Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 09, 1864, Image 3

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Dcmiao of George W. Rupert.
O.o. W. lturrKT, formerly of Blooms
burg, diad At Austin, Nevada TiiriiL'y, n,t,
Oct. 13, I8GU. A friend i.f his Mnt n. I"AP
Saturday Morning, Jan. 9, lOG4.!Iast "oeI l,u 6u,,j'"n:tl Tribute 0f lto- f,;".;;'
i ipont I., i .- inrtnnn nf n Ihrnneh ,nr nonsi, n niii,li.. t...,.
v . Htnuf uuiiLT ..... : . ... :..::. 'v .
... T. ..ill I i ... . . '!'" nmnrnjnjlili'lil in mm II l-Il tlia nffl
it hiii uu icrueil Willi lllltrc.-t bv ol"-riPiicti wnon imitiu ttna vnlnnlil- ii.eiilc. tsuiiM
liin ,,, - f , .i , . ,nlle' "life and vigorous miioii upon a dlsord' rod
1113 tlUMProUS friORds III tllli SCClion of !'""ach, and ihu clean-ln,, of llm r-ntlro li.iiM.ii, body
,,. . should riit-iimiiiund it to nil cU.ik of our ciiiiimunllv.
Csa? Wo notico that tho aoveral board,
walks in lilootnsbtirg nro in bad oondition
thoy ticed immcdiatu repair, l.ct them re.
ccivo proper attention. Wlicro aro tlio
authoritcs ?
CSTTli& annual election of officers by
tho board of directors for the Lackawauna
& Dloomsburg Uail Road will bo held on
Monday next, the lltb inist. at there office
in Kingstou. Hoc notion in auothcr col
ItirTho oairier of the Democrat. Mas
ter James 0. Ra.nck, desires us to return
his Binocro thanks to the patrons of the
Columbia Democcrat, for tho liberal pat
fronago bestowed upon him, on tho receipt
bl his New Year' Address.
ArroiNTMEKTS KY the Count v Com
missioners. Tho following appointments
wero made by tho Commissioners of Col
umbia county, on Monday last.
Attorney W. Wirt, Esq.
Cleik ltoboit C. Fruit, of Madison
Hoatoltcr,i Bitlcro
'(it tli r nr r ir.,i..i.u fi m th , prsi
pi' I. . j, n i' Hi t nit n a a vi. labia L nin
cur ufLy fun la riatnltn, .. i on, tin Ii n mi l
ML : V,.ilu il iI.IV. It I .1111. I li.i ii ..,,., ,1
ilny m.v rui.i i.f in sr. i in t nr!' ch.inl, I il
hull Tll'r.' I In .Ii
Wlll-ll tho afflict, il
oouiitry i
Tribute of Respect.
tSUli I iHl'llllvr
Tor Mtlo by Druggists mid dealers generally.
Jniiunry , imh, im. is,
i iUENrH of a nervous invalid.- Pubii i
.... .uu ..tin.-.., nun in n cat lion I'. vntili'i inf!i. mij
At a regular communication nf George
town J.odi'o. No. afl. F. mul A. M
hold ou tha evening of October S-Ith, 18(..), Mi.?kn
tuu luiitnwiig pr-cauilMO aou rCS0.Ul,0U3 i" ' cursu niter bfiiijt h tic
, i.,.) iii uiuiiinii iMiiiiunu a i ii i
ntifirhprv. Ilv tii1niint n ....Li ,n.,.-... i ... 1
ini y w i. MU "'""
wore adopted
Wllf.lir Alt Tl Vina I.haii 1 1.., ...ill
. NAT lANini. .MAVI'Allt. .
pleasure ol llm fauprt mo (Jrand Master of . . . Ho'iroM, Kinji county, Ncw-Vurk,
ino iiniverso mat our truly beloved hrotli
of tho
er, Georgo W. Hupcrt, one of tho mombe.s TWl? L''o
ot this Jjotlgo, be roinoved from this, our 'renniii..i'ri,.i,,i,K ritor.o.ii(iiMuKi'
earthly brotherhood, to share, as wo trust, ySLTa i.,, ,, Tstl
n,i ii. i . Ii, ,"u .'i'iiJ.i in'ui raricii mm
'' """" ii'icn 111 i, mining in i-it 1 1 nini (ilil.t mnJe r.x.
(neatly inr ntall mlos, li.ivo cnMtltiitcil pvcry (iiio
hli nii n.ilcinaii, l.y li.ivinn imikuil In nmin, initiiiuli
aitlclcHt tin' vtylmvc! iirlcclt c.iu ha sola for siitln y
cannot iiiiilily varydlf must huy uliko.
i no kihiiU urn w Il tponccil mul iiri'iiari-J ami gftit
bach, of Sugarloaf.
CSyENocn Howell, Esq., tho popular
landlord of the Espy Hotel, has purchased
tho new Tavom Stand, of Mr. Willard C.
Green, at Lower Li mo Hidgo, this county,
and will locato thero in a hort tinio. Mr.
Howell is a gentleman and well kuows
how to keep a Hotel. Ho is deserving of
u liberal patronage.
afiy Mr. L. T. Sharpies' Adverti.'e
nient appears in ibis morning's Democrat.
He bad inaugurated a new system in the
incrcwntilo business, by offering his goods
to cash purchasers at extraordinary low
prices, cheaper than can be obtained else
where in Northern Pennsylvania. Give
him a call mid tei-t the cash or produce
cay-Mir ha i;l F. F.YKiu.v, INq.,
opened an'offico two doors west of
'Court House, formerly occupied by Dr.
C. Harrison, where ho will always be
found in business hours, ready to give all
iieesary ini'ormatiou and prepare exemp
tion papers from the coming draft. Mr.
Hyurly has bail experience and will make
mi ( il'menc advoeute. See his advertisement.
(JiyCTi't. C I. Ml UN- B G. J.fKSnV
A pure nn.l mwcrfnl Tnine, corrcdlra nnil nllerilTe
of wiin. lotful cllliacy in iIIkiho of llm
C'rci nyHriopjIa, I.lvnr (omplnlnt, tlfailnrlif , (Iciieral
Uchillly, Nl'Iviiii.ih'h.. Ik-prcf Inn of Spirit', I'mi
.tlpallnn, inlic, Inlcrmittiiiit lVvcru, I'rninpi
ami Si;i"inp, mul oil I riintilnllil, of flthcr
Hex. rrl.lliii from lloillly Wcnkni'it
wlirlhcr Inhiruiit in thn vyatcm nr
proilmtiil hy ciutcn.
Notiiino Hint is not linlconic. (rcnlul ami roftora
live in iti iiutiirn I'litirs into th coninnsitinn ofllOSI.
1st. Resolved, Thai, by this afllicting 'I'roSPinirnVlJ-'-ThcniiilcralB!iouhavln8t'oa i pHratln'n c'oiitilni no mln-inl 'of any ft h, '.U-rVifry
i, f..- ., . . . . ri..lorii.l ,i. Iiniili i ii ,rt..i.- i. . ..). j i... .. ....... i ii...... .i !...... .. ... i if
i ... .i..i ttf 'mi; niii'i'iu iiiiiiiiucil riiMlli.'lil ; on lll-rr .'Arillllll i O'll 11 IB il ciilillil.
ri'iiiMv. nftvr iiiiirr.Ml nr imp.i ii nr.. nil ! .... t.. . t....i. ...i
:i!lll Warill Iieait .V re "!" ","u". U,1 "fail iUm-iu.., cuniunip. planln uitli the iiun.t aiiilniililcst of nil diffulvu etim.
n.'ii- ii- uii.iu-m iu IllilUU JilliJWll lu Jimillu.v!,'! lnuri Il ntit..
"" I It 1. wi'l to he fiirparmnd nc.i nt dl.i'a.o. nni I. no far
l.-lro it.lij will gi'tnl a copy of thn pti-. i na tS" limnaii sy.tcni rati he iirnlcctcil h Ininmn nii'an. rn.irh'i-. wim uie uir"riitinB tor , .ipaln.l inaiaiiit". cngoniicri'il l.y an iinwlioioiiomi! at
Ino.phrri'. Imiiiiri' Vinli'r tuiil othor external tailHci,
llUririVI'l'mfd lirn'LaH may ho n-UiM on an a fafo
gnarJ. In ilitrli M Infotfil with JVrcr aml.lgnt, it liai Impn
fiiuinl IM'Ulililo a. a ptrvriitlvii unit Irri'siflilil" an n
rcmrily nnil thou.auiii who ruiort to it muter nppre
lii'ii.ioii of niialtaclc osrape thi scourge ; nnil ltmttiihits
who ni'Klcct to avail lli'iniiolvi's of ita protoctivrt 'pinl
inns in nilvaurc, nro curcil hy a very brief ronrf of
lhl. niaryclniiii mcillrlni'. l-'cv. r ami Ar' p.illuiits,
alii-r hiios tiiil lil wilh miininc tor month in vain. tin.
til fairly faturateil vjth that ilanpcroiM nlkn'oiil, nr.i
in tho tiitpTjinoha and nlorv of
only Lodgo abovo, wlicro Ih Himself ever
mora presides.
