Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 05, 1864, Image 1

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iTOL. 18. NO. 1.
.i i
jCDrigiual ftodtii.
flk Wkittck for the Columbia IIkmcciut
A Sabbath-eve Poem.
tlio trailing shadows of tlio western woods
?Aro cast n enrth again ;
4 nil ever thus sad thoughts, in multitudes,
fComu thronging on my brain.
. 1
fliouglits I and of what? ferehanco my spirit yearns.
lAnd reaches towards yon bright
&lestlal sky. whoso starry watch-firo burns
Ju'liore thcro Is no more nlglu t
Pe reliance this fertile vision wildly strains i
Jt pierce that aiurc veil :
Tu lead this weary sou! through heavenly lanes,
Beyond this cloudy pdlc I J
Ofiolds cerulean I -past these mortal wars,
IJThls longing and this strlfr,
tluvryo for me a home beyond the stars,
arerennlal with life ?
(there, in truth, n mansion in the skies,
;In fancy oft beheld,
Whereon no trailing shadow darlily Ilea
Star-plrdled, sentinelled f
flixa ye,.lndead, within those barriers,
.Those, white, neilal walls,
Sew Edens, blissful haunts, devoid of tears,
Whero Borrow ne'er appalls I
..cspcrldos. to which tlio spirit flies
jton pinions of desire,
IVhcreln this earthly worm of torment dies t
'. Uucnchcd in this mortal fire t
Alas, in vain t ask I No earthly eye
,'jlalh seen those gates unclose ;
Vfat nngel hanif may beckon from on high
Mortal to leave their woes.
Yet throiipli the silent vigil nf the eve,
In thoucht's swift ebb and flow.
My brain will still these lllfttl fancies weave.
While slndowe trail hulmv I
Orangcville, .Mir. h, l.'ijt.
J 1" c.
(L.uiulay Moving, Mar. 5, 1364.
A Floa for Peace.
jvcry one knows that the Springfield
'Mass) Ripu'j'ican is one of the aljlcst
jid tiio-tiiillaiintial supporters of tlio Ad
ministration io New England. As aiig
I icant syinptotn of rcturnitig revtson on
' ic part of soiiu) of this Republicans, thf
allowing article is. wo conceive, of aufii
rent importaufc to justify its pub'icijtioii
full. 1( oir readers will make it a
olnt ol ihowing it to their frierjJs jvho
--ufc, from luistakt'u but pntriutio motives
riiislainiiig ihe Aduiiniatraiioii, it may do
much good. Says the cpub'kan
Since jvinter suspends operations, IW.j
'"' wtjwot li's time be eiiq'toycil to make
peucci! Virtually it is an armistice ; though
mitfhaviii); beeu to dcilared. the (J"vuni-
went and tho nuonlo made no u-o of it.
Un our fiilo wo bhouHi at ouee imminence
tligtlisccbion of reeoa.itruotioii ; and on
tlioTrebtra side the pent' up fecjiii'' aaainst
tljeuUebinond dynasty , that haci.been grow
ingistroigor iu consequence of: their de
feat in J80!3, would find vent J jand they,
too, wotld talk about their fitiuro condi
tion. UecoiiatriieiionisH those of
North Cant ina aud GeorgiaAriiin.,'V
ud a filler announcement if oyal neiiti
iuetits vould be made iu tlire mouths than
nSlimvf in ihroo vuars of war. It
ivoiild bo the death of rcbclJom ; and it
would iroduce a lovolutiunof public hen-1
timeiit'hero. When Chalcs U, returned
totiiugland to be receive j wi h gladness, i
liSftaidho would have china back years ;
before, had he underetoofl ihe sontimont of
iWuat'on. As Ipii af n.en btaud with,
srlus ir thoir hands, hostilo attitude,
thoy feir and hate each' other ; but when
th'Jy spjak and look inf each other's eyes,
may b( fricuda All that is needed for the
restoriuon of the Union siueo tho peo-
plonn'both sider aro tired of waris that
thFpames should speak to each other.
n't?.,- wAtiid In. been no rebellion if we
Ind kiown each acr better and the war
2ould,.ot continue, if we could comc to
that bowl edge.
Tin South acted on its fears, which
wPTC Tinundless. If they could havo seen
flh'o ficts as they wore,tliat three in four at
oastof all tho people dcigncd them no
'Hariri but would havo shed their blood to
'defetil tho rights of South Carolina, Geor-
- 1 II' .tn! no niiinl si a ATn acn.
B a am
,CUUStlg, Itewiurti uuu xii,uiaau, ui.jr .
