Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 06, 1864, Image 3

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iatiudny Morning, Feb. G, 1864.
nwwwjwi' imwww wwhibwu. wun kwulu i . .jwpipl,.
-C6TA unmbor of agricultural items of
intcrost, original and sslsotcd, nlll always
bo fcuad on the fourth pige of the Demo
crat. 05T NYo.aall attention to the advertise
ment of Mr. E. U. Uattman, of Hemlock.
J3o desigD3 selling, valuable and ueful
articles at public sale, on March 2d, 1601.
A Jo doe AniiESTKU. Judge Oswald
Thompson of Philadelphia, was arrcstod
on Thursday as a dessrtor by an officor.
Of course it was a mistake.
jfttrOol, John G. Fucezg, of Blooms
burg has been appointed by the Democ
racy of Columbia to the Democratic State
Conrentiou, to meet in Philadelphia upon
the i!4th of March.
.Donation Visit. The friends and par
ishioners of the Rev. Wa, Goodrich, we
are pleased to observe, intend waking lfiai
a Donation Visit, upon the 22ud of Feb
ruary, at the Parsonage, a Orangovillo.
Mr. J. J. Bhover, advertises first
arrival of Spring Goods, in to days Dem
.oerat. Give him u call, if in ,rvan; of good
and fine merchandize. Mr. B. is always
in tirno,
"You may insert a thousand excel
lent things in a newspaper, and never hear
a word of approbation from tho readers;
but just let a paragraph slip in oven by
accident, of one or two linos not suited to
ftheir lae, and you will be sure to hear
from them.
j&ST The patrotio Ladio'a of Ohio, have
established numerous Vallandigham Fund
sl;i:,., rpi. .,:.,.. ,j ... . i. : 1 .1 :
uubiuvign, xuujf imi-iiu vi 1 tuau uiu uaiiuu
,atatostuau 1 Family a Fund equal to uno
.of Old Abo s first-clas3 Foreign Missions.
S'J79 35 werii raised for that purpose, by
.the Vallandigham Fund, for tho week end
iug January 25, 1801.
C-"Vo don't like to sou" men who
re opposed to tho ending the war in any
other way than by tho sword, who are
continually blowing about "every body'o
duty to go," and who denrnnco ,as ''din
loyal'' all their neighbors who differ with
them iu opinion wo dent like to see tuch
. men ur-arly brtukiiig their necks to keep own soim from the Armv !
Dirrnr.uiA. In another column of to
.day's p.ipcr will he found, a valuable ar
.iM,. ,i. -,,,1 nt f
iuik vi iiiv at iiif til-- ,if.jt.t wt witiuiut' 1 vi
dipiherm, from Dr. W. A. cott of
luyia, Ijwa. Thi fuarful ccomgo has j
prevailed during the winltjrtii a consider-!
able estcnt in Columbia and niljoiniug j
couniie.); iu name ii,.stam-,o.-, it has swept i
away .nearly whole families, Dr. Scotl's
treatment of the has never beeu
ki.ovin to fail vvLeu takuii iu time, and
properly Ubtd.
A-?'The ti.aic.i) i.f ,l(..'eul,''
tjiig the attention of every one
13 sttmo.
. As we
,tio not export tliof-o coins, the quosttou 1? 1
inked, what is becuniu of them ail, es
. pecially as were coiasd during the
lait year at ihe mint iu Phil.tdolphi.i, fifty
four millions, three hundred and sixty
tbour-aud, being over four and a half rail
liuus per month, fc'o very scarce are they
in circulation ju-t uow, that it is with dif-
ucuity cuougu can oe inuuti ic or.ani? ai
five cent note. 'I'hc qtusiiou is oftan ask
i:d what has become of the-millions of pins
daily made and wiilt as much reason it
may bo put, what becomes of all the ceuts
more paniculuily us t'uey are known to bo
worth loss than lcu valuj !
Cs?"" Abolitiouists, take uutico : you
. have beeu bo lou boasting of your prtriot
ism,and dunouueed Demoerat-i, as Copper
heads and traitors, now is a .tine .opportu
nity ofl'eicd for you to give a substantial
evidence of your patriotism call jpou one ' raiaiug funds 10 sustain and advance . the
of the rccruitmg offioeri and enlist for three I cause of Irish nationality,
year or during the war aud besides pro-j - --
viug your prtiioii,m you will get a bounty Mus. Harriet Ueechcr Sto.wc again. ap
of gaua aud your monthly nav. Do not Ipcaru in print with a sketch of President
wait ou Democrats to enlist, if they are
Copptrheadd and traitors they woiild be
dangerous iu the grand Uniou Army, they
might boiray tho Federal forces into tho
hauda of the cuom;,lhey arc thereforo not
.wanted nor expected to enlist. Do not
, ehow the white feather, do not call on
Democrats to help you raiic the money to
save you from the operations oftho draft.
Do not exhibit your cowardice j you have
called this a holy war, prayed for its pro
longation, you havo been iu favor ,cf wa
ging it until the last man was killed and
tho last dollar espendod, now go, do not
bo the last man, yo.u .have jut as good a
right to die first as some of jour neigh
bore. Boiidea this war is just oarried ,ou
to suit you, now pitch in, some of you who
havo been making war speeches, and urg
ed others to go, should now set tho ex
araplo aud go yourselves; csaruplo is bet
ter than prcoept. The most loyal should
0 first, after thoy are all exhausted, tha
.traitors can agree to quit. If all tho loy
a,l men who supported Curtin laH fall
wobld turn out they ought to bo able to
crush iho rebellion aud swallow the slave
holders whole in thirty (Jays. How it
. would astonish tha traitors if all tha Union
Leaguers- would turn out and swallow the
Southern Confederacy. Abolitiouists turn
Aim, and fight until th to u uo' button
'. ft ca ;cur con
9?urt Prooeedlugs Pobmaiy
Term, 18G4.
Court opened on Monday morning;
Judges Elwell, Baldy and Moll e v.
ttotna on the benoh. Wa wsre glad to
seo MoIlGYNotDB on tho Bonoh, although
he looks thin and woro his arm in a sling.
There was not a single presentment by
the Grand Juryuor is thoro now, nor
has there been eiuae last court, any per
son committed to Jail. Tho Grand Jury
was discharged on Tuesday morning.
Of tho civil list tho following causes were
disposed of. i
Jacob Bona vs Tilmnn
Naglo, action of
debt on note Clark for Plaintiff -Freeze 7Clu I"-'" of his ago.
for Defendant. Plaintiff was nonsuited. In Hoaringoreek twp.. .Col. co., on Fri
D. J. Carey vs Marti & Ent, action on J0 891,1 f .January, 1804, Mr. Wa.
1 L- I t1.,.... ,Yocum, aged about 04 years.
Plaintiff. Frcoao aud Baldy for Defun-'
dant. Vcrdiot for Plaintiff 807 00.
Jos. F Long vs Isaac D. Patton, ojoct-'
ment, Jackson and Cotnly for Plaintiff, f
Clark and Baldy for Defendant. Verdict !
for Plaintiff Motion for now trial filed.
