Parmer's Department. JFRIISiVDS Ac UliliATBVISS OPTIIU Bravo Soldioru find Sailors. BARGAINS ! ' Another Call. DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE I BYRGAIN8! ; 5o, IK YOU WANT TO BUST tt. .(111 lll.lll 7 1 1 1.' 1 1 I J) 1 1 lll'j i'l " ' WHAT FARMER HOYS SHOULD KNOW. According to the Annual Register for 1803, every farmer's boy should know how, anouof or later 1. To dress liirmclf, black his own shoos, cut his brother's hair, wind a watch, bow a button, make a bod, milk a cov,anil keep (ill his clothos in ncrfeot order, and neatly in place S. To harness a horse, crease a nngon and drive a team. 3. To carve, and wait on table. 4. To shear the sheep and dress a veal of mutton. 4. To reckon money and keep accounts accurately and according to good book keeping rules. 0. To write a noat, appropriate, briefly expressed business letter, iu a good hand, and fold and superscribe it properly, and write contracts. 7. To plow, sow grain and grass seed, drive a mowing machine, "swing, a seythe, build a noat stack arid pitch hay. 8. To put up a package, build a Cre, white-wash a wall, mend brokcu tools and regulate a clock. RAW HIDES. How few persons know the value rlf raw hides 1 It seems almost strango to see them fell all their '"deacon'' skins for the small sum of about thirty or forty cents. Take a strip of well taun. d raw hide an tut-li wide, and a horse can hardly break t by pullirghnck two of them ho can not break in any way. Cat it into nar row strips and shave tho hair off with a sharp knife, to use for hag stiings, tho strings will outlast two sets of bags. Far mers know how perplexing it is to lend bags and have thorn returned ruinu? firings. It will outlast lionp iron (com mon) in any shape, and is stronf r. It is good to wrap around a broken thill bet ler than iron. Two sets of raw hide hal ters will lat a man's lifetiaic if he don't live too long. In some places tho Span iards uso raw hide log chains to work their rattle with, cut into narrow strips and twisted together, hawfer f.i.-bion. It can bo tanned so that it will be soft and pit -bio like harness leather. TIME TO CU'J' TIMBEIt A short time sinco I taw a stateuici ton this subject in a iiewipnpcr. I villi to give my own (xprrifneo and obvi i ..tiou for over 45 years constantly working aud using most al! kiuil of timber, more espe cially oak, ash and walnut. I haw loariu-tl be dear Mnertenne. nr I li:u-e ln.r mimli rf ' ' by the effects of worms in niv timber, and J havo found when timber may be cut and worms, or powilerpoit, as it is called. Cut timber from thu middle of September lo the middle of December, and you can not get a worm into it. October and No vember aro perhaps the best months, and euro to avoid the worms. DLANKE'I'ING HORSES Most persons who have the otre of hors cs in winter make a serious mistake in throwing alilanhct on tho animal as soon a! stopped after becoming heated by hard labor or long traveling. Tim vspor that f team3 up from the hot sides of tho horse condenses and wets the blanket, and as he continues .to cool the cold and wet covoring cools instead of warming liim, The better plan i to all6v the horse to stand uncov ered until cooled down to about the ordi nary temperature (which, of course, will defend on and must lie regulated hy cir cumstances,) and then throw on a dry blanket. A TREATMENT OF HICCUP. j This may often be romoved by holding ' the swallowing a piece of bread, ,by a suddcu friyht, or a draught of weak , liquid. When it arises from Iteat autl ac- idity in tho stomachs of children, a little i rhcubark and chalk will remove it. j Should it proceed from irritability of tho ' nerves, taUe a few drops ot sal volatile with a teabpoonful uf paregoric elixir. If it still continue; rub" on soap liuiunsnt, tuixed with tincture of opium, or a blister may bo placed on the pit of the stomach, or sipping a glass of cold water with a littlo carbonate or eoda dissolved in it. A THING WHICH FARMERS SHOULD KNOW. If you wish to drive a cut nail into eea Boned oak timber, and not havo it break ot bend, just have a email quantity of oil,mid dip tho nail before driving, and it will never fail to go. Iu mending carts, plows this is of grot advantage, for they are generally mostly of oak wood. In straight ening old nails beforo uiiug, let it bo done -on .wood, iind with easy blows. If done on Iron, fhey will "be ture to Ircat, FROZEN PUMPS. M Almot every one know what a vera tion it is to havo a pump frozen solid on a oold winter morning. This may bo obvia ted by setting a headless barrel around it nnu fill it with horse mautire mixed with btrawy litter. A littlo care iu this, particular will savo much tinio npoLt u thawing out.' TAR Is the Vllnl Principle of tho ! ino Tret,.' t.btnlned liy n peculiar prnros In the .lUtlllnt'lnn ft the li t by which It highest medicinal properties nro I retain. II I the m dlclnu cure when nit bllicrt hare failed. 1 A (.'tent llr in Ml) fur CiiiiMimplioii. t am constantly rrrclvlng uch certlflrato ns the following, READ IT I lln W'iiiuht-Dctir Plr : t had n very ilromlfii couth nnd sore thronl for one venr. nml inv whole sts- tern waa fist giving wny, nnd I was prostrated mi my lied with but llttli; hope i f recovering, My dlense baffled Iho power of nil medirlne, nnd In n snort time 1 must have pons to my grave, luit thank Hod, my itnuiih-ter-ln Inw would not rest until l.r went to yniir store, No. IH N. Second Hlrert, nnd related my cuts In ynu. purrhasod one bottle of yntir I'ine Tr.