Jwoull never havo lifted an arm in roboll- young fiend WaTjIiAOb DkWiit, nsq.,
ion. Thoy yero oludcd and cheated.- S01, 0ftho vcuerablo Rev. DoWitt, of
tThcj conjurf J up a phantasm a devil, ' ji.rjrg i,as been appointed Prothouo
nndfinvn thnselvc3 to its direction ; and , .
fRko ' inbadearrying the Old Man of tho
Sea Ulioy yfll bo slaves to that deception
till t'.oy r,c themselves of tho burden and,
lift it. cmspVos to tho light.
f wo ljtvo not been muoh deceived, it u
vortcvidint that many of our people are
labii'ip hinder crruncous impressions.
IIol;ccinies tho universal denunciation ;
th,iiSuniption that every man in tho
'rSJtlr is au enemy to tho North; the
ianiation of tho Wendell Phillipsos that
iJre is no loyal man in tho bouth who
i uot a black skin ; and tho resolutions
' ;4id propositions of tho hall-insano radi
, als iu Congress that the war should bo
conquest, subversion of all former institu
tions, tho subiucation of tho white race,
tho raising to an equality with ourselves
Uio Alrioan population,tho anontion ot tuo
Jtntea,and tho lorctng upon a mimou
jtiaro miles ol territory and six millioni
t iicoplo the meas, opinions anu moaas oi
lo that ueiong to jNowngianunu wmou
a bo uono just as easy, nun no mora so,
a juinciami can imptanc nas civtuzuiigu
,1 ou oa Ireland. Wo give it as
our opinion lhat wo labor under a delu
sion ; nud if tbo pcopto of the youth can,
over speak wo shall Dnd that wo liavobocn
I fighting against a majority in many of!
tlioso States who havo been overcome and
1 held in subjection and led to the battle
field by the armed traitors, while they do-'
Biro notbimf moio than tho nernetuatirm nf
ii.. tr.,:... . . '.I.! . .i
tuo uinuii uuu mu uousuiuuon ineir lam- i
ors Cavo them. As long as this is an ac 1 nt,n: r n . n
mm wwuinu ui tbiiua YU LUUSb Wsll UlfUll till
engaged in it. Wo ran not cuquiro how ,
they came to bo in battlo against the Gov
crnmcut; but we havo tho duty of destroy
inc all who are so arrayed. Hut victories
ov6r tho rebels gained by tho
uprising of
tho Southern people would be of inuoh
raoro value in resuming tho Union than
victories in the field ; and they would ob
viate tho necessity of nioro bloodshed. To
this wo hopo to tee itcomo at last a par
ty in rebellion against the rebellion ; and
that wo shall see, whenever the peoplo
thcro dare to discuss ihe question.
Tho reason why there can bo no sus
pension of arms and no consideration with
the people of nioaaurcs looking to re-union
and peace, ib simply thn that the Haul
cals ivitl not permit it. Jeff Davis and
his friends arc contending for independ
ence; thoy will nut admit the idea of ro
union. They would rather lose ten bat
tles thau have ono State like Notth Caro
lina hold a convention to consider that
subject; for every word spoken would bo
more disastrous to them than a bullet from
a loyal rifle. Thoy havo taken all and
will die rather than submit. So on our
sido we have a party that arc fighting for
emancipation. It is all thoy care about
Tluy haw ,i 'listrr i :(e a rcs'nrutiou o
the (Jovcrnment more than J"JJ, J)uvs ha$. '
Thoy do not heeitnto to drolare everywhere
and in tho most open manner that they I
prefer dis-union to the old Union, with tho
Constitution as it now is. Aud thh they
term loyalty, and denounce restorationists ;
a? traitors. Strange oiioul'Ii they nuko a
largo paif of th'1 pi'op'o believe that it is !
tiea'on mid thoie are very few public '
mon in the country who dare to discuss i
farther than the parties will permit them
the question of restoring the Union as it
was established by tho fathers ol 1776, and
understood by Jefferson, Madison, Audrew
J.-trkoon, and John Q liney Adams.
While, therefore, the Jeff. Davis party
rulrs tho South, there can be no peaeo, or
approach to p.aei as there can be no ces
sation of war ; and while the Garrison and
Phillips ineii control tho popular current
of the North, there can bo nothing but
uch mea-utes as will bo raised at tlio
South so long as a man om be bail ; and
in the end, if they rule in that end, they
will not r store the Union, hut civo us a
-, . . , 1 , 1 . II
conquered coutitrv to ho hold nt nussia.
T, I i , , , 1,1 rr
Poland, and AuMr.a holds Iun
t3 A I'm Dividend. The Pennsyl
vania railroad company on Monday of hut
week declared a stock dividend of thirty
per cont. on llio shares of the road as they
stood on Ihe Stock Ledger of the ouipauy.