Michael Sheridan vs Pat. Graham
tdm'r., actiou of debt on note, Johnsoa
and Comly for Plaintiff, Clark and Baldy
for Defendant. Verdict for Plaintiff
8333 27.
There wore several other causes on tho
list open arid ready for trial ; iu all of
which Col. Freezo As Mr. Clark, wore oon
oorued,; and owing to tho Col. having ta
ken cold,. and becoming so very hoarse as
to bo unablo to fpeak, they were contin
ued j and tho "Traverse. Jury w&s dis
charged on Wednesday morning.
.Court adjourned, Thursday at toon.
Nine Months Men to uk Drafted.
Tho United States Senate has so amended
tho cnrollmcLt Act, that none but such as
are iu the service, or havo been in the
cervicc twoytars,au& have beeu honorably
Uncharged, are exempted from the draft.
. .. .
J nig tliroWB all tUOaO
who served iu the
nine months' .regiments, into the classes
liable to dralt. They still have one ad-
t vantage over other men, and but one, that
' is they get a bounty of S 102 if they enlist,
while others get only 302. No doubt
many of them will "go in.'' Thoso who
wero drafted and served t:i 1802 will also
be liable to draft.
Thcki: will ooou be no 'ise for lawyors
iu this country. They will be displaced
by the conscription act. That instrument
is being .so fixed up in Oouros, that it
.will lie .sitro to draw money o.r blood. In
the hands of an unmerciful creditor it
would be a powerful auxiliary in tho col
lection of a debt, if a man didn't have
tno jaoauy, ic woum taso mc
riSht out cf him.
rjeA recent SuhTljake City Letter
speaks of tho Now thealro erected by tho
Mormons as ouo of tho finest in tho Union
nA n.lris : 'Tn.t nirht T niii.ud iu Briu.
- -a - " . - --o
ham SToung'M family boj: uincty-threo wo
men and children, and the bus was not
near full. Ho occupied an elegant private
box with his two favorite wives.''
r IKE .T ilEl.i.EFoNTE. -ii. .C5i"UCllVC
r. - . ....) ij.11 c . 1 . rn . . 1. ..
llfO occurred fit .ilcf(Uto Oil Tuesday
moniiujj of week beforo last. Thu Penn
sylvania House, and thu Arcade build
ings, occupied fur Stores, Oifiees, ttc, wero
the prineipul buildings uonsuuicd. The
luss is estimated at $30,000. About SO,
000 wero insured iu ilie Lycomiug County
JIutual .Insuranca Compauy.
VoLU.vrEEits for tho Army should not1
leave the City until supplied with IIOL-'
Sores, Scurvy, Wounds, Small Poz, Fe
vers, aud Btiwcl Complaints, the3c modi-1
cnies arc the beat
in the world. Every'
French Soldier u?ea
ocr box.
theui. OnlySOcts.
&3y Au lri.-ii National
Fair is to be
held in Chicago, 111., on
March next, under tho
the 2Sth day of
auspice of the ;
1 1 1 , , f r
h et'lliai) Bt'Othei'.hooU, lor the purpOlB ol
I Lincolu, for a Jjosto.u . paper, ller two
heroes arc '.'fJnele.Tom" aud "Unelo Abe''
par nobile Jratrum.
Col. Wm. II. Blair late Democratic
caudidato for State Senator iu the Ly
coming district, has beeu appointed Pro
vost Marshal in tho place of Oapt. White,
dismissed tho service.
A.N exchange says thutMr. Uhaso is de
termined to run for the Presidency at .any
rate. Then bid Abo ought to arrest, him
for attempting to ''overthrow tho Govern
ment." TnE Kent (Maryland) iVeM'J says that
about five hundred able-bodied slaves havo
beeu recruited in that county, aud all that
are loft would hardlv nav for the trouble of
, ,
uuMiiug aucr, teem.
Edward Everett has been frying to
1 persuade the President to reverse his un
! just and outrageous .decision in tho case of
i Fttz John Porter.
Chas A- Daka, late editor of tho New
York Tribune, has been made Assistant
Scorctary of War.
Gen. Frank Blair has resigned his com
maud in the army.
rs? Hon HAHRT HAKE?. II. of R ,hS
0 r L'gUUtra JJocumects
In Bloomsburg, on Saturday, January
30th, 1804, Mrs. AnSaKlotz, consort of
the latu Abraham Klotz, aged about 70
In Bloomsburg, on Tuesday last, Mrs.
HUMi'HHUYs, aged 35 years.
In Moino twp., Col, co,, on Friday, tho
2t)th of January, 1804, Mr. Daniel Shu
MAN, aged 40 years, 8 months and 12
In Scott township, Jan. 23d, Clara,
daughter of llichard and Elizabeth Cook,
aged 1 year, 4 months, and 27 days.
In .Scott township, near Light Strcot.on
Tuesday last, Mr. Benjamin Evans, in tho
In Mitllinvillo, on the 25th of Jan. 1804,
at tho residence of her Uncle, Henry
Belles, Miss Eliza Gnuvvn, iu the 37th
year of hor ago.
"Dearest Slitcr thou liatt left us,
Hare thy loss wo deeply teal ;
Hut Ml j find who liail bereft us,
11 0 can alluur sorrows heal."
In Espy, Jan. 20th, 1804, by Bev. D.
S. Tuekenmiller, Mr. Andrew O. Haqen
iiucir, and Miss MaiiQaret A. IIaoen
buoh, all of t'entro twp,, Col. co., Pa.
On the 2nd iust., by the Bcv. P. M.
Crosthwaito, Mr. Isaac Talksday, of
Poughkeepsio, N. Y.. and Miss Clara
1'ktteu, of Catawiesa, Pa
WHEAT, per bushel. 1 iu
HVU. " ' 1 -.'j
CORN, 1 Uil
I'l.DDIt per bid. 8 (111
ui,ovi:iir.i:n, a im
fi.AX si:i:n . a in
IIUCKWIIUAT 1'lour. 4 I'l)
1)11 ir.l) AI'l'LF.d,
II A V by tho ton.
1 W
- 13
go oj
Oil I CK CVS, per pair.
Tiie following payments havo been made
to tho Columbia JMmocrut office, during
tho month of January, 1804 :
roKJtpVV neach 81
IMw llnrlman, .' 01
M 1' Eyerly, 1 51
John llruglur, 5 T.
M A Cirton, : Si
John It Y0I10, Hsi, S II'
NmiIi UriUs, ' 4 0
John Noyhartl - -
I'll Kern, 0 ui
U. Ilitteiihender, 1 Ui
II unpioger l'J 7(
llkt. of J stitlsr,
John .eisloft,
II Slohner,
1; W .McKelvy,
Joel Zarr, '
Tho llollman,
l)r J llollittrr,
It Hens, (Van Camp)
Albert 1 1 mil. r.
Hichard .Morgan,
Est. of ' Troimie.
