Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 30, 1864, Image 4
irai'meia vBomnuu FEED THE SOIL, AND IT WILL FEED YOU. It Is a romarkalilo, not loss than a well established fact, that our eraln crops, ta- ken as a whole, arc rapidly deteriorating that aoino of our finest wheat-crowing ilisln'pl In. va n....,1 s mmMtinih. .,!,!.:... r ... . e ... w ...v. xuiuiuiiuu ui L-uiuai, and that only in a few districts is a fair averano cron ohtninod. Tl.n ....... l t.i That such should I re 1 bo tho cose is Icsb surprising than inolaii. choly. What else have no a right to ex pect from onrprescut system of farming! Tmu, wc boast a largo surplus of wheat nd corn for export, but wo owo this sur pins, not to a fair average product per aero, hit to tho great number of acres in cultivation. Unfortunaluly, wo have not yet, as an agricultural people, discovered the pernicious error into which Etirtipeon agriculturists fell years ago, and which threatened to, ., .1 MA absolutely i educe '. auu uiu the cultivation of tllO SOU to downright " beggary. 'I ho samo unwio system provailed, and ttill provailes in ihe United States, though perpaps, to a smaller extend now than twenty years since. Virginia presented a fair illustration of tho skinning system, by which the lund was cropped uud cropped iIF Clliiw,.,. I..-!.- I Wfllllll tll.,1,1 nrn. nl -II .! then, like many faithful old horses, it waJ turned out, and left to shift for itself. I The most cursory glanco at our present ' general system of farming, ought to con vince every thinking farmer, that in tho end it must prove, if not ruinous, at least not remunerative. The farmer who cul tivates wheat, corn and oats, sells at that his family and stcck do not coasume, and returns to tho land only tho stable ma nure produced by his stock, is doing as much ai could reasonably bo expected of him towards impoverishing his soil, nnd loaving an unproductive farm for his chil dren. English farmers tried the plan,but were compelled to abandon it to save themselves Irom starvation. American farmer.", it they persist in it long enough, will havo to do as tho Englishmen did inPUE people of tho county of Columbia feed tho soil, if they would have it feed ly' ' "-'-Bned them. By a liberal system of manuring RECORDER'S OFFICE, thorough under draining, perfect tilth of ,N nLOOMPBU"B.15,,5T015Nn clIEAri:sT soil, and a rational system of rotation, we' Ofjffi H fTT'T f TiTT? T"i 7x may repair the damages already oustoin- - & A iSi JL Aulia &fi & ?d; but i persistence in our present sye. Tob0 r., anywhere m tho omty. toi.finin?nr tem mil' . ' ' 1 'r ii:,iiil,.rnii- to N'ntc, I.eltt'r, l.eial and Cap Taper, I'm, Holders, itm UIU.. w . . .u-..j iO (li.-dbttrOllo IC- roncil9, In', .mil llnvclopes ; .1I.SO suits. In proof of this, refer to the aver- NEW AKD SECOND-HAND 3300KS, age ol the wheat and corn crops io some of our leading agricultural States. Now York has ceased to be regarded us a wheat crowinK State. Pennsylvania scarcely , holds her own. Ohio, the farmers of which i moved their barn, ,o get rid of the ,coinu J , . . ,, lation Ol Stable manure Who built their , , , , , , . i stables upon the banks of stream.0, in order , tuat tney migut conveniently toss tueir ma-; nure into it, and have it swept away by the waters : have learned to know from their rapidly deteriorating yields per aero, that no soil will bear continuous cropping for nnn nmul Innnlli of limn witVinnf n nnllnin1 steady decrease, ami tbat utter sterility ' , --- j - nit nirrlil. if nrw'h rrnn hn not Sliceinni fd u ' by is great ail aillOUllt Of tho elements ol a . 1 form of teed, straw, hay, &o. If there be a question in tho mind of any one as to the propriety or expediency of a reform in this particular, wo refer them to English Agricultural Statistics, which present in unmistakable and irrefu table diameters, the wisdom anil impor tance of giving back to the soil, as much, at least, as our crops take from it, and ac cepting as our po'rtion of tho profits that which the atmosphere so generously oon tributos. Far me i f- Gardener. DEEP SOIL. Whatever tho advocates of shallow cul tivation may gay to the contrary, there 13 no questioning the fact that in a larges ruajcrity of ca.'cs, theTe is decided advan tage in deep tillage. Not every soil, it , is true, will admit of deep cultivation, hut there aro few which might not be cultivated to a greater debth, than is usually done. A few yean since, there was every reason to suppose that the Subsoil plow would como into general favor. Hundreds and thousands of farmers bought thorn, with the fixed intention of using them regular ly. Some did and do still uso them, but the mojoritp appear to havo thrown them aside, for what reason, wo (ail to under stand. Look to Etiropeon countries, where labor is cheap, and whore tho necessities of tho people demand that the land should produce all that it is capable of producing Wherever tho Subsoil plow is not used, litre the spade and the digging fork, are brought irjto requisition, and with such re cults, as ought to convince the most skop tical of their immense practical utility, The thorough stirring of the soil imparts to it a fertility of power, whioh a shallow soil does not and oannot possess, Let yunr soils, lheioforo, bodooply fctirred.and thoroughly disintegrated. '1'ho finar the tillb, the bettor vl!lbo your crop, and af ter the fir ' 'u ' f.'l.Crlijf ( 0, tiiP Bubttqwint woxmvgs will he comparatively siy OOII13 ONES COME ALL II J. J. BROWER "YjVTTLL rxposo (o salo every tiny this YT "Pall anil Winter, (t4timt.iy oiccplod,) it largo and woll sclcsted nsioilmuul of American French mid English Goods, Just frr.m Hib Pastern markets. Plain Hiors floods nto tho latest fashion, mch as CnMimcrn Mcrlnot, l'ulo Motinlr Bilk Finish, Alpaccas uf nil shades. DELAINS at 19, S1, 5, iil and :I5 cts. CALICOES from 18 to i!r cotits. SII UVLS AM, wool, long & squaro, at