If HO 1,11 Rl A I) I! MflnilAT.1.,. -. " " u courteous traveling agent of the .. . , .- celebrated publishing houso of MeBsrs, Saturday Morning, Feb. 27,1864. Jo.n.on, vtf & Co., of New York.Ts tfVrr"' . 1 ,oft on our tabl fu"r copies of "Portrait WTIUV. BDV. Mujiur. will by Gallery of Eminent American.." Th D.vino pormisHon-prcaoh, on Sabbath work is filled will, full lenalli portraila of vt ln.mnrrnwA nl .nn.li.ni 1.1 i... .. . .. "-"fa"' porira.118 01 "r , " -..... uuuluu an mo distinguished men of tho country of Uloom.burg. wllh biomnhioa, nnil ,., . . . 8QT ltcv. Geo, W. Scott, will prcaoh in tho Baptist Uhuroli, in Blootnsburg, on Sabbath next at 10' o'clock a. m., and at hall past 0 In tho evening. biocraphioa! and hlstoricitl kIoiM.d. of caoh. The Maior DSr Vniui: Notes, in neat and legal form for principal and bail just printed and for sale at the offico of the Columbia Democrat. SQr Judgo Klwoll is holding a special court in Schuylkill county this week ; and Judgo Mercer of Bradford is holding court for Judgo Elwell, in Sullivan, tr Wo dcrply sympathize, with our cotcmpornry.Mr. Sanders, of tho Berwick Gazttte, iu tho loss of his sprightly and in teresting liltlo daughter, "EVA ElKiK NIA." StaT Blanks for Tavern Licenses and Bonds, have been neatly printed iu legal lOr IS n.ostatnil in n.n curing suDieriptions to this work, as well as other standard works of tho day, by Gen. L. II. Httirma. w i ...iu. i u aiu uafll.jy to learn that they havo reeeivod flattering encouragement in our county. Thoy pro poso romaiuing in Blooinsburg a fow days longer, and continue canvassing. Wo re commend thorn as prompt and reliable agents. SPECIAL NOTIO Xadlcs K3 Lieut. Geo. W. Utt, Battery F., 2nd Art., P. V., is at homo, visiting his friends, on a brief furlough. Lieut. Utt, gavo us a call on Thursday, nnd wo were happy to find him in good health and lookinir for all tlm wm-lil lit- 0 - - w . . a . nw M U I u UUi- dier and afl'ablo Gcntleinan. Success to tuu patnotto young Licutonaiit. Lieut. Utt, is the samo young domocra Whom tho ''Loyalist" about' Rohrsbu- two or threo years aco. held in such 17 ImnhiffiTif in TVTnrr!adIca 1 TRULY A BLKS10 1 w)M I will end, ri. of cruiioa. If flU! &w to pru send in her name ana address. Ijt1 tio how la vontthooitrcinspalfiofClllLIfo uhlldrqn alio ho perfectly heUhir n l.ebKCnBT ,h, only one other now and lMFORTAefej ' uro anil safe remedies ever djfft1 tolndueo'sfery My object In making the abr lady la till my remedies. njLENTAUX. M. tl. r...a?,"s.MA New Yoikoiiy. y-M ii will receive a valuable I ItlftBUMl'UVU PI ,, ,.. A.,l...... prescription for tL, and ,,mit a(rcctioni, free Uronchltli, and all T,., ,i,i,. , of charge.J by sendl nnv K, A, WILSON, Wl.iburh, King! Co., New York. Jontinry S3, ZT-..: --.'BaHtflMH AND V.XVK I nil' VCP A NERVOUS INVALID.-Puhlishcl rtTll. Lnnnn'0-" 1,u """..i S..V.'- V'""' .1 r . ""er ifoiii nervous ucuiiiit ntliers .w''cd ailinent-supplyhm Ihe mennn of srlf. nnrt tllCir Kl..t. I tV...rtir -ft, hnltirf n ct - .. tVllfl I1US Lliruu llliiirvii unvi uvmn i in. cure, iiy rcci tonddenco in incdlenl hutnlmg and tlm or mi' nrin,iniT n nont.onld directed envclonp. tiuncxcryj' y b hni, 0f ,10 amM()r, iinglecJ, ' natiian-ii:u AIAyrAin.Eq., Iledford, Kingi county, Ncw-Vurk. fur 111, anil arc offered for sale at this 0f-1 'orror, and so frccily denounced as'Q0 lico. J'orsons applying for Licenses, tbould not fail to ptocure printed blanks. CSr'l'he "Lile of Major Andre," of "Ciithaiina empress of Russia," Queens ofllonry VHP' and novels and poems f.ir sale cheap at the Recorder's office, in 15'oomsburg. A CAi'rr.w. Resolution. Instructions huvo bcuii iAi-utd to the city police of .an Francisco to arrest all vagrant youths f"Uiid about town at ir'ght without a pass liom thiir jarets. A similar rugulation is needed in Blontnsburg. Twelve volunteers arrived hero on Thursday, on there way to Troy. They were from Berwick, aud if accepted by thu authoiitics nt head-quarters, will ex empt U.nvick Borough from tho coming Draft. They received a bouuty of 8250. CfetY- By the nuw Draft law, thoto en rolled before being 45 years of ago, but coming to that ago before the draft, may have their names struck from the roll by valisfaclory proof of the fact to tho Board. Those coming to bt- CO before tho draft, uro to be enrolled. Hnntnltnv'fi Hitters eclvcil tho wnrmett oncomlumi from the pre llft,v.iplclliroiiBhout the Union oi a vnliioble tonic ;n'lcurc of l)yipoi!a. Flatulence. Oonitlpatlon.onil forol ncrvom debility, ltcnnnntbc approached. ??vdnv now caiJ of Us great ctrect are chronicled ,'iugli our principal public Journals. T irro "'; ipericnco wnen '" ""Y"' ' ." : .11., .,.i,Ti OHC, III, lliril ailll VIK"rou nui'm ....... iloniach, atiilthoeleaiulnuof tho entire human body ....... -1. I. tl olftaan nf nUf r.QIIlinUlll tV. liuuiu rt'ciiiiiui';'". r.. ...... irr sun ADvr.unsBMr.NT. For Ial0 uy Uruggllll nnu utnium kuiiviuiij. January t, 18(11, Int. r Uniformity of Trlcca ! A New feature In Hus-lni-m Every no his own nalcsnmnl SENSim.r. A movement is on foot amour; thu .Methodists in various srntinni of the North to ki-k polities and all politi- jiain --I .1 .. ...r.i 1 . m. .. Every no Ills own naicHiuani ju.i i.n . uu, ui Cre-entOnorrlco Clothing fstoreo. !u .Marnctiircci above riikth, Philadelphia, , , , Itr addition to having tho lareet, most varied and fasulnnatdo flock of Ulolhlni! In Philadelphia, made ex prcsily for retail alc, have conitituied every one hi nwM naleniaii. hv liavlim marked in figures, on eaoh nrliclettt tho vcrylowcst prlcn it can be nold for eothey .......,1, .i.xiall.lu V;I.VJtll mlla, llllV IlllkR. Tho goods are well Minngeil and prepared and great ..