DEMOCRAT i 9 AND BLOOMSBUHG GENERAL ADVERTISER, LEVI I. TAT IS, EDITOR TERMS: J2' 00 PER ANNUM. "TO HOLD AND TKDI TIIK TOUCH OP TRUTII AND A' AVE IT O'ER TUB DARKENED EARTH." Vol. 17. no, 52. BLOOMSBUHG, COUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1864. VOLUME 27, OLUMBTA PINE TfFlEE iJLlllDi A if 1 Saturday Morning, Feb. 27,1 0G4. 5s Hie Vilnl Principle of the I'luc Tree. Lincoln's Reconstruction.--Gen. Banko Master of the Situation. -Department of the Guif. New Orleans, January 21. THE MASTER OV THE SITUATION. An "autograph" letter from Mr. Jin coin to Gcucralljanks was read at a ncot iug tho other night, which isthu3 reputed in the radical Tunes, The snoakir said 'tho reorganization of Louisiaia was ! greatly desirod bjr tho shortest possible method, was desired uot onlyly tho loyal people of tho State, but of the United Stated and by the President, aud to show tho desires of the Presided and tho high authority by which Banks's pro clamation was su-tainrJ, read an auto- Clitiiincd by a neriillar nrnrPM In ihi tl.iitii.ilr... .r lie lnr, by which Its lilgheft medicinal rrocrlln urn Cocretpondciuo oftlm Now York World . It Ih (lie mullclno that cure), wlien all otticrs liato ' fill .id. I A Jrcat KciiH(! fur ('(iimimptinn. t nm rnintnnlty receiving such cvrtlfirntct ni the follow Jug. HEAD ITI llnvo yon a L'ourrh I Havo you Snro Throat f Ilatn you nny ' f tho prihintutory symptoms of that moil t.itiil tlisorio. ''on.umptinn t Thorni twin linu'.i he unrno.l hy tliefc lymptnm. sen orally think lightly of th.m uniil It 1. too late. Trooi till, fact, itrlinu more than any other, nriioi tho tail lirevnl-ncu ami I.Ualily cf tllt.-ni9 which nwccnata Uu litavo nt iittoiie xUtli of Death's hlliiu. What ur-j It symptoms I It ti.ually li-vitia wlih n .ln rt.tlry tnuali. which soon Womoi li 1 1) . J ii :i 1 . I. in i,,r mini lime iiulhini! I. raised tcfpt n Iruthy mucin. Tho bmiliilhft ia mime-what illffiriilt, unil upon hIUIh escrri.e iniirh hurried. A nemo of tlflitn ff s nuil nipr'ii.iuu a" the Hie.t Is often felt. As tin) dist'n.c mhanron l!m patient become thin In llerh I. nllliitod with loss nf appetite, crout latiijor, Indolence, uu I ilfjcitina of iiirlts ; mi 'I may rnutinu; In lilt.. Mat" fori ri'ii.lderablo h'nith of time, tlnl Iti.veiy readily nllVi tcil hy tlirjil I'ipomiro or tlttlL'tltt II tlti'.e net ur. tho r.nueli hi'muic. mtire li-nu. I lili'somc, nml . nltcii led with i"i"ilotntioii. whkh I. ,,...,.), liir f M T l.nnln Int!.. umtt ciipiuti. and free very early hi tho mommc It rSrJP" ,cttor 01 "IT. JjlICOIIl, Mating til". i iimctiims mreakod with l.tnud. At thin rlaijo ntclit- ijr.airnlilr'lir.s. nf inmprlinln fri'n S'iitr, HW-cat. u.ually In, anl in mime ran';, a propine ' "t-siniuiciitss 01 an llimiuiaiO iriO ftaie Meeiimi! ni we luiir. may aim incur, rain In mine or' lii7 it nn nf llin K".tp inil (Innm-nl part ufthi; client I. fell, uml olten a difficulty uf Ijlnir 0IV,,lz'll',n ' S'tei l,t General J.tuks was master if the situation, and was authorized to tako the case as he fouud it ; and adapt sueh meaMircs as ho might deem iiPMssary to give Louisiana a fri'e State orgroization iu the shortest pos siblc time, '.'hat it was not designed that any out- else should lo thwart liis ((ten. UauU'ft,) measures, but if nuy such attempts veiu inado lie was tti 1 master of ihe citua'ion while he was in command of the di'pulment." i 'I hit astounding announcevient. show- iiij; ilat the Comma nder-iti-Chicf of the in tires of tho United States has commit ted to his lu'utciiatit in this department the priYirr (which bayonets fully give him) of iioiildiug the lutiiro vonditinii of tilings .'.ere in all repents, without nppual, cx ct'pi to liimsell', lias (pjiMiched all opposi tion lo hi-, plans and designs. Even Thos, . , Duratit, who insists on admitting the fiee negroes to present right of suffrage, maiigre all laws and eontitutioas, ami who was the randidule of the Jim and ils upon one or Iiu' ntlir t.l... wilhout .vorn lilt nf louahlni; or a Hiniro if fullticH or rutloialion, In x pprlrnci'tl. Tho pnN. hocniin i. full, hard, and frciipnt tin; hi ctlR ll I'll ti!i-i tho i-hci ki, and tin- .lire malady ix fat hanlonini to it. . In. Vim mm ink "I. th"r a fori' I" roiMiiniilion has hu.'n mill can h i cnri'il hy th' its'! of my TAi'.CuaoMi., oven in aiiparaiillv hoptdi'K. Tii as.ortini 1 nril.o ith tho ability to premMit Ih" inot roioplttt' oviili'iico i ftiio truth, hparo will Jmt inluilt of my L'h Ini Ih'Toiitout. oriho many tliiiuau.U of in it. v.iliii, whirh 1 haV'i hi'ioiaud am r!i'iMvMu limn nn n an-l wmtn'ii of un'pi',!'iiimaliio worth and reputation I li ivc h 1 1 a numb t of tln'H : ri'ttiflcali'it.piinloil in rti ul i f.iiiuwhun I will mi.I ynu Irro mi application Vh'-tlifr ,ou uov di-terniiui to try I'o' in 'ilicin.' ur nut, ,.'nd III, i AtVr ) .mi-, i f Mwlv an I ovp"rinii')it, I i.tlW thi ui.'