Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 30, 1864, Image 2
COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, W BDITED BY LDVI E. TATD, PROPIUBTOn, DLOOMSBtma, FENWA : SaUirday Morning, Jan. 30, 1004. " Onr Constltntlon cuard It oror I Onr rlorlon Union bold H dear I Onr Blarrr rUgforsako II never I The proud Cancasslan our only poor I ron rncsiDBNT in ig64, GEORGE B, M'CLELLAN ( Subject to the decision ef tho National Convention.) pep IIon. Wm. Hopkins, of tho Senate, and Hon John 0. Ellib, of tho Houso, at Jlarrisburg.hnvo our thankBfor Ligislativo documents. Tnu Danville Intelligencer, is amongst tho ablest and best of our country demo crnt'o paprrs. Gnpt. Thos. Ouaitant, is an able and fearless Editor. It would re quire a regiment of abolition Unions to viow either in talent or respectability with the time-honored Intelligencer, the noblo organ of the Democracy of Montour. Auctionekii. Mr. Jacob Siieliiart, of Montour co., offers his serviocs as auc tioneer. Mr. S. has had an experience of several years at tho business, and gives general satisfaction. Ho is besides a sound old fashioned Democrat, which is n stronc rcccomnicndation when it is known that most of, the Abolition auctioneers carry their politics into business. Wo adviso our citiiens to read Mr. Shelhait's advertisement, in the Columbia Domocrat, and when they arc in want of a flrst-rato Auctioneer, let them addrcsB Jacob Snr.MfAtiT, at Danville. Another Abolition Outrage. On Tuesday night of last week, the of fice of tho Northumberland County Dent' ocrat, at Sunbury, was forcibly entered and the Typos, Presses, Cases, Papers, Hooks, &c were injured and destroyed. llus outrage was committed in tho dead hour of night and in the absence of tho Editor, Hon. ', H. I'uiidy, who was at Harrisburg, as a Mombor of tho Goncral Assembly. It is allcdgcd that this coward ly act was committed by a body of rowdy soldiers from New York, so-journing the past day in Sunbury. It is moro likely, that so mean an assault upon privato property, was either committed by, or tbo assailants instigated to itn commission by the Editors of tho Sunbury Abolition ma obincs,and their disloyal abettors snoaks, pimps and cowards who enjoy tho lar gest license for such unlawful business, by tho voluntary Pardon for all such crimes of Andrew G. Gurtin. The Catastrophe in Chili. On our first pago will be found a full and grapbie account of tho sad occurrence st Santiago, the capital ol tho republic of Chili, in South America. It is tho most appalling Catastrophe of modern times, and accustomed as wo are to tho trcmcn dous scones of oaruago and death now con stantly occurring so near us, on the battle field, our blood almost curdles at this new horror. The unexpeotcdness of the event tho oharactcr and number of tho helpless victim?, their devotion, and the indeseri bably terrible circuuiBtanoes of tho occur rence, all stamp it as unparellod in modern times, far eclipsing tho loss of tho Royal George, in the last century, the fall of tho Poruberton Mills, and tho other sad events which have thrilled tho globe witli horror. Tariff on Paper. Hon. W. II. Mil ler, of Pennsylvania, has introduced a resolution into Congress, which passod, requesting the Committeo on Ways and Means to inquiro into tho expediency of repealing the advalorcm tariff of 20 per cent, upon printing paper imported into this country. This is a step in tho right direotion and should be followed up im mediately by passing such an act. The paper makers now have a monopoly of the business and impose just such prices upon tho peoplo as they ohooso to ask. Some times they allego that tho capacity of tho mills is so taxed that they cannot supply the demand. If this bo tho caso it is another reason why tho tariff should bo taken off, and tho papor could be im ported to supply the demand. The Legislature. The organization of tho Senate appears no nearer a consummation than it was three weeks ago. Senator White's soat is not yot filled, neither is.thero a likelihood that it will bo, short of a new election the prediction of the Phila. Press that his exohange would bo effected within a week from last Friday, to tho contrary notwith standing. All motions that wero made, since our last, have been defeated by a tio vote tho Domocratio- Senators voticg against tho efforts of tho Abolition Sena tors to do business under the present ille gal tenure of tho Speakership, and tho lat- ter voting ngainst ovory motion to proceed , to llio only legitimato uusmess mo oicc fj0aun. lion of a Speaker. Tho only motion that t, , , . succeeded was ono made on Thursday, by j xgy Thanks aro tendcrod