Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 20, 1864, Image 1

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    " "'w"w"wwwwmiihi imiiiiiiiii i i ... , i ' " 1 ii 1 1 i i bi i in mil iiigipi i win am uf i iimi mam n i mihiwm 1 1 1 m ii- -- - r ".J " " ' ' T"!!.' J. " -T''J!3 -j' ;y.-j-T ill "n ra, l.-iJT
VOL. 17. NO, 51.
Select Ipoctnu
The Angel's Whisper.
ny 8AUKii i.ovnrt.
A mipciatltlan nf Emm benuty prornlU In Ireland,
lint when n clillil pinllcs In its sleep, It l "talking
vlth tlie ungcts."
A baby wns nlcoiltig.
Its motlipr was weeping,
I'or liir liuslmml waj oil the ullrt racing sjn,
And tlio teiii!ft vni mvcIIIiik
lluuiul th'j fllicrmnii' iluclllug.
And the crloil, "Ucrinot, darling, O, comii back to mu.
Ilur beads wlills stio numbered.
Tlio buliy still slumbered,
And smiled In her face, ns flic bended tier kneo ;
O. blc'scd bo that ilutling 1
At' child, thy sleep mlnming,
I'or I know that tlio nngcli aru whispering with thec.
Anil whilo they nro keeping
liriglit watili o'er thy sleeping,
O, pray to I Item snftly, my baby, with mo,
And say thou wouldst rather
They'd watch o'er thy father 1
Tor 1 know that the nngcls are tvhhporlng with thec.
The dawn i f the morning
Fnw Derniot returning.
And the wife wept with joy her bab j'a father to see,
Ami closely careesiug
Iter child, with n blensing.
Bald, I knew that Ihcangtli woro whispering with thee.
Sclcri Stocn,
He my husband was not handsome,
but I loved him. His feature wero some
what coarse and irregular, and his hair,
though black aud glossy, was very straight,
But ho always parled it so smoothly above
hii broad, white brow, that to my fond
eyes it seemed ahno.-t lovely. And then
thero wan such a tendi r look about his
mouth and meh a loving light in his
black eyes, that, however ugly he might
seem to other people, he was at least be
autiful to me. Wo settled down quietly
iu our cottage home, and for three short
months were very h 'ppy. We did not re
ceive, much company. My husband said
my society was all he required, and
while he had that, he cared nothing fur
the world outside. Aud as for mo, 1
could have lived contentedly iu the drear
iest waste, or tho barrenost desert, could
hu have been ever by my i-ido!
Yes, for three short months we were
very happy , hut it was not always u be
ao. At last tho seipent found its wsy in
to our Eden, and destroyed all our newly
found blessedness. Yes, the serpent came
at last, in the form of Koseno St. Ornie,
my husband's cousin. Wo did uot think
when he came to us with such a sweet,
beautiful tmih around hii fiuely-cbisollcd
lips, that he was to ho tho destroyer of
our peace. Wo did uot think that the
serpent lurked deep bctitxth that strang
ely beautiful face, with tlio bright, rich
curls of golden brawn clustering so pro
fusely round it. Wo did uot thit.k the
facejso fair aud iunooent to look upon,
concealed a base, bad heart. We had
been married but just three months
when ha came to us. Wo neither of
in quite relished, at first, this breaking
in upon our old privacy and retirement,
but at last we grew accustomed to it, and
began to like him. manner was so
gentlu and so free, we could not long
keep our hearts closed against him. At
first, ho paid he could mako. but a short
stay with us, but tho days dipped by,
i ii i .. i.... ,..:n i
which I could servo you I WIUU IS tuu
matter i"
"0, Hoseoe,'' 1 cried, letting fall tho
tears which I could no longer restrain,
"I am priovod, for my husband no longer
loves mc."
I should not havo Baid this, for a wfiu's
griefs should bo sacred from all other
cars. But I had spoken carelessly, un
thiukingly, under tho impulse of tho mo.