.lii iiu li dlei nn; it 1011 llia In si ri'oii'dy foi all puliii'ioar. uu I liriuirlii il iliHi-a..-., If v. in c in nut N.j ItciwOlt 'd hy lti. u..' i-l i'i.' Tar tr lial. I I. ln v a i mi ar.. h.'y.tiiil nil ca I ti ul I. V.i u" ilit-rt an- h ti 1 urato aii ntr. 1 i-nrin-oilv a h i,c tit. i r u. 'Ini'h"l rt'iu,lii'-. th; !. st i ar.i. ar n i t in I'm.,, utln I with tin ill-, i-u.o I. I mii i:n, to li.' nn. I M I a. . v i ti, tr it. M.m , mil i.nlv ..f ih.- . ii phj .ti i.ins ul .'-wry pchiini ,uiii jiMt-iit'i'. aro tl.iit, j.kiini'. "Whall.lh" jo mcipl'- or tans.' nf ymir in Ih lr.-nitu.inl ul i'ulmii.iary t'u.i-uinjiIiiiiM ' My -tu.ut-r l. thi. Th ltivui..tii! ,il in.' ilijttMtlv,' tiridilit tlK ,lr.N.. th ' iaj nt Hit- .it hint it. .1 iy.l.'i,i tin- piwith-.tti-oi -mil curif tnu.'iil uf Oi - hli.uil. uu i , xp I frmn tit - s -i m Chi. fuirupthoi which ri.fiila l.r.-.!'. IVhih- t!iii. 1. r.rnti',1 l, th miw fiinl .it -rat:-.' f'hmiiTirit' ftoiu .IU . .iio to health; iirui.-rtli. ..t in.t 'J'.'ir I 'ordijl, it. ht-al im; tlii't r -loiVHtim; lirllli tph' is .ll. i lu-Uitj; llinoi th.; im il-.'-l -.urf.i'-. . l tin- Iiiiiim .-i-il pouoli.iliui.' In .mi h di'.i'.i.fil p..rt. i .it i - i , null I in ji ir mt! i mat i in unit iu to my a h,t ili' itn.l-oi). l.i't (his twii.ful, p.iw r, Mi h ali'ii; an I th - .Ip-iulli 'nini, iiulinu" o ml in etioj t.n Mi-n with' ...itn i . en. i. taut romp-ratli ..'it lout; . .in , th'-ji (in nt 1 1 . iv.;.l, it h" b.i. nut .0'i luiu tit-i.i.t'a a rtfini tu t.i'; i;i.iaii. .it caro. i.i:v r: j monf, or in combination with unprincipled met, monopolizes o ir posts of honor, ro spcetibility aud duty I" This strong laDguage no doubt contributed to bin sub sequent nomination for Governor. THE INrUSION OF COLOR. Not to bo altogether put out of consid eration by you or me, beoauso we aro not accustomed to regard it as possible, is tho likelihood that the demand of tho ''free colored people, who only lucludc with thorn those born free, will be admitted to the clcctivo franchise. Gon. Shipley de clared that he could not grant their de mand, and Genoral Banks returned them no answer: but ihey have now sent P. M. Townc, one of their number, who is near ly white, to see their "great father," tho President, iu the hope that ho will admit them to the ballot-bos. Why not T Mr. Lincoln has as much power to do this as he has to prescribe terms aud qualifiea lions to the white voters, and by includ ing all who have negro blood in them can secure an enormous vote. Major Plum Icy, ol Pennsylvania, a white officer iu high position, mado a t-pcech at their last meeting, in which he expressed a wish that he had negro bipod iu his veins. THE DRUM F.CCLE31.VST10 Address of Jeff Davis to the Con federate Armies. Tho last Richmond papers contain tho following address of Jeff Davis to tho ar mios of the Confcdorato States. It is bold doGancs and hopeful and certainly doos not show much of a disposition to give up tho fight. Wc fear when our armies loavo their Winter quarters and start out on tho Spring campaign wo will hoar of hard er fighting than has yet been witnessed m tins war : Soldiers ok the Armies or tub Con federate States : In the long and bloody war in which your country is engaged you havo achiev ed many noblo triumphs. You havo won glorious victories over vastly moro nume rous hosts. You have carefully borno privations and toil to which you were un used You havo readily submitted to re strain upon your individual will, that thu citizen might better perform his duty to the State as a soldier. To all these you havo lately added nuolhcr triumph tho noblest of human conquests a victory over yourselves. As tho timo drj:w uear when you who first ontorod tho scrvieo might well have been cxpoctcd to claim rcliof from your ardurotis labors and res toration to the endearments of homo, you strainod energies of tko enemy. IIU cam- J crushed with pauperism dud starvation. paign of 1804 must, from the oxliaustiou i Tho following foreshadows, as in tho glass of his resources of raon and monoy, bo far ' globo of tho niagioan, our future fata: loss formidable than those of the last two rr"' ,'"nilon I1"a,', Wi-J . . . , Iscrkase in Pauperism. As ii,-' ciU'vi i.i:fi;i r.i Tha 'num.! in,, tlw iruuuofih' pr,i,,ii md 'i join' lr- l.l'iv-t,-, in I..0 liiilll . rill ut.'i'.i. art; .;nri u lll'lt'ltloU'. I'k.i k I'li'iv rise. iii Ii. r I'nu u ?t.i l.'firi: -l'r pirod only h ih.