prices to suit purchasers. HUM AS AND WOOL HOODS " M fminipTupy, I Olotl.s, Cassiinern and Jeans, for Men and noy wear, clini). Dailies' Collars, CuUs, r?loovcfi n', ?CVV w'''J". i "'""' '" """""i"" '., will he sold at n very niinjl iidvnnce. Hosiery, Gloves, Embroideriug Braids, ifc small wares in grc'at variety. Linen Carpet Chain and cotton yaru. Boots and Shoes, Ladies' palter, toilet slipper, children! gnltors and shoes, mid n largo stock to select from at nil prices. Trunk nnd nil clnlli i utchcls, Uuconswaro mid llntdvvnrc, & o ,g: s a, 1 ; & T O 1) A C C O A JY D 6 E GAR 6', at low price nnd in fart almost everything in my line that imv ho culled Mr. an I have pun lianed n inmli lar ger flock ol'cnod than Mstial, mid am determined In tell the in ni ery small prnlita, for ready pay I ...II.. . Ill Om.I t ... n.l..n.i,ln .. I.i.f 11. i 1 I'reca (!ood nt this rttahllshitieiit. n 1 Will presen. tn , every l.ndy cimtoiiier, who may denlr." it, oni' of Mad- Aire iicmorcri latest Micvv pauiTii. i nn ami ree the Mirror of rnhlnn, jimt pnliliKhi'd, Willi lull and reliab'c description of tlic latest l'arin fiinliiona. llloomtburi;, dept. 'Jii. IS, FAMILY DYE COLORS. ritunt, Uai: 111 en, , , it?'. . ('lakst lilllUVS Mai:oom. Olt.MU, I'ISK. IVneiE, Kovai. ri'nri.E, CAI.M0N, Sc.llll.KT, fL V IE, K"U Hiiro, VlOl KT, Vl LL01V. 1 I'tOIIT llniltt.-l. ARKr.'an, iuSSH"i. Ll0,1T (iR"!', For nyins Silk, Vnoi-ii and Mixed Coods, Shawls, Scarfs, Ureses, I'.ibbons. (iloio, I'oninU Hats, l-' atlnrs, Kid illme. ( Iiildrcii's Clotliinz and all kinds of Wearing A) parti. Dc?-A SAVING OF SI) riilt t'RXT. -J 1'or 2.1 cents yo;i can order as many (roods as would otherwise cost live times Unit nun. Various shade-" can he produced from the name liyc. The process is simple, mid any one ran use the iu Willi perfect suc cess. Directions in Unglish, Treniti and (leriiian, instde of each package. I'or further information in llyeiu?, and giving a per fect knnwleiio what colors aro best adapted to dye over others, f with Imiiiy valuable recipes.) piirihaso Ilowi! ti Plephins- Trenlies on nyeln? and C'oloiin;;. Sent by mail on receipt of pjiee, III cents. I .Manufactured by IIOWi: i. sTliVr.XS, ecu nno.inwAV licM-mx. UT l or sale liv l)rii)eits and Dealers eenerully, December 15, ISC3-imos, 1W MRilEIIEKT! -.... compruiusiihni riietry,nciii)n,Tho 'lr. i-lory s. ml th rl"sics, of nnhn's I.nliilon ouhtii'Tilions. fmm ivnicil te'-flir,! nil: mili . m,d Iiooss furnished lo orJcr: bypiai:.rrazementwiti. New yo.-u Agtms. KOCRATEO BOOKS DOCUMENTS, PAMPHLETS and Speeches j and copies of tlio United States, and tato Coiiktltutioii', in lariousstyles, alwavou hand. JOHN B. i'llt-LZt:. nioomsburg, ?'nv 7, isea the chuat woklu's r'Aiit exhibition hllh IN LO.S'DOM THOS. W. MATTSON Was awardeil ihe i'rizo Med- 0 '"ffirffl ates fo, un improvemenu T'. V"lliHe' Trmlsro M-,3- 'i-rnvBlling Trunks. Valises, Ladies Hat Uasus, farnet Hags. I.eullier Hags, Umbrellas nml llobl.i- Horses. 1 liO S' Iil JS. I'rOnf. era. WIlA llm-nlr. .n I,, oh I11. i prepared to sell at the lowest iria.vufacluiing price, The most exteiivive 'Priinlr nn.l c ,r, o..,. , .n. Wi .MAKKET H HTltEF.T, one door nheve Fonrlh, . South side, l-lllLADELPIIIA, ! C7"Snles room en the tlrst floor. ' tLr'Trunks neatly repaired or oxrliingnil fof now cries. CHI and see, an we sell very cheap for eaali. fov. II, lrC3-li!iiifi I National Foundry. BI.OOMSUUKG, COLUMBIA CO. PA. rpllE subscriber, proprietor of tho above named ex. J tensive establishment, is now prepared to receive orders for All Uliuh of lWaciiiupry, for Colieries, Blist Furnaces, Stationary Engines, .Mills TIIP.nsniNr; MACIIINLM. &C. &C. He is also prepared to ina'-o Stoves, all sines and patterns, plow-iron, and everything usually tundo in firtt-rlass Foundries His extensive facilities nnd practical workmen, war iauli him in rccuiviug the largust contracts on tho mn.t reasonable terms. E7- Grain uf all kinds will bo taken in exchange fur castings, tr- This establishment is near the Lackawan na ,y Ulooinsburg Railroad Depot. PETEIl HI LLMEYER. niaonisburg, Sept. 15, 1SG.1. Exchange Bote!, l.ATe COL, K. D. JO.VS.J No. 77 Dock Street, next door to tho Post Office, Philadelphia. n1liis well known establishment maintains its usual J. celebrity, and its well known reputation of being the best HOTEL ON TIIE EUROPEAN PLAN Bhall be sustained. Rooms ma) be had at all hours per nhrjit, 37 cents ; per week, a Jin, per mouth, SIO. The liar and Ealing Departments nro furnished wits the best of everything the market ran produce. GAME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and delicacies of every clime may ho had at u iiiome Ft notice. Meals ot 12 cents and upwards, and may be had from 5 A. il. till 1J at night, (ieutleiiien may rest nurcd that no expense will bo spared to render this Hotel a mouei one. J. OTTEKKUtK, Propr. March 7. 1563-3nt. rujiLia squAhL, mLKES-iuinnt:, r.1. HThe undersigned, having taken this well-known stand JL (formerly of Major I'literbaugh), respectfully soU -Ha tho patronage of iho public. - I No nains will he snared ill anv of its denarlments. tn render satisfaction to all guest. The TAIiLE and tho IS Ail will always be supplied with the ,' HEST THE MARKET AFrf)RD3. ' ty- flood r'lablliig for llors-s and aiteutl vo Ho.tlers. ' The "Extliango" is eligibly sltunted on the Public I Square, and has therefore peculiar ndvnntages lo per-! sons attending Court or doing business In the public oiSces, chirges moderate, N. 0. Whenever you como lo town, please call. II J. YAPLE. Wllkei'Borre, Nov. IS. 1882! ELI HOLDEN TNVITEi tho attention of every reader of 1 this paper, which includes many thousand of bis old patrons and acquaintances To his unusually largo and beautiful varlty of AMERICAN a d LMPonTI'n WATCHKS. ri.nrirM snd elegant d. cni of JEwULRV Silver Wsre, tke ELI HOLDEN 708 Ma, c rc, PHILADELPHIA MsrrhilfM ' i j rTMIIfl tNSTITUTICN lii under