-i...... I ...1.1. .1 1.1... . ..n .linl nil r.n ?II1V Willi II1IIII8 II1M "II llll UIU lllftniilK II... r..l. l n nnn.l nrllrlit lit (111, VPrV "Captain of tho Jeff Davis Ilcsem ' of "Old Scythe" notoriety. Ho volujcroil in tho war, shortly theroafte-119 "e then honestly Euppoacd it wa3aSei't0 Ulinnrnc: It t hll tnh ntifl n.rn U U UlUkJ k I (In 1 II M I II KI'll w IIIILilll IllfiKlilL! rU I II UI. iiiiuiii irni Uu auu IU,luiu - . i -a Qt ,, rtlclu at ie very iiud lifts hecil faithful in the f'cl,rgc Ol , lowcgtfprlce. Also, a large stock of pi;ce goods mi hand . . . . lof thclateiitilylciiiid deit 'lualitles, which will ho inado per ceni, uciow crcoii prices. . . . . I of the latent ilylc mid deit 'lualitles, which will ho inado UI3 Uut V ! but his tnt V nsaai t'8) mciUUing to order, lu the most fii.hlonablc and best manner, " . , . ,, i ner cent, below credit prices. tue manager of tho u Smut Mllinc) re mam at homo aud call fu' Democrats as Lieut. Utt, Traitors ar Copperheads." Away ye filthy erouturr -o 1 1 UlilRial IJllOttl nuUlliniDlU UO., arc per Rctiy Harmless on mc c"iiiiiiuiii ..u ".'" -m .UOl? .t Vk ioc.' taken bv the nio.t dullcate female without caiuingdis 101' tne JJralt 0"4aluu ttrcss-tlie"ame time they nit liko a charm uystrciigin . . . eninE.iiivigorntlni! and rentorlnff thn syntcni to a heal The following is ,e OlllOial liUOta Ol thv condillon, ami by b tinging un the mniilhiy pern u n i i- . with regularity, no mntlcr irom wnni rau tllS different tOWtlP-P3 111 Uolumbia COUnty, utruction may arise. The should, however, NOT be IMPORTANT TO I.AMIK. lilt. lUavrVs IrMiLK Tills have never yet tailed in removing dilhcultis arii" log fiom nbstrHclion.or itoppngu of nature, or In re storing tho system to perfect health when suffering J'. , ,,i'....l...a lpnifl,1diia llturl. I hp Whites. irOIH PlMllill llllllli"iiBt . ..y.o,. VM ,f or otlier weaaness oi uiu uienm: witaur, ...u arc perfectly harmless on the constitution, and may bo . . . .1 .1 !... ......In ,i llli.i.t. r-mcl ll ill a. .nil uuaubcn w rf m FOtt 180.1. ' F YOU WAWT 00J3S AT County op Oqlumbia: THE JIIGU T I'ltlWiieSf CALL AT mriM t,n Rear ilav nf .Tnnuarv. A.D 11 8J.J' nubile rne Auanori ciccii'ii i. Y , . ' . . -fT- -TTTTdTin accounts of Columbia County respectfully beg leave to T TT?fl W K,K S report that they have cjanilned the ismo from the 1st O. JLJIaAJ TT JUJlV O d.yofJanuary.A.I).. leja t ll ' Aril day f i""? J k v . A. n . 18M and respectfully lay before tho lionorable 8TOR13, the Judgci of tho Oourl of Common Pleai, the roiiow- WHERE VOU WILL FIND Jji rA'i.ScAW.'o'uwcal,?. Muslins at 20, 88, 30, 38 rmrf 45 cent,. !' curBnrot of c..v.. t. n.irbt nt in s .10 iS- TiO cts. JAMJiS a. 0-N lrs c it ironsurcr ot Sknpes J- Clucks" t 3d, Jb , , w u c. (n wUU uU Coun(y , Caficocs at 10,18, 20 mid 20 c its. American V rmcn . ;. - .",- lsI out.t.nding Uoai tine Jlmaccas i' J-auics opcruKJtui.il. ., ch balance m in I ism na MA At ALSO, . 1 Carpcta ! Carpets I ! Carpets ! 1 1 A FRESH LOT Of fCllcClllPfli ANKW STOCK OF QUEENSWAHB, Scpt.O.Oa.J, of Swank and Chertlntton. And till tho otcctcra'a usually kept. Call and Examine. niooraiburg. February C, 1.SC1 31 Cash balance In handi of Tren. urer, a per Auditors Bottle- mentor I NW. . ., , , iuw." Tebiuaty 3, To cah of Juliu Snyder, Lfflh IT. Jury fees, , 00 May 4. T Cash of ! Yelter, land returned. S 0 June, Amount of County tai aisenod for "i" ... .. year ISfKI. 10,CS3 34 Cn.li received nf military fund Ufl 10 August 3I,-Cash of J.Hcliwcppenhclier, land PUBLIC . op SALE Valuable Property ! VXT ILL be exposed to salo, at Public V f veniiue, ni iueri;Bim;iii.i: u ..n, i, Swisher's Tannery, on tho taalii road pclwtoa Jor leytown nnd .Millvltle-oii ., Saturday, the Tith day of March, 1804, The following described valuable personal property: 3 Young work Horses, AND Til HE IS UtjliS, TWO MILK COWS. Ono heavy two-liorso Wagon, and one ... w, mi , t.i-.i n... True- wagon, oicu, rouuci uuiut. Panning Mill, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators anil Corn-Plow ; Set of double driviug Harness, Sot of now single Harness, and eet of doublo wagon Harness, one sot of Straps, and two act of single Fly-Nets, together with othor nlir.lri Inn nntfit'rnii'l to mention r,f P ile to commence nt 10 o'clock, A. ,M of said dav. when attendance will be given anil conditions I. ... t,i. ,ii uii'm r . mailt' kiiiiwii, uy '. ... W. C. jIwitzer, Auctioneer. Mniiiiou tuwnship, l ei), u, ietn.-t. Dee. 7, Cosh of N. C. Kuitcnbacler, land rc- iieemeit. . . , " '"'Cash received of iiiudry pcriom for U3U III KUUII M,"M Cash ofmndry persons, land redcoined Cnsh ric'd on sundry taxes Ilalanca of borrowed money on hand iu amguui uM,siuiiuiiia Dy amount outstanding fur 1SC3, end previous i i r-nii.,.,,,.. i.n nt " C'ommUsioii allowed Colitclors, M0 SI ," Amonnt of Orders redeemed, 1410j 0. " Treasurer's commission yn 8I3,063,SI at " liaiauco Iu 'haudi of Treasurer. I mvm y) MrVtMCll. Trnmirer of Colombia county III uccount with Tax on l)ni(. 1) t. To ami. outstanding and uncolloctod for 1S01. 1010 35 " Aiuouiu aii"seii ir iru.i. uJ" Ualance duu Couuty Treasurer. ilL as furnished by -"'P'- Manvii.le, Pro- voit IM.irshall o-"'9 JJistriot. Class 1. Class a. Quota. Townships, Heaver. liloum. Benton. Hriarcreel Uerwiek orough. Ucntre. Catawyn- Uonyt,"1111, Fran-'". F,a.igon.'ek. Gr(nwood. jcKifon. J oust. .iffliu. iloutour. oai proaeiiers outoi (lie cliuroli. Tins v': regard as a very sensible iuoveraent, ar onelhflt might be inaugurated everywbec, with great spiritual benefit to the churpes A Maginfic".nt C'trunometcr Vadi. Mr. Louis Hi:uniiaui), Wateh-malir and Jeweller, of Hloomshurg, lias ju-tJotn plu ted the entire manufacture of one f 'ho lar gest and finest Chronometer Silvr Watches wo have ever ti'un. Mr. Haru'ard is a sci entific and skillful artist as rfforker in tl pricious metals and in tM manufacture of this splendid and monger Watch, from thu raw material, has c-uccd great skill Mid superior ineclianioim. Call and give it a outIuI t'xaniiuaticJ. Matlison. Mount l'leasant. Orange. Pine. Koarirjgereek. Scott. Ssugailoaf. Total. 