COLUMBIA DliMOClUT, DLO OMSBURG, PENN'A. - Did any of our delinquent subacrl bors for we have some over think of ibis j "What would you think of a farmer Svbo had raited n thousand bushola uf wheat, and who would sell it tu u thousand differ- out persona scattered all over thu Stnte.i Gatui'day Morning, Jan. 23, 1004. y?" , C Oourt oommoncoB in this plauo on lanu" "grco to wait a year (or hia pay Irom t 1 .1. ... . S , 1- . I I . . . .. . Monday week, cucu 01 anu u one nan oi tucm urn I not pay at the end of the year, hu should CQT" Mr. Nathan Bomdoy, advertises B'vo tutm atiothor bushel of wheat and raltt able town property for sale, in to-' u8rec 10 wail all0'ucr yQar 'or his ):iy,and day'a Democrat, i thus1K u,f 'r iM ar , How lone ,,, ! would suoh a larmer caeapc bittiliruptoy T CQrTho CotusmiA Dumociiat, of l'fobably not much longer than publishers lust week, evidently hurt grcasas tho Hmut Machiue, jade winces. Lst-her-rip 1 FEB U U A RY COURT. For Thkee Nights, Court Proclamation. Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, tho thing who '"owspapord who follow such a nnietioe. ,, rpi n , 11 cnsU 1,10 editor ol ;i weekly paper as c. me gallcU 1)ucu to .unply a thousand subscribers January 83rd, 25th and 26th. mi as upply a thousand subscribers : with it for one year us it costs a farmer to ' raise a thousand bushels of wheut. The ' fanner sell bis wheat in bulk, iNowspi.' perB are bold to a thuusand different poi sons, living in different towns in the county, and different counties in tho State, and ho must wait till tho end of tins year before ho can net his payment, mid then he depends wholly upon tho honesty and responsibility of the subscriber, for it im possible that lie rhnuld know tlie charac ter of all his subscribers. It will not pay him to i;o around, or scud around the county to collect his duos. It would cost more than the colltctious would come to. Wo hope our readers will one and all j think of tbiJ, aud endeavors to Mjuare off ,, : , - , , , at least owo u year. u o nave manr Cut I be Lackawauua and 15 ooinsbure ,. . , .', , ... persons on our liat who have never paid l.ailroad runa ou a new tunc table, since .tiwtliiii j o New Hulk JZ& Tiiat insidious disease, the Scarlet' (ever has niai'o its appoaranoo in lilooma lurg. 11 v referring to our obit.iary do pertinent, it will be noticed that thu dis ease has robbed ouo family cf thru of its jewels. ' Car A Uoostcr fiht, by game chickens of Bloounburg and Ikrwiuk is on tip-toe. A 'large number uf sporting men of both places, have subscribed somo StfO 00, a hide, Tho light to take place in Blooms- burg, A high time by "the b'hoys'1 w expected. Monday last. Tho pajscuger train passes i JJIoomtburg, going soulli at 8,25 p, i n . , and tho traiu going North at 0,1)5 a, in. ' Blight changes aro also made in tho run- jiiujr, of tho freight traiui. See alv. , . ,.. I C fin. 1'r.n John has lately been braucliiug out on various and sundry sub jects, with whioh hois Justus well acquain ted as be is with the man in tho moon. Wo adviso the Dr. to ttick to tho nigger nud provo him to bo 'a man aud a brother.' That sort of equality is about equal to his .capacity ; and is what Uncle Abu wan la him to bo and to do. ! JG A New Hulk. It. Inn been the practice bcrutufuro for lawyers aud phytic- ians to plead thee.ue of parties applying for'esi'inption beforo thu board of enroll ment, numbers of tho legal fraternity havo materially increased their cull fuuds by this menus, receiving l:ir;;c fees for their tenices. This practice is now discontinued as the I'rovost Marshal General has issued an older in regard to it, in which ho says: "The practice of allowing physicians and lawyers to plead cases of exemption be foro the board is improper, and will at ouch be discontinued." Dcr.Ds, Many persons aro doubtless ignorant of tho law requiring deeds for l.iud, made within tho State, to bo record ed withiu bix mouths, or thoy will be de clared void against subsequent purchaser? or mortgages for value. Ignorance of tho law cxciiseik no man, and thereforo own ers of property would do well to noticothe requirements of the present statute. 1 ho Original an, I Magnificent tUOIUMV or Ilia BURNING OF MOSCOW. Now ami l-nn ut i fill Dioptric I'ulnllng, nml nmuslii?, cciice In Ventriloquism by the world renowned Int. lunrlst, Mil (lAI.I.AOlinit. Admission 15 cents, Doors open M 7; to communis HI n c.ock, January 53, ISuI, I SPECIAL NOTICES i C'lONHl'MPTIVr. Huffer will rcceivo a voluatili- I Vprcicrlptlnn rot the rura nfLYnsiinipllon, AslMina, lltoiifhltlii, and nil Tlirnnt nml I uiir tiL'tctlPTi-, (Itcc ! uf ct:argo, by tcinlltiK tln ir nilitreA In : i:r:v. k. a. wii so v. j VVil!iai:iibur;li, Kliifs CV, Now Vurk. I Jnnniiiy 9.1, l-;04. Cw. j Hosteller's Biticra llnv r.vcivil the warmest ''Mcomlutin from thojuoi nml pnpio tliriiiiL'hoijt tin Onion an a vnluolilc tonic fur til" cur.' nf l)yf,i;n-l.n. I'liitulotKi', ('iiii.llpiilli'ii uiiJ ccn.'ril ii. rvoiM uulniily it . .iimct lif npiirrntli' il. Uvcryilny now c.iiij if il irri'iit ull'ocl nru clirunlrlcil tlirouuli our rlni-i,.ul pMhtlt' jourunla. Tli-r i.notti Init i",ial to tlio I'lijuyiiiunt tu that which Ilia alllicluil cxp''ri,icn wlicn till, vnlualiln gpecific. Its mild lone, its hiiri' nn.l ItfnrotH nrtioii upon n dUonl.'ro.l Moumi'li, an ,1 tho cIimiihiiu' "t tho cntlrii lmtnan body bIiouI.I r .'re in u ! ii . I it to n I cLisshh uf our cuiiiiiiunlt) . , HiiK AI)Vi:ltl ISIIMl'.NT. Tor oal, t.y llrui;ist nml iltaicrs ucncriiily. January 'J, 1:6 L Uv. pilK OnNFKS.SIONS AND KXiK- i. HIDNI'K OP A NKUVOIM INVAI.IIl. -rublislicd for tho lii'ti.MH nml m a ciuition to vnuii2 men. and othor. ln nlli:r I'riiiu !'oroun llobilily, Unily ller.iv, I anl tlH'ir Ktinitcii niiiiiont rnppl ins mo lui'iiiia "I ncir. nir?, lly mi': 1in ua. citr"il hium'tf after lifint; a vie tim of iiiiplfi,'.,ail rnufidi'iice in nifdiinl hiiinbuit n it 1 u.irkrry. lly .'tit-tniiiu u poat.Mld directed cntelopt, vineltj conic. iu.ty ho hid of tho author, NA I'll Nint. JlAYFAIll,.n.. Iledl'oxd, liuisa county, Nun-Vurk, Jtnuary 21. lBa ly. Uniformity olPrlcc ! A New IVaturojn Dublin's I'.vrrv nnn Ins omi ! JD.VKri .t ("(). of the Un-K'-nt ilnu 1'ilro (,'lothlii,, fctore, No. Sill .Marketslrect Hhovo Hixth, rtiil.idi'lphi.i i;iinrtUAB, thu Hoi, ni,wi!t.t., rre-nlonl Judfo crtin Lonrl nroycr uninvrmincf mi l opii ml Jnll Delivery, Court of Uuiutet t Kflunt of tin Peara nml Court of Common I'lcm nnd tlourt, )n tho aitli Juilliinl Dlitrl'.t, comnotnd i t tin i ontitioi of Columbia, Sullivan audWynniin;, nnd the lion, John M'rttiynolds&Htophcn naldy.Aasociat. JudoiiorC'oluiii bin