- pr-'ii-.t"i. itr. .. () . USSlUiri'. No. 1 1) .Niiitri! Sr.. PIllLADiaiMHA, PA. !; Xulr Ll all Drltjjgi.ts. Ilt'.i'inl.i r P.i. fi.3- i.iii. i i ,t. ii r . ..r The arrival of BWiop Ames, of the ,mvr ucouuu ou,-v lU0 c;m "l uur 6U"U'" Northern Methodist ICpisoopal church, D8 couutr Agaiu you oorac to tender from which the Methodist Episcopal churth , yup BOrvioc fnr ,bc Public feneo-afrec South was cparato,l years ago, lias at last ! olTeriDS' wh!cU oul' such l'at"Otism as taken place. He has been cominisMoued, j0"" could ,ua-a triumph worthy of we were told by Northern newspapers, to ! -vou 1111(1 of tbo caus0 10 whioh arc de' come to tho South aud fill the vacuut pul- 1 volt'd- pits with "loyal ministers." His eommia- i 1 would in vaiu """'"P1 adequatelj to sion seems to Lave .been ismied by ihe , express tho emotions with which I rcceiv chief civil and military rulers, for he, too'ed'the testiuiouials of confidenoo and ra is "master of tho situation." It U easy ' Sa' d wllioh 'ou 1,ave recently addressed to make va.auoies when "the fundamental ' t0 me- To sorae of tl,os0 fir3t "coived law of tho State is martial law." as Ut-n. "parous ackuowledgmcnis wero returned L Banks r0i in his prorlamatiou. The but it is now apparent that a like gencroue provost marshal makes the vacancy, and ' enthusiasm pervades the whole array, and Bishop Ames fills it. , tuattuo oniy exception Suou umguum- Jn tho arrival of Bishoo Ames, thn K-a 'ous tender will be of those who, having ' ' ., ... 1 . I . .1 ! - originally cuiercu inr uu; war, canuoi uia play anew their zeal in the publie service. It is therefore deemed appropriate, and it is hoped will bo equally acceptable, to years, when tinimpared means wero used with boundless prodigalitios, and with re sults which aro suggested by tho mention of tho names of Shiloli, Perryville, Mur it . ... ni 1 i. "... A T . .. .. lrCP.Shnrn autl tUO VjlllOKauo niuy, lununns- ,i - ... i. e uucsuoro ami iuu umv-r. u , transpired that thoro was an mcreaso of sas, l-rcdorickflburg and ChanceBorsviUe. fiv0 tf10USfin(1 ;Q ,he mimbor receiving ro Soldiors asuurod success waits us in i iier from local committeea only. 'J hus, our holy struggle for liberty and independ-1 than in seven days, over eleven thousand ence and for tho reservation of all that , extra persons wero turown out oi, aim re- renders lifo dcsircablo to honorablo inon. When that success shall bo roachod, to you . . 1 .. . ' 1 your country s uopo auu priuu, unuur Divine Providenoo, will it bo duo. The fruits of that success will not ba reaped by you alone; but your children and your children's children in long generations to como will enjoy tho blessings derived from you that will preserve your memory ever living in their hearts. Citizen defenders of the bomcs,tho liber tics and altars of tho coufederaoy That tho God whom wo all humbly worship may shield you with His fatherly oaro, and prcsorvo you for safe return to the peace ful enjoyment of your friends and the associations of thoso you most love, is the earnest prayer of your Commander-in-Chief. JEFFERSON DAVIS. lNcitnASE in Pauperism. As wo an ticipated, tho returns rsooived from tho cotton districts for the week ending tho Oth instant, Five thousand oao huudrod and thirty-three additional persona wore Go quick : leave the room 1" and cov- . 1 . . 1 . l.l; I I.-. 1 !l -I...I . . . .. . piacou on too pa:un uuoks, uuu ii. auu u woman in a bod room I cannot desoribo my sensstiou. I said soraotbing, I don't know what it was but tho lady lighted her lamp, looked, stared at mo anJnsUrit, turned as whito as a pillow casc,and screamed : 'Whoaroyoa! How oamo you hero? nuired to bo supported bp either tho rata naver or nhblio charity. Had this lam outablo stato of affairs been brought about solely through tho severity ot tue weatucr, forcing thoso engaged out of doors to desist from their occupations-wo should not havo felt thcro was much cause for uneasiness ; but it is stated by the honor ary Secretary to tho Central Committee that tho unfortuuato result is due lo tho closuro o( several mills, aud to doc.reasod employment generally,' owing to the un. curtaining the present price of cotton be ing maintained. At ttio present lime Jjancasuirc is sup porting 141,852 paupers, and we may orlculato that local .committees aro main taining somo eighty or ninety thousand additional, so that the unemployed popu lation of the round numbers at a quarter f a million. Trout tho Con.tltutional Union. Our Debt audits Consequences. The following picturo of tho paupersism in England ia the original from which a photograph may bo taken of the condition to which wc arc fast verging under thu ; lecture was well euough,but I got into such impulsive force of accumulating debt, Mr. ' an awful scrapo after it was over, that I cring hsr faeo with her bauds, she sobbed hysterically." 