, county aforesaid, whereon ts erected n good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. with tho necessary out bulldincs nnd n ynum tbrlva. Ing Orchard, Ten Arrcs nf wliidi is cleared, a nil the balance well timliered. A stream of water runs through the premises, making it a desirable site for Hie erection of n Saw .Milt. E7" The nbovo property will bo slod cheap and on easy conditions. Further information can be nltained by applying to tho subscriber. JOHN EF.SSLER. Jackson lwp March 19, IE0L tf. 1 1VJOW READY , GEN McCLELLAN'S REPORT. Tho Aulhorlxod Government Copy. 8ET TO THE WAR DEPARTMENT BV GENERAL McOLELLAN. and ruiiLisiii:n hy order of conmrrss, WITH THE OFFICIAL CURTI ILM1E. " War Depaitmeut, "Adjirtnr.t-Genural'a Ollice, "WiHUNOins. December Si, teC.I I e erllfv that tha abnve is a true coin- nf the nrieinal report 5n tllo In this office. E. D. TOWNSI'.ND. ' Aaalitnnt AdJutant Ucnerat." COJIPLETE IN ONE VOLUME. With Maps and I'bani of tho Defences of Yorkton-n and Approaches to it during the Siege of April & Mny.leCJ, Rebel Worka and Rattle. Field at Williamsburg, DATTLi: OF GAINES'S MILL, lUTTI.H OF MALVERN HILL. RATTLE OF MECII NICVILLE. HATTLE OF TURKEY IIRIUGE. THE "SEVEN DAYS" HATTLE," etc.. etc., etc. PRICE 50 CENTS, "This iisue ofthe Report Is not an Eleclion-aerritg document, but an exact copy of the original, taken from the recorda ut Waihington.'WetKr.oii r,est, "Tothoso who desire a clieop edition nf the Report wo can recommend thla edition,"- A' 1' Daily Xes. A.N EDITION IN CLOTH. WITH S I EEL PORTRAIT. PRICE 1 Tor isle- by all P.ookaellera nnd Nawsrnen. Published nt tie, orricc or the kehellion record. No 111 broadway, Nw Vork City VB Cftolia asittraa by aian n teeflft efrha nrlM Hank IS, 11M-St, (ulLiiJJDlilliiJUiiti (iMu'ltiS CAllEFUM.Y COIIUKOTED WEEKLY, VVIIIUT, per buaficl, 1 43 1 1 S3 1 13 73 8 Oil H 511 a so I 10 hut per. r.Ofi!- potaiues, DRIED AI'l'I.CH, IIA.MH HACON, . 30 () K 1 .'() 11 . 10 I) IV. " " IIIJCKWAEAT, i- l.uiui per bill. ;LoVF.iisi:i:n, LAX SEED MAY by tun ton, ao on II III! II Willi AT l'lout. CHICKENS, per pair. 33 MARRIAGES. On tho 22(1, inst, by Rev D J Waller, E. . Sheldon, of Danvillo. nnd Miss Luoy daughter of John U Moyor, of this place. flu ll.n tnil. In.i t... T,.n,,1,.. un in n iDtii inst., by James Jucoby, Ksn.. llKNllY J IIAUQII. OSfl.. and ItACIinr. .' , ii i , ' i . ,, i ADAMS, Uotll Of Uriarci cek tOWllsllip (Jul. qq( ( . DEATHS. In Ci'Dtre 'I'ownship, Columbia eo, on Thursday, ihc 17th ot March, 1804. Mr. r.i i.iri . ... .1. Ulinsuail iUUlUO,y ill IMC dill year 01 UIH Will. In Oatiawissa on Thursday, the 17th nf March, 1804, Dr. fJeo, 11, Ilajhurst, aged about !33 years' In IJloomsburt', tho 11th of Febuary Mary Marnarct daughter of Rnnsom and Catharine Uazolot, aged i) years, 1 mouth, ami la days t this place on tho 21st. inst., Iliehard Francis, aged about 47 years, imwioc zKtyjj! 'Xttxs in3ic??3!?Kwsraa canity RECEIPTS FOR FEBRUARY, TO THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. -:oi- T!io following pnymeuts have been uiado to tho Columbia Democrat ofiicc, during tho motitli ot I'ebruary, 1804 : Oen llnbcrt r'eming, Si sin Shoemaker, INtof I). in Shiiuian, Crilf lioliliins, Est uf Peter llesa, Phinens Mnilh, Win. Krickbaum, (lev J I' Hlettcrick, 1(1 l.o;s Winner, by 0. W, 3 tiO'W J Iteidleinan, 1! tlti:i:tof II Shuman. il 00',.M;Urlinoiiiil p.irtiea. 1! nu Jacob !-helhart, 1 Tuillkliardhoirs Agency, 1 i3 7Jnshiia Davis, 1 oujliio Appleiuaii. '.'iiJacoli II I'ritl, 3 tin H (III 7 (,0 I llll :i on 1 no :i 3ii 2 00 J 7 3 1 73 a n.i i no 1 311 l fVj I 73 3 ll'.l 4 no 4 (10 I 311 II 3D 1 73 4 Oil 2 UO J (10 3 Ml I 75 1 73 1 3ll 1 "I 2 (It) Ii Oil 3 OU 1 73 I hilip Appleman, l'.-ter II. I'reczc. M D., I Wiifieorgo Aljilcr, Es- t illiam I'etlit, 1 ..IjAarnti Alill.-r. I 'has. II. Ileas, I'.s-i., 1 "Sjl. It. Appleman. Charles .Michael, 1 I3 uios H. Ilnrlman, .Moses Evcri't. 1! (10 (iideon Steckc r, Jnhu rnvnge, H (Kl Sidney Slater, Andrew Shuman, Esq.l 73 ('.iriieliua lb-Mas, Lieut J J. Knrns, I IO,Elisha II. Ilartiuan, J. lines Itoat, 1 75 'J. C. Hageriuan, William Eyer, -1 Oil JMontour County, S.imuul reay, Ei, I 75JJohn D.-en, Jr. Win ri Creasy, I 73 ICeo, W. Freeze, Annm Smith, S l.'J jLawrenco I'rouin, John (itrton,(llcinlocx'J ooji.ouaro unaugst Elins Clger, 1 OUjJohn (iirtnn. Hem 1 l: II 1 1 1 r 1 1 na ii , Piter llelwig, Lucas Fahringcr, I'.ti'is Hugnrl, Columbia County. 3 lliiJobn .Mrdan. 1 7.1 J. II., Esl. 1 73 ; William Hume, I 7.3 (C. T. Sliuin.iu, 21 linjllov. lid. Murray, J:roli DlcU'enbach, no ; t . ill. i in. Tlios llnlloway, M. D.lll 01 C. c W. Krcantor, John Zaner, 2 OOiNclsou KiiLhen, Philip Cool. Csq, J Woi'iholhauin, Rev W Gondrich, Lieut A S Allen, luftthcr 31 bvatis, Evan Welliver, ColJ Freeze. 1 ,jil..lvorcl llesry, SutJacoh Zelslort. :i (illiJaiiies N. Miller. '. III'; Willi. no Un niner, J 75jJolm '.eisloft, 4 .WEs. nf (len. Ilartm in, (i S3 HILia Dietericli. I'I. 2 00 lis. John llronn, Sr. I 0(1 (Win. V.. Sterner. 