AND BLOOMSBllRG GENERAL ADVERTISER, LEVI I, TATE, EDITOR "TO HOLD AND HUM Tim TOKOIJ Oil' TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'Btt TUB DAUKBNBD EARTH." TERMS : 32 00 PER ANNUM- VOL. 17 NO. 50. 'PUIS INSTITUTION In unJor the sole management J Mid direction of Prof. I). U'. Lowell, to loin l'rin ilpuloftho . Bl.VO IM.VTOtf COMMl'.liUI.H. CO u.Kan. ' 'the course of Iii4trurtlfin embraces all Ilia requisite ft a thorough pr.icl irnl business education, and has been lately extended by the Introduction or an lluslncss Course, n which llin Hludent encage In thu egutar routine ol business trnusactloiit, exemplified ami familiarised by mentis ol a store, (In which the ecluli lutimst ul buying uiiil sullin foods Is carried do by imcIi student,) iii.l lluslncss Offices, viz : llnnks ,f Ism-Hi;il Deposit, Unll-Uoridingnnd Slenm-noallng l'oit Office, Telegraph, cc &c. TIiq Proprietor has spared no t linn ir expense in ins klnR thin Course tho mnn thorough mid ronipletenf any ever preseutcn in ui pumic, nna lorn Hilly n riucu mm inter iinvinK nc m$JW$$X ! ArrntMits, and bciui; iiidtid i.y ' hndTucceSVr nutini-ss, mui nnvinc leadline thn f clnce of n full and cfficolcnt rorps tiled to make thorough mi, who may place themselves untie bis churtfo. lnthl9 cetrntlit brunclinfn bii.ini.. .duration no I r ea'm.i. xiin r i CnlUW oirom bcttnr rnril itjf-tt to llio learner. Tho I SpfMccrian Kytcin will taught In nil Its varii Of" by the moH skillful innster of thr art. Hiu'clnn'na nf " by rllinc from tlii Iiitltniioii Lave received lliu hishi'sl I'Mroniiniiii frnin thu pros?. For sonnrnl Information, terms, A.c. ndilres fort'ol. legp : Monthly, which will bo mailed fre! rot fpecl tuenj of l'emcoiiihlp, rnclose two threa rent lnmpi. Addrem 11, VV. LOUT.I.L, I'rinclpal. 1 ovvell'n Coinrr.orrlal ColloRe, Blnnhamtou, N. Y. r, S.-Ono of miter & Duncan's No. 1 hichly ritilnlicd line, perfect puint, lull I spring Gold I'cn j, with holder und cane, uarranted fur one jcar and to suit, will bo uitti ku.v, , ui i .iiiiu'i iur iiiii jiai iinii i,i pill., in uu eiit. free of chame to any onu who will reinii $3,Mw ( the above addrem Oclobej a, 1803 1y. i 1W AllRilMiliiVn "lllE people of tbo county of Columbia 5 are rrcpertfolly. Informed that thu undersigned fo. rale, nt the niu ou n u ivs oj-'FJcn. in iiLooiisnuuo. Tiir, and ciikaitut AfSOHTMIAT til' To bo fniinil nnywhero in thn Comity, ionriftin: nf Note. I.eitnr, l.ujal and Cup I'npi'r. l'ene, llulilem, I'cncils, Ink and llnvelopi's , NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOOKS, Comprnlni! Ul-toiv. l'oelry, rictioti.Tlie cliij,' and th' cliinrirn. of Hnhli'i) London ntihllratlntia. frnin which u l." U,,n c-.iii lm nnde, .ind Hooks Inriii'licd to order j by tp.'i.lal in r.ingeinrnt w ill, Now York Agi'ius. HOOKS, DOCUMENTS, I'AMLMlLETb' nod SporclK'' : and coplei of tho United State", an iCtatc roiiblltution ', m v ariouj pl lei. alwnvson hand. John o. rucr.zi:. tilcpnirl urir, N'ev. 7, 1 For the Fruity it'twu Kitrhen Garden. ' 1864. The 1064. G A RDNEirs MONTHLY. W. G. 1. UltiNtniliOK, I'L' Ollim': !i:l Nonh Sixth st, l'hiladelphi i. -il J,l A VII.Mt. Edited by Thomas Median. Till". MONTHLY CONTUSTSMHI'. IIixtj I'lower Garden and I'Iimhim' fJioaTnl ; t'rnit (Oarileu ; Veyt-talilu Card n; mdow t;.i;,li:iuiij. ( 'OMMIJMIl AT ION" Kllibl 'u llll I hy '.1IV.M of IImI b-'t writers on llorlii'iilture. Arlmui uli'iru, ami KuralHir LDnoaiAi, Living the t.iliinr'ri lew . on the unporl' ant Aoitleiilinr'il I'lipri'.-n. in t. ycrepi and tin nen N ", liniM-New Tlanlp llo inert it and i'ori ittn 1 at' Hi-; 'iic'ror. 11, Curri noiid cure llnrlii 'Hinr il Noiitvi. With each llepailineiit h 'IoU.iii.i ly tlhmtrnted. fJUESE general features will he retained S nil'! the pulilixher ph ilgi'n Iniusell that no Mlior 01 fxp.'nii shall he i-pau d in render 1 lie t urcediiiir fnei. of the Miti!.!7iiij ever) a woith ol tin laor v. ilh nlilili his pri'Mnii- i illirts havs bei n amply re warded. yi:i roit a hi'i:ci.mi:n. Jannaiy 23, 1S04. I. P. tYFR L N. MOV r EW LPKUft & T O R iu. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL pill". tfhilerMiincil would inforn1 their Iro nds and the 1 public generally, Hut Ihey lime taken the stand fur ;ncrly occupied b) (.en ,V1. Ilauetihm h, inlhe K.rhaiice lluildin;, on .Main utreet, in lllo inihiiiirp, where he has Just receiveu a full supply tit JL:i !:1-;, &c, Who h will b" sold on moderate teinii for ready pay. AI.o, NOTION'S (jeni rally, of evi ry variety, si rtiiud l'liji-iciani' prefiipiloii8 car' fully compounded, at bit times and on short notice. (C" L'onfeilinneiy of lho bent relertioiis, and Soda Water in M-nyon. CJ" A sluiu of tho public cinloiu is respectfully so. .Iicittd. I'.YKll ii moyi:h. Clnonisbui;, April 11, 18li3. A Fint Cluss Farmer's Magazine for FenitS'Jvaniu. 