"I think you must bo mistaken," he
said, oalmly, "for only now as I passod
his window, I saw him tako a paokago,
whioh 1 knew to bo letters, from his desk,
and after pressing them loudly to his lips
and heart, carefully replaced them. They
ana at lost mil weens roatu on, ..m 0,10sUjl yuur pa,hi ghall wa,fe iu
he did not go. j g0 jo
At last it was the first drop iu my cup "I w ill go gladly. You havo chosen
ofbittcriicss-uiy husband1 manner grew I aIC.13y,Tay to get rid of mo, and I give
strangely ould towards me. Mo soldom J0U joy at your SUccoss. You never
spoke, and when ho did, it was in a tone iomi m0 "
of bitter roproch I did not uudoistaud, sTo !" ho exclaimed fiercely; "I
and which ray proud nature could iU, halo you"
bear. j I went to my own chamber, with those
I was sittiugin tho garden ono calm, bitter, hitter words ttill tankling iu my
quiet summer'o night with my face buried Icart, 1 xtuuld go. llo should yet live
iu my hands, thinking of all this, and t0 jcarn t10 vauo 0f t.0 ii(;!jrt 0 i,a,j
almost sobbing in my grid and pcrelesity, sijgl,tud. I ha.-tily collected a few articles
when I heard a quick, hasty step upou ' 0f clothim?, and after packing them into
tho gravelled walk, and the uext moment, my cai pet-bag, and putting on my bonnet
when I looked up, lloscoo St. Orme stood gUawl, I crept softly down stairs, aud
besido mo. out into the calm summer's night. As I
"You aro grieved, dear cousin," ho passed tho library windows, I could sec
Baid gently taking my hand and lookiug , the light shining from within. The wiu
searchiug'.y down into my faco with his ' dows were low ,almost touohiug tho ground
great, strango eyes. "Is thero any way in and tho curtains had not hern drawn, eo
wera probably boiiio you liatl written him
long before. You must havo misunder
stood him, for only a truo husband, and
one who loved the writer fondly, could
have done so."
'A package of letters 1" I exclaimed,
my teara instantly ceasing to flow, while
my features bccanio strangely rigid, "I
havo never written him one durinc our !
whole acquaintance 1 But toll me hv
jour nopesoi uoavcu, ton mc tint you
boo him do tliia ? O, tell mo truly 1"
"Look up into my face, Mabel, and seo
if I havo spoken falsely."
1 did look up. The moon shono dowu
full upon him, as hu stood thero tho very
personification of manly beauty, nud his
faco teemed moro lovely, more inuocout,
by its pale glare. God forgive mo, but I
did believe him, and doubted my husband
"I think you havo spoken the truth."
This was all that I said, and I spoke it
ca8nly. No one, to havo looked into my
(aco then, could havo told of the fierce
Maelaliom of pas.'ion that had been arous
ed in my bosom. I was strangely calm,
colli and proud. My husband had wrong
ed me, was untrue to me, and my heart
was turning strangely away from him.
"Mabel darling Mabel " lloscoo
said, at length, kneeling down before mc,
"there is one heart, at least, that loves
you truly. Why, 0, why, Mabel, do you
think 1 have lingered here so long t Why
have I watched your cverv motion so
1 - i. I . ,t
earneftly, ami listened so entranced when
ever you have spoken I Why should it
be, but that I love you madly, sincerely
love you I Your husband is false to you,
be loves you no longer, and even his
every ae ion shows it. Then fly to my
arms ! Hero you shall ever Dud a wel
come rcstiug place. 0, come, my Mabel !
Blind fool that I had been, I might
have known a 1 this. I might have read
it in the earnest glance he sometimes fixed
upon inc, and in tiis protracted stay.
But I had not even dreamed of it !
"Itoseoc Koicoc St. Ornie," I ex
claimed, "how dare you speak to mo, a
wedded wife, thus ? How daro you
breathe such words iuto my ear!"
"I might havo known it would be so,''
he said, sadly ,, I might havo known
you wou'd reject all such proposals, and
it was base iu me to mako them. But,
Mabel," ho continued, "if you should ev
er tire of your loved life, and sigh fur a
single hcait that is all you own, then come
to mo. I shall wait for you. Farewell."
I did not seek to detain him, and in a
moment ho had gone ; and then, with a
straugo, bitter feeling at my heart, I en
tered tho house. I met my lnsband iu
the hall, and there wa3 au angry light in
his eyes, as ho turned them towards me.
