Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 05, 1864, Image 2
He"" COLOMBIA DEMOCRAT. iui--j'i , y - rrTTrnr 120 IX ED BY LEVI U TATE, TKOPntETOR, DLOOMSDURG, PENN'A s Editors' Correspondence The following nro extracts of a privato letter, from ono of tho best nicu aud purest Financial and Commercial. Tujssuy, Deo. '220 V, M. Mr. Scofotary Chase, in his annual re- Domocrats in Pennsylvania, now at liar-' Port to Congross, scorns vory anxious to Saturday Morning, Mar. 5, 106frjgnd8lniid rislutg, to tlio Editor oftho "Columbia JJcraocrat." flatrisburg, March 1, 1801. My Dbaii Col. Taiki Yours of yesterday has been received. for which JjKaHo accept my .iucoro thanks J L am return to spooie payments, and ho thinks it can ana will bo brought about, much soouorthau tho pooplo anticipate Wo have boforo informed him that ISnglnnd consumed ten years aftor her wars with Napoleon to reach tho resutt that Mr. lbaso now dosiros and promifca to accom Our Constitution guard 11 ever I Onr glorious Unionhold It doarl Our marry riag forsake it never! fne proud Caucasslan our only peer I h jjKaHo ucoept my iucoro thanks f now "08iros i,n promifca to accom nlWaWglijd to hear from valued Illisb 80 'Wonly and during that lime iiuiu.iiouunrioru man vourscli. i , ' .-...v.....u umuh ' tho industry of I ho Hritish nation ucr cro MM,,. TOR PRESIDENT IN 1B4, -4k You do Mr. Alnvrnnxr v.hv. .!! oroiteu uowu two or three times. ! justico when you say that you "sent a cooi la'T3 01 tho govornmont at tho time were senator- Uo is the broadest sense " uumugi iuu inoucycu auu inniicu of tlio term--addcd to a clear and sound in'erats, which had no sympathy with thu i uisoriniinainie luucment. lie is a i?ont nmnrt ?""uuiai uuu luuusinai classes, auu tne !of incorruptibb integrity no man in tho . "R lPPTl?rT A AT ! of incorruntibla intot-ritvim ,nnn in latter wero sacrificed to oarrv out tho dc C77 !Ptf. what is bet- ? ? 8" of "tho former .Mr. Uhaso ' tor no one bottor deserves it. , "pi u ru-cnacs mo rote ot tne On opening the eighteenth volume of tho Columbia Dhmuciut, wo shall notico with satisfaction and pleasure, who nnd The new Senator niado bis anncarencn 1 hn8ll8U aristocracy in tho decade subso in tho Chamber on yostcrday morning, luc"t to 1815 at tho cxpcn?o of tho stock amidst muoli pomp. IIo was osoortod to J00" nml contractors who havo been tho Oapitol by a proecssioti. with banners. onched through his blundering financial t music, Sic, and such was the press about Polly , but if tbo matter is loft to tho poo i tlm ilnor iti.ii hn nn nl.linnl i . ' pic uutil tho war is over tho work can bo placointho "Roll of Honor," by making gtcss by a ivindow. I havo known of men ' Pcrf?rinl-f with much greater facility. advance payments, Tho price to those escaping out. of the Senate Chamber by a Unliko England, tho government hero is who wish to avail thcmsolvca of its pro visionals yet only 81.7b : othorwisoSS 00. Friends and Patrons, wo appeal to your justico and liberality which can only bo sensibly evinced by advance paymonts for tho moans, in thoso "Lincoln times," of publishing a frco democratic paper and upholding tho drooping liberties of our be loved Country, Speech of Hon. Harry Hakes. Wo have perused with interest and sat isfaction, the Speech of tho Hon. Harry Hakk3, ono of tho Representatives, at Ilarrisburg, February 18, 1804, on tho llesolution proposing to require proof of loyalty from tho persons claiming pay ments fur damages by tho Rebel Raids. Dr. Hakes' ppoech is a noblo dofenro of the rights of all tho citizens ot Pennsylva nia, without distinction of party, whosus taiucd injury by tho Rebel Raids into our Slate, and is at tho same time, a masterly csposo of tho snoaking attempt of tho abo lition majority of the House to establish a test of loyalty for 'tho disunionists, by which democrats may bo deprived of their just rights, and tho others rewarded for harboring the Rebels. This is ibo mean ing of their "lest of loyally ? Dr. Hakes is a bold man and an able representative. Would that wo had more such fearless statesmen in the Legislature. Luzerne county may well feel proud of her Jalcuted young Democratic Representative. window, but I bcliovc this is tho first time ju the hands of tho working olasses, who I have known ono to enter in that way. U!l0 110 t'ireot interest in tho public debt ; Tho revolutionists, "started tho ma-' lin" wIlcn tll financial obligatians of tho chine" last night, by electing all tho sub-1 oounu'y beoomo onerous upon virtual re ordinate officers, but refused to elect a I''ion will bo an undertaking quite Speaker. Should thev persist in their ro- L'a,y in its performances, by elevating men fusaltogo into an election for Speaker, i'0.0"10" wlioare willing to do tho bidding furo tho end l,lc,r coiisiuuoum. inoro woum men wo will civo thorn trouble, bcfoi of tho Session, but J think wo will yot uriug mem to terms. Democratic State Convention. Wo hear from every quarter that the State Convention, which