Fob. 15, 1301. The now certificates cover
ing this dividend will bear May 1, 180-1,
..i. ' -nl.1' 1 avr.1 V'i1."i'! "itC..i. ilnlo. Of
course the new stock will nt participate
iu the accruing cqbIi dividend payblo on
the .5th f May, but all dividends tlrc '
after will be distributed cqu illy to tho old
aud new stock, ln consequnco of this dm-
dond the stock has gone uh to ninetv dol-
lars a share, being a rise of twenty
lars, iu ot.c week.
ESy Colonizing Aoain. Tho Harris
burg Telegraph speaking of tho New Hamp
shire election which will bo held on tho
1 8th of March, says the leaguers aro making
a grea. effort, and among other things aro
i This is what they did in this Stato, last
' fall, "hey got home tho "absent voters' , disunion, from which, instoad ot two con
to tho lumber of 37,000. They may well i federacics, tbreo or four will probably
be calhd absent voier.', (or many had boon
absentfor a number of them qovcr lived
in tho Stato. From tho Telegraph' re
markswe must infer that colonization is
to car y New Hampshire
IKS' Good
,,CMeil t0 iun lhM 0or esteemed
J okuo oupreu.o uu u, .
Distric of this State, in place of Robert E.
Fergus u.dccoased. Wo know Mr. DoWitt
i intimatly aud aro satisfied that ho will
mak0 , WOl,t fxoellont officer.
Desiiuotivi; Fiue The soaport town
of Glocestor, Mass., was nearly destroyed
by fin on Thursday. Fifty stoles,- The
Adoertw oflieo, town Clerk's and Tele
graph ffico, three lawyer's office, Freouia
son's lodge, aud fifteen dwelling! were
burnjd Forty families oro hoolosn.
Lossjwil probably roach 5-100, 0(t0. The
ruinocjfcr one half tho princihle streets
andlvhjrvea. ,
MJ Govcriier Seymour, of I cw York,
haijipned tho bill passed by th) Legisla
turiof'that State, providiug for extending
thf-ight of voting to soldiers it tho field;
aiuiuas appoiuted tho sooond lucsday in
Mich for holding an oleetiou l)y the peo-
i decide tho question ot tta.aaoptton.
A French View of our Civil War.
rolitical Situation of the
United Stales
0 America.
Translated from the Memorial Illplnmatiqus,
1 " varius raiious matio bj
l' Democrats ft.nd of l'?a0 .ln lho
North havo induced those who do not
. , . . . ..i , ....
'American affairs with the attention
to behove that tho great revolution wuioh
i , i i tr 1
t8.J0Vou.r"!8 1,10 r(Tubii, of W?sh"W
JJ,U ""VS ow,a aolmton and that both
JJ " Sol") l"t at ''?. ruins arid
hoatlc,' P ?vc,7 J"? tt.rottnd tho .tho
sea of blood which thoir arms will cither
j become conscious of tho fact that war is
not an clement of tho union, and casting
' aside their arms will cither become rocon-
j oiled by mutual concessions or settled
down in peace, side by side, as l ico and
independent States,
Tlio recont elections havo destroyed
this illusion. For tho first time, we might
say in a whole year, public sentiment in
the United Status has assumed such a
form rfs to enable us to understand its
purport. We can now see clearly into
the plans of tho Government, and ascer
tain how they are viewed by tho people.
Tho idea has been hitherto entertained
that tho Democratic parly desired peace,
This error has beeu strengthened by the
attacks which its organs and orators made
and are still making every day upon iho
Federal Administration, aud bv the co. ,
oral touo ot hostility which pervades tho
language of its leaders. Tho lato clce-
tioui, while they show the weakness 0f
I the party, also bring to light the fact !
which we have long fince known, that ' u,nS OI,,no war, wuch ino iouu as ono
thcro is litthdiffoieueebelwesn Democrats i '".J asked the restoration ol the Uuion
and Itadieals as to the propriety of carry-1 ll'c adicald ilid not show any intention
in" on the war ' ' changing tho institutions ot the ltepub-
lu Ihe midst of tho tempest which each' "V'y way ; they shouted Union and
day carries off somo clement of Amen i Comtilutioii as loudly as did tho Demo
can liberty, tho Democrats arc it is true, orrit3- Now.howcvcr that the Democrats
tho only persona who protest against tho ! .lla" separated Iron, thom.and are crowd
mmrpatitins of Government, against the auud tho Constitution, which thoy
violence of military authority, and nuainst,
tho encroachments of the central power
upon that o( tho States
and from this
circumstance thfly are the only constituti- j
onal party in tlie North ; hut they have
not been ablo to resist lhat blind devotiou j
to tho Union which induces Americans to
value it moro than liberty; they have,
failed to appreciate the spirsl of that Uon-
stitution of which thoy are the only and
last defenders.