county, have luued their procept.licnrlnsdato tlie ?lh tiny nf Dec., In the year of our l.urd ono thouiand rlflit hundred and lUty-tlirro nnd to mc directed for lioldins a Court of Oyer and Terminer nnddeneral Jail delivery, (leticral Quarter Hesiloiif of the l'race, Cnmnion I'll nnd Orphan's Co'ilH, In llloomfliurR, I" iho county rf Columbia, on tho firm Monday, (lu lim tlm lnt day of 1'i.Lriinr V next, to rotitinuo ono week. Notice ii hereby tho Coroner, Iho Jnitlci'S of Iho fence and ('oiiktabien of tho mid rouiity of (,V. iinihla Hint tli"y bo then nnd there In their proper per. nuns at ID o'clock In the Ion noon of naid ilny with I tie ir record., Inqiiltltioiin nnd the r reinembrnnio lo do thoto lliltign which to their odlcei npptttalii to bmloue, Atid tho.o that nro houinl by tecoiriilxance, tn pro-ec uto niinlnit tho prlnonern that nrv or inny be In thu Jail of mid county of Columbia to bo then nml there to prove i nto them as thnit lie jitat. Juror nro reipteitteit tn bo I punctual In tilth attendance, ngrcenbly tn tludr nitli,-. i w ) tinted at liloomibutg. tho i-th day of lire. I., t'. ln the year ef our thounniid eieht ( )huudri'd nnd tixly thrco, And in the cUhly eighth year of the Independence or tho tinned fctntci ' of America, i (inn save hie 'immou kai.iii. i i JDrtlAII II. ruit.M AN, tiliei iir rihcriira Ulllce, llluoiutburg, Jan. 1. Itri. Wffltt Alcoholic'POSTS A HIGHLY COKCt'NTHATKl) RCIPTl A PUHti 'IVK1C. Is (lie Vital Principle of (lie t inn Tret. Ctilalnoit by n peculiar tuofor. in Iho dlrtillallon of the tnr, by which II. lilfiheit medicinal propeillei flta retained. It i tho inedlclno thai cures when all other Ihtu Mlod A Ctcnt Remedy for Consttniplioii. t am continuity receiving audi ccillflratci ta (ho fullooinc. IIIIAI) 1T1 tin. VuuAT-I)enr fllr -t lud a very dreadfu couuli nnd me tlitont fir one year, nnd tn)' whole ty- iriu v. u. rtii vii,j( t, iv, nun ,ii,ib, mi.u.i mi n,j mi f.i.l . . . .1 IIUIUUII UCIHK i. livi iiumis mu' !'!:V!!'" M.JAUunuw, i-nuaucipni, ra. , , . - f lhe ,0i -rhl. IIIIIIIV. I .HQ ", , 1 ,1, Ul. III. illlliiv.t ... ... wi I j t .... . . I mint have fn!i tnmy irrare.iiut tnariK i.on.iny untiitn ter-lii law wnuiu nut lent until li.o went i Nu. IM N, Heeund Hlreet, anil relntcil my DOCTOR HOri-'LAND'S G ERM AN BSTTB RS rscrARiiif uv TcitIWd pinaoter iu flantlago, CavilL-DurnlUB of the Cathe dral 64 0. Whole Congregation. Over 2,000 People Lost.-- 1,000 Dead Bodies Ilccovered from the Ruins. Tho Btcanicr Atnorira, from flvv,Yorr;. 1 October !J0. arrived at Panama Jan. 1- . . .1. Kite lirougitt news troni vuiparatso tuac tho cathodnl in Santiaco, Chili, caught tiro on tho 14th tilt., from ibc ojploroti of a cas nine, when densely crowdnil wttn linman beinJ. The doora wem f6or I trs.r An (xchango says-: ''While trav ,.lii,,r rr r-oni v iii :i t . i t ' 1 1 1 r t-i 1 1 rr Statu wo i Iii u l litl.m tr. Iitvinir the larj-o.t. mo,.t -.arioil nnd w...0 j too i fa.iiioiiablo htork ol ( lothiui; ill I'lul.iib'lpliia. maduet rpilIAL LIST, imi. 'JUllM, 101, I Philip VVlnter.teen t Valentino Winter. teuu J Henry Wells t (leorge Kin r. Jr. a Jacob Cycr t Abraham IUne. I Abraham Klase u Jacob Hyer A Jacob V. f. Hewitt, (use) tJ Samuel I,. Ilottlo. tl I lljah McMurtrie, ot al is Christian Wolf, 7 John It lion man It Co, ui Leonard ti Ilujierl, b l.oulsa lloivcn vs i:iinbcth Duliui. tl Jacob 1 1 a r 1 1 - vi I'rter Jacoby. 10 Jacob "mid tl TiliiMH Nailr. II Crorpo Miirb .', it al i") .1 V Ctlswell, ot al l liavid ll. lnhold ti .Michael Drover. Ill Uinrtt'l I'Vtokert'j Williiim lUlor. II Itf.U.'iitt VandenlUc r ileorf llodaOu. 1.1 Win. K. l.nuci'rbi ri r's t al vi Cluiitlcu Wolf j1 at Id lil'Sujb. it u Kenbeii Kicely. 17 l Y ll 'iihiird Hr.i v) llas I) Udgar. 15 Irani' i . i .iroy ce .niriz , i.iii. 1'J Joseph 1' Long r l.nno II I'allun Si Joacph llaitmuu vs lleiiben l.lna. Ill Urbocr t 'rraiisno Wlilinm 'l'rau lie iii Jacob Tcrrtllli'iMr t' Thomas Meroditli. Ul Jacob llurli, lix'r. tw Jessu Uuik. SI II II ll i'.irt et ul ti William Dennlson et al. Hi Mii-liat l lierlilaii, vi I'atrick fliahuii, Adm'r. "d Wilson ts Joseph r. Long IIjvU Arh. nb.ich tt John Warden. e S)lvester J I'.inx use vs II I' R,igliard, et al. '.'J John JlK.:r llichard U. J!mi;li Jia.1i: C'OLL.MAiN, 1'rtlkinUry , l'ltOTUUN.TtUY't OlFrCK, I I'duoiiijburg. January IU, liill.) GRAND JURORS. Illoom -Matliew Wjtikoop, Hrusl, r Itfiilon I'aiuiii I It. Kline, Reuben (iibboii. llrnnreeR -Archibald lloiirv, Jnmes Adams Centre -Uonluinlu Ir'unler, Tillman llr htrou J, I.ul UeileiMi. Kisliincrrerk- Samuel Coleman, rruiiklio -JoUn Laurence. 11,'iniock Jaini'. Coat, tieorge Uusscl. Jackson Mnthew .Mcllenry. Liicii.t Mark Williams, Ceo. Fensttrinaher, Henry llelK'. Mount I'leaiatit -Andrew Ikeler, MadUoti Jno. Doll m. in. (Iraiiga Mose Lverett. &ugailo.if- Henry C Ileus, Alinas Cola. TRAVERSE JURORS. leeched in change a silver three cent piece. We were of courso iuipriscd, but kept discreetly muiii Un retiiini; tor the BJDr. J. Uollisteu, delivered a Lec ture on Palestine and exhibited vicw'D of the Holy Laud, Bcenes of tho Var, etc., on Wednesday evoning in the First Pros bytor'uin Church of liloomsburg Uollister's Lecture wad not only very 1 .good, but bin views were exceedingly in- j teresting. Wo were pleased to obtorve ' that the home was rilled to its utmost ca pacity, aud the audience highly delighted. night haviug lirst eloMid the blinds, so cured the door and loolted under the bed, we took out I he coin to indulge in a good look at its shiuing aud once laiuiliar face,1 wheu we.discovered, to our (sorrow, that it was bojus." .Uoor fellow, the bard cash j joys of tliU life ate fleeting ami delusivo. , partieill:irly in thetc ti.urs of ahliiplabters ' , . , . pri'saly for retail Miles, have ruostituteil tvery tiiie his own saleinaii. hv h.ivine' marked in lisuri-H. on cnoh urticleul tlie M'ry lowest pneo it can he sold for siithey cannot po.sibly v.ery 'ill must buy allKe. 'Ihoeooii aiu mI fioui;e'd and prepared and great pains Liken with tl, making so that nil can liny with tliofull nssitranra of p-thug u ood nrtielo at the ory lowest prim. Also, a large stock of piece goods on h tiul of the latrst stylo and best qualities, v, v. ill bo mado to order, in tin-niovt f,ibiouablu und best tnaum r, e'.'i ner cent. Iitd.iu ereillt l.nees. lU'nieui'u.. r tin- Cr.'.ci ut. In Market above Sixth street t i,H JDM'.rf It t tl. uud uhodily. , Of this Cite, h is undoubtodly discovered In his out bina.ion the treatment of liysp'psia ono oflliu ' greiti-'l rineilies tint has ever hrn civen tu siitr. 