bditbd Br luv: u tatb, rnorntnTon, "LOOMSBURG, PENN'A t Saturday Mornlng,Fob. 20,1864. " Onr Oonitllttllon -unaM It crer ! Oar glorlon UnlonhoM It dear I Onr Etarry riari fonnka It nevtrl Tn promt Onucaitlan onr onljr peer! fft'ir-.".-?"'"" rT -a TOR FitESIDENT IN 1B64, PTTnDPir Tl M'PT 1?T l A "M i ttJiU.nAJ.Tj D, JL LLi Iliij Li A IN BnbUd to Ib9 ecl.lon of U. National Convention.! UmmwsKSiiTO.a ------- I U na V ALLA.NDItUAM r UNB, 01 VJU10, , ! n i o ,. " T J ' . : "oditorwho dono tho printiuc was Wm nwt fini-iAiiB nAtifviiMiiinni n tiirtii n irn in ' 1IUUI IU1IVU9 Vl'Ull I Mil I IVUJ I UIMVItlOWM w KThe Pennsylvania Senate it meet ing and adjourning oca!ionally,waitiDg for tho election iu White's district, which is advertised to take place some time this month, whether legally or not Most of lVi. mntnlmm tmn niT ntifl rtnnn bmo. Wo noticed on toveral ballots the ! . . . vote stood 5 to 0. Hoavybustnc.ircaly I nnn on oscauso inc Jivguuununu .-.1 -1, , .l. T . I?. - 1 would rathor wosto tho people's money and violate the Constitution than that Demo crats should get any oi ths paltry offices. Oun neighbor Massor of tho Sunbury American, is horrified that wo should hava intimated in our recent notice of tho mob biDg of the Damocrat Office, that tho riot ers wero instigated to the net, by tho abo lition editors and rowdies of Sunbury. No person of common ttnse, in anywise acquainted with the conduct of theeo dis loyal scavengers, can entortain any other opinion in tho promises. Let them repent of their sneaking propensities, forsako the association of the "Loyal Leaguers," aud become decent citizens, and then thoy will not be even suspected of participating in tueb outrages and acts of violence. Cavditlales for Office A few wcoks ago.Ve inadvertently admitted into our columns a communication, naming Sam uel EvEiti-.iT, Esq., of Orangovillo, as a oandidato for tho Legislature. Since whou, we have received two couimunioations on the 6ame subject, the publication of which we deem it prudent to decline, not that we are onfriendly to Mr.E , or that he is dis qualified for tho position, but from the fact, that the agitation ot that, question is rather premature and that it is unfair to others who may also become candidatei, c-vtn if Yio should uot conclude to bo ono of that number. BoliaviDg that it was first moved without the knowledge of Mr. Everett, it is but proper to push the mat ter no further,without Grst knowing wheth er it moots with his approbation. All communications recommending as pirants for offico, in acordanca with prin ter's usages, must bo prepaid, as are all ordinary business-transactions. Gen. McOIellarfs Report. The very small edition of Gen. McClcll tin's Report which Congress has permitted lo be ptiutod, will not entitle tho members to moro than fifty copies each, to distrib ato among their constituents. This is hardly one-tenth tho number they would need, to supply all tho applications that havo been made to them lor the Ileporti To moet tho largo demand for this highly important Document, tho publisher of the Constitutional Unim, at Washington, bus determined to print an edition, by sub scription, which shall be, in all respects, equal in typo, paper and binding, to the Congressional edition, at tho following rates sent by mail, to any uddress, free of postage i Sinelo Oooifs TjO cents Ten Copies, in one package. . . S4 50 Fifty Copies, in ono package "0 00 Ono Ilundrod Copics,in ono package .'15 00 It will thus bo seen how parsons in towns, villages and country districts can, by clubbing together, supply themselves with iho Report at a very hoap rate. All orders, with tho moucy accompanying them, will bo promptly filled, by address ing Hon. Thomas B. Florcuco, 330 E. street, Washington, D. 0. The people of this counlry trusted their national affairs in the hands of Dem ocrats and conservative men for moro than eighty years. Ths country grew iu pros perity, influence, and powar. Wo became a great nation. Tho world, amaaed at our progress, looked on with fear and en vy. All this timo there had boon whisp ering iu the popular ear, a party of radi cals, "reformers and your .prosperity shall increase- ten-fold." At last tho people turned from their old and tried friends, embraced the "reformers," and placed ! their destiny in their hands. Sctrcely ' one year had the new fouud "friends and protectors of the people's rights," been in r ' ' . 