Not ouo of tho leaders of the Democratic
party, even of those who have been most i
cnern'oiic in their attacks upon the policy
of tho Administration, rot oven Vall.indig-
ham or Governor Seymour, has cverde-l
clared that ho was in favor of peace with ,1b lllU 1I11UU Ui DUUIlilllUUi
T,,,, ... . 1 , ' . ..
u mi"u H uuuwiuui V, liw vra ttiw iviiuui
, Cilluri,ilto for Governor of Pennsylvania,
Mr. V-Hlhinfli..ii:im. wlm nsnired to tho
r-amo post iu Ohio ; Mr. Seymour, Gov- j Hardly was this theory made puhlio bc ni tl.n Stnt nf 'nw Ynrlr. nml nil i fore tho ultra journals hastened to defend
the other heads of the Democratic party,
aro ao strongly in favor of tho Union, as
Mr. Lincoln. Tho only difference be
tween Uadiealsand Democrats is that tho
Conner wt-h foi Uniou through war, and
that the latter wish to ootain it by con
ciliation, if possible, anil if not, by carry
ing on tho witr in regular ami humauo
-"lay in accordance with tho spirit of the
or Unou'by .J .niso" hut
Union at any cost. Uniou, even at- the
Union, Union
, . ' t. r .1 1
price of an ocean of blood, at the price ol
of public credit ; Union, in fact, at any
pneo even that of libeity ; such is tho
open or secret thought of every Amer-1
ican ol the North, be he Itadical, Peaeo
Democrat, War Domorrat, Copperhead t
Old Lino Whig. Tho iusano desire for
Union turns the heads of all. A prey to
this hallucination, tho Americans do not'
perceive that whilo they are running,!
after some detached portions of tho Rep- J
ublic, those which were still united begin
to separate and that their attempts in
favor of tbo Union aro - so many gems ot
National vanity has taken such hold
upon tho pooplo of tho North that it has
destroyed their moral senso. Thoy sac
rifice every thing to tho prido of being
ablo to say that their power extends over
half a continent, and that thoy aro equal
to any nation in tho world.
Rather, say thoy, let our institutions
and a whole generation perish, than re
nounce this glorious idoa I Tho Anglo
Saxon is certainly the most independent
of all men, hut his prido is greator thaa
his love of independence, aud ho would
not hesitate to saorifico liborty to vanity.
One of tho groat men of tho French Rov
olution said : l,Let tho Colonies porish
6ooucr than a principle." Tho Ameri
cans reverse tho expression nnd say :
"Soouor let liberty porish than loo an
inch of territory," In thoir opinion tho
glorious Uniou takes precedence of every
Thoro is then, in fact, littlo diflbreneo
between the Democrats of tho North and
tho most extreme Radicals ; thoy aro all
agreed upon this oapital point, that tho
independence of tho South can not bo
recognized, All want tho Union, and if
ihey differ as to their plans for obtaining
it, it is becauso their interests aro not
identical. Tho possession of power is tho
real point in dispute between thoso two
parties the real profound diffnreuoe bo
tweon thorn lies in tbo fact that the ono
is in tho possession of the Government
which tho other wishes to control.