is to bo held iu Philadelphia on the 2-lth of March, will not only be full inside, but that there will bo a larger and outside representation than usual, It will have grave work to perform and, we trust its deliberations will becalm and its action prudent. In regard to del egates at largo to tho National Convention which is to assemble at Chicago on the 4th of July, wo trust wo may intimato with oat impropriety, that wise and reliable Democrats only should be selected. We ' are confident the convention will fool tho necessity for such representatives, aud, therefore, need prets tho matter uo fur ther. Among the distinguished names ulrcady mentioned for that responsible position, wo notiee Geo. W. Cass, of Alle gheny, Henry I). Foster of Westmoreland Hcistcr Clymor, of Berks, and Geo. W. Woodward of Philadelphia Thero will doubtless bo others equally worthy, pres sed by their friends, so that tho Conven tion will probably find littlo difficulty in choosing delegates who will fully satisfy public expectation. Extracts of a Letter from a Sol dier in Texas. Oami- of the 21bt Iowa Reot., Texas, February 7, 1804. Dear Col. Tate: I writo to say that I am yot on tho land nud among tlio liviug Tho upcor taiuty of life is strikingly cxcmpliflcd here in tho Army. Although I have en joyed oxccllcnt health since I moved to lona and came into the Southern Slates. Wo spent soma time in Louisaca, then camo into Tcsa9, and laudod first upon Mustang Island, aud arc now on tho Ma tagorda Day, (Texas,) in tho town of In dianola. Wo arc quartered in tho vacant houses and enjoying ourselves first rate. The weather has been dry and warm all winter, with tho exception of a cold snap ab out tho holidays, but it was nothing to what 1 was used to iu Iowa, or oven in "old Lycoming co." The gardens hero aro made and aro preen and some of tho flowers arc in full bloom. Tho people have their Potatoes planted. Natuic is appearing in her robes of green and loveliness. This is tho hand somest country I have overseen. Fire-wood is very searco hero. Wo haTe to burn fences and buildings. The water is very poor i.ud salty, except rainwatcr, and the tide ebbs and flows so low is tho laud-three fectin every twenty-four hours. Tho prospects of peace are favorable in this Slate. Tho Rebels have not stood us a single fight binee we landed on this Coast. They run wherever wo over-haul them. It is said they aro well fortified at Hons ton, but bow it is,or will be, I do not know, as they havo skcdadlod from as pood forti fications as thoy can possibly have there. All Prairie and no Timber. Our Army is vory healthy. Thero aro but two sick in the Hospital, belonging to our Regiment, and but two havo died since last September. Wo havo two Physicians with our Regiment. J, J, C. Death of a Brave young Soldier Maj. James II, Larrimer, of Clear field county, was shot by thu Guerrillas, on tho 14th of February, uear Uristow Station, in Virginia. IIo was a noble, bravo and generous hearted young officer and a sound Democrat. Tho remains of Major. Larrimer were interred in Clear- field, with tho honors of war, and a f-G- . . ; . .1 i i i. a.iiiwuii ,u3 uuiucuiuiciy commenceu or the erection of a tuitablo Monu($n4o his memorv. bo no difficulty in tho way of aaimmcdiato restoration of tho spcoio basis, as our Stato institutions have always in their vaults a sufficiency of coin to warrant a resumption nt any moment. So saya tho New York Herald money article. Hut wa enquire ; Is it truo that "tho government hero is in tho hands of working classes'1? vory great efforts nro making to form and consolidate an am tocracy, whioh is to consist of holders of National stooks, which aro to bo froo from taxes. Should that succeed, and thereby Congress become merely tho tool of this shoddy nubility, then taxes would bo enor mous, and tho rich, exempt. Neither liqidution nor repudiation would bo pos sible, with States and people poworlest aud shoddy, liko tho old man of tho Sea, astrido our ncoks. Will not the peoplo arise, and look tho appalling future in tho faco ? State Agricultural College. Wo have looked over with very groat Interest some pamphlets containing much information in regard to Agricultural and Literary colleges generally, and to our Stato Agricultural College particularly; and wo havo been struck with tho rarcity of eludies as well as the seeming seuso and thoroughncsi of tho course, through wliich the students aro put .Tr'i inn r l..nti tlio liZ, ...... 