109 32 26 103 150 44 08 20 15 ( 83 42 10 05 41 13 60 55 15 07 57 10 210 100 07 1 47 23 0 1 120 41 10' 112 51 12 37 20 15 110 71 18 81 32 1 8 i 51 18 7 34 21 10 80 40 22 53 33 13 00 ' 31 10 47 15 10 24 21 0 152 '83 28 47 15 12 1007 1047 439 siruciion inav ansi'. iin: piiuuiu, , v ., -. taken during the first three or four months of pregnancy, thoiiRh safe at any other timu. as miscarriage would be the result, Tnch boi contains r.n Till", price Ql. Ur. IIAltVI'.Y'iJTUBAT'lsr.on Diseases of t cmalcs. Pregnancy, .Miscuitlace. Itarronness, Sterility, Hcpro- . . t... -r ......... ..... ....inlinllnllV till- rlllCllon. anil anuses oi iiiuuru, nun - ,irlli...v.... Ladies' Privnta Medical Adviser, a pamphlet or d4 pages, sent free to any address. 8ix C.Mt required to I'aill'ePifu'nnd book will be sent by mall when desired, securely saled. and prepaid, by ... J. IlilYAN. M I).. General Agent, No, lli Cedar St., N'ew York, C7- Pnld by all the principal drugiisti. December 1'-', ISO'J ly. OTgaiwM'.s'trij;itiiitiissalaiviSiiNsa-w.' in wi "public sale, Valu.ible Real Estate. TX pursuance of an order of tho Orphan's Court of 1 Columbia county, on Saturlat, 1'C vth (,aH of March next, at 10 o'clock 'lu the forenoon. Jacob a. Hvans. Adminis trator, fee. of Michael Whitenisht, late of Hemlock township, in said county, decerned, will expire to sale, by Public Vendue, on the premises, a certain Situate in Hemlock township, Columbia county, ad joining lauiisui .mriiiii'i .-in, ,on thu South nnd West! I Mathia Whiti'iugiii on tno South i thu heirs of Itoberl Montgomery on tho Mntu , and the heirs of Peter Full mer, containing i mssu. 1 nmu. MARRIAGES. mer. containing , FIFTY ONE ACRES AND TWENTY EIGHT PfSKUIIES, , PUBLIC SALE, OF Personal Property. WILL be exposed to sale, by Pub-It- nn.lnn nt (lw (.! Jo txrn nf tho 1lnll IIL, t Ilium. vn.w. w. .... -i-t.,.,1 in M nt mi towiiRhin. ColuniMi county near Muiiilinu, on l,v,Init IhP Mtit r.t -tUnrr.h. H a. The follovvincde-cribcd valuaMo Personal rrnncrty Four Uood florses, Udllll ni'', VO M .STTTU M HOWS. Three Devonsliire young Bulls, One Four horse Wagon and ono Two . . ,., , , horse YVagou a xwonorse xiooKa way and Harness, Plows, ,IIar nebs aud Cultivators, ono Panning Mill, drain .lleapnr ami Uoru Shuller Two Set ot'Hay Ladders Two dtoves and one Cook'iHg Stove. Together with a great variety of Farm ing utensils and IIousc hold Furniture too numerous, to mention. O" Hale to commence nt in o'clock, n. m.. of snid day, when nttendalico will bo given nnd conditions oe mauo Known, u OEORC1F. MILLUH. Maine township, February n. lel.-ts. CR. 0 SI 0 00 4 U2 2 00 SO 00 cm lit) mo ba 617 71! i3 S7 twemy.iix cents. tM9 W. frra Itmf S, MiMnsh, JMMurer or yvoymy. , u ven unasr our siuo, inn i .; i ...,...,. D.. It04, 1' f ' FOWIiBB, ) ctuntt JflllV II. YflllE.l z-...-. A7J. KVAN3. 'J anut-W, W1KT, CU. We. the underlined, Commissioner) of Columbia County, do eertlBy thai the foregoing li correct ;tu ment of the account! of laid County for tha yesr A. D 1803. U'ltncis our Iinndi. iaauarr Ith, 1801. CHAKLKS II. IIF.Stl, ) Commlsslorun KOIIIl McllENllY. V of T. J. VANIiUIlSUCH. ) Columbia Co. ArrrT-rt. O. Kfttxr, Clerk. FINANCK8 OF COLUMDIA COUNTr. llalnnce duo from Collectors, C'JVi Deduct for eiouoratlon ana eomminloni mi Jt 01 CU to sin oo 6315 17 nt. duo from J. fl. McNInch, Treasurer Jury Feet and fines In hand! of Bbff. Furman Deduct otdcri unredeemed for IWI idOi .. i liCJ Deduct redemption money Ualancu of borrowed money unpaid Ilalaneo In favor of County BTATEMINT OF DOO TAX. Ilalanca duo from Collectors Deduct for exoneration! and eonimliilon. 0,573 23 (,4'J Sid Ordcri unredeemed for I8f2 .. ,0uj Ualance duo Treasurer 14 21 4 M 154 C'J (; eo 8,750 00 35S5 04 02,7'iJ 13 1,101 01 lis eo 1,051 i!I cd HunttVUle. Ahtiaraa.. Fefr.'atk a that Gen. Shermari has had a fight wllh the rebel DUhop Goneral Polk, near Uran don, and Tvhippou him,tBking tnelvo mou and priionon. Wo 'nyo lonio doubts of tho truth of it, Important tbom Eoiiope War Conh mcnc(d.ly tho steamer City of Man- ohestor, at New York, wo havo stirring" nans from Europe. Tho troubles between Demark and Germany havo led to open hoililities,and a battlo has been iough't,' rejutling in tho ropuUo of tho Austrian' troops in four attacks. Tho war has caus ed a suspension of English operations' with tho Haltio. . . 10 0d 165 V3 101 03 8109 sa llalinco In favor of ild Tat SMI 0 Feb. 1st, 1801. Directed to bo Clod Bv tub CotntT. Rlnco paid to the Treasurer elect, llloomsburg, February 0, 1601. A lilt IV A I. mm rw m AND WINTER GOODS CR. Ily Ilalnnco riucTrrns'r. per Auditors'! Iloport nf J.nmnrv 7. lrl ,lt. ' Am',, oiiislanillne and uncollected. " llxuiieiatlons nlliuvnd Collectors, " l.'omiiiUsloiH allowed t'olleiturs. ' Ain't fc'heep dain.it'u orders ri'deeuied. Treasurer's Coinuiiskioii on 3 1, "75 7'J EXPENDITURES, AUUtTOIlS AND CI.UltK. Amount pnid Auditors and Clerk ond Resistor's account. $rliVi 3d 17 OS 1.1U-! 114 43 50 3D 04 1,575 "V SI 03 i!,5'j5 38 40 50 13 AO S53 00 8100 00 417 22 118 00 04 17'J 00 Annrrtii.Trtn Ar. crinir.TY. Amount paid said foclcty, ' lau 'nl!ij PAV iiu au. ti, .,' Amount paid Assessors for spring assessment. IIIIIUIIF, ASU ItDAl) VlUWti. Amount paid undry persoi Am't paid 1'. Swonk St Co., nnd others. 