C.ipt John (.rover.
J (.' Siciienberg,
John ti Jacoby. Est,
amuel (tetuei,
Henry Dual;,
I) K Sloan,
Simon Sitler,
Loi Garrett,
Mil c.l Howell, Esq.,
lien Stiller.
W (i (iallarhcr,
Samuel .M iMller,
Col W II Ent.
Est. nfl'liliu-as Sitler,
S.iihupI Sti'ller.
Hon. Jacob Evans,
Tr.i .1 Mni.,.'V.
. 00
5 IM
17 HO
I) o)
:i M
1 w
1 M
h no
a 110
1 (X)
s IM
7 (IU
u 00
7 00
3 Si
:t .'!)
a bo
1 7.-.
s on
1 UJ
3 .".u
1 7.".
e 00
1 30
1 :."
I O!)
1 75
0 00
111 UI)
1 noorgo'Ouian, t! Ui
l'.nt. of Wm.l.'ool, 1 7.
Philip Ki.tler, " n
IM, ofj. Williams, (ii
Charles Ash, e 1)
Jep.H iTolcmau, Esq., 'A IK
A M Rupert, M "l
S M Ciutjiart ' III
Est. of V. Ilutchisoi). .1 i
Win Slimier, 1 a;
Levi A Hutchison, '.' I'(
Jdmph l.illey, 4 Ui
II I) lliltenliunder, 4 II
It Miller, (Callawissa) :i 76
i:y I. .Moons 5 111
Hout; 1) J.iclnoii, II (1.1
Nntlian llo.11h.1y,
John II Wlilteuight,
'.'J Sainnel Moriclo.
Oeorge Uavenee,
i! IK) William I' llverlv.
14 ObJ David lieu.,
OtJillJIl'TIVE Sqircra will receive a valuablo
prescription for the cure of rmiMtmptioii, Asllinia,
lir.mchitis, and all 'I hrnat ami l.uug alfections, free
of cn&rgc, ly sending their uddre.s In
Wil!iauiibur;u, Kings Co , Nuv Vork.
Jsnfifirv t. Tf-tM .-fiw.
HostcUorta Bittera
1 Have r"rein d th" warm.i.t .'H'omiiiins from the nrr
i ana people tliniii2li"Ut Iho Union ai .1 valuable tonic
fr tLCiro of Uyspep.i.i. Flatiiler.r.M'onstip.ilinn.and
ni'ral nervous ikl-ility. it caiiont bo npproicheil.
Ever) day iu-iv cass or its gri'ot fllect cro clironirlod
tlirouah our principal public Joiirnals. Th'ro is notli
iiii e.pinl to the ulijoynu :it to whirli the alllicti'd
eipeniMice when using IliU 1nlual.l1 spucihc. -it mild
lone. IN suro and vigorous arlion upon 11 disordered
toni.icli, and the f;' of 1I10 cntiro human body
should r'cnuiiiien.l it to n'l cl.ios of our community.
1.. ri;B AIlVEItl ISUME.VT.
Tor sale by Drugislx and dealers senoraily.
January U, ld('.4, I111.
fl lllENTi:or.'EttV01'S LVVALID.-Published
for the benefit nnd 111. u nnitifii to oung nieii, mid
others, who infiVr from Ni'ivoiu Debility, Larly Decay,
unri their kiiidieil ailment supplying thcmeaiiiof pelf
cure. Ily our who iu- cur"il him. elf alter being a vie
Inn of misplaceil eoiilid.'iicc in medical humbug and
qmrk.'ry. Ily i-nclosmg a post-paid directed envelope,
single copies may be bad oi the nutho-,
NATH Willi. MAY 1'AIK, Esj
IVdford, Kings county, cw--Vnrk,
January 5J-ISrei lv.
. I r (nrni IV n, i'rifF'K ' t t-',.r,r,,rn .,,
lit try ima his own I JUNlia .t CO. of the
CrcfutOno Pnco Clothing ctore,.o. SJUI .Marketureet
obo-.i' Hiitli I'hiladi iphia,
lu adJition to having tho largest, mot varied and
fialiimuhlc Mock of Clothing in Philadelphia mailoex
presly for retail tales, liavu constituted i:ery one
hi j own ab-inaii, by having marked In figures, 011 eaoh
ar:nloat the very low c.l puce it can bo sold for so they
r jiiNot po.sibly vary-all must buy alike.
The good-i nre weji sponged nnd prepared and great
r1"11-,".tl. .1,,: lll.liv.ll ' .11... ,1,1 lllll Ml. Willi
titt t ul I assuranca m getting a good article at tho very
,u -n ,iitu. rtia.', 11 i.iie bi'.civ ui 1 1 1 1 goons 011 uauu
oftho liitesl stylo and b.'st tualities, wliirh w ill bo mui!
to ordur, in Iho inn? . fanli i on ul.lo an.l best manner, '.'.'
p:r cent, below credit prues.
itenionibcr the Cu scent, In Market above Pixlh street
0 -.'(II. J(J):b 4c CO.
Of this City, has undoubtedly discovered in limrsni
biuolion for tho treatment of I)) f pcpsla 0110 oftho
greatest remedies that has over been given to suff
ering humanity: llohas treated r;thin the past two
years something over nine thousand c.ises lu his pri
ato practice, many of w Inch had defied tho skill of
eminent physicians iu Europe a.:d, nnd in
every cuo where tho medicines wero t.ikci. according
to directions, they h.ivoinado it perfect cpro. .Many of
the abovo cases were of ovur twenty )nr ;i,niliug.
Those who are troubled with Dyspepsia would do
wall wt.all nttba Jiortor's ofiire. Ho giveB you ad
vice free. Persons at 11 ilislanco can consult by letter
describing the symptoms. I sr. Wisliurt'slreutmeut put
up in & secure .package, w ills roll directions, is sent by
express on the receipt of tfiv Dollars.
N. II In nil cuac where tho dlseaso Ins not become
cluqr.ic' Dr. Widutl's Dyspepsia Pills aro all that is
lepilred. Sent by mail on tho receipt of One Dollar
Address Dr. L. U. C. H'uhart, l'liiMdelpiiia. I'hiU-i-lphia
Udgtr, Hoc. 19, HtB-fim
IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Dr. lUnvire'i Fssuis
Pills have nnver ytt fulled In removing difiicultis aris
ing fioin obstruction, or stoppage of nature, or in ro
storlug tho system 10 perfect health when 6Utrern!5
from Spinal Affections, Prolapsus, Uteri, the Whites,
or other wenkue.s oftho Uteriuo Organs. Tho Pills
are perfectly harmless on tko constitution, nnd may bo
taken by tho inns', dqliculofciuale without call. iug dis-
tress-tlic rami ttnio tncy act uac a cuarm uy sireugin-
ihv cnndiunn. and bv binning rm.uto monthly period
cniug- iiivigurnung aim rsinriui, in, inti-i,, a ..k,,-
. .. isnr'i) nis soilArlnis tliA oVtlntll In f llisnl.
with regularity, no matter Iroiu what causes thu oh-
strurtion may arise. The tdiould, however, h'OT bo
taken during the first three or four months of pregnancy,
though safo at any other lime, as miscarriage would bo
the result.