the nolo management X nnd direction of Prof. 1). W. I.iiw-el... so Inn I'sln. clpnlofihn ntxiyi.iMTOx coM.ur.ncw. coLw.m:. Iho course of Instruction embraces nil t lie requisites of ii thorough practlcnl business education, nnd hat been lately extended hy the inlrOiluctlein of nn ttuslni-ss Course. In w hich Iho Ftudetit engages In the nnd fiiinlllnrizp.l hy nieann m n store, (In which the actual bu.imte of buying nnd selling goods Is carried nil htf enrh mill ltllllip.s. fllnr,. vl Hunk of Issuentid l.eimsll. ItnlLRoidlngaud Stcnm-tloallng ion uiiirc, rcicgrapn, nt., uc Tlie I'rotirii-lor has fiitnrcil iinllmaor exnense in inn klnn this Course tho most thorough nnd complete of any iver presented to the public, and feels fully as sured thai after liming been himself engaged in actual btitlnett, niitl lint ins had many years' experience lit teaching tlin 5clnce of Accounts, nnd beliiu nlded by n full nnd clllceielit corps of teachers, he will bo en tiled to make thorough nml Successful sramuiles of all who may place themsdves under his charge. rr.x.u.i.vsirrri In this essential branch of a Imslnss education no College offers better facilities In the learner. I'll o Ppemerlnn ytm will be tausht In nil Its varieties by the niiikt skillful masters of the art, Hpeciniens of Writing Irom this tustitiitinuliau1 received the holiest cMcomiiims frnm the press. 1'or general liiformalion, terms, fcc., ndilress for Col' lege Monthly, which will b.i iiinilcd from '"'r speci mens of 1'oniii. inslilp, eurlnse two Ihree cent stamps. Address I), W, I.OU'r.l.l,, I'rimlpnt. I on ill's Colli go, lllnuliainton, N'. V, 1'. S.- Duo of Killer Jc Human's So. I highly llnlsh d fine, perfect point, "pilll spring Hold Pens, twill holder and rase, wiirranteil for one )ear and to suit, will be sent, free of charge to any one who will remit $3,50 to tile nlioM1 lllillless. Oclobej 3, l-i.:i-ly. K'VriO.VASi COSMIElttlAL COLLKIiKS i.ocArr.H iff PHILADELPHIA, s.i:.ccniir.7Ti ani)i:iiustm.'t sta, jScw York City, Jlfnokhjn, Albany, Troy Buffalo, JJdroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and St. Louis Hook-keeping, lvninanship, L'ommcrrial AntliinetK Cninniercial l.nw, Tonus, L'orrespoiiileuc"', tec, piuct cally taught. 'I he-e I'olleges being under thu samo general mid lo. eal management, uud uniting In each the advantage of all, oli'er great, rl'.ieililjes I'or iiupnrlilig iimtruc ; l than imv other similar institution in the country. A sii holarship issued by uny one isuojil in all I'd n unlimited lime. Tho Philadelphia College has been and refurnished ill n superior manner, mid Is nnwrj I largest uud must prosperous Commercial Institution : i the St.ito Itryant 4; Plratlori's series of Text Hooks, cmbrnc Hook keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, and Cummer Law. for sale, and sent by mail. C7" 1'or full particulars send fur u circular. October IH, l?Ci- Jim. f a; T'HP. understgneiris ntso ejtensiveiy engaged Hi the J Undertaking Itunlnus, nnd keenscoiibtautlv on. hand nd for sale at liis Wnrcrounts a large assortment ot FINIStlED COFFINS, l.y winch be is enabled tu till orders on pres-ciitntioii Ar..--o-Kiep- pood Hirf,e and Hearse, and will at al tlnao bu ready tu attend l'unerels. , irl.MO.V C. SIHVi:. Illnnnisburc, January 3!), 1?59 First Great Arrival. OF FALL '511 ii mi 1 viuirj The undersigned, lias. Just replenished his flnro Hou.e ill OrangeviIIe, Willi a well-seltcttd assrotintr.t FALL & WINTHll GOODS Consl.tiiiR in part of Cloths, lllks, Mul!ns. Cnssi mero.liiiighaius, Calicoes, Hhawls, Hosieries, Carpets and Laiiies' I'amv Drkss Coons, generally, from In; to Ticts and Prints from lii In'.'icH. HEADY MAD lil CLOTHING. Hats Unit. Hoots .t Shoes Mackerel .Molaasses, 5ugnr ti GltCOEKtES GENERALLY. M ires, 10 "me" lie invites Hie early altention ol' old mid lew "'""mers. 11.1v nz ueenaii ioi ity in tint ricm -.line bought low and nanl cash-ho will be able to com icin I wiiu in.- tiet, aim sell tor small profits and pre upt I pay. His friends uglits. nru ilivlted to pop iu oii.i gee the ' WM FP.ITZ. Orangeville, Nov 7, 1?C3. L N. NOVl ) New Drugs SToat, WHOLESALE AND BE TAIL rTMIE Undcri-leilCd would inClini" llieis friemlc i,.l ,1... J. public geiierally.lhat they Have taken the lanj for- I inert) occupied l.y Ceo. .M. Ilngenliuch. iuthe Evchan.'u iiiumiug, on .nam street, in II oonishur'.'. where be li.ia just receiveu a lull supply of BrtJgM, ilfSfdtciiecs, I'nhii, nils, j:iH!JrS, iVC , Which will b" foiil on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort and I sire. i Physicians' ptcsrriptlons carefully compounded, at nil tunes ami on short uolige. I JC" Confectionery of thu hojt selections, and r-'odn 1 ,,,, Jll PU'lSl'll. r" a share cf the public custom is respcttfully so- liciled. EVEIl MOVER. filuui.lsburg. April 11. IF03. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend nnd customer-!, that he has piirrhii.ed his brothers merest iu tlio above eslaMUhmeul.niidtlio concern tt Us hertnller bo conducted by himself exclusively. v. He has Just received and offers for sale, the larg. ,?Ja 't and moht extensive assortment of FANCY jjcQSTOVIlH ever introduced into this market. ?C His sto, k consists of a complete tibsoitment of lie hert ( ooking and parlor stoves iu the market, togeth er with Stove I'Jttures of every description. Oven nml Pox Stoves, Radiators, Cyljndnr Htnvcs. Cnst Iron Air. Tight stoves, Cannon Htnves, &c, tec. Ptovepipii nnd Tiuwaro constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds nt repairing done, as usual, on short notice. Thu patronage of old friends and new cuslomurs re pectfully solicited. A. M, UUPEIIT. Illoomsbiirg, November 3d IfCO. tf. "TjLOOMSBUIIG skylig riT," Picture Gallery. MMIIl undersigned informs the citizens of llloom. X and neighborhood, that lie has tak-i n Hie I .'IS!.,, r.inin nt the Exchange Ulock, extending over Harney sSlohuer ' Ilakery, and the