2.3d lllllDCK Ki;i'Allls, Amouit paid sundry pirsoiis. IILANK HOOKS. Amount paid suiutry persons, lor i ioiuuhihui; auu iiemsii'i n umni, coNrii Aiii.n'd nn-ruusa. . Amount paid the several Constables datinj ,hyCar' UOURTCRIKR. Amount paid Mmea Coiruian. Court Crier. CI.UANIM! COUitl' llOUsU. Amount paid sundry persons. I OUNTV IIIJII.UISCS. Amount paid tnudry perions lor repairs In ai.d about Couit .'louse and Jail. COMMlSStONnUS AND CI.UltK. Amount l'aid K. O. Fruit. Clerk. " William l.amuu, Coramirsiouer, 11 I'has. II Hess, du " llohr Mcllcnry, do T. J. Vauderfliee. do -Fon- F RES II t n Mi EVERYBODY Till; ttnaeif'Snp, praifiut ir pi iiuiiu8i.-t fully lnfornihiscutii!i'rs omt the public pneraHy Ihatliohajust ter.cived from tho rauteriio citlca, lit latgCBianu umu scu-t ivn Fall and Winter ... '. ".,' .'. 1 ...I.IpIi 'hn That has yjl ncen openeu in imimiiiuiuf. " . Invite! tho attention of his friends, nnd nures th"m iiii in nv nri, iiiiereii lur nuie ill kiiu, u.i.-n .... Slock comprises n lane assortment of i;ii.TLU.Mi:N'8vr,AitiNri aitarul, j '..itmw.iitf HiL'tulniT. fif I'VlifV (lefl rrintimi: 1'antM. Veitt-t HlilrU. Cravats btck, Cotton UaUUK.ICUIl'lH, l.HIVCHl OilSi'VliUiil . u-. Gold Wntohoa aud Jewelry. Of evety dedcrlptlon, fine and clieap. , t call and see. No charge for "mii .ood. Illoomsburs. Teb. 13. 1S0I. CJuou IdS'J.j SH ART 1861. 18G4. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE nuLnnxuMOB. 1 ptincll)!l, part improved land, there i. on the premise, a ' 1'Ull.aUMii i ua jv Is Siigarloaf on tho 11th day of Fel . 1 O A M 17 -T , )FTSK I Si by J. K. Fritz, Esq., Mr. Jons Kile, JD XXiVlYirj 11 U OA- gj, Ji, 2E r- ;B 0&i Of Slljnrloaf to SAUEVA GlItro.N of Green-I AND BANK BARN. This Itrcat line traverses the Northern an; vtjftmi hutli nt Id i:i-ti(itT I IIWV" j ' "I ailtM UUUH IJf So" .Mr. J G. RiAl.S, the gcntlemnuly traveling ni'tit of essrs. Reed & llutler, inniitifnoiurfri apl dealers id I)omotic nml Iumoried Stti'irs, Chowiuc and Smok ing Tobucoo. hni bceu in Bloomsburg, a fuw lsjs. iluriig the past week, holiciting and lilling orior. Tho citizens nf our county, dealing in Tobacco, will, if they consult sell-iuton-ft, purchase of Mr. R His ttock,0oth in prieo nnd quality, can not wo bfiiove, be surpassed. He will ngaiu vi il our county, in a short time and jrivo deilurs an opportunity to purchase salonb'o article. CrJ- The anniversary of Genrgo Wash ington's birth occurred on .Monday last. 'I lo only puMin doinonitration made in Jiloomsburg in honor of the occasion was tho firing of national suluatos, by a few patiiolie returned volunteer?. In tho .ivi'iiiii.f ft ball came off at Mai. Koo.n's nrnMnn. l . - -v A -fcT-rT- Tl . T T 1 ..... V.... I....,, un.l Vnr.h uiuiuuu- A. I itillV-ls This irrcai line irnvisi-i 1 1 " -- , 'wt cnnntiea of l'eBUsylvanlato tlm cltyoi t,ne,un n ,p , v -n u oo r icf I IiatO tllO 1-JStare OI PaiU ueceBr-uu. e iuw "".r,,' lea,c,l by the Pennsylvania Railroad Un JllSfiUay I'iVeiling I'CO. aJrtl, Ittll, in lllu totMishlp of Hemlnek and foiiiiiynUireeahl ' rmMiintiv. nod under their auspices is beias rayidly at tho Roaidcnee of Lewis Smith, in, Illoonl8burBi Fchrulry UrtSSflme,,... MuilCy, by the Rev. Albra V. adlQlgli, OoXI'ITIliNS OF SaIiK. 1 fn,,n llarriMiurg to r.inporiuiu. (llJ.oiles)on thel.ast. Lieut. y. S. ALLBV, Of Jorroytnwn, Col- Ton percent of the purchase money to be paid to tho em Division, and from She.held to trie ,,dnlcs)oa the limliia ccillity, to Miss LiFPIE h.. bMITII, , n y,," fiinrtli of th" l-amuce of purchsso money tobo 01 Mutll'V. LvODmitlrr CotllltV. Pa. 1 paid on the conliriiulion of Sale. ,i uui j . j.ji.wiiii.11, uuuiiij, i u. ji (jho reHl(, of,10 purchase money to be paid iu ono On- t ho 11th of Februarv. 18G4. nt St. voartrou. cn . n.. . ..... Paul's I'hurch, by the Rov. Kincstnn COM.MlSSIOSr.lt'3 ATTOUNUV. Amount paid John (i. I'recM. Attorney. I'lIM MI15.HVI'. M.TH ClIdTS. Amount paid sundry persons. 1 iiiiiir"! I'rrn VI'.V. Amount paid D. II. Little KLUCTION KXrUVSUS. Amount paid nt SprniB elfctin. Geusral ulectum. FOX AND WILD CAT 6CALr3. Amount paid to ditl'erent persons. rin:u Amount paid for fuel for Court Houso & Jail. INCIDI'.NTAI.. Amount paid for Stationery for Court, 4.C ' l.uilll IVI'I l,li3Uttil'l Amount paid I.ycoiulnir Insurance Company. IN-aUIISTii. Amount paid Lewis Y. tier, 11m., for Inquest on body of R. Mulsoa. " John Doak, Km- for inquest on body of Thomas Stookcy. .. J. II Kniitlc, llB'i.. for inquest on body of C. tlcDonaU. ' Adam Suit, Usq., for inquest on I.. ..I.. .. dull f'hiMrfn. L. V. Woll.y, LV.. inquest on liody of un unknown women. J.M. I'hamlierlin, llsq., inquest on body of William Miller, Loddard.U. 1).. Dr. J Wilson DeWitt, of Rloomfburg, and Miss Fannie F Mills, of Phila In Berwick, on tho 2d inot., by the Rev. A. M. Bdrnitz, Mr. Henry Fow r.uii, of Rriarcreek township, Col, co, and 1 A T AT. ... A T 11,.. .f XT BnU I'JIS. .1IATXI IU iiUllTlill, Ul peck township, Luzerne county, Pa. On the 11th itist, by thr samo, Mr Alrkrt Buown, of Mifflinvillo, and Miss Ai.lie TitAtiaii, of Berwick, Pa. DEATHS. iNHorwick, Feb. 13, 1801, Eva Euo enia, daughter of J. S., and Maooie P. Sandef.s, aged 4 year, 10 months and 7 days. Our dear little Eva's illness was of short durntion, ninl her death sudden and unrxnectcd. Iter ulfoc- j... I ..niri.i.mta li. In, siliri, llV hnmll, Tind I lie UL-t:rii-i " ; " " . mortaano on the premises. Tho purchaser to pay for the cmnayance. JACOll LM. . i Ulo.iui'biirK. Feb. 13, iai.1. ta, Adinin istrator. of Personal Property. WILL bo exposed to Public Sale, at i the resideneu of the subscriber ill Hemlock I ion