If tho Democrats ask to havo the Union
restored by means of compromise, it is
becauso this is tho only way in which thoy 1
can obtain power. Tho return of tho 1
Southern States to the Union would at
onco givo tho Democratic party it former
superiority. It is evident tlint if theso
States ore induced by any combination,
even by subjugation to scud representa
tives to Congress, those representatives
would unite with the Democratic party of
tbo jNorth, with whom they havo numer
ous points of contact, and who arc tlio
only persons who have any sptnpathy with
Tho Domocrats independently of tho
question of principles, which unfortun te-
ly have at this moment little weight in tho
United States, have every interest in bus-
taining tho doetrino of Stato rights and
preaching conciliation toward tho Goofed- j shoula ariso na tnko hol(1 of tie ancjcnt
atcs ; since ,f the bouthern State, '."l andraarkaofourol , oro h oburch
bo entirely crushed cit or lost their eon-1 . , . ' , m,
stitutional rights, their restoration to tho suffcrs 11,0 iato f our country ? Tho ma
Union as conquered provinces would not jority of our ministers havo forsaken the
diminish the political iufluenco of tho ctiuno of their Lord and Master, and
Radicals. J jiave oomo jown t0 )ieip ami partake in
Hence the watchward of the Demo- ,. ,, . . ,, ,. , .,!..,i u ,l
,. . ; ,,,, 1T . .. all the abominations now practiced by the
cratic party is : "I no Union ai it was, l ... . , ,
and tho Constitution as it is." i present Administration. Thoy havo long
The Radicals tako a perfectly clear ! preached and prayed for this deplorable
view of tho situation. They know that i condition under which our country now
tno uay on wnicn tno twen y-sis bona-
lSM ftf Q.Wl, fnlfrt r7 : I
t. ri':.-t .:n i. .i. .1 i.:i .u ,
LUU UtllUI, Y1U UU lllU UilJ Ull nuicu tuujr i
will,0BBM f gov,cru l1"3 V"'"",' a,?d
are determined that that day shall nevor
comc' We njl,1!t ll0ro at'nnr0 astute-
ncss aml, abi,ht,y Wl!h Vhich "i. bavc '
preparcu ami urougnc no revo utiori to
te point where it now is. At tlio begin-
la,ie a,i lhclt rmcr, thoy
announce that
I mqtnml rtftlm I In on niid (Jnnstitiihnn ia
they were, they wish for a strong Uniou, '
which shall centralize in itself all powers
formerly held by the States, and that the
rebel States shall be held as territories. j
This Maehiavelian idea, which had
already been put forward in tho United
States Senato, where, in April, 1802, Mr.
Sumner, Chairman of tho Committee of
Foreign Affairs, adviser of tho President
and ono of the fullest supporter of tho
Administration proposed to doolaro that
tho rights of tho South an independent
States had ceased to exist, was renewed
by Mr. Sumner iu his famous speech at
the Cooper Institute, iu which he ex
plained tho legal theory by which ho pro
posed to sustain the constitutionality of
the pretended forfeiture of tho Southern
states through their so called rebellion.
it, and before the orators of the Adminis-
Iration party went about making snoecho3
in favor of it. Only a few days BillB0
General Butler, the Mouravieff of America
in a speech delivered at Uonon, arguing
on tho theory of Mr. Sumner, emphali-
cally declared that il the Soathern States
1 oamc back to tho Union it must bo as coc
! quered provinces. Some days after Gen.
) IJutler was appointed to command the
Department of Eastern Virginia and North
i Carolina.
' One of tho c vilians of tho North, who
1 '- one of tho most cmiuent of tho ago
Hon. .:.-'iv. ipaoh Lawrence, tin learn
ed editor and commentator of Wheaton's
jLreati3.oon liiternationUi-J TiaW)bas thought
it hiS.duty to refute, in a legmj point of
view, this dangerous ami wiekcil doouj.,. ,
wMeli at thesamo timo that it overthrows
completely tho American political system,
opens the door to revolting injustice. His
voico will probably, not bo heard ; politi
cal passions, once let loose, no longer lis
ten to reason, and tho fanatics of tho
North will continue in their blind fury to
undermine tho cdifico of tho republic, un
till ono day it will crumble to ruius over
their heads. Such aro tho plaus and
views of tho two political parties in tho
North, as brought to light by recent
The lato elections havo shown tho
streugth of the two parties. Tho Demo
crats disorganized by internal dissensions
cut up by tho personal ambition of leaders
loarful of risking their popularity and
timid in tlio presenco of power, havo not
dared to take a bold and dignified position
and havo been beuten almost every where.
Mojoover, whatever may bo the superior
ity of the political ideas of tho Democrats
in other respects over their advoriaries,tho
Southerners cannot consider thorn other
wise than as enemies as muoh bent as aro
tho Abolitionists on crushing out their
uewborn froedoiu.
Tho marked triumph of tho Radicals,
their accord with tho Democrats as to tho
ncocss'tty of restoring tho Union, tho now
project of conquest and oppression which
thoy ontcrtaiu, all placotho States of the
South iu a raoro alarming position than
any in which thoy havo yet found them
selves. Not content with forcing thorn
back into the Union, tho determination
seems now to bo extonuinato them, They
havo no longer a choico between tho South
ern Confederation and conquest, botween
liberty nud slavery between life and death.
Tho triumph of tho Radicals and tho
more decided attitudo of the Democrats
destroys the last hope cntortainod by the
friends of pnaco that tho Amorioan Revo
lution ooutd bo brought to a pcrloct ter
mination. Tho Federal, irritated by tho
rosistanou which they met with, nud blin
ded by tbo blood which they have shedr
rush Hktr drunken men upon tho South
and prcctpitato themsolvos enmasse upon
tho palpitating and hcroio body of the
Conlcderaoy, while all tho world looks on
at tho murder and not a voico is raised in
their behalf, not one in Auiorioa or Eu
rope. HENRI YIGN AUD. Tho Crisis.