18G4. Tho Pennsylvania 1064. Farmer & Gardner. nnvoTLi) to AGRICULTURE, HORTIUULTURE, AND RURAL AFFAIRS, EUITL'D AND I'UliLlBllEO BY wfliiiiiiAtia aosas &m, Oi! North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. TWOIS: ONi: 1)01,1, Alt A YI'Alt. The Eulli Volume coiuinencts with Jnniiary nuinber HAVING obtained tho services of em I nc in und practical Agriculturists, lloitUultur Isld, rtock lireeders and Dee keepers, we l onlldeiitly oll"er thu Ciirrint Volume as onv of the host ever isiued for originality, practical thoujht und reliable lui.irmu lion January 'J.I, icio. ''AU07Fl6NEFm. ' rpiIE undersigned informs his frionds X anil fellow cilliens tllroushnnt this and tnu ad Jomg eountiwr.tliat he is a regularly licenced auctioneer under thu L'uiled ritales Laws, and is prepared to cry ill Havint had several years eiperience in lh Imalurie. he flatters liimself that lm will ba able to to o sans .faction to all who 0U.i.loy ''j-Aro SIiISl.II.18-.-. lumille. Jan, 50, Ic'CI. L'oopcr twp.. lliltCCT I'llOM TUB INHIAN S CUUlMTHV, FIVE THOUSAND ROUES, uu,,.!. h. m sell v olcsai.i; nr r.iiAii.. ut VKUY LOW THIOLS. Al.o HORSE ULAN'KB I'i, very 40? Matkttbt. Ut l-r oboye Fourth. tioulh'ide, I'hiladclpbia Hov. II. JS03 -3. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Card I'lmtojiaphi, Ulank Hooks, Family lliblsi, Wiltlns Vaper Al'oalars stock of coods mitabls or lloiuays. pmiu rmuis, rl,.,PC. rouiili ar1 AkIi, I'ht'adrlrhu MIWWOBWWMtlllMW IM wh I. LJWIUIJW J III Mil i REMARKS OF Hon. Charles L, Lambertoii, OF CLARION' COUNTY , Delivered in th Uiveredin the Semite nf I'enmnluania If...! uyuir.ici, uu law, uwo v oincors. iuu cacu ocnaio mcois, as Januani 7 1801 In iiL , E J '? h uurro,1y liitherto paid, and in , provided in section lO.upou the first 1'ues thl 'i that which the federal government pays 'day 0r January in each and every year J ' ' to lt3 creditors, and thlm nresorvn tinmlliirl i oxennt u-linn cnnntnnil liw llin flnvniinr nn Mr. LAMUERTON. Mr. Speaker, during the last three weeks 1 havo been more inclined to rcticenco than to join in ! what seems vaiu and unnecessary discus- , bion, auu havo chosen as the belter part tho duty ol urging (ho prompt organize ! tion of tho Senate, now too long deferred, than to give back initating invective for ! invective. Jut it seems, bir, that this is I not to be allowed us, and our ailunce is m ! , no miaconstrucd into want ol faith in tho i jus',JL;sa ,f 'W""'' of Ho 'nly courage io ilolenu it. i feel tli i s morning I cannot I'uuinin silent under tho iiiTputatiou -that ! uas occb nuricu against this side of the '"'"' "g"M mil lliaiVUlUally. 1)V UlO beiiator from Elid fMr. LoWllV.I Hn 1,D pi, : ,l0 ! ,i ... ' i ....j uu.. iu jnuu iiiaw iuu course WC yure pursuing uiai tno course 1 was sus taining was more detrimental to the catifo of tho Union more injurious to the tatei-csts of the country, than a rebel rani upon t.he high seas, lighting up Ui0 ,igi,. ways 01 commerce with the lurid glare of . Our Uliriling snips I feel, that whcii that charge is Jim tie acainsi me, a senator reiiresentimr a loyal coiistituencvr-oli I no sir : I will not use that woid "loyal :" it is the lan guage of kingcraft ; it wa the banucr crv of the tory, and i the catchword of corrup tion ; it is in the mouth of every plunderer every shoddy ennlractor who is bleeding the Mate politic at every vein, who is coin irig the blood of the djing and tho tears ol the widow and the hrcut: of tho starv ing orphan into ungodly gain I would rather tpenl; those other words which tho immortal WebMei used in bis crush ng re ply to llajuo, when the nullification of Sou h Carolina raised its traitorous head. 1 will say that, as a Senator representing "iVkc American harts," conscious of their and my fidelity to constitutional govern ment, I musi and will resent the slander oih imputation. fin. n . f- .. .1 . . i i lu eoiKuor, lorgeiimg mat no is a I Senator of 1'i'iiu.ylvaiiia, that this is the Si unto hall of a free people, ami this a Idi 'iiilied body, h s usul comparisons both iiiiU't'oro'ti and untrue to iiie,lus peer upon this floor iff am not within the charmed dumai; of Abolition "loyalty." if I, bir, was to indulge in his vein of denuncia tion to forget what is due to myself and other.- iflw'iialiku to be discourteous .mil u'ldiuiiiliul, -lot descend to hi.-region of ison, I milii pay that that Seiiatoi was net o-ily liko "a rebel ram," I..,., ii . i out Mini ins v. noie cour-o .-inoe tne com- iiieuceuicnt of this seosiou madoit apparent that he li.ii been making ''a ram'' cf hini hell. Laughter. But, Mr Speaker, it is not my inten tion to indulge in pcr.-oiiul allusions to gentlemen on thu opposite side, lho question which divides tho Senate and delays legislation, is one that rises in moment Iur abovo personalities and com mends itself to tho butter judgment and the self-rrspect of very Seuator. What is the issue before it? It is the Ipf'itmate organisation of the Sewate. It was main- lest, it the time, when in obedience to the Cou.