llnokstore vvlieri lie has put in 1 a large rikylif 1 1. Il is only by Skylight that good pic tures can boll sou especially groHps whero each person ! canbetakesj ist as well us separate. lie lias gon lo considerable expense tn tnako his es ! tiblislimont first class one, and lie lh"refnro solicits a liberal patro ign toenabll! Iiim, to coiislanlly Inlroduco' HiHiiiodu l iiiiproveiiienis of llio art. ty Coun -y produce taken in Exchange for ph tures HEXI1Y ROriENSTOCi:. Ulooinsburg, Nov. 23 lfC, '32 , Bill AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERC HAN T HLOO.MSnuRO. rnr.iiMr.iA m 1 EyTARncetAK attention oivt.i to patekt m Beptcmber 3, lr,0.I-3m, JOHN 0. YE AGE It, MANUFACTURER tc WHOLESALE DEALER Iff .HAT.S, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 No-ili Third Street Phila'd. Wev HI1 if f ' --Li r.KTiln unnnl IFjATVI Ml. fAt I 1r SMj,f XAT.XA-. FRJSSI1 A 11 R I VA L EVERYBODY. i,. , ' '- . . ! T that he hnsjtist received from ti, Easterns cities, th Intgcsl ntul nms t select stock of It? I J t ir . D' rl 1 1 rltlfl V 7 1 11 1 "P. !' 11 'VJ , That has ysl been opened In lit Invites tlic attoMloii of his f thal they are oll'i red lor sal Stock comprises a large asso- islmrg, tn wlilth lit---, and assure them iircat bargnltis, His "U t.l.,vj i.t.i.1 l.iv n VVI. l,l .1! AITAHI'I., Conststiiip ot Famiio am.c. I , l v i ots, of every des crlption; Pants, Vests, Shirts, t'rnwits StKcks, Cotton llundketililefs, fllov es, Biispeuders. ,'cc. GOLD WATCHES A N II JKWi'LRY, Of everydescrlptlou, linn nnd clieap. N. It. - lieiuemlier " lAirmhtrg' Chrip I'.mitfrlum,' call and sec. No charge for iknming Hoods. DAVID IiUU'llXliniKl Itloeiiiibiirg, August i!fl. IHHH. (June ISiSu.) Another Call. M011E MEN WANTED 1 REVOLUTION J N JUG 11 PRICES. L.I HUE ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods, AT PETE It ENT'S STOItE, ix r.iairr stukev. coi.vmma covxrr, r.t. I J A4 Just received from I'hilndelphla, and is now 13 opeiilngjit the old stand lately occupied by Alnttl k I'm, n splendid assortment of which will be sold cheap lor (JAf-'H OK COUNTHY PRODUCE. Ills stockcniisl.'ts of Ladles Dress Unods choicest styles and latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannelp, Carpets, Shawh, Hosier v, Silks, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Cashmeres, Satinets, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &o. Groceries, Quoenswaro, Cedarwarc, Hardware, Mcdicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, I &o. ! BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & (JAPS.! In shormrery thing usimliy kept 111 a country store I Tiie patronage of old Irieuds, and thu p'lblic'general-' ly, Is respectfully so'icited. i Tiie highest nurket price paid for country produce. remit IJXT. Light Street, Nov. 7, 1P03. BARGAINS ? Jn A 1 ATU YOU WANT TO BUY Pail & Winter Goods, GO TO Crt'asy's Store, iu Light Slreel, Pa. Il'Ao Keeps ull KinJs of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS. CARPETS, HOSIERY, hllAW Lb, PI,t Hr..1,, m,.l!.:,w llUtilll V-lU"m; IjlULllIlIii el Sugars, S! ...a Molasses Coffees', Fish, T Teas, Salt ) aiiiuun, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sugars, Hats, Boot'', Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Arc, etc. 1,1 addition to our large stock of Dry Ooo,ls, w e have Inr"'' ''"'I assortment of llenily .Made Clothing lor .ueu anu i.oys wear wnicii w e ore determine!! to sen cuenper tnin can no tiouglil Llsewhere. Cull and see, una juiigc- for yourselves. II. W.CRF.ASY&; CO. Light Street, N'ov. 7, 1SC3. THE NEW GRnCEUY sSToUE. MORE FRESH GOODS. Just received at Erasmus1 New Store. Molasses, Sugars, Toatt Coffeo, llice, Spices, HaTs and Caps, sai,, F,sh' ! louitcco, Segars, Candies, Rnzcns, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together Willi n great vnriety of notions ami elccle rns, too numerous to mention. $y Ilutler, Eggs, Meat and produ.c generally taken iu exchange for goods, , , ,. , o A. 11, ERABMU9. Dloiimsliurg, May !), Ifci3, FRESH ARRIVAL or MLL & W (l(!0i MiUcr's Store. ' ritllE subsi ribfs Inst reln.,,.,,1 r.nn, ,e ,,i! J with utiolhtr l.irga 11ml select ussorliuet of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, purchased nt Philadelphia, at tho lowest figure, nnd which they nro determined to sell on as moderate terms as ran ho procured clsewhoru iu llloomsburg. Ilia stock comprises LADIES' DHI.SS GOODS, of choicest styles and latest fashion. DHY OUU1S, .1X1) OHOCt:niE3, UAiwwAiiK qceexsh-ahe, CEDAli ll'AltE, UOLLQW ll'AHE JllOX, X.11LS, 1100TS SHOES UATS tf CITS, die, 4c ffc III short everything usually kept iu country Stores tn vvliirh ho invite the public generally. The Highest price paid for country produce. S. II. MILLER. Ulooinsburg. Oct. 3I. IBtKI. I PETER YOUE k SON, nAVH recently c pencil a HOOT AMI HI10E SllOf , iu LltniTrl'ntl'ET, Columbia county. I'd., and n prepsred 10 do ths lu st work on the shortest ntdiceti"' t tio lowiusi ptssrs, flive tfc"m a csll Astltl Jl, lev,) BA ii OPTItlJ Bravo Soldlora and Sailorss UOL'OWAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. All who have Priends nml Hrhitlvita In the Armv nr ' Nny shouldlnko espeila earn that Hi y lieamply sup. pile. I with these i'llls .and Ointment j nnd win re Iho brave Pcddli r and Hallors hav neglected In nrnvldo j themselves u ilh Hn 111, nn better present can be sen them by their 1'rlends Tin y have been pro, ed to lie I the Ko'dler's never failing friend in tho hour of need, ; ClVJdllH AND COLDS AITI'.f TINH TIUMUM, VVIiriin speedly relieved and ell'ertually cured by I using these iidiuiralde medicines, and by piling proper I ntientloii tu Hie Directions which arc attached tuVach l'nt or Hni. I SICK HUADACIIIIM A'D WANT III' AI' LTITL, IN'CIHHNI'AI.TO SOLHII'.IIH. I 'I hnso feeling which so sadden usiisnally nriefroin trnubh, or anuoynnces. obstruited peisiilintlou, or eat , ingand drinking whnlevr r Is