Nir.ns, Mioir.. Febuary 13, 1804.
Coii. Medbky Dear Sir : If you
deem this worthy a place in your oxccl-
j lent paper, you will oblige. A Friend.
!-aT'a" J , HTor?S OI aG
United Presbyterian Church,
Dear friends, is it not timo that wo
sinki Let us now withhold our
from all Abolition ministers
and their
!?vF.T' . . ,
Pittsburgh, through
In the Untied Presbyterian, of
its columns, by its
correspondents, wo nro called many hard
names, and if we writo a small article for
i their paper in our own defense, wo arc
denied a place in it, not-withstanding wo
' havo long supported it. Let us now form
Democratic chin ches. Wo will find Deni'
1 ocratic ministers, or nt least ministers
. who will preach the gospel without negro
; in it. By tho Abolitionists, many of us
arc now driven from tho churoh, regard
less of auo or character. Some ol us worn
j,i,t.i , u :.. ..n.
, r a J -
and have always endeavored to walk in
accordance with our profession, until our
heads have grown gray. Now, in the
evening of life, wo are told that we cannot
he permitted to remain any longer in tho
church our only crime is iu being Dem
ocrats. If wo are unworthy now, surely
wo were at the time of our admission our
politics arc the same. Aro ministers of
the present day raoro wise than their aged
fathers, or did our worthy ministers and
elders lack tho presence of a provost
marshal I Through tho United Presby
terian wo arc told by tho Iiev. Mr. Wright,
t of tho Michigan Presbytery, that such pors
1 ons as wo aro cannot bo permit
ted to remain in our church call
ing U3 slavery lovers. No doubt those
I .
, mto Mr. right s church must come with
garments rolled in blood from tho wounds
: they have received fighting.for thc8negro ;
but wo have faitlirulT TjfoistcSf and
, , . ,
surely, if we only try., wo can redeem Hut
church, or at least a portion of it, from
us laiioit condition. JLct us aim at no
alteration in our standards or psalmody,
but go on as we havo dono, trusting iu tho
mighty hand of tho God of Jacob.
A United Presbyterian.
A Family Poisoned by Eating Un
cooked Ham. A family named Flaig, re-
l'i;-(n,".t, No. 45 Elizabeth street, iu Now
York, ha3 reseniiily boon pouoncd by eat
ing uncooked ham. Oi.-n of tho ebildrcd
having died, Coroner Nauman 'iold an in
quest when tho testimony of Mrs. WoWi
nierster, grandmother of tho child, and ol
several physicians was taken. Tbreo doc
tors who had examined tho ham tcetifiod
that it with microscopic insects of tho spe
cies known as trichina spiralis. This in
sect is a borer, and whan introduced into
the human stomach pierces the coat of that
organ to mako its way into tho muscle of
tho body, whero it makes itself a nest and
lives. Several instances of death from
this cause arc already recorded in tho
medical books. It It always uusafo to cat
ham uncooked, for the trichina haunts that
kind of lleshi
jgjr A Monster Cannon, probably tho
largest in'tho world, was cast at tho Fort
Pitt Foundry, Pittsburgh, Pa., on Thurs
day last. It was a 20 iuch Columbiad,
aud the weight of tho metal used in casting
it was 172,000 pounds. It is calculated
that tho latho will rcduco tho gun to a
weight of 115,000 pounds when finished.
It will throw u solid shot of 1,000 pounds,
or a shell of 700 pounds. Tho chargo of
powder will vary from 05 to 80 poundB.
A valuable bed of coal undorlics tho
city of Stoubenvillo, Ohio, and parties
havo offored tbo city ono huudrcd and fifty
thousaud dollars for tho privilege ot min
ing it.
The tquabblo among tbo Abolitionists
about the noxt Presidency is waxing malig
nant a foot waich promises good to tho
country. "When roguoa fall out' &o.
t '
People talk of making lov8. Thoro is
no such thing it grows. Tho Bccd is
sown with one pair ol eyes, though another
pair of eyes, in the soil of tho heart, and
thoro it vegetates, And a wonderful plant
it is, this lovo. The magic flower iu tho
fairy tale that caused doors to open and
walls to sink into the earth at a touch,
was a fool to it. Tho ohanges producud
by its neoromautio influonco beat all tho
old enchantments hollow. It sometimes
converts an ordinaryoung fellow into an
Adonis, beforo you can say Jack Robin
son, and a nock-marked maiden with rod
I hair, becomes, under its spell, a smooth-
iaceit Venus, with auburn ringlets, in the
twinkling ot a bed-post. Its effects arc
always, however, abrupt and sudden.