--Tnr I'or.linl, nnd I commenced to uso It, nml In one week lwns much better, nnl nfter using three holtls I am perfectly Well, n wonder to nil my mentis, lor mey nil pronoun, eed me p&stcurc Publlrli my cnelf)ou think pmpcr. Jl.DLlUA .lAMIllOa, No. 1391 Wyllu street, Philadelphia. ,'JTar Cordial. an iNrAi.i.iiiLi; cure ron nnoNcniTis. Mr. Ward say: llr Wisiiart Sir I hal llrnnrhltl Inflnmitlnn nf the ' tine. PlinrliiciM nf llr' nth. nn I Pnlpltntloii of tli ltffirt in th-lr worn! form I t had been lreatt-.i hy e-t-riil (it Hi.- most vmiuciit physicians In I'hllnd' Iphiu, lull th.'y could not stop the rapid course nf niv tllwn-r, uud I had despaired of every being reilnnd Ih henlth. 1 was truly on the v-rge nf tin- stave. Ynur I'ino Tree Tor t wis highly recommended torn" by., fri-ndj I Irlcdit.nnd nm thnnkiul tn uny that after using four large, nnd one sum I bottle, I was restored ti perftet henllh. You can pivu rifjumu to my house. No, P68 N Second Mreet. or nt my olhcc or itei eivnr ot lnxe ' from U A M. to 'Jl'. M corner of Chcitnut and Plxtli streets John Ward, BLEEDING OP THE LUNGS- nf.AD TMD FOLLOW1NO: Mr. WittitRT, Sir -1 return you my rratefnl thanks for the discovery you have made In making n medicine that will curp Iufl.inintion nf tho Mings and l.lver Complaint. When 1 commenced to uo your PlnoTree Tar Cordial t w as, to all npprarauce. near my grae. I had been for n length ol time tpiitim blood, nnd would nt times vomit it. My physicians (for I em ployed two) pronoun, ed me past cure; but my sister liarl used your 1'iuo Tree Tor Cordial, which did her so much good that she pret,i'cdon me. as a last resort to try it; und thank (od, I commenced to use it. 1 have taken tweltc bottles and nm perfectly cured, nud am ready and willing that any person that is sick should call on me, and 1 will tell Ihein what our Cordinl his done lor inc. All my fileud nnd neighbor were utterly astonished nt my speedy return to h- nltlt, for they had seen me vomit blood In n clotted state, frequently. Tublish my cn-c, for I want every person that is su(T crlHg ns I was, to kdovv of your invaluable medit Ine. Uespeitfully, John Virdih. Crasa Street, six door hhovc Kichmond ttreit, l'hil ndelphla. The Tine Tree Tar CorJIal will cure Coughs, Poro Throat, und llr n t Itronchltls, Asthma, Croup Hoop ing Couch, Diptherla. nud is also mi cxi client remedy for diseases of the kidneys, and female complaints. iiuwarc oi' couTi:nn:iTs The genuine has th3 mime of the propriitor nnd n pine true blown In the bottle. All oilier arc spurious imitations. i'MCE FiriY CtlilS AND OKC DOLLAR TER HoriLE, Frepircd only by tho proprietor, Ir. L. U i, H IS11A ItT, No. 10 NoriTii Second Sr., PHILADELPHIA, PA. En Sale by all Druggists. Dstcmbcr 10. lSS3-Cin. and n large assortment of I'iie Tinei prooi Salamander Safe, lso, iron; doors, for banks and vn);''Ji, Bl""-. " suuuers iron safii.nil gVya''nft makes oflockse'iua! to any ma in the United Slates. ! Fire Sfifcs in one Jin. .Ill -came cut rifht; with tor tents i ceod caiditiojt. t Tho Salamander t-.ifoo of I'liiladclphia ngalnct tin world. i KVANS & WATSON, have had the suret demostr.-ttion in tho fullowing ce tiilcnte that their manufacture of Salamander S.ife m, at length fully warrant, d tho reiiieeiitatiniis rthirh li.iv been ninde of them n-. rendering an unJoul.ted s -curirv I egainst the terrific clement. I rnilnilelplila April 12. isjr. ' .Vrttrt rutins .f- liaison: fieiitliio-n - It utl'ord i mo iiiguesi sansi iciion ro sinie 10 yon, mat owing tu the very protective ualitii s of two of tho Salnumudi r, Pafes which we purcli of you some ftvo month kince wc saved n large portion of lew clrv. and nil our hooks. fcc, exposed to tUi rniaminous, lire in Rain-teaJ Place on Iho tnnrnlnc of rh lllh int When we red let Ih-Jtthes.i safes re located in the fomth siory ofiiie iiuiijins wj occupied nmi that tiny ffll fliil.tnetipntli' liitmi hi nn nl'hi.ri.iiin p.. it, a .. I,n. tl.n vat coucntratinii of tho hent caused tin) brass plates lo melt, wo cannot out regard th preservation ot their val liable content ni most com incing pruuf of the great se curity ntl'ordcd by your sales. Wc shall tuke great pleasure iu recommending then: men of business as a sure relianeu against lire. f.uuK.jf; . tsm.Morss & iiuo., JeKcilaj C7They lini-a since purchased six large Safes. July SU, lebU, August 'Jd IPsr. Kos. 9,11,13, 15, 17 Couttlandt Street, llilOADWAY.i NlllV YORK CITY. This old-establislitd nnd favorite resort of the IJusi- jibss Coiuniuirity has been recently retitted. and is com plete in everything that can iui.iist.-r to the comforts of its patrons Ladies nnd families aio specially and care fully provided for. It ' centrally lncat"d in tho bu iness part of the city, nud is contiguous Iu the principal lines of steamboats. ears, ..uinioustos lirries. c. lii7M!K?.',M' cM One Dollar a- d J'iltij cuts per Day, Tho table is amply supplied with nil Iho luxuries of the season, and is equal to that of any other hotel iu the country Ample accommodations are offered for upward of 100 gue-ts. Zy Do not heli.-vo runners liarkmen, and others who mav say "the H'e.s, Hut-1 is full." II. f). WlXCIIiaTEIl, r-roprietor. TL'OS.D. WlNCIIT-STUn. fib, 13, IfcOS. TIIK CHEAT H'DllLI'- r'AIlt f.XIIIi'.ITlO.V liELAl IN LO.VUO.V 1-41. THOS. W. MATTSON Was awarded the I'rir.e .lied- - uifcfrTTi al for his mpjriority m-rrnll '.J5---,K. '-A competitions ju th..' United XI SSJiJt & etatu.l'or his iiuproviiueiits fQZ 'i'rAveUitis! TntiiKS, (hmtii. lie being tho inventor and YSX Manufacturer of Ela.tic steel ""VZlits-"" Spring so'l-l Sole Lealheraud rolid IliVPted Iron frnme Truvi-lliug Trunks. Valises, Lad es Hat Ujses, Carpet Hags. Leather Uia, Umbrellas and Hobby, Ho8" digs, I'ropellere, Wheilberrow s, J.c-, Vhich ho if prepared to .sell at the lowest manufacturing price. The most cxtenuro Trunk nnd Carpet Hag Manufactur er in Philadelphia. 