6 . . three short years have so ruined tho coun - ' 1,11 rhv h.irn-rf tlm Irnsr nrl n try that a century ol prudence and states - anship, if ve m ever .0 lucky a, to got tn opportunity to ezereise it, cannot place ui where wo stood when the trust was ' first plaosd in the hands of our oncmics. ' There is a d05r leon in this fact, which .' , ... w hoj-e ti st9 our veep: yrofit by. tS2S 01 Tl i ' a ble ntemrisc I vuuuv ui"-muiuhul-hi, ui cciiuoib m , oi living, antl iu proportion to mo uign iiocn so lortuiiato as to nc a nicuiuor ot tno " --""' v.....u, .. If . T .Jia. nfl'nlmM a.,Iv V? " " iiiwci nuiui vuuiuiuuuo ... -i o i - . - , u , , i. ,. r ,l.., o. IJKUUKll, oi Jiii;in w - i;oiiim na nniintv. wna ilnirinl in II,,. fir. ( I .,.l i. ...!. i Ni'iiiblint nzitiif n.lrf t in Al Jilisnn. I havn 'u uwvm iw u.uum, x iiiuiu- ,,. rrr conscription, but escaped through tomo , ,t Verilv. has it como to this, that a mpeaimeuts in n,y spereii. i an, nei- V" " O.Hkllku.oI uo iircwuo. ..ii! it t mi I . . . . , . uior near sioiituti nor lar smiiiou. lean ""b . 4 imster wiro pulling at Ilarnsburu. Tho I nlinrnr who roftuca to work at a rata of , b... . v.. ........ mm a n t K. Hint nf a nn t na At fcereno, on - i . wv- - ------- - - ni-ur iv r i i r j 1 1 Tirirr ni n iiintrfir it irn ii . - - ascrllrlHM 01 this week contains nn exposition of tho manner in which tho onrotlmcnt was mado in thai county, by which tho onrolling officer, of ono of tho eubdietrict, tho post master, nml a uumborof relatives and po litical friends wcro allowed to ctoapo the draft. It ftp p earn that tho list of enrolled per sons did not contain tho names of tho parlies alluded to, and in order to piovont tho detection of the fraud whioh certainly would havo been and was discovered by the neighbors of tho omitted parties, au extra list was printed by a "lovai" editor I of a 'Mnyal" newspaper in Wyoming cout,t' 5n wu''1 wei Printctl 1,u names omitUi(i iu t10 gen.,mc iut. ftUd tke boguj nd tko bonu, .. . . . . D. " ' list posicu in tlio suti-distriot. This Iut has been oxhibited to tho boa ml of enroll- ' , , . iraenl nlltl pronounced a forgery. Tho matter will probably bo investigated. Words of Cheer. With the wholo power of the Adiuin'u tratinn nrravni! nirninut na. witli ttm mnn ' a. . ev in the trcastitv mnda in fluw lilrr- Water, tho Deiliocru (in Jinrtr will litivo :i , . --1. ; .1... . i T, ... .!..! ! ei8iin''o. tak 'he next Presidcntiul dec i I : j -. : c .1 . . . . ... I ' . -. : " " I for never ins thera heeii nn Ailmin Utr.i. Ham t, . 1... .. .1... corruptions and imbecility of which could bo se easily oxposed. ' The above is from tho Chicago 77ww, I . :i , ..i b ,. ' ii w uuujj ib. uuwean 10 within the grasp of the Democratio party. If they do uot obtain it, it will be their ' own fault. Aclear, dihtinot enunciation of ths Constitutional principles of their . party and a courage that will not shrink , from their maintenance before tho people, ti,i...i, ti.. .n.i ,i. i,n; t.. 1 will assure us a glorious victory in Novcm- ber. Courow, friends. Tho reicn of bloodshed, of corruption, of dcspotiim is, drawing to a close. Equality of whites and Blacks. Sumner's resolution directiongthi mitto on tho District of Columbia ij.r tho .Tm.r1ii.nov of rPnnrlinir . 1,111 .. j . granting equal privileges to white and AMlrtlAil nillaotia lti mlnlArl li n riiU of 30 to 10. DuiiDg the discission Sena tor Hendricks, of Indiana, exprc5jed his belief that social as well as political equal ity with the blacks was lo be forced upon the whites by the party in power Senator Wilson wished every man co tako tho station God meant him to attain How did tho natio cobler ascertain that God meant tho nfgro to attain equality wun me wirnes . u u sroum nae .0 hnow whence the New England infidels derive 1 !.L . I . 1 -I 11 1.1 .1. authority to speak for God and fulminate the decrees of HcavCn t It is sheer bias- p he ray. Facts. 1 It is a fact that the only Northern men ! sinco the war began, known to have given 0 ' o valuable information to the Confederates, ' is Mr. Harvoy, a Itepubliean, aud now Lincoln's minister to Portugal. It is also a fact that the only peisons in the North known to have furnished materials of war I to the Confederates, are Republicans as' Palmer, Collcitor Uarney's Clerk, and ' fii, f v v.u u it- SoniarooL promptly put him under Federal protoetion,to shield him Irora prosecution for hiicrinios, 2?- Wonder how Col. Tate's "Gold Spectacle subscription" is succeding ? Are hia friends doing anything for him I The "hat'' hasn't como round our way yet. Smut Machine. "Wonder," Dr. John, if you hadn't best just hand over ihoto ' Gold Specks," audsavo all further proceedings. Should the "hat" como around your way, it is not likely that you would spare over two cent.. About the price of that Valentino you know, what the boy filched and a- bout which you are making a great fujs. C23 Several propositions woro inado last week in Congress proposing amend ments to tho Constitution abolishing slav ery. Tho nigger is to bo tho platform of the Abolitionist in tho coming President ial campaign, Tho "Uuion" cry answered its purposo aud is now to be abandoned for that of ll Abolition." tW Tho February numbers of tho Farmer and Gardner by W S Young, and tho Gardner's Monthly, published by W I G P Urinekloe, of Phila'd have boon re ceived. They aro both spicy Journals aud well deserve and extensive list of .pat rons. CSyTho Democracy of New York are