Much depends upon tho soil of tho hearts
whero tho oyo-seed fall. If it is solt anu
rich and warm, presto ! up springs the en
chanted plant, like tho conns of seed
sown iu wet flannel, when tho shock of
electricity is passed through them. The
whole process- of sowing, crowing and de
vcloping docs not tako sixty seconds, nnd
no further cultivation is needed. Tho
agency of sighs, tears, smiles and misty
glances, may bo'admirablo for the ventil
ation, tho watering, and tho suuninc of a
love that is backward in coming forward,
but 'love at first sight,' being perfect nt its
birth, requires no new stimulants to mako
it bud and bloom. When the littlo love
seed falls on a hard and touh surface, it
is quito another affair. The eyes that
planted it must inoisleu ihe soil with tears ;
and warm it with tender glance?, or ton
to one if it does not die iu the flint, for
lack of nutriment. Rut, pshaw ! girls,
why should I describlo lovo to you 1 Dou't
you know, all of you, cither by intiuot
or experience, what the article is, how it
is planted, how it grows, and how to cul
tivate it ? I guess you do. Aud as for
tho men, I am not talking to them at all.
About accepted sweethearts, girls, and
how to treat them. Ah ! there, now.
havo tho advantage of you. I have been
through tho pleasuro grounds of courtship
a.nd tho thorny thicket of matrimony three
times, and if I have lost somo of my roses
ol tho route, I have gathered a good many
of those tough specimens of moral botany
known as experiences. If you think these
credentials give me a claim to your conli
denco, tako my adviee. You will find it
sound, honest and practical. In the first
place,nevergive your declarod sweethearts
reason to behove that you aro over head
a;d ears in love with thom. The male of
tho human species generally requires to be
kept on the qui vivc. No matter how
much you love him, play him like a trout,
tor, how ever much he may be in love with
you, it is an even chance thatyou lose him
if you dou t. Men aro afraid of women
who aro too fond, bo sure of that. Afraid
of them as wives I mean.
Dou't let your lover oome to soo you too
often, young lady. Mako your presence a
treat to him, to be contemplated iu advance
with tho same rapture that Mahomet said
he jjxperieuood in his dream about the
uouso ot l'aradiso. That tavors eastly
oblinetjraie soon at a discount, is a prov
ericas old as the lulls and as flat as dish
water, but nevertheless as true as gospel
Ihorefore, be chary of that pretty mouth
of yours. Miss Sweetlips, You under
stand me. Though your teeth were whitor
tuau tho wildest water lily, and your
breath more fragrant thau Oriental otto
of roses, custom would stalo tho beauty of
the one and tho perfumo of the othor
Koep your lips to yourself, fair lady, until
you make them over iu fee simple at the
altar. And don't bo sentimental. That
stylo is 'played out-' Tho mon havo been
Rosa Mathiida'd to death. Tho highflown
and tho cxtra-poetio Cupid's uiarked. If
you" liave a leaning toward tho lofty and
the eiuotVEfru careen ihe other way and
lean earthward, like i-Jm tower of Pit.
Depend upon it, that tho 'ETg'iiiorsc' sen
timent is a bad nag for tho matrimonial
A word with tho beauties. If heaven
has made you as handsome as St. Cocilla,
young lady don't mar tho gift by being as
haughty as Lucifer. Above all don't play
tho satrap over your adorer, aud put
figuratively speaking, your delioato foot
upon his neck. 'The masculino animal
does not like to bo abused, even by a gai
ter boot or bigger than Cinderella's slip
per. If you must soub him, at least bo
wiso enough not to do it beforo folks.
Nover humilitato him in company Shall
1 tell you why I givo this counsel I Be
oauso alter marriago his turn will como,
and rovongo is a delioacy for which man
has a dcoided rolish. I have seen the in
sult of courtship paid off with intorest in
tho connubial state haven't you.
Should 'Woman's Rights' happen to bo
your particular weakness, why dear, tho
less you show your hand to your sweet
heart, as regards that point, tho better,
Keep your views about 'femalo suffrage
and all, perdu, as a pleasant surpriso for
him after the knot is tied, nnd ho is fairly
launched into matrimony. Otherwiso ho
might slide off. Men, prejudiced croatu-:
res that they aro, havo a notion that strong
ininucd women aro all Sirs. Uaudlos.
'First catch your hear,' as tho old cookery
uook says, you can then cook his goose'
as you think proper. Perhaps, upon tho
wholo, if you cau get rid of your idiosin
orasy it will bo as woll; or if vou can't do
Mint it mnw tin itrian nn In n . n nil
There is room on the 'platform.1 'I believo
for a few moro singlo siitors.