4U MAllKLT STREET, onu door nbevo fourth, , , South side, I'lULADELl'lllA, rX7"Snles-toom on the llrst floor. lOTruil; neatly repaired or exchanged for new cnos, Call and see, a wo bell very cheap for cash. I ov, 14, Ie03-ieuio. mmmt asm rpilEfroprictorofthls WLll-knowu uud centrally loca J. ted House, thu Exuumie IIotel, situate on Mai. Hticet, in tlloumsburg, luiinu Jiatcly 'onosite thu Coluiu tia County Court House, respectfully informs his friends uud the public in general, that his House is uuw in or der for the reception aiidiiitertiiiuinent of travelers win, may feel dispt -ed to tavor it Willi their custom. Hu has spared no. peiib in prepaung Iho Ex. hamie, for the entertainment nf his guests neither sliall Hn-ro In-nnv. thing wanting (on his n.wl to lllilll.ler in tbeir comfort. His home is spanous aud enjoys an cxc.-llem business location. Oiiiiiibui-s run nt all times between tho Evchange Hotel niidtho various Hail Road Depots, by which tiuv elnr will ba plensaiitly coniuyed tu and from tho ro spectlie Stutlons in duo tune tu meet the Care. W'.M. U. KOO.VH. Illoomsburg, July 7, 1FR0. TINWARE & 8TIIVE SHOP. TMIB undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend J uud customer, that he lias purchased his brother Merest in the ftbov.i estnblishmeiit.uudtho toneeni wils heronnor bucondmted by hiniselfi-xclutlvely. He Jlu. Just received uud oners fur k.-ile. iln. I nr... .2j est and innsi i-xienilve assortment of f A , 0 V r81 OVtr) ever introduced into this market. 7 His Hoik consist of a coinpU-te utsortment of ho best ( ooking und parlor stoves in Hie market, logeth. er with Stove I'nture of every .lesceiptioii, Oven and linx .ttoves, Itadiators, Cylindar Wlovi-s, Catt Iron Air II iglit loves. Cannon ritnves, &c., lit. riluvepipu and Tinware oiustantly in. h.iml end inanufaitured to order. All kinds of repairing liune, j,,uual, on short notice, The patronage of uld friends and new cusi.uuur ro- pectfully solicited. A. M, UUi'EltT. inoonisburg, November 3 J-ISCO. tf, JOHN 0. YEAGER, j MANUFACTUnEIt & WHOLESALE DEALER IN smATs, caps, STRAW GOODS, DONNE I S AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nor '.'I, W EVANS & WATSON & f-'-aT-ava? sai.ajiandkii s.n:s, kk- MOVED to A-. IlirtA Fourth 3yUlSjS.r5Jk Street. PiilatelMa. havo on 7i0'U4 I10LJ UWAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. All who have friend nnd Relative In the Army nr Nny liniilillnkn per In' earn Hint they honinply sup plied with these Pill nnd Ointment j nml where the hrnvo H.ddier nnd Bailor have neglected to provide themselves with them, nn bettor present can be son them by their friend. They have been proved to bo the r-o'dler' never failing I'ricud in tho hour of need. (.'(VJOII9 AND COI.II9 AIT ECTINH TROOI'ri, Will-he speedly relieved and rir.-ilun.lly cured by ui iiiir the admirable medicine, nnd by pajlttp proper ntientinn tu the Direction which arc attached to ra:h I'ot or Hnx. BILK HEAD CI1ES AVI) WANT nf ,f ETITL, incidenpalto soldier. 'Ihojo f-clltig whlrh n snrfdon iHusu.ilty nrlofrom trouble or nnnnynnrej. oh-tnii led p.iplrallnn r eat Injnnd drinkinit wln.evi r I unu iiiilefoin.i, liu i.ij. turliliifi the In m lion of Hn- liver nnd The-.ii orjan niimt be relieved. If you ileMr-1 to b uell I In- I'ill-. Ink. ii e c. orilios M the printed liirtiirlliins, will quickly print, re n h nllliv milon in buth liver nnd ttoinncb. ami. pi a uiiturnl con i -iiH-mt, u clear head nnd ci-od npp tile. wuaknlb'oii iif.mi.n v inuci:Diivovna f ATlODIi Will toon illappear by tin- ucofthec-Invniiin.iin I'ill. and the Hohlii-r will ' ncqulie mlilillunnl tlreiiplll. N'.-ver let tho linueln bo i-ilher conflu. d or .n.l.ilv ....mi. II III n mi. mil klrnnn.i. lint. inwax' I'ill hoiild bo recommended lor I'yfcntery 0I1 i'Ux. many pcrtoiu iippim1iiij lhntlh -y would lncri-uo tne n I million him le rsrcni inisiaKe. mr these Till will rnrrcct the liver mid stuinnch. nud thim remove nil Ihe ncrld humors I'roin th.i yt'-iii. This medicine will sive tonu nud visor to the tvliolu nrjnnlc syflein. however ilenmueil, while h-alth and strength follow as a matter ofcuurs-e. Nothlu? will toplhe re laxiilion of tho Done-" so sura as this famous medi, attjintionm inuisuui:tio.s or voutii. ores nnd Ulcers, lllotchc nnd Fnillings, can with certainty be radically lured, if the fills are taken night and morning, and Ointment be freely used as stated in tho printed nstru,,lon-. If trentod In nny ther man ner, they dry U' .i ine part tobrcuk out in nnolhar VWicrenslhi' ointment will rcmnvo tho humor from the lenvo Iho I'alletit a vignrounaiid henlthy man. It will rriulro a little persevcranco !n bud ca ses tninsure n lating cure, fo it woi.xns iutiicr occasion!'.!) nv Tin: UAYOXCi' tJAllHI-;. (Ill Till-! IIULIXT, tOSUd or r,uuici:3, To which every Roldior nnd bailor arc liable, there are uo m'-diuo bo safe sure, nud convenient, n llol-low-ay's I'illsnnd Ointment, 'I ho wounded nud almost dy Ini! sufl'erer nil?lil linve lilsuolimln dressed inline ill.Hrly. if lio would only provide, himself with this matchless ointment, winch should ba thrust Juki the wound and smeared all round it, then covered with a piece of linen from his knapsack and completed with n handkerchief Talking, night nnd morniug, (icrd fills, to cool the system and Frevent inll.imatlnu, lively r-oluii-r's Knapsack nnd Seaman's Chest should he prmided with these valuable llemedies. CAUTION! None, nre genuine unless the words "llolloways, New' York and London " uro dlscerunblu as a Water-mark in every leaf of thu book of direction around each pot or box , ihesame may iilaiuly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A 'handsome reward w ill be given tu anyone rendering such information ns may lead tu the detection of any part) or parties counter feiting; the medicine or vending the same, knowing them to h-spurious, suldat i.ijnuf ictory oi frofessor Ilollowny, 60 Mladen Lane. New York, and by all respectable drug istsnnd Dealers In Medicine, throughout the civiUed wo.