to hold a State convention, at New York city on tho 21th of February, int., to chooao delegates to the Natioua Deufo- j critic Convention. The Danville Jlorough Councils have agreed to pay 620U to each recruit, and I the citizens have subieribed 850 addition- : .n In nnr. i vn nnlnm- .nfnr. I i , ' ! Private Ben amin Van Horn, of . - 0 7 S ror dstiertioii. TfIK aPP;al Ji loyal, independent, X?? ! J'1' lot-box. Loog may this resort of n frep 'm ..t !.. .. , . .. . .1 111. .. . . . . . a.. tint lo.tin liiilnl'ii tlm Snfint... ll II. I. war ckven mkm, namely, Tho. Mo, Guiro, John Oaton, Michael Ootinors,, Wtlliam Davis.of lttohmoild.Kontuoky, Patrick 01o8o,.Ias. Urenman, Jns. Whulon has written the following Idler to tho Pro and Martin C'arrigan, woro arrested at Vost Marshal of tlio Eighth District of that Ilccksehcrvillo on Wednesday morning, Stato, in nnawcr to a call to such as were by tho Provost Guard, and taken to Head . Cnrollct to show oauso, if any, why they ing, anil tnenco, wo learn, to I'hiladolplna. (inn nf ftm tunli id rrt mtt ,.!ll, 1,!m. I u. ...u ...v.. .., v. .... gut. .. i...6 i deserter from the military service What tho charges against tho othor parties arc, wo havo been uuablo to positively a.cer-, That they eould bo cuch as to just-1 , ,l,n f .t. .j I , .I,,, I" " coal operators in that region, and tho in I lluonce they excited upon their follow lluonce thev excited unou their follow I miners in their efforts to obtain a rato of wogas Cxed by monopolists, thereby com - i mits a crime which ntbiects him to arrest by tho military authorities, removal from the county and imprisonment without trial? ; , . , , , , 1 his is American freedom under Hopub-' llCan TUle. The Dtwocuitk i&landurd. A .. 1.'... nn.n M), ,. Ia I ,.,o ! " " u .......... , j . .... i.. t.i uu . ' Wi... : -.. ,.t.i.. J ! J : ,nboul ,lie affair, is, that it is tho work, auuuKt wuuii-, oi piTauuu uuk ui n.u ouuc, " l 1 Hon of U. Gbatz Bbown. of Misiouii. and thnt new-found and suspicious cclcbiity, General GANir,of Arktiusc.i. Thus ma do up packed with Abolitionists from abroad its rcBolvt-s will very probably u,ecl tl,B approbation of Horace Greeley und Theodora Tilton; il wo atiull read iu loval nriuts. that Keutuckv has nro- in fuvor of free negroi.m and . I amalgamation. Colonel Wellington II. Bnt, of the uth regiment ot JL'enusyiTOiiia reserves, , 1 reaellcd hlf procut rank, at the head ot n: reB;mcnt in a 00rps ti,at ,as neVer faltered I in battle, and is tho pride of Pennsylvania, j Although a native aud resident of Colum- to ,. , bia county, ho is personally known by a largo portion of our citirens, and hai many warm friends here an aiouaiutance at.d ' friendship foriufd whilo a student at .Dlofc- ' 5 insou Seminary, where he graduated sev-, J 0 eral years ago.-IVilliamspurl Gazette. Hon. Mvsk Stuousu. Tim Daily , ComtUmionnl Union pavs the following ... .r5hll,fl w'orthv meinbor of 0ongre3Si Thal pnpor say3 .' The on Myer Stronc, of Pennsylvania, although ; a now member, has already attained a proud position upon ths floor of the House, Ever at his post, vigilant and watchful 1. n.n. 1.. a.. An..rt,l,,il,, f . , . , , 1 . , , 0 . l.rt .1.,.. P il.i t.J t ,11. IIIU V Alii HU lltUUD Ui 111' IV UUUJ , UllU always attracts tho undivided atteutiou of the H.ouso." Only, $4,000,000,000. Mr. Thurlow Weed, in a letter to Sena- tor Morgan of Now York, cstimitcs that .... ... . i !uu nr win nave oust, ru in icruiiuuiioii, Ul' UUJil.oiifi, auu that three lourttis ol this amount will remain as a national debt. Ho urges the repeal of tho Homestead law . by Congress, in order to make tho public, lands a souroo of national revenue. , tSTA certain "Kev." Mr. Gilbert, a gunpowder "War Christian," recently declared, in the Connecticut Legislature, ol whioh ho is a member, that "for one, 1 am not afraid to say that J had rather lit clown aua ate in my tracht to-tiay Hum see any i tutor atian oj ihc Union us tl was." He is just th man to volunteer then, as .the best means to accompli.ih his object. The Presidential Question. Information from Iialtimure indicates i..: 1. nC 11 wi.,i. r:., :.. .uwu.Uil...ul .lvm ., ... ,.. . . gato Conventions for Secretary CJlinso L Prudent, and the radical nintfnm, luw . o over tho Blair conservatives, who rau tick ets headed "A Lincoln'" Phil' a. Jmj. ' 1 A disconsolato bachelor writes: "The privileges ol Leap Year are not practiced now a-davs, and the Indies seem to hare forgotten that thoy exist." With all duo II V Ueir arrOSl antl t OtlortatlOll UV t 0 I mv u-nrl hv rinnil. . nun.u U. ?ntr. nr- 1 "J"U whu una i unaiuni uiruvur. limp cil. iUaiK S CUlireu, A-HIiatieinnia. 0V 1110 ' II" ni,i.n..t ii. v..k s military, wo cannot conceive. Tho men geon, n member of your honorable hoard, "go, I omieavorca to atato u tbo bcunlo Uuv. Dr. Washburn, AInj. UiUitrAS M. "; 'eir. cr 0ii were citizcBs, and in no way aibjeet to , lV.a no U10K0 1 mm".' 