1 was petriflod. Of courso, 1 wasquito as auxious to leave as she was to have mo. But. in my confusion, instead of going out tho door I came iu, I unlocked tho door, and walked into a closet." "Bcloro I could rectify my error thoro came a terrible thundering at tho door. The lady screamed j tho noise increased, ( and I felt peculiar j knowing very well that now tho lady's real husband was coming, and that I was in rather a bad fix." ''Vcll aware that it would uot do to to main in tho closet, and convinced of tho danger of meeting a man who might fall into vulgar weakness of being jealous, I was trying to collect my soattorcd sensea in tho darkness, when tho lady whispered to mo In a wild manner. "What shall 1 do? If you do uot go ho will kill ice." "Oh ! but consider " AN ADVENTURE; 1 "'Ihe thundering of tho door drowned "1 never attended but one tcmporance : voice, Sho flew to tho open door. As lseturc," said our feiend B, with a pceii-, wrathful husband burst into tho room, liar BiuiU "and don't think I nhall ever . r- thought I felt n littlo.cold, and crept un attend another." : ar some garmonts "hanging in iho closet." "You probably found it dry?" ! "The gruff voice roared and stormed. "Well, yes, but that isn't it. The Othelo was jealous aud revengeful; Dcs- (Icmona innocent anil distressed then l chief organ of tho "master of the situa tion," announced that lie would preach in the Carondelut street church. That build- liietuli coventor, who hud nut hinnclf insr was in the hands of its coii!roiatian. o a--o 1 , , , . , . and liia "Free State General Committee" who belong, uot to tho church of which mnUo a cneral, lusted u in anta-onisiii to hia nlati. thoush thev 1 Bishon Ames id a member, hut to that - f successivo special rssponses. Would eol-My i-giei'.l to take pi.rl in the elcetion, ;tirely 'separate bodv, tho "Methodist that it were possible to render my thanks i . i r Church South." from which it is an cu- to you iu person, auu, in me name oi our ti.elv disconnected as U th Church of common couutry, as well as in my own, ISnaland from the Roman Catholic church. llilc PlessiuS thc 1,aud of cacU war worn His announcement was without atr.hnitv , veteran, to recognize his title to our love, a id he did uot nreach : but the nantor of gratitude and admiration. on the C2d of February for members of a ; ihe church, Mr. Davies, did, declining to ' Soldiers By your will for you and has at luft been thrown overboard by his moro pliable associates. In tho meantime they have, wish doftVd hats, presented themselves iu the uuvcrument palace and arki'd the viceroy to permit them to vote convention to change thu Ucnsutiition to all which his cxcelLw-y graciously con sented. win is to he oon ernou! Volunteers aud Conscripts ! M"0) pv.lill"r. or anv others w.him to Im'H a.': t.'n'lr 1 indium', ih ro i. no h. Itor i.'a I'iIoiub m at tin. :nu '. man troiu Hi" M.lti ul our iatih.u. 'liny ur.' atranlml .-ih lit iir-.i-ut d I "I'ailieulaily fur orlic I in Ilia Army mid lra clliTi. "Frank ..Wit.'., l'v, hual and chtapox lim -pi.-cj. v ct off r i'd."-.V, 1' Jllailra'nl ,'.io-. Jin. III. Vir pri'tu and VNutriioa for Hi.' Army." .V II. jiriaij &,-.Xnriu Journal iov.-m t rau, Aiil"2'I. 1.IIII1 ,. lilt' UIU'-.I .lliu un". i.-ii.iiiit; iiijitni-n lit ai- ne." ii 1'iHf A., Inly a . MAGIC TIMH OBSKBVKRS,- lining a Hunting or n,iu l'w or Lady's or ti-ntlt; man'. Watih I' wild I'.ttont Si'lf-windiii)! Inipiuvuiu' nt, a iiiii'-t I lei.iu Novi lty. I tit- .it th.' pr tt.i'.t run. I t.uiv "int'iit, and tied Ifilly lliu lifnaud clu'iipist Urn" pice- lor smn-ral and ri'li.i Mo una tt r otl'or I it Ii.-i.-i w ithiu it mi'l t-ii'iiu'eli-d i Hi lis mat hinrry lit ..w u w mi .in? atlm hat -nt.rt'inl' cuii;' a kt'j t'lilir.