-ld, IC7" Ilolloway's fills and Ointment nro now retailed owing to the high price of Drugs, &C, .It 30 cents, 70 cents, and 31,111 per Hot or I'ot. r0-'l here is considerable saving by taken tin larger sizes, N, II. Directions fur the guidance of patients In every disorder arenlhted to mill box. J Healer III my well known medicines can have Show Cards, Circulars, Aic sent free of expense, by uddresstng TIMMAB IIOIJ.OWAY. tU .11 AIDES I.4SK, NEW-YORK. Dec. IS, IFGI.-ly. June 2u, 1SUI. G RTON'S Cheap Groeiy Store. .1LSO HATS j CAE'S AXO SES4MES, 'I ill. Im.ii reigned having li, -unlit out the Crocery o 'I I l)a id Htruuo, has rimoved his Hat nnd Cap Store up to Ktrotip .-. old stand, where in addition lo a supc rior assortment of FALL AND WINTEll Hats nnd (Japs, Ipm TOjll I CONFECTIONAUIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Suyar, Coffee, Teas, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, llutter, , Coal Gil, Drugs, Parlor ami Hand Lamps, Books. "Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware and Cedarwarc, F'-ckct Knives. Combs, J-c, cJ'C, 4-c, Together with a variety of article.-! generally kept in u Stnru. Also-A.Ane lot of Kin-, JIOI'.O' I'.Oand LtxiNOsto w liiili he invite the at eution of bhoeniaker und the public. JOHN K GIRTON. Illoomsburg, Doe. 5, 18C3 fstij. iso-i. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE S JL I h ROilSi This great lino travuses the North, rn and North west counties of l'cHiirjIvniiia to the my of Eno, on l.hku Erie, it has been leased bv tho renusylvania Railroad Company, nud under their uuspic. s is being rapidly opened through. nit lis entire length. II is ii.,, in uso for I'.isM-uger and freight business from llarri-burg to Emporium, if .i mileslon the Eust ern liviinii.auil from Shellield to Erie 7tj miles) on tho Western Diusioii. TI.MR or PA-.SENOER TnilNS AT KORTlIl'MCeRI.ANn. Mail Traill leaves, East !l -J.' . M. Eipre,s Train " " 10 57 I'. M. Mail " " West 5 4-1 " f.xnress ' ' " 7 Id A. M, Curs run through without cuanoc both ways on these trains lii Iween I'liiladclphia nml Lock linven, nnd llaltiiuoru and Lock Haen. New' and clegint Sleep ing .'ars neeoiupaning the Express Train both ways between Williaiutjiort and llaltiuiore, and Williams port and I'liiladclphia. for respecting f.issenger business, np ply nt the S. E. Cor. Mill aud Market Sts. And for freight business of the Company's Agents S. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor.nth and Market Sts., fhil'a J. IV. He, Holds, Erie. J M. Drill. Agent N. C. It: II., Ilnltlmore. II. II. Ilouslun, Ceii'l. freight Aiit , I'hiladelpliia, Lewis '.' Iloiipt, IJ.'H'l.Tuki-t Agl I'liiladelphia, Joseph D. I'otU, fieli'l. .lluuagcr.Williumspuit, fibruary 13, ISiil FOR FALL .j- WINTER. THE riubscribcr has just received n lot llo'Iery Trimmings uud New Coods, such as 8 IS IP El v a5 '$wTU&Mn wags. ALSO: (3LOVEB, DOLLS. BTAVS, BATCH ELL. IlOOf r3ICIRTS, I'OllTMfXIf.B, AND OTIIEU XOTlONfl. ID Wheeler U Wilson's Hawing Macjiine for sale. Also Hiiiiday Hchoot Hooks und Ribli!.. Also-Mrs Allen's Hair Restorer which will giveto gray its natural color. A. 1). WEI1II. Next Door below Court House. Uloomsbiirg. Nov, 11, IrOlt, : RLOOMSBURO SKYLIGHT, " Pictuie Gallery. rplll! undersigned inform the citizens of Illooiu. J aiu' neighborhood, Hint lie hns takru the largo room nt llie Eichanet, llloek. eiieudiiie er iinriiee Hinline. ll.ikery, and tho llookstore where ho lias put in u largo Skylly' t. It isonly by Sk)lghtthnt good pic- Hires can betl ten especially groups wheru null person can bo tukerl ist as well us separate Huhusgoii to i-oiisidiruble ixiiensn to mako his es lablisliuin ut first class on-, nud he lli-reforo solicits liberu, patro igo toenablu him, tocniistautly introduce .thu mode I improvements of the art. Ry" Cu in )' produce taken Iu Exchange for picture HENIty ltOSENSillCi; Uloomsbiirg, Nov. 23 1FCL fNov. 0 'ij ELI II OLDEN INVITES the intention of every render of this paper, which Includes many thousand Of lllfl nlfl ntlll n.n.lMllllnn.lia t.'.m ' uuu-udlly largo and beautiful vuritv of AMERICAN inn I UI'dltTI'l) U'A'i I'liiist. I'l.or-K-si auu elegant derifus or JEwELRV . Hilier aro,iC IlOJiDEN. . nm nrrr i liA III'. Ill'll I A 70S Mnrto Sree, PHILADELFIIIA Murch 11(93 u Fall & Winter Goods, go TO Irensy's Ston-, in Light Slrccl, Pa. Who Keeps all KinJs of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, OAR PUTS, 110SIEUY, SHAWLS, Rcady-Mado Clothing Sugars, Mola.-aes, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Pish, Salt, liacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Scpars, Hats, l?oot", , Cans, Shoes, Drug, Oils, I Paints, &c, &o. In addition to our largo stork or Pry floods, we have n large nnd full assortment nf licady .Made Clolhiog lor en nnd lloy wear which wo nro determined In sell cheaper th m can be hougljl elsewhere. Call nnd see, nud Judge for yourselves. II. OiUKUAOl t 1W, Light Street, Nov. ?, lHtM. NEW AttRMMKT! rpilE people of tho county of Colutnhia Ji arc respectfully, Informed that the undersigned lias fin sale, nt the IlJCOIWJUl'S OFFICE, in iiLooMsiiuito. 'run iikst and cnnArnsT AssoiiTvinvr of :oiiet To bo found anywhere in the County, roii'lstiiig nf Note, Letter, Legnl nnd Cap Paper, fens, Holders, l'eu."