'How long have these clandestine
meetings continued V he asksd, angrily.
''Let me tell you now aud forever, Mabol,
never to seo or meet that fellow again !"
"And let mc tell you, Ernest St. Ormo,
I s-hall associate with whom 1 please, aud
at any hour or place I may prefer V I
answered, scornfully, my own proud na
ture flashing up.
"Then, fiom this hour you aro my wifo
no loujior. I cast you oil. You havu
mail cotliu piaiuiy uisuuguiau uvuryiuiug
Ernest sat by the taulo, with hi3 proud
hoad resting on his hand, and his black,
mournful oyes fixed on vacancy. His faco
was deathly pale, aud ho looked so misor
ablo that I would havo entered, and thrown
myself at his feet aud begged his forgive
ness, but for n voico which seemed to
whisper in my ears thoso bitter words, "I
hate you !" This closed my heart against
him, and I hunietl hastily down tho
gravelled walk into tha street. Still I
hurried on through tho gathering dark
ness, I had come without pausing to
think that I had no home to go to no
parent?, no friends, I could rely upon at
eu h a time
At last, I recollected of au aunt,tho only
noar rclativo I had living, and I deter
mined to go to her. Hut sho lived at tho
extreme end of the city, and it was a long,
long, walk for a weak woman liko myself,
and atanv othor limo I should liavn
shrunk from it. ltnl nnw ilm Vifn (I
... . .w uUgUI,
m my hoart shut out all others, and my
nridc bunvnJ mo nn. TuMm.mti..n,n
in Inn nnw. Iinw T nnttl.1 lm.i .Invml n
pass through all those long by-lanes and
alloys, many of them tho homes ol intem
perance and" sin, at juch a time of night
alone. But I did uot think of this thon; and
when, at last, I reached tho stately dwell
ing of my aunt, I rank the bell with a firm,
steady hand. It so happened that my
aunt had Dot retired, and it was sho who
answered tho summons.
"Why, Mabel, is it you V sho asked, as
sho saw my pale, tired face by the light
of the lamp sho carried. " What cau havo
brought you out iu such an hour, and
alonu too? Is your husband illj"
No 0 Ciod no!" I cried, bitterly.
"Come up stairs with mo, Mabel. I
am suro something troubles you. Come
and tell me all."
I took the hand she offered .for I had be
gun to grow weak and faint, and she led
mc up to her own chamber.
"Now tell mo all," sho said, as sho
placed mc upon tlio sofa and sat dowu be
side mc,
And I did toll her all. Told her how
I had left forever the home which had been
for so short a time an Eden to me. Told
her how I had left the ono who was dearer
to me than life, never to go back again.
She listened calmly until fhe heard me
'You have done very wrong in desert
ing him,'' sho then snht.
"But he bade mc go he said he bated
"He was aDgry, Mabel, and did not
know wh t he was saying."
"I wish I could think so,''-I said, shak
ing my head sadly ; ''but i believe ho
spoke truly."
(II. . U .. 1... 1
I ii may uusu. ami, i.iuuui, 1 mu jure
1 he loves you at least, I know he once
! "Yes but that is all orcr now," I re
turned bitterly. "But I will never go
I back. Ho has wronged mo, a: d ho must
atouo for it."
I "You aro too proud, Mabel. You know
Erneit St. Ortne's nature. Youkuow tha'
ho is quick and ha.-ty, and also that he is
proud. If you aro ever to he to each oth-
cr what you have been, one of your proud
hearts must be humbled. One must auk
forgivuess of tho other.
You aro a wo-
man, Mabel, and it should bo your task to
do so. You havo each wrongod the other.
Then why should no6 you, the weaker
of the two, ask his forgivness, oven though
hu has doublo wronged you. and forget all
the past? Believo mo, Mabel, you would
never regret it."
"I would nevor do so even though it
should lay him in his grave 1" I replied,
"I hope you will think better of this to
morrow,'' she said, looking sadly into my
face. "Your mind will then bo clearer,
and I trust you will see how you aro wrong
ing yourtolf and your husband. Bntyou
aro weary and should retiro now. I will
show you to your room."