1,avc 110 "''"PVXrrVi.rT.Titi.T l.,::;; ' Vrl',' ,' ' "A""",." .'"V T WTV OM K , i .... , - . - . 1 ic uiioases, sucn as intiaiuinatory riieu ',v"" i'--.iv.u.. . uunn. , ma,, tu hi.i.ii...-. n ,u,.uSiiiui ui m. ji. m. U.niMry m v., numor sajs ,nt lll0 IIlB,lllln0hron,0 jnflll,nBljoll of , ,t0mach, 1 "'ooratio ami llepublieai. luc.ubers of tho ilev. Wm. W. Tumor, of Hartford, .x-p 'PWKN'i'Y EI01IT P icaiiso ofthoir arrest was their refusal to tditliUin wliim rnvMlin T -im nnt this bonatj. I bolioved that tho state- Conn. ..... f-. 1.. !.. .!.!. .1.- . luuutiiy I couipciisuiioii cominuiiiiuruiu unit uiu ilr oil in I in Snul hirn nrtnv. iiiul up .snt'iiL ii frtw flflvfl in una 1 snore as i iv uiw nuo uat shmwh iuh u uiu n, nennii iiiiiivt'TL 1 ar oornprHui. in niK " --v.., ... . . - . . . 1 . t- 1 1 i I . a W .... . . -.. I. .1.. W. f, ,ll,.,f ! i- ni -n J torn 1 nnl niitfnl-Ati. Tim nn.w l...v ' S' Tin nnlu w-nirit-I' T ni'iiU tl...r. H10T0 tTUO tll'Ul IU tilu Wild tit' (I ttiul U 1 f ? " ll "Com- MBTli(n(mnl. Brirnrm.11t.,,irlJ be., all a.ouutl the borders of which oould be tortured into such , ma- Pted reuioval ,,f the lovely ,-lld who fcli",'m" . ' ' . . . . . . r nn. in HMtnlnmniil iw n il. u it uccii lunuil Hum lUO tvn 0 COIHU i7- l.nt.. . iu tun i. fi ;,., npniiini..,!. uniil In. Ii the rf?tnctc'(I jrcn or tilu llnnfi'UVruc v , .. . '. 1 ........ ..r.t..... .1 1 tutvmhiu deference to our ancestors who origiuated , Two cars ran off a bridgo ouo hundred log heap adopt this mode of smoking and tho privileges of Leap Year, we think the antl twenty-five Icet high, on tho Grand then say which way U the best, castom of soliciting a hand in marriago is Trunk railroad, near Georgetown station. 77T, '. than in the ' by which the conductor and two brakes-',. A PiuvA'rr. soldier of the sixteenth rcg ,.,;n0!,t. ' men were instantly killed, bciurr matn-Ud . "neut wns Publlcly florcd m Toronto on 7, '7" ' Tub army of tho Potoinao, it is said,1 shows signs of discontent, because it has 1 not ken paid off. "'J'ho Government" owes it six millions of dollars. The truth , priI)t money so last as Ilopublicans in of- floo steal it. is, mat uouso s printing i.iacu ncs cannot , " !, Tho onomy aro threatening Now- Iifirn nml WiiHlmirrrnn. IVnrih tl.irnlinn pbTb KVbrth us weii ' f country, again lalling into their huudii., tht. n,lm!nUtr,Mn likn a lughway-mai. ? Beesim with it itV f thcr your inom-y or your life A Cmtty KonluOklan. should be exempted i l.T . . 1. I --l uavo seen your nttTcriii'vmcnii giving i pcoplo desiring rxoniption fr.m tho draft j opportunity to lay in their compln uts, &0 - , Now "r ava r had U.o lion-1 f t, , uj )f wiial , nl)(,ut l0 ' , .it ' i " " r . . i.-i ". I- "7 ' " 1 am not uanuy-slialsr-u. lam not bow . P'L- A ""u. 110 u-utli, ana ,nn bito off a cartridge. I can htaud btraia U on my p tstern joints. 1 havo nevor been the ring ol'a silver dollar. In short, lam 'sound in wind and limb. I am a home- hcpcr, and have n . wile, (a good uuion .ftl1 .no children living. I an. a titien ol Madison county ,Ivy., troiu which ou W!Ull aaw ooldicra. 1 am as bravo as you any man who is no braver than I am, One of my leg is long : tho other, "11- " O oil, mill I'm nnn fliinnn i rn rim ur. I l am (or U.o last man and the last dollar, ' . . ...... nicucr or no itisKcr, especially tho last'"'"v t"" -J. ) """ ""V '"" , mnn. fvnll lil mm mnlbl. mir.'. mnn. If vntt faill'n n rvn-i,l imifc.t nmrl.'. al y. S., send it down, and I am ready te uear u in ucicooe oi mo union, i am ) J?"n all the papers that ""title mo to bo in." Tho Rebellion uot Bead. Wo warned the country not long sinoo,1 says the New York Woild, to put no faith in Iho statement of tho Administration press that tho rebellion was exhausted as .,. ,. , . n ininrinrf fmifnt i ttriwiintiii timi n miuvmj j'W'i'i' il l' ii;iaiii'i tintl) notwi hstanding the manifest dc.pondonoy , mill nwnnnfonf nf Sntitlinvn nnonlii tin it. . A 1 ; ' ' ' enmiuRnceincnt of tlio knrimr njtnnsifti : would find the rebel arimes a, large and 1 n i--tj" in 1 CJ " I, .. . . . ' J ucy are on tuo aggrcesive in every quar- tor, savo tho Southwest. Wo hear of them . in Western, Central and Eastern Tonnes- ce, iu Western aud Northern Virginia, .. .i ti i . on the Peninsula, capturing ouiposts m j 0" baronna, aou even beseigiug Aew- beru ; while there is no falling oft' iu the ' supply of lehrl troops undi r Ucaurcgard. j No doubt many of these raids have been , iii. 1 ., .1 made in sheer desperation, ami th ot tlieiu have been inspired '.0 obtain needed supplies ; hut they givs the lie to tho ;to- ric- which hnvo bct-n so rile of the .dcm oraliaalioa of the rcl.,1 nr,i,,. Tim counlry ija5 bccll l0 (,ccoivL,d so of(un tlint it is quite iinio all such itorics were dis crediied. -Iacouins a:;i the Puksidsncy. 'Flic TIninn T.l.aunrS. Alirilltinn mnn,. 1..... r n . 1 .-o. . 