!ls, Inknnd fnvelopes j NEW A N J) SECOND-HAND HOOKS, Comprising History, foctry.f ictlon.The piogy ami tun riassirs, of Itnbn's Lnmlon nubllrntlnns. front ' which selections can be made, and Hooks furnished to order; by special arrangement with New York Agents. nOOKS.DOOUMENTS.PAMPIILKTS and Speeches; nnd copies of the Unit-d States, ntnt citato Constltutlon-i, iu arious stjles. nlwiiysou Land, John u. ntnc.i:. Blooaishurg.Nov. 7, lff,a 'i mi mv GRiirKiir store. MORE FRESH GOODS. j Just eccived at Eratmus' N;w Store. I Molas-ses, j Sugars, Teas Coffeo, I Rice, i Spices, ' IlftTS AND CapSs Fish, Salt, Tob.icco, Segars, Cnndii's, Razens, . FEED -AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variiiy of notiousand etcete ra", too numerous In mention. rjiT" llutler. Eegs, Meat and produtc geuctally taken in exchange fur goods, A. II. ER XH.MIJS. niooiiisburg, Mnyl). It-fiH, FIlESll LULL & Wild A 'I' Miller's Store. rplin has jut nturned from thn Cities JL w itli another largo und select assorimet of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia, at thn lowest figure, and whiili they nre di termiued to s II on as moderate terms as eiin be procured elsewhere In lllooiiisburg. His stork cotuprivos laiufa' nthfs noons, uf choir, st stiles and latest fashion. dry anons, .ixn onoci:iiir., ii utim'iUK QUF.r.v-ir.ntF.. CF.lhlll IEME, HOLLOW IIVIiK uto.v. .:in. jwow if suoF.s HATS S,- airs, etc , Sit., fc, ln short i vr-r thing usually kept in cnuutry Store to win h he invite the pulilie generally Tho Highest pri.u paid for rountry produre. S II. MILLER. Hloomsburg. Oct.SI, im;:i. NEiV ARRIVAL. Fall & Wiiitav Goods At A- J. Evans' CLOTlilMi EliFOillliM! ULOOMSliURG, PENN. LATEST SYLES CAEAP GOODS rt'UV. undersigned respectfully informs hi- friends I and the public generally, that he has Just received from the Eastern cities, a large assortment of N E V fi a O 7t$L fi G' bilne tho hist assortment ever olfered in this market. Also a luiupleto assortment of Hoys Clothing. Iu fart everything in tho Clothing Line fur those who prefer to leave Iheir iuei.suros, a perfect 111 guaranteed, nud nothing but the best workmanship allowed at this es tablishment. He ulsu keeps on hand a large assort ment or ROOTS AND SHOES. IIATrt AND CAPr". together with a vnrletyof notions. Cy CALL AND HLH-fOR YUCRPEi.f A. J. EVANS. Illoomburg, Nov. 21, lfG3. National Foundry. RLOOMSUUUG,CQLUM1$IACO.,PA. rilf. subscriber, proprietor of the nbovo named ex 1 ttnsive establishment, is uo.t prepared 1o reccivu order for All Kinds of ilhi'lilnrry, fur Collerles, Ulatt furnaces, Stationary Engines, Mills TIIREfHINC .MACIll.Mia. fcO . &C. He is ulso prepared to make Hloves, all size and ! patterns, plow-irons, and everything usually madu in ; llrt-class foundries i Hi extensive larilities nnd practical workmen, "nr jnntt lilin in recuvlug the Ijrge.l contrails on iho i niu-t reasonable terms. 1 fXy" (iruiuof all kinds will be taken in ciclnuiw. fur 1 cuttings. Z.5T TIlis establishment is loea.ud near tho l.cckawau na S- Ulnoiiisb irg Riiilroait Depot. I'EI'ER DILLMEVEK Illcomsbiirg. Sept. 13, 1S03. ALU Jl.USEY LtMlS FOR SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUl ' FARMS, Huitiible for (Irnpes, I'enslies, I Strew berries, ltlnekberrles. Clirr. i i. Raspberries, , tc of 1.215. I HI on MO acres . .-aril, a, the follow . price for the ' ere for Silo, 5 1 ir 8io. faynble ee lots in Client- ' I present, via- '.ii r.ere tor 8200. IP ' acres for 011. '.'i acre for $10, I ucr 1 by one dollar a week, Also, good Croiibitry lands, nnd vi' . wood. !J5 by Ion feet, at Sltl each, p ible by una do is. nro situate n rlington county a. apply, w itli IN CLARK, w Vork, N. V. a ! lar a week, The above laud mid In heutw-nnd. Wushiugton towushlii, I New Jersey, for further informal, f. O. Stamp, font circular, lo II, f RANK No. !!0 Cedar Stre.-J, January 17, 1-03. SCIIOOLISIIII'S I'Oli HME. fittsburgli Commercial College. Ilinghnmptiii " " Criiteiideir I'hlla :olphia. Stratum, Itryant ic Co., " ' The. Srlios. nro innmoiints of 15 and S50 nud are sisomuch cneh, by the Stud, lit cm entringtither of the I "hovu Colleges, Young mdii desiring toubtain ulluisli- cd Collegiate Education, will here And acood specula- I tmn hu o,.l,-,-o, .ku nrtlna ntth Nor 1 lUi POLl'MBIA UEMOCBAT. lR RIVAL (if 4 hevolvtion in high pmues. L.UlGli ARIUVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods AT PUTHll RUT'S STOKU, a l.iaiiv stiikkv, cor.u.vnt.1 cnvxiT, r.i, nA Jut received (mm l'hilndelphla. nnd I tmjv npenliiBjit the old stand l-ite'y occupied by Murlt U I'.ni, a splendid nssortmcnl of , mm mAis which will bo sold cheap lor (JAjMI OH OOUNTUY PltODUOE. Ills stockcoiislslsnr Ladies Dress Uoods ihokcst styles and latest fushluiu Calicos, I Mualin?, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpet, Shawls, ' Hosiery, Silks, PJiADr MADE LOTHTNO Uas-lIlierCS, Satinets. I i Cottonades, Kentucky Juaus, Thread, icc. Groceries, Quecnswarc, Cedarwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drujre, Oiln. Paint", &o. HOOTS & SHOES. II ATS & CAPS. In shon,rery thing n-unliv kept in n country store Tile patrolmen nf old friends, nn.l Iho p-iblie general ly, Is reipeetl'ully so irited. l lie lllglicl liwrfti'l priei' pun. lorcinnnry pr.iiiui-i.- remit ln r. Light Street, Nov. 7, 1B03. u I. l td V 1 '"nnunilerslgneirnnrso cxiensivety engaged HI ih I VndtTtakive Uiminess, nnu Keepscousiunuy on iianu tantiy on nana lid ror sale nt iu Warurooius. a large assortment of; FINIS ED ' OFPINS, Hy which he is enabled m till onlcm on presentation Also-Keeps a good Horse and Hearse, and will al al times be ready to attend funerels. HIMON C. BIIIVC. ' ltlooinbi'rg. January 21, 1P5U First Great Arrival. OF FALL'S W.N I ER GOODS 1 Thu undersign' d, has Jul r-i'l-'uls'iod In Et.iru llou-c iu Uraugeillle, Willi a w-i ll-elciteil ass.rotineiit FALL & WINTER tiOO ' -S CousUlliigiu part of Cli'thi, ."Ilk. Muslins. Cassi-' mer.-, Cingtruus, ('.ili.oe. rMi.mU. ll'i-i.