1 ermi; luinnnity: Ho has treated within th" past two ! years soiu. thlns over iiln" thousand cases In his prl i vate praillre, many of whiili had delied the tkill of eminent plivsMaus In r.uiopu r.d Ameriea, and in .vniriiio (vlmri! the nieilieinns wre taken areirdinir r There! is a guai deal of logic in the reasoning of tho aboliiiouUts, about the nigger. The last syllogism which We have seen going ibc rounds of the papere jiuts the thing in tho following light: 'Why is a negro eq'ial to a white man ! Answtr-lJecause God made them both." According to this logic, a Jaekasa io crjutl to Dr. John. edy (J.ipl. A. G. Thoknton, of ihe "Hurley Guards,'' Bitli K-gimont Penn'a. Volunteers, couiiectod with the Army of tho Potomac, is at homo, in Columbia county, on furlough, dpt. Thornton, is a vetem soldier, having paiticipatod with the gallant 81th in every action, in which the Army of the Potomac havo been in r.;aged. lie returns to tho Army again in a few daye. Our beat wuhes go with .him. lib'RM.vo or Moscow Our readers ... , , . . , , .... tu dire, lions, tliev have mr.ile , i perfect cire. Many or Will bo pleated to leaiil tout tilO thrilling were of over twenty years standing. , ' ,. , , ., I 'llioso who are troubled with Dyepepua would do wrll lueall atllio linctor-i mate, no given j ii' v ice (roe. l'rrons at a distance ran i by letti r iWribmz the llr. Wi,-hart' treatment put up in secure p'ack.izc with full directior.i, is scut by ei press mi the receipt of Six llellars. N. I'. In nil ea-e whore the dljene has not beconn rlironie. Dr. Wihart' IDspepsl.i Pills are all that is rc'iuired. on tho receipt of llno'ilol nr Address llr. I., (l. C. Wnh.iil, I'liil.ide'ph'n. PWi aud innumfict'Dt dioraiiri of the conllagra , tioti ot Mo&omv, beautiful dioptric paiut- iugs and amusing scenes in Vontrioqtiisnt, may Lq witnessed at the (Joint llou-'c for . three cvcuiugs,cun)uieijciii Saturday, .lau. JUid. This eiiitertaituneiit is highly .com- itieti'.led by tho Press dc'.phttl ledger. Dec. IV, lHiia-tim. nioom 1 ter lliltmeer, raleb Hart in Jr., Henry 0. rtiillips. Lev i L. 'I itte, Jacub It. (.roiil, llenjaiiilii V. Ilurtniiiii. Iloruiicliof I'.erwirk- Jeremiah 3 Banders. lii.aver-Jiio. Iloals. Iiriarcreek Win. I.amon, Ihinner Ueilerkh. I i ntr. I'rederlck llai;eiibueh. ('.it mica -Jacub Kisller. rrankliii I liriiau llrobst. Jos. Kltller. (i'l'i ll oud ilimuei r,u;art. lien, lei k- s-'.'mi'l OIi I . Oiil, Uoor;e llartman. J.n krtnu- Win. Ilobiilm. Locust llunj. Wiia'iiur. I'eter llelwij,'. jn,. I.uens rallrmser. m .MiiIIiii (lirutiau Wolf, (Jeorn Uruwn, I'hiuuus niiiun. fieiuen rsije, . Ala.lisuii -Llias ilugart, Abraliam 11. St.'Uhcr. Mount I'leasaut .lolut liippcusteel. Jloutoiir Llias lieitorirh. Irani;,- .Inlin sjnydei, Abner Welsh. Ah Dildlee. tieott -Huston UobUon, Jacob TerwilliKcr luirchnsed one boltlo of vour Tine Treu T nnd I rmnuicticed tu use It, nnd in one week 1 was iiiikIi belter, and niter uslnii threo bottles I am perleetiy will, u wonder to ell my friends, for thy nil pronnm, I ecd pan cure, I'ubllih my case If you think prop.;, , llruncA IUmilios, No. I3!ll Wjlle ttreet, riiiladvlphia. 1 A INKAI.1.IRI.U CUP.1J l'OU IIUOSCHITU. I Mr. Wian says' ' llr Wi.iiaut Sir:-thal llrunchltls Inflarnatlnn of tho Lung.. Hhnrtness of lireath, and ralpitntiun of tlm , Henri In their worst fermsi 1 had been trcnled by soy I oral ol the tuo.t eminent physicians In l'hlt.idelphla, hut the could not stop the ra Id couriu of iny dlse.XM!, end I h id derpnired of evcrv lielne r"lon d tu health, i 1 w,ts truly on thu v, rje of lb" jrave. Your I'inoTrco ' ' Tnr t'nrdinl nns hlchly recommended to mo byi fiind ' 1 tried it, and urn thankMI tn say mat, alter using four : large, and ono small bottle, I was r stored tu perfect I liualtli. You rmi give r"fueiice to my house, o. DOS N Sefutid flreet. or at my olfico of Iteccivcr of taies , from !) A. !. U 1'. M , curlier uf Ctiestiiut and Pixth . itr;t,H. Jons WlKB. ULCliDlNG OF THK LUNGS. ' j I'.I'.AI) 'tilt: I'OI.LO'iVISO i Mr Wisiuri, Sir -I reliiru you my sralnfnl thanks ; for tho discovery oil Irivu made ,i making a inedirlno i that will cure Inil , ion of the Lungs and Liver i Conip'niul. When 1 renin, cuccd to use our I'lueTrec I Tar Cordi il I was. to all near my qravc I had been for n lensui ol timo spiilluu blond, nnd I wool I at limes it. My pliv-iciaiia (for 1 em ' pluyedttvo) pronouin el in" past t'ure; but i.iy sister ! had Used iour 1'lne l ine 'J'nr l'ordn.1, which did her so much food that she prevailed on in.,, ns it last resort tu trv it ; mid Hunk Cud, I ci-iomeii -cd to use it. I havo taken twelve bottle, and am pstfecily cured, and am ready uud willing that any person that is sick rhnitlil call on mo. and I will t dl them what ) our L'ordial haH done fur me. All mj I'rleioN and u -lyliliurs veere utterly nsloiil.hed nt my speedy r luru tn health, fur they had seen mo omil l.l.,ud in a rlutl'd slate, frc'ueiilly.-, 1'iihlisli lay ca-e. fur I want evi ry p. r.ou that is suff. cri as I was. In kdow of invaluable uieilirlne. I llespe. tfully, . Jnus VkRlUN. ('rase Sheet, six duurs above Kichni'ond street, 1 1 1 1 1 -ndelphla. I The r'ine 'free Tar Cor. nal will cure Rough, flor Throat, und ilrea-t I'louebitis, Asthma. Croup. Hoop ins L'oU"h, lliptheria. and I aNn an exreUeut remedy inr uisi asc iu ti,e h.ite.. ittoi leniaie lonipinitKH. i ni'.WAr.u or- uouNTiuirniTd Tho genuine n-i th. name of the proprietor nnd a pine Ireebtowti iu the bottle. All others are spurious unit itioin. I'e.ioK rirrv L'raTj id ii.ho Iiuliaii rta Lou it I'te'Mrud only by the proprietor. l.r. Ii. H V. UISHART, No. 10 Noutu Second St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. For Sale by all Jhuggisis. December l'J, WJ-ll'm. to vour More. I 7 Itl. cireclaally cure Uver ConiplnlnL fir.nep.lx, cLe loVnS 1 VV Jaundice. Chronic or Nervoui beblllty, lid. aso. Tur CordiiiL ' ,ho Md'-ey. a"d ml diseases arising from a disor dered Liver .i ftoniach. such aa ('nnstips., Inward I'ilai. riliness of lllon.l to he Head, Acidity nftlio stomach Na'Jsen, lleartbiirli. IHsgust fuf Fond, (illness ul'welnlil In the Suixt Kructallons. linking or Fluttering at lha I II of the rtto'iiacli, SwIminlliK of lh Head, flur nud and Uiracult lire-lining. Muttering at lyln Hi. Inii li10l all ne posture, llimnessof isioii, Dots or Webs ;ur. tne stut. i over aim j;uu i am in tli Head, Deficiency of Peisplistion, Yellowness or the nmn ami uyes, l'i In In tho tii ie. Hack Chest. J.lmb, he, Huihle.Ii I'luihui ef 1 1 -ret. Iluralti? in tin I'l-.