unwholesome, thus dis turbing the healthful action of the liver nnd stomach -These organs must ho relieved, IT you desire to be well 'I he I'llls, taken nccordlng to tho printed insrturtlons, wilt n,uicKiy proiii.c" a neaitliy action in imtn liver nnd stomach, mill, as u natural consequence, a clear head and good appetite. WEAKNESS" Oil DEnililTV INUL'CEU BV OVEIl PATIO un Will soon disnppenr by the uscofthec Invnlunblo I'llls, and the Soldier will quickly acquire additional strength. Never let the lloiiels be iitlier conflneil or unduly lifted upon, It mny seem strain.!, that Hoi lnwe's I'll Is should be recommended lor Dysentery mid Mux. many persons supposing that they would increase the relaxation. This Is a great mistake, for these I'll I s w ill correct the liver and stiundi, and thus remove nil the acrid humors from the system, This medicine i!l gvu tone nml vigor to the n hole organic system, however deranged, whilu health and strength follow as a matter of course, Nothing will stop the re laxation uftliu Movies so euro as-lliis famous medi cine. VOM'NTnEKrJ, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS. OF YOUTH. Sores nnd Ulcers, lliotchcs nnd Swellings, can w ith certainty be radically cured. If Iho l'lll are taken night and morning, ami Ointment be freely used as stateil'in the printed instruction, if treated in any "tlier man. tier, they dry ii"-'ii cue part to break out 111 nuolir Whereas tin iiitinent will remove the humors Irom thu sytem, a. id leaio tho Patient a vigorous u 11 .1 healthy man. It will requiro a little perseverance in bad ca ses toiusiire a lasting cure. 1'fill WOUNDS! EITHER OCCASIONED I1Y THE ha vomit, HAiim:, on Tin: iiullet, tosns OH IlllUlHErf, To which every Holdier and t'anor are liable, there aro no uridines so safe, sure, and convenient, as IIo. loway's l'ills and Ointment. 'I ho wounded nnd almost dying sufferer might havo liiswounui dressed Inime cliately. ll'he would only pii.vldo himself w ith this niaicuiess iiiuuueui, wuiiii siiouiil be tlirust into the I wound uud smeared all louud it, then covered with a I piece nf linen from his kuaps. ek and couipieesed with u handkerchief Talking, night and morning, dor 8 1 Pills, to cool tho system and Prevent inllamatinn. ! Every Soldn r's Knapsack and t-eaman's Chen should ' bo proi ided w Ith tlirso valuable lleineilies. CAUTION! None nro genuine unless Iho words "IlolliuViiys, New York unci London " are dlscernablu as a Water-mark in ercry leaf of the book of directions ( .iroiind each pot or box ; the same may plainly peon by , holding the leaf to the light. A handsome luwurd w ill 1 he given to uii) one rendering surli liilormalioii as may lend tu Hie detection of nn) partv or parlies counter feiting the niuilicnn's or tending the same, knowing them to h ! spurious. 'Solilai ii'aiiiu'.tiliir.v ol Prufesnor Hnliowav, fll niiuueu i.ane, n,ew i ork, aim nv nil resiectablu Drug istsand Dealers in .Medirine, throughout Hit; tiiiljod world, 111 linves ntii cenls, and 1 nacli. IS 1 hero Is couiderablu saving by taken the larger eies. ,V. It. Directions for the guidance ofpatienls in tveri disorder are hIIImmI to each box. U" Dealers in my well known medli ines can havo Show Cards, Circulars, iC., sent tree of expense, hy addressing THO.M AH llilLI.IJlV'AV, 80 IMaiuln Lans:, Ncw-Vork. Dec. 13. left!. ly. (Juno jjh, jti.-J. Foil A MF.DfCJXE THAT WILL ClJHE cuuctiif, ixFi.ui rr..i, nci. uxa ixnir. rithOAv mioovixa-couav, ou niui.n: cox sujirrivr. covaus, .'is (iuilk ,js Over Five Thoitsain! Jiotths have been sold iu its nativ e town, and not a t-iiigjo in of Us failure is known. We have, in our possession, any quantity of c.erlill cates, some ol theiii irom eniin -nt phy-irinus, who have usJil 11 1 n their practice, ,uid nien'u tin. pic-emi-in nee over ai y other lompound. It does dot drv up a eoiigti, bin loiison it, so a lo "'inililo th pati nt'to ex peetoriti trt-i'ly. Two or three .loses will invariably mre tickling in tin- throat. A hall' buttlo ban ofte.i completely cured th i ln.i-1 a ruBuoux cough. and jet. Ihoueh il is so sire nniUiicudy iii its operation I it is perlectly harmless, being puruly vegetable. It is i very agreeable in the table, au.l may be uninimsieicil ' to c't.Itlit'ii i any nf. IN CASES OF CROUP wo win guarantee a cure, family shoil.l liu n itlioat it. ull, thu puce being ir t.iKen in season. No It is within the reach of ONLY 25 CENTS. Ami If an Investment nnd thorough lilnl does not funded illicit iiji in,' rii.,0 statement, ilie money will be re ive s.iy mis Knowing us in-rit., mid feel i on- it.l.Tt Ihut orso tnal will .et-iir lor il ,i Home in L v , ry timint uiu. Uo not tvnstc away with Coughing, whan so small an investment will cure )ou. II may be hud of any re 'pc cttildo druggist in town v. ho w ill you with a circular of genuine certificti s of turo it has made C. O. CI.AKK ,t Co., IVopri, tors, Ni.w IIavfn, Cr. t'sfAt wholesale, by Johnston, Hollow.iv k fowden, S3 Noith Sixth Htieet, Philadelphia, i'a. 1'or sale by Druggists unity, country, ami everyvvlieie, Kept. -J i, 1-.D3 Cm TVTEW AND SEOOXD II A vn R A 17 wr X 1'or sale c cap at Knv York i-uU Depot, 71 Wil-' . T'11'1 Pal lino traverses Hie Northern and North i w v 1 ' ,vet counties ot l'i.nolv.-,iitr, ii. ii,.. ..i,. i-.. .... Imiii r-tii et, New Yrk, t. A. G R E G G. SIZE AND PIIICES OF LILUE'ri FiltK PllOOI HA PES outs in :.- UUIIHT. 1UH1I, tlEPTir, No. 1 '.'I vn "u No. a mi Th Nn. 3 30 21 oj No. I 'ii i!S 04 No, .1 .'II 31 a No. U id 3 oi ixsi nr.: niton r, wniTir, BLrrn. So. I 17 ll i-i No. 3 lllt I3J 1-' No. 3 21 is j.T No. -l "i is n No .', 21 ui j, So, 0 31 2 jj finer. , ,., do ... IU IM . . 711 til .. M 1)0 ... 100 no ,.. 113 00 No. 1 . No. 2 . No, 3 . -No. -1 . No, .1 , No. ti. November 1 1, 1 113. Oreeu woo d Se?n i nary. F.XOI.1S1I, . IXD COMMlUiQllL SCHOOL I vim Hutu sr.xvs. j T.'