And. wherens. f lit 4 T.nilnn. fnnlinn. A
nr!.l IV.. ti... l.... :, P.i. . P Hits tJkon with the iinkliie so Hint nil ran l.nv will.
B"" 1111 ius hsuii uiiu iiiu iraiermty tin-mil n.iurain-a o( t-i tiing a po,l nttlrlo at tlm vory
have sustained, and entertain" tho livcli- ,",,',l.t71 AIii"'iitkrJrii..,-,.,(,e.iiniiiiiiiii
cit sympathy with the relation!, of our do- 1"
ceased brother in this sad bereavement, is j ''SSeifffjMa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'
desirous to perpetuate a record 01 tho rc- 0 jomis n up.
sped and nffectiou in which his memory " cosiaottciTEn.j
is held by thoto who are left to mourn bis ! pvlxomiiy co.vsv.viroi.Y,cuiMiir.LDi3.its:.
death. A CAltD.
Is the Vital i'riuciplo of llio lino Trci.
r.l.talncil ty a ptrullar pioccn In Ilia dlilillatton of
tli.- Inr, by Hliicli Uu lilglitf t incdlcitisl iiropcrUon ate
rttajiidl. It In tho inrdiclno that cure uhen all oilicrnlnvo
A irca( tUnittly rut' Coiistimplion.
I am ronttantly tecolvlitif luch ecrtlflrdtct tit tha
following. Ul'.AU IT I
Da WttiuKT Dear Eir I hail a very .Iremlfii
f-uiiglt ami euro throat for ('no ynr, unJ my whole aye
Uni a f.i.t nlrln; way, ami I waa proilrnt.:.! on my
hail with tint little hope of rtcoicriiiK. My
hallli'il Ut.i powrr of all iiiuilirim-ii, ami in a short time
I mutt linvp poll to my crave, hut thank (1ml, my iluiith
lot-In law ttniiM not roil until l,o went to your ttoro,
N'n. IH N. fonitnl Btrccl, ami related my cihu to on,
purrhanuil onu hi ltle i f your 1'iue Tree Tnr Ccrilial,
and I Miinuicncoit to una It, and in one week I wa.
mi dt biltrr, ami after ustuct tliri-o hottlos I am perfectly
well, nwon-Urto all my friend, for they nil pronem
.ml inu poitcuro. runlith my ruto If you think pmptr.
Krdkli.a Hamilton.
No. 1311 Wyllu iltcct, riuladulphlt.
Tar Cordial.
Sir. HAnn aaya:
lr Wmhaut. iir : I hut llrnnehltla Ina.imatlnn of
the f.iin).'., Hlioilnc. of II rc n Hi. nint Palpitation of tho
Ilcart I" Ihoir woril fcrmi; I had hocti troatoii hy o.
ornl of the mo. t eminent phyriclaua in riilladi Iplila.
hut they could not stop the rapid rour.c of rny illnea-o,
tint I had do. paired of every lielne; restored to health.
I was truly on tho vvsn of Uoi grave. Vour I'ino Trco
Tar Uordlal was hlahly rccoiiuuendod to mo hy.t frlnd:
I tried it, and am llniiil.ini to iay that, after mini; four i
larpe, ami one sniau nottio, i n, resioreu id purioct
n r. ....... . ,i . , i 1t f..... ...i.t .. ..f ...i , , r
i'it-buutic uiiuiiinnf ivuurew r-""."""' uul """ iiu.'w uprigiu ! ri', altvr li,i,oX "iiir-r.-d uir, with a ho
I charitablo
had deservedly wou tho respect and rogurd i th- mean., ol c
of all who knew him, anil who, fur years 1 1(JJS;y
, . , "..r"' 1 "i ",u "' ".'ih . ..mi uic oiroriuins lor
past, lias het'U a WOrUlllaU among US, tins I V" parinir and u-lnj the mimr, wliirh they wilt llnd a
Lodirn tins hist 1 innt rlilinonf nll """ oro inr ri.iifiiinpiii.ii, n.liiina, hronch III,,, &c
l.OUge lias lost a lllOSl UlllgSllt, USClUl, , The only ,Jnct ol th- alvertuer in neiidiu ti. pre-
benevolent antl truo-hcaited member. "criptiou in toiioueiu tlio niniited, nn,i npn-ad inform.i.
.inn .'nun uu vi'in.-i. rs 10 no iiivaiiiitniL1 nun lie itopii,
ev.-ry aull'.ror will try In remedy, as It will cost than
nothing, mul tuny prove u Mo-plug,
l'artlt'i, w mliiiiK the pr' ncridtiini will plono ad.lreia
l!cv. I'.inVAKII ,. Wll.MU.V. Wllliniinhurcli,
fi'it. '.!!, lpoa-lm Kinaa ('Jtiuty, New ork.
2d. Resolved, That tho members of this
Lodgo will long affcetiouately cherish the
memory of our departed brother, endeared
to us, as hcwa',ly tlio many excellent
qualities which adorned bis character,
both as a man and Mason, and mingling
their sorrow with that ot Ins afflicted rcl
alives, they tender them their most
heartfelt sympathy and condolence.
Ii.1. Uesiihud, That, at an additional
testimonial of reluct for tbo deceavud, the
members of this Lo'lgc will wear tlio cus
tomary bailir.i of mourning for thirty days;
that ihe I'm nituvi; an I j.-w.-ls thereof ho
shrouded in black for ninety days., and
that a copy of this preamble and resolu
tions be entered on tlio reoords of the
1th. Ro'olved, that a copy of this pre-
I rim i i ;i!1(l ,vso tuiiirw tin mmi . nm I rr r:il
t''u of tlio Lodge, to the rdaiivus of our de-
parioti nroinor, ana mat uto loregoiug be
published in the I'laecrvillo Daily News
and the Mountain Demoeiat.
IMl'OKTANT TO I,AHir.H.-llr.
Wait Alcoholic
innrAtmn nv
DR. 0. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa
WILL clfoctunlly cum Liver Complaint, ryppl,
Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous hchllity, Diteaaca
of the Kiiiueya, and all diaeaiua mliltig from a disor
dered l.iver or Stomach, '
ni t.'oiKtlpa
tlon, Inward I'll'",
I'liitio., of lllood totha
Head, Acidity ofllie stomach
Nausea, llearthurn, lllrgutt for Food,
KulueM of wi ij; lit 111 the Stomach. Hour
Cructatlonn, Pinking or I'lutteringatthe I It
of tho Ptomarh, fiwlinnilng of tin Head) Hur
ried and Dllllcult llrcuthlnir, riiittermg at tha
Heart, Choking or SuCoratlng s'onantlona when in a
lying potture, III m, of VI; Ion, lloti or Webs
ticforu the right, l'evcr and Dull I'nln ill
the Head, Deflcleney of l'craplration,
Velliiwueia of the ril.ln and Kytt,
I'llu lu tho Side, Hack, Cheat.
1, lliib., Ac. Huddcn, l'lmli ji
ef Heat, llurnln in tlu
rieali.Conitaiit Im
ai!liiing."i'fevil, dcprea.lon
oi ipiriia
heallli. YoucangiV! rerorenro to my nouse, ,o. uo-i ...t,,.,,, nrevoiit Vellmv nillinu.
N Horotid strei t, or nt my olnro of llncclvcr of taxoi V,.. ... . .. ' . t, .. .'. ai.,.i.i . teu...
from ii A.
M. to 'i V. M corner of Clieatnut and H I x 1 1 1
J01I.1 WAtlO,
ltHAIl Till'. rol,I.OVIN(J:
Mr. WiitAnr, 3 i r I return yen my grateful thanka
for tho discovery you liavn undo in tonkin, a modiritio
that will cure Itillaniiitlnii nf tho l.ima, and Liver
Comptnitit. When 1 coiiintericed to uno your I'ineTreo
Tar Cordial I w.n, to all nppearancea. near my grave.
