MANURE OFDIFFEItENT CLASSES OF ANIMALS, Cows in full milk or willi calf, sccroto from their feed groat quantities of valua ble uubsinnccs which fatten cows or oxen will not withdraw fiom what they oat hence the manure of the milch cows U not worth nearly so much as that of fnttoning nnimala. This mint bo ovidont from the obvious fact, that out of tho milk, or what would bo milk, tho entiro itructuro of a 5 weeks old calf is formed Tho calf con tinues to grow and learns to oat tho namo food that the COWi doCS, and lor E0VCral , . , , i VCari U building Up hlS frainO Of heavy ; ,, .. , , , . l-i bones; all the Valuable ingredients per-I maticntly ontering into Ins eystom, , I e I UtS ejSlOm, 01 . course como out of his focd, and would, woro ho a full grown steer, have r.assod into tho manure. Manv farmors are like- . . , , ., . . , i.rr i ly to UUdorvalUO tllO important Ujfferences I ,, ... P ., . vrr ID tllO quality Of lUO excrements Of Ullfcr- , . i i. i P . l. int. CUt Classes Of the same Kinil Ol'BtOOk. J.UO differenocs which wo havo alluded to, ol course exist aB well in tha manuro of oth er kinds of animals as in that of neat cat tle. Let us then boar in mind that keep ing milk giving and growing animals is a great tax upon tho laud, that fattening an imals mako rich manuro heaps, and that full grown male animals thaw much less upon the soil than females bearing young j nnd giving milk. HOW TO SAVE MANURE FROM TUB HOUSE. E. Dicknrman, Middlesex co., Conn, writes : "Tho artclo in tho January Ag riculturist an 'Treatment of Night Soils' has iuducck me to send you my method of saving all liquid inanvres made in tho family. At the lower edge ol my garden I made a pit large enough to eontaiu S or 3 cart loads of muck, weeds, or other refuse matter to act as absorbents. This pit was Ktoncd, flagged and cemantod. I then dug a ditch from my slop room, and laid a cement drain deep enough to be be low frost, from tho baok door to the pit, and connected therewith my wash room and sink, by which all sink slops, wash ing suds, and liquid night soils aro con veyed to the pit. In this way any ordin ary family may make and save, at a trifl ing expense, sufficient manure to fertalizo a small garden." WHERE ARE THE BEST CATTLT The mo3t valuable brecdo of neat cattlo originated in great Britian the Short homes, Devons,and Hereford in England ; Ayrahires in Scotland ; and Alderneys in tho Channel Islands. It would bo natural to suppose that the best specimens of those breeds aro still to be found in Great Bri! tian, but we arc by no means sure that this ib necessaiily the oate. Among the great variety of soils and climates in tho count', thero are those peculiray adapted to certain of these established breeds, and considering the tendency of the mrround ing circumstances to chango tho typo of animals breed for several generations un der similar influences, and the constant ttudy of our best stook-brceder?, to im prove their herds, we may reasonably ex pect marked improvement in favorable localities. It U certainly truo that wo have as flue Dcvons and Ayrshires as there aro any where. Aldernoys too have been Be lated with great care, tho highest prices hvo been paid, and many prize animals havo been imported. Our Short-horn breeders have been exceedingly liberal and judicious in their purchases in Eng land, paying the highest prices and taking off tho vory choice of tha best herds of England in repeated cases. A few years tiuco American bred Short-horns began to find their way back to British pastures, and now wo notice that descendants of these Americans are prize-takers at British Shows. At the Royal Agricultural Soci f tie's Show in Worcester, the 1st prise for hoifcr calvea ovor 0 and under 1 1 months old, was awarded to D. Molntosh, for La ny Oxford 5th, 11 months old, got by 3d Duko of Thorndals out of Lady Oxford 4ili, both of which animals were bred by S. Thome of Thorndalo, Dutohnes? N.Y. CO. TO MEND CROCKERY WARE. One of the strongest cements and easiest applied for this purpose is litno and the ivhitrt ni nn ncrtr. Tn iifln if t?,Vn aufKmcnt a time, shave off a nunntitv of lime, and e i -- , mix thoroughly. Apply quickly to the edges and placo firmly together, when it : i i f rvui luijr ulwuiuc ccb uuu miuujj. f You will mix but a small quantity at onco, as it hardens vcrv soon, so it cannot be usod. Caloined Plostcr of Pari" would i i answer tuo same purpose. 1 5- A' little boy ran to his mother Lwith ''0 Ma! Jlionuv took the last lw C.C3 iut of the nett, nnd now tho old hon n't got any pattern to lay by." btJ1 There are seventy thouiand kernels corn in a bushel- two hundred and Of- tylfour thousand apple seeds in a bushel ; tn ov tc fourteen (houeand seeds in an oz. ft bacca msmmm HOLLOWAY.S PILLS, AND OINTMENT. All who haro Friends and Relatives In the Army or Navy should taker especial raro that they be amply sup, filled with these fills and Ointment anil where the iravo Soldiers and Pallors have neglected to nrovldo themselves with them, no better present tan bo sen them by their Friends. They hnvo been proved to be the Po dlcr's never failing friend In the hour of need, colons and colds affectino troop), WHrbn speodly relieved and effectually cured by iltiuithcse admirable medicines, nnd by paying proper atlcnuon to the Directions which arc attached to each l'ot or Uox. SICK HEAtlACIIt'.S AND WANT OF AP UTITE, INC1DI1N I'M. TO 80LDIURS. Thorns feeling which so sadden mutually arise from trouble or nnnoynnces, onstriutou peispiratlon, or oat- lugnnil drinking whatever Is unwholesome, thus dii. turblng the healthful action of tho liver and stomach These organ must be relieved, If 1 lie I III, liliteii uecureiiiiK ui liiu prinirii lUBeiuteiuup, wi ,i,citiy produce n healthy action In both liver and stomach, and, as a natural consequence, a clear head and good appetite. WEAKNESS OH DRIIIMTT INDUCED IJV OVER FATiniJU Will soon disappear by the Useoftheso Invnlunbts inis, aim mo cornier win quicsiy ncquiro ntuuiionai strcngtli. Never let tho llowcl bo cither cnnllnedor unduly ncted upon. It may seam strange, that IIo. loway's Fills should bo recommended for Dysentery I'tiii, and tno soiuicr and Flux, many persons supposing that they would Increase the relaxation. This Is a great mistake, fur these Tills will correct the liver nnd stennach, and thus remove nil tne ncrin uuniors irom tne system. Tins mrilicitio will giro tone nnd vigor to the tvhoW organic system, however deranged, while health and strength follow as a matter of course. Nothing will slop tho re laxation of thu Howuis so suro as this famous medi cine. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH. Bores and Ulcers, Dlotchcs mid Swellings, can with certainty ba radically cured. If the l'llls are taken night and morning, and Ointment bo freely used as stated in the printed instructions. If treated In nny e.ther man ner, they dry ur in one part to break out In another Whereas thi 'Jetitmciit will remove the humors from tho leave the Patient nviguroun mid healthy man. It will require n littlo perseverance in bad cn lus to Insure n lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCC 1810NED nY THE II A YO. VET SAIIRH. OR THE DULLLT, tOSEd OR1IRU1SES, To which every Soldier nod Saner are liable, there are no modinca so safe, sure, and convenient, as llnl loway's l'i 1 1 a u n il Ointment. The wounded and nlmost dying sufferer might havo his wounds .dressed Imme diately, If lu would only provide himself with this matchless Ointment, which should be thrust into the wcu ml and smeared all round it, then covered with n piece of linen from his kuapsatk and compressed with n handkerchief. Talking, night and morning, Corel Tills, to cool the system and l'rovcnt infiamation. Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chest should. be proviueil Willi tnsse valuable Itemeutcs. OAUTION!--Nono arc genuine, unless the words "Ilollowajs, New York and London " aro discernable as aW'uter-niark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; the same may plainly seen by holding the leaf tn the light. A handsome reward will be given to anyone rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to b! spurious. Soldat mannfRctory ot l'rofessor Hollnway, en Jliadon Lane, Now York, and by all rospeclablu Drug istaand Dealers in Medicine, throughout the chitted world. E7" Holloway's Fills and Ointment aro now retailed owinc to the high prices uf Drtlird. &c.. at 3H erntd. 70 cents, ami 81,1(1 per llos or l'ot. ( jr3-'Ihre Is considerable saving by taken tho larger sites. N. n. Directions for the guidanco ofpaticntsliicverv disorder are atlixed to each box. f7" Dealers in my well known medicines can havo Show Cards, Circulars, ic., sent free, of Pipeline, by addressing THOMAS IIOLI.OU'AY, 60 Maids U, Nkvv-Yori. Dec. 12. 1EC3. ly. Juno 20, ieti3. G RTON'S Cheap Grocery Store. ALSO era a fine? CAPS AND SHOES, ri'HE undersigned having buught out the Orocery o 1 David Strouo, lias removed his Hat and Cap Store up to Stroup's old stand, wharc in addition to a supe rior assortment of FALL AND WINTER Hats and Caps, Wf CONFECTIONARIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Suj-ar, Coffee, Teas, Tohacco, Snuff, Cinars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drug3, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Books, Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware and Ccdnrware, racket Knives, Combs, if'C, tj-c, lj-C , Together with a variety of articles generally kept in a Store. Alio-A tine lot of KIDS, M0R0CE03 and Lisisosto which he invites the Mention of Shoemakers and tha public. JOHN K. CIRTON. Dloonisliurg, Dec. 3, 16C3 FOR FALL t)- WINTER. "piIE Buhscribcr has just received a lot JL lloery Trimmings and New Uoods, such as u e ip m V a 0 ALSO: ci.ovta, 1I0I.I.3. STAYS. SATCIIELL. hoot riKurra, I'ORT.MOVir.S. AND OTIIHR NOTIONS. K7- Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for sale. Also Sunday School lluoks and flibles. Also .Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer which will give to gray its natural color, a. d. wnlin. Next Door below Court House. Cloomsburg. Nov. 14, IcCJ. l76MSlTuRCrskYLIGH'I Picture Gallery. THU undersigned Informs the citizens of Illoom. nnd neighborhood, that he lias taken tho large room nt the Kxchange Illnck, extending over Harney Ktubaer Rakery, nnd the llookstoru nhero he has put in a largo f kyligl t. It isonly by f kylightthat good pic tures can bet! ten especially gioaps where each person can be tukeJ ist ns well as separuto. Ilohasgon to cnnsidcraldoexpeiibo to mako his cs tablifhmeut first class on.-, ami he th-refuru solicits a liberal patro ige to enable him, ta constantly introduce tke mode 1 improvements of thu art, Coun -y produce takcu in Cxchango for pictures , IIUNIiV ROrfi:.3TOCK. Illonsitburg. Nov. S3 lEtii. Nov. tl "52 AND OKNGRAL COMMISSION MERCHANT ni.OO.MSRURf!, COI.UMIIIA CO , 1 , . E7"AHTIt,Dt,Alt ATTENTION OIVK.X 10 TATEST Itl ITS.JJ Soptemtxr 3, l?'U-3iu, ELI HOLD EN TN VITUS lite attention of every reader of tun paper, which luciuues many lliousunu of his old patrons and arjunintnnccs-T" his miurually largo and lieautifiil v.irliv of AMLUICAN und IAITORTKD WA1CHKS. CLUCKS and elegant designs of JEwKLRV. Silver Ware, fcc ELI HOLDEN. 