Loch hm contains f.a pills, price 91,
Da. II AKVBV STKUA TlSfion Diseases or e emaies.
Ticniancy. Miscuiiiage. Unrrenness, Sterility, llcpro-
duction. and abuses of nature, and emphatically tho
Ladies' Private Medical Auvlssr, a pamphlet 01 us
pages, sent free to any address. Six cults required to
pay postage.
1 1
he Pills and booh will be sent by mall when desired,
secureU- sssled. nnd DrOBaid. bv
No, 70 Cedar St., New Yoik.
Vy old,by all ths principal drugjlsts.
December IS. 1603 iy.
TIIF. undersigned would announce, that hchaioa har.d
atlits HatandCap Emporium, on Main St.. Illnoms.
burg, an assortment of diu'erent kind of leather, such as
cf which he rill tcllcbuapcr than can bo had olscwheia
In this warker. Call and sumlne tbepi for yourselves.
nUO can SKins, muruccu, ieu onu niann .aim iiiiiiius an
weaii4rt Msy rt, w.
JN pursuance of an order of Hi Orphan'. Court of
Montour county, 011
Saturday, the Qlli day of Febi uary , 1804,
lit 10 o'clock In the forenoon, lit -VI ISTl.Kfl, Executor
A.c..of Jacob HthtIiir, Into of t Hemlock. In .aid
county, deceased, hill expose to .lo, by l'ubllo Veil
duo. nt tho public home ofHamu 1 Itombloy, In Jofsey -town,
a certain
Hituato In the towiuhlp of Mull 'n, enmity of Colinn
bla and State of 1'rnntyWanla. I mdeil mid ilo.jribol
at followa, vli llcglnlnj nl a p. .1 In lands of J.Uycr.
north flfiy 0110 and a half itegrei rt S':2 perchea to a
post, thence by lautlt of hi-ln of J .lin aiii!le, dee'd.,
and James Byr, aoiith !Hl ilc(!f .nt, 7I..I perches'
lo n poft toiilli UJt (leiirecs oast . rche. to a post
thence by IntnU orhelr of John n . 's and Isaac .Mc,
llrldc, soutli Jit ili'grcra west, perches to a post,
thenco by lauds of Samuel llcinli-y, north 3H west,
Uij.l perchus to thu bcglnillni:, contalniiie
43 Acres 120 PcrcUcs of Land,
Aoutone half thereof cleared
I. ntn ihn p.talii of snld deceased, sltiltts In tlio
township of Madison and county afororald
1 rll.'l.ttlll? II IHI'I'I.Pn f.ln.t
Danville, January 8, Ifc'il.
Conditions or Sai.k.
Ti-ti nor cent of the purchase money to bo paid down
on U10 day of sale,
Two thirds of the purchase money, less ten per cent.
to be paid on connrinanon 01 ino sine.
dm, ifiir.i c.i 1 11. tturennse inn ii'v ,u uu i,aiu iiiiiiiimii
ntcly after llm dealli of Hannah Sletler wli'or of said
decedent, with Interest from the confirmation of tho
salo, Interest to bo paid to raid widow yurly .
The dead to u given on payment of tw o-ihlrds of
tho purchase niouey and securing tho balanco by bond
and inoitgugp.
Possession to bo given on paynn nt of two-thirds or
purctaja money. Ill A STUn.nil, F.t$tulnr.
January t(i, IMil.-K.
House and Lot for Sale,
npiIE undersigned oiTors to soli at Pri-
0 vato Sab'. Ills dwelling House, nnd Lot yjffltriv
o'fOrouiid, with all th'i improvement, there. JIMM
unto helonglnir. situate on iho South Uastcnr. JH1MJ,
ner of Third and Iron Streets, In Uloomsburg, toluiu ALSO.
Another Lot of Ground, situate on tho
Houth West corner of snld Third and Iron Strcett, In
Illoouiiburg, nUcteon Is trotted a larg und
excellent ......
URH K ItllH tM'.H MIUI ,
With all tho necessary improvements und conveuien.
CThe (Irsi named properly U one of tho mot ilc.lra
ble rcsidei ces in llloomsbttrc; lor 11 private family. -Iho
second named, Is the bet "tand for a liUTCIIEIt
miiiip. ImviiiL' all the reuulsiic bulldinia and arranee-
ment". in Kc.od order, for huslnefs purpofts, with n
beautiful scUe on the corner or Iho lot lor trio erection
of a dwelling Mouse.
n5- Should the foregoing properties, or either ol
them, not be sold by the first ol April next, they will bo
oirere.Knr Hunt. NAT 1 1 .V IIO.MI10V.
Uloomhbur?.,MnuaryJJ, i"h,
A First Class Fanner's Magazine for
1864. The Pennsylvania 1864.
Farmer & Gardner
Edited and Puijmshed by
b'i North Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
The Siitli , Volume coiumciiccs with January number.
AVING obtained the services of em
inent and nractical Agriculturists. Horticultur-
Is'.s, ttecfc Ifreeders nnd lleo keupers, wo conlidently
o'lfer tho Currint Voliimo ns oou of the best tver issued
for originality, practical thought ami reliublo informa
tion, Jcuuary !i3, Jeol,
For the Fruit, Flowir i)- Kitchen Gardin.
1864. The 186$.
W. G.P. lUlINOKLOE,PunLisiiEii.
Olliee: 23 North Sixth st., Philadelphia.
Sditcd by Thomas Meehan.
Hints Flower Garden and I'leasurcOrouud ,- Fruit
(iarden; Vegetable (Inrduii; Window Uardeuing.
Communication!!. iiiiibracitig I lie views of the best
writers on Horticulture, Arboriculture, mid Kurnlatrs
Editorial Hiving the Editor's views 011 tho Import
ant Anrtlcultiiral improvements.
Scraps and (lueries-Ni w I'ruita New Plants Uo.
mestic and I'orelgn Intelllgeuie. Eoreigu Correspond
eriu Horticultural Notices.
With each repartition handsomely illustrated
' I Ullv&ii cenorai icatnres win no retaincu
and tho publisher pledges no labor
ni cxpunsj t-li.ill be spared to render Ilia sncieediug
Is, nes 01 tno .Magazine overy way wormy 01 1110 mvor
with which his previ, ni ett'orts linvt been amply rc
warded. bll.MJ lull A fll'l-Lll.llLl.N.
January S3, 1K1.
Laclcawainia & Dlooiusbttrg Jiailroatl.
.11 O V I N G SOU T II.
Linvo Sorantnn - 4 51) T. M.
" Kingston 5 !S .
il'oomsburg .... fi,-
" l'.upcrt, S.IiS !
" Danville D.IS ,
Arrive at Northumberland, ... sy
I.eavo Northumberland, . . f. 00 A.M.'