-it uuu 'c tsarv. Th i n.i. of tin. alth ar.; ciin.i o.iJ 1 1 two no ul -, tie outi-r mio h -nut lino In rarai nuui. II ha., th improved ruby intion iuver inovouo'iit. .mil i. w.iiraiit I an accini'' tini'! liiocL1. Price, nipi'i dy fntrawd. n r ci.eoi hall ilo.. n SJU4. Hamjilu WaUh 'H in neat u.urULCo buto, 5)5. first Cla.B II lining I'mii- I'lt-ofd for atc.irncy ofiuovf. inmil. h'autv ofm-t-rii1, nu-l nil, rli-apni . 1 in price, tlieno watt hi-, inu-t insiito I appiuli ilion. I .Ml ilnll.ilion sti 1 jiiiiK-ja 111 11 11 i iior '" . ., . r. .1 -I . .1 . ,, , . uneti hy the mont espcrn'iiti'd jii.iirm. The Hiatal., 1 resiyu to their use, after the election, the ; Mr, Davies afterward, callin" htm Bishop Iho other one llr.l iualily cSU'iliny Silver, while Hie I , ,1 11 nil . . . . . . inner om- n C-rtnau riilvt r, it rannnt Uf rccosniZtid hy j rooms lie UOW OCCUplCS 10 tUO 1. 11 V tlall AlllCS, when the explanation WSS UiaOC. oeahuun'duS who will get all tho ' A bold soldier certainly is Chaplain Kine- kTi,,.VMc i.nh--.jV!iiiiior in ia.' Army i. a i.ourc(! Germans and who is individually a tif mormon.- pmllt. ritailms. .u lln-y M-ry readily 110, ul S-'.i unit upw Urdu. Many huudrtM uouirs an Chase's fiuancierinc skill. Mr. Stanton's extravagance, and Mr. Welles' reckless ness. The debt of Great Dritaiu was created after tho "glorious rovolutiou," when Dutch Billy supplanted his father-in-law, James ihe Second in 1088, and increasing continuously under tho expan sive power of continental wars, maintained heard ominous sounds, as of somo. one looking under the bed." "l Know he is here. 1 saw mm como into tho houso with you. You lorked tho ' door ! I'll have his heart out !'' "Hear tno I hear me ! I will explain '." "As I was litfteuing very attentively for thc explanation, tbo garments under which lifted, aud iu such a siiios supplied to foreign powers to aid !tho awful scciic, when somebody took my situation, by such 'a husbaud," heir proseculion.scarccly doublce, iu a'arin." j "Well B u," we cried deeply iu- i . . i i ii i t 1 give way to Bit-hop Ames. tlJC people are nut one i nave uccn piaeea The Lra aud a correspondent havo ' in a r!ition wlliul1 debara mo from suar" made this the subject of comment, and cs- ' "ig your dangers, your sufferings and neciallv tho fact xhat tho pastor leaved ' 'ur privatioca iu the field. With pride Ai to tho candidacy for governor three for iho President of tho Stales," without j and affection my heart has accompanied feom now tho most prominent Judge ! using any qualifying word. 'I ho Jim 'ou in evcry ,llarcl1 i wit1' solicitude it Whituker, who ha. been iiomiuated by the 1 concludes with the hope that Bishop Ames i uas s0USut 10 "'-lister to your every want ; 'Tunes" and the 'City Hall' clique, as it ; will "root out all pernicious secession wUh exultation it has marked your every iseallfd, bcinji the Batler aud Shcploy seeds Irom his sniritual rardeu." heroic achievement ; yet never iu the toil- man ; Atocha , who will have the military The correspondent of tho Vei, who ! sorac march uor Ju the weary vatsb, uor never think of temperance meetings with out a tuddcu shudder. I'll toll you about it. It won in Jersey Citv whore I was Botncthiug of astaugcr, and thc night was ouo of tho worst of the season. Boreas I , how it blewl It was enough lo tako your i breath away. Well, the ltctttro was ove'r, aud making up my way through thc crowd I "ds concealed were quietly almost uninterruptedly, and tho liberal I lingered in tho doorway, contemplating , -aoi'V leol'.ug, discovered, sudsiiio in their ccnturv aud a half, tho amount our "fast! "Where have you been!" said the ' tereitcd, for wc knew every word of his young men" have contrived to lavish in 'sweetest voico in tho world. "I hT0 story wan true, "how did you get out of less thau three years. But the stoppage ' been looking for you everywhere." j the scrape." of specie payinonts led to printing; and! "Very much surprised, I turEod my, "I used a violent remedy for so violent the two war secretaries being liberally ; head and saw ; but I can't describe her & complaint. Driven in a burner, liiy tifo supplied with greenbacks and other cvi- i i' makes mo mad to think how prodigeous , in danger perceiving at a glanco that dences of debt, becamo in a short time, pretty she was." Othelo was not siring as I was, I throw like all other spendthrifts, careless iu "With her left baud she leaned on my , myself upon him aud held him there until their expenditures, oaring little whether arm ; and she was arranging her veil with j I had givru a full explanation of tho orrur the ''flimsies" wont into tho pockets