T, IIaskins Mr. Clymer, to adjourn over till Monday. Dopoy, Esq., President of tho Cattawissa Tho House is doing nothing of impor-.Bail Road, and J. D. Oamkiion, I3Bq lanco while the "dead lock" in the Senate Prosidont of the Northern Central Rail onlinuo. way. Statb Atiniour,TunAt. Sooikttv Tho annual rocotinir of tbo Pennsylvania Stato Agricultural Society wbb bold at Harris- burg on tbo 10th inst. non. Thomas P. Knox, ol Montgomery county, vta re oleoted President ; Qon. Tobias Batto, of Borks, ono of tho Vioo Presidents A. Urower Longakcr, of Montgomery, Ro- cording Secretary ; A. Uoyd Hamilton, of Lancaster, Chemist ; and Dr. John Cur wen, of llarriiburg, Librarian. . Tho 87th, ttSth, 20th and HOth of Sop tambcr next, wero fixed upon as the days for holding tho next Stato Fair. No choice of placo has yet boon made, but tho Sec retary was directed to invito proposals and subscriptions from such County Societies or localities as may bo desirous of occuring tho next Fair, and make report thereon at the quarterly meeting of tho Executive Committee in March next. Tiie political friends of tho Adminis tration prato continually about freedom, and yet they tear freedom's greatest safe guardfree, open discussion beforo tho masses. When thoy Grst began to ilis cuss the morits of slavcrj,thoy declared that the system must bo evil becauso it shuncd and feared publio discussion. Now this argument recoils upon their own hoads. The acts of this Administration must bo evil becauso it shuns and fears public discussion. Good and honest men lovo tho light of day, none but rogues skulk in tbo thick mantling darkness of the night. Hypocrites may prato and brawl, but ho is tho true friend of free dom who stands immovably in defense of its great bulwarks. o The Outrageous Attempt To abrogate stato laws and state rights in the building of a new postal and milt tary railroad betweon Washington and Now York has again been made, and the modest sum of thirty millions of dollars is a3kcd from Congress by tho lobbyitcs for that purpose. Whilo tho peopla aro being fleeced, some Eooundrels thing they may as well havo a hand in it as others. It is porfcotly astounding what swarms of swin dlers in every department of tho govern ment and army tho war has developed. Abolitionism and dishonesty seem to go j hand in baud. j that might criminate othors of tho "order" CS?" The disgustiDg exhibition of I rea- j n high places. Tho matter can be coy son in tho New York custom House, ered up muoh better ly a military court, among tho abolition offioials, and tho still aQd WH bo, if tho clamor of tho outsiders more disgusting defense of them by tho can k at all subdued. Tribune & Post, bad as thoy arc ; are cx-1 , "T " ' ceeded in vilonessby tho fact that Lin-i Nero WITn nId Fiddle. Accounts coin permits tho traitors to reman in 0f-, from WaLinSton represent that the Fcd fico and carry on their nefarious Dractices. crai caPital ia S'"1? beyond precedent with Supplying the rebels with necessaries of life, munitions of war, thus adhering to tho enemy, giving them aid and comfort. Thoy aro Loyal Leaguers I ! CSy Tho Democratic Stato Convention, brilliant assemblages at tho Presidential will be held in Philadelphia on the a 4th mansion. What a glitter Shoddy can of March; and the Dcmooratio National make, shining out of putrescence 1 In tho Convention in Chicago on tho 4th of July, meantimo soldiers freeze, suffer and dio; Tho Domocratio members of Congress pro- their destitute families pine and famish ;and poso to issuo an address in a few days, to the nation sinks down to hopeless bank tho people of tho United States. We trust ruptcy I it may bo wisely and discreetly drawn up. I Otherwise it may do moro harm than ' good. ' EST" Our office accounts for subscrip tion, advertising and job-work must bo settled up by the first of March. For this purposo we are sending Bills to all persons indobtod and sincerely hopo thoy will bo promptly respected. Friends, every man who is in arrears, even one dollar to the Printer would discharge an honest duty by making immediato payment. CO" Remittance by mail at our risk. JCST Tho "Atlantic Monthly" for Feb-i ruary which is already on our table, is a , , , very good number better than moit of thoso of the last yoar. Wo trust it may return to its former standard, and make itself welcomo everywhere Tho stately vii. i ii i i .. ISorth Amp.rmnn ia flrivnllmn nn.l .IMinr - - m " - ..... .1 11 i4 I. U .1 and deserves more than over, tho scorn and contempt Poo poured upon it. Tho Atlantic is published by Ticknor & Fields Boston, Mass. it, Montgomery County. Tho Demo cratic County Convention