I slept little that night, and when I went
down the next morning, my proud heart
was as firm as ever.
"You aro ready to go back to your hus
band uow, aro you not I" my aunt atked,
when she camo down.
"Never !"
"Be it so then," she said, whilo a sad
light shono in her palo, kind face. "It
may be for tho best. At least, come what
may, you shall over fiud a wolcomo homo
For ono month I stayed there quietly,
and then thero camo over mc an irrcsisti
bio longing to look upon the place whero , been so ever sinco that very day you .last
I had spent three such happy, blissful saw him. They have almost given up all
months once moro, and, if possible, to sco , ,onos for uis ijf0 ni3 milla has wander
again that faco ko dear to mo. I told my ed an tno tjmo aud uc is constantly cab
aunt of my longing, and she bade me go.
It was tho first timo I had been out dur
ing tho whole month I had been thoro. I
had lived so quietly that only ono or two 1 SOon recovered myself. 0, how much of
of tho trustiest servants knew that I was j agony how much of happiness there had
under tlio samo roof with themselves. been forme iu those few words 1 Agony
It waj with a strange feoliug at my j that ho was eiok, almost dying, and happi
heart, that I ucared tho homo I had left ncss that ho had called for me, for, from
so strangely 0110 month before. I had that hour I did beg n to almost think that
directed tho coachman to drive slowly past ho loved mo after all.
that I might cast ono last, long, earnest "He shall call no longer in vain," I
glanco upon tho scones I loved so well, de- said, "for I will go to him."
spite all my prido. My eyes wero bent ! ''I ui very glad to hoar you tay so, my
so eagerly upon the small while house, , aunt said. "Yes, you must go a wife's
with its creeping vines and lovely flowers, truo place at such a time is by the lick
that 1 did not know when tho wind swopt bed of her kujbaud,"
my thick, heavy veil away from my faoc,
until n voico 1 could nevor forget, pro
nounced a single word, and that word was
"MabcJ,!" And a moment afterwards
Ernest St. Orme had leaped tho low pal
ing against which ho had been leaning, and
stood almost by my sido, with his arms
etrctchod out as though they would on
circlo mo, and his earnest eyes gazing on
mc imploringly.
"Mabel, my own darling Mabel," ho
said, "como back come back to my homo
and heart onco moro 1"
I was almost ready to spring into his
open arms, and bury my aching head up
on his manly bosom, when a voico again
seemed to whisper thoso bitter words into
my oar; It was enough, and again my
heart roso in bitterness against him.
"Never !" I said, ''It was your own
hand that drove mo forth, and I will uot
return 1 '
In a moment I had passed him, but ho
still stood as I had left him, only a look
of such keen aud bitter agony had
settled on his laco, as it mado my heart
ache to look upon. And thon, when I
thought how white aud omaeiatud ho look
ed, I was almost ready to turn back and
forgive him all. As I redo home that day,
my heart began to soften towards Ernest
St. Orme, for I had begun to think ho
was not so much to blamo after all. Who
would not feel angry at socing his young
wifo so often iu the society of such a man,
and one of such great beauty, as Roscoe
St. Orme ? But then came the thought of
the letters llo'coo had seen in his posses
sion. Thero was tho great separating
link, and I felt until they had been ex
plained,! could not go back and trust him.
Tho moment the carriage stopped before
the home bo lately made my own, 1 spraug
out, and running up stairs, laid my throb
bing head upon my aunt's bosom and told
her all in a voico choked by tears.
"I cannot stay here," 1 said, as I con
cluded. "Ho must know that I am near,
and I am liablo to meet him at any mo
ment now ; and, O, I could not boar
another meeting 1 I must go at once ! '
"If you will never go baok to your bus.
baud, to him you havo promised to love,
honor aud obey through life, this is indeed
no place for you, But wherever you may
go, I will accompany you Whero shall
it bo?"
"Anywhere you may prefer, so that it
be a long ways from here."
"We will go South then. I have rela
tives there, and if your husband should
search lor you ho would never go so far."
