$ armors ueparimcni. SIOK ANIMALS. It is of vastly more importance to keep nnimals in tjoalth than to euro thom whou I sick. As a general rulo animals may bo Kept in good heallli by the obsorvanoo of a few simple rules : 1. Animals should always bo fed with rotmlnritv Vinlli in rnttwint In timn ntwl regularity, DOIU in respcot 10 lime aUU quantity. Overfeeding often tho cause of disoaso. 2, Thoy should always havo water as often as required, and that which is pure. Horses will not drink of hard, limo or clayod, can havo access to pure water. 3. Do not overwork horses and oxen, Regular and moderate labor will accom plish moro in tho VOar, and ken thom in I u ... uu jriM u mum ill bolter condition, than ovorworkin" at ono nml 800,1 "Pi"1"10- , - , . ,. i WEAKNESS OR Unilll.ITT INDUCED UYOVElt timo and resting and overfeeding at ano- fatigue it... I Will soon disappear by tho usoof those Invaluable luor I rills, and the Suldlor will quickly acquire additional . a . . t ill -i. strength. Never let tho llowcls bo cither confined ur 4, A Sufficient variety Should D0 led to unduly acted upon. It may seem strange, that Hoi. i-l. : -.-J .. , r .1 , loway's Tills should bo recommended Tor Dysentery StOCK in Winlor, and llOt COnllllO them to nnd Flux, many persons supposing that they would .i.,, .,. ,i , . increase tho relaxation. This is n Brent mistake, Tor UrV nay Or Straw and grain. A niCSS Of those l'ills will correct tho liver and sumach, uml thus .,,i. ,,-! M .... i ... . remove all the acrid humors from tho system. Tills CarrOtS, turnips or potatoes CUt and mixed medicino will give tone and vigor to the whole organic n!il rrrnnnil nnia .ImJ. ! system, however deranged, while health and strength With ground OatS or SllOrtS IS CXOellonttO lollowns a matter of course. Nothing will slop tho ro- promote hoalth, and should bo given as of- 'cine'0" f ,h' UottB!! " 6uru " "'l8 ra"'01" ",cdl ten as twice a week. j volunteers, attention i indiscretions or rXT t i . i Sores nnd Ulcers, Illotchcs and Swellings, can with . WeVOr iOCU musty and mouldy fod- certainty bo radically cured, Ifthe Fills nrotaken night a,. t,.. !!,...! u I i . , and morning, and Ointment bo freely used as stated in 0r DUt It It must be Used, Cut It, moislon the printed Instruction. If treated in nnythcr man. ,1 .... e i . tier, they dry ur l;i cnopart tobreak out in nnotlier and sprinkle ovor with meal, and feed to, whereas tnf. .mtinciitwin remove me humors rrnm tinrnnil nifitn Tt nnn ol,1,l 1, :. the sytlcm.n.id luavo tho Patient n vigorous uud healthy UOrHCU cattle. It never SllOUld bo gircn man. Itwlllrcnuiroa littlu perseverance in hud ca in t,,,.... scs tolnsuro a lasting cure. iu aorscs. roR wounds either occasioned ry the n ii , ,, .. ii . BAYONET. BAUUU. OK THE HULLET, fcOSES 6. Always sholtor stock in cold storms or iiruises, .,11 r ,t . ... J . i To whlnJi every Soldier nnd Snlior uro liable, tbcro in all seasons Of IhO year, and llOVOr leaVO ' nro no mcdines so safe, sure, and convenient, as Hoi. , ,,.. nftnr Vin.'nr. .1.:..., n .1. l'ay'3 rills and Ointment. Tho wounded and almost a hOrSO, alter being driven, to Stand 111 tho dying sulfrrcr might have his wounds dressed fmmc. pnlfl wind nrlflint.f , dlntcly, If In would only provide himself with Uil COId Wind Without being COVCrcd With a matchless Ointment, which f should be thrutt into the anni tlnVlr Vilnnlriit n hnfTnlr. wound ami smeared all round it, then covered with a gOOU IU10K DianKOt or bunalO, plcco of in(n fr0nihls knapsack and compressed with , i ii ii , e . . ! a handkerchief. Talking, nisht and morning, Gory aiuiu uii euuuuu uuuuguij oi IUOU iu r 'i . n n t.nm mw In n...n grain, or from hay to grass 8. Duo care should bo takon that ani , IIP i. malS alwavs liaVC a plenty 01 puro, irCSh ,. , ,,. , air, and lor tblS purpOSO Stables Should bO I ,, ... . , . , r . , I Well Ventilated, as Stock Olten booome Sick from breathing foul air. A proper amount of cxoioiso U also essential, 9. Strict, cleanliness should bo observ ed. All animals aro found to maintain a bottcr.eondition and fatten faster when curried, and kept clean. When an animal bcoomos sich, ono of the best moasures to be adopted is good nursing. This is a method begiuning .to bo advocated by the best practitioners of tho midical art, as being applicable to the human family, and is unquestionably as advantageous when applied to farm slock. There is no doubt that the life of valuable animals recovering is often lost by doctor ing, whilo many recovered when left to themselves and the workings of naturd. Farmer Gardener. GIVE THE 130YS TOOLS. Wo havo so frequently spoken of the importonce of a good set of tools on ovory larm, that we fear our readers will think the subject a favorito ono with us. So it is, and at tho rick of trespassing upon tho reader's patience, wo again present it. There is, in man, what may be termod, a "making instiuot," and our houseBj gar ments, ships, machinary, and in fact, every thing wo use, aro tho practical results of this instinot. How important then that thisfaculty.be cultivated, and' that the idea bo at onco and forever abandoned that none but mechanics require this great element of usefulness and hapincss. What ever a man's occupation, whethor ho bo a farmer,a merchant, an artist or a mcohanio, there aro hourly occasions for its p radical application. Being thus general it its use fulness, the cultivation of this constructive faculty should bo a primary consideration with parents, but more particularly of far mors, who havo sone whom thoy design to be their successors upan (ho farm. Skill in the uso of tools is of incalculable advan tagc to him who tills tho soil. It enables him to do many things which others can not well do for him, and do them bettc and oheapor. It gives useful omploymant to many an otherwise idle hour, It prompts him to add a thousand little con veniences to tho houao and farm, which but for this skill would never bo made. In a word, it is tho carrying out, in fulles Benae, of tho design of tho Creator when he iniplautcd this faculty of con structivcness within him. Let it then be cultivated in childrcd. Indulgo the pro pensity to mako water-wheel and minia turo wagons, kites and toy boats, sleds and houses, anythinh in fact which will servo to devolop it and rendes it practi cally useful. Oivo the boys good pocket knives, and what is bettor, give them a good workshop Employed in it, they will not only be kept out of misohief, but they will bo strengthening tbeis muscles, exercising their mental powers, and fitting themselves for greater usefulness, when they shall bo called upon to tako their placo in tho ranks of men.