709 Marko Srec, PHILADELPHIA Marck 41Bfl3-IJm JOHN C. YE ACER, MANlFACTUIinR fcTII0LF.8AI.r. DfiALUR IN IIAT8, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, HONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 2.V7 North Third Street, Pliila'd. Not C, mi XV A L N UT HOTEL , LIGHT STREET, Columbia county, Pr rpHE uudersigned has located nt the utioie nan-ce X hotel, formerly occupied by Peter rJchug, and sclk its share of public pstrono;e. (T7- flood sccomniodations for msn srwl htait, 'JJj' bsit kin I of liiuori at the bar "..,.,., mssm IF YOU VANT TO BUY Fall & Win'tcr Goods i GO TO Crcnsy's Slorr, in Light Street, Pa. ! Who Keeps ull Kinds of . CALICO, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, I?nol rAr.tfln fllntlimii Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Uncon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Spars, Hats, 4 Hoot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Ac, &o. tn addition to our largo stuck or Dry (!nods, wc have a large and full assortment of Ready Mada Clothing for Men and Hoys wear which wo aro determined to sell cheaper thin can no bniigiit elsewhere, can ana see, and Jadgb for yourselves. If. W. CREASY k CO. Light Street, Nov. 7, 1S63. rHE peoplo of tho county of Columbia 1 arc respectfully, Informed that the undersigned as fo, rale, at tho MICORDEIVS OFFICE, IN DLOOMSRURC, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT OF To ha found iinyivhrro in tho County, confining of Note, Letter, Leiral and Cap Taper, Tens, Holders, 1'ciicils, Inkand Envelopes ; jlLSO NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOOKS, ' Comprising History, Poetry, I'lctloii.Thc ology and the classics. nt:ilo&uns of nohn's London mibllcatlnns. from which sclcrllons can.hainade, and Hooks furnished tn order; by special arrangement with New York Agents. BOOKS.DOCUMENTS.PAMPllLETS and Speeches; nnd copies of the United Htntcs, and State Constitution',, iu arious stvtes, altvavs on hand, JOHN 0. FREEZE. Bloonuburg, Nov. 7, 1EG3 'I UK NEW ORoCBItY SToItE. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just received til Erasmus Ntw Store. Molasses, 'Sugars, Teas Coffee, Rico, Spices, HaTs and Caps, Fish, Sail, Tobacco, Segars, Candies, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. ; Together with n great variety of notioiuand ctcete. , ras, too numerous to mention. E7" Hotter. Eggs, Meat and produvc generally taken : In cichaugc fur goods, A. II, ERASMUS. nioomsburg, May 0, 18C3, FRESH ARRIVAL OF PALL & Willi M A T Millers Store. Till, subscriber lias Just returned from the Cities with another large and select nssortmet of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Dtirchasctl at Thilndclnhln. nt tho lowest fierurc. and which they nre determined to sell on moderate, terms as ran bo procured elsewhere in Uloumsbarg. ills stork comprises LAD I EH' VllhfS GOODS, of choicest styles and latest fashion. DRY GOODS, jJ.VW G110CKH1ES, njiRDH'.in f. q wk&vs if :iit a, CKDAH WAIIF.. HOLLOW IKailB fiOAf, NAILS, HOOTS .y SH0F.8 HATS CAPS, ic, lie., f(c. In short everything usually kept in country Stores to whifh he invite the public generally. The Highest price paid for country produce. S. H. MILLER. (lloomshurg, Oct. 21, 1FG3. NEW ARRIVAL. Pall & Winter .Goods, At A. J. Evans' IIOTIIIM IPOlliii! BLOOMSRURG, PENN. LATEST S YLES CAE A P GOODS a Mill undersigned respectfully informs his friends and tho public'gencrally, that he has Just received from tho Kustctn cities, a large nssortment of , STEW 0 M I H a being" lh bpstnssortmunt ever offered in this market. Also it cnmph.tu nssmtinent of Uoyt Clothing, In fact everything in thu Clothing Lino I'or those who prefer to leavo their measures, n perfect fit guaranteed, and nothing hut thu best workmanship allowed at this es tablishment. Ho ulsu keeps on hand it large assort ment of HOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CATS, together with a variety of notions. E7- CALL AND StK I'OR YOURSKI.I'. A. J. KVAKS. Ulooinshurg, Nov. 21, JSCS. National Foundry. ULOO.MSHUKG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. nMIC subscriber, proprietor of the above mined ex J tensive establishment, is no,v prepared to receive orders for All Kinds of Machinery, for Co'leries, lllasl l'urnaces, f talionary Uiigiues, Mills THRASHING MACIIINKS. VC. &. He Is also prepared tn mako 8 loves, all sices and patterns, plovv.irons, and everything usually made in firtt-clns foundries. Ills cxteiisitc facilities and practical workmen, war janlt him in receiving the largest contractu on thu raoM reasonable! terms. C- Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for earrings, I This ..-steblishimlnt is loca.ed near tha l.ackatvan. t i-Illoomsbiirg Railroad Depot. 4 TLTL-R IIILLMEVCR. lllvomsburg, Sept. 12, Icf.3, KEU' JUKSEY HMS FOIt SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Suitublo for drapes, Teaches, Tear, Ilapberrles, Strcwberrie, Illarkbcrrif , Ciirn nlj, A.c, of I, 2 5, 10 ou 20 acres each, at the following prices for the prcscnt.via: 20 acres lor i.'IW). 10 acres for (110,5 acres for SUJ, 2i acres for 110, 1 cere fur $20, i'ayuble by one dollar a week, "y Also, good (Tranbury lanels, s.nd village lots in Cheat, wood, 25 by 100 feet, nt $10 each, payable by una dol lara week, The above land and farms, are situate a eJleenlivood, Washington township, llitrliugton county New Jersey, For further information, apply, with I', O Stamp, for a circular, to II FRANKLIN CLARK, No. 00 Cedar r-trcct, New Vork, N. Y. January 17, 1-03. "sn.WL.isiinVFoiiTALL Pittsburgh Commercial College, llinghamptiii ' " Crittenden's Philadelphia, t'iratwn.llrjant A-. Co., 't ThesBHcrips.areiiiauinuiitsofSljnnd 350 and aro if so much cash, by tho Student on entriugcllher of thu anovo e eiucges. voung man desiring lonbtaln a liniili ed t'olltgiate: nduraiiun, will here Andsgoud specula ln ky spplingal the titfitt ol lh 1 Nov. I Ml COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, MORE MEN WANTED I REVOLUTION IN HIGH PMCES. LJ1KGE ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IX IJOIIT &THF.ET, COI.DMUIA COKVTTi M, UA8 Just rscclvcd from Philadelphia, nnd Is now npeningjit the old stand