Hump, loiumuia couiuy, 1.1 , . Wednesday, the 2 w I of March, 1801. The folloning valuable described property, to,wit. Imv! Head of Horses, two of which are Matches, Five head of Cattle, A lot nf Slinnn. Onf Itrccdina- Sow. Grain bv tho Bushel, Hay by the Ton, Long Straw by the Bundle, Ono Good Nov Sulky. Together with other articles too numerous to men- i1"1- ..... iTr Pale to commence at iu o ciock. on moruiuu m said day, when terms and conditions uill be mado known, by U. 1). II.UIT.MAN. WILLIAM SWITSEK. ,,UCIH'IICIT. Hemlock tup., Fob, ti, liiuL vvesiern .,.vi"i", ,.MncD, ,wn Mall Train leaves, i:al ' J; Express Train" Ma',l - West tAU 1'xnress ' ' " Al " Cnrs urn lliroush witiict ciia-cos both ways on Ihcse tr. ne bUwecn l'liil.idelph.a and Lock Haven, and 11-illlnioro and LOLk Haven. New and eloijmit bleep n C Z nrrnnipnmng the I5,nr.. Train hot h y. Letween Williannpoit and llaltimore, and Uillums- '''rinVoni'uion'rectlns l'a,s,.cr business, a. nlvntthe S. E. Cor. Iltli and Mark.t Ms. 1 Audfor Freisht l.usiiiessof tho; ''""'l'""' . Aff" ?. S. II. Kinsslon, Jr., L'or.l Jth and Market hts., I nil t J.' IV. lti:nnlds, Erm. , J M. Drill. Aireiil N. C. R' n llallimnn'. H. II. Houston, (ien'l. Freight Afc't . I hiladilphla, Lewis I.-Huupt, Ccu'l. Ticket Ast l'luladelpliia. Joseph I), l'otts.C.en'l. Manager, Williainsport. February IS, Will. C3 II 03 II 41 35 32 Gl 53 B7 4011 WI 1.11 Ui) 17S 5(1 I'.'O 00 13 511 WJ 110 CU 01) SOT Oi 93 U0 3.15 5(1 Jui IU 75d UU 1J 55 Cd 7- 3J 10 51 09 13 IS 10 G5 15 13 11 S 13 63 II 1- 77 P'.i Ammin, nni.l Jiirnr nt the several lOllrts. Ii'U .MEDICAL SEIIVICES. Ain't, paid F. C. Harrison, attendance on ''''"TKINTINfl AND ADVF.KTI31Na. Amount paid L. 1. fate. ' V. II. jHcnby. J. rt. Kuudura. " 1'. Juliu. Of this City, has undenMcdly discovered in his -.nv li nation lor me irmuucut ..-e i. "." greatest remedies that ha; . ,e, ' years soini'tlilns over nine thousand case s In Ills pr 1 vate practice, many or hlch had defied tho sk 1 of eminent pliy.lcians in F.urnpe ar.d America, and in every cavo wh-ro the medicines were taken accordiiiB to directions, they havo made a perfect cure. Many of the above cases were of over twcnly years standi . C. m ,. hli.,l w th Mvsi.ctisia would do well to call at the Doctor's offlre. He gi ve, you ad vice free, rerions at a uis.aiicu tun lumm. ., Jcribinc the symptoms. Dr. Wishart s lr.-atme.it put ... . .. . . ... .'...., u iih f.,11 cllrKct ons. s sent by Ul 111 U KWHi - oiptess 01. the receipt cf dix I chronic, Dr. VViiUart's Dyspepsia Fills are nil that is required. Sent by mall on the receipt of One Dnl ar Address Dr. L. a. C. Wisharl, P ''''d10'Pn.i";r',a Jtp.Ma Udgtr, Dec. 19, lCuS-mn. A TTENTION 1 TO ALL WHOM IT MY CO.VCF.1W. The undcrsicned heinjt a tegularly Hcen-ed Auction eer." huieby offers his Berices as such, to nil "Ho n"y feel disposed to five him a cal I. I. eat eipe- rience in tno nui..e, mi. i" " ; ,;,,;. factiun lo Ills customers. v in;- "m all Auctioneers, "not licensed." from., f"""" J"f cnllinit. as tne line meu uj ... ""'l",rv" ,.. r,. surely be imposed, and tho law carried out tp itB fu p J. L tnnliitiin mv services. will extern, nn pir,in .-...i-N " pic.u iniuru. ...o .ui......v.. Light Strett, Nov. 11, UG3. PROSPETUS FOR 1004; Journal of Commerce. THE Proprietors of the New York JOUItNAl( OF CO.M.MEflCE In their l'rospectui. furthoyenr IBM, iay( " Wo bellee thul wo publish The BEST as well as the CttMlWt paper in the Country. Tho Farmer, tho Mechanic, tho Frofesslorral Man,' l:n of all employments, and the families of each and .. . . ... II. ... .11 lunll tilllail In Hint, VIKIltf - H I OI infill ...iu no l'r ' matters of nubile nollcy. is rapidly extending our cir culation. 7e hoionj to no pany. in nru ,iiuci-uu. neutral. Wo express ourown opinions, notlnaopln- ions, noi ii. e ui..ui'ii un .. . m .... .11-,. - ...... I .ul.tj.,, ,vn ,n itlvn th. .YD 1IUUIIVI1 ll-ipi:. ." T.--- - TBUTIL t)ur Coiniii'-rclal lleports, our Market!, our rollllCHi aui uenera. .-,ew uro tu.iuuuj ,i,. ...... sensation character. and wc se.-k to make the paper , 1.. nn.lUnl.r IVu k.inu-lliAl lu IHUirHUAIHl llllirij ,ui.,vi,,-,. ...... . ..... nil matters pertaining lu commerce, trado, aud ginial news no other surpasses us. Wo oppo.n with energy every enemy of the Union. V,.--- ....... Itm A K ..I t , I n t a , A, III nil U.1,,1 ann we inerciore ui'iiusc ,u ..uwn..- ate allied Willi them, ns the most clangorous men i.i .1... ....H,.,n.K- A fhrl,lnn liAtrlnlA WI! onlmSM thftt l.,l..a..,u hlrl, ( llnlV I'ltlftlttei- fill ff Clllircl. Iltld SUtf. reducli.s the rtllijloii ofi.ien to be n mere aid of tb political machine by which radical politician! h pu tu achlcvu office and spoils. I lace me journal u. v.o.i.ini:ni.- v,:.j ... your nuichborhood. Vou cannul do a better work lhau this. In the year 1501 tho country wi I pasi uirougui another crisis. The Prcsldcn.'al Election is at hand. Tho circulation of papers like the Journal of Com in.nee ousht to bo largely increased with refersnco to. this cd'ulng election. Our principles are tho principle, of Unity and I'rosperity, the only principle! on which THE ONION AN15 THE CONSTITUTION CAN HE SAVED AND MADE VTUONO. Let thole who appreciate the iiececsltlcs of the eoua,. try, the Importance of sound instruction for the. young, the vital necessity nf resisting tho efforts which HAD;, ICAL INFIDELITY Id mnkini! to di-base the men of Ihe nation, and tlio.o who bcllevo wilh us that tho only safety of our great republic is In tin Right Education of the People,' circulate CONSF.K VAT1VE newspapers like ours. W . . i i i. in ..... ..,,- .'