1 -i . I nora nl llfini?n.js nml nt Stnt. I .niriclnfiirni; " W " " j v . t w u l aud the Jaoobim in general throughout country, are jmt uow junking a great noise about nominating Abe Lincoln ns .!.;, ,.i;,t..i i ,t. t ,, ... . ,, , , , ,, ., UitjiyicshuUbctcelcctf,l I'rtsvltnl ! tuu l'OWKIt CAN PIJliVliiST 'T'IMi I.,.. ,i. t. .1.- .. i. w ... ...v.. ....w..u fr "t rd s!w: lul;cu u,uu"u egiuea wiai nave iieiernuneu 10 l,laoc 11 Constitutional Democrat at the ' hcad of 0Qr Govcrnraent, whether it be .1 r T't'TT L it in ii .. .i 1J1-iA1J '"--i or any osner aceepta- ( hie Uuion man. i he people everywhere -tho bone aud sinew of the country-are becoming tired of the manner in which tho aiTairs of tho nation are conducted, aud their rights trampled upon, by the Jaco- " m power, au tuo people waat is a froo election no military interference with iuu uiccitve iranciuso anu Auoiiuonism will be numbered among the things that wore. lork Democratic Pies TiisNew York Tiibunc now makes the following important statement : "The rebel unities embrace to-day nior men than at any moment binee the com . - . - - mencement ol the war. Uuloss the Fed- oral armies are strongly reinforced before wi, oi.nug tuutiiuy uuiuorilics uoro I , I ; I . I . 1 1 ucliove that mucli of the advantages vc Baine.l ith.n the lt twelve month, mnn mm lint .. t.. I... .1... .,,. ...k .i.tutji u maw ujr uiu uvauuaiiun of territory which we will not havo suffi cient troops to garrison," Frightful Railroad Accident. The Toronto Globe, of February 10, records a frightful railroad accident 'u 11 horrible manner. . ..... SoLiuuns to the llcscur Young men, rushiDg into tho exposures and dan- COrs of a soldier's Jife.should nrenare thani. " ' , T XCY , w,on,w ' tIlt! SorcB anJ Scurv'' wll,0,l ar0 a,,uost norlfitl. lr. fnlUii TTfll I flW ,1 V'S MI I B BcjVfg for tLo faUl v tho jjyt0(ltcry , vw. .v.. v ... .w i. w . iwu used occasionally during tho campsign, .:n . l l i.l. - .. A" T "J" ... "! W " . ' CsirMioiiBAri Dan Maorhan, K.cq., a Scutloman who has formerly well known in political circles at Harrisburg.died sud- ''only ot Johnftown, Cmnbna county, a fw dajs sgo Senator Clymor v, .1 , . , , . ! During tho late gubernatorial oouteu n this tato a slanderous chargo was m.tdo against Senator Clymcr, whioh was pub- lisliod cxleusivelv In thu Abolition press , ,i. . at the tuno, and has been since, on various ....: ....1 1 .1 .. M. ill.. uui.ubh.u3 icimou. .. v-.jr- ....... ihaI ,,.,... ll. Af ll... wu uiu.nuu, u)uu ih uuui u. mw Senate, to nail tho falsehood. Wo quota ,U rcmark!) M tJj0 . oarC(1 , llie Tck. . Mr. 0L1MEU. 1 hopod, sir, that I was menl was so and hIuiuIo that a fool tOOl w.. ....j, . u " ' V ducatcd . , . . sharp-w.ttod and shrewed as they are, . "'"J.?.. cou u minaj.o u ; x uavo uono now, sir. ow, sir. discussing hv tho Senator from Lanoaslur, (Mr. CJiampncys.) Mr. OIIAMPNHVS plain 7 Will you cx- Mr. Cl.yMEH. and 1 am dono. A Ono moinont, sir, 1 charge made in a political print, (or a special purpo?o a charge that was in ail e with a particular .!...!" ... l.t-1. .!..!... .!l-.l J .1 mdiuiii ""iwiii v.v.i;u .,uii.u - w. uu.i'u 1 cniphatically .n tho organ' rit .i i.ii. ..urn ...... .... .....1 ., ' Ulliliuu w UUlll l II.IU IIIUIIIMH, WUUIU ItOi havo boon repeated, ly not oy ono whom I told that it was false, and who y v' lfomo ,L auurinl! tin lalSL. 1 wa, clurgctl, . ir, Hun. g t u was u hut campaign, with saying that if Vallaudig- ham, ot Uhio, anil Woodward, ot l'eini- sylvania, were elected, thoy, iu conjuue- tion with Soymour, of New Vork aud Parker, of Now Jtusoy, would recall their llu"l)5 lro"' luc UCIU "uu lllu, B,0P 111,3 war I njomlw ago. that that cl.argo was iiialmiiantly talso : Isay f6 now; . - ftUtt X Sit V tl io beiiator from Lancaster . .. " - knew it was false aud said ho was glad of il- . ,,,,, r - iSow, sir, lor tho beneul ol those who .. ... . i .. T ...111 . .. . .1 I 1. 1 uVS U-gcd thut I made uo ot the language iu newspapers Was tilH, th' war(i Wlls elected Governor of Pennsylvi- nia VailandigU n Governor of Uhio, ih.-v . . . . . t in conjunction with those tuo great pa:- rir?, Se?M,01,r of Xw Vork aud Parker of Aow Jersey, would compel thu cor- erilIlieut to coiuo back to ibe roolutioii of July, IsGl , ami piosecmo this war for the purpose set forth in that tosolmion. 1 say ,:ow- a"1' 1 behove that il was tlio groat- l!"'ty,t; Z'" Jot blleu ;" ti v Unit H10.-0 two tiii-i) wsrc not eleotu'l : foj. j lctiV0 UWf nn, evor fiiiau bolifi7,; that the departure from tho purpups an I objecis of that resolution Iiub dclu-'cd this Und in blood, wastsd our subsiauoe r.nd made ui a mournful spectacle amount the nations of the earth. I believed that then : ..... . . 