ho: light, and did not ciliec my surprise, ' made him hear reason, and tamed him to "ou havo been looking for mo, 1 fal-1 ho as -rcutlc as a lamb. Then I Icft. rnlh tercd." cr uncerimously, havo uoTor seen Othelo "Como let us be going," was tho reply,! Aa'j Dedcmoua since." pressing my arm." w "A thrill went to my heart. What to Expanding the Luugs. books of hired agents whether they vanished as a regular "knock-down" or were openly paid us a premium for pro tended services. But the increase in tho prices of all vote aud that of all who are afraid of the 1 was prcjent.says that "Chaplain Kinstou" i iu lhe dusperatc assault have you render-( juou-.y t0 ascertain the moans of meeting ' of which prevented any conversation. At ... .... . . ' c 1 ...i - : .1 : ..t. r !. ' . . . ... . . . . .. , 1 -.i court ; and Mr. Uahn, lately j who went into tho pulpit and sat there (Juiou member of Congress in this btale while the pastor conducted tho cervices, There is a story afloat that the two laitcr and who made tho final prayer at his re am so coufidect of an 'election that they 1 qucs-t thought all thc whilo that it was havo asked Governor Sheplcy if ho will I Bishop Ames, and hold out his hand to cd a service so decisive iu results as- ia tho payments 0f interest and providing for the length sho said with a sorcam- good W ! fellow, has the call. .stou, going into a pulpit without beini: liven John Galpio, : kuowu to or by its occupants. At all 'IrTB.Ki.ou" ImI; "uSm 1 popular rcMauiaut koepcr, who was evcuts, ho heard nothing amiss. Thecor ??,kv hi'if 1 nominated, decline? iu his favor. t respondent concludes, "We must havo in din-on. $r.ti. Hlt only bv tlw c.i.i .l it j TIIEHB MAY J1E NO ElD TI0.V. mum n u M' " "aith, "ill acini watchf hy exhrt'st to any I'.itt ur . ..... 1 1 i.uii... i.riuii mi ill li I'n rv. last display of the highest qualities of de votion and self-saorifieo which can adorn the character of thc warrior patriot. Al ready the pulso of tho whole people heals in unison with yours ; already they com-- I pare our spontaneous and unanimous offor of your lives for thc dofeneo of your coun try with the halting and reluctant service of tho mercenaries who are purchased by tho enemy ut thc price of higher bounties than havo hitherto been kuowu tn war. our churches men loyal," not merely to After all, though General Banks ia pros-: tho United Stales, hut "to tho ago and cut ' master of all the situation," tho mal- loyal to all future progress, freadom and uni 1.... !..,!,.. .ii.lnv.'il 'it mult lemit ra.ll in . nnntdn.a nry. rl.tPl'intnori tllrlt nil nlpptllin Imninnttr ' t.Oiif i.I,ii.i.Iaq ' rn,Anll, nilvanco, as tho 'xp'O'Seompaiiii'i' pere'inptoiily retuc i . uiakinecoiioetiou. m miii .iiini-ioui huaitK'n. u'e gj,aji j,e titil d at tho time and iu the oau-1 must bo filled with Abolitionists that is the (.lurauli'ii th i -ul'-' ihliverv 'f nil Watilie. wlitlher i tii-yaru Hunt iiy nun or ir.'ini. . . per set forth. Some wan: every man liero , doctrine of tho new dispsnsation, Today ' ii i - tin t! ii ninm . Mi.le Iiimorifrj. ' . . . r ' J r-. 1 1 1 , tl.u l..vfil SI.lf,K. rnlt.'rllllL' hiilani" of hill Oil lltll vorv Thu i''iiiirm buyers anuiiiKl trail I, ptviii; th'iu their Mulches Imlnre paym.'t.i i p- pnrt-u 171 Ilroailway. ctir.l.'nrllandt fctieet, .tw YutK. Vthruaryild, W'i Lafliaivamia iV llioomslmrir Railroad rs AM) li.v I AI' JN. I"1. IJ04 TUAlXd WILL KL'N AS iT.LI.OWri M O V I X u S O U T 11. I'antng ir. Leave Prrantnn, KingKlon ... . It'ooiutiliurj; . . . liuprrt, " Dauvilli'. Arnvo ut.N'utthiiinbeilan.l, M O V 1 N 11 ii O R T II Leavo Norlhuinrn'tlaH'l. " imnville, Rupirl, ''' lilmim.hurg ' Kinentou, Arrive u.l rienintnii, ....aii, 'iu li.i.keuire l'a8i'Heiii lakina PASSEN'CKlt in 1'. r-,'J5 f.:u 11.11 SHO A.M. . ' y.'j.' 1 9.31 I ill P. M , 1.31) '""' ... ,n I. . l , Kreitht '.imeiigcr cave. iuoouisiiiii. " ' r r igm . r. t T,ntl, .,,.(!, rcnui'rl with he i:tire train from Norlird, nrrltinf at I nrmbiire ,"V .. ., '. : no a M . .iiid ut P hi hi e nhu nt5I..iu .i. ii.. ii ! " i , -.,., ,, i ..inn iiiiui ii,,.'. i.u.,.. ni .uui ; ,.,. , nr. ''v.f:WTiui,:... PliiladilPhla M Ul 10 P. M. to leach point, on ilurins 'h'1 i"'Bv" ,'acli nay hetween Norlhumberlaud and l'oltl "':',?," a'nTNor.Liuberluid ."J""-' ; Hupt J (.'