latoiy occupied by Martz & Ent, a splendid nssortment of which will bo sold cheap lor CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stockconslsts of Ladles Dress Goods choicest styles and latest fashions Onlicos, Muslins, OinghaniB, Flannels, Carpots, Shawls, Hosiory, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimercs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, ho. 0 rocories, Quccnswaro, Ccdarwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, I ks. BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. I In short erery thing tituntiy kept in a country store I The patronage of old friends, and the public general, ly, Is ru-pectfully solicited. , The highest market prlco paid for country produce. I PETER ENT. Light SLrcet, Nov. 7, leui. THE underslgTvirts ntso cnn-nnvcly engaged lu the UniltrtaUm' Business, nnd keetisconstanllv on hand id for sale at his Warerouuis, u large- ussoitmont of I FINISHED 23, COFFUNS, ! Ity wliich is enabled to nil onlers on nrcpentnllon times be ready to attend Tuncrels. t-t.MON C. SIIIVK. moomehi'rg, January Ifl. t?5u First Great Arrival. OF RAM. ft mmm rnn )lwu vu uiii i yuu Tho undersigned, lias, jilst replenished lis Store House in Oranguvillc, with u well selectud at ssrotmciit Uf FALL & WINTER tiOOI.S ! Conslling in part of Cloths, fllks, ,Mullus, (ini mere, Oiiighanis, Calicoes, Shawls, Hosieries, Carpels nnd Ladies' Faxi.y Dntss Ceioo-s, generally, from to ,u,B,ii(i I iinin iruill i.J III -imp. lUilADlr MADK CLOTHING. i ' Hats, Hoots & Shoes JUckertl Molaasscs, Sugar Salt. GROCERIES GENERALLY. With nil ottiej- nrtlles. usually kept in country ft 'res, to which ho invites the early ntlentiuii of old nnd lew custoiin-rs. Having been nt the City in the right limn hought low and paid cash ho will be able to compete with tho best, nnd sell for small preilils and prempt pay. His friends am iuiltcd to pop in ami eec 'hj eights. ' WSimiTZ. Ornngevillo, Nov 7, 1803. NEW AND SECOND HAND SAFES, For 6alo ci cap. at New York Safe Depot, 71 Wil- l:n. C.... V..,.. .l. liam Street New Verk i. A. GREG G. SIZE AND TRICES 01' LILLIU'S 1'IRE TROOK HM'CS. 0 UTS II) K: iiEianr. wtrrrn. No. 4 21 t!u No. 'J '.' 23 No. 3 30 21 No. ! 33 S-i No, 5 31 31 No. 0 40 31 INSIDE: nci-nr. 2d 21 'it 21 21 ItEir.ttT. 17 I'Ji 21 WIDTH, II I3J 15 K 21 21 utrTit. 13 12 l'J 13 11 15 No. No. No. No. No No. 24 31 No. 1 ,. 33U no . r0 Ol) 70 00 . a oo . 1UU fill , 115 00 No 2 No 3 No. 4 No, 5 .,,.,. No. 0 November 11, 1803. Green woo i Seminary. ENGLISH, CL.1SS1CAL.1NIJ CO.MMF.IiClAI. SCHOOL FOR BOTH .?fXt'4. T. M. FOTTS, TniNctrAt, Mathematics, Honk h'ttphg and Natural Sciences. J. 13. PATTON, A, M, Elocution. Literature, and jincicnt and Modern Languages, Tho S'hvlastic year iselitidcel into four quarters of eleven weeks euili. commencing ns follows .On Hie second .Monday in August, the first .Monday in November the third Monday lu January, and the second Monday in April. tiiu Kxpnxsna Tcr epinttcr for Hoarding and Tuition In Hnglithi range from ,$3'J 00 to 33I 00, Languages, .Music and Draw liigjin- extra- 'I r" For I'lrrulars or further particulars, address tho Trinclpitl at MILI.Y'll.LH, COl.LMIIIA CO., TA. October 3, itti3-ly. MfiiWESTKY. II. C. HOW E R, suncroN ddntist. UrsTIICTTIJLLV offers his profess ionnl services to the ladles and gentle- , men of Iduouiaburg and vicinity. Ho is prepared to atieud to all tho various I X A," a,eJt nn " ? ""' "Pr "v,c,'' ' 'O tCUjtIA It-I-U which I"? "'"n '1;"n.c.0.1'.l:',,ll.,,i' ellver al,J rubb" W"B tolookwoll as tha natural teeth. Mineral ploto und block teelh manufactured nnd all operations on teelh, carefully and properly attended to, Residence and ollice a doors abovo the Court House, same sido, llloofiisburg, Julie (I. 1603, I 11 Q ft K a UR j Printer, nuukbiiidcr & liniihtiook I M A NU FA U T U R E R , 'ioii'jiii.c 4sd IU .v.. i. DtAirn it) TRINTINIJ, Will I I S" ia.) WRATTINO I'ATLIIS , Aor.NT rott titb tatawiisa rxrrR mili s. Main Street, first dnorhelow the rublir. Spuare, WILKESliARRE, PA. ! Nov, S3, lf-01-12m. , A, 0. PAIL. PAUL a, u. niourso T II 0 SI P S 0 N, Si WIIOLESAjLK BSSBS DKALKI13 IN No. -W Noith Wharves, - PRILADELPH1A. lll'TTEK CIEESi:, II A Jl IS. ttC3 Nor, 11 IJC3- !mo, fcS'i!'l!'l3,t lM irpllis INSTITUTION Is under Hie sote management -i nrtd direction or vrot. u. w,, so long rrin clpal of tho MAnttAMrON1 COMMFMCML COUKOK. 1 Tha cousc of Instruction rMiibrsn all the reiulsllcs i of a thorough practical buciriess eduratlou, nnd hai been lately extended by tho imtodtiilm af an Actuol Uuslncss Course, In which the Btudrnt eugagea In the regular routine ol butlness irantac luni, ciemplincd nnd famlllnrited by means oi store. (In uliich tho nelnal (mis ttt of buying and selling nods Is carried on by onch Student,) and limine OlTin ,.rl Hanks of Issue nnd Deposit, llall-lloadlug and -learn lloatlng Tost Oincv, Telegraph, &c, fcc. Tho Proprietor has spared nollmeor et no In ma king this Course tho most thorough and lOinpletoof any ever presented tn the public, nnd fn's fully as sured that after having been liiiiisclfongsged lu actual' business, nnd having had many yenrsr npcrlenco nt i teaching the ficlnco of Accounts, nnd being aided by n full nnd eirirrlcut corns of teachers, ho will been-' I bled to mako thorough and successful graduates of all I who inny placo themselves under his charge, -I PK,YMJI&SHIPI I ' In this essential branch of n bilslnsa" education no I College offers better facilities to the learner. The HpoHccrlan system will he taugnt mail us varieucs by thn most skillful mnsters of the art. Hnlmcns of Writing from this Institution have received tho highest ' encomiums from the press. Tor general Information, terms, fcc, ndJrcss for Col. lege Monthly, which will bo mailed fre! ror sped, mens of Penmanship, cnrlnso two three cent