of Montgomery County, met on tho 10th instant, and elect ed Daniel Sullivan, Senatorial, and Hon, Wm. II. Witto, Josso B. Davis, and Wm. C. Roudenbush, Representative Delegates to tho Stato Convention, and instructed them to voto for a Delegate to tho Nation al Convention in favor of General Mo Olellan for tho Presidency. Mr. J. Si Bailey; of Chester county, having purchased tho two republican pa pors of Montour co., and has issued his first number, entitled tho Danville American and Democrat:' The new papor is of diminished sizo, being reduced to six col umns. It is printod on now typo, asido from which, tho improvements nro not vory visible. The Gardener's Monthly, publishod by W. G. P. Brinckloo, 23, North Sixth street, Philadelphia, is an invaluablo work for tho use of the farmer or vegetable gardener. Bead tho prospeotus in another C Last O'olobor, a privato in tho '1th' New Jersey Volunteers, named John Gal- achcr, was tried by n Court Martial, found guilty, and sentenced to bo executed, Ho was accordingly shot. A fow days ago nn ordor camo from tho War Depart- ment, roviewing tho proceedings of tho court martial, and stating "that tentenco of death would bo remitted, and that ho lator his case would havo been attondod to in timo nnd properly; so, ho was bur- i . . p., , , rr. , ried out of tho world by some official nn- dorstrappcrs, probably whilo sonio ball or nop was going on at tno wiuio House not permitting his case to bo attended to. What reeks he now for tho "pardon-A. t ,, , . Lincoln what consolation is it to his poor wife and children ; nnd moreover, it is just as nicely as not that ho suffered in- nocentlv. . ANcxchango illustrates tho condition or renegade Democrats pretty well. An T .. " . , , 1 ' Indian who had lost his reconing in tho woods, suddenly stopped and exolaimod, "Indian lost I" but unwilling to rccognizo his own blunder thus ho thought a mo- . . . , , , , T . , , ment, and added, "No ! Indian not lost- wigwamlost These fellows that leave tho Democratic party never get lost tho party is lost. Like the bewildered ino- briato, iu tho story, who, with his brain ... , 1 . j - ... all in a whirl, stood in ono of tho public squares, waiting for his house to como round thoy too are waiting for tho party to come round to them. But unless they "stir their stumps" and get homo beforo ... , . ... ,b , night sets m, they will be likely to ho out in tho cold. I Loyal Court. Palmer, tho Secretary of tho Loyal League State Committee of Now York, ...l. r. . . i .1 p. ' 1 T . r 1 ' who was arrested for aiding in furnishing : contraband goods to tho South, is to be tried by a military court, composed exclu sively of "loyal'' people like himself. "Tho Government" could not trust the matter 'ho civil courts and a jury of ' the pcoplo, for fear of ugly disclosures Presidential levees, Cabinet receptions and great hotel "hops." Through all thoj winter there will bo elegant parties at tho residences of Cabinet and Foreign Miuis teres, Senators and Representatives, and A bag of gold containing 0,000 was stolen from tho Philadelphia Custom housoj tho other day. It was to have been taken J up to the Mint, with soveral other bags of coin, but found legs in somo mysterious manner, to walk away whilo the cashier's back was turned. As usual with such transactions, "nobody" knows how it was dono. But then, six thousand dollars are a mere trifle, in theso days , when tho Gov ernment is robbed almost by millions. Of course, nono of the "loyal" officers i about tho Custom House took it 1 ! B 1'. s 'on ' For says, "tho wretches who cry peaco ought to be crucified !" What then should bo ( dono with tho Republican Custom House 'obbcrs and rrcedom sbrickers who aro I ",ondi51ff arins nwmunition and clothing to 'the Robols? Atlas and Jlrgns. . Promote thcin give them hotter officos whero they can oxereiso thoir genius on a moro extended scalo,as tho case with Cal licott. Theiso Custom nouso robbers and freedom shriokors who send arms to tho South do so to prolong tho war, whilo the Administration may prolong the power. Another Blow at tlie Poor Man. " Ul" uuo jjuBui-u niu u. o. oi-iijn--, A l,:n !. tt a o ... supplementary to tho Conscription Act. It raises the commutation money from 8300 to S-iOO. Wo aro ploased to sco that all tho Dem ocratic Senators voted against the bill. ZSF Henry D. Mooro was elected State Troasurer last Mouday week, by tho " M" " i." uuvj in popumr iuiui. on inu ouier. jo sup-1 u jt'wiu;i uuiu a ivajbkt.