- Cultumt, HOW TO CUT HARD DRY BEEF. Tako 0' sharp piano, not too rankly set, invert it and .tako tho beef firmly in hand, push it aoross tho piano, and tho becf,vcry nicely shaven, will drop through tho open ing in tho piano, on to a towol bolow. It must bo very dry to out them, but when dry, it is much moro expediously and niily done than with a knife. Try ii. Fnrmci 6i Gardener. VKII3NDS & KI3LA.V1VI2S .OF TI1D Bravo Soldiors and Sailors. HOLIOWAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. All uhn hnvn Friends And llnlfltlvna In tht. A.mv ni fflW&ff Nnvy should tako estieclalcaro ttmt tlicr bo amply mm. nun uinuneni ; nnn wncro tno rnvo Soldiers and Sailors hnvo neglected to provldo thcmsclvcswllh them, no bettor present con Lo sen IBftffi, KouVTiiU'd, bo uiuiuiis Aim colds au'ecting troops, VIII"bo spocdly relieved nml ctTeflutilly cured by using these ndmlrnblo medicines, nnd by paying proper nttcntlon to the Directions which uro nttached to each Pot or Hoi. BICK HEADACHES AND WANT OP AP ETITE, INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. Thoso feeling which so sadden us usually arise from trouble or nnnoyancs, obstructed pctspirntlon, or eat ing nnd drinking whatevrr la unwholesome, thus ill tiirblnd the healthful action of the liver and stomach Thcso organs must be relieved, if you desire In bo well I no rins, taKon Becoming in 1110 prlineii insrtucllons v1II quickly produce n henlthy action in both liver nnd .tnmncll. nnd. ns n natural coiinenuenrn.il r ear bmd , rills, to cool me system and l'rcvcnt intl.nnatlon Every Soldier's Knapsack uml Senman's Oicsl I. "... 1 . . . hould be pravided with these valuable Remedies. CAUTION! Nono nre genuine unless the words "Hollownys, New York and London " aro discornable BB llUlbl'lUUini. ,BJ lliUI VI MIU UUWHUI U 1 1 U 1 1 1UII H around each pot or box ; the same may plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will bo given to anyone rendering such information ns may lend to tho detection of any party or parties counter- felting the medicines or vending tho same, knowing mem iu ue spurious, Soldnt manufactory ot Professor Holloway, EO Miadcn Lane, New York, and by all respectablo Drug istsnnd Dealers in Medicine, throughout tlia civilzed world. Sy Holloway's Tills and Ointment are now retailed owing to the high prices of Drugs, Ut., at 38 cents, "0 cents, and $1,111 per llox or Pot. Ej-Therc is considerable saving by taken the larger sizes. N. U. Directions for tho guidance of patients in every disorder nraalhxed to each box. E7" Dealers in my well known medicines can have Show Cards, Circulars, tec, sent free of expense, by addressing THOMAS IIOI.LOWAY. 60 M.UDI.N Lane, New-York, Dec. 12, 18C3. ly. June 2U, iel. G RTON'S Cheap Grocery Store. JLSO HATS, CAPS ANSJf SB5JES, THE undersigned having bought out the Croceryo David Strong, has removed his Hat nnd Cap Store up to Stroup's old stand, who re in addition to a supe rior assortment of FALL ANO WINTER 3 Hats and Caps, .gllf CONFEOTIONARIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Sugar, ColTeo, Teas, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Spiecs, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drugs, ' Parlor and Hand Lumps, Books. "Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware a?id Cedarwarc, Fnckct Knivcs) Combs, f-c, S c, ij-c , articles generally kept in a Together with a variety Store. Also-A fine lot of ICIDS, MOROCCOS and Linikos to which he invites tho at cntion of Shoemakers and tho public. JOHN K. OIUTON. Oloomsburg, Dec. 5, ISG3 NEW FANCY GOODS, FOR FALL tj- WINTER. npHE subsoriber has just received a lot a no cry j riinmings anu nicw uoous, such as S OS E El n e 0 U.'JtM-J. ALSO: GLOVHS. DOLLS. STAYS, SATCIICLL. HOOP SKIRTS, I'OllTMONIKS. AND OTIinU NOTIONS. Zy Wheeler & Wilson's Sowing Machines for sale Also Sunday School Hooks and fliblos. Also MrB. Allen's Hair Itestorer which will give to A. D. WRllli. Next Door below Court Homo. Bloomsburg Nov. 14, lf03. BLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Galleiy. rflli; undersigned informs tho eltlznnu nf ill,,. X and neighborhood, that he has takCn tho largo room at tho exchange lllock, extending over Harney Stohncr u'lMjiy, mm uii? i"uRBiuru wuero no nas put in alurgoSltyllfll. It is only by Skylight that good pic tures cun nun . ugpi'cinny groups wiicrottuch person Mill uv lUBnj to, ua v l . Ub B v ,1U Til l" llohasgon to considerable exnensu to main M . tabluhinont tirst class one, and ho tlireforo solicits u liberal pair" ge tncnalile him, totonslantly introduco niiiiuuuc . iiiiiiiuvGiMima Ul II1U Uri. Coin -y produco taken in exchange for picture IIHNItY SOSKNSTOCK. lllnoinf,burg. Nov. 23 18GI. Nov. 0 '32 rtiVv AND OCNCUAL COMMISSION MERCHANT iil,uu.msiuiic(j, cOLUMfilA CO, I r.nilHUK ATTEN HON OlVlfN TO rXTEXT III tTS.-OI tiucmuvr o, icui Jin, ELI HOLDEN t5L TNVITC4 the nttcntlon of every reader of VnrSL this naiicr. which inrliid. ..... . tl't..A V, . nrquainiances To UiUJunuuully argo and bnnuiifi ,J!rI0AN.and ll'OUTi:i) U'ATOIICS. CLOCKS and clsgant designs of JKwELHY. Silver tVare.