stamps. Address D. W. LOWELL, Principal. I.owHI's Commercial College, inngnamtoii, n. v, P. B. One of Hitter & Duncan's No. 1 highly finished line, perfect point, quill spring Gold Pens, with holder and enso, wnrrantod for one year nnd to suit, will bo sent, frcoof charge to any one who will remit $3,20 to the above address. Oclobej 3, 1803-ly. T 4 V T MM. M-m. J- For a Medicine that will Ounr. COUOHS, LYFLURVZJI, TICKLING IJVTJtETHHOJlT mioopufO'Covaii, on nv.iiy.yK co.v sUMPTtrn cava us, .is quick as Over Five Tlioiisanil Hollies liavc been sold In its native town, and not a single in stance of Its fail ii r o is knntvn. U'o have, in our possession, any nuanlitv of certifi cates, sotno of them from einlntnt phy.lcians, yho liavu used it in their practice, and given it thepre-emi nence over ui:y other i ompound. it does dot dry up a cough, hut loosens It, so as to enablo the patient to ex- nectorate ficely. Twoortiirrtc noses win invariably me tickling in the completely cured tha III mat A half buttle has often mast S rUBUORN COUGH, nnd yet. though It is so sure and speedy in its operation it is perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable-. It Is very agreeable tn the taste, and may be aiiministercd to children e.f any nge. IN CASES OF CROUP wc will guarantee a cure, if taken tit season. No ! riititli ehtmlil l.n tvllhiiitt it. it Id utlliln lhu rrarh ,if I all, the price being ON LY 25 CENTS. And if an Investment nnd thorough trial eVcs not -U.ICK up mo oihivu siaieiuuiii. ,iic iniuiey win uo rv tt.-.. E ... ,1.1. l.,in1.., ,1, lia ..,!, i....a iiiiiit'i ...,d ........ ... ..o imiiip. .ii... i, .i . lldent that one trial will secure for It u homu in every nouser oiu. J)a not waste away with Coughing, when so mall nn iiivement will cure you, It tony bo Iitid of any re-. pectubie Druggist in town, who will furiii'li im with a circular e,f genuine certificates of cures It h.m made C. C. CI. ARK ft CO., Proprietors. . Ni:w IIavl.n, Ct. tfS At wliolesale, hy Johnston, ttollir.vitvfcCowdcn, S3 North fixth Street, Thilaili Iphln, T.i. i'or sale by Drugalsts in city, country, und everynhero, Sept. li lB(:l-tiiu FAMILY DYE COLORS. IltACC, Dark lltl'K, Lion r 111 UK. TllLNCIl It, vc, CttAKt r Ilium je Dark ltnouN, I, rou r Ilium re. Swrr Iluortie. Chim.os, DtRK 1IRI1I, LllllIT llRlll, DtRK liHIl.N, I.tuiir Ciii.fx, MAOLSTt, M tKoo:e. OltANU., I'lNK, Tl'RI'LC, IIuvai. Tuart-r,, Atlt, Sot.KRiyo, Violet. Yll.LlllV. For Dying Filk, Woolen and Mixed Cood", tliawls, . Scarf's, Dresses, Ribbons, (lint ex. FtmnUs Hats, I'Vathers, Kid Clntcs, f.'liildren's Clothing and all kinds of Wearing Ayparel. 5r A SAVING OF St) I'K'll ceS'T. nisa For 25 rents you can order ns ni-iny coods as would otherwise cost five limes that sum. ' arinus shades can buproduced from the samo Dyu. 'Tne process is simple, and any one ran use tho Dyn with perfect suc cess. Direcfions in V.nglish, French and Cerinan, inside of each package. Tor further information iu Dyeing, and giiTng a per feet knowledge what colors aro bet Adapted :'o d'n orer eithers, (with many vnlunble- rcrtpis I purtliase Howe & Stephens' Treaties on Dy, ing and Coloring, fenthy mail on receipt of pjiee. IU cents. Manufactured by HuWi: & STDVDNS, 2l'0 UllOtllWAV TliSTO.1. It Tor sale by Druggists and Dealer generally, Jeretulier 12, ISn3-nno. B'or Kals, J!Iice, Ifioache B5f(3, iTSoths in A ? a! IU". cstr... .. er. r... s. ruiun, cv.., o-o , Bta-l.,lt. Ull Tut up in 25c, .r,0e. and 81.00 Doles, llottles & Flasks. fi and $5 sizes fur Hotels, Tublic Institutions, lit. "Only infaltfldu remedies known." "Free from l'e'ison." "Nut dangerous tothc Human Fnmily." Hats come out nf their hol"e to ello." 07" Sold Wholesale iu all large cities. Vy Sold by all Druggists ft Retailors riervwhere. K7" llll ac III! ol nil worthless imilatioiis Zy See that "Cosr AnV'nnme Isun each Uox, Dot tle, ninl Flask, before you buy. IT?" Address IIUNItV R COSTA II. Cr Tmmcifai. Depot 4r?J IIxoadu-av. N. V. Sold by till Wholesale nnd Retail Druggists in lllomtuburg, Ta. February li, lr?iil.-h'm. Exchange Motel LATE COL, R. D. JOKES,! . , vv ii Tln,,l. , ,t 4,t,l Take no iikjio llalsam Mercury, or unpleasant Me, i- iNO. Il WOCk btlCCt, next llOOr tO tllO rinea fur unpleasant nnd elungernin ili.eates llelm I'ost OC'lCO, Philadelphia. hold's Hxtrnct Iliichu nnd Improved Rei.e Wash cures riihls well kunn estalitishfnenf maintains il, I Tittie "aS'Ji'S ''n Diconvelm nee 'an'll'n A ee ebr tv. and iu well km.ivii reninin e- h, i.lttlc or no iujnBo in eiiit. Mi Inconvenience, mi no , ..... . - -- - the best HOTEL ON THE EUROPE.VN I'LAN fliall he sustained. ReiuiiKiniiy be had at all hours' pr night, 37 cents i per week, $2 50, per month, Slff. The liar and Lating Departments nre furnished wttV lite best of everything the market ran produce. OA ME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and delicacies of every clune may be had at a inomo l'. IIUIICU. 1 M t I " i i "i t c V,' f'm""lJ' o" "ad from t.-.t-.... . . .. xusi no expense win be spared to render this Hotel a utoiiei one. J. OTTENKIRIv. ProDr. March 7. 18C3-3m, PUI1LIC SQUAIIE, iriLKES-UAltHE, PA. . rpiiKuinVrsigiiod, having taken this well-known stand f" '18 T'"rouaje ofiho public , No pieiii will be spared in ni reude'r sallsfaction to all guest a. tiornioriy 01 -najor Tuteriiaugh), respectfully sollj pared in any of its drpxrtiueiits. to o all truest. Tho TAttl.C .-nut iIim ll.Mt will tilways be supplied with the UG3T THE MARKLT AFFORDS, E7" Cooil r-'tabllng for Horses and attontlvo Hostlers, iiie "tiiruange'' s elnriblv s tuoteil on ilu. I'nl.n. Bquare, nud has Ihcreforo peculiar advantages to tier- l,c' "'r!U1n address, securely packed from obtu sion attending Court or doing business in the public ?.nl ,n', .' ,l'"r"; T )",l'Wiu in all bumiuuuicalions, offices. CharL-es moderate. N. II.