Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 09, 1864, Image 4
3 PEEDIN.G HENS IN WINTER. The following is furnished Iho American Agriculturist by n correspondent : "I liavo 28 oblcltcns largo and raall, nevrral of them fall chickens, I obtainod but a few eggs in tho foro part tho wintor not more than ono or two a day. Tho feed was corn and oats. In January I tried tho experiment of hot feed onco a flay in tho morning. As soon as tho firo vraa started in tho coolcstovo, I put a quart remall potatoes in an old dripping-pan, I and nit them in tho oven. After breakfast I I took a quart or morn of wheat and buck- j wheat bran, mixed, put in tho swill pail, aud mixed Into thin mush with boiling water, tb?n added about one quart live i coals from tho stoves and put in tho pota toes hot from tho oven, adding all tho egg shells on hand, and sometimes a littlo sul phur. These mashed together aro fed immediately in a trourrh nronnird fnr tlmi. i ,3 l,i f, i . .. purpose, madO aOOUt ten fCCt long, of tWO Vnf,r,t. innV,o s.!1,1 ..., t i ' uuuvu luguiuuDuiiu tWO short nieces nailed on tlin mils will, n wu hliori paces rjaiieuon mo enU9, Wltll a narrow strip nailed length wise on tho top, and two bearers under. Tho object of this was to keep tho hens out of tho trough.and lcavo room to eat on each side of flio nar. TOW Strip. At noon I fed Six cars of com i. ..uuu ju l-lrs ol tor" out in pieces an inch long and in tho ovon- . r " ' tng oats and wheat ECrecniDir', about ft i . T ""' Uliart. INOW for tho result. Ill about a , ., , . . Weeh. tllO number 0 U'!ra innrrninrl nlinnt ( , , , . . they rangod from twelve to twenty errs per day. Tho coldest weather mado no difference. When it was cold and stormy ' I kept thsm iu tho hen bouse all day, and ' ITonor.lllv until Inti nr l-nl,- . oucu singing over tho corn at noon I nov- j " "iir Kvi er heard from hens befora a concert of;8""' I,lluH' Urimo-. mtlSlC that wonld hnvn dnn nnv Invnr. n! ! Uauk Urad, egg good to hear. EMIGRATION FROM EUROPE Tho number of persons leaving Liver pool for America in eleven months of last year was 139,000. The great majority of these emigrants were Irish going to tho Un'ued States, and tho steady drain from Ireland is creating apprehensions that the country may become comparatively depop ulated. Tho English journals, speaking of tho matter, attributo tho exodus from Ire land, to the temptation held out in the United States to tho laboring population, tho high wages received and tho certainty of employment. Tho want of laborers in this country has induced extra exertions to obtain them from abroad. Some of tho States have Conimidsionors of Emigration on tho Continent of Europo, attending specially to this matter and their efiorts liavo been attended with success as the above results show. While tho war lasts thero is likely to bo the same scarcity, and when it closes, the changed relations of service in this country will iucrease tho demand for whita labor. THE CAUSE OF THE GRAPE ROT. The decay of grapes after they have at taincd their full size, has been of woro frequent occurrenco this past year than usual. Varieties, which like tho Concord have generally been frco from all disease, have been attacked in sovcral localities. The matter ha3 been investigated by F. C T. Ludas, of Wisconsin, who ha3 commu nicated his views to tho Cineinati Horti cultural bociety. iUr, L. finds that the decay of the berries is accompanied by a diseased condition of tho roots; that vinss which grew in ground covered with turf or by fallen leaves, wero less attacked than others, and thut when the ground was not covered with snow during the previous Y inter, the rot was more likely to appear, If it really be the case that tho destruction of the berry is duo to the injury of tho roots by frost, the obvious remedy is to cover tho ground with a protecting raulch of some non-conducting material. Ooarso manure would protect tho roots from frost, and also enrich tho land and promote the vicor of tho vines. American AgrlcuUurlu, OPEN HEADS FOR FHUIT TREES. Most orchard trees hare their heads al together too crowded ; tho limbs aro al lowed to fill up tho centre so that light and air aro excluded, and the full devel opment and maturity of the fruit prevent ed. A distinguished pomologist in giving directions for pruniug an orchard, advised to IcaVO room enOU2h in tho Centra of t lio ' " I trco ior a barrel into wuioli to piol: tho npples ; and ho wa3 not far from right It roquirca but littlo trouble lo get a trco into good shade, if it ia attended to whilo young, when tho knife will do tho work, wjjicu, it neglected, will necessitate thouoo of the eaw and chisel. Whero largo scars 1 - V. . J !. i i e,. ! uru 10 00 iuuuu, 11, is Hitvaya oust 10 ucier ' pruning until Summer though cutting! wiih tho knife may be dono aftor tho sc- , verity of the Winter has nassed. Trees eboQld bo started with a view to an open and Wdl balanced head, but Whoro this lias been neglected, thoy should be made as nearly sight as possible beforo thoy get large -Md. We hive heard many women complain of a husband's neglect of home, A spoon- full of honey will keep more beei in the , , "', , Ute than will ten of Ymegar. wttt tvmt CONSUMPTION. GCIIKNCKQ PU.MONIfl UYRUP witt urn CONSUMPTION BCIlENCK'fl PULMONIC SYRUP Witt rent 0 0 N 8 U M I'T 1 0 N. BOllllNCK'B PULMONIC SYRUP Witt rtms CONSUMPTION. HCIIENCK'S BCA WHr.U TONIC will rcrm DYSPEPSIA. SCHCNCK'3 DMA WL'CD TONIC Witt. CVRK DYSPEPSIA. eciinxcK's tiETTvunn tonic Witt cent D Y S P E P S I A. RciiUNCK's sUTTvucn TONIO Witt (CHE D Y S P E P S I A. HCItnN'CK'S MANURAKU PILLS Witt (t'ltR LIVER COiMPLAINTS. BCHKNCK'S MANDRAKE PILL3 Witt tunn LIVE11 COMPLAINTS. BCIIKNCKM MANDUAKU PILLS wil t ri'HB LIVE II COMPLAINTS. fCIIBNUK'S