&c, iilii JIULDl'JN. 708 Marko Sroe, PHILADELPHIA March Aim- JOHN 0. YE AGE R, MANUrACTUItER, it WHOLESALE DEALER IN S8.HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, Ko. ?57 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov : s, ieo WALiVTT UOTEIj, LIGHT STREET, Columbia county. Fo THE undersigned has located at the nbovo nainef hotel, formerly occupied by I'etor Schug, and sollc ill a sham of public pslronae. Cr Good accommodations for man and hpaot nv best kind of liquors at tht bar, .Ar"IH.If JD.RICE.Prorrutor BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO BUY Fall & Winter Goods, GO TO trcasy's Store, in Light. Street, Pa. Who Keeps nit Kinds of UALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Reacly-Mado Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coiiccs, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Suuars, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c.j &o. In addition to our lnrito stock of Dry Ooods. we havo n largo and full .assortment ofltendy Miuln ClothlnK lor .'leu ami Hoys wear wnicn wo arc iiciermineu to sell cheaper thin can be bought ctscu liere. Call ami see, and Jndgo for yourselves. 11. IV.tsUr.AOl C KiKI, I.lcht Street, Nov. 7, 1803. 1;T! THE people of the county of Columbia nro respectfully, Informed that the undersigned Eras foi sale, at the RECORDER'S OFFICE, IN nLooJisnuno. tiid hest and cheapest ASSOIITJIENT OF To be found nnywhere in tho County, consisting nf Vote, I, illrr, Lesnl nnd Cnp Paper, l'ens, Holders, Bi'iicils, lnkand Envelopes; SI 1,50 !uw vn ounnvTi ir tvn Tjrrvii"o MU IT UJUIX-'ll If'lUlU IJ JJ VIVJ , ComprlslnR History, l'octry, ricllon.Tho- ology and the classics. w uaialoiritcs of Ilolm'fl London publications, from which selections can bo made, and Hooks furnished to order; by special arrangement with New York Agents. DEMOCRATIC BOOKS, DOCUMENTS, PAMPHLETS and Speeches; nnd copies of the United States, and fckato Constitutions in i nrious styles, always vn hand. Dloomsburg, Nov. 7, ie03. THE NEW GROCERY SToUE. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just received al Erasmus' New Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas Coffee, Rice, Spices, , flaTS and Caps, Fish, Salt, Tobacco, Segars, Candies, Razcns, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notions anil etcete ras, too numerous to mention. Ky-Huttcr, Eggs, Jlent and produce generally taken in exchange for goods, A. D, ERASMUS. Dloomsburg, May 9, 1863, FRESH ARRIVAL OP FALL & WIT! Md, Miller's Store. THE subscriber has Jii6t returned from the Cities with another large nnd select nssortmct of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which they aro determined to sell on ns moderate terms as can bo procured elsewhere in Uloomsburg. His stuck comprises LdDlEli' DDhSS OOODS, of choicest styles and latent fashion. dhy aoons, M'v aitocF.MES, 1M1WIMRK QUEKMslMltE, CCDAH H'.lliK, HOLLOW WARE IROX, JM1LS, HOOTS $ SUOF.S HATS .y CAPS, He., ye., yc, In short everything usually kept in country Stores to whirh he invite the public generally. The Highestprico paid for country produco. S II. MILLER. Uloomsburg, Oct. 21, 1?G3. NEW ARRIVAL. " Fall & Winter Goods At A. J. Evans' IIOTIIIM EMPORIUM! BLOOMSBURG, PENN. LATEST SYLES CAEAP GOODS rplli: undersigned rospectfully informs his friends .1 and the public generally, that he has just received from the Eastern cities, a largo assortment of being the best assortment ever offered in this market. Also u complete assortment of Hoys Clothing. In fact everything in tho Clothing Lino I'or those who prefer to leave their measures, a perfect tit guaranteid, and nothing but the best workmanship allowed nt this es tablishment, He also keeps on hand n largo assort ment of ROOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPH. together with a variety nf notions. E7" CALL AND SEE FOll Y0UR81.l.l 0 A. 1, EVANS. Uloomsburg, Nov. 21, ieC3. National Foundry. HLOOMSUURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. rpllE mbscriber, proprietor of tho nbovo named ex. J trnsivo establishment, is no,v prepared to rccclvo orders for All Kinds of Machinery, for Colic rios, lllast rumaces, Stationary Engines, Mills TIIUESIIINC MACHINES. iC. &C. He is also prepared to mako Stoves, all sizes and pattoms, pluw-irons, and everything usually made in firtt'class Poundrics, Ilis extensive facilities nnd practical workmen, war lanlt him in receiving the largest contracts on the inqt reasonable terms, K7" (irain of ull kinds will bo taken in exchange for castings. trS-This establishment is loca.od near tho Lackawan na & Uloomsburg Kuilroad Depot. I'ETEK HILLMEYEll. Illaomsburg, Sept. 12, 1SG3. W.W JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE, ALSO. GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Suitublo for Grapes, Peaches, Pears. Raspberries filrowberries, lllackberries, Currents, Ice., of 1. 215, i 10 oa 20 acres each, at tho following prices for tho ! present. via: 20 acres tor $200, 10 acres for 8110,5 acres for SCO, 31 ocrCB for 9 10, 1 aero for 20. Payublo by ono dollar n week, Also, good Cranburv lands, and vlllnoe lots in C'lipni. wood, 25 by lun feet, at 810 each, payable by ono del lur a week. The nbovo luud and farms, aru ejluule a Chcatwood, Washington township, llurllngton county New Jersey. For further information, apply, with P. O. Stamp, for u circular, to II. FRANKLIN CLAItK. No. 00 Cedar Street, New York, N'.y. January 17, lias. SCIIOOLISIIII FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College. Ilinghampliii Crittenden's Philadelphia. btrattun, Uryunt It Co.. " ThesH Scrips, aru in amounts of 913 and $50 and are .. .,...i ui ..iu oiuuvni uii iiiiriug eiiner 011110 IhnvR f Tnllpnna X'ti.nn n ,l..l. ........I ... t .. nii- fd Collegiate Educstion. will here find a good specula- .u , .