-Whenever you coins Jo town, please call. Wllkcs-Uarro, Nov. 15. 1502! "' J" MU" CLOTHING HALT. No. 202 North .Second Street, Phil'n. C'-ONUTANTLY on hand a full nssiilinout of Ready Mule .Men and lloy's Clothing and (lent Furnish- i inx Oooli, ut Wholesale and Retail Jinnsrj V, Ifiii. Oin. THOMAS RROWN, liarbcr. HLOOManUKO, COLUMIUA Ci., '.'A. !op is Oomt House Alley, neat th Ormsjrat Office' Neumser H. U53. HOSTBTTBH'S CELEBRATED BITTERSo A puto anil powerful Tonic, corrective nnd nlterallve uf wonderful ctllcnc In disease of the STOMACH, LKVEK AM BOWELS. Cxrcs Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits-Constipation, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramps and tipasins, nnd all i nmplainls of either Bex, nrlslng from Ilodlly Weakness whether inherent In the system er produced by special couscb. NoTiiinri that Is not whbtcsomo, genial and restora tive in its nature ejilors Into the composition of DOS- ii.iiuit'B btuhauii HiTTLiia. Tin popular pro. , iiaratlon contains no mineral of tiny kind, no deadly botunlcsl clement ', no fiery excitant but it Is a combl- na.lon oftho eitracts of rare balsamic herbs and , plants with ib purest and mildest of nil diffusive slim- ulents. It is well to he forearmed against dln'ao, nnd, so far ! ns the humin system can be protected by human means , against iinl.Miics engendered by an unwholesome nt i Unisphere, impure water and other external causes, , HOril'lVrmi'd lllri'I'.r.a may le relied on ns u fafu i guard. I In districts li.fosted with t-'ntr anijijtit, itlias beea 1 found Infallible! n a preventive anil irreistllil- as n reiiu-uy unu mnii.anas twin resort in it uniier nppre heimlou ofotiatlais, escape thetcnurge ! nnd thousnuris who neglect tn avnathomsi'lvcs ,f Its protective quill Ities in advance, ins cured by a very brief cnur.o of this mart-clou menicine. IVver and Ague patients, after being palld with quinine for months lu vain, un til fairly saturated with that e'nnguroiiH alka'old. aro neil tinlreiuautly reticd tn health within u fuw days by the tiso of IIO?T.Tri:ii'rt IHTTI'.lif, Tho wiak stomnrh Is tapidiy Invigorated and the np petlto restored l.y this ajroeablo 'Tonic, anil heiicu it works wonders in eais if ),peptla and In less con firmed forms of Indigestion.. Acting ns n gentle nnd painless npperlent, ns well as upon thj liver, it also invariably rilloves the Coutiiatlon superinduced by svtji ihi! r-'w?-.'f i tin",,? , ..-. imu ...Mi. ii .ui., crr"j .iita AP, ia'w ; niss oj Splrlls and i-itc "f Longntr, find prompt and 1 "X:!1, T.1.", '?.s!.l.".'n"y " j The tigiMiy of llllliits I'edic is immediately ns.uag' d "i ; mi u) .K.:.ii, rpenrtlnr. In t. the return nf tip i ntt,,!',!,!, I.. ..... i - .,..u vented As a general Tnn'c, IIOSTETTT.Rs IHTTIUlrf pro 1 dure. effects tthli Ii niii-t be oxperion.ed orwituejhed In-fore. Ihey can be fully appreciated tn cases of Con slitutloual wiakui"s, priuu.ituru drciyunl ilei Ityau I derrepitude arising from old nge' it rvtrJsrs Hie elec tric intlueneu In the ciunalc-rent rltignsifnli dise,t.en it npenitos na delightful invigorant. UUeu the putt . ers ol nature aro rela'ced, it operates to reluiurc- mid ro-ct'taldlshthcm. l.a.t.Lutl not leatt. It 111, uls nd slimuleiit, being mairiiiictured from sound aid iuiM-eii. ems' niaif'rinl.'e and entirely free1 from tloi aci, , lonieiits present more ur less in till th-j eirelinuiy t'tucs an I "toHiachirs t-f tlie ilav. No family m.'dii in" ha been so unit erall , mnl It iieay ba truly added. dtttrvcJly popular tt ith Hi tuteile. ge-iil peirtiun ef'llic cntiimuui'.y, in IIOrTiVI IXIt'S uii rats. Trepan d bv HOST ETTER et SMITH, ' TITIsm.'fllJII, T. 'X7"Sold by nil Ditifgi-ts, Crurvrs anil Stuie.kee;ii's ever t here. November 21, HI 13 - ly. HELM HOLD'S Genuine Preparations. COMTOI'ND FLUID I'KAf'T r.ltrill', n po. live-mid spiiific je iiicly lor of tha bladder, Kidney, Craved, and dropsical swelling. This meiiiiitie iiyrensei the p.twer e,l' uigestioit. and e-tcite the uhtubeuts inlu healthy nelion. bv whicii the NViuery or I'ali iiieo'i" ileu. Hum's, end nil Unnatural Culargemeiiieulj are mduced, es well ns pain ail, I in flumation. :o:- llELMROLD'S EXTRACT IJUCHU. For weakness nitsiug from l!x-,,s?e, Iriblts nf Ills slpatiou, Karly Indi-ere lion .,( .buCb, attended wuh tlie I'liUtming yuiptoin :w I udi-position to Lxirtiein, Loss of Tmver, Lo-s of .Memory, Dlmi'iilty id I'rei.iliing, Weak Nerves, Treuibling. Horror of liisi ae. Tain in thu Ifncit, I'liiversal Lassitude of iho .Muiu u'ni r-'y.tim. Hot Hands, I'.iuptnuis on the I'.iic, Dryness of the Pklii. F.'ilnng of thu lli dv, Tjllid f'mintctunco. Theso st niiitoin, if aliotVLtl to go utt which this ! incdiiinc invarinldy renioves, soon fclltnt j IjirorbNiv, Faicity, Ih'ii.u-nc 1 1 rr, I lu one of which the Tatteul may require ! say thntlliev aro nut fiLMUcully fulie.tved I by tliore "Direful Ime.isei " "INSANITV AM) COXSCMTTIO.V " Many nre awaro eif the ciuso ui their sulVciing. but none w ill cniil'.'dS tho ri'i ords of th liis-ine iy Itim.t And inUnnrhcly ileal lis by "on - n iiii t i eri b. ur .-umiuh witness to the liuth of th - nseiti.,ii. I Tho I'oustitiitioii onto e ttcted w s 1 Is organic weakness reuiies tho aid of Mediiine tn strengthen nnd lung. nintu lli-j ststeiu. ttliull llelmtedd h i xtract ilurhii in , variably dues. A trial will cm Inco the mot ske ptical :u: FEMALES FEMALES. In many affections peculiar tu Females the Extract liiichu is unc'iualled by any other remcily, as iu I'h'o rosis or Retention, Irregularity, p.iinrulucss, it Sup. prcssiou of Custonuiy Lt.ei nations, uleeraled ur selr rliuus stall! of the Uterus, LeuclmrihuM ur Whites, riterillty, nnd ftr all roniplaiiit'i iiiiident tn the sex, whether nrisiug from iti.liiaction lialiiis of elissipa lion, or in the DKCL1ND OR CII.WOK OF Lire. -:o:- i exnosiire. it causcca fri'iueut iiesireaiul gives strength tot ii i nnte, thereby removing olistrueiions, preteiiting und curing strictures ut tne iiretuni, nuajiiig pain and in tlamm.iriuu, so frequent iu tho class uf disease), and expelling ull poisonous, diseased and tturnout matter. liiousanus upon iiioniuuus who liavu been thu vie " "Il , :::.allrZ.. "J.".?.? 