Kupert U.Si
iiloomsbiirg .... j.:ij I
" Kingston, U.l-i p. M 1
Arrive at rierantou, . 1 .3D 1
l'reight c Passenger leaves lllnoiiisburg, 10 15 A
Pn(.iiirerM lakine: tho .Vail Train South conncrt with
the Express train Irom Nutth'd, arriving lit llarrisburg
it i.IIU A. M Uultimore 7.i)'l A. AI., and nt Philadelphia j
ill 7. 00 A M. Thu Mail train from Northumberland ,
leaves immediately .liter Iho J.Jpresi Irani Irom
nml lialtnuori', allowing Paisougers leaving
I'hilaitelpliiu at 10. II) P. M. to reach points oil this road
during tho next forenoon.
New and ulcgnul Sleeping cars neenmpany the night
trams each way between Northumberland and Haiti
mure, and Northumberland ami Philadelphia,
I). T. IIOL'NI). Supt.
J C. Wells, Of k'Z 7'icr( i'cnt.
Kingston, January 3U, ISiil.
TIIE iindvrigii0d olfers, . 'it Privalu Salo, tho valua
ble properly, known us the IIUPUItT III.OL'K, situate
on the corner o.' Mnin and Market (.Iri-els, Pluoms
h'lrg This property w III be sold together or separatod
into lots to suit purchasers Pursuiis wishing to buy a
good business site, uro requested to oxamiuu this pio
perty. I'or particulars inquire of tho undersigned, re
siding in llluumssiirg. E. MENDE.V1IALL.
llluouisb'irg,,Jan. 'M, IMll. if.
TIIfi undqrsimied iuforms his friends I
. and fellow-citizens through, 1 this and tho ad
joiug countiss.that he is u regularly Declined auction-er
under the United States Laws, and is picpared to cry
Having had several years experience in the business,
be flatters himself that he will .Lo able to give satis
faction to all who employ him.
Danville, Jan, 30, lf(i4. Cooper twp.
I I hereby caution all persons from trust
.L ing my Wife, RACIIAEL MORsJAN, on my
coup:, she having left my bed and board without
causa or provocation, and 1 am therefore .tityrmincd
nn to pay any debts of her contracting, unless compel,
led by duo course of law.
l.ocuit twp,, 1. 01. co., Jan. au, uo, atp.
ALL persons knowing themselves in
debted or having unstttled accounts in any wise
with the undsrslgned, aro hereby nolifled to cccic, for
ward anil ssttlo tho samo. Ily nttending'promptly t
' this notico will tuvu costs.
Dloonisbmg, January 30, 1804, -3w
PAPERS necessary .in all claims or
causes of exemption from the coming Draft will be
promptly and cuifully pici.ared by
Oftcf, ?nd doer west of the Couit Heuit
buwita'jt; Jjaut" J liJ3
Is (lie Vital Principle of (ho l ino Tree.
Obtained by a peculiar process In tho distillation of
tho tar, by which Its highest medicinal properties art
It Is tho rncdlcUo that cures when all otheri hare
Havo yon a Couch I Havo yon Bore Threat t Hare
you any it the prumonitory symptoms of Ua,t most
fatal (liscaso. Consumption 1 '
Those wno should bo wntnod by these symptom. (rn
orally lb Ink llubtly of them until it is ton late. From
this fact, perhaps more than any other, arise, the sad
prevalence and fatality of disease which sweeps to
tho firaTu at least one-sixth of Death's victims.
What are lis symptoms I
It usually bruins with a short, dry couch, rrhleh anon
Itccnuics habitual, but for oma time unlhln'g Is raised
niccpt a frothy mucin. Tim brcnthlni! la somewhat
difficult, nnd upon slight uierriso much hurried, A
senso of tightness nnd oppression as the cho.t Is often
felt. As tho itlseaso advances tho patient becomes
thin In flesh is afflicted with loss of appetite, great
iangor. Indolence, and dejection of spirits; and may
continue In this state forn considerable length of time,
thai It is very readily aflVetod by slight exposure or
fntiguo. If these occur, the cough becomes more trou
blesome, and Is attended with cipectoratlon, which is
mo.t enpmus and fren very early in tho morning. It
la tomotlmcs streaked will, blood. At this stago night.
HWrats usually set in, nnd in sonic cases 11 profuso
bleeding of tho lungs may nlso occur, l'aln Iu somo
part orlliQ chest l.leii, anil oitcu n milicHliy 01 lying
upon olio or tho other side, without RA'ero fits of
coughing or n srneo of fullness or suRocatQu, It ex
perienced, Tlic pulsu becomes full, hard, and frequent
the hectic flush tinges Ihd cheeks, and tha dlro malady
la fast hastening to its dose.
Vou now nsk. "Is them 11 cure!"
Consumption ha. been and call bo cuicil by the use of
my TuConoiAL, even iu upparautly hopeless cases. 1
This assertion 1 make with tho ability to present tha
mnstcompleti' evidence of the truth, riparc will not
admit of inygitlng tlio contents oftho many llinusaiiils
oftu-timonials to its value, which I havo been ami am
receiving from men and women of uulict)onub!a
worth nnd reputation 1 have had a numb 'r of those
certificates printed In circular form which I nlll send 1
you Trco on application Whether you now deternlina
to try the medicine or not, sand for tho circular. After
yearn of study nnd experiment, I olT.-r this inndiciot, 1
.bellovliigit to bo the best remedy for nil pulmonary
and bronchiul illsen'ca. If you ciinuut bo boneiitted by
tli.i use uftho (,'nrdlnl, I believe you urn licyonil all
earthy aid. Vet if thero aro bi tter curato agents, I
earneftly ndil.e lln lr use, The best remedies, tho
best caru.ure needed by those ntllicted with this dis
ease. Ilelevligihis to bo the Lett, 1 ask you to try It.
.Many, notonly oftho people, but physicians ofevery
school and practice, aro daily inking ine, "Wh.itlstho
principle or cause of your success In tho treatment of
Pulmonary Cnntumptlon I" My answer Is this : :
The invigoratlon oftho digestive organs the streng
thening of the debilitated system the purlf cutj.m and
cnrii hiiicnt of the blood, must expel froni tho syneni
tho corruption which scrofula breeiN. ,Wliilo this is
eirncted by the powerful alterative (changing from dis ,
eahC to health) properties of thu Tar Cordial, Its heal
ing and renovating principle is also acting upon the
Irriatcd surfaces of tho lungs mid throitt, penetrating,
to each dcscnsoil part, ralleiing, subduing intlamatihn
and restoring uliu.iltl.ful tendency. Let Itil. twufUdl
power, the healing and tho strengthening, continue to
act in doujuiictiun with Nature's constant recuperative
tendency, and tho p.ilient 1? saved, if he has not too
long duld)td a ronrt to the means of cure.
The genuine has the name of tho proprietor and a
pine tree blown in tho bottle. All others aro spurious
rriu'irtd only by the proprietor.
Dr. L. it 0. .WISHAUT,
No. 10 North Second 'St.,
For Sale by all Druggists.