-sh.Constint liu ailnltiK.ofevil, t depression of spirits. And will positively prevent Yellow Tever. Dillinut I'evcr, Im 'Hi ye nlalu no Alcohol or bad Whiiky They will cure the above diseases, m ninety niu-j eases out or a liutiuieu. ; Indiiea I by the eiten.lve sale and uuiversal p-ipu-, hnty of lluoilaini'a (Jurman Hitters, (purely teteta Me,) hosts of Ignorant Uuacki and iiuscrupulciis ud- euliirers, Inve opened upon e ,ilT.-tl ng humanity tho I Hood fiite. of Nostrums in tho sliiuj of poor whiskey, I with Injurious drugs, and chrls- , tuned 'I mil 's. tilomachiea and Uitterri 1 of tlie luniiuiarablo array of Alcohollj ftep pxrnlion. In pl'-ilmu, leKlles and Lie bellied keits. on iler til" inod"t npp llatlon of IlitU is ; which insteal of curing, only ngsravato dlsea.3, and leavii tlio tllsop pointai suffer In despair, I HOOI'LAeND'S G Kit MAN BITTEUSI Are not n new and nntrled article, but hare rtood .ha U-st of fiftun years trial by t lid American public -. and their reputation and .alo, nro not livallcd by any tiinilir pr- piraiion. Die propii' tors Ima thou.mJi of Ittton fioio ins 1 mo.teiiuiiunt I Lt.CUO Y.MUN. I LAW YBfta. ' I'lIYhlCIANg. i OiTlZBN.-s, Tesllfyine of their own personal knowledge tu Ui bencticUl etl'ecls und medical virtues of theit lllttira. i lio yu vant tontlMnff It strsnqlhtn yai.7 fo you uanl a goad applttie I Do lou irriitc io luild up yovr CVnltitttt.tH 1 Uo you vant to fed tell.' Vo yj'i vant to gtt rid cf ntriomnlitl lio yen ti-u( tncrj 7 , lie you leant to slap tcelll Do vou fan! a hritk and viyorous ftflinp r ', If youdu, use llOlU'LAMJ'd UI.'KA'AN IIITI'UUS I ron rv. J. Attrton Jlroirn, D. 11., I'dnor of (Al Cnty ctvpeaia cj tuitgious Aitouicagt. Although not diiposed to favor or riuo nmerul Tateot Madlcltis in, thruugli dlstrutt of their ingre. di'-nts and elects , I el know- of no sufficient reasons why a man -nay not teetitv to tin benefit h believes S&' We need havo u fuithor fear of an ice famine nest i-uniiucr that's set j tied now If ire nhould not be plenty nnd 1 cheap next piiniiner it will not he because ; there l.'is not been enough of it made dm--' ing tho pa.-t few week-. Proprietors of ice-housc.i have Loth been busy and have stored large quantities of the cooling bub : ctance, j i i IMl'OllTANT TO I.APIUS. Da. llenvix's Kemii.s I'll la have nover jet failed in removing dirtiritltis mis die' from outrMclinn.or stoppage of nature, or in re it'inue' the sjMeuito pertect health when siilleriug from Spinal AITeetinna. I', Uteri, tho Whites, or other weakness of the Uleiine Ore'ans. Tie- l'lll are perfectly liariuh'sson the constitution, and may be taken by the most delirnt'- f.-.nalo without c lining dis-tre.n-tlin sain- tun - Hi v net like u rliarui by strehglh ening. invigor.itiiu and r. -luring the system to a heal thv conilitiuii, nud by huiuins on Ho- innnllily perind .,1, r....iili.r,tv. iu, ontler Irulii what call-os the nlo utriieliun may nn-e. Tho shoold, howeer, Vn'V b) lak -ii during th fni.lthreeni-1'onr months ofpregn.iiicv. tlioush mfu al any uth.r time, ns ii.ucariiaju would be the result. i I ash box contains I" J'lll. prire ?l. Un. IIAIIVIA 'S'i;itr..VriiiKnn IHsuaeesuf .-emales. j 1'ricnancy, .Jlisiainae'i-. Iiniretinerj, Mi ratify, llepio- (luctinn nnlnhiie-4 of n-itare. nud i mphatieally the Ladies' l'riva:o Medical A.hiser. n paiuphli t ol ol pages, sent free tu any address, fix onts required tu i,a.)M"'r.t .'' . . . , .. u. . i ii nil!-ana imhik win uu m ih uj muu uju um ih'.i LIQUOR LICENSES. Orsict- op run I'Lcmc or the (ie-titTta Ses.tos 1 UT CuLt'MCI L'OUM.Y, l'l.NN-.VL,Vi.Me. J. lleouM.i.ur.u, January Id. IM, ) V OTIUE is hereby civcti that the fol- lowing ier.ous have "tiled in tills otlieo tijiplir-i-nous tn i,eep hotel, or to i II liuor by tin quart, null or without other iie-ichanilize, ut the daces luuied, and that the app iicallotu, will be preae-nted to tile Court of Ui.aru r iea.luii of Coliiinbia county, on Muiuluy, tlie let da ol Fcbruarj, at i o'clock, 1'. Hiram Smi'theis, Hotel, Theodore llowtll, ' John l.eggot, '' James i. Fry, " ADMIXISTUATOK S NUT1CE JiSttltt! of Ei:S I'uil't. ilcts'rl. S r.TTHUS r ( adinlui-triitioii on the L'stnte of Hlms !L I'ealer.late of thine creek twp.L'uluinbia eoi2cc'd.. Iiavebeeii granted hythe Item.t-r of ('oluiubia CO., to the unii' r$igiieti ; an person? Having cinimsucaiusune es. interior of thu building being deoorated with light, inflainablo ornaments tho flames ; f-pread rapidly. The roof of wood noon j fell in, burying iho irlajs of berni! uudcr I it. Some 1 ,Sf50 dead "lodiea, mostly ladies ; and ohildren, had been recomod from tba . ruins, I VM mm i ,yrs'"S ; Cattaivissu kali a?oal. ( Dispatches were eut to I'JjiltifJcljihi" . on Tuesday lost, announcing mm v. iri'ijji'i, train, had fell through bridge number. I , between Oaitawissn and thu Summit, l.i' (ling ten pcroiu. We are happy to etsto i that the report is entirely false. No road in thu state is letter conducted, or bns been more fortuunte in its management , than tho Cattawissa Rail lload. PROSPECTUS FOR 1064. Journal t)l' Com me see. Propni-Jors or thu New Yorlr I 2 JOUitNAt, OF UO.MVtr.ltnr. In their t'rorpeclua ' f ir tin year UC4. .ay" We h -lluvo Hut wo publish ! The VEST as tcell s th CHEAP EX I paper in th Country, ! Tho t-'armer. tha M, chanic. Iho Profemlonil Man, ' inen ofnli otnployiiienti, and Ihe families of i aeh nud nil of them find no Taper su w ell suit id to llislr wants 'Ibis fjct. together ulih our well known principles on , matters of public policy, is rapid!) extending our clr- i eolation. Vfu belong to no pally. Wo ore liulepondcnt-nert ; neutral. H e lipress uirowii opinions, not tin opin ions, uul Iho opinimiii ot any class or body. I We publish a paper Iu which we seek to givo lh THU'lli. (JurConmierrial Iteiiiirtj, our Markets, out ' roliin ul nud Ueuernl News are carefully fitted sensation rharaitcr, and we st-fk to inake the paper i Trcstworiuv in ejery particular We- kiiuw that hi I nil mnltem pertaininn to cnoimeice, trade, ar.J ;uiiral new s no otlier surpassea us. We oppote with energy every enemy of the- Unicu end wo lliereforo oppose thu Abulitionivu and all wbo tiro allied with thiii.i. as the most dangernus mult in i tho community. A Lliri-tlun patriots wo oppose Hist infidelity wnlch is now oiioaiigering Church und Stat-. ' reducing the religion of men tn he a mere aid of tho , polmenl niurhiui. by which radical politician h,po tu . achieve otfieu und spoils. Place tlm Juuiual ol rotnincice la every housn in your ricigbbvihood. Vou oannct Jo u belter work than this. In tho year 1:04 th J ccunlry vrl 1 past tl.roujbl enotli.r cri-ls. hini.ell to h-ivo received Irom any tiniple preparation. , ,r, ,, cr,i.,., 1 nW!Ar, c if fiinrl ' liius coniriiiitte lutuo tienent ut ' a sis. . ujiueui .ii.,eu ic .e. ...l.iu tn l.ll hope lliut he may uiiur.. 