- scripuon oi a military rcpuuuo ; i JL ina my wifV hiMlArV MoiiirA his regiment. This is in accordaiico with poso that this ulriiggle has become obsolcto bio member of tho Sooiety of Frioiids, in uA mjiiiary republic, a government Cliunl' " ''""'i' "ft mv'hVd ami boa?" with?! tho bungling! and Incompetency of almost betoken, tho bhallowncs.t of the sup- 1 n neighboring county, that the society to mM 0 Jcolon au? aupporlcil ITTnTA1 every other aet of tho present miserable -Tr' , 1 , at, tllat ,ho liro3,0,lt is 11 lm? 'U v-1 ? ' ',Ce"tly .0m' ob '7 tho sword, is a movement, indeed, ; b' ....... . ' v ' nartv in newer at VasE o , f 1 ,wlic tho Democrntio party no work "tteo to V.cksb.irg, to aseerlam the true lnA fctr0Ra,k. nl'u disastrous movement i.o.u.,,Wp..Coi.o.. j.n.sfflAJ,3?p.MonoA!' party in power at U aslnngton. If poor l,0foro it, tho performance of which is de- number and condition of tho conlrabauda ,.,, ,t,,nv ,l .1,1 i'j,in,,n,l mm,. - . - Gallaeher had been a contractor or specu- manded bv its nriueitiles. is to bo as inea-1 t that place and iinmediato vicinity. The , ,! .,..... yfi 'B V Si W I? Houso of Representatives and tho rebel- innocent or guilty may bo thrown into lious Senators of tho Abolition sido of tbo ' prison. Rut, then, it is gratifying to know Houso uniting with thom. The Democrat- says tho Hartford Times, that tho prison io members did not participate in tbo , ers may go to Senator Hale who will pre election, believing thoy had no right to do tico law for him beforo the Wor Depart so, as tho Sonata is not yet organized, j ment ! GovEUNon Curtin was inaugurated on j a leading Republican papor says that Tuesday. Ho has ro appointed Hon. Eli Cvcn if tho Administration has commit Slifer Secretary of tho Commonwealth, ' tod somo mistakes, it is usoless to cry over Hon. W. H. Armstrong Deputy Secretary of tho Commonwealth and Hon. W. M. Meredith Attorney General. Hon. C. Beokworth, a Democrat has been appointed, by tho Governor of It 1 1 nois, to tho Supremo Honch of that Stato to fill tho placo of Judgo Oaton, resigned.' Tho appointment dissatisfies tho abolition- tats,. Democratic ProgpcctH. The Now York Wotld. in an article on ''The Domocratio Party with entire truth says: What wo beg tbo reader particularly to remark is, that, throughout our wholo po-1 lltical history, although the has - V ri ""r; I fL.crni poi al nortoulions on tho ono sido and pablo of diseeniing I ho signs of tho tinu-n "'B me y; tho Domocratio party wore annihilated to- (1ftV it would u , to.tnorrcnv. u i9 i the, nature of things that overgrown power will ooromo oppressive, anu tliat. Par' of the community who hope lo share neither tho power noiMho plunder-that is to say, tho Ucuiocratto masses will resist. . t t,,onro,nor, now , TotIlMO ,Ti10 arc capablo of looking beneath tho turfaco of things and seeing tlio principles that underlie them, the prospect was nev- , i. j , i or DCticr. xuarii i wo u not say tuac tnc prospocti of tho country were never better (r God knows they were never worse) but that tho vitality of the Democratic par- ty wns never so sure to assort itself. Uur- densorao taxation, suffering, wretchedness, will comoto tho dwellings of the common I,e?P.,c' and shako tlj0 B,(lk ?0 pulilioan tomplo till not ono stone is lelt anotiicr'of it9 rllin. Th'n is as cor- tain ns that night follows day; and, in revolutionary times like these, change in public jonlimont aro often very suddon. ln AuSl, 1 J'0"'. th.c KopuWicans felt secure of a larce majority in every State; buttho fall oleStionsiovortbolcBi, nil went ngainst them. This fall tho Democratic 1 raft dipped into tho trough of tho sea, and : tho wavos went over hor; but tho etoriu h 1 !,!6,Vnd 8,10 "m . ,nount witl' tho "t"1; jinc billow. Sho is so constructed that nofalIlin can eink Lcr. JIjpiaNANT Disease. A malignant and fatal discaao, styled by somo ''black fever," now prevails in Luzerne and w couni afld other ' ennlinnn nP norlliern pcnnsvlvania. I,3 rava!IC3 arc described as frightful, carrying oil' its vie times in a few hours. Scores of homes havo already been desolated, and in somo places tho deaths averago six per day, Tho disease closely resembles a very ma lignant typo of scarlet fever, and its rav ages arc confined almost entirely to chil dren, and, as far a3 observed, only to thoso who hava not previously had the scralet fever: Tho victim is soized with an intense pain in somo part of the body generally at tho head and in tho most oases, if not atonco roliovcd, dies in from twenty to thirty hours. After death the body becomes more or les3 black, a oir- joumstancc whieh has giveu rUo to the name of the disease. PitOLONOiNQ thu War Tho Albany Argue truly says that there is no other explanation of the peculiar tactiek of the Administration, its removal