1 . P7tB ougut to uo prouu ; ami wnicu will very soon tell, through its alumni on the agricultural resources of the State. The time is coming when increased crops and smaller farms must be the order, and when much abused 'scientific fanning"' will mako its mark. Tho college seems to be under the management of excellent and accomplished professors, and to bo In a flourishing condition. Wo obfervo an attempt making in tho Legislature, to give to somo other institu lions, a portion of tho funds which was intended by CoDgrcss to endow The Stato Agricultural Collego. But wo trust no such thing may be done. It would crip ple the ono, and not in any material man ner etrogthen the others. Giro to tho "Stato Institution" all tho strength in money and means it actually needs; and let us try tho experiment fully, and if it fails which it cannot do, wo shall then know that tho cause is not in tho luok of means, but in tha system. CST-ThcNcw York Tribuno Has foroneo diverged from its erratio course, and lias blundered agaiu3t an atom of candor, as will appear from tho following sontenee, characterizing tho uorthern "domoeraey: "Tho northen democracy is not really pro slavery, but anti-interventioD; maintaining, not that slavery is right, but that wo of the froo States should mind our own business and let alono other peoplo's.'" &5y We havo a circular "American Advertbin wo a dm the Ciicy, plan ot wUT5siiiwrC; auu although we aro not just now propared to do tho advertis ing therc-indieatcd, wo shall endeavor to put ounolves in such situation as will ona- blc us to benefit all parties very soon, Tins Lady's Friend, tho third number of this new Monthly Magaziuo ol Litera ture and Fashion, Marob was received in February, it is ornamented with rich plates and is replete with choice litera ture. Messrs. Deacon and Peterson, will make it a complete success. Hon. Myeii Stkouse, M. of 0. has fa vored us with a oopy of the Speeoh of Hon. John D. Stiles, M. of C. in answer to the ranting insinuations of one Imioj Myers. George Thompson. The Lancaster Intelligencer, says this notorious English Abolitionist, who for thirty lotg years has boon laboring to destroy tho American Union, is again in this country having been sent for by some of tho "loyal" friends of tho Ad ministration. Ho oommenced his destruc tive work in Boston, on tho eVening of the 10th ult., having been introduced to tho meeting by tho ''loyal" Collector of tho Port, Mr. Goodrich. Thompson began his disunion harangue by thanking God that he had lived to see tho fruits of his labors tho bloody triumph of Abolitionism in the noblo position that America had taken, and hoped in a few days to havo tho opportunity to speak more fully on tho stato of feeling in Eng land in relation to our groat struggle In conclusion, ho alluded to George Wash ington as tho founder of American Inde pendence, and Abraham Lincoln ag tho founder of American Liberty ! ! What an idea contrasting Abraham Lincoln, tho weakost and least dignified of all our American Presidents, with the immortal Father of his Country I Aud this infam. ousntiuiou, we aro told, was received wirli.nini roffsing ohcors by the "loval"' faVsernblaco, niusrers and "all. tlmn arul there present. Such is Abolit ionisra ! It would de grade the unsulliod charactor of tho great and good Washington, so as to clovate and idolize tho most contemptible of all his successors in tho Presidential chair. Verily, "whom tho gods will to destroy they first make mad," and this aphorism bids fair to bo verified in the histor tho American people. Al r-u., 4U0li oountrv Would thatancr Washington was voucb-saJiaJjfT! nnrrn pr: Tuce, to put a stopjto this carnival of Cox on Preachers. In the Houso of Representatives, Hon. Samubl S. Cox, ol Ohio, in discussing tho proposition to amond tho enrollment bill by exempting ministers of the gospel, said: ''I am opposed to exempting ministers of tho gospel from their share of tho duty of putting down this rebellion. It is a general belief among a largo part of tho pooplo of this country, both North nud South, that the most pestiferous class ot human beiuci thoso who foiucnted so cession at tho South aud disunion at tho ' (From tin Sunday Mercutjr.J The Tide Turning. Two incidents havo rtceutly occurred and been duly recorded in the newspapers, which, although they huvo elicited hut lit tlo interest and remark, aro full of pecu liar significance, in the faot, that thoy havo signal indication that tho" American peoplo aro growing resentful and rostivo uudcr tho "Reign of Terror," to which they havo submitted for tho last two years liko so many abject and crouching slavesi wo niiudo to au oceurranco wlncb trans- RECEIPTS FOR FEBRUART, TO TUB COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT 10! f Tho following paymonts havo btcnltrado to tho Columbia Jknmrul office, uuiog tho month of February, 1804 i North-have been U,e elergy-mem And . him di p they are still fomenting hate ,11 ml , and ' cl! callcd fof tho 0 of $ unkindness among tho people. And now tcsi Saiust 10 pS3 Pof ,aw b geu lemeu como hear and say that tboir T.cnJ.Ii,,rn nl. LnX , LI r am opposed , cncQ . n i n r. ... ,, nnot roeoir-1. i ..i.,.- ...... '7 ' uizo BUV' difference tutnistnra nf . ...... . . ."