1 ( CONTINUED FROM FIIIBT PA (IK. ) Iowa-, but 1 hate a icbcl worse than iLe Yanhccs do. You are rebelling against .the power of God find tho klnrlncis or loan 'Lndj jou tloii'loousidcr what'you nay Thoao nrc faarTul words." 'I know tlioy aro but 1 will repeat that I bopo that uono of you may escape to oorry tho tidiog. Yon lind no right to come hero and doelroy our homes, and ttike away our friends, and loave uothiug but desoktion iu your track. You may not bopo for tho blessing of God upon your undertaking." "Lady," ho answered, while a tear sprang to his eye, "I would not bo found here to-day had not your army found its wnv in mv tinnia nnrl rlninlnlnrl il I had n bosutiful young wife, fair as the beauty of heaven, loving, and tenderly loved, but evon her they did not spare.but well nigh i t ,. , i broken hor heart with foar and sorrow I Then I rosolved to forfeit my lifo, or my nvengo tho wrong; I determined that the homes of the North should feel the power of tho invader's hand, if my single strength could accomplish it. It is easy for you with your abundance to sit and declaim against us, who havo been nerved to the lost point of desperation by the wrongs of your armies, and when we seen our dear ones reduced to the last extremity, what shall wo do but raise our bands and striko in their defenco ? I did not willingly en ter this strugglo, but having entored it, death alone shall put a limit to my efforts."- "Do you espoct God will forgivo you!" 'I trust I have a father in heavon who has forgivnesa for iuc, for I am conscious I am .doing only my duty, and does not that always meet" the approbation of God ? My convictions of duty brought mo here, and will sustain mo to tho end. But if I fall, I should hardly expect you to minis ter to mc. Would you comfort a dying man whom you call a rebel I" "I don't know as I should, if ho contin ued a rebel !" "May God forgivo you. The chances of war may cause us to meet again." Gracefully raising his hat, ''tillwe meet," be said, and mounting bi3 horse, he rodo away, Those words of tho resolute young offi cer rang in her ears liko a fatality. What could he mean? Ho surely was not un soldierly as to seek personal revenge, yet the soul of the young girl, .whom scarcely any danger daunted, wa3 filled with un csincis. For several days all remained in quiet suspense. A'ast bodies of cavalry and in fantry wero moving to and fro like the surging of enormous billows, Heavy de mands were made upon the people; aud those supplies that were uot willingly granicu, were iorciDiy lauen, uwu an uc-, . .1 e -11-. -l .-1 ll gan to look anxiously for the time and placo when the dreadful blow thould fall. At last it came, and that iu the consecrat ed abodes of the dead, O tho terriblo thunder of artillery ! O the sicking thought that thousands of un protected human breasts wero the target for those horrible missiles .of destruction, How can humanity look on such teencs and live ? Tko contest was frightful and bravery - ........ ra J desperate on either side, but at length there was a lull, and the. star3 and stripes were in tho ascendant. The- firing ceased, and the armies slow ly retired. Every availablo spot, from the spacious halls consecrated fl,l down to the veriest hovel, was filled with the wounded, aud dyiug, friend and foe tsido by side, blaspheming, groaning, pray ing; and these aro the nob!o forms whom but yesterday were in tho full glory of manhood. Mothers and sisters with tenderest sym pathy, quickly gathered round to perform kind offices, fearing last each moment should reveal the countenanoe of a dear one ; and among other ministering spirits was found our rash, impetuous frieud and as though Providenoe had directed her, the first perion whom she reached was the rebel officer shot I Yet he smil ed as she advanced, saying : "You could not refuse a dying man, evon a rebel." 'I havo repented of those cruel words. A soldier, from the moment he is wound ed ii no longer a rebel but a mau, deserv ing all tho kindnesj of humanity." Thank you. I could not havo stop ped to bandy words with ycu, had you not eo powerfully reminded me of my wife. Where on this wido greon earth she is, I cannot toll, for she flsd from her homo and I could nem get trace of her after wards. II the bas passed beyond, I trust I soon shall go to bcr, for she is mine still. You are her exact counterpart,and I could not force myself to go out of your pres. nce, until you told mo that neither God nor yourself would forgivo me for my share in this 'wioked rebellion.' But now, lying hero in tho vory face of death I do not regret what I have done for my coun try." The lady was silent, but at length re plied : 'I had a liltlo eistcr, who closely resembled me, and as we were motherless, my father gave her to a wealthy Southern lady visiting North, who took a fancy to her. Her name was Ella, and the lady's name was Nottingham." My wife's name, and you are her sis ter 1 That accounts for my strange fasci nation. But it is a sad meeting. Will yon aot forgive a rrtber who has mat death in defonoo of your sistorl" She could not utter a word, but tho tears fell llko rnin, and the placed her hand on his head, granting him tho covet ed petition. "Thank you. Ro kind to Ella and Moggio, if you can over boo them. Tell them my last thoughts Was for them." His sentences which from tho first hud been ituliatlnot and diconucoted, grow moro and tnoro fcoblo, until alio Btood alone belbro tho dead. Such sad developments theto dark days bring ! Who shall count tho hearts bleed ing, breaking, because tho light of tho bouse hold has gono out forevor ? Will not our (athor in lumen soon say : "I have seen that it is enough f" COME ONE ! COME ALL ? 