MAN0UAK15 FILLO Witt ll'RE LIVER COMPLAINTS. DR J. Ill flCHENOK has n large suit of room, at No 3J llond Street Now York.whurcho canbe foundnvor). from Oa. m to 3 p. in., anJ nt No. W North BixlliBlreel. rillimicipina. rn . every smurilny. '"T" 'Hr ur.l'li" '"' l!',:,,i,:,"e!' ' room, whichenn lie lia.lnt nl times. Thnso wi.hln? ndvice KrB;XVirM I jVireM ,,x",",n;,t'0" ""'riro.u.ior. hi. j 1,W&W Rni W ilat i;iean It 1 t"t uir uutil it i tuo Intc. Howl luui ii DPiier It wouiu in lo icuow tlieir r.oiniition nt once, " nynliuudlinceort'Vtileiire.llr.S.lmsshiiwnsutniient cerlfncalef in thli city that lie haa cured nilt uncoil , kt?!ICSMn!! -'"n"n'i'tiH. I'r. Hrhenrti'ii Principal Office l No, 3!) North Hlxlli 'eL Plilladelplili, where letters for ailvico ihoulilbu dlrettoj. l'rlro of ""' I'nlmonlc Byrtip .mil Pea Weed Tonic each 31 per bottle, or & the half dojcn. Mandrake Pills. cent- tier box, i W l'r sale by nil llruEjiits and Storekeepers, FAMILY DYE COLORS. nnt. ".ViS, 1'riscu Di.rr. Maofvim, Makooh. ur.A:,i,i, I'IN'K. PlKl'I.E, IIOVAI. PcltrtE, PlI.MOV, PCARLcr, Pi.Air, PotFEBtXO, VlOI.CT, VfitLOW. Dark liRn.v Liuit Green, rornyinir Bilk, Wool -n and Jilted floods, Pliawls, ! Hats. 1 eat e, hi Oloves. Children's Clutlniiir uml nil Mnds of tearini! Ayparcl. S?A SAVIXG OF 8( i'Eil .'E.T. si lor 2j cents you can order as many ?ooi!s as would . otherwise co-,t five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same liye. The process is simple anil nny ono can iiso the Bye Willi perfect sue- ' CCI"'' Directions in r.ngliih, 1'rcncli and Ccrman, Inside of each package. l'or further itiforntatinn In TW-eiitt nnj nl...n n nn. ! t-entby mail on receipt of ptice, IU cents. flpt of otice. 10 tents. .Manufactured by HOWf. & BTKVnNS, 2C0 llnoABWAV. IIosto.v. K7l or sale by Druggists and Dealers generally, December 12, 180 binos, 1W MEMffllT! npIIE pcoplo or the county of Cohimbin ! Jl arc respectfully, informed that tho undcreiguc I has fo. sale, nt Iho IliZCOTtnjUR'S OFFICE, in iiLOosisiiur.c, tim: ncsT and cunArcsT ASSOltT.Ull.VT OF .. r J a r. To ho found nnynhcro In the County. coiiPiFiiugof KilMn rCB31 ,Io,J"9-1 NEW AM) SECOND-HAND I100KS, , mW;H, Comprising History. Poetry, riction.The- fl2j2l& l0gy "j' ? .lV. ZY&2p , , , 8",;, - , which selection!; cant ma'dS CRJulMo order; by special nrrange.nentwitl. Xew York Agents. JSJSiiUiJfJESA'A'SCJ I nnnro TmnrniDvu-o n . -,,r,T rmr, ' nvjuuo,iJvjLiu in j'jii id I 11 IjLjI o and Speeches j nnd copies of the United Slates, nnd Statu CoiiEtitutiuii", in lariuus slvles, always on band. juiin o. 1'iiuuzr.. IHonmsburg, Nov. 7, 1SP3 j. i'. r.YEit. l k. moti ) ; New Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TII11 lindersiined would inform their friends and the p-il.lm v'uerally.thnt lb' )' have taken the stand for um iy ,;cupieii hv UUo. .11. iiugennurii, wiiie Ilxchnugo Handing, on Ham street, in lllooineburg, wher ho has Jut roceiven 0 full supply of Uiiiajii, &c , Which will bo soM 011 moderate terms for ready pav., ui uveiy vmi.iy, SOIlUltll r compound, nt lections, and Soda 1'liyslclniis' prescription carefully all llmi-s and on 1-hmt notice. 6Tr- ConfictiuU"iy of tho best selections Water in season. C A jliaro of the public custom is respectfully so licited. r.vnrt u sioycp. r-loomiburg, April 11, 16T-3. - RLOOJIiSRURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gailciy. Till! uudersiBued infnrms the citizens of lllooni. and neighborhood, Hint lie has tnkui the larae room nt the llxrhniijrc illoe k, e.i,-ndiiiir over Harney Siohner llnkorv. nnd the Ilookstore where In, in, ,.. i a lame Skvlipl t. It is only hv Skvheht Hint mini u tares can be tl see especially crimp h hire each ncrson ran l, liilteM ist ns i , II J.. ., 11 1 I can be lukeM ist ns will m, si-narnte llehasemi to niisidi-rabln expenn' tn make hi rs tabli-ln ient first class one, nml he therefore snllrtt n liberal patro lee toenoble liiin. to constantly introduce ll! tliwtl-; . lluprUY,-!!!' Ill III Illl! UTl- ICr" Coin ) produce taken in ilxrhauga for nlcturos 1ILNUV JKJjJEXSTOCK, liloonitbura, Nar. 23 1P0J. fNov. t! '52 II. c. H 0 W E R, SUP.GEOI1 DBHTIST, Kl'SPl'-CTI l'I.LV rs his profess IoimI servlc, s loth,, lndi and ceiitle. men of lllooiukburt' and vuinity. He Is .. . .1 piuir.siun, nun isproviueii 1 mlo,!ku"'',Ae',!;.n.?.l'!:'l?.VJ.,!l llvrumi 'rubber base ; ., o,' .,.1- luiprovi-u runvt.ini.y t t.i.rii; winch ii. .. ,i .7 . , , , , ' '.' , Mineral plate nnd block tenth innniifiirtitrAii ,! ti opi-riilious oil tut-Ill, inrM'utlv mill nrniifiple nll,.,,,ln.l .., Uislilenco and ofllca u few doors above tim Court, r-,1111 Slue. Illooinsburi,', JuneO. 1863, STILZ & HARTLEY, Consolidallon Hank liuilili 117. 329 North Third Street between Vine .j- (nl1ntitl.4V june 20, lses-iy. I'liiLADCLr iiiai ,. WABiMIT MWTSFi, LIGHT STREET, Columbia county, Fa 'pun undersijued has locatod nt the above namei iTelTClt e' bcs?kindmoVr!iSors'Utaibio barur ""n "ld bsn"' Ttjl ap,ii ij. D' RICEl l'rorric,'- THOMAS BROWN, Rarbsr. 