-nes, Cnrpets uud I, mi. -s' f a-mi-v D.itsi (i.iiio. g uer.illv, Ironi ti TJitsuud fruits I'roui l.' to-.'iits. READY MADti ULOTUINO. Hats, Ilools !i Shoes .Mackerel .Milaasscs, Sugar A. Salt. GUOOERIES GENERALLY. With all otlier artih-s. u-ual y kept iu country St res to whirl) he invites th-early attention or old and lew cui-tomt-i-s. Il-ning been at Hie City in the right line --bought low nml paid cash - ho will be able to com et" with the le-t. and s.ll for small profits and pre tpl pay. His frunils aru invited to pop in nu.l s"C he eights. W M f ItlTZ. (Ir.'irgeville, Nov 7. 1SC3. E WAND-liCON D II AND SA FE S , lor c tap alNiu ork Hcpat, d 1 1 -;tu't!t, New Yrk. limn t i. A G R E G G. SIZC AND 1'RICES Of LILI !E'S f IRE TROOr ti f ES O UTl ID F.: IBcr?U14Jtai iiEioitr, wii.Tii. mreTii. No. 4 U I Vil S J .No. 'J Si '.'i VI .No. 3 30 '..'4 l No. 4 SI t SI No, 5 31 31 -'I No. U Id 31 '.'1 IJfSIDE: iiiioiit, u nu it, pr.nil. No. 1 17 It 12 I No. a 11 131 Hi ' No. 3 21 15 IS No. 4 S-J 13 1.1 No 5 24 21 11 No. ti 31 2! Jj i mire. 1 No. 1 $5u 00 No 2 nil IU ; No. 3 ll nil No. 4 P3 0t No. S 1011 0.1 No. I. 115 IK) November 14, lr-03. Green woo . Semuuuy . F.XOL1SU, CO.WIFltCMl. SCHOOL FOlt BOTH SF.XF.Si. T. I.I. rOTTS, fr.iMint, .Mctlicnaticj. liwk Kitplng and A'atural Icltntrt. j. d. ta'ti'ok, a. m , t FJocutton. I Altrature.andji nctent and JUWri-n Languagts. The Scholastic year isdiiided into four .pinners of eleven weeks-. uth. lommenrlng as follow s On the second Monday iu August, the first Monday iu November the U'ird Monday iu January , and the second Monday iu April. THE EXPENSES Per quaiter for Hoarding uud Tuition In, range from $.'.) 00 tu 31 00. Languages, Music and Draw ing nre extra IC7" for I'irrulars or further particulars, address the frineipal nt MILLVII.LE, CULUMUIA CO., f A. October 3, ItKI ly. H. C II 0 W E R. SURGEON DENTIST. rtrHi'Eir JSJv lonal servli citfrfM men of l.l.e -J' irepared ti RfHI'ECTl-'L'LLV otfer 1Mb profec anJ ionllo. W. !'!" .1'"! 1." ", I tt.-iturs iu llie or l.loouuhiire nnd viil lireuared In nl.i lid In .ill tin, operations In the line ofhis profession, and Wltlllllu atest IlllDroved VUHGF.I-.1IX TF.F.T11: ulnrh will he inserted on gold, platina, silver and rubber base tulnokwill as tho natural lei-tli Mineral platu und blnik teeth manufactured and nil operations on teeth, carefully and pruperly ullinde.1 to. iletideiicu and ollice a lew door aboi o the. Court . House, same side. Hluomshurg. June 0. 1-C3. riintci, Ruokbimlcr iV ILiukltuok ; M A NU FA (' TU R E It,- WllOLl-SlLE AND l(l .. ' Dcsl.FR IN I'RINTING. Will WRAl'I'INd PAPERS AUINI 1011 lllit TATAWISSA HUH UILU, ' Main Street, first Ihe Public Spuare, I WILKESRARRE, PA. Nov. 23, lhUl-13i. , c. i-AeL. PAUL a. n THOMrsos. i & THOMPSON. WHOLESALE J "UALEUS IN iVo. -13 JS'o'tt W haves. PHILADELPHIA, K7-UUTTEK, OIIEESB, Nov, II. IW-lftii) I! A M b, fit- TtllH tijSTtTI'TU'V U under the sole min.igernr.nt nml.llfotfon of frof. II. W. '" C""'1 ni.vaiMMrox co.mimcw. of Instruction cnitiraces nil iue ri--iii.s"-- IMWIIl'll ill' ii""'. . -t;i ...tlitrtJ regular routine ol buslnes t.nnsaciio . .. e. . .. ... kins I I" I' ,h,,r",!h "," '""'r1' i'..f miv everpresetited to the public, and feels fully as Si ml Ih i alter having been himself engaged In actua usl ne s Vml ha lus had many years ;lrt'ny teaching tho irluee uf Acrninits, and b eliilj Ided 1 y n r.ill and cerps of t.wh..r, o ; w 1 1 en bled ti. maku thnrougli and succes-fiil S'11'1";'1" of 1,11 who may place thenis' les ler hl tn.irgi. rr..s'.viA'sitii'i lulhi" essential branch of a bu.insii education no CollVge offers better facilities ... l" l,l''.u.r '? eHcerla system will b taught In all It vnrletles by ihe l ies sk ilful ma.l.r. of the ail. Cnsc men, of i-,ii,.,.ri,i mis lurtltutlon have received the hlfihest ( eneoiniutus Imni the pre. ,(!. ' for general iufuriiiatioii, terms, fcc. aUjtt fur lege Monthly, which will be mailed free; ror sretl mens ..f I'eniu.inshlp. . m lose Iw ,, three cen t . i an pi. , Address '. " ."i " .. I owell's Cnnimerclal College. Ringhaii.lnu, I f.S. fi -- ;-p,;,llt', q, ,,,K Oold fen,, w lit. hol-le. nnd case, warranteu for one "r and to ,u t, will be fi.... r.e itu.iirr .. nnr:i. i n o. I ti.irniy,..-.. nun cese, nai u.. .... .... ; .1 Ml l sent, fret-or eh irgo to any one im nm v. the above ndiln ss. Octobej It, le3 ly FAMILY DYE. COLORS. llt,,rx, llAUK llllT., LlOlll' lit UF. Maointi, VI MtOO-4. f BKMIt 1't.iui- r Ort.Noi. I-IK. Hum l!p.on I'UKPI.C, ltovi. fenptc. -Al MON, HCIRUIT, -LMt, f otrsmso, V'.n, t-T I rum llnowN. H. M'IK llROWS. t.'HIMfOI. lluiK lima, Lk.i.t Dam. Hahk lini.tN, I. IUIIT (iKLIN. k VlLLOW. for Dying 'Ilk. Wo den and Mixed C.cnd'. Shawls, Scarfr, I)rc-F Illbhon- Cloves, t onu ts Hats, feathers. Kid Gloves. ChiUlreu a Cluthliu and nil kinds ot Wealing Ayparel. IS? A Y1 Oi-' i lK:t H:T."3a fur 25 rents vnu can order n many goods as woMll olherw is - cost'flvo times that rum. Vnrlnui skades can bo produced from th' same Hyp. The prore-. is simple, and nny one ran use the Wye with perfect juc- Directions In English, french end German, inside .f i-arh package. I'..r further information ill nyclog, and giving a per fect know lege what colors are bed adapted tu ilyo s are best n.lapteu tu uyo vnlunble recipes.) purchas-j i on Hv. ing and Coloring.- over others, (with ninny llnwe A. StenliLtin' Tr-'nlles hi- limit on reei-illt'nf njice -It) cent Manufaiturcd by I10WK fi STEVENS, e1 U IlROlDW'AV I OST0.1 C7"ror sale bv Druggists and uenlors generally, Z;cccmbir 1.', IS i3 t m i. . sii.... tid:.. nnnt.., . ..i :'J- M.'j " u - w.i iil. inn.-j Cftl EStiir, Mollis in Km Woolen- Acc . A-c . Bisccl ota rut up in 5V-. She. nnd $1.00 fores, 'littles & fla-k SJ and S- sues fur Hotels, i'ublic Institutions, J.c. On y inf.illllilo remedies known," 'Tree from I'oi-oin-.." "Not danserous to the Human family." 