(iiinnj ai me ornsa or ins noj.l nn. UtlbDNtlA DEMOCRAT. Another Call. 500,000 MORE MEN WANTED 1 REVOLUTION IN HIGH PIUOES. ' LJ1UGE ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods AT PETER ENT'S STORE, .V l.tnitr STRKRT, COI.VMMA COUMTV, M, HAS Just received from l'lulndetphla, nnd Is now openinujit tho old stand lately occupied by .Marls & Ent. n splendid assortment of which will be sold cheap lor . CAPH Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. I Ills stnckconslsts of Ladles Dress Goods choiccststylcs ...t rn.t,l..,,d Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcrcs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Cedarwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. ! In short nf cry thing usuntiy kept m n country stora 1 The patronage ofolil friends, and tho public general ly. Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market price paid for country produce. I'ETEIl ENT. I Light Street, Nov. 7, 1803. THnunderslgn.iuisntsn extensively engaged in the rinilertnkiiirr Jluamtss. nnd keens coneluutlv on hand nil for pale at his Yarcrooms, a largo assortment nf FINISHED ggS, COFFINS, Dy which he is enabled to fill orders on presentation Also Keeps a good Horse and Hearse, nnd will at al times be ready to attend 1'nncrcls. SIMON C. SIIIVE. Hloomsbi'rg, January 2D, 18S9 First Great Arrival. OF TJ fl The ifndcrsigned, has, Just replenished his Store House in Orangcville, Willi a well-selected atssrolmcnt I f FALL & WINTER GOO DS I Consisting in part of Cloths, Silks, Muslins, Cnssi mere.Cinghnms, Calicoes, Shawls, Hosieries, Carpets and Ladies' Fancy Diiess Coons, generally, from 1JJ to 75cts and I'rints from l?i to2jcts. liiil AD Y M AD 11 CLOTHING. Hats, Hoots at Shoes M.ickcrcl Molaasses, Sugar & Salt. GROCERIES GENERALLY, With nil other artlles. usually kept in country St rcs, ,i ,v HILii in: III V uvn .usually iiiii'iiiioii ji uiii null lew customers. Having been nttlio City iu the right iino bought low nud naid cash ho will be nble to com icto with the best, and sell for small profits and prcupt pay. His friends art. invited to pop iu and sec tho blgllis. WM FRITZ. Orangeville, Nov 7. 1SC3. EW AND SECOND II AND SAFES, Tor sulo cl can. at New York Snfu Irnnt. 71 VVil. lion. CJtrnnf Vatit S. A. ' GREGG. SIZE AND rniCES OF LILLIE'S F1UE TROOF SAFES. our siur.: MIBStSSill AH jIB &m llElllllT. WIDTH. DEPTH, No. 4 21 20 su No. 2 2d 22 "4 No. 3 30 24 4 No. ! 32 28 "4 No, 5 34 31 '.'l No. U 40 31 !i I.YS1DF.: itElOIIT. WIDTH, DEPTH, NO. I 17 II 12 No. 3 101 13J 12 No. 3 21 Ij 12 No. I 22 JH n No 5 21 21 14 No. 0 31 21 U ' prick. .. $50 00 . CO 00 70 00 . M 00 . 100 00 . 115 00 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 1 No. 5 No. 0 November H, 1803. Greenwood Seminary. EXOL1S1I, ClJlSSICAL Am) COMMERCIAL SCHOOL FOR BOTH SEXES. T.JM, POTTS, Principal, Mathematics, Book Keeping and Xalural Sciences, J. B. PATTON, A. M., Elocution. Literature, and Ancient ani Modern Languages. Tho Scholastic year is divided into foui quarters of eleven weeks cadi, cnmnicnclni! ns follows i On ilm I second Monday iu August.thc first Monday in November iiieinirii fliuuuay in January, anu mo second Monday in April. THE EXPENSES Per quarter for Hoarding and Tuition In Englhli, rango from S-"J 00 to 831 00. Languages, Music and Draw ing nro extra, K7" For Circulars or further particulars, address tho Principal nt MILI.VM.LE, I'Ol.UMUIA CO., PA. October 3, iti03-ly. WjE1TISTE8Y. II. C. HOWE R, SURGEON DENTIST, HFSPECTI'ULLY oirera Ilis profess ional services tn tho ladies and gentle men of Hlonmsburg and vicinity, He is lirenared In nltiunl In nil tlw. n.U.... operations in thu lino of his profession, and is provided with tho latest improved PORCELA1M TEETH; which will bo inserted on gold, plutiua, silver and rubber baso to lookwcll as tho naturul teeth Mineral pluto and block teelh manufactured nnd all operations on teeth, carefully und properly ultciuled to. Hcsidenco nnd olllce a few duors above the Court House, snmu side. IHoomsburg, JunoO, 1SC3, a m k it 3? sahr, Printer, Uookbimler & Ilnnkliook .17 ANU FA OTURER; WllOU'SALE AND Hit. .HI. llHAI.Kn IN PRINTING, WltlilNG ....) WllAPPINO PAPERS aoent roit tkk catawissa pavkh mills. Main Street, first door below tho Public Spuaro, WILKESBARRE, PA. Nov. 23, 1801 12m. X. C. FAl'J., a. D. TltOMfSOlt. PAUL & THOMPSON, WHOLESALE JfgSggi DEALEIIS IN No. 43 North Wharves, JlilLADELPIIIA. ID- butter, "The use, hams, &Cl Nov, 11, lEfJ-Umo. frillfl INSTITUTION Is under the sole management X nnd direction of 1'iof, i), W, Lowkll, so Ion; Prin cipal of tho MMWAMTOtt CO.VMFMCMT. COU.KHE. The course of Instruction embraces all the requisites of n thorough practical business education, nnd has been lately extended by the introduction of an Actual dullness Course, In which the Student engages in tho rtiular routine of business transactions, exemplified nnd rnmlllnrlzcd by means o a store, (In which thu actual iusiafss of buying and soiling goods Is carried on by each Student,) and lliislness OHIces, viz ! Hanks nf Issue nml Deposit, Hail-Roadlngand Stcnm'lloatlng Post Olllcc, Telegraph, &c, fcc. , The Proprietor Ims spared nntlmoor expense In ma king thin Course the most thorough nnd complete of any ever presented to tho public, nnd feels fully as sured that after having been hlmselfcngaged In actual business, uml having had many )"' experience at tcacning me rcinco oi nccounis, huu iiciug niticu uy a full nnd eificclcnt corps of teachers, ho will bo en bled to make thorough nnd successful graduates of all who may placo themselves under his chargo, ' ri.'JV.ljJ.VS lit PI I In this essential branch of n buslnss education no Collage offers better facilities In the learner. Tho Spcnccrlan system will bo taught In nil Its varieties by the most skillful masters of tho