&") " to this class legislation. I caunot rocog- tho gospel aud men belonging to any oth er profession. Aftor all it is nothing but a business, and in tho matter of allegiance every man, whatever may be his business, owea his allcgianco to his countrv. "My colleague Mr. thinks i am mistanon wnen 1 say tuat rebellion has been fomented by ministers of ho gos pel, South aud North. My colleague said iu his speech tho other day that ho had bhaken hands with rebels on John son's island, and that ho would rather shako hands with Buch rebels than with some men on this sidoof tho House. "You woro at homoahaking bauds with rebels. I was not heie when you made that rofereuco or I could have given you something moro than moro words about loyalty and patriotism. I would havo proved you to bo a seditious man. "My colleague has been himsolf engag ed, along with ministois of tho gospel in his own district, singing anthems and glorifying old John Brown's eedilion. Laughter. Moro thau that, sir, my colleaguo was engaged again and again in Ohio in trying to break down tho laws of the United States, and I can prove him from papers in my desk to bo a seditionist and revolutionist. IIo is a conspirator against tho Federal Government. "I can provo, by papers in my hand, if J. nau tiuio to uo it, that the gentleman, along with thoso ministers who would now bo exempted, have for years persistently rebelled against tho Federal Government, havo striven to stir up hato and revolution between tho States, to embroil them in conflict, and by violence to overturn laws whioh had been decided to bo valid by the Supromo Court of tho -United States. Yon presided over a convention called for that purpose, and you aro -not tho man, sir, to impugn ray loyalty 1 I stood hero fighting against scoession and revolu tion, whilo you, in Ohio, during all that time, woro alienating the sections and producing civil war by your insurrection ary and rebellious conduct." It is said that Mr. Spaulding, cowered and squirmed under tho lash of his col leaguo .liko a whipped spaniel. War News. Gan. Palmer, who had advanced within two miles of Dalton, Georgia ; is reported to bo falling baok to Tunnel Hill, wliich is to bo held, The lastestnews from Knoxville is that Longstrcet is in rapid retreat, closely pur sued by Ucn. fechofield. isomc smart skirmishing had taken place with his roar guard by our advance. The news from Florida and tho South west is bad. Gen, Seymour in command of tho forces in Florida, had been badly ueieatcu in an action at uiustee, nis loss is reported at from 1,200 to 1,000. The troops engaged were principally from wew England and iow oik. uno or two colored regiments were engaged. Tho rebel army is roported 15,000 strong. We do not credit this, nor do we believe that cither Hardee or Beauregard was in com mand, as reported. Tha defeat was un doubtedly the result of ovcr-coiifidenco and bad gcnoralship. Tho expedition was ono of Lincoln's planning to reconstruct tho Stato and securo threo cjctjrirvbtes. Tho price alreadyprirtanbr tho attempt is tlio blood ofoo soldiers killed and wnu General Smith's cavalry expedition, which started simultaneously with 'Sher man's infantry movement, has boon so so riously handled by tho rebels ns to oblige paper devoted to Poaeo principles and to Jjemocracy, was destroyed by soldiers iu- fltigatod by Abolitionists, in retaliation for which outrage thoDmocrats aroso, attack ed and gutted tho dwellings of tho leading fanatics of the town. Thoso, wo reiterate, aro vorv sinnifieant demonstrations. It is tho last hair that breaks the camel's back. The Americana havo always bean a patient, law-abidina peoplo. The Anglo saxon element, so largely infused mto their veins, makes tiicm slow to anger, and to forbar violent WJ llol.ilcinmi, 1 1 0" Ult of I) Shuninn, 'W Matrltiionial imtlici. luu Jncob Cliclliart, ! HO ttlcliarilion'i Agnner. 100 I.-...- ' mi ...... A..hln....ll ' ONI JJaniti II. Kmi, 12 (icorgo Miller, ut-i,, in Aaron .Miller, I). 11. Amilcinan. a in oi it. tinrunan, Gen nnhcrt Fleming, In l'0S Winner, byO. TV, Jenc BlinemiiKcr, J uu ltof Bliuman, U 00 1,'yriu llnliliitu, S 1)0 i:t of Peter lien, S 00 riiliican t-inilti, 1 7S Win. Krlckbtium. 1 .5 llev JP lllettcilck, 1 211 I'lillip Atipleintili, S3 Peter II. Precie. M.U.. 1 On William I'rttlt, 1 S (,' inn. II. 1 ia.. 1 Charlci .Michael, 1 75 Motes I'.vcrlit, U UO Jnlin nvncu, 8 00 Andrew Hlnimnn, Eiq.l 75 I.lcut J J. Karni, 1 UO J.iinei Hunt. 1 73 William Uyer, 4 on Paimm! 'ri'ny, Ll1 1 75 Win B Cicn-y, I 73 Aarwi Hmlth, S 09 John Olrton,(UeiulockW Au nilai Ulcer, 1 00 I! II ILittumn, 3 tm Peter llrlwig, 1 75 Lucas Pnlirlngcr, 1 75 VAlnn llngnrl, I 73 CuliunbU County, SI UO Jncoli llli-ll'uiibich, '-' 0 Thoj Ilnlluwa), M. D.IO 00 Julill .mi I'lillip Cool. Pal, J Wi'isclielliauui, Ucv W Goodrich, Lieut A H Allen, Iisnchor M Uvani, llvan Welllvcr, Col J (1 Frcczo. II Al'nrvor, (111,) ,ii 1 money, ! (10 1 75 J 50 3 UO a in I 75 4 50 0 8.5 5 00 SPLENOIO NEW JUST ISSUED or Gideon Sti'ckrr, swncv Slater. 'Cnrneliiii Delias, l.llin.i II, llartmaa, J. C. Ilagcrinan, Montour County, John Decti. Jr. 