1 Uats come out of 111 -lr hol'-s to tile." ZJ fold Wholesale Iu all large cilie. I- Hold bv all Druggist & U"iailjrs T 7s I'll lltWAR. "M ot all worihli-ss iuiituii'iu-. iO' i-ee ttiat - Co-i joi-h" i.iiine isou each lli.x, Ili.l- tie, and flask, bi-for.. vim Imv, CT-' Address HfA'liV it CO'TAK. ITT" faiNrip..!. IHeor -I'l Hniii-wv, N. V. I- P.d.l In- all VMiulesak-anJ Retail Drugjirts in Itloouoburg, l'a. Tebruary i, l-M.-rni. Lackaunnu.t & liluomsljurg Railroasl, rN AND AFT' R 3S. Is. I'ASSENOf.l! KJ TRAINS WILL RI.'N AS fi.LI.UUti. MO V I Ml P Of TIL IVisc.jf r. Leave Fcranton, Kiugstim 4 SO I', f.'iS h.ll.l !!.I5 :.0j M, " Itooiusburg " Rupert, " ll.unille, . Arrive ui Nurt'iuiubuilaiiil, .M O V I N (i Leave Northuiuberland, N O R T II F.CIO A.M. MO I'.'.'J s.:ij 15.1J P. M 1.30 " Huuiill..- " Rupert " I'tooin-burg ... . " lUiig'l.ui Arrive at Siiutttoti f r. iglit I'.iss-'iiger I- ave HIooniKbiiL , 10.15 A. V. I'lisseiigurH taMiig llie vim Tiam Miulh connect with the Expres- tram Ironi Ni.rlh'.l. arming ut Hnrri-nurg ut '.'.311 A. Yl llaltimor.- 7.1-u A. Al., and nt I'lulad. Iphia at 7.1)0 A M. The .Mail train from Northumberland leaves iiiimedialelv .ill-r Ihe Express train from liar ribllrg and ttaltioior ,alowiuj I',i-s'-ug-rs h-aiiug I'll 1 1 :i .1 -1 i.ll 1 1 al 10. 10 1. M. to lea ill jiuints on this toaj during ill-' ii.-xi New auJ elegant I'leepiug cars aeeouipany Ihe night trains each u a) b-tw.-ni NorlliJiub rluud and lialti luore, and Northumberland and I'hil.i Iclphh. II. A. f o.N DA. Supt J. C. Wells, (IcuH Ticket .ii'.-nt Kingston, January 3n, Ir'jl. i. r. un, New Duug L X. I'1V ) S T O It K, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rj'.IIE und. r-isn-J wnul.l liifoiu' their friends and tin J public geneially.tlut th. y haie taken ths stand for uiert) iii-i upn-d by (i. u Hag.-uliueh. iu th - Exchange IlillluillL-. oil .Mlllll ttri-l-t. Ill lllnoiosl.ore. llll.-r.. I.,, i, ... juti rcceivcu a urn suppiy oi rns, mtihrmvti, vumts, mu, t just received a full suppiy of Siilliljl.o, IX M , IVhirli Will bd sold on mod. rat- terms for readv pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sun nud size. Physician' proscriptions ran fully cuiiipoinnliil, nt nil limes and on short notice. CV ConlVclioneiy of the best selections, and Soda Wnter iu season A share of the public custom is respectfully so. icilud. EVER U MOVER. Iiloonijburg, April II, 1863. & I1? A 1 k'f (a ,,a )S ItRownAl S-v H7. .r.i. .-w fi I 'I'liou-.iu.l-upoiuhoiisaiids who li.n,' b-ji-ii thu v, lilXeimHtiC kiOlOl. ' tii.i or i ioiK.. uu.l wli.s lurn .utJ heaiy feesto 1 i cur d in n short tiuio, haiefuuiid tiny wera die. -i-. la ie iol, it. b. and lliatlliu 'POISON " hai, by the uso of "powii No. 77 Dock Siret-t, next door to tlio1?s,,illi'',''8''J'.'!''!,elri'Jl'1,,1'llv,!l',,,om' to break i. PoitOfiice, 1'hilouclpliia. 1,10 ! In an agC,uvaed for,,., and perhaps a.Urmarriags. rpn.s well liiiown rstablMiinenl mnint n.,s its inual' X leli-brny, uud in well mown n-pul-ition of being I the best I HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN l'LAN , Shall ho sustained. I.'uoin- may bo had lit nil hours- ! per niijlit, J7 rents ; per w.-i-k. t j Ju, ,,0r mouth, ile ' Tho liar and Eating lie ,llB l"f vcr Hunt! III-. in..rk. u,i produce. OAiME, FRUIT, VEUETAULES, "nd,'l,;"i:l!8r'vcrycliinen,aybeh1)doliiinoHio l' .....ii.-iik nre iiiruisiieu win .iired that no expenso will be spared to render this Hotel a , l.l.nil, Ulll-, J. March 7. JeC3-Sm, OTTENKIRK, Rropr. Kl-AH HOTEL, runLic squ.mF., mj.KFS-n.iitr.c, r.i. rpiiiun.'erslgned, Iinving taken this well-known Hand (formerly uf .Major l'uteibaugh), resin-cllully solij I its the p.itronugg of the public, ' j No pains will bo spnrul iu any or Its department), In ' render sntlsf.iitiuii to all guest. Tho TAULE and tlia l.'Atl will always ba supplied unh the UESf THE MARKET AffORDrf. Ov Oood r-tabllng fur Horses nn.l attentive Hostler Ihe "Exchange." is elislhly niuuf-.l on the Public Bquarc, nnd has ihcreforo peculiar ndvaiilngos to per- . sous altunding Court or doing business in the public olliees. Charge moderate. ' j N.U. Wlicnovcr you como to town, please call. WilkCfRarre, Nov I,'., 1S62! "' J' YAlLC' ; THOMAS DROWN, tiarbtr. ULOOMSUUim. COLU.M1IIA CO.. I'A. "liop in Opurt Ilouee Alley th lUnotrnt Ollif N.TVinbrr U, If 11 HOSTBTTBBB CELEBRATED BITTERS. A pure nn I powerful Tonic, corrective nnd nlterntlve of wonderful et'-l ny In diseass of lliu .VIOJUtll, ItVlill AM) nowKi.s. Cres tiyspepsli, Liver Complaint, llea.b'he, (ifiiorn-. ULbility, Nerioiisnes-, Depression t.f fplrlt-". Con. ttlpatinn, I ollc, Intermittent f .-vers, Crampj mid Spasms, nnd nil .nnnlainls of either Bex. rrlslng from tin Illy Weakn-ss whether Inlierent In the system or produced by special cjusos. N'fTrusn that it not wholesome, genial nn I reftors llvi. In its nature enters Into tk ronipositlon r Il'n Ti 'ITER'S STOMACH IHTTEIlS. This popular pre-p.-irniloii toiitnli's no inliiernl of nny kind, riodpnd'y el no-lit ; no fi ry exeltait j hut It Is a r-nuil-l-n.i inn nf th' eiliarl. of rare balsamic herb" iti.I plaiils Willi the purest and lulldesl of all dlir,ili sii.n Ul.'Ht". .... 1 It is well lo b' forearmed ngnln-t disease Hi. 1 as the liuliim system ran l e iirnleited lo hu --i -1 agaliHt m-il.idi -s eiigender-'d bv tin nnwh"l s-.u n inusiiliere. tmiuire water and other i-xter-ial lai- t. I HUd ' UTTI.U'S IlirrEKS may hi rell.-.l ontunrufi- I 6J"irildi!trl t lnf.'ted with tecc and.lgne. I' ha bfpn foiiu.l infallible ns previ-ulive nnd lrr.-slrl. il- a- n , rcni. dv ii ml thniirn-.iits wlio r-'sort to it Under nri"', ' hensioii ornnattari..eseapeik -srnurgo i nnd th 'wsvi ' who negie.t to nvnll thomselv'-s . f its prol-ttlve .,ua' in in ndvauc -, are cured by n ver brl -f lour-.