.M. FOTTS, PniNcini., ValAeraal (en. llool. Kitting and Xatural Sciences, 1 J. D. PATTON, A. M , ' Elocution, Literature, and Matnt antt.lLdem Languages, 1 TI10 ficliclattic year is divided into four quarters ;t t eleven weeks cuih. coiumenelng as follow s :-t)n the sec ond Mmiilay 111 Aitgust.lho lir-l Jlonday 111 November tlio third Monday iu January, and tho second .Monday in April. ' 1 THE EXPEVHLS Per quarter for Hoarding and Tuition in Eugli-h, raugn I Irom SJ'.i 1)0 to 831 till. Languages, Music and Draw- I Ingjirii extra. I or circulars nrfurther particulars, nddress tho Principal nt Mll.l.Vll.LE, COLU.MIUA CO., PA. October 3, leli3ly. 3E Q :e: .E a8 is, A IT a I'rlntei-, Ruoltbiudor t'c Haiikbook J A N U FA C T U R E R; VI', I, ...n I',.. ... I, ... PRINTING. Will I IA' A.U VIZSX AOHNT FOR TlIK CATAWISS V PAI'tR Mil LS. Main Htreet, first ilonr below the Public Spunre, WILICESBARRE, PA. Nov. 23, l(!CT-12m. . c. FAVL. PAUL A. B TIIOMI'SOX. & THOMPSON, WHOLESALE "Plgggs DEALEUS IN iVo. ia AW Wharves, PRILADELPHIA. CT-nUTTF.R, CIIEEUU. Nov 14, lee-3-Nmo. II A M ti, tec. ca BLANKS! BLANKS! ! Of every d.joriptien, for a!o t this-office ECONOMY IS WEALTH. CURE YOUIl COUGH FOR 13 CENTS Tht best ani cheapest Uouscheld remedy ' in the World. 1 MADAME ZADOC l'onTEIt'3 madami: za hoc pcn- Tllll'S Curative Italsam is warranted If used eccnrding to Hi.' directions. t niro lu nil cases Coughs, Colds, Wlioopln Cough, Aihiii.i and all affections of Hie throat and Ldugs. .Madame 'mine potter's r.ilsam Is pteparrd with nil the requlsilo skill, from n cmlilniilf on nflho bistrciu, edicsthe vegelablo klnndom nll'ords, its remedial quail, ties are bared on its power to assist tho lienllhv clrcil lalliiii nflho L! i.o.l, through the I. uiigs, It Is licit a vlo. lent remedy, lull cmnllent warming, and elf eclivei can bo taken hy tho oldest person or the young est child, MnilamZadoc Tortf r's bal sam has been iu use by the nubile for over 18 years, nnd has neortreil Its present sale Imply by being rccommcn. led by those who havo used it to their nffllcud friends ! and others. j .Most Important, Madame Zador. Porter's Curative nnlsam Is sold nt a price which brings it In the roach i of every one tn keep It convenient for use. The time ly use of a sinslobottlo will prove to be woith 100 times its cost. i N'OTICK. Fave your money I Do not bo persuided 1 tn purchase articles at is to SI which do not contain the vlMues of a 13 cent bottle of. Madame Porter's Cu rative tlalsnm. the cost of manufacturing which is as srcti' as almost any other medicine ; and the very low prece at which ft i - sold, makes th profit tu the sell rr appa, 'ntly sirnll, nnd unptinelpaled dealers vi eomeiimes recommend other medicines on which their profits are larger, unless tin customers insist upon havliif Madnmo Porter's and nnnu other. Atk for .Madame Porter's Curative :nlnm. price lUcents, and i n large bottles nt 2.1 oeuts, and take no other, I BT7"!iold by all ,'lruggi.ts and fc'torckecporont I3et. 1 n,.-l in larger holtles nt S3 cents. , HALL a ItUCKLi:, l'r prlclcrs, Now York, January ill, 1803. ijOLDIHRS IN THE ARMY I AND OUP. PEOPLE AT HOME Are now offered an opportunity by which they cai oh. lain a noun ,,u DCHAULli t l.uc-l'ici;, at u v;ry low liiure. Our Watches nro warratitsd tu keep time one year, nnd the buyer is allowed the privilege ol exniuiiiaiiuii ueiitro payment is required, Improved Duplet In lull Uuby Actions. A first class Hunting Tune. Piece of silver material, over which is electro-tine plated It? k. gold, most durably wrought, making the imitation so faultless that it cannot be detected from th.. solid material hy tho most expeil enced judges ; nci'lswill not effect it. London Made movement. Improved Duplex in full ruby action, has sweep seconds, and Is not to be excelled in general np pearance. This Is decld"dl) one of the best articles ever offered for traders and speculators, EuclncCM, emigrant?, and persons travelling, will find them su perior to flny other , alteration of eli,iiutu will not af feet iholr.iccurney. Price, picked lu guo.l shape nnd good ruunlug order, only 3j, or case oi i for 85U0, SILVDH DOUIILE TIME HUNTING LEVEHS, nest Quality Silver Cases, over which electro-fine plated la I. gold, similar to our Improved Duplex, nnd superior adjusted movements witli "Slop," to bo ued in liming horses, etc ; has Four Indexes for Washing ton and (ireenw ich time, sweep eerond. and all the Improvements. All in ail, taking its beautiful nnd faiiltlcsappearnnci' and Its superior movement into consideration, we regard it lis decidedly the rheapsst article m the kind i it the market. Price, in good run ning order, SM. "r case of 0 I'or S'.'nn. , We ask xo pay iu advance, but will forward eitlier of lliem to r-' parties, tn nnv part of the loyal a'tates with bill payable to expressman when he goods nro delivered, giving tho buyer the privilege of examination, and, if not satisfactory, the watch call bo returned nt our expense. The express companies refuse making collections on soldiers aiidolhrr parti' s In the disloyal States, con teqil 1 1 1 1 j- all Midi orders must bo accompanied by Ihe cash to insure alien li. hi. U c make a deduction c'f two dollars on either wall Ii when the payment is forw aril in advance. Money may be sent hv express at our ix pciise. THOft. CAlT'EIl'l V & CO., P3and 95 St opposite City Hank, Providence, II. I. October M. I!ri3 Imo. , ;. . EVANS & WATSON t hi ."AI.A.V1ANDEII rJAI'Ei?, HE. '..rJ MP'ie- "- .11UV till to .Vu. (ISoirtA AVivrd S Wrcet, PiilailLlnkin, have on and a large esvortmeut of Piie '-"'- iron doors, lor banks and mmSlnA. shutters iron tastj. all "-Jf.1, rrytyr'. makes of lorks equal to any mada in tho United Plates. H'rs Safe- in enr in, .ill e.tne, vilk rci Ifiili- ii. jc-" est .litit'.f. Th,' Salamander Maf.'s of Piiil-adi Inhia neairni th. vmrld. EVANS Sc WATSON, liave had the sutesl d"i!!ie.tiatioii in the f.db.wiri" el tilicate that their luaiiuf.irlur.' cf aininander Hal", s ha, at length fully warranted the renrea. illations, wl.ieii imv , u , ii i .