'n,. it jl.'iwrencc Cronln, liiinnni unangit, John (lirtoti, (Hem,) John Mwrdnn, J. II. Bamla, Kil. William name. C. T. dhuiuan, Ucv. Ud, Murray, r. M. Cox. (3. At W. Kieamcr, Nelson Kitchen, lMiranl llcxrv. Jacoli .eidnlt. J an ion N. Miller, William Kreaincr, John Zelslort, P.s. of Geo, llarlmnn, lias Iiietcricli, P.11. t'.t. John llrown, Sr, Gakleton, Publisher;, NEW 70RK. I. PECULIAR. 1 UOSWin, 13. Sterner. Pit of John Anilersos. 3 OOtl.ivlngstoti llhone, Willliam Wiuterstecii,3 .'.ui Jncob W. Dictcrick. Noali Crilcs, 5 i.'j,.MaJ, Dcmott. 310 I (0 IW VS5 i;j 5 01 4 00, 400 1 W 1 to ' Bpi Bsrgenfs Great Note), soncirnlin nblri lbr' i! W has been more talk and ipeculallon, pcrhapt. haa j nbout any other book Issued for years Tin thrilling I ;i nnd extraordinary facts with which the aulhm his bs- I ' como aciualnted have been thrown into a plot an! j Ji story so siartlingly bold, and y so truthrul, so midst i W and so gentle, that every reader who beglni It muit ba 0 W fascinated with its unfligllng lotsrail.' It U nUiar ?!j IU wild-arts rrl Jll' 4 Hi) 5 Oil S M 1 110 M 1 II, KIMBALL'S WORKS. Embracing his capital new nol, 'Was aaaM' 1 w ft An. .,,. I.... A..iftn. nrihi, ...inti. rrtai IIX) Wctltankour friends most cordially for their con- .... al uaivp l.nOErt. tinned llberal'support of tho Comstnt DtMocrtiT. It UNUUIlGUURn.Viy. IV THE TUOftCI. I Is to thosn who prnmplly pay that wo aro indebted tot SIou SlDucrtiscmcntsL,' ADMINISTllATOIl'S NOTICE. Estate of George Adam Witch, dee'd. tETTERS "t adinliilstratlon on the P.slato of George j Adams, late ofConyngh.iin twp. Columbia e6.,dec'd.. havi'bei'ii granted by the lligliter of L'iluiubtaco.1to the undesigned; nil persons having claitii against the es tate of tho decedent are requested topresent tlicmlo the uiidcrslgnc4, at I is residence in said tmwiihip, without delay, and all perwuis indobted to make pay ment forthwith. IIENHV GABLE, Adm'r. March 5, lE(i.-0v CJ. ABMINISTKATOlt'S NO 1'ICE. Estate of John Jirown, Sr., dee'd. Ir.TTP.RSuf administration on the. Estate of John Jtlrown, Pr late of .Millliii twp., Columbia co.,dcc'd. have been granted by tho Ilcgiilcr of l.'oluinliiri en., to the undersigned ; nil persons hat ing claims against the pstatu of tho decedent nru rcplestcil to present them to t ie ,i in nistraior at uu rennence in raniiran Dr. Horlacher'3 Pamphlet. IS SLAVERY CONDEMNED UY THE niUI.E OR PUOIIIIIITED IIVTIIi: CONSTITUTION OP THE UNITED STATES f rgIIIS is the title oi a neat little Pam- jl phlet, on thoabcivn sulijcct, by DR. JACOB IIOR I.RCIlElt, of New llcrlln, Union County, Pa., contain ing ': well written pages, in English and German, and for sule at this ollice. It contains a i;i,t .-imnunt of useful infurinatlon. Price 10 Cents per copy. March 5. lbOI.-lm. to retreat back to Memphis. Among tho ,', , ; , .i tt 1 objects of this cavalry expotlition was tho blood, and restore to us again the Union , J . . ., , , , . n ..... . , destruction of rail roads and provisions and uuu vuu uuuaiiiuiiou ui uur tiuvnov laiuera. 1 ... , , , . lUlllbaiJ W. VUU UUUILUViauj 111 HUBB Expensive Rather. j issippi. In this, according to report thoy Tho Florida exnedition U said' partially succeeded, but tho expedition 1,800 men, six pieces of cannon and a mam oojecv, wnicu was 10 million of money ; and all this not for1 fom ft junc,0D with Shorman at 8omo anv military purposes, but rather in de-l Poiut in Alabaina or ncar lbol'De of Ala' rogation of them. The three electoral! baum and MiBsppl. Tho movement, votes of Florida havo already cost ua therefore, has ended badly, and wo begin, and bloody rCSlbtanCO to wrong aud op. 1 1,0 means of successfully prosecuting our largj arc prtsMon wiiusc a peaeeiui remedy lies anywhere aoar their grasp. But this vory characteristic makes theui, when oneo a .roused to fury, aud under tho goading spur of heated and ungoverablo passion, "tcrriblo as on army with bauners." Possibly it would bo well for thoso most directly interested to study this leaturo of our peoplo, and not count too largely and too suicly shamed tho American charter abroad aud provoke derision and mockery all over Europe. Nobody would deplore moro deeply than ourselves tho reign of anarchy and social chaos in our midst. Wo havo tho examplo of Trance before us, that in tho wild maelstrom of revolulion and popular cphronzy Humanity bleeds at ovcry pore and that no dove comes from tho ark that floats upon its hoaviug and turbulent wat ers : that tho good suffer with tho bad, the innocent with tho guilty that all a liko are whelmed beneath its yeasty and remorseless waves. And yet thero is something more terrible even than this to contemplate It is the paralysis of a great peoplo struck dumb and motionless in tho prosence of a nicantic despotism fearful to speak, lest some hired minion of the prevailing and abounding tyranny shall shriko the audacious utterer down foarful to writo tho God-niftcd tboueh. lost press and' writer full under tho ban of mailed and gamitlottod power earful to move, lest some talebearing informer shall whisper a suspicion of disfoyalty and trea son. O what mental agony