art. Specimens of Writing from this Institution have received the highest PMrnmiiiiiiM Crnm thn'nrens. I I'or general information, terms, fcc, nddrcss for Col lego Monthly, whlrh will bo mailed frcoj rot sped, mens of Penmanship, enclose two three cent stamps. Addrens I). W. LOWKl.L, Principal. Lowell's Commercial College, lilnplinmton, N.Y. P. 8. Ono of Hitter h Duncan's No. 1 highly finished flno, perfect point, qulll sprlng (lold Pens, with holder nnd case, wurrnnteil for ono year and to suit, w 111 bo sent, frco of charge 16 any one who will remit SWO to the above address. Octobej 3, ie3-Iy. $100 REWARD ! For a Medicine that will OunE COUntlS, l.VFLUKVZA, TICKLIXO tXTHK THROAT irnoopixa-couaii, on hklievr co.y sumptivi: couaim, as quick as soe?s mm BALSAM, Over Five Thousauti Hollies havo been said in Its native town, nnd nut a siuglo in stancn of its failure is known. We have, in our possession, any quantity of certifi cates, some of them from i iniiu iit phyriaii", who havo used it i n llielr practice, and given It the pru-emi-nenco over m:y other lompound, It does dot dry up a cough, but loosens it, so ns to onablu tho patient to ex pectorate freely. Two or threo doses will invariably euro tickling iu tho throat. A half bottle has often completely cured thn most STUBBORN COUGH, nnd yet. though it issosuronnd speedy in its operation it is perfectly harmless, bolng partly vegetable. It is very agreeable to thu taste, uud may be anmiuistcred to children of any age. IN OASES OF CROUP wo will gunrauteu n cure, if taken in season. No family should be without It. It is within thu teach of all, the price being ONLY 25 CENTS. And if nn Investment nnd tbnrouuh trial does not "hack uii" the nbovo statement, Hm money will be re funded. We say this knowing its limits, and feel con fident that one trial Mill secure for it u homo iu every hutiserold. Do not waste away with Coughing, when so small an invest incut will cure you. It may bo had nf any re spectable Druggist in town, who will furnish you uilU a ciroulur of genuine ccrtifirnu s of euros it lias mudo C. O. CUAItli Si (XI.. Proprietors, New Mavis, Cr. tjl- At wholesale, by Johnston, Hnllnwnv&Cowden, 23 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, P.i. i'or sale by Druggists in city, country, and uvurywhere, Sept. 2 , 16(13 Cm FAMILY DYE COLORS- riLACIt, Dark Hixx, Luiiit lilUE, French Hi in. Clarbt Hkows, D irk Hrown, I. roil r Hrown. Shuif IIroun. Crimson, Dark Iliun, Liokt Diun, Daiik Creek, Lioiit (.keen, Mauenta, Maroos, OiUNim, Pink, Pt'Rl'LE, ltoVAt. PURrLE, Salmon, fCARLKT, Hlai k, Romeuiso, Viole r. Yellow. For Dying Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Itibbons. Cloves, Honnets Hats, Feathers, Kid Cloves, Children's Clothing mid nil kinds of Wearing Ayparel. tsr SAVING OF 81) I'EIl 'H!VT. Tor 23 cents you can order as many goods ns wpuld otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the sanu) liyc. Tlie procejs is simple, and any ono ran use tho nya with perfect suc cess. Directions in English, French and Herman, inside of er.eii package. For further information in Dyeing, and giving a per fect know leJgo what colors nro best adapicd to dye over others, (with many valuable recipes.) purihase Howe ii Slep!iuis' Treaties on Dyeing and Coluriug. Sent by mail on receipt of ptice, IU cent. Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS, 200 Hroaiiway I'ostov, ET-For sale by Druggists and Dealers generally, December 12, 18U3-inos. For Kats, iTBice, ESonchcs, Ants Mutl Hugs, SBotlss in E'tii'g, Woo1csb, &c., &c , EiiseciN obi B.'Iant, Fowl, AtaisBanEs, &c. rut up in 2.1c. 50e, and S1.00 lloxes, Pottles Sz Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes fur lintels, Public Institutions, &c, "Only infallible remedies known," Freo from Poisons," "Not dangerous to tho Human Family." "Hats come out of their holes to die." K7- Sold Wholesale iu nil largo ril'ius. K7" Sold by all Druggists & Retailors everywhere. E7 I'll IIewark Ull ol all worthless imitations. $y See that "Cost au's" name is on each Uox, Hot. tie, and Flask, beforo you buv. ID" Address HENRY It. C03TAU. K7" PniNcipn, Depot 4&i Uroadwav, N. Y, K7- Hold by all Wholesalo and Retail Druggist in Uloomsburg, Pa. February (1, lSill. Bm. Exchange liotel, late col, n, n. jonks.J V f, r i. a. . . .i Post Office, Philadelphia. rpiiis well known establishment maintains its usual A celebrity, and its well known repuiatiou of being I the best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Shall bo sustained. Itooms may be had nt all hours por night, 37 cents ; per week, $2 50, per month, 310. The llarnnd Ealing Departments nre furnibhod wltli the best of everything tho market can produce. i OA ME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, nnd delicacies of every climo may bo had at a momo t's notice. Meulsnt 12 cents and upwards, nndmav be had from 5 A. .11. till 12 nt night, Gentlemen may rett ustucil that no oxpenso will bo spared to render this Hotel n model one, J. OTTENKIRK, Propr. March 7. lP03-3m. 1 PUULIC SQUARE, W1LKES-HARRE, PA, Thb undersigned, liavingtnkeiithls well-known stand (formerly of Major Puterbaugh), respectfully solii its the patronage of tho public. No pains will be spared in any of its departments, to render satisfaction tn nil guest, Tho TAULE and tho UAR will always bu supplied Willi the HEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. O" Good i-'tabllngfor Horses and attentive Hostlers, llio "Lxchango" is eligibly situated on the Public Square, and has therefore, peculiar advantages toner sons attending Court or doing business in tho public offices, Charges moderate. N. H. Whenever you como to town, plcaso call. Wllkcs-Ilarre, Nov. 15. 