'I',. .fu" ",' "1 cured in a short time, liave louud tiuy were deeeived aim mat inu -ruisu." uas, t,y tne use ol "powerful ' .l,!ir....n vy-,, ,., ,b t. ,u s, stUili, li, ureal, UUl ' in un aggravated form, cud perhaps after marriage. -n I.'se Helmtiold's Lxtract Iturhu for all afTi ttions an I diseases of the I'riuiiry Organs, wuelher e-Aisting lu Male tnd Female, from whatever fau.e originating and nu matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs ro'ptircs the aid of a Diur etic, llilmbold's Hxtrait Hue 11 il is thu Ureal Diuretic, and Iscertaln lo hato desired ellUt in ull Dieeasea for whirh it is recouimeiiiUd. IJidenceui ehu iiiott reliable mid rsspniiriblc char acter will accompany the nitdiciiiu. Price $1 per Botlle, or C for $5. ..... . information tu , ..... , v. Buuia (LllLIrs IIW ,,.D . .."' " HHLMIIOLD, CAcmCr, , 101 Soutli Tenth-.l., below Chestnut, i'ua, Hi:L.Mi:OI.D'ri Medical litptt, , IICLMIIOI.U S Drug and Chemical llarelmse, In , .. . 5a HROtiiWAV, .Ntw YntK, I Rewtro of Counterfeits ami unprlnelpled elealers who uude-ator tiidirpnso "nf iheir own" and ' other" .ui, nt. un tuu fi'jiinaiinii attainu'j uy iieiiuhold's f,eu nine i erparueioiia, i.iimci uutuu, L,ltract Barsap arsaparilla, iiuprutcti Kuse tt asii FOR SALE R Y All Druggista Evorywhoro. AfiK rilK III.LMRI1IIDV, TKF NO OTIIKH tut out (he AdvcMisanenlaitd sspd fnr ,t. ' ' " And awid imjtvnlioii and tApojute, ECONOMY IS W.EALTH OUltE YOUR COUCH F01U3 0EMT8 The test uni cheapest I louselioll remedy in the World. MAfoABir. ZT)OC l'OUTEIl's MADAmI! 'A DOC I CR TI'.R'S Curative Ualsnrn It warranted If Used recording to the directions, tn euro In nil rases Coughs. Colds, Whooping Cough, Asthma and nil nflVi Unas i,f the throat nnd I.dngs. Madame Zadnc potter's I'nlsaoi Is prepared with all the roquWlo skill, from n cctnhinatlnii of the best rem edies the vegetable kluadoiu affords, Its remedial quail-, ties are bared on lis power to assist tho healthy clK'U latioii af the blbod, through the 1. lings. It Is not a vio lent remedy, but emnllent wnrmlng, searching nnd off crtlvoj can bo taken l,y tss (ddest persiui or the young ist child, Mndam'ndoc IMrtrr's bal snm has been In use l.v thn iiitiuo ior over lo years, aim ias nciirired ll present sain -impiy ny neing rccouimm, ded by those who havo used -It to their aldlctcd friends nnd nthern. Most Imporlnnt. MndnmnZndoe. Toner's Curative! Itnlsam Is snM nt n prlco which brings It lu the read of every one to keep it convenient for tisu. Tho time., ly tisn of n single liotlli! will prove to bo worth 100 . times its cost. NOTICI.. tfavoyour money I Do not In persuaded to purthaso nrtictes nt 4 to $1 which do not contain Ihn virtues of a lSccul Imltla oMInilama I'orlnr's Cu-, ratlvo llalsam, thecost of mnnufncttiring wliich Is nt great ns almost auy oilier medicine; nnd the very tow prcci- 'it which ft Isst'ld, mrike the profit to tho sell or nppa, 'ntly small, nnd unprlnelpaled dealers wllj' snmeilmcs rrrommciid other medicines on which their profits nro larger, unless .fhe customer. Insist upon' iiavlng Madamu Toiler's and uoiio otli T. Ask fun .Mndnino Toiler's Curative- lialsaiu. prlco 13cents, niuf n large hottles at oeits, and take no other. 87 fold hy nil llruggi-ls and rtturokocpurcot incts. a,. 'I in larger bottles ai '.'2 rents. IIA1,!. RUCIU.n, Tr prletors, New Votk. Januarys. IS03. OLDIERS IN THE AHJ1Y AND OUT. Tr.OTI.n AT HO.MU Are now oll'-rud an opportunity l,y whirh they e.m ob. lain n HOOD AND TIAII'.-TICH, at a vrry law figure. Our U'litihes aro warr.uilsd tokneptlme ono ) ear, nnd the buyer is allowed the privilege ol examination before payment is riMpilreil. Improved Duplet in lull Ituby Actions. A first class Hunting Tfine-J'iece of silver, over wlil.ii 3 elcitro-llue plated IK k. gold, uirxt durably wrought, making thu imitation so faultless that it catiiiut L; detected from tin (.n'lil material hy thu most c.icn enced Judges; ncWmvill not ell'ect It. l.omluii w.tdo iiiovcmeiit. Improved Duplex in full ruby uUion, has b ecp seconds, and Is not tn be excelled in general np puarnne.e, This is derldedly one nf tho bust articles ever offered for traders and speculators. Iutiiier. minor wj ' "Aifs wspHsrrrt'.'!. r.., ,l...lf i,....i,.fi..v I'.t.... ....rL.,.1 I.. , good ruui'iug order, only SJ. or ease uf 0 fur Sam. iiouiici: timi: iiuntinc I.KVKRS Rett finality filter Cases, puueu ia K got, I. null, tr to our mproved Hun ex. and '. ,.....,......., ..' '.' : M.,t.( i,,r iitijiiMi:ii miii eilli'llis ton." tn lei Miet-il iu tuning horses, e le j hits Four Indexes for Washing tun and Creriiwicli time, sweep cceeind and till the Improvements. .Ill in all, taking its lie.iiiiii'ul and faultless appearance nnd Its superior movement lot roiHideralioii, we regaril it as decide, ily tho e lo-ape- t nrlh le ol the kind lu the niaiket. Trice, iu good run tiius order, 83.1, or enso nfli forSJOd. ' f Wo iifl; .ii pay iu advance but will forward either id' tlieiu to responsible prtrtivs, to auj part etf the leiyal litiites w ith Lull p tvabl,1 to e xprtwsuiau tt lieu 'he goo-N are- ele'litereil. giving ttie bujer the privll-'ge uf I'xauiination, ami. if not alisfactory. t!io u atili tun le ri luriied at i,ur expene-e. The express e-ompuulos refuse making collections on rnldlers ami nthi r parlies in the elielnyal ftales, inn-se'iU'-ntly all surlt orders iiiiim he iiei iuupauiad by the cash to insure attention. Wo nuihi-a elciiiiction uf tw . ete, lars on Lithe r natch when the payment i I in advatiLe. iMoney may lu sent bv express nt our c v peuse. TIKIS. CAFI'lli: TV iv t (i., PSand !I5 llrn.ul St., oiipei-ile f'iiy lunik. Trotldelice, II. I liiloh-r 21. If'i,:i -Imn. 1 ru:rt :-?"' i iciV, "irai- iiju'iiiueiii ui ma A if5jfc;?sS'.8- Thief prueef Hulaniantler t!af,. i wiliyiS $ '?5 Lei, irnn doors, for h.inU and I AVi ''vi flllr"'- iron shutfrs iron sah, nil e '.