to live in mch a raylcss and starless night of bond age as this, to ouo who has oneo tasted the sweet of refined and enlightened liber ty ! To break ouch bonds wholo heca tombs of lives havo been sacrificed, nud tha world's history is illuminated with the chivalrio deeds of those who have died in martyrdom to tho holy oauso of truth and justice. What has boon, may bo again. "His tory is philosophy leaching by oxamplo." Hence, we say, let thoso must interested profit by tha warnings of tho past, and beware how thoy tax too much tho pat ience and forbearaucc of this people. liven a worm will turn whom trodden upon ; and is loss expected of man, lash ioned after God's own imige. and bearing about him at least some of tho inolVablt! attributes of his Maker? And may we uot hopu that tho retaliatory iucidcnti we have cited will have their duo effect in checking tho30 disgraqoful cxhlbitons of lawless and usurped authority whioh be come almost chronic, and teaoh their au thors that it will do "to play" with that volcanio firo whioh flames iu" the nonular heart, and is constantly fed by tho cniiy-' ment and luxury of populali'iflGfty-? QjJiWrd County. no Democraoy of I3odford county at their late county meeting adopted tho following excellent and spirited resolu tions ; Jlcsolvcd, That the greatest danger, the most imminent poril to our country, grow ing out of tho present unhappy civil war, ia tho tendency of our civil ruler towards despotism. Tlio wag is a question of cen turies of the past, and if disturbed, must agitate the ages of thi future, till eternity itself shall dawn. Jlesolvcd, That wo will uphold trCd de fend, at tho cost of life.itself, tho frco in stitutions purchased by tho blood of tho Revolution, and transmitted to us us the most precious legacy that oould be be queathed to their posterity by tho horoio fathers of tho republic. Among theie wo hold especially dear the rights of freedom of speech, freedom of tho press, freedom Bl'CllL.STS LIEU AUUUAD. HI. RENOK'S LIFE OF JESU3. increasing husl nets, and uc sincerely trust tlicy-nht are our real Iriciids will continue their liberal patron life. Wo havo many distant subscribers, to whom w liavo sent bills, but upon whom wo cannot call in per' son for the purpose of making collections, nnd iw ngain appeal to such ofthem, as are indebted, to remit A r mutation cf M Ernest lienon's rsmarkabla wotk. laymeut by the mall. - just i.sucu in raris, wnero tne ciciioincni ana ssma- (tnn fi.r, .n rtn nrn tnf, , tun mm .inn ntiinnr. in.. already thousands of copies of tho costly French sol- have been cold. It has lioon extravagantly prala and extravagantly censured; but Its moit sirir. critics do not deny the wonderful power, brllllanay, t tbility dliplayad upon avory pajoof tba book. Pl 1129. IV. Dlt. CUMMING'3 WORKS. Embracing his ncir worx 'Th, Great CooiuM- ion," which is attracting so uiush olnallon la ia; and, Price 31.00. rUE CHEAT TllinUI.ATION, TUE GltllrtT I'UU'.Ml.ViION. TUU UUU AT CUNai'SIMATIOrf. V. Light on Shadowed Faiha. Dr T. 3 Arthur. The noDUlarltv and intirsil absra ship without delay, and oil persons indebted to make ' tt,ia delightful new work, by.Mr Althur, aro stiadllr payment forthwith. CKoacn imov.V, Adinfa. ! increasing. It Is one of tho plesanteit of recent pub. .March 5, ISfM. Gv. S3uo libitiong . ami will find its nay into thousands an 1 thousands of families, where domestic stories of a pur. aid unexceptionable inflames ara wtlsouii4. frit $225. SEVEN OCTAVE $225. ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTES. fJr.ovjesruPN & Co., -11KI Broadway, N.Y. ATI'AV. nM,AUGr.!l SCAI.B I'l ASO.I'OUTES. with 1 all latest imprmoments. Thirty yearn' eit-orieiico with ureatly increased fac-iliti'-s for manufacturing, i-iialiie us lu si ll for UASII at the iibuvfl unusually low price, uur Inntrur.ieiits re reived tin- liiplii-sl award at the World's Pair, nml for five successive years at tho American Institute. War. runted five ears. Turui nt ctu. Call or a.-nd for descriptive circular. March 5, ldoj. bin. cVft'E & I- A JJ D ji Fourth & Arch Sts. PHILADELPHIA, id unexceptionable influence ara wtlcouiij. ::.:o. NovcIb by author "Rutlcdgo." Embracing the splendid new njvel 'Trank War(Ug tm," hich is selling so rapidly Price 81.53 ut ii.uuGi:. pkAsk vvAuuiMOTaT, 1'IIU BUTUUKI.AND3, L.UUU. VII. VICTOR HUGO A LIFE, 'tis ol tho most ctmniing anl cntraslng T5l'jm thit lias ever issujd from Uu Prcccli Press, tttntU., graplur, an 1 lively, it abJutiJs witb, lb. sane de'.ghtful Interest tint mid.) "I.-.s iserablcs" snwond afully atlriictive. No rca lir oflliat i:itr-l out roinnce cm remain saiufijd without its compaa io. Tt Stsry of Vlctur Hugo's Uf.." Omtaoi scituSn.slbth bound I'rld 0l.'il i V VIII. Mro. HoluieD Novelo. Cmbraing hi-r charming new oovc 'V'arlan Oiy,' which Is so popular tbrougbout tha tiunlry, Prla I.M. MARIAN OUET, HOMESTEAD, IXVAlllVIIIIS. 1)011. iikani:. litiyjj'.v ur.ooi;, ' cui'si.v u Auna AF.r. OVE.V1NR POK ffPniNO mi. 100 p's. SI. Pnncy SI1.KS. iO pes. India Silks. 