2 HO S IU 4 no 3 00 2 00 II AFarver, (111.) ,M G Kinney, l on It of John Anderso 2 (KlMdvlngstoii Rhone. Wi lliam Wiuterstecn,,') .IDCIurnb W. Ilieterick, 1 (10 1 0(1 Noah (.'rites, 5 2jO!aj. Demott. We thank our friends ttiml cordi illy for their con tinued libjral support nf tho Coi.umhu Dkmochai. It is tn those who promptly piy that wo are indebted lor th" means nf successfully prosecuting our lnr'e nud increasing bUbl ness, nnd we i-iiieercly trust theyr,lio are our real Iricnds willcuntinuc their liberal patron age. We have many distant subscribers, tn whom wo have rent bill4, but upon whom wo cannot call in per. son fur tho purpose of collections, and wo again appeal to such of them, as are indchWd, to rJiuit p-iyi.ient by the mail. J FI'.MAI.I'S! I'EMALI S ! ! rEMALI S!' Un that Snl'-, PI "i.i-aiu Remedy kimuii n. IIHLM IKH.D'S EATUAtT HCCIIC, f- r all i ompl.iint.H incid ent ti the S-x. Nn f.imily should bo Mtliout it, and iiouu HI v hen nnre tried by them. It is u scd HY VOIINO AND OLD, In the derline or eliaug" of life. Infore and after Mar riage during and after confinement, to i-trciiglhcu the Nerves, restore Nntur; In its proper channel, and in vkorale the broken down CnU'tltutiun.f rum whatever catiso originating. USC NU .MORE WOItrilLE33 PILLS I TAKK llnLM-lUILD'S CXTItACT IIL'CIIIJ. S20 Advertisement iu another column Cut out, and end Tor it. SPECIAL HOTICEB CONSUMPTIVE Suirurs will receive a valuable prescription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, llroiiehitia, and nil Throat and l.ung ntrecliuna, free uf charge.' ,y fi-udiug UiLir nddri-a t" Ill'.V. E. A. WILSON, Wllliauisburi.'h, Kings Co., New York. January 23. 1.-C1. -t,w. Important to Married Ladies I TRULY A BLESSING ! I will send, trek nr crttr.un, in any Lady who will send in her name and address, ilirertions lu,w to pre vent the extreme imjii of Clll I.D-llillTII ; iiImi how to bate nerlectly heutthv and beautiful Children i ulm one otli-r now and lMPOIFIMNT M'.CItET, tho only aitru and afe remedies ever Uiscoyered. . . .My object iu making thu aboveuti'eris tu induce every lady to let my reiue.iie. Address .MADAME DULEVTAUX, M. D. Teb 2T, 'IU. Unt. 7o7 Hro.idwny, New York City. m?. CONFESSIONS AND EXPE- RIENCE OF A NERVOUS INVALID.- Published i for the beneflt nnd as a caution to ynuug men, an 1 , others, who Miller from Nenoii" llebilily, Early Decay, and their kindled ailment supplying the means ofself cure. Hy one who nas cured himself utter being n vie ! f ...nlUnnrn In Itiml I I 111! II lllll-. ,1,1.1 ! ,1111 iiurjfMVUii ,vt,..ukuwb - quackery. Hy enclosing a pou-paid diricted envelope, single copies may ue 11 1, 0. .10 an. nor. Hedford Kin"a county, New-York, January 21, 1SG3 ly. Fourth &Arch Sts. PHILADELPHIA, Ann OTJ-.N1NG FOR SPRING, llti. inn pes. 81. F'liey SILKS, 3(1 pes. India Silks, SI. llll Good lllack am Ordered 'Plain Silks. 1 LYONS lllack Silk VELVET, lirown SILKS, 60, 5, -1, 3. 2, I per yard, lllack " 8(1. 5, 1, 3, S, I, per yurJ. .Molru Antiques, all colors Magnificent Grenadines, Magnificent Organdies. Richest OHINT.I.S and l'KRCALI S. Spring Shawls Now llouschnid Stanlo GOODS. Jjy i.enerai assnrimeni 01 .lien's wear ! March 5 leliL 3m. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby given, that the part nershlp heretofore existing between tho subscri bers, in the MenoNriLE Heists, in Jer.onnwn. Cnl- V-',", la.-r,"ll,n ly' Wil1olir8 "J ni'itnalciMisenl on the , ..-.Mti'tij , it-,,-,, iikj jititihB 1,1 11, u iaio iirm, .viii 1t.-111.1111 in inu cniir, 111 inn nanus (11 IV llliaill Kramer for Ketlleuiont. Tho Mercnnlilo llusiiieas.will be i nutlnued nt the old Stand, by Coiirnd Kramer, for whom u continuance of pullic custoin is respectfully solicited. CONRAD KREAtlER. WILLIAM KREA.MER. Jeracytown, February SO, lSi',1, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George Adam Welch, dee'd. LETTERS nf administration nn tho Esiato of George Adams, late ofConyiigham twp. Columbia coJcc'd liavebeen grnnted by the Register ofCulmubin co., to the undersigned; all persona h 11 ing claims agalnai tlio es iato of the decedent nro requested tn proaent thenito the uiideralgiied, ut I ia rcaldenco in said township, without delay, and all pcrsuna indebted tu make pay. ment forthwith. HENRY G.MILE, Adm'r. March S, lFOs. fiw' 8t DLA.NKS! PLANKS! I ftf every doserbf rton, for sal nt tViis fRM PROSPECTUS OP ThoPl.ifatleSpl.ia Age. 1864. Tin: only Dr.MontATiT'iiAir.Y jui:nAi. run- I.Uilllln l.V rilll.ADI.I.I'lltA. Tin: omo.v, Tin: coNHTiit'Tio.v. and thi'.rn I'oRcn.Mri.Nr or Tin: laws. THE DAILY AGE, which advocate tho prlnclploa nnd pulley of tho Dem ocratic parly, l ImiiihI rvury inornlnr, (Hundayi ex. ccplkd,) iiml coiilnOu Ilia i.xtk.t IHkiirtAtliio xtwa from all parM of tho world i with ( nrofully prepared nttlclt'i. nil t'livernmcnt, Politic", Trade, l'loamc, rtc, nod prompt editorial cnmmuiila on tho quRntinuii nnd iiniiiM in inn uny : .iinrKci report., rru oi. (.urri'iit Htock (iuifliitlonn, illnrluu InlolllULiiui, lleiMirta of I'ub- nn nmin.inio.. p,rim, ,i iii?..iir , !,,,. U'.ltnl, Thintrieal Critirj.inv llovinw. of Literature, Art nnd Mur, Agricultural Mtilti'r. nnd (IIico.Iom uf whatever Bi.l.Jcct la of (ji-iicrnl Intcrejt and iiiiportnuce. THE WEEKLY AGE, la n complete ciuiipediuni of tin Kkw or Till! Wick, nnd rnntnliiH thn ihlef I'dltorlals, tho price rurrent ond luarkit reports, stock oucsllnua cnrrCfpniidencc l.iid Jcio.'rlil news mutters published In tho Daily Auk. It ami co.ntaik miukai VMiitiv or olirkn mTimts, ring it in nil recpnets n llr.t-f.iiuly Journal, par- i.r.i.iir.y iin.iii'.i i.i inu i tiuiiciiM, inu .JurtMaill, lim I uriner. in u aieclmilc, tlm I.IUI iiry mini, iiml nil I as- aes of reader-.. It has, in fact, evory charauerlsllc of n i.ivu niivt-ri;ii, mien i"r iiiu i-ountlnji House. inn n urKsnup, inu i armer a i iretiuc, nun too uenornl iteauer. TERMS. Daily. Wtntr, Oue yenr, by Mall, ti 03 4 Oil Ono venr, by mail, 32 00 Sit .Months. I Oil M .110111114. 