Farmer's Department.! HINTS ON RAISING CALVES. Calvos tiro rnlsod for voal, or to becomo , milk proJticors, or to bear tho yoke, or i unbroken to bo usatl nsbcof. Whoro tho production ofTcal is most prolitablo, it is usuhlly best to givo each good cow'! two calves to Teed, and let them run with 1 her and havo all tho milk they will draw.' In winter and carlcy spring, this cannot bo dono, and the calves must bo brought to tho cow thrco times, a day for tho first week or fortnight, and twioo a day 'after, that; if tho calves lcavo any milk, tho cow should bo thoroughly stripped each timo. This nlan saves much labor in . , milKtllg. allll SO 600n as OIIC pair Of onlVCS .. .. ... Das been SOlU to tho butcher, another pair) may take their places. - (,. .. vuna uauuiij 1 own auj calves given to thorn after one or two milkino times, and thev mav then bo , r, . ... , , .. ! lCtt to run together in the pasture. Tho I , til. i r I Calves SUOUlU DC nearly Of an ago, No COW that will not givo plenty of mill; for two calves, ought not to bo kept for anything but hoof ; and it is an excellent plan to mako tho short tcated cows nurses in this way. Tho calves which are to bo raised either for beef or breeding, should havo nil tho milk after they are 0 or 8 weeks old. Where butter is made, and the milk can not be epared to tho calf, tho plan of a correspondent of the Agriculturist may bo followedv Ho writes : "Shortly after the calf is dropped, tnko it from the cow and put it in a dry, well littered stable. Part of oaoh day,it should be allowed the rango of somo adjoining yard, for exercise. By separating cow and calf thus early, the former is sooner weaned from her off spring, and the latter learns to drink milk more easily ihan if allowed to suek for several days. Milk tho cow at once, and feed the calf all it will drink. To teach it to drink, givo it your fore-finger with tho back of the hand immersed in the pail ol milk ; a low trials wilt suffice. DuriDg tho third week, givo about ohq quarter of skimmed milk ; in the fourth week, one half, and after the sixth week, let it be all skimmed, but sweet and as warm as newly drawn milk. After two months, weaniD"" from milk should begin, Feed a little In dian moal wet up in milk or water. Give once a day, a little soft, sweet hay; he will soon learn to nibble it. A pint of Oats per day may early bo given. Soon he will learn to cat grass, and then in good pasture, will tako cure of himself.'' Tho practice of icmovinrj the calf from to dam wo do not commend, though it is Tery generally practised. After tho labor and trial of maternity the .cow ought to havo tho satisfaction of sucklink her off ppring, at least so long as it is neoeS3ary for the calf to havo nothing but pure milk. Tho cow will often worry and pine if the ealf be taken away too soon, and a tenden cy to garget or caked bag is often tho re suit. Moreover, if tho calf bo fastened in' a calf-pea or elsewhere, and allowed to go t'o the cow three times a day, entire sepa ration will be much more easily borne af ter a few days. Where the milk is sold, and it is best to wean the calf from the eow as speedily as possible, it may be removed after a few hours. Meanwhilc.the cow will havo lick. cu it and nosed it to her heart s content, giving the little thing a notion of matters and things about it, setting its blood in circulation, and getting it well on its feet. The calf will havo taken its first meal, and ''butted down the bag,'' as they say. The Grst milk should never bo witheld from Cue call ; utterly unlit tor human food, it is aperient in its action, and cleans out the bowels of the calf as no medicine can. Serious results follow, if tiiis docs not take place ; in case the bowels do not move, a dose of two ounces of castor oil, with a teaspoonful of giugor, ought to bo admin istered. The removal of tho dark, gummy feeoes with which tLo bowels of a newly! born oalf aro more or less filled, is very important. After tho calf is removed, it is kept away from tho cow except at meal times, three times a day. After about the third or fourth day, it may well bo taught to drink from a pail, The milk must be freshly drawn at first, the next day, part tkimmed milk may be used, and liy the time it is a week old, it may bo fed on skimmed milk altogether. Then begin to add a little thiu gruel, being careful to check any tendency to scouring, by scald ing part of the milk with a little fine flour. Bran added to tho gruel is loosening; fine wheat flour and boiled milk h avo tho'op posite tendency. So that with careful watching, a calf may easily bo set right without physic. Whero calves run with tho cow, and can nibble gro83 a littlc,they seldom hava any ailments. After a calf ia thrco weeks old, and often earlier, the milk may bo witheld altogether, and a tea made of cloyer hay used to mix with the gruel, In this way a calf may bo fattened for the butoher or raised successfully, but it will usually bo moro economical to feed milk, unless it is worth moro than 2 cents per quart. American Agriculturist. The farmer whoso pigs got so lean tliat luey ttouiu crawl tunniL'ii tuo craCKS OI JO (Loir n.n .