1 iln this th-mora readily In rcca.d to's Ciejmnu Hitters, preparod by Dr. C, tl. Jacktonicf tbii city, iK-c.mne 1 was prejudiced ngalust U.ein lor many y. under lie impression that tiny were chiefly an The circulation nf paper llko tho Journal of Co, meree nu;ht to be largely increased with relersncs to lhi9 eoiijiu? election. Our rriuciulcn ara tlia prlncinlea I of Unity uud Trocperity, thu only principloa on which tale of tlie i, are requoted lopreseiit llieinlu ' rhoeinaker, fur the rem.nal of this prejudice bv ll-e uiiilersigiie-l, at I is resideucu In aald township, tests, nml f ir en ouragement to try them, w heii i suffering from great and long continued debility. 1 in y., uuae-r no impies-iui, nun mijr veio cuicnj n i,.,vr ;r. -rut- i-rv.j -iiri-nn,,M r- til ol.oliemlitnru. I am indebted tu my friend Robert THU U.MoN AND THE CONjX'I TU HO.V CAK without delay, .mil all persons iiidohlud tu make pay me ii t tuiiuw nil. J.VCOII i r,ALt:it, .Min'r, Oct. .H. lsC3-w 62. Derwicic. Keott twp. Greeiiwoud twp d... ji:asii: colcman, clerk a. u. ADMlNlS'J'llATOnS' K Eiliteor J'tiiwax SiJcr, dee'd. i lri'TEliS of administration on the 1 j IMate of rtilneas hitler, late of llenton twp.. ('oluuibji eouiity, di ceased; have been granted by the lit-e-ter of Coltilllbl i enu-ity to tlio lllldel'Alucd ; nil p. rb.iiM h ivme i lai-iii, ne'.iiii.t too uMalu ol the uecu dent aro ie'i.ietml to pre-, -tit iliem luthe U'liuiuifelrator at his resiilenr iu sail Liwubip. vvithuui dela,atld all persons indebted Iu u.ako payment furlhwith. J'lllN U. LLLSilLlMt, Adm'r, Nuv. 11. l-'lia-Ow. J HI. ADMleMS'l'ltATOlt S NOTIQE. Eslttle of C!ua ha GjoLwui, dee'd. liTTERS of administration on tlio cs- BE SAVED AND MADE 'TtlON'O. Let those who appreciate tbo ncci-csitics of the cou:i. most oe. paired of r,e.-aiuin?. I Uiercfore tnank Cod safly of our er-at republic ii. i.i llu and iny friend I'jrdirectios ino to the use rf tliein Rirrht EdUCatiOU Of tllC People, iireulaie Cu v.SUitVATlVli n- wspapers,le ours, i tiavo aiiuiutant evidence in our own .vcllin;j aiibscrip i lion lists, that f.nlicellsni is lo.iug its hold uullie Intel J. NEW! ON UUOWN. I'hlladelphla, Juno!!, I8C1. PAUTIOULAII NOTICE. March. cci tain, even ifildoe. thou. rv Tf Pkp. John had more sense, he jibe l:iiwifi onta.aj. lie E.-r I'et'.-oii. unou the ansimis- , , r , seeur, ly saaie-.l. ami pr -pniu. ny stool rtfiieeims the tlrafi n-ay incoinoUate ', j. i,a an. m. i..''.-ncrai Aaent. ' c .. , ,, f No. Id feil-ir L, New York, themselves to an eay seat until tlie 1st or .-7-fii bv oil the principal dmsiisis. Il wout't fo.ue oil- until that tunc ; lUl . - That'is what, would make lets noieo about the l'oat Of co, aud his own removal, than ho docs. J'ho whole country will know directly, how he charges pottage, sells licwupapers, -wait ou customers, and generally .mis manages affairs. 1 He tries to mako people believe that ho is uot at all alarmed ; but ho is merely j whittling, like a boy passing a graveyard 10 keep bis courage up. "Lot him thatj tbinketh bo standeth.tako heed lest he fall.' lrLieut. U. 1$. linocKWAY, arrived tu UlooniAburg, a few dus ago. llo in forms us, that tho members of llickctts Uattery, to which ho is connected, have ro-culisted for threo years inoro. The Battery is now in llarrUhurg, as well a theentiro aecond corps to which it belongs. The corps lias been scut to Pennsylvania, to recruit its number to that required by military law. Lieut. Uiockway will re ceive rocruits for any Battery or Regi ment of the corps. Wo hopo our citizens,im in fill un onr otiota, aud Will OCOIi-V - 4 thus avoid a draft in Columbia county. Worn; for Ladius. -It may not bo Pcncrally known that tbo family of tho tailed patriot, C. L. Vallasdioiiam, is uow In indigent circumst.iucos ; yet such i tho fact. About tho ouly injury tho miserable satraps of usui ped power havo iudicted upon Mr. Yallandigham, was to break up bis business, aud .eparato him from his family. Under those circum btauccn, a en cent contributiou by Demo- ' . ti rt - - cratio ladiea is proposed. Dx-oovoruei. Medauv of the Columbus (Ohio,) Crisis, has been telet'ted as receiver and dUburscr of Ihe fund. A many Ladies of Columbia county have kigniQed their desire to assist io this laudable project, and at the solici tation of several porfons, we havo oonicu led to receive, keep a reoord of, and faith fu'ly wnitto lix Gnv. Medary, nil each vJUinluUons an w'j be made. i."Goverruir Curtin was inaugurated for a MTOtid tnim on Tuesday. JS JLJ H'.ST OTasgtTJXTO,.TTltC.VI.Wrrat RECEIPTS FOR DECEMBEP. TO Tlrf. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. :n! Tho following payments have been made to the Columbia D mocitU office, during tho month of De'cmnber, 1P03 ; r.s. nfUen) llaynian 1 Mi Stephen lluttoii. PUBLIC SAl VALUASLEAL ,1U i t 1 .Montour count) Sattmitvi, tU Gilt ihttj nf Fthiiiun,, 1804, 1 at 10 n'rliVi In th' forenoon. Ill V S'J I'-TLEU, Eieeuior ' ice . 01 J.eoa I.iti of West lleiolu.-k in aid leouuly.d used, will expose l, sale, by P'l'dic Vn- due ul Ihe public house 1 1' saniuol Keiubley, in Jcrssy J U. i'enii.iieton Will. llellltlH. yew Columbus Ac dy. Hon. I) L. riiapiu, Jllde'e'.eooiis, John J. .Mcllenry, Jr Isaiali I'reM.lnit'. II II Hoijart, Jacob L. I'ar.-y. Uharlvs I'lalt. U. W. Vaple. Win. H.isenh'ich. II. ,M. blevens. John limner, Joseph Ikeler. Es.oi liond.nan li'ideon .-leejte r. Mrs. X. Ilornbaeli. A. II llartuuii, Jacob Itoud. Jaeoh llrown, Esi , (ieorce I'.e'ldleuian, John r-cott, lleiiben I'. I'nulV, TLouius B.nilce t .'.0. t',. .1. Hicks. 2 A I, A. ''. Ilnbb. -.' U'J J. J Urower. Est. 1 UO, Ml- Mar llaity, I 0 1 Joseph llonrv, 'i mi; Ausu-liis Everhai!, 0 on Jehu Henry, I, III Jus-ph llauetuisu, i 0.1 Jo.eph I llie), 1 0 I' J. L. Ileudlu, M. Maj. Win. II. Koons 1 11. in. Peter lint. 1 no lis Jo.i.iii llasenliueh 1 nil, Es.of Atom Mair. 2 d!i-; lien. Wea er, Es'. 2 (id, Aaron riniith. SIP Thomas Lewis. -1 t.) Jaeoh Uverly. I'm 1 uu Lli.h.i K. Itclilnni-. '.( 73. Col. John 11. rretm. a HO' Siimuel K, Alhert.on. J mi: v.. 11 rin Jer, 1 oil, rilas ilod-ou, 1 T5 J. II I'.tniis. M. r.. 5 isj t, P. r'i lillcliT n 75 e SO 5.1 'j 2.1 1 .'.tl Il ad e no 2 12 1 7.-, 1 .',11 2 3:1 :., 3u 31 (HI I T3 1 1 mi 1 no a .10 1 ' 7 IK) . 55 2 73 a 1111 2 mi 4 so 1 tin pi OTiCK is hereby givo:t to all legatees 1 creditors and other persons interested in tlio r stat.-j. of thu tespectivu ileee-deuls uud minors, that th.- foUiiwiii.