And ao it was settled. Wo woro to go
the next week, and I was very busy pack
ing trunks and making ready for our de
parture. But at lust everything was done
I was asaiu idlo. Then, and not until
then, did I fully realizo tho step I was
about to take. I was to leave homo and
husband all that I held dear on earth,
perhaps forever, and it seemed like sepa-
rating ono of my own heartstrings to tear
myself away. It was truo that I never
saw my husband whero I then was, but
tba thought that I was in thc same plaoo
with him, even though ho had ceased to
love mc, came liko soothing balm to my
wounded heart. Then what should I do
when it was no longer so 1 I suffered
enough as it was, and I felt assured I
should die if I went away. I was think
ing of all this, and of my unhappy, bitter
lot, once so bright and sunny, but then so
dark and gloomy, when my aunt came to
"Mabel," eho said, taking my hand and
loading me to a seat, "I have something
dreadful to toll you can you boar it?"
"I can bear anything now."
"But Ibis is something very terrible."
"My heart is already as wounded and
sore as can well bo. Tell me nothing
you can say will have poworto inflict any
fresh wouuds."
"Then listen, and I will tell you all.
I Ernest St, Ormo is very ill ! IIo has
ling for you."
1 had stood white and calnrad a marble
! statue whilo she had bcon speaking, but
"Aud henceforth I shall bo in my true
plico,'' I ansTTorod. "Whtlo he remsim
sick I shall stay to nurso him. When ho
recovers if ho aver does," I shuddered
as 1 spoko this last "I will return to you
onco moro."
1 saw that my aunt looked disapointcd,
and I woll know tho cause though wo said
nothing moro then upon the subject. The
carriago was oallcd, aud without waiting
to tako a singlo chaugo of clothing, I hur
ried away, Our drive wa3 a short ono,
although it seemed hours to ray impatient
spirit, and iu fifteen minutes from tho timo
wo started, wo drew up beforo tho place
which had oneo been my happy homo.
How familiar everything looked, and what
old memories canio thronging up in my
heart as I gazed around t But I had no
time to lose, nud I hurriod hastily up tho
steps and cutcred tho house. Iu tho en
try 1 met Dr. Lewii, with whom I was
slightly acquainted.
"Dr. Lewis," I asked, hurriedly "do
you think presenting myself suddenly,
would iu any way injuro your patient?"
"0, no. His mind wandero, and I do
not think he would know you,"
When I received his answer, I hurried
up into tho ehamucr which I onco called "Fathers of the ltepublic" seem to havo
mine, whero I removed my wrappers, and no soruples iu treating tho "rebels," not
then went down into tho sick room, i even with "parties."
Ernest lay upon the bed with his head) Mr, Spoakcr, if, as the gcntlsman from
resting wearily upon the pillow, and his i Pennsylvania says, we arc at war with a
eyes gazing wildly around him. His faoc i foreign power, what has been tho practice
was very palo aud deathly, aud there was ! of w government with reference to Hie
r ,. . ,. , , .. , appointment ot commissioners to treat
a strange glitter in his uark eyes which ; wUl foroig powo , Why gir ag eftr)y
startled mc. I approached tho bed and i os 1795, when tho Algorines mada war
laid my hand ftly upon his burning" in the Mediterranean upon our commerce,
bxoyt, ' pirates though they were, we did not
"Go away !" he said, pushing mo from 1 think it beneath our dignity to treat with
him. "I don't want you herc-I want Juoini the President authorized tho Amor
. , TT , , . n r , l0an Minister to I'ortugal to appoint -a
Mabel. Her hand is, 0, so soft and ooramisaionor, who did proceed to a nc-
smooth, if she would only bathe my
brow just once, I feel that it would easo
the oain here." And he nrcsscd his hands
upon his brain.
"But I am Mabel," I said concealing
by a great effort ot my will evory emotion.
"Aro you V ha askcd,looking up eagerly
into mv face. "O no. vou are not. iua-
bel has gono away aud left mc, and sho
said she would never come back again.
Go away I do not wish to see you."
And ho turned his face wearily towards
titfl wnll.
How every word ho had spoken smoto
, . , t 1.., .1 t 1 1 i
upon my heart I I know that hu loved
ma thon, and ray heart thrilled strangely
with joy, as tho blissful thought came home
to it. Every doubt had been removed.