'lhteo Months. '2 Ot) 1 hroa Sloiithj, . dO Clubs of 10. . 17 SO I nr any period loss thnn three months, at tho rtttu of Sovouty.llvu cent ptr " VO . 3 with nn cxtr r0py niiATts I'T Lrctllliir un llin -Inlt. month la;" .nt required invariably In AiUance. Hpoclinen copiea ol thu Dally nr..! .-klv will bo sent rrrati. tn SVlZXrom c,,y m. the.r columns wiiu in" unsutigm anil most liberal commcn datioua of thu press throughout tho country ; but Ih 'y prefer that It should altogether upon clainn to jiubllc conlldeiicc, well known nnd established. They bi llevo It has ncqulrod tills reputation by thJ candor, lcutlessness nnd liidependenci! uitli which it has been conducted, through lliuea of extraordinary confusiuu of ideas on public subjects, nnd latterly uf nlmot tin. cxeAnmpled public trial. It is now, nnd will be, as heretofore tin- Biippnrter nf truly natloitnl prlnclplca, opposed alike to radicalism uiic fanaticism in every ment, law and nnier. ,,,1" loriu, .inu nctuicii 10 iiic inaiiuunaiico 01 gouti govern Tha Agu conceive that It thus 'ices utld has neeuliar rlaiins mi on all men by whom its prliucipli-anrc valued, nnd who by th. proper meutis. look In promnto and "curo the (.'onhtilotloiml reitoratiou of th i Union. Tho.c ran belt lw their n-nao nf the untirln;; cirorta of the puhlMiers, In be half of this great nnd tinpnra'.leli-il muse, by earnestly tustulnlng this paper in all its business rul-itiuiis Address ULOSSBRUNNER k WELSH, No.4Ju cni:srMii' BTiinrrr, March 1.', Ig(i4. l'lllI.ADIJI.l'lllA. IMPORTANT TO Farmers & Proper tv Holder s 'pIKVE who desire tn improve and bautify their I. farms or homes, nnd avoid in iug imposed upon by irresponsible agents, in receiving that uliich they did not tiny, anil paying tun prices tor what they receive, will llnd it to their advantage to call at the well fcuuwn and vcli established COLUMBIA NURSERY, and oTunino tho stork, and also, compare tho prices with ibose of other est.ibllshiiiMiils. Wo oiler Apple and Pe.uli trees nt about one-half the prires of uther Nurseries who supply this section of country with trees. All all other Iruitand ornamental trees Shrub bery, Hoses. Green uHd Hothouse plants, A.e nt n much lower figure than any other reliable Nurscrv in tills viiiinly. Wo have ever S-i.lKiu Apple trees of miitahtu nze for plaining, from th ree to soon years old, comprising all the lending varieties, tho choictst new ULbtern varieties included, ulsu a few extra, new varieties uillerted from seedling tree by ourselves, which are now nth-rod for sale, lor the first time. They tteeil ntlior rr-r-i.mitioiiihit In,, Cur I h lu. I ,n I.I.. .... ..1 1,. I of their fruits than this. Four years ago wo exhibited i nine varieties nl Apples at the Laucu-acrCoiuitv Fair. wlntli took the llrst premium. i-e eu i f those v.-iiiu lies were fruit of the original (.suppo-ed tnbe) seedling trees, from u hirh the stuck we now nilVr for sa e were pr pegiited Irom. .Mr J. H. Garbor. of West Hemp. Held township, was u member of the Fruit Committee aiMirded premium to the new fruits. Among the small fruitd we would call particular at tention tn tho TRIUMPH DE CiAND, and firuit Austin ?(r.iwli''rr variflies, the fruit of Wllicll iri (if ntnllisitra f! i v nr aitil iiinimi.i.lll tirnnnrt.nii.. io uif Hiiunrrrn m tin in'tiiiuhii we oii'r foinu n(iv(.'. ti hi the way nf several now and novel varieties in Roses nud Verbenies. Our -tork of Rom-s comprise about 130 varieties, Riipposeu to be tii" choicest collection in the State. It has I u materially enriched, of late, by importation from France nud Germany A eew and cninmmWous Green house, creiteil this season, is now filled entire 1y with clinic-. Roses ami Verbi uia-i. Wu charge nothing for a sight, nud cordially invite all tn call and see uur stock. Nearly every thing n. kept here that an be fouml iu any nursery iu the Luuutrv. S II. rURPLE, Columbia, Lancaster Cn.iuty, Pn, .March 1J, 1801. PUB LiC VENDUE OF Personal Property & Real Estate. exposed to tale, bv Public T T Vendue, at at the residence ol the undersigned, in Cfitawlstn, on Thursday, tho 24th of March, 13G-1, 'I he following valuable Personal Property and Real i.