- aduiiuistraiioii and (luardian nccounts 1 hue hern in .,i in iho Olln oof Ihe Hee'i.ter of t'ului.ibia 1 cuiiiit), and w ill be prenci.ieii ur cnutiimalioii end al j lowaiiee tuthe otphaii.' ('unit, to be hi Id at liluuii's 1 bare. 11, . eori 111 v aforesaid. ,01 Wednesdni, llo- 'Ird . day of 1'etiruary, leb4, at 2 o'i iu, k 1:1 iho altertioon ol 1 I .id Hi.) . ! 1 I. Account of Wil'iam Miller. Esceutor ! I ol Elizabeth .Miller, Lite of .Mount I'leasaut Township. i'c- asd j I 2. Account of lleuhen Swank, mlminis-, I trator with will airi'sed, of Jaeoh tfuanl:, lata ol j I Heaver Vow itship, deeeaaed. I I ."!. Hrot uml linnl account of Jo'npb 1 I ("orre'l. iliiardiiin of Sarah E. Whiienijlit now del 'd , , I minor child of eleu. W liil.ii.igllt late of .Madisi ii town. I i.slnp de-ceaead. ' j -1. b'iiet. and final accouut of Hudson j 1 Owen, adinliii.tratur of IVtar rlnuer, late ul II' ran 1. 1 i I 1 . . e i ' 1 . 1 1 I j O. AfCOIint 01 JiOIIjatUlll 1 "III", 1 uaiu .Ian of Maria Try, minor 1 lnld ol Aaron Try of .Milllia 1 t jwiuhip, den a..ed. ti. Aeeouiit of Robert tit iff administra tor of i'.ob.-rt llcywanL late of Uluoiiitb-iti:. I 7. Final ui'couut of Gideon Nu-i, ad minislratnr dt Ion nan, of Jacob Xusa, late of .Mifflin township, deei a--d. ti. Kiual iH'couiit of William Snyder, Ouardian of 'I heodoro rainier, now ,lena-id, minor ehil.l of Tli.mus I'almer, late oflluiom totnship. de'd. ' . Account of I'eter lleiubach, aihn'r ' of Jonathan i'ry. late of Mnntour lonnship, deceased. 10. Account of Aaron Muisiovc. adin'r. ft .-it M'l,i.l. Ir.,. l' II.. ..iinnoir tie... Culnuilii 1 t iHiniy, I'- ci'.iai'il, h.ivii Uoi'ti yranti'J by iho Ufaifter'if fui J (omity t" tlm tho tui'lerf ifiauil uhorp S acaiiiit Ihi! I'siutu of tin- ilfcilcnt nr' rflin'sleit to Ire seiil lIiL'in tn thu niliiuuUtratnr at Iih rtji'lencc wlli out ilelnv, :iuJ all prr-sutitt litilLbtitl to luuku payment lorlUMtli. SrVMUUL II nCN'B..UI!,-Wr.V. the li, UG.1-rV5i T'iere are r'aiy prrparatlons sold antler th$ nemt ef fitters, put tn yuari bottles, compounded of tft ekeapdt Khhkty or eonmow run. cjiin frvn 'JO io 4U tnU per gull oa, the tatc diukeJ by .initt or XJcrtandtr it:J. jiUH (idh y ii m nr.s ana win coniinuo to ciusf, u-t Ums i- (hey cun ') sol-., lini'tirfds to d jo tin (k.itli of till tl.iii.'tari' Hv tliir iisti ttu eystein tn K'.'pi coniiiiuaiiy imrr the lniiuunco ot uicoimiic tni' , 1 1 nuts uf the orht kiln,, th-nk'siro for J.iti or is rruu , t 1 and kept up. and tlw rt'ilt is ull the tigrrors ut- j ten upon a orunkard u hfe and df ath. Tor ihrtae who desire ami ill hnve a Liquor Uittcm. i .-. pubhblt tho folIowitiLj rM:tipt. (let ono buttle of t Ilonli.tsid'a ti.TliUti liittora on it mil with threo qunrli j in" ijodil brandy or uhiskey, uud the result will hi a 1 preparation thai will fur excel in virtues and true ic-llence uuj of iliu muneroUb Liquor linturs iu iho inaikui. aiiJ will toht much Ici. ou will Intvu j all thu virtues of Uocltaud' iiitlcrt, in couutrLtmn Ml!i i a youd article of-hiquor. hi u much lit pricu tluu , thei'j iufiior preparations will cot joa. 'KicEs Deduced has ris.dvi d to try llo- merits ol an exeluiively CASH or IlL-WiY I'W ill'r IM.Srl, ami hem e ha dete-rniiii-e,l to ell oh" his ilotk ,f L'oods at SEDUCED PRICES, I..M)ir.-s M) ' l-M'.M Al'rS liLHVr.3. M IUAS, Mlhll.a, I'.lHllS, AMI S IILN'i-.IIAL VAltltirY (11" litltill-5 AT A iiaik; UN. I'.ill and see hi." list of priees, tlounlry Vio due, Mailt -it. Iilooiusliitr,!. J i:i ' I II. Letnt oeoidu oi Amt-ricn. l'.ir N 'tts, for lustriution. for good Morals, Sound. I'oliuel benliiiienti, fur a etaady of American Institu timis, lane, Head, and help io Circulate tits .'ournsl of Cuihuirei, WEEKLY EDITION. Tho Terms of Subscription to the WceU Jaeitnol uf Couuierc, uie as follows : WLLItLY, In advance, on year. 3 copn-. tu ono address. " 5 copi 's tu one address ' 10 copies to one address, " en copii-s tn one addiess. . (Addiliohal copies tains rale,) ' 1 com-, si i nionths. t.y 'ttl clubs often ijr nvue, if the address It w;,t ten on earli paper, will pny SI So each cofy 1'oreach eluh of tw an extra eopy in the .aula bujj'v will be- Eiiren tu the person sending the money. JMllsY EDITIONS. e-' no s va ti IU 15 nil VS 00 1 'AJ tow n. u ei rUiii TRACT OH PAUOKI, OF LAND, Situate in llie imynsnir ..i si.... m ,. , ...... , rn,M..,l townhii,. d.c'd. ii lauds of j.Lyer. 1 n. Account ot Levi Wrights, itdtninii Dau'l NeU.ard. lU. II. ,4 W, rredeiitk uruier. 1 .4 Join sVmlr. l iX " William Mn.teiler. I M ! ( is. 1' 'Mami. l 1 .ton. John l' i n... U i Jno I. Cnrnelloii. 1 ' lev. L. A Minife-ll. 1 ' ;- i.i,n'Uihl.(IIeniIoek) I .-.ti! ev. I'.. Murray, -'J ram "'in. titki'n".-; - - - ...v.. John le.mle, ""i ' -, i""" Jo I Vanhorn. -I ?i Abraham I'oleniuii. 1 is J. Klii e, W". k. Ileure Diokniiller, Lewis Lckroat. 1 j-V f.eo'e Whil"''l. tianmel Snyder. Mitilinl u, .llnor; t rev; lint:. . ,..,......... i-.n. 1 oti Win. r. Mellirle, v v.- ...j J . . .... 0 W' D.lll'l' C. . ,.- , in e Dame Itl. Vanderslice ? m lieorse llKilclin. 1 ea' s. ii. He woir. ni . 1 en Jonoa livaus, I li.' Junes Wil.ncr. 5 S5 Jehn Oltenlurlt, Lie,. 10 Ml) A. 51 IVl'nvva, S 7I1 David fliair.r. a 43S Isaac Rhodes, 7 StiiWiu. Mi lr, (Jtoit.) S HU1 Ks, Wm. .Monstnenr. IIA A. S. heeler eo, l.i., Stu- of renins ivani.i. Inniii ... r..ii,,.-e viz -lleetiiiue nt a oust in nn.tii liny one Jim J nan oe-sro- s yi , ," nn.t, llieuie hy l.iuds nf In irs m John Uiinih s, dec .!., I n. I Jam, Uyer. n.iitli -1 d,-!ree Last, .lei perch -s In a po't oulli t decrees east. f.u P'-rrhe. to a pot, tlnou-r- bv Lines of ln'irf of John anifles an.i Isaac Mc llrlde, tni.tli 5:j iloeroos iv.-st, IS-3 pert lien tu n port l,V lauds of .ijiliu l Heinle,-, ll"rlll 3- esl, I'.lil.l p.-r'ehas to Ihe ui-jindms, containini; 43 Acrca 128 Perches of Land, Aout ouo lull' thereof tleared "7 Late Ihe estate of sal I defeased, sittitts in ths township of .M.dison and county DjuiIIIc. J.inuary S, Itb4. OONDITtONS OF OA1.E. T( n per rent of ilu purchase money to be p aid down on tin- day of silo. Tito thirds of Iho purchase money, less ten per cent, to ho ii.iid on eonftriuatioii ol ltie sile. line third of tin- purchase iu nicy tu he paid iumiedi an il- nfler tlio death of Hannah Hletler widow of said .t'cedeiit. tilth intep-st fmiu the continuation ot sale, interest to he paid to said widow jearly . The lit-iil tu be given on payment of two-tlurds the iiurihaso inuney and securing tno uaianco uj and inuttguiia. , l'u.sos. ion tu ho gieen on payment of tivo-thirds or purchase woue. lit A BTUl'I.Ult, Circular. January IK IPGl its. IllIlUCT IMIOJI tui: ini;an VOUNTUl', uifi. M'nnnsi vii n nit i.'jc Whiih h will Also, II011H1 I ''mm Kot. .,-11 VtfLESI.n or RUT AIL, PI vr.nv i.riu' ritn'Ls. lll.AN'KLTi, vi-.y low T. W. Al TTOV. 4j; Market rfl, l.t door nbmn l'utirtii, '.;nutli side, rhiludelpbit, M, 13CU -3. EXECU'J'OR'S NOTICE. Etote of Wm. Blensiiifiir, iir. deceased. ltlTEItS Tostntneiitaiy on tho estate of William r V. ri'i I j M, o,iii.r. r.r . Into of Mltillli l n. C'olilllllua u decensi i'. b-.