.il1 lt,i aiihtrrln tiou lists, that radicalism is losing ill hold on the intsl- For.Vews, for Instruction, fur good Morals, Sound Political Sentiments, for a slaady of Amirican Inslitu lions, 'lake, Head. and help to Circulate tha Juurnal or Commcrcv. . , WEEKLY EDITION. The Terms nf Subscription to the Weekly Journal of Hiiritinerce. ...e as follows . WEEKLY, In advance, on -year. 3 copies to one address. 5 copies to onu address IU copic to onu address, i. un .A.il.i.mnnp niti.... . (Additional copies samo rate,) CUII,, BIJk lllu.lli.--l " - IT-V . 1. ....... .if .. n up mr. If lh ll ndil f AHII iS Wll t- ten on each paper, will pay 31 5(1 each copy. For each club of 'M an extra copy in the same ouudl will be iiven tu the person bending the money. . ti u Tii.'iiiiire LARGE DAILY, in advance, one year. " pix months, iu advance. .. end of cacli six luoi.ths, for one month. DAILY JU.NIOU, in advanco. one year. mx months, in advanci. -J copies, one address, 5 copies, one address, C ll.lr.,n.tu m.u.vv, Address. TRIME. STONE. HALE IIALLOCK. January 10, leVil. 3w. New York City. I. Y. S2 OA 3 00 ri Oil IS no MS 09 1 si $10 00 S r, S 5U I ll (1 0-J . ?y. II on S7 W 13 00 0vstev &U0011. npiTE undersigned would announro to to tne puuue mm ne ..an ivm.cu door East of his Uakery, 011 Main Street, RIonnisbuTg, Pa., and Is prepared to nccominndate both Ladies f and Gentlemen. He is prepared to flirnlhsl M Oysters, Wholesale Retail, BY 'J'HE CAN OK OTHERWISE. C. STOIINEll. nioomsbure. Nov. 51. ISM-lt. I .1 - .-..... (l.,..1.r .nlrilu iiiiil.Ki,!.! Iinr f ft 1ilr "E-clianiro Hotel." Tho "Father of hm , bereaved parents, and all with whom she come in OoUUtrV.'' Was born on tho twenty-second ontaet. Hut she is gonel Thu voice that wasoncn vvuuui.j, J i fnen lu-c to our ears, the eye tli.it onco sparkled of February 173-, so that Jlonday was vith ,u,uhti , f,,ce ,i,at Ouco fiuBiie.i ami become . , , i ,..wl ,.nnl. Miii.iit u'lth li,v. inerv chord of that infant heart tl,o one niinurci anu mtrty-a, u-u.- w , lnuipreMlWo ,. has vfrarv of hi.s birth. AltllOUoll not cele- hl..m.. ..cn. C01 ,1. and dull as tho grave. Hut wo liritdj With th-' lioillll and parade that mourn her departure not us those without hope. For liralOJ V711U iu- iiumii , ..,y beloved bis gono. low ii into Hii garden to gather . . . , .1. ..l...-nm.,, nf Ihn llnV ' ... rnarnrlLTIZUIl VU uusunainu J Hllo."-i;mTOIt ll'RWICK UiXBlTE. ... .! .fli'irnnnn nni InVl! for the I -. rli T.i it., noil. f T .r. 1 u units ji.iiii., nn.1""" jf i ypiius I'cvui, on tuu ioiu u. u.ni- Damo aud fuino of Washington Mill have aryi Mn,ids K., aged 0 years, 0 months . ...!.!. la t ll.o ernnt. nnil 11 (Invs ! Oil lllO 1 1 til of FcbrUUrV. nu aniuin'' piacL1 in mi; i.uuii-' u -b , , n , , .t i , J.jjniUK X. , .icu u 1-iirj, xi uiuiiiuo -j-he hrsi named properly is one oi me i.n.si ueira- maS3 Of our people. - I . dav. au,l on tbo 15th of February, I Me reside..ce, in Ulomnsburg lor "rivato famly - tST Wo were visited on Wedneeday , AiuKu.sw.mni, aged 1 year, 5 month, having .11 ';!;-;u're,riu;gn listen ui U11.1H.0 i..,,,,,!.-,,! ,u,i on t lie BT" Should tho foregoing properties, or cither of them, not 1.0 soiu Dy me ... ui offi-red for Hunt. NATHAN J1O.MU0Y . ll'oum.hurg. January 23. 1S04. Houso and Lot for Sale, nPIIE undersigned offers to sell nt Pri- H vate Sale, his divelling House, and Lot nfdround. Willi all thu improvements there- IlaSM! unto helousing, situate on the bout h hast cor- JiBii uer of Third and Iron Btrccts, in llloomsburg, Colum bia county, fa. .--, AJjDU. Anothor Lot of Ground, situate on the South West corner of said Third and Iron Struetc. in lllooiiirburg, whereon is erected a large and few; . """""lIRIfK BlITCIIEH SHOP, .lt-il. With all Uie uctcsnary improvemcntg and convcnien. CfJH. , , . . House and Lot P K S A Ii 13 K A A. THE undersigned mvr& io sell at private sale, a .Is sirablH and pleasant residence locat.-d In Light Street. Columbia co.. about 'U mill's North of lllooms burg, on -Main Fire.'i, nnu reir ' .-. ..v. is erected upon said premises n Roou , Jt FUA.11K DH'ElXi.VG HOUisE, ilSili with a ivell-lltted Store House attached, with tlhlllL an eic.'llent well of water nt thu floor, slabln and fruit trees aud all ntlmr necessary convenieiices, in a high natoof cultivation. Tne fctoro llo.iM'niid bland H 111,11 ii"'" ....... ,.,! nn f-tre trill and aro oi inn n.i inutii i',..- - eliRiblo opening for Iho Mcrcunlilo buslin'ss. he biiildiniT has an open ulasa front, under nan.Uoine awn- in,! auu .'ocimu.. . y ... . h - - - . . fur ti small farm or other real estate. Light Street. Aug. 29.1PrO PEN'ITENTIAUY. Amount paid E. P. I'eiiiteniiarv, 1'KoriIOAOTlAKY Amount paid Jacob 'rly, I'rnthunatary. Amount paid 1'. John, "nstniaslcr. I1DAI) I) AM AUU. Amount pnid sundry persons in llenton. ., .. " lllooiu. ,. ., .. I'ishligcrei-k ., .. liretnwood. .. .. ' Orange, 1ST Wo were visited on n eunesoay aiu rw.Lsw.i.ui , ..get. i u ,. oulu ? , list hv three vctern soldiers, namely, " and 27 dayg, children of JMi.eS . ang u last, nv tiirco vciiin Elizabeth Eves, of Millville, ColumbTii of a dwelling nouso. (J. Edwaiid IJALi., L'orporai ulo. J"-1-; county. pa, nnd J. Weslev Scott, of Couipany G.. , Md m Mr 32ud Regiment Penn a. Volunteers, oi Dvni,.Ij Seiolku. nged about 33 years. Gen. Ciillmoro's Arniy. They have been MlUoni0 (hB , LanaiIi in tho servieo since tho commencement ot o( CnAUI K3 KnAMMj agca about 40 the rebellion , and havo ro-enlittcd for a ycnrg fei"p, if necessary, for Ihreo wore years. 