(Anno.1 lliolf lr. L SUSII PfcV.v- .MW. .A, VJ S lllg kuoti to their tails. Mws uklawbs of Tim 1 Bravo Soldior3 and Sailors. JGLOLIOWAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. All who hwn I'rleiuln nml Kol.itiven In tho Army at Navy tlioulil tako esvcelalcitro that llicy ho limply cup . piled with tlieso Pills nml Ointment nml where the bravo Soldiers nml Sailors have nceloetod Hi nrnvhln tlicmsclvcswltli them, no belter present can them by their Friends. Tlicy have been proved to bo tho So dlcr's never falling friend In the hour of need, COJJrjIlSAND COI. 1)8 AFFECTING TROOPS, Wliriio spcedly relieved nml ciTcetunlly cured by tin Inn these admirable meilicineii, nnd by paying proper attention ta lilt Directions which nro Attached to cadi I'ot or lloz, HICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF At ETITE, INC1DENPALTO BOLDIERS. Thnso feeling which so Harden us usually arise from tronoio or annoyances, ousiruucu pcisptration, or cat in? and drinking whatever la unwholesome, thus ills i turblng tha healthful action of tho liver nnd stomach ,Thoso organs must bo relieved, Ifyou desire to bo well "Tim Pills, taken nrrnrillnir tn llin rtrlnlml ltiirlurllrm. will quickly produce n healthy action In both liver ami siouiucii. unit, u. ii uiuunii tuiiscquuiicu, u. cicur ucau anu goon nppciite. WEAKNESS OR demlity INDUCED UV OVER FATIGUE Will soon disappear by tho use of tliccc Invaluable Pills, nnd tho Soldier will quickly ncqulto additional strength. Never let tho llowcls bo either confined or unduly Acted upon, it may seem strange, 'that Hoi- lowny's l'ills should bo recommended. for Dysentery Ulti. . d.i.l.J nMiri.Bi.i ,HU. .Id.' U,,IU Increase, tho relaxation. This is n great mlstako.for these fills will correct tho liver mid stomach, nnd thus remove nil tho ncrld humors from tho system. This medicine wi!l filvo tone and vigor to tho whola organic sysii-iu, iiunuvur ueruiiKy-u, wimv iiuniiu anil sircuaill follow ni n matter of course. Nothing will .top the re laxation of tho Bowel so suru ni tiiii famous modi cine. volunteers, attention i indiscretions of VUUTII. Sores anil Ulcers, Notches and Swellings, can with certainty bo rnilically cured. If the Tills aro taken night nnd morning, nnd Ointment ha freely used as stated In the printed Instruction. If treated in any other man ner. they dry urln cnopart tobrcak nut in another herein Ihis'Oiiituienl will remove the humors from the syitcm, and leave the 1'ntlcnt n vigorous and healthy man. It will reuiilro n llttlo perseverance In bud ca ses tolnsnrc a lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED HY Tlin BAYONET. SABRI:, Oil THE BULLET, SOSES OR I1UUIBU3, To which every Soldier nnd Sailor nro liable, thero are no medlnes so safe, sure, and convenient, as llol. lowny's I'illsAml Ointment. 1 ho wounded nnd almost dying suiTercr might havo his wounds dressed Imme diately, If ho would only provlilo himself with this matchless Ointment, which should bo thrust into the Wound and smeared nil round it, then covered with a piece of lllien from his knapsack and compressed with a handkerchief, Talking, night and morning, Gorti Tills, to cool tho system and Prevent Inflhmnllon. Every Soldicr'sKnapsack and Seaman's Chest should be provided with these valuable Remedies. OAUTION! None nro gonulno unlcos tho words "Holloways, New York and London "aro dlsccrhnblc as a Water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pntor box ; thesamomay plainly seen by holding the leaf to tho Unlit. A hnndsomo rewnrd will be given to anyone rendering such Information as may lend to the detection of nny natty or parties counlor foitlng the medicines or vending Ilia same, knowlnc "Ilium to bo spurious. Hoiiint manufactory 01 rrotessor llolioway, 60 Jliaden Lane. New York, nml by all rcspcctnblo Drug istsaud Dealers in Medicine, throughout tho civilzod world. O" Ilollownv's Tills and Ointment nro now rel.illed owing to the high price" of Drugs, &c, at 3a cents, 70 coins, anu $i,iu per uox or rot, E3"'lherclscoiislderablo.safliig by taken tha larzcr sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of naticnts In everv disorder are affixed to each hoi. IL7 Dealers in my well known medic nes ran havo Show Cards, Circulars, lie, sent free of expense, by addressing TIIOMAB IIOI.l.OWAY, fU MAIDEN LANK, NKW-YORK. Dec. 12. 1SG3. ly. June 20, lbU3. G RTON'S Cheap Grocery Store. JLSO MATS, CAE'S A WD SJSIOfliS, rpiIE undersigned having bought out tho flroceryo I David Stron p, has removed his Hat nnd Cap Store up in ciruup s oiu sianu, wncro in auuiiion io a Bupc rior assortment of FALL AND WINTER IU Unfo mtrl P. oho Sg? CONI'ECTIONARIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Spiocs, Dried Fruil, Butter, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor nnd Hand Lamps, Books. Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware ami Cednrwarc, Pocket Knives, Combs, J-c, ij-c, ij-c , Together with a variety of articles generally kept in a Store. Alsn-A lino lot of KIDS, JIOIIOCr.03 nnd Lisinos to which he invites tho at cmion of Shoemakers and the public. JUllfV K. (JlKTON. Rloomsburg, Dec. S, tbl',3 18647 1864. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE S, A-1 & h R o, &, 39 B This great lino traverses the Northern and North west counties of l'cmisjlvnnln to tho city of Erie, on Lake Eric. It has been leased, by tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and under their auspices Is being rapidly opened throughout Its entire length. tl is now in uso for Passenger nnd Freight business from llarrlsburg to Emporium, miles) nu tho East ern Division, and from Slietlield to Eric (7ri miles) on the Western Division, TIME or I'ASSENCttll TnAINS AT NORTlUSlBBRLAND. Mall Train leaves, East II A. M. Express Trnin " " 10 57 P.M. Mail " " West 5 13 " Exjirc . 7,18 A.M. Cnrs run through without ciijlnoi both ways an these trains between Philadelphia nnd Lock Haven, nnd llaltimore and Lock Haven. Now and elegant Sleep ing Cars nccompaiilug tha Express Train both waya between Witliaumiort ami Baltimore, and Williams port and Philadelphia. For Information respecting Passenger business, np ply at lha S. E. Cor. litis and Market Sts. ,,..1 A,. L',.1.1,, l,il, ll,n ln,.,,.nal. A n . n , S. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. lath and Market Sts,, l'hil'a J. VV. Reynolds, Erie. J M. Drill. Ageut N. C. It: It., llaltimore. 11. II. Houston, Gen'l. Freight Agt . Philadelphia, Lewis I.