1 I g IJ iJ I J Vy 1- U tl 1 OJLvv !! JLJ 1 V T7ILL cxposo to sale every day this TV rnll nnd Winter. (Sundays excepted,) ixl.itgo mid wcti selected nssoitmeni of American French ami English f.oofls, just from tho Eastern marten. Plain Uiess Hoods nro the latent fashion, such as Cashmere Mcrlnoi, l'uio Mohair Bilk Finish, Alpaccas of oil shades. DELAINS nt 18, li2, 25, 31 and 35 cts. CALICOES from 18 to 25 cents. SHAWLS all wool, long & square, at pricss to suit purchasers. NUBIAS AND WOOL HOODS or every description. Cloths, Cassimers and Jeans, for Men and Hoys wenr, cheap. Dadles' Collars, Cuffs, Sleeves, Head Nets, and dregs trimmings. Bleached and Unbleached Muslius, will lie sold at a very small advance. Ilosiory, Gloves, Embroidering Braids, &: Email wares in great variety. Linen Catpet Chain and cotton yarn. Boots and Shoes, Ladles' palters, toilet slippers, children's Filters and shots, nnd n largo stock to select from nt all prices. Trim k s and oil clnth satchels, tluecnswara and Hardware. & a a B X, it x TOBACCO AND SEGA R S, at low prices, and in fact almost everything in my line that may he called for, as I have purrhared a miuli lar per stock of goods than usual, and am determined to sell them at very small prollls, fur ready pay. Ladles will find it to ihcir advantage to buy their Dress Ooods at this citablUhuicnt. as I will prcsen. to every Lady customer, who may desiro it, one of Mad nine Dcmnresl's latest slecvw patterns. Call and see the Mirror of Fnshion, Just published, with lull and reliab'e description of the latest Paris fashions. Wooinsburg, Sept. 20. liKI. E. & II. T. ANTHONY, manufacturer? or piiotog rafii io MATERIALS, 501 Broadway, New York. Our Catalogue now embraces considerably over four thousand different subjects (to which addition- are con tinually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Ameri cans, etc., viz: 72Mnjor-(!cncruls, 190 llrig -OeneraU. Bj'J Colonels, B4 Licut.-L'oloncls. '.07 other Officers, 00 Navy Officers, S2o Statesmen, 127 Divines, 110 Authors, 00 Artists, 112 Stage, 40 Prominent Women, 1471'roju iueijt Foreign Furtraits. . 2,500 Coplci, of Works if Art., Including reproductions of the most celebrated Engra vings. Paintings, Statues, &c. Catalogues ,-i'nt on re,, ccipt of t-tatnp. An order fur one ilnou pictures froui our Catalogue will be filled on receipt of 41.r0. and scut by mail, free. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Of these we innnufnrture it great variety, ranging In price from SO cents to $Q carh. Our Albums have tho reputation of beinj superior in beauty nnd durability to any oth"rs. Tho smaller kinds can be sent safely by mail ct it postage nf six rents per oz. Iho more expensive can bo emit by ex tirrsa. 0Uo ki0 0 ,a0 B3SOrtment nf?tre.cop.s and I Storcsconic views. Our Cntalogun of thee will mi si-nt to uuv address nil reeetnt of stamn. 3-1. II. '1 Anthony, Manufacturers of l'liotograplrtc Materials 501 Broadway. New York Friends or relatives of prominent military inm will confer a favor by sending uithcir likeiit tsnf to copy. They will be kept raiefully and returned uninjured. Fine Albums made to order for conaregutions to pre sent to their l'astor, or fur other fnrposer, with sUita bio Inscriptions. &c. August itt, U3-Cm. TilKGUUAT WOULD'. FAIP. UXIimiTION UKLH IN LONDON ItfJl. THOS. W, iMATTSON Was awarded the I'rizo Med al fur his superiority overall competitions Iu the United Mates for his improvements in Travelling TruDKS, in lie being the inventor and Manufacturer of Llasiiceterl Spring su'ld Bole Leutheraud solid llivi ted lion rr.tme Travelling Trunks. Valises, l.ad.es Hat Unsej, Carpi t ltags. Leather Hags, Umbrellas and Hobby Horns, l!o)s' (Jigs, Propellers, Wheclherron s. ir., which h" is jirepared to sell at the itmigi mnrtufuctiiriiig price. The most extensive Trunk and Cuunel llae .Manufitctur- ' cr in Ptiiladelnhij. ' ' Wi JlAlllihT 3TBKET, one door abeve Fourth, Boutli side. I'lIILAIHll.l'IIlA. C7S3alcs room on the first lluor. tC7"Trunks neatly repaired or exrhangad f-r new cues. Call and see, as we sell verj (heap for ih. Nov. U, IM3 12mo. National Foundry. ULOO.MSHUHG,COLUMUIA CO., PA. rpltn subscriber, proprietor of tho above rained ex J tensive establishment, is now prepared to receive orders for All Kinds of Machinery, for Colleries, Blast Furnaces, Stationary L'tigiues, .Mills TilllUSIIINO MAOIUNL'S, &.U.. &C. lie is also prepared to make Btuves, all sli -s nnd patterns, plow-irons, aud everything usually made in tirtt-class rnuiidries, His extensive facilities nnd practical workmen, war jantt him in receiving the largest contracts tii tho luo.-t reasonable terms. CJ" Grain of all kinds will be taken in txchans? for castings, EJ-This establishment Is loca.ed near the Lackawan na A- Uloomsburg llailroad Depot. FETCH UILLMEYKK lllsornsburg, Sept, 15, 1803. Exchange Hotel, LATE COL, R. D. J0NC8.J No. 77 Dock Street, next door to tlio Pojt Office, Philadelphia. rphis well known establishment maintains its usual i. celebrity, and Its well known repuiatioii of beiug tho best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Shall be sustained, lioomsmay be had at all houn pr night, 37 cents ; per week, 2 SO, per mouth, 51ft The liar and Eating Departments uro furnished wlttr the best of everything the market can produce. GAME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and delicacies of every clime nay be had at a mains Ft notice. Meals at 12 cents nnd upwards, and may be had from 5 A. M, till FJ at night, uentlemcn may rest as.ured that no expeuso will he spared to render this Hotel a model one. J. OTTENKIRK, Propr. March 7, lS63-3m. EXCHANGE rUBLIC SQUARE, mLKJZS-HAJUtK, I'A. Tar. undersigned, having taken this well-known stand (formerly of Major Futerbaugh), respectfully solic its tho patrouage of the public. No pains will be (pared in any nfits departments, to render satisfaction to all guest, The TAOLE and tho CAR will always be supplied with the UE3T THE MA1IKET AFFOUDS. CT" Rood Stabling for Horses and attentlva Hostlers. The "Exchange" it eligibly situated on the Public Square, and lias therefore peculiar advantages toper sons attending Court or doing business in the public offices, Charges moderate, N, 11. Whenever you como to town, please call. II. J. YAl'LE, Wllkes-riarra, Nov. IS. I6C2I ELI HOLDEN INVITES the attention of every reader of this paper, which includes many thousand of his old patrons and acquaintances To his unuiually large and' beautiful rarity of AJIHKICAN and IMPORTED WA'jCiIES. CLOCKS and elgnt dtsigai of JEvvELRY. Silver Wars.tc, ELI HOLDEN. 