0n tho 22d, in Ilomlock, Martha Thcv arc furtouched for thirty days, at daughter of HiitAM and Maktha Ai'I-le-' . ,- . .l ...., iii n(,rl n tnnnllin. and 11 davs. the expiration oi wmcn, moy inu... "rs AT rounury una, U a ft. tl I A 'Jtd. fri M i I AT PRIVATE SALE. n Hrir lt IIPD Amount paid Daniel Leu recording Treasurer riBVEXOCBTAMP?. Amount paid P. John lor Itcvchiie Siampi. SHERIFF'S HILL. Ain't- l'aid J II. Fiiruuii, conveying prisoners to E S. Penitentiary, and lloosj ot Uefugu, and lunatic tu AisMm llurrisburg. lluarulngi'rloucr, c. SHEEP DAMAGE. Amount paid sundry lursoni, as fullo-i : In llri.ircrcek township. " Ileuloii do . c.itnwiisa do ' l.'entru do - FislungcrecU do " Franklin do (Jreenwood lo " Hemlock d" ' Jatkn d " Locust do Ml. Pleasant do " .Montour di " Mittliil .lladison do " Oraugo do " Fine do ' Hoarlngereck do " Scott !' Sugarloaf do 5 00 1.15 50 til di lii on 4 Oil 3J3 31 310 83 1C7 1G 3 IU 8 no 7.1 24 IIS UU 4li UU 30 DO S72 il 7 75 15'23 ADMINISTltATORS NOTICE. Estitc of Datitel Ahuman, dec a. rETTEUS of adminislraticfl on the A Estate of Daniel Shuman late of Jloine twp., Columbia county, deceased, h.ivo been eranted by the lleci-ter nf Columbia county to the undersigned : all pcron havinc claims against the ostato of the dcee dent aro requested to present them tothe administrator at ('is roidnncc in Catawissa, without delay, and all persons indebted XSm&Mm. Catawissa, Feb. 0, lfctU.-CwS4 ADM INISTlt ATOH'S NOTICE Estate of Eli'is Pealer, dccUl. 3 ETTEHSef administration on the usiaie oi r.iias . I'ealer.late oi risinnccri' ini,j...u...u.,.v.i.---. havpb.'cni!r.intcdbyth.!ltegisicr of Columbia co.. Jo the i .... .i . .n .. n. o. , ii in, viiii, rtniniD neai list tho es tate of the decedent nre re.iieted to present thciiilo the uniUrslRiieM, at I is resilience ... ...'. without delay, and alt persons mdobied to make pay- mu"wu JACOB PEALER, Jtdm'r. ' Oct. 31, ism-nw c-.vj on 3111 72 in 72 60 4t r.' V.7 (.0 10.1 011 it I nu .'.0 73 3 00 ..r, so 4 U(l 151. 511 !Mi Oil 41 73 ind nu 411 112 5J 5U M M t-3 3U 14 00 ADMINISTKATOIl'S NO I I0E. Estate of Peter liets, dec it. T r.TTEUSgf admlniMration oil the i:state nf Peter li'lless. late of Sugarloaf twp.. Columbia ro.. deed, have been crnntcd by the ItcRister of Columbia co.. to theiinilersisned ; all persons having claims acainst the estate of the decedent aro rcTiej-tcl to present them to the Administrator nt his rcidencp in f'11 ehip without delay, and all persons indebted lo maHc paymcu. ,uu,.... M , Nov. 7, pr,3.-ow $3 oo: INTERNATIONAL CHAlN: Or COMMERCIAL COLLEGES', Established in the following cities : PHILADELPHIA, 8.E.CCUNERTril AND CHESTNUT ST3., ZVw York City, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy Providence, Portland, Hartford, Jiur. linton, Newark, liocilcster, Ihiffah Toronto, (Uvchind, Detroit, ChiJag'd, Milwaukee and St. Louis. i. .i .i i .1 n..tUal lii I iiit ton In nil branches pertaining to a finished llimnci Kducatiou. ...it... lira, In fhn M.nln. i no riiiiaaeipinu oi.cuc maul,.-! .t.o. . - both In point of reputation and local advantages- i -.1.. .nt..n ir,,i,i,!tr(-l!,l I.iltirnlion i 110 pnilll n.lliu.l ill m H.''-u where it belong-in the front rank of useful instruc tion. To this end. a most thorough courso of businci. training is ndopted and carefully enforced, under tho personal supervision of competent Professors in tha various departments. Tho must pcrlea sysfm of practical trainins ever devlsrd has been pNit in opcni lion, and is successfully carried ou,l, nfrordins to stud ents advantage! such ns havo hitherto Icon considered possible only in connection mi. i.. cvu,...-ib- After bicoming prollclent in the Science of Accounts, I'tnman.hip, Commercial Calculations nnd Law, thu student is advanced to tbi Practical Departmciit.whero he becomes nu actual Hook-keeper and .Merchant .pas ses throuiih the dilterent Ileuses i acts inturiiasTuller Cashier, dec; learns the duties and rcsponsibiltios of eacn omce, anil in'coinus iiiuiiiuiu, .. -j in tho forms which aio iu universal use, but in iiianag. .. .. . t . ..e i I . ..-lih u.ulnm nnil ili.snfttr.n. ins inu niiiurs m uii'ini" .n. pj-.v Kriinliiri-liiiii. isued at one uoiut. am gooit. lor an unlimited period, ill the eighteen Colleges comprising the "chain " , ,. Diploiuaa are awarded to tnoio oniy wuu i...u.. u. prescribed course of study, aud pass tho riousUs ei amination. . , , 2vForfu particulars seniiiorucircuiiir. . Xddrcea UltVANT. STUAT I ON' k. CO.. Fi b. 13, lfC3. Oct. 18. ISdJ-lSra. THE nndersicned otrers.nt I'rivato Pale, the valuo ' ! r In n tho ItUI'EKT 1ILOCK, s.luato on the corner of .Main and .Market street., Llooun- TIP-HTAVES. 'burr This luoperty will be WK u Amount paid nt the s-velal Curf.. into lots to suit iwrchasers J'l'r;u hl' 'M" " "f " K"" liolllltlWEIl MONEY rood business site, ar requested lo ,5" .' .,.,. .,a Wu). g,ua. borrowed mn, perty. For particulars inquire m y-.t- ... . tiding in Illooms.urg. E. MLNDL.VIIALL. Uloomsburg. Jan, 30, 1604.-tf. . 1000 Oil 40 00 tho iirmy, near Charlciton, South Car- the lOlh i list. , ' ... t r ..n A,l nl,,-ir 01 i,n:lr. (ilina. Thej are ftrong in tno iuuu u. uuan - Dcmocrncy, and having tc"'ci i"0 .'srr Armv of the l'otosiac, under McClellan.i ylffjaMill-iltiX nrcvious to tlu'ir Bhipmcntto ouuvu cauefully coiibui-u "f".-' ...t. l.i..L i.,r.na nf that herOlO , ii . ntn'l'ElL . 30 una, spt'au i .fcj" wiiK.tj. rcr I'u'.'i- General. They orlginaly enlisted in Uer- fo J, wiek.lbU county. W !opo they tll sou Lnveaeoodra,itirhile at home, as Jgjgiju , well a nlroad- Prices Reduced! fta SH&ilMB8i3 has resolved lo try the merits of an exclusively CASH I cd to belt otr his vtock of UlhjiIi at REDUCED PRICES, LADIES AND iUMEB CAI'B, GLOVES. NUniAS, HIIOE3, ItOOTH. AND A GENEltAL VAHIETY OF UOOI13 AT A IIAKGAIN. ! XT' Call and sec his list of pricei, Country Pro duce wanted. , nioomsburg, Jaa. 9, 1661. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SaLE. riMIU Kcol Estate formerly owned by Ellna III. (Uui u-im.i- iu i. -i - i.. t,..,....i... ...ilnmhti, r.inilV. x ivcriii.".' ... iiwiiiswuip, v. n., is offered at Ptivato Sale, consistiiii! of Two frame nweii.ngi k.iu u ;" """,7 ... House, with tho necessary out-buildings, all ill got 0,c Turin! Easy For further Information iuaair! of Samuel Achenbuck, Orangcvlllc, Pa, January v. loot. ..., IIUTl'EIL EGO--- pi)TAlJE3. DRIED APPLES, HAMS UACON, HAY by th ton CAUTttOM. io T hereby caution .ill personi from trust- CO count, she having left my bed nnd board without 1 M causo or provocation, and I am therefore determi.ed 1- not tapay any debts of her contracting, unless compel. 10 lit hv den rour.0 of law 0 00 ' KICHA8D H0R5AV Dissolution of Partnership. NOTIO K is hereby given, that tho part, ncrship horetoforn existing between the subscri bers, ill thO MSBCSNTIlE llUJINKS., ill JctSl'JtOWU, t ll- . I . -...tl ...a.. .... a. ...I. In. ,.n..nl llll till) lin.Dia rOUlll) . uiriiiii.oM .1, ium.-.i.. -- 13th of February, The llooks of'tho lato firm, .. . 1.. iC.n.n 11. ..in (in, 1.1b 11 , Willie. I. Am't. paid Win. Sloan, borruwed money. .. James S. McNiuch, Treasurer pan Intere.t for County. 3 -n " eaui'l Ku.tuiiUider. hor.'d money. 1000 10 ., ., .. interest on same M c.l John Pliarpless, borrowed money. 1,550 10 Interest on same, and on balance of bond whirh ha yet IiuIiIb. ' t' . " Geo. Hughes, int. on bor'd money. 3 J e.i Francis Evans, borrowed money. MD U0 ......... . .mi. iiti. I n,, linhit.ro iii,,-ii.-r. i-n bi.ii-w . of bond which he yet holds. -f " Mrs. IMaiy H. McNiuch, bor'd money 1000 00 iutere.t on samo, a- HJ 3.3'JO 01 TAXE3 ltEFUNnED, Am'ttaxci refunded to 1 honias Hmver. F.lias Hicks. Ain't of road, school and poor refunded lo the different townships. JAMES' H. SMITH, IMPORTER .LVD WI10LF.SJILR nF.ALKn BRANDIES, WIN12S, WHISKEYS, niXB, and Liauor.f, ckseham. So. 3-W H altut tits., between SU )' yn PlllLADEt.l'HIA. r. n. HENRY, Traycling Accnt and Salesman. nyORntRS UtSVCC-ltULLY iJOUClTI!!.. November i Boat Horses for Sale two noon BOAT HOUSES, and II.viiNEss, lor Sn.lr Trained to tho Canal. Apply to tho Kditr of tho Columbia Democrat. February 0, 18Ga. Ojmber'for sale. lot t bowed and sawed limber, tuit- .ico erv 3d 4 C'J 143 3S 113 43 13,403 SO I I j, p. Etta. -oiJ New Drug Store, WIIOLKSALE AND HETAIIi THE tindersisned would inforn1 their frian.lB and tt public g.'iierally,that they have taken Ihe stand for- merly occupied by Geo. .M llacenbuch, iutho Eschnuea lluildinc on Main street, in Uloomsburr'i whero hej.ii! Just received a full supply uf EDmgM, Mi diciiics, I'aiats, LjUh, IVnlcn will oe pniii .... i.iui.er.iii' iltui- ii wa.iy 'n. Also, NOTION'S generally, of every variety, sortand size. Physicians' prescription! carcfuljy compounded. l all times and on short notice. EV Conf. ctionciy of tho toil selections, nnd t?oda 1 Water in season. ... I (p- A share of the public tutton U tcipettfully i- V 'C"ed' F.YEP. li MOYF.lt. nioomsburg, April 11. leuJ. . . t . ll.i,... n- ltm Oil T Cfl.wlt. jui ami tantri, "HI ba fU ctwP oi "Pw'J" Hll ointi', - ,-----. - AUCTIONEER. THE undersigned iufornn his friendg and fnlloiv-ciliiens throughout this nnd the ad olnz couiitiis.thal lie is a regularly licensed auctioneer under the Unite,! Stales Laws, and is prepared to rj an Cl'llCKBK rerpsi'. 5 I.oeusl -f Cel. o , Jaa !, 1154 -Jlp WHOLE AMOUNT OF OP.DEI13 Issued for the year leil'J, ueauci am t pueep i.n..r.Bu uiun. i"u" n. lam oi riuiuuij. "' ."r rr lain vcar. jail si will remain In tho etorc. in ho hands-of illlani jf,ta" , "fun.l-.i , to twp.. 113 43 Kramer for settlement Thu Mercantile nusii.ess.will '" J1"" S ,,' -0.l innnev re-naid. be continued at the oW Bland, by Conrad Kramer. O r (lflIjlri",Tlron nui ' P MM 9 whom a eonliiiuon.e of public i.istoiu I. respectfully and idibhsi on samv. t;a M !Olicltedi CilNHAD UREAMLIl. , . - r,,uven ,HW.lU'1AM KKKAM Actual expenditure, for tha year 1MB. tUMl Jcrssytnwn, February n. Ifnl. , ... .. rtnimnM. fnnniv. ,.- we. me uiuiur.iiiiiiiiu om..'. 1MAVWBI lll.WMf?' ! belnj duly elected to adjust and settle thdacsount or bLAMV fi! 1JJJ.S10, 1 the TrisiUrer and Connussionsrs. d esrflfy that wa Otsrery dt-ipttons for mle at thi o5ca t f t r-mi.iMi-ts piio-ii.uh. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. "100 ililferc lit styles, best assortment in tin City, and .ellinz ut very low pricei. Bend for a Catalogue, ii iu. VM. O. PEItllY. Pubusihr. S. W. Cor. Fourth and Usee, Vv. 1 1, ier,3-3.n PIIILAtlELrillA aTiOGAN GllIM, Attorney and Counsellor at Lau's LAPOKTE. SULLIVAN CO., PA- October ' 1 tia.in iir ivtrnl vonrs einerinse hi the he flatter himself tl'.M ho wjll fco utle to give faction tU all who employ tlm 9HiIIARTi 1 Danvillo, Jan, 30, leCt Cooper iwp, business-. satis- irituiim, nt, vu.ii ii. . . r4T" Militiiry asd other claims promptly amnucn io r M, IEW. m ' LEATHER! LEATHER! ! ft n-MIEutidetslsncd would announce, that he hasonhar d 1(1 JL utiii Hal ami Caii Empnriuai. oa .tiain hi., inooms. m burg, an assortment of diirsrcut kind oi leaiuer. sucn fine calf skina, moratco,(iod andhlacxjond linings all ji cf which he will sell cheaper than can be had elsewherol in this matkel. Call aad eierulnc them for y'""' j n 1 1 n t.fiit ru r . v nieomshurg.May tl, I'M. HOUSE W PETER YOllE & SON. Sttly rrlntsd on new ahd bsautiful plates, on shit ' isctits t thi Ort's ot lit "CiavHsu DtMcekiT." HAVE recently opened a HOOT AND SHOE BHO i i in LiaitTOTUCET. Columbia county. Pa., anrt nf H pr.M)srea lo aa mm ov.i noi. in .ii.-n----' . , , .. .u. In.wi.1 fiiiada AtWtf lL&ln a .til Afrfi li; A Ml J ... a