-1 1 on pt. Ocn'l. Ticket Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph I). Potts, Gen'l. Manager, Williuinsport. February 13, lfcCI. fliliW FAKGY 1?5, FOR FALL .J- WINTER. THE subscriber has just rcocivod a lot Ho : cry Trimmings and New Goods, such as sua pia s& ALSO: GLOVES, DOLLS. STAYS. BATCH ELL. HOOP SKIRTS, POltTMOMES. AND OTHER NOTIONS. C7 Wheeler & Wilson's Sowing Machines foe. talc, Also Sunday School Uooka and Bibles. Also Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer which will give to gruy us uuiurai cuiur. A, D. WEUI1. Next Door below Court House, Rloomsburg, Nov, 14, lbKI, BLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. THE undersigned Informs tho citizens of Dloom. and neighborhood, that he has taken tho largo room at tho Exchange lllock, extending over Harney Stohner llnkcry, -and the llookstoro where he has nut in alargeSkyllplt. It is only by Skylight that good pic tares can betr xen especially groapa where each person can be taken) ist as well as separate. llehasgon to considerable ixpenso to mako his cs tablishmont first class oin-, noil ha therefore solicits a liberal palro ige tocnabls liim, tocnnstanlly Introduce thaiuodo improvements of the nrt. E7 Co'tn 7 produce taken in Exchange for pictures iij.r,uv Ji'jai.rtBiuuii. Illooinsburg, Nov. 23 1801. Nov, 0 '52 ELI II OLDEN TNVITES the attention of every rcadorof a- mis paper, which includes maiiy thousand of his old patrons and uinualntnnces To his unusually large and beautiful varity of AMKItlCAV nml MipnnTnn VATr-nra ni nri:a uu "vgant uengni or ji.wr.i.ur. silver varo,Kc, 1... r Unl I.I.HT ' lUlll llUUUrjU. 70S Marko Sroe, PHILADELPHIA, Much IHC3-ti. I 'A A U (SfW ml.. i BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IP YOU WANT TO BUY (Fall & Winter Goods. GO TO Crrasy's Slore, in Light Street, Pa. Who Keeps all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Rcady-Mado Clothing Sug'ara, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, .... Tobacco, S(?pars, Hats, Loot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &0.I&C. In addition to our largo stock of Dry Goods, wo havo a large nml full assortment of Ready Mado Clothing lor rii nml Hoys wear which we nro iietcrmincii to sell cheaper than can bo bought elsewhere, Cull and see, and Judge for yourselves. Light Street, Nov. 7, 1BG3. MUM THE pooplo of the county of Columbia nro rrspectrully, Informed that tho undersigned has fu. sale, at the JIKCORDER'S OFFICE, IN llLOOMSnURC, THE I1ESST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT OP m BUM Tnbo found nnywliero In tho County, confining of Note, Letter, Legal and Cap Paper, Pens, Holders, l'cnciis, iiiKnnit envelopes; NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOOKS, Comprising History, Poetry, riction.ThO' Wat oiogy nnu tuo classics. tyfilnlniriit'si which selections can be made, and Hooks furnished to order; by special arrangement wilh New York Agents. DEMOCRATIC BOOKS, DOCUMENTS, PAMPHLETS and Speeches; nml copies of tho United States, nnd Stato Constitution?, iu various styles, always on hand. JOHN 0. I'RCEZE. Dloomsburg.Nov. 7, 1603 THE NEW GRoCER SToKE. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just 'ccciued at Erasmus' New Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas Coffee, Rice, Spices, HaTS AND C APS Fish, Salt,. Tobacco, Segars, Candies, Razons, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with n great variety of notions nnd etcete ras, ton numerous to mcniiou. E7" Nutter, Eggs, Meat and produee generally taken In exchange fur goods, A. II, ERASMUS. Illoomsbiirg, Slay 9, 1803, FRESH ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER GOODS, Miller's Store. THE subscriber has Just returned from Iho Cities with another largo and select a sortmct of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, purchased nt Philadelphia, nt tho lowest figure, and which they aro determined tn sell on n9 moderate terms as cuii be procured elsewhere in Illonmsburg. His stock comprises LAUIKh' OtthSS OOODS, of choicest styles nnd latest fashion. DRY aoOUS, .iXO OHOCF.H1F.S, JIilWIMRK QUF.FJfAIMRK, CF.DAK WARE, HOLLOW WARE !OJV, XAILS, ROOTS ,y SUQE8 HATS Jj- C.3P.S, &)c., fj-c, In short everything usually kept In country Stores to which ho imitu the public generally. Tho Highest prico paid for country produce. S. II. MILLER. Rloomsburg, Oct. 21, IPG:). xXF.W arrival. Fall & Winter Goods At A. J- Evans' CLOTIiiM EMPORIUM! BLOOMSBURG, PENN. LATEST SYLEB OAGAP GOODS THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that ho has jukt received lrom tno t.asiern cities, it largo assortment oi HEW d SKIS being tho hrstassortmcnt ever nlTereil in thia market. Alan a complete nasmtment of Roys Clothing. In fact everything in tho Clothing Lino For those who prefer to leavo their measures, a perfect fit guaranteed, nml nothing but tho best workmanship allowed at this es tablishment. Ho also keeps on hand a largo Assort ment of ROOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, together with n vnriety of notions. IC- U.U.l, A.M1J HLli rUll VUUltSUI.l . J1 A. J. EVANS. Illooinsburg, Nov. 21, 160:1. National Foundry. BLOOMSUURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA, THE subscriber, proprietor of tho abovo named ex tensive establishment, Is now prepared to rcceivo orders fur ' All Kinds of Machinery, for Collcrles, Rlast Furnaces, Stationary Engines, .Mills THRESIIINO MACHINES, &0 &.C. He Is nlso prepared to mako Stoves, all sizes anil patterns, plow-irons, und everything, usually made In first-class Foundries. Ills oxtcnslve facilities and practical workmen, war lantthlmin recviviug the largest contracts on the most reasonable terms. IO-drain of nil kinds will bo taken in exchange fur castings. IS-This establishment is near tho Lackawan na St Ulooin.burg Railroad Depot. PETER DILI, MEYER. Rlsomsburg, Sept. 12, 1803. tiVAV JERSEY MNUS FOR SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Suiluble for drapes, Peaches, Pears, Raspberries, Slruwberries, Ulackbcrrles, Currents, ic, of 1.213, 10 on '-'0 acres each, at the following prices for the prcsent.via: 20 acres tor $200, 10 acres for Si 10, 5 acres for $00, 21 ncrcs for 840, 1 ucru fur $20. Payable by one dollar ii week. Also, good Cranbury lands, and village lots in Cheat wood. 25 by I0O ftiet, nt $10 each, payable by oua del Inr a week. The above land nnd turius. aru situate a Clieatwood, Washington township, Burlington county New Jersey. For further information, apply, with P.O. Stamp, for a circular, tu il. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. CO Cedar Street, New York, N, Y. January 17, 103. SCIIOOLASIliTS FOR Pittsburgh Commercial College. SALU. iiiiignampiiit " Crittenden's ' " ritlladolpliln. Stratum, Bryant Ac Co.. " ' Then Scrips, are inameunts of 813 ami $50 and are is so much cash, by thoSliidcnt on cntring cither of the I above Colleges. Yoiinir indii tlcsirJne toobtniu ufiuiih. 'i.' ,pcci111" P. I Nsr COLUJIBIA DEMOCKAT. i Another Cal,u M011E MEN WANTElM DEVOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES, LARGE ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods AT PETEll ENT'S STORE, KYi.mnrsTnr.nT, cokumma coewtt, pji, HAS Jmt received from Philadelphia, nnd Is now npenlngjit the old stnncl liteiy occupied by Mart. & Ent, n splendid assortment of i i I ra which will be sold cheap tor OAPII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stockcouslstsof Ladles Dress Goods cliolcest styles nnd latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiory, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassitncres, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Cedarwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, BOOTS Si SHOES. HATS & GAPS. In short nvery thing tmmtiy kept in a country store Tho patronngc ofold friends, nnd tho public general ly, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market price paid for country produce. PETEll ENT. Light Street, Nov. 7. 1FC3. 1 I 'iiituimi'i.iijnviii ni..w .-a.'.mbi. ciy iiai 11 .,. JL Unttrrtakivst lluninos, and keepsconstnntly on hand rt, f ....... ....... ........ nni.n.. ... tl,n nil for sale nt his AVnrorooms, n largo assortment of FINISHED COFFINS, Ily whlrh ho la enabled to till lirdcra on presentation Also Keeps u good liorso anil Hearso, nnd will at ul times be ready to uttend Funcrcls. SIMON C. SI11VE. Illnonisborg, January 211, lBS'J First Great Arrival. OF IfAliij&WiN'HiR GOOD? ISI IV. (I'll): ( ilill BilMIBBei'. m s an i mil uvvjlu Tlic undersigned, has, lust replenished Ills Store ( House in Ornngcville, witli u well-selected usssrutinctit FALL & WINTER GOODS Consisting in part of Cloths, Silks, Mullns, Cassl meru, Gingham", Calicoes, Shawls, Hosieries, Carpets and Ladies Fani.v Drc-i Good, generally, from liifilo 75cts and Prints from 1J to2Jcts. READY MAD Jfi CLOTHING. Hats, Hoots & Shoes Mackerel Molaasscs, Sugar & Salt. GROCERIES GENERALLY. With nil other arlllcs. usually kept in country St ires, to which ho invites tho early attention of old and lew customers. Having been altho City in the right time bought low and paid cash he will he able tocoiujcte with the best, ami sell for small profits and prtnipt pay. Ilia friends aro 4livitcd to pop iu and seo tho bigots. WM FRITZ. Orangevlllc. Nov 7. 1603. T-tf EV AND SECOND II AND SAFES, L1 For sale cl cap. at New York Safo Depot, 71 Wil liam Street, New York. i). A. GREGG. SIZB AND PRICES OF LILLIE'S FIRE PROOF I SAFES. i O UTS ID E: ' IIEIOIIT. IVIOTII. DEPTH. , No. 4 21 20 21) ISO. i! 2(1 22 2 No. 3 Ml 21 21 No. I 3i 2S 21 . No, 5 114 31 21 I Nov tl 4D 31 21 IXSD E: llEIoflT. WIDTH, 1HITII. No. 1-17 II 12 No. a mi . i3j i -j No. 3 2t 15 13 No. 1 Si IS 13 No 5 21 21 It No. li 31 21 3 rntrE. No. 1 850 1)0 No. to 00 70 OD fS 00 100 00 115 DO No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. U November 14, 1303. i .jusirece Greenwood Seminary.! mu FOR UOTIt SEX Els. T.1M. POTTS, PniscirAt, Jltathcmclics. Rook Keeping and Xatnral Science, J. B, FATTON, A. M , Elocution, Literature, and Indent and Modern languages, Tho Scholastic year is divided into four quarters of eleven weeks each, commencing ns follows : On tint second Jlonday in August, the first Jlomlay in November I tho third Monday in January, and the second .Monday in April. THE EXPENSES Per quarter for Boarding nnd Tuition In English, range from $W 00 to $31 00. Languages, JIusie and Draw ing urn extra. ITT- For Clrrulnrs nr further tiartlculars, address the .lAira. Principal at JIILLVII.LE, COi.UMlllA CO., PA. October 3, lrc;j iy. B)EiWfiST&SY. II 0 E R, SURG-EON DBNTIST, II. 0. RFSPECTI'ULLY ofiVrs liis profess ionul services to tha ladies onu gentle men of Illooinsburg and vicinity. He is nrcoarcd to attend to nil thn vnrloiiM operations in the linu of his profession, amLis provided with the latest improved l'ORCELAHt TEETH; which will huinserteil mi gold, platlna, silver and rubber baso loiooKweu us m i natural teeth, i Mineral plate nnd block teeth manufactured and nil I operations on it-, iu, cnreiuuy and properly attended to. Resilience and oltica a few doors above the Court House, same side. Bloom sburg, June (1. lf-03, 3S: O; X ft 38i Priuter, llookbiiiiler & bankbook M ANU FA (J T U R E R ; Wll01.ES ALE AND Kg i All, ISA. HIM PRINTING, Wltlll.M. ft wl WUAl". IN(1 PAPERS aoent roa 'rug catawissa rxri Mitis. Main Street, first door below the Pin icSpunre, WILKESBARRE, 1 X. Nov. S3, ieill-12si. . v. rAVt.. PAUL a, THOMPSON, & THOMPSON, Uatf$!9te DIALERS IN VIIOLE3ALE No. 43 North ll'ha.ves, PHILADELPHIA. fry-II L'TTKIt, CIIEZSE, II A M S, t c. Nor, 11, jetrj-lrt, ttemi TIMS INSTITUTION Is under the solo mnnnsement 1 nnd direction of Prof. I), W. Lowell, so long Prln- cipnl of tho HIMlllAMTOX COMMKnCtM COUXOK. ti, n,nnrtiiairnMlnn embraces all the rcntllsltcl ' of n thorough practical business education, nnd has been lately oxtnidcd by the Introduction of an Actual i lliislness Course, In which tho Student engages in tho regular toiitlno ol business tinnsacllon, exemplified nnd familiarized by means ol n store, (In which tho el (minus of buying nnd selling goods is carried on by each Student,) and lluslnoss Olllces, vli ! Ilnnks tt ,t. l),ln,liniM,l Ulnnm.lliinllnff 1,1 1851111 1111,1 ('(.', MfBI., tioii-HiMuiin w.