-tilutiou wo were called together, that owing to tUe isbiH'iice ot JMajor lute theie might be difliculiy in organizing tliisboJy. , In the spirit of compromise, those with ! ulioiu I have the honor to net met and tool: counsel together. Wo eschewed all j fae ious purposes, we felt disposed to re- tiie tact mat one ot me members ! of the Senate absent although vour i peers, sisteen against sixteen, we wero in clined to he liberal in ccmprouiiso, and wo tendered the Speakership to the op-iio.-itB siiln il' tbe chamber, with the nro- mi-irinn MW that tl.n rIiiiiiIiI I nlroviinn. This wn ilionrtlii. Kns I'nii- in i every sense of the word. It was, sir, the same manner in which the Somite was or ganized when parties were reversod iu 1 855, during the absence of that distin guished statesmen, Mr. Buekalew, in South America. A Democrat was elected Speaker, a member of the opposiliou Clerk' and so they alternated. This liberal com promise was rejected. We then proceeded to ballot, When the question ot inaugur ating tbo Governor elect was brought be fore us the mandate of tho Constitution was plain and positive ; we were uot fact ious, but before the day arrived offered a resolution that Mr. Quauam, the court eous Senator from Allegheny, should bo declared Speaker pro tempoie, for the purpose of adopting lho usual measures for the innuiuratioii and lor the election of Stato Treasurer. This, too, was reject - ed. Our offers of compromise did not cease there. A special incssngo was re ceived from the Governor inlbuuiiig us that the iuteretft of tho Stato debt would bo paid, as hitherto, r-s directed by law, iu coin, unless other legislation was cnao ted. 1 will not now speak of the previous incsjagu of tho Governor, that which waruod us "to bo careful uot to violate tho Wth or impair the credit of tho Com monwealth." I will not debate the utter ance of tho Republican Stale Treasurer, that "tho oucstion was not, could Putin- sylvania afford to pay tho interest in coin, but whether tho could afford not to pay it." Rut wo wnro told unless immediate action wa3 taken a million of dollars was In lm nv traded from the pockets of the iato people of tho Stato by lurd taxation. This question wo deEircd to dolibeiato upou , we wanted to aseertaiu tl the Exe cutive of this Commonwealth proposed to idisf shove this cjpHol the pirate flag of GOUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1864. lepudiation! Wo wanted to seo wlietlior tbo people of this State aro willing to bo taxed to pay thu interest on their honest debts in nccordanco to contract and law,1 i tho plighted faith of tho Commonwealth, i For thu purpose of coiifidcritin- this imnnr. t,nt question, the Senator irom Uuoks (MrKinsoy) on our behalf offered to . , , o I e,cc' a Speaker pro tempore, and you "bould name tho man, and tho opposite Ei,' of 'bo chamber turned their hacks c o r u fti 1 1 y upon tho proposition rathr t,la.n temporarily surrcutlur their present claim to "perpetual orrranizatiou ." With whom rests the aliened odium of onmus taxation, thu people will truly judge. !t will not be upon us. Upon ono si(1 wc av.c been all concession, upon tho 0luc.r a" nitucrality. Wo hoped in this fl""' ' cuncuiou 10 OrKflUlZ0 1110 Collate, " WP COIlld, and to M'OCL'cd harillOtlionsl V irilli l!m a.,1I .. 1... .. i. ' wimiuuij uiiniuts ui lugistaiion ivo iiiougut witli compionuso and liher ality in the onset the same generous feel ing would pervado us until the end of tho session. On the other side, they havo held to but ouo assumed fact, that this benuto was permanently organized, that tho b'enatn of 1803 u as competent to elect a Speaker lor tho Senate of 1601. Wo believed this wai not constitutional ; uor in accordnuco with law or prcccdant ; and wo have Ormly resisted that assumption. How havo wo been received? We havo seen Scnatois upon this floor, speaking by common poriuisssioii, by courtesy, den ounce us almost day by day in language at once discourteous and unnarliamoiitarv. Outside of these walls the wholo legion of shoddy contractors meu, as 1 havo said. coining the blood of tho battle-Celd, the wails of widowhood and the starvation of tho orphan, under the guiso of loyalty, into filthy lucre, have denounced us. Mon have sought to delilo us who cumber their broad acres by the hundreds, not one rod of which is tho result cf honest gaiu, but has been tho accumulation of years ol per jury, forgery and public robbery. We havo been denounced by men who have risen from tho bottom of society, as the petrifying, festering corpse rises in the stream, by their own bloastcd corruption, to a position where their disgusting put trefcenco o fiends the eye and tho nostrils of all. lint, sir, tho discourtesy within these walls, the defamation without, will not move us from our unalterablo resolve to stand by the Constitution, tho landmarks of tlio past and the precedents of those wlio nave gone before us in this Scnato. I tits iiisuo, sir, is whether vou. the Speaker elcctod at the close of the last ses sion, have the right to hold over without a re-election : whether you aro an institu tion permanent and utialterablo ; whether you sir are constituted by a higher power than tho people : whether you, sir, are thcro in obedience to the organic law, the statutory law and precedents of the Sen ate. We deny that position; the Sena tors upon tho opposite side afiirin it, Now sir, let us look at the charter by which we oeeuny our seats as Senators, Let us ex- j amino tho fundamental law of this State I upon which is huildcd all our institutions J except thoo that arc delegated to tho Fed I eral government. i ho Constitution ot l'ennsylvaniti, bpc tioii 1, vests the legislative power of this CommonweuUh in a (Jeueral Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and House i ot iicprc&ontativos. l uen provision is I made for the election annually of those ! Senators. In the subsequent portions of ! tho Constitution tho Senate anil House ot Representatives are designated respectively as "each house," Tho word "houor applied to this as well as to the co-ofdiuate branch cf the legislature. That is uiani lest in every section in which tho term is Used, "Each llOUSO shall choose its I Speaker and other officers." "Each. houso shall judge of tho qualifications of its members." "A majority of each house shall constitute a quorum.'' ''Each house may determine tbe rules of its proceedings punish its members, expel a member und shall have all other powers necessary for a branch of th? Legislature oj a fiee ttate." Now, sir, the Supremo Court, iu t) Harris in construing these words which I havo just read from the Constitution, uses this language, so as to show clearly that the word ''house" is applied to the Senate as well as to the co-ordinato branch of the General Assembly j "Theso words aro not to limit tho pow ers of tho General Assembly but to oonfer certain parliamentary privileges on tho separate branches, so that each hose when in session could without tho concurrence , J the other,promptly proteot itself against indcotiicy, disorder, corruption or misbo- havior of members und stranger,' Hero then wo havo lho lauguago of tho Consti tution, authoritatively construed, designa ting both branches ol tho General Assem bly by the general name of "house." So that when wo refer to tho powers of tho Senate, iu tlio language of tbo Constitution wu must interpret the word "house" lo apply to tho Scnite as well as to tbo Houso of Representatives. Under this view of that instrument then, what don it say ? That "The General Assembly" "each house" "shall meet on the first -Uiesuay ot January iu every year, unless ouuuur uuuvcui'u uy iuu voveruur, u ui- reeled in section 10. Now, immediately following tho section providing forcouven-! ing tho Legislature, in section 11, wo havo nrovi&iou lor tho organization of "each houso " Each house ehall chooco its Speaker and olbor officers," But under the vkt7 that I have taken, and nliich seems to bo sustained by tho Constitution, you, and ns wo have shown in our' mo and tho decisions of our courts, it will read ' morial ontered upon tbo Journal of this tach Senate shall chouse its Speaker and house, the precedents of sovculy years aro otiior oinccrs. And cacli benato moots, as , oxcept when convened by tho Govonor on "extraordinary occasions." Thus, Mr. Speaker, tho Constitution provides lor tho election of a Speaker at the beginning of each session. This has been tho established precedent during the present century. Thcro is but ouo in stance in nil that time whero any Speaker rightfully hold over. That was the Speaker elected at tho meeting of the General As sembly which convened in December of the year 1603. To make this plain, I will refer to another portion of tho Consti tution. Iu tho schedule to the amend ments of 18U3, section 4, it is provided that, "Tho General Assembly, which shall continue its session as heretofore, notwith standing the proyisiou in tho eleventh sec tion of the first article, which provides that 'each houso' shall elect its Speaker and other officers;" or to interpret section foutth of tho schedule, nothwithstauding tho provision of the Constitution which de clares that tho General Assembly shall convene upou the first Tuesday of January iu each and every year, and that each houso "then shall organize itself as direc ted in section eleven. The Speaker and other officers of tho Assembly that con venes in December, 1633, shall hold over and constitute but ono sessiou." Now, Mr. Speaker, that is the only instance iu tho history of this Commonwealth, iu seventy years when any person occupying that chair did hold over by operation of law. lliat cxcoption is distinctly niado; and vou, sir, as a lawver. know full well that1 it is an universal rule of construc tion founded on the clearest reason that general words in any instrument aro strengthened by an exception." Here are the general words compelling us after wo meet to go into an election lor Spoakcr, with but ono exception j and that was