-tiate, vir. One Mil! Cow s . ci . ,,, , in n i and two Shouts, I ruck Wagcm, Spring Wn.roii. and two so.r. nf Tlarnnss. HntMlnl .111(1 Rlidle. Plow, Harrow, Sled ct Culti - ' ' 1 VatOr. ., . , , Wheat, tOm, Duek Wheat and Potatoes Iiv dir. 1,iiliol VJ luu uusun. Bureau, Tables, Chairs, Stand?, Gup- DOani , OOtteo, IOUr OlOVCS, WPat, Jjartl iV. ("l-ii-nnl. u-itli liia nnl!rn clnol- nf ITevnunlinld md Kitchen h urutture, too numerous to IllClltlOU ALSO, BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, AND BARN, with all tho requisite out building,, and CORNER LOT of Ground, in excellent ordor, with about Four Acres J , ot f,rO0(I Ollt lots, , (, ,.,. , tendance will bo given and conditions mado known by JACOl! OE.SSEL. ' .1 Jicon SilcLUtnT. Auctioneer. Cit.twissn, .Manh JJ, lehl. ts. PUBLIC VENDUE or Valuable Properly ! TILL bo csiiosed to public vendue, V ? at tho late reslJenco of Ricbnid Plmncr, dee'd, in Pott Noble, near Uloouisburg, on Tuesday, the 'J'iud day of Mareh, 1804., The following valuablo described property, to.wit: A FRAME HOUSE, ' used as a disillcry, or suitablo for other ,,rr.nan i rwl iimr. ..,! t. J1,,I jIV,. .1 , ... gV WWI.,,V,UU, WjU W ,11 1 t f 10 cutire lixturcs ot a lirct class Distil lorv. A' LARGE LOT OF STI'VE COAL, SOME TWO DOZEN HARREL3, &a. ALSO, At thesamo time and place, Mrs Plum -nier will ntfer nt sale, a largo lot of Household nnd Kitchen Furniture, cull Furiilture.cuusiitiugnfStnvcs, ICettlea, Crocks U.7" Sale tu conimeiire at IU o'clnck, mi morning of aaiu uuy, wueu teiiua win ue mauo kiiowu, PETER SCIIUO, ( Member of the Into firm of Schug & Pluiuer.) J. D. UD'E, Aiutiuneer. March 1'J, Icdl. -n, Prices Reduced ! has resolved to try tho merits of nn exclusively CASH or HEADY PAY HUSINESS, und hoiico has dcteriniii. cd to sell off ins stock uf Goods nt REDUCED PRICES, LADIES AND HISSES CAPS. GLOVES. NI'IUAS, SHOES, HOOTS, AND GENERAL VARIETV OF GOODS AT A IIARGAIN. E7" Call nd aeo lna list nf prists, Conatry Tro. nitt wantad, W.Mitin, Jta I, 1114 fflPORTANTToFEMAitS 'RMP TDBH JLADHEiS! UOTII MARRIED AND SINGLE. ! Oldest Regulator for Females., dr.'r) rn.MAi.i: ni.t-n Will Immediately relievo, without naln, nil dlsturbm cca of tho periodic I'isrharro, whelln-r arising (mm ro laxntlon nr aiinpre.sion. They net liko it charm In re moving tho pains that lu'compatiydllttcult or I nniiinl" r . nto incnstriintioii, and are the only safe and rellaldo rrmody for I'lii'lies, Sick Ilea lache.l'aina In the l,nin, Hack and Sides, I'alplintlon of the Heart, Nervous 'I'rc. innra, Hysterica, Spasms, llrnki n Sleep, and other un. pli-nsanl and dangerous directs nf an unnntiirnl cnndi Hon nftli sexual fiinc'lolis In tho worst case of I'luor Allms, or Whites, they eirert n speedv rure. Dit. (;iini;si:.MAN's rn;i,s. Ilnvo been uaed over n Quarter nf a Century. Tliey nro nKercd as the only safe niiann of rcfowlng Inter, ruptcd miintriiutlnu, tint I. a lie mftsl bear in uilinl that, thero la one condition of tho femalo system In which tho I'llls rnnnot be tnken without producing a peculiar result Tim condition referred to is Pregnancy tha result, Mhcnrrlngo. But Ii is tho irresistible ten dency of the incdlciuo to restore the sexual (unctions '.j n normal condition, that even tha reproductive pow. er of nature cnunut resht It. They cannot do harm In any oincr .ray. dii.'a miAi.r. fii.t.ri. Are tho only Medicine that J.arried nud Single Eadloa have relied upon for many years, or can rely upon now. lieware of Imitations I Tuaso I'llls lorni the I'ini'al Preparation ever put forward, with linoiedlate nnd I'ersistent success. DON'T III! DUCUVKD. Tnko this ndvcrtUcmcnt to your Druggist, nnd tell Mm that you wnnt tho best and most reliablo 1'emalo Medicine in tho world, w hlch Iscnmiirlseil in DR. Clini'.SMAN'S I'EtlAl.n I'lLldltl The have received, and nro now receiving the sin ctinti of the ino-t eiiiiuctit I'hysicians in America, EXPLICIT llllll.l'l IONS wilh each llox, -tho prico Oue I), liar per llox, containing Irom .Ml to 1,0 Tills. Tills sent by mall, promptly, by remitting the prico to the Proprietors, or mi niilhorl.ud Agent, tn currant funds. Sold by Druggists gem-rally. 11UTIIINUS k HIM.YUR, Proprietors. 81 Cedar Street, New Yurk. C7 Sold ill Cloonuburg, by Eycr & Mnyer, nnd E. I' Lull. l'eb. S!7, IHI',4. ly. First Spring Arrival FOR 16G4. IF VOD WAHT (SCOBS AT THE JUG 11 T PKICnS, CALL AT J. J. BROWER'S STORE. WHERE YOU WILL TISD Muslins at SO, 20, 30, .18 rimM5 cei3. Stripis ( Checks at U5, H3, 40 S,' els. Calicoes at 10, 18, 20 and 20 ecu's. American Fruuh Dtlaints, 25 to 40. Good line Alpaccas ij- Ladies onera Cloths ALSO, Carpet3'. Carpeta ! ! Carpet I ! : A FRF.3II LOT OF GROCERIES ANEW STOCK OF QUKENSWARE, And all the ctcetcra'a usually kcrt, Gall and Examine. Illoomsbuig. February G, lfC4. Y virtue of a writ of fiaria facias, to mo directed i-sned out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, will ha exposul to public sale, un the premie-.