Ihndliecn for u length of lime piltitii! Idnod, and
would at time vomit it, My phytkiana (for I em
ployed two) pronounced mo paat cure; hut my filter
had used your nun Trco Tar Cordial, which did her
so mttrti good that nhc prevailed on me, ui a Inst report
to try it ; and thank fod, 1 cnnitnoticcd to use it. I have
tnken twelve unities and am peifocily cured, and am
ready nnil willing that any por.nii that 1. Kick should
rail on mo. und I will till them what your Cordial Im
done lor me. All my friend, and neighbors were utterly
It,...., . . . r. i . ... . ... ... ' 1 lull ntifr!niiii,!v r.i.tiirnil tn lionltll U Ithlll II fi'W On V.
I i ii.ii. n.i, i- in v-r iii iiiuii in removing uiii.cuiiii. tin" , r iY,,J.,,; . ,.,..,,,J , in,.ina 1 nalntiisncil at my speeuy return to iieaun, rnr mey inn
i illg flolll ob..trNctlnn.lir l-tnon.l.'o of l.illiir.. nr n, li' Hie Use 01 HUM I. I l 1,1. M ill 1 lllH. , , ,!, ,1. ,.nlto,l llo fr,.,nioi,llv
. .luring tho system In nerfict he.ilih when nilfcrin r V"' ftomurhis rapid'y Invigorated and the ap- ,,,,,,,. 1V ...., .. , w,,. ..v.,r.. ,,., ,uir.
irnni spinal rtiieclinns. rroiepsii., uter , the Whites, i'1" ' """:" ' "" ''"" " " .i,Ji; a9 WilJ, to kdow of your iiivaluab o mci Heine.
,,r,,tiirV vii.nit,,.... i.i-ii. . i-i,, n.nnnJ t hi, worl.r wonders iii of and in less con- ,' .,.. .. ,
..... . vj. t.iiw, nun. ... .
,, ,. ,, . , . . I iiV, to Mis-, il, Jennie. Iicat,
i, I-,-,,., cf li'rw.elc, paid ol-Alll!r,. rroaS)E5(,.i0fVil!o
iloomsburg, ono tlay la,t Qll U(, of Dcisl.llllori
of .VI. W. .(nelson
a 11 ing visit to I
week. Cant. J., is conucctul vfith tho f.t-
diio'.is 8(th I'a. Vt'luutef r.-i, one of the first
.regiments tb.i! cnlii-ted to put down I ho
rebellion. Wo are pleased lo liitico that
.the captain enjoys good health. We ho-ir
him spoken of as a c. olHscr.
i'Ju'Thc Draft
-the Klh. If the
iugton wore ijot 1
In lilooniiburg, on the "ml itit . , by tho
Rev. J. W, Livelier, Mr. ifumml bittler,
lo Mr-f. Mary ISnili,, all of Rloomshurg.
At licrwie'j, I'a, on New Teara live by
tho Rev. W. V. (Jise, Mr. Clinrcs I).
Vfi4, daughter
ow Sp' ings.
bv thn Key.
J'J.Vl V, j'Juriiil, to
Jit rus both of Cata-
are porfeclly h.irinless rn me eiiti.tilullou, and may he
i ii."u ny in., uu. si iii'iti-iito i;:n:iie wiinaut cuiiilng ills
treas thn aui" tune 111 'y net Ilka a i harm by strength
euing. iuvignr.itnu' and ri-.lnrliig the system ton heal
t h v conilillnii, mid hy Ii ntigiui; on tin- monthly perl'i.i
w ilh ri gularit) , im m.ittor I ruin what eau.ij- the ,b
hirin linn inav arise. The should, hir.viver, ,VOT ha
taken during tit first three or Inttr months of pregnancy,
though tal'j nl any oth -r time, as inl-cairue would b
the ri-sitll. ,
I aih rent lilts PlUi. price $1.
III'. IIAIlV r.'.--Tlli;l'ISr.nii lll.easesof ramales.
I'licnniii-y, .Mlse.-iiri.ige. linrrenueKS, Sterility. Itepro.
diietion and aliusoH nf nature, and emphatically Ihe
Ladled' Private Medical Advissr. u painplilrt of l4
pn,'"s. sent free to .my iiddrcsj. t-ix cuts re tuired to
pay pn.'..!';e.
I'll.' I'll Is and book w ill be sent by mail vrben driiicd,
securely ssaied, and pri paid, by
;. IlIlYAN. M. I).. General Agent,
No. Til Cedar si., Xorr VorS.
Z7' Fold by nil tho principal dru.'iitti.
Ilifrntbi r VI, irti.i 1.
A F(UlT!ltM FOR m I
i: i t 1 1 k it-m r. n on women"
Win. .1 Eycr, .Mr.
Jliss Murgu ct Ii.
wisea twp., Col. eo.
On tho 'JSih ult.,
hridu's latin r, by
at tho house o? Ihe
tho Rev. .Lieob Weid-
Irts been poaliioned lo
governmout'' at Wit'b-poi-.e.-seil"
it would havo
hcon long before this that drafting is a fail
nro. We iriiit. however, timt a litlle wie
doia may be entering the knowledge boxes
of Abo and his adviser.', and that this short
postponement ma be the prolinlo to an in
definite postponement
are not woith haviu.g a(. lean so it is
and if volunteers cannot he raised the
man, Lo'. ticaich, E-ip, nf f-hiek-hinuy, lo
Miss June lu. Ic&uiv, of Huntington iwp.,
Luzerne county.
Ou tho :j 1 -1 ult., at White Hall, Mou
lour county, by Rev. A, V. Shanafell, Mr.
,. J!vJ!enry, lo Miss lUlitdli AVwc, bulb
of Jackson township, Col. eo.
On the ' lth ult., by the JJov. Win. J.
Ever, Mr. l'rimtn. U. hrtlir, of Locust
f70 hunib'ig, b'lt nn enllr.'ly now thing. Duly three
1 1 muntln in this country ' No rl.ip.tnp operation l
cull tho public, but a nenuiite nirne-malniK thing1
read I ha eire'ilar of itittrui lion once only, and yon will
tiuiloMtai'it it p'rfi-ctly. A lady Im Just written to
tee that sip' is inaktnu as high as tweitiy dollars sotiis
tin) s ! civing nittrin-iloits in this art. Thmiunds of
sol.'iorf an. milking iiftny r.ipnlly at it. ,,'u persna
are n urjjeu in fairontze ii. ii is a uuntf llfll lanes
nittllr than iitilliittg ever hi fore olfered. You tan
bat ee tiiotii. with it lioui' urabroid-on st- ambnats or
einlroa.! i .ii-i. unit in too cn.nnry nj-1 ity. Vn't wi.l lis
ltdlired in I'ursiiiug it, nut only l'c,tn-o it will o ld a
Ii uid.i'tiio in, uine, but itl-io m cijiim"i!i. .n-.- nf lit - g,-n-nr..
I adiiilr.ilioii wbii-h il eln it. it i irltv nini-li all
pr'tit,A leer., irlile is necessary t" start with.
'I'h'-re 1-' srarn ly on" per-ou nut nf wlio
ever .tit. iitii'iiiio .iuvertii.i.m.'nts of this kind
H.iukiug llicy are httinbin;. i-iin..t..iuently lln se who
do bend foi iiif-tiurtii'tis w ill have a brna l li.-ld lo maka
money in. Tin-re t. a das', nf n rso is in this wnrld
who Ihtilk thai neea.lse ill -v ll.ive bvn hllinbiiged out
nf a dollar ir so, lli.-.t itv.-rytlti'ij. th..t is iidvertised is a
humbug, t.'iius' ti mly they try tionioro. 'ihepirsou
wlio suc'-eeds i Mi" mie that kjeps on irjiuj; unlit lia
hits sniiietliiug that linn.
Tlii i'tt com ins one thou.and dr-llars, and I expect
o in.iko utotii-y nut of it and all who purchase tie- att
of me will itnth.- satite. Uno Hollar sent to me will
itis-irr the prompt rituin of n card of iiwtiui'.ions in
llioart. 'the money will b" rel'irued to lh"-e net sat
isfied. W.M.l lilt T. 'I'l.Vrfl.LV.
No. 1 l'ark. Place, ,"o,t Y irk.
Oct. !l, l?G3-3nin.
nrni 'd forms nf Indigestion Ailing a' a gentle and
piiiiiloss appi rieut, as well as upon tho liver. 11 also
invariably relieves the Constipation mipcrluducoil by
irregular action of the digestive and secretive organs.
Persons of feeole Itibit Ii itile .Mrreeu, Attacks, .oi--nis,
o Spirits and file if l.tneMr, find prompt and
permaii' iil relief from Ihe Hitlers. The ti stiiiiouy on
tins point i luo.t eoticluiv-, and from bom sexes
Theagouyof Itillius Colic i iitiinodiatnly as'-u.iged
by a i-ingle dose of Die, mid hy ncca.ioitally
resorting to It, tho return of the compliant may be pre
vented As a general Tnn'c, HOSTCTTHIfS HlTTr.lW prn-dtii-eeirects
which must bo experienced or witne-sed
In foro they can be lully appreciated In rases of Con
stitiiilonal w-i nkue-s, prematur" die ay and debility and
decrepitude arising I ruin old age. Il exorrlsoj ihe elec
tric iniliii ne.o lu the eonvnlo-coiit stages of all diseases
it oio-rates as a tlelighiful in it rant. ri"ii th" pow
ers ot nature aro relaxed, it operates to re inforco and
ro-cttaldislitlieiii. Last, but not li'n't, it the mils safe
ttiinuleiit, bein man'il.irlur"d from sound mid intiocu.
otis materials, and entirely free from the acid elouienls
present more or less in all the ordinary touieu mid
sloiuarllicsof the day.
No f.iinily milii'lne lias been so universally, and it
may be truly udded. dcstrvtdlij popular with the Intelli
gent portion rf tho community, ua llOSTJ'.TTJJIi'ri
Prepared by
riTiniimitiii, pa.
""-Solil by all Uruggi"ts, Crocers and Storekeeper
Novoinber 21, I3f.3-ly.
G on nine Propa rat ions.
iiertfiilly, Street, six doors abovo Richmond street, lliih
Tlio t'i no Tree Tnr Cordial will euro Cotieli., Kor
Throat, and t llronchitls, Asthma. Croup. Hoop
ing Cough, Hiptherla, and is also an c.vollent remedy
for diteiiscs of the kidneys, and 1'utnalo complaints.
The R'-nuiHo lias llm iiatno of the proprietor and a
pino tree blown in the bottle. All others aro spmious
I'iiiuk l'irtr Ckmts as-d Oat Hollar roa lioTTti.
Frtpired only byahe proprietor,
Dr. L. (I .. niSHAKT,
y.o. 10 Notmi Second St.,
For Sale, by all Druggists.
December l'J, 1803-Om.
fJst'Uc ef Cornel its Vunhorn, dee'd.
Lr.TTr.lliSToi-tni.ientary on tho estate of Cornelius
Vauhoru, late nf Hemlock township. Columbia eo.,
ilecea-ieil. Iiave h -en granted by the llegi.ter i.f Wills,
o.c.. to the utidi-rsigii'-d ri .-.ding in Va'leynnd Ileinluek
tnwltshilis. All p rnoiis h.ii lag elainis against tin, es
tate of the di cedent are p'-piei-toil to pri-snut them to
Ih" r.xecutors ,' their risldtueo lu said tnwnthip,
without delay, und all persons iudebtil to ivI.e iiav
nielli forthwith. UAVII) A.VANUullN,
Valley township. Moutotireo,
j Hemlock twp., Coluiolua co.
Nuvembar S3, Uu3-Gw32.
Fever. Ac. 'Jhtye. nlain no Alcohol or bad W hiskey
, They will euro tho above diseases in ninety-nine
, easns out of a hundred.
Induced by tin, extensive sale and universal pnpu
I larily of lloolland's Herman Ultters, (purely ycgct.v
I hie, I linstsof inotant (luarks and unscrupulous ad
I venturers, liavu opened upon sutterlng hutiianity tho
lleod gatei, of N'oMtuins in tlm shapu of poor whiskey,
vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and chris
tened 'Ponies. Ulomachles and Hitters
llewnre or Hie liinuuinrabln array of Alcnholla prep,
parations in plethoric bottles und big belliuu kegs, un-dr-r
lh mode. t appellation of Hitters; which Instead
ef Hiring, only aggravate disease, and leave the disap
pointed sulfer in despair.
Are not aKcwnnd nntrled article, but haru Hood
.lie test r.f lUleon ears trial by t h j Anierii.'.u public -.
snd their ri potation and sale, aru not rivalled by any
similar preparation.
Ihe proprietors hare thousands of Ittlsrs faom the
most eminent
Testifying nf their own personal knowledge, tn the
beiiellciul elfects and medical virtues of then Hitters.
Do isa rcaa' tomrlhtng to ttrenlAn you!
Jio you want a good appitittl
' Do eu vant to huild vu your CVnftiUtlc T
Do you vant to ficl trill?
Do yn vant toget rid of ntrtor.sxtuT
Do yon Kant energy 1
J)c you mnnt toilet rttlt
I Do tou uantairiifKandvisorotiifetUitffl
1 U you do, use HOOFLAND'S (iLT.NAN niTTEItS.
I i'roi Itcv. J. Xetcion Jlrovn. D. D Ftlitor of lAl J.'nsy
elopedtft vf Jtclljrloui XnovleJfTi.
' Allliough not disposed to f tvor or recommend Patent
Medieines in general, through distrust of their Ingre
dients and effects ! I yet know of no sufficient reasons
. why a man may not testify to tho hem fit he bi-tievea
himself In have received from any simple preparation.
I in the hope that he may thus contribute lo tlio beucllt of
I iln thin the mere lendily in regard to Iloofiind's
l (Jennan llilt'-rs. prepared by Dr. C. AI. Jackson, of Ibis
city, because 1 was prejudiced ag.-tint tl.etu for utariy
tnrs, uitdi r ir impression that they were chiefly an
cl- oholie I'lixtiin-. 1 am imb bled to titv Irieiid ltobert
ehoeniaker, I!s., for th" removal i f this prejudice by
proper tests, and tor en.ouragemeut to try them, w lien
1 guttering from groat und long continued debility. Tlm
1 1. mi of three botib's of the?u Hitters, at tile beginning
of the present year, was followed hy evident relief,
ami restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor
wliirh I had nut felt for six months before, and had nt
most despaired of regaining. I therefore tbunk God
and my friend for directing inn to the use of iliem.
rh!lad(.lp!ila, Juna S3, ISCl.
Death of Archbinliop Hiighen.
New Yoltic, Jan. 3,-10 P. M. TJiu
very ltt-vero'jd John Iluglioo, Archbishop
of Nayr Vorlc, died at bis rcsidenco In litis
oity nt T$ o'clock this orcniug, agtd (17
years. He lias been confined to his bid
sicoj the Oib ult., and his death hat boon
anticipated nt every moment linoo yester
day morning. Tho sad evont has out a
gloom over tho wliolo oommunity.
Exchange of Priooncrs.
If tbo Abolition mombcrs of tbo LcgUln
turo would unite in n strong rcmoustraiico
lo tho President against tho cruel negro
policy which detains our captivo soldiers
at Richmond, and demand exchange ou a
white basis, they might rcstoro Colonel
White to his soat in tho Scuato iu a few
days and organize to suit themselves. If
organization (should be prevented by Ins
absence, themselves and tho ntgro not th-j
Democrats must shoulder tho blamu.
The dashing Delia Doyd has bean foi.t
by Mr. 'Stanton from tbo Old Cap'itol pri3
ou lo Richmond, there to ''remaiu during
the war." Rut Hello will bo back again,
making raids upon our officers, no doubt.
A REi'unLic.VN paper says, 'Russia has
been truoto Mr. Lincoln's administration.'
Ami so has .Mr. Lincoln's administration
been truo to the Russian principal of gov
ernment. or THE
Brave Soldiers and Sailor?.
tive and specific yeiuely for ili.-e-a-e." i f the bladder,
Kidneys, Oravil. nud dropsical swellings.
This medicine inrreases Ihe pawer of iiigesiinn, anil
exrtte lite ah indents into healthy uttioii, by which Iho
Wiiierv or Calrareo-is deiuiiilious, cud
I'.iil.irgi-meineiitJ are reduced, lis well as pain uiiiliu-rtaiiiattnu,
i Fstate of JJamd Zcighr, dee'd.
J' otters of administration on tho Estate
of Daniel Zeigler, lato of .Mount Pleasant town
ship, Cnlumhii county, d.-cnased, have been gran
ted iy tho llcclhter of said toiinty to tho undersigned ;
nil persons having claims against the estate of Iho tie.
cedeui are re.iuesteit lo present them to the Adminis
tratrix without delay, and all persons indebted to make
payments forthwith.
Mt 'leaiant, Nov.Ss. ISilS-lin 3J Adiu'ri.
Exemption of Cleh?,ymen. A motion
to exempt clergymen from iho operations
of Iho draft, mado in the United States
Senate on Tuosday, Dec. was defeated
) itANrrn es ail I'asvs ,'an bo relied on '. Xiver
fail to cirn ! Ho not nauseate ! Are speedv iii artinu!
twp., 10 AIMS LCUtnU jlllllllCrmail Ol busnmrs pursuits! Can In used without d t-rtion !
I'vi nt-liii l.rn or, Cpw ards ol UIIU Hires Ilia post luoilth ii' c.f Ih'-lll
I iaiu.1111 twp , O.. LU. . ,y FOV,.t ,.,. Over im. hundred phyM. iiii.Ii.ivi.
A i 'IV.,..,, Ill') .... il,.. !!! .,1. t, !..,,. ! used lliiiin ill lliiir nructic", .nut nil n- ak will ol Hi- ir
Colllliellod soldiers I ... , i I V ; , . ellnacv-, and nporove of tin ir e,,,posiln.n. wbiL-h is
Ju..ijiiu..u dui .ina ...1 ...., , ,ltllWl JJ, JJttVlS. Ot entirely v. e ttilile. nod lt,irmei on the system. Hull-
sai'l I D.ntnu, to Miss ll'cnin E Harrington, ol , !ruUM and o,y ,.,,
lenr nf In, ran p.n . . P.-i. ! f neeific Pill. 'I'll v ar tulanteil tnr male and female.
i Ci ' i. til i.r lilime. tin nlilv r -ll.ih n roiiio.,1 e for ur.'i?,-.ttn'.
' a pern. am ol and ,pi- dy tur in all cases of Sp'-ruia-torrhea,
or rj iiiuuiii Weakiii m, vviltt all its train nf
evils, su-li as . r tin il and Vaginal Disibargea, Gleet,
; the Whiles. Nil'IiUv or lovoliintai y Eiiiis-inns. Lunn
I tiituanee, rieitual llelnliiy aiul Irritability, Impotence,
Wi'akiitts or l.i'1-s f l'nvi er, Nerviou. It. lulily, .Ve..
ail of whiili aiiM s prim ip.ill) I rem c'uxtiat or
. - If- buse, or soino eoustttutioual deraiigeiu, nl, and
, nic.ipaiitili s the -ulfirer fiou I'ullllliiig the Untie of
I'icr.-ied lif." in all sexual ilisoages, as Gonorrhea.
IHi'i t. nnil r-tri.tuies. and in Hi-eases of Ih i nimbler
and KiJin js. ibiyuri as a charm ! Kiliif la cxpsrl
lined by taking a single box.
L'uid by all ihe principal druggists. Price 3f
J Tln-y will lie si in h mail, si-curiiy se.iletl, and cot,,
' 'idiulially, uu riccipt of t!u uioiiey, by ,
' J. lilt VAN, M.(D.
No. 7d Cedar M., New York.
Consulting Physician for tlu treatment of ieeiuinnl,
Crinar). Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will
send, free to all, tho fullowms valuable v. oik, in seal
sd env elotie :
Tnr. l-'initni Thoi-sim-)r. HEI.L'.-s TIIEATISE
on M'lf-Abiise, Premature l-ieaj , Iiiiioloiie.i iiml loss
of power, 3 xual Diseases, rjuuiiinl Wcakio-.i, .Nightl.v
EuiiF.ion., Oi uiia Debility, kc.,ic , a p.unphl'tnf i'4
page., cuiitujuing iiniiurtanl udvice in the ntUKted, and
w lilcll thoiild be rend by every suirrer, as the means
of euro in Ihe s"ven.l Mages is plainly sit foilh. Two
stamp ri"inire.l to (i.iy postage,
Deceuibei- 12, IcuJ-iy.
bad better be stopped at once as a bad j ib. !
Messrs Mess, Mellenry k Vaiidon-lice,
nud tlio County Auditors, .Mos-rs, Fowler,
.Evans and Capt. Yohe, met on Monday
inorniiig lif-t and concluded the aunual
count r settlement by Wednesday noon.
Wo aro glad lo know that the state of tho
county financca arc iu a sound and heal
thy condition, county orders always
cashed before leaino; the office, such has agisted by Rev. S
. - i;,:.. i i :ii i ' Y. Shannon, of
the management of Democrat officers.
This t-bould he an example worthy of em
ulation by the black republican swindlers.
At the 'amo time, by ihe same, Mr.
Freda ict II. Jiui'.cr, in .Miss M'ty J.
5aT" The County board, eoiihisting of . Savurd, both of Sugarloaf, Luzerne, ou.
Iu Rlooieshurg, on the 30th ult , by tho
Isov. J. R. D mm, Mr. Jsaac h'oitdi'.ri.iti,
to Mis Muitj hc'l, all of Riooiiisburg.
Hy tho :iiino, on the Hist ult., M r I I'm.
J. I rilhtu, to Mias Mary E. Kivmm, all
of Ceutti! twp-, Col. eo.
On Tuesday evening, tho Hist ull., in
Light Stieet, at the re.-ideiiee of Thoodoio
McDowell, Esq., by the Rev. ft. Shannon,
W. i'neo, liev. Jural
Rloomsburg, to Miss
Jlosttla Ent, of Lioht Snoot, Pa.
At the Par'onage, in Orangevilli', by the
Rev. Joaiah Forrest, Mr. Clinton Mel id:,
and Miss Muliuda Oinun, both of Colum
bia co,
By the same, on tho same day, Ir.
CUtu les Jo)tcs, to Mita ElizalUh Kline,
both of Col. eo.
On tho lilst ult., at .1. Goods Hotel in
Orniurnvilli. hv licv. Air. Goodrich. Mr.
by a voto ot yeas U. cays .id, or moro (jiares p. ,;timC . of Lardsville. Lyeom
Tor weakness arising from Eiesscs, habits nf Du.
tipaiioii, Early Indiscretion of Abuses, intended with
the following symptom :vv
liiili-posltioii to Exertion, Loss of Power,
Loss of .Memory, Difficulty nf 'renthing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling.
Horror ol D'-itiee, l'.'illl in the Hack,
I'niversiii l.asMtudo of tlm Milsrulnr tfy.Hm,
lb t II.iii.Ih Eruptions ou the l'..ce.
Dryness of the Ski-i, l'.lushiiig of Ihu liody,
I ullid Coniili liniiee.
Theso symptoms, if allowed to go on which this
medicine Invariably reu.nvi -, soon follows
iMt-ort-MV, I'aiuiv, Eni.tnio I'trr,
In one of which Ihe raueul ini.y re'i'iiro
Whncaiiay tlu.t lli. y aru nut ircqucniiy ruiiowen
by those "Direful Diseases. iv.vdii.i i.'.iriv it
"1..511 111 . V V-'. ..-'..
Many are aware of the cause of tin ir suffering, but
Hunt' will minus me reforad oi ;uo insiiuo asyiinusi
And iiiilnnrlii'ly deaths by (.oiirtimpiiiiii bear ampiu
v.itnesi to the truth of the assert inn.
The Constitution nine itl'cti u wiin organic weakness
renin's Hie aid of Medii-ln to strengthen and Invig.
mite the system, whiih. Ilclmboid's l.xtr.ut iluchii in.
variably dues. A triol willci'iivim.e the must skeptical.
In many atT.'clious pecul'nr to IVinales the Extract
Iluchii is uiuqu.illed by any oilier remedy, as in Chin,
roeis or lletentlon, Irregularity painrulticn, or Sup
pression "f Cusinuiary Evei nations, ulcerated or iclr
ihniis rlalo nf the Uterus, Leiti-ltnrrh'S i or Whites,
rileilluy, and fsr all ciiiuplaint inrident to the sex,
wln tlie'r arising from indiscretion habits of dissipa
tion, or iu the
than thrco to one agaiust tho proposed
meaturo. Wc hope the motion will again
come up in a modified form, so that suoh'
rlergjuien as preach the word of Gud
alono may bo exempt, iu order to save
some ol the demoralized cities of the North
from tho fato which befell Sodom and Go.
iinorrah, and let it take to tbo army thoso jumin, of the former place.
rampant Abolitionists who aro so full of
fight, in order that they may havo an op
portunity to practice what they preach.
ing oo., to Miss Sarah Iltimmdyoi' Rohrs-
burg, Cel. co.
In Eloomsbnri', on tho 21th inst , by
, if I, f, It H.i.iuri.iuiu ..'luuBii u ... pi'i-vii, n.ti ii.nninii
Rev. J, R. DlttUl, Alt'. Jlcnry (-, llormnil, debarred from coining in for a share of sueli assets.
to Miss Mary A. Liana, all of this place.
On tho Svid ult., at Ithica N V., by
Rev. Mr. liixby, Mr. Win. IL Fvttns, of
Rloombburtr, I'a., and Miss JJe'iU Ikn-
Auditot'o Iotice.
Int'.t Otphin)' Court for Ho County ef ColumHn Ki
tateef John l.iUrsuH.k.U of iced (eie Aii, dictaiej.
ALL por.euis inteiented will t.iko notleo ihit th" un
dersigntd appointed Audilorby tho Orphans' Court
of Coliiiiibia county, to of the b.iluie.i
Hi the hands nf r:suiuel II. Anderson, adutiuistrator of
John Anderson, dice.ised, will meet liie parlies at his
otilcu, iu lllooiu-biirg, on Wednesday, the '.'lull day of
J.ui.l irv, . II . 1-ill. nl lu o'lloik, A, M., lor the pur
pose ot Ins nppoiiitiuetit, whin and where all poisons
interested aru reque,tid to present their i hums or be
Estate of Pfter Has, dec'i, I
Ir.TTE'.tsof ndiiiinistiatio'i on tho Estate of Peter I
i lless, late of t-uK.ulu.if twp., Columbia rn dee'd.
have been granted by tbo Hegt.ter ofCohnubia co., to
the iindorsiuut'd ; all jiersons having claims ag-iiusi tile
i-stato of the decedent arc reipiested to 1 1 'sent tin ot tn
lit'. Administrator at his residence nt said town
ship vv itliout d-lay, and all persoi.s ir.dibted lo nuku
p.-iymuiit forlhw-ilh.
IirN'i'.Y C. HESS, Adiu'r.
Not. 7, (T,.i. r.w 3J oo.
Est.a.t' vf Flits Pcaltr, dre'd.
Lr.TTElWnfadoiinirtrmion nn tho Estate, of Eltas
I'enler.lnte of l'i. Iii ugc reek tw p.L'.dumbia co.,dec'd.,
hnvebeen granted b) the iti gisler of Columbia en., to the
u lub reigned ; all persons having clat tu ntraniilthu es
tate of tlm deit'deiit nro r."iuested topre.i ot tlieullo
llit- utnlersigii. 1. at I is ri snlencc lit said township,
without delay, und uE persons induhted to inuku pay
ment foitliwilii.
JACOll l'EAI.EIl, Jin'T.
Oct. 31. l?l-f.w $2.
TUcr$ trc many preparation! sold undtr th nam ef
Hitters, pvt in tjuart Lotties compcundtd of tftt cheapest
whiskey or common rum, costing from CO to 4) ctnis per
cation, the taste tiisirutscd tW sinisc or Coriander bred.
Thia rlafs of Uiiti-u li;ta caiist'ii nntt will conlmtm
tn caiMR, tiii l"tij s they can be tmltl, hiirilre.N tn die
llic dfiith of thu dninkunl. Hy their uso tlm systcni n
kept Lniithiu.illy ihhIit tho inltucncu of ulcotiolic stim
ul.iut' of th" wnn-t kind, the dcsir-J fur Jiquor Ik croa
ted und kept up, and tho result U nil tho liorrors ut
tiinilaiiHipon a drunkitrd lifu and death.
Tor (hose who dcfiri nud will have n Liquor Hitters,
wo pi.Mihh tho following receipt. Oct otic hntilo of
Wootl.uuiN Ccrniaii llittorn and mix with thrco nuart
uf good hrandy or hihkey, anil tho rcsull will he ti
prfparntinri that will far ctrcl in mcdiral virtuu and
true crcfllenco anv of thu ini.iiormu Li'iuor Hi tir iu
tl.-j niarkit, and w ill fist nun h less. You will liave
nil llio virtu'3 of Hohilaad's Hittursinconucttiun v-ith
ii ijood nrilclt' t-r I.i'i'Hir. at a inu'h lufii price than
tlijjj inferior prejKuaiiuna -uilt cn.-t )0u.
A T T E N T 1 0 NS 0 L D I E R y I
ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.'iU of JViincns Siller, dee'd.
ETTEUS of administration on the
j Estatu of Phinens Sitler, lato of llenlon twp..
Cnliitiibia rniinly, dici a-u-d, h.ivu been trr.uit.-il by tile
llegi ter of Loluiubiii utility to the umh rsigneit ; an
persons having il.iiuis ngaiti-t th" e-tate ot" th" dece.
denture re'im-.ted to present Ilium lolhe nduiinistrator
at his rundenee in said tiivvtiship. without delay, and
all poisons indebted to make payment foiihwjlli.
Nov. II, Isna-Cvv. i-J Ol).
We rail altention to all having relations or friends
in tho nrmy to the fut that '-JIOOrLANIi'M (ierinin
Hitters" will cure nltie-tentlia uf the diseases induced
by iniiosures mid priv.iiinnsiiicnleiit to camp life. In
the list", nnbli-heil a. most daily in th" newspapers, ou
th" arrival ol the vrill be noticed that a very diat. ly. if ho would only nrovnl
large preporti iu are ttttreriug ib Ulity. Every case of uuitrltless Uiutinent, vvjnt'i should
All who havo Friend and Relatives In tin Army nr
Navy shouldtaku espceia'csre- that they beaiuplyaup
plied Willi these I'i'Ih mid Uiutinent , und where lbs
bravo -Soldiers antl bailors have neglected to provide
liiemselveswitb them, no better present enn he sen
them hy their Frii nils. They have been prnvcdtnbs
the r-'o'dier'snever failing friend iu tho hour of need,
Wilrtio rp. cdly relieved and cffettually cured by
using these admirable medicines, nod by paying proper
attention ta the Uirccliops v. lilcti nro attached to each
l'ot or llox.
'I Imso feeling which so sadden us usually arisofrom
trouble or anonymics. obsiriuted tieispiration, or cat
ing and drinking whatever la unwholesome, thus ills
turbing the healthful uctmn of the liver and stomach
Thi'so'orgnns must bo relieved. If jou desire tnbo vvnll
'I'ii" Pills, tak'-ii nccordlug to tho printed insrtuctions,
will quickly nrnduc" a healthy action in boili liv r and
stotnatii. and, as a natural consequence, a clear head
cud good at petite.
Wilt soon disappear by the u.onfihes" nvaluabla
rills, and the Soldier will quickly acquire additions!
strength. Never let the Howe's be either conllned or
undtilv acted ttnon. It may seem strange, that IIoI -
I lownv's I'lHs should bo recommended for liyseniury
and Flux, many persons supposing that they would
increase the relaxation. This is a great mistake for
, these fills w HI correct the liver nud stuinnrh, and thus
remove all the acrid humors from the eystcm. This
medicine will give tone and vigor to tho whole organis
1 bystem, however deranged, wlnlu health and strength
follow ijts a matter of niurse. Nothing vviU stopJIio re-
' laxatiun of the I'oivc s so sure as this famous mcdl
ci no.
tforcs and Ulcers, I'lotches and Swellings, can with
certainty bo radically cured, if the Fills arc taken niglii
nud tin. ruing, inn I Ointment bo freely used as stated in
the printed instructions, if triutcd in any "thcr man
ner, they dry in-"n rue part to break nut in another
Whereas lhi ititnient will lemovo thu humors from
the sy-iem.a nl leave the Patient a vigorous and healthy
man. II w ill require u iitllo perseverance in bad cri
ses toitisurc a lusting cure.
HA VON'ET aAllllL, Oil Tilt: 11ULI.E1'. SOSES
on uituit-Ed,
To which every Soldier and bailor are liabln, them
are no modinos so safe, sure, mid convenient, as Ho!.
Inwav's Pills and Ointment. '1 be wounded and nlmo' t
lying suiiorcr iiniiui nave Lis voiinns uressod inline
1I1IIISI-I1 Willi mis
bo thrust into tha
that Kind enn be readily Hired by llotdl i-id'a Herman I wound and s nred all round it, then covered Willi a
Hitlers. liiM-iiius resulting Iroiu insiiroer. oi in.; 1 1- niece nl linen irom his kuapsai K and compressed with
gestivo nrcuns are spuudily ri noved. vv o liavu no i a hainlUirelin f. Talking, night and morning, Dor 8
At the reridciica of the bride's f.iilier,on
the 'JJih ull., by Rev. M. P. Orosthwaite,
Mr. George Hurt man, to Miss Mary J.
I Lilkij, all of Franklin twp,
Leap Yeah. The year of our
ono thousand eight hundred and
four will ba bissextile or leap year.
Lord ,
sixty 1
It is .
In Madison township, Columbia county,
nn tlioUOtb ult . Mr. Ilenrn M. Dildine,
so called beoausa it leaps over a day more 0f typhoid fovcr, iu thu :10th year of his
than a common Year ; thus, 111 common ago.
j cars thero arc 3(35 days ill leap jcar
.'10G. It is said that during this year moro
bachelors oommit matrimony than in any
w rr I , ,1.,. ,.. t !,,t
in licmioou towusiup, un- tuu Am mas.,
Mr. Chailts S.ige, lato a soldier ol the
17t)th P. M. aged about 31) years.
In Beach Grovo,.on tho27lh ofNovcin-
Hluomstiurg, Dec. IS, ljS3-4n(
Auditor'B Notico.
it tht matter ef the aetouut rfjohn Stttfey asd Join K.
Cirtf.. et.'aii nets ef lUu$ HirlMin, vf J:oriburj, in
tht county cf CelumlK).
tl'HE creditors of Elia Worttnan, and a:i other per,
J sons iiiterestod, Will take notice that E. II. Little
bis been appointed by tli Court of I otuition liens uf
the County of Columbia, auditor.' lo iniiko distribution
of the b.ilanre in III, hands of John r-lal" and Joiin 11.
Qtotz, assitueis of Enai Wirlmait. The auditor
hereby pivus notue ihat he will attend at his oliic.i. in
I leninsbiirg ou Thursdav, thJlst day of January, A.
D lcu4. for the purpo-o of attending tn Hi - dunes ut
ins appoiutim nt, when and Kh're all n.r(iin niteies
led iu the said fund can ntleiid if tll-v think proper,
nud present th'ir il.iltus, or bo di'sarred frnme.iniing in
for a share of thu fund. E. II. LITTLE.
Illooiiisburg, Dec. ID, lr.3 -lw3. Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
Iu fit matter ef tht admintttrilion. neroustl ef lltrwiir.
llombou and haae ll'ofiier, jidmtntttratori vf ttaac
ll'agnir, latt ef lltnlock toicnthtp, Cttumbti to:nty it
rrij the hslrsof said Isaae Wagner, dets.uid . Taki
L notice, tile undursigned AudiKr, ip"intd by th'
Take no trota Halsira Mercury, or unfl' Med'
cities for unpleasant and dnniernus Helm-1
hold's Extract Iluchii and Improved llnse Wash enrus
went diseases in all their stages. At little expense.
Little or nu change in dm. No inconvenience, an no ,
exposure. S
It causes a frequent desire and givos strength to l.rl
nate, thereby reiunving obstructions, preventing ard 1
curing urietures . f the Urethra, allaying pain nud ir.
Il.immai ion. so frequent in Ihu class r.f dinnses, and
ixpellmg nil poisonous, diseased and worn' ut nutter.
Thousands upon tliousiiuds vvlto have been the Vic
tiins of quacks, and who havo paid heavy fun m be ,
cured in u short time, have louinl tiny were deceived
and that the "FOIrfON" h is. h the usu of '-powerful
astringents" been dried up iu tho system, to break out
ill an Lfigravutcd form, mid perhaps alter marriage.
I'ss Ilelmbold's Extract Iluchii for all affections and
disease of tbo Uritiarv ilreans. wnelher ousting In
1 .Male mil ruinate, from vv Irileyi-r cause originating and
noiiinti rof how long itanditig.
i diseases of the) Organs requires tlm aid nf a Dlur
' etie, lleliitbidd's Extract Iluchii is tho (Ir'-at Diuretic,
' i.nd iscertiin to have desncd i-luct in all Disease for
v Inch it is reeoiniiiendsd.
Evidenci! of ihu most rH.iblu and responsible char
acter will accompany tlio medicine.
Price $1 per Dottle, or C for $5.
! Delivered to uuy address, securely parked from obser
vation. Describe sviuptoms in ull buiummticalion,
Cuics guaranteed, advice gratis. Address lettels for
information 10
i Jlstute of Charles Goodman, the'd,
I F UTTERS of administration on tho cs-
I 1 irtate ofCharles rinndman, lair of Friar crJik tw.,
I Coliimbii ciiunty. dereased. havo been granted by tho
Iteguter of sjid county to the tbo undersigned whore
I sides lit tho -01110 township ; all por.nns having claims
. agaititt the estate of the deci'dcnt aro requested to pre
' sent them tn Mm administrator nt Ills residence w ith
, out deluy, und ll persons indebted to nuke payment
J)c. M. l?f,3-0vvSJ
Oyster Saloon.
fjnilE undersigned would onnnunco to
H to the imblie that he has refitted his SALOON, oils
door Easl t hi Hakery, ou
Miiia Strcui, Hloiimsbtirg, vs
and Is prop.uul to acemntuodato both Ladies
l ...., I...,,n 11,, in ,,r,.ll, ,Cl rilrniBl.
""" ..-. - .v- Sfc, S
(hislcrs, Wlitdcsulc i)- Udail, Vi
Hloom.bHrg, Nor. 51, !Sfi3-4t.
Which ha will 'H WHOLESALE or RETAIL, at
Also, HORSE III.ANKETS, very low
403 MarkstSt, 1st door above Fourth.
South side, I'hHadslplils.
ts'sr. U
of tho other thrco, and for this several ber. 1803. Miner J., sou of Jimsc D. and orphans' court .u Columbia county, at thu Derembcr
vi n.v ...v , ' . i i n . 1 . It ..o,,..a t terin, theieuf, A. 1), Icu.l lo make di'ttilitition of ih
reasons havo boeu assiunod. Caring noth-1 Martha J. Ucrtngiit, ageu , jeais, u lu,lllc,. , nm handa of tin Adiiinnsirator., anuutg
1 ? n.nnllu nnd 1.1 d.lVd. the ln-ir. of sail deceased, will attend to the duties of
illtr about reaOHS. WO hopo tho ball may , nioilllis, uiiu in u.ij o. j,,, appointment at his nlllre in Hlooiu.bur8.ou Haiur-
mi, suuut iwu nm, t ' I., IntenQliin tlotiiiiiliia colli tV. .i.,. if,!, o-i.i ,tn.. ,,r itiiiis.T. A. tl . Iiii4. st 10 o'cloes.
II I'.
11)1 Botilh Tentli
HELMlIUI.ll'rf tlru
Hew aro of Counterfeit
who endeavor todisposo
articles on th. reputation
nine Preparation, Extrai '
Iiuproved ltoso Wnsh.
'I ' .MI10LD, CViemin,
low Chestnut, 1'hils,
J Chtnical Warehouse,
..roaiu, v, Nrw VllSK.
ml uuprliicipled dealers
thuir uw u" .nut ' other"
Aiuo l by llQliubuld's (Sen
acini, Extract d.irsapurilla,
notiiinHtmn rolliiiL' cailvin iho veor, nnd
continuo until thousauds shall bo able to
say, iu tlio language of Shakspear :
''Sua ia mine own ;
And I as rich, in having such a jewol,
As twentv seas, if all their sands
. j
Tho wsfis ne-tar, and tho loiks purfi
d '
on Monday last, Mr. Elijah Kline, aged "tiXtnni nhtr,
lllsoisiSur-r.Dsc 1", HJ.i-sniJx. .lu.nsr.
about 50 years.
On tho lDth iust.,
iu Sugar Loaf twp.
Col co., Mrs. Cdthttnne. A, Aline, consort
Mr lomoa Kline. ,ied 4-1 vears. II
Ul I l ..... v. ..... . e .
wero mouths.and 20 days. She suffered .-evorely
for somr weeks, but l' ft her mourning
friends not as thoic who hafa n nr8
CvAMKtn the irenuss of t's subsrri'.i'r, In Fit!-., i
t ingrrrrk lownslnp, Coliiiiibia counly, oil the Third
day of Deetinber. l-t' I,
Willi iln rt tail Tin' "V. n.r is rej nested to piove pi op.
er'v. pay rliargi-s .11 I tik" hnii away nth' tveise sh
ill tie oiir" s4 of 4. eonlm: to th ,lircii'n.i f lh
., JOHN' 13 IILNril'.
l mttt V , 1 ei-
P, Y
All Druggiah: Evorywhoro.
iMPonrrji awj
A'o. Jiaa Walnut Sts.. between !li i)- -Ui
O. II. HENRY, Traveling Agent and rJalnnan,
1X7" Oaiit.m lissi'inii'LLV oliciibu. .
November SI, I H3. y.
Attorney and Counsellor at .uw, i
Vff- Uilitiry sud ettsr slslms prussptly sttstded Is
ssSsr il. IM.
ln",italioii iu stating that, if the.o Hitters were freely
used among our soldiers, liuudredi of lives might bo
saved that otherwise will on I 'St.
Wo ri.ll particular attention to tho fnllovvirg rcimrk
able and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's
heroes, whose life, to use his own language, "his been
sav ed by the Ultters."
I'liiLAun.rin.v, Augtit It, Iffi-!.
.UVuri. JenssS,- I'.rant, - Well, gcntleitien. your Hoof
land's Ci rin.iii llitn rs has snvid my life. Thero is no
mistake ni Ibis, It is vouched for by iiumbeis of my
comrades somo oC vvluii-e tiaini s aio appended, und
w ho were fully ci'ulz.uit of all tile tireuinstancei, of
my ra-e. 1 am an. I have been for tile I. ut tour years,
a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under
the immediate command of (.'apt R. It. A) res. Through
llie exposure attendant upon my nrdnrous duties I was
attacked in November last vv ith inllumiuntiiiii nf the
lungs, ami was for seventy-two day in the hoi-pilnl.
1 wastli-'n removed from the White House, and sent
tn this nty on board tho steamer "Sta e of .Maine,"
from u liuii I landed nu the -.'rih of June, '.incu that
tnuo I havo teiii about as low as any ono could he and j
still ri tain e. spare, ol vitality, ruravveeic or mor" t
aa scarcely able to swallow anything, and if I did
form a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up
1 could noleveu l.orpn glass of wnteron my stomach,
Life could not last limit r these rirciiiustanees ; ami, ac
cordingly, the physicians who had been working taiili
fully, though iiiisuecessfiilly, lo tescue me from the
grasp of tli' dread Anlici. frankly told mo ih'-y could
dotii) more lor me, an ladviseii mo lo see a clergyman,
and make but-h disposition nf my limited funds us best
suited me. An acquaintance! vi he li.ited me ut the
iio-pilul, Mr. I'redi-rnk iSleinbron. of riixili bi low Arch
Mre.t, udvlsed me, as a forlorn hope, to try your hit
lers, and kindly procured a bottle. From tho t.init I
commence, I taking theui 'ho gloomy thadiiw of i entli
reieib d, and 1 am now, thank Cod for it. gulling belter.
Though I haru tuken but two Lollies, I have gained
ton pounds, and I feel unguii..' or being permuted t,,
rijmii i n y wife nnd ilaughn-r, I'roi i whom I have heard
nothing for eighteen months, for. jrentleincu, lam a
Inval Virginian, from the vicinity of Front Royal. To
vour valnablu Hitters I owo the certainty of life wnich
hus taken the place of vague fears to vur Hiltirs
I will I owe the glorious prmligu of again clisplngto
i my bosutn tl.os3 who are dearest to me iu HI',.
ery truly yours,
Wo fully concur in the truth of tho abovo statement
as we had d. .paired of seiiug our e-oiniuite, Mr. Ma
Innc. rit'-ored tn henltli
John Ctidillelijck, 1st Now York nnttciy,
(ieoigo A. Aeliley, Co. C, llth Maine,
Lewi Chei.alier, Hid New York,
I. K. Spenre-r. 1st Aitilloiy, llallcry F.
J. H. I'anovvell. Co II, 3d Vermont,
Honry H. .'eroiue, Co. It, do.
Hi-lire- T. .Maenonild.Co C bth Maine,
John F. Waril.C". E.,Sth Maine,
llejitiaii Koeh. ( .1. II., 7-M New York,
Nathaniel II. Thomas, Co. I'.. '.'.Ilh I'eiin.,
Andrew J. Kimball. Co. A.. 3d Vermont,
John Jenkins, Co. It.. lOUth Piiiii.
lills. to cool the system mid Prevent intlaniatinn.
Evei) i-oldliir's Knapsack and S-.-nuan's Chest should
be provided vv ltd theso valuable Remedies.
CAUTION ! Norm are genuine unless the words
"Hollow avs, New York and London " uro disc rnablo
as a Water majk in every lenf oftlio book of dlrarti, ns
around each i ol ,t bo ; Ihe same may plain:, s . n i j
hoiniug Hie leaf to the light. A handsome te'var.l will
b' given to anyone n-iiilering such information .s uu.y
lead to the d' t.-itieii of any parly or parlies eautii. r
teitnig ihe- iiieilii iii;s or vending tlu same, knovviiig
theui In b" spuiiotts.
riol,liit imuiif.ictory ol Professor IloHoway '
.Miadeu Lane. New York, and by nil respertable Hilj
i-lsand Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civiu. 1
vvo.-ld, nibiives at -.'5 cents, anil 91 each.
rj- i here is considerable saving by taken the i.irje
N. II. Direcl.ons for tlin guidance of patients in ovefy
disorder aieaibxed to eaili liox.
hj' Dealers iu my well known medicines can h.ivs
cii.iiv ...inn,, .vc , sent iree ol exp, nt. , by
addr.s.iug THOMAS HOLI.oWAY,
fiu Maiocs Lank, Nf.w-Y.irx
D-c. 12, 15C1. -ly. Juuu .'U, irKiJ.
Geo that the signature of "0,
tho Wutrt-tlt of each bottle.
Cut o il the .dvi t'isaii
AuJ avoij liitpu i-l-'.l SAd expiDul
Vot 1, lfiJ-ly.
slid snd for it.
OR HALF D07.. FOR 81 M.
I ShnuM your nearest dr iggisl not have the arti'-lo,
1 do not be put off by any nf the intoxicating prepara
tions that may be offered iu its place, but send tu us,
' and wo will torwnrd, securely packed, by express.
Principal Oficc and Manufactory,
Ko. 8 Artii StiTi'l.
Jone & Evans,
LUMBER 1OR SALE, t3-50" to c h. jackson k Co.,)
s s , .i ., 'i':..,,,.. ...U. PROPRIETORS.
A lot nt bowed and sawed I imber, mu-
XA. abla for b'lildiiii a House nr Ilarn-20 i 'JS-wlih
iniia and lalteri. villi bs .ol I e-hei on spplic.tinn si
tlilBOfllis. Urs, . le(.3,-.3w.
rj- I'OU dl.Y. by Urugtistt snl
town in Un UinlfJ Stats
OcteSf rM. Uni limo
Dti'ui in .vet)
Of thi Citv. has pedtiti'itedly d-scovered In his rstn
biiu'.ion fur Ik - flatulent i.f Dyspepsia one ufthsi
greinest remedic i t lis, r Las ever he- n given t , satr-
ering liuin.iniiy. lie has trentea within tun past two
years soiu -iliing over inn .. liioiikand ej..'j lu his pri
vate praUn-e, many of which had defied tin. skill nf
eminent pliysii isus in Europe and America, and it
every ca..i v. h. re tho medicine were taken according
to direi lions, they Inv-e madn n perfect cure. Many ur
the above case were of over twenty year . stain. in;.
1 h"se who are troubled wnh Dyspepsia would i!
well to call at tlio Doctor's oihee. lie fives you sd
vice free. Persons nt u ilistahee can consult by letter
de.rribing tho tymptoms Dr. Wlshart' s treatment put
up in a secure package Willi full directions, is by
expret on the receipt of Sir Dollar.
N. II Iu nil ea'.'s where the dlieai has n r,t beeosu
chrome, Ur. W. Inn's Dyspepsia Pills are all that is
leq'linil. Sent by mail on thu receipt of One Dnl'.tr
Addrert Dr. L. U C. Wiihirt, l'lill,ido'plna.-',,ii;.
delphU Ledger. ,De ill. 1'UJ- tin
Tlio Groat American Tea I'omp.nij.
No. 51 Vesey Stueet,
H.!s cteatr.l a niveram ihe history of vvholesilemt
Te'.i in this .i.ii.t. . 'I'll, v ,'uv ia!.-' ueed th ir
lection, of Teas and sold tluin at not over '1 Wl)
CEN PS per piuud above cost, never deuatiux irom 111
one pnru nsk -d ; believing this will lie attractive tn tho
unity who In ve hen toforu bjeri paying ejinrmeus pi
Ills I'arii. s can order i't ss and will Im served by nsat
wi II ns thiugli they caine tluin. elves, being sure to get
original packages. Iroo vveiglilsand lares , and ttioTt ai
are warranted as iepriselited. Our l'nie-s Ltsi is new
ready, December 5, lbd3 3vv
1NVin.- the attention of every r nderof
this pnpir. which includes many thousand
nf Ins old patrons nud acquaintances To hit
unusually lat,-e and beautiful varity of
and elegsnt designs of JEvvEI-RY. Ellver Wale, kt ,
7(18 Marko Sree, PHILADELPHIA
March 41-u:i- l.'m
(,Lal Viniils Ewaii.l
I'll 1 1, A 111!". I. I'li 1 A
I). C. WIEGRIST, PiunitiEiott.
Fonnnhi fom Enlc Ur.ul I.thniuni, l'u
JOS llOfkl'M CltKic.
Miiebv.".' 1-uJ Hu.