Hoseoe St. Ormo had spoken falsely in
t , ., ... 1 1 .1 .
rojrard to those letters, doubtless to scpa -
0 , . f
rate my heart from my husband, thinking
perhaps, that I in my bitterness might fly , fcrred upon him by tho President of the
to him. But whntevcr had been his pur- United States, mado the troatey of Guad
pose, ho had failed, and I gratefully 1 a,uP Hidalgo on tho 15ih Fcdruary 18-18.
thanked God for it. Both day and night .Tl'Jt treaty, which was subsequeutly rat
. 'God by the benate of the United States,
I watchod by tha sick bed of my husband nmm iu thc aceoMlon of California to
tor one short weol:. JJunng all this time
he had not known mo. 0, what would
I uot havo given then for ono glance of
recognition from his loving eyes, and ono
word of forgiveness from his lips? I suf
fered dooply, bitterly, but still thero was
a Uintl 01 ulisslul pleasure in being over
near him, and ministering to his wants.
On the scveuth day tha crisis camo which
was to rcstoro him to me to reason and
to happiness, or terminate his life, 0,
how anxiously I watched over him in tho
sleep which was which was to tellhij fate.
How anxiously I counted tho seconds, as
they glided slowly by, while I watched
tho sick man with almost suspended
breath. Dr. Lewis had told mo if he
awoke to reason I might hope for tho beft.
But if otherwise 0, 1 dared not think of
it. At last ho awoke, and blessed be God
thc light of reason shono in his eyas as he
lookod up into my faco.
"Have I been sick, Mabel ?" ho asked,
glancing first at me, and then at tho cor
dials upou tho stand by his bedsido.
"Yes, my husband," I answered, con
cealing tho wild joy whioh thrilled through
mo," you havo been very sick.'1
"Ah, yes, I remember now," ho said,
passing his hand across his brow. "But
I thought you had loft mo, Mabel. I
thought you had gono away forever."
"I did go, Ernest," I anaworcd. "But
I havo como back to stay with you forever
if you can forgive me, and take me to your
heart onco moro."
"You are there already," ho cried,
pressing my hand between both his own.
"May God bless you for this, Ernest I
You shall novcr, never rogrol it. But try
and sleep now, dear you will feel better
when you awako,"
For two hours longer ho flept, aud I
watched over him with such a feeling of
thankfulness in my heart as I never felt
beforo. Just after he awoko tho second
time, tho doctor camo. 1 met him at the
door aud with tears in my eyes I told him
"Mr. St. Ormo," he said, approaching It commencad in 1780, and continued un-
my husband'a bedside, "I am vcrv happy t'l h Ioso f Tll, P0OPl0 took up
to find you so much bettor. You have aru' organized, and collected m largo
, J . , , , , , , masC3 under tho load of a popular officer
boon very sick, and but, for tho careful who ha, distinguished himself in the revo-
nursing of your wifo, you must havo died. ' Imionary war. They broko up oourta
You owo your life to hor." called to try and punish persons implioa-
My husband did noUpcak, but he gave ! ted with them, and defied tho law and au-
, i i i . i i I thoritics. Tho Governor called out four
such a grateful, loving glance, as made thousftml four A
my hoart bound for joy, and I fait amply Btion 0f robclHon wo issued by tho Goner
repaid at that moment for all I had suf- al Court or Legislature, iu which it .was
forod. Now wo aro hannv onco strain. declared that "a horrid and unnatural ro
Ernest nuicklv recovered, and lorcave
mo all, as I iu my heart had long before
forciven him. Wo still livo in our Eden,
as calmly and as happily as before the ser
pent came. And wo do not fear its fangs
now, for wo have both learned a lesson
from tho past, which will teach us to bear
with each othor in tho future.
"No Compromise with Rebels."
Wo take tho following extracts from a
recent speech delivered in Congress by
Hon. Fernando Wcod of New York
showing what lias been thoinvariablo prac
tice of our country heretofore, in its ef
forts to return to a stato of peace when en
gaged iu war, as well as to preserve and
restore order in timo of rebellion. Tho
gotiation, and did finally mako a treaty
of amity which lasted until 1815. Again,
, 6ir 111 '-ho war ot 1812, between tho Uni
leu atatos anil Lireat liritain. llirnn vnrr
! distinguished men wero appointed co:n-
missimmra. unci llinv nrnnnnil.irl In Tilnrnrm
, and mado tll0 celebrated treaty of Ghent.
I But, sir, there Is yet a later and more
; appuoauio case, mo war witu Mexico.
When General Scott advanced with his
couquciisg army from Vara Crux to the
city of Mexico, tho President sent Nicho
las P. Trist, as a commissioner, to troat
with tho Mexican authorities. Sir, Mez
ico was subjugated ; we had conquered
tho .wholo republic of Mexico ; wo
' won series of victories from Vera Ci
., , ,, . . ,, ,, ,
Cruz to
tha halls of tho Alontoziimas, and wo
were in possession of their capital ; they
were a couqucred people. Did wc pass
1 confiscation laws then t Did wo apply
tho J'finciplo of confiscation to Mexican
soil? No, sir, wo treated with them,
1 ,' ,, , ,r m .
1 couquercd as thoy were ; and Mr. Tnst,
1 acti iu pursU!U1Ce of tho authority con-
our vast possessions on tho Paoifia.
Thero was no confiscation. No 1 bo far
from it. Geu. Scott remonstaled with the
then Secretary of War against inakiug
tho United States army in Mexico a self
sustaining army iu Mexico for this pur
pose, and Geu. Scott and tho Secretary
of War, concurred that tha ooodIo of!
! Mexico should bo paid in kind for supplies
luiuisueu 10 tuu uriuy.
But it is said that this is
a rebellion,
aud that it will not do to treat with rebels j
inarms, Well, sir, this is not tho first ,
robellion wo havo had in this country.- weekly that tho robolliou ,s almost crush
We havo had rebellions which at their I cd out, that wo havo every advantage over
commencement, wero as threatening as theso insurgents. Is it wrong, therefore,
this was at its commencement, to tho por- is it uuwiao, is it unpatriotic to pursue pro
manonco of our institutions, and wc treat- cedents that have brensctby thc Father of
vu uy tuiuiuiaaiuutra m uvuiy maiuueu us
I shall show.
In 178S the first robellion occurred.
It occurred Mr. Speaker, iu New Eng
land. This was tho first armed rebellion
against tho Government, Sir, although it
is unploasant to reflect upon sections, can
dor compols me to declare that Now Eng
land has been in rebellion against tho in
stitution! of this country ever sinco the
adoption ol the 1'eitural Constitution. j ago his brother Charles presented him a
She lias not faithfully performed her com- mndsome sword, upon tho upper shoath'
pact mado when she camo into the Union: 1 , , , , . , , , .
In tho convention that framed our organ-1 Plate of wLlch was 0I1g"d his namo,
io law, the sections camo together. Now regiment, and by whom presented. Upon
Englaud had her navigrtion and her man- going into action at Winchester, Va., last
ufaoturas to protect ; the South had her ! summer, Lieut. Doebler, (who was then a
peculiar institution to protect. It is true membor o GeUi M .g Btaff j t tb
Now England held a few slaves, but when 1 .. P . . , , , .
they ceased to bo profitable she became I suS6cstl0U of aDOtuur officer. Pccd hu
philanthropic and beucvolent, and abol-1 prcsoutcd sword among his baggage, aud
ishad slavery. But so long as monoy was put on a common cavalry sabro. As is
to bo wrung from the sinews of the negro, j well known, the headquarters baggigo of
Now Eugland hold uion in bondage, and j Gou. Milroy was captured by tho rebels,
furnished tho tonnage that brought slaves and amongst it tho sword presented to'
from Africa to tho Southern States. Lieut. Doeblor. Iu clearing up tho battlo-
A compromise botweeu the sections was field of Gettysburg, a soldier, who was af
made in that convention, in which it was terwards wounded, lound tho sword upon
agrocd that tho interests of eaoh should a dead rebel Licutouaut, but it waaeo
be protected. Tho South kept faith until much damaged a to make it notartli
this rebellion; tha East iia..t"Tscpt ' carrying away, so ho out off tho,;plata
faith at all, i bearing the inscription and gave it to tho
I ropoat, sir, that the firt armod rebel- ' Surgeon who attended him, Tho Surgeon
linn in this oountry occurred in Massa- being acquainted with Capt. Brown of
ohusetts, and that commissioners woro ap- Lieut. Dooblcr's regiment, ent tho plato
pointed to negotiato a peace. I will road to him, and Capt. Brow eont U to Lieut,
from a New Englaud- historian to proyo Doebler, urn sent it to his brother
tho fact : ' ' Charlof , who now has it in his possession.