81. Ill i - Uoinl lllnck VI II " link-red Plain fcilks. 44 l.Vtl.NS mark Silk VIJI.VUT. lirowu SlI.Ka, SO. 3, 1, a. Si, I iut yard. Illack ' SH. 5, 4, 3. S, I. per yard. Molrc Autiiues, all colors Masu I ticr-iit Ori'ii.nlin'-s, Mrti.'niflrpiitXuvtRli'.u.ia. i'-ircririNT.i;t'irHdn,KltCAi:i.r. Spring Ehawli Nuw Household taplu CUODd. General assortment of .Men's Wear I March S lCu'l.-ISin. IX. f -1 Hon. John L. Dawion, M. of 0U has sent us a copy of his admirable speech on tho establishment of the Freed mo n 'a Bu reau, viz : "A Negro Nursery." pretty dearly. 400 mew, two cannon, and 8333,333 33 for eaelt vole ! This is ' certainly expensive work j and if tho electoral colleges of Arkausas, Louisiana and Tennessee havo to ho purchased at anything like theso rates, perhaps we may be paying too dear for tho privilege of this specios of reoonstruotion. But what docs Atuiuiam Lincoln caro how many American citizens dio by inches in Libby prison, or meet with quick death on a use less battle field, so long as ho is reinstated into ofGco ? Work on, you weary laborer, coin your swoat into greenbacks to pay for Aiiraiiam Lincoln's rcnoraination ! i i i i i - We have tho March number of Imlav An "our or b raoro ,aDor a y-r a and liicknell's Hank Note Reporter. It ' dinneror 80 lcs3 a eok' matter to is an exoollent Detector. Businoss-man i 'ou' so. tbat.lho "sccond Washingtou" noN. Oiiarle3 R. BucKALEtv, Senator j ijould have this Reporter. rul Sa,n' "Cr yur back8' 8ood I . IT'.. 1 .-- t . .. .1 ! I A.ntA nil lii tint Itiiftl nn nrtA ainn It neon. i - i i , , , n i i. r ' yWyiV 441 J 1,1 IUC iUIUb(l UUt Dllit3 ilUJUU J'llE Dailv Aou, has advanced its a while tho pack is being strapped on I- for tho first timo, to feel some apprehen sions for tho euccoss, if not tho safety of Sherman. The Army of tho Potomao commonoad Tho Whrchaiits of New, York. A Sjcond ,1 ri'.-a of n very inlcrestingind curious bout, by Wslicr llarratt, Clark. Uemiui.c.nces, anea-dott-a, wit, lliuor, lively personal t-ketchii, privatu 4i public gossip!,it tho oIJ and great mercuints of .Saw "'Jjlyi:tlcl-itof evcr)lhli'g and nit too muU of anything. The first vtdunw had an Imnensa tala last yar, and. tie bfcon.l Series la iiuw "litdy, Oa. elegant cloth Uud volume, l'nca 01 JS. i B Y virtue of a writ of fiaria facias, to mo directed issued nut nf thu Court of Common l'U-us of Columbia Cnunty, w ill Iw (unused to public tale, uu the premises, in Locust township, Columbia county, on Tuesday tho i-Jd of March, lcill, at II) o". dock in the forenoon, tho following described property to wit ; All that certain tract or parcel of land situate iu I.o cust township, Columbia county, containing M0 acres more or less, 1110 u res nf which nro improved laud, bounded and det-crihed as follows, to wit: on the west by lands of Israel H'eri-y, on the north' by lauds of Jacob Drunilielli-r, on the cast by lands of Nathan Ca ble and others, mid uu the south by lands of Lucas I'uhriuger ami others, whereon uru erected a two story STONE DWELLING HOUSE, A large HANK 11 Alt .V. with all necessary outbuildings with Hie nppurtcuunces. Seized, taken in execution and tu be sold is the pro. pcrty of Joseph U. l.viby. Shu rill's Oilice, J. II, TUfAIAN. Uloouisburg, Mar. S, lftll. J Sheriff. tllE mm YOKK WEEKLY HERALD. Meanest Taper in Uie lVoiItl. X. A. S. Roi'a Excellent Novelo. Cinbrndng his Ua capita', work "Liks aajjtJuliki,"- Price 3I.CJ, A LONG LOOK AllEAn, I'VE II1XN TUSKING, TRUi; TOTIIIJ LAhT. , TtlUBIMt AM) THE Cl.Ot't. now could iip. iini.r cr, ami UNi.nci:. ! TO IlVU &TO linT.OTtD, Tl.MU AND TUB. XL 1 THE Alt r OF CONVERSATION. With directions for felf.Cullure. A nak of lrj forinitiun, amusement, in instruction. Telcblng tba ait if enlivening with eaie and propriety, id ssttinj forth tho literary knowledjs rco.uis!to to applsi la ai vantsgo la goo J society, l'nw 8I.VJ. j t XII. TALES FROM THE OPERJ.S. THE extensivo and eoiuprehenb'no facil ities in its pasaesi-ion enables the Proirictor of ..- t.ll. ,t. .ti.. 'e ...1. u.., ' reliable inlonnation possilily to l,o obtainednot on Iv " ' "ul " " Novelettes Dal a upo ui iuu u,.uui,, uuu wio iijjuw 111 uuuu omic fr011l nl, pnrw of the -United Stotei. but fioiuall parts ,n0 "",!', "l"taico and fami'n, Operas-giiing tha O regulate anil COUtrol its UoniCStIO altaira ; "i tne worm. i piut oreacn opera in llio form of an l.ttreat- iu its own way, subject only to such rc restrictions as aro imposed by tha Consti tution of tho United States. Jlesolvod, That in tho future wo MUST and WILL HAVE a fair and free choico 1 r .... ;.,;t . . 11... .:n . 1 a forward movement on Saturday, and j " .... . . h 4n lVn.l.lnnl.i, n.L.w.nn III.. I ' J of tho United States, has our thanks for valuable Seeds from tho Patent Office. prico to 83 00 u year, from and after th Age, Grit of March. Hon. Henry W. Tkaoy, Representa live in Congress from this District, will no flopt our thsnki for tha (l(JongrsiionaU Two millions of apecis Jrsetery." fr Phrops, Ut wTc. A bill is before Cungress to sell tho gold in thn TI. H. Treaiurv. some twenty mil left Nw Vork it0n5. This has unecttled the price of gold ssnricfi it tUellnt frow 6? . 