-., m Locust townsnip, Columbia I county, ou TiiLt(i;iy inn vn ii .n;trcn lohl. at HI n' clock in the forenoon, tho follow ing described property All that certain tract or p-ircel of land situate in Lo cost township, Columbia county, containing llOacns morn nr less. HID ai res of Which are improved laud, l,i,Ti,li.,l mill ile.rrihed lis follows, to Wit: Oil till- West bv lands of Israel vVerey, nn the north by lands uf Jac b Drunilieller. on the ea,-t by lauds of Nathan Ga ble and uthera. and on the .mill by lands of Lucas Fuhriuger and other, whereon are i rectodn two btory STONE DWELLING HOUSE, A large HANK IIAltX, Willi all necessary outbuildings with thu appurtenances. Scizod, taken in execution and to bo sold as the pro perty of Joseph I. LUby. Shoriirs OlHce, ( J. II. TUBMAN. Hloonuburg, .Mar. 5, IPilI, SlicriH-. House and Lot for Sale HpIIE undersigned ofTors o sell a Pri ll ate Sale, hia dwelling House, and Lot nl'Ground, with all tin imnrovements there- SiiJH iintn lielonging, i-ituate uu tho South Last cor- ijiifi net nt Tlilril and Iron etreeta. in liioouiiuurg, (.oium- . l"1 counl'' l'a- ALSO. Ano hrr Lo of Ground, siuao on ho South West corner nf aahl Third and Iron Stroett, in llloiiuifrburg, whereon is erected a large and Vrn; i.,Ceiiont wrszl ItRli'K ItHTJ lltli! SHOP. MM 1 With all the necessary Improvement and convenieu. ces. I The hrsl named property is one of the inoit deirn- ble residences in Hloouisburg Mr a private family.. ' 'I ho second named, is the best stand fur a iiutiiip.r I SHOP, having nil the reguUiiu buildings and arrnugu- I nients.iii good order, for business purpose, with n HiK "" Zs" Should the foregoing properties, or either o ... . I. "." "01" "" mo 01 t1.' , '. 'V1'.' .', "??,. 5.' I uu oiieruu ior l.nui. ..wii.,.-, wmiui, llloouisburg. January S3. leVil. OR. WISH ART Of this City, lias undoubtedly diM-nvcrcd in his cm lunation for the treatment uf Dyspepsia one of the greatest remedies that has ever been given to aiilf- ering Humanity. 110 lias treaieu wiiuiii mu past mu i-nj ki,i 1-1 Iii, it nver n.nii thousand case ill Ills liri- " " , , 1 . ,,, , i-.ii ,.r vate practice, many of wlilih had defied the skill of eminent physicians in l.uropo r.a .Miicricn, anu iu America, und 111 every cam where the medicines were taken according tn direi lions, thev have made a nerfect euro. .Many of . the above cases were of ovsr twenty years etauding. I llioso who aro troiibleii witn nyspepsin wouiu 110 well in call nt thu Doctor's ollltc. Ho gives you ad vice free. Pcrtuns at a distance can consult by letter describing tho symptoms. Dr. Wishart's treatment put up in n secure package, with full direitioii6, is aeni by exprci-a nn the receipt nf Su Dollars. N. II. In nil cases where the disease has not become chronic, Dr. Wishart's Dyspepsia Pills aro all that 1 required. Sent by mail un the receipt of One Dollar Address Dr. L. Ii. C. Wisharl, Philade'phia.-J'.lifa-dclphia Ledger. Dec. Ill, IrltKI-Dni House and Lot FOR SABiE (DMSJAH. , CJMIE undersigned, offer. In sell nt privnta sale, a do. I siruble and picas 11,1 residence located In Light Street, Columbia co., about '.'1 miles North orHlooms burg, on .Main Street, and central in baid village. There is erected upon said premises n good , jJ with a well-fltted Store House nttuched, with !!iL nn excellent well of water at tho door, stable antt fruit trees and all other necessary conveniences, in a high state uf cultivation. Tho Sturo House aud stand nro of thu llrst order, and present an excellent nnd eligible opening for the Mercantile business. The building has an open glass front, under handtnina awn ing and em ircled by thriving shndo trees. Said property will be sold ul a bargain, or exchanged for a Hiiall farm or other real estate. ALFRED MOOD Light Street, Aug. 29,lff,3, $225. SEVEN OCTAVE $225. ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTES. ti Hovesteen & Co., 409 Uroadway, N.Y. NEW. ENLARGED SCALE PIANO-FORTES, with all latest improvements, Thirty years' experience with greatly increased fac litiea for manulaclurin;, enable us to sell fur CASH nt thu abovu unusually low price. Our Instrument re ceived the highest award at tho World's Fair, and for livo successive years ul the American Institute, War ranted llvo years. TtHMi, rcr caiii. Call or send for descriptlvo circular. March 3, ltol.-dni, NOTICE. ALL persons knowing thomselvei in debted or having unaided accounts in any wiso with thv iiudaraigned, aro hereby notified tn coins, fur ward and ttlu tho aamo Hy unending promptly u .ibis notieo will siTt coita. T. MKKTjr.VJIALL Haaaaiaiifg Jaaaisf 31 llll -Sw MJIffMrClW "Hot Alcoliollc A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED A PURE 70X10. DOCTOR ROWLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS rutPAnrn nr DU. 0. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, 1'a, ttt IMj effectually euro Llvor Cnmnlalnt, Dyspepsia, ! W Jaundice, Chronic nr Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, nnd all discakts uritlug from 4 duor dared Liver or Stomach, flitrt na Constipa tion. Inward Tiles, Fulness of lllnod tntlie Iload, Acidity of the Stomach Nanstn, Jleurlburn, Disgust for l'ood, , Fulheii of weight In tha Stomach. Sour Krnclntiona. Sinking or Pliitterlugnttho l it of tho Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ried and Dltllcult llroatlling, Ilutlcring nt tha Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dimnesa of Vision, Dots or Webs beforo the sight, I'ovcr nnd Dull Pain 1 llin Dead, Deficiency nf Tcrspiration, Yellowness of tho Skin nnd Dyes, Pain In tho Side, Hack, Chest Limb., Ac, Sudden l'luslus f Heat. Ilurning in thv l'b'fli, Constant