-n arnnlod hy Iho U siii-r of Wills, Are-., tlm nndi'is igin-ilu in -nl township, n'l p' rsous havliii i Inlin again.t the i elute ol tho de , d. ular-re.iie-t -d to pr.-- lit them "to tlie i'.xecutor r.l In- p -idi'iu n in said t -wii-lnp, u thntit delay, und all person. iu,. bled In mako p.iym- nt loriliwilh WILLIAM tli NalMiL'U, Jr., .'ie: the of bond . i,.Ki. of Jnsenli lltller. late of .Mad. .mi twn., dee',1 l'J. Account of Elizabeth oil;, ailinin- istratrix of Oideon York, late of Jackson twp., ilte'd. IU. Account o' .lohii lleinbolel, Luvi Ili inbol.l. P.iniuel lleinlH-lil and William II. I'.i-ini., Id. Ltecutorp of rorneliu. lle-inbold, late-or l.ocu.t luwn. sin,,, ,1, c. .ise-d. l'i. oeoiiiiu nun uii.u luiuuuv w ..-un januaiy'J, lain oiii-j" Thoinas, adm'r. of Calili Thomas, lato i.t Madi.on township, deceased. , it i IJ p A UV 3 10. Account of William Kabb, one nt the UJSL L JL . adniiuiir.ilors do dents mil, e lm testaiueulo nnni-io ul William I inn . III. Aeetuiiit of Andrew Shoemaker 17, Aecount inn of Christiana. rl.,lilr.. l.C. In, ..11,1 (lUltrdllit. llV IliS flrit ti. Account of John Ntisa, executor of JoluiKliiiguiinan, laic of Alain township, decensed. JOHN H rituuzi:, Mir. utor. ATTENTION SOLDIERS. I AND THK riUUNEd OF OOLUIKUP. We rail attention to all hnvini; r'lations or friends in the army to the fact "llOOI'bAM.'S llerm-.n I. lit... - ..., ....... ,.it,,.., r,r ..... .I.ii.n. I,t.l..r..l I hy us', inures nnd privations neii'.-nt to camp life. In j III- lists, pabli.hed .ninost dally in th new.papers. on I the nrr.vnl 1 1 the Kick, it will be notieed that a very lure-- pn portljn aie euil'.'riui! delulliy Kver case of ' kind can be readily turi d by IloolUnd's Gerou'i 1 Hitters I'-o-.'es restilthu Irom disorders of the i i I lp-t,tiv i ,-rean a.e hp.-edi'y retHoved. We hate no i liesitaii.i iu statnia, il tlnsn Hitters were freely u-ed aniouy - ur soldi. is, hunilr.'ils of lives might be saeo t.ih litis, will bi lost We (all particular attention tn llie follow iu? remark k.l , . .. .11 n..,h....,l..,..,.l cur.. ,.n,. i.rtli. fl.r. h io s wiiu, e life, lo use l.i: on iautuage, "Iiln been eat id Lythe Uiitvrs. ' I I'liieAnsern.. Xiiguiet '" 1ie. ! .Vittrs.Jencs l.icm. Well, (ieulleiiien, yjiur Hoof laud's C'liiii.u it it t. r has -nveJ my l.i". There- is no itiMake hi this. II is vouched for by number., (if my cmiir.ii!.:. s'.uio ef u ho.e li.uues arc ant'ended, an.l who iM-ro f'll'y coe-in. Hit (tall tho . ir. umst'itics of j my,-. 1 am and have been for the last lo ir year., t a oiei .b -r of's c, I' lualod h.ilti-ry, and "iinlor tho iiiiiii-diale coi'iniaud ill. opt It. II. Ayn-s. Ihrough 'lie t -posiire nln ud.iut upon i.iy ardornusduth--, I wn. atti.i.:-d in Nov.'iuli.r I' al tilth iiitluiu.iuliou ol the! loon., and ns lor si-vi-utj tiiod.ivs in th, hospital. 1 ii .is th -ii remove 1 fro-n ttie While ll'-us,-. and hui ... ..',. on li.ior.! III.. Sti-:ili:,T "Sl.i i, ul .Mtillie. ' timri ii lu.'h I li.nded on tho e-dh of June. .Since th il lime I lute be- n about as tow n any one could be and still re-tain a spar); of i Utility. 1'oruwei-k or morn I nus sr.n.tily libit- Iu .wallow nnjthni't, atid. if I u'ld dunn, it lias luinedijtuly ll.rutvu up ugnJu. I could "ote-, en kerpa sla-is of water on my si It. Life could u i last uuoor tn. se circiiiustaiiets ; nnd, ac- otdiiiRl), llie physicians u h i hud li.'oit ivorkU; t.iith fully. tlioush iiiis.ii. ucv-t'ulty , ton-suio me fiou, the Kraspol th., diotd Areher, IranXly told me IhtyeoJld do uu itiuic I'm ii.i , an ladiis ' I r.o. la wi ti clirj(t 1.1.111, and make .U1.I1 ilipoiitiou of 1111 limned fiiiids as best biuu-n me. An uctunintaiuo 11 ho vi.ited inu at the liopitiil, Mr. 1' redeuek 6ti'inbro i. of Hixllt IkIow An h tftr-'et, a It it-'it mo, a- 11 forlorn hope, tn try Jutir Lit ten1. .10,1 kiiidlj procured .11 bottle. I'roiu tho tiiiie I eotnineiiced taking thuin tho Kiooiit;- tl..idoiv of 1 eath re. d"d, and I i,m uuw, lli.iuk lio. tor it, gelling I" Her, riniu;'li I have taken uul two t'otlier, 1 11.110 nam hhV.C-n DAILY, In ndvanse. one yr.-.r. $1(1 Vi ' six mutiMi, in ndvance, a enn ol'e-tt' I, sl-i iiioclhs, S lor oii-j iiiouii. I ' U DAILY JONIOH. in advance. (''I'j'ye.-ir. . lite ' tix months, it. udvence, II V e copi 's. one alidr', H O-i " 0 e -tu i. i.le w.'.iress. '. .' t , oj 1 oto. i..a.ep, 1.1 ,l ( d.u:ini ,1 copies eiun- rat 1 Addrr. I'KI Mil. rlTONi:, UALU&. IIALLmT, January 10, lei.4. J.,'. .".en Yur. Ciiy. V Y EOilTU t'EM'KAL JlAUti AY. Summer Ttmr Table. TWO VIlAINS tfAtliY c and fiom the N.irt.i a." West llraueh of tlie Sai';eei;.-,iio, L.iinra, anrt al 1 S'orlhern NVw York O.N uud afier Monday. Aptil ".'Olb IHIjo'lli-i l'a-je .fei Trains uf the N011I1 1'euiial I! Ml way will nrrit k. i and depurl Iruni riuubury, llarrisbur'l. and Itull'ineitt as fulloii viz : SOUTH W A II 1). .Mail Train leates Sunbtiry daily (.e-xoep: Sunday) i'i.10 n loaves Ilirrlsburfr. 1 lap 111 " iirrties ut ttalliinore, 5.35 ' Ciprer. Train leave. Sunlijry daily (oicept ulld.l),) 11.07 p. lit. " leaves Ilan-Mluir'; (,'Xfepl .Mi'iiday.) -J On a iu arrives at llnltiiuore daily (ex cept .Monday,) e-'5 Ilatrisburg Acctinimodalion Isates lluttls- bJrg. C 30 ' N O H T H W A R 11, Mail Tralr. 'catoe daily (except t'unilay,) leaves Ilarri.h iri ' arrives al liunbury. L'spres-t Trains Haltiuinri; daily. " arrives at ll.irriilittre. leaves llarrLburfleacor-'. A'enday) 3 (HI ' arrives at Suulury." 3.3-t V it further nilorinaiioii aptly at the Olfice. I.N I'lllAHnY.B.ipt Ilarri.Litr-:, Aug. l-j03. II 15 a m. 1 Ij V .. V 15 1.35 a 'n NEW ARRIVAL. "r-s 1 Tr le'V'l'e; .....1-;.,.. r.lfinj nl Snna ' t..i. oomu in. and l iel haueaitie ot bourn net nutted to ' . Iile-ot liemlucit iniinsiiip, ii-reu.o.i. .r ........ - .? ...,-.,.. .' ...i,,,,, iy witj nml dauiihtir, Irons whom 1 haw heard ! nt Jacksotl T 10111.1-i, mltU'r. J.. must ua w l'l'- I """ '.'.'V '"Trt" iinthinsror .-nihu-ei. inonlbs: fur, nilein. 11. lam a' uker. lateof .Mad-.on twp .'d.c d , ZX 0 VI tss'c.f y,:!;." 1 Ol 111. DreibbllUll, ljUliril- : ,tpu,t bcfoie tne .Iran. - W l.i lii.. ,,,,. Ul .,,,. of t,.o fear.-to Hitlers , Polly, fi'irah and Lewis, minor , ... . , V , ' - will I owe Ihe ulorluus nrlvile-uu of urani elaspine' to wilu. 1 i.ioumsourg, Jan. .'. .0 . ,,u'i.i,on, H,.u who me ii,.nri!i.t 10 nm 111 lit'j. . ISAAU UALIIMi. 