at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, and for the purpose of preventing any em bairassment in legislation just as for tho same reason the term of the Governor was then extended until tho third Tuesday ol January, 1839, so as to prevent an intcr rcguui. Then, sir, under my view of the organic law, this Senate is not a permanent or ganization. It is idle to compare this body to tho Senate of tho United States. We uro governed by tho special words of our own Cnnstitution. S'osuck lauguago is contained in the Constitution of the United States. Tho presiding officer of the United Stales Semite is not a Senator ho is uot a representative of any individual State, but is elected by the people. His term expires by its own limitation, and tho people elect his successor, except in certain contingencies. That body is foun ded upon tho precedent of tho English House of LonK. which is a permanent body ; tho members are hereditary and the Lord Chancellor or other person who may be designated, presides by virtuo of the King's commission. The statutory law of the State ij against you. In 1804 an act of Assembly was passed, already cited hy tha Senator from Clearfield, (Mr. Wallace,) nud which is found on the statute books of tho present day,as will be found by reference lo Pardon. It is in tlioso words : "If, when ether branch of the Legislature shall have made choice of a Speakcs, the oath or affirma tions prescribed in the Constitution of this Commonwealth and the Constitution of the United States shall bo administered to tho Speaker elect hy a member appointed for that purpose, by a majority of tho members present, and the Speaker so sworn or af firmed shall administer the oaths or affir- resneolivolv." Now. Mr. Snp.ikr.r-. Ilial. law was passed but a year or two after tho rcsijniution of Air. Wood ns Speaker of the Senate, for the reason that his term ns Senator expired at the next annual clec- tion, and it was ucocssary for the Senate to elect a Speaker who should hold his off- ico "until the ucxt annual meeting of tho General Assembly." If thcro were no Senators at that scsssion who had been at tho resignation of Speaker Wood, tho in cident and tho custom must havo been fresh in the recollection of all, for during the balloting tho chair was vacant, and remained so until aftor an election was duly had. Now lit its look at tho words of that statuto. It tpcaks of the organi zation of ''cilhor branch" of tho Legisla ture, without any distinction as to tho du lation of the terms of the respective mem bers of each branch. Tho houso of Rep- : resontotives meets and orgauizoi annually this has never been nuestioned. Hence wq I find the same lun'ruarro a. to organization applied indiscriminately to both branches, places false lo their oath ; those iu subor , thus showing conclusively the intentions of I dinato positions giviug aid and comfort to j thoso who enacted this law. It also di- rebels ; corruption in official circles stalk I reels that tho "Speakes elect" shall first ing abroad at nuoudny, and tho liberties ol have tho oath administered to him. nnd Uicn J to bhall administer it to the "s.uvi-bcr-i elect, ,, The "members elect" in "each house'1 appear at the beginning of each nnnual session and arc duly qualified, unless booncr convened by tho Governor. This is undisputed. Hence tho qualifications of members elect, aud the election and quah- uoetion ot opoafer oi "eitner orancn ' ue- f Spoakcr of "either branch ing considered iu tha directions of tho statuto as of tho saino period of time, Wo think no unprejudiced mind can hesitato to determine that that time is at the annual meeting of tho General Assembly iu Jan uary. Theu, sir, the organic, law is against you, tuc statutory law is likewise against nsatust vou. We havo taken this position at tho be ginning wo intend to maintain it until tho end and no transparent nttompt of Senators to distort ntid falsify our posi tion can movu us iuto departure from tho right. For this purpose wo havo dcon Senators upon tho opposito sido offer reso lutions commendable and proper, and coin ing from them both novel and fctariling. IielioviuK tho Senate not duly organized at this time, wo have been compelled to vote against them, and all other attempts at legislation, which will recognize this usurp ing organization. They havo offered res olutions of compliment to Uen. Moadc, who, upon our own soil, hurled back tho rebel hordes. They have offered com plimentary resolutions in favor of General Grant, ol Meado and Grant tlioso two great commanders und their veteran sol dioru, who on tke 4-th of July, 1803, re baptized that Immortal day in glory trans cendent and imperishable. 1 say unto theso Senators that when wo aro duly or ganized in obedicaco to law, wo will go further than they have offered to go in compliment to these distinguished men No cheap lip service shall measure our meed of praise; but we will give them our thanks, earnest and hcartful ; wo will crown them with tho garlands of victory, and adorn them with medals of refined gold, as a tribute of our gratitude for deeds of eminent service We have hoard resolutions offered that wo voted against because of tho want of or ganizaiion, giving bounty and increased pay to thu soldiers of the army. I tell you, sir, and I tell those Senators, that if they will but accept our offer of compromiso, if they will but remove, as they can, the blocks ffom tho wheels of legislation, and permit our organization, we will go further than tboy daro go in behalf of tho brave soldiorsjscarred and weather beaten, Hand ing as a living battlement between the rebels and their homes. Wo will not alono ask for them increased bounty and increased pay, but wc will demand that pay in the solid gold that under Demo. cratio rule was the legal currency of tho couutry, in the gold tuat you pay your ministers basking in tlio sunsuiuo ot tno I court flatteries ol St. James, or living amid tlio tcstivities, splendors ami auurments ot ; HI. .Ml.,.: , 'I'l.:, Sl.n nntnni r. ' IUU XUIIIOliOC, X HIS ,VUO UU liUULIUlil, this they are justly entitled. If you voto with us. vou must diracreo with vour jfiiends in Congress, who havo donied this great boon to thoso war scarred veterans, j Orgauize this houso, and wo too will do 1 houor to the immortal Jackson. I am I astonished to hoar resolutions comuieuea tory of the hero of New Orleaus coming 1 from gentlemen on the opposito side. Though young in years, I can remember iu my boyhood days tho odium that was heaped upon that great tuau by the oppo-1 sition to tbo Democracy. When Andrew Jackson was wielding tho executives pow-' ers of this government, wliou he was in 1 that war of Titans, when giants grappled with giantStWhcn he had his iron hand up-1 on the throat of tho United States bank, , the groat moneyed power of tho country, ' wo remember how your representatives denounced him in the halls of Congress as ! a despot, as a tyrant, nnd compared him I to tho usurping IJourbon who proclaimed, j "I am tho State." j Wo remember that when his namo went ' before the people, your party placarded lho walls with coffiiu hand bills. Wo re-1 member that you did more. You bursted the doors of his own household ; with sav- age brutality you invaded the privacy, tho 1 sanctity of his home, and by his vory hearthstone you intrude the poisoned day-, gers of mendacious slander into the repu- j tation of hor who btood nearest and dear est to him in tho holiest relation of life. Wo remember, sir, all this ; and tbo Sen ator from Philadelphia (Mr. Connoll) lias exclaimed in wondermout that tho Du j inocracy havo refused to join them in do iug honor to General Jackson, on tho an I niversary of tho battlo ol Isew Orleans Sir, when that hero patriot was in tho death struggle with your money power, and his namo went before tho people of Pennsylvania, the Democracy of our grand old Cnuimonwcalth threw their protection and sustaining arms around him aud gavo him fifty thousand majority. O, wo are not disposed to forgot Andrew Jackson. We sustained him when living, wo honor and revere him when dead, Aud when we look uround upon our bleeding aud dis membered country, every sighing wind wafting "the death smell from a hundred battlo fields balmy with brothers' blood ;" when wo seo trcasou in arms nssailinr , constitutional covernmciit. thoso entrusted ' with its caro betravinu it : men in bich the people being rolled together as a scroll, 0, .sir, we sigh for hut ouo hour's rulo of the old man of the Hermitage to Bavo what wc havo left of our country and its liberty, and, hy his stern dcrcrmination, to redeem tbo lost. You praise Androw Jaoksou ! You do honor to the old man of the Her mitage 1 If ho could hut hear your fulsome, hypocritical words ot praiso it your voices could descend to the tomb, and ho eould but know that tho party that defamod tho wife of his bosom while living, was at tempting to .canonize him when dead ; this mouldering bones would turn iu his coffin with hissing soorn upon you. Tho Sonator from Alloghony, who was tAtctcd Speaker at, tbo lute session, and whom almost all the precedents of tho patt desiguato as ''tho lato Spoakcr," has been congratulated by tho Senator from Phila delphia m the "USURPER of the present hour.'' In bold capital letters, docs ho send forth to tho Stato, in his published speoch.thatyou.sir, nro "a USURPER:" 1 nrwl Itn nnn it 1 1 n in f na trmi f inl Iih . !,... ,." j "I , ' juui v u UWJ osaiuuiuii I1U1U 1IAIIU11UU3 UIJVVU, U US boon a usurper against tho inroads of tha fierco democracy. Mr. Speaker, the "fierco domocraoy'' the words tho Senator has used are tho people, aud it is their rights you resist, and if you aro to bo crowned with fho gar lands of "lho usurper of the preseut hour," you havo but to search the precedents of uisiurv io uuu wiui uas ueeu mo iavq oi usurpers in nil limes. In resisting this ti8urpatiou,wo are obey ing the dictates of ponscioiitious duty, tho requirements of law and precedent, aud tho nidiidatos of tho Constitution. Upon those who attempt it must rest all tho con sequences, before tho country and in tho judgment of impartial history. Wo our duties know, Hut know our rights and knowing dare maintain. John Morgan's Narrative of his Escape. Gen. John Morgan was honored with an ovation on tho 7th, ou his arrival iu Riohmond. An interesting account of his escape from tho Ohio penitentiary, aud subsequent adventures, is published in tho Enquirer. After narrating tho means that Morgan und his six companies re sorted to, such us secretly horiug through thick wulls for many nights, making a rope ladder from strrps of bed-tick, olc, the account proceeds : After 153 days of unremitting labor, and gotling through a granite wall of 6ix feet in thickness, they reached the soil. They tunneled up for somu distance, and light began to shino. Thio was the morning of tho 150th day of November, 1803. The next night, at 115 o'clock was determined on as the hour at which they would at tempt their liberty. Each moment that intervened wap filled with dreadful anxiety and buspense, ai.d each time the guard entered iucrcascd their apprehension. X il ! 1 . , , I , n . noiuing rcuiaineu to no uoua out lor tue General and Uol. Dick Morgan to change ccii. mhc 10ur anm-oa-ohed for them to jj0 lockcj UDl , , ' They changed coats, aud each stood at the other s cell tloor with his back exposed, and pretanded to be engaged in making up their beds. As the turnkey entered they "turned in" and pulled their doors bhut. Six, eight, ten o'clock came. How each pulse throbbed as they quietly uwaitod the approach of twelve I It came the sen tinel passed his round all well. After waiting a few moments to see if he intend ed to slip back, tho signal was given all quietly slipped down into the air cham ber, first Muffling their flannel shirts and placing them in bed as they wero accus tomed to lio. As they luoycd quietly along through the dark recess to the terminus whero they were to emerge from the etjrlh the General prepared to light a match. As the lurid glare fell upon their counten ances a scene was presented which can never bo forgotten. There wero crouch ing seven brave men, who had resolved to be free. They wero armed with bowie knives in ado out ol case knives. Li lb in ibeir condition, was scarcely to be desired and the moment for desperate chance had arrived. The inner wall, by tho aid of the rope ladder was soon scaled, and now tho outer one had to be attempted. Captain Tav- lor, (who by tho way, is a nophow of old Zach,) being a very active man, by the assistance ot his comrcdes reached the top of tho gate, and was enabled to get lho ropo over tho wall. When tho top was gained they found a rope extendiug all nrouud, which tho general iniinedia'cly cut, as ho suspected it might load into the j warden's room. This turned out to bo correct. They then eutered tho sentry I box on tho wall aud changed their clothes, and let theuiBclvcs down the wall, Sliding' down tho general skinnod his hand very j badly, and all were more or less braised, j Once down they separated, Taj lor and j Sbclton going ono way, Mokcrsmith and Dennett and McGeo another, and Gcu. t Morgan and Captain Hiues proceeding im i mediately toward tho depot. The general had by paying S15 iu gold, succoeded in obtaining a paper which in- j formed hint of tho sohcdulo tiius of the different roads, The clock struck one, and ho knew by hurrying ho could roach tho down train for Cincinnati. Ho got there just as tho traiu was moving off. He at ouco looked to bee if there were any soldiers on board, and spying a Union officer, he boldly walked up aud took a sent beside him. He remarksd to him that "as the night was dump aud chilly, porhaps ho would join him in a drink." He did so, and tho party soon became vory agreeable to oaoh other. The cars iu crossing tho Scioto havo to pass within a short distanco of tho peni tentiary. As they passed tho ofiiocr re marked, "There's tho hotel at which Mor- gau and his officers aro spending their leisure.' Yes,' replied tho General, 'and I binccrcly hope ho will mako up his mind to board there during tho balauco of tbo war, tor ho is a great nmsauce, hen tho train reached Xenia, it was detained by some accident more than an hour. lniagino his auxictv, as soldier uftcr sold icr would pass through tho traiu, for fear that when the sentinel passed his round at i5 o'elook their abseuco might be discov ered, VOLUME 27. t Tho train was duo in Oiuciunati nt 0 o'clock. This was tho hour at which they wore turned out ofthoir colls, nnd of courso their esoapo would then bo disonvered. lu n few moments after it would bo known all over the countrv. Tho train hitvinc been dotnino,! vn'in it.. . . . . D r ruP'uiy io mauo up tlio tiuio. It was al ready past six o'clock. The General taid to Lupt. liinos, 'it is after six, if wo go to tho depot wo aro dead men. Now or novcr.' 'They wont to tho rear and put on the brakes. 'Jump, Hinesl' Off lis went, and fell hccla over head in lho mud. Another scvero turn of tho brako, and tho ful, and lighted on his feet. vjuHcriu juinpoa. no was tuoro buoco3- i uey weniiminouiateiy to tlio r;vor, They found a skiff, but no oars. Soon a little boy came oyer and appeared to bo waiting. 'What aro you waiting for V said tho General. 'I am waiting for my load.' 'What is tho prioo of a loud?' 'Two dollars.' 'Well, as wo are tired and hungry, we will give you tho two dollars, and you can put us over.' So over ho took them, Ho remained iu Kentucky some days, feeling perfectly safe, and sending into Louisville for many littlo things ihat hu wanted. Went to Bardstown and found a Federal regiment had just arrived thcro looking for him. Remained hero and about threo or four days, and then struck out for Dixie, sometimes disguising him self us a government cattle contractor,and buying a large lot of cattle; at other times a quartcimastor, until ho got to tho Ton nebseo river. Hero ha found all means of transportation destroyed, and tho bank strongly guarded, but with tho assittanca of about thirty others, who had rccogniied him and joined him in spite of his remon strances, ho succeeded in making a raft, and ho aud Capt. Hinos crossed over. -His escort, with heroic solf-sacrifico, re fused to cross until ho was safely over. Ho then hired a negro to get his horso over, paying him twenty dollars for it. The river was so high that tho horso camo near drowiug, out! after more than one hour'a struggling with tho stream, was palled out to exhausted as scarcely to bo able to stand. The General throw a blanket on him aud commenced to walk him, whon sud denly, he says, ho was seized with a pre sentment that lie would ho attacked, and remarked to dipt. Hiues, 'wc will bo at tacked in twenty minutes,' and commen ced saddling his horse. Ho hardly tied his girth when 'baug, bang,' weut tho Minio balls He bouuocd hi; horse, and the noble animal appearing to be inspired with new vigor, bounded off liko a deer up the mountain. Tho last ho saw of his poor fellow3 on the opposito sido they were dis appearing up thu river bank, fired upon by a whole regiment of Yankees, liy this time it was dark, and also raining. Ho kucw that a perfect cordon of pickets would surrcund the foot of tho mountain, and if ho remained there till morning ho would bo lost. So ho determined to run tho gauntlet at once, and commenced to descend. As he noared tho foot, leading his horso, ha camo almost in personal con tact with a picket. His first impulso was to kill him, but finding him asiccp, ho de termined to let him bleep on. Ho niado his way to the house of a Union man that ho know lived thoro, and went up and passed himself off us Captain Quarter master of Hunt's regiment, who was on his way to Athens, Tenu., to procure sup plies of suga r and coffee for the Union . people of the country. The lady, who ap pearcil to be asleep while this interview was taking plaoo with her husband, m tho montion of sugar and coffeo, jumped out of bed in her night clothes, and said: 'Thank God for that, for wo ain't seen any rale coffee up here for God knows how long!' She was so delighted at tho pros pect that sho made up a firo and .cooked j them a good supper. Supper being over, tho General romar.- ked that he understood somo rebels had 'tried to cross the river this after uonn,' 'Yes,' said tho woman, 'but our meu kil led somo un em, nad driv lho rest back.' 'Now,' says tho Goneral, 'I kuow that but didn't some of them got over V 'Yes.'was her reply, "Hut they uro on tho mountain and can't gel down without being killed ,as every road is stoppod up. Ho then sa.d to her : 'It is very important for mo to get to Athens by to morrow uiyht, or I may lose that sugar and coffee, aud I am afraid to go down any of these roads, for fear my own men will Kill me. I ho fear of losing that susrar aud coffeo brought her again to an accommodating mood, and sho replied: 'Why Paul,kao't you show tuc Uaptain through our farm that road by tho Gold ?' Tho General says: 'Of course, Paul, you can do it, aud as tho uiglit is very cold, I will citu you 810 (in gold) tohelpjou along. Tho gold, und tho prospect of sugar and coffee was too much lor any poor man s uervos, and ho yielded, aud gotting on a horse ho took them seven miles to tno big road. Jbrom this timo lorwaru ho had a gones of adventures and escapes, all very won derful!, but finally ho anived safe within the Uonfodorate lines. The General says that his escape waa made entirely without assisstanoe from any ono on tho outside, and to far as ho knows, also without their knowlcdgo of his. intention : that tho announcement of Ins arrival at Toronto was one of those fortui tous co-iuoidences that cannot bo accounted for; that it assisted him materially, no doubt. In fact, ha aays, that his 'wife' prayers' savod him and as this Is thoniiHt agreeable way of explaining it, ho is de termined to believe it.