December 19, 18C3-Um.
& Winter Goods
At A. J. Evans'
fPHE undersigned ruspectfulty informs his friends
.1 nml the public gencrully. that he has received
from tho Eastern cities, a largo assortment of
' biihig tho bpst assortment ever ottered in this market.
Aso a complete assortment of Hoys Clothing. In fact
1 iverytl.ii.? 111 the Clothing Lino I'or those who prefer
I to leave their ui.'asurts. a perfect fit guaranteed, and
' nothing (but the bet workmanship allowed at this cs
I tablishm'cut. Ho ainu keeps 011 hand a largo assort
ment of
HATS AND CAPS, together w Ith a variety of notions.
1 lllooinsburg, Nov. 91, 1S33.
WH5W 1'AK.CP 045J5i,
u-m 1,' att x. iriVT;.''
' - . .
'jUlE Subscriber has JUEt rCOetVCU a lot
g Ho'Iory Trimmings uud New Uuods, such as
. j r,j n il'l V
O" Wheeler &. Wilson's Sowing Machines for sale.
Alfco Sunday School liooks und Bibles,
Also Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer which will give to
gray its natural color.
Vert Door below Court House.
Rloomsburg. Nov, 14, 180H.
House and Lot
P fit S A Bi A3 C5 II IS A 1.
THE undersigned offers io sell at private sale, a do
sirable and pleasant residence located In Light
Street, Columbia Co., about 'Jl miles North oflllooms
burg, on Main Streot, and central iu said village, Thero
is erected upon t,aiu, premises a goon
rr in
with n well-fitted Store House attached, v illi
au I'xcelleut well of water at tho iloor, btabls
and truit trees aud all other necessary conveniences, m
11 liieli state of cultivation, Thu Store lloiihonnd stand 1 of thu lirsl order, and present 1111 esculent und
eligible opening for the Mercantile business. Tho
building has nu open glass front, under nnndsomcaw n
nig ami encircled by thriv ing sbado trees.
Said property will bo told at a bargain, or exchanged
for a small farm or other real estate.
Light Street, Aug. 2B.IBG3.
II. C. 11 O W E R,
RESPECTFULLY offers hin profess services to tho ladies and gentle
men of liloomsburg ami viiimty. lie is
prepared In attend to all tho various
operations in the line of his profession, and isprovided
w ith thu lateu imprni ed POHCI'JJilA TKhiTll ; which
will bo inserted 011 gold, platinu, silver and rubier base
tolookwrll as tho natural teeth
Mineral plate and 'block teeth manufactured ,.1i'..l all
operations on teeth, riirclully and properly attended to.
Residence and nlVuu a few doors abovu the Court
House, samo side.
Uloomsburg,,Juno. 1SC3,
Which ho will sell. WHOLESALE or 11ETAIL, .at
VllllY LOW PlllCliS.
Alto, HOUSE 11LANKET3, very low
402 Market tit, 1st door above Fourth,
South tide, Philadelphia,
Not. 14, ieG3-3.
LIGHT STREET, Columbia county, Fa
rpllE undersigned lias located ct tho nbovn rijiiitst
i hotel, formerly occupied by Peter Schug, and soil
its a share of nublic natrouae.
H7 (Joo.l accommodatisns for man and beast. Tin 1
best kind of iimora at ths bar.
J. p. IttCE, Proprietor.
April II, 1603' j
GAME to the premises of ike subscriber, in riili
Htfreck lownship, Columbia cqunly, on thoTtiird
day of December, IHd3,
with shorttail. Tho ou nir is requested to prove prop
erty, pay charges nnd tako him away otherwise she
will bo disposed of according to tho direciiuns of tho
law. JOHN U. HENRY; 1
Dcmbr 19, IfM-Sw
PARKNTS making elections of Sons,'
must have .new papers prepared, ami piescntol
previous to' the drill. Ily orJcts Just received, old
eleetlqns.wlll notdo. No other clsss of persons need
repoit before the draft, W. WIRT CO,
First dnr bllow Ulrin's Sior'
DleoraiSurg, Jsn ') ISM
Wot AicohoiicP0STSCRTPT!
runrAiiED nv
DH. 0. M. .TACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa.
WILL t ffocltially cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,
Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases
of ths Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disor
dered I.iror or Stomach,
as Constipa
tion, Inward Piles,
Fulness of lllnod lotho
Head, Acidity of the Ptomach
Nausea, Heartburn, Dls,gust for Food,
rulness of wi-lcht in the Hlomach. Hour
F.ruetntlons. Pinking or I'Jiitter.ingnttho 1 It
of the rJtomach, Swimming ofthti Head, Ilur
tied and Difllcult Uroalhlng, Fluttenug at the
Heart, Choking or 8ufl'ocatlng t'ensatinns when lu a
lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs
beforo tho light, Fever and Dull l'aln In
the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration,
Yellowness of thortkin and Eyes,
1'l.ln lu the Bide. Hack, Chest,
Limbs, fit.. Hudden Flushes
cf Dent, llurning In tba '
Flesh, CduitahtJin.'
A. depression
of spirits.
And frill positively prevent Yellow fever, Tllllioui
l'etcr, A.c. Uuy c ntaln no Alcohol or bad Whiskey.
They w HI euro the nbovu diseases in ninety. nine
cases out of ,1 hundred.
Induced by the extenslr 0 sale and universal popu
larity of Houfintid's Gorman Hitters, (purely vegeta
ble,) hosts of Ignorant Uuacks und iinscrupulcns ad
venturers, have opened upon suff.'riiig humanity the
flood gate of Nostrums in tho shape of poor whiskey,
vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and chris
tened Tonics, jlloinaihlra and Hitters.
Iluwaro or tho iiinuiuarabe array of Alcohollj prep
paratlons In plclhorii bottles and big bellied kegs, un
der tho modest nppcllation of tyttersj which instead
of curing, only aggravatv disease, and . leave Ilia disap
pointed sutler 111 ucspair.
Are not n new ami nntrled article, but have stood
.ho test of fifteen years trial by tho American public,
aud their reputation and sale, are hot riv allsd by any
similar preparation. ...
The proprietors havo thousands of Icttsrs faom the
most eminent
Testifying of , their own personal knowledge, to th
beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Dltters.
Do you want somslslfl to tlrtngthtn jrof
Do you Kant a good appttttt I
Do you vant lo build s your Ctntittimt
I Do you tsant to fell vltif
Do you iraal togtt rid of ntrtontntttt
j)0 you tcant energy 1
Do you vnnt tottrrp iccI 7
Do you vant a brisk and vigorous feeling t
It oudo, use HOOFI.ANU'r) GEltNAN niTTIXllt.
From Iieo. J. Aciflon Hrotrn, D. )., FMtor cf the J.'ncp
elopedia of Jicligious Kuoielsdgt.
AUbou-li not disposed tofuvor or rero'iuucnd Patent
Medicines in general, through distrust of their lucre-
Clients and effects ; 1 yet know of tin sufficient reasons
wny a man may 1101 icsiiiy w niu uenriii .fie ueiies
himself to have received from any simnle preminilion.