70S Marba Sr, PHILiDELPHIA Mtr tnf-m mmiMMilMistntiiii iMiMim iihmh iin ni rr rv- r --is .sim -r I FRESH All JU VA h mSmm MJiAlWITERGOODS rptllS INSTITUTION Is under iho snlo management L nnd direction of l'rof. 1J. W. Luwkll, to long Prin cipal of tho I1WQ IIAMTOJt COMMKIlCMt. COUXOK. The course of Instruction embraces nil thn requisites of n thorough practical business education, and has been lately iixti ndcd by the Introduction of all Actual lliisincss Course. In which tho Btudcnl engages Iu tho regular routine tit business transactions, exemplified nnd familiarized by menus ot a More, (In which tho eetual lutliiiti of buying and selling goods is carried on by each Ftudent,) and llusincss Olllcos, viz i Hanks nt issue ami Deposit, uan-iioauingnuu icam-uo.tiiuji Fost Olllce, Telegraph. &c., tic. Thn Prntirlptnr tins nnrnil notlmn or expense In Inn- king this Course tho most thorough nnd complete of nny ever preseiiti'il to tno puniic, nun tens limy as sured that niter hating been himself engaged In actual business, nnd having had many years' experience nt teaching tho r-cinco of Accounts, and being aided by n full nud cfliccicnt corps of teachers, ho will be ca bled to mnke thorough and successful gr.niiiatcs of nil who may piaco themselves under his charge. PK.Y.VJtXSltll'l in this essential branch of n busings education no Collcga offers better facilities to tho learner. Tho Hneuci-finu svsteni will tie taucht limit Its varieties by tho most skillful masters of tho nit. r-perinions of Writing from this Institution liavorcceitcd the hlgncst encomium from tho press. For general Information, terms, tc., nddress for Col lege Monthly, which will ha mailed frees ror speci men of reiiui.inship, enrlosO two three cent stamps Address 1). W. LOWF.l.L, Principal. Lowell's Commercial College, Illiighamtou, N. Y. P. B.-Ono of Hitter A. lhmcnn's No. 1 highly finished fine, perfect point, quill spring (lold I'ens, with holder nnd rase, warranted fur one veor nr.d to null, w 111 lie font, free of charge to any ono who will icmli 83,50 to me above nuiiress. Octobc4 3, ld03 ly. NATIONAL COMMEllClAii COLLEGES LOO ATM) IN PHILADELPHIA, s.n. ccKNcnrni and chestnut sts.. New York City, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy Jliiffalo. Detroit, Ucvchind, Chicago t and Si. Louis. Pook-keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic Cnmmcrrinl Law, Forms, Correspondence, &c, piact call)' taught. These Colleges being under the same genernl and lo. cnl management, and uniting in each the advantago or mi, oner greateriaciuues lor imparling m-iruc. , than any other similar institution in the country. A Scholarship issued by nny ono is goad in all fol unlimited lime. Tho Philadelphia College has boon recently cnlatt and refurnished in a superior manner, and i nnwrl I largest nnd most prosperous Commercial Institution It the Slate. Ilryant t Ptratton's scries of Text Hooks, cmbrao llook-kceping, Commercial Arithmetic, and Coinmcr Law, for sale, and sent by mail. CT" For full particulars send for a circular. October If, leii'J liim. rniic iindeislanecris arso ciienslvelv enroled In the 1 Undertaking Uuslaess, and keeps constantly on hand nu lor saio nt ins warcrooms. u largo assortment oi FINISHED cgSSi OOFFINS, By which he is enabled to nil orders on presentation aim) lveeps a gouu norso nun Hearse, auu will at ni tunes uc reuay to aiteuu r unercis. rJIMON C. BIUVE, Illoomburg, January 29, IPS!) First Great Arrival. OF jam. a nnoriunD nnn The undersigned, lias,-just rcnlenlslied his f-toro Hon e iu Orauguville, with a wcll-bolcctcd usssrotmcnt FALL & WINTER GOODS Consisting in part of Cloths, Rllks. Alusllus. C.-iasi- mere, (iiugli.iiiK, Cnllrocs, Shawls, Hosieries, Carpets noil i.AoiKs r akoy untsi i.oodj, generaiiv, irom to '.j'.ttfaiij i'rints from l.'J toJcts. .EAJJYMADJfi (JLOTHIJG-. Mats, liutitu it b'liiKM .Mackerel .Molaasacs, Sugar A. Sail. GROOEIIIES GENEHALLY, With nil oilier artiles. usually kept in country St 3res, touhjeh iu invites the early attenlinii of old nnd new cutlomers. Having been ntthe City in the right time - bought low and paid cash ho will be able to Lom;ieto with the h, -t, and sell for small profits nnd prtaipt pay. His friends nra invited to pop iu and sea the sights. W.M 1'lilTZ. Orangcville. Nov 7. 1503. j. r. ivtn. l . movi ) , New Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND HETAIL rjMin undersigned would inforii' their friends nnd the A I'll LI ic generally, that they have taken the stand fur luerly mcupied by Ceo. llagcnbuch, in the F.xchaugu liiiilding, on Main street, in Uloomsburg, where he has just re.eiveii a full supply of Bvusts, i75t'!icaj!es, Fnin4j fljils, Wiiieli will he sold on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort and eii.'. I hyeirinns' prescriptions carefully compounded, nt nil tiuiL-s and on &horl notice. 'Zr- Confectlouciy of tho best selections, nnd Soda Water iu fl-usou. A share of tho public custom is respectfully so licited. I1VLU & .MOVUll. Cl.iomsburg, April 11, 1PCJ. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. mIF, undersigned respectfully informs his old friend .L and customers, that lie has purchased his brothers merest iu tho above establishment, and the conct.rn wils Itsreaptor b conducted hy liiuiseireicluslvely. . lie lias just received and Hirers for sale, tho larg. JSCrX est and most extensive ntorimeut of TANDY RTI) V ES ever introduced into this market. His stock consists nf n complete assortment nf he liit Cooking and parlor stoves in the market, lugctli er Willi Stove Fixtures nf every description, Oven and Ilex Stoves. Radiators. Cjllndar Stoves, Cn.t Iron Air Tight stuves, Cannon Stoves, &c Stovepipe nnd Tmwari' com-iaiuly on hand and manufactured to order. A I kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notice. The patronage of old friends and new cutlomiirg re p ictfully solicited. A. M. UUI'EIIT. Uloontaburg, November 3d 1510. tf. RLOOMSRURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. . rpiIE undersigned informs the citizens of Illoom, 1 X and neighborhood, that Iiu has taken tlio large room i at the Exchange lilock, extending over Harney Sltiliuer j I'.akcry. nud the llnokstoro where lie lias put in alargeSkyliylt, It is only by Skylight that good pic ' tares can bell iteu especially groups where each person I can bo taker! ist us well as separate. I lie lias eon to considerable cxnenso to make his i- tablisliiiient first class tun-, and lie th-'refore solicits a liberal patro age loanable him, tocoimantlv IntrcAJucu thn mods a improvements of tlm art. CvCoqn -y produce taken In Exchange for pictures 1IENKY EUSENSTOCU. lllnouisburg, Nov. 2.1 IBfiL Nov.fi '32 AND GEN'EIIAL COMMISSION MERCHANT ULOOMSllUKG, COLUMHIA CO., t . E7"ABTlt'l't.AU ATTCNT10N OIVIN '10 rATU.NT Rl IH-J September 5, 18U3 3m. JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANUFACTUIIEll t WHOLESALE DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNE I'S AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, Kb 25T North Third Stret, Phila d, X'ev W, l! i EVERYBODY WIIF. undersigned, grateful for pu t pntrnnago, respec 4 fullv Informs hlscustumcrs and the miblicgeucrnlly that ho has Just received from the I'.asUrno cities, th largest and most select stuck of Fall and v inter 9$ ii AA.- AMi9A Tli.it lias vsl been oneiied In ltlom imrg. tn which tie invites tho attention or his frlcim mid assures them thai they nra oircred fur salo ireat bargains. Ills Htfirk ,-niiinrises n larev nsror1m ' l nf ULiMiit.)uMi ttwsi 'it rninu, , Consisting ol Fasiiionaiilis Untss Cuus, of every ues crlptlon! rants, Vests, Bhlrts, cravats Blocks, cotton liailuHcrcilieis, uiuvvb, dubiiuhui i , ki. GOLD WATCHES .JKWi'LKY, Of every description, fino and cheap. N. II. Hcmeiober Loiccnhtrg'n Cheap pmptrlum.' call and see. Nochargo for exuininit lo"lJ-1, .,,.,. ll.WJll I.UU J.lMll.Uli lllnoinsburg, August 161,3. (Juno 1S50.) Anoiher Call. MOltE MEN WANTED I 11EVOLUTION IN HIGH PIUUES. LJlRGE ARRIVAL OF FalS & Winter Goods, AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ;.v .tour sTnr.F.r, coiuMiitA cou.wr, r.i, T I AH jiut rKCfilved Irom Philadelphia, nnd is now tl opeiiinViiffllio old i-tand lately occupied by Martz & Lot, a rpiwito nssortinent of Hlilchwill bo sold cheap lor OAFH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stockconslstsof Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles and latest f.uhlons Calicos, Muslins, Gingliains, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Ilosiory, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cas3imcros, Satinets, Cottoiiadcs, Kentucky Juaus, Threatl, &o. 0 roceries, Queens ware, Ccdarwaro, Ilanlwaru, Medicines, ' . Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. ROOTS & SHOES. HATS k CAPS. In shoiirery thing usunliy Kept in a country storo Tho patronage of old friends, and tho public general ly, is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market prico paid for country produro. , FETCH L'NT. Light Street, Nov. 7. 1803. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! IF YOU WANT TO RUY Fall & Winter Goods, GO TO t'reasy's Store, in Light Street, Pa. Who Keeps all Kin.ls of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, y IT A VLS Rcady-M-'tlo Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, CofTccs, Teas, Fish, Salt, Racon, Hams, Lanl, Tobacco, Sfjars, Hats, Root", Caps, Shoes, Drug's, Oils, Paints, &c., &e. In addition to our large stock or Dry Goods, we havo a large and full assortment nf Ueady .Made Clothing for .Men and Boys wear which wo nro determined to sell cheaper thin can ho bought elsewhere. Call and see, undf Bilge for yourselves. II. W.CItEASY & CO. Light Street. Nov. 7, 1FC3. THE NEW GUoCEKY SToItU. MORE FRESH (JOODS. Just received at Erusmus' New Store. Molasses, Sugars, Tens Coffee, Rico, Spices, ilaTS and Caps, ' Fish, Salt, 1 obacco, Segars, Candies, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with n great variety of notiouaand ctcuto tas, too numerous tn mention. (C"l!utler, Eggs. Meat and produtc generally taken ill exchange fur goods, A. V, ERASMUS. Illoomsburg, May 9, 1EU3, EIIESH ARRIVAL OF liili & Willi GOODS, A T Miller's Store. riMIL' eubsi-riber has just returned from Iho Cities X with another largo and select itssortinct of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, purchuscd nt Philadelphia, nt tho lowest figure, and which they aro determined to Bell on usniodorntu terms as ran bu procured elsewhere in Illoomtburg. Ilin stock comprises LjWIEV Dllr.SS GOODS, of choicest styles and latest fashion. DIIY GOODS, AM) OKOCF.ItinS, ItAHDH'AUK QUKKJVult'AItt:, cr.DAit irAHE, uojj.otr wauk ritOX, XAILS, HOOTS i S1101.8 HATS ry CAPS, Me., fe ye In short ever) thing usually kept iu country Siores to which he invite the public generally. The Highest prico paidfyr country produce. S. II. MILLER. Illoomsburg, Oct, SI, lfCX PETER YOI1E & SON. n AVE leer-ntlv t-Deiied a HOOT AND HUOE 811 W , JTl in LIOIIT HI It t.' I T Columbia c-iunty,lV aud nvil j piepared to uu ins uettworK on tun kii-itteit notice ct I it tie iowt tijitei, Otve iSin till. April 11, lJ. JPKlISltfDS & KlUIil'OVES OFTItn Bravo Soldiors nnd Sailors. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. All who have Friends and ltelntivcs In the Army or Nnvy should tttko nsiieelnl cam that Ihoy bo nmply sup piled Willi tlieso Pills nnd Ointment I and where the bravo Soldiers and Bailors have nrglecteil to provlds themselves with them, no belter present call bo sen them by their Friends. They have been proved to b tno fo dlcr s never tailing iricnu in tne imur oi neon ,.,,ttitiq ami COI.IIH API' F.CTlNd TllOOrd. COJJOIIS AND COLtlB At'TF.CTlN'l TUOOrd, Wllriio spcodly relieved nnd efiVrtnnlly cured by using these admirable medicines, mid by paying proper attention tu Hie Directions which aro attached to each Fot or Pox. HICK l!F.At)ACIIi:S AND WANT OF AP ETITL', iNCinn.vr.M.TOsoLDiuiia. 