18C2! "' J' VArLE' S. JH. We WOLF'S CLOTHING HALL. No. 202 North Second Street, Phil'a, CONSTANTLY on hand a full assortment of Ready Madp Men and ll,.y' Clothing and Gents: Furnish ing Goods, nt Wholesale uud Itetail January 0, ItCl. (lin. THOMAS BROWN, Rarber. IILOOMSHURO, COLUMIIIA CO., I'A. Bp la Oowt HoyLse AHty. iwai tho Vmnrit Olfict' i HOSTBTTBK'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A puro and powerful Tonic, corrective nnd alterative of wonderful clllcncy In disease of tho STOMACU, LIVER AM) BOWELS. Cires Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, fjencrnl Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirit", Con ttlpation, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramps and Spasms, nnd all ( nmiilaints of cither Sex, nrlslng from llo.llly Weakness whether Inherent in tho system or produced by spcclul causes. NoTniNO that Is not wholesome, genial and restora tive in Its naturo enters into the composition of DOS TIVITEll'8 STOMACH HITTEK8. This popular pre. tinrnllnli rnntnlna nn mlnernt nf nnv kind, nn itnmllv 1 botanical clement i no fiery excitant ; but It is a coinbi na.ion of Itha extracts of rare balsamic herbs mi, I plants with ttM purest nnd mildest of all diffusive stim ulcnts. It is well to be forearmed against disease, nnd, so far ns the human system can be protected by human menus against maladies engendered by mi unwholesome at mosphcre, impure w liter and other external causes, HOril'ETTEK'd UITTERS may bo relied on as n t nfo guard. Ill districts Infested with Fcrer andAirnr. It has been found infallible as n ureventivo nnd irresistible ns n i remedy uud thousands who resort to it under appre hension of annttack, escape the scourge ; nnd thousands who neglect to nvall thomsnlvc of its protective mini- 1 ities In advance, nro cured by n ery brief tnuru of , this marvelous medicine. Fevir and Ague patients, nuer ueiug pauu wiiu quinine lor Minimis in vain, un til fairly saturated with that dangerous alko'oid. aro not (infrequently restored to health within n few days by tin; use of HOsTlPITEK'S IHTTEItS. '1 he weak stomnchls rapidly Invigorated and the np petite restored by this agreeable Tonic, nnd hence It works wnnileis In cnies of Diupcpsin and in les con firmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle and painless appcrlent, ns well ns upon tho liver, italm Invariably p llevcs Hie Constipation superinduced by irregular action of the digesilvo and secretive organs. Persons nf feenlu habit llablo .Vcri'oiiJ Attacks, Low HCMDtyiirfrsnii.l File of Languor, find prompt nnd permanent relhf from thu Hitters. The testimony on Ibis point is ni05t conclusive, and from botn sexes ThonL'iiny of Hillius Culic Is immediately aMungcd by a single dose of Ilia stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to it, the return of the complaint may bo pre vented As n general Tonic, IIOSTETTER'S HITTERS pro ducueffeits which must bu experienced or witnessed before they can be fully appreciated In cases of Cou stltutional wi nknos, premature decnyaud debility mid dcrrepitiido arising from old nge. it exercises Uvi elec tric iulliicnco luthu convalu'cent stagesiifnll disease it iqn ratos ns a delightful invigornnt, When thu pow ers ol nature an: relaxed, It operate to ri' lnforco and re-establish them. Lust, but not le.ixt, it thu onls safe stiiuulent, being manufactured from bound and innocu ous materials, and entirely free from thu acid elnmniits present more ur lt s in all the ordinary tonics and stomal hies of the day. No family medicine has been so universally, nud it may be truly added, dcscrvcdlij popular with Ihu lutein, gent portion of ihu community, as HO&TETTEIt'S HI1TEUS. Prepared by IIOSTETTER & SMITH, PIT'lSIlLHtCII, Pa. C7Sold by all Druggists, Rruccrs and Storekeepers everywhere. November 21, 13(1.1 -ly. Genuine Preparations. COMPOUND n.UlD EXTIiACT I1UCI1U, n nnl. tive and specific yemoJy Tor diseases of thu bladder. Kidneys, Gravel, ami dropsical swelling". This medicino increases the pawer of nigo'tinu, and excite the absorbents into healthy action, by which the Waiery or Calcareous depo.itions, cud all Uiin iluial Eulargeuicments nre reduced, as well as pain audio (tarnation. -:o:- IIELMROLD'S EXTRACT RUCIIU. For wcaknrss arising from Exscsses, babits of Dis. sipation, Early lndlterction of Abuses, attended Willi the following syniplonn :w In.li-posiliou to Excrtiun, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Hrenthiii', Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Disease, Pain luthu Hack, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Hytem, Hot Hands, Eruptions 011 the Face, Dryncss-of tho Skin, Elushiug of thu llodv, Pallid f'ountcnaiicu. Thcso symptomi, if allowed to go on which tills medicine invariably remuves, soon follows iMHOTMiCT. I'atdity, EriLLpnc Pitt, In one of which thu Patient mi,y require Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "DircCil Diseases." "INSANITY ANI) CONSUMPTION." Many are nwnro of the causo of their sulTcring, but none will confess Ills records nf tho Insane Asylumsi And melancholy deaths by Consumption bear ample witness to the truth of the nsseriion. The Constitution once eflstted with organic weakness requires the aid of .'Medicine to strengthen nud Invig or.itu the system, which llolmbold'a I. struct Iliichii in. variably dojs. A trial will convince the most skcpllcul. :o: FEMALES FEMALES. In many airectinns peculiar to Females tho Extract Iliichu is unequalled by any other remedy, ns iu Chlo rosis or Iteti'iilirui, Irregularity;, palnrulncss, or Hup. prcssiou of Customary Evaluations, ulcerated or scir rhous state or the Uterus, LcuclmrrlKca or Whites, Sterility, and f,,r all I'uinplaiuts Incident to thu sex, whclhiir arising from iudiscietion habils of dissipa tion, or iu the DECLINE Oil CHANGE OF LIFE. -'.Ol Take no more Halsnm Mercury, or unpleasant .Medi cines for unpleasant and dangerous diseases Ilelm bold's Extract lluchu and Improved