1DIV00MTKC cot u co., pa. !"P i Oourl Houn Alliy. seat the Dmuril Oflltt. Kvtra,iiH, int, J. J. BROWER WILL exposo to rale rvrv dry this Fi.ll nml Winter iri.miuiy exi-to a largo i antl v II i I. d il ntfo.t t ( American Ki-chcIi mill ...igilsli (Jnods, Jut from llio Pattern market, Plain l)j 9 Hoods nre mo inicsi insninn, sum nil i;ninintrn merinos, rmo Mohair Silk Finish, Alpaerns nf nil shades DELA1NS nt 1H, 21!, l!G, ill ami :J!i els. CALICOES from 18 to 2f routs. SHAWLS ALL wool, long & square, nt prices to suit purchasers. NUBIAS AND WOOL HOODS or tvtnv DESCMFTIOK. Cloths, Oassimers and .leans, for Man and liny, wear, (heap. Didles' Collars, CuITh, I?Ioccb, Head Nets, nnl dress tiluiminirs. IHcachcd and Unhlew.hed Muslins, will b sold nt a vet) email advance. Iloiiory, G1oto3, Embroidering llraids, Si sniull wares in jrcat variety, Linen Carpet Chain and cotton yarn. Boots and Shoes, Ladles' Raltcri", tnllrt slippers, children's pnitcrs nml thocs, mid n Inrre stoikto select front Mnll prices. Trnnki. inul oil rlolli t.ntchcls, Uticcnswnro and Hardware, K O Hi T. Jt, X X M , T OJ AC GO AN D S E G A 71 S, nl low ptlrcs. nml In fact ntmoat everything in my lino that may bo called for. as 1 have pun based a mut Ii lar Rcr stock n f pniMl tlinn Usual, nml am determined In sell them nt very small profits, for ready pay. Ladles will liml It tn their auvnnt.v!" tnlniy tlieir Dress Hood, nt this ettnhll'-hment, us I will pit. ten lo every Lit ly customer, who may desire it, one of Mud- ame Demon f. l.iiest Hrce patterns. ( nil nod sec the Mirrer of Vn lilnii. Just puldlshe.l. with lull mid rnlint.'e deserlptlon of the Intert Paris luslllulis. "w- E & ni T ANTHONY, manupaotuii niu op piiotoo'uapii iu M at u n 1 a l p, G01 Jiroailwaif JNao York. CAUO PHOrOfiRAPHS. Our Cntuloiue now i iiiliruii'B 'unsldi rably n;er four tlKjii'nlui (intercut subjects (to , lilcli aililitiiuis are ton linn. illy being wade) i,f I'urtr.iiti of lliiiiiuut aimrl run, etc., it. . 7i Majnr'lieni'tais. ll.u lluu .Ceuernli, U.V.) Colonels, 81 I.icut.-Unloili ls, -.IIT oilier IJIlli ers, WJ Navy Ufiici r, 5i M.itesiueu, I JT Divines, lib .lullmr', '.W Artit. I1J Blase, 1G Proiuiiieiit Women, 147 I'loui. inent I'oreign Portrait. 2,300 Copiu, of Works qf Art, InclnditiK rtnruduitlonH uf thu mit cokbrateil Huer-i. vines. Painiinga, Ht.ltues, Aic. Cut iI.ii;mi- sent on re. nipt of taiup. An order for one ilnsteii putures from our Cotniosne will bu filled on receipt of $1 eO, nml buih vy iiimi, tree, imiotoguaT'iho albums. Of these we manufacture n ureal arlety, rntiirln" In nrlrn I'm,,, .r.O Mtil, ., C'.il nn.l, Our Allium have the rennlation of belmr mmerlnr In b"auty ii ud durability to liny others. 'I'ho smaller binds can be sent sat-ly by mail at a pnslnnu nfsiv cents per o. j tie moru upeuiva can uu sent Iiy u press. Wo nlso koep n lar;o assortment ol'f'terescopvs and Htereseopic lews. Our Uatalomm of tliese will lei sent to any mldre.s on receipt of ttamji. 11. St 11. 'I' MttZy 'mTClHnS'oi " hotoL",! r, en, r rt-l,li v. -i of prominent milii pine .iiaterium prominent military men will confer a I'avir by romllnj; us their likenesses to copy, They will lie kept cmcfully nml returned iininiurcil. Pine Albums made lo order for congregation to re .Pill fnlli. I, I'f.lnr . f. Allm, .,,,.,,... a ,, Ifl. unit... blc (nsenptinns, &c. AugiM l.Jti3-fm. - TUB OIIUAT WOIILU'S r'AIll r.XIIIiUTION IlllUi IN LONDON l.-.'il riMiro ,mnm, J UUo. W. MAI lOON ... .......... ;.. ' .'rVJj ill Ti-avc iitc Truujis. 18gm& He brlnir tho Inventor and i'rSrJfft JIauufnclureri'f Lla.tic steel "--'l-a-J vasa---PpriiiR i-nllil Hole l.eatherand rolid Hiveted Iron Tramo Travelling Trunks. Valises. Ladies lint Ibises. Cnrm-t I Hags. Leather liars, Umbrella ami Hobby Hur-'i-s, 1 Hoys' digs, Propellers, W'lieelherruws, &e, which lm i nrepari'd tu s.'ll at the lov. 1 st i.-i:initfi.i i,ii-i,i.t t,n,,. ''r'".'"'0 Tru,,lt a'ul Carpct l!nR M'l,,ura!;t"r- .MABKKT STUKET, ono door nbeve Pourtli, Snn, ,,, ,, , ,.. ,.,.,,, DT'Sali'i- room 011 the first floor. Oj5-Trunin in ally repaired or exrhanij'iil Or iicW ones, ( all anil see. uu ic stll very eluap cafh. 'nv. 11, lr-f.3--Uiuo National Foundry. UI'UUAJOUU IvU, OUJjU.umA V-U., I A. rjMIU.nbscriber proprietor of ,o above nnmc. . 1 tensive establish uent, is noiv prepared torvciixc orders tor. AH KillllS Of BlaCiiilltl'y, Colleries, Illast rurnaccs. Sta.lo.iary Ihi-inea, .Mills TiiunPiiiNo maciiini.h. &c. "C is T"' l !"""' ?f ""i,"7'" 1Bn.'1 JJ?""" VB'l'oundrl"-' ovcry,h'";s "8"lllly ln "Is extensivo lacilities nod pr.nticnl workmen, war-'14i"S ,llu l'"Zan coulrucm on tho ""'1 rensoiiniiie I'rms 0 drain of all kniil will ho taken in exebanto for casting. IC" This cstablisiimcnt is loea.ed near U13 Lackawan na fy llloiiui.iburg liailroud Depot. t'UTK.I IllLLMDYLIt. Illfcoim-burg, Sept. 12, IsUH. , JiiXehft J'P'f1 R:fll!Jl JLJJtL.'ijlltiliftXs JljH.llyi j I UTE cot., R. a. jom-s, V "i ni-'. U, . Z - . .1 jNo, (7 IJoor: bii-L'ct, next door to the PoU Ofi'tcc, Philadelphia. 'pn, wen Known efciaoiisnmeni mniiifiins ilsiisual J celebrity, and its well known repuiiiliuu of ln-nia the best ' HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Phali be su tuned, lioo,,,. may bo at all l,ur,- psr niqht, .'.7 rents per week, 5-J Jtl, p, r innuth, SI&, 'i'he liar nnd r.ntini( Depirtments aro furnished witl- tne ni'i.ini everytnina 1110 marKi t ran proilui". ""viealsnt 12 cents nnd upwards, and may be had frnn A. el. till I'Jaliiicht. iMillemen mav re.l as.ureil Hint no i:pense will b; pare I to under tins Hutel a model on-.'. J. OTTEXKIRK. IW. Manli iH'.3-:;m. ruiiuc seiuiu:. mr.KEs-u.ount:, 1:1. rpimuiu'erslgneil, h.ivini; tnken this well-known ttand J (formerly of Mn.ior Piiteilnuiili), respectfully eolij - its the patronieof the public. iii pains win oo spareii in nny oi ns iirpartuients, to render .iiisfiitliou to nil iruesi, TheTAlJl.Ji mul tho 15 A 11 w ill always he smmlieil Willi l h,, UAU will always ho supplied with thu lll'-ST TH11 JIAIIKIIT AlTORDi?. E7 l nod MablniK for Horses and nltoutlvo Hostlers. H'luare, and has there fino peculiar advantages toper- sons nttendini; Court or doing business in tlm public offices, t'liarses nuiJeraio. N. II. Whenever you coino lo town, pleaso lull, i no "j,toaii(:ir- is cii(ioiy suuateii mi the Public Wilkos.p.nrrc, Not. IS. JiOS! ' ' mw JEns!:y iaxds fou sale, ALSO. GARDEN AND FUUIT PAKMS, Rmliiltle fnr Pnilir.i Gaelics, Pears, iinspberries, ' u s, uir, nts, U..:, of 1. 