'nthe hope he may thus contribute tutho j.eueftt of
1 do this (he irtoro readily In regard to Hootland's
Rcrman litters. prepared by Dr. C, M.Jackson, of this
city, becaitso I was prejudiced against tl.eni lor many
vinrs. under ho impression that they n ere chiefly an
alcoholic mixture. 1 am indebted to my friend ltobcrl
r-hucmakcr, Esq., for the removal t.f this prejudice by
proper tets, and for enrour.igoment to try them, when
sutldring from great and long continued debility- The
use of three bottles of thoso Ultters, at the beginning
of the present year, was followed by evident' telief,
and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor
wtiicii i nan noi ten tor six nionius ueioro, ana, nan ai
most of regaining, I therefore thank God
and my fcicud for directing me to the use of them.
Philadelphia, Juno 23, lcGL
There re many preparation! told under the nane cf
fitters, vtlttn auart bottlci. COT.oounded of the ekeaneat
'tthUkey or common rum. coiling jrom i.ij to 10 cc nit per
gallon, ine louis aisgmeea oy simsc or worianaer Aecu.
This diss of Haters has caused and will continuo
to cause, us long as the can bo Hold, hun'dreds to die
the death of the drunkard It v their use the system is
kept continually under the influence of clcoliolic stim
ulants oftho worst kind, thedesiru for Liquor Is crea
ted aud up, cud the result is all the horrors at-
lenuani upon a ururiKaru a ine un.i ucam.
For those who desire nnd w 111 have a Liquor Hitters,
wo publish tho following receipt. Get ouo boltln of
1 1 oo Hand's German Hitters and mix with three qu.'irt'i
of good brandy or w hikey, and the result will bu.a
preparation that v.'ill far excel in medical virtues and
truo cxcclleuic any of tho numerous Liquor lll'ters in
the markit, and will cost much less. Vou will have
all the virtues of Ilooftc.r'.d's Hittcrsincunnettiou with
a good article of Liquor, r,t a much less price than
these inferior preparations will cost oj.
We call attention to nil having relations or friends
in tho army to the fact that "HOOFLAND'S German
Bittera" will cureninc-tsatlis of the diseases induced
by nxposiires and privations incident to camp life. In
the lists, published almost daily In the newspapers, ou
the arrival o tho sick, it will be noticed that a very
large proportion are mifering dtblliiy. Every casu of
that kind can bo readily cured by lloofland's German
Hitters. Diseusts resulting from disordei! of In-) t i
gestivc org&ns are speedily removed. Wt1 have no
hesitation in stating that, If thcio Hitters were freely
used among our soldiers, bundled: of lives might bo
saved that otherwise will be lost.
Wc call particular attention lo tho fnllowi;- remark
ahls nnd well authenticated euro of one oftho cation's
heroes, w hoe life, to use his own language, "Ills' been
saved by the Hitlers."
1'mt.iiiELriiu. August S3, 1C.
.Meters. JonnS; Erans. WeU, gentlemen, your Hoof
land's Herman Hitters h is saved my life, There is no
mistake iu this. It is vouched for by numbers or my
co.urades. some of whoso names aro uppeuded, anil
who were fully cognizant of ull tho circumstances of
my case, 1 am, and have beeu. fur tho last lour yours,
n member of Sherman' celebrated battcr, and under
mo iiiiinciiiuiu commauo oi i;api it. u. Ayres. Through
tho xposiire attendant upon luyurduiousjlutlci, I was
attacked in November last with iurlvminatipii of the
lnuas, and wus I'or seventy-two days lit the hospital.
I was then removed from the Whito House, nnd sent
to this city ou board tho learner "Btaic of Maine."
from wliirh I lauded on tho "-lh of June, Silica Hint
time I have been about as low as any ouo routd bo and
still retain a spark of vitality. Foraweck or morn I
Was scarcely uble to swallow nil) tiling, and if 1 ltd
force u morsel down, it 'was immediately thrown up
I could not even keep a glass of water on my stomach,
Life could not last iiuiler llii-sc lircOmatnucea , and, ac
cordingly, thu physicians who had been wnrkixg faith
fully, t.huugh uiibuuressfully, to rescue me from tho
grasp of th i dread Archer, Irankly tuld mc they could
Inn no more tor me, ami nuvtseii me to seo a clergyman,
and make such disposition of my limited funds as best
suited me. An acquaintance who visited mo at the
hospital, .Mr, Frederick fc'teiubrou, of hiitli below Arch
Btrcet, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to try your Hit
ters, ami kindly procured a bottle. From tho ii'no 1
i commenced Liking theuithe gloomy shadow of i rath
' receded, and 1 am now, thank God for it, getting better.
Though I have taken but two bottles, 1 have gained
tell pounds, and 1 feel sanguine of being permitted to
rejoin my wifunud daughter, -from whom I havuhfard
nothing lor eighteen months; lor, gentlemen, lam a
1 loyal Virginian, from theviiiuity of Front Royal. To
I our valuable Hitters I one the certainly of life wniih
I has taken the place of vaguo fears to yeur Hittirs
will I owe the glorious privilege of again t Lisping to
my bosom tkoso who an- dearest to mu in life,
i Very truly yuurs,
Wo fully rnnrur in the truth of tho abovo statement
at v. chad despaired cf seeing our comrade, .Mr. Mu
luuc, restored to health
.John Ciiddlt'hack, 1st New York llatlcry.
Gcoigc A Ackley, Co. C. Ilth Maine,
Lewis Clicunlier, Kid New York,
I. E. Spencer, 1st Artillery, llatlcry V.
J. II. Fasewell, Co II, 3d Vermont,
Henry II. Jerome, Co. 11, do.
Henry T. MacDonald.Cn. l,' fall Maine,
J0I111.F. Ward. Co. E.,5111 Maine,
Herman Koch. Co. II., 7.M New York,
Nathaniel II. Thomas, Co. 1, Mlh I'onn ,
Andrew J, Kimball, Co. A., 3d Vermont.
John Jenkins, Co, II., llltlth Peiui.
See that tho signaturo of "C. M. JACKSON," is on
the Wairnn. of each bottle.
piuce pcu uorrLi; 75 cents,
or HAi.r noz. ronsi ..
Should your nearest druggist not have the arliclo,
do not ho put off by nny nf the intoxicating prepara
tions thai may hu nifereit in its place, hut send to us, I
und wo will mrwnrd, securely packed, by express, j
Principal Office and Manufactory, 1
Wo. G'dl Vreh Street.
Jone & Evans,
(Successors to C, M. JACKSON k Co.,)
tiV FOIl SM.r, by nrujsjjists id llsslsrs la .nil
inwu in tilfcy.!
Of-iVsrt' lm IT
Food fpr Rofloctiouu
A Now Draft for 1,00,000 Men.
ExEcUTrvn Manciov.