.Well., (liii'l Ticket, 1gcn. Kinciton, January .l", kU. NOTICE. hh persons knowing thanuclves in I. . . ...,..i ......,,1. It, nv Wl, from the United States to vote , irrespective it is likely the Coup d'etat will tako place ot lemdencc, if ho he loyal ; somo waut j jm; episcopal ciiuucues in trouhle the freo negroes to have a show, and i onck moue. others wish the couutry pari-hes to bo' Tho waidcns of the Episcopal churches fairly rcprosoutud, which it i vaiu now to all, of which, except Christ church, aro in expect. Others, who have an axes to their owners' bauds, lo which they wero 1 grind, insist that this is not the time to go ' committed by Gen. Banks when ho revo M" before tho people that there can bo no ked tho order of Gon. Butler requiring j such thing now as freo spoeoh or free vote. bem to use prayer for tho president of ! Among all representations will be mado Ihe United States and their Congress havo i ... . i ...!.!!. ... i . L..irn nr,lppiil ll. llirt iirn.A.I itaii. i 111 lllgu quarters ivuiuu uru i'.puuii-u iu w...v.v- -j ... yiv.. ..... resultin a chanfio of "tho situation." The eral to "showcoust 'why they cannot now election may bo postponed, but will not bo 1 use those prayers. Thoy reply that Gon- abandoned. Mr. Lincoln is himself in- fral Hanlis, m restoring the churches to terested iu that. TUB -STrUNUEtt You may ituli'c of thc bitterness now marshal general been sinco appointed ihuroStl springing up in our midst against the dis-, bishop of this dioctso by iMr. Lincoln ! If accompany tho niit reputable class of "strangers" who have noi, uy wuom i como Jure Irom the ftorlh to "control , A), gU cecuo, ....u ,. uuu. iu. ti, ..w... ?nkk8aroillfavor of tho new fashion of the language uieit ny .ur. uann, in m. Bho, t drCBBe.. All thu.o neat enough to like newspaper, the Iuc Delta, in urging 6lockiDgs are jn favor of Iiuuisianans to acct-pi mu auitn-tn u" " faJui'on I .1. ! !.! .1... .1 ! IJ i inuir posre3tuuii,uiu inae iuc scivicua cuuiu be held "as heietoforo,' Hub the provost j.AeWi haiiucuiiMillc.lacr..iint ln "y com0 up alld vote. "tStinll WB Stand look "a,Vnd".'llltl' tanm Hv Vicndms promptly to pu jp, (ll0 traDger, jlltC0llia Within .lB-utiii . ijuNDEMiAi L eu, rie dmitea to w our civil govsru rinontl"ti JsnaiD 3" 1" J tQ"The world makes tia talkers, but sol i udc makes ui thinkers cuocrlul confideneo and mora rosoluto j t0 a microseopio atomity which would bearing. Even the murmurs of tho week satisfy tho most scrupulous homeonothist. nd timid, who shrink from tho trials which make strong and firmer your noblo articllcs of necessary consumption, the mako ol my lady a address 1 did uot Know Step out into tho purest air jou can hopelessness of tho resumption of specio , but 3ho was too charming a creature for t gn( . stau,i perfectly erect, with thc head payments, the rapid accumulation of tho nic uot to accompany her. Wo started j a)U shoulder back, aud then fixing tho national debt, have aroused the cpirit of off in the midst of thc temptst, tho uoiso jipo, into thc lungs. When thc chest is ' . . . ' ' r t-l -...,!... l.l ... . . about lull, raue tho arms, keeping them extended, with the palms of the hands down as you suck tho air, so as to bring them over the head just as the lungs aro quite full. Then drop the thumbs inward and after gently forcing tbo arms back ward, and thp cheat oprn.reverso tho pro cess by which you draw your brcallt, till iho lungs ere entirely empty. This pro cess should bo repeated three or four times during tho day. It is impossible to des cribe to one who has never tried it the glorious senso of vigor which fellows the exercise. It is thc best expectorant in tho world. Wu know a gcntleman,tho meas ure of whojo chest has been increased somo three inshce during as manymnutbs. final liqidation of the principal. 'Tut your arm arouud mo or 1 shall Thc plan of Thurlow Weed, though blow avay." olaboratoly argued, is by no means satis- I need not describe to you my sensation factory. Ho proposes tho repeal ol the ( as I pressed her to my sido and hurried Homestead law. and the restoration of tho , on. It was very dark, nobody saw us ; publio lands to tho Government, tho pro- I and allowiug her to guide my steps, I fol coeds to ba exclusively reserved as sccur- lowed her motions through two or throe ily for meeting the interest at least of our Bhort streets, until sho stopped beforo an liabilitica. Supposo tho lav; repealed, olegaul mansion." and wo should bo supplied for a disease, "Havo you your key I" she a3kcd. undor which the nation has been brought '?Iy key 1 I stammered; there must be Animated by this contrast they exhibit to a collapse, with a remedy comminuted i somo mistake. '' Ho omits to notice that, iu