1 believe it now ; and I rc-:iart that if any true man had been okcte.I Governor ol ibis great Commonwealth, (his Keyslons of Iho Arch, thin uation within herself, thiibtate ot ihreo nullioutt of men, this Slate ol iron and of coal, this State that u greater and grander than any other in ' his ham's upon the pastioiu which rule me coiui'uui iil-v iijui nu wouui nave lat i i this hour, and would have siidto the ! wave-s of fanaticwin, "Ponce, bo still ; go thou no farther." (Jh, air. if we had revetted to the trHe doctrine laid down ill ,10 vesolulion uuatiiniousl v voted fur in , Julv, lolil, peace would again rein wiih- ..,...l.. U'i,i.. :. .ii ....... ..... v.. v. r03aloue,n 11,3 M do,u j Meat.- Moat is often injured in llie smoke house by too treat ' ' " lcaU rr105() w,0 havo eatea bacon e rooked as it s-hould be, und afterwards ptaku of that which has been toasted, ad outside seorehed and crusted as i, frequently the cao will detect a remarka- i,,. dillerenee. T-he Cultivator makes Mino til)Iiy rcmartB thij subject . iiai!a a ciiovel of coals in an old n, pan, or i a few SOuio low dish and lav on thei sugar maple chip, dry ones arc best, for 1 j. ' it requires too much lire lor grern ones. I x- .1 1 -ii 1 , J0 Other WOOll Will plOUUCe tUCll BWeet 1 , , ., 1 . smoko as sugar maple j and the coals of il will keep louyer than most hinds ofi wood. In the absence of chips, corn cobs will bo fouud nearly as cood. Three or four laid on a few coals, will produce slnol:o Brf1(:iont t() fiU u,uu PUVIWII V tJ lid UU VI U I Hill Y . . . ... Rehouse. As- a substitute for a ordinary molasses hogs-head 1 H4inl;,.linnsi. uuvtnu mm uuaiua oil tuu lop, r.UO a I , , . - ..11. , , . .j uoiu (jivtu ill wiu oiiiu ui llie UOllOUl large i enough to admit a pan of coals with a few J cobs or chipj, will bo found to answer every purposo. Lot those who havo becu accustomed to smoking their meet over a Ihursdty morning last for repeated Rets ' , of insubordination. lie was sentenced to rccnivQ fiftv laihcs. bnt RiiiTiirml nn Severn. ly from tho cuts of tho cats, that the snr i.,nnnA it.. A ... .., ,1.. .. gcou stopped th e urummcr ut th Inrtn. fourth lash. Blood, says the "LoatUrS dropped sluggishly from tho cuts, and . uronncu in c ola to tho crounu. tho sol. dier giving uitsranee 19 agonized groans. 13 Thr office of the Constitution and ;.,.. .i T.'-T..ill,1 . ,ti ii UillOll, at lairllCla, lOWa, was mobbed by some Abolition soldiers. ! I,t.. f is tho . wwmiouj ti till) "frcn tiiid frnn , m. they promised to introduce as soon at they .... c;mi,iii would coma into power. This will, how. ever. h?lp the papsr along Fort Ooiighs, Colds, and Throat Dior dors, use, "thown's Hton'Mul Tracits, ' e ft q( miuy yeftr5i The Troches nru highly reo- commended and prccribcd by Physicians and Surncom in tho Army. . : 1 - - - - - MARRIAGES. -- . , . . " lJ"JA tT iw,,1 - - " -1 . ( Miilliu Township, Col. co. . . . -- --- On Tuesday, l-cliruary Dili, Ih04, at f., Wcilnroilnt? nvntiln.i. (tin I fltti itiat.. r.. tv..i-i .1.- inn. w.. .. ,.......v . ......HJ ... . .., tlin rnsiilntinn nf flpnnm W. in nt tlio rci-Henoe or Oeomo W. JLiott, in , Orangovillo, by llcv. W. Goodrich, Mr. VJI UUUV 1 II1U. U J.M.V. IT. 14UUUIIU11, ( 1. Sloan, of Bloomsburir, and! j,, li;,,u i. Lorr, of Orangovillo. On tho 11 tb in.t., iu Orangovillo, by 0 Itev. "W. Goodrioll, JkIIKMIAH .M.I .f 7 1.1, Ol . lit' O ! tho Itev. "W. Go Street, to Miss Sauah ' Greenwood, Ool. co. tt,r 1 1 i!i itist ,v u lUB lllUlllSt, tlV iJ.atllPS Jlasters. Lid , Mr.WlIiSONM. Cl.AYTON. ! ... ' ii. it ,,. ... ' to MlKS iMAUGIK i'jVES, all Ol lUlllvllle, : ii - . 01, C0, In llriarnri.ol!. Oil the 20th of Dec. 186a. by Adam Suit., Usq., Svlas E JiYNN, to! Emily 0. Eimvauds, all of Iiriaroreek twp-, Ool. co. I DEATHS. -'-I j ii wi KisUarro, on iMonunv last d f ..... . . r . t . ISnllltt'.tt. Kr . . rnrmnr v 'nil MnktHr of Wilboibarro, nged 03 years. In Wilkesbarrc, on Monday latt, Hon. .-i. U. LiiiASu, District Attorney ot I.u- :riii) county, aged about ! year.. Ztfl'llU In Danville, on ihu Gth iust., Mr Ma h v Gauiictso.v, widow of CornelUon Gar rotiou. dee d, and dmi'ilitor of tho laic John UtiodcB, 51 veurs, 10 aioniis, : and I dav At I'ori Nolilo on (tin Ifitli invi.. Laura ii.,... .1 1. .' .-M'... --:' 1 , iifliyuun U4 II ill. UUIX 'J O I about 1) years. In jJfis .1 r.t iarcroek twp., Col, co., on L'ridny, 1 ,c ).tu ' of February, ISM, MARIETTA, tlauirliler of William aud Catharine L- iuou, in the 6th year of her age. r..n..,i. .i.tni .,.. ir. L ..... - .....,.,a .. aw, .1 I. .11 . ' .. .1 1 1.1,.,..,!..: blti'i'LIll nil V7111 ilUilll lll ll UUUHI UU 101 UIU rostoratiou of her health, it was tViilctit '""j "LjiV 0111 r a!ll"rl' that the Savour who took little, arms nn uiuivtl iiicil), liitil little ehihlreii to co'.nr unto 111c lid them not, fur ul' fucli is tbe kinedoiu of Iiujv.hi " h;(J k nlaef1 for her there, wheie we hive reason to beli.-vc she it now a little anei .houuj llie iiiione ol God. In her happv departure we luvt- mo,t Mrikingly veiilied ' that portion 0. God'.-i word. 'Out ul' the mouth of ha - t)05. ana hath orduiiNd rialso ' May '!lu beieaved parents be tus'"'l hy '1'vino graco fooliua that it i "W('" the ,1)ila " "'''he ''"f'1 gave, aou in,- jjont hath uir.