-i.,-- a Post Olllco, Telegraph. Ac, &c. I tub rroprictor nns sparcn nimuioor rxpunsu m !" 'king this Course tho most thorough and comp ktoof any ever prcsonteu to mo puniic, nnu il-i-is iinij sured Hint niter having been hlmsclfcngngeil In actual business, nnd having had many years' rxpericnco nt teaching tho Sclnco of Accounts, and being nlded by i n full and eiricelcnt corps of touchers, ho will Injun, bled to miko thorough and successful graduates of all who may placo themselves under his charge. In this essential branch of n buslnss education no fnll,t r,fT..ra l.nllAr rnrlllll tn thn tenmPr. J llO Speucerlnn system will ho taught In all Its varieties by the .most skillful masters of the nrt. peeluicnn of Writing from this Iiiilittitionhnvo received tne nieucsi encomiums from tho press. . l'or general Information, terms, fee, nditress for Col lego Monthly, which will be mnlled frcoi ror speci mens of Penmanship, rnclnso two three cent stamps. Address 1. W. LOWELL, Principal. Lowell's Commercial College, Ulnalinmton, N.. V. 9. Ono of Hitter tc Duncan's No. 1 highly finished film. nf, fWt nnltit. niilll.nrlnfr flolil 1'em. with 1ml tier ! .........,! r... mm fins nml tn villi. Will till ' . ' -i ...Ml .amW A1 All tn Hie nlmvti lulilrrsB. Ocloliei 3, ltI'3-ly. FAMILY DYE COLORS. IlLACK, Dark llivcv Ltoitr Hat, l'KI.SCII lll.LT, Maofnta, Maroon, OiiAsor, Pink, I'vnru. HoVAI. 1'URt'I.B, Salmon, Scarlet, Slue, SOLrERINO, Violet," Vlllow, Claiist Hrows, Hark Hiiown, LroiiT Haown. fstir Drown, ('rimso.n, Dark Drab, I.iokt Drab, Dark OnetN, Liuht Ckbk.v, l'or Dying Fllk, Woolen and Mixed floods, Slinwla, Scarfs, Dresses, llibbons. Gloves, I'oiniets Hats, 1'eathers, Kid Cloves, Children's Clothing and all kinds of Wearing Ayparel, StsTA SAYIXU OF 81) I'KR W3ST. "TSa For Si cents you can order as many gnnda as would otherwise cost live times that sum. Various shad:-' can bo produced from tho same Dyo. Tho process la simple, nml nny one enn uso tho i)yo with perfect suc cess. Directions in English, French nnd German, inside of rnrh package. I'nr further Information in Dyeing, and giving a per fect knowledge what colors nro bot Adapted to dyo over others, (with many valuable recipes.) purchase Howe & Stephens' Treaties, on Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of piice, 10 cents. Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS, 2110 llnilADWAV P.OSION. KTTor sale bv Druggists and llcalera generally, .December 12, i303-(iniua, For ilaU, I?3icc, Koachcs, Ants B5c! UStig'H, RSoliis ass Furs, Woolens, Ac., &c , Eissocts oia B'latals, Fowls, Aishtsnls, &c. Put up 111 2Se, fiOe. and 31.00 llnxes, llottlea & Flasks. 15:1 and S5 sizes for Hotels, Public Institutions, 4ic. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from I'ldaou"." "Not dangerous tn the Hiimnn family," Ituls come out of their holes to ille." C7 Sold Whnlos.ilo Iu all.largo cities. CCt" Sold by all Druggists Retniljra everywhere. 07 1111 IIewarcIHI nt nil nri)ile imitalinns, KT Seo Ihat "Costar's" nnini- isou each Rox, Hot He, and Flask, before vim huv. C7 Address IIENItV U COSTAR. C7 PitiNcirtL Detot llnmnwtT, N. Y. ID" Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists In lilnomt-hurg, l'.i. February 0, It'iiL-gin. Lackawanna & Bloomsuurg ICaili ond iiiyti rN AND AFTER JAN. IS. 1504. PASSENGER KJ TRAINS W1L1 RUN AS FULLOIVS: MOVING SOU T II. Vasicogcr. Leavo Scrnnton, 4 00 P. ,M. s sr. f.'.'.'i e.3o U.I 5 'J.5j " Kingston . - . " IPoomsburg " Rupert, - - - " Danville, ... Arrive at Northumberland, MO VINO NORTH Leave Northumberland, " Danville, .... " Rupc'rt " Itliionisburg ... " Kingston Arrive at Scrnnton WW A. 51. Mil U.2J '.1.35 I2.IJ P. .11 1.31) I reignt rasseuger leaves Hlonmsbiirg, 10.15 A.M. Pa8eiigers taking tho Vail Tram South council with the Express train from North'd, arriving at llarrlsburg at 2.3D A. M llallimoro 7.00 A. JL, and nt Philadelphia at 7.00 A, M. Tho JIail train from Northumburland leaves immediately after the Express train ftum Ear- rlsburg and Haltimore. allow ins Passengers leaving1 Philadelphia at 10.-10 P. l. l0 reach points on this ro..3 il tin 11 ii iiih iic.ii iurciinoii. New nml elegant Sleeping carl aronmnanv tho night trains each way between Northumberland nnd Balti more, and Northumberland ynd I'hilailclphia. 11. A. FONDA. Supt. J. C.Wells, Ceti'l Ticket Agent. Kingston, January 311, Iriijl, J. P. EVER. L N. MOVI New Drug vStore, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rpiIE iinilersi;iicd would inform tln-lr friiwiiiiz nmt ,i,.. J. public generally.that they have taken the stand for- ineriy occupiou uy ueo. .tl. ttageniiucli, Iu the Exchango llUllllin-f. nil Mntll ttlrrt. In l!lnnt,iul,nir I...1, Just received a full supply of fl -", ""v.u ,,u j,,.. , ItBulicines, Pa i aits, Oils, Which will bn sold on moderate terms for ready pay, Also, NOTIONS generally, of overy variety, sort and sio. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, at all times and on short notice. 