past years, the publio lands after tho expenses of sur- natures, are shamed into silence by thc ! voy and the payment of tho five per ccut spectacle which you prefcnt. to the States, have not netted sufficient on Your brave battlu cry will ring loud I an average to pay ton per ccut. on tho in- and clear through the laud of tho enomy as well as our own, will silence tho vain glorious boastings of their corrupt parti sans aud their ponsioncd press, and. will do justice to tho calumny by which they seek to persuade a deluded people that you aro ready to purchaso dishonorable safety by degrading submission. Soldiers Tho coming spring campaign will oped under nuspicies wo 11 calculated to sustain your hopes. Your resolution needed nothing to forfeit it. With ranks replenished under tho influenco of your example, and by tho aid of representatives who givo carna&t of their purposo to add by legislation largely to your may welcome tho invader with a confi deneo justified by tho memory of post vie tories. Oti tho other baud, debt, taxation, rcpitition nf heavy drafts, distensions oc casioned by the strife for power, by tho pursuit of tho srlbils of office, by tho thirst for the plunder ol tho publio treasury, and. abovo all, iho consciousness of a bad cause, mil U tell with fcaiful force upou tho over torcstot our present dout, wnicli now reaches within a small fraction 3,000 000,000. Besides tho income from that source must continue tho downward scalo which it commenced some yaaro ago. Tho lavish grants for bounty lauds and for building railroads, throw long sinco gigautio tracts cf tbo most valuablo lands into tho hands of speculators; bounty lands aro yet to be granted to tho count less soldiers, mustered into thu present war, aud to tho helpless negro, who is now the object of tho war ho must bo provid ed for. How can Congress perform that duty moro consistently with tho cherished views of tho President, than by voting him a grant of land as it does to tho sol dier. Dut we havo waaderod from our pur pose, which was mcroly tc show tha t wc are fiat following, in our accumulation of debt and paper currcuey thc examplo of Englaud, where a plethoric aristoeraoy, few in number, enjoy all ibe luxuries of wealth, while lUs iiia.-oe, thc people, are "As sho opened the door I stood wait ing to bid her goud-uight, or to havo some explanation when turning quickly, she said : 'How queer you aetto-uight ; ain't you coming in f" "There-was something very tempting iu this lutracsliou. Was I eoingin! A warm houso aud a pretty woman was cer tainly objects of consideration, and it was dreary to think of facing tho storm and seeing her no more." "It took threc-qnartora of a second to mako up my mind, and in 1 woui. There was a dim light in tho hall, and as my guide ran rapidly up stairs, I thought I could da noihiug better than run up toe, I followed her into a very dark loom." "Look tho door, John," eho said. "Now, as if I had boon tho only John in tbo world ; I thought che knew me. I felt for tho key and turned it iu the look without hesitation wondering all tho tini what was coming next. Then an awful suspicion of somo horrid trick flashed up on my mind, for I had ulteu heard of in fatuated men being led to their destruction by pretty women, and I was on the point of re-opening tho door, when my lady ttruck a light. Theu being au excassive ly modest man I discovered tot my dis CaTvY waggish chap whoso vixen wife, by drowning, lost her precious life, called out bin nt'ighbots all arouud, and told them that his f-pousc was drowned. HtJ know he stid tho very nook, where aho had tumbled in tho brook. And ho had dragged along tho shore, abovo tho placo a mile or moro. Abovo tho plaeo tho peoplo cried. Above tho placo tho man replied. Of oourso you don't supposo I'd go and waste ray tiriie to look below. I've known tho woman quito a spell, and learnt her fash, ions very well ; alivo qr dead, she'd go, I know, against tho current anyhow. Ciffif A country girl ouco riding past a turnpike gaie, without paying tho umal too, the tollman hailed hor and demanded it ; she asked by what authority demauded toll of her ; he answered that the sign would convince her that tho law required six pence for a man and horse. 'Well,' i rp'ieil tho girl, "this is a woman and mure then foro you havo nothing to expect," aud she rode off, loaviui; him the l.tughiug stock uf the by-standers. I t&" A great fortune iu the hands ol'a fool ina that 1 was in a bed-room, alone with ' i a greM uii.'foiium-.