- ,ii iii'-m its reiiuerniL-an uiiiiuu ,1 il iMirilt. iignnul the terrific dement. ,,,.,.J:,,'l:1A,,:'!:!!,A',.,.n., 1:51'- the lngliet saiisf.iction t.i slate tu you, that owing 'to the very protective qualilii a f two of the H.ilaman.ler Mr which we puichased of you some five moulh since wu saved u urge nortiou of ieuilrv nni nil hn.,ir. &c, exposed tu the calumnious, firu in Kanstend place on th" morning of the lllli in-t.. tb Wlien we rell'-ct Hut Hies, sares were. Incated'Tu the fourtii Hoiy of the building wu o.-cupied mid lliSt tin) n.11 subsequently inton h-a"i orburni-ig rums, where the viit cone titration ot the h. ,n r,i,ncd the brass plates to melt, we ciiiunl but ri gaid th" pr icrvation of tti.-ir val liable contents as most convincing proof of the went se curity afforded hy your utrs, We shall tke great pl.-asur iu recommending tL'i'" men of lu ini ss as ,i ,,r. n ban. aji.iu a .i,o. OEOKCE W. .i.M.l"iN'ri&llllo..MLV:J bjril") large Safer;. July SU. Icq.'. August iO I?J' . PHILADELPHIA & ERIE rr;: m K' A. I if - B O. a $ u l.aku Crio. 11 has been leased by tho Company, and under their auspi.-es i being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in tlx- for Passenger and Freight business from llnrrisburg to Emporium, (i!i.i mlWiion the East em Division, anil Irom SlietlleldtoErio ,7s miles) on Iho Western Division. TIME OS IKAINS AT NOUrtlfMnEll L VNB. SInil Train leaves, Eat "j sj ,. M Epress Traiii " " u o j. Mail " " , West 4 47 '"' ' Express ' ' .. u 4a A M 1 tirs run through with tuisor both ways on these trains between Philadelphia ;,niL Lock Haven, nnd Ihilliiuore und Link Haven. New nnd c li glut Bleep, nig Cars neeoiiipauing the Express Tiain both ways between WiMi.iiu. port and llallimore, uud Williams port and Philadelphia. I'or information respecting Passenger business, ap ply nt th" H. I'.. Cor. litis and .Maiket His. And for Freight btisiuessof Ihe Company's Agents : I. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Murkci Sti I'hll'a I J. IV. Reynolds, Ert", ' J M. Drill, Agoiit N. C. R: R , llaltimore. II. II. lluiii.toii, Ci n'l. Freight Agt . Philadelphia, Lewis !. Iloupt, Cen'l.Tu kel Agt I'hiladelpuia, Joseph II. Potts, Geii'l. Manager, Williuiutpi'it. October 31 ISbll. ' ' Nos. 9, 11,13, 15, 17 Com tliindt Street, NEAR I1ROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. I 'I'llls old-establishi'il and favorite result of tho Ilusi ness Coiiimmiity has been recently refitted, and is com plete in everything that can to the coml'.irls of its n itrons Indies uud families are specially and care, tally provided for. It is centrally located in the hifluess pn,t of iho city, and is contiguous to the principal lines r.f steamboats, ears, oimiibusses ferries, (We. In consequence of Hie pressure caused by tho Rebel Inui, prices have been reduced to One. Hollar a tt I'ijty Cents per Day, I Tlio table is amply supplied with nil the luxuries of the season, and is equal 10 that of any other hotel in iho country. Ample accommodations nro offered for upward of 400 guests. t' D" not bellevo runners liacUmen, and others who ,,.jf ruj I.VSieril lllliei 1M UIU D. D. WIVCIIPHTIIII l.n..l.... THOS. n WINCHESTER. ""-'"r' Fell. 13, let i-irect, 111 i.ioouistiurg, imii.t-Jiutely nnosile the Colmu bia County Court House, respectfully informs his friends nml thu public in general, that his House is now in or der lor tho roecptiun audeiitorlaiiiiiuiit of travelers who may fail disposed to favor it with th ir custom. Ho lias spared no expense in prepaiing the Exiiianiik, for tho entertainment of his guests, neither shall lliero be any. thing wanting (on his part) to minister to their pursoual comfurl. His house Is spaciuus uud enjoys uu excellent ILc Omnibuses run nt all times between tho Exchange I Hotel ami the various Hail lionet Depots, by which trav elers will bo pleasantly conveyed to and from tho ro. ri,v."K .-.m.uiii, hi cum time iu meet ine care, llloomsburg. July 7, ISfiO. WA1, ' K00NH' THOMAS BROWN, liarbtr. ULOOMSllUltO, COLUMRIA CO., ''Thm A'"y Dm"" m" HQSTIiTTBim CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A pure and povverfnl Tonic, cnrrectlvo and allsrntivo of wondetful cfllcacy In direoso of the STOMACH, LIVIilt AA'D fiOl ELS. nysprpri, Liver Complaint. HeniUrhe Oenera Debility, Ncrvouuicss, Depression of fpltit, Con. tlpation, Colic. Intermittent fevers, Cramps nd Spasms, nnd nil omnlnlnts or either Eex, sirlslng from Doiiily Weakness whotlur Inherent in the system or produced by special ciuses. that is net wholesome, cenlnl and restore.. !,1.5-eJ"J.t.,"l"ur'! enters Into the composition of IHW. 'S STOMACH BlTTtUIS. This popular pre pnration contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly briatilcnl clement j no fiery excitant but it is n corahl. na Ion nflth extract! of rare Dnlnmlc herbs nnd plants with the purest and mildest of alldiffaslvo itlm, uients. It is well to bo foreartned again"! dispnse. and, so far as tke human system can be protect -d bv human means ognlnet maladies engendered by nn unwholesome at inosphere. Iinpuro v.nter and oilier external causes. 1I03I ETTEIIVS UITTEr.a may bo relied on as a safe guard. In districts InT-sted with Fetcr aneMnc It fcs bean found infallible as a preventive and Irrolstibl? n a remedy and thousands who resort to It under apnrc heiislon of an nttack, escape the scourge; nii.l thousands who tuglect to avail ihemselves of its protective nual Ittes in advance, are cured by a vcrv brief cotirso of this marvelous medicine. Fever and Ague patients nfter being palid with quinine for months in vain, nn! til fairly saturated with that c'lngerous alka'nld, i.ra not unfrcqiicntly restored to health within n few davs by the uso of IIOSTc.TTllK'S UITrEltH. Tiie weak stomach Is rnpld'y lnvl;irntccl and the r.c. pellto resloted l.y this airecable Touie, and hence it workr wondets in case of Dispepsin and in less con firmed forms of indigestion. Acting as a gentle and painless appertain, ns well as upon the liver, It also Invariably relieves the Constipation superinduced by Irregular action of the digestive nnd set relive organs Persons of fccnlo habit liable .Vmcui .lllnels, Lex', vns cf fpiritt and J.'ilc tf Languor, find prompt and l.ernianeut relief from the Hitters. 