675" Confectionery of Iho best selections, and Soda Water in season. . U" A sharo of the public custom is respottfully so kited. EVER & JIOYER. Illooinsburg, April II, 1 663, Exchange Hotel. ILATE COL, It. S. JONCS.I No. Dook Street, nest door to tho T . -. i 1 Ott UlllCO, lJllllntlO nlllll. rTthis well known establishment i a Mils well known establishment maintains Its usual celebrity, and its well kuuwn reputation of being tho best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Shall bo sustained, Room may be had at all hours pr night, 37 cents ; per week, J2 50, per month, SIO. J he Bar and Eating Departments are furnisheil wlU tho best of everylhiug the market can produce. GAME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and delicacies of every climo may be had at n niome t's notice. Meals at 12 cents nnd upwards, and may be had from 5 A. Jl, till l'Jntulght, Ucnllemcninay rest assured that no expense will bo spared to render this Hotel a model ono, J. OTTENKIRK, Propr. March 7, lPfi3-3m, r PURLIU SQUARE, W1LKF.S-8AHRE, FA. TiiRiini'crslgned, havingtakonlhlj well-known stand , (formerly of Major Puterbaugh), re.pectfully solij . its the patronage of the public. No pains will be spared in nny of its departments, to I render sati. ruction to all guest. The TALI 1,1', and the BAR will always be supplied witli tho 11EST THE MARKET AFFORDS. E3 flood r'tnbling for Horses nnd nttonllvo Hostlers. The "Exchange" is eligibly situated on tho Public Square, and has thcrcforo peculiar advantages toper sous attending Court or doing business In tho public offices. Charges moderate, , N. 11. Whenever you como to town, please call. . ' VAPLE. Wilkos-Barre, Nov, 13. IFfiSI THOMAS BROWN, Ilarbtr. I1LOO.MSHU1H, COLUMBIA CO.. PA. flt.s is 0,iujtMw4M Alley mar tie imjrs( OlTlct, Vev'SMlfrM, ieJ. HOSTEiTTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. nowerful Tonic, corrective nml nltcratlvo A pure R'l i". tjtreV i,, jiUHngn of tho of wonderful clllcncy In dlsensc of tho STOMACH, LIVER AND DOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Hrndacho, General Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits, Con stipation, uoiic, intermiiicni i evers, i.rniiip and Spasms, and nil i nniplaints of cither Sex, arising from lloillly Weakness whether Inherent in tho system or produced by special causes. Notiiino that li not wliolcsomo, genial nnd retora tlvo In Its naturo enters Into tSe composition ofllOS TETTElt'S STOMACH IUTTE11S. Thli popular pre paration enntnina no mineral of nny kind, nodiadly botanical element; no fiery excitant but It Isn combf. nn.ion of (the extracts of raro balsamic herbs anil pin nt wllli tho purest and mildest of all il Illusive film ulents. , , It is well tn bo forearmed ngninst dlscano, nml, to far ns tho human system can be protected by human mrans against maladies engendered by nu unwholesome nt mosphcrc. Impure water and other external cautcs, HOSI'ETTEIt'd IlITTEna may bo relied on ns a afo guard. In disttlftt Infested with f'ceei- aniJignc, It has been found infallible as u preventive nnd irresistible ns n remedy and thourands who resort to it under appre hension ofnn attack, escape thoscourgu; and thousands wlm neelrrt to aval themselves of its Protective null ities ill advance, nro cured by n very brief course of this marvelous medicine. Fever and Aguu patients, after being pnlld with quinine for months In vain, un til fairly saturated with that dnngorous nlkn'oid, aro not unfrc'iuontly restored tn henllh within a few daya by the uso of IIOSTMTTEK'S UITTEMS. The weak stomach is rnpld'y Invigorated and tho n petite restored by this nsrccnhlo Tonic, and licncuit workf wonders In cases of Diupcpsla and In less con- firmed forms of Indigestion. Acting ns a gentle nnJ painless npperlent, ns well as upon tho liver. itnio ! invariably relieves the Constipation superinduced by Irregular action oi me tugrsiivc nun secretive urgniis. Persons of feeulo habit liable Xircom Macks, Low ness of Spirit) nnd h'ite of Languor, And prompt unil permanent relief from tho Hitlers. The testimony on this polntis most roiului-lve, and from boln sexes I The agony of lllllius Colic Is Immediately assuagi'd by a single dose of the sliHiulant, and by occasionally resorting to it, the return of the complaint may bo V vented 1 As a general TotiV, IIOSTETTRR'S HITTERS pro duce elTects which mutt ho experienced or witnessed beforn they can bo fully appruclateu in cases nt 1,011 stltulinnal wiakuess, premature ilepaynnd debility nnd decrepitude arising liom old nge. it exercises thu elec tric inllitenco In the coiivnleT.i.iit stages of all diseasci it opi-ratca ns a ileliglitful inviiornnt. When the pow ers ol nature aru relnxed, it operates to reluforcu mil re-estnbllsli lliem. Last, but nol least, it tho onls snfi stimiileut, being manurarlured from snundnnd innocu ous malerinls, and entirely free from tho ncid.eloini'nt,! present moro or less 111 all the ordinary tonics anC stoHiariucsoi tun uay. t No family medicine has been so universally, and it may bo truly nildeil. datrrcdly popular lib tho Intelli- UUIIi ,'f,lUlt l ..-'lit.., ,,, ,J . ..a ..u-. u ...,. u UI ITERS. Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH, prrisiiuitdii, p.t. E7"Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Storekeepers everywhere. November 21, IM-ly. HELMUOLD'S Goimine Preparations. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT RUCIIU, n pnsl tivo uud specific yi-uieJy for dlsenM". of thu bladder, Kidney, Cr.ivel, and dropsiial swellings. This uiediciiic inrrenM-s Iho pauer of mgesllon, and excite the absuibents into heulthv action, liy wliicli tho Wnirry or t.'.ilcareoin depnitions. rml all Unnalurnl Enlargememeiits lire reditu d, n well ns pain amliii tlamatiou. IIELMDOLD'S EXTRACT BU0IIU. For weakness nrising from f.xsesses, habits of Dis sipation. Early lndlscn lion t,f Abuses, attended wllh tin- follow ini: syiuiitouis :w Indi.pnsition tn Exertion, Loss of Power, J Loss of Memory, Difficulty of l-'rc-atlihi-'. I Weak Nerves, ' Trembling.) Horror ot Disease, ram In the Hack, lint Hands, Eruptions on the face, Dryness of Iho Skin, Elufhing of Iho Ucdy, faliiu i oituienanco. Those symptoms, if allowed to go on which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows iKroiiNiv, Faii'iiv, Et'iLErnu l'irr, In one nf which Iho Patient mxy require Win) can say Hint tin y aru not frequently followed by those "Direful Diseases." "INSANITY AM) CONSUMPTION." Many are uwarn of tho ciuso of their suffering, but ! '!0",e wi," rn1"r!'88 Im records pt tno Insane Asylumsi 'mlancholy di.aths by Coi sumption bear ample " ?" ' "'a Constitution once eft.led with organic weakness 'Zl'Z !'