of Generals and its wasteful management or our armios, than a deliberate design to protract the war, and prevent the possibility of peace until after tho re-election of Linooln. President Liucoln is avowedly the can didate of tho Padicals, and was recently ! presented as such by Wendell Philips. H0 depends for re-election upon tho votes 0f the Army, and of tho spurious Electoral Collcages iu iho seceded States. Peace. even through victory, and the return of the South to its allegiaueo, would thwart all such calculations. Hcneo the policy of protracting the war. A Suggestion. The Democratic people are responding with great alacrity to tlio contemplated fund for their exiled and hreoio champion. What wo have to suggest is, that the sum be made equivalent to tho outfit and sal aryofafirst olass Embassy. Mr. Val landigham is accumulating honors such as no mere Embassador abroad has ever ac quired. Let us sco to it that ho has tho substantial remuneration which he de serves. Tho peoplo aro not yet wholly powerless to confer honor, or reward pa triotic service. Daion ( O.) Empire. The Negro War. It is a singular fact that whilo tho Ab olitionists arc pressing the war for the ne gro, and urging the slaves to rebolliou against their masters, tho first outbreak i . j or revolt that lias talccn place, was lie - tWccn the negro soldiers of tho U. States and tho Union troops at Fort Jackson, Miss. 'The rovolt is said to havo been of quito a serious nature, though it has been all hushed up. "Law" Phaotiou. 15y tho suspension I of tho writ of Habeas Corpus, any mau Fpilt milk." Yes, says Prentieo, but wo cant't help crying over needlessly spilt blood. In somo of tho Districts of tho Stato,tho Doinooraoy havo put in nomination can- didatcs for electors on tbo Presidential ticket. Gon. MoOlulInu seems to bo the choioo of the Stnto, as a candidate for, rrojtfcal. i ... .. -i, mi i Wn aamiaH ji.fAhi.M rHm . . n i . i uuiuuv unimon nil nprsnnt irnm Aiiomtionibm. Tho sum of nil villain- job is Abolitionism, It is n crazy, tin reasoning monstor, without hoart or soul, .It began with nn overflowing lovo of tho negro. How that lovo has practically oporatcd where it has had a good ohatico lo display itself, may bo soon from tho fol- 'owing, wLiel. we clip from the Cincinnati J - ,namrt:r' oonmiittco liavo rolurnctl, and report tliat .i.ey ion.... lory tnousano, onc-iinru oi I. ... i .... I .1 I i wnio.1 wcreom ru.y or neany naKcu, hour hundred deaths occur on an average ' y t Can this bo true 1 ; Commestino on the lato mcssago of Davis and Lincoln, tho London Times Sfl8' .... 1 learned and practiced there can be no po- "Olthccivil war itself Mr. Davis speaks Htioal freedom. Absurd, preposterous it without despondency, but yet with a de- Beooff ami a gatjro ,,,, free forim of groo of reeling crcditablo to Ins humanity. Constitutional liberty (or forms of govern I ho absence or any tontimcnt of tho kind mont ,0 jj0 prescribed by military leaden, rrom Mr.Lmco n a messngo r-ndors it. ono BlU tj1B rigli t oT sulTrago lo bo exoreisod of the most oold-bloo. cd political docu- at t10 point of tho swrt!. Works, vol. ments over published." 1 1, p. 09. Tho tono of all Mr. Lincoln's messages, All that Webster said on tho abovo like the tone of his face, is coldblooded twonty years sinco, we now realizo as and orucl. Wo .look in vain through his true : Twenty, ten, nay, five years ago. features for a single touoli of generosity or who would have believed that tho Amcri humanity. His faco is, by no means, cau pco,,;0 wou, i,avo uvcr sulTercd thu hcastli, like Hon. lltttlor's, but it is va- 0r been patient under their sufforings. cant of every mark of kindly feeling. . . jRSy- Tim A'rmy. There has bcee no Mns. Lincoln's reception at the White movement of any of tho armies since our Houso on Saturday was quite brilliant. , last isaue. Several raids have been made It lasted from ono to threo P. M. Thoj, both arniicg whicU liavo becn quit0 foreign miuistors and a host of brigadiers ' , , . , . ,. , ' . wcro out. Tlio ladies appeared in full morning drc3s, lined this cold weather with ermine and fur. Mrs. Liuoolu was dressed in black velvet, corded with whito postillion back, trimmod with black thread lace over whito silk, and pelerine collar of whito point laoe. Her head dress was of white and and black flowers, with jet and pearl ornaments. Her gloves were white, Btiohcd with black. Forney' s Press. EST" Tho widows and orphans of many of tho poor soldiers aro also "dressed in black" sackcloth and ashes, without "gloves" and flowers "this cold weather." Military Elections havo been or dered to bo held in Louisiana