2J 5, Ar". tu 0.1 211 niros each, ni ncre. for .vi.O, 21 acres lor $J0" 1 acre forre2il.ri;riyiiblo . . a ..... ..." ' - r $40, 1 ncre for 20. Piiynhlo mils, nnd vllluee lets in Client. Iiy one uuiiiir a wei K. Also.iiood Cranbury lands, nnd village lots in Cheat. wood. 25 by HW feet, nt SI" each, payable by on,, lar a week. Tire nboi e Inml and lanns. nre situate n i.Tientwood, Washiiielon townsliip, lluilliiatoii rniintv hiiiulontownsiiiii. Ilinlliieioii .niniiv New Jersey. For further information, npplr. with , P. O.rilaiiiii, for a circular. In ! il. FKANKLIN CLAIHC, ! No. 00 Cedar rJtrect, New Yurk, N. V. ! January 17, 1-03. 1 . . , RTfU'W A'T) 'IMM-WAIM.' HrrAn ju'pIIHiindeisiKiied would inform the ritUons'or ' 'i S I liloouimurK nnd viiiiniv, thai lie lias lint 0 Tixi eivedanilolfirslorfcaleoiiuoflhiimostinteiisivo P nssnrlpietits ol ConiiiNi; and I'AM y.s, rn vrs ever introduced Into this mnrket. Tho Chri.loplier Ci , iliiil.ti.-. James llobbiiii'l l.lobeare anion!; th flfbt elss rnoliinBHtovus.nll of which aro uir-tiiiht and L-asburuei ' Ilia J'nrlur tovi u are Imudsomo mid ibe as-nrm, ,, . ru d. AL0-Pnrticulnr attention is paid tu 'Pm-Wuri and House riioulini,Miion khorl notiei-. All kiuils of repalriiij! will be done with neatness nn.l ilemtch irj Couulryproducu taken in cichnnpefor work. 1 PHILIP a .UUVLR niooinsbure. May 10, 1E02. M. & T. I1. WATSON LIVERY STA UL E A TTdCliED. mint Eennro 3t, Eiiivxeh Wnstr ic Ab, Piu. rplllB INSTITUTION Is under the lole manniietnent J nnd direction of Prof. I), W, Luuml, to Ioiik t'tln cipaloftlin j Tho coursnof Instrnctlnn embraces nil tlr rorpilsltes of n tlinrouuti practical business pdurnilnu. fimi l,n bffii lately extended by tho Introduction of nn Aclii it Dullness Course, In which tho Student rnjaires in the regular routine ol liurlneti ttnnsnriion". oxeniplliie.l nnd fnmlllarlicd by means o n stnrJ, (In which the nelim liuslniti tit buying nnd scllinji guods Is carried on by enih Student,) nnd lluslncss Offlies. vli i Hanks of liineniiil Depnslt, llnll-Uoadlii(!iinil riieaiii-llonlinij , Post Office, Tcleitr.ipli, &c, &c, Tile Proprietor has spared nntliiioor ixpcne In ma klnt tlil Course tho most tlinrmiitli nml romplei" f liny cvi r present' il lotlio public, aud feels fully ) sllreil that nllur bavins been eiunceil in actuiil biisliiess, nml Imvlntr had ninny yelirs' i xpcriutice nt tenelilint tlm J'clnco nf Accounts, and hclnii nlded by n 0 1 1 1 niut eftlcelent corns of te!,rli.,rs. lie will 1, i.n. bleil to maku thoroii3li and successful !Miiuatos of nil who may place themselves under his cli irge. r. xsui pi In this essential branch of n buslnss education no ( ollsso Offers hetter facilities lo the learner. The Hpencerlan system will he tau?bt In all its varieties by (lie most skillful master of thu nrt. tip. clmeiis of rlllnft front this Institution liavo nceivod the hljliest CMcnimuins from tile jirc. 1'or cunernl infiirnialinn, terms, cc., ndilrcss for Col lege Humbly, wlilili will be mnileil free; ror sped, mens of Penmanship, enclose two three centstninps, Address 11. W. I.nwill.L,, 1 ntt'dP Cnlleue, lllngliaintou, N. V. P. P.- One of Hitter X Ilunenn's No. 1 highly finished fino. perfeit point, quill spring Hold Pens, with lioMer and case, warrniilod for one year nnd to suit, w ill l.e out, freoof rhnrw to nny ono who will remit 8.1,511 to Hie lilicne nddress. Oclober II, IWill ly. N.V'i'IO.VAL C0S13IEJ( l.VL COJsLL'fiKS LOCATLD IN I'lIILAUELPHIA, E.i:.ccnr.n7TH and ciip.stnct sts., AVjy York City, Brnolyu Albany, Troy Ihiffalo. Detroit, Clcviluml, Chicago, and it Louis. Hook-keening, Penmanship, Commercial Arlthnieih. C.ninmerrlnl Law, Tonus, Ourrespuiitteiice, &e pinct cully taught. 'I heo (.'ollejes belus under Iho snme renural ami lo. ciil uiiiiinuement, nnd iinttinr in each Ihu ndvniitat'o or nil, I'lr.'r creater lariliti-s for Imp mlng instriier, i 1 than nny other institution iu the country. A Scholarship issued by nny one Isgiudiu all fci n unliinileil time. The Philadelphia College has been recently rutin', mid refurnished In n superior iiinnnr, nnd is iiuwfl I larcen nml must prosperous Institution ,p the Slate. 1 llrjant & Plrntlntrn series of Text Hooks, embruc look-keeping, Oimmetrlnl Arilhmi lic, mid Uominor Law, lor sale, nnd sent by mall. ICT- l'or ful I particulars aeml for n circular. October le, lev.'- jam. V '. -Ufa rrL-iirn 1 !& riilir nnilerslgii''ir,it!io cxTcnsivsiy enaeea m me .1 Uiiilertalinjt Uvtlnut, nnd keeps constantly on Wi nd for sale nt his Warcrooms, a large assortment of FINISHED COFFIXS, Ily which he is enabled to till orders on presentation ALn Keeps 11 (?ou,l Horse and Ili-nrtc, uml will at nl liuius be ro.uly toniteu 1 I'lincrels. fi.MON c. Finvr:. HliN'ii)-l,i.i j. J.iuiiary 1. 1 ssi FRESH ARUYA L mem? a&mwmmu - I'OR- EVERY ilJODY SjUin nndereignrii, gr.-.t, ful foi pa.t pntrnn.-ge. tesn-e B Hilly infornn lilseustn,iiers inul thpiiiilirgeii'.r.!lly that he hasjusl received lmm thu E:mleriiu cillos, til Fall and Winter & That ha j'st been opened In llloonifburg, to which he invites tho intention of his friends, and natures iliem that they oliereil for sale lit great bargains. His , r.iucK. coiuprises a large assoitmeiit or L ULivn.i;.Mi:.N"swr.A!:ifi appaiuil. Consisting 01 iEinoNAni k Duis Covrs, of every lies , criplion ; Pants Vests, Shitt., Cravats Siscka, Cotton 1 II.inilkerchles,tJlove, (Suspenders, &r. , --, i r, A -U A l,r-r wul vv n i unco A W I) TIPTT I l"tr .1 II. V I.n, V JJi.jJi.wj.j Ov?i;iP"rl;!,?rV0,ll'l,,.'','V,, eaiVumt see. el'iM-harToVtiuif 'imp Kmpcriuvt.' cxaminit t.ooils. DAVID LOWIIMUIIIU Illooin .bu rK, Aujiist 29. lf-b3. (Juno Jriil ) Fll'Sl Gl'Cat AlTiVftl. OF hhh k W'iHIil GOODS ! Tho uiidersisii' d, hn. just replenished .bis f Huittc in Oraiiacville, wilh a well-eletti d uTsirot Flore Wolnicnt hi FALL & WINTER (iOOI-S I Consistins iii part i f Cliilhi, Silks, Muslins. Cnsi luere. i..l..,n ci. nn..i - - .