Hose Wash cures secret diseases in all their stages. At little expense, Liltle or no chaiigu in diet. No inconvenience, an no exposure. It causes a frequent desire nnd gives strength to Uri nate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing strictures of tho Urethra, ullnyiiig'paln and in fl.immarion, so frequent in the class of diseases, and expelling all poisonous, diseased and wornnut matter. Thousands upon thousands who have been the vie tiins nf quacks, and who havo paid heavy fees to bo cured in n 6hnrt timo, havo found tlfjy were deceived and that thu 'POISON" has, by thn uso of"puurful astringents" been dried up in tho system, to break out iu nn aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. -:o:- Uso Hcloibold's Extract lluchu for all afTcctions nnd diseasea or the Urinary Organs, w nether existing in Mulomd Female, from whatever cause originating and 110 matter of how long Handing. Diseases of those Organs requires tho aid of a Diur etic, llelmbold's Extract lluchu Is tha Great Diuretic, nnd iscirtuln to have desired cll'cct in all Diseases for which it is recominendtid. Evidence of die most reliable and responsible char acter will accompany tho medicine. Trico $1 per Buttle, or 6 for $5. Delivered to uny address, securely packed from obser. yallun. Dcscribo symptoms in all .bommiiiiicntlons, Cures guaranteed, advice gratis. Addrass icttou for Information to una , .."' ,"' '"'WOI-D. Chemist, ...,.Iul South Teuth-st., below Chestnut, Phila. IIELMHOLD'S Medical Depot, ""'' IlELMUOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, n , i'J1 Uroadwav, New Yoek. Hcwaro of Counterfeits and unprincipled dealers who endeavor toduposo "of their own" and ' other" articles on tho reputation attained by llelmbold's Gen- Kits'ia,ia ijuci"" i:,raci FOR SALE li Y All Druggists Evorywhoro. IC FOR IIELMUODD'S, TAKF NO OTIIE ,'ut out the AdvcHUnimmtand iwdhJSC. ,o. Sir?, ,,,1f"i,t0" a" vVpWte. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. CURE YOUR COUGH FOR 13 CENTS' The beat uni cheapest Household rctnedu in the World. madame zadoo Pouter's " - www :juu uiUiiitijiiii; u c? J.J.V zadoo run. TEIt'S Curative llalsam in warranted If used eccntdlng to the directions, tn cuto lii rill cases Coughs, folds, Wliooplnj Cough, Asthma nnd nit nirectloni of tho throat and Ldngs.. Mndamo Zadnc portet's nalsnin Is prepared with all tho rcqultlto skill, from n cemblnalion of tho bestrcm. cdlcstho Vcgctnbln klnadom nirords, its remedial quali ties nro bared on In, power to nsslst the healthy circu. Inllon nf tho blood, through the Lungs. It Is not nvlo. lent remedy, but omollent warming, searching nnd clT cctlvol can lie taken by the oldest person or tho young est child. Madam Zndoc Purler's h.il. sam has been in uso by tho public for over 18 years, and has ncqrircd Its present sulo Imply by being rccommcn ded by thosa who hnvo used" It to their nlilkted frlcnda and others. Most Important. Mndumfi Zadoc Porter's Curntlvn Hnlsnm Is sold nt n price which brings it In the reach' of every ono to keep it convenient for uso. Tho time ly use of n single botllo will prove to bo worth 10" limes ns cosi. , . NOTICE. Pnvn your money I Do not bo perstradctt to purchase articles nt -Is to 81 which do not contain' the virtues of a Elccut bottlo ofMndama Porter's Cu rstlvo Hnlsnm, the cost of manufacturing which is ns grent ns almost nHy other medicine ; and tho very low proce at which ft is sold, makes the profit to tho sell urnpp.1. 'ntly small, and unprincipalcd dealers wil suinnllincs recommend other medicines nn n Inch their profits nro larger, unless tho customers Insist upon1 hnvlnp Madame Potter's nud none other. Ask for Mndainu Porter's Curntlvo llalsam. prico Kl cents, nnd n large bottles nt 'J.i oeuts, and take no other. (E7"Sold by nil Druggl.ts nnd Storckeeporcnt I3cts, n.. l in larger bottles ai 2,1 rents. II ALL & ItlJCKLE, Pr priolors, New York. January 21, ldG3. OLBIliRS IN THE ARMY AND OUR PEOPLE AT HOME Aro now nllered nn opportunity by which thoy can ob tain n GOOD AND DUItAllLE TlME-l'ICC, nt n viry tow figure. Our Watches nro wurrautsil to koup timo ono year, nnd tho buyer is nllowod tho priviieguul uxnminatlon before payment is required. Improved Duplex in full Ituby AcIIoiib. A first class Hunting Timu-Pleco of silver material, over which ii eloctro-flna plated IS It. gold, most durably wrought, making tho imitation so faultless that it cannnt bu detected from the solid material by thn must expert' cured Judges ; acids will not cll'cct it. London laudo movement. Improved Duplex in Hill ruby action, has sweep seconds, and is not tube excelled in general np peuraiicP. This is decidedly un- nf tho best nrtlcles ever oirered for traders and speculators. Engineers, emigrants, nnd persons trut clllug. will find them uv nerlor to liny other , alteration ol flimnto will nut nr. j feet their accuracy. Price, (lacked in good slinpo nnd goon running nrucr, only 35.1.1, ur casu 01 u lor EMiJii. SILVER DOUI1LE TIME HUNTING LHVEIKJ. Hest Quality Silver Cases, ovor whlrh olcctro.finu plated Id Is. golil.dmllnr tu our Improve,! Duplex, 11 11 1 1 superior niljustud movements with "Stop," to be used iu liming horses, etc. j has Four Indexes for Washing ton and Greenwich time, sweep cecund, and all the improvements. All iu nil, taking its beautiful nud faultless appearance and Its superior movement intn consideration, wo regard It as decidedly the rheapest artii lo ul tho kind iu tho market, i'rice, iu good run ning order, 33, or case of (1 fur 200. II Wo ask no pay in advance, but will forward either of them to responsible partlus, to any part of thu loyal Slates with bill payable to expressman when lie goods aru delivered, glvin"g the buyer tho privilege of examination, nnd. if not satisfactory, tlio watdic.iu bo returned nt our expense. Thu express companies refuse making colleclionn nn soldiers and other putties in the dh loyal States, con sequently all such uriier must bo ncrnm 11.1 tiled by the cuhIi to insure uttention. We makea deduction of two dollars on either watch when Ihu payment Is forward in advance. Money may bo neut by express at our ex pense. TIIOS. CAITEII'I Y (.