Washinoton, Febiuary 1, 1601
Ordered that a draft for five hundred
thousand men, to servo for thrco years or
during the war, bo tnado on f ho toulh day
of March next, for tho military ecruico of
tho United States, crediting and tleduot
ing thcrofrom so many as msy havo
enlisted or drafted into tho scrvioc prior
to tho first day of March and not hereto
fore credited. Adkaiiam Lincoln,
This may be considered a new draft
for 400,000 men, and seems to confirm
tho rumor wo noticed a few days sinoo,
that still another draft for 400,000 morn
may soon bo expected. In our judgomcnt
this shows an entire lac: of conlidnco on
tho part of tho administration in its ahili
ty to .crush tho rebellion without exhaust
ing tho entire military strength of tho
country. It prognostioats anything but a
speedy termination of tho war.
Important from Charlenton !
Tho Seigo of Charleston has been totally
abandoned. Our forces in laro numbcie
have been sent South. Gen. Qilmore
"the Shellor," is coming North.
Highly Important fyotii Korth Carolina I
Tho Rebel forces, 15,000 etrong, havo
advanced northward from Wilmington, N.
0., driving tho Federal forces beforo them
have attached Nowborn. Our forco, said
to bo small, is closely hemmed iu and is
apparently without assistance, and havo
already lost about 100 men and two Can
non. This does not look as if North Car
olina was very anxious to return into tho
Hon. Wilson McCandless, Judge of tho United Stat
Circuit Court. President.
Corner Penn nnd St. Clair Streit, PITTSIIUROII, PA.
$35.00 pays torn full Commercial Course.
W No extra chargus foe Manufacturers. Steamboat.,
Railroad and Hank Hook-Keeping.
Ministers' sous at half prico. Students enter and rs
flow ntnny timo.
'1 his institution is conducted by experienced Teach
ers nnd practical Accountants, who prepare young tm n
for active business, 'nt thu least expense nnd short, st
lime, for the most lucrative und responsible tltuatlous.
Diplomas griiiitesl for merit only. Ilenro the unlvertl
prefcreiico for graduates of this college, by biisjutsa
Prof. A. COWLEY, the best Penman 111 tho Union,
who holds tho largest number or first premiums, nnd
overall competitors, teaches rapid business writing,
Cibciluhs onntaitiing full lniorniaiiou sent rakr. on
application lu the Principals
JF.NKINS & SMITH, rrinrlpals.
!D" Attend wacrothe ttoiu and Clerks of llusir.ssi
Men and Hankers graduate.
April 10, lKli'J-ly. April 1, lCt
Summer Time Table:
TWO TRAINS DAILY to nnd from tho North an I
West Drain Ii of tho usruehaiuu, Elmira, and all of
Northern New Yoik.
ON and after Moudny, April 20ili IrM' Hi- Passonjef
Trains of the North IViu'rul Railway will nrriva" at
ami depart from huiihur;', llairlsbur, aul italllaa:!!
as followa, viz':
Mall Tialn leaves Sunbury daily (except
' leaves llarrisburg,
' urnves at Uultimore.
10.10 n in.
I IS p rr..
Express Train leaves rjunbury daily (except
' leavrs llarrisburg (except
" errivrs at Dultimoro daily (ex
cept .Monday )
llarrisburg Accommodation leaves' Harris
11.07 p rn.
SW rn.
0.15 -0.30
N O It T II W A It 1),
Mail Train leaves Ilaltimore daily (except
" leaves llarrisburg
' arrives nl riunbury.
Express Trains llaltinioro daily,
' arrives at Harruburc.
0.15 1 m.
1.12 j. to.
4.01 '
IM . ta.
leaves iiarrisourg(i:icepi.uonday) a.00
' arrives at Sunbury. 3.33
for further information apply at theOflico.
i. N. 0uUAUKY,3upt
llarrisburg, A115. e. 1SC3.
Estate of Wm. Mc,ivin&er, Sr. deceased.
LETTEU3 Testainectary on tho estate of William
.Veiisinger, Sr., into of Mifflin twp, Columbia co
decease ', have been granted ty tho P.egistcr of tVilla,
ic, to the int'lersignodh sTesJing in said towiifhip,
n'l persons huvin; ilaiins against ttu es no cf the Ui.
cedentare reipietud tf present them to the Executor
at his residence in said township, without dotny, and
all persons indebted to make paym'nt forthwith.
WILLIAM .MtNljINGER, it,, i-'retalir.
January 9. l.-tll 6w$J
Estate of Charles Goodman, dee'd.
K.T THUS of administration on thn c-
sstntc of Charles Goodman, late of llrlarcrtck tw .
Columbia county, deceased, havo been granted bv tno
Kegister of said county to tho the undersigned wl.r ra
sides in tho nme township ; all persons having 1 1 .trns
against thu estate of the decedent aro requested! -o
sent them to the udminittrntor nt his residence .1
out delay, and all persons Indebted to make p- . Jill
SAMUEL HAOENUl ( i.. ASr-.-r
Dee 1-5, 1F03-Cw$'2
Estate of Elins Peahr, deSu
LETTERS of a.liiiini-tration on tho Eslato of Ei'ia
Pealer.late of Fisliiugcroek lwt.Coliiinbia eo.-"'i: S..
naveueen granieu ny tn iiegisn-r nrcolutnbia co
undersigned, all persons having claim uga'.n.
tato of the decedent are requested to present
Iho undersigned, at I is resilience, in n,iil tr -without
delay, and all persons indubied lu uu
ment fuithw ith.
. I'K
Oct. 31. lr-03-Cw Si.
Estate of ltcr, dee'd.
LETTERS of adminMiation on tho Estate t fetr
Hess, lalo nf f ugarlo.ifiwp., ColuniBiit i '.
have- been gcanted by tho Register of Colwnl i c .
the undersigned ; all persons has iug claims .v. nut th
estate of ttio derodciit an- requested to.jireseiii 1..C1.1
tho AdU'.inlstraior at his residcuco iu ..i l un
ship Without delay, and all persons indebted to m:-k
payment forthw ilh.
HENRY C. HESS, Ai-ai'i
f.'oy. 7. Hfi3.-i'nv fj oa.
Oyster .Saloon.
THE undersigned would ami. u.i-cv
to the public tnnthe has refilled his S A: o :s . u
door East of his llkery, 011
Itl.ilu Slrct'i, l!lon.aburg, 1
and Is prepared to accommodate both Ladles
und icntiemen. lie is prepared to units!
Oysters, Whohsule J Retail,
11. B
llloniuibNrg, Nor. SI, lio.1- t.
I Card Photographs, Wank Cooks, ra.: i r..'.
Writing Paper Al-oalarge stock. of gc- j eu, tails
(or iionuais, 7inan precis, quick saics
(ALL &: 111'
Foartli and Arch. Pr.
aTj.qgan grim7
Attorney and Cour,stUor at
tD- Military oMt othor claims prowpily c't. ucl i
rtoktr 31
soaosprtTH thiubst
r,vi tt)orl-vrntce
Hill 4