---.o. in, iiu.ivill-., llipeil, S-. AD,'f,,' AXiv u"1'4 tloum, geniMliy, from 12j to ''K,""il 1 rints from 12J lo2jcls. J L A ) V 1 i, t I I Vp I V 1 n'-niiv 4.'i-J U1;U I tllUU. tints iin.,te ii.n. . , i s. , Hats, UOots & f,hocs-.1l.t, kerd .Moluasses Susar & GKOOEItinS. GENERALLY. i llh nil om r nrlile.-. u.iial'v l.,-ut iiironutrv fl -res. to which he invites Hie early lutein ion uf 11.I nnd lew c"im'"'". Havlm,' lieen ut the t.'iu- ii '""'sht low and paid c.inli-hn will be wild the In t, nnd sell fur small pro! P."!' Ills friends aie intltcd to i,o able to two "til nrofits nml ,.rI r,t His friends nia intltcd to pop in and ieo tho rigllts. i W.IIFrtlTZ. , Ornnge)llle, Yoy 7. l?rj.T Blnnwtburg, Columbia County. I'e J' SILASDODSON, ITopriol eil?Jrt. irirlnff.H Tm 1 V . .J I J m... ......Jl. 'J'g ''r'm' ' 'o,':'!?I',!0!!'i"rL, 1,",l"ul." V'0. Vnlih he ,- .. .,"v "'""'y 0e111pn.1l by Hubert llaueiibin-h, Illor.iiubutf, 'I"" ' ,rovc .'' ...... ,.ri.ieuiii ,-L,ii,i,iiiuu- iiitveiiers, leaiusiers. era umi noarueri,. 11. s l.iliio will lie supplied Willi "' I'rouiicti. Hie maiketu iillord, aud liu will hu '"' luiuikln d with the choicesi limiors, f A hire,'- uml coinuiodiou-. stable been erected , Wil l 11 ceiive, uent nt.ible attached. Alti iillvo "l!lll",;'l'' ' iualteniluiite,aii, lm trusts oblisins; attention to lustomerswill secure him 11 llbeinl share rf patronage; iiirinitieiiurs, r.L.lvov. SJ9, IbuJ , l ' , A1f & f'1' rVm' uiiderslirned revp, ctfully it .t "'-tomei . that lie has pin .merest in Ihu nlmvo e.iablidimeui K SI IOR. 'ns his '1 lil friend -ed Ins linulierK the coiu-erii i!s -ivi ly. ''ir sale. III.- lurir. ut of F A N C V s this innrki t. te assortment of market, top-Hi-letiiui. Ov. n nml 1 , (.'ast Iron Air rHovrpipn nn.l ' '.iltiirud lo order, 1 u short nniliii. I - w ciisloin'rs ro. ' .AI. ltUPLUT. ' "' - '''eailer be c Im ied Ii) himseli'i , .iii, J '''''' " ' 01"' c,.f. II"!"1 '"-"sive nsao Sru " 1 O V LM over introdilreil 1 HiJ Hoik consists of a ion 'n' l"";t "okiuir nnd parlor stoves i V.r rtl- 1 Hlov" 1 utures of ever) .! ""'"ves, Radiators . I j 11 I r SI ""'- -ai,,,ii niui ,-t, etc., a Tinware constantly 011 hand and inn ..(. US . . L-U Ulg (1U1H-, iS USIIU1 Tho patronat'o of old friends nnu peitfully solicited. Illooiiubiirg, November 3d IBCO. tl' PKTfill YOl IK .SON, Tl AVI! recently opened a HOOT A Ml HU013 811 Of- . in i.u.iif ni uiirir, loiuinuiari itv. Vn.. aiiii a. i.t-Of.nrn.t .'it (l.u I.n. t s.rn.b t s ...... t st the lowest pruei, Otve thm sll. 1 ''t'Mv.'iruirs.iiui,Bi.-uinuuLU(: -itaai ujliij ill si - mm ft "' sjm w-JM Another CalL MORE MEN WANTED I REVOLUTION IN IlUill P HIVES, LJinOE ARRIVAL OF Fall SzWhiitiv Goods, AT PETER ENT'S STOKE, ix j.tuitr srnr.KT, powmbm cwxtv, m, HA9 Jinl received front I lulmb Iplna, and Is liovv openlinjit the old stnnd hteiy occupied by .Mattz ft Kut, it splendlil nssnrtment of wbii h 1II lie sold cheap lor CAf-'II Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stoekconslsts of Ladles lliesi Uomls chuiccrt-.t)les nnd latest 1'oslilons Calicos, JIuslins, Qinghams, Flannels, Carpet", 'Shawls, Hosiery, Hilks, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcros, Satinets, Cotlouador), Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &u. Grocories, yucenswarc, Ccdarwarc, Hard ware, Mcdicinesi Drugs, Oil, Paint, fee. BOOTS & SHOES. HATH & CAPS. In shon rery tliliis ttvt-diy kepi in r. country store The i:ittnuue of old frieliils, mid t lie iulilic feucral. ly, is rosnecltully so i l,l. Tho hlghiM innrki t pneo paid I'orcountrv produce, l'LTUIl LN'P. Light Htrect, Ki.v. 7, BARGAINS ! IF YOU WANT TO .UUY Fall & Winter Goods, GO TO (rensy's Store, in Light Bfrcct, Va. Who A'ceps (ill Kin Is tf CALICO. MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS,' OAKPETS, HOSIEllY, SHAWLS, llcaily-Mdo Clothing Sugars, jMolasscs, Sirups, Cofiees, Teas,' Fish, Salt, Uacon', Hams, Lard, T&baceo, fffrara', Hats, Boot", (Jap'i, Shoeri, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Sea. In addition to "nr large stock of Dry OomN, we have a lurae nnd full nssortiuent nflli-ady Made Clolhiiii tor ii n ami Hoys wear will. we are ileterniin. d in tell rheaper th m eiin b" bonsht i It- rtht-t". (Jail nnd gi'O, and judge for yourselves. it. u. cur. sy & co. Light Street. Nov. 7. 13. '1I1K SEW GRiiCEKY SToKE. M011L3 FRESH GOODS. Just received at Erasmus' JScw Store. Molas'a, Sugars, Teas Coffee Rice, Sjnt'cs, AND OAPS. HaTs Fisli, Salt, Tobacco, Scgars, Candies, Razons, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Ti'-jethsr with a great variety of notions and cteelo. i tn-", too numerniis to niciiiiou. !f iluller, Drub, alcat and ptodiif 0 generally taken . in exchange fur goods, , . . A, 11, l:il S.MU3, Pluonisburs, .May 0, 18C3, FRESH ARRIVAL OF jjijil WIVTPR 'fi)i)4 H ilUW IV 1 6 tl t I il It, UUjJl Milier's Store. T,,li;. "ihserilier h.i" just returned from Iho Cities A w itii uiiotli, r l.'uge and seli.ct ussorlnii t of FA LL AM) iriiVTFR GOODS. pun h.ibeii m Philiulelphin. nt tho lowest llirure, nnd whiili they nre di lerinined to sell on ns inoderatu terms us run be procured eUeuheru in llloouuburi;. Ills slock ioutprises Lslllir.V Dltl SU (JOODS. of choicest ityles nnd latest fashion. jji'.v noons, .ixd riitoor.uir.s, ii utnir iitt: iji'i:i:xir.'iiii:, i ui.ijjiii ii. tut., imi.i.ow irjiitt: inOX, X.II.S, HOOTS ,- SJ10K.1 . Inshoit everythinjiiiBually kept in country Stores " "e me pnniic generally. 1"u '"' t"lre paid for eoiiutry pniduce. .3 ii.. Jl 1 11 JvI'jU. r.loomsbiir;, Oct. 21. 1?C3. 