'llinso feeling whirli so sadden us usually nrlsefrom trouble or nnnoyniires, ohftruited peispirittion, or cnl lug ami drinking whatever is tinuhnl some, thus dis turbing tin hcnlthfiil actlmi of the liver and slomncli These organs must bo relieved, Ifyou desire to ho well Tiic I'HK tnkeii nccurdlng In tho printed lusttuctions, will quickly produce n healthy action In both liver nud atuinach. nnd, ns a natural consiuuouce, u clear head liinl good appetite. WEAKNESS Oil ni'.lltl.ITV INDUCED UVOVEIl FATIOIJE Will soon disappear liy the iiseof these invaluahla Pills, nud the Soldier will 'Pllckly ocuiic additional strength. Never let the dowels be c ither confined or unduly nctod upon. It may seem strange, that Hoi ! lowny's Fills should bo recommended ior Dysentery and Flux, many persons supposing that they would t Increase the relaxation. This is u great mlstako.for these Tills will correct the liver and sumach, aud thus i remove all the uirld humors from the system. Tills I medicine will give tonu and vigor to the wlioln organic system, however deranged, while health and Mreiigth lulluw ns a matter of course. Nothing will stop the ru luxation of tho Cones so sure at this famous luedi I cine. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS OF VOUTII. Sores nnd Ulcers, lllotchea nnd Swellings, can with certainty he radically cured. If the Pills are taken night and morning, and Ointment bu freely used as stated iu ' the printed instruction-.. If treated In any.'thor man ner, they tlry ii"1 m nu part lo break nut iu another Wiiereas thi 'Jiiiliuent will reiuovu tho humors Irom the syitem.nud leave the l'.ilii-nt a vigorous jnd healthy 'man. It will renulro a litllo pirseveraueu iu bad ia scs toinsitro a lasting cure. Foit wounds i: mil: ii occasioxed nv the liAVOXEF. SAIIIti:. OU 'I Ill-: I1ULI.ET, SOSES OK 11I1U1SES, To which every Soldier and Sailor nrc liable, there r.re no uii'illnes so safe, Hiiru, nnd convenient, iu llol I loway's Pills aud Ointment. 'I ha wounded nud almost I dying sull'erer might have his u munis dressed imine- i ilifitoK. If lm WDiild milt ttrnvlth, hlinHflf tilth tltld matchless Ointment, which should be thrurl iiitntlie wound and smearu'd all round it, then covered with a piece ofllucu from his knapsack and completed Willi a handkerchief, Talking, night and morning, UorS l'lllir, to cool the system and Prevent inll.im.ttion, F.verv Soldier's Knansack aud Seaman's Chest should I be provided with these valuable liemedles. I CAUTION! None nru genuine unless tho words 1 "Hollnwnys, New York and London " uru ilisceniuble as a Water-mark in every leaf of the hook of directions I nround tarh pot or box ; the same may plainly seen by holding the leaf to tho light. A liaudsome reward will 1 bo given to any one rendering such information as may lend to (ho detection of mi) party o; parties counter feiting the medicines or vending tho same, knowing tiiem to be spurious. Soldat manufactory ot Professor Ilolloway, E0 ' Mlailea Lane, New York, nnd by all lesnectablo 1 1 rti -- istsand Dealers in Medicine, throughout the clviUed wo;ld. in boxes atvlo cents, and !jl each. 3'l hero is considerable saving by taken the larger sizes. N. II. Directions fur the guldanco of patients in every disorder arealiixcd to each box. ILj" Dealers iu mv well known medicines can have I Show Cards, Circulars, &c., si-nt free of expense, by . addrisiing Tllu.MAS IIOI.I.OWAY, SO Maioks La.ne, Nkw-Yobk. Dec. 12, ieG3.-ly. Junu SI0, 103. $100 REWARD ! Fort a Medicine that will Cuhe COUGHS, IXFl.Ur.YZji, TICKU.VCI IXTUV. TJlhO.1T mwovixa-couaii, on uvurru cox su.Mi'Tirv coca us, .us uviucis oofs eouQU ummu Over Five Thousand Jiuttlis have been said ill its native town, and not a tingle in stance of its i n il u ru is known. Yo have, in our posi-.iuii, any 'pianlity of ccrtifi-t-ateti, some of them from t li.iutnl phy.ii i-tns, who , have used it I n tln-ir practice, nud giv.-u it the liru-cnii-nencc over ai.y other loaipo.ind. it u-vs dot dry up a cough, but luosens it, mi as t.) enablu lire patient lo ex peitorit'' ireely. Tno(rlhriie ,lost.t will int.iriahly cure tickling in the thiont, A half bottle has often completely cured tho most SI'UBIJORN COUGH, and yet. though it is so sure nud i-puudy ia its operation il Is perfectly harmless, being purely v. getable. It is very agreeable to thn taste, and may Ij anininistercd to children oi" any age. i IN CASES OF CROUP we will guaranteo n cure, if taken in scsson. No family shotld be without it, It is witlnii the reach of all, the prico being ONLY 2o CENTS. ' And If nu Investment nnd thorough trial does not bacK up 'tne unovo statement, uiu lummy it ill b; re- funded. We say this knowing Us uitrils, and feci ion ' intent t fidcrt that ono trial will s-icure for it a home in every nti!sn;:nl.l. llo 'mil waste nwny witli Coughing, when so small j un investment t ill cure you. It may bo had of -nny ro I tpe-ctublo druggist in town, who will lurnih ynu with ! u circular of gi-uuiui. tertiiicnies of cures it Iiuk made . C. O. CI.AIUC .t CO.. Proprietors, I I New IIavi ., Cr. i t3" At wholesale, by Joliimimi, Hollow av ;Cuwden, I .1 North Sixth Street, l'hlladclphia, i'a. For sale by, Druggists in rity, tountry, and uveryttlK-rc, i I sept, a laua-um I "TVT EV AND SECOND II AND SAFES, ' ' Formlo c cap at New York Safe liepnt,"71 Wil liam Street, New Vrk, , H. A. SIZE AND 1'UICES (1 II E G G. OF LILLIE'S FlllG PROOF SAFES. O UTS ID I'.: IIKIOI1 1. W ltlTII, DEPTH. No. t ai so so No. U Sti Si 21 o. .1 3D S4 21 No. 4 IU ii-i 24 No, 5 34 31 24 No. U id 31 81 1XS1DK: lltlOHT. WIDTH, DCFTlt, No. 1 17 II i2 No, 'J Ul ' I3J 12 No. 3 ill H 12 No. 4 Id 13 No S 21 21 14 No. G 31 21 13 rater,. No. 1 I-'id en No 2 I.II 1)0 No. 3 VII Wi No. I H Oil No. 5 lull Oi) No. 0 115 CO November II, l'ti.l. Grcenwoo ! Seminary. r.XaLISIl, CL.1SSICAL axd commercial school JOll UOTll S1ZXLS. T.'