-ii awy. l)!ee.l I... 1 C . I. . T 1 IO ul luv """,0 01 11,0 JJ,Jru- J ----"--- rffi Jnil"hVMfnf V tU .vtliUi. I UijlllM Ul ' DinaoIutoil of Partnership. "MOTICl'Iis hereby given, that tho part- n.imi her, t'llnri' 113I1112 ln-tw -rn th hiilid, ri In ph. in ll, lit in .mm IIi-mm , in Jrr.'yti.H ii, I Iliuul.l on nil , rt ,m ilse,m Ml hv III, nil. ll i-nii,i-iit on tin; I .111 ut lYIninr, . lJi 1 Tin- ul tin- I.l- ilru.. Ikiawr Iur m iti 'in -i.t. Uu' nt rr.) ti I I.- I)uiii ill U- I'oiiUniji'il ai tli" ot'l St:. int. I.y Uonr.ul Krsnur, f"t win. in a coiiIi.iimiii e ol jiuLIjc i iiHinin i r-'upi oliuti),!. i -i V ti AU IUII-; Ul Lit, WILLIAM KlUlAMJJit. Jsrrt) io n, i'c,rii.iry .0, l.-M. in iL-iiiiiiii i n .in. ioii', in ui nun, m oi i 1 1 1 1 a ni PUBLIC SALE or PERSONAL PllOPJfillTY 'jpiiK undersigned will cxpo.-o to sale it K 1'ut.lir VeiiUuc, tin i.i'rboiiAl property of Jo,'jili lljL'i-rinan, ni In- las reaniLlic,!, in .MJiluii -'UIll!,'a lu mty. uu fcATUiilJAV. MAIICIl 12-fH, lfitiJ, Thi fnlloH iiij ilrnrib, d valuable lersoaul oropiirly, Vlil One goot! Milk Cow, mi THP.KF. SUOATd. h'lock ul (,'hoice ' sifns" llav Tv tlio Tr n ffi ' cJ.Im, , ,,' saT b tt- nui.'u.'. &ffil82&i Corii.tii'lili r and b'traiv bj 1 1," Uun Ho, uuo h;irioi! iiroii, on' .-1,111, llliu Isniitli TO'li. Ilollov -, Annilo ainl Vise.- Alto, Id. anil lluilumi;, niiu 'I'.ilili', t nplioaril, (,'ook IjIovo, onr room.Hioi' auj I 1 e-lini.fiinvp. Iron Keltic. Hiliilui,s-li-'.l mul n-el, ) m,.,!'1" , n .. ,1 viii,, ij 01 iioiiM-iiuiii uilll Hliuiuil riirniiuruiou iinmorniu tu mintion. 2-' .nlu to ruiunicticu at IU uMurk, a. 111., nf saiJ ilny, ln'ii ,Uli'li,l,u. uill bj flvi-n an.l roiulilinin in, lib1 1,111m 11, by J. C. H.UILUMAN u. o kivitzir, Auume-cr. YolmitCCrS iliul (JO IiC I'i t) t.S .. ,, ., .... . rpo oMicra r any uiIiits wiiliing to itu-ronse their iiuonm, IticM is nn better way of iloiiis no at tin tii.n. tti.ei frin tlio sale of onr VVatclii'tf, 'I liey aro Warranted nu I lii.rt--.-iit.ii ! 'TaiticuUrly ynlnalili' for nrticcru in the Army and tiavcllcr..'' frank l.'.tlu't, lVb. 31. "l'retlifiil, liHsHiml riieapokt timepieces ever offer cil." A", i lllul ratal i. Jan. IU Jr. if. Jirmij .y-varay journal, Luovem'l OrU-iu. Mlt I "Ono nf Uiu oldest anJ nio.l reli.iblo liuiuun in buii- .i, I'lvi.j, ion, iiuitiiii'- .. uiLiiei tor .uu ririn. noc " lmiville Ky., Journal, July III MAtilC TLMi: OllSEin'KKS, Being ,1 Iluntms or ()en I'aoe or Lady's or Genlle inan'K Wdtih l.'ouibineil, uilh I'atent riulf-w inilini; Imprnveinent, 11 lauH t'lcaniii N'ovi liy. One of Ihn in Ilii-Ht, mn.t convnnient, mi l ilori InJIy the lie.t anil i-lii-ai'ikl lime pa'ti- for iteneul ami ! Iu ble use I'u r nirup'il. It ban within it ami cminectuil with ilk machinery, itmiun itinilme attachment, rend ering u key entirely unni'CMiiary. The e.-inei of llii U'utch are compoKt'it of two inot il', tlio outer one lie. mi; fine HI carat golil. It has tli'i iiiiproveil ruhy neiion lover nioveineni, and la warranted un uciiirate tune piece. 1'rii-e, iiierldy ensraveil, per cane ol halfiloiun V'JUI. riamplu Wntchca. in neat innruccu bate., $32 rimtOlam lliintiiisTnne-l'ieccii for acenrary of move- I incut, bianty f material, and nlmvo all, rheaimcn m price, the. u wutcbr mut uume muvcr-m I An iinitnii,,n . r . . iV, fLrJI, f 1 ' 3 r., k,..r,,. . - VimV.V;; inner one iaticrinanriilver, it rainiot uo recosniicrl by i .....: ; ....... .. . . r g AS! on, uiu ii i exmtence. in tin at they very readily do, uonars ion ne i uaUo ill a (iii-!u nay day by any nno Cf bUslnen lad. Vj- AT WIIOLLHAf.U OM.VI Inheavy limiting' cae, biMiiiil'ully enslaved, white enamel dial, ami fancy cut hnnds, In no, running order, by the half uubv.i, f, k7U.ll 1M.I, ur inu V'.U Ol .14 i Upon receipt of two dollau, a unarontee of seel faiUi, we Mill send watchee by.erptes, to any pan of the loyal Ptutc, collectinc balance (ifbillnn delivery. ",u-u'5".e1!'n .eivlu U ft ixiii.iii'B uiui payiuuni ii rpii,,rcu .Ho'JI'" h-.tUo dl.loyal .tateii mu.t icmlt aih In uuvance, ut tn cipresi couiimniei pemaptnrliy rcfum KMV.'Jaiv TJii'r ' sm. iinrortnr., 171 Itroidwav. ror l-,TtUn4t f-tt'et i Vr'. it it I nil W rt,i,l. fnuui mi: . i-i 1; ui cjiuh uui uiion. aim Iemr t'. If i T)1T1-M 1 Q X L'JDJUi" m i ot YiliUJlbSc KCflS EsliltC in puuunnce nfim order ef the Orptun' tVutt el OliiiubU cnunlr. no Saluriny, Ihc Villi t'ny of March next, M to d'clccli'ln thefiiir-nnnn. Jnii.hH. (If tin. AtlrtiililH liMor. c , of Mltlmol Vhllet.liMti.lo i.f MV I4ik tunimtilp. 1n mn county. diti.nul, will ixpnio tcf talc, by I'titUc Vcndu , on the pr mliei, n ouilnln Jan M, M m, ,t Wfl m m f.ymnm w MJ&m i m "iihiih hi "Vilnius luwDBfiin, i, omnium cnnij Jolnlricr l.iiiilinf Michael Phi, iW Mnllilim WlilU'iilulit nn tho ni ini, coiiin nun ivp.ii vmiin i wio iiciii in iUrrt RltOIlES, Ul'""' p-" "!'''