'Lady bird,' if you happen to be cngag.
cd, or oven if you hope to bo engagedf
don't flirt. A systematic may euccood in
showing her power by rendering her lover
joalotu unhappy for a tinio, but aha euro to
cndbydisffuslintrandalionatinghini. The
best way to fix and rivot tho affections of
a truo man and nDvthmg below that
mark is not worfji any women's winning
and wearing is to bo natural. Somo
young ladies, whom 1 soo daily, and have
at this .moment in my mind's eye, are sin
gularly unfortun ato in their attempts to
attract admiration. Thoro aro just such
girls everywhero, and I daro say, every
tomali reader ol this article knows at least
ono or two of them. They never attempt
to put on a grace or a virtue, without run
ning into its parallel! faults. Thus, wheu
thoy would seem cheorful, they giggle, and
wlion thoy propose to themsolver to bo
bashful and retiring, thoy play the prude.
Ilcsorvo with them dcgcncraics into tho
sullons, and when they would be lively
thoy arc hysterical. Even roligioti wheu
it is their cue to bo saintly thoy put on
as if it wcro a full dress of blackcloth; and
iu fact, uudcr no circumstances do they
appear as heavon made them. From top
not to gaiter sole they arc all artificial.
No man over loved, or ever will love, an
artificial woman every long, tako that
for granted.
So, my pretty dears, all you who do
sire good husbands follows that you can
anchor your hearts on, and so feel safa
nud happy in the hardest typhoon that
misfortune over blew bo as the Lord
made you, and put on airs or affections.
No birds aro worth nesting, that are lo
bo caught with chaff.
Yon don t watit popinjays for partners,
Neither do men, that aro men, want pop
injay wives; JJiplomatizo a little, it you
like courtship niancuvrc for fubstactittl
and honorable victory, lor the sake of its
fruits, if you will but beware or practising
any deceit, or resorting to any stratagem
that, discovered in future, might render
the nuptial conch a bed of thorns. Bo
sure to your-sclves. Govern your hearts
with your heads, and choose wisely and
deliberately. Marriage is not a lottery
to tho prudent and discreet.
Spiritual Advice by a Physician.
Old Doctor C. was known as a skillful
physician, blunt and downright, but not
addicted to church going. Mr. S the
sick trador sent for him. Tho pulso was
examined, tho pills dealt out anil the di
rections given. But as the doctor waa
taking up his saddlo-bngs, Mr. 8. turned
to him with a pious look :
"I havo a solemn request to make for
you Doctor O.
"What! of7ie? a solemn request of
''Yes sir ; it concerns my Balvation,aad
I hope you won't refuse it."
"Why, bless you, Mr S thatdont come
in my lino ; send lor tho minister."
"But hear mo ; I feel that I am u very
sick man, aud if at any timo you see I am
going to die, wont you let me know at
loast three days beforehand."
"But what in the world do ou want to
know that for.
"Oh, I don't know that I am prepared
to die, and I shall want at least two or
three days to prepare.
"Oh, well, make your preparations,
mako your preparations, Mr. S., aud if
you don't die, it will not be loit to your
Four Youno Ladies Dkoavned Wiiilk
Skatino. The Reading Times of the 17th
inst., has tho following: " From a lettor
recicved by d citizen of this place, from
Taniaqua7a"aVif".dFijbuary ,15th, we learn
tho molancholy particulars wriCtho drowning
of fout young girls ol Tamaquavtiililpi ifc
skating on a pond. It appears that the
ice was weakened at a place where a spring
emptied into tho pond, and unfortunately
one of Mr. George Brown's daughters fell
into tho opening. Her sister, and two of
Mrs.Rcifsnyders' daughters promptly went
to her rescuo, but the ico gave way under
them, and tho wholofour drowned.
A practial joko was onoe attempted on
Mr. Erskino, as ho went to Wcstminstor
Hall, with hia ample green bag orammod
full of briefs. Somo waggish berrister
hired a Jew boy to go cud ask him ii ha
had any old olothes to sell. "No, you
littlo Hobrew imp,'' exclaimed tho indig
nant counsellor, "they aro all now suite."
Cy A bevy of children wore tellin
their father what they got at tchool, tho
oldest got reading spelling aud definition,
and what did you get? said the father
to a rosy chocked little fellow who at tho
time, was slyly driving a tenpeny ntsil into
tho door pannel. "Mo ! oh I gets readin,'
spclliu,' and epankiu.
esy The Repudmcan National Con
vention' At a mooting of the Republican
, National Coinmittoo, hold at Washington,
on Womlay lftst' " was resolVd to Lold ,bo
uet Republioau National Convention
, Baltimore, on.the rth of Juuo next ,4ti ,