.M, FOTTS, Principal, Xathtmatici. JJook Kttping and Xaturul ieitneei. J. B, FATTON, A. M , ! Elocution. IMerature, andAniitnl ani XoJcrn Languages. ! Tho Scholastic year isditided into four quarters of eleven weeks each, commencing us follows :Uu the second Monday in August, tho lirel .Monday in November the third Mouday in January, and the bccoud Monday In April. TIIE F..PE8i:s Per quarter for Hoarding nud Tuition In Englbh, rangt) from ."J ulltu 931 UU. Languages, .Muric and Dilut ing uru extra liy For Circulars or further particulars, address tho Principal at MILLVII.LU, COl.U.MIIIA CO., FA. uciuocr ;i, iroaiy." PNntet, UookbiiKlrr k Hankliook M ANUFA C TU R ER; Wiioi.uti.1: ami Hui'Aii, DtALtr. in FRINTINO, WItlll.M. d.1,1 WRAl'l'INR FAI'ERS agent ran 'nie tatawusa rAmi mills, Main Street, first doorbclott the Public Spuare, WILKESJJARRE, PA. Nov. 23, lfclil ISm. A. V, t-Al'L. PAUL A. U. TIIOMFSON, & THOMPSON, WHOLESALE Jgjg! DEALERS I.N No. -Ill Noth Wharves, PHILADELPHIA, C7 HUT T Kit, UIIEESE, Nov H,lStji-12uio. II A M S, U c, ,3 RLA.NKS! BLANKS! 1 Oft every fAjf4iptioti, for sab ait tlilofli ECONOMY IS WEALTH-1 CURE YOUR COUGH FOItia CENTS The teat uivl cheapest Household remedy A in the IVorld. ' MADAME ZAD0C TOIlTEU's i MADAmi ZAiion rcn TF.U'S Curative llalsam Is warranted If used eecordlng 1 to the dlrcclinus. to etno In all I- j Conphs, Colds, W'liiji ,-i .i J! Cuiiiili, Aathirm ni)l nil .tllVctlons of iho thrtvut nnd Ldngs, Klailama Zadne potter's linlsain l prepared with nil the requisite skill, from n combination of tho best rem edies the vegelablo kinniloin affords, Its remedial -iit.'il : -ties uro bared on lis power tn nssl-l the healthy cir u latlmi nf the blood, tlirough tho Lungs. It l not a vio lent remedy, hut cnioili'tit waiinitig, scnnlilngiiuilen' edit e can be taken by tkj oldest person of the young, est child. ' MnilatnKadoc Portir' bal sam has been In use by the iiulillc for over 13 years, nnd has ncqnred its present sale imply by being rccnmnieii ded bt those w hn linvn used "rt to their nflllctcd friends and nilicrs. Most Important. Madame Zadoe Porter's Curative , Halsani Is sold nt n price which brings It In tin reach of every one to keep It convenient for use, Tho time ly Use of n single bottle will prove lo be worth 100, limes Its cost. NOTICr.. Save your money I Do not bo persuaded to purchase articles at Is tn ?1 which do not contain tlm virtues of n Flceiil bottlo of .Madama Porter's Cu rative Ilalsaiu, the co-,t of manufacturing which H RJ great as almost nny other medicine ; and tho very low prece at which ft isaold, makes tlm profit to the sell er nppn. ntly small, and linprlnelpalcd dealers wl soiiH'liuies recommend other medicines on which their profits nru larger, unless the customers Insist upon ha'vinc Madame Porter's nnd nono otlier. Ask for Mndnme rorter's L'nratlvn l:nlnm. price Elccnts, ami n largo bottles nt 55 oc'ils, and taku no other. T7-Sold by all l)rugglts iind Storekeeper at 13 cts. a,. 1 in larger bottles ni 'il cents. II.W.L, KUCUI.U, i r.pricturs, .'eiv lorn, January SI, isc:i. SOLDIERS IN THE ARMY AND OUR FEOTLE AT HOME Are now offered an opportunity by which they can ob t il,, liOOIl AND D IltAllLi: TlME-l'tOi:. at n v-rv liw liTiirn. Our Watches are warrants! tn kuen time i one vear, and the buyer is allowed the plivilege ot i ities iu advance, nro cured by a very briof course of examination before payment is required. . this marvelous medicine. Fever and Ague patients, Improved Dupluv Iu lull Itiiby Actions. A first class ' after being pulid will! 'lUlnins for months iu vain, un. Hunting Timn-l'iei'u of silver iuulcri.il, over which Is , til fairly saturated with that I'angcrous alka'oid, are' electro-line plated IS k. gold, most durably wrought. 1 n"l unfre'piently restored In henlth within tt few days making the Imitation so faultless that it cannot ho . by the use or IIOSTriTTRK'H UITTEPS. detected froui the solid material by tho most cxperi- The w eak stomach is rapidly invigorated nnd the p-eiu-fd Judges ; ncidswill not cll'ect It. Loinlnu lAade I petite restored Ly this agreeable Tonic, and hence it luovcmeui. iiiiproveu wupn-A in inn ruiiy iictiuu, una weeii seconds, and is not to bu excelled in general an pt-aranee. 't his is decidedly one of the best articles t-Ver ollVred for traders and speculators. Engineers, emigrants, nud persons travelling will find them su perior to tiny other , alteration of ili.uato will nut of lett their accuracy. Price, packed iu goo I shape and gooJ ruuniugurller, only S t.", or caso ot li for 3'u(l. SILVIlIt IJOUI1L-E TI1IE HUNTING LEVEItS, Host duality Silver Cases, overwhirh electro-fino plated li k. gold, similar to our Improved Duplex, and superior mljui-ted movements Willi Stoi."to lie used in timing horses, etc. ; has Four Indexes for Washing ton nnd tireentvicli time, sweep cecond. and all the improvements. All in nil, taking its beautiful nud f.mltless annearaut'o and Its sui-rior movement into consideration, wo regard it as decidedly the cheapest arlii Ic of the kind iu tho inatkct. Price, in good run ning order, :!., or, caso of li for 8-100. ( "Wo ask o pay in ndtauce, but will forward either of llieni to responsible partus, to any part of the loyal States witli bill payable to expressman when Hie goods aro delivered, glviog the buyer tho privilege nf examination, and. if not satisfactory, the watch can bu returned at our expense. Theexpress companies refuse making collections on soldiers and other parties In the disloyal States, con sequently all such orders must be accompanied by tho cash to insure attention. We makendeductron oftwn dollars on either twitch when the payment is forward in alliance. Money may he sent hy express at our ox pensu. TilOS. CAFFEIITY CO., IKIand Mllroad St opposltu Pity Hank, Providence, li. I. October 31, 1003 linn. , EVANS t WATSON ntfio assortment or hire rhliT nrnef Salamander Safes. 