10. successful advanco" on Sunday. Wo may look for stirring news from that quarter in a day or two. Tho number of Federal officers who roceutly inudo their escoin' i oiu Hichmond is statod by a paper of tl, city at 109. A portion ot them (.including 1 ol. btreigutj havo reached the Federal i.nes, anothor portion havo peen recaptured, and others yot remain to be heard Ir in, ucneral Butler has sent out cavalry -Mid gunboats to givo protcotion to such as an bo found. Gen. Ben, Butler's brother -Jhoono who was with him at Now Orleam has ressn tly died. Tho property of U u brotlurs, in partnership at Now Orloam is currently estimated at from two to bovi a millions of dollars. Zr Major Geneual Kiori, Ii.m bcon aesicued to tho command of th Depart tvjnsnt sf Wtit Virginia. i im propneior devotes a portion f.f ilienntir to Mt mc" norcii ever published. Itt nlo lrsnti fltf Craturu. I'msMIdII. A('rlrilltnrn I In. M!i,.3.- i... J i .t .. f ailU, WO Will uphold tho S,.ortlDiMMK,;;ii Weop.,l,.,. fcn ,aU.- the COVOrUmont When WS iv'r': L?V"! ,',l"'K,lBJ "eral News.nndijpoils of. w , ..i f ' -V,,B .uh.miuu-,1 ,,i iuiiii uu excellent mcpipujitun I Yv condemn It When We nowspaicr-n weekly photographic view offiacvents A ' and corruption which has boen inauprura ted by tho party now in power, aud that wu feel it our duty not merely to our party but to our oountry, to rid tho poople of this incubus upon the will of tho majority. Resolved, That wo will always sustain tho government as defined by the orgauic law ot ttio rcpunlio administration of think it right and tlnnU it wrong. t2y Scurvy and Scrofulous IJruptions will soon cover tho bodis? of thoso brave men who aro fighting their country's bat tles, Night air, bad food, and drenching rains will make sad havoowith tho strong est, thoreforo letoveryman supply himself with IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT, It is a certain euro for every kind of skin dis caso. Only 30 cents per box, The House oflicnreiontatWes has order. ed 10.000 additional oopies of Qenirsl' Msuisuan i jiopott t piattd, Its home correspondents, cneneed nl he.irirn.i m,l i m: and attractive Storv. Prlrs u nr. conuceteil with each new naval ami mllitar capedi- ' ' Hon of tho government, provo that It is dctir(nineu" to XIII leno uu spot uucovt-red li) its operation, mil no event 1 can occur mat .nail not find iinuipdiale rep-n in lis Thn HnliUn nf Pnm Miii eoluu It costs the proprlotor over on-Ihundrcd X 110 0113 01 trOO Society. thousand dollars per yeur to inaintaiii ito cuosof cor-1 ii.-.i nnni, t, i n,ii. nn i n... t, . respondents iu the tit Id. T I n "and-IIook for Ladies nnd OeuomPni wi, hints In its collation of Porelcn News iho Hen il h. f. ""icooics concerning nicu poi4 f tasl. goal )i-ara held a lugli position, and it Hill ciide.ifor in tho fanners, and tho art of making Ok-.elf agruuble. future to luaiiuiiiii the stand it has iissume l It has licprinted from the London cdillon.ahicli isftw bssl Vcia!f """o" mail of thiVrincipal andlo,t e,ert3,n,ff h.,,,1, ,J ' . ..' .1 cities of the world. Its telegraphic arrangements extend to wUrcvcr tho electric Hires aro notched, When the AllStic cable i. miu, nuim icuv win soon no uccoronli lcu, tele, grams win ue rrceueit trout Uurojieuml Asiias null asfromtbu United Ktates. Tlieu our recA-rs will have tho ivints of thu week in all parts of thtiviliicd ..uuu ,t-(;iiiuri auu cicariy iatu nirore then.. Ilshkd. I'.'oo. cloth bound I'rlci aftli. XIV. . HEULAH. - fiy Miss Augusta Evans. Onaof the tiry hit A- of thu world and all ut n vin luw pries. Tho Wi-tkly Herald is issued every fatur ...b,uu (uiiit.itcu u, ,ue luiiuwmg rates Ono copy. ?j rive copies, lhree coplis, S Ten copies. Any largsr number, addressed to names. bcrs.81 ill each. An ealracopy will bo srnt to every club rl Iwenly copies, to one address, ono car, any larcer ,iumbi-r at .aino nrirn. An extra i-oiiv will ho .cm mrinh. . ...... inlln Vv'.'i'i'J n l i1 liu,"cd 0Ul"uer will W lamed .-. ...., Five dollars for sn momh.. aaills for thk-o inunih.. JAajtlS (JOllliON UP.NNCTT. , Ildilor and Proprietor, NorlhwmfOrnerofr'ulton and NsimntVi, ,,, Ktw York City, N. T TP'ti V',K,.",I'1"' ,''tu lt lbs HsriH) sfsrelt Ult. ?ti 1 VERDANT GREEN. I Ths popu'ar, rollicking, humnroui story of Colin a y Life in Oaford University, Unglaud, with nearly 3 lubicri. """'"'"""Uoni. tteprlntid from tho London ei(. Uuu uveriiowing Him nit.anaedotos, aaJ ia dicrous advsntures. Price -ii .a Tbtia Dooka are sold by all first elasi booki p morn, tn. 6), and The Diils Il.n.,,1 ,i,.n ... m. . . '"M'er yea-for three hundred aiidsiity.Wa'sues ""I wl" " tarefully rant by nail, poslafa Two dollars ao flfiy P rtaaia, oa retlptof price, by GEO. W. ("ARLETON, ' runusiiiRi So m HroitdtDij, Now X'jrk 1 1 1 'l I Uir It 5 ll Irt