. i i-cw..t. s. B.ill A B I .1 IirriJI7 J.1 XjTSlIU JUL V U O Jl? tilUi, i.:itc the 3italf of said deceased, siluuto' ln ,l"k',""", of """'''je," umIuman"1' nioouiibnrir. I'tkruory B, l'dt.4. (lONIHTtl.N'l ni.' J?At.l' clerk, (Jonditiins op Sale. Ti n per ci'ttl of Ilia ptirclmso money t bo pniJ to th nilmliii'lrntiT nn tiny of rule. ,,""'" " ' in" imintice or purchoie money toun t,n , I m rnnnrmat on nfSa n. "ino rcflilue '.ftli,. purrha.o ninnry to ha paid In on. cnrtroin ciiiinriiimioii ol auto, Willi lulfii.rt. Xh- .lureircil paymi'iiti to he n-tur.'il by lion,l nnj inortstif:u nn tho iirciuUca. 'J'jio pun liaaur to pay Iur the loiunyante. JACOII iS t3V"NS, HIomInrn, 1'eli. IX 1EC.I.- to. A Juiiulatrutur. Jil3T 8 P Tio & A H 0i 11 'uiAjfl.'O AAlLihU op I Valuable JScal Bs(Ue TN piirsiuiice of an order of the Orphans 'oiitl of Ci'lu.r.ljin county, on Tucstl'iy, the Sit Uittj ut'Mirch iirxt. , at 10 n'lloclt. 111 Ihj fon-nonn. Iluuli 15. .MellrM. , inluutratnr of Crunkllti Int nf llemlncl ffiX.:!! v:wf m; .H V$i:fn J:'&k$XL&. &Wg$k & &mM(.I& ami TRAC1' Oi LAND, ltur,tr in th t'iiT.hli nf llcinlocli, In , y, ni" i ounty oi I'uiuniiiin. A-Mi" iJ ' buiiml by lur.iU of n ukIi I'M 1 "V-sV trl. lim.icl'urti.1. uduthi-iiiii3iAVai . loutainlm ttSniS'niK ilainliii bTT. Ninety tcven Acres, MOHK OK LUSS ; VVh,rlon nre.r.rtc.ln mirlm ritiry Krauii D WE LING HOUSE. ! GOOD HANK UAlt.V, WAGON tSHED ! AND OTHKR OU I'.HUII.DIN C.'S s . . , f , .,,.. B,,. I, . iinu.i- ,ii ui.. ircmi6- ,iiipiy iicr.'n i Ifiircil una iu cuutvatiuii ; und Uu bulmice in njo,l ! Crounil nn tho r u 1 ,1 1 a e b , ui;c'toJ from t tl ll'tntd r.f tniil ilfrrn T,t. ll,,nl lr, ih. f llcinlocK nn. I county ifurcMil. . ri J1.3-l.lUI,U,5l,UtH, ' liibdIIICDUrX, 1 vu J-U4. 1'o.M.rj ions fip Hals. 'XX:;! "m''"! ta 1IIK' fullrth ,( llie till), III! U .,1 hJ-ClKlbl! II1.H1.V. I,.J tin pi r cut. In In p.n 1 on Hi,, c'.nf.runli.ui nf fMe. 'I'll-' fi-liliii- nf Oi, puivliitfc iiioiiL-y I,. U.- inn i m un jrunr from rmitiriuMi.iii i.l mle, Willi ii,l,r-.l. 'Ui iiifmen luymi'iit tu b,- r.uirfd liy tic.inl n;i, nut un III nn-iiii., . I Im n irclicn r 1,1 i... (r ZiuTiZiw' uiiun ii .ventolin A Luuiitiat r - - - PITtl.S1 V V P R T 'V f 1 U ki,- & t If RJ I ! ' ILL br-'spo-r,l lo Public ..!,.. ut III, Lit'1 r. Biilcnrc of t)M ni ! !1li,iiii,,ii ,i..v...j , In M.ini .. mlilfi. l'i.ln,iitiia lo.mty, n V nciiluy uu t tt'tiiiiilty libruunj Vte 'J3-1 nml 'J !', I fc-'tj.J . Tin folluwiug ilfmntitJ TuUalila yu.o. il propsnr, Tl YE HDllSKK.' A.ND TWO WAiUW. ( I he v.hii loin.; aim uiii- t.'0lt, v our ivljiM Cows, Foul Head of Von no- f!ftHl ISight yiu-pp. l'm- H0H lour Shorn ' '"' 'unr Wnri.ti. iuii!, Kiit.i o.,.. ' VI :i,iiiii. un-'1 nn k .iii.h. i 'n--n t i;itsy i-na., " ol ! ,i -y li.,r,.i.. I. t."i urt, i i. foe l,i.r. j I ' linii-Uiiij .Mutl.nie, i,n.- rmiiii.ii: ml c,i iMu- In u 1 liOAltDS. 'LANK' & FltAMK STUl-f. HAY BY THE TON, Vho;.t, Cum, Jtye iV Oats by tln HtHiel. Sum end.- Cinun.l f. iit j. 9 n, the t,-j.liw!, a lot or Li.lHr '. no ,-nr (, h ,Mri. t rm:,nMn 11, nig. ttoil. ombli.irL- 111 liltfiub irir Hop,- J', rrv Hi ilmuj, fa.--ift.lliir.. Stov. n. Ke. luilur tt'Hi ott.vr urlicl loo iiiiniiTou to mention '. I'd!..' tu toininence in ID o , loi-V, n m.. of etili any, lin term, a .hi coL.nnor.. loll tie luufcu kuiru, U'IM.l V.M T. BIll'MA.V. , A Jimn j.Uilur. Jxmh K. Eitx, Auetinncfr. M1.11 toAiiihip, JVlnnsry 1J, If01.-t. PUBLIC SALE Valuable Property I tX" ILL bo exposed tu sale, at Public f ? Vendue, at tliertildenw of the un.l.nljiicd, fuub,-r'i 'J'auncry on llie uuia ri.nJ b.ln.vii Jr teyiuwn and .MillvlIU- o.t Satttruaij, the 0h day of Marr:h, 1 Th,. rllon in;- dsjcrlbed rulualdi porsunui pr. ptit, f 3 Youug work Oorscs, ANU TIlliEK COLTd. TWO, MIlK COWS, One heay two-horse Wagon, and dk Truck Wagon, Sled. Foddci Gtiltor, Fanning Mill, Plows, Harrows, (Juliivators and Gorti-Plow ; Set of double driuug Harness, Set of -new (ingle Harness, and net ofd 'uble wagon Hjrnfft, one cot of Straps, and two set of single Fly-Nets, together with othor aitiolc;i too nunmroui to mention t3" Villi' to rumin.'iice nt 13 o'llock, A. M., of t.nJ day, when aininlancu will ba tiven and condition,! undo knonn, by J Uilil A. litVIrilltU, . (.'. Huitzmi, Anrtinnier. Mailimm luniittnp, I'eb. 13, lCut -t. PUBLIC BALE, QV Personal Property. YT ILL be cspised to sule, by Pub- V f lie Vemliio at tho reuidonco of Iho umlfr i?neil, In .Mcine townelup, I'olumbln eoijin, n.irr Mainlillr., on Tuesday the 8th of March, IcO l, The fullowitisilcicribed viilnaUo persounl l'rop,'itjr Vl Four Good Horses FOUR DfiVONSIIIltB COWS, Bl GUO I0Ur horOS Yt agOIl 3lld Of.O iwo- liorso Wagon a Two hora Iloeka- way aud Harness, Plows, Uar no and Guhivators, one Fanning Mill, Grain lloaper aud Corq Shellor Two Set o( Hay Ladders Two fctovm and one Cookitag Stovj. Together with a great variety of Farm- 1I1J utentils nutl House hold rurmfiru iLZ ovlftk. t. m of iiiii 7radkh'"''n'l!,.,'f, b' 8 to raatts Ibowa, in- given eoa.m . r,B"5i5E MtV' mm t 'lf.2 Vnillll t IIIQ I CHI III KotM-rt T) 4 '