"This was knowny Shayj rebellion. Lycoming Uazette.
belliou and; war had bcon openly and trai
torously raisod and levied against ho
same Commissioners woro subsequently
appointed by tho Legislature, consisting
of General Lincoln, who commandod tho
troops oidered out by tho Commonwealth,
Hon. Samuel A. Ottis, and Hon. Samuel
Philips, President of tho Houso of Repre
sentatives. Those Commissioners wore
authorized to promise indemnity to suoli
who might discontinue opposition to tho
Government aud return to their allegiance
asgood citizens."
Woll, sir, we have had other rebellions.
Wc had tho whiskey insurrection. That
rebellion was so serious in its character,
that George Washington sent two special
. messages to Oongross on tho subject, or
dered out tho militia of four States of tha
Union Pennsylvania, Virginia, Mary
land and Now Jersoy to suppress it, and
appointed commissioners to troat with tho
insurrectionists. Nay, moro ; ho went in
person, accompanied by Alexander Ham
ilton, then Secretary of tho Treasury, and
had a conference with tho rebels in Car
lisle. Tho Father of bi3 country, in tho
true spirit of patriotism, justice, wisdom
and policy, thought it not beneath his dig
nity to treat with rebels. lie did treat
with them successfully, and thc rosttlt wai
that thc rebels laid down their arms, and
Congress at tho next session ropealod tho
obnoxious laws.
But, sir, this is not thc only case. I
come to a 'later and yet moro prominent
and siguifiicant case tho Mormon rebel
lion. Thcso profligate outcasts, who havo
been always hostile to our moral ami po
litical institutions, wero treated with by
It commenced early in 1857. Tho im
mediate cause was opposition to tho exer
cise of Federal authority and the appoint
ment of a territorial judge. On tho 16th
of September of that year Brigham Yoang
issued n proclamation in tho style of an
independent sovereign, announcing his
purpose to resist, by force of arms, tho
entry of tho United States troops into the
Territory of Utah. Ho proceeded to"carry
out his threat, llo organized an army,
declared martial law, seized Government
fortificatious, destroyed Government pro
perty, and put the territory in a state of
complete defonco against thc Federal ar
my. Tho Federal troops thoro at tho timo
wore overawed and rendered powerless.
Tho President sent a mcssogo to Congress
which passed bills to meet tho oasc, large
sums were appropriated, troops woro or
dered there under command of Gen. A. 3.
Johnston, in tho spring of 185S, and in
April of that yoar Hon. L. W. Powell,
now United States Senator from Kentucky,
and Major McCullough, were appointed
commissioners on thc part ol tho United
States, and Col. Cane appointed 011 the
part of the Mormons. Thcso commission
ers carried with them a proclamation of
the President, in which ho offered a full
pardon to all who would submit to tho
laws. By tho couduot and forboaranca
of these commissioners, peaco was restor
ed, the rebellion put down, and the Fed
eral authority onco moro respected. Tho
officers appointed by tho President wero
accepted by tho Mormons, and order aud
submission have reigned ever since.
Therefore, Mr. Speaker, is thoro any
thing so extraordinary iu my proposition
to send commissioners to treat with tho
Southern States? We arc told almost
. ins uouutry, ana uy uis suooossora in
office ?
CSP" Lieut. 'I homas S. Docblor, arrived
home on Monday evoning, on furlough.
Apropos hare, wo may briefly relato tho
history, (whioh came to our knowlcdgo
several weeks ago,) of a sword once bo
longing to Lieut. Doebler. About a vcar