and Ar kansas for state officers on tho 22d of February. These states aro then to be considered back in the Union ! This ar rangoincnt is in conformity to the Presi dent's "one-tenth" arrangement by which bogus electors aro to be manufactured in tbo southern statos to keep him in an office into which a majority of the peoplo never placed him, and out off which a f-till lar gor majority aro anxious to get him for the interests of the present and all futuro time. "Pretty Waiter Girls" to nn Abol ished. A bill is before the Legislature to regulate places of amusement, ono sec tion ol which makes it punishable by fine and imprisonment to employ females to wait upon or furnish refreshments to the audience during tho exhibitions or perfor mances. This will strip tho concert sa loons of Philadelphia of their chief attrac tions for verdant young men. Uuimr a PnoniKT. Curtin, the bo gm Governor of Pennsylvania, iu his in augural, gives us to understand that God has taken charge of tbo affairs of the Gov crnmcnt. Since then Congress has made tho tax sixty cents per gallon on whisky. Ought not tho Governor's salary to bo in creased to meet tho extra expenses? The Crisis says : "At Columbus, on last Thrursday night, wo learn that some seventy prisoners arrived a iittlo alter midnight, and wero marched barofooted to Gamp Chaso four miles in tho bit terest cold night of the winter. Also that ono thorn, as well as n guard on duty froze l to death before morning." Gonorai Ranks, has issued a proclama tion for an election in Lousiana, under tho revolutionary edict of Abe Lincoln, by which the Stato is to bo placed in the hands of the ono-tcnth voto. Tho proc lamation is charactcriBtio of tho man who is willing "to let tho Union slide." Hon. John M. Botts, declines to accept the annninltncnt nt' Senator front Viroinin. ... t r . 1 in tuo uongress at wasiungtou. no wish- cs to bo of tervieo in somo other sphere, whero ho cau exercise an lnlluence in re storing peace and Uuion. The United States Supreme Couht. The Judges of the Supremo Court may bo classified politically as follows : Taney, Nelson and Catron, Democrats; Grier, Wayno aud Clifford, Conservatives; Swayno, Davis, Miller and Field Aboli tionists. Pardoned. Samuel Soyler, of Frank lin county, convictod about eighteen months ngo for passing counterfeit money, j anu ecu ten ecu to tho penitentiary tor a term of threo years, has becn pardoned by Gov. Curtin. Vtiilillali tm MiincitiAtM'i nfitin U ? mer and Gardener" in another column.- This is an old and reliable agricultural , work) and Uso wo j.,10Wn throughout tho country that it uecds no fraiso from us. BSy Lovi Coflin, on Ohio Quaker, claims' to have harbored threo thousand aud three hundred fugitivo slaves, and to havo for warded them to Canada. Gen. Cass is said to bo no feeble that he oanuot live much longer. Ha is in his sightj-fiut year. A Voice from the Grave. Tho following cxlroct from Webster's oration on the completion of Hunker Hill Monumont, Juno 17, 1813, comes to us ndw as tho voivo of a patriot speaking to ,is countrymen from tho grave. Hid that voice been headed while vet bo was on uartb, our people would trot havo loarnod by such expotience how truo is his at- blcssincs of Itcnnbliomt Govcriiiiiuiit, they muBl vorn thomselvrs by reason, by n.u tua Cy(ltigel am consultation, by a aensp. feI,ng of gonorai illlt.rC9t( ad hy acfiuic8ecneo of the minority iu tho will 0f the majority, properly expressed ; nnd above all, the military must bo kept, uc- cording to the language of our bill of rights in strict subordination to tho civil author- itv. Wliornvni thia loasnn iq tint Imlli vi'"'"b -"j't"- t"" oners. J'roni ULattatiooga wo have luc following : "Seven hundtcd recruits came down this morning, and to-day one hundred aud ten rebels deserted to our linos. The por tion of the rebel army held at Daliou is believed to number not more than thirty tuousaud inou, mostly Kentucky and Ton ncsscc troops, hold under guard, and it is positively known Miat they are killing their best mules for food." Six rebel oavlry men deserted and came into Mead's army last Saturday, bringing their horses with them. Thoy say many others are desirous of following thoir ex ample if they can make their escape. John Ford, of Norfolk convicted of violating his oath of allegiance, by corrcs-' ponding with tho rebels in llichiiiond. en-! deavoring to fraudulently avoid tho con-! a AhD"U,,or Lot "f .""i'1, V,tunl2,on, U!e J Roitth Went corner of said Thin! nnd Iron Ktreott, in fiscation of rebel property in tho city of Illoonuburg, whereon U trected a largo and jTfirpr ,,,.. . . . ! excellent Utnajl Forfolk has been Hcntcueod to bo confined IIKK'K MTCHKR SHOT, Mm. at hard labor in Norfolk jail for the torm ' vlUl aU tba necc"y improvement and convemea- of ono VOar to Wear an iron ball Wciull- I The nrst named property In one of the most deslra ' u lu "l"4r au 111 " u,m wufe" bio residences in lluumburg lor a private family.