-vfi.vvff makes of lorkd lo any ma aj IU tiieijniteil Plates, tfe.i in one f.rj. All tune out right; uiih ids tents indeed condition. Tlu" Hlainaiider Safes uf Tluladelphiii ngaiiut Hi, world. KArANS tt-WATS()N. have had Ihlj.irest deiiiostrnlinii in 1 1.- OiIIimmm- rt-i tiltente Ihr.l i, r m.iuiiiaciure , I KTamaiuler Sal a ha, it length fullt warranted th- repr, s.'iit.iijoin ttlmh huvi li-en made 11 .m as rendering an uiidmilitcd o curity against the fin tic clement. '' Iphia April 1.'. I-.V, Myrn linns (!',,- . ,;,., lap,, i, It affords nt the Inchest yitifi.ounn to stale t you, tint eiHintr t theveiy prnlecliveualili h, uto uf thu Milam nut. r. (af. s w hie hue pui-has ., f j- , ft,-. m,, ,,,. we- saved i, tame poi i,, uf j,.,.ry. and nil uur k. kr expeed to -Jim e i, Hnitnous, tno in Ranstead rlucc nit the muriitn-,' of the lltli( ' ' Wlieiiv..r,ll-iilin v.:e,lf,,F,VPr, inr.,,,.,1 , lh fourth Etoiynlth.-huildi,,,. , ,c,llr,i nI1, , ., I. II sittw-pu ntly inie, a It.,., eiflMtrnlnc riiino. where- th tac i renin niyitlr,,. the ieilt caused th . brajs til.ite, nt uelt, we cinnel b it ii-p.-i rutli niruservatiun ut tin ir till undo lunieuts lis must i niifcing prui f of the gieal -cuniy uft'-ri'i d l,y jour sal". We shall ml,,, areat pleasurUn reeommendini- tb'X '. men ul O'lMtics-i as n ure ri'liinee ntniit fire ii;oiu;i: w. siMM.iNti,t iIk,',.,.;,. I l hey hatv oince purchase l si lame ali '"'V -' Align,; 20 le U'E'. fi'B'.Si Eo i f. .. Nos. I), 1 1 IS," lii, 17 Com tlnnilt Stiff t. m:m: iiroadwav, xrw york city. This 'dd-ekl ib'i-hcl and f.tvoiite r u.rt nf the llusf U"ss t'onin.uaiij , 1;n r, c-ntly rctrti-el, and iseuui plrte. in evertlnng that inn miiitst r tothe enmlnria ,,f us i patfuas l.adi s and families are spirally ami rare lull) d fur. It i' centrally l"c,it-d in the bit iuoss pi,rt (tin ntv, nml is conluuinuii to the principal lines I'tteau.hoats, cars, omnibusies terri-s, &c. In emiSL-pieuco uf thepressiiru caused h) the Rebel lion, prices have been reduced lo One Dollar aid MJty Cents pi' Dot, 'the table is amply supplied with all the lij-iiriee',,f tho season, and is tonal to that of any other her I i 1m counlry. Ample accommodations ara otl'ercd for upwar of pit) gut'sts. fX- Do tint believe runners hackmcn, nml either- ho may say "thu Western llot-l lull." I ,.. D. D. WINCIli:3Ti;it, Troprict r, TIIOS.P. WiNCIIFSTLi:. !(. I Feb. 1.5, lt-02. THHCRL'AT WORLITH r'AIlt DXIIUUTlDN 1IKI.I. IN LONDON l-.1l. TIIOS. W. MATTSON Was awarded the Trizo Sled nl for hi superiority overall euiiipetiiions in the United runes mr nt improvement yyBlWtffi'tifi! V-i'.-.ei.'t i niuiiins i riimcs, SfW&; Ho being tho Invenior ami Slaiiufacturur nf Klastic Bleel Spring so id Se.ei l.eaiiierand solid Riveted Iron Frnmei 1 ravel lug iriiuks. Vulises, Lad.cs Hat U.ises, Carpel naS. i.eaiiier eiags, umbrellas and I obbv Horses. Hoys' Rigs, Tropellers, Wheelbarrows, 1 b. VW t sell at Uio lowest mani.facu,inl",.. s.e., which no lliu iiiosti iteii.lre Trunk and Cnmet llae .M.iniiincinr. cr iu Tliiladelphi i J I1- tl A Ilk I'l' rt 102MARKLT BTIIIJF.T. ono eloor nbrve Fourth. , . Homh side, TIIILADF.I.TIIIA. CTHnles ronm on tho first floor. tt5"Trunk. neutly repaired or exchangod for new .nes. Cull iiid see. as wo nil very cheap for cash, f ov. 11, lr(i3-12mo. mimm mm 'I'llHTroprietorofihis wi ILkmnvn and ciintr.illt lues l ted llouce, the Lxuiasob Horn., sltuatu on Jlai, Mrcet.ill lllOOlnslnil-L- inline, r,,.u.t.. ,),., e-...!.,,.. i bia County Court lljiuse, respectfully i.-.forui Ins friends and the public in general, that his House- is now iu or I t"r the reception nnd entertainment ofiritvelers ttliu ice.-, luspuseu in tavortt Willi tiieir eustoiu. Helms spared no etpense in prepating the ;:.m iiamik, tor the i titirlannneul nf his guests, neither sh'ill there be any thing wnntiug 1,011 his parti to minister to their personal cnuilnri. His house is spacious und enjoys an excelL-nt business loeatjnu, ICr" Omnibuses run nl all times between Iho I'.xcliangn Ilutcl and the various Rail Road Depots, by which triiv I'lore will be pleasjnily conveyed 10 ami from the re spective Matioiu in duo time to mee t tho Corn. . , . . W.M. II. KOO.V3. liloouikburg, July 7, leoo. TINWARE tt STOVE SMOP." fpili: undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend custnmors. that he has purchased Ins hrollu'r niorost iu the abovo eslnblLliineiit.tiud the rniuerii v. lis hcrealter be conducled by himself exclusively. " llaa,J,lsl tLcelved und offers lor sale, the, arg ,a2a C'f,)'.",'! i'""'1 -'-nlo assorlmeut of F A N C Y C3MBI' LS ever introduced inn, lhs m.irkel. "'? ""t"' consists of a romplcio assoitmcnl ''f 110 besl ( ooking and parlor suites in the market, togeth er tilth novo Fixtures of etory description, Oven and Uox Stoves, Radiators, Cylindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air light stoves, Ciiiiinn Hlotcs, kc, 4-e. Htoieplpe 1111J I jiiytnre ronsiantlv oil ltittid and iiinuiifactiired tu onlrr. All Kind, nf repairing done, ns usual, on sliml nedne. Hie pulronagi, uf old Iriends and new riismuiirs ro. perllully solicited, Al. ;L ('KRT. Illooiu.burg, 'iiviimher3d lFl'O. if, ULANK SI Of evci- tli ct ij tioii UL.VNKM lor suit at iliitolLi. m mmmm EVANS et WATSON 1 ias:,w'r,'N','AMAXI,l,it H'u','-f'. m ! t.V' r. MOMll) to No h',A,1Wt .' - Mofl.-... fC-i-f S'rcrt, VhltaJtlM. have eui