'XriiiS makes oflocks equal to nny uinda in Iho United Slates. ncfiaffin oi" .fi". .HI cam! out right; tci't.4 cor tears ia uood condition. The Salamander Safes uf Philadelphia against th, world. EVANS k WATPON, hava hail tlin surest deniotration in tho following ci-i lillcat" thr.t their manufacture of Salamander Sales has nt length fullv warranted the r..pr,'sf ntations tililch havo J liei-n made of Ihem us rendering an uitdoulitoil s -curity ! against the terrific (.lenient. Philadelphia April 15. leJO. Xtur r.can Sr Watson. (Jentlemen It nfl'ords us the highest satlsliction to state .to you, tt. it imiugito the very protective qualities cfttto of the Salamitiider, S.ifc-s which wo purchased e f you some five mouth since wu i.tvou a large portion oi jenriry. anil i.ii uur in oKs, tt, exposbU 10 the calaminous, fire in ltausdcud place on III - nu, ruing of 111" 11th mt.. Wlien wo rofioct ht tln-te tsnfos were located. in the fnurlh s(o-y of the building w oet 'lj.ti-tl nnd that tli.-v fell subsoqiiently inton lii-ap nf burning rttini. nliero the vast concentration of tho h. a; cutised Hie braes nlntLS to melt, we cannot hut rrgurd th - preservation ot their val uahlr t-'intcnts r.s most convincing pro' f of the great se curity alforded by jour safoB. We shall tu'eo great plT.surc iu rccoiumendingtliCia. men of bu, in -ss as a sure retiaui e aeaiut flrt. cEomn: w. si.m.monsa. into., .ttuVir-j. CC7"rh5j lint-j since pnrchused six large S.ifi-'i. July 2'1, JStVJ. fAngustai 1F2! PHILADELPHIA & ERIE This great line traverses tho Northern nnd Ninth -.vest eouuties of l'ci-n s 1 v.m ia to Uu cit) of En., oil ' I Lake Erie. j ! It has bi'on leased hy the Pennsylvania llailroad ; Company, aud under their auspices is being rafidly opened throughout its entire length. i It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business j from iinrrisimrg io tuiporiuiu, (iuo miier)on tne East ern Division, and froui She-(held to Erie (78 miles on the Weslern Division. I timb or rissc-focr. trains at .sor.Tiitucr.BLtsD. Mail Train leaves, East (i SJ A. M, Epross Train " " 11 2t F. M. Mail " " West i 47 Express 43 A. M. Cars run tlirnugli with eiiANor both waya on thes? trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and i , ISaltimore and Lock Envoi. New andelogint Sleep- ing Cars iiccompauing th Express Train boili ttaji ' i between Williaiiisport and llaltimorc, and Williams- 1 i purt and Philadelphia, I For information respecting 1'assnnger busineas, ap I ply at the S. E. Cor. 1 J til and Market Sis. ; And for Freight business of thu tjompany'a Agents: ! S. K. Kiugeton, Jr., Cur. 13th and Market Sts., I'll 1 1 a I J. IV. Uetnolds, Erie. ' J M. Drill, Agent N. C. Ii: R lialtimure. ! II. II. lluiistou, (iun'l. Freiglit Agt , Philadelphia, I Leu is I.- Hntipt, (leit'l. Ticket Agt. 1'hiladolphi.i. , Joseph I). I'otti.Geii'l. Manager, Wllliameioit. ! October 31. 1603. . ' i WjES'a'SiGt E20? e-;e, No3. 0 11.13 15 17 Coill tlarilU Sttei ios, ,i, 11,1,1, io, x VjuUlliailiK obit-lti NEaH BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. This old-established and favorite resort of the Iiusi- plete iu everything that can minuter to Hid comforts of its patrons Ladies aud fanillie. urc tpccially and caro - fully provided for. it i icnirauy locaieu iu tne bu-lness part orthe city, and is contiguous to Iho principal lines cf steamboats, cars, omiiibussos ferries, &c. In ennsjquenco of thoprtusuro caused by the Itobel Hon, prices have been reduced to One Dollar ai d l'ijty Cents per Day, The tablet is amply supplied with all the luxuries of Hie season, andisequal to that of any other hotal in the accommodations aro olfcred for upward of li'o guests, K" Do nut believe runners, hackmen, a'nd others who may say "the Western Hotel Is full." 11. D. WINCHESTER. l'murlMn.. THOS. D. WINCHESTER. Teh. 15,leC2. nHE Proprietor of this well-known and centrally Iocs 1. ted House, the Exciianub Hotel, situate on Mai, Street, iu llloumsliurg, immediately opposite the Coluin bia County Court House, respectfully informs his friendB and the public in general, that his Mouse Is now iu or del for tho reception nnd entertainment of travelers who may feel disposed to favor it with their custom, Ha has spared no expense In preparing tho Eiciianob, fur the entertainment of his guests, neither shall thero be any.' tiling WAHting (nu his part) tn minister to their personal comfort. His house is spacious and enjoys uu excellent husinesslocntion, 07" Omnibuses run nt all times between the Exchange Hotel and tho various Rail Road Depots, hy which trav elers will be pleasantly conveyed to and from tho re spective Stations in duo time to meet the Curs. VM. H. KOONS. niooinsburg, July 7. 16CQ- GOT MSlBlft. 8, THOMAS HROWN, Barber. llI.OO.MHM.'lta, COLUMIIIA CO., I'A, L'sop lit Oourt House Allsy utn thn ;imral Office. n'iiiiii li, toe;. CELEBRATED STOMACH A pure and powerful Tonic cirr'ctlve nnd olterttlTt of tvunderful ellLucy In dlicasi of the RT03IAIH, LiViat AND R0WKLS. C'rcs Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, Oeneral , Delilllty. Nervousness, Depression of Cplrlt, Uou I ttipatinn, Colic, intermittent Fevers, Crsmpi , hnd SpnsuiB, and all omplainti of cither Sex, nrlsing from Ilodily Weakness whether inherent In tho sycteni it produced by Bpecinl causes. ' NiiTiiimMhat it not whtdesome, genial and restora tive in Its nature i nters Into Ike composition nfllOy. TETTF.H'3 STOMACH II1TTEI18. This popular pre. luiratloii inntains nu mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical element! no fury excitant ; but It Is a eomlii i na Ion nfth extracts of rare balsamic herbs mi l plants Willi tho purest and mildest of all diffusive slim ulciits, I It Is well tabu forearmed ap.iln.t disease, nnd, so far ' as the human system can be protected by human means I against mnludies engendered hy an unwholesome nt I itiorihcre. tmnure witter nnd other external cau'en. IIOS I ETTLT.'d llllTEIlS may be reliod on as a safe guard. In districts infested withTrrer and.lgnt, it has been found lulalllble as a preventive and irresistible ns a remedy nnd thousands who resort to it under appre hension of anattnek, escape the scourge ; nnd thousands who ncirlect Ion villi themselves of its nrotcctlve lual- woras woiuieis in cii-t-t ui jjiiii.t mni ju u-bh con firmed forms of indigestion. Acting as a gentle and painless npperient, as well as upon the liver, ilalno invariably relieves the Constipation superinduced by Irregular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Persons of fuenlo habit, liable .Verceus WHccAs, Low nisi cf tnlrif nud Mle of Languor, find prompt and permanent relief from llin Hitlers. The testimony on l Ii in point is most conclusive, nud from butn sens The ugony of llillius Colic is immediately ns.-uaged hv n single dose of the stimulant, and by uctvisinnally resorting to it, the re turn of the complaint may be pre v eiited As n general Ton'c, IIOSTETTER'S DITTEr.S pro duccelfjcti which must ho experienced or witnessed beforu they can ho tully appreciated In cases of Con stitutinnal wi nkno's, premature decay anil debility and decrepitude arisin ; from old oge. it exorcises tlu elec tric influence In the convalescent stages of all diseases it operate ns n delightful invlgotnnt. When tlm pow ers oi nature nro relaxed, it operates to re inforce nnd re-establish them. Last, but not leant, it the nnls safe stiinulent. bcinir manufactured from sound and innocu ous materials, and e ntirely free from tho acid clemc-mt present more or less In all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day. No family medicine ha b-en ao universally, nnd It may be truly added, dcurvtdli popular with Un- Intelli gent portion of the community, us HOcTETTEll'd Ul ITERS. l'repari tl by IIOSTETTER & SMITH, FIT'lSHUIUill, F. C7Sold by all Druggists, Urocers and Storekeepers every where. November SI, 1303-ly. HELSriBOLD'S Genuine PiT.parations. COMPOUND FLUID EXTItACF flUCIIU, a posi tive and ep -cific .tetuo-iy for diseae-i ot the bladder, Kidneys, (Jrnvel, and dropsical swellings. Thin meditiui- inirc.-iea the patter uf digestion, nnd exriie the nh-oib-'nts into healthy action, by which th? Winery or Calcareous depot itious, end nil Unnatural F.ul.tigeuicmenti are reduced, as well as pain aud In. (tarnation. -:o: IIELMDOLD'S EXTRACT IJUCIIU. For weakness nilsmg from Exses;cs, habits of Dm. sipation, Early tndlrcr'-tidn of Abuses, attended with the following symptoms :w ludi-pnsitmn to Excrlioii, Lots of Power, Loss of Memory. Difficulty of Ureathing, eak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Dii-ase, Puln In Hie Hack, Universal Lassitude cf the Muscular System, lint Hands, Eruptions on ths Fuc-, Dryness cf tiie Sliin, Eluthing of the lied). Pallid Countenance. Thea svmptoms. If allowed to go on ttl lch tbu medicine iinariably removes, soon follow iMi-ortNLY, rArirrv, Krii.tnic I itt, In oti3 of nliicli the Patient may rc-ipiire Who can s.ty tlmt tliey are nol frequently followed by thoao "Direful Diseases " "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." .Many are uwarn of the cause- of their suflcring, but nono will confess the records of tho Insane A.'ylunm A nd mtliiiiclioly ih-alhs by Consumption bear ample I witness to tne trutn tu tun asiertiou. i The Constitution once effected w itli organic weakness ! n ipilres tiie aid of .Medicine to strengthen nnd Invig oj.tle Iho tyslc-iii, which lielmbold's l.xtract liiirhu in t variably does. A lri,ii will conduce the most skeptical. :oi- FKM ALES FEMALES. In many ufl'isctlons peculiar to reniales th3 Extract fiucliu is unequalled by any other remedy, ns in Chlo rosis or P.e-tenllnii, irregularity, painfulnos, or Sup pression of Customary Etaniatlons, ulccruled or scir rhous stale of th-j Uterus, Lcuchorrhee-i or Whites, Sterility, on I far all complaints incident tn the sex, whether uriuig from indiscretion habita uf dissipa tion, or In the DLC'LKS'E OR CHANGE OF LIFK. -:o:- Takenn mote llaliain Mercury, or unpleasant Medi cines for unpleasant nnd dangerous diseases Helm hold's Extract lliichu and Improved Ilosa Wash cures secret diseases in ull their stages. At little expens. Little- or no chiiige in diet Nu Inconvenience, an uu exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength tn Uri nate thereby removing obstiuctions, pievcnting and rnrlnrr .irieitires of tho Urethra, allavine nalii and in- fiammurion. so frequent iu Iho class of diteuses, and expelling all poisonous, diseased and wornout matter .1-,,ri,..:i,1ja,UDo,,ousand. who have been the vi Timus.inds UDon thousands who have been the vir,. tlms of quacks, and who liavo paid heavy fees to H cured in a shurt time, liave found limy were deceived and that the "POISON" has, by the use or -povmiui astringents" been dried up In the system, to break out ' l" oggiovated form.ind perliaps after marihge, . Use lielmbold's Extract llucliu for all affections amt discuses of the Uiiimry Organs, wnether existing In Mnla tnd Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of ho v long Handing. Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of a Diur etic. He-lmbold'a Extract lluchn is the Oreitl lliureilc, and iscertain lo havo desired cfT.cl in all Ditsases for which it is recommended. Evidence of tha most reliable and retponilblj chir uctcr will ctccuDipany the medicine. Price $1 per Bottle, or fl for $5- Delivered to eny address, securely packed from obser--vatinn. Describe symptoms iu all bouununications, Cures guaranteed, advice gratis. Address lelteis for Information to II, 11. IIEL.MIIOLD, Chimin, 101 South Tenth-sh, below Chestnut, I'hila. HELM HOLD'S .VcJifilf Depot, i HELMUOLD'S Drug and Chtmictl ll'arlltani, 534 llROADWAY, Nw osu. 1 llcwaro of Counterfeits and unprincipled dealets who endeavor to dispose "of their own" and '-othar articles on the reputation attained by lielmbold's oen u I no Preparations, Extract Uuchu, Extract SarsapitiH, Improved Rose Wash. FOR SALE 11 Y All Druggists Everywlioro. ASIC FOR HELMIIODIl'S. TAICF NO OTIIFK, Cut out the Advertltaiue-ni and send for il, AnJ avolJ impaiiuau tut i(.inr N SI, USa-Ty
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