- iug 2- pound attached to his right lei; by 1 T1,!?,f,cc.m"l,n,"",e,lV,i9 iho ?"Y,'iif"r " 'IU',V1,KR 1 ts J , ailOl', h.iving all the requisite buildings and arrange- a chain tlirCC feet lone, to be employed at mente.m good order, fur business purpnues, with a a' r j i beiiiitiful ecito on the corner ofthu La for the erection cleauing the streets or any hard labor that ,"f" dwelling nouso. , . ,,. , A C7" Should the fr may lio assigned him in sr.rl city, and at them, not behold by ., t j. . .. , . . i ,i tbc end of that time to bo sent beyond tho the limits of tho Department and nover rerinittcd to returu. Wantld, Competent JJuisness Men. Tho demand for skillful and accom plished accountants is perpetual, and con stantly increasing with tho increase of production and trade. Young men wish- inn to Drenarc theuisvlvcd for commercial pursuits will Cud no Institution in this; country possessing advantages equal to those afforded by tho Iron City College. of Pittsburg, Pa., which is now patronized by every Statu in the Union. Tiierii was a genuine sensation in the r . j,. 1 11 i m i t Provost Marshal's offico, at Norwhtch, Conn., tho other day when a gentleman of Afrioan descent was stripped for exam- ination and suddenly discovered to havo tho small-pox. lie is said to have taken it from a coppy of tho President's recent Proclamation. LITTLE Gim.S Tlicrr is qomrthino- in. lull J lit. uutliS. t nero is soiticilling in- evriressiblv sweet in litllo uirls T,nvelv (.iprcss,mi 8tHH III IIIIIQ gins. JjOVLiy pure, innocent, ingenious . unsilancolinrr , uiisiisiLuiiiin, 2TS, babies aild ' full or kindness to brothc OVOl'Vthinir. Thov nro SWCet Iittlo flowers - c, J mu.uuuu ucuiup ill iuu uiuuiu ui mau. Wlint 1 nitv fltov kIi mild nci-r Vionnmo nn. Iiat a pit) IIICJ SUOUlU OVtr DCCOme ViO- mon, flirts and heartless coquettes ! o .t:..,.i : 1 .i. ..e Soldiers' Special Notice. Do your duty to yourselves, protect your health, uso HOLLO WAY S PILLS and 01NT MENT. For Wounds, Sores, Rowed Com plaints and Fevers, they aro a perfect safe guard. Full directions how to uso thom with every box. Only 25 cents. Wells Coveiilv, a prominent Hotel keeper in Harrisburg, died in that city on Sunday last, or consumption. MARRIAGES. On 1 SundaV, January 21th inst., by ' poisons, and for pcrsmis who havo been operated upon .,nu r vl lnrlll, l?.n Al- rV,.."., lor tho cataract of llioeye, nnd to hisnew Kindoflilas 1188 J. ItnUoiSllCO, Jiiq. , Mr. JOHN m, am Conserves of the sight, nmdo of tho best Unit Thoi ....... u, ... ujh.j. i 'xiik "'l IVI i-iiii-,T.t.' in ATra Tr.iA 1j? n t in-it .,11 Ilouilook twp.jOol. oo., Pa. At tho f arsonage ill UrangevillO, Jan- uary 21st, 1801, by Hev. Josial, Forreat, lllf. U CBBI. llALHASi IU JU133 V.IIA.MIA McEwen, both of Columbia co., Pj. At tbo residence of tho bride's father, I " y i J?r9 M,il' er' K8q.,llm:cK Loic, of I or. 1 .k' a,ld "ABttWT, daughter ol llouben f Ullso"' DEATHS. In Espy, on Saturday the 23rd of Jan uary, 1 804 , of Sonrlet lover, Anna 0., only child ol John & Mary East, aged about 10 months. "See, Iirael'a gentle Phephard stands. With Qll-rngkjint chirms , Hark I how He calls the tender Itmbi. And folks thtrn in llli arms ' Cam NetuSUiuetlisemcnti NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves in ilebted or hurlrj- n.ltled accounts In any wis with tho underel-nod, nn hereby notified to come r, e ward and untie tho um thli notlco will saw roett Ily attending promptly t0 Dloomitmtg, January 30, 1SG4. 3w. IV Mrvni'iut, a . . rpiIE undersigned informi m friondp n. iiiki i. iiuiy.cuiioni turuusnoiit this nnd tho dJ. Join? cmititls,lhat ho l n regularly llceimecl nucllonent .I. ... ... .m.u c.uig i,aw, nnn nronareil lo utr Ml IlnvlnB hail rcvernl ycnr cipcritnes In the builnem, lie flatten himself that ho 111 bo nblo to clvo latli ruction to all who employ him. JACOD 31IDI.IIAUT, Danville, Jnu, 30, IM, Cooper twp, TOWN PROPERTY PRIVATE SALE. TUP. nnilcrlnniiil cjjT.Ti.ftt rrlrnle Falff. lh vnlun. bio property, known ai tlii UflTliT UI.UCK. liluats on tlm corner of .Main uml Market ulrct., Illoonn- Mire 'I'll 1 9 property will ha rohl together or separated Into lots lo Milt piirchaters I'tTcons wlshlns to buy a pooil ljii p I tit rite, nro requeued In einutlnu thli pro perty. For particulars Inquire cf Ih i uiuleriltinud, ro tiding In lliiiotiisiurir, U. RIU.NOU.VilAI.L,. Illuoni-liiirs, Jan. SO, IPG 1 If. Lackawanna & llloomshurg ILiilronU. ON AND Al'Tl.ll JAN. 19, IjlH, I'ASBK.NUKIl TRAINS WILL RUN AS KCLI.OtVS. M I) V I N (1 BOUT II. J'Jii'ttftr. Lour Pcranton. Kliietitoii .... isr. m. as vis " Itionmshurg ' " Rupert, .... " Danville, .... Arrlvo at Northumberland, JIOVIHO NO R T II Lenvo Northumberland, " lluiiiillc " Ittipert, . . . " llloonifiburg . . . . " Kingston, .... Arrlvo at Scrnntou S.M A. M t.tu j:u V.