- f Ibis marvelous uieillrln-. T.-v-r nnd Ague patient-, nfi-r being pall I with qulnln" lor months iu v.un. ii ti t .nly s.iin-i.t -d with that .'..nger.-u nlkn'obl n" n"t out., qiientlv r.-tored to health wiiliiu n f. w i' iyn by th- use of HO T .T lTlt'S IIITTEi 3 'I ho weak ftutnnih Is rnr' ''' In igorated nnu the i petif r.-s'or-d 1 V this ngrei-ablu I'onlc, and henee it work? wondeis imns.-s .-f llifpepjla nnd In less con firmed forms of indlgestlo-i. Acting ns n gctitl-jnuj i painless npperlnt, as well n upon tho liver, ilnl o Invariiibly nli.'Ves Itie I'ensiip itlori supi nuduced t-y , Irregular aitlon of tha iligelive and secretive org"'.' I'ersons of feei-le h ibit liable .Venoej Attacks, lm; nm .Minis nnt J its J i.migur, nnu prompi i.r. i .peniian. ut relief from lit j I point Is nint rnucliiflv n. of liilhus ( nln tll 111 ,V1 K , .1.111...- ,,.,.,1-,. , J w. islv", and Ironi tiotn si-xuh olic l-s immediately nunit by a siugie uoseoi ine siwiuiatii. nun vy .ii-c-innii-iny rcBorting to It, the Ktui i of th" iiunpljlnt may b3 pr; n.f.l j As u general Ton'c, HOSTETTEK'S niTTf.Rrf -n ! liucecffects whirh must be experienced orwltnet-i ' I beforo they can bo lull)- appreciated- In case of Co, stllutloual w.nkne-s. premature ieravnnd debl Ityuli . decreiiitude arising from old ngo it .-xer. he. rh; '-l-r tiic iiilliienco In the convale-ceiit slaues ot al -i -It np.-rates as n delightful Invieraut. Wh--n til i ers nt ir- nru rilax d. It operates to r i .fn .'. o 1 re-1'ft.ilili-.htheiii. Lost, but ntd l.-a-t, it th.- ..nls - I Kliiuii'.-iit, beinz uianiiuiitured from ound nu.l niu . i ous mnerial.'. no I entirely free from th-i n. Id c-louie-i! i present more nr less in all thu orulnniy tonirs oh ttoMiarliicsof the day. No family medli in-ha' Lscn so universally, nn I ni.'i) be truly added, dutrrcdlv the lilt' Hi c nt portion if the coiuiuunity, us HO:TETliK tltlTER.-i. I'repnr.d bv HOSrETlER ii SMITH, I ITISlHJIliill. Vk. TT'SM hynll Drugaiatj, Grocors and siortksej,. r, ev-rywh- re. NnvHiuberSl, 130-ly. Genuino Pronaialiuiis. coiiroEND Fi.cifi exi'ract r.vrvv. p. live and t,i i Ific ). me-ly for Ulfia..-. . I th- Mi . Kiiiu.ys Crave!, an-l Uropricnl -iwollliij. This i.ieilii ine i ni r--:it-on the ptw.-r of ulgstion i f xritt: th-- tibi.nb.-uls into healthy aition. bv war n ' Wn,. rv or l'iil.'.ir.-i'i- dei'o.iti'iin. cu.l 1. 1 1 II. in i . IJiilargeunineuls are r.'iluei-, ut, v.ill us p.iin ciili lUnntiau. -:o: IIELMDOLD'S EXTRACT R1JCIIU I'or weakness arising frota !'."sptf, habits oi' Pi sipatiuu. Early ludi.cuimn ol Abuse.-., utunjud w. th follow ing symptom :w ln-ii potitioii to Liertion, Lo-. rf ',. - I.o-- of M.-moiy, Hlft'-itliy of . h Wtnk Nerep, . Horror of III si nsc, I'.iin inlh-i,. Cnivrrsnl LussituJe of the Muscular S)tiiu, Hot Hands. Eropti' ns n Hie -..r.. Dryness ef lln Skin, E'usliuig if in - f. i, I'atli 1 'nunteiiiinie These sitnptonis. ti nll.ivied to go on whi.h V meiliti'te inv.ri-itily r -iu"V'--, ro ui folltuvs Imhoilsi v, I" -ii-iTV. Eeatpnc t n r, Iu oiip . f w Inch the f ti -nt m.. jr r .pure Who can say Unit th")' nre not f r.-.iuently fl 1 1 hy thosu -Direful Hisunses " "INSANITY AND roNSl'.Ml'TIDN" Many nr.- awar" of ih caue nf tlu-ir suHVring, I,-,-lion..- w ill loiif.-ss 111- re.ords of the Insane A .ylum And mtlenclioly it.nths t, CoiiMimpliun hear ninp wlnies to iho truth of tli nisi rilnn. Tho (..institution one.-. IT.'iteU w ill) organic weukiie. . requlr s ih ui I of Meiliiio.- f. st-i ngih -n and Invi oj.itu the system, winch Helmhold's ' xtract iluchu ii ariably d.i.d. A ttlal w ill roiiviaee the n.ost skeptick FKMALKS FEMALES. In n.any t,if4ctii.u ii'-euliar to females th) Curat Iluchu is unt'iunlled by liny oil,, r rem.'dy. as iu Ch r"sis or K'-lenti.iu. irregmtiiity. painlunic. r, orSu, presioii of CiiHoiunry Lva' iititi"ns, ulc.-r.-ilod i-rs.ii ih'ius statu of the Uterus, le- n liurrlu-1 or Wlutvs. Steiility. and fsr all ennidaiiit inn. lent to th . sex wlutu -r niising fro.n iuJiscritiun haaiis of Cisslca tiou, or in thu DECLINE OR CHANCE Of Uf E. -lo: Take no more rtu!.n.i Moioiiry, or unpleasant Me. lines tor unpleasant and dangerous iliseas.s llelu. hold's ExIriKt Iluchu i.ud lioproM-.l Rnrd Wash cur e. n t diseases iu all th ir Huge. At little expen, l.utle or no ihiiiige iu iliil. No lUconveiih-nce, uii i.. i-xpo-ure. It causes a frequent desire and givo trengtli lo Cr. n.-.te. th' r, ii) removing,.ns, preventing r.i curing stm-tur. s i f the Urethra, allaying pain nud I! .rauutriiiu, so Ire ii-iit in liio das--of uisr.ases, n i-xp.-lliiig all poron.ius, .lis. used an. I wnruuut matter l.'sa Ilelinbold's l.xtract Iluchu fornll atTuittoni n .1 as. of tin- I'mmry Organs, wnether existing Miileml 1 .iniak', Iroiu whjt ver causo originating u no matterof liuw long iiaudiug. I'I.ea. ;M wh ill it Iiieaes of the-e Organs r"'iilres tho nid of a HI. imuiiiu s i.xnuit iiiictin is ina lireut liuni rl'iin tu Iu vi. desired in all Iliacascs ' is rei omul -iiuio. 1'i ico $1 per nutilp, or 0 for $5. Delivered lo uny address, eerurcly packed from obs-.-ynliou. Da.i-rib.i symptom III all boiniiiunicatioi Cures guaranteed, sdviee grui. Address It-ltjis i iufuriiiatioii tu c . ,.."' " HELMIIOLD, CAcniii, 101 PautSi ' , below Chestnut, I'hlla IIEL.MUOLD'S .Vedirnl Depot, ' llELMUOLU'ri llrug and CAeraicol H'rr,oKi n .. . Uroauwav, New Von lien aro of Counterfeits and unprincipled deu' who endeavor lo dispose "of their own" unit ' olh . nrticlen on the reputatiun attnluii'I by ilelmbold' (i nine Preparations, Extract Uuchu, Extract Sartapatl.;. Inipruved Koi Wash, ! FOR SALE R Y All Druggists Evorywiioro. ASK rOU IIELMDODri'P. TAhT NO OTH' " Cut out the AdveitiHtmcaj and teiul for n,