!! U J C,!L MC' " If,1:,"?.! ........-rJ - -..1.1.1. variably does. A triiH will convince tho moit skeptical FEMALES FEMALES. In many atwetinns peculiar lo Females the Extract Ruchu is unequalled by any other remedy, ns in Chlo. rosis or Retention, Irregularity,, painfulness, or Sup- prossiuu of Customary Evacuations, ulcerated orscir- I rhous state nf the Uterus, Leuchorrlnea or Whites. ': Sterility, and for all complaints incident to thu sc. I whether arisni!? from Indiscretion habits of disaina. "o". or tnu nriil ItfP r.l I'll ivnn rvr. .tt-t. -:o: Take no moro Balsam Mercury, or unpleasant Modi i dues for uuiileasiiut and damrurnu-. diseases. Ili ho. hours Extract uuenu nun unproved Rose Wiisli cures secret diseases in nil their stages. At little expense, Little or nu ctmngu iu did. No inconvenience, un no exposure. , i It causes a frequent desire nnd cives streneth to Uri'. i.uiu, t.ivi.uj i onu v in,, una, i union, prUVtllllll mil curing strictures of tho Urethra, allaying pain and ill- llammarion. so frequent iu tho class of di isoascs, mm SxncllinE all noisoiious, diseased ami wnrnnut mntinr ThniisamU upon thousands who have been the vie tuns oi qudcKs, uuu who uavo paiu Heavy recstnh cureu in ii suori iiiim, iinvu lounu tuuy weru uecclvo nml that the "POISON" has, by the use of "nmvorfi astringents" been dried up in tho system, to break i)t iu an uiigruvuieu iorm,umi pcruaps alter marriage. Uso Ilclllibold'a Extract Itticbii for nil nn,.st,nn of tin, Uriuarv Oreuns. tvneibi-r n.tuiin Malo mil Female, from whatever cause origiiiatingiii UU....I.CIUI lUHS. tlUIIUllf, i'israsi-8 oi wesu iirgiturequires tne aid or a uir etic. llelmbuld's Extrnct lluclin is thn llirm ni.Ji, and isccrtalii tn liavo desired ell'.ct iu all Diseasi 'for which it is recommended. Evidence of iliu most reliable and responsible; lap acter will uccompauy the inudicinc. Price $1 per Butllo, or 6 for $5, Delivered totjny address, securely packed from o ,cr. ( .u,,i,. irusiiriun .yiiiiiuiii. in u OOlIlmUIIICUtl ni i Cures guaranteed, advice gratis. Address letlerlfur I informntlou to f II. II. UELMBOLD, Chimin 101 South Tenlh-sl., below Chestnul, PI a HELM HOLD'S Medical licpot, HELMUOLD'S Drug and Chemical Wareki vf 504 IIroaiiwav, Niw k1 Beware of Counlerfelti and unprincipled ( jcr. who endeavor to dispose I'of their own" and' her" articles on thu ruputation attained by llelmbolil' (ien. lime Preparations. Extract Buchu, Extract Sarsai rill a Imnroved Iton IVnth. '"'" FOR SALE. B Y AH Druggists Evorywheco. ASK FOR IIELMIIODD'S 'PAI.'P Mrtfl-ni.b.. Cut out Iho Advcrtlsaincn, nri r. i. L '" ... aMktii '"'PeTftfon ana exfVreJ DR. WISHARPS Pim TREE TAR CORDIAL Is llic Vilal rrinclplo of llio I'lnc Trrc, Cblaliied by n peculiar process In Iho dlstlllalinn rf the tar, by Hhlch Ha highest medicinal properties an' retained, , ' It Is tho medicine that cures uhfin nil nlln. filled. ""vu A (I'rcnf Heinnly fur (loiisiiinittioii, I am constantly receiving such eerilllr.Hc, n. 11 following. READ 1TI Havo yon n Cough? flnvo you S nro Throat i ltni-n you nny of tho premonitory symploiin of Hint most latni uisenso, I'onsumpiioii ( 'lboso wno should hu xvnrncd by tlicsosymplonngi-n. crnlly think lightly of them until It Is too Into. From Ibis fact, perhaps more than nny other, arises the (ad prevalence nml fatality of disease which sweeps to the grnvu at least onc-shlh of Dentil's victims, Yt hat are Its symptoms I It iininlly begins wllh n short, dry cough, which soon becomes habitual, but for soma time nothing is raised except a frothy tnuciis. Tho breathing ia aomouhal difficult, mid upon si Is lit rxerclsu much hurried. A senso of tightness nml oppression ns lha chest la often felt. As Iho dlsenso ndvances Iho patient becomes thin in tlcsh is nlllirlcd wittioloss of appetite, great langor, indolence, nnd dejection of spirits; and may routluiift in this state for a considerable1 length of time, thai it Is very readily affected by slight exposure or fatigue. If these occur, the rough becomes moro trou blesome, nnd Is nlteiuleil with eqpectnrntlon, which hi most copious nnd free very enrly In tho morning. It is iomelimcs strenkud witli blood, At this stage night sweats usually set in. and in tomo cases a nrofur bleeding of thu lungs may nlso occur. Pain In some part 01 tuo cncsi is leu, nun oitcn n iinncuiiy 01 lying upon one or tho other side, without sivcrc lita of rousning or n senco 01 iiiiini-s or suiiocauon, is ex perienced. Thu pulse becomes full, hard, mid frequent Iho hectic flush tinges tho-checks, nnd tho dlro malady Is fast hastening to its close. You now ask. "Ia there o cure?" Consumption hns been nml can ho cured by the use of my TAnCniuitAt,, even In apparently hopeless rnsos. Tills assertion I mako with the ability tu present thn most complete evidence f the truth. Spneo will not admit of my giving thu contents of the tunny thousands uf testimonials toils value, which I hnvu been and am receiving from men 11 ml women of umpicstiouabla worth nml reputation, I have had n number of theso certificates printed Iu circular form which I will semi you Irco on Application Whether you now dtcrmlnu tn try thu medicine or not, send fur the circular. After years of study ami experiment, I offer this medicine, helicvlnglt tnbo Iho best remedy for nil pulmonary nml bronchial diseases. If you cannot be benefitted by tha uso of the Tar Cordial, I bellovo yoiiaro bayondall cnrlliynld, Yet if thero nro better curato ngents, I earnestly advise their uso, Tho host remedies, tho best cure, nro needed by those afflicted with this dis ease, lleleving this to ho thu best, 1 nsk ymt to try it. iMuny, not only of tho people, but physicians of every school and practice, aro