-JS W.N P. M Freight U I'amengcr lenTes Iiloonuburg, 10,15 A.M 1.311 1'asscngers latins tho .Vnil Train South conned with the Uipresa train from Nnrth'il, nrrivinjr tit llarriliuri; nt 2.311 A. M llnltltnorc 7.00 A. M and at I'hllartulphlii nt 7.00 A M. Tho .Mall train from Northumberland leaven nnmcuiaieiy alter tno express train rroui liar risbiirj nnd Kjltlinore, allowing I'auengers Having 1 riillailelMhin at HMO I'.Jl. to reach Points on thli roail ZJSA, car, aev ..h. trains each ivay between Northumberland and Italtl moro, and Northumberland uml Philadelphia. D. T. HOUND, Hupt. J. C. Wells, ain't U-ickit Jig eat. Kingston, January 30, J -CI. House and Lot for Sale. THE undorsigncd offers to sell at Pri vate Sale, bis dwelling House, and Lot (V&iats, of Ground, with nil tho Improvement there- IliiJU unto belonging, uititatc on the South ilast cor- Ji5JiJ ncr of Third uud Iron Streets, in lllooniaburg, Colum bia county. I'u. ALSO. foregoing prnprrtles, or either of y the first of Atiril next, they will be oiirreu lor item. jy.viii.i.-i jiu.uuiix, i nioomkburg. January 23, lew. A First Class Fanner's Maguzmt Jor renns'Jvanin. 10G4. The Pennsylvania 1064. Farmer Sl Gardner, ' UnVOTED TO AQRICULTUItK. HORTICULTURE, AND RURAL AFFAIRS, JvDITKD AND rUIILlBIIEJ) BV ' rairt't n iiawi rs w7wiiMf . 5a North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. TI'.IIMS: ONE HOLLAR A YI'.AIi. Tho Sixth Volume commences with January number. HAVING obtained the sorvices of em inent nnd practical Agriculturists, Horticultur ists, tock lirerders and lleo-keepers, wo confidently nll'cr tho Current Volume us ouu of the best over issued for originality, practical thought and reliable informa tion. Juuuiirv 3. 1 cl.4. 1 : 77 ; For the Inul, 1 lower i- Attctien Garden. ! mi i nci 86' G r GARDNER'S MONTHLY. W. G. P. RRINCKLOli, Puni.isnim. 1 0nil:e ;-23 Nonh Sixth Bt' "'"'Iphia TEItMS-8I 50 A vi:.ii. Edited by Thomas Median. THE MONTHLY CONTENTS ARE: IIimts I'tnwcr fiarden and I'lcanurii-Crounil : Fruit ' Garden : Vcuetnblo (Jardwij Window Gardening. , coMHU.sicvTioNs.-Embracini; iho vlov of the beat writers on llnrticultiire, Arhoriculturo, and llurnl atV'ii i:mi0RI.L,!ivine the Lilitor-e viowuontho imporl- ant Aorticultural Improvements. Hcr ii a uM(1 Ulerlc'l(;V(!W Kruiti-Ncw mentic ninH'oreign lutolllsence furelgn euco Horticultural Notices. rinntu Do. t'orreupond- ' With each Department handiomely Illustrated . rv 1 1 n.-OTi 1 r.. 11 l. .n.ntnA.1 J ,; , $mhUet pe,jBe. hinuell that no labor ' n cxpomo shall bo uparuil In render the tucceeilinj , it,sVI0 nfll)0 Madaziuo every way worthy of the favor 1 .in,J'llw1li"c" 1,1Vi3VU,rottUA ai'mjlnj'. m"v'y "" j Janiiary2:i, IbliJ. ' B 'lliCJ'j n-uiuica win uu h.uuiilii J. WEICHSELB A U M , KSPHOTHULLY informs the citizens A) of Columbia county, tliat ho will open a Room at the "llichatieo Hotel, during February Court, where I ho will olfer for sale SPECTACLES! of every variety, size anil quality. A new Invention of ripcctaclo, for dlf tin t or close readlns, with gold, mlvor. itcel. aim tor t'liso-shell frume and n new nnd improved assortment of perifocal and parabola ground Hint Glasses of hit mvti iiinmifiirtnr lln li'milil tin rt irn I n rll r.llt tllO at tention of the nublio to his gpectncles for near sighted ..C and aztiro f! lases. ' , ,,-- , ,, ,.. I.m.nt. anil filosset 1 carufully repaired at 6hort notice, lie can always sal- thom, upon tho fir.t trial. Ho will remain ill linn ret uiasses to sun ttio vision m um person, nt n ' II remain in un oso in want of the a rail. illrofe.'tliVfleaVolli'rcai'i' Sj Ho will, if required, eo tunny respectable homo where his services may be wanted. IC" Tho very best Eye-water nnd tho best Hunllnl Glasses ulways for sale, January 'A led I. ORANGEVILLE NORMAL SCHOOL, AND ACjAD E M Y . Prof. H. D. Walker, Principal. Mn. S. K. White" Assistants Miss M. E. Lazakus THE next Term of this lontitution will commence on MONDAY, tho Will dy of January WM. Tuition, per Term of II weeks, from 91 W, to 40. Hoard per week, from 5 on to J 40. ET tor further Frticuars addri-H tha rrinclpoJ, "'oranjeviUo, Jai, IS, l?t. fVy TruM'M. caution.