'I'll testimony on litis point is iiiom conclusive, and from bntn s'xe The agony or minus Colic Is imiuedintcl) iis-uagod by a single douof the stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to it. th.- return of the complaint may be pre vented As n general Ton'e, IlOSTETTEIl'S DiTTEIlP pro ilneoell'ects whii h must bo experienced or w nn, seed before they can be lully appreciated In ruses of Con stilittionsl w, nknes, premature decay ami del, inly and decreiiiudo arising from old age. it exercises th elee trie Iriflu 'lice I . t'l ct iivide c. i.t iati.s o nil diseases it operates nsu delightful Invlgoraut. When th pow ers ol nature tin- relaxed, It openiles tn re inforce and n 'CsMhi'i-h them I ait, but in.' lest. it the onis tafu stiuiuleiit, being mauufaclured Irom Houndatid innocu nits materials, and entirely tree from the arid ei,menis present more or less in all tho ordinary tonics an J stomachics of tho day. No family medicine hn' been so universally, nnd it mny be truly ndded, dcscrrtlhj popular w Ith the Inlelli gem portion of the community, as HOsTETTUIl'd Ull TEH. Frflpar. d hy HOS TETTER k SMITH, PITISIlCIIijIl, Pi. (T7"Hnld by all Druggists, Crucers and Uloukceparr everywhere. November 21, 1303 ly. iiELMBOLD'vS Cloniiinc Preparalions. COMPOUND FI.I'ID EXTRACT LCt'lll . a tlve I'tlil spi ( ifle )eiu'ly In, ,'Mf "t I t.'i blj peal r. Money, t, ravel. io! .1 1 ' psir'i' , ll,ng, PliM ui' i'iiine ikricas'-s tins pswei u uigestion nn I oxci;,! li" th'oibents into hi'ii'th) eition t, vw,, i .' Winery or calcareous depo.itioiis, end mi I ,ii,w Fnlarp iiiemeiita ure reduced, a well cs pain utmiu flatnattoti. IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUClIU. For weakness arising fro-n Exjstes, hvlnls of Di 1 sipntton, Early Indiscretion of Abuses, intended tt I lit th fullnvvin .-ymptouis :,v ludi-pnsitioii to Exertion, I.oss,f pou,.. Loss of Memory, Dliriculty oi' Vronthm , Weak Nerves, T.-' "ii' i." Horror of Disease, Pain in h-j Luck, l.'niversil Lassitude of tho Mus-ulor System, Hot Hands, Eruptions cu the Face, Dryness cf the Skin, E'ushlng of ti.--1 , P.illid Countenance. Thfs rv tnrtoins, if allow .,' to on which t:.l, meiicine invariably removes, fomi frdluit's Imioievcv, Faiuitt, Eriinrt'c I :tt, In one of which the Patient i.ii.y r,:quiro Wnocn.isny that tli-y ara nut frequently fcl owed by Ihose "Dirol'til Diseases " INhAMTV AMI CO.VSCMPTION JIany nr" nw are of the eviso rf their sulfcrint. hut noni will confess the records of the Insane. A -ylunm And melancholy oeitlis Ii CoiiMiinption bmrnmp d witness to the truth of th" assertion. The Constitution c uco ificitecl wilh Organic weakness requires the aid of .Medicine to trc ti,ih '11 and Invig ulate tho syhlem, which llelmlndd's 1 xtrr.ct lluchu in. tatiably does, A trial will convince ths most skeptical. :o: ! FEMALES FEMALES. 1 It. mny nffectlons peculiar tu Females th Extract 1 Dui-hu is uneu illed by any other rein,;ily, as 111 Chui j rosis or Iteteiitinii, irregularity. puinfuliiL. s, or Hup , pressinu of Customary Evai iintiftiis, uturru. ;! orsur- rhous state of the Uterus, l.eucliorrhuia or Whites, I Sterility, anil f sr nil complaints incident to the sex. whether arising ftoin indiscretlcn habits of iiitsi. Hon, or in the DECL1NC OR CilANQE OF LIFE. -io: Take no more Balsam Mercury, or unploisant M-sdi , cines for iinpleaeant ami iliuiforous iliseuses Ilclm- bidd's Extruit Uuchu ami luiptoved Rose V. ash cur -s 1 6trrct ilii.aes 111 r,tl their stages. At littt." expmv . Little or no clititige iu diet Jvu iiicuuveiitenwe. an 11,1 I expcHiirc, ! It causes a l'riqucut desire anj gives strength lu t il I nate. thereby removing obstructions, preventing and 1 curing strictures of the l.'rcthru, nil lying pain nml 111 flatamariun, so frequent in the class of ill-eases, anj expelling nil poisonous, diseased nnd ivornout mailer. I Thoiihauds unon Hionsands who have been die Vic. tims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to lie cured iu a short tnin , have found 1 1 1 y were ileceived and Unit the "PoitiON ' has, by the n.e cf "potv. rtul nstriugeliti" been dried up in Ihe system, to brink out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. -:oi- Cae ilelmbnld's Extract Uuchu for all affections and diseuses of thu Urinary Organs, wticthet existing in .Male mil Female, from whatever cause oririuating and uo matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs, requires the aid nf a Diur etic, llelmbold's Extract Uuchu is Ihe Ur.nt Diuretic, and isc. rtiilu to hato ilesircd cll'ict in all Diseases for which it isreeniiiiiieiidad. Evidence of iho must reliable and responsible char acter will tccompany the inediciue. Price $1 per Dottle, or 6 for $3. Delivered to uny address, rterurcly packed from obser vation. Describe s)iuptoms iu nil bnmuiuiilcatioiis, Cuies guaranteed, udvico gratis. Addriss letters fir information to II. U. IIEI.MIIOLD, Clumtt, 104 South Tcnlh-st., b low Cla-stuul, Phila. llf:t,.MPOI.D'a .Vrditai Depot, IIELMUOLD'S Drug and Chemical lYarthovie, S'JI UnOAIlVVAV, Ntw YllEK. Ilewaro of t'oitnterfeits and uuprlnrlpled dealers who I'lideavur to dispose "of their own" and 1 othet" articles on tile reputation attained by Ilelmbnld's (Ion ium) Preparations, Extract Uuchu, Extract Uoruparllla, Improved llosu Wash. FOR ;ale B Y All Druggists Everywhere. ASK FOR HKLMnODD'P TAI.F NO OUICR Cut out tho Advettis -.niDrrt a id i-r.d f ,r it. AtJ nviU ii:pCsT' ri cxp" s f-v 3s Tt j-.'y.