dally asking 1110, "What is thu principle or cause of your success In tho treatment of Pnlmonnry Cnnumptinn I" My answer Is this: The iuvigoratlon uf the digestive organs the streng. theiilng of the debilitated system the purification and enrichment of the blood, must expel from the system' the corruption uhich scrofula breeds. While this Is clfrrted by tho powerful alterative (changing from di-i caso to health) properties of tho Tar Cordial, its I1e.1l lug nml renovating principle is also acting upon tho irriated surfaces of tho lungs nnd throat, penetrating tuvach desensed part, ralieving, subduing iiiflaiiuttinu nnd restoring n healthful tendency. Let thii two fold power, thu healing nod tho strengthening, continue tu net in conjunction with Nature' constant rocupcrntlvu tendency, anil tho patient is saved, if he has not too long delayed n ritort tu thu means of euro. IIEWARE Of COUNTERFEITS. The genuine hns tlw name of tho proprietor nnd. a pine Ireoblowti in tile bottle. All others lire spurimi iiuitntiuus. Puke Fiiiv Cvnts and IIomak ru Horns:. Prepared only by thu proprietor, lr. L. il A.. HiSHART, No. 10 North Skcomi St.. PHILADELPHIA, 1'A. Fur Sale by all December 111. lw;:i-tim. Di I'xfiists. y -. EVANS & WATSON-' SCTTSk i?.AIA T.xiM:n safes, riv F,5MTjfKl MOVED ti. Xo. IM M 'T'ttiSWl and 11 Invfri. n. .- KLaiZs t T,' "'"""i iron sbutti-rs iron snsh, all iUamisfli':. makes of locks ouual to nnv , m I lithe United States. Hrc ftrfs i ore jirj. .HI came out right; icith tor hit in iraod eoHiIilton. tlhe salamander cures of l'lilladulphi.i ngaintt tl,f EVANS k WATSON. lire I lMit tile surest llemnvtr.-ilino 1,, .1... ,'..11 ... I.... ... tld-ate hat their mauufactun- o Salamander H.if. h b.i, A englli fully warranted the representations .,hah have J.? '".a."1 . ""''i'lMg nu undoubt-il si-iui Itv asilust the terrific element, ! ,. ... Pliiladelphla April 12. lrjit. llSb?.'.i 'Z'J , ' "tar: '-'"tleinin It affords ,h tin highest satisfaction t (unto to y that owing 'U fc?!.!,r,t,,.''C,,VB '",n""" rttto of the Salnm'.mh r. Sal-s which wo purchased ofyn,, some rtvo inonlli since wesaved u large porl Ion nf juwclry, and all our book.. ) ! Mien we rollectdi.t these safes were located in tho Teirth story nfiho building occupied nnd tl'nt llt'-y ,f. l subsequently t,,a u,,h or burning ruins, hero m fl w V ,nf 11,0 ca",'1 ""' '""" Plntci .t i lAl "lojiri'servntlon of their val luildo contents ns most roiii lnrfn ,.r...,r ..r ... " tirity afrorded by your sales. ' "".. ., ?','""-,uko V'1 i'li'i-urein rocoinmendlnr tbi'm . mm nf business nan sure n linmu ncain-t fire. i,T,i'.'',',,1.4,)i'll'0l'lircl,,lli0,1iJ; lurgu's'iiros. ' miy .0, JHil-.. r August 20. KS' . AOS. 0, 1 1 , 13, 15. 17 Colli tlntull Sti-rr t ; ll UKOADWAV, NEW YORK Pfl'V I his old-establisbsil nml favorito resort of the Rush iiwb Coniuiiiniiy has been reeenliy refitted, nnd iscom plto n everything that cun minister to tlio coml'oits of luff ided'fo1;:" """ fl""lli09 -P'"r "U care! t ii centrally located in tho hit jucss part of the citv. ?!;,8.,o?nil'?,"""Sf I1"" i;'"'1'!"" r.f strumbou.s iws, nmmhusscs ferries, Ace. n conscqiieiico of tho pressure caused by thu RcbU lici, prices have been reduced to (tie Dollar ai d liji C en.t per Day lie table is nmply supplmd with nl the luxuries . i'f colntrV0"'111 tu tllnl otm,Y oU"' Itutol in iho ; .mplo ncconimojations aro nllorod fur upward of m "..OS. D. W,XCli,K'UI"aT,:Ul l''"""t0'- leb. 15, ieOi. ''' CHEAT WOULD'.-. FAIR EXllIlllTitJV Hl'l D ' IN LONDON lest, ' '' T1IOS. W. MATTSON Wi awarded tho Prize .Med- -ul or hls-mmprinriiir nvr, :,n ifcnipctllion in thu United Ui't fur Ills iiiiiirovf nifiitj in .Tivt:l!itlg TnillKS, lio iicing iho inventor nml isiW.!Z Jlaiulnctiiror of Elastic steel i prepared to sell nt tho lowest isanuracturing r,,i?? he . iiion extensive Think and Carpet Uuu Jl-, nuflu,. t Iu 1'liilnilelnhi.i. 402 MARKLT STREET 'm' Vin0i'i'00r, n,":ve Fou'lh. C7Sn!os room on the ilr.t iloor. ' "IAl 0 Trunks neatly repaired or exchangod for new 1US. La 1 1 mill MB(. Il a wn iii.ll i . 1 ',1V ones. Call ami see, n wo sell verv ; ,.? ..' M'V.ll, IB03-12nm. ' 1 " mmm mm t I npHE Proprietor of this wcll.knnwn nn.i X ted House, thu Exciianoe Iloitt., situata o i v-fi' Street, ill 1 oonisburir. 1 njni,.i 'V""- Street, in Blonnisbitrg, imiuesliaicly biu County Coutt llousu, respectful!. .r if ".l'."""" "10 1.0 1 1 1 1 1 ''''; '"forms i,iaf,ien,l3 ,i, V, . ii geiieruij mat his llousu is now iu or ',"" i'n'"".i uiiiii'iiiuriiiiiiiucnt u rave en win. may teel disposed to favor it with their custom. 0 r,!J spnred noexpeiiso in prepniing the ExriiA.NOs:. fur ti eiitertuiiin.cnt of li s guests, neitiier shall thero l e a y. thing wan ng (on 1,1? p.,) , minister lo their peraS hr,ne!sloca,im!:S la "",Ci0U8 """ "" a" IO- Oiiiuibuses run at all times between the'n Hotel nn. the tarious Rail Road Dopots. by which Un'v. elors will ho pleasantly conveyed 0 n id fro' iho re spcclivo Stations In duu time to meet ,,0 c' "10 re Rloomsburg, July 7.1 1EC0. W3U KCm'3' TINWARE & STOVE SHOP qHE undersigned rr speclfully Informs his old friend iulT"' hi.broihers here-alter- o co Mm h7i!i;Scluly:'CerM w ' ... j-- '"in uim imora ior vtxlQ, lha inf. h ' - n"v .".'S"' ""''"Ivo of F A N O Y 1 S Jn ' Hi.cvcr '"'""li'ced iiiw this market. bo l.7st r. .Mi, -V. " CD'"I' o'o nseorlinenl of The natron vi! nC i '""!' "? u,ual' 0,1 '''" 'n"co. pmfXUsoiiac!iu,a """'d8 rRuS"1 "ioouisburg, IJovi'inberSJ 1600,-tf. U JOIIMf! YMAfnM! ! Tlv!h;,h:Ll'l?::!:iL',',.V.Vi1",l.t0!!'1 "":l IronFram o , ' I'Uiijus nat unses, Came t i l'! .i?"', ''.",?. U!'.' !rt'l.l.ns al"l Hobby HorSl I VP "li I IVIICIILIH. li I PI I inrrftll'a 1 ... 1. 1 . t. . ' - - VA 4 iV t, MANUFACTURER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN JIA'J.S, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFIUIVL FLOWERS, , No. S07 Norlli Third Street, PhiluM. Nov ' !