'W' Ai 2 s sac .3d s -i Jewilnj and Siluer-ll'nre. ry-r. iindcrslitned would retpcttfully Invite vour nt I. lentioti 10 Ills ivi II ,elei tad neck of Fine (Jod and Hilver Wnlilies Finu Hold Jewelry, of every kind rnd variety of hlylrs-c.'uipriiiiig all of the newest nn.l luot In auiiful dostgus. Also. Kulid Silver IVare, equal to Coiit-nnd Iho ben maku id Silver platou War. Lach article is warranted to be ns represented. t.y Watches of Jewlry carefully rep lined and sat lefaitiou tuar.mued. jacoii HAitLr.v, (Successors In Slander it llarley,) ert,S.lrn-3,n, N 'dnni:r Kr Ptm.'.. ANII (.KS'llIlAL COMMISSION M E It 0 M A N T IILtlOALSllUllfJ, COI.UMhlA CO, I . C5"rRIU CLAIt AllENUODOlVSMOrAISAr Kl ITS..Y3J Hiiptetnber 5. 1-H.l lilll. JOHN 0. VUAUHR, HANUFACTCIIKP, U WIIOLLSALH IN .1IAT8, CAPS, STRAW HOODS, 1J0NN1J I'S AND ARTIFICIAL FL0W13US. , . trt). 3f)7 NortU Ihinl StMBt. P III ll IP. WEALTH. '0 If 1 .') CEN TS Cl llE YOl It COl'aill'OU 13 CENTS ,l ,,., ii, . lltr..u ' i ,1. I... W ... M. - ... " the fl oil'. MADAMii zAiioc ponrru's ataiiami: zaiioc Prrt. Tr.H'H Curative lllniii Is wni runt. Ml Ifliseil Picorillu to the directions, tn euro in nil rases I.'oubIis, (.'olils, U'lnitipln,! Cotiidi, Asthma nml all nfTwiiniii of thu thront .Hid l.ilnjrs. Milnme Zndoe porter;, '. ''!" .', 'A'J'Vr,' V'JI' 1 111l11lmuc.l1 of Iho liestrelil (dies tho votTi lable klnadom .,11- a?.,,; f.i I. (l.'i'l 1. imoriis, its remedial quail, mmef In nn bareii nn fis iowe 11 11- i-i ine 111-nllliv , rip n hrniuli intin. If 11 11 lite bin 11,1. Uir tile I.IIIU'. It Is not 11 Mu. li'tit rcnii.(ly,l,itt emollenl- wariiiiia'. seiirihlim nnd 1 If tctlvcj can he Inken by tho oldest person or tlm young cuicunu. Mnilaiu'.ndnc Porfr's bil s mi ha In nn In uso by Iho ulillr for over I? years, anl ins ncnnreil Us nresent i.,t imply hv In im reconimen. ih d by thosouho liavo used it to th' ir nllllctoil friends I mid others. iUost li'iportint. -Jtadn mi Zadoe Porter's Curntlvo tin 1 urtnt is sold nt n prleo which lirlnii? It in the reach ef rery one to k", p i' eenvenli lit fur um The lime. ; ly use ofn singlobollli! will prove to bo wortlt I0U times us roi. .OTICI.. Pnve your money I Do not lie persuaded to purrlinse tirtirles nt Is to $1 which 1I11 not contnin Illl vtriues ei n 1 t rein uhiiih 111 iitii,nii rerter s 1 it intive, the cost orinaniirnclurluir wlilrli Rrcn' ns nlmnst any other ineiiicme nrsri, 11 wbirli ft I sold, makes til ernppa, 'litlv sinnll. nnd uiiprinelpnlnd dealer" wl soinelitnes reenmiui'iiil other inedirlnes on whirh their prnflls nrn Inrsrer. iiiilet Iho customer Insist upon lia vl 11 1 MailBiiie Potter's and nonu oilier. Ask for Msdnme Porter s Cur iihe Hnlsniu. price IHcents, nn I n InrgB hollies nt Stf oe'il, nnd take no otln r. DCTSnld by nil nnd Htorukenpcra tit Inrts. fti.i in larger bolMe at Clients, HALL U KUCKI.U, IV prletors, New Viirlt. Jnntury 81. IflW. o 1 11 ? 'II Foil A MEDIC TNT, THAT WILL Ct'IlR couaus, hvn.ur.YZjh tickuxo i.xtiiktiiuoat uinwrixO'Covuu, on nv.uwr. bVMl'Tli'J. voi (tlli, M i LC A' COX IS Over Five Thousand Roiilis have been slid in II nntive yn, af.d not a inijlu in- stiuire of its f.iiliiru i I.nnivi We have, in our posi'i-,io,lTaiiv eunulilv of r,.iii(l. lOiTran rates, fnine of iliei.i fruiii miin nt phy.iuniir, .i have used it I u their pracln iMitulgivi n it the pr.-emi. iieui'e over tu y 0M1 -r i mupouiiit. It does dot iirv up a coUBli, hut loosens il, i. i a- in enable Hie p. Hi nt'to , . peclorate Ireely, Tw o or thre.i iloes will iiit.'irialily cure tlikliug in 111 ' throal, A ll.iif liutlld lias' often completely cured llio mo it SIUBUOIIN COUCH, nnd yet. thoiijih it is nisuronnd spoeily In It. operation il i.jii rfeilly li.irinbss, being purely veg,.t.ilile, -Iti ory ntreealde to the taste, mil inuv be auuiinislered to clilMrcn of any n'je. JN CASES OF CROUP we will tunrnnlte n cure, ir tnken In senfon. Tin fniuilj should bu without it. It is within thu roach i f all, tho price beinc ONLY S3 CENTS. And if an investment an, I thorough trial line nut "hnek up 'the ebove statement, Hie money nil! h re I'niided. We -,iy tl'isl.iiniving its in.-rils, and l.-el rou tldcct that one w ill secure for it n homo in evt-ry linuse. nil). Do not waste .-.way wilh Cnttatiinjr, wlmn mimall nil investment will cure you. It uiny be had of my i.- i-petiiiiiie urtigyist In tuwn, who will furni-h vn h'i i a i'it jular of genuine certll'untes i.f cures il lias made v. 1.. ui.Aui'. t;u I'ronrii tor. , . , , , Nkw IIavis, Or. tf At wholesale, by Johnston, Hullowm (tl nwilen. 23orlIit!ixthiiireet, l'liiim,-piiiit, ia, j'f ai . n Druggists i.i city, rountry, and ivcrywljarv, riept. H; ISii3-0m NEW AKIHVAL. Fall & Winter Goods At A T. Evans' n.miiin FT t! S r; f !5LOOMSJ3i;HG-, PENN. LATEST SYLES CAF.A I' (JOODS 1 V 111; iinderrieni'd rixpertfullv inform hi. In-mls ' I nml Hi. puliln-(leuernlly. that Ik Ii 1 ju-t ree. ivid I'roiii the Liirli'in utles, a I arse nsortun nt of I t-1 S W 'G' i. O ft It I Cf bfins the b.-M nssnrlnient ever nirerad in this niniktt. , Alton eomil I.' assortment of Hoys Cli.ilii ig. In ,i,-t , ovcrjthini! in the I'loibms 1,1 no l'or those who prcf. r , lo leave their ni-ii.iires. 11 perf et fit giiaraut, t-d. and nntliing hut the best workmanship allowed at Dili e. 1 tnblii hiuent. Ho ulso beops on hand a largo utsoit- inent of 1 BOO IS AND SHOES. HATS A XD CAP-!, together wllhn variety ef notions. IE c.u.1. Au slu Fun yoL'iisni.r. A. J. IJVAIvrt. Illoomsliurg. ov. 21, lc'OX 1 fJ EW AND SECOND HAND SAFES, . in um' t .-up, uii,i.w iorK tais ucpiit, 71 Wil liam Sttcet, New Ve rk. S. A. GREGG, mm and ruiccB or lilul-s nnu rnoor SJAl'IS, oars in iinniir. wtnrii, 21 an Oi s;j 30 t 3'.' iii 34 31 Id 31 ixsmr.: No. 4 .No. a IV 1 1. 3 No. 1 JJo, fi Ho.,n No. 1 No. 'I No. 3 No. 1 No No. 0 rrrTit. 21 o I. . I, , 1IEI01IT. ir, ssi 31 wtiiTir, 11 I3J 1.'. Id 11 21 t'Erru. 12 12 U 1.1 II 13 finer;. .. S5n on . Ml P'J '.II Ui) . tV. M . 