().. Mnnd fljllroud St opposlleClty Hank, ....... . Providence, 11. I. October 21, l!fi3 Imn. EVANS k WATSON VJSSSf "". 'run shutters Iron sash, all fsriri makes of locks equal tu any ma !i in the United States. Firr Safes in one fin. All cam" out right; uilh cr tents in mwd condition. Tin Salamander Safes of I'hil.idi Iphi.i i1gain.1t tht world. EVANS & WATSON, have hnd the surest i!emotratiiiii in the following cei tilicn'te that their mauuf.irturo nf S.ilnmaiidi'r Safes hat lit length fully warranted the repp seiilatiuns whu li liavu been made of them us rendering an iiudiiuhlod terurily against the terrific clement. Philadelphia April 12. If50. Messrs l.rnns ,y Walton: Gentlemen - It nllords 11.1 tho highest satlsf.miim to htate tu you, that owing 'to the very protective qualillisnftivo of the Salamander, Safes winch we purchased of you some Hvu inonlli since wo saved a large portion of jewelry, and ail our books, tit., exposed 10 tbe ciilamiuuus, lire III Ilaiistead ploco 011 the morning of the 11th iut.. When we rellcet hat tliesu safes worn IncaWd in the roiirth sinry oflbe building w occupied nnd that they Ii II subsequently intou heap of burning ruins, where, the vast concentration of ihu heat caused tho brasi plates tn n.elt, wo cannot but regard the preservation uf their val liable corneals as most convincing proof of the great se curity afforded by your sales. Wo shall teke grent pleasure in recommending tbum men of business us n sure reliance against lire. GEOItfiE H. SIMMONS fc H1!0 Jcxillcra. , C7" They haw since purchased six largo Safec. July 2ii, 1B02. rAngiistUO. Nos. 9, 11, 1.'), 15, 17 Couitlandt Street, NEAR IlltOADWAY, NEIY YORK CITY. This old-established nnd favorito resort of tho Ilusi ness Conimuuity has beuu recently refitted, and is com plete in everything that can minister tu the comforts of its patrons Ladies and families nro specially uud cure fully provided for. 11 it centrally I11cate.il in tho bu-iness part of the city, and is coutiguuus In tho principal lines of steamboats, cars, omiiibubses ferries, &c. 1 Iu conseqiienco of the pressure caused by thu Itebel lion, prices havo been reduced tu ! One Dollar ai d I'ifty C cnls per Day, Tho table is amply supplied with all the luxuries of the season, and is equal to that of any other hotel iu ihu country. Ample accommodations aro ofiered for upward of 490 guests. OCT"- Do not believe runners.hacknion, and others w ho limy say "tho Western Hotel is full." 1). I). WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TIIOS. D. WINCHESTER. Feb,15,lS02. TEE CHEAT WORLD'S r'AIR EXUI11IT10.V HELD TIIOS. W, iMATTSON Wna nivnrdnil Ihnl'rl.nMn.L em al for his superiority overall competitions iu thu United Htatca for his improvements iu TiAvelliits TruiiKS, t-1 ..Ho being thu inventor and W2S&ffiffiG&& Mnnurjctururof Elastic steel ucmi- Spring solid Solo Lcalheraud solid Riveted Iron Framo 1 rnvel iug Iruuks. Valises, Ladles Hat Uases, l.'arpet ags. Leather Hags, Umbrellas and Hobby Horses. , Hoys Gigs, Propellers, Wheelberrows, &c, which hu is prepared to sell at thu lowest manufacturing price, rim ino.t extensive Trunkand Carpet Hog Manufactur er in Philadelphia. u. aini.Ki.i blllEET. ono door nbevo Fourth. .a , , South side, PHILADELPHIA. LSnles room on the first door. tC7"Truuks neatly repaired or exchanged for new ones, tan a, SCCl us ,vo Bt,, vcrJ, CBn , f.ov. U, Ib(i3 liuio. 1 wwmt mm rpilE Proprietor of this well-known ami centrally Iocs -I ted House, tlio Exciiamuis Horn,, situalu on Mai, Street, In llloninsburg, iniiuediati ly Dpposite tlio Colum liln (!niin,v I ',,. 11,,,..,, .....,..,r..il.. iu. t.ii , : '.,:' : ","-.'i,'.uij iniurms iiib iriuuua nnd tlio public in general, that his House is now in or dor for tho reception nnd entertainment of travelers who may leol disposed lo luvor it with their custom. Ho has sparud no expense in prcpaiing the Excii.vmie, for tho entertainment ofhis guests, neither shill Ihero be any. Hung wanting (on his part) to minister to their personal comfort. 11b Iiiiuso is spacious nud enjoys an excellent business location, (C? Omnibuses run nt all times between tho Exchango Hotel and tho vnrious Rail Road Depots, by which trav elers will bo pleasantly conveyed to and from tho re spective fatatlous in duo time, to meet tho Cnro, m i , . . WM, 11. KOONS. nioomsbiirg, July 7, UCO. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend and customer, Hint liu has purchased his brothers merest in tho nbovo establishment, mid tho concern wild Hereafter bo conducted by himself exclusively. jf. He has Just received und oilers for sulo, tho Inrg. .223 est and most extensive nssorliucnt of FANCY SBSoPpVE8 ever introduced into this market, 55 His stock consists of n complctu nssurtment nf hu best Looking nnd patlor stoves in the market, togeth er with Stovu Fixtures of every description, Oven nnd llox Stoves, Radiators, Cylinder Stoves, Cast Iron Air. I ight sloven, Cannon Stoves, &c-, kc. Stovopipo and Tinwnro coiistoittly on hand and manufactured tn order. All kinds of repairing dono, as usual, on shntt noticu, Ihu pntronagu of old friends and new custoumrs re. pectfully solicited, A, M. RUPERT. Illooiiisburg, November 3d IPCO.-if, RLA.NK SI RLANKS! 1 Of every iltiscriptioii, for salts at liiaollie ' ' Vy'S'SmeSi BAl.AMANDF.lt SAFES, HE fc$m&f4 10V''-' "' AT. lb So Fourth W,j2ljhP.I.H Street. 1'MhuMiMa, bave 011 ftm-T-Pt f!VSf'I n ,:'"!" "ssottlnent nf Fun ltdWtSl: , J''".' l"-'1"''H.iI.ii..atH!. r Kafes. K6r!jl2atJt''t lii, s rota door, fur lemku ,.