lm aginingsufevil, ic depression of spirits. And will positively prevent Yellow Terer, nillmui Fever, .c. They e main no Alcohol nrbad Whiskey. Thov will cum tho nbovo dlscnsca In ninety-nine uutnf a hundred. . Induced by tho extensive aalo anil universal popu larity of llnoflund'a (Jeriuaii Hitters, (purely vegeta ble,) hnsta of Ignorant Uunrks nnd unscrupiilcna nd venturera, hnvu opened upon suffcrinri htiinanity the Hood gates nr Nostrums in mo snapu ui poor wnisKey, vilely coinpouuded with liiliirlnus drugs, nnd chris tened Tonics, Utninnchles and Hitters. lieware or the Inniiniarablo nrray of Alcohnllj rrep paratlons In plethorlr bottles and big bellied kegs, un- oer too inouesi uppen.iiiuii u i.u.ursi miicii iiuwnn of curing, only ncgrnvulo disease, and leave thodlsap. pointeu aimer in ucajiair. IIOOI'LANIJ'S GERMAN BITTERS 1 Are not n new and untried article, but have stood he test of tilteen years trial by t lie American public. mid their reputation and tale, aro nut rivalled by nny similar preparation. 'I he proprietors bar. tbou.4r.ds ut lattsra fiom tha muiteiuinetit CLERGYMEN, LAWYER'S". PHYSICIANS, iSIl CITIZENS, Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to the beneficial effects nnd medical virtues oftlies. Bitters. 7)0 you vtlnt tonething to ttrtngthtn youT Do you vant a good appetite I Do you tcant to 6tnlJ up your Conttitutitnt Do you vant to feel veil? Do yow vant to get rid of nervenintitl Do you vant energy 1 Dc you vnnl to sleep veil? Do you vant aortal ami vigorous feeling ? If you do, use IIOOFI.AND'S GEUNAN HITTERS. l'rom Uev. J. A'evton Ilrovu, D. ., Fditor of thi Ency elopeitia of llcligious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recn'nmend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingre dients and clfects ; 1 yet know uf nn sulllcient rcasnus why a man may lint testify tn the benefit he believes himself tn have Vecolved from nny simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more leaillly in regard to HooCnnd'a German Hitters, prepared by Dr. (', M. Jackson, of till city, becausu I was prejudiced against them for many ytars, under ho impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I nm indebted to my friend Robert ."hocmakur, Esq., for Ihu removal of tills prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement tn try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. Thu usu nf three bottles nf these Hitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree nf bodily and mental vigor w hich I had not frit fur six months before, and had al most despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my lrieud for directing me tn the use nf them. J. NEW TON HltOWN. Philadelphia, June i. 1EC1. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparations sold under the name ef Bittern, put in quart bottlos. compounded of the eheapetl vhi'hcy or coiimon rum. costing from -J(l to 4(1 cents per gallon, tho taste disguised by .Inisc or Coriander Seed. This elasa of Hitters lias caused and will continue lo cause, us long as they can be sold, hundreds tn die Hie death of the drunkard Hv their use the system is kept continually under the influence of ulcohollc stim ulants uf the burst kind, the desire foi Liquor is crea ted and kept up, nud the result is all the horrors at tendant upon a.drdnknrd s life and death. For thoso who de-ire and will have a Lienor Hitters, we publish the following receipt. Get one bottle of llooll mil's German Hitters nud mix with three 'pinrti uf good brandy or wlmkey, and thu result will be a preparation that will far excel in medical virtues and liuu excellence any of the numerous Liquor lli'terli in the market, and will coat much less. ou will have nil the virtues of Ho, .Hand's llittereineutiiicctiuu with n good nrtli'le of Liquor, nt n much lesa prica than these iiif-inur preparations will cost you. ATTENTIONSOLDIERS I AND THE F It I E N E 3 OF SOLDIERS. Wo call attention tn all having relations or friends in the army to the fact that "IIOGFLAND'S German Hitters" will cure nine-tenth of tho diseases induced by axuosurcs and privations incident tn camp life. In the likts, ihiblirhtd n linos I daily in the newspapers, on tile arrival ol the tuck, it will be noticed that n very large pruporti.iu ure siitr.-riug debility. Every case of that kind can be readily cured by lloofl ind'a German Hitters. Diseases resulting Irom disorders of the 1 1 gestive organs are r-pecdily rellloved. Wo have no hesitation i i stating that, if these Hitters wcro lreely used among our soldiers, hundreds ot Uvea saved that otherwise will lie lost. might b. - m,.t Wu rail particular attention to the fol owing remark able ami well authenticated euro of one nf the nation's hcroo". whose life-, t0 use his own language, "his been saved by the Hitter." PmnniuTiu. August S3, 1FG2. .Messrs. JonciS; I'.taiis. Well, gentlemen, your Hoof land's Girnian Hitlers has saved my life. There is nn mistake in this. It i vouched for by numbers of my comrades snmo of whose naiuea are appended, and who were fully cngni?uiit of all the circumstances of my case. I am nud have been for the last fnur years. a member nf Sherman's celebrated battery, and under 1 tho immediate command nf Cant R. 11. Ayres. Throush the iXposurt attendant upon my ardoroila duties, I wns attacked 111 November last witli intlcuunatioii of the hums, and wn lor evenly-twn days in tho hospital. 1 was then removed Irom thu White House, nud scut tn Una city on board tho Steniuer "State nf .Maine," I from which I landed nn tlio S-lh nf June. Since that I lime I have been about as low nanny une cnuld bo and still retain n spark of vitality. For 14 week or mora I was Ecureel;- able to swallow anything, nnd if 1 did force a piorsef down, a was immediately thrown up J again. . tun,!, t,,ii 1 vlii ivut .1 iius-i ,ji w.uer oil my smmacil, ir,, could not last undertheso circiimstances : nnd. tie. 1 coiiM not even Keep a glass or water nn my stomach, cordingly, tho physicians who had been workiHg faith fully, though uiiniu-ce.sfully, to rescue 1110 from tho grasp of th.i dread Archer, Ir&nkly told mo they could 110 uu moro ior me, uuu auviseu pie in seo n clergyman, ami m.iko audi dispuMtiou nf my limited funds ns het suited me. All iicquuiutaiicu who visited me at thn hntpital, Mr. Frederick Steinbron, of Sixth below Arch Stiect, advised mo, as .1 forlorn hope, to try your Hit ters, und kindly procured a bottle. From llin l.nie I commenced taking them tho gloomy shadow of i raid receded, and I am unw, thank God for it, getting better, Though I have taken but two bottles, 1 have gamed ten pounds, and I feel sanguine uf being permitted tn rejoin iny wife nud daughter, from whom I have heard nothlngfor eighteen mouths; for, gentlemen, lam a lojul Virginian, from thuviciiiity of Front Royal. To your valuable Hitters I nwo the certainty of life wnlch has taken the placo of vague fears to jour Hitlers will I owe the glorious privilege of again clasping to my bosom tkosu who are deare.t to me in life. Very truly yours, ISAAC HA LONE. Wo fully concur in tho truth of tho uboe statement a. wo bad despaired uf sciing our comrade, .Mr. .Ma loue, rcatored lo health Jnhu Cuddlebnek. 1st New Ymk HMtprv. Gcnrgo A Ackley, Co. C, litis Maine, t.uwi unciiaiier, U'.M ,ew ioik, 1. E. Spencer. Ut Artillery, Battery f. J. II. I'nsewell, Co. II, :id Vermont, Henry II. Jerome, Co. II. do. Henry T. MacDonald, Co C, eth Mains, John F. Ward. Co. Colli Maine, llejinaii Koch, Co. II., 7-.M New York, Nathaniel H. Thomas, Co. 1'., 03th 1'enn., Andrew J. Kimball, Co. A., 3d Vermont, John Jenkins, Co. II, llltitli Pcnii. BEWARE OfUoUNTERFEITS. See that tha signature of "C. M. JACKSON," is on tho W Hi men of each bottle, rRlCF. PER IIOTI'LE 75 CENTS, OR HALF DOZ. FOR $1 0. Should vnur neareet druirciat nnt have the article. do notbo put oh by any of tho intoxicating prcpara nous iiiui inn) u uiiuieu ui na piucu, out aeiiuiuus and wo will torwnrd, securely packed, by eipren. Principal Office and Manufactory , Wo. GUI Arch Street. Jones & Evans. (Successors to 0, M. JACKSON Si Co.,) PROPRIETORS. W FOR SALE by nruoi' liavs ail Daalari tn stmt "CVAR NEWS. DxsEtiTERs frpm LoNOSThBST's army say ho is doubtless moving to join Lbi. The quota of this Ststo under tho last oall for troops is 00,302. Cfnts hereafter coined wilt bo compos ed of nincty-fivo per centum of copper and five per centum of tin or zino. Emjka R. Potteii is tho nomineo of tho Dsmocratio State Convention fo: dor- crnnr of Connecticut at tho coming wlos- lion, ArTJtn, tho first of April tha inroio valuation permit fco on shipment to and from inBuricctionary distriots will bcthrea instead of five per cent., as heretofore. The Montcotnory (Alabama) Mail gives the following prices of that market : Bef, $2 per pound j pork, SI por pound j lard, 84 pur pound ; butter, $5 per pound cirgs, S3 per dozen These prices art just half what they arc iu Richmond, though tho articlts are really more sotro than they arc in Richmond. Democratic Victory in York. Yomc, March 18. 1804. At the election held here to-day, Mr. Sstall, the Democratic candidal for cliiof Burgsss, was re-elected by two hundred majority. This ii an inoreaie of itintty over the election of last year. Dr. Horlacher'B Pamphlet. IS SLAVERY CONDEMNED 11Y THE IIIIILB Ot PHOIIIHITKD IIV TUG CONSTITUTION Of THU UNITED STATES t HPniS is the title ol a neat little Paw 8 nhlet, on the nbovo subject, bv DR. JACOB IKIR LllClir.U, of New Herlin, Union County, Pa... contain-' l UK 3- well written pages, in English and German, ana for sale at this otllce, v It contains a va.t amount of uaeful lofuriaatlun. Price III Cents per copy. tlarc'j 3, 18C4. lm. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY UMMLIr. ( he.ipsst Paper in the Wcrld. flIIE extensive aud comprehensive laoil 1 itiea In Its possession enables the Proprietor of the Weekly Herald tu guarantee the-latest and meat reliable information possibly lobe obtained, nut unly from all parts of the United States, but from nil parts uf the wurld. Its home correspondents, engnged at heavy cost.anJ connected with cacti new naval and military expedi lion of the government, prove that It is determined tn leave no spot uucovered by its operations and no event can occur that shall not find immediate report iu its columns. It cost the propriotor over one Iiundrad thousand dollars per year to maintain ito corps of cor rt'spuiiucnia iu me ueiu. I lu its ci nation of Foreign Newa the Herald has fur , years laid a high position, and it will endeavor in tha I future to maintain the stand it has assumed. It has i special correspondents stationed in all of Ills principal ' cities of the world. l telegraphic arrangements extend to wherever tha electric wires, ere atetched. When the Atlantic cabla is laid, w Inch feat will anen hi accompli'lied, tele grams will be received from Curopuand Asi i, aa writ ns from tho United States. Then our rendera will have the events of the week iu all parts nftheciviliia' wurld regularly and clearly lai.l liefore Ihom. The pronrictur dctoles a portion nf the paper Jo Lit erature, Fashion, Agriculture, the .Mechanic Arts Sporting .Matters. Ilusincss, Theatrical and Financial Report., Cattle Markets, General News, and reporta of nil events calculated tn form an evei Hunt mrlrupulilse newspaper a weibly photogrephlc view of tbeci'.l. of the world nuil all at a v;ry low prlcj. The Weekly Hi raid Is issued every Saturday mora ing. and funiUbcd at the following rate ; One copy. JJ I rive copies. j Three copies. 5 Ten mpim, ji Any larger number, to names ef subss.-l bora, Z I 3(1 each. An extra copy will be sent tn every club of ten, Twenty copies, to one nddrt-x, one year. .'3, at any larger number at anie price An extra copy w ill be sent tu clubs nf twentr Advcrti.cment to a limited numb t will bt in. .rial in thn Weekly Herald. Tint Dmiy lUau.D, thee cents or copy. Ten dal !ar per year tor three hundred ami alstv-three isauaa rive uoiiara ior six mourn. Two dollars nud fifty cuuta for three months. JA.MES GOUDOH I1GNNETT. Editor and Proprietor, Hurthwcat (orner ol'Fiiltuu and atrsata. New York Cuv N. Y There are na travellinr agent, fur tha ilorald. March 3. 1'iil. Uts. A'1 TTENTION I iv -iiJ whom it mat coxcr.n.x Tho undersigned being a regularly "licensed Auctloa cer." hcrety olfers Ins services as such, tn all wha may feel dirpo'cd to give trim a calL Ills great eips rienco in the, will enr.l.lo him to render satis faction to his customers. At the same time he Caution a all Auctioneers, "tint licensed," from following said calling, as thu fine fixed by the United States will surely bo imposed, aud thu law carried out to its full extent. All person, desiring to obtain my services, will pleiae inform me to that cll'ect before they advc rti.s. J. D. RICE. AtXTio.Nsat, Light Streit, Nov. 14, 1-G3. "'AUCTIONEER. ' 'jplll'j undersigned informs hia friends C nud f-llow-citizons throughout this nnd tha ad. otng o tiiiiws ;aai ne i a regularly licensed nuctionc ar under the United States Laws, and is prepared to assy Having had several years exp'ri.'nco iu th j bualaata. h flitters himself that he will be able tu give iltia faction to all who employ him. JALUU SilLLIIAUT, Danville, Jan, 30, 1561. . Coopering. ADMINISTRATOR'S NO TICE. Estate oj John Jlrown, Sr., dee'd. IETTERSuf administration cn tha Estate of Joha jUrnwu, Sr,. late of Mifflin tn p., Columbia c.rj., dtc'H. have been granted hy the Register of Coliimbiuco., t the undersigned ; nil persons having claims ngamst tha estate of the decedent are requested to present theip Is the Administrator at his residence In said to-,, a ship without delay, sud all persons indebted tn usie payment furthw ith, . C.F.OI1GE CT.OWN. Admr'a. March .1, 13C4.-Cw 32 1)0 . VALUABLE HE A AT PRIVATE ESTAT E saLE. THE Real Estate formerly owned by E!i.n Wertinan in Rnhrsburg, Columbia enmity, Jsasfiu fa., is otl'ered at Private Sale, cuiisniuig ufliilUij Two Frame Dwellings nnd n frame Store House, with the necessary mit-bmldiiiga, all in go order. O" Terms Easy Tor further infnrnntioi iuqstra of Samuel Achenbuck, Orangevillo, Pa January 'J, lotil. 3m. ""HE underiigned would inform hocus- tnmeis of the late firm of C. &. W. KltnAMr.n na Merchants in Jcrseytown, that the firm has bee dissolved by mutual consent, and that the Hooks and Accounts nre in my hands for mUection. Ptr.on. Iiavlng aicnunts will please eirua tad make to aariy acttlemciit and oblige, &c. Grain and Lumber, taken on secount- ItRCAMrt. Jeracytown, February 57, 1S(!I. WABiWBJT HaOTEiBs, LIGHT STREET, Columbia countv, P 'I'llE undersigned liaa located at tha ubove'namct I hotel, formerly occupied by Peter Scbug, and aolU its n share nf public patrnnaje. (T Good accoinmodatlona for mau and bast T4 best kind uf liquor, at ihe bar, April.,. IPCS' O RICE, Propriatar, 8. M. WeWOxLl"S ULOTHING OALL. No. 202 North Second Street, Phil'a CONSTANTLY on hand n full nsaonKient of Ready Mado Men nud Uoy'a ClotlUng nr.d Gaula Furnlak- ! Goods, at Whnlesalo and Rail il - 1 jaBua'y Ifu-t. Cm. NOTICE AND CAUTION. Whoreas, my wife, Epha Ann Leiby, liaalcftmy bed and board without Juat cauol or provocation, notice ia therefore hereby givcn.nutssl harbor or trust her cn mv account, as I am detar.imns to pay no dM of bcr contracting after thla date i . J03EPI1 U. LEIBT. Locmt twp., Tebrusry ST, )3f,. 3t, I k'Htly yiA ifw t t4 biujy (liUa, td aaasia at kl CaTra a vail ''Cana-fi-1 m Has" HORSE BILLS;