11.11 Oil , 113 PO Va. 1 .ii 2 Nn. 3 No. 1 No. 5 No. Ii. . . . November 1 1, lcf,3. Grccjnvood Sciaiiiijiry. r.xausu, cuissicjiL ,ixn cp.v.vatciAt. tcuooi, rou uovti fi:xr.$. T.II.I. POTTS, Paiscii'vi., .V.!lAei.ialr. UooU Keeping and Xaturcl (cltr.cet. J. 1J, PA XTON, A. M , Khcuthn. Literature, and ,ltnuntani Modern iatiriMfH, 1 '1 lie i'cAefajte year i divided into four ipiatters of (.leven weeks iiuli. coiiinienclm; 11s follows: Uu the tecond .Monday 111 Aiiii.t.lbo Ilrrt Monday in Nm ember (he third .Mnuduy in January, and Hie second .Monday inApill. ' THE r.XInSES I er qu.irler for lloardiiif and Tuitiuit in, ranso Irom gjli nuto &3I 0). Laiigiiaaes, unci Draw. Ine, are estr.i. . L ? For Clieulars or further particulars, nddress tho , Pdneljiiil nt MII.LVil.LH, ClJ I.L'.M 111 A Co., PA. October 3, it-fill ly. !& O '& 31 SE iff lr a V a I PrlHtrr, Hookbimlcr t BaiiKbook Jl A NU FA C TU R E R I WilOLEStl.1: AVU 111'.. I IICAltlllN lTUMTNC, WP.IliA WKAPPINII PAPF.U8 AO! NT IO 'I UK CATAWfSSA TMSU. .MIl.l.S. Muin Elreet, first dooi h,.im the Public epuate, WILKKSIJAKKM, J'A. s,ijt.m, liin-itw. A, C. rAl'L. PAUL A, II. TIlOMriON. Si THOMPSON. WHOLESALE fcgg DUALUUS IN XlSSXt 5?R0VlfsX'0SS fid, N0. : JSik U'UmvcH", PRILARliLPHlA. 07-iiUTTnit. cm; lis 1 Nor. II, lfb3-12mo. II AM, let. wCO 0 & KHWKai, Attorney at Law, lluztilim, Luzerne co., Pa. P.tstfsn -in lion. John Walls, Lnwinbuii;, Pa. 1l1a111 Cameron, pn tldeut of Hih Lowisbmc II ink. mdxtti: j;;,o,jr:",a!31"!,,""""liet""a luuk RLANlv SI 1JLANKS! I 'UUUUIVIT IO COLDIFIIS IN THE AllMY J and oim rnon.E at ho v. Af Hftwrnr r.'tlnnA low (Inure Our Wntchesnre unrrnui. t i ."'J1 one year, nnd the buyer is nlloivnd mc prlviiee,. ,',! I'XattJnalloii belore payment la requited '"""""ol llnnroieil Dnhli.t If. rt.ll 1'i.l.u A...I ... Iliuitlim Tiino-PIni e of silver n le r Jn I . ' o vr r wtf i V wroiuht s ," ,,,,.,.,., n,. lutti.niss inai it eatiii detected from the so'id mnti rlnl by the most it i,, citced Jinlncs i nclils will not oiTccl It. London i-V. movement. Improved Duplet In full ruby action l. sweep second, nnd Is not to bo excelled In cenerVl .1 penrmiee. '1 bi Is illy one of the ,e,t ,, ,,.p, uver offered for Ir.tders nnd siiecttlninf. i,,.,.."c'c uver oiiercii inr tr.tuers nml speculnturs. Ihisii n.V niiiiirriiiiis, ,nnu persons trjvflliiti;. will find them .,, ivr, ,.,r nc. 'ur.i, , . Pilce, puckoil 1 l'( oil Vl nnon'l H"'"1 rimnlng or.ler. only 43J, r caso of 0 fir ijw "J iiiiniir iti nil v ruin r . n in mi nn ....i - i.r,,, t.r.,,,. n...... ..... flliVr.Il lIUIIHMi TIVII1 HUNTING LllVI'IM Jlest llualilv Silver Cases, over wl.irt, .1..... ' plated 18 k Rold. yimilar to our Improved Diiid, i nn.l snierlor lullusted niovcineits wild "m,,n n , . In lliuliij horn s, cte j has Pour Indexes for Wasl in ton nniKlrefiinlch lime, sweep cecotnl, nnd id l 1 1? iuinriiveiui'ntK. All Iu nil. tnlilnn lis 1. a. , "' : fuulllcss nppenrnnce nml Its superior movement int',. consideration, wo retard It ns declileillv n,n .i,...1...: ntllclo 01 th- kind iii the. market. Price, In eooil Ion. nina oruer, e;i.i,or caso oro lor SiOO. ILT We nek n pny in ndvnnce, but will fornnl either of Iheiit to rcsponsiblo partlns, tn nnv nn, c Iho loyal Htnles with bill paynblo tn exprersmai V ho ?nod are delivered, plvlris the buyK, the prlvllcoe 01 etitmiuat on. nnd. If not sal sfaclnrv. tim ....., . . 1 hi returned nt our expense. ' The xpress cuupnnieB refuse making collection on rnldlerB nnd olhc r partir 9 111 tho dlsn"nl Stilts, run """I"' "My nil such orders must bo nccoi'npaiiled by tl 1 i rash In Insure attention. W'n make n ,1r ,1 ,, r dollars on eillicrwntih when thn payment is rorivan in nilrnnru. .Honey 11a) bo sent by express nt our i.. pense. TlilW. I'AnT.llTy & Co , 03nnd t)t opposite City Dank, Oclober 21, iroil luio. ''"video,, It. ,. THE GREAT ranuri'ryViAiiiisafDAffl irs a mmin prom to Hie sell. I 5 VHHSIIV HrnilCT. NIIWIO'IK; flneo lis i,rs:niil?atlon, has crentud a now cm in tbr history of Hhol. salliug Tens In this country. 'Jhey havi liilroil'ieeil tlieir eh.ei,iis of 'j t.n,, Mlj ' are trllinir them nl not over two cents 1 114 rents; per pound nliovo cost, never de- iaiiug (rum the one price nsied. Another peculiarity of Iho Company is Hint tli-ir Tec Taster net only ih; otes his lima tu Iho selecunn . IhelrTeis 1110 1'inlllv value, ami parti, ,ti, forpartiin'iirloriililies nfcounlry, but lie help the' Imjer to eh'io-e out nf tin ir inormou-i ,tock urh T n nro (rest inlopted tu his wnnt and n only this but points nut In Mm Hie be-1 bam .in . Iti rosy t' sen Iho incalculable iwlvnutairc a Te Uuv -r ha In Ibis establishment over ill riln r II lie in 110 Judge rf 'jv-u i,r the Jlnrket, If Ii i tun, , Vlilll.lble he tills nil the bt'llerils nf .1 Mill eit , Ii 111 of doing tuium s ofiniiiii-tise inpiti-I, or the In, , inent of 11 Ten Taster, ami in kiimii, ," of superior salesman This liable), nil 'I' m buyers 110 ii' itl, r If the thousand) of null s I'-oni this market-to purchase 'on ,13 good term heru until" Xw ork mi-iih.nii., I'nrllii" '-an order Tens mi, ,,. iviiin-n n Well ns thuuli lliey c'luiutiieinselves. bclnij sure 1 1 . 1 1; rip 1 1111 1 paekniiiH trim Wi-iuliisnud tares , and 1I1 j' . are Wnrranleil as iuprecntml, we (ssiie 11 Pnee l.j.t of iho Coinpan-.'s, n will bu sent to all who order it J iMinpri-nig lltjion, Voting IJyaon, Impvia! Gun powder Twavkny and OOt.OSO, FOt.'H'OVn. OKAN'UIl U IIVHDN i'PKnr Japan Ten nl'eveiv de.rriptioii, colored inul uiht i ,!. Th list lilts , ;,, ll klnl nf '!'..-, .1,,-, , Classes, namely! Ciireo, huh Cargo, i-' in, rinislin fu n Jin ni.ij in nt, -, mini nun, nescripilnll atl-l r prices nnii' X -I lhat the Company aro n.-.i i., iimliT'tll 111'' whi'IeTi i trade We gnititinti-e In ,'11 all iiiir teas at not ov. r t . cuts ( tr-J ei nts) fier piun I above enst. In-lievi a' to he Hllraciivo to the many who liavo liervlnfur, u i pajing enormi'iis ptcfit i Cl'.LAT A.MIU'.ICAN THt COMpAW, I'IPilUTfens ,M, .liiii i .., ., N 51 vl'y direct, N,w i , ik Pepi. 12, IfC3-:!n'n. EVANS & WATSON - HALAMANM:n SAILS, in JIO LI) lo ,'u. Iliiuil, f..ur tt'ratt, PHla.l. 'i,', i hav - . i nod a l-irgi- iissorLiiiciit i.f f. Thii f .-.U ,m n ' r i -t Iso, iron doors, .n Ljnk. i stores, iron shutter, iron s ..h. , i . makes of lucks cuual to any mo w in lh" tTniled States. I ii-- Sri?? in our frt. .Victim cut ri"ht; uilh ros. trev in irpe-t ent.'httt'.f. Tho ehilaiiMiiiier I'afcs of riiilaCliihia against tu world. EVANS Si WATPON, have hnd the surest demostratirui in the r i tiliiale Hint their m.iiiuliirturj nfrialiiiiinnder Hales b., at l- ngth lullyw arrant. rrpr.-s'-i-i-ili-m wliiili ha In en mode ol them ns rendering .iu undouiif J security ..s.....b .,,,. . ii lueiii. ,, , , Philaih Ipbla April 12. 1-.W I ."'.sra. J.rniM.v li;,r.,. . r.-. , tt.-ui -n It nlbm ,. I Lie liiict satlslnitlon to unio i Von, that ovingl" In.-very prnlr.liv,,ii.liii s,.rtiiif lb" r-.iliti.,a 11.1 . (of. s which ." iit!(h,ts-d of you snme live mi.niii mu 1 we saved a lar.'c pi ,-n ;i ..f j. . !ry. ,n, I all iir I n., .it:, epn-d to lh" riii.-iu,iinis,ririi in Jl.inst.-ail i,l -,. . the oioiiiiug nfth . Hid ,.., I When e nihil lhat th-se safes were lor-nteil in V , fonnh s'orv nf lh,-biiililiu-.' a occiii I tlm! II v I I. II subse.iieiiy nit,,,, H, , f Imriiii. r,u., e h, r , ,. ast i i nteiitrntliiii ot Hi" licit oiusi d the br.'ss plai . , HP 'I, we ranuijt but re.'anl th pn-i i ..iiimii uf in i, v , . liable ronients as most couviui ing proi.l cf the e at - -cnrlty nllnrdeil ,y (mr Mil.., We i-ball ti-ke en -it plenaure iu recommending 111- , men i.t Uur-iu-.-s u, a .Mre i, miu-,. ,L-din. ijr ., lilftJlUJH U . r.l .Ml)S & I1UO.. JrKCU'J . T7 J ne h i', . w,ii pin, i.nswil ix lur-e .i.ife .. JulyJ,,. Ir,..'. August .') i j 1S3. i&ij:;. i PHILADELPHIA k ERIE Thl. irrcnt line travi re ibe Netiliprn ,,,i v.,h .-.lm ennniici, m riBiisjivmiia to tho city ul Lne.'.ii l.ake Trie. Itbirtb " ii leased by th" Pennsylvania Itailm;, I Company, and under tin ir uuspiei-s u i,una raaidiy opened throughout its entjie li-ngih. II is inuv iu use for Passenger nnd Freight business from llnrrUhuri! to Emporium, 1M miles) on the East ern Division, and from sheliield tuj:rie iTSniilcsionihe Western Division, iiiin or PASEnr;R Trutss at KORTiiUMrmm.jiNn. Mail Train loaves, y 5:1 a. M, Impress Train " " Ji 21' M. Mail " " West 4 47 Dpres 1:1 A.M. Cars run wmi 1 iu:;ur both wnv on lie sa trains between Philadelphia and Lock llai a. , nd li.'illiniore and Lock Haven. Now nml ulegint nle. p illl! Cars arcnuipauini; the Hrpress Train bolh w ys belveeii Willi.iuisnort and H.iltimoru, and Willums port and Pliiladelpliiii. l'or iiil'ni mal.on respecting P.isseneer biiumus ap ply nt the t. 11. (,'nr. Ilih and .Market fcts. And for Freight husinessof the I'oinpmy' Apents B. II. Kinsston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Mark. 1 fits.. Plnl'a' J. IV. tlevnnlu's, Brie. J SI. Drill. Agent N. It: a., nnltininr . II. 11. Ilousion, Cen'l. Fn iuht Act . I'lul nlilplna, Lewis I.' Iloupt, (iin'l.'l irki t A(!l Phil-id .phia. Jo.eph I), roll-, (itu'l, .Manauer.W illiaii.epiiit, October 31, 18,13. Nos. 0, 11, l.'l, 10, 17 Courtlandt Street NLAU 11KOAIIWAV, NI'.W YOP.K flTV This old.esiiiblishrd and favorite resort of iho lium neas l.'omiuuiiity h is In en recently rclltted, ami is 1 01.. jikto in evcrj ilnna thai can minister to thu comfort- 1 1 its patrons Liulius and t.timlie.s uro tiiuciaily aim wil fully iirotiiled ,ir. Jt ! ccntnilly 111 tho bii-ine nnn nf the riu n"d is to tjie princlpaj lines 1.1 kle.ue.bout. vu.b, vmui.iu,,,, ivi.ivei, Ill coiiseqm nee uf the pressure cau;d by thu P.cbtl lion, priios hate been reduced to Una Dollar in d iijty ( cuts fier Day. 'Iho table is nuiply supplied u llh all the lusunsg of lhi'feniou,;iudisoiual lo that of any other hotel in thu country. Ample hccotiimoJations aio offtrud for upward of i" guens. UV Do lint belinvo runners .hackmeii, and others wh". may say "the Western Hotel ib full." 1. D. WINCJIlWTLJt. Propiirlor TIIOS.D. WlNLJIUSTLIl. Feb. 15, lf,-'. iSISEilMl I n Hi; Prupnetoc well-known nod centrally tors ' i ted House, the F.innsiiE Hutu titu.-ite un Vai. flrcct, iu lilootnsbur;, iiniwJiaicly .-puosite the Cnlmn bin County Court House, respectfully Ufuruu ins fn nJs and til.; public 111 i-enernl, lhat his House u now 111 or der Inr the reception ntideiitortniiiiiiuii of travelers who may fed dipo.dd to favor it Willi their custom Hi- h.i,' spared no expense iu preparing the Kxaiimz. for th" enti rtaiiimeut nfhis guests, neither shsll Hit r b "y thiua waning (mi his part; lo iuiiinti 1 to their pcrs 'i al j lonifort. Hi. house is sp inous uud enjoys an ei. ' il ut business location. I Vy OniiiibiiM's run at all limes between Ihe Lxch ji,,' I Hotel and the various Kail Moid Depots, by wiurh tra elers will be pleasantly conveyed to and fioin the r : spectlve Stations 111 due lime to meet tho Cars. 1 , , . , W.M. II KOONS. ' llloom,burj,July7, IfiiO. A LL KINDjJ OF STOCK FOR THU ih 0 it a 0 ii v s Photoeraph Albums, Card Pictures, Cold I'eni, (la 1 lliblus uud Pr.yer Hooks, i.c. &c, Call and look s our Stink, 01 send your orders mail. WM. 0 PlfilttV. Hooks nitn. - s' W. tor- roiinh umi I nre, Nov. II, 18M-3m PHIL ADl l-P I I mmn vewow housh, SicomlSlieet, above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. a r ni.iin, ruopr.iKTon PI mm lril 11, 1S1J, Mrtlill" Of 8 very tlejeiinrioii, for sale at WiiuitTmo 1 u r ; iv fulfil .VtiiriH Guy uc r , iiiv.