1 Fall llloiir.isbuig, January 3, 16114. II. W. L'rcasv n llru, jay I'oolto U On Ks. of I'rk. McUndo. Davl 1 Deniott, W. Wirt k Co. Uuirli IL Mcllrid". J. S. AlcXinch, llsij. Comm. of l'snn'a. Let 1 L'ot. Idles lllibellis. 1 1,, U C Wlsliart. Daniel iiagcniiicn '.reinial. lTa7eltrVli. i 0U Joseph Lilley. 1 2J a no no a mi 4 un 1 " 1 S5 , S 73 1 l.ll 111 (III 10 Oil 4 il 10 llo 5u I I 1.1 3 00 1 73 s eo 7 on 50 OllANGEVILLE i. .1 ri AND AADEMY. Prof. H. D. Walker, Principal. 1 Asiktnnlg. rAIlKFULLY WEEU.Y. . WHEAT, per tunnel. UYB. " " CORN'. ni'Cltrt'AUATi FLi't'lt pe' bbl. l'I.O t'dWE') klmcbUHh UL'CKWlIliAT t'o't 1 30 I 00 1 (Id 75 i Ou A3 (12 1 m IlL'Tl'BB. I'.OCI? rUi'ATOES. -nillCIl AITLE HAMS II Y fc 'Ip ' HlClvr- Ttrri.r Mu. S. K. White, Misa M. E. Laz Alius. ) THE uext'lVrin of this Institution will eomraenr on MONDAY, tho 8S1I1 day of JauUiry. IrM. Tuition, per Term of 11 weeks, from SI 00. to 4e. Hoard per week, from Si (W to'. jO. ZJ' for further r,r,lcular;nn,1J1;Vvn,i! uil!P rOraiiteTllle, Jai. 10, IM4. ' " Scr y Trustees. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. .niir. ileal I'.state fornicrlr owned by Klias 3" I Weriirau in.l'.ohtsbiirK, (Uunilua cniiuiy, 11. 1 '.'A !t. u nrTtred al 1'rtvsti ."ale. cnnslitmi: or I" i" Twn '1111W .llvceiuiiES uuo " ," 1 W House, with 111) saty out-buildingi, ell in joj Jo I "'iZL Term, Ej.y r-r f trth'r infoirna'tos mut J of aimusl Athe-.tar't, Orsnt'THU Ti 3j ..H'lir 1 ie-t 3i II. C. 11 0 V 13 It. SUnOEOH DBNTI&T. I'.rsPr.l.Tt'UI.I.Y off, rs his profess 5? inutil Bervlies In the ladles nud gcnlh-- 111. 01 oi lilouiiisiiiirp nun viciuuy. 110 is ,ir,.i, in atiend tn all tho various. operation, in the 1 1 uo of his profession, and isproiided j with the latest Improved l'(U(CM-1l. TKl.TIl ; w hirh will beiiiM-rled 011 Bold, plalina. silver and rubber base lulookwell as Iho natuial teeth , .Mineral plate aud block teeth cianiif.11 lured nud all operations oil teeth, rarstnllj and properly attend -d to llesidence aud olhce a few doors nbuve IheCuuit House, same- side. llluoiusliurg, Juno G 1-C3, WAffjeUBJT fiSO'le'EOtTj, LIGHT STHHKT, Columbia county, V(, rplli; undersigned has located at the nhovn nauu.. 1 I hotel, forniorly m copied l.y l'eler Bcliug, and sclic its a slnro of public patrminje. 0. (iood accominiidalions for man and beast. TLc best kind of lopiors at the bar J. 1). HICK, rrnrriclor. April 11. U'CA "J3STUAV. CiAME to tho premises of tne rubsctibir. In I'nh ,' ingrreek town. hip, Columbia county. 011 the Thiid day of Ilecetnher, in.3, an ui.t) row or nr,i)i3ii rcn.on. with short tall. Thantvn.rls r.-IU"!-tu,1 til prmr piop. frtt. pay charges and lake lum uway nth ro ii- sli will bedispo.od oi accardiuj-1 1 iu dtrecii hi ot uo if "mn ii, iiKs'uy r"mbr j 1' JV" Secouil Strott, Phil' a. W. IS. BScWOasS.''5 CLOTHING HALL (Evas?5 No. 'M Xori COujSTANTI.Y on hand a fill a lilinint of Heady Mailt- Mi 11 and II 's rioiluuj nud Hunts furnish int Hoots at W'hules.iti. and Utjil. January U, lrtil. Dm. "tme draft. PAl'HUS necessary in a'll claims or causes of rxoniplini. from the coming Urnfl will bo p.otnpllj ande-irifully I'j' ' Otftco, Slid door west of the Court lluu.o. riuuut.burs. January V. le03.- 3w. tD M1XIS T It AT 0 II' S" K oTlOE. Eihite of Peter Has. Ucc'd. T ItTTKIt!" "f adniiiii.ttai..i: on the Estate of Titer .Li Hess, lato ot isiignrioai mp roluinlii.t ro.. due'd. have b-eu lirunleil by tho Kestitrr of l.'oluiuliiii co., to theiiitderslsiud ; all persons havius damn auainst tlio estate i f III" ilooodent aro requested to present tin in to the Atkuinisiiutor at hm residence 111 said mini ship without delay, nd all per.nus indebted In mako pninieul I'erlliwilh. . . , . 1 ' HENRY I'.llEriS. Adiu'r Nov. 7, KiA.-rnv S-' 00. ,1 ; this LUMBER VOR SALE. 1 .it 1 1 liweil it '1 1 atvil Timber r 11 X vnh--wi h M n4ii (jn spplisjtioi t , lfi -sve able f tr bail lint s. II jse ,-r IU, . - til x . .1 rsfi-rs. ia-iII b Vc fully crnnir 111 the truth of the above statuine n! ns tie had despaired of tuctut; our eomradoi Air. .Mn- Inne, In heullli John L'udiileh.iek. lit New York llalf-ry. (.unicu A Aikley, L'u. C, lllli .Maine-, Le is 1,'hciuilitir. UJ.I Now York, 1. E. Hpeucoi. l.t Artillory. ilaltery T. 3. II. I'usowell, Co. II, 3d Vermont, llunry II. Jerome, Co. II. do. Henry T. M.iclloual.l. I'd (,' , bill Maine, J0I111 I . wartl.t'o, i;.,.',u. .JUiue, llejliun Koch, l.'n. II. , 7'.'d New York, Nnlhaulel II. Thoui'is, L'u. 1'., Mlh I'uiin , Aiidretv J. Kiiulial, I'o. A., 3d Vermont, , I Juliu Jenkins, L'u. II. IWJ1I1 I'enn. jj j:va he of Zu uxrjn feitx. Heo that tho slintur of "C .M. J ACIUON," is 011 ' thu U KAri-an of eaeh b Jltie, I l'HlL'E I'EU UOTTI.U 73 CENTtj, on HALr uaz. ron st oo. ! I Hlinulil 70'ir uearett drujci.t not hnve the. article, ,lo ii.'tbi- put on" bj :io) of thu iiitoxiciliut; tuepara tiotis that limy be olTred in Us place, but si-lid tu u, , mid wu will lorwnrd, .ecurely packed, by express, Prinrijm! Office and Manufactory , ! Wo. Ji! Arch Street. ,5 one & Evans, (SuccoEHors to C, M. JACKSON Co.,) PROrUETOUS. full 1". 1" tirugjiits and L'tal.'i m rtri loe . 1 1 ilte lki':4 OineVejJI flA.) linn Wisiter Goods At A. J. Evans' aOSiMi! EMPOiULl ! j3L00Msm;retr, punn. LATKST SYLH8 0AEA1 GOODb 'pill! imdersii;.!! d ruspclfully informs hi frier.'., 1 nud tho public e'l-in rally. tlul In Huh just recel.'c. j from Iho Ihislern eitie., a larue iis.urtiueiu : bsiui; the l,niissorluii nt evt i oil. '3 111 tin- tuatk t Also a coiupleio assortment of I toy s I "Im Iiinir lu l.ict : uvorythiiiif In the Clutliiui; Line t' r those wuo nr f r 1 lu leavu their measures, a pesfuct lit ;uaruiil..iii. an I. I iiolliins hut the bust w'i.lilp allou e,l at this s ttblishiueiil. Uu ulsu ke-eps un hand a largu ttjiot llldl.t of I HOOTS A XI) SHOES. I IIATfl AM) CAI'is, tuge her Willi u variety "f noli ins Zj" call ash sli; tun vuuitHLt.r . A. J. L', Alsd. llliwiuhurr, ov. til, 13. Fudlicj Vendue T ?iT I I'L be rxposetl to public s le at tbo V V resilience" of me subscriber lu I'tanklm tov'r ship, I'vluuibia ..ouiiti, 0.1 Fridaif Ihe Ht!i day of ,VT't'i, 1 ?( i , The following valuable descried property, l" vll - Ten Head of CattEe. Two Sheep ohe two horsa Waton, ono new t- p hi a nil stleil, .uul lutgil. new sett of Yuos.aJUio ' on sett f lud lliti not s, one s- u of si .1.' Ilarn, a, I Isn " Harrows, ouo I'atHiit Hay llake. tOelllor unit oilier urlicli's i. o numerous (o nun tiun